Dr. Wellhung
(This page has been viewed 49294 times since May 13, 2004)
(Author: if you want to add/change/update any information below, please
email me)
- Author's Words:
- I am a successful business professional living in SE Michigan. I am dominant by nature and I am extremely interested in the subject of feminine sexuality, to the extent that I a practicing (amateur) gynecologist. I am familar with all seven distinct types of female orgasms and how to induce them. In the course of my work I seek to become intimately familar with my patient's mind as well as her body, and explore her most secret desires and most private places.
- Author's Homepage: http://users.porncity.net/drwellhung/index.html
- Send Author Email: a2michgyndoc (at) yahoo (dot) com
Total 3 Stories by Dr. Wellhung