(This page has been viewed 122406 times since Jan 31, 2007)
(Author: if you want to add/change/update any information below, please
email me)
- Author's Words:
- Hi, I\'m Faye. I have degrees in astronomy and computer science but just drift through life doing graphic art because everyone in the corporate world is either evil or (mainly) stupid, even in the nuclear engineering company which was my last job. I have autism which means I don\'t understand why people get mad when all I do is be honest. I also don\'t understand why everybody else treats each other so mean and why they tell lies virtually continuously, like they can\'t control it. Also, I don\'t understand normal peoples\' jokes and they never understand mine. Actually, autism is a special kind of \"retarded\", where you\'re really smart in one or two things, smarter than almost anybody, but except for that you\'re an ordinary retarded person. What I\'m smart at is language and complexity. I designed the neutron monitor (and won an award for it), and did the interface for a gamma ray spectrometer, but quit when I talked about something I did one weekend that was apparently \"inappropriate\", and peoples\' reaction freaked me out, so I just walked out. I hope I never have to talk to another damn human face to face ever again. My mom and stepdad died (not at the same time). Yes it made me sad, especially my mom. Ultimately I inherited both the insurances, so I can just not fight everyone (like at a job), at least for lots of years. I don\'t spend hardly any money. I am HORRIBLY shy (at least I think that\'s how to describe it. I don\'t FEEL like I\'m shy). I live by myself with little Mister Kitty, and that\'s all I want. Being around people, especially crowds, is very, very confusing and upsetting for me, even if I\'m just standing there against the wall. The idea that two people of different sexes could be naked in a room, alone, is amazing and fascinating and strange and frightening all at the same time. How could they look at each other? How could they talk? God, I can\'t even talk to the cashier at the store! I like the internet because I can learn stuff and because when I DO message someone, I don\'t have to come up with things to say like I\'m on stage, like you do when you talk on the phone. Sometimes in life, you know who you really are, and anybody who doesn\'t like it can eat shit and die. I liked being tortured and raped. It was liberating and happy and free and good and wonderful and right and fine.
SEE MY MYSPACE PAGE AT: www.myspace.com/150103974
My profile, blog, and three pix of me and one of my cat!
- Author's Homepage: http://blog.myspace.com/fayekane
- Send Author Email: fayekanegallery (at) hotmail (dot) com
Total 8 Stories by FAYE KANE