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My Boss, My Slave

Part 3 The Last Pages of the Mistress' Diary

My Boss, My Slave

by "Des Mios"

Part 3: The Last Pages of the Mistress' Diary

Several weeks later:

I just couldn't resist the temptation!

Today at coffee break the conversation turned to unusual sex practices; one of
the other girls said she'd read about men submitting themselves as slaves to
dominant women, but she couldn't believe it really happens. Suddenly an idea
just popped into my mind and I said, "It is true, actually. I know a woman who
has a man as her slave."

Amid quite a chorus of gasps, someone cried "Really?! You're kidding!" But when
I had convinced them that I was serious, they began plying me with questions
like, "What does she do to him?" and "Does he really enjoy it?" I answered a few
of these in a general sort of way, then casually suggested, "Why don't you come
and see for yourselves? I'm sure I can talk my friend into letting you see her
slave if you're really interested and won't be shocked or disgusted."

Most of the girls were much too embarrassed by this idea, but four of them said
yes, they'd love to come. Just then I had an even better idea ... now I just
have to arrange with Gail when she can pick up John to be her slave for this


The Wednesday of the following week:

The four girls arrived at my house early this evening (they were really eager!)
and we had to wait a while before Gail phoned to say everything was ready. We
drove immediately to her house, where she welcomed us warmly and settled us in
her spacious lounge with drinks in our hands.

We were all nervous and excited (none more so than me!). Then Gail said, "Well,
I guess I should go and get what you all came to see!" and went out, leaving me
and the other girls waiting, barely able to meet each other's eyes.

After only a few moments Gail returned, pushing in front of her a man, stark
naked except for a black leather helmet covering his whole head (with small
eye-holes and an opening for his mouth, blocked effectively by a large
ball-gag); his ankles were shackled with a short chain and his wrists and elbows
were tightly strapped behind him to a short pole which Gail used to force him
into the room.

My four companions gasped, I think, loudly in unison - but I was more interested
in the reaction of the naked slave. He stopped short when he saw us, obviously
very startled - but only Gail and I knew why! It was John, of course, and I
could hardly blame him for being stunned at being suddenly confronted by these
four girls who all, in a way, work for him! He certainly wouldn't have
anticipated this when he agreed to Gail's request to be her slave this evening
(which I'd said suited me fine, as I was "going out with some of the girls from
the office")!

I'm sure the other girls didn't notice John's state of near shock - after all,
they were too busy getting over their own surprise at his appearance - and Gail
covered it up very smoothly with a constant stream of chatter and making John
bow to each girl in turn (including me, of course!), introducing us as "some
ladies who have come to see how a man should really be treated!"

Then she stopped and said to him, "OK slave, now that you've seen these ladies
... if for any reason you want to call this off and go home, you can shake your
head - otherwise nod to say you'll be a good boy and submit to being used for a
demonstration of slavery and bondage."

This hadn't been mentioned in the arrangements I'd made with Gail, but I
realised she was being fair to John, and I held my breath as I waited for his
response. I knew his eyes were looking at me through the holes in his helmet and
I wondered what he was thinking. Then, very deliberately, he nodded twice and I
started breathing again!

After that the evening got more interesting. First Gail removed John's shackles
and arm bondage (but not his helmet, explaining to us that "it's just possible
one of you might recognise him from somewhere"), and showed how well-trained he
is by giving him a rapid series of curt orders.

"He has a whole set of poses and actions," she explained to us, "corresponding
to the letters of the alphabet and the numbers one to nine ... why don't you try
calling some out and see what he does?"

We did so, tentatively at first, then with increasing enthusiasm. Of course, I
had to pretend I didn't know what the codes mean, but I'm sure the other girls
wouldn't havae noticed anyway, so much were they enjoying the sight of a man
posing and displaying his nude body at their terse commands. And John was
enjoying it too - his cock got hard and stayed erect throughout his performance,
much to the delight of his audience!

Next Gail took us all into her `dungeon' to demonstrate "some real bondage and
discipline on my slave". She gave us each one of the "discipline instruments"
(as she called them) - a four-foot leather whip for me and a paddle, a thin
cane, a riding crop and a light `cat-o-nine-tails' for the other girls. She then
proceeded to tie John in a number of ways, some suitable for being whipped or
caned - a taut spreadeagle for the whip, kneeling with his arms between his
knees and wrists tied to his ankles for the paddle, bent over a narrow bench for
the crop, almost suspended by his widespread ankles for the cane (applied to the
insides of his thighs) and arched face up along the bench for the `cat'. We each
applied our `instrument' to the appropriate part of John's helpless nakedness,
some more energetically than others ... except the girl with the `cat', who
decided it would be more fun to "torment" him with pinches and tickles, sharp
fingernails and nipple clamps.

By now it was getting late, so Gail ordered John to serve us with coffee and
some cakes. When we'd finished she said, "Now our slave can have his supper!
But," she continued as she re-tied John's arms tightly behind his back, fastened
a short cord between his ankles and his prick (forcing him to kneel) and removed
his gag, "it won't be coffee and cakes for him. He's going to eat me, and then
each of you if you'd like!"

Quickly she stripped, baring her lovely slim body without a hint of coyness,
positioned herself in a comfortable chair and beckoned John to crawl between her
widespread legs. "Ah yes," she murmured as his tongue went to work in her lush
pussy, "this is the only really useful function of a slave!"

The rest of us watched in fascination as Gail used John to reach what was
clearly a very satisfying climax. Two of the girls were a little too embarrassed
to take up her offer afterwards, but the other two (and I, of course!) were only
too keen to try it. I took my turn between the two other girls, and allowed
myself to be caught up in the pleasure generated by John's busy tongue,
privately congratulating myself on the success of this surprise slave session.

My surprise came just a few minutes later, when John's gently nibbling teeth had
me hovering on the edge of coming (I had trained him well in this!) - without
any warning he gave my clit a sharp bite!

My howl of pain turned, surprisingly, into a moan of ecstasy! I'm sure John
didn't intend it, but the painful sensation in that super-sensitive spot took me
right over the top in one of the most explosive orgasms I've ever had. When I
came down to earth, I weakly pushed John away and just lay, thinking about what
he had done to me. Finally I decided that, despite the pleasure the pain had
given me, I wouldn't let him get away with it; so while he was busy between the
legs of my other workmate, I took Gail aside, quietly told her what John had
done and asked her to warn him of severe punishment to come!

Now to think of an appropriate punishment!


The following day:

John arrived at work quite late today, and even before going into his office he
stopped by my desk and gave me a dictation tape. "I taped this letter at home
this morning," he said briskly, "and I'd like you to listen to the whole of it
before typing it - I'd appreciate your comments first, on its tone and style."

It wasn't hard to guess the subject matter of the tape, so I put it on my
Dictaphone and sat back to listen through the earphones.

"Dear Mistress," said John's voice, "Last night you played rather a nasty trick
on me. It was no part of our Mistress/slave agreement, for me to displayed,
naked and shackled, to other people without warning. In fact, strangers would
have been better - how could you know that these girls who work for me wouldn't
recognize me even with a helmet, by the shape of my feet or a birthmark or scar?
I almost backed out when given the chance, but by then it seemed a bit too late.

"Fortunately they didn't recognize me and I must admit that in the end I rather
enjoyed the evening. Even so, I spent half the night wondering whether I should
exercise my option to end my slavery to you. I finally decided that I want to
continue as your slave, but only when I have an apology for last night and
clarification on some of the conditions of my slavery.

"As to your threat of severe punishment - I guess I deserve it, but I hope you
can understand how hurt and angry I felt? Would it be too presumptuous of me to
suggest that perhaps you might also deserve some punishment?

"I remain," he finished, "your devoted (if somewhat discontented) slave."

This letter really made me stop and think - I had to admit that John had a point
about it being unfair of me to expose him to the risk of being recognized by
people he knew but who weren't involved in the bondage/slavery scene. I asked
John on the intercom for time to think about his dictation and, after some more
thought, I decided that I needed to talk this over with Gail; she had mentioned
she would be home today, so at lunch I shut myself in an office and we had a
long chat.

She commented that some slaves are really turned on by being displayed to
strangers, but that John seems not to be one of those; this being so, she
suggested that I ought to acknowledge his complaint, otherwise I might lose him,
and he's too good a slave to lose. I agreed with this last point, and asked her
if she would mind acting as an `arbitrator' between me and John.

She agreed readily, and I returned to work feeling much more cheerful - so much
so that I really found it very difficult to keep a straight face when one of the
girls, having noticed the coolness between John and me today, offered to tell
John that I had been out with her and the others last night!

Before leaving work, I gave John a letter proposing Gail as our arbitrator and
indicating my willingness to submit to punishment if she considers I deserve it.
Now I'm waiting for his phone call in reply.


John has just phoned and accepted my proposal ... on condition he could speak to
Gail first to satisfy himself that she's not going to simply take sides with me.
I agreed, of course, and gave him her number. I guess I'll hear from her next.


The following Saturday (two days later):

What an incredible day it's been! Late this morning Gail phoned: "I want you
here in half an hour," she said briskly, "John is already on his way"; she hung
up without even waiting for my reply.

On my arrival at her house, she showed me into the lounge, where John was
already waiting. She sat down in a comfortable chair facing us and said with a
smile, "Well, since you're both here to defend yourselves against complaints by
the other, I think you should both be treated equally ... as prisoners!" The
smile disappeared; "And that means you'll strip naked and kneel facing me!"

I hesitated just a moment, then obeyed. I found myself getting excited at
`sharing' John's status, naked and under someone else's orders; and a glance at
him suggested he was feeling the same - his cock was standing out like a

"Good," said Gail, "Now, there are no favourites in my `court', so I will
address you simply as `boy' and `girl'. You will both address me as `Madam', and
you will speak only to me, never to each other. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Ma'am," we chorused.

"Right, then," she went on, "I will listen to your complaints in the order they
happened. You, boy, may stand and make your complaint." John rose, standing
stiffly to attention, and speaking carefully and formally to Gail, made
essentially the same points as he'd made to me in his dictation.

When he finished, Gail allowed me to speak in defence. I pointed out that "boy"
had submitted to being my slave until one of us opts out, that he'd been hooded
and very unlikely to be recognized, and that he had been given a chance to pull
out at the beginning. This last was curtly disallowed by Gail, who then asked
"boy" if he had anything to add, to which John replied "No, Ma'am".

I was then allowed to stand and make my complaints against John, who had to
kneel again, of course. "If it please you, Ma'am," I began, "I accuse this boy
of causing me severe pain in a very sensitive part of my anatomy ..."

"Don't waste my time, girl!" Gail interrupted sharply. "Be quite specific:
you're in no position to be coy!"

I felt myself blushing. "Er ... well, Ma'am," I stammered, then regained some
composure. "While eating my pussy, Ma'am, he bit my clit!"

Gail didn't turn a hair and simply asked, "Is that all you wish to say?"

"No, Ma'am," I continued, "May I point out that at the time `boy' was my slave
and as a slave he had no right to inflict pain on anybody, much less his
Mistress, without permission. In fact, it was as usual a great privilege for him
to be allowed to touch any woman's pussy, and he abused that privilege. He
should be severely punished."

Gail now asked John: "Do you or don't you admit that you did what `girl' claims
- and if so, do you have anything to say in your defence?"

John replied, "Yes Ma'am, I did do it - but I humbly claim extreme provocation.
I had been unfairly humiliated and I was simply reacting in hurt and anger and
wanted to `get back' at `girl' for that. And anyway," he finished almost
peevishly, "she actually got a lot of pleasure out of it!"

"I'll ignore your last remark!" snapped Gail, "I'm quite sure you didn't intend
her to enjoy what you did!" She thought for a few minutes, while John and I
waited expectantly; then she said, "You will both kneel for my decision."

"Boy," she addressed John first, "I consider your action as very serious. The
reasons you give can hardly excuse it at all, because firstly, you had the
chance to opt out (even if it was a bit late), and secondly, you should not have
taken your revenge into your own hands (or should I say, teeth?). Most
important, you did something that no man should do to a woman without
permission, especially not a slave to his Mistress."

She turned to me: "Your action, girl, was perhaps less serious, but that does
not excuse it. This boy was your slave, but he did not submit himself to total
slavery and only a total slave has no rights at all. Secondly, he is right in
claiming that the hood did not guarantee he wouldn't be recognized. As for your
other `excuse', remember that I gave him the chance to opt out, not you!"

She paused for a moment, then announced: "I think you each deserve to be
punished by the other, and my `sentence' is: for you, boy, 20 lashes with the
whip (I will allow `girl' to be kind and give you less, but a minimum of ten);
and you, girl, will get the cane, thirty strokes (with a minimum of twenty) and
also you will apologise to `boy' for springing such a surprise on him. Now, will
these punishments satisfy your complaints?"

To this question, and the next "Will you both submit to the punishments I have
pronounced?" John and I both replied, "Yes Ma'am".

"Good," continued Gail, "You can be first, boy - afterwards you'll be able to
take your revenge, shall we say, legitimately?" she finished with an enigmatic
smile at me.

I thought about her last remark while she was preparing John for his punishment,
standing with his arms stretched tautly high above his head, and I began to
realise how clever she was. She'd given me the chance to whip John as severely
as I wanted to, but he would have the last word, as it were ... and I suspected
that thirty hard strokes with the cane might not be much less painful than
twenty whip lashes! I decided that the pain he'd given me wasn't really very
important after all, so I applied the whip across his naked back without much
enthusiasm, and stopped after thirteen lashes (just a few more than the minimum
Gail had prescribed!).

Now it was my turn, and soon I found myself bent over a narrow bench with my
ankles spread apart very widely and my arms, strapped together at wrist and
elbow, drawn up towards the ceiling. Before allowing John to start caning me,
Gail held my head up quite uncomfortably by the hair and made me apologize
formally to him for the trick I had played. Then she said, "OK boy, here's the
cane ... that bottom is all yours!"

I had never been caned before, so I awaited the first stroke nervously,
wondering how much it would hurt - and whether I could endure the punishment
with any dignity.

The first stroke landed and I grunted with the pain of it (I was certain I
couldn't stand all thirty, but I clenched my teeth, determined to try). The
second seemed a lot lighter (or was I already getting used to it?) ... and the
third was little more than a tap!

Suddenly I heard the cane clattering on the floor and felt hands and lips
tenderly touching the weal on my bottom! Imagine my amazement when John cried,
between kisses, "I can't do it! I can't hurt my Mistress' lovely body like this!
Please forgive me, Mistress ... I'll be your total slave and you can treat me
just as you like!"

"Well, well, well," exclaimed Gail, "Your revenge wasn't quite so important
after all, was it? However, I did set a penalty for her and I think she should
get it!"

"No Ma'am, please!" begged John. "Cane me instead of her!"

There was silence for a minute or so while Gail considered this, then she
replied, "OK boy ... but I insist she has to get some of the strokes I sentenced
her to. I'll give you the minimum of twenty and she'll get the other ten. Now,
how will we set you both up for this?"

Before long she had us ready, facing each other and nearly hanging from our
wrists tied together above our heads; straps around our waists and shoulders
pressed our naked bodies tightly together. I was very conscious of my breasts
crushed against John's chest and of his cock, erect as usual, swelling between
my legs, and this excitement increased noticeably in spite of the sting of the
cane landing ten times across my bottom. Gail gave John two strokes to each one
she gave me, but I'm quite certain she put a lot more effort into my ten than
into John's twenty!

When the last stroke had landed, John said very humbly; "Thank you, Ma'am, for
letting me take some of my Mistress' punishment."

Gail replied, "My pleasure, boy. And what about you, girl ... are you properly

"Yes thank you, Ma'am," I said, then blurted, "but now may my slave please eat

Gail clearly sensed my excitement, and she quickly untied John and made him
kneel, his face just at the level of my pussy, which she opened for his
attentions by spreading my legs very wide. I came almost as soon as his tongue
touched my clit, but Gail didn't let him stop and soon I was writhing (so far as
I could!) and moaning as my excitement built up again.

John's talented tongue was coaxing me towards another climax, and I had flung my
head back in the midst of an ecstatic moan, when I felt something touch my tits
very gently. I looked down ... just in time to see Gail's hand bring a thin cane
accurately (the touch a moment before was just for aim) across both my nipples,
tautly stretched by my position and distended by my arousal! As with John's
teeth the other evening, the intense pain brought on an even more intense
orgasm, which just seemed to go on and on ...

My next memory is of thinking, "It is true - pain can give pleasure!" I found
myself lying back in a deep armchair; John was kneeling at my feet and Gail was
sitting in another chair regarding me with the hint of a smile.

"Well, hello," she said, "I hope you didn't enjoy that too much - otherwise I
might find myself with a new slave and John here won't have a Mistress! He and I
have been chatting and now he wants to say something to you ..."

I looked at John, not sure what to expect. "Please, Mistress," he said, "I want
to submit to full-time, complete slavery - for you to do with me exactly as you
please. Will you accept me, worthless slave that I am?"

I couldn't speak, partly through weariness and partly through sheer surprise,
but after a moment I managed to nod. Gail moved in smoothly and said to John,
"You're a lucky slave, aren't you? But there are a few details stil to be sorted
out, like ... will you live in a cell at her house? will you be allowed to go to
work? will you sell your flat? Are you prepared (as a sign of your good faith)
to wear this cock-ring for as long as it takes to finally arrange everything?"

John hesitated, but then "Yes please, Ma'am," he said and grasping his ankles he
arched his back in the `pose' to present his prick for the ring. He winced a
little but didn't complain as Gail fitted it quite tightly, commenting to me as
she did so: "You're very lucky too. I think you have the makings of a very good,
real, full-time slave here, and I hope you don't spoil your chance. I have a
suggestion to make ..."

I still can't quite believe this all happened today ... I keep touching my
extremely tender nipples and the weals on my bum to convince myself! I don't
think I'll ever get to sleep tonight!


Several weeks later:

The girls at the office gave me a nice farewell party today. Nothing was said,
but I'm certain they expected an announcement that I'm going to marry John. I
doubt if they'd believe it if they knew the truth ....

I came home a bit early, and when John left work he drove straight home,
stripped naked and put on the shackles I had prescribed - before even daring to
present himself to me. Like any good slave, he cooked and served dinner, and now
he's kneeling at my feet studying share prices while I use his naked back as my

Gail's suggestion has turned out perfectly! I got an acceptable price for my
house (including the `punishment' room!) from another Mistress friend; John's
flat brought even more and we've been able to buy this older house with lots of
rooms and even a large basement. With Gail's contribution (part of the large
profit she's already made through John's speculations), we've installed lots of
gear for bondage and discipline ... and the basement is now set up as two very
realistic `dungeons'!

So now I'm all ready to start my life as a professional Mistress. I already have
two appointments next week, with men who are willing to pay to be treated as
slaves - bound, disciplined and humiliated. And I'm very hopeful of making a
deal with a woman to give her husband-slave an intensive period of 'training'.
It could be quite hard work but I'm confident I can make a lot of money.

In the meantime, John's income will keep us going; we already have a ritual each
payday, in which he brings me - on his knees - every penny he earns... in cash!
No longer is he my boss during working hours and my slave only on occasions; now
he is my 24-hour slave, working only to provide me with money, and spending the
rest of the day - and night! - naked, shackled and completely subservient to me.
And he's fully aware that I intend to use him in my business - as a `guinea-pig'
to demonstrate my bondage ideas to other Mistresses, to assist me in training
other slaves, and even to hire out to clients (perhaps while I'm giving their
own slaves some training!).

In a few minutes I'll make him eat my pussy, then I think he can spend the night
in one of the `dungeons'. In fact, maybe he can spend the whole weekend down
there ... between doing his chores and serving me in other ways!

My boss is now truly my slave!

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