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Review This Story || Author: Empty soul

Ritual Control

Part 1

Ritual Control

This story has a slow start.. Give it time, I hope to include later chapters
that will jump straight to the action. This is merely a setup.. if you will.

It had been a strange day...

  I'd started as usual.. early mornings kill me, especially after late nights..
but I figured, what the hell.. I'd get paid extra working so early, and Money is
good. The more games I can buy the better in my book.

 Its not like I get much chance for anything else.. I'm too shy to make

 Don't get me wrong, its not that I'm ugly.. or that I'm unfriendly.. I just
find it hard to talk to people.. I think it stems from some kind of distrust.
The fact is I just find it hard to consider people.. worthy.

 I've lived a long life in my few short years. It sounds odd but I've been
exposed to things most people would NEVER get exposed to, and its steadily
driven me to conclude that the old adage "A little knowledge is a dangerous
thing" is true. A little knowledge.. Drove me into a hatred for the entire human

 I watch them each day.. insects.. Running to and fro thinking nothing matters
more than them.. Have you been to football games? Or even seen them.. all those
millions of people sat in the crowd.. Mindless masses, Empty lives full of
little drama's that are unimportant.. and each one convinced HE or SHE is GOD.
They're not. They're rats, Insects, Objects.. I'd say they were at least a work
of art, but most of them are ugly as sin.

 And that's why I find it hard to talk to them.. I know I'm one of them.. but at
least I KNOW I'm an insect.. and I know I'm destined for more.

 To get back on track here.. It had been an odd day. Long and dull, but
something today had been different. Whilst stacking books I'd come across a very
simple little story about mind control. These things are always the same.. they
never use their powers for what a REAL human would, they merely use them to do
dumb things. Who wants to conquer the world, or get rich? It serves no purpose..
If you can control minds, just take what you want. Who's gonna stop you? Who
wants the responsibility of the WHOLE world, when the only thing most of us want
is a good fuck? Not me.

 However, what made this one interesting was the fact that it explained HOW he
got his powers.

 That was the first time I've ever seen that... Oh, lots of them explain bits
and pieces, "I worked on my telepathy until I could..." or "A man came to me in
a dream and gave me these powers... " Not this one. It clearly stated an entire
ritual, from the very first stanza to the final climax. A magic ritual that,
from my previous experiences with magic, I KNEW to be valid.

 I've dabbled for years, with a variety of different systems. Once more I was
disappointed. As Lavey said, most magical learning is based solely on providing
lust filled men with an escape. They bend and beg and pray for these amazing
powers, and then to soothe their conscience they claim they'll use it for good.
What shit. Cowards each and every one.

 Not this ritual though, it was pure of intention, Even if the moron in the
story failed to use it to its full potential, the ritual was pure. I decided..
What the HELL have I got to lose?

 It took me a while to find a quiet place, a couple of days to be precise, but
when I found it, it was perfect.. Perfect for more than one reason, but we'll
learn about that.. in a short while.

 I sat with my back to the big tree in the center of the grove.. The ritual
required a sacrifice, and this tree was to be it. It was a shame, but a tree
mattered little to me by this point. I started the fire, set up my ritual
items.. and began the ritual.

   And you thought I'd write the ritual in here? No.. See if you can find the
book.. I destroyed my copy.. I don't need anyone around with the same abilities
as me.. thank you.

  The ritual took all night, and by the time I was done, I was exhausted. It was
NOT an easy time, but I hoped it would be worth it. I fell into a fast sleep,
and this is where it got REAL interesting.

 Whilst I slept, a beautiful women appeared to me, "So," She said, "You found
the ritual?"

"Yes" I replied. "I found it, and I DID it."

 "You realize the price you must pay for the powers you requested?"

 "Of course"

 "Then you accept?"

 "Of course!"

 "Then your powers are granted. I will tell you now, NO ONE else on earth knows
this ritual, I would keep it that way, you alone have this power. Only one
living person at a time can, and this generation it would appear to be you."

 I nodded acknowledgement, and she turned to leave. "When you awaken, you will
be fully refreshed.. a side effect of meeting me, and you will have all you
requested. Enjoy, But remember, the price."

 When I awoke, I was fully refreshed.. and VERY excited.

 You see, I had chosen this spot because of the wonderful, Now dead tree, but
also because of the nearby all girls school. I was no moron, I was out to please
number ONE, I gave no fuck for money or power, I just wanted to fuck, And to
indulge every fetish I had. Trust me, I have a LOT of fetish's...

 There is an interesting outcome to all this, aside from the obvious, which runs
like this, see, there are two types of mind control, one is the obvious complete
control, people just do what you want. Its not really MIND control, more body
control. You make their body do whatever you will it too, even though the mind
is screaming for you to stop. Then there MIND control, in which you actually
make the mind WANT to do certain things, and thereby the body does it. Years
back a study was done, in which electrical pulses were put STRAIGHT into a mans
brain, causing body parts to react. The man said each time "I didn't do that"
Shocked as hell that his body would react without his desire. To me that suggest
the MIND and the BODY are separate. I wanted to know for sure. To see what I
could do to people.. I had experiments to run, and now was the time.

 By the time I'd thought all this I'd made it to the school. I didn't want to
just assume anything, I'm no idiot, and all this could just be complete delusion
after all. So I decided against walking straight in and just starting the
commands.. Instead I "Invited" someone out.

 I can't really explain how I did this. I'm not sure yet I get it myself, I
merely reached in with my mind, picked the closest body, and pulled.

 Two to three minutes later, a young slightly chubby catholic schoolgirl started
towards me across the grounds. She must have been in the process of getting
ready for lessons, because she was looking a little disheveled, Not fully
prepared, but fully dressed. As she came closer I saw a look of panic on her
face, she wasn't sure what was going on, all she knew was she suddenly wanted to
come outside and walk in the old woods.

 As she stepped into the clearing I was standing in, and saw me, I felt her try
and pull away. She did NOT like the idea of being here with me, but as she tried
to run away, she found she couldn't.

 "Shhh, " I said " Where do you want to go pet? This place is as good as any

 She was startled by my words, a look of fear crossing her face.. "Please sir, I
want to go back, I have to get to class... I.. Don't know why I came out here."

 "I called you out here pet, tell me, are you a virgin?"

 I sent the mental command for her to answer me honestly at all times, and I
could see the anguish in her face as she tried to resist.

 "Yes, sir, I'm a virgin."

 "Have you ever seen a man naked?"

 "No sir, I haven't."

 "Would you like too?"

 "Sir.. "

 "Would you LIKE too?"

 "I've often thought about it sir, late at night.. sometimes in class when they
teach us about reproduction..."

 "Yes, little pet? What have you thought about reproduction?"

 "I've thought I'd like to try it..."

 Her face turned bright red and she was crying.. This was worse than torture for
her, I could see that, she did NOT want to be here.

 "Well, pet, Here's your chance. You see, I'm your God now, I have total power
over you, and I want you to come over here, and strip me."

 She took a hesitant step towards me, and then a more confident one.. As she
surrendered her body just took control, and within a few minutes she had me down
to my underwear.

 By this time I had an erection the size of Gibraltar and a desperate desire to
USE it.

 I looked down at her face, as she cried little tears and silently prayed to her
God to save her. She was MY insect now, and I was a God. "Stop praying little
slut, He doesn't care about you, you are MINE, now.. tell me I'm your God."


 I felt resistance.. the first TRUE resistance.. How odd, she was willing to
give into almost anything, but she fought like a tiger when it came to God..
must be the Catholicism.

 "Kneel before me." She knelt, "Put your hands together like you are praying."
She did as she was told. "Now say, thank you my God, my master my lord. Fuck
Jesus Christ, Fuck God, Praise Andy, PRAISE THE LORD ANDY!"

 She fought, I could still here her fighting, but slowly her mouth opened...

 "Thank you my God, my master, my lord. Fuck Jesus Christ, Fuck God, Praise

 I could almost feel her spirit snap... She sat where she was, praying up at me,
crying like a baby, in total and utter submission to my will.

 I really truly felt like a God..

 "Now, little whore, Its my turn to strip you." I stood her up and started
removing her clothing. Piece by piece I took it off, whilst she stood there
trying to gain the will power to stop me. first her shirt, then her skirt, all
her clothing down to her underwear.. and then.

 "Now, slut, Take off your bra."

 I was looking her up and down.. I'd chosen a good one. She was about 5 foot 4
tall, Very heavy set, but not what I'd consider FAT, Just big. She had large
breasts.. very large breasts, and wide hips. A lot of men would have thought her
unattractive.. But I thought she was.. perfect. A real Lane Bryant kinda girl.
Long blond hair.. Pretty little face, and blue eyes.

 She slowly reached behind her, and started to unbutton her bra.. It fell off of
her body to the floor and I got my first look at those HOT tits.

 "You've got great tits, whore. You're a little bit of a fat bitch, but you have
great jugs." The word Fat had struck a bone, and she started crying harder than
before.. I found I liked the way she hurt.. it turned me on even more.

 She had fine tits, big, but not sagging, perfectly formed huge jugs.. better
than any porn star in my book.

 "Now you fat cow, if I can get you to stop thinking about food for a second,
take off your panties."

 She cried a small sob of defeat, hooked a finger in either side of her panties,
and slowly pulled them down, and off.

 "Turn around, I want to see that fat ass." She turned

 "Now bend over, touch your toes if you can see them."

 She turned and bent, crying harder and harder.

 Jesus fuckin' Christ, it was the HOTTEST thing I'd ever seen, that big ass in
the air, her pussy peeking through the gap.. I can't tell you how horny I was..
I figured it was time to do something about it.

 "Get over here bitch, pull off my boxer shorts before I beat you."

 She turned and almost ran to me, ripping off my boxers in her haste to escape a

 "Now bitch, I can see you like to eat, so let me give you a little treat."

 I grabbed her by her hair and pulled her head down to my cock.

 "Now bitch, I want you to suck me, suck my cock." Her mouth open, and I felt it
slowly close around my cock.

 I have to say that there is NOTHING hotter than a fat, crying catholic
schoolgirl sucking your cock against her will. NOTHING.

 I lifted her head up off of my cock by her hair. Looking down into her eyes I
winked once, and said "Get ready you fat slut."

 With no remorse I fucked her face down onto my cock, slamming my 9 incher deep
into her throat in one hard thrust. She gagged and choked but didn't try to get
off of my cock. I wouldn't allow that. Slowly I withdrew her head again, and
then rammed back in, faster this time I lifted her head before SLAM, straight
back down. Over and over I fucked her throat until I could take it no more, with
one final thrust, I yelled my orgasm and filled her tight little esophagus with
my hot steamy cum.

 "Swallow" I ordered, and she did.. "Again" I said as her swallowing action
massaged small amounts of cum out of my cock. She did as she was told, the whole
time choking and coughing and gagging on my juice.

 "Lovely", I said, as I pulled her off of me. "Just perfect.. there's nothing
like forcing some pig bitch to swallow my cum. Its even better when she just
takes it."

 I looked down at the young girl I had just abused. I had no pity for the
weak-minded fuck toy.. after all, she was nothing more than an insect.

 She lay, collapsed on the ground, still heaving a little but not throwing up..
I wouldn't allow her that. She was naked, and a little of my cum had escaped
around her lips, dribbling onto her chin. She sobbed to herself obviously
completely and totally wrecked.

 I laughed at her, and thought of other indignity's to force upon her. "Okay,
little piggy, Here's the deal. From now on, ANYTIME you pray, you will pray to
ME, not that fool Jesus. Every time you get hungry, I want you to decide to eat
nothing but salad. Its time you worked some of that fat off bitch. And, EVERY
night, I want you to masturbate to orgasm at least ten times, no matter WHAT
happens. Then, when you've done that, you are to get up, and go on a run around
the school, four times. Understand?"

 She nodded her understanding.

 "Okay, now get up, get dressed, and get back to school you stupid fat bitch, I
might come back and use you again later.. but for right now you are free."

 She got up and started getting dressed, but then I thought of something.

 "Bitch, one more thing, YOU WILL TELL NO ONE OF ANY OF THIS."

 And with that, I walked away, it was time to go home, and rest after my long
night.. But I had more experiments to do, and I would do them.. Soon.

Review This Story || Author: Empty soul
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