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Review This Story || Author: kemosabe

The Bike Club

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The Bike Club


Janet stares at me with glazed eyes, as if I am a stranger.  Perhaps I am.  God
knows, I am not the same  person I was 24 hours ago.  Neither is she.

Her damp hair hangs down over her face, a circumstance she would never have
allowed before.  A thin  stream of drool runs down from the corner of her lips. 
Her breath is coming in gasps as revealed by her  heaving chest.  She is the
most beautiful creature I have ever seen.  Her naked body glistens in the sun
light  that bathes her body.

It seems incredible that only yesterday we were driving down the freeway, headed
for a funfilled weekend  in Ensenada.  The day was a typically gorgeous day in
Southern California and we had the top down on my  convertible.  The wind was
blowing through Janet's hair and the sun's highlights colored it a golden 
yellow.  She had worn only a T-shirt and shorts and I could see the faint
silhouette of her aureole's through  the thin material.  Janet's tits were
world-class and she didn't mind showing them off either.

We had been married for only a year but it was the most incredible year I had
ever lived.  I never knew that  I could love anyone like her.  She was the most
supportive person I had ever met and it was unbelievable  how the two of us
enjoyed so many things together.  Our weekend was planned to spend in Baja,
enjoying  the beach and a little fishing.

Just south of the border, we pulled into a small roadside bar and cafe to get a
beer or two.  Out front were a  dozen or so motorcycles and a couple of cars. 
Inside the place was loud and boisterous with the juke box  blaring country
music and the bikers shouting at each other.  There were at least fifteen men
and maybe six  women together, drinking and singing to the tunes of the juke
box.  Typical bikers, the men wore lots of  leather and the women wore very

Janet and I sidled up to the bar and ordered a couple of beers.  It wasn't long
before one of the bikers came  over to where we were sitting.

"Hey, gorgeous!", he remarked to my wife, "how about a dance?"

Janet smiled and shook her head while swallowing a mouthful of Miller's. 
"Thanks, I'm with my  husband."

"Aw, he won't mind, will you?" the man smiled at me while grasping my wife's

"Well. . ."I was trying to think of a diplomatic way of telling him to kiss off,
when he swept Janet off of the  bar stool and on to the dance floor.

When he took Janet in his arms, she almost disappeared, he was holding her so
tight.  Slowly they danced  around the floor; his body rubbing against hers
almost obscenely.

"Hey, big guy!" a voice behind me whispered. " How about me?"

I turned to see a luscious red-head smiling at me.  Dressed in a tank top and
leather Capri pants, she was  holding a glass of clear liquid that she proceeded
to sip from while eyeing me intently.  I don't know if it  was the beer or the
sight of Janet dancing with another man but I threw caution to the wind.

"Sure!  Why not!"

Well, to make a longer story somewhat shorter, in two hours, we were in the
midst of a full-blown party;  acting as if the bikers and their women were
long-lost friends whom we hadn't seen in years.  Both Janet  and I had switched
to Boilermakers since all of the bikers were drinking them.  Janet seemed to be
having  the time of her life as she danced with one after the other men in the

"Ever ride a rig, bud?"  The apparent leader of the group; a hulk of a man name
Buck was sitting next to  me while Janet squirmed in the grasp of one of the

"No. . .I haven't."

"Well, tonight's your big night!  We're having a little party over at our house
after we leave here. Why  don't you ride my bike and I'll drive your car."

"Oh, I don't know. . ."

"Hey!  Look how much your wife's having fun!  Do you want to spoil that?"

I looked out at Janet.  The women had begun a wet T-shirt contest and Janet had
laughingly joined in.  I  could see the clear outline of her tits thrusting out
of her wet shirt; her nipples clearly defined against the  thin cloth.  Maybe it
was the boilermakers; maybe it was the stunning red-head clinging to my arm. 
I'll  never know the real reason I said, "Sure!  Sounds great!  When do we

"Right now!" cried Buck; waving his arms in a sweeping motion.  Suddenly I and
the rest were swept  outside of the cafe and I was stunned to see that it was
already dark.  The entire afternoon had disappeared  inside that roadhouse. 

Buck steered me over to his bike and showed me the gears and the braking
apparatus.  After starting it for  me, I climbed into the saddle with the
red-head seated behind me, grasping me around the waist.  Janet  jumped into our
car with Buck and with a wave of his hand, we started off.

I must admit that the thrill of riding the Harley overcame me as we cruised down
the highway, following  Buck in my car.  The perfume of  Liz (which was the
red-head's name) was as intoxicating as the ride.  By  the time we reached the
home of the bikers, I was pretty well gone.

The bikers' ranch was really just a big barn-like building.  Apparently someone
at some time had attempted  to use it as a dinner theater because there was a
big stage at one end of the room.  I saw some curious  apparatus on the stage
but didn't think much about it until later.  Janet and I were both swept up by
the  enthusiasm of the biker group.  Laughing, singing and drinking we felt like
we had become one of them.   Little did I know at the time.

We had been there about an hour when Buck jumped up on the stage and waved his
arms to get attention.   The room got absolutely quiet as everyone gathered
around the stage. 

"Dave and Janet, come up here and join me, please," he said.  From somewhere
over to my right, a little  cheer went up and Janet, grinning widely, climbed up
on the stage.  Her T-shirt was still soaking wet and  her tits showed through
the cotton as if she were naked.  She seemed completely at ease with it, so I
didn't  think too much about it at the time.  Somewhat reluctantly I climbed up
on the stage and joined Buck and  Janet to the cheers of the rest of the bikers.

'This couple has joined us in a great party.  I think we ought to make them
members of the club!  What do  you think?"

A roar went up from the rest of the bikers, cheering and clapping as Buck raised
both my and Janet's arms  in a signal of victory.  Two bikers climbed up on the
stage and raised our other arms as the rest continued to  clap and yell their
approval.  As I was basking in the apparent approval of the group, I didn't
notice that my  wrists were being locked into cuffs hanging by cables descending
from the roof.  When Buck and the others  stepped back, I realized that I had
been manacled with my arms stretched high over my head.  I glanced  over at
Janet in alarm and found to my dismay that she had also been imprisoned in the
same manner.  She  looked at me in alarm, shaking her head and struggling in
vain to free herself.

Buck approached me with the biggest knife I had ever seen.  Grinning from ear to
ear, he brandished it  through the air to the loud approval of the other bikers. 
Glancing out at the crowd, I now estimated that  there must be twenty men and a
dozen women in the group.  The odor of marijuana brushed my nose and I  was
surprised that I could even think about that now.  With great gestures, Buck
proceeded to cut away my  shirt and trousers, leaving me hanging clad only in my
jockey shorts.  I began to sweat despite the coolness  of the air.

Moving over to Janet, Buck used his knife to make quick work of Janet's shirt
and shorts.  Her black thong  bikini panties were greeted with hoots and hollers
from the crowd who now were in a frenzy of excitement.   I could see Janet begin
to shake and knew that it was from terror and not from the cool air.  Despite
her  predicament, her tits were standing straight out and her nipples looked
like two bullets.  Her eyes darted  from  Buck to me and back as she stared with
wide eyes at the crowd who now were bordering on  pandemonium.  Several of the
men and women climbed up on the stage and began to grab at the two of us,  their
hands playing roughly with our bodies, slapping and punching at us while we spun
around in a circle.   During this episode, I lost my shorts and suffered a
couple of blows to my nuts that sent my world spinning  in a sea of nausea.  I
don't know how long it lasted but finally everyone backed away, leaving me
panting  for breath and aching in a dozen different places.

A quick glance over at Janet and I saw two bikers holding her by her ankles and
extending her legs out in  front of her.  Like me, she had lost her underwear
and she was swearing at the two men who wrestled with  her legs.  A third biker,
a monster of a man, climbed up on the stage and positioned himself between
Janet's  outstretched legs.  My vision was somewhat obscured, but I could tell
by his motions that he was unzipping  his jeans.  Janet was thrashing about but
limited in her movement by the two men holding her legs.  The  third man grasped
her around the butt and moved in, obviously sinking his cock into her pussy. 
Janet  screamed while the biker began to thrust in and out of her, to the cheers
of the rest of the crowd.

I struggled in my manacles to no avail.  To my chagrin, I began to sport the
biggest erection despite my will  power.  Liz, taking note of my arousal, joined
me on the stage and began to slap my cock and balls around  until I cried out in
pain.  My old friend nausea came back and I puked all down the front of my chest
and  stomach.  After what seemed an eternity, Liz backed away.  A sideways
glance revealed that another man  had taken his place between Janet's thighs and
was fucking her with abandon.

My distress over Janet's distress was brought to a sudden halt when my back
exploded in a  maelstrom of  pain.  Again I was struck and my body shuddered in
anguish.  A scream I later recognized as my own  echoed through the barn while
my entire body went through a tortuous spasm that threatened to tear my  arms
from their sockets.  Buck had taken his metal-studded belt off and was flailing
my back with it from  my thighs to my shoulders.  Again and again I was struck
until I could scream no longer.  My bladder  released and I pissed all over
myself as well as puked a second time.  The floor beneath me was drenched  with
my bodily fluids but amazingly I still exhibited a huge erection.

A glance over at Janet revealed that she was now free from her manacles but bent
over a large barrel.   There was a biker fucking her in the ass while another
had his cock deep inside her mouth.  Her body was  rocking back and forth as the
two men plunged inside her.

Buck started working on the front of me then and I no longer had  any concerns
about Janet.  My chest and  stomach were receiving the brunt of  Buck's strength
and the belt buried itself in my flesh as I screamed in  agony.  When the belt
caught my dick and balls I thought I would die.  Unconsciousness overcame me and 
I sank into a blessed oblivion.



Life with Dave was great.  Oh, I sometimes wish he were a little more aggressive
in the love-making area  but all-in-all we were made for each other.  I only
wish sometimes that he could satisfy my fantasies.  I  dream of  submissiveness,
bondage and rape all the time and wonder just what it would be like.

The trip to Baja started off great.  I enjoy wearing the minimum of clothing and
had on only my T-shirt and  short shorts with a pair of sandals.  The wind was
blowing through my shoulder-length hair in Dave's  convertible and the weather
couldn't have been nicer.  I had bought a brand new string bikini for the beach 
and looked forward to improving my all-over tan.

When we stopped at the roadhouse for a drink, I had no idea what would later
develop.  I saw all of the  motorcycles parked outside and was a little leery of
going in but Dave assured me that it would be OK.   The people inside seemed
friendly enough and Dave and I sat at the bar drinking our beer.  When the man 
came up and asked me to dance, I was flattered at first but worried what Dave
might think.  When he didn't  object, I was whisked out on the dance floor and
lost myself to the music.  The man was a great dancer and  we hit it off

I saw a red-head grab Dave and take him to the dance floor so I was determined
to outdo him.  More and  more men asked me to dance and I was in a whirlwind of
ego-satisfaction.  Dave and I switched to boiler- makers just like the bikers
were drinking.  I guess I got a little drunk because when one of the women 
suggested a wet T-shirt contest, I was the first to volunteer.  A pitcher of
water down the front of my shirt  caused the material to cling to my body like a
second skin.  I joyfully paraded around, thrusting my tits out  like a call girl
to the hoots and hollers of the men circling me.

The next thing I knew Dave and I were up on the stage with Buck and he was
raising our arms in the air.   Suddenly I had both arms above my head and they
were fastened to cables hanging from the ceiling.  I  don't know where we were
but it definitely wasn't the roadhouse.  When I lost my T-shirt to Buck's knife, 
I really became angry and worried.  Glancing at Dave, he had been stripped also
and the red-head was  slapping his cock and balls around while he cried out in

Two men grabbed my legs and lifted me off the floor.  My arms screamed in pain
but I struggled and  kicked, trying to get free.  It was no use.  A third man
climbed up on the stage and dropped his pants and I  saw the biggest cock I had
ever seen.  Grabbing my ass, he positioned the tip of that monstrous shaft at
the  gate of my pussy.  A sudden thrust and I thought he had torn me apart.  I
screamed out as he ran his meat  into me and began to fuck me fast and furious.

Despite myself, I could feel the beginnings of an orgasm as the man continued to
ram me in and out.   Unwittingly my hips began to move in rhythm with his thrust
as my pussy lubricated.  My fantasies were  being fulfilled.

I looked at Dave and saw that Buck was whipping him with a belt and Dave's body
was jerking and  heaving in response.  Curiously, he had a huge erection.  I
lost interest when I felt the man stiffen and I  accepted his load deep inside
me.  I moaned when he withdrew as the faint feelings of an orgasm  diminished. 
However, another man quickly took his place and I was being fucked again.  My
arms felt like  they were being torn from my shoulders but all feeling was
concentrated in my pussy.  Drenched in sweat, I  was grunting like a pig and
hunching against the flat belly of my  rapist.

I don't know how many men fucked me but the next thing I knew, my arms had been
released and I was  draped over a barrel.  Hands pulled my ass-cheeks apart and
I felt a dick poised at my tiny asshole.  As I  opened my mouth to scream, it
was filled with another cock.   Intuitively, I began to suck and lick at the 
meat in my mouth while my bowels were filled with another.  I was completely
lost in a sea of lust,  pinioned between two cocks.  As my orgasm exploded
inside me, I lost complete control and lapsed into a  state of



I wanted the dream to last.  I was fucking Janet before a large audience and the
two of us were really going  at it.  Suddenly my dick began to burn and I
couldn't stop fucking.  The pain soon overcame me and I was  screaming while
thrusting in and out of her.  With a jerk, I awakened to find myself hanging
upside down;  my ankles gripped by leather cuffs attached to ceiling cables and
my legs spread wide apart.  My erection  jutted out from between my legs and my
balls were swollen to the size of large eggs.  Liz and two of the  other women
were popping me with a cattle prod on my cock and balls while I screamed in
anguish.  Huge  streams of semen were shooting from the tip of my dick, covering
my chest and face with sticky cum.   Buck continued to flail my back with his
belt.  Oddly, I welcomed the pain now and sought more.  No  longer could I cry
out.  No longer did I want to.

The prod kept my body dancing while I swung back and forth by my ankles.  My
arms had been tied  behind my back and Buck was whipping my ass now until I was
sure that there was no flesh left.  I couldn't  see Janet and wondered where she
was.  From my upside-down view, I could see that all of the men and  women
bikers had stripped down and several were fucking right in the middle of the
barn, oblivious to the  others.  I was in the midst of a gigantic orgy and I was
the star performer.



God, I've never experienced such orgasms as I have in the last few hours.  My
pussy is so sore I can hardly  stand it but I can't wait for the next cock to
fill me.  I've sucked dicks until my lips are numb and my  asshole must be two
sized larger now.  A few of the women have stuck their muffs right up in my face
and  I've brought them off too, just like the men.  I am nothing more than an
animal now, trying to satisfy a  growing lust that seems to build with every
passing minute.

I experience a brief lull in the assault and, half conscious, I feel myself
being lifted and carried off.  In a  daze, I whisper.

"Where are you taking me?"

Silence greets my query.  Strong arms grip me solidly.  I smell the musky smell
of cologne and feel the hair  on my abductor's chest.  As if it were the most
natural thing to do, I put my arms around his neck and hold  him close while I
am carried to the unknown destination.

At last I am placed on a hard surface which I assume is a table.  Submissively,
I allow my arms to be  brought up over my head and feel the tight grip of
leather circling my wrists.  I find that I cannot move my  arms.  My legs are
pulled straight and spread slightly and again I feel the grip of leather around
my ankles.   I am rendered immobile.  I open my eyes but the place I am at is
dark. I don't realize that a blindfold has  been placed over my eyes.

Fingers begin to play upon my breasts and I yield to the erotic pleasure that it
gives me.  Without looking I  sense that my nipples have grown hard and my flesh
has turned to goose-bumps.  My pussy begins to get  moist again as I squirm
beneath the gentle touch.

Then pain.  First a small prick against my breast and then it is as if a knife
has been plunged into my chest.   First the left side, then the right.  I am
twisting and turning in my limited way and screaming but the pain  continues. 
Then the burning sensation across my belly that seems to last for an eternity. 
I am reduced to a  sobbing piece of flesh.

Oddly, in a short time, the pain goes away, leaving me exhausted.  I am released
from the restraints about  my wrists and ankles and raised to a seated position. 
The blindfold is taken off and I blink several times to  adjust to the strange
light.  When I can finally see OK, I am stunned to find my reflection in a
mirror on the  opposite wall.  Hanging from my nipples are small rings, about
two inches in diameter.  Across my  stomach in letters large enough for me to
see is a tattoo.  I look down to read it and it says "Fuck bitch"  I  can't
decide if that's supposed to be my name or instructions.



Janet stares at me with glazed eyes, as if I am a stranger.  Perhaps I am.  God
knows, I am not the same  person I was 24 hours ago.  Neither is she.

Her damp hair hangs down over her face, a circumstance she would never have
allowed before.  A thin  stream of drool runs down from the corner of her lips. 
Her breath is coming in gasps as revealed by her  heaving chest.  She is the
most beautiful creature I have ever seen.  Her naked body glistens in the sun
light  that bathes her body.

Her arms extended out from her body, she hangs from the cross several yards away
from me.  The rings  hanging from her nipples reflect the sunlight in a rainbow
of colors.  Her breasts rise and fall with each  gasp coming from her lungs as
she fights for breath.  A thin line of moisture runs down her inner thighs, a 
testament to her arousal despite her dire circumstance.

The two of us have been hung from crosses far out in the desert.  The relentless
sun beats down on our  naked bodies, burning our flesh.  We have been here since
dawn and the sun now stands high over our  head.  My tongue feels as if it is
four times its normal size as thirst overwhelms me.

The faint noise of motorcycles reaches my ears.  It seems to grow louder
although it may be just my  wishful thinking that someone is coming to take us
down.  Through my bloodshot eyes, I see clouds of dust  across the desert. 
Moments later, the group of bikers are circling the two of us, raising great
waves of dirt  and assaulting us with deafening roars from their motors.  Janet
appears to be screaming but her cries  disappear in the roar of the bikes.

The bikers come to a stop in front of us.  They are laughing as they point at
our suffering.  Buck gives an  order and we are lowered from the crosses where
we collapse on the ground.  The two of us can only gasp  for breath as we lay
helpless before our tormentors.  I glance over at Janet.  She is laying on her
back, her  breasts rising and falling as she gulps huge amounts of air.  The
rings in her nipples are shimmering in the  sunlight.  Dust and grime cover her
tanned body.  Her hair, which she is so proud of, falls matted and  disheveled
over her face.

I roll over on my stomach and place my hands on the ground, pushing myself
upward until I am able to sit  on all fours.  My body aches in a thousand places
and I'm not sure my legs will support me.  As I stare  down at myself, I see for
the first time a ring inserted in my scrotum.  Like the two piercing Janet's
nipples,  I have been permanently implanted with a barbaric token.

"Allright, the two of you!" shouts Buck.  "Are you going to lay there all day?"

I can only stare up at the giant of a man called Buck.  He looms over me like a 
colossus, temporarily  blotting out the sun.  His wide grin bespeaks his delight
in my misery.  By his side is Liz, the luscious red- head, who also smiles down
at me.  She is topless save for a black leather vest that only accentuates her 
marvelous tits.  I am astonished that I begin to get an erection as I kneel
before them.

"Are we members yet?"

The voice of my wife shocks me back into reality and I glance back at her.  She
has risen to her feet,  brushing her unkempt hair from her eyes defiantly.  If
somene completely naked can show bravado, Janet  has succeeded in doing so. 

"Almost!" laughingly shouts Buck.  "All you have to do is get back to the barn
in less than an hour.  Of  course, there will be a few obstacles to overcome."

I am ready to surrender to these sadistic monsters and simply lay down and die. 
The will to fight no longer  exists within me.  But Janet confronts the bike
club leader with a determination that amazes me.

"Your on, you son-of-a-bitch!" she screams.  "Just point the way!"

Buck laughs loudly, pointing in a direction across the desert that seems like
miles of desolation.

"Get up, Dave!" she shouts.  "Get your fucking ass up off the ground!  We've
gone through too much  already to give up against these bastards."

Her shouts overwhelm me and the next thing I know, I have risen to my feet and
stand next to her.  We are  two of the sorriest looking specimens you'll ever
see:  naked and covered with dirt, blood, semen and other  bodily excrements. 
Still, I look at Janet and marvel at her beauty.  Never have I seen her more
ravishing as  she started off in the direction that Buck had pointed.

The adrenelin begins to flow and the two of us break out into a run across the
hot desert sand.  Sharp  needles from cacti scrape our ankles and legs but we
don't slow down.  Sweat quickly covers our bodies as  we struggle toward the
final destination of our initiation.  We'd gone about a quarter mile when we
heard  the sound of the motorcycles starting up.  As we look at each other, the
unspoken fear is obvious in both  our eyes.

Janet and I are both very athletic and to run long distances was our Sunday
entertainment.  However, after  the ordeal that both of us had faced, we soon
slowed.  The heat from the desert had sapped what little  strength we had
remaining and we were forced into a slow jog.  The sound of the motors grew
louder and  louder, spurring us on despite our exhaustion.

A sudden blow to the back of my leg sent me sprawling face forward.  I hit the
ground hard and skidded a  few feet with the desert exacting its toll on my
bruised and battered body.  As I look up, I see that I am  surrounded by several
of the bikers, roaring around me on their bikes and kicking up huge clouds of
sand.   Through the haze of dust, I see Janet running on with Buck in pursuit on
his cycle.

I'm up and running again, blood running down my chest from several scrapes. 
Janet is 50 yards ahead of  me, running in a zig-zag pattern as Buck revs his
motor right behind her.  In his hand he holds a whip  which he twirls above his
head like a lasso.  Buck flicks his wrist and a red stripe suddenly appears
across  Janet's butt.  She leaps in the air and grabs her ass but keeps running

Buck laughs loud and renews his pursuit.  The whip is twirling over his head as
he draws nearer to Janet  who is now almost running in circles to escape her
tormentor.  The whip snakes out and wraps around  Janet's thigh, pulling her to
the ground, where she rolls over and over.

"Fuck you, Buck!" she screams, as she struggles to her feet.  I am almost to her
when something hits me in  the back, sending me head over heels once again. 
Momentarily stunned, I lay face down in the dirt; the  roar of motorcycles just
inches away from my head.  Somehow, I am on my feet once again and running 
after Janet.  Buck has reached her again and there is a red stripe across her
back.  I stumble and fall, rise  and fall again.  My knees are bloody and my
legs are numb from exhaustion.  Still, I stagger on.  Janet  suffers from Buck's
whip; her body displaying several bright red stripes as she astonishingly
continues to  run.

The barn is now in sight as the two of us struggle onward.  My vision is clouded
and I am having difficulty  in maintaining my balance.  I no longer can control
my legs and I fall to the ground and lay there.  I wish  for an end to my misery
while motorcycles roar around my prostrate body.

"Dave!" crack! "Dave, for God's sake!" crack!  "Dave, goddammit, get up!" crack!

I open my eyes and see Janet leaning over me, her face a picture of agony.  Buck
has stopped beside us and  is lashing  her back relentlessly with his whip.

"Come on!  We've only got another hundred yards to go!  You can do it!" crack!
Crack!  Each blow of the  whip sends Janet into a spasm of pain but she kneels
beside me and lifts my head out of the dirt.

"Dave!  Come on!  Please!  Don't give these bastards the satisfaction of
quitting now!"

Janet holds out her hand.  With my last bit of strength, I grab it and pull
myself up on my feet.  Buck's  whip is finding both of us now as we labor toward
the safety of the barn.  When we reach the doors, the two  of us collapse
inside, too exhausted to go another step.

"We made it!" whispers Janet as she lays beside me.  Her eyes are bright and
there is a smile on her lips  At  this moment, I have never loved anyone more or
been so overcome with desire.  Forgetting all of our pain  and suffering, I
cover her with my body and guide my stiff cock into her wet pussy.  Janet groans
with lust  as her body rises up to meet me.  Oblivious to the bikers who are now
standing at the door of the barn,  Janet and I fuck each other until the two of
us collapse in total weariness.


The roar of the Harley fills my ears and the wind blasts against my face.  I
straddle my new bike and exalt  in the thrill of going 80 miles an hour down the
narrow highway.  Janet's arms circle my waist and I feel  her tits against my
back.  She is topless, as usual, and the rings in her nipples are cool against
my bare back.

We have sold our house and all of our possessions, except for this Harley and a
few pieces of clothing.  We  are what you might call gypsies now, living from
day to day and from wherever we happen to find  ourselves.  Buck, Liz and the
others are ahead of us, leading the pack to a new destination along the beach 
of  Baja California.

Janet and I exult in the new freedom we find ourselves faced with.  There was no
hesitation in quitting our  jobs soon after our initiation struggle.  Although
we were treated in the most sadistic manner imaginable,  the biker group became
our closest friends.  Janet is a completely changed person from the one who
timidly  entered that bar six months ago.  You might almost say she is a brazen
hussy now, with an insatiable sexual  appetite.  She is far and away the "queen"
of the biker group and the center of attention whenever we camp.

I still remember the Janet before we met the biker group.  I'm not sure which
one I love the most.

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