BDSM Library - The Party Is Over

The Party Is Over

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: A short walk through the park after a party turns out not to have been such a wise choice ... or was it !

The party was over, it was 2:30am and there were comatose bodies littering the lounge and hallway. Clambering over the burnt out party goers I made my way upstairs to collect my coat and bag from the master bedroom where they had all been dumped 5hrs earlier. As I turned onto the landing at the top of the stairs Derek sat with his back against the wall while some fresh faced red-head sucked on his dick for all she was worth.

"Damn Derek! does that thing never go soft" I said smiling

He grinned inanely and winked at me. I knew I wasn't the only one who still had some of his seed running down their legs, I had seen Sarah earlier with Derek up to the hilt in her ass and I knew Mandy had made it clear he wasn't leaving the party without doing her ; I guess the guy is popular but then again if you have a nine inch dick its hardly surprising you are going to be in demand.

Opening the bedroom door my senses were assaulted but the heavy aroma and the primal calls of rutting humans, clicking on the light I was not surprised to be confronted with a tangle of disjointed limbs and sweaty flesh writhing around on the king-size bed. For a moment and purely out of curiosity I tried to figure out who was getting what done to them and by whom, I quickly abandoned the idea when I realised I had counted more sets of genitalia than there were people in the room. My problem was that somewhere under this mess was my coat, as I approached the swarming mass a hand shot out from the side and straight up my skirt. Trying hard to ignore the three fingers that were now embedded up to the knuckle in my dripping pussy I heaved and pushed at the mound of body parts, I would have had more success eating custard with a fork. A change of tack was warranted so I decided to grab any fragment of any garment that revealed itself and pull. I ended up with a leather three quarter length gents jacket which I reckoned would do the job, as I slipped the jacket on, the fingers were now pistoning in and out of my pussy at an ever increasing pace. Although I was dog tired and I did have work in the morning the stimulation was having the desired effect and my already soaking pussy was beginning to react. Without prior warning the fingers suddenly disappeared leaving me surprisingly frustrated given that only moments before I had been considering disengaging from this particular encounter in favour of some sleep. As I looked down searching for some justification for this sudden denial of the promised pleasure a female head hatched out from the side of the steaming mass and hung over the edge of the bed. Judging by the smile on the upside down face I reckoned this was the owner of the fingers. Her sparkling eyes were focused up under my skirt and her tongue was now waving in the air at full stretch, realising that my pleasure had not been denied but rather postponed for repositioning; I slowly lowered my soaking pussy into her face. The face sucked, nibbled, licked and chewed at my pussy greedily, I tilted my pelvis forward slightly and ground my now aching clitty hard into her face, her lips locked around my button a sucked hard while her tongue continued to roll lightly over and over the very tip. The heat of an orgasm was starting to spread form the very centre of my being and out towards the extremities, just as it occurred to me that, should the heat reach my knees I doubted I would be able to support my self any longer, the head disappeared as quickly as the fingers had. I stood there expectantly, legs apart and knees bent staring at the vacant space, moments passed, this repositioning was taking too long. I lifted my eyes towards the seething pile and realised that the beast had completely changed shape and that the face had been swept away with the momentum of the swarm. In a prepubescent temper I stood straight up and stamped one foot hard on the floor .


Turning on my heels I headed for the door in a seething temper, I switched off the light and slammed the door behind me.

"Somebody isn't very happy"

"Fuck off Derek"

Hands on hips, I stood for a moment glowering at Derek. The bimbo still had her face buried in his crutch and appeared oblivious to her surroundings.

"Hey you OK babe" he asked with genuine concern

"I am now" I said with a grin

With that I walked over to Derek and straddled his body with my back towards him, I lent down and grabbed a fistful of re-heads hair and lifted her mouth off of Derek's prick and promptly squatted down onto it – in a single movement he was balls deep in my dripping pussy. Red-head attempted some sort of protest, more from surprise than any real objection, however after a moment or two of adjusting to the situation she complied when I pushed her face into my pussy. Still gripping a handful of her hair I began fucking her face as she licked and sucked at my pussy. Bouncing up and down on Derek's dick I ground my clitty at her with every up stroke – after only a minute or two I knew I was going to make it over the abyss and wallow in the warm gooey pleasures of orgasm. After another few minutes I raised myself up to the point where Derek's prick was only just inside me and stayed there, with both hands I gripped red-heads hair and guided all her attentions on my clitty.

"Come on Derek ! fuck the shit out of me you useless bastard"

He didn't need telling twice and started thrusting up at my pussy with all he had. Redhead was now sucking a steady stream as Derek pounded my pussy – neither of us was going to be able to sustain this for long. I was close – real close – my pussy and ass spasmed, my legs and arms tingled and guttural noises emanated from my throat involuntarily. Somewhere in the distance I heard Derek roar his allegiance to the gods of orgasm as my own ripped through me like a bolt of lightening. I could feel Derek emptying his balls deep inside me as I continued to fuck red-heads face violently. After several minutes I began to resurface from oblivion and released my grip on red-head

"Bitch – that hurt- you pulled out half my bloody hair" she spat

Without consideration I grasped a handful of her now depleted locks, pulled her head back and slapped her hard on the check

"Shut the fuck up and clean him up " I demanded pointing to Derek's softening prick which was trying to release itself from my grasping pussy. With that I stood up slowly but not before thrusting my ass and pussy back at Derek, leaving him with a glaze of juices covering his face. Heading downstairs I looked back to see red-head's face back in Derek's crutch and Derek smiling and winking down at me, I smiled back and waved goodnight.

Carefully navigating the prostrate bodies I made my way to the front door and headed out into the cold November air. The crisp night air turned my breath into candy floss and the stars shown as bright as I had ever seen them and the deathly hush of the normally bustling city was welcome. The short walk through the park to my apartment would not be unpleasant I thought to myself. Approaching the park gates I hesitated a moment considering the possible dangers of being in the park at 3:00am alone. Concluding that the risk was minimal given that I would be in the park no longer than 5 mins and the alternative perimeter route would take around half an hour I pressed on, though slightly wary. As the light from the street receded and the darkness of the park enveloped me, my anxiety levels began to rise. While the full moon cast down an eerie blanket of mercury over the open ground, the wooded areas remained pitch black. Following the path that weaved through the trees I began to run over the events of the evening, hoping this would settle my now jumpy nerves. I had known Mandy through primary school, secondary school and then trough University and now at thirty we remained close friends. I had organised a thirtieth birthday party, inviting just about everyone we had ever known – as it turned out more than half of the seventy odd people who did turn up were from our days at Uni. Looking back over the evening its little surprise it turned into an out and out free for all – most of them were desperately trying to recapture those heady bygone days of carefree debauchery. I couldn't help smiling at the thought of tomorrow morning when the mists cleared and the air was filled with self castigation and remorse as they trundled back home to their various partners and spouses.

In an instant the smile was wrenched from my face to be replaced by a frown and a dramatically increased heart rate, my peripheral vision had caught movement some distance away on the open ground to my left. I froze and stared intently at the spot for further information. The silence was deafening as I tried to listen through the thunder of blood rushing around my brain. Nothing. No noise , No movement and No deranged psychopath running towards me. After a few moments I moved on quickening my pace. Turning a corner I quickly checked over my shoulder for anything or anyone now in pursuit, satisfied that all was well for the moment, I turned around and looked along the straight stretch of path laid out before me, for no discernable reason I once again froze and my pulse raced. Up ahead the path was fully enclosed by the overhang of the trees on either side, I stood listening and staring into the menacing inky blackness. From an otherwise still evening a gentle breeze suddenly welled up and rustled the overhanging branches, the disturbance was such that the bright moonlight was momentarily able to penetrate down on to the path ahead – I gasped as two sets of silver eyes light up in the darkness under the trees.

"Who's there !" I shouted into the darkness.

"I'm calling the police!" I called as I fumbled around in my coat pockets for my mobile.

The realisation that I wasn't wearing my coat was as effective as a Mike Tyson jab. My chest tightened and my pulse quickened even further as fear began to take its grip. The instinctive decision for flight or fight had not yet fully manifested itself and I stood there motionless waiting for my subconscious to catch up with the situation and make the choice. Just then I became aware of movement towards me, but rather than be alarmed I was somewhat calmed by the familiarity of the sound. From the darkness ahead beautiful golden lab emerged into the bright moonlight not three feet in front of me.

"Hello there !" I said crouching down to her level.

Immediately she rushed forward to accept whatever affection I was offering. Her tail wagged incessantly as she licked my face and hands, rolling over onto her back she allowed me access to her most vulnerable areas and encouraged me to scratch her tummy.

"You are beautiful – aren't you "

"Sorry if I frightened you " I called into the darkness assuming her owner was the other pair of eyes I had seen.

"Foolishly allowed myself to get spooked " I laughed

With my pulse now below 200bpm and my limbs back under control I was feeling somewhat embarrassed at my reaction to the situation. Movement ahead alerted me to the owners imminent arrival and still crouching and stroking the lab I offered an introduction

"Sorry again ! – But I was just on my way home……."

Looking up in the expectation of greeting this beautiful dogs owner, I was instantly petrified , I had come face to face with a huge 100 pound snarling, teeth bearing Doberman type beast staring me right in the eye from no more than 6 inches away. For a moment I held his gaze as my mind went completely blank. A curled lip and a long low growled signalled his disapproval at my gaze and I instantly lowered my eyes to the ground. The growling stopped as he started to walk around me as if inspecting the evenings catch before devouring it. Two short sharp barks into the night seemed to be the signal that all was clear as several other animals stepped out of the darkness and into the moonlight. The other dogs were of various sizes and species but he was undoubtedly the boss. As he oversaw the scene one of the dogs approached me and started sniffing and investigating, I fended him off with a swipe as he approached my face, instantly he stepped forward and gripped the back of my neck in his monstrous jaws, exerting only enough pressure to immobilise me without damage, I soon got the message that any attempt to defend myself would be futile. A few moments later he stepped back and sensing my obedience the other dogs all stepped forward and sniffed and licked and explored at will. This group activity seemed to excite the dogs as their antics became more and more animated, minor scuffles broke out as they jockeyed for position in places which seemed interesting. Still crouching, the lab had disappeared and I was surrounded by male dogs, one in particular was taking an interest in my crutch. Suddenly two of the larger dogs began growling and snarling and a tug of war contest broke out over my coat tail which was laid out on the ground behind me, seconds later the still night air was filled with the unmistakeable sound of the coat ripping up the seem from hem to collar, the dogs continued to pull on the ends. Slowly I slipped my arms out of the coat and they dragged each other off into the dark at either end of the now ruined coat. Behind me one of them jumped up and placed one paw on each shoulder and began snuffling at my hair and neck, his hot rancid breath tumbled over my shoulders and assaulted my senses, a second dog decided that there must be something of interest up there and tried to jump up beside the first, their combined weight was sufficient to cause me to fall forward onto my hands and knees. In an instant several of them were investigating the newly exposed areas, in this position my tiny skirt offered no protection to my naked ass and pussy. My stomach knotted in disgust at the first contact of the rough dog tongue on my pussy lips, I glanced to my left looking for him – a threatening growl once again warned me not to resist. There were now several tongues lapping licking and probing my pussy and ass, scuffles and squabbles were beginning to become heated as the dogs grew more and more excited. Lowering my head I was able to watch the frenzy through my legs, I was amazed to see most of them were now sporting bright red erections, until that point my only concern had been to get out of here alive and not to be mauled, now my thoughts turned in a very different direction. Just as I was contemplating the fate that was about to befall me, one of the dogs jumped up and gripped me around the waist with his front paws, I could feel his hard slimy dick banging at the entrance to my pussy and ass as he thrust at me like a jack hammer. A deafeningly loud bark cracked the crisp night air as he stepped forward, the dog attempting to mount me whined and reluctantly jumped down, the others took several paces back as he approached. After circling me several times he stood directly in front of me and growled down at me as if claiming me as his bitch. Unsure as to whether or not my gaze would be tolerated I slowly raised my eyes towards him, In this position his head towered over me and the first thing that caught my attention was his enormous angry dick which hung below him steadily dripping clear fluid onto the ground. The growl started up again and I immediately lowered my eyes. A few moments later he walked around behind me and lapped at my pussy a few times, then slowly and very deliberately he jumped up and grasped my waist tightly with his fore paws and in a single movement his dick was deep inside me. As if to further stamp his authority and dominance on the situation he remained still, lifted his head and howled, the other dogs began barking and running around in a frenzy acknowledging his position.

Strangely I no longer felt the fear nor the trepidation I had suffered earlier and for some reason I now knew I was in no danger. The feelings of disgust had also subsided, even although I was in a public park with an animal dick buried in my pussy, my body was definitely beginning to respond sexually. Finished howling he lay down along my back and started gnawing on my right shoulder, I could now feel the full weight of this huge beast on my back. As he began thrusting into me I was taken with how hot his dick felt and how full I was now feeling, his pace quickened and his thrusting became more vigorous, I now knew for sure that I was heading for an orgasm. My pussy muscles involuntarily tried to grip the invading monster and keep him inside me and my clitty jumped and spasmed as the rough hairs around his dick brushed against it, I closed my eyes and allowed myself just to flow with the events. After several minutes he began whining and growling, the huge knot at the base of his dick had been banging at my pussy lips splaying them wide with very thrust but now he was intent on embedding it deep inside me. On the third attempt to ram it home, my pussy gave way and a ball of throbbing flesh at least eight inches in diameter forced its way up inside me, my pussy closed in behind it and swallowed it whole. As he howled into the night sky he emptied his seed into me and wave after wave of my own orgasm flowed over me, I screamed and screamed and beat the ground with clenched fists – hoping this would never end but not sure whether or not I could survive so much pleasure.- I have no idea how long this continued but whether through exhaustion or sheer pleasure I passed out. When I came to I lifted my head to look around and realised the dogs had gone – putting my hands down and raising myself back up onto all fours I glanced down between my legs to see a steady stream of dog cum dripping from my pussy and puddling on the ground.

"Quite a show!"

The husky voice startled and panicked me, I looked over my shoulder to see the smiling face of a man in his mid thirties wearing a long Barbour overcoat and carrying a hiking stick.

"Lucky I had my camera." He smiled holding up a video camera.

"It's Susan isn't it?"

I nodded

"Cant imagine you would want this public Susan – would you?"

I shook my head

"Well I reckon you had just better get you cum fill pussy over here and do something about this hardon you've given me or I may just have to release this video to some of your friends"

For a moment we looked at each other as I considered my position.

"After – do I get the tape ?"

"Oh No Susan – but I do promise not to release it to anyone else. But I will give you my address and you can come and watch it anytime you like"

His chuckling made it clear that I was not going to get the tape – ever. I had to decide – I had never seen this guy before but given he knew my name I had to assume he knew either me or one of my friends – so if I refuse the tape WILL be seen – I just knew he would do it.

As I went to stand he barked

"Crawl bitch!"

This was an unexpected turn in the proceedings and for a moment I hesitated.

"OK Your choice – good night" he said as he turned to walk away.

" No Wait…..wait….OK I'll do it !"

As I crawled towards him he unzipped his trousers and pulled out his hardon.

"Good little bitch – Now you just suck this little beauty off and we can all go home happy"

With that he took a step forward and thrust the head into my mouth, without thinking about it I cupped his balls in one hand and grabbed the shaft with the other. Sucking furiously on the end I started to pump the shaft up and down, after a few minutes I felt him grab two handfuls of my hair and begin thrusting his cock deeper into my mouth. Shallow gasping breaths and whining noises signalled his imminent orgasm as he thrust forward and held my head as far down on him as was possible. Squeezing his balls to bring this to an end tipped him over the edge and his cock rippled and spasmed as the spunk rushed up the shaft. Several dollops shot straight down my throat, then as his orgasm began to subside my mouth was slowly filled by the remenats oozing from the end of his cock. He held my head there until he had recovered and eventually released me,

"You are a good little bitch" as he patted me on the head

"I think we will see you here tomorrow night around the same time – OK?"

"WE ?"

With that he took something from his pocket and put it to his mouth and blew. Seconds later as if by magic I was once again surrounded by dogs as at least a dozen emerged from the darkness. I looked up to see the man smiling at me and he was sitting by his side.

"Till tomorrow !"

Again he blew the silent dog whistle and all of them disappeared into the darkness. As I kneeled there stunned and confused I already knew I would be here tomorrow night.

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