BDSM Library - Gabriela dies - Village Murder

Gabriela dies - Village Murder

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: Jealousy, bondage, death, blame shift

Amazon Gabriela -  Vanquished Lesbian                        6-9-2008

I knew almost immediately Eve's new friend Gabriela was trouble. Gabriela was one of those beautiful women that took your breath away and at the same time made you grit your teeth. She was medium height and slim, toned into an incredible shape that you see maybe once in your lifetime. A shapely neck holding her gorgeous face at a confident angle. You could tell she was a no nonsense bitch and took no shit from anyone. Arms round and strong. You could see the muscles just under the surface like undulating serpents. Her legs deer like with haunches that had those large dimples on the out sides of her ass cheeks that showed no extra fat and lean muscled strength. Her back straight and true, her sides trim with just the slight hint of ribs showing through like little armor plating. Her breasts were perfect for her build, not too large to get in the way but sumptuous and perfectly mounded. Breasts a man could hold onto and not feel cheated. The nipples popped up at a moments notice with any temperature change and were large enough to roll and tug on easily between two fingers. And that belly, good lord, defined abs like you see on a blacksmith. Abs so wonderfully sculpted into soft shapes, not like the sharp edges a man would have. Oh, and her hair was this fabulous dark shade of black auburn, fine strands but growing thick and plentiful, long and flowing, a wonderful mane. She was an eye magnet. No, woman nor beast could ignore her as she passed by.

Well when Eve, my main squeeze, saw Gabriela you could almost see her float toward her. Like a mote of dust near a window in the breeze Eve drifted over to Gabriela. They immediately stuck together like sheets do after a night of torrid romance. I knew right away I had to do something fast or I'd be without any sex for a good long time. The way they looked at each other I doubt a threesome was even a possibility. This would require drastic action...probably a final action this time. I’ll tell you about the other mess that was created the last time something similar happened, some other time.

The boys had planned a hunt to restock the village meat for next week and on the day I lagged behind in the group and slipped away back to Eve's place to carry out the plan I been formulating. I planned to tie Eve to a chair and make her watch as I took care of Gabriela. I gagged Eve so there would be no warnings or interruptions and part way through the proceedings I blindfolded her. I surprised Gabriela when she came over to Eve's place. They had been anxious to have a go at it as it had been a couple nights since their last session.

I was planning to hang Gabriela from the ceiling beams with ropes tied around each wrist and each ankle. The ropes such that she could be positioned for cunt fucking. There would be enough slack where I could easily put my cock in either her, what I knew must be a tight and juicy cunt, or flip her over and be in perfect position to ram into her, no doubt squeaky tight asshole. She would be almost helpless once I got her in those ropes. How to do that was the question, she was no powder puff.

Well I was in luck. Gabriela was focused on and anticipating a romp with Eve and she was drying her hair after a shower bath in the river. No boys around to watch or interrupt her. She was oh so beautiful like that. She had put on this sweet pungent oil that only she had that made men melt and women just go limp. She glistened in the light as reflections bounced from her magnificent body. Her tits bounced and jiggled with each step, not too much action from those tight hard orbs, but just enough to make you catch your breath. Her hair rippled with each step and you could see her muscles and tendons stretching and pulling under her slightly tanned taut skin. It was almost a shame what I had planned for her, she’d never fuck again after this time. But no one comes between me and my Eve.

As soon as Gabriela closed the door and turned she saw Eve tied in the chair. She knew instinctively she was in trouble. She was fast and almost moved out of my reach, but not quite. She started to look around just as I came up behind her. The first thing she felt was my erect cock against her ass crack and then I grabbed that beautiful mane of hers. What a great handle that is!

I pulled her hard back against my knee and thigh, you know into that position where the back arches during an orgasm or from painful agony. Her breasts jutted out straining as if to reach up for a caress and a clutching fondle. Her arms were bent back and her mouth opened in surprise. Her eyes though were like daggers right at me as I tucked her arm closest to me behind us and locked it in tight with my elbow. One more arm to go. Her legs I contained by stepping over her with one leg and getting a kind of leg scissor on her thighs. She was almost helpless already…if I could hold her. A blade at her throat did the trick.

The ropes were all prepared so I strung her up. That proved to be somewhat  difficult with that one unsecured arm, but not impossible. My free strong arm proved a match for hers easily plus I had the knife. She was well tied up with only a minor cut down the side of one breast. Then we went from there to the main event. Eve was apoplectic seeing her new lover in that situation, strung up and at my mercy. Eve and I had already talked about how upset I was about their relationship. I was going to let Eve see me start fucking Gabriela and then blind fold her so she couldn’t see what was coming next. Eve would think it was all slap and tickle. What she wouldn’t see was the moans, groans and the flashing knife blade. The nasty words weren’t for the fun and games she thought but were in reality Gabriela being ravaged and tortured and used by me until she was no longer breathing. My knife and my dick would see to that. Afterwards Eve would think Gabriela was so pleasured by me and a man’s cock in general that she lost all interest in female sex. That was the story I told her after Gabriela was no longer around.

The first thing I did was to get into Gabriela’s cunt with a two fingers and work her into a little heat. She resisted for a good long time, trying to impress Eve no doubt. But pretty soon you could see she was starting to give in. Her cunt was dripping that wonderful female fluid down my arm by now. My fingers felt like I’d been holding them close to a candle for a few minutes, she was hot. She was hot in more ways than one. She still hadn’t gotten over the fact of her predicament and of course she was looking more beautiful as the flush of arousal came over her. She was still calling me rude names though. Nasty insulting ones only a woman can come up with and she was getting to me with references to my ancestry.

The first plunge of the knife was into her belly just above and to one side of her belly button. Angled down into the center of her pelvis. My knife is a fairly long affair, thin and straight, narrow. From one angle it looks like a tooth pick. That’s when Gabriel made the first of a long series of very strange noises. Those sounds, strung out over the course of the event will stay with me for quite a long while I’m sure.

Then I noticed, Ooops, I better change the placement of that first strike. It might be a little close to my cock when I’m giving it to her, really pounding it into her. So out it comes but only part way. Then I push it back in at a different angle, more to the side, away from my precious sausage. I may need that in later moments for lots of jobs around the house, if yah know what I mean. I heard from Gabriela again, in no uncertain terms about that new stab, how that second intrusion into her guts felt. What a gal, god she was graphic…. and pissed off. It must have been either in or really close to her sweet spot as she moaned as well as protested like it was some sort of bad thing I’d done to her by moving it. Then she got more thrusts from my engorged cock, in and out, trying not to cum too soon. I wanted to be sure she was getting off for her last few remaining hours alive….bitch…huh nuh huh.

It was a good handle but eventually the knife was getting in the way in her belly, so I pulled it out and looked for a different spot. A spot that would give me leverage when I needed it and give Gabriela a certain amount of pain but not kill her quickly. I wasn’t ready to give up the great motions she was giving me as I plunged in and out of her pussy. It was tight and it was juicy and oh so smooth, it was making me get really close to an orgasm, damn she felt super. So along with pulling out the knife I pulled out too, to cool off and have a beer. This is thirsty work. I gave Gabriela some of the hard stuff, strong, it would give her some relief from the pain. I hoped it would even reduce her anger level and possibly give her the ability to let go and get a little crazy as I’d heard she would do when celebrating after a victory in battle. That would be something to see, her tied up trying to celebrate me killing her. Wow….

So the knife, my slim beauty, went into her side between the short lower ribs, at an up angle. I wasn‘t worried about killing her just yet and it wouldn’t even if it took out a lobe of her lung, she had another. And I wanted to hear her moan and do some more of those fantastic writhing, twisting motions. She looked like Medusa’s sister doing that she was so flexible and supple. It makes me almost cum now thinking about it.

As I worked that knife into her side she did moan like she was already a ghost. She twisted and turned like a wisteria vine and man she looked great doing it. When the knife went in I could see her skin depress and then suddenly pop back up. It rebounded and looked like it reached up to engulf the blade to pull it into her. I felt the blade go through each layer of skin and tissue and grate against her ribs as it slid between them.

Her pussy undulated around me as she writhed feeling the knife going into her side. It was almost more than I could take. The sensation felt like it was going to pull me in even further than I could ram her myself…Oohh..unh. That felt so great I wanted to repeat it. After a few minutes I withdrew the knife I knew where to put it next, right through the center of Gabriela’s right breast, through the center of that nipple, that sensitive little mound of flesh with all the nerves and blood veins. That would get me a ride alright, like I never had before. Pulling out the blade was almost as much excitement as putting it in, only in reverse. The scraping bone, the tissue and the skin. The skin seemed to want to hold onto the blade as it came out. The skin seemed to continue to grasp it all the way until the tip finally came free. A tiny fountain of blood spurted up and fell back to trickle down Gabriela’s side following the faint groves made by her ribs and taut skin.

Now I placed the tip of the dagger on the very center of her right nipple and started to slowly press down and in as if I was holding onto a rope and pulling myself up a cliff. I looked into Gabriela’s eyes and saw her looking back at me and we shared an moment from two opposite ends of an emotion. As I pulled down and in on the dagger and it went deep into her breast the effort caused my abdominal muscles to contract causing my groin to thrust into her even further. I’d never felt such a Oh-un sensation before it was an excruciatingly intense Huu pleasurable sensation and caused me to Ahh to cum longer than I had Oh Ohh ever done before….OOOohhhh haa haa unnh ….

Gabriela should be dead by now but no, her body strength and stamina has kept her awake through out. I have been unable to penetrate her heart even with the normal sized dagger I have been using. Her chest muscles, though of normal size are too strong combined with the strength she has built up in her heart through her many battles to allow the dagger to cut through. The blade reaches the heart but just barely and these conditions keep the point of the blade from punching through. I’ll have to use the larger dagger that is kept over the door as a decoration and as an emergency weapon. It is quite a bit longer and larger and should easily go entirely through her heart and possibly through her chest as well. Gabriela has only been penetrated by my blade three times but all three are mortal wounds. She is an amazing creature, a strong beautiful amazing creature. I hated to do this to her but she has gone well past my tolerance level.

Another reason the smaller dagger could not penetrate far enough is the way she is tied and suspended. Not enough leverage could be maintained. This will put even the larger blade in a questionable situation, so I decide to lower Gabriela onto a bench. Still on her back I’ll be able to ram the blade straight down into her chest through her scapula and into and through her heart. I’ll also be able to have the best view of the spectacular arch I know she’ll make as it cuts right through her. I may even be able to be inside her when it happens. That would be heaven.

As I lower Gabriela down the bitch is still conscious enough to know something is changing and she looks around though she must be in a haze from the pain, the loss of blood and the strong drink I’ve been giving her. Her arms drape over the bench on either side and her legs are bent at the knees with her feet on the ground. I wonder if I should tie them together under the bench in case she decides she can still put up a fight, no I don’t think that is necessary. I get the large dagger down and bring it over to show her. “This is the end, my dear.” I can’t tell if that is relief, anger or resignation as she looks up at me. I’m sure it’s not fear.

I straddle the bench and see that the way into her cunt is still free, then prepare to finish her off. Raising the weapon high above us I look into her eyes one more time and the decent into oblivion begins. Gabriela is watching intently every motion I make and her eyes follow the point as it descends. There is sounds of flesh and bone being split. Gabriela makes another of her strange sounds and the blade forces it way entirely through her and into the bench, standing there like a war standard. Gabriela makes a spectacular back arch. This is the most awesome sight and one of the most sexy positions a woman can get into. In this case it is involuntary on Gabriela‘s part. A small river of blood drips down from the bench and I believe my job is done. 

Later I’ll wash things up and take her Gabriela out in the hunting area, set her up against a tree and push some arrows into her wounds and maybe shoot a couple more into her to make it look like the boys had mistaken her for a deer in the dark. Eve might make some noises but her credibility would be weak against the apparent evidence. No worries on my part.

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