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Book Project


Collected by star_catcher77

Watch for Updates (4 stories listed)

  • Two Three One: by Onewhoadores
    (Synopsis: A 9 part story, slowly developed, of three people on a road to self discovery)
  • Have a Bit of Faith: by Captv8td
    (Synopsis: Faith’s previous summer had not turned out well. She procrastinated too long and was forced to take the only summer job available to her. That was disastrous. She was determined to find the right employment this summer. The job that she ended up with, however, was not exactly what she had in mind and she ended up enduring one surprising humiliation after another.)
  • Stable Boy: by Lisa Jones
    (Synopsis: )
  • The Neighborhood Girls: by chuck
    (Synopsis: With what starts as a kids' basketball game, neighborhood friends find the joys of femdom BDSM.)

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