BDSM Library - Mistress and her pet

Mistress and her pet

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: Mistress and pet" is about a male masochist finding his Sadistic Mistress and the fun they have.

                   Mistress and her pet


     Thirteen years ago i joined a private dungeon group in Seattle, Washington and had attended several parties held there and had never met anyone like Mistress. It was a Friday night and the theme that night was take down play. I am not sure if you know what this type of play involves. In a nutshell anything goes in this play. It is usually reserved for the most extreme playing or to teach someone a lesson that was not learned before.

     I had a chance before to play with others as i come to the dungeon alone and the scenes always drew an audience. You see i love pain...cannot get enough of it. It does not matter to me what is done as long as nothing is broken and i do not require a trip to the emergency room after playing. So the scenes i was involved with became quite messy with my blood from being whipped or having needles stuck into my most private spots and various other tortures i endured.

     Tonight as before i sought out the Events Director and told her i would like to play if someone was looking. I wandered about the room watching subs and slaves being put through their paces...hearing their screams...the sounds of whips and canes striking their flesh. I do not see many males here tonight and i like that as it meant i might have a better chance at the rough playing i needed.

     My wandering brought me to the far corner of the dungeon where a very pretty woman about 33 was strapped face down upon a sawhorse type of apparatus with her wrists and ankles secured tightly along the legs of the horse. There were 2 men at each end of her one fucking her ass and the other fucking her mouth with a steady rhythm going. There was a woman wearing a black leather corset and black garter with thigh high nylons standing next to them. This woman wore no panties and had a neatly shaved pussy that peeked out from under the garter affair she wore. As the men fucked the helpless woman on the horse the other woman was whipping her hard across her back and shoulders. Her back was crisscrossed with dozens of stripes looking very red and some almost purple. Blood oozed from many of the whip marks.

     i was so enthralled by this scene i was not aware the Event Director was calling my name. I kind of jumped a little when she touched me on my shoulder and i turned to see her standing there with another woman i had never seen before. She introduced her as Miss Sarah and left us alone. This woman was beautiful with long flowing dark brown hair and deep blue eyes. She had an ample bosom, tight waist, long shapely legs. The most striking thing about her was the long elegant evening dress she was wearing. More suited to being at a fancy ball then a dungeon. Miss Sarah had been watching the scene i was and had a chance to watch my reactions also. As she stood beside me she asked my name and i replied "Miss Sarah i am david". We talked for 20 minutes while watching the whipping continue and i was asked many questions about my likes and dislikes and what i hoped to find here tonight.

     i told Miss Sarah what my limits were. While i did this i looked her in the eyes and i could almost see a fire glowing from inside her. I shrugged it off as my over active imagination playing tricks on me. Miss Sarah reached her hand out and stroked my broad chest and it was almost like being touched with an electric current. It took my breath away and i felt my knees quiver just a little. I had never felt this way from being touched before now.

     Miss Sarah eyed me and watched my expressions as she asked if i really wanted to play with her tonight. i almost screamed out my answer but managed to hold back and told her "Miss Sarah i would like to play with you".

     She placed her hand in mine and walked away from this scene to the various restraint sections of the dungeon until we stopped at a huge wooden X shaped thing. The beams were 10 feet long and made of solid oak 8 inches square. Each beam had 12 eyehooks bolted into it and was impossible to pull loose from the wood. The top and bottoms of the beams were secured to the roof beams and wooden floor and would not tip over no matter how hard someone would struggle.

     Miss Sarah commanded me to strip and leave nothing on i was to even take off my ring and watch. As i removed my clothing i folded each piece neatly and placed on the floor away from us and anyone else that came to watch. i was told to stand facing the wood and to spread my legs as far as i could. Miss Sarah placed a metal shackle on my left ankle and then the right ankle. i noticed a change coming over me. It was not a new one as it happens all the time when i know things are going to be rough. Taking my right wrist Miss Sarah pulled it up and clasped the metal shackle to it and walked to the other side and did the same to my left wrist.

     Standing directly behind me Miss Sarah lightly ran her finger nails down my spine from my neck to my buttocks and my breathing changed to short pants and my body was exploding inside from her touch. How could a woman have this reaction on me i asked myself over and over again? I felt her hot breath upon my neck and felt her body press against mine as she grabbed a fistful of my hair and pulled my head back and sideways. As she did this i felt her lick my earlobe and then nibbling on my neck with her teeth. The nibbles soon grew harder until she was biting me drawing small whimpers from me.

     I could feel a wetness on my neck and thought it might be blood but was unsure. Her teeth continued to bite my neck and shoulders as she reached around to my chest and toyed with my nipples which soon hardened. my nipples are not like most men you have known. They are the size of a woman's from years of intense torment and play done to them. When they are erect they are 3/4 an inch long and almost 1/2 inch wide.

     Miss Sarah had stopped her biting but continued to pinch my nipples from behind me. I felt her breasts rubbing against my back and the sweet aroma that surrounded her. Not knowing her as i do now i mistook that smell for arousal but it was not. When she becomes aroused the scent she gives off will draw you deep into her as if you are in a trance. As i said before Miss Sarah was not like any woman i had ever known.

     I felt her presence leave mine and tried to glance backwards to see what she was doing but the position i was in prevented that. i heard a loud crack and an instant later the impact as the single tailed whip connected with my right shoulder. I screamed in pain and it felt as if my back had been ripped open and the bone was visible. My body went rigid and i held my breath trying to get some control over myself. Before the fire had a chance to die down i again heard the crack and the same instant explosion of pain erupted from my shoulder as this stroke landed just below the last one. Again i screamed and tried to look to see the damage i just knew was horrible and i that i was cut terribly.

     The whipping continued for what seemed hours and each stroke brought another scream from me and my back felt like molten lava and i knew it would never recover from this onslaught of the single tailed whip. i was not even aware Miss Sarah had stopped whipping me and was standing behind me again with her breasts on my blazing hot back as i was sobbing. Miss Sarah whispered in my ear "are you sure you still want to play with me?" and i finally was able to get out an audible yes.

     Miss Sarah removed the shackles holding my wrists and allowed my arms to drop at my sides and knelt down to remove the ankle restraints. I was then told to turn and face her and this is when i noticed for the 1st time we were not alone. A group of perhaps 15 was standing there watching our play. Subs and slaves were servicing their Masters and Mistress's as the play unfolded before them. No one spoke and it was almost like all were in a trance. Maybe i just thought no one was speaking. I really do not know nor did i care. Once again the shackles were placed on my wrists and ankles. Standing in front of me Miss Sarah started touching my body and playing with my nipples again. As she pinched one she was biting the other and with her free hand was squeezing my balls in her fist. Actually it was not really biting but rather the motion of chewing on them and i was moaning in pleasure/pain. You know there is not much difference for someone like me as all pain is pleasurable to some extent.

     My back was still on fire and hurt so badly being in contact with the wood behind me. i knew she had hurt me badly and could envision requiring stitches to close the wounds. Miss Sarah stopped with her touching and biting and picked up the single tailed whip again and i begged her not to use it on me as she had already ruined my back. i cried out for her to stop and my words froze in my throat as i seen her arm go back and upwards then come slashing forward and the explosion of pain slamming into my chest as the scream ripped from deep inside me. Miss Sarah told me to look at the stroke on my chest but i was afraid to...afraid to see the horrible damage she had done.... afraid to know. Again she told me to look and i did not want to know and cried out to her to not make me see this. Her voice became deeper and sterner as she commanded me to look and i could not resist this command and slowly allowed my eyes to gaze down upon my ruined chest. I was startled to see just a bright stripe running from my shoulder down to the top of my stomach. There were no deep cuts like i horrible damage done and i knew then my back looked the same way. The mind is a horrible thing at times. It can make you think the worst has happened when in reality you are fine.

     Miss Sarah continued whipping my chest and arms and the molten lava spread like a wildfire engulfing me and bringing me into a place most call "sub space". However this is a place i prefer not to be in as to me it is not right. If i wanted to escape to never never land i would not play like i do. I feel this is wrong and cheats both my tormentor and myself.

     When you are the one being beaten there is no such thing as does not exist...only the whipping exists and the way your body reacts to it. I really do not know how long Miss Sarah whipped me but i do know the fire that covered my body and engulfed my senses did not stop. Even after the whipping was over i continued to burn and cried out in pain at the slightest touch.

     Miss Sarah asked a couple of those watching us to help me down from the cross and i am glad they did as my knees buckled and i almost fell to the floor when i was released. They helped me over to a sitting area at the side of the playroom and motioned for me to kneel on the floor beside her as she sat on the comfortable love seat. After a scene like this it takes me quite some time to come back to reality and during this time i cannot speak proper sentences. Miss Sarah did not push me but sat there and gently stroked my hair and sometimes reached down to torment my nipples some.

     When i was finally able to talk correctly and reply without stuttering Miss Sarah and i chatted about the scene. She was impressed with the way i had reacted and the sounds i made. We made a date to meet here again in 2 weeks to play again. The next time we played i was hurt badly by her and loved every minute of it. She told me then she wanted me to become her new "pet". When i asked what type of pet i would be she laughed and said "not a cat or dog type of pet" and explained i would be hers to use and abuse as she sees fit. I would neither be a sub nor a slave nor just an object. I looked at her,  smiled  and  replied "i would very much like to be your pet Miss Sarah". I soon moved into her home and began a new life. If you want to know more about our life just ask and perhaps i will be given the chance to share with you

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