BDSM Library - An Intimate Stranger

An Intimate Stranger

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: (An Unfulfilled Fantasy)

An Intimate Stranger (An Unfulfilled Fantasy)

I looked at my watch. Five to. Just 5 minutes to go, Jesus. My mouth had gone

bone dry, nerves perhaps, anticipation, who knows. To be honest I wasn't exactly

analysing this, my mind was on other matters. Like what I was going to do with

her. And what would I do if she hadn't followed my instructions? They had been

quite clear, but it was always possible she would miss something, or just bottle

out - and that wouldn't do. It just wouldn't do. To get this close to fulfilling

a fantasy that was almost impossible to arrange, and then be disappointed, was

not something that I really wanted to deal with.

We had met on line, and realised we shared similar sexual tastes. I had told her

some of the things I had been involved in, and vice versa, and then about 3 days

ago I said there was this was one thing I had always wanted to do, but never

thought it could happen. I wanted to have a total stranger, someone I had never

met, in my complete control. I hadn't even worked out all the details in my own

mind, preferring to let things take their course once we started, but to my

amazement she volunteered. Volunteered! Begged would be closer.

I re-read the last email I had sent her. Jesus I had to do something, the closer

the clock ticked towards 6, the longer the time seemed to stretch out in front

of me.

"Tomorrow, when you get up, you may have a shit and a piss, and have a shower.

But after that, you must not go to the toilet all day. I really don't care what

you wear, but it must be loose, and easy to remove. I want you to turn up at my

hotel room at 6 o'clock precisely. Every second late or early will merely result

in extra punishment for you, so it is in your interests to be on time. When I

say enter you must come in, and at that point put the blindfold on. You have a

broad idea of what will happen to you after that, and once you have entered the

room you have agreed to whatever happens next... The details are for me to know,

and you to suffer. Bye."

I couldn't believe she was going to turn up. And I couldn't believe I was going

to put this into action. Neither was I completely certain that I myself could go

through with it. Sure I had pretty much done, at one time or another, all the

things I was going to do, but that was with people I knew. I had never met this

person. I had never spoken to her. She didn't know what I looked like, and

probably never would - I had not quite made up my mind, even now, whether I

would make her watch me doing one particular thing.

I looked at the various things I had assembled, one last review, trying to kill

the last minute. The dog drinking bowl. The handcuffs, and the rope. The candle.

I smiled at the candle. A nice normal candle, about 18 inches long, but quite

thick, thicker than my cock, but that kinda size. And broken in 2 places. But

more of that later. Oh and yes - the belt, the trusty leather belt. I looked up

at the hook on the wall that I had fixed in earlier... yes that was in the right

position. RAT-A-TAT-TAT. Oh my God, I thought, she's here.

"Hello!" I called out. "Who is it?"

"It's me," came back her soft voice. She sounded nervous too.

"Hold on," I said, and made for the bathroom, closing the door behind me. "Come


She came into the room.

"Put the blindfold on."

"I have, it is on now."

I came out of the bathroom, and looked at her, sizing her up. The picture she

had emailed was nice, but now finally seeing her here... My nerves went away, my

cock stood to attention, as I realised what a horny looking woman she was. She

had dressed smartly, like a professional business woman, skirt to the knee,

tights or stockings, high heels, and a blouse, very lady-like.

"Strip!" I ordered.

She undressed, as I feasted my eyes on her - it turned out to be stockings - and

then stood there, naked, vulnerable, as you would expect in front of a man she

had never met or seen, and couldn't see. Probably wondering if I approved. I

did, but I wasn't going to tell her that.

I walked over to her, and gently ran my finger around the cup of her breast,

saying, in a very low gentle voice, "What soft skin you have, so tender."

She smiled, and then I barked, "Bend over and touch your toes, get your fucking

arse in the air!"

Jesus, the menace in my voice scared me!

She bent over immediately. I ran my fingers along the crack in her buttocks, and

then pried her buttocks apart to examine her arse hole. She had showered, but

not thoroughly enough. I said nothing, but moved round so that I was in front of

her. I grabbed hold of her hair, and forced her head up.

"How dare you turn up here with a dirty arse?" I snarled at her. "Don't move."

I went and fetched a face cloth from the bathroom, and when I got back, handed

it to her - "Here, wash your arse clean with this."

When she had finished to my satisfaction, I told her to stand up straight, legs

apart. I knelt down between her legs, and examined her cunt, which was quite

hairy. 'I wish I'd brought a razor, she could do with a shave,' I thought. Her

cunt was already damp. I pushed my hand against her bladder, and she gave out a

soft moan.

"What are you moaning about?" I demanded.

"Please," she whimpered, "I am full to burst, I haven't been to the toilet all


"Please sir, I haven't been to the toilet all day," I mimicked, in a sneer. And

then, in another menacing tone, said, "Pissing. With me you say pissing. Now

what did you say?"

"Please, I need to piss."

"Not until I say so," I said, as I forced her arms behind her back, and slipped

on the handcuffs.

I ordered her to lie on her back on the bed, and then to raise her knees as near

to her tits as she could. I tied them with rope and attached the rope to the

hook on the ceiling, leaving her legs almost horizontal over her body, stretched

wide apart so that her arse hole and cunt were on full view and accessible to

the sharp sting of my shoe, if I so pleased, or belt if accuracy was less of an

issue. I forced the candle up her arse, and this is where the full beauty of a

broken candle is realised. It stuck out of her arse a few inches, but where the

first break was meant I could double its angle back, and let it brush against

her cunt, and dangle a few inches above her tits. The tip of the candle was

broken so that the wick was pointing downwards. I lit the candle, and left the

room, leaving her to wonder if I would be back in time.

I had to go for a walk to calm down. I needed some air, but I didn't want to

miss too much of what was going on. After about 10 minutes, I went back to the

room. She was crying pleading with me to put the candle out, petrified I was

going to let the flame reach her cunt. I certainly did not want to hurt her like

that, it was the breaking of her that was important, giving her pain, but not

that level of pain. I blew the candle out, and then kissed her gently on the


"I am going to let you piss in a minute," I said.

I removed the candle from her arse hole, and untied her, except for the

handcuffs. I helped her to her feet, and then had her stand with her legs

slightly apart. I got the dogs drinking bowl, placing it on the floor between

her feet.

"You can piss now," I said.

She pissed into the bowl.

I had had a hard on for hours now, and I needed to relieve the aching in my

cock. It was time to start to bring this to a close. I ordered her to her knees,

helping her so that she didn't fall. I told her to spread her legs, and then got

my belt.

"I have a leather belt in my hand, and I recommend you do exactly as I request,"

I informed her, in a voice so indifferent I could have been telling someone the

best bus to take into town. "In front of you is a bowl, full of your piss. Drink


She moaned, "No, please no!"

"Drink it!" I shouted, as I whacked her bare buttocks with the belt.

She shook her head, so I placed my foot on her neck and forced her head down,

giving her buttocks another whack with the belt, noting with satisfaction that

the tip of the belt had caught her cunt. She started drinking, crying.

"Stop crying," I said, "or you will get more of the same, now lap up your piss."

When I saw that she was complying, I removed my trousers, and forced my cock

into her arse, pushing back and forward. Jesus, her hole was tight. I can only

have been fucking her for a minute when I started to orgasm. Immediately I


Decision time - was I going to let her see me or not? I decided that she was now

broken, compliant, and that my mere presence was likely to be enough to keep her

in control. So, I dressed, and then rolled her on her back. I whispered to her

that I was going to remove the handcuffs, and that she must place her arms by

her side, and that I would remove the blindfold, but she should not open her

eyes until I said so. I asked her if she understood, and she nodded, and I

therefore removed the cuffs, and blindfolds. I also dimmed the lights, so that

her eyes could adjust better. I then stood over her lying on the floor, and

removed my now relaxed cock from my trousers. God I needed a piss.

"You can open your eyes," I said.

I started pissing over her body, over her cunt, her belly, and her tits, and

then noticed she had opened her mouth - what more invitation did I need? I

finished off pissing, and turned to go. Just before I left the room she called

my name, my screen name, the only name she had for me. I turned, and she smiled

at me and said thank you.

"Goodbye" I said, and left.

The End.

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