BDSM Library - First time

First time

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: Sub acting as a Dom for the first time.

He comes to my house in the afternoon, I open the door and invite him in. It feels awkward, now that the moment has finally arrived. So many months of talking, weeks of planning and preparations, and still I don't feel ready. He looks expectant, exited, eager. I'm flustered, nervous, even a little scared, but I know I can't allow it to show, I put on a face like I've got everything under control. I'm already in dressed for the party, the thigh-high boots, the PVC dress, the corset, the makeup is on and the hair slicked back in a ponytail with wax and gel. I look the part, even though I don't feel it. It's a difficult task I've invested myself in, it goes against the very fibre of my being. It's a neat trap he has set for me, having me submit by taking on the role as his Dom.

I bring him to the kitchen, sit him down with a cup of tea, and we go over what may be included in the scene, we plow through the ground-rules, safe words, where his limits lie, and where mine are. We have been through it before, over messenger and mail, but it feels right to establish them out loud, to make sure we both agree. He says he trusts me, and it amazes me.

When he has finished his tea, I take him into the playroom. My bedroom. He is still in his tee and jeans, it's how I want it. First I run him through the drills, show him what positions he needs to know. I teach him to kneel in the proper way, how to stand in position, eye contact, arm- and leg-positions, the works. When I feel he has a grasp on the basics, I tell him to remove his clothes. He is already hard, but I knew that already. I have him fold his clothes neatly, and put them on the chair, then I have him stand in position in the middle of the room.

I walk over to the chest, open it, and take out the first tools for the session. The restraints. I start with the collar, then his arms and wrists, his ankles, and finally his thighs. I connect his wrists to his thighs, then his arms with each other, and leave the rest free, for now. I step back and take a good look at him. He is beautiful. I go back to the chest for the next batch of items. Nippleclamps and rings. I start with his nipples, lick them erect, then position the clamps. I slowly turn the screws, until his face betray him. I ease them up a little, but not much. I want him to feel pain, but not so much that it will detract from the experience. Now for my own pleasure, the rings. They are black silicon, but only slightly yielding, they will be quite firm once in place.

I start with some water-based lube to make them glide on more smoothly. The one at the base, behind the sac, is the most difficult to get on, and requires the most patience, so that one is the first to go on. I try to be gentle, I use my lips, my tongue and my mouth to get everything in place, sucking the twins through as carefully as I can. Obviously he is enjoying it. The second ring goes at the base as well, but in front of the sac. I leave some space between them, I don't want him to accidentally get nipped. I consider for a moment a third one around the twins only, but decide against it. Instead, the third goes around the tip, snugly behind the corona. I take a step back and admire him once more.

I pick up the plug now, it feels heavy in my hand. The smallest size I have, one inch at the widest point, but I know from experience it can be painful enough to insert at first. I walk him over to the bed, have him kneel on it, then bend him over the wedge. I rearrange his restraint attachments so his upper arms are free. I work patiently, mostly with my mouth again. I know fingers can be too rigid, at least in the beginning. As he starts to relax, my fingers get to join in. More lube, silicon-based this time. I find it gives better glide, even though it messes up my stomach, edible or not. I make sure he is ready before I let the plug enter the game. By the time I work it in, I'm not hurting him that much. Still, it pains me to see him wince. I release the connectors again, and walk him back to the middle of the room. This time I attach his left wrist to his right arm, and vice versa.

Then the final touch, before I can consider him fully "dressed". A blindfold. I opt out of the leather ones so often preferred by people in the scene, and choose instead my own personal favorite. A brand new tempur-pedic eyemask, it's memory foam shaping to his face flawlessly, fitting snugly without discomfort and leaving no gaps to peek through. Now I can let go of my own mask, he can't see my face so I don't have to pretend anymore. I spend a moment walking a slow circle around he, wishing I had thought to ask for pictures. Another trip to the chest. This time I bring out some ticklers. One is feathered, one has metal beads on strings.

One in each hand, I go to work. I explore his body, high and low, back and front, see how he reacts to the feather, then the cool beads, then both at the same time. Sometimes they join paths, sometimes they touch his body at different places, but all the time I see his body respond. Next up is the flogger. It's not the kind I like, with long leather straps that cut cruelly, it's the type with shorter suede straps, meant to get attention, but not to mark. This is for his pleasure and enjoyment, not mine. Again I work my way around him, I slap his back, his thighs, his stomach, his arms and his bottom. Then, I hope by surprise, I strike at his chest, at the clamps. Not hard, but enough to disturb their positions, and he gasps. "Do you like that?", I ask, and strike again, but a little harder this time. I raise my arm for a third blow, even harder this time. I keep going, front, back, up, down, varying the force, then I put the flogger to the side, and bring out the next tools.

Now it's my turn to kneel, not the most comfortable position in the world with these boots, but I'll deal. I slip a vibrating ring on at his base, just to get his attention. Next I turn on the big brush with vibrating handle, and start painting his groin with imaginary paint. I start at the base, paying special attention to the twins, then back to the protruding plug, bring it forward along the shaft, swirl it around the tip a few times, then make another circuit, mixing it up as I go. I take my time, and enjoy watching him, the contractions of his muscles, his breathing, the response so clear on his face. Then, after what feels like an eternity, I leave the brush be, and take off his blindfold. I hold his gaze as I wrap my lips around his hardness, one hand tugging at a clamp, the other cupping him.

I take my time, try to commit everything to memory, his flavour, the scent of his maleness, his shape, the way he fits inside my mouth and throat. When I have satisfied my immediate desire, I stand back up and release all the connectors from his restraints. I still have not allowed for his release, that will come later, when I am done with him. I lead him back to the bed, have him lie down over the wedge again. I pick out a paddle, wooden and fairly wide one too. I explain how this is going to work. I will deliver 30 strokes. He will count each of them out loud, and he will thank me after each one. If it becomes too much, he will use either the safe word for taking a break, or the word for stopping the scene all together, depending on what he needs. He tells me he understands, that he is ready.

I give him the first stroke, medium hard on his left cheek. I listen to his voice as I watch his skin take on a slightly pinkish hue. I move on with his right cheek, softer this time, and he continues his litany. I pause for a moment, and touch his coloring skin. It feels slightly warm under my hand, but by the end it will likely be quite hot. I keep going back and forth, varying the intensity, and his backside turns a rosy hue. I go slow, and I pause every so often to caress him, I know my hands feel cool and gentle to him, and it eases the worst of it. Finally we are done. I ask if he is ready to move on, he tells me he is.

I put the blindfold back on, take the wedge away and have him lie flat on his back. I tether his hands and feet to each corner of the bed, using long lines. He has room to move about, change position, if he wishes. Next I remove the rings. The first two comes off without much of a struggle but the third one I have to cut. I explain to him what I'm going to do. Still, I see he is not comfortable with it. I ask if he wants to be released, remove or cut the last ring himself, but he shakes his head no. A few seconds later the last ring is off. We talk a little before I continue, I want to make sure he feels safe before moving on. The worst thing that can happen in a scene is if the sub looses faith in the Dom, or what S/He will do next. I spread a duvet over him, put a set of headphones on him and turn up the music. It's some instrumental new age sort of thing, I doubt he has heard it before, it will help to keep him unaware of how much time has passed, and add to his feeling of sensory deprivation.

I bring out some scented tea candles that I light, then I leave him. I'll give him an hour or so of rest, before returning to him. After having watched an episode of a show that I can't really focus on, I start preparing for the next part of the scene. I empty a few trays of ice in a thermos of salted water, and pour boiled water into another. I bring out several spoons, put half of them in the ice-thermos, the other half in the hot water. I load up a tray with my new tools, and add a bottle of massage oil, then I return to him. I put the tray on the bedside table, and realize twilight has entered the room. I bring out more candles. Regular ones, block candles, votive candles, tea candles, there are candles on almost every surface of the room. I sit down on the bed next to him, he flinches, maybe I scared him, maybe I startled him awake. I have him turn sideways, taking a moment to rub some cooling lotion into his burning rear, I need him to be focusing on something other than this rear for the next part. he will likely carry a soreness for a few days as a reminder, regardless. I remove the restraints that are not being used, then I remove the clamps as well.

I see him wince at the pain of blood rushing back to his sensitive skin, and I carefully rub his chest and nipples to make it ease up faster. Maybe I should have removed them before leaving he? But no, this is not the time for second-guessing. Besides, clamps can be worn for a whole day, or just half an hour, it's still going to hurt when removing them. I pour oil into my hands, rub them together to warm it a little, then begin massaging it into his skin. I start at his feet, work my way up his legs, then skip to his hands, then arms, neck, and upper body, finishing with his groin area. His skin feels silky smooth under my hands, I could do this all day without getting tired. But that's not why he is here. Reluctantly I remove my hands from his body, and reach for the tray. I take one spoon from each thermos, checking the one from the hot water against the inside of my arm, I don't want to burn him. The spoon is hot, but not too hot, so I get to work.

Again, I play with his sense of touch, this time he can't get distracted by sounds. Alternating hot and cold touches of the spoons, first only on his arms and legs, then including the upper body, and, finally, his more sensitive parts. I switch spoons now and then, and every so often I leave them on the tray and just caress him. I think he is enjoying the treatment, there is a smile on his lips. I am running out of ideas by now, so I decide to bring it to a closure. Again my lips make contact with his groin, not so teasing this time. Now I'm working him to his release. I pull out every trick I have in my bag, using both hands, tongue, lips and throat to get him to the edge and over. I suck at him, lick him, kiss him, massage him, stroke him, tickle him, everywhere from his bellybutton to halfway down his thighs, and back around the plug.

When I give him permission to orgasm, I barely have time to push him down my throat again before he starts ejaculating. By the time he is done, I am almost dizzy from lack of air. I ease the plug out at the same time as I slowly pull my head away from him, I don't think he was expecting that, if the sounds he makes are any indication. I unbuckle the remaining restraints, remove his headphones and blindfold, and tell him the scene is over. By the look on his face, I think he enjoyed the time we spent together, but we'll discuss it all later. Darkness has fallen outside the windows and the soft light of the myriad of tiny flames casts him in a golden glow. I let my fingers lightly trace his face. He is even more beautiful now, if that is at all possible. I leave the room, leave him to his thoughts and feelings. Now it's time to allow him to come down from his own little high. He knows I am close by.

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