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Review This Story || Author: Ricardo

Be careful of what you wish for...

Part 1

Birthday wish......

After a drunken evening, of truth telling, you promise to fulfil my birthday wish.......

a few weeks/months later, I arrive home on my birthday treat night, to discover this may be such a night..... Children away for the night, I tentatively open the birthday card from you, as usual the loving card, that warms me in all the right places... but.... also a letter....

"In the office you will find a note on your keyboard, read it, remember it and shred it!" is all it reads

I enter the office, and read the letter, it says:

"Close the blinds! At 6:30 (not a minute earlier) Shower yourself down and thoroughly wash and clean yourself for me, then read the note on the bed"

As its only 6:00, I am extremely tempted to read it earlier, but I hold off, and check my emails, but eventually I go upstairs strip off and shower, I take my time as I know you wont be home till at least 7:30....

I dry myself off and read the note, it says

"Take the bag at the end of the bed down to the office and empty it on the floor, take the chair from the lounge into the centre of the office, then read the note that falls out of the bag"

I do as it says the time has slipped a bit, but its still only ten to 7, I move the chair and empty the goodies on the floor of the office, hum looks interesting selection of toys you have put together for me. I read the note, now things start to hot up.

"On the floor you will find your underwear for the evening, the collar, gag, clamps, hood, cuffs and straps, use all of these and secure yourself to the chair, and ensure you do it properly, await my arrival in 10 minutes! else you may regret the consequences!"

I look at the toys and sus out the only way I will succeed to complete the task, I put on the PVC G-String, ensuring its reasonably comfortable, then double check I have locked the front door, then returning to the office, I put on the collar, and gag, placing the remaining toys on my lap, I strap my ankles and legs to the chair with the straps, still just comfortable, I start the last few items, next I place the clamps on my nipples, there okay to start with, but I know this will only last so long, but no worries, you'll be here any minute, next I pull the hood over my head and zip it closed, next with a small amount of fumbling, I place the cuff on one wrist then put my hands behind my back of the chair and clamp the other cuff closed, with no thought to where the keys are! Now I'm stuck.

I wait, all I can do is anticipate, and I feel the cool air on my erect penis, as it rises to the thought of the night ahead, my nipples can now feel their predicament, but I know it wont be long, I have plunged myself into darkness for all of 5 minutes, but, all I can do is await my fate, then almost in a dreamy state, I jump out of my skin when the phone rings, I think to my self, the answerphone can get it.... doh, well its not like I can answer it, then as the message clunks off, I hear your voice......."Sorry I'm running a bit late, wont be too long, shouldn't be longer than an hour or so, hope you don’t mind.... love you" then it cuts off, instantly, I fell the clamps pinch into my nipples.... an hour!

Review This Story || Author: Ricardo
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