Collected by
To read
(47 stories listed)
Stories i want to read
(36 stories listed)
My choice
by XtremeInk
(Synopsis: And you thought *your* sister was evil! This is a very, very nasty story. I repeat, VERY NASTY! This is a Supernatural Horror story.)
You just have to keep the servents busy:
by Pagan
(Synopsis: servent of the riding lessons)
Why Did She Drink So Much:
by Pagan
(Synopsis: She should never drink with common workman, not when Debbie is as desirable as she is, but what happens is for you to image.)
Stories of Patriarchy (French):
by Frenchdom
(Synopsis: In a future world, men rule, and women submit. Two stories give an idea of such a society.)
Every Day Life:
by Mad Dog
(Synopsis: This story is set in a future where women have lost all rights and are considered possessions of men.)
by Abe
(Synopsis: Chastity is the most odious of sexual perversions. However, it can be cured with an intervention, a week at a rehab center.)
Store Clerk:
by SG
(Synopsis: Jessica goes to work but with the added spice of a special toy and a chastity belt, the keys to which were left of home.)
Becoming What You Are - a Swiss College story:
by Nominalista
(Synopsis: Growing up is all about change. Jeanne and Pat enjoy a session with Madame Landau who explains their new roles in life, and the attending changes in their bodies and minds. Afterwards, Jeanne visits that little bitch Luisa and installs some special hardware.)
Work Home Balance:
by Georg Kinaski
(Synopsis: In the post-feminist future, how does a secretary straddle the demands of her job, while at the same time satisfying her wifely duties at home? (posted with permission of RedHead (the author) by Georg Kinaski, Editor/PA Magazine))
The Thrill of the Chaste:
by Kevin Wood
(Synopsis: In a mood not only she bought herself a chastity belt but also signed for a five-year service contract. Soon she has to discover how strictly they secure her chastity.)
A Day at the Office:
by Chas
(Synopsis: Says Jasmine: "In the hustle and bustle of the Chasti-Permalock world, where the Corporation continues its bid to reduce overpopulation, extend lifespans, create a lot of sexual excitement and denial (and other more ominous things, if you believe the rumors), a major promotional deal is going down. I just didn't expect that it was going to change my life so drastically....")
Family Life:
by Mad Dog
(Synopsis: This is a sequel to story "The Mansion". In that story, society changed to make women possessions that are owned by men. Here let's take a look of the life of these families.)
by Sir_Nathan
(Synopsis: Completely unrealistic, stupid, and naive girl is used and abused. And yes, it's just a bit of fun. Fiction right.)
The Life of Riley:
by Worthless fem
(Synopsis: Describes the life of a formerly "liberated" woman in a post-feminist society, at work and in the home.)
A Date with Judy:
by rolf palsy
(Synopsis: A stainless steel chastity belt gets in the way of progress on my first date with Judy the teen tramp teaser. She gets what she deserves, and I get to tell a funny story about.)
School for Submissives:
by Abe
(Synopsis: A wife admits herself to a clinic for weight loss and attitude adjustment, involving "mortification of the flesh".)
Ashley at the Annex:
by Abe
(Synopsis: Ashley is sent to summer camp for weight loss and classes in seduction and sexual sensitivity. (by request))
Schoolgirl Sisters:
by Peter de Sade
(Synopsis: Two teenage twin sisters are sent by their father to a very strict boarding school, the Convent of the Perpetual Succour, to receive the discipline that he thought his young daughters deserved. The delightful sisters, Debbee and Melanie, soon undergo some very demanding training in this special school for young wayward girls.)
A Pony for Her Sweet Sixteen:
by Cerberus
(Synopsis: A beautiful teenager is invited to her uncle's horse farm to celebrate her Sweet Sixteen party. Will she get a pony for her birthday, or will she become one? )
Private School:
by Woolfighter
(Synopsis: After moving to another state Bettina takes her 17 years old daughter to the best school in town. Best? For whom?)
Born with a cunt: An apology for being female:
by Worthlessfem
(Synopsis: This story is the autobiography of a woman who has grown up in a post-feminist family and was young enough to see and understand the change of attitudes, behaviour and so on that followed from it.)
Behold a Black Horse:
by Ross Martin
(Synopsis: A girl who has lived well as her father's little girl is about to turn eighteen and is pushed into the world of her mother which is one of servitude, erotic suffering and degradation. The Black Horse stands for both the mental and physical transition from child to something else far more challenging. The Black horse also comes into mother's bizarre gift to her offspring. Mother and daughter come to a better understanding of one another but it is a strange better understanding.The emphasis here is on black and bestial.)
It\'s all in the mind!:
by Steve Pervy
(Synopsis: A predatory pervert learns hypnosis,then practices his new art on an innocent, unsuspecting young mother and her teenage daughters.)
My Roomate:
by Ninja Turtle
(Synopsis: Two female freshmen roomates at college. One comes from a very conservative background and feels guilty when she masturbates. The other turns her into her toy using the guilt of her masturbating.)
by TheVariableX
(Synopsis: A girl is locked in a chastity belt day and night by her father.)
Alice\'s Life Changing Experience:
by Certix
(Synopsis: Alice, a 16 year old girl, has been brought up her entire life, isolated on a farm in New Jersey. On her sixteenth birthday, her father has some changes on the purpose of her life from that point onwards)
Anna's Date:
by fellatrix
(Synopsis: In a future where women are required to be subservient and wear chastity belts, Anna is sent out on a date with a friend of her father's.)
Skirt Day:
by C. Maxwell
(Synopsis: Lisa is rising in the workforce but bored in the bedroom. When her therapist suggests that she start wearing shorter skirts, she reluctantly discovers the intense arousal brought to her by submissiveness. The pdf version contains illustrations by Biker.)
Photography Class:
by dale10
(Synopsis: To gain the attention of my inner city photography students, I give them access to a new young white model.)
Mary the Teenaged Slut:
by Cerberus
(Synopsis: Young Mary is forced by her parents to be the biggest slut in her high school.)
Welcome To Paradise:
by Woolfighter
(Synopsis: Fred and his family move into another neighborhood, were women are traited a different way.)
School Daze Fucking:
by dale10
(Synopsis: What some young girls have to do to pass their classes. It's shocking.)
Alexia est malade:
by French_Master.
(Synopsis: Préquel d\'Alexia en mission. Alexia se fait soigner par sa mère d\'une manière peu orthodoxe...)
Alexia : Jeux de vilaines:
by French_Master.
(Synopsis: Spin off de Alexia en mission, petites vengeances envers sa copine Pauline.)
Alexia en mission:
by French_Master
(Synopsis: Une jeune etudiante est recrutée pour infiltrer les milieux de la prostitution et de la drogue.)
Sexual Education Primer 101:
by dale10
(Synopsis: A guide for young people to a healthy sexual future)