BDSM Library - Toys...


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Synopsis: Kymber violates the \'no cumming without permission\' rule laid out by Michael. The consequences are humiliating and exacting.

Toys by Nikita © 2005

Of all the beautiful, women that walked into that gin joint, he had to fall for her.  Michael owned gin joints, clubs, some good, some bad, some real bad.  She was in the good one going bad, and not alone, either.  Michael found her educated, down to earth, and a wildcat in bed.  She had a set of balls on her that most men would kill for . He loved the wildcat part.  Trying to tame her was a pleasure.  Kymber was an interesting bundle of contradictions.  A defiant streak contrasted against the aura of a little girl lost.  Either way, she was like a present wrapped in layers of ribbons and tissue.

Michael relished putting Kymber through a series of choreographed games that were designed for her to fail and she thoroughly enjoyed the thrashings.   As expected, she tested the boundary and he quickly showed Kymber the door.  It was his way or the highway.   She promised to be good, but that was not enough.  So, he made her do what she didn't want to do.  Kymber was an untapped high voltage sex toy with all the bells and whistles.  The most obvious issue was controlling her climax until he gave her permission.  He could tell from her placid face and calm demeanor she was cheating.


"Go get your toys."  he said sternly.

"Bu...but...why...?"  she blithered.

"You know why."

"How do you know?" she challenged.

"I know." he said.

"But I gave you my word."  she whined, stamping her foot.

"Go and get them or don't come back." and he pointed to the door.

"Oh, alright." she said like a teenager being made to pick up her room.

Carrying a loaded gym bag, she returned with all her toys.   I Can't Get No Satisfaction was playing in the background as Michael dumped the contents on the floor.  She hung her head in shame .

"Strip Kymber."

She practically skipped as she happily removed her clothing.  Her body was already beginning to betray her.

"Name them and describe their features, don't skip a single detail."

Michael cocked his head in her direction to show that he was listening.  With eyes twinkling, he looked forward to her descent into deep frustration.

She sat cross legged, as if she was sharing her toys with a friend. Kymber laid them out in order, favorite to least favorite.  She stumbled through with great difficulty as she described them.

"What do you use this for?" he questioned, as he pointed to a jiggley double dildo.

Kymber didn't answer.  She was watching him pull out rope.  His eyes narrowed when he realized she was squirming.  Kymber's pussy was flowing like a faucet.  She caught a glance of him out of the corner of her eye and stopped the squirming.

"I can't hear you," he said as he put out a little bottle of rosemary oil, lubricant, and an ice pack.

Kymber's eyes clouded at the prospect of a nasty admission.  The toy she used with Cindy was almost destroyed.

"Mm, uh," she stalled.  He tapped his foot impatiently.  "Cindy brought it home one night.  We were bored...and," she couldn't look him in the eye.

He knew what they did with it.

"And..." he waited, as he enjoyed the vision of her brain working overtime.

"She'd stick one end in her and the other end in me." she said, running the words together so he wouldn't understand them.

"And who enjoyed it the most?"

"She did." Kymber lied.

Using his long, strong arms, Michael ensnared the little gamine easily and attempted to tie her to the chair.  The wildcat struggled, just enough to make him curse.  Once he fastened her collar and cuffs, she was under his control.  The bound woman was rendered powerless, physically and mentally, but with just enough spirit to continue to piss him off.

Michael laid her face up on the oversized coffee table and tied her ankles to her thighs, leaving her painfully exposed.  She looked like a trussed up turkey ready for stuffing.  Her face was a picture of a cat being held against its will, her lips peeled back from her teeth, fangs glistening.  An evil laugh erupted from him as he secured the flailing wrists to her torso with a wide leather belt.

Picking up the long handled vibrator with a hefty head that said Hitachi, he shook his head solemnly.

"And whose is this?"

"Cindy's." she said peeking up at him through her thick eyelashes.

Michael knew that all the rest of the toys would be Cindy's.

"What does she do with it?" he asked, putting his hand over his mouth to stifle a laugh.

"She plugs it into a socket," she yielded, "it makes a LOT of noise."

"I bet."

"The big head vibrates my pussy until I pop." confessed Kymber, miserable at this personal revelation.

"Okay, let's see how it works."

The wand drummed in Michael's hand and he watched her face.  He enjoyed watching her expressions as she suffered his attentions.  Offering the wand in one hand and her favorite riding crop in the other, he started a favorite game.


She knew if she chose one, he'd use the other.  They'd played this game a number of times and he was pretty predictable.  But THAT was what Michael wanted to shatter, her belief in his predictability.

"The wand." she said meekly.

"We aim to please!"  he cracked.

Michael applied rosemary oil on the head of the wand.  Kymber had never suffered the discomforting sting of rosemary oil on her tender bud.  Rosemary oil took a few minutes to take effect.  With the delicacy of a surgeon, he spread her labia and gently blew warm moist air on it.  Looking up to see her closed eyes and cat-like smile, he flicked all around the labia, alternating with the clit using his long, pointy tongue.  He wanted her totally relaxed and into the stroking.  Her pussy reddened with the increased attention.  With the expertise of a sadist, he applied the wand directly on the stubby nub which she acknowledged with an ear piercing scream of pain.  The reverberating effects of the wand sluiced streams of electrical charges through her body.

He cooed at her, removing the wand to watch her face as the rosemary oil took effect on her tender skin.  Tears of pain flowed like a fountain over her now distorted face.  Her body was flushed as she convulsed for several minutes.  Her cries turned to whimpers and she melted his heart.  Perhaps he had been a little harsh with her.  He had readied an ice pack to apply to her burning hole.  The icy shock against her tender organ sent Kymber into a series of paroxysms that ended in mewls.  He let her rest with the ice pack firmly ensconced between her legs until her breathing returned to normal.

"Let's try this little fellow," he said, wiggling the dildo menacingly.

As he slicked it up with rosemary oil, she moaned at the anticipated burning.  He slid the dildo in pussy easily, as she rolled her hips to move away from the fire.

"Does it feel the same as the real thing?" he asked rhetorically.

Kymber's eyes squeezed shut as the sting spread inside her vagina.  Michael pulled her bubble butt to the edge of the coffee table.  Cold, viscous lubricant cloaked his cock.

Michael moved his steely rod against her asshole.  Kymber wasn't quite ready for him and he'd been looking for that moment.  He wanted to see her face as she yielded to him.  Slowly, he pushed the head inside her sphincter and paused until both rings gave way, one after the other.  Her face turned in a concentrated effort and her back arched as she opened to him, forgetting everything except the natural inclination to be frightened of her Achilles heel, letting loose.

He saw the beads of sweat between her breasts and a mist on the upper lip.

"Face me. I want to see your eyes. Now." he said as he loomed over her.

Drowning in the sea of green eyes, he pushed in an inch at a time with practiced self control.  It hurt a little on every thrust and she sucked air at the shock of penetration.  She hoped it would always be that way and she pushed back against him.  As he moved deeper, her eyes looked through him, thoroughly ensconced in the feeling of his hard length sliding in. 

"Please." she whimpered, as he removed the interfering dildo and threw it aside.

Michael strummed the apex of her mons, stopped at every third stroke, then began again.  Her eyes fixed on his with intensity, visibly begging for release.  Gently twisting her nipples, he started her ascent.

"Don't break contact with my eyes." he panted.

She knew he would stop.  The very thought briefly struck a masochistic chord.  She hissed at the transition between pain and building ecstasy.  Michael reveled in the sensation of firm resistance against his pole as he continued to plow her dark furrow.

"I need it to end...please" she begged with tears in her eyes.

Controlling his own ascent, Michael pounded mercilessly, until she was lifted off the table.  He grabbed her hips to steady the his target.  Fireworks couldn't do justice to the feeling that emanated deep in his groin.  He reached the vortex of his being and plunged relentlessly.  He looked down at the weeping Kymber and nodded his head.  Her piercing scream sounded like a wounded animal and brought him quickly to the present.  He gently rocked her as she rode the waves.

It was just a matter of will, his will.  She learned to submerge herself to it and he spoiled her just a little, to keep her wanting more.  And she wanted a more, a lot more.

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