BDSM Library - Slave To Corsairs

Slave To Corsairs

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: The Townlys, a wealthy merchant family of the Victorian age, are attacked and taken by corsairs on a voyage to India. The two sisters and brother along with other Englishwomen are forced to join a harem. After many adventures, they finally return to England. Basically a romance novel with a BDSM theme.
Please take note! Adults Only Literature

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is purely coincidental, etc.

Copyright 2003


Slave To Corsairs

Chapter 01 - The Attack Begins

  "Sail ho," shouted the lookout from high above the topgallants interrupting
Miss Ludivine Townly's thoughts about the lurid scene she had secretly witnessed
last night. Ludivine was standing by the rail on the captain's deck of the
merchant ship as it gracefully tacked upwind entering the Mozambique Strait. Her
father and uncle's trading company owned the Bombay Enterprise, one of the
newest, fastest, and largest commercial ships in the world.

  At the moment, Ludivine's thoughts were far from the maritime empire that her
family had built. She hadn't slept an instant since she had clandestinely
observed her sister Elena and Sir Charles Danby engaged in illicit sexual
intercourse. Ludivine had observed sexual acts whose wantonness had left her
deeply shocked. Although Ludivine loved her sister, she now felt a deep anger at
the risk Elena was taking with the family's reputation and position in society.
She also felt a palpable disgust with her younger sister's behavior.

  How could Elena disgrace the family that way thought Ludivine? And with him of
all people, a man of questionable character and no breeding whose sole interest
was the Townly fortune. Everyone knew that Sir Charles was literally from the
gutter and had purchased his peerage. If it becomes common knowledge that Sir
Charles enjoyed Elena's favors, there'd be no place in decent society for the
Townlys. We'll be outcasts and no man from a respectable family will want to be
associated in marriage with Elena or myself. Even our brother would be prevented
from making a suitable marriage.

  Still after two months at sea with another two weeks to go before they reached
Bombay, the appearance of another ship was sufficient to distract Ludivine. The
extreme tedium of a London to Bombay voyage caused even the most mundane
unscheduled event to take on great importance. Ludivine momentarily dropped the
issue of her younger sister's fornication and searched the horizon.

  "Where away?' shouted Captain Travers from his usual post near the great wheel
that steered the massive ship.

  "Ten degrees leeward," shouted the unknown lookout.

  Ludivine's eighteen-year-old eyes scanned the ocean straining to detect even
the slightest point of white.

  "What is it, father," said Ludivine realizing that her father, Sir Robert
Townly, had appeared at her side with his spyglass.

  "Corsairs, possibly, the Mozambique Strait is crawling with them; but nothing
for us to worry about. They won't face the Enterprise's sixteen pounders.
They'll be looking for easier prey," said Sir Robert. Sir Robert made a note to
himself to call on the Admiralty as soon as he returned to London and bring the
need to clean out these pirates to their attention. Still Sir Robert was not
unduly concerned.  For a merchant ship, the Bombay Enterprise was well armed
with twelve guns on each side and four large caliber divot guns fore and aft.

  Ludivine smiled at her father's deeply lined face. Where her mother's favorite
was her sister Elena, there was no question that Sir Robert preferred the
company of his elder daughter. But Elena and her brother Oliver, at fourteen,
youngest of the three Townly children, were constantly in their mother's
company. The result was a sibling rivalry that had begun to get out of control.

  If I were to tell about last night, would Mother believe me or would she
accept Elena's denial wondered Ludivine. I have no proof. Given that what I
witnessed was so horrible, so lewd and so at odds with decent behavior, it would
be difficult to believe that any sixteen-year-old girl from a respectable family
would participate in that sort of sexually depraved activities. It would only be
my word against Elena's. Mother and Oliver would side with her. How could Elena
do such a thing, and so willingly, like a Dockside slut or one of the women who
worked in the taverns in Cheapside and sold their bodies for pennies or a glass
of gin? It would be different if that cad, Sir Charles, had forced her. But
Elena had been so willing and eager to do Sir Charles bidding.

  Still, Ludivine did feel an obligation to her family, especially her father
since Sir Charles Danby was someone with whom he often had business dealings. It
was Ludivine's duty to inform Sir Robert of Sir Charles deeply flawed character
even if it meant ruining her own sister's reputation. Ludivine also had to
consider that if her father ever found out that Ludivine had prior knowledge of
what occurred but failed to speak up, would he ever forgive her, should he? It
was a question of duty to one's family that carried the day in Ludivine's
troubled mind.

  "Father, I have something of great import to discuss with you," said Ludivine
making up her mind to inform her father regardless of consequences.

  "It appears the pirates of Madagascar plan to have a go at the Bombay
Enterprise," said Sir Charles Danby who had quietly come up behind the two of
them. He brought up his own spyglass to search in the same direction.

  Sir Charles like most men of the day wore a full beard. His was all black and
dark curls. Ludivine suspected it hid a weak chin or some other sign of a
defective character. Sir Charles was in his thirties. Ludivine was forced to
admit that Sir Charles was handsome and cut a good figure in his carefully
tailored clothes. Like her father, he was a successful London trader although
not on the grand scale of the Townlys. The cause of Ludivine's intense dislike
of Sir Charles had until last night been something of a mystery even to her.

   I disliked him the moment I met him was all Ludivine could say when her
father informed her of Sir Charles' offer of marriage. She had quickly refused
to even consider his proposal. Before last night, I despised Sir Charles for no
reason I could state but now I have my reasons. He is a cad, a seducer of young
women. I was right to turn him down so coldly. Why did he choose to sail on the
Bombay Enterprise with us? Did he know that Elena was a wanton and that he could
take advantage of her?

  "Two of them, no three, they may be local traders," said Sir Charles. "Three
ships of Corsairs could be difficult to manage."

  "Now I make out four sets of sails. Nevertheless, they won't come near the
Enterprise," said Sir Robert. "We can out run them if nothing else."

  Ludivine knew that her father was inordinately proud of the Bombay Enterprise.
He had personally supervised its construction in the shipyards of London. It was
now on its maiden voyage having left London two months prior. The Bombay
Enterprise was classified an East Indiaman, a type of heavily armed merchant
ship that sailed the dangerous waters between England and India. Sir Robert
spoke with the confidence of an experienced and successful trader whose business
acumen had made him one of England's wealthiest men. Townly Mercantile Partners,
founded by Sir Robert and his brother Paul, almost thirty years ago, was the
largest of the trading companies that had sprung up after the end of the
Napoleonic Wars. By 1845, its eighty-three ships were engaged in a highly
profitable trade between England and its colonies. Sir Robert's other
investments in land and finance had also turned out well. No. 10 Downing Street
sought his opinion on matters of trade and industry. At the moment, he was on a
special mission for the Crown concerning a matter most important to her
majesty's colony, India.

  "Good morning, Miss Townly," said Sir Charles. "I trust you slept well."

  "Good morning, Sir Charles," replied Ludivine. "Tolerably well, given the
amount of noise."

  Only a flicker of Sir Robert's eye indicated that her remark had a shared
hidden meaning.

  Strange that I should loathe the only man who ever asked for my hand in
marriage thought Ludivine recalling the past London social season that had been
disastrous for her hopes of acquiring a high born husband from the aristocracy.
Only Sir Charles showed an interest. Sir Charles had spoken directly to her
father about their marriage not even bothering to determine whether Ludivine
found him acceptable which she decidedly did not.

  Her mother's ambitious plan that Ludivine would capture the heart of a ranking
member of the nobility were dashed by the simple fact that at 6'6" tall,
Ludivine was a giantess compared to all but an extremely few men. Her widely
acknowledged beauty and intelligence were totally overshadowed by her
extraordinary height that made her the joke of the social season.

   In an age, where petiteness in women was fashionable and a woman of 5' was
considered average, anyone approaching 6' was a veritable giant.  Ludivine
became the object of ridicule and jibes that she found impossible to bear.  At
the parties and balls where marriageable young women vied for the favor of
bachelor aristocrats, Ludivine had attracted only curiosity and unflattering
remarks. There was a frequent and unflattering comparison to the recently
discovered giraffe of Africa.

  Image conscious scions of the nobility were reluctant to ask someone to dance
who stood more than a foot taller than they. Ludivine had been raised in the
countryside where her father's wealth and prestige had protected her from
ridicule. But London's snob aristocrats didn't hesitate for a minute to make
jests about the giant girl from the country.

  Two years before, Ludivine's mother had insisted Sir Robert purchase a large
home in London's fashionable Hyde Park that would allow both daughters to
participate in the social season when they reached eighteen. Elena was still two
years away from participating in society and seeking a proper husband.

  Lady Mary Townly, Ludivine's socially ambitious mother, had hoped that the
family's fortune would attract a noble suitor for Ludivine, some well born but
cash poor aristocrat who would not find her height a problem when compared to
the 100,000 pounds per annum that Sir Robert would provide at her wedding. There
were several eldest sons of earls and dukes who attended the lavish parties that
the Townly's both hosted and attended during the social season. However, none of
them stepped forward to ask for Ludivine's hand except Sir Charles Danby, a man
from the lower classes that Ludivine took a particularly dislike to and refused
out of hand.

  Mary Townly was furious at her daughter's failure to establish a connection
with the upper nobility and blamed Ludivine. 

  "You're an unfortunate throwback to my great Uncle Sir Lester Cantwell who was
a Colonel in his majesty's Guards Regiment. He stood 6'9". The Iron Duke said it
strained his neck to speak with the Colonel," announced Mary Townly. "Being that
tall is a distinct advantage in a man and a serious disadvantage in a woman.
Heaven knows where we will find an eligible man willing to overlook your height.
Fortunately, Elena while taller than average is still a reasonable height and
with her beauty, she should be able to find a suitable match."

  Those unkind remarks sent Ludivine to her bedroom to cry for hours. Ludivine
was raised to believe that her most important goal was to make a good match. At
eighteen, her own mother had declared her a failure.

  Looking at the portrait of Lester Cantwell hanging in her mother's ancestral
home at Cantwell Hall, Ludivine was forced to acknowledge the truth of her
mother's statement. Great Uncle Lester looked magnificent in his guard's uniform
mounted on a white charger sweeping forward, his saber piercing the heart of a
French grenadier at the Battle of Waterloo. To compound her appearance problems,
Ludivine like her great uncle shared an identical mane of unmanageable curly red

  "I've heard these corsairs grow better armed and bolder. They captured the
Madras Crescent on her last voyage. They slaughtered the crew and sold the women
into slavery," said Sir Charles.

  "Sir Charles, please, let's not frighten Miss Townly. This ship can out sail
and outfight any two, three or four Madagascar pirates," said Sir Robert with
some heat in his voice.

  "I'm sorry, Miss Townly, " apologized Sir Charles. "I didn't mean to alarm

  "I assure you Sir Charles, I was not frightened or alarmed in the slightest. I
have every confidence that the Bombay Enterprise is more than capable of
defending itself," said Ludivine not bothering to hide the distaste in her
voice. "I'll leave you two to discuss pirates while I continue my walk around
the deck."

   Ludivine's words were spoken with such distaste that even Sir Robert looked
distressed at her rude behavior. I will speak to her later decided Sir Robert. I
know she does not care for Sir Charles but still she has an obligation to be
courteous to one of my business associates.

  Ludivine walked to the ship's opposite rail. Her thoughts returned to last

  Ordinarily, Ludivine was a sound sleeper but after two months some of the
ship's provisions had begun to spoil and last night's supper had not set well
with her. Ludivine had gone to bed early then woke during the middle of the
night her stomach churning. Ludivine and Elena shared a small cabin. When
Ludivine awoke, she saw that Elena's bed was empty. Ludivine put on her robe and
went topside to both get some air and check on her younger sister.

  Not locating Elena on deck, Ludivine returned to her cabin in hopes that Elena
had gone back via a different route. When Ludivine was in the passageway, she
heard a woman's quiet laughter coming from the storeroom where victuals for
officers and passengers were kept. Food for the crew was kept well forward in a
separate storage locker.

  Thinking that Elena might for some reason had gone into the food locker but
not wanting to wake her parents or others, Ludivine had silently opened the
locker door and slipped inside the dark room.

  What she saw stunned her. On the other side of the room was Sir Charles Danby
reclining on several bags of flour. A nearby candle illuminated his face and
part of his body. His trousers were pushed down past his knees. Between his
legs, a woman was noisily providing oral sex. The woman was kneeling and
therefore not illuminated by the small circle of candlelight.

  Ludivine was surprised at how much noise the woman was making with her mouth
as she licked and slurped Sir Charles cock. Ludivine knew there was such a thing
as oral sex but considered it something practiced only by the whores and
prostitutes that lived in Cheapside and worked the docks of London.  She had no
concept how such a sinful and lewd act was actually performed and felt a certain
curiosity as to its proper execution

  Ludivine also wondered who was the woman, assuming it was one of the servants
or possibly the wife of one of the second or third class passengers. It was
known that the women of the lower classes often grew bored and gave their bodies
to men other than their husbands. Ludivine's mother ascribed their lack of sound
morals to their inferior breeding. However, the next exchange of voices totally
shocked her.

  "You do that awful well for a girl who resides in the largest home in Hyde
Park," said Sir Charles.

  "I learned how from my maid. She taught me," said Elena Townly raising her
head to within the circle of light. Ludivine clearly saw Elena pass her pink
tongue over the tip of Sir Charles erect member then give it a sensuous kiss
that conveyed the pleasure she found in having Sir Charles' cock in her mouth.

  My God, its Elena realized Ludivine only barely restraining herself from
shouting out. Ludivine instantly recalled that her mother had only three months
ago sent Elena's maid, a young girl named Carol, packing after some
indiscretion.  Ludivine's mother would not tell Ludivine the nature of Carol's
transgression but she did recall that Elena had been very upset at Carol's

  "Excellent teacher your maid, but there must have been others. Maids don't
have cocks," said Sir Charles.

  "No, but footmen do and so does daddy's valet. Sam's is as big as yours," said
Elena as she returned to her oral ministrations.

  My God Elena is giving herself to our servants thought Ludivine as she leaned
slightly forward to see her sister vigorously sucking the head of Sir Charles
cock while her hand stroked the shaft. One of Elena's hand formed a fist around
the shaft and was vigorously stroking it while her other hand massaged the large
wrinkled sack containing his gonads. Ludivine watched in amazement as Elena
lifted Sir Charles cock and ran her tongue back and forth across the underside
of the cock then paused at his testicles to lick and suck them

  "Your technique is excellent. She taught you well. I'm going to blow. Do you
want to swallow it?" asked Sir Charles with a casualness that amazed Ludivine.

  "A lady always swallows her gentleman's paste," asserted Elena. "That's what
Carol said. Besides I think it's delicious."

  "Good, then take it all and choke on it, wench," said Sir Charles placing his
hands on the sides of Elena's face and pulling her face down on his erect cock
to the point that it was totally within Elena's mouth.  Ludivine heard Elena
breath noisily through her nose as Sir Charles cock blocked her mouth and

  Ludivine watched in total amazement as Sir Charles enmeshed his fist in
Elena's black curly hair and forced her mouth even further down on his cock. 
Then using her hair as a handle, he moved her head back and forth slamming
himself forcefully into her face.

  "You like having your face fucked," asked Sir Charles pulling Elena's mouth
off his cock for a moment.

  "Yes, force it into my throat and spew your seed down my throat," responded
Elena in a voice that conveyed she was finding enormous pleasure in the sordid
manner Sir Charles was using her body. There was a large quantity of saliva
dripping from her chin. Sir Charles once again enmeshed his hands in Elena's
hair and forced his cock into her passageway. Ludivine was shocked by the
gagging sounds that her sister made as she witnessed the bulge in Elena's
throat. Ludivine recalled how several years ago, she had attended a circus.
There she had been mesmerized by a sword swallower and even demanded that her
father arrange for her to see up close how he managed to engorge a sizeable
blade without doing himself harm.

  My God, his large member is in her throat thought Ludivine listening to the
odd guttural sounds that Elena was making and the hissing sound of her breath
escaping her nostrils. Ludivine was further shocked when she saw that Elena had
lifted her nightdress and one hand was between her legs rubbing her sex.

  Ludivine held her breath as she sensed that Sir Charles was approaching an
orgasm.  His breath grew more rapid and he made little grunting sounds until
finally his body convulsed. Ludivine was appalled by Elena's actions. Her sister
vigorously sucked Sir Charles cock while he squirted his seed in her mouth.
Ludivine felt a wave of nausea at the prospect of a man doing that to her.

 "Yes, that's it, yes, yes, swallow it, Miss Townly," gasped Sir Charles as he
finished climaxing in her mouth. He harshly slapped his wet cock against Elena's
cheek. Ludivine was appalled at Elena's wantonness as she chased Sir Charles
cock with her tongue licking its tip.

  Ludivine listened in amazement as her sister maintained the pace and intensity
of her mouth action. Elena's hand was a blur as she pleasured herself.

  "Show me," said Sir Charles reaching down with his fingers to force Elena's
mouth open. Ludivine could see a small pool of pearl colored semen resting on
Elena's tongue.

  Swallow it, like a good little whore," whispered Sir Charles.

  Sounds of someone gulping reached Ludivine's ears.

  She's ingesting his seed. How utterly revolting thought Ludivine?  Women of
our class do not engage in that sort of disgusting deeds. Only women who sell
their bodies engage in that form of depraved behavior.

  Finally, Ludivine saw that Elena had pulled back and was carefully licking the
head of Sir Charles cock.

  "Such a pretty cock and it tastes dreamy," gushed Elena as she flicked her
tongue across her cock head. "I adore this part when I lick all the cum off the

  "You maid taught you well. You are quite skilled. Did your sister learn
anything from your maid?" asked Sir Charles relaxing back on the large sacks of
grain as he pulled Elena up beside him and kissed her. Her nightgown was open
and Sir Charles fondled her breasts as he spoke. Ludivine could see that her
sister's dark nipples appeared extended and firm even though it was a warm

  "Ludivine, that prude, not hardly, she'd probably die before she'd let a man
put his cock in her mouth. That freak will go to her grave a virgin," said

  "Perhaps not," replied Sir Charles. "Maybe her day will come and soon."

  "Mother hopes to find her a husband in India. She has heard there is a
regiment of dragoons of unusual height. Maybe one of them would be willing to
breed with that giraffe, I'd love to see her with a cock in all her holes," said
Elena laughing. "A good fucking might improve her sour disposition. Here, let me
get you hard again so we can have another go."

  Ludivine fought back tears when she heard her own sister refer to her as a
'giraffe' and 'freak'. How could Elena be so cruel? When I return to England,
I'm going to live at Cantwell Hall away from the city and my family. I'll never
visit London again vowed Ludivine. Elena has become as cruel toward me as the

  In spite of the obscenity of what she was witnessing, Ludivine, for reasons
she didn't understand, found herself fascinated. Ludivine watched intently as
Elena slowly stroked Sir Charles flaccid cock.

  "First, allow me to pleasure you," said Sir Charles standing up and exchanging
places with Elena. Elena pulled her nightdress up as she reclined on the sacks
of grain. Elena spread her legs into a V shape and grasped her ankles.

  "There, nice and open for you," said Elena. "Do your will."

  "I see you've done this before," said Sir Charles as he reached down to place
his hand on Elena's sex.

  "Many times, I love it when someone uses their mouth on me. They say the
French taught the English how."

  "Another thing your maid taught you?" asked Sir Charles.

  "Yes, Carol had the softest lips but a man is always best because after you
cum, they can stick their big cock in you."

  Ludivine saw that her sister was not wearing any undergarments as her thick
patch of black pubic hair came into the candle's circle of light.  I haven't
seen Elena naked since we were little girls realized Ludivine.

  Ludivine observed with a combination of horror and fascination as Sir Charles
nosily attacked Elena's vagina with his mouth. His lips buried between Elena's
labia and captured her flesh, extending it outward with his teeth as he bit and
suck her female parts. Ludivine listened as Elena began to moan and sigh.

  "Oh, Sir Charles, you do that divinely. You're going to make me peak again,"
sighed Elena.

  "That's the idea, you cum and then I'm going to fuck that sweet little pussy
of yours," replied Sir Charles.

  Ludivine had always assumed that her own sex life would consist of infrequent,
brief and unpleasant intercourse with her husband for the purpose of producing
children. Ludivine's knowledge of sex was primarily based on her observations of
domestic animals procreating while she was growing up on the Townly's country
estate. She considered their animalistic couplings brutish and nasty. Ludivine
believed that the sex she would be engaged in with her husband would be more
refined and on a higher plane.

   But watching Elena and Sir Charles reminded her of the time that she
inadvertently happened upon one of the bulls slamming his giant cock into a cow.
The servants had been horrified when they realized the young mistress had
watched as 'Big Tommy' drove almost three feet of hard cock into 'Gladys', the
milk cow. Big Tommy had mounted Gladys from the rear. His great weight caused
the cows body to sag downward. One of the breeders had deftly slipped under Big
Tommy and aimed his cock into Gladys' entrance. The poor cow had let out an
enormous moan when Big Tommy had sunk his cock. A quick half dozen strokes and
Big Tommy had bellowed in triumph. When Big Tommy withdrew, a large quantity of
whitish fluid had gushed from Gladys' opening.

  "Please don't tell Sir Roger what you saw, Mistress," begged one of the farm
girls when they realized that Ludivine was present. "He would be very upset and
punish us."  Ludivine had noticed that the girl's face was flushed and she
seemed excited about what she had witnessed. Later, she saw the girl disappear
into the barn with the breeder who had helped Big Tommy penetrate Gladys.

 Elena and Sir Charles intercourse also recalled that one other time she had
secretly watched illicit sexual acts, a time she had repeatedly attempted to
banish from her memory without success.

  "Oh that's divine, lick me there, yes, right there on my little sweet button,"
moaned Elena bringing Ludivine's thoughts to the present.

  "Your hole gushes like a mountain stream. You're a wet one. Do you like this?
They say only a true whore enjoys it," said Sir Charles taking a momentary
breaking from licking Elena's sex.

  Even in the dim light, Ludivine could tell that his hand had slipped between
the globes of Elena's bottom. Elena had grasped her ankles and pulled her legs
further toward her head. Ludivine assumed that was something whores did to make
themselves accessible to their whoremongers.

  "Oh yes, a finger in my bum and a tongue in my quim, that's best," said Elena
as she pulled her legs further back toward her head.

  "Here, have a taste of your own ass," said Sir Charles pulling his finger from
between Elena's buttocks and presenting it to her eager lips.

  "Sweet," said Elena laughing and sucking on Sir Charles finger.

  Sir Charles has his finger in my sister's rectum realized Ludivine and she
thinks it's amusing. That is sodomy, an unspeakable perversion that defies the
laws of God as stated in the Holy Bible. Doesn't Elena understand that these
practices were the reason that God Almighty destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah?

   Suddenly, Ludivine noticed that her own hand was between her legs slowly
rubbing her sex. Ludivine immediately jerked her hand away, shocked that she
felt a wetness coating her sex.

  Ludivine recalled how the Vicar had preached about the undeniable attraction
of certain sexual perversions and how every good Christian must be prepared to
resist them or loose their immortal souls. I too could be tempted decided
Ludivine conscious of her desire to return her hand to that area between her

  Ludivine's thoughts concerning the frailty of human morality were interrupted
by the sounds of Elena's orgasm. At first, Ludivine thought that Elena was
having some form of seizure as punishment for her vile acts. Elena's body
reacted in the same way as Sir Charles had moments ago when he had ejaculated in
Elena's mouth. Her rapid breathing and bodily convulsions imitated the male
orgasm. However, to Ludivine intellect, that was impossible. It was an accepted
scientific fact to the Victorians of Ludivine's time that orgasms were strictly
limited to the male of humankind. Females did not posses the physical capability
to achieve an orgasm. The best scientific minds of the age were in complete
agreement on that point.

  Ludivine was well-educated thanks to the advanced thinking of her father. She
had studied science, mathematics, along with languages, art, and literature.
Ludivine had even studied anatomy. A subject her mother considered entirely
inappropriate for a lady. Her father and mother had quite a row when Mary Townly
discovered Ludivine pouring over an anatomy textbook.

  How could that be thought Ludivine? There was nothing in the female anatomy
that approximated the male organs required to produce an orgasm. Without the
man's penis and gonads, it was a physical impossibility.  I wonder what Elena
meant when she referred to her "sweet button", surely not the knob of flesh
located above the vagina. The most imminent medical doctors of the day were
uncertain as to the purpose of that part of the female anatomy.

  "You can be rough if you want. I wish you we in the country where we could
make as much noise as we like," said Elena as Sir Charles mounted her.

  "I take it you've enjoyed this sort of thing on your parent's estate," said
Sir Charles as he parted Elena's sex with his rigid cock then positioned it at
her vagina and began to push himself inside. One hand was inside Elena's
nightdress twisting her nipple between his fingers.

  "Pinch them hard, " breathed Elena placing her hand over Sir Charles fingers
and squeezing the back of his hand to increase the pressure on her nipple.
"Carol and I enjoyed ourselves whenever we found opportunity, which was almost
every day."

  "And how did you enjoy yourselves?" asked Sir Charles stretching both of
Elena's nipples upward to where it appeared he was raising her up off the grain
sacks by her teats. Sir Charles leaned down to take one nipple between his teeth
and pulled it upward. When he released it, Ludivine saw a double row of teeth
marks surrounding the nipple.

  "Here, do the other one, bite harder," said Elena using her hand to encircle
her other breast and offer it to Sir Charles' mouth. Sir Charles unhesitatingly
sunk his teeth into Elena's mammary. He shook his head like a wolf attempting to
rip the throat from a stag.

  Elena hissed in pain as she whispered, "harder, make it bleed then suck my

My God thought Ludivine. I would think that would hurt beyond her bearing but my
wanton sister takes pleasure from it. She has given her soul over to the devil
and he has made her that way. Ludivine saw that the two had now formed the beast
with two backs and were striving to give and take pleasure as only a man and
woman in the throes of passion can do. Ludivine listened in a combination of
despair and lust as her sister spoke of her lewdness

    "Carol and I used to meet the Kelly brothers for a little fun when we were
at Cantwell Hall, two of us and five of them, sometimes they would bring a
cousin so Carol and I would have all three holes filled at one," said Elena.

  "And your sister Ludivine knows nothing of this," said Sir Charles surprising
Ludivine that once again her name had been mentioned by Sir Charles.

  "No, I tried to get the Kelly brothers to kidnap and force her when she was
riding on the estate. But they were cowards. I told Sean that we could grab her
off her horse, tie her up and take her precious virginity. But Sean was afraid
that our father would find out and have them hanged. I told him that Ludivine
was too proud to admit a bunch of potato farmers had been between legs and she
would say nothing. They were also afraid she would have them whipped and gelded.
She takes pleasure from whipping the servants at the hall. Ludivine scares the
religion out of the tenants when she rides her hunter around the estate with
those two pistols on her saddle. They're terrified of her."

  "She is a very formidable presence but one I would like to see begging for a
cock," said Sir Charles.

  "I would love to see those damnably long legs kicking the air as someone
plunges a hard cock in her ass and pussy. It would be fun to listen to her whine
and beg as the five brothers and their cousin took her. But I doubt that comes
to pass," said Elena humping her body upward to meet Sir Charles downward

  "Every dog has its day," said Sir Charles as he thrust himself in Elena's warm
wet and hungry hole.

  "Oh damn this is good. You have such a big one, Sir Charles, fuck me, fuck me
hard," begged Elena as she wrapped her legs around Sir Charles waist and drew
him into her. Ludivine saw that Elena's ankles were locked behind Sir Charles
naked ass and applying a recurring force to drive his cock deeper and more
forcefully inside her. Her tongue and that of Sir Charles were intertwined
outside of their mouth, long drips of saliva were falling onto Elena's face as
she hungrily sucked and licked Sir Charles' tongue and lips.

  My God, the Kelly brothers, the five illiterate sons of a destitute Irish
family that father had brought over from their estates in Ireland thought
Ludivine. Uneducated, filthy, potatoes eating Irish peasants have been having
sex with my sister. She tried to persuade them to rape me. Elena is nothing but
the worst kind of wanton who will bring utter disgrace to the family name.

  Ludivine watched fascinated as Sir Charles and Elena engaged in intercourse.
After a while, they changed positions and Elena climbed on top of Sir Charles
holding his stiff member in one hand as she guided it into her vagina.

  "Here, allow me to take you for a ride, Sir Charles," said Elena moving her
body in a fashion that allowed her to control the tempo and angle of their
motion. Sir Charles' arms were extended upward. His hard hands were twisting
both Elena's nipples.

  "Ooh, Sir Charles, twist my boobies some more, I love that," gasped Elena as
she increased the tempo.

  Ludivine watched transfixed, as her younger sister's body became almost a
blur. Elena rapidly worked her sex against Sir Charles. Ludivine could see
Elena's hand was vigorously rubbing her sex as she raised and lowered herself on
Sir Charles cock.

  Finally, covered with sweat, Elena and Sir Charles once again climaxed, this
time together. They rolled back and forth across the bags of grain, both
grunting like animals

  "That was heavenly," exclaimed Elena once they had finished. "Let's hold tight
together so I can feel you getting soft and slowly sliding out of my pussy."

  Ludivine took advantage of their orgasm to steal her way out of the food
locker. When she glanced back into the room, she saw Sir Charles looking in her
direction. Perhaps he had seen her.

  Ludivine returned to her cabin and silently slipped into her bunk. Her mind
worked to process what she had just witnessed. She found herself recalling
exactly what she had seen and heard.

  "Damn," whispered Ludivine when she realized that once again her right hand
was between her legs. She had unconsciously pulled her nightdress up and was
slowly stroking her own sex. I won't give into such depravity thought Ludivine
as she pulled her hand from between her legs. What's this thought Ludivine as
she brought her hand to her face? My fingers are wet. Ludivine cautiously
smelled her hand. Oh my God, it's from my sex. If I do not control myself I will
follow my sister into fornication.

  Ludivine's restless thoughts turned to the one other man who had shown an
interest in her that London season, Major Wesley Edwards Huntington, the second
son of the Earl of Kent. Ludivine found it hard to admit that she had ever met
Major Huntington let alone witnessed the incredible events of that day. Their
first and formal meeting was at the Mayor of London's ball, an annual event that
signaled the end of the social season.

 After Ludivine had been introduced to Major Huntington, her mother had
immediately informed her of certain facts regarding the Earl of Kent's younger

  "That is one young man you are to keep your distance from. If his father was
not an Earl, he would not be welcome in polite society," said Mary Townly.

  "Why Mother," said Ludivine who had been quite taken by the man dressed in the
officer's uniform of the 12th Lancers. He was much taller and larger than most
of the men present, only a few inches shorter than Ludivine. Ludivine blushed
when she realized she was staring directly into his large brown eyes. There was
a white scar that ran from the very top of his cheekbone down across his cheek
to where it disappeared under his chin. A thick bushy mustache covered his upper
lip.  His mane of curly black hair was pulled back in the military fashion of
the day. A broad chest, narrow waist, and shoulders that made two of any other
man at the ball completed the Major's imposing physical display of masculinity.

  "Miss Townly," said Major Huntington as he bowed his head and shook her hand
providing a slightly greater pressure against her hand than was considered
polite. Ludivine was barely able to mutter "Major Huntington" in reply.

  "Major Huntington is a rake, a roue, a seducer of virgins. He consorts with
others of low character and is known to engage in lewd practices. He has killed
three honorable men in duels, all husbands who challenged him for consorting
with their wives. He gambles, drinks, and to be vulgar, whores, with abandon.
The Earl threatened to disinherit him unless he joined the army. He is just
returned from Mesopotamia last week. In spite of his prowess as a soldier, no
respectable family will allow their daughter in his company if they value her
reputation," whispered Lady Townly as soon as Major Huntington had passed by.

  Still, Ludivine thought him quite dashing in his red and white Lancers
uniform. But Ludivine was aghast when later she looked over to see that there
was a noticeable and large outline of his member clearly visible through the
white skintight trousers. The newly designed trousers of the Lancers uniform had
created something of a scandal in polite company. Many of the ladies present at
the ball glanced guiltily at the Major and his fellow officers.  It is enormous
thought Ludivine when she secretly looked at the Major standing across the
ballroom conversing with his fellow officers.

  Like me he is a good head taller than the others thought Ludivine. In spite of
what mother says, he is an enormously handsome animal and one whose height
approaches my own.

  Ludivine had been pretty much ignored the remainder of the evening. Her
dancing partners had been limited to the friends and associates of her father
who felt an obligation to ask for a dance. Ludivine had been sitting quietly
pretending to watch the dancing when she felt a tap on her shoulder and turned
her head to look into the face of Major Huntington.

  "May I have the pleasure of this dance," said Major Huntington.

  "I don't know," responded Ludivine eager to dance but mindful of her mother's

  "I take uncertainty as a yes," said Major Huntington taking Ludivine's hand
and leading her quickly to the dance floor.

  "You dance well. But I have not seen you dancing tonight," said Major
Huntington when they passed each other on the dance floor.

  "Finding a suitable partner is difficult," was all that Ludivine could manage.
Ludivine was painfully aware that except for the Major she was more than a head
taller than any of the men present at the ball.

  "These little men cannot appreciate your beauty. They see only their own
shortness of body and soul when compared to you," said Major Huntington.

  "I take that as a compliment," said Ludivine. "You are too kind Major. Being
this tall is not in fashion I am afraid."

  "You are by far the most beautiful woman here tonight. No, you are the most
beautiful woman in the whole of England," said Major Huntington. .

 Ludivine sensed that somehow he meant it. They danced twice more before Major
Huntington returned her to her chair.

  The ball was almost over when once again, the Major appeared and asked for a
dance. Ludivine ignored the disapproving look of her mother and quickly
assented. The final dance was a fast one and they were out of breath when it
ended. The musicians had stopped.

  "Will you do me the honor of a walk on the terrace," asked Major Huntington.

  "I should get back to mother," said Ludivine mindful of her mother's warning.

  "I assure you I am not as bad as my reputation," said Major Huntington.

  "A brief one then," said Ludivine. "I don't want mother to worry."

  But they had not made it to the terrace. As they passed a small dark alcove,
the Major had wheeled Ludivine into the small foyer and pressed her against the
wall using his body. She could smell the alcohol on his breath as he pushed his
manhood against her sex.

  "Stop it," said Ludivine grabbing the hand that had slipped down her dress to
hold her breast.

  "I want you," whispered Major Huntington. "And I want you on your knees
begging for me."

  "Please, let me go. I'll call for help," said Ludivine.

  "And you father would be required to issue a challenge in defense of your
virtue. How do you think Sir Roger would fare against me on the field of honor?"
said Major Huntington.

  "Please, you wouldn't harm him," said Ludivine alarmed for her father's
safety. Sir Roger would no doubt have challenged the Major and been killed for
his efforts.

  "No harm will befall him in return for a kiss, just a kiss," said Major

  Ludivine had given up the struggle to dislodge the Major's arm from her
bodice. His hand was caressing her naked breast. Her nipple felt a spark each
time he crushed it in his hard-calloused fingers. Ludivine felt a low moan well
up from her throat as his manhood pushed against her sex. She could feel his
member through her clothes pushing into her softness. Her self-control faded as
she adjusted her body to increase the pressure she felt.

  "All right, one kiss, but if you ever harm my father I will kill you myself,"
said Ludivine wrapping her arms around the Major and pulling him even harder
against her body. His tongue explored her mouth. She felt a hand lifting her
skirt and petticoats seeking her sex. My God he is going to take me right here
thought Ludivine half in panic and half in desire. His hand was slowly traveling
from her knee to her thigh.

  All of a sudden coming to her senses, Ludivine gathered all her strength and
in a decisive moment, pushed Major Huntington violently away slamming him into
the opposite wall. He landed with considerable force, the back of his head
bouncing off the wall. She fled from the alcove only managing to get her
composure back moments before she rejoined her mother. The sound of his laugher
rang in her ears as she exited the alcove.

  "Are you all right," asked Lady Townly looking at her daughter when she

  "Fine mother, it's a little warm," said Ludivine.

  "Please refuse any further intercourse with that horrible man. Your reputation
will be soiled by dancing with him."

  But Ludivine had seen Major Huntington once more under quite different
circumstances.  It was a month later and the Townlys were about to depart for
India. Ludivine had gone for an early morning ride in the park. Her horsemanship
was unequaled by any women and most men in England. She was mounted on her
favorite, a gray mare standing sixteen hands high and unmanageable by anyone but
Ludivine. Ludivine had brought her horse to a gallop and was ridding over the
wet ground sending great clumps of earth flying in all directions.

   Ludivine preferred to ride when the park was empty and there was no one about
to stare or point her out. It was just after dawn and the park was deserted.
Ludivine had decided to give her mount its head. She was galloping hard when she
overtook another couple traveling much slower. The morning mist had not
dissipated and she found herself ridding quickly past the couple that were
proceeding at a much slower pace.

  Despite the mist, Ludivine recognized the couple. It was Major Huntington and
a female, the wife of the Major's elder brother, Stanford Huntington.  Lady
Caroline Huntington was a wellborn beauty the daughter of the Duke of
Hertfordshire whose marriage to Stanford, the future Earl, was the highlight of
the social season of three years past. 

  Ludivine passed them quickly and was reasonably certain they had not
recognized her. After her vigorous ride, Ludivine splattered with mud returned
to the stables where the Townlys kept their horses. Prides Livery of Hyde Park
catered to the wealthy of London whose town homes were not equipped to board
horses. Ludivine returned her mount to its stall and instructed the groom most
specifically as to its care. She was about to return home in her carriage when a
rumbling in her stomach convinced her she had better relieve herself first.

  It took a few minutes for Ludivine to locate the second floor women's privy, a
place she had not visited previously. By that time, Ludivine's bowels were in
distress. The root of the turnip always seems to have that effect of me thought
Ludivine as her watery stool sprayed explosively into the dark hole and her
intestines cramped painfully. Looking about Ludivine decided that the privy was
filthy with an indescribably bad odor.  Making a mental note to complain to
Pride's owners about the condition of the women's facility, Ludivine completed
her business wiping her ass on a not quite clean rag. The force and urgency of
her bowel movement convinced her she had made the right decision in not waiting
to arrive home.

  I would have shit the carriage and myself. Father would have been furious
thought Ludivine.

  Concluding that she would be late for breakfast and she had matters to discuss
with her father before he rushed off to his offices in Dockside, Ludivine
decided to save time by returning to her carriage by a different route. Prides
Livery had grown chaotically over the years and the buildings were cavernous and
irregular in shape and orientation. Ludivine quickly lost her way. At that time
of the morning, the hallways were almost deserted. She hurried along in what she
hoped was the general direction of her carriage. Unfortunately she was soon lost
in a maze of dark passageways.

  Furious at her misdirection, Ludivine was hurrying down an ill lit corridor
above the stables when she heard the faint sound of leather landing on human
flesh followed by the cry of a voice expressing the resultant pain.

  Curious that someone is being punished this early thought Ludivine. It's just
barely past dawn. Probably, it's a steward whipping a groom for some
transgression; maybe he was caught stealing. There's certainly enough of that
going on among the lower classes. Perhaps I'll watch him being whipped.  After
the steward had finished, I'll have him show me the way to my carriage.

  Ludivine was aware of her strange fondness for observing and even
participating in the corporal punishment of servants and workers. She found it
necessary on occasion to whip her own maids when they were lazy or failed in
their duties.  Only last summer, one of the grooms at Cantwell Hall had
transgressed. Ludivine had ordered the stable master to pull the boy's trousers
down and hold him while she landed twenty-five blows with her ridding crop on
his bare buttocks. As an object lesson, she had insisted to the stable master
that the other grooms and hostlers watch as she administered the punishment

  "Expose his bottom then bend him over. I intend to give him twenty of my
best," said a furious Ludivine after she found her hunter unattended after her
morning ride.

  "It's not ladylike to see his naked bottom, Miss Townly," said Wakefield, the
stable master. "I should punish him."

  "I care not for that. Taggart was left saddled and covered in sweat while this
lad slept. I do my own punishment here at the hall," said Ludivine.

  "I don't think Sir Roger would agree to a whipping," said Wakefield.

  "Damn you, Wakefield, you either do as I say or you will be looking for a new
position," screamed Ludivine.

  "Drop your trousers, Tommy, and lean across my lap. The young mistress is
going to whip your arse and I guess you deserve it," said a reluctant Wakefield
to the offending groom. He looked to be a boy of fourteen. Like many of his
class, a lack of nourishment had left him small and frail.

  The lad had hesitantly pushed his trousers down, his face red with shame. He
wore no undergarments. The other grooms and stable hands snickered at the
thought of the young mistress looking at Tommy's privates when he turned around
before leaning across Wakefield's lap.

  "Hold still boy and bite down on this," said Wakefield placing a leather strap
between Tommy's teeth as he put one of his legs over Tommy's back so the youth
was held fast.

  Tommy only managed to keep the strap between his teeth for the first dozen
blows before he spat it out and screamed at the top of his voice. Ludivine found
she preferred Tommy's screams to his grunts and moans. Ludivine was breathing
heavily and covered in perspiration when she delivered the twenty-fifth blow.
She felt exhilaration and a great pleasure when she concluded Tommy's
punishment. She had to fight to resist the urge to run her hand over the
brightly stripped bottom of the sobbing youth. She had added five strokes for
being resisted by Wakefield. She recalled with satisfaction that neither Tommy
nor any of the grooms had ever failed again to take proper care of her mounts.

  Ludivine followed her ears toward the source of the whipping sounds. Twisting
her way through the narrow pitch-black hallways she finally opened a doorway and
stepped onto a balcony overlooking a first floor tack room. It was filled with
ornate saddles and bridals used only on ceremonial occasions. Temporarily
blinded by the sun streaming in from a nearby window, Ludivine kept quiet as her
eyes adjusted to the brightness.

  When she looked down to the floor below she was shocked to see that instead of
a steward whipping a groom, there was Lady Caroline Huntington stark naked and
tied over an elaborate ceremonial saddle that was probably last ridden at the
coronation of Victoria. Although Ludivine could not see the ladies face, she
immediately recognized the long blonde hair and the light blue ridding habit she
had observed less than an hour past. The habit was lying on the dirty floor
along with lady Caroline's undergarments.

  Before Ludivine could cry out for someone to come to Lady Caroline's aid, she
saw Major Huntington standing at Lady Caroline's rear with a riding crop in his
hand. The Major had removed his tunic and blouse. He wore only his boots and
trousers. His muscular physique was covered in black curly hair. He had just
administered a blow and Lady Caroline was writhing in pain.

  "Damn you Wesley, too easy, strike like a real man? Again and harder, " sobbed
Lady Caroline when she had recovered enough to speak.

   Ludivine fascinated for the moment leaned back into the shadows to watch.
Once again, the Major's powerful arm went back then came forward with amazing
force to land on the pale buttocks of Lady Caroline. Ludivine watched entranced
as the crop depressed the skin, creating a momentary white stripe that changed
to bright red as soon as the crop retreated.  Ludivine could see a latticework
of similar red stripes that began at the very top of Lady Caroline's shapely
globes and ended only a few inches above her knee pits.

  As Lady Caroline twisted and cried out in agony, Major Huntington slipped his
hand between her legs and felt her sex. Ludivine observed that the lady's ankles
were tied to the corner legs of the wooden horse holding the saddle. That caused
her legs to be well separated.  After delivering the blow, Major Huntington had
stepped forward to grasp Lady Caroline's sex and was stretching apart the folds
of skin that covered her sex. Once he had exposed her vaginal opening, the Major
placed three fingers at her entrance then pushed them inside and lifted her
upward causing Lady Caroline to cry out in pain.

  "Yes, dear brother, like that," sobbed Lady Caroline. "Show my sex no mercy."

  My God thought Ludivine. His fingers are in her sex massaging her womanly
parts. What manner of wanton behavior is this? Lady Caroline is his brother's
wife and he uses her sex as if she was some strumpet he found in a tavern.

  "You're as wet as any whore in London," remarked the Major pulling a
glistening hand from Lady Caroline's sex.

  "Taste your whore's juice," spoke the Major as he reached over the horse to
Lady Caroline's mouth and forced his fingers past her lips. Lady Caroline sucked
greedily at his fingertips.

  "I am nothing but a whore when I am with you, whip me again, harder," moaned
Lady Caroline reacting to the Major's fingers as he re-inserted them in her

  "Tell me what you want," said the Major calmly as he brutally stroked Lady
Caroline's sex adding the crop handle to his fingers inside her vagina.

  "Whip my pussy," breathed Lady Caroline. "Whip it until I can stand no more."

  "Beg me," said the Major.

  "Please, I beg you, Wesley. Whip my pussy as hard as you can," whined Lady

  "And you must agree to something that only a true whore would find
acceptable," said the Major.

  "Anything, but do not spare my cunt, make it bloody and raw before you fuck
me," sobbed Lady Caroline as the rough handle of the riding crop twisted deep in
her female flesh. "

  ""You will agree that the next time we meet like this, I intend to bring
Captain Dashwood with me and you will gladly service us both," said Major
Huntington continuing to work his fingers into Lady Caroline's vagina.

  "Yes, bring the Captain, anything just whip my pussy, whip it as hard as you
can," begged Lady Caroline.

  "The good Captain informs me he has established a liaison with a young lady of
quality. She's barely fifteen and her father is a Duke. But like you, my dear,
she is born to whoredom and loves both whip and cock. We will tie the two of you
together. Is that agreeable?"

  "Oh God yes, arrange it, whip us and fuck us together like the whores we are,"
pleaded Lady Caroline. "I demand it. If you love me as a brother should, you
will tie us together as sluts and force us to pleasure each other as you and
Dashwood apply the whip."

  Major Huntington shocked Ludivine by leaning over and releasing a large gob of
spit onto Lady Caroline's anus. He moved it around for a few seconds before
sliding an index finger into her rectum.

  "Captain Dashwood will want to fuck your ass. That will be agreeable, will it
not," asked Major Huntington?

  "Yes, oh yes, please Wesley, you and Dashwood, all the Lancers, can pleasure
yourselves anyway you wish, just I beg you, whip my cunt," screamed Lady

  "As you wish, sister," said Major Wesley stepping back and once again picking
up the ridding crop.

  Ludivine listened as the crop whistled through the air. She watched as he
rapidly delivered blow after blow up in to the V of Lady Caroline's legs. He's
hitting her sex realized Ludivine. Ludivine unconsciously reached down and
pulled the skirt of her ridding habit upward until she could place her hand
between her legs and touch herself. She almost swooned with pleasure as her long
slender fingers embedded themselves in the crevice between her legs. Ludivine
squeezed her legs together capturing her fingers and forcing them even harder
against her sex. Ludivine bit into the heel of her other hand to stifle moans of
pleasure that welled up from her core. Ludivine reveled in the taste of her
blood as her teeth broke the skin.

  Below, a fine spray of moisture appeared in the first rays of sun that
streamed through the lone window. The droplets were refreshed each time the end
of the crop landed with a loud splat on the quivering flesh between Lady
Caroline's legs.

  Finally after countless blows, the Major ceased. Ludivine could see that his
torso was bathed in sweat. She watched as he pushed his white trousers down and
an enormous fully erect cock sprang into sight.

  "Time to put my bastard in your belly, sister," said Major Huntington stepping
up behind a sobbing Lady Caroline and rubbing his cock head between her red and
distended labia.

  "Oh for the love of God yes, put your cock in me and make a bastard," said
Lady Caroline. Ludivine could see she was trying to force her sex back onto the
Major's cock.

  Without further ceremony, the Major lunged forward and drove his cock inside
Lady Caroline. There was a loud slapping sound as his thighs smacked against her
naked buttocks. Lady Caroline groaned repeatedly as the Major thrust into her.
Ludivine could see that the Major's spit landing on her asshole and his fingers
forced her anus widely apart until there was a visible dark hole. The Major spat
again and his aim was true as the large gob of sputum disappeared into the dark
pit of her open anus.

  Sodomy thought Ludivine as the Major pulled out of Lady Caroline's vagina and
entered her rectum. Lady Caroline cried out as the Major buried his cock in her
butt. The Major's hand cruelly gripped her hips as he forced himself deep within
her bowels. Lady Caroline made little mewling sounds, as the Major's body became
a blur.

  "Tell me how much you love my cock in your ass, sister," said Wesley.

  "I love it and you brother, take your pleasure there but spray your seed in my
cunt so I can have your bastard."

  After a while, the Major returned his cock to Lady Caroline's vagina.

  "Since my dear brother Stanford can't fill your belly with off spring, I'll do
the job. I wish he were here to watch me make a cuckold of him," said Major
Huntington as he increased the rapidity of his thrusts. Finally, he convulsed
and fell across Lady Caroline's back.  They both lay there breathing heavily.

  Ludivine deciding it was an opportune time to slip away stepped toward the
door. Her foot landed unluckily on a loose board. There was a slight creaking
sound. When Ludivine looked down to see if she had been heard, she found herself
staring straight into Major Huntington's face.

  A look of recognition followed by a smile appeared on the Major's countenance.
Ludivine hurriedly slipped back into the shadows and out the door. Before she
left, she heard a final exchange between the pair.

  "What was that," asked Lady Caroline?

  "Nothing, a rat," replied Major Huntington.

  Ludivine never told anyone what she witnessed that morning at Prides Livery.
However, she began to dream about what she saw. Her dreams varied. Sometimes,
she was the one applying the crop to Lady Caroline's rear. Other times it was
she across the saddle being whipped by a laughing Major Huntington and Lady
Caroline. In her most vivid dream, Major Huntington entered her savagely after
Lady Caroline had whipped her vagina to where it was on fire with pain. Ludivine
would awaken from those dreams covered in sweat, her hands massaging her wet
sex. Each time, Ludivine forced herself to kneel beside her bed and pray for

  That morning had left Ludivine terribly confused. Lady Caroline Huntington had
gone out of her way to be kind and thoughtful to the Townlys who in spite of
their great wealth were not considered quite acceptable to many of the London
aristocracy. Ludivine especially had felt befriended. She and her mother had
been invited on many occasions to take tea with Lady Caroline and had always
found her to be a very genteel lady. Lady Caroline could play and sing
beautifully. Her home was in exquisite taste and it was apparent her husband
Stanford loved her deeply.  Ludivine found it difficult to reconcile that Lady
Caroline with the sobbing, whipped wanton tied over a saddle and begging her
brother-in-law to whip her harder then give her a bastard.  

  Ludivine recalled every detail of that morning in Prides Livery as she waited
for Elena to return. She kept her hands firmly fixed to the bed railing knowing
that if she allowed her concentration to wander her hands would return to that
place between her legs.

    It was some time before Elena came back to their sleeping quarters. My
goodness, could they have done it some more wondered Ludivine? Ludivine lay
quietly as Elena glided into her bunk. Within moments, Ludivine's ears informed
her that Elena was sound asleep.

  The harlot returns from her illicit assignation and immediately goes to sleep.
Elena leaves me to worry about her and the Townly's reputation while she sleeps
like an innocent. Is there no limit to her harlotry thought Ludivine feeling a
real sense of outrage? I should like to take a whip to her backside. I would
whip her sex until it bleeds and then give her to the Kelly brothers since she
is so fond of that black Irish scum.

  Ludivine had lain awake for the rest of the night worrying about whether to
tell her father about Elena and Sir Charles.

  "Ludivine, all the women and children are going below to the ship's safe room
until this is over," said Sir Robert interrupting Ludivine's thoughts.

  Ludivine looked toward the other side of the Enterprise to see four sets of
sails in the distance. They were much closer.

  "Four, are we going to be all right, Father," asked Ludivine.

  "Of course, dear, Captain Travers is confident that we can outrun them if
nothing else. The Enterprise is one of the fastest ships afloat. He's adding
more sail as a cautionary measure." Ludivine looked upward where the
Enterprise's sailors were unfurling the topgallants.

  Ludivine hurried to that room in the Enterprise that was below the waterline
and considered most proof against a cannon ball. Her mother, Elena, and Oliver
were already there along with about fifteen other women and children. It was a
small space for twenty people and the air quickly grew stale and hot.

  The women waited in silence for half hour then were startled to hear the
Enterprise's heavy guns firing a salvo.  The cannonading continued for a long
period, each salvo creating a vibration that shuddered through the entire length
of the ship. There were other louder sounds that Ludivine took to be cannon
balls ripping into the sides of the Bombay Enterprise.

  All of a sudden, the door opened and Sir Robert appeared with a wooden case
that Ludivine recognized as containing two matched pistols. 

  "Here, you may need these," said Sir Robert handing the box to Ludivine
knowing that she was a trained markswoman.

  "What's wrong, Father," asked Ludivine.

  "Blasted luck, the steering has failed. We're sailing in circles. The corsairs
are able to avoid our guns. We may be boarded," said Sir Robert.

  "Robert, stay here with us," said Lady Townly.

  "My place is topside, defending the ship," said Sir Robert fixing an annoyed
glance in his wife's direction before he hurriedly left.

  After Sir Robert departed, Ludivine opened the pistol case and began to load
the pistols.

  "I don't think using those pistols is a good idea," said Betty Humphrey, the
wife of an officer posted to a regiment near Delhi.

  "Why, Mrs. Humphrey?' asked Ludivine as she loaded the pistol. Ludivine knew
that Betty's husband, Hubert, was one of those rare soldiers who had risen
through the ranks to the officer class. Such officers and their families were
constantly reminded in ways large and small that they were interlopers since
almost without exception, officers in the British army and navy were from the

  "You'll get yourself and possibly some of us killed. And it won't change the
result. If the corsairs take the ship, we all know our fate but some of us may
survive," said Betty.

  "I'd prefer death to dishonor," replied Ludivine.

  "That may be your choice but not mine and the others. I prefer to live," said

  "Your class always chooses dishonor. Well, I don't intend to be taken alive,"
said Ludivine with an air of disdain as she pushed the mini-ball home to finish

  "Give me the pistols," said Betty stepping forward. "I don't want to die."

  "If you come a step further, I'll shoot you through the heart thereby
preserving your honor," said Ludivine aiming the pistol she had loaded toward

  At that moment, the Enterprise gave a shudder and heeled slightly over.

  "We're being boarded," said Betty as she stepped back away from Ludivine.

Chapter 02  - Mammectomy by Cutlass

  "I'll cut off her tits then stick my cutlass up her cunt and ream her guts
out," screamed Captain Asago, the infuriated leader of the pirates. Asago was a
short, thick-necked coffee-skinned man with a vivid white scar across his
forehead, a souvenir of a past bar fight. He wore a wide sash across his body
decorated with medals he had acquired by some dishonorable means. In spite of
his lack of height, there was a sense of command and energy that flowed from his

   Ludivine was kneeling on the deck before him. Specks of his spittle landed on
her face as he screamed at her. He punctuated his yelling with a vicious opened
palm slap to her face tumbling her to the deck. It left a clearly visible
outline of his hand imprinted across her cheek. Ludivine was helpless to resist.
A muscular pirate forced her back to a kneeling position where he held her arms
painfully twisted behind her back. A different corsair clutched a fistful of red
hair pulling Ludivine's head back causing the tendons in her long neck to
protrude. Once again, she was looking upward into the face of the infuriated
pirate captain. Both of Ludivine lips were split and there was a trickle of
blood seeping from one nostril.

  The struggle between the crew of the Bombay Enterprise and the pirates had
ended in ferocious hand-to-hand combat that had left the main deck slippery with
blood. As the women emerged into the warm noon sun, the Corsairs were throwing
the dead and wounded bodies of the Enterprise's crew into the calm sea. A few
surviving members of the crew and the male passengers were standing on the aft
deck. The corsairs were methodically cutting each man's throat then immediately
tumbling their still living body into the ocean. The floating carrion had
already drawn sharks and a feeding frenzy was riling the waters surrounding the

  Everywhere there were signs of the no quarter battle strewn over the top deck.
Several of the Bombay Enterprise's spars were splintered and parts of the ship's
railing were blown away.

  Moments before, Ludivine had placed a mini-ball between the eyes of the first
pirate to open the door to the ship's safe room. She had used the other pistol
to blow off half the head of the second pirate to enter. However, the third
pirate through the narrow door was able to knock the pistol out of Ludivine's
hand before she could reload. Two furious pirates drug Ludivine up on deck. They
pulled her along by her hair kicking and slapping her along the way. When
Ludivine impeded their progress by grabbing a stair rail, a corsair had landed
the tip of his boot directly between Ludivine's legs. Ludivine had spent the
last few yards screaming and clutching her aching sex.

  Once set down before the Captain, the corsair named Eduardo informed him of
her actions against the Condor's crew. Captain Asago was furious at the death of
two members of his crew after the sea battle was won. He had lost a sizeable
portion of his crew in the battle itself and to lose two others afterwards and
to a woman brought the captain's temper to the boiling point. The fact that Spag
was his trusted second in command and one of the few he trusted only added to
his rage.

  Other members of the pirate crew herded the remaining women and children to
the center hatch of the ship. They were already taking liberties with the women,
using their daggers to slit open their clothes and lifting their skirts. The
facts that the women knew their fate in no way lessened their fear.

  "Spread her tits on the rail, let's do this properly," ordered Captain Asago
taking his cutlass out of its scabbard and running his thumb along the edge of
the blade to check its sharpness. Ludivine was struggling to escape but they had
hold of her hair and arms and were painfully twisting both.

  One pirate held Ludivine upright and kneeling as Eduardo used his dagger to
cut open the front of Ludivine's clothing. The sharp blade sliced easily down
her midline parting the bodice of her dress. Two additional cuts and the pirate
bared Ludivine's naked chest. Her eyes filled with tears as her breasts were
exposed to the corsairs. She closed her lids in shame as she felt her dress
pushed down to her waist

  "Nice ones, I could have a lot of fun with those, my dear, too bad the
Captain's going to chop them off, you've been a naughty girl," said a short
older corsair named Charlie whose appeared at her front. Ludivine winced as he
grasped her right breast between fingers coated with filth and dried blood. His
thumb and forefinger captured a nipple. The pirate pinched down hard driving his
thumbnail into her soft flesh. Ludivine whimpered in pain.

  "That's for Spag. I wish he were here to take these off," said Charlie as
Ludivine tried to pull her breast from the corsair's fingers. He squeezed even
harder before letting go. When Ludivine looked down there was a small red
crescent of a wound welling with blood where his thumbnail had penetrated her

  "Look at these buds, Captain, why don't you let us have a go at her before you
take them off," said Charlie once again grasping both of Ludivine's nipples and
extending them painfully outward for the Captain to see. Ludivine, raised in
wealth and privilege, found it unbearable to be handled by a barbarian in that
fashion. She moaned in despair and pain as the corsair gave her extended nipples
a full twist. Ludivine's nipples were distended a good two inches. It felt like
Charlie was attempting to literally rip her nipples off her breasts.

  "Quit fucking around, Charlie, get the cunt ready, I want a clear swing that
takes them off smoothly," ordered Captain Asago.

  "Please, I'm rich, my family will pay a huge ransom for my safe return,"
pleaded Ludivine.

  "You should have thought of that before you killed Spag and Raymondo. They've
been with me since we escaped the Turks. Besides, how do I know that's true?
What do you say, we give the fish one of these to eat," said Captain Asago. His
face was only inches from Ludivine's are as he reached down and grasped one of
her breasts in his powerful hand and cruelly squeezed it then twisted the entire
breast causing Ludivine to cry out in pain.

  "Have pity on me, sir," cried Ludivine. "I'm a young woman of quality and not
used to rough treatment."

  "Pity, like you had on my men, you murderous cunt," responded Captain Asago
laughing and responding to Ludivine's assertion of social superiority with a
mocking tone to his voice. "Pardon me, milady, but you have offended the crew of
the pirate ship Condor and for that you will loose your titties and your guts."
Captain Asago playfully slapped Ludivine's breasts causing them to sway back and
forth then signaled his men to begin.

  The pirates manhandled a screaming and kneeling Ludivine to the ship's
railing. Once again they grabbed her nipples and stretched them across the flat
top of the ship's rail.

  "Charlie, hook them and stretch them out, you know, the way we did it last,"
said Captain Asago.

  Charlie reached to his wide leather belt and extracted two large barbed iron
fishhooks. Without hesitating he grabbed Ludivine's nipple, extended it as far
outward as possible then sunk the hook an inch under the nipple then turned it
upward. The bloody point of the hook exited Ludivine's breasts a good inch above
the nipple. Ludivine shrieked in pain and horror but was unable to move. One of
the pirates had placed his knee in the small of her back as he grasping her
wrists pulled her arms directly toward him. Ludivine struggled and pleaded but
to no avail. She was held in an iron grip.

  "Are we enjoying ourselves, milady?' asked Charlie as he set the other hook.
Ludivine answered with a loud scream. Quickly Charlie tied two light fishing
lines to the round eyes of the hooks then attached several ounces of lead
weights. Ludivine watched as Charlie dropped one set of weights over the rail
toward the sea. The hook jerked and pulled the barb back into Ludivine's breast
causing her to feel the full effect of the jagged metal tearing her resisting
flesh.  The pain was so intense she could not scream for several seconds. When
the waves of agony had subsided somewhat, Ludivine looked upward where Charlie
was holding the other weight.

  "Now that you know how it feels, we'll do the other one, this one's for
Raymondo," said a smiling Charlie as he dropped the weight over the side.
Ludivine clamped her teeth together attempting to deal with the expected pain
but when the weights ended their free fall and the barb jerked then pulled back
into her flesh, her mouth opened and she screamed with every ounce of vocal
strength she could muster.

  "She's a loud one, Captain," said Charlie as he observed with satisfaction
that Ludivine's large breasts were stretch tautly across the rail. Her pink
nipples hung off the edge pointing downward toward the ocean. Charlie recalled
with satisfaction how when the Condor captured a Portuguese trader several
months ago, the Captain had taken one of the women and ordered Charlie to set
hooks in her breasts then instead of weights, he had chopped her ears off and
used them as shark bait. They had set the screaming woman on the rail and waited
until a passing tiger shark had taken the bait and violently jerked the
mutilated woman into the sea. Once in the water, the shark had made quick work
of her.

   Ludivine whimpered from the pain in her breasts and arms. She felt like her
shoulders were being dislocated and wailed loudly as the pirate twisted her
wrists to cause her additional hurt. Her wrists felt on the verge of breaking.
The sharp edge of the rail cut cruelly into her skin immediately underneath her
breasts as the pirate's knee pressed her firmly against the rail's rough edge.

  Charlie buried his fist in Ludivine's red hair and used it as leverage to bend
her head back until she felt like her neck was going to break. She had to close
her eyes from the noonday sun. Ludivine forced them open only to look upward and
see that Captain Asago was sitting astride the rail preparing to amputate her

  I'm helpless thought Ludivine. He's going to use the top of the rail as a
chopping block. There's nothing I can do but wait for the cutlass to fall and my
severed breasts will drop into the sea. Oh God help me.

  Behind her, Ludivine could hear her mother, Oliver, and Elena pleading for

The other women passengers were also begging the pirates not to amputate
Ludivine's breasts.

  "I'll do this one first then give you a chance to see what's that like, show
the other women how a lady of quality looks with only one tit, then I'll do the
other, I like to take my time," said Captain Asago as he tapped her right breast
with the flat of his cutlass. Ludivine screamed as she watched Asago raise the
blade upward holding the handle with both hands as if he was swinging an axe.

  Ludivine closed her eyes and began praying for a swift death. She sensed a
movement that indicated the cutlass was on its way. She opened her mouth and
screamed. But before the blade landed, there was a loud clang of steel on steel.

  "That one's mine. I need her. Cut someone else's tits off if you like but not
hers, she belongs to me," said Sir Charles Danby.

  When Ludivine opened her eyes, she saw that the pirate's cutlass was only
inches above her right breast. Sir Charles's sword had stopped its descent. For
a second, Ludivine felt grateful to Sir Charles then she realized the true
import of his presence.

  Sir Charles is one of them realized Ludivine. He betrayed us to the pirates.

  "She killed two of my best men after the ship was taken. The Condor's crew
doesn't tolerate that kind of rebellion from wenches. We've cut a woman's tongue
out for spitting at us. Pick another one, you pick another," yelled Asago
raising his cutlass once again.

  "No, this one's mine, I said another," yelled Sir Charles. The two men were
eyeball to eyeball.

  "Why would I pick another when this one killed Spag and Raymondo? You do see
my point, Sir Charles, don't you?" said Captain Asago relaxing somewhat.

  "And you and your crew would be blown to smithereens if I hadn't damaged the
ship's steering. I'll give you something from my share. She'll fetch a pretty
price in Mahajanga. Dead, she'll bring nothing," said Sir Charles standing his

  "100 pieces," said Asago thinking he had named a high price in gold sovereigns
for what was only a woman.

  "Done," replied Sir Charles without hesitation.

  "And I still get to punish her. The crew and I insist on that. Spag and
Raymondo were their mates," said Asago.

  "As long as they don't kill or scar her," said Sir Charles.

  "A taste of the cat and we'll let her ride the rope," said Captain Asago.

  "I said I didn't want her scarred," said Sir Charles.

   "And I said a taste not a whole meal."

  "Agreed but don't try to cross me," said Sir Charles.

  "Such a lack of trust, you can watch. We'll do her first. That'll get us in
the mood to enjoy the rest of our booty," said Asago gesturing with his cutlass
toward the women and children standing nearby, huddled together in a small
circle seeking the comfort of closeness to friends and family.

  When Sir Charles looked away toward the nearby crowd of cowering women, Asago
took the opportunity to slam the flat of his cutlass across Ludivine's right

  Sir Charles quickly turned back toward Captain Asago prepared to strike but
stopped when he saw that Captain Asago had not severed Ludivine's breast only
landed a vicious, punishing blow with the back of his cutlass. It hurt so much
that Ludivine took several seconds before she screamed in agony.

  "Just a tap, see no scar," laughed Asago.

  The pirates released Ludivine who immediately grabbed her right breast in both
hands and rolled back and forth on the deck screaming. The hooks and fishing
lines added to her agony. One of the fishing lines caught on the side of the
ship. As Ludivine fell to the deck, the line pulled taut forcing the hook to
embed itself deep within the breast that hadn't been struck. Ludivine clutched
her bosom, as she repeatedly screamed, "no more." Her long legs kicked wildly
exposing her thighs to the leers of the pirate crew.

  Ludivine did not believe that much pain was possible. The thick flat blade had
landed on the areola with tremendous force. Ludivine hugged her breast to
herself as she writhed over the wooden deck both hands clutching her damaged
mammary. It was more pain than she had ever experienced in her eighteen years.

  "Oh, by all that's holy, please no more, I beg you," sobbed a prostrate
Ludivine when she finally found her voice. Her breast still throbbed with
intense pain.

  "Why, milady, we're just getting started. Thanks to Sir Charles, you still
have your tits. He is a good friend, no. Perhaps he plans to enjoy them
himself," said Asago leaning over to speak directly into Ludivine's anguished

  "Sir I cannot bear this. I beg you not to harm me further," pleaded Ludivine.

  "Eduardo, strip her, Nabu, get your cat," said Asago to a muscular pirate
standing nearby ignoring Ludivine's plea. Nabu was black as night and more than
a head taller than the rest of the crew. There was an elaborate raised tribal
tattoo carved across his abdomen and chest. Nabu quickly hurried off to fetch
the nine-stranded whip that sailors had learned to fear more than anything.
Weeks before, the Captain had ordered Nabu to whip a crewmember to death for
challenging his authority. Nabu had whipped the man's back until the muscles
were exposed. Before the victim bled to death or died of shock, Captain Asago
had ordered Nabu to work on the man's genitals. In less than a dozen strokes,
the man's penis and gonads were a bloody clump of flesh hanging by a few shreds
of skin.

  Ludivine was still lying on the deck writing in agony from her damaged breast.
Her pain was so intense, she hardly noticed when Charlie snipped off the barbed
end of the hooks and pulled the metal back through her breasts.

  "I'll do her instead. Those tits look big enough to feed a tiger shark," said
Captain Asago pointing his cutlass toward Marie, the attractive and buxom maid
of Ludivine's mother. Mary Townly had brought Marie over from France over a
decade ago. Marie had served Lady Townly since she was eighteen. The other
Townly servants teased Marie about their large size and how in spite of their
size they were still very firm.

  Captain Asago walked over to the group of women and pulled a screaming Marie
from the arms of Mary Townly. He dragged the crying and pleading woman to the
rail. Once there, he forced his cutlass down the front of her black uniform
dress, turned the blade outward and in one motion cut Marie's dress off from
neckline to hem. He and Charlie made quick work of Marie's undergarments,
leaving the thirty-year-old servant crying and shaking in fear and shame.

  "Rail them tits," yelled Captain Asago to two of his crew. In a matter of
moments, Charlie had one again set another pair of hooks in Marie's breasts.

  Marie was brutally positioned the same as Ludivine was only moments before.
Her much larger breasts rested on the wooden rail.

  "Please, Sir Charles, offer him gold to spare Marie, five hundred pieces, we
will pay you back," cried Ludivine. "For the love of God, stop him."

  "I'm afraid it's a matter of Captain Asago's standing with his crew. One of
you has to pay for the murder of two of them. Otherwise the Condor's crew would
loose respect for their captain. Did I state your position correctly, Asago?"
asked Sir Charles casually.

  "Two men means two tits," said the Captain as one more he took his position
astride the rail and raised his cutlass over his head.

  Marie was babbling in French. The other women were begging hysterically for
the Captain to stop. Ludivine still on her side watched in horror as the blade
descended. Ludivine was looking directly at Marie's back as her body jerked
under the impact of the blade. Marie screamed and then slumped forward in a
faint. The corsair holding Marie twisted her body around to confront the other
members of the crew and the female captives. The sight of Marie's chest with a
gaping wound where her breast had been caused several of the women to faint.

  "A clean cut, Captain" commented Eduardo.

  "Wake her and let's do the other," said the Captain.

  Eduardo quickly dropped a wooden bucket over the side. He hauled the full
bucket up and dumped the seawater over Marie's body. Instantly, the woman became
conscious. For a moment, she was quiet but when she looked downward to observe
her uneven chest, she began to scream.

  Eduardo once more forced the screaming woman against the rail positioning her
remaining teat over the wooden top. Marie screamed continually until the blade
descended. This time Ludivine heard the splash of Marie's breast striking the
water. Eduardo pulled the screaming woman upright and turned her toward the
spectators before he pushed her backward over the rail. Captain Asago stepped
forward and parted her labia to expose the opening to her vagina. Without
hesitating, Captain Asago drove his cutlass into Marie's vagina. He forced the
blade a good two feet inside the shrieking woman. He twisted the blade twice
then withdrew it. A fountain of gore poured out form her vagina splattering on
the deck. Eduardo grabbed Marie's ankles and lifted causing her to tumble
backward over the rail into the waiting ocean.

  Ludivine fainted from the sight of Marie standing there with two large wounds
in her chest, her vagina spewing blood and her mouth open wide in a scream.
Ludivine's final conscious thought was that Betty Humphrey had been right.
Loading and using the pistols had been a mistake. Why was I such a fool thought
Ludivine as she lost consciousness?

  Ludivine jerked back awake as a bucket of seawater was dumped over her head.
She sputtered and gasped as she fought to regain her breath. She was lying on
the wooden deck, naked from the waist up. Apparently, Sir Charles had been the
one who dumped the seawater over her head. Ludivine looked around for Marie but
she wasn't there.

  "I'm afraid Marie is feeding the sharks," said Sir Charles noting her anxious
glance toward the rail.

  "Please, Sir Charles, we've all suffered enough, stop them," pleaded Ludivine

  "Sorry, Miss Townly, Captain Asago is an associate not a servant. He's
entitled to his pound of flesh, in this case, two pounds. I'm afraid the next
few minutes are going to be decidedly unpleasant for you," said Sir Charles as
he leaned down and placed his hand on Ludivine's breast. "These are quite
beautiful. It would have been such a pity if I had arrived a second later and
they would be feeding the sharks."

  "Where is my father?" said Ludivine.

  "Unfortunately, he and Captain Travers were killed by a cannonball. Blew them
both right off the deck. They too are feeding the sharks of Madagascar. They're
some of the largest and most ferocious in the world, the sharks that is."

  "You despicable swine," 'screamed Ludivine.

  "How ungrateful. Not even a thank you for saving you teats from Asago's blade.
I bet Elena would have found a way to express her appreciation. You will too
after you've been properly taught."

  Sir Charles stepped back as two crewmen pulled Ludivine to a standing
position. They hesitated a moment when they for the first time realized how tall
she is.

  "She is a big one," said one of the pirates looking up at Ludivine in

  "Strip her, I said strip her, then string her up for punishment," yelled
Captain Asago annoyed at their hesitation.

  The pirates set about cutting her remaining clothes off while Ludivine in
shock stood motionless one hand still clutching her injured breast. In a matter
of moments, she was nude. Rope tied to nearby deck cleats quickly encircled her
wrists and ankles.

  "Spread her out, men, after the cat, we're going to let her ride a hawser,"
said Captain Asago. "That'll tickle her little pussy."

  The pirates pulled the ropes taut. They spread Ludivine's arms and legs as
wide as they would stretch. The ship's ropes were rough and thy bit cruelly into
her wrists and ankles. The pirate crew adjusted the tension in the four ropes
until Ludivine felt as if her joints were dislocated. The rough hemp gouged her
flesh and thin streams of blood appeared at her wrists.

   Her final stance was both arms stretched directly out from her body at a
slight upward angle with her legs extended in a painfully wide upside down V.
The odd thought occurred to Ludivine that she must resemble the famous drawing
of man found in Leonardo DaVinci's sketchbook.

  Ludivine's eyes filled with tears as she looked over at the terrified women.
Some were clutching children. Her mother had a firm hold on Oliver's hand and
her arm around Elena's shoulder.

  Why did my father have to die thought Ludivine? I thank God he cannot see me
naked and at the mercy of these pirates. Ludivine's nakedness left her with a
consuming sense of humiliation and misery. The realization that her younger
brother was witnessing her nudity added to her wretchedness.  A glance around
the main deck informed Ludivine that well over two hundred pirates were admiring
her body, planning to have their turn with her.

  When she looked toward the women, she saw that several of the pirates had
seated themselves on the main hatch to watch her punishment. Most were roughly
pulling a woman down beside them. Two pirates were arguing over Elena and an
older member of the crew was pushing Mary Townly to the deck as a young pirate
pulled Oliver away from his mother. The pirate who forced Ludivine's mother to
the deck flipped her dress over her head and began to strip off her

  "You won't be needing these, milady," said the corsair as he ripped Mary
Townly's pantaloons off exposing her white thighs. Mary Townly was barely forty
years of age and considered a beauty. She kicked wildly to stop the corsair from
removing her remaining undergarments.

  "Hold still or I'll cut your ears off," said another pirate holding Mary
Townly. He had a firm grip on Mary's right ear and was holding his dirk against
the lobe. Mary immediately stopped struggling.

  "Now, that's being a true lady. You just hold still while Watkins gets you
ready for a little of the old in and out," said the corsair holding the knife.

  Watkins used his dirk to cut the drawstring that held up Mary's drawers. He
grabbed the waistband in his hand and slowly pulled her remaining covering down
to her knees and off.

  "We're going to have some fun with you while Nabu works on your girl," said
Watkins somehow aware that Mary was Ludivine's mother. "Me mates will take care
of your other girl right here beside you. Harlan there will bugger your boy.
Harlan likes his boys, he does."

  Ludivine gasped as she saw her mother's exposed sex. A wide swath of curly
black hair covered her mother's delta. Watkins grasped Mary Townly's vaginal
lips in his dirty hand and pulled them apart exposing her vagina.

  "Hold her Billy, while I have a bit of fun," said Watkins as he buried his
face between Lady Mary Townly's legs. He made pig-like sounds as his mouth
noisily slurped and licked her vagina and clitoris.  Mary Townly's shrieks of
outrage, humiliation, and despair filled the air. That encouraged Watkins to
take her clitoris between his teeth and bite down causing Mary further anguish.

  Ludivine was well aware that every woman on board even the aged ones like Mrs.
Hopewell would be raped. She had been journeying to India to be with her
daughter who had taken ill in the harsh climate. The widow Hopewell in her
sixty-fifth year was already naked. Her silvery aged body was a sharp contrast
to the dark skin of the two young sailors. They quickly removed her clothes
exposing her sagging breasts and the thin patch of gray hair covering her sex.
Her thin arms were hoisted over her head; her frail hands secured by a rope
thrown over a spar. One of the young pirates had hoisted her off the deck,
suspended by her arms. He tied the rope to a nearby cleat as his mate grabbed
the flailing and screaming sexagenarian and swung her back and forth across the
hatch cover.

   Obviously in agony, the elderly widow of a government minister was screeching
in pain. A young corsair approached her spinning body, dropping his trousers to
expose his manhood. He reached behind the widow, grabbing her buttocks and
lifting her then impaling her on his cock. His mate approached Mrs. Hopewell
from the rear.

  "Hold her butt open so I can get a piece," said his fellow as he spit first in
his hand before rubbing the sputum over his cock. The widow Hopewell's eyes
started open as for the first time in her sixty five years she felt a man's cock
slip past her anal ring and painfully pass deep into her rectum. A white hot rod
of searing pain plunged into her aging bowels. Cries of agony were forced from
her faded lips as the two corsairs brutally and with no respect for her gray
hair pounded into her. Her screams brought smiles and laughter to the faces of
the young corsairs causing them to redouble the vigor of their rape. The corsair
at her front grabbed her sagging breast in his teeth and bit down hard causing
blood to spurt into his mouth.

   Edith Hopewell's cries of distress drowned out the screeching seagulls that
were feasting on the human carrion floating near the Bombay Enterprise.

  Ludivine was horrified at the thought of what was going to befall the women of
the Bombay Enterprise. However, before she had sailed from England, she had been
aware of the fate of women taken by corsairs.

   Some months ago, the providence of the Achilles Dispatch's female passengers
had been a major topic of gossip among Londoners when a surviving female, a
certain Mrs. Abigail Lennox, was luckily rescued from a slave market by a
squadron of redcoats. Mrs. Lennox returned to London and told her story to
anyone who would listen. Her experience had left her slightly mad and the poor
woman was willing to share details that people in polite society would normally
have not revealed.

   Pirates had captured the Achilles Dispatch as it approached Ceylon. They had
slaughtered the crew and raped the women including girls as young as nine.  Male
children in their teens had been repeatedly sodomised and kept as part of the
pirate crew. The women who survived were sold into slavery when the pirates
tired of their rape.

  Ludivine had overheard her mother and Mrs. Caruthers whispering about it in
the ladies drawing room. It was not considered a fit topic of conversation for a
younger lady.

  "The poor woman was violated countless times. They made her watch while they
cut her husband and two children's throat. They were twins, only five years old.
She's hardly sane after her ordeal," said Lady Madelyn Caruthers.  

  "How horrible. I understand the captain of the Achilles Dispatch had brought
his wife along on the voyage. Even though she was over fifty they didn't spare
her. After the pirates assaulted her, they cut her throat and threw her
overboard. They said she had no value in the slave market."

  "My friend, Mrs. Tate whose husband works for the Ministry of Trade said Mrs.
Lennox was sodomised and forced to have carnal knowledge of other women. She
said that the women were forced to pleasure each other while the pirates

  "Bestiality too, animals, dogs and even a horse, Abigail Lennox spent a year
in a brothel in Colombo servicing sailors and the scum of mankind. Since she was
an English lady they took great pleasure in making her perform with animals,"
said Mary Townly.

  "These pirates are savages. The government should mount an expedition to wipe
them off the face of the earth," said Lady Caruthers. "Hang every last one of
them, after they cut off their balls."

  "Madelyn, please, Ludivine is in the next room reading and might hear," said
Lady Townly.

  "Ludivine will be eighteen soon and joining society. She'll be married within
a year and have a pair of balls to take care of," said Madelyn.

  "You're a scandal, woman, shush," said Mary Townly.

  Ludivine had no doubt that the women of the Bombay Enterprise were about to
suffer a similar fate. Ludivine trembled in fear as once more Captain Asago
approached her. 

  "Red pussy, we don't see much of that here," said Asago reaching down to grasp
Ludivine by her pubic hair then giving it a painful yank. He almost seemed
surprised that it had not come off in his hand. "I've never seen the like. Do
many women in your country have red pussies, Sir Charles?"

  "Red hair is not uncommon but it's her height that makes her such an oddity,"
said Sir Charles.

  "Please spare me, Sir Charles, show mercy for me and my family, my father
advanced your interests and treated you well," whined Ludivine as once again
Asago took a firm grip on her luxuriant growth and pulled upward with all his
strength. Ludivine rose up on her toes in response and wailed for Asago to stop.

    "Doesn't come out," said Asago after more painful tugs. "Let's see if you
are like other women."

  "Sir Roger was a gentleman and a friend to me. Unfortunately, he did not
realize I was neither a gentleman nor a friend to him. I only wish he had lived
so he could watch his family being raped," commented Sir Charles.

  Out of curiosity, Captain Asago slipped his hand downward between Ludivine's
legs parting her labia as his fingers searched for her opening Ludivine squirmed
as she felt his calloused hands probing for her opening.

  "Stop, I'm a lady, stop," pleaded Ludivine to no avail.

  "You won't be for long, milady. Think she's a virgin, Sir Charles," asked
Asago taking his hand away to spit on his fingers then reapplying them to the
task of working them into Ludivine's vagina. Ludivine cringed at she felt the
pirates filthy, spit-covered fingers slipping past the entrance to her vagina.
However, she was powerless to stop him.

  "Yes, she is now but not tomorrow," laughed Sir Charles as he ran his hand
across his crotch indicating he planned to take her virginity.

     "There now, got you open, milady, for such a big girl, that's a tight
little hole. I bet it won't be so tight after Sir Charles and the rest of us
roger it," said Asago. "Sir Charles plans to be the first. After that, we'll all
have a go and old Asago will be able to stick his fist into that hole of yours
with no problem at all."

  Ludivine yelped in pain as the pirate captain's rough fingers forced their way
further into a passageway where no man had traveled before.

  "Nice and tight, like a young girl, she is a wonder. I'm not sure I've ever
seen a woman of such height and with red hair," said Asago as he continued to
work his fingers inside Ludivine's vagina. "I can barely force my way in she is
so small."

  "It is a rare thing," said Sir Charles obviously enjoying Ludivine's
humiliation at the hands of the pirate captain.

  "Ah, you're right, Sir Charles, definitely a virgin, I can feel it, right
there, there's a cover on her hole, and it feels solid, is that why you wanted
her?" asked Asago bending slightly over to insert his fingers deeper into
Ludivine's vagina and pressing against her hymen to test its strength. Ludivine
could only whine in shame and humiliation as the pirate assaulted her most
private being.

  "Not particularly, I have other more personal reasons," said Sir Charles.

  "You said she had a younger sister, which one is she?" asked Captain Asago as
he continued to probe his fingers inside Ludivine who was sobbing and begging
him to stop.

  "The pretty brunette over there with two of your men," said Sir Charles
pointing out Elena who was seated with two pirates that were unbuttoning the
front of her dress. One of Elena's breasts was already exposed and a pirate was
sucking her nipple.

  "I see the family resemblance. Is she a virgin too?" asked Asago standing up
and taking his hand away from Ludivine's sex. He casually wiped his wet hand
across her abdomen.

  "Elena, not hardly, that little whore's fucked me and half the crew since we
left London. Every chance she got, she slipped forward and moved from hammock to
hammock fucking ten a night," said Sir Charles laughingly.

  Even in her dire situation, Ludivine noticed the shocked look on her mother's
face. Mary Townly was only a few feet away. She was on all fours about to be
mounted from the rear by the pirate Watkins. Ludivine watched the pained
expression on her mother's face as the corsair worked his cock into her vagina.
Ludivine realized that other than her father, no man had enjoyed Mary Townly's
sex until that moment when the pirate slid his cock into her hole and she
responded with a loud grunt. The other pirate Billy immediately blocked
Ludivine's view of her mother as he stepped in front of her face.

  "Now, milady, slip that between those pretty lips and give Billy a suck, yes
that's the way," said Billy as he placed his hands on the sides of Mary Townly's
face and began a rhythmic pull of her mouth to his crotch. Ludivine had no
illusions about what her mother was being forced to do.

  "Nabu, where the hell have you been?" shouted Captain Asago when the Negro
returned carrying a vicious appearing cat-of-nine-tails.

  "I had misplaced my cat, sorry Captain," said Nabu looking apologetic then
startled when he realized how tall Ludivine was. Nabu stared at Ludivine in
wonder and walked slowly around her examining her closely.

  "Let's say twenty five on the front for Spag and twenty five on the back for
Raymondo. Fair enough, Sir Charles?" asked Captain Asago.

  "Strike lightly, Nabu, I don't want her scarred, see to her face," said Sir

  Ludivine began to tremble and beg as Nabu took up a position directly in front
of her. Nabu carefully untangled the whip so each of the nine tails would strike

  Ludivine was no stranger to corporal punishment but in the past she had been
in Nabu's position, the giver not the taker. On a dozen occasions she had
whipped her inept personal maid, Eileen, for some failure of service. Right
before they left London, Ludivine had found her ball gowns improperly stored for
not the first time. Ludivine commanded the fifteen-year-old Eileen to pull up
her skirt and push down her pantaloons.  Ordering her to bend over an armchair.
Ludivine used sash cord to tie the girl's hands and feet to the chair legs.
Ludivine had delivered twenty hard blows with a riding crop to Eileen's bare
round bottom. When Ludivine was finished, realizing they were alone, she had
placed her hand on Eileen's buttocks. She traced the whelps with her fingers
sensing the warmth that radiated from the raised skin. Eileen had remained still
as Ludivine's hand caressed her naked bottom. Ludivine's thoughts went back to
that day in Prides Livery and for a moment she imagined that it was Lady
Caroline Huntington she had punished. It took an act of will for Ludivine to
refrain from touching Eileen's sex. She felt immensely curious as to whether it
was wet. Shaking off these urges, Ludivine untied Eileen and lectured her on the
proper storage of her gowns.

   Eileen's buttocks were badly bruised and the girl cried for hours afterward.
Even Ludivine's father had felt she had been too harsh.

  "You go too hard, Ludivine. You'll do the poor girl an injury," said Sir

  "Nonsense, father," Ludivine had responded. "Discipline's absolutely necessary
to keep an orderly house. She'll live."

  And of course last summer, there was the young groom, Tommy, who had failed to
unsaddle, brush and feed her hunter after she had ridden him to the hounds. When
Ludivine found Taggart still saddled and covered in sweat two hours after she
had returned, she was furious. She commanded the Stable Master to expose the
young man's buttocks and hold him down. She whipped Tommy's naked bottom until
her arm got tired. The boy's rear was covered with deep whelps by the time she
was finished. The servants at Cantwell Hall and the town home in Hyde Park were
wary of Ludivine and stepped briskly when she was about.

  But at the moment, Ludivine was whimpering and attempting to turn away as she
saw Nabu's arm come forward, the cat swinging in a terrible arc to land directly
across the top of her breasts. The whip landed with the sound of a gunshot
against her fair skin causing the flesh to compress inward with the force of the
blow. Ludivine screams occasioned the other women to start screaming and

  Serves the bitch right thought Sir Charles as Ludivine screamed in pain. This
will bring the high and might Miss Ludivine Townly down a notch or two. After I
take her virginity, I'll let the crew screw her. We'll see if she's so proud
after a dozen of this scum has dumped their spunk in that aristocratic pussy of
hers. I imagine Asago will fuck her ass until it bleeds. These pirates bugger
each other when there's no woman about.

    "Nabu's something of an artist with the cat. He'll not land twice on the
same spot," said Captain Asago standing beside Sir Charles watching Ludivine's

  Ludivine passed out after the tenth blow but was revived when a bucket of cold
seawater was thrown full force in her face. The whipping proceeded with Ludivine
screaming her lungs out as the cat's lash proceeded methodically down her body
to her upper thighs.

  Each time, Ludivine fainted; Nabu halted and waited patiently until Eduardo
retrieved another bucket of seawater. They revived her to face the hell of the

  "No point in whipping them unless they can feel it," commented Captain Asago.
"Nabu, give her one on the pussy. That'll liven her up."

   Nabu angled the final blow upward to land directly on Ludivine's sex. That
occasioned a stronger than before outburst of screams as each of the nine
strands of leather landed on untouched and highly sensitive flesh that
surrounded her vagina.

   Nabu's body was dripping perspiration when he finished her front.  Ludivine
slumped forward hanging in the ropes no longer able to support herself.   Nabu
doused his body with one of the buckets of seawater then walked slowly behind
Ludivine. As Nabu walked by, he grabbed a fistful of Ludivine's hair and pulled
her face up to his and kissed her on the lips.

  Ludivine felt a wave of disgust pass over her body as Nabu's thick lips
pressed against hers. His other hand gripped her jaw forcing her mouth open.
Ludivine tensed as Nabu's tongue entered her mouth and intertwined with her own

  Is there no end to the pain and degradation that I am forced to experience
thought Ludivine?  Her answer came quickly as Nabu expelled a large quality of
his saliva into her mouth then forced her jaw shut so she was forced to swallow
the black man's spit.

  "Have mercy, Sir Charles, I beg you. I cannot stand more of this," pleaded
Ludivine as soon as Nabu released her jaw. Sir Charles had lighted a cheroot and
was standing nearby smoking. He appeared to be enjoying Ludivine's agony.

  "Sorry, Mrs. Townly, but Captain Asago is due his revenge. If you hadn't been
so ready to shoot, you could disporting yourself like the other ladies," said
Sir Charles gesturing toward the great hatch where the pirates were assaulting
the women of the Enterprise.

  Ludivine saw her mother's legs kicking wildly in the air. The naked butt of a
pirate was between her legs hammering his cock into Lady Mary Townly's vagina. 
The pirates were forming rough lines at each of the women. Ludivine was
horrified to see Oliver his young face twisted in a grimace of pain as a pirate
sodomised his backside. Oliver's friend, Earnest was beside him being sodomised
as well.

  Ludivine's observations were interrupted when the cat exploded across her
upper shoulder blades. She sensed that Nabu's blows were coming harder and
faster. She felt blood flowing down her back onto her buttocks. At some point,
she passed out but awakened screaming at the top of her lungs as a bucket of
seawater landed on the open cuts that Nabu was making in her scapula.

  When a particularly painful blow landed at the very top of her buttocks and
one of the nine strands curled between her globed lashing upward to land on the
core of her sex, Ludivine not only screamed with all her available lung power
but loss control over her bladder. A broad yellow stream of urine flowed down
her legs on her feet and spread over the deck.

  "It's seems you've pissed yourself, Miss Townly, not at all lady like," said
Sir Charles.

  "Mercy, Sir Charles, mercy," pleaded Ludivine wishing Sir Charles had not
spared her. She would have preferred death to what was happening now. The pain
was unbearable.

  "Too bad, your fancy London set can't see you now with piss dribbling down
your legs," laughed Sir Charles.

  "That's twenty five, Captain," announced Nabu.

  "Find a short hawser, Nabu," ordered Captain Asago.

  "Ready to ride the rope, milady? They say nothing on earth's as bad as that,"
asked Captain Asago placing himself directly in front of Ludivine and lifting
her chin off her chest.

  "Mercy, captain, mercy, I'm a rich woman. I can make you wealthy beyond your
dreams," whispered Ludivine.

  "Oh yes, take me to London, drive me round to Saville Row and dress me up as a
fine gentleman then put me in your carriage and take me to Barclay's Bank.
Somehow, I doubt it," said Captain Asago.

  "I'll have my family send you money, as much as you want," said Ludivine.

  "I'm afraid what you say is impossible. As soon as Nabu returns, you will have
a lover here between your legs that you will never forget. He will caress your
little pussy in ways you have never imagined," said Captain Asago his hand
working Ludivine's sex. Ludivine sensed that his fingers were pulling that part
of her anatomy known as the clitoris.

  "Look, Sir Charles," said Captain Asago extending Ludivine's clitoris for Sir
Charles to view. "Look at this, it must come with the red hair."

  "There must be someway I can get you the money," said Ludivine desperate to
avoid further pain and almost out of her mind with the humiliation and
degradation of her situation.

  "It's sizeable, almost like a tiny cock," responded Sir Charles taking a
closer look at that part of Ludivine's anatomy. Sir Charles noted that
Ludivine's clitoris was not only quite large but unlike most women's slightly
detached like a small cock. If the cunt lives, I'll improve on that and make her
a true wanton thought Sir Charles.

  "Now, there is a true reason to spare the wench, red hair, her height, and
this girl cock between her legs. I now see why you want her," said Captain

 "Maybe I'll sell her to a maharaja," said Sir Charles.

  "Have you ever seen someone ride the rope, milady?" said Asago who had
returned his hand to the area between Ludivine's legs and was slowly rubbing her

  "No, please, I will die," whined Ludivine. "I have suffered enough." Ludivine
flesh was on fire from the very top of her breasts to her knees and in back from
her shoulder tops to her thighs. The pain would not go away. It burned and
pulsed and she felt like she would go mad.

  "I got it, Captain," said the returned Nabu who was holding a short length of
thick triple stranded rope of the type used to moor the ship to the dock. It
looked to be about twenty feet long.

  "Eduardo take the other end," ordered the Captain.

  Ludivine watched in horror as the hawser was passed between her legs. They
pulled it taut to where it pressed against her sex, causing her to cry out in

  "Now, lift up so her pussy's resting on the hawser," said Captain Asago.

  Captain Asago jumped onto the ship's rail and shouted for his crew's
attention. But the crews of the four ships were noisily raping the women. They
ignored their Captain shouts as they took their turns with the females and
children. After a moment of being ignored, Captain Asago pulled his pistol from
his belt and fired it into the air. That silenced the assemblage.

  "That's better. Now listen up you scum. This passenger, what did you say her
name was, Sir Charles?" said Captain Asago.

  "Miss Ludivine Townly of Hyde Park and Cantwell Hall," replied Sir Charles.

  "This whore, Ludivine, killed Spag and Raymondo. I was going to cut off her
tits and feed them to the fish but Sir Charles Danby made us a better offer. But
I did insist that we punish her with a dance on the rope. I want everyone to
stop for a moment and watch her pay for the murder of two members of the crew of
the Condor," said Captain Asago as he jumped down from the rail.

  "Go to," ordered Captain Asago to Nabu and Eduardo.

  Ludivine felt the hawser tighten and lift her. She was resting on her toes,
pulling on the wrist ropes to escape the intense and painful pressure of the
thick hemp strands that were pressing against her most sensitive womanly parts.

  "Keep the line taut, now back and forth six paces," said Asago.

  "Sir Charles, by all that's holy, stop them, I cannot endure such agony. I am
at the end of my capacity to survive," begged Ludivine her eyes pleading for Sir
Charles to intervene.

  "You'll live," said a scornful Sir Charles then added, "Probably."

  Ludivine watched in horror as Nabu carefully stepped backward six steps
causing the rope to slowly drag itself across her womanly parts. Almost
immediately, there was a savage burning pain as the rough hemp strands
interacted with the soft tissue of her sex and upper thighs.

  "Mercy, Sir Charles, by all that's Christian and dear, save my daughter for
the love of Jesus," screamed Mary Townly who was lying naked on the hatch cover
being raped by a dark skinned pirate.

  Sir Charles ignored Mary Townly's plea keeping his eyes fixed on the now
hysterical Ludivine. He could almost smell the burning flesh as the friction of
the hawser against her tender virginal skin created a heat that was painful
beyond description.

  "Ever seen a bint do a rope dance, Sir Charles," asked Captain Asago taking a
place beside Sir Charles and accepting the offer of a cheroot. Both men relaxed
against the rail better to enjoy the torture of the beautiful Ludivine.

  "Can't say as I have. Looks damn painful though," responded Sir Charles
striking one of the newly developed sulfur matches to Captain Asago's cigar.

  "Takes the hide off their cunt, a layer at a time, sometimes they go mad,"
said Captain Asago.

  "This one won't. She'll scream her lungs out but she'll live and keep her
sanity. She's a hater and right now, she hates me enough to survive."  

  Back and forth Nabu and Eduardo slowly stepped maintaining the maximum
possible tension on the rope as it literally wore away the flesh of Ludivine's
sex. Ludivine could feel the strands working as they passed along the soft
tissue covering her vagina. Every few seconds, there was a painful pinch as
another patch of skin was removed by the hawser.

  Sir Charles found his cock stirring as he watched and listened to the
beautiful Ludivine shriek her pain to the careless sky. He gazed intently as the
rough hawser slowly passed over Ludivine's most tender parts. I can't imagine
the level of pain she must be feeling thought Sir Charles. It must be an agony
beyond human description.

   Sir Charles had never witnessed the torture of "riding the rope" although he
had often heard it discussed among the Madagascar pirates.  They were known to
perform the rope torture on both male and female captives. For men, they would
abrade the skin of the ball sack unit it wore through and the man's testicles
spilled out. Sometimes the pirates made the family watch while they slowly
castrated the father. When a testicle slipped from the father's torn scrotum,
they would hold it in front of the father's eyes so he could see his severed
manhood. Sir Charles had heard of an instance where they had made the man's wife
and daughter each swallow one of his severed balls. The savagery of the corsairs
of the Madagascar Strait knew no equal.

  "See, she's shit herself," pointed out Captain Asago as the rope's color
changed from red to brown. "That happens when the rope takes away all they have
except pain."

  Sir Charles watched as several soft brown turds fell on the deck below

  "Nothing like the rope for breaking a proud bitch down. Let her ride the rope
just one time and after that all you have to do is hint she'll take another ride
and she'll do whatever you say," said Captain Asago whose obvious erection
indicated he was enjoying the torture of Ludivine.

  "Tie her butt up across the rail when they're done with the rope," said Sir

  I should intervene before they ruin her sex but I'm enjoying her pain thought
Sir Charles. I have plans for her and the others. Maybe later after I'm tired of
her, I'll find ways to amuse myself with her in my dungeon. Sir Charles imagined
Ludivine in the prison of his palace at Mahajanga writing in agony as he burned
her with a hot iron or stretched her upon the rack.

  As soon as they've worn all the hide off her cunt, I'm going to take her
virginity thought Sir Charles. They say a girl never forgets her first time. Her
virgin blood will mix with the blood from the rope. Before too long, the proud
bitch will beg me to let her suck my cock. I'll make her pay for refusing my
offer of marriage.

Chapter 03  - Fate Worse Than Death

    Ludivine's eyes slowly opened focusing on the bodies and debris floating
beside the Bombay Enterprise. The wind had disappeared and left an eerily calm
sea. Corpses and pieces of wood surrounded the ship seemingly reluctant to float
away. Most of the dead were dressed in the uniform of the Bombay Enterprise. 
Ludivine recalled how her father had insisted that the crew be well turned out.
He had consulted Ludivine about his choice of colors and materials for their

   Periodically, a shark drawn by the smell of blood charged into the wreckage
to bite off a mouthful of bloody flesh. His gore-ridden mouth twisted and turned
as he rent his meal from a floating corpse. One of the sharks passed directly
below Ludivine. She thought the shark's soulless eyes were staring up at her
waiting for her to drop into the ocean for his dinner.

  When Ludivine turned her head away toward the ship's stern, she saw several
large holes blown in the side of the gun deck. As consciousness slowly returned,
she realized she was hanging head first over the ship's railing.  The railing
pressed against her stomach. I'm naked with my bottom exposed to the pirates
grasped Ludivine.

  When she turned sideways toward the bow, she saw there were two women nearby
leaning backward over the same rail that Ludivine was doubled up forward over.
The women were both naked and being raped. Closest was a lady Ludivine
recognized as Mrs. Terrence Wilkes, the wife of a functionary of the Viceroy's
government in New Delhi. Sadie Wilkes was a talkative middle-aged woman
traveling to join her husband.  He had gone out to serve the Raj the year before
but Sadie had stayed behind to help her only daughter through the pangs of
delivering their first grandchild.

  The other woman was Mrs. Gardner, returning to her husband stationed with his
regiment in Cawnpore. Mrs. Gardner had gone back to England to settle her family
estate after the unexpected death of both her parents within two months of one
another.  Mary Gardner was a lively pretty woman who annoyed Ludivine's mother
by flirting with Sir Roger. 

  Mrs. Wilkes was an attractive buxom blonde who was always foolishly talking
about her husband's possibilities for promotion in the government in Whitehall
once his tour of duty with the Viceroy was completed. At the moment, a pirate
had her bent precariously backward over the rail. Her spine was arched back and
she was screaming in pain and humiliation as he thrust himself into her.  The
pirate raping Mrs. Wilkes had a hook for a hand. Ludivine's stomach churned as
she realized the pirate had forced the hook through one of Mrs. Wilkes breasts
and was holding her in place by her impaled breast while he raped her. The hook
entered the underside of poor Mrs. Wilkes breast. The point of the hook emerged
at the top. Her breast was drenched in blood and each motion of the hook renewed
the flow pumping from the entry and exit wounds made by the gleaming steel hook.
Each time, the corsair thrust his cock into Mrs. Wilkes vagina; he jerked her
body to his using the hook as leverage. Sadie Wilkes kept repeating, "take it
out" over and over again.

  Ludivine looked past Mrs. Wilkes to see that a second pirate had joined in the
rape of Mrs. Gardner. Mrs. Gardner's shoulder blades were now resting on the top
of the rail. One pirate was holding her legs around his waist while her thrust
into her. A second had climbed upon the rail and positioned himself to straddle
her face. The corsair squatting on the rail was holding Mrs. Gardner's head in
his hands as he forced his cock into her mouth. Ludivine could hear the sounds
of Mrs. Gardner as she choked and gagged on the corsair's member. The poor women
appeared to be suffocating. At the last minute, the corsair withdrew from her
mouth. The sound of Mrs. Gardner choking and spitting up bile came to Ludivine's
ears as she slowly returned to consciousness.

  A confused Ludivine attempted unsuccessfully to straighten up. But, her hands
were tied to the outside bottom cleats along the ship's railing. Her feet were
similarly spread widely and tied on the inside. Her long red hair hung down
toward the ocean. "Butt up" was how Sir Charles had phrased it and that's the
way I am realized Ludivine. Ludivine shuddered at the thought of why she had
been tied in this particular manner.

  Attempting to distract herself from her pending fate, she looked between her
legs through a small opening in the rail. She saw women and pirates lying naked
on the main hatch. The bodies of several pirates covered each woman. Ludivine's
mother was sucking one pirate's cock while another sodomised her. There were
half a dozen corsairs standing nearby waiting their turn with Mrs. Townly.

  Other women were suspended in air hanging by the arms. Ropes thrown over a
spar hoisted them off the deck. Ludivine noted that some of the hanging women
were being penetrated from both back and front simultaneously. The odd thought
occurred to Ludivine that pirates must prefer to rape standing up. One of the
hanging women was being swung wildly back and forth between two pirates. She
kicked and screamed in fear each time they shoved her. She was swinging far out
over the water when they allowed the rope to go free. A loud splash was heard
followed by screams from a shark attack.

  Expressions of outrage and cries for mercy were now mainly absent. The pirates
were still taking their turns with the females but the women were quiet and
compliant, unable to do anything except moan softly or grunt as man after man
climbed between their legs. To avoid the pirate's fists and knives, they did as
they were told.

  Ludivine heard a pirate order one of the women in her line of sight to get on
her knees for an ass fucking and the women promptly obeyed.  Ludivine found
herself looking into the battered face of Mrs. Allison Carson. Ludivine recalled
that Tobias Carson her husband had been a charming dinner companion and a very
learned individual with a vast knowledge of agriculture. The Carsons were
traveling to India to establish a Department of Animal Husbandry at the
University of Delhi. Ludivine assumed that Tobias was either killed in the
attack or executed by the pirates.

  God what have they done to Allison's face wondered Ludivine. Each side of
Allison's nose had a thick red cut as if a dagger had been inserted in the
nostril then cut outward. Ludivine was unaware that slitting a woman's nostrils
to permanently disfigure them was a common practice among the corsairs. One of
Allison's eyes was swollen closed. When Allison opened her mouth, Ludivine saw
that her front teeth were missing

  "Hold them cheeks apart, missy," ordered the corsair. Poor Allison reached
backward taking her buttocks in her hands and separating them. The corsair spit
on her anus.

  "Down, point it toward the sun," ordered the corsair and Allison brought her
legs closer under her body in order to elevate her rear skyward. Ludivine
watched as the corsair crouched on two feet straddling Allison's upturned bottom
before plunging almost straight downward into her rectum. Allison grunted but
did not cry out each time the pirate's erect cock entered her anus. After a
dozen or more strokes, he withdrew to squirt semen over her upturned rear.

  "Don't move, Clovis wants a piece of your ass," said the pirate standing up
and stepping away only to be replaced by another corsair who quickly guided his
cock into Allison's asshole. 

  Most of the women were in a jumble of pirate bodies as the men shared the
several openings of the women's bodies. Respectable British women who had never
experienced sex more exotic than the missionary position with their husband
found themselves in the table position with cocks assaulting all three orifices.
Women who were repelled at the very thought of the male penis passing between
their lips were being forced to swallow the semen of unwashed pirates of mixed

  In the clutter of bodies and with her restricted view, Ludivine could not
distinguish other members of her family. Slowly Ludivine's mind cleared and she
recalled that only moments before, they had finished dragging that horrible rope
between her legs. Each time she fainted, they revived her by dumping a bucket of
cold seawater over her head. Toward the end, her throat had become so raw from
screaming that all she could do was make small croaking sounds as that horrible
length of hawser was slowly pulled between her legs. Her sex and the inner top
of her thighs and the bottom of her buttocks were stripped of their skin.

  The rope had quickly changed color as Ludivine's blood stained it crimson.
Each inch of movement abraded the fleshy tissue from the area surrounding her
vagina. The inside of her thighs was first rubbed raw then the skin slowly worn
away by the rough strands of hemp. Blood from her crotch dripped down on the
deck forming a crimson pool between her legs. More than once, Ludivine begged
God to allow her to faint or even die but each time the icy seawater returned
her to a world of unspeakable agony. When the salt water coursed down her
nakedness and reached the peeled flesh of her thighs and sex, it added to the
unbearable pain.

  Right before, she fainted once more, Ludivine recalled hearing Sir Charles

  "That's enough, you promised me she would live. You've already scraped all the
hide off her cunt, she'll bleed to death," said Sir Charles.

  "Nabu, Eduardo, " said Asago stopping his men. "What do we do with her, Sir
Charles," asked Asago.

  "Tie her over the rail, butt up," said Sir Charles. "Alive or dead, her cunt's

  Growingly alert in a body that shrieked pain from a thousand points, Ludivine
felt two hands grip her naked hips and a man's hardness prod between her widely
stretched legs. Now it's my turn to suffer the fate worse than death thought
Ludivine. "Oh God in Heaven help me to endure this outrage," whispered Ludivine.

  "Good, you're awake. Praying for salvation, Miss Townly," said Sir Charles.
"I'm afraid that God has not yet made a showing today; but Satan certainly has."

  "Asago's hawser has certainly made its mark on your thighs, These pirates are
uncommonly smart about what can cause a woman the most pain," said Sir Charles
rubbing his hand over the bloody flesh then using Ludivine's blood to lubricate
his cock.

   Sir Charles observed Ludivine was missing the flesh on the inside tops of her
thighs for the width of the rope. He parted the halves of spongy tissue that
covered her vaginal openings. "And I would say your cunt has lost a good quarter
inch of flesh. That must have hurt."

  "On your mother's soul, can you not find it in yourself to stop this. I have
suffered unspeakable agony," spoke Ludivine in a rasping voice.

  "My mother was a gin swilling whore who dropped me off at the orphanage for
foundlings an hour after I exited her overused cunt," said Sir Charles. "Pity, I
had hoped to do this on our wedding night under more pleasant circumstances."

  Ludivine winced as Sir Charles rigid cock came in contact with her tortured
flesh. Ludivine compared her sister's expressions of pleasure with her own
shrieks of intense pain as his manhood forced its way into the narrow opening.
When it reached that fleshy proof of Ludivine's purity, Sir Charles hesitated.

  "As soon as I split this, you'll no longer be a lady. You'll be a whore like
your sister. When I'm done with you, I giving you to the rest of the crew. But
first, Captain Asago has a surprise for you," laughed Sir Charles as he
tightened his grip on Ludivine's hips preparing to thrust inside her with all
his force.

  Ludivine's body tensed as Sir Charles violently pulled himself into Ludivine's
orifice intent on ripping her maidenhead with as much brutality as he could

  "Damn," yelled Sir Charles as his cock pressed against the fibrous membrane
then bent painfully backwards as the tissue failed to give way under his

  Ludivine let out a great breath of air at the intense pain she felt when her
hymen stretched but held. It left a dull ache at the core of her sex.

  Ludivine felt Sir Charles withdraw for a moment then once again insert his
cock in her opening.

  "God may have intended you for a nunnery with a maidenhead that stout," said
Sir Charles once more taking a grip on Ludivine's hips and positioning himself
for another assault. Ludivine grunted and whined for mercy as Sir Charles
maneuvered his cock at different angles all the time applying pressure against
her maidenhead. Ludivine could feel the head of Sir Charles cock probing and
stretching her hymen. The pain was intense.

  "I think that should have loosed you up sufficiently," said Sir Charles.

  Ludivine tensed as Sir Charles took another more painful grip at the top of
her pelvic girdle, withdrew his manhood to the very entrance of her vagina and
then using both arms and his body slammed into her with brutal force.

  Ludivine wailed in misery as she felt her hymen being painfully stretched. She
could feel the membrane sink inward pulling against the walls of her vagina,
dragging and stretching the sensitive tissue.

 "My God, she's got a maidenhead made of iron," exclaimed Sir Charles in
exasperation and some discomfort. "A man could ruin his cock assaulting her

 "Kill me, sir, please, I cannot endure this. I wish to die," pleaded Ludivine.

  "I'll decide the day and means of your death and it will not be today,"
responded Sir Charles.

  Trice more, Sir Charles attempted to take Ludivine's maidenhood. Each time was
unsuccessful. Although the last attempt caused Ludivine to feel that the walls
of her vagina were being ripped apart.

  "Is there a problem, Sir Charles," asked Captain Asago amused at the
Englishman's failure to take Ludivine's virginity.

  "Bitch has a maidenhead made of leather. My cock's sore from attempting it,"
responded an exasperated Sir Charles.

  "I've seen this before, mostly with younger girls, but, we pirates of the
Madagascar Strait have a solution, a marlin spike will do the job," said Captain
Asago leaning over to pull a pointed iron cone out of the rack holding several
such sailing tackle.

  Ludivine cringed as she felt the pointed cone of iron being inserted into her

  "Now stand back and give it a kick with the toe of your boot," said Asago.
"That'll split her open like a melon."

  "Please, Sir Charles, by all that's holy, do not..." screamed Ludivine. But
she did not finish her plea as the toe of Sir Charles boot contacted the end of
the metal tool driving it into Ludivine and breaking through her hymen in one
swift incredibly brutal action. Ludivine's wail of pain was so loud and heart
wrenching that the crew halted in their rape of the women for a moment and
looked in Ludivine's direction. Those having the right vantage point smiled at
the sight of her attractive female bottom with a black metal object sticking out
of her bloody vagina. A stream of fresh virgin blood coursed down the inside of
Ludivine's thighs and pooled at her feet.

  Almost immediately, Ludivine felt the iron object in her vagina replaced by
Sir Charles cock.

  "Ah, that's better now," said Sir Charles as he set about raping Ludivine.

  Ludivine had endured so much that the discomfort of Sir Charles cock plunging
into her hitherto virgin sex seemed minor by comparison. The contact of his
clothes with her badly scrapped thighs and sex was far more painful than the
intrusion of his male member into her sex. Ludivine began to grunt each time Sir
Charles thrust himself into her.

  "Listen Asago, she's grunting like a sow being fucked by a boar," said Sir

  "These well born British women pretend they are ladies, they think they're so
high and mighty but when they get a cock in their pussy, they become a slut just
like all the rest," said Asago who had taken up a position next to Ludivine. He
leaned over the rail and grabbed one of Ludivine's breasts and slowly massaged

  "She's got pretty tits. Perhaps it's a good thing you kept me from chopping
them off. She likes them stroked. Look how her nipples grow when Asago gives
them a rub," said Captain Asago.

  "In two months time, this fine British lady will be fully trained to use all
three orifices to service a man's cock and she'll love doing it," said Sir
Charles. "In fact, she'll do it every day. I plan to make a whore out of her and
the others. I have a use for them that will make us wealthy men."

  Ludivine was too exhausted to object when she felt Sir Charles first spit on
her rectum and then push a finger inside her anus.  It was painful but
considering everything else she had gone through, bearable.

  "I'll loosen her up for you, Asago," said Sir Charles as he fucked Ludivine's
pussy and worked a finger into her asshole.

  "Use three fingers, Sir Charles, I have a big cock," said Captain Asago as he
pushed his trousers down to expose his large brown member. "Her next shit will
come easy after I've reamed her out with this."

  Ludivine had not expected to be sodomised and the thought of having that
filthy pirate's manhood in her rectum was almost too much to bear. Ludivine felt
the pressure that Sir Charles was applying to her anal ring and attempted to
squeeze it closed but she could not force his fingers out of her anus. Her
efforts caused her to grunt and groan as she strained to expel his digits.

  "Here that Asago, I think she's taken a fancy to having her ass violated,"
said Sir Charles.

  "She'll sing a pretty ditty when my cock get in there, won't you milady, lots
of wenches from here to the Sargasso Sea know what it's like to have Asago's
dick in their shitter," said Asago.

  Finally, like with her sister the night before, she sensed the increased tempo
and rapid breath that signaled Sir Charles was approaching his climax. She felt
him convulse several times as his wicked seed spilled into her vagina.

  "You have just received your first fuck, Miss Townly. You now have a man's
semen in your vagina and it's not your husbands. According to the rules of our
Victorian society you're officially a whore. Her ass's yours, Asago," said Sir
Charles as he withdrew his cock while delivering a painful slap to Ludivine's

  "I broke the bitch's back, it snapped like a twig, did you hear that?"
exclaimed the one handed pirate raping Mrs. Wilkes.  Ludivien had heard a sharp
crack but was too distracted by Sir Charles rape to look in the direction of the
sound. She turned her head to see a lifeless Mrs. Wilkes bent backward over the
rail at an obscene angle. The pirate deftly removed his hook from her breast
then lifted her over the railing allowing her body to fall into the sea.  Nearby
Mrs. Gardner was now bent over the rail similar to Ludivine and a pirate was
sodimising her.

  Ludivine shuddered as felt Captain Asago climb onto her back like a monkey
painfully forcing her stomach down against the hard wooden rail. She recoiled as
she felt him reverse his position and apply his lips to her anus.

  My God help me to endure this silently prayed Ludivine. I want to live and
take revenge on Sir Charles and these corsairs.

  "I always suck their butt to get them ready," said Captain Asago. "There's
nothing like the taste of a lady's ass to get me hard and ready to break down
their rear door," said Asago.

  Ludivine shivered in disgust as she felt his lips and tongue massaged her anal
ring. Slowly, his tongue found its way inside her rectum. A moment later, she
felt two fingers enter her anus and stretch it apart. The sounds and feel of
Captain Asago spitting into her open rectum made her almost vomit in disgust.

  "Look, Sir Charles, she's opening up," said Captain Asago. "See how her hole
grabs my fingers. This one has a hungry ass and I have just the thing to feed

  "I think she's more of a whore than she realizes," said Sir Charles.
"Certainly, her sister has no reluctance when it comes to accepting a dick in
her ass."

 Ludivine inhaled deeply as she felt Captain Asago reverse his position. That
allowed his cock to part her buttocks. Ludivine was beyond any resistance. As
his cock passed into her rectum it stretched her bowels creating a fiery
sensation, Ludivine realized that she was being sodomized, something that was
inconceivable to her only hours ago.

  It took several minutes and multiple strokes before Ludivine's nether passage
relaxed and the pain subsided. Ludivine, like the other women of the Bombay
Enterprise, had reached that point where there was only acceptance of their
fate. Ludivine began to grunt and breath heavily as Asago sodomised her.

  "Nabu, come and enjoy her with me," said Captain Asago. "This one's a lively

  Ludivine was at first uncertain what Captain Asago had meant but very shortly
she felt another cock being positioned to enter her vagina. He parted her bloody
slit, found the opening of her torn vagina and pushed forward to bury the head
inside her opening.

  Ludivine gasped aloud when she sensed Nabu was much larger than Sir Charles.
Ludivine felt the giant member push up inside her love tunnel expanding the
sides as it progressed. Nabu began a long slow fucking of Ludivine's abused

  "Oh my God," moaned Ludivine calling out for divine intervention.

  "She likes you, Nabu," laughed Asago. "She calls you her Savior."

  The sensation of a cock in both her holes overwhelmed Ludivine. There was a
strong sensation of pressure in her abdomen. The two cocks descended together
causing friction between her vagina and rectum. She actually felt a small ripple
of pleasure when Asago leaned perilously over the rail and reached down to
squeeze her breast taking her nipple between his grimy fingers and rolling it
back and forth.

  Surely, I cannot take the least pleasure in this thought Ludivine. I am not a
whore like my sister. Nor am I like one of the lower class women like Betty
Humphrey who's willing to suffer every type of defilement in order to survive.
Still it is something I must survive so one day I can take my revenge for the
murder of my father.

  Ludivine's mind had wandered and she shocked herself by sounding a long moan
of pleasure as Nabu's cock stirred something inside her.

  "The lady may want you for a husband, Nabu," laughed Asago as he continued to
pump his cock into Ludivine's ass. Nabu answered with a grunt of satisfaction as
he increased the pace he was pounding his cock into Ludivine. Asago joined in
the rhythm as the two men took Ludivine without mercy, driving their dicks into
her holes attempting to cause her as much pain as themselves pleasure.

  "She is one fine whore," said Nabu as he slowly thrust into Ludivine. He was
determined to take his time and enjoy this tall beautiful Englishwomen. In front
of Nabu's face, Captain Asago's butt bobbed up and down as he plunged his cock
into Ludivine's ass. Periodically, he pulled his cock out so he could watch
Ludivine's sphincter slowly contract.

  "It keeps winking at my cock," said Captain Asago as he once again pushed past
her closed anus. "It wants to be fed."

  Ludivine grunted loudly each time her anus was reopened.

  "Nabu, give you Captain's ass a lick and then a finger fuck," ordered Captain

  Two pirate cocks are inside my body thought Ludivine. I should kill myself as
soon as I am able. No decent woman should want to survive this disgrace. But
somehow I must.

  Ludivine sensed the telltale signs of Asago's impending climax. Ludivine
recognized the labored breaths, the gasps, the loud sighs, an increased pace,
and finally the short muscular convulsions that signaled for the second time,
her body was accepting the seed of a man. Ludivine noted with self-loathing that
Asago had planted his seed in an orifice expressly forbidden in the Holy Bible.
Sodomy was a grave sin, far worse and more depraved than fornication. She had
been defiled in the most significant manner possible.  I am truly and for all
time ruined as a decent woman thought Ludivine. No respectable man would ever
consider a liaison with a woman defiled by corsairs.

  Moments later, Nabu spewed his semen into her vagina. Ludivine could feel the
strong spurts of semen washing the walls of her vagina. An African thought
Ludivine has raped me. A being considered by our learned men as inferior to the
white race.

  "Take her down and hang her with the others. She hasn't had her share yet,"
said Sir Charles.

  Ludivine's hands and feet were cut free and Nabu carried over to the main
hatch and dropped her down into the arms of half a dozen naked pirates.

  When her pain filled eyes surveyed the main deck, she saw that most of the
women were now hanging in a most peculiar fashion from the lowest spar of the
mainmast. Ludivine whimpered as they bound her wrists above her head. Two
corsairs pushed her on her back and grabbed her ankles pulling them painfully
back toward her head until they were behind her head. Her hip joins screamed in
agony at the severity of the position. Ludivine calves framed her face as they
bent her double using all their weight to force her legs down. While the two
corsairs held her legs in place, a third tied her ankles at the back of her

  Ludivine screamed as the corsairs slowly constricted the rope until Ludivine's
ankles crossed behind her head. Once her legs were bound in that excruciatingly
painful position, Ludivine felt the rope binding her wrists being tightened. She
screamed again as she was slowly hauled upward, her weight pulling against her
wrists. For the second time, she endured the agony of rough hemp gouging into
the soft flesh of her wrists and she sensed the flow of fresh blood trailing
down her forearms. Ludivine realized with horror that she was swaying above the
hatch cover with her sex and anus at the correct height for further rape.

  Ludivine looked to her left where her mother was similarly hoisted. She was
being raped in both her holes by corsairs standing at her back and front. Mary
Townly and most of the women were hanging like Ludivine. Some like Elena and
Betty Humphrey were still lying on the hatch cover covered in male flesh. Elena
was sitting astride one sailor while another sodomised her from the rear.
Elena's mouth was sucking a corsair's cock as her hand rapidly stroked the
shaft. Elena's body was almost a blur as she vigorously moved her body forcing
all three cocks in and out of her three orifices.

  Mary Townly kept repeating, "Roger, Roger, stop them, they're hurting Ludivine
and Elena" as she was being mercilessly pounded by the two corsairs. Mother's
mind has become unhinged thought Ludivine sadly.

  "Mother, it's me Elena. I'm right here beside you. Take heart, we will
endure," said Elena taking a large cock out of her mouth to speak. A pirate's
hand lashed out landing across Elena's face. Elena quickly returned the cock to
her mouth.

  "We called it the pirates pear," said Captain Asago as he and Sir Charles
approached Ludivine's suspended form.

  "They do hang like fruit," commented Sir Charles as he reached down and pushed
two fingers into Ludivine's vagina. "It tightens their cunt, too"

  "And you see how easy the fruit is to pick," said Captain Asago.

  Ludivine whimpered as Sir Charles spun her helpless body around and forced
three fingers past her anal ring. He swung her back and forth using her asshole
as a purchase.

  "Miss Townly, I'm sure you won't mind if I put my cock up your ass," laughed
Sir Charles as he spun Ludivine around. "Care to join me, Captain, her other
hole is empty."

  Ludivine cringed as once again; a large male member stretched then forced open
her anal ring. She found herself looking downward at the top of Captain Asago's
head as he worked his cock into her vagina. Ludivine hung completely helpless as
once again she was raped. At one point, Captain Asago captured one of her
nipples in his mouth then bit down causing her to scream.

  "Listen to her squeal when her nips are chewed. Mind if I bite one off, Sir
Charles," said Captain Asago who had settled into a slow rhythm matching that of
Sir Charles.

  "Yes, I do mind. Let's not ruin her looks. I have plans for her and some of
the others," answered Sir Charles.

  When Captain Asago and Sir Charles finished, two pirates immediately replaced
them.  For the remainder of the long afternoon, Ludivine drifted in and out of
consciousness as the pirates took her time and again. She was never without a
man inside one of her holes. There were times when her body hosted the cocks of
two pirates as she repeated the experience of being both raped and sodomised.

  Ludivine wondered if the crew would ever have its fill of rape. But she
realized the combined crews of the four pirate vessels must number several
hundred and there were less than twenty women on board the Bombay Enterprise.

  As the sun began to set, the ropes were cut and Ludivine and the other women
were cruelly dropped to the deck. The corsairs thought it amusing to allow the
women to fall violently landing on their bottoms. Ludivine landed with a painful
and noisy splat in a sizeable pool of semen that had dripped out of her vagina
and ass during her afternoon of repeated rapes.

  A pirate cut the rope binding Ludivine's ankles at the back of her neck then
without hesitation another pirate pulled them forward straightening them. The
pain caused by this sudden reposition of her limbs caused Ludivine to scream
then faint. Several of the women fainted at the manner in which their limbs were
straightened after several hours in an unnatural position. Buckets of icy
seawater were thrown on the prostrate women bringing them to consciousness
sputtering and crying in pain.

  One of the pirates sat on Ludivine's chest and held a thick cloth over
Ludivine's face then began to slowly pour water over the cloth. To the amusement
of the corsair and his mates, Ludivine regained consciousness to the sensation
of drowning. Her arms were still bound over her head and she was unable to
dislodge the cloth. Water entered her nose and mouth preventing her breathing.
Ludivine struggled desperately for air. Her heels beat against the hatch cover.

  All of a sudden Betty Humphrey threw herself at the pirate sitting astride
Ludivine's chest dislodging him. Ludivine gasped for air as Betty and the pirate
rolled over on the hatch. The pirate landed on top of Betty pining her arms with
his knees. He pulled his dirk from the sheath attached to his belt.

  "I'm going to cut that pretty face of yours," said the corsair moving the
point of the dirk to Betty's nostril.

  "Quit fucking around, Dan, get her on board the Condor," yelled Captain Asago.

  "The bitch jumped me while I was having some fun with the red one," said Dan.

  "Leave her alone. She's one that Sir Charles wants for Mahajanga," said
Captain Asago.

  "Just one side, a little nick to put her in her place," said Dan.

  "I said No. She'll be on the Condor. You can fuck her ass five times a day
till we reach port," said Captain Asago.

  Dan reluctantly got up off Betty. Betty hurried to Ludivine's side to try to
help her to he feet. Ludivine felt agonizing pain in her hips when she stood and
placed her weight on them. Betty had to help her walk. The women were separated
into groups, each group to be transferred to one of the pirate vessels. The
older women were separated and placed on board the smallest of the pirate ships,
the Lovella.

  "It's off to the slave market in Ismailya for the likes of you," said Captain
Asago to the older group as he gave Mrs. Townly a hard slap on her bare bottom.
Most of the women were naked. A few were clutching the remnants of their clothes
they had snatched off the deck.

  After that, Captain Asago and the captain of the Polaris divided the younger
women and the two boys into two groups.

  "Let's each take one of the boys, some of my crew prefer a boy's hole," said
Captain Asago separating Oliver from his friend Ernest.

  Ludivine required the help of other women to stumble naked onto the deck of
the Condor. She was thrown into the gun deck with three other women and a young
boy. Ludivine collapsed onto a filthy pallet not knowing or caring where she

Chapter 04  - Voyage to Mahajanga

Please take note! Adults Only Literature

The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for
adults only.

If you are an underage minor or offended by such material -or- if viewing this
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This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwise
is purely coincidental, etc.

Copyright 2003


  "She's burning up," said Betty Humphrey to her two companions. Betty's hand
rested on Ludivine's forehead. It was morning of the day after the pirates
captured the Bombay Enterprise. Betty was speaking to Louise Stapleton and her
brother Ernest. Ludivine was lying on a filthy pallet in the gun deck of the
pirate ship. She was comatose, occasionally moaning and calling her father's

   "Poor thing, we've got to get her some medical attention and keep them off
her until she's better," said Betty. "Her female parts are rubbed bloody raw
from the hawser." Betty reached down to remove the piece of cloth that covered
Ludivine's pubic area to show the damage to Louise and Ernest.

  My God I'm exhibiting poor Ludivine's private parts to Ernest thought Betty.
Am I loosing all sense of propriety? I guess none of that matters now under the
circumstances. Yesterday changed all that. All our private parts are on display
if a pirate wants to take a peek.

  Ernest stared hard as the ravaged sex of the incredibly beautiful Ludivine
Townly. The skin on top of her inner thighs was missing for the top three to
four inches. There were raw patches around her vagina. Ernest had never seen a
woman's sex until yesterday. Now, he had lost count of the exposed vaginas,
buttocks, pubis, etc that he had seen in the last twenty-four hours. He had
witnessed his sister and mother being raped mainly from the vantage point of the
forecastle where he spent his time down on his all fours with a pirate's cock in
his bum and often in his mouth.

  "How do we do that? And why? She's a Townly. They treated my mother like she
was beneath them the entire voyage. She'd walk by me without speaking. It was
her own stupidity that caused them to whip her and pull that hawser between her
legs. If she hadn't shot those two pirates, she'd be no worse off than the rest
of us. She should have done as you said instead of threatening to murder you,"
said Louise still feeling angry at what had happened to her family.

  Louise had no love for any of the female Townlys but she admired Sir Roger, a
real gentleman, who had treated the three Stapleton's with courtesy throughout
the voyage. Mary Townly and her two proud daughters had acted with the usual
snobbishness of the upper class. However, Ernest Stapleton and Oliver Townly had
become friends, a friendship that would doubtlessly have been quickly ended by
Lady Townly when the ship reached Bombay. I guess not all Townlys are that bad
decided Louise thinking of Sir Roger and the tragedy of his death. Oliver's not
that bad either. He told Ernest he thought I was pretty.

  Louise vividly remembered her first rape when she had lost her virginity to
that gap-toothed pirate who seemed more ape than man. Looking over the pirate's
shoulder as he forced his cock past her maidenhead, she guiltily recalled a
certain satisfaction at seeing the tall black pirate applying the cat to
Ludivine's front. Each time, the cat landed, Ludivine's breasts had shaken
violently as the pain contorted her body. But later, when Louise saw the hawser
being pulled through Ludivine's legs and heard her pitiful screams, she had felt
sorry for the woman. No human, male or female, deserved to be tortured in that

  "I know all that but she's still one of us and we have to take care of our
own," said Betty.

  "And how do you propose we do that? We have nothing to bargain with. If they
want us, they'll take us," said Louise feeling that she had grown well beyond
her fifteen years in a single day. I was raped and sodomised more than two dozen
times and that entitles me to speak my mind thought Louise.

  "My bum hurts enough already. Damn if I'll take someone else's fucking," added
Ernest deciding that the use of profane language was acceptable under the
circumstances. He too had experienced multiple pirate cocks and felt entitled.
In general, he and Oliver outside of the sodomy hadn't been harmed and even that
hadn't hurt them. They hadn't been beaten, kicked, or slapped like the women.
Earnest looked at the bruise on his sister's cheek and felt guilty.

  "Listen you two, Miss Ludivine Townly treated me no better than she did you
but she is British and a Christian woman.  I intend to do whatever I can to help
her and if that includes being friendly with these pirates and playing up to
them, I'll do it. Besides, it may mean better treatment for all of us" said
Betty. "Think it through. What's the point of making things difficult? They'll
treat us better if we act willing and don't resist."

  "Friendly, how do you mean friendly," asked Louise.

  "Show them some eagerness when they take us. A woman can use her body to make
the man enjoy it more. The better time they have, the better they'll treat us,"
said Betty recalling how at first she had been terrified and struggled with the
two pirates that had forced her down on the ship's main hatch.

   Betty was a pretty blonde of twenty-two with a good figure, blue eyes,
straight teeth and a warm smile. While no great beauty like Elena or Ludivine
Townly, Betty managed to attract her share of suitors. Hubert Humphrey, a young
soldier of great promise and modest income had been sufficiently attracted to
her to seek her hand in marriage even though she was the daughter of a poor
country vicar. They had wed three years before. When Hugh's regiment required
his temporary assignment to Bombay, Betty had initially planned to accompany
him. But Betty became pregnant and the ocean voyage and Indian climate prevented
her from making the journey. Their son, Lawrence had been born six months after
Hugh had departed. Betty's parents were keeping Lawrence while she traveled to
India to be with Hugh. In three years time, they would return and become a
family once again.

  It had taken all Betty's self-control to cease her resistance when the pirates
pulled out their daggers and started cutting off her clothes. Betty promised
herself that she would do whatever it took to survive and return to Hugh and
Lawrence. Still, it had not been easy. Before yesterday, only Hugh had been
inside her body and yesterday's rapes left her with a profound sense of having
been violated. A strong feeling of disgust and self loathing still hung over her
making her feel less than human.

  "I guess I can't see any harm in that since they'll take what they want,
willingly or not. It might keep us from being knocked about, I'm sore enough all
ready," said Louise placing her hand between her legs to gauge the tenderness of
her battered private parts. Hr vagina and rectum both felt tender but not
desperately do. There were bruises on Louise's cheeks from pirate's fists. Her
ribs were sore from a kick she received when she failed to turn over quickly
enough for a corsair planning to sodomise her.

  At the start of the orgy of rapes, Clara Stapleton instructed Ernest and her
to remain calm and not resist. While around them, other women were fighting and
screaming as the pirates ripped off their clothes, Clara Stapleton had calmly
slipped out of her dress telling Louise to do the same. The end result was that
they were spared numerous slaps and kicks. Some of the women were beaten
unconscious before they were raped. Louise acknowledged the wisdom of her mother
when she looked over at Mrs. Carsons who fought like a tiger until her rapist
used the handle of his dagger to knock out her front teeth and then inserted the
point in each of her nostrils and slit her nose. Allison Carsons for all her
struggles still wound up with a pirate's member inside her sex plus a ruined
face.  Mother was right thought Louise. Her fate was the same so why struggle
and be injured.

  Louise remembered her mother's calming words when they were lying shoulder to
shoulder as two pirates positioned themselves between their legs.

  "Louise, Just close your eyes and pretend you're somewhere else. There's
nothing we can do to stop them but if we don't resist, maybe they won't hurt
us," advised Clara Stapleton.

  The two pirates had known they were mother and daughter and took pleasure from
making Clara watch Louise lose her virginity.

  "You watch your sweet young daughter while Diego splits her open," said the
pirate whose cock was already inside Clara. He held Clara's face toward Louise
slowing fucking the mother while forcing her to witness her child's rape.

  Of course, Louise had not found pretending that easy when she smelled the foul
breath of her rapist and felt his hard cock probing for her entry. Louise
instead concentrated her mind on the rhythmic grunts of her mother responding to
the hard thrusts of her rapist. Clara Stapleton's attacker had quickly found his
way inside her vagina while Louise's was forced to twice spit on his cock before
he could force his way inside her girl's sex. It hurt awfully when he had torn
the membrane that was her undeniable proof of innocence. Louise had only cried
out once and that was when her attacker had bitten down hard on her breast. He
had left teeth marks and drops of blood in a rough semi-circle surrounding her

  As the hours went by and Louise and her mother were assaulted many times, a
sense of resignation had set in with all the women. 

  "Go ahead, rape me, get it over with, being raped once or ten times, it's all
the same," became the attitude of the females spread out on the main hatch.
Although terrified and fearful of her ultimate fate, Louise at some point had
sensed a spark of pleasure from the sensation of a man's cock inside her body. 
She had felt more than a little disgusted with herself for that. Later in the
afternoon, when Louise was hanging by her arms with her ankles painfully tied
behind her neck as a pirate's pear, she had managed to remain calm, accepting
her fate. A sense of resignation had come over her and she had not cringed or
been fearful as one pirate finished and another took her place. She recalled
looking up that ship's forecastle to see her brother and Oliver being anally
assaulted by another, smaller group of pirates.

   During that long afternoon, Louise also looked over to see Elena Townly
astride one pirate vigorously raising and lowering her body as she used her
mouth on a second pirate. Louise had been shocked that the sixteen-year-old
Elena actually seemed to be willingly participating in her rape. The rumors
about Elena must be true thought Louise. She is a whore who wantonly craves
sexual congress with men, even pirates.

   "I'd say the Bombay Enterprise got in a few blows," said Ernest interrupting
Louise's thoughts. Although a year younger than Louise, Ernest was a head taller
with a full head of blonde curls and a handsome visage. He was blessed with the
tall slender physique of the Stapletons. Ernest walked about looking at the
destruction on the gun deck. There was a gaping hole in the ship's side and
three of the ships cannons were scattered about blown off their carriages. There
were large bloodstains on the deck.

  "Think Mom's okay," asked Ernest recalling the trauma of watching his mother
being forcefully separated from Louise and him. That was the only time she had
struggled with the pirates.

  "Please, let me stay with my children," cried Clara desperately placing her
hand between the pirate's legs that was forcing her toward the Lovella and
rubbing his sex. "You can have me anytime you want and I'll be willing. I'll do
whatever you want."

  But the pirates had ignored her pleas. They divided up the women according to
some prior agreed upon formula. The mothers and older women were forced onto the
smallest of the pirate ships. The younger women and female children were next
divided into two groups and placed in the two larger ships. There were only two
boys. Oliver Townly was placed with one group of younger females and Ernest with
the other separating the two friends. Ernest wished that Oliver and he were
together; but he was glad his older sister was with him.

  No captives had remained on the Bombay Enterprise or the remaining pirate
ship. The two had sailed off together, perhaps looking for other prey.

  Clara Stapleton had screamed to her friend Betty Humphrey to look after her
children as the women were forcibly separated. Betty had yelled back that she
would look to them as her own.

  Before yesterday, Ernest had never seen a naked woman.  Ernest had not been
bothered at first by the pirates and he watched as his mother and sister were
forced to strip then spread their legs wide. He was surprised at how pretty
Louise's body had become. As he looked around, he saw that only the Townly girls
and Betty Humphrey were comparable.

  Ernest watched as all the women and girls, even the fourteen-year-old Claridge
twins, Sally and Anne, were raped. His friend Oliver was down on all fours being
buggered by a pirate whose body was covered with tattoos from head to foot.

  "That's good boy pussy," said the pirate named Harlan who was holding the
youth by his slender hips as he buggered a grunting Oliver.

  The pirate between his mother's legs had easily plunged his manhood into her
but Louise's attacker was forced to make a greater effort. Ernest had felt his
cock harden when he saw his sister's sex being roughly opened by a pirate using
his fingers to expose her vagina. The pirate had spit in his hand then rubbed
the spit over his cock several times before he positioned his erect member at
Louise's opening then brutally plunged forward. Louise had opened her tightly
shuteyes and stared directly at Ernest as the pirate's cock had broken through
her hymen.

   It was at that point; Ernest felt a rough hand grab his shoulder.

  "What a pretty boy, come with me, lad," said a fat pirate with a large round
belly and a huge gray beard as he turned Ernest toward him. The pirate led
Earnest up the gangway to he forecastle where another pirate awaited.

  "Let's get his pants down, Bill, and see what we have," said the equally fat
but younger pirate.

  Ernest following his mother's example unbuttoned his britches, pushing them
down past his knees.

  "Good, he's a willing one, see how he drops his drawers so quick, can't wait
to show us his peter."

  "Nice, he's got a big one, Elton," said the older pirate taking Ernest's cock
in his hand and stroking it.

  "Lad down laddie for Old William and Elton, we'll show you a good time," said
Old William.

  Ernest had been surprised that Old William's first move was to take his cock
in his mouth and suck it. He expected to be immediately buggered.

  "Nothing sweeter than boy peter," said Old William as he noisily sucked Ernest
who almost immediately began to get hard. It wasn't long before Ernest felt his
shirt being pulled up and Elton's mouth sucking hard on his nipples. The most
shocking moment came when Elton kissed him on the lips forcing his tongue into
Ernest's mouth. That was a first in Ernest's experience. In spite of the horror
of what was occurring about him, Ernest felt intense warmth in his groin, as his
cock got instantly hard. He found himself returning Elton's kisses.

  All the oral attention quickly produced an orgasm in Ernest's youthful member.
Ernest's cock squirted his semen into Old William's mouth.

 "Ah, that was tasty, now it's my turn, lad," said Old William as he pulled
Ernest toward his crotch.

  Ernest knew what was expected. He immediately took the pirates smelly fat cock
in his mouth and began to suck it. Elton transferred his lips to Ernest's
butthole and began to apply a sucking and probing oral action to Ernest's anus
that had had him moaning and squirming.

  "Nothing tastier than the asshole of a pretty boy," said Elton.

  It was not the first cock Ernest had sucked nor the first time he had a man's
mouth on his anus. Five days out of London, after he and Oliver had explored
every square inch of the Bombay Enterprise and were thoroughly bored; they found
themselves in a small tool locker room below the waterline. The room was used to
store tools needed to repair the ships sails and machinery.

  "Have you seen Louise naked," asked Oliver expressing the normal interest of
young boys in matters of sex?

  "Never, Mom would whip me bloody if I tried. Have you seen Elena or Ludivine?"
replied Ernest countering his friend's question.

  "Only Elena."

  "You lie, when?" said Ernest who was somewhat envious of the older and more
knowledgeable Oliver Townly. Although socially, the Townly's were insurmountable
levels above the Stapletons, Ernest's father being only a manager and part owner
of a small commercial concern in Madras, the two boys had gotten on reasonably
well and had become fast friends.

  "At our place in the country, Cantwell Hall. She and her maid were screwing
these five Irish brothers who live on the estate," said Oliver.

  "How did you manage to see them?" asked Ernest.

  "I followed Elena and her maid, Carol, to a barn. I suspected something was
afoot the way they were acting. I climbed in a window and there they were with
the Kellys."

  "Your own sister, you mean they were actually doing it," said Ernest.

  "Simply put, Elena's a whore, there's nothing more to it than that. Before
this voyage is over, I bet half the crew will roger my very willing sister.
Mother thinks she's an angel and so does father. But yes, Elena and her maid
were doing all five of them at once," said Oliver.

  "There, I knew it was a lie. A girl can only do one boy at a time," said
Ernest relying on his limited knowledge of female anatomy.

  "Not if she used her pussy, asshole, and mouth at the same time," said Oliver.

  "Mouth and ass, women can do that?" questioned Ernest who was ignorant in
matters of copulation but he had heard of buggery from his schoolmates.

  "Yes, mouth, would you like me to show you?" asked Oliver.

  "Yes, show me how," said Ernest who was quick enough to have realized that
Oliver had not suggested they go to the Tool Locker solely to discuss their
sexual observations.

   "Pull your cock out and I'll show you what Elena was doing. It feels awfully
good, better than wanking off," said Oliver who was very familiar with the cock
sucking practiced by the students at his boarding school.  Oliver had been
fagging for upper classman since the day he arrived at Harrow.

  Ernest unbuttoned his trousers and watched in amazement as Oliver quickly
kneeled before him and took his cock in his mouth and began to suck it. Ernest
soon agreed that having a warm mouth sucking your cock felt awfully good and was
far superior to wanking off. After Ernest had ejaculated his seed in Oliver's
mouth, he felt obligated to do the same for his friend. Oliver taught Ernest the
necessary technique to reciprocate. From that day forward, the two boys made a
twice-daily habit of slipping down to the Tool Locker and using their mouths to
get each other off.

  It was less than a month ago, that Jeremy, the bosun's mate had found them
naked on top of one another busily sucking each other's cock. Jeremy had gone
below looking for a tool to mend a frayed piece of the ships rigging.

  "What have we here? Two young masters committing the crime that dare not speak
its name," announced Jeremy looking down at the two naked boys.

  "Oh my God, you won't tell our parents," yelled Oliver.

  "I should, shouldn't I. Don't you think Sir Robert should know that his future
heir has a taste for cock," said Jeremy who was only four years older than

  "Please don't, Jeremy. It would get us in a lot of trouble," said Ernest.

  "There might be a way," said Jeremy pretending to think.

  "Yes, anything," said Oliver desperate that his father and mother not find

  "It would depend on you boys taking care of this," said Jeremy as he
unbuttoned his trousers and extracted a very large cock.

  Oliver and Ernest had sucked Jeremy's cock until he made an announcement. 
"Now that's its nice and hard, bend over Master Stapleton and I'll show you what
else you can do with your dick."

  Ernest had quickly gotten over the discomfort of having a large cock up his
ass. Jeremy was young enough to quickly get hard once more and penetrate Oliver.
Both boys ended their days with Jeremy's semen dribbling out their assholes.
After that Oliver and Earnest had regularly practiced anal sex with one another.

  In the days following their encounter with Jeremy, Oliver and Ernest had met
him in the Tool Locker almost every day. Ernest had learned to enjoy having a
cock in his ass and even using his mouth on an asshole to get it wet and ready
for a good cornholing.  Soon, Jeremy brought the other bosun's mate, Charlie,
with him and the four of them would spend part of each afternoon engaged in acts
of sodomy.

  "I wish Mother could have stayed with us," said Louise starting to cry.

  "She'll be all right. Your mother has a cool head on her shoulders," said
Betty. "You two come here and let's formulate a plan."  If I keep them busy and
their minds occupied, they won't worry so much decided Betty.

  The two came over and sat down by Betty who was attempting to get Ludivine to
take a drink of water. Betty was having some success as Ludivine took several

  "That's good, Miss Townly, just a small sip," said Betty her arm holding
Ludivine slightly elevated.

  "Will she be all right?" said Louise.

  "That may depend on us. If you want us all to survive, you must do as I say.
Start by washing your face and cleaning up a bit," said Betty. "I promised your
mother I'd take care of you until you got back together. For now, I'm your
mother and I say we work together to survive, all of us, including the
unpleasant Miss Ludivine Townly. Agree?"

  "Yes," said Louise.

  "I agree too," said Ernest.

  Betty watched the two walk to a nearby bucket of water and begin to wash their
faces. They're good kids and they're British but I'm not sure they're capable of
seeing this through thought Betty. Louise is barely fifteen and Ernest's only
fourteen. Both have been raped God knows how many times. All I can do is my best
and trust to Divine Providence. 

  I risked my neck yesterday to save Ludivine and I haven't the slightest idea
why. She threatened to blow my head off. Maybe she learned her lesson. For some
strange reason, I think we'll all need her before this is over.

  I hope Sally and Anne Claridge are still alive. Betty recalled how there were
twins among the pirates and they were afforded the honors of taking the girl's
virginity. It had been right at the start and everyone watched as the two
pirates positioned their cocks in the girls and at the same moment plunged into
their vagina until their balls slapped against the girl's bottoms. Both had
screamed bloody murder when their hymens were split. The twin pirates smiled and
laughed as they displayed their blood stained cocks. Then they returned to the
girl's rape. Later, the Claridge twins had been strung up with their thin legs
tied behind her necks and their anuses exposed. Sufficient time had elapsed for
the twin pirates to recover their erections.  They had sodomised the girls to
the delight of the other pirates. The Claridge twins had been among the first to
be strung up in that awful position the pirates called the pear. It not only
subjected the woman to a horribly painful distortion of her limbs, it left her
anus in a ready position for penetration. Betty was thankful that she was one of
the few women not strung up as a pear.

  Poor girls thought Betty. Captain Asago took them to his cabin last night.
He'll use them for his filthy pleasures, to be only fourteen and at that fiend's
mercy; God knows what he did to them.

  The opening of the deck hatch spilled light onto the deck. The sound of
someone descending the stairs interrupted Betty's thoughts. She quickly stood up
and pushed her hair back in place.

  God I must look a fright thought Betty. She was aware that she was wearing a
filthy torn dress that she had snatched back up off the desk when they pulled
her to her feet to take her to the pirate ship. I've no undergarments realized
Betty. Of course for what I'm going to be doing, I have no need of them.

  Betty screwed up her courage and turned to face the pirates with a smile.

  "Coming down for a little morning pussy," announced the lead pirate a half
naked white man with one good eye. He spoke with a British accident that Betty
recognized. They were pushing Sally and Anne Claridge before them. The two
children moved stiffly like they were in shock. Their torn dresses hung off
them. But they can walk on their own and that's something thought Betty.

  "I hear a voice from home, a Yorkshire man," said Betty stepping forward
closer to the pirate and flashing a smile. "What's your name, mate? See to the
twins, Ernest."

  "I'm Pete and this is Magwa. He's part Red Indian and speaks no English; but
he's developed a fondness for white women. Haven't you Magwa?"

  Betty kept smiling as she stepped forward taking Magwa's hand and placing it
on her breast. Too bold thought Betty but then again these are pirates. I must
be ready to do what it takes to survive.

  Betty smiled back when Magwa smiled as he squeezed her breast. Betty kept the
smile frozen on her face when Magwa moved his hand to slip it inside her dress
so it rested on her bare flesh. His hand felt warm to the touch.

  I'm going to get over any reluctance to do what it takes to stay alive and
return to my Hugh and Lawrence thought Betty. Out of the corner of her eye, she
noted with satisfaction that Ernest had taken Sally and Ann over to the water
bucket sat them down and was giving them a drink. They were talking. Ernest
appeared to be comforting them.

  "Well, Pete from Yorkshire, you tell your mate Magwa that the two of us are
definitely white and British and we're eager to please," said Betty pointing
toward Louise. Betty was gratified to see that Louise was at least smiling.
She's very pretty and young. If she plays along, we might just get out of this

  "What about her?" said Pete gesturing toward Ludivine's supine naked form?

  "Sick, too sick to enjoy a good rogering," said Betty laughing. "Might as well
roger a corpse."

  Betty noted that Magwa like many of the pirate crew was dark skinned but of no
particular race. The pirates of the Madagascar Strait tended to be a mixed

  "If we had some food and more fresh water, you'd find us even more lively,"
said Betty stepping between the two men and putting her arm around their waists
and pulling them to her.

  "Come over here, Louise, and say hello to Magwa and Pete," said Betty thinking
it was now or never for Louise Stapleton to act. 

 Louise stepped closer and slipped her arm around Magwa's broad shoulders. She
stood on her toes and kissed Magwa's lips. Magwa's arm quickly encircled
Louise's waist to pull her to him. Quickly, Louise and Magwa were exchanging
tongue kisses. Magwa forced Louise's dress off her shoulders and it fell to the
deck leaving her naked.

    Good girl thought Betty as she kissed Pete while allowing her hands to roam
between his legs. Betty felt his hardening members through his thin britches.
She started on the buttons of his fly.

  "The boy can go forward to the galley. Old Bill and Elton will give him some
grub. They'll also give him something else he can put in his mouth," laughed

  "I'll be back as quickly as I can," said Ernest as he started up toward the
open hatchway. Sally and Anne were lying quietly in the corner and Betty would
have liked to see to their condition but that would have to wait.

  "What's your name, blondie?' asked Pete.

  "I'm Betty and this is Louise," said Betty.

  Magwa said something to Pete in a language Betty didn't recognize.

  "Magwa wants his cock sucked," said Pete. "That'll be my preference too, at
least to start."

  "Sure, Louise and I will be happy to oblige," said Betty. "Won't we Louise?"

  "Of course," said Louise stepping out of the remnants of her dress and
kneeling down in front of Magwa. Betty had engaged in oral sex with her husband,
something they both enjoyed but knew was wrong based on the scriptures. Both
Betty and Louise had been orally rapped yesterday. Louise had watched her mother
as she took a large cock in her mouth and sucked it. The pirate had forced both
women to use their mouths to pleasure his cock. Louise had learned by imitating
her mother. Louise had been amazed at the vigor with which her mother had licked
and sucked the pirates huge balls then proceeded to suck on his cock. At her
mom's urging, Louise had joined in and before long, the pirate had exploded in
Louise's mouth. Louise had gulped down the sticky warm semen. After that the two
women found themselves sucking on two different cocks but Louise had learned
enough to satisfy every man who demanded her mouth that long afternoon.

  Louise took Magwa's cock out and ran her tongue over the head as Betty did the
same to Pete. After a while the women began to switch cocks from mouth to mouth
all the while massaging the pirate's scrotums.

  "You two are a bit of all right," announced Pete. "I'll be ready for a bit of
the old in-and-out in a minute."

  As Betty and Louise worked hard to satisfy the pirates, Ernest returned from
the galley with several loaves of hard tack and some other foodstuffs that the
Condor's crew had liberated from the Bombay Enterprise's food lockers. He broke
off two chunks of hardtack and gave them to the twins. The girls hadn't eaten
since yesterday breakfast so they ate ravenously.

  Ernest was surprised to see his sister on all fours having sex with a dark
skinned pirate. She was facing in his direction and her breasts were swinging
back and forth as she moved her body in response to the pirate's thrusts.

  "Oh that's good," said Louise as she rose up when the pirate reached around
her chest and grabbed her breast. One hand went over her shoulder to wrap around
the pirates head. Louise turned her head and the pirate and Louise's tongues

  What really surprised Ernest was that both his sister and Betty Humphrey were
so enthusiastically humping the pirates? It was a stark contrast to yesterday
when his sister and mother had complied with the pirates' requests with no real
sense of pleasure. But at the moment, Ernest saw that Louise seemed to be really
enjoying the way that Magwa was slowly easing his cock in and out of her hole.

  Betty Humphrey was lying on her back with her feet in the air, her arms
wrapped around Pete. Ernest could see that like Louise, Betty was
enthusiastically raising and lowering her sex in response to Pete's thrusts.

  Ernest could only linger a moment as he had promised Old William and Elton he
would quickly return. While in the galley, he had learned that one of the crew
named Quito treated the sick and wounded on the Condor. When Ernest had broached
the matter of Ludivine's illness with Elton, he had responded that Quito might
be persuaded to help.

  "Of course, old Quito will expect one of them pretty girls to tap his root,"
said Elton who had his arm around Ernest.

  "That shouldn't be a problem," said Ernest remembering Betty's determination
to do whatever it took to survive.

  Ernest aroused Sally and Anne and offered them more food that the twins
consumed with the eagerness of those who hadn't eaten in twenty-four hours.
Ernest instructed the twins to eat what they could and remain quiet and not to
bother Betty and Louise.

  "We've decided to cooperate with the pirates. I have to return to the galley.
You two rest and stay over here out of the way," whispered Ernest to the twins.

  "That was what the Captain did to me last night," said Sally pointed toward
Louise who was on all fours and grunting loudly each time Magwa thrust inside

  "I'm sore down there," said Anne. "One of them, the black one called Nabu had
a huge thing and it really hurt when he put it all the way inside me. And there
was a monkey named Aris."

  "Listen, I really have to go. Betty and Louise will help you as soon as they
get finished," said Ernest

  It was later that afternoon that Ludivine woke to find an almost naked pirate
whose baldhead was heavily tattooed rubbing an ointment between her legs. The
pirate was old and had the appearance of a savage. There were tattoos on his
face and a bone penetrated his septum. Ludivine thinking it was another rape
tried to rise up but was restrained by Betty.

  "Quiet, Miss Townly, Quito is the Condor's surgeon. He's applying a salve to
your parts that the rope injured," said Betty.

  "Where are we?" asked Ludivine too exhausted to complain that a pirate was
massaging a thick salve over her private parts. Ludivine did feel a cooling

  "On the pirate ship Condor heading I don't know where," replied Betty.

  "Who's that?" asked Ludivine focusing her eyes on a pair across the room who
were seated on side of a gun carriage watching Quito administer the salve.

  "Sally and Anne Claridge, the twins," said Betty. "Ernest and Louis Stapleton
are also with us."

  "Where are my mother and Elena? Where's Oliver?" said Ludivine.

  "Elena and Oliver were taken on the pirate ship Polaris. We think they're
bound for the same place we are," said Betty.

   "And Mrs. Townly?"

  "Our best information is that your mother along with the rest of the ladies
are bound for the slave market in Ismailya," said Betty.

  "Oh my God," said Ludivine falling backward.

  "My plan is for us to do whatever it takes to survive. Hopefully, one day we
will return to England then come back to rescue the women sold as slaves."

  "And over there, what are they doing?" asked a still feverish Ludivine
pointing to a jumble of bodies across the deck.

  "That's Louise Stapleton. She's entertaining two of the Condor's crew," said

  "They're raping her, I can't stand more rapes," said Ludivine feeling
terrified of having her ripped flesh savaged again.

  "Yes, I suppose they are raping Louise but we're not fighting them. In fact,
we've decided to give them our bodies willingly in hopes we'll somehow live and
get back to our families," said Betty.

  "We should die first, Louise actually seems to be enjoying it, how awful,"
said Ludivine observing that Louise was straddling one member of the crew while
sucking on the cock of a second. From Ludivine's vantage point, she could see
the pirate's cock plunging into Louise's vagina as she raised and lowered her

  "I've seen too much dying lately, Miss Townly. Anyway, Louise, her brother
Ernest and I, and the Claridge twins have made a decision that we want to live
and if that includes willingly giving them what they want, then so be it," said

  "It's not right," said Ludivine. "But I suppose we must do what we must."

  "Not right according to the church, but its what got Quito down here to rub
your thighs with that salve. As soon as he's done with you, in payment I' m
going to give myself to Quito with as much enthusiasm and energy as I can
muster. And that's not much given that I've spent this entire day pleasuring one
pirate after another.  Louise and I are exhausted. Fortunately, the twins have
offered to help me with Quito," said Betty.

  "But they're just children, only fourteen," said Ludivine.

  "I know," said Betty. "But we don't have other choices."

  Ludivine was too tired to argue further. She accepted several sips of water
from Betty as Quito finished. Quito stood up and pulled his pants down exposing
a cock that was tattooed from the tip to his balls. Betty stepped out of her
dress and walked over to Quito and put her arms around him and delivered a
passionate kiss, her hand stroked the long skinny cock into hardness. Ludivine
slipped into unconsciousness for a moment. She woke up when something touched
her foot.

  Ludivine opened her eyes and saw Sally Claridge nearby licking the very tip of
Quito's cock as Anne Claridge sucked his balls. Betty was forcing her breasts
into Quito's mouth and he was busily sucking her nipples.

  "The world has gone mad," declared Ludivine as she lapsed into

Chapter 05  - Becalmed

Please take note! Adults Only Literature

The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for
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This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwise
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Copyright 2003


  The feeling of rough hands grasping her ankles and pulling her legs apart
awakened Ludivine. At first, Ludivine thought it was Quito returned to apply
more of the salve that had so quickly healed her ravaged flesh. But Ludivine
recalled that Quito had visited her only hours before. After Quito finished,
Ludivine had watched in amazement as Louise and Sally Claridge had jointly
provided him oral sex in payment. Their willingness and even enthusiasm as they
sucked his cock and balls surprised Ludivine and made her feel guilty that these
two young innocent girls were willing to sacrifice their bodies to help Ludivine
get well. 

  At the end after Quito had spurted his ejaculate in Louise's mouth while Sally
sucked on his wrinkled ball sack, all Ludivine could do was murmur Thank You as
Louise swallowed Quito sperm without hesitation. Quito had quickly buttoned up
and been on his way.

  "Who's there," spoke Ludivine in a whisper as she opened her eyes straining to
see in the gloom. It was night and the gun deck was illuminated only by a few
slivers of moonlight that beamed in through the gun ports and the sizeable hole
blown in the Condor's side.

  "Nabu, whore of the red hair," said a deep voice.

  "What do you want?" said Ludivine frightened that the pirate who had applied
the cat to her body and pulled the hawser across her sex was now kneeling
between her legs. She also recalled that he was the one who had taken her
moments after Sir Charles had pulled his cock from her bleeding vagina. Ludivine
vaguely remembered that Nabu's member had stretched her insides and gone much
deeper inside her body than Sir Charles'.

  "You," said Nabu as he came forward out of the darkness. His body loomed above
her, resting on his elbows. "You are tall like the women of my tribe."

  "I'm ill," said Ludivine.

  "You better now. Quito says fine, ready to fuck," said Nabu pulling his cock
between Ludivine's legs as a prelude to entering her. Ludivine felt the long
thick penis resting on her pubis. His balls were touching her labia and his
cockhead was well above her navel.

  Ludivine started to panic as she felt Nabu change positions and the tip of his
cock work its way between her labia. All she could make out in the dark was a
set of startlingly white teeth and eyes. She raised her hands to push Nabu off
but he managed to grab her wrists and pin them to the deck.

  "Nabu, she's still sick, I'm here and willing," said Louise Stapleton who
appeared out of the darkness. Louise knelt down beside the pair. Ludivine saw
she was naked as she put her arm around Nabu's head and pulled his face toward
her exposed breast.

  "Get back, young whore, I fuck this one," said Nabu twisting away then
reaching out with one hand to roughly shove Louise away.

  "You better relax, Miss Townly, there's nothing I can do," said Louise. "Just
close your eyes and pretend you're somewhere else."

  "He's hurting me," said Ludivine.

  "Here, let me help, Nabu," said Louise. "It'll be better for you if she's
ready and willing to go along."

  Louise took one of Ludivine's hands gently pulled it away from Nabu's iron
grip. Then she scooted around to where she was kneeling at Ludivine's head and
took the other hand. Ludivine didn't resist as Louise placed both her arms
around Nabu's broad back.

  "Breathe deeply and then imagine you're safe and far from here, you can even
pretend he's a knight errant climbed through your castle window while your Lord
sleeps nearby. That's what I do," said Louise.

  It took every ounce of Ludivine's self control but she did manage to breathe
deeply and relax her body. She allowed her hands to rest on Nabu's broad muscled
back. She only tensed slightly when she felt Nabu's cock at the entrance to her
vagina. His hard cock rasped against her tender, recently healed flesh.

  "Ouch," whispered Ludivine.

  "Are you wet," said Louise.

  "Wet, I don't think so," said Ludivine uncertain she understood what Louise

  "Here, let me help, give me a moment, Nabu, to get her ready," said Louise as
she slipped a hand onto Ludivine's sex and began to slowly and gently stroke the
knob of flesh found above Ludivine's vagina. Louise stuck two fingers in her
mouth to moisten them and then rubbed the saliva over Ludivine's clitoris.

  "There, sometimes you have to do that to get yourself wet or it hurts when
they stick their cocks in you," said Louise matter of factly. "He has a big
peter so you need to be very wet and relaxed or it will hurt like the dickens."

  Nabu sensing that Louise was trying to help relaxed a minute and fell back to
where he was kneeling between Ludivine's widely spread legs. Even in the
darkness, both women could see that he was slowly stroking his cock to get it

  "Oh," moaned Ludivine feeling a strong sense of pleasure flood her feminine
parts as Louise's fingers passed on both sides of her clitoris.

  "My, you have a big pleasure point and it's not all inside like mine, part of
it is hanging out," said Louise commenting about Ludivine's clit and wishing the
light was better so she could see it. It felt very different from the small but
highly sensitive nubbin of flesh that she and the other women were equipped
with. Louise had thought it looked different when she and Betty had examined
Ludivine's injuries right after they were on board the Condor. Now with her sex
aroused, Louise's hand sensed that Ludivine's clitoris was more prominent and
partially detached. It slowly became firmer and even more prominent as Louise
again wet her fingers with her saliva and massaged it.

  Louise quietly stroked Ludivine's clit for a few minutes then moved her
fingers down to Ludivine's vagina and felt for lubrication.

  "Nabu, she's wet enough now," said Louise. "But please be gentle, she's still
healing from her ride on the hawser."

  In the dark, Louise felt Nabu once more climb on top of Ludivine and proceed
to work his cock into her vagina.

  "Ooh, ah, it's inside me," said Ludivine starting to breathe faster as she
bent her knees to get into a better position to accommodate Nabu's large cock as
it descended into her vagina. "It's very large but its not hurting that badly."

  "See, it's not so bad," said Louise in response to a low groan that escaped
Ludivine's lips. "I've gotten to where I don't mind. Sometimes, when it Taryn or
Giles, I enjoy it and manage to have an orgasm. So do Betty and the twins when
the man takes his time and doesn't hurt them."

  Ludivine was forced to acknowledge that the feeling of Nabu's curly pubic hair
rubbing against her extended clitoris was creating a warm feeling in her body.
The long slow strokes of his cocks into her vagina grew pleasurable causing her
to sense emptiness when he withdrew. Each time, Nabu drew back his cock to the
entrance of her vagina; she felt some eagerness to have him drive it forward to
its maximum penetration. Ludivine realized her feet were now firmly planted
against the deck and she was using her legs to propel herself slightly upward as
Nabu plunged downward. Ludivine's arms slipped downward from the middle of
Nabu's back to his buttocks and she firmly gripped his buttocks. Ludivine used
her arms to increase the force of the contact between Nabu's pubic mound and her
clitoris, even twisting against him to prolong the pleasure.

   This black devil has captured my soul thought Ludivine. I will become a
wanton like the other women if I cannot control myself. I must think of
something else. But when Ludivine tried to recall other places and events, the
memory of her sister Elena and Sir Charles Danby rutting like dogs in heat came
back to her. The image of Elena's face as she reached down with one hand and
guided Sir Charles cock inside her hole loomed before Ludivine's eyes. Ludivine
recalled how Elena twisted and gyrated her hips forcing her sex to engulf more
of Sir Charles cock. She remembered the way that Sir Charles had gripped Elena's
head and forced his erect cock inside her mouth. Most of all, Ludivine recalled
the wanton look on Elena's face of the intense erotic pleasure from her actions.
Will I become a whore like my sister wondered Ludivine?

  "You're doing just fine," said Louise surprised that Ludivine now had her arms
tightly wrapped around Nabu and was pulling him into her each time he thrust.
Ludivine's breath was labored and she was moaning in pleasure.

  The moon had appeared from behind a cloud and Louise could see that Ludivine
was arching her back and using her legs to accept as much as possible of Nabu's
cock. Nabu had not been down to the gun deck before; but Louise could recall
from his rape of Ludivine on the Bombay Enterprise that he was extremely well

  If she can fuck a cock that size, she must be healed thought Louise. That's
good because my parts are sore and so are Betty's.  Taryn said that tomorrow was
the last full day before the Condor sailed into Mahajanga. The whole crew will
be down here to fuck us for their last time. Miss Townly can handle her share of
cock for a change. She seems to like it well enough.

  Ludivine was now making small grunts of pleasure, her breath coming in quick
sharp gasps. Nabu increased the tempo of his thrusts as he warmed to the task of
dumping his seed into Ludivine's vagina.

  Nabu began a quiet chant in some tribal language totally unknown to the two
women. But the chant mirrored the long powerful thrusts of his cock.

  I wonder if he is praying to some heathen god as he fucks her thought Louise.
I've heard our Christian missionaries say that their native rites often end in
an orgy of sex with multiple partners as they dance themselves to exhaustion. 

  At that point, Nabu hooked his powerful arms under the knees of Ludivine's
legs and lifted them as he leaned forward to bend Ludivine's body almost double.
His body made a slapping sound against Ludivine's each time his reached his
maximum depth, grinding his pubic mound against Ludivine's causing her to squirm
with pleasure.

   Nabu performed a dozen increasingly strong strokes then gave out a sharp gasp
and shouted something in his tribal language as the first squirt of semen
existed his cock deep inside Ludivine's vagina. Nabu's body jerked several more
times before he fell panting across Ludivine's body. 

  Ludivine sensed that it was over. She could feel the raised scars of Nabu's
tribal marking pressed against her abdomen and breasts. The rough skin
sensitized her nipples and she moaned as he shifted positions. She hugged his
body tightly to her as her vagina made her aware that Nabu's cock was slowly
softening and withdrawing from its deeper penetration.

  I wish he were still taking me thought Ludivine. No, I do not. What a horrible
thought. How can I think that rape by this half human creature of darkest Africa
was anything but disgusting and vile? I must get control over my mind and body.

  "Good pussy, you good fuck like the women of my tribe," whispered Nabu in the

  "You did well," said Louise as Nabu slowly got up off Ludivine. The two women
watched as Nabu slipped away in the shadows. They listened as his bare feet
padded up the stairs toward the main deck and he was gone.

  "Is she all right," said Betty appearing out of the darkness.

  "Yes, I didn't know you were awake," said Louise.

  "Her moans woke me. Who was that?" said Betty.

  "Nabu, the back African," said Louise. "I tried to persuade him to take me
instead but he was determined."

  "Miss Townly, are you all right," said Betty.

  "Yes," said Ludivine who started sobbing.

  "Get some rest, Louise, I'll see to Miss Townly," said Betty.

   "There now, nothing to cry about, not your fault, dear, all we can do is lay
there and accept our fate," said Betty as she lay down beside Ludivine and took
her in her arms. Louise had returned to her pallet where she curled up with the
Claridge twins. Ernest was asleep in the galley resting between Old William and

  "I'm a wanton, like my sister," whispered Ludivine who was still quietly
sobbing. "I felt pleasure from what that vile African did. I have delivered
myself to the devil."

  "Being raped by pirates hardly makes you a woman of the streets or a servant
of Old Nick," said Betty wrapping her arms around Ludivine and pulling her
closer. Both women were naked and Ludivine's cheek was resting on Betty's bare

  "But I felt pleasure when he took me," said Ludivine.

  "All of us have, Miss Townly, Louise and the twins more readily than me in
spite of their youth. Even though I swore in the church before God Almighty to
be faithful to my Hugh and never seek the company of another, there have been
moments here when my body has betrayed me," said Betty.

  "Only your husband had carnal knowledge before the pirates," said Ludivine who
had always assumed that women of the lower classes were promiscuous.

  "Until six days ago, none other than Hubert Ellsworth Humphrey had carnal
knowledge of Betty Sykes and then only after there marriage was blessed in St.
Anselm's Church. But now that knowledge can be claimed by God knows how many
corsairs of the Mozambique Straits, perhaps a hundred, maybe more, I lost count
the day the Bombay Enterprise was taken," said Betty.

  "I thought they would leave us alone after that day," said Ludivine.

  "That's not the way of pirates or other men for that matter. When they feel
the itch, they come here and we're expected to satisfy them. Louise and I and
the Claridge girls decided to do it willingly so they would not harm us. Since
the winds have failed us, they have little to do and visit us all day for pussy
as they refer to it."

  "And you admit that it gives you pleasure to be defiled," said Ludivine.

  "It gives me pleasure when I am touched there," said Betty reaching down to
place her fingers on Ludivine's clitoris. "And when their members are inside my
sex, or mouths upon my breasts, I find that pleasurable also. It goes easier if
you learn to take enjoyment from things that are forced upon you. Even taking
their manhood in my mouth can give satisfaction and its one way to spare your
female parts after they have hosted a dozen pirate cocks in an afternoon. I have
come to believe it to be the nature of woman to feel such things whether
provided by their husband or a stranger."

  "I know little of such matters," said Ludivine noting that Betty's fingers
were still stroking her clitoris. Once again, Ludivine felt the glow of warmth
from deep within her sex. It was the same as when Louise's hand stroked her to
wetness and Nabu's coarse pubic hairs raked across the small finger of flesh.

  Betty's breast felt warm against her cheek. Betty allowed her hand to descend
to Ludivine's vagina, still partially open after the exit of Nabu's cock. She
coated her fingers with Nabu's semen and the flow from Ludivine's glands then
used to it massage Ludivine's clitoris. Ludivine let her arm lay across Betty's
naked abdomen finding comfort in the warmth of her body. Ludivine reacting to
some innate urge turned her head slightly to kiss Betty's nipple. She kissed it
several times then took it between her lips and gently sucked it.

  "Oh, that feels good, Miss Townly. There are times when we women must pleasure
each other or ourselves. The hard bodies and quick thrusts of the pirates create
a need for a greater fulfillment. They take their own pleasure and do not
concern themselves with ours," said Betty tilting Ludivine's face upward and
gently kissing her lips. The first gentle kisses were followed by ones of
greater energy. Ludivine opened her mouth and accepted Betty's tongue that
intertwined with hers.

  "I feel a need that I cannot satisfy," said Ludivine drawing back slightly.

  "Here, let me show you how to satisfy yourself," said Betty taking Ludivine's
hand and placing it on Ludivine's clitoris. "Now stroke yourself as I stroked
you and give yourself satisfaction."

  The two women adjusted their position to permit Ludivine to masturbate. Betty
applied her lips to Ludivine's breasts with languid teasing kisses. Betty took
Ludivine's nipples in her mouth and used her teeth to tease them outward. Before
many minutes passed, Ludivine began to writhe and moan. Betty bit down harder on
one nipple as she took the other in her fingers and pinched it forcefully.
Ludivine climaxed in a loud moan.

  "Quiet Miss Townly, you'll wake up the entire crew up and we'll have to
service them," said Betty.

  "It was pleasurable but a great sin. Masturbation is against the laws of God
and his holy church," said Ludivine after she had caught her breath.

  "I think God will forgive we poor British women who are under the control of
pirates. Our bodies are not our own, these continual rapes force us to have
urges and needs that would not exist in civil society," said Betty.

  Miss Townly is made differently in her female parts thought Betty recalling
how her fingers passed along the sides of Ludivine's partially detached
clitoris. Louise and myself and for that matters, Sally and Anne have a tiny
love button embedded in flesh right above our hole but Miss Townly's is much
larger and even sticks outward like a small cock. I wonder if that is present in
all the Townly women. Is that why her sister Elena has become a wanton? Louise
said that Elena Townly had intercourse with many members of the Bombay
Enterprise's crew and that she had visited the sleeping quarters of the seamen
and allowed them to take their pleasure with her.

  Betty sensed that after a few minutes Ludivine had gone to sleep so she curled
her naked body around the much larger Ludivine and slept.

 Next morning shortly after dawn, Ludivine felt the need to empty her bowels.
She got up without waking any of the others. Ludivine saw that there was a pair
of man's trousers and a seaman's pull over shirt beside her pallet. Not having
anything else to wear, Ludivine dressed herself. The trousers ended above her
calves and the sleeves of the shirt barely passed her elbows. However the
garments were reasonably clean and Ludivine felt better to be clothed.

   It's the first time in six days; I've not been naked thought Ludivine. I feel
a strong pressure in my bowels. I must relieve myself.

  Although the Condor was not on the same scale of the Bombay Enterprise, both
were ocean sailing ships and Ludivine reasoned that the head was located toward
the stern. The Condor was not a large ship and guided partially by smell,
Ludivine located the crude facilities only a few yards aft of the gun deck.

  Ludivine fought back panic when she saw the conditions of the Condor's privy.
It was a small open room with no door. Nearby was one of the crew's sleeping
quarters and there were several sailors snoring peacefully in hammocks.

  The head consisted of a raised platform situated over three large casks. There
were two steps with the top being a wide board with three holes, each hole
directly above a cask.  I have no choice thought Ludivine. My bowels are ready
to burst. In spite of the smell and the lack of privacy, I must do my business.

  Ludivine forced herself to ignore the horrible odor as she positioned her
buttocks over the round hole in the middle and loosened her bowels into the
casks below. Ludivine almost panicked when her bowels opened up and a loud fart
existed her anus. This was followed by the splash of a large turd in the cask

  Ludivine startled when a member of the Condor's crew appeared. It was the
skinny Yorkshire man named Pete.  He rubbed the sleep out of his one good eye as
he approached.

  "Ah, milady, up early and taking your morning shit," said Pete as he
nonchalantly pulled his pants down and sat beside Ludivine.  His hairy hip
touched hers as he spread his buttocks and began a noisy and smelly defecation.

  "Yes," muttered Ludivine humiliated beyond belief at what was occurring.

  "Nothing like a good shit to start the day, you're the bint that's been sick,"
said Pete.

  "I had a fever. I'm better now," said Ludivine.

  "You did for Spag and Raymondo. Captain made you ride the rope," said Pete
still half asleep.

  "It was terrible," said Ludivine not knowing what to say. "I did not know it
was possible to experience such excruciating pain."

  "You held up better than most. Captain Asago likes to see the ladies go for a
ride on the rope. When we took the Madras Crescent, foolish little wench slapped
the Captain right across the face when he told her to take her dress off. Silly
bint refused to strip for action. Old Captain Asago couldn't have her
disrespecting his authority. The Captain put her on the rope until she was mad
as Old Ned. Raved day and night until we cut her tongue out, couldn't get any
sleep," said Pete.

  "I thought I would go mad," said Ludivine as a very large turd left her ass
and fell with a loud splash into the cask below.

  "Lady or not, a shit's a shit, right, sounded like you're emptying out all
right," said Pete as he began idly stroking his cock.

  There was silence for a minute and Ludivine sensing that her bowel was empty
allowed her bladder to take similar action.  A hissing sound followed by the
noise of Ludivine's urine landing in the cask filled the head.

  'The sound of a woman taking a piss, brings back the boyhood memories," said
Pete. "When I was an urchin in Puddingstone, I used to wake up every morning to
the sound of me Ma pissing right outside my window. My bother, Lester, and I
would sneak a peak as Ma squatted down and let fly. That woman could piss like a

    Ludivine finished then stood up and wiped her ass with the cleanest rag she
could find. She pulled her man's trousers back up and buttoned them. Then she
started to step down from the platform. The still seated Pete was busily wanking
his cock.

  "Hold it there, don't be in such a hurry, what say you give old Pete a little
morning suck to start his day off right," said Pete grabbing Ludivine's hand and
pulling her back.

  "What, I don't understand," said Ludivine pretending not to know what was
being asked. However, Ludivine well understood what the pirate wanted. Many
times, Ludivine had briefly awakened during the last six days and seen Betty,
Louise and even the twins performing the same oral act that Elena had done with
Sir Charles.

  "Oh come on, Betty and the others know how, not much to it, really, just kneel
down and give a Yorkshire man a little sucking off while he finishes his shit,
said Pete.

  "I've never done it before. I don't know how," said a frightened Ludivine.

  "Nothing to it, comes natural to bints, I'll tell you how, just kneel down and
take it in your mouth, I'll explain as we go," said Pete increasing the pressure
on Ludivine's wrist as he forced her down before him.

  "Please, no," said Ludivine pulling back.

  "Don't make me wake my mates, wouldn't do for them to find you here refusing
to do what old Pete asks, some of them was good friends with Spag and Raymondo,
they might decide to dunk you head first in one of these casks," said Pete
gesturing toward the nearby hammocks.

  Ludivine trembled at the thought of being immersed in a cask of the crew's
shit. She realized she had no choice as she knelt down between Pete's bent knees
and took his hairy partially erect cock in her hand. She held it toward her
mouth trying to find the courage to place it between her lips. Ludivine almost
panicked when she felt Pete's hand on the back of her head nudging her forward.

  What did Louise say? Just think of something pleasant thought Ludivine. Ignore
the awful odor coming from the casks. All you have to do is take his cock into
your mouth just like you've seen the others do.

  "Go on, give it a little lick," urged Pete. "Just stick out your tongue and
lick around my piss hole."

  Overcoming every instinct and feeling in her body, Ludivine leaned forward and
licked the pink head of Pete's cock. There was a single drop of urine poised on
the piss hole and that fell off onto Ludivine's tongue. The taste and smell of
urine filled Ludivine's mouth. Controlling her revulsion, she swirled her tongue
back and forth over the head inhaling the odor of unwashed flesh. Ludivine felt
Pete's cock growing more erect in her hand. The head was fully emerging from its
foreskin. As Ludivine began to suck the pirate's cock, his bowels loosened and
Ludivine both smelled and heard his turds exiting.

  "That's a good doxy, you just do as old Pete tells you. Take it inside your
mouth and suck it like it was a sweet," said Pete as he relaxed and noisily
released his bowels.  "The victuals we took off the Bombay Enterprise allow a
mate's innards a good shit, that's for certain."

  Ludivine shut out of her mind the sound and odor of Pete's turds splashing
into the cask below. The quicker I get this done the less likely the others will
awake and do something even worse to me decided Ludivine. I'll do the same as
Elena when she was sucking Sir Charles cock.

  "See, old Pete's as hard as iron, just keep going and you'll get your reward,"
said Pete.

  Ludivine took Pete's testicles in one hand and gently squeezed them as she
wrapped her fist around Pete's shaft and began to stroke it all the while
sucking on the head taking it as deep in her mouth as she found comfortable.

  It wasn't too long before she saw that Pete was showing all the signs of an
approaching orgasm.

  Oh my God, he will ejaculate in my mouth and I must swallow it realized
Ludivine approaching panic. Ludivine's rational mind overcame her physical
reluctance as she brought herself under control and energized her efforts in
order to get her ordeal over with. Ludivine forced Pete's cock deep in her
throat as massaged his testicles, used her tongue to stimulate his cock head and
underside all the while applying a moist wet pressure with her lips. Ludivine's
mouth filled with her saliva and she bathed Pete's cock in the warm fluid.

  "For someone who claimed to know nothing of sucking cock, you're doing a fine
job, milady," said Pete who began to let out little whistling sounds.

  Betty and Louise were right thought Ludivine. We are being forced into these
unnatural acts and there is no sin involved on our part. Just do your best to
please him and be done with it.

  "Keep at it, old Pete's going to give you some sailor's paste to swallow,"
said Pete placing his hand on the back of Ludivine's head and forcing his cock
deeper inside her mouth. Ludivine sensed that Pete was going to ejaculate in her
mouth. His breath was rapid. His fist painfully gripped a handful of her red
hair forcing his cock to the very opening of her throat.

  He rose slightly off the seat as Ludivine felt a warm salty taste flood into
her mouth.

  "Ah, there's your treat, tastes sweet as Yorkshire pudding," said Pete as his
body jerked several times causing more of his semen to land on Ludivine's
tongue. Ludivine forced herself to swallow the contents of her mouth.

  "See, completely natural, nothing to it, all bints can do it," said Pete
relaxing back against the ship.

  "I better be getting back," said Ludivine getting unsteadily to her feet.

  "Me and my mate, Magwa, come to see you later. We'll give you a good
rogering," said Pete as Ludivine departed.

  When Ludivine returned to the gun deck, she sat down on a gun carriage and
looked out at the ocean. The others were still asleep but even in sleep Ludivine
could see the physical exhaustion on their faces.

  I'd probably be dead if it wasn't for Betty and the others. I treated her
terribly when we were on board the Bombay Enterprise. I thought that was the way
it was supposed to be; but here things are different. In spite of the fact I'm a
Townly, I'm nothing more to these pirates than someone to rape. We're all equal

  Like Betty said we have to be strong, give ourselves willingly and live for a
better day. I'll do my share from this day forward. It's too bad Elena isn't
here to show me what to do. 

Chapter 06  - Last Night Aboard The Condor

Please take note! Adults Only Literature

The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for
adults only.

If you are an underage minor or offended by such material -or- if viewing this
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This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwise
is purely coincidental, etc.

Copyright 2003


  "You, those two, come," was how Eduardo extended the invitation for Ludivine
and the Claridge twins to go to Captain Asago's cabin that night. He pointed to
the three women who had just finished eating the small unappetizing supper that
Ernest had delivered moments ago.

  Fair winds had returned and the Condor sped north along Mozambique's west
coast. Ludivine had done more than her share of servicing the crew during the
day.  Since most of the crew had already experienced the charms of Betty,
Louise, Sally, and Anne repeatedly during the last six days, they were eager to
take advantage of the beautiful woman with the flaming red hair and
extraordinary stature.  At times, there was a line waiting to be next between
her legs.

  The Condor's crew was aware this was the last day there would be English women
on board to rape. They made a point of visiting the gun deck for a final piece
of pussy. All the women had been busy but Ludivine was busiest of all. Several
of the younger sailors could brag they had raped all five of the women that last

  "She's holding her own," commented Betty to Louise during one of their
infrequent free moments. They were watching Ludivine provide a sailor with oral

  "You learn to pleasure them or you don't survive. It's as simple as that,"
said Louise. "Look at how Sally and Anne have adapted to the situation. It's
almost a game to them."

  At that very moment, they saw the pirate whose cock was pushing into
Ludivine's mouth jerk and give out a little cry.

  "Swallow it down, red, swallow it all," he whispered as he pumped his semen
into her mouth. His hands were buried in her mane of red hair as he held her
head firmly forcing her mouth to accept his semen and swallow it. Ludivine wiped
her mouth with the back of her hand then reached forward to grasp the cock of
the next corsair waiting in her line.

    Many of the pirate crew was of native mixed blood and barely five feet tall.
They were obviously in awe of Ludivine who towered over them. Her bright red
hair including the large triangle of fiery curls that covered her sex endowed
her with an exotic appeal to the half savage crew.  Her body had been their
first choice if it was available when they found the free time to visit the gun

   Ludivine was able to wrap her long legs and arms around their bodies and hug
them to her as they had intercourse. Pete and Magwa had shown up as Pete had
predicted that morning in the ship's head. They shared Ludivine's body
frequently changing positions. Ludivine overcome her disgust at taking a cock in
her mouth that only seconds ago was deep inside her pussy. As the day wore on,
she used a dirty rag to wipe off the semen that oozed out of her vagina down her

 By observing the other women, Ludivine absorbed some valuable rape survival
lessons. She quickly learned it was easier to be on top and impale yourself on
the man since you would not have to bear his weight forcing you down against the
hard deck. Ludivine also learned that she could use her mouth to reduce the wear
on her other parts.

  "I alternate between mouth and pussy," said Betty to Ludivine. "One part gets
to rest while the other is busy." Betty was sucking the cock of a sailor seated
on a nearby gun carriage. "Here, let me show you the best way to please them.
Eddie won't mind, will you Eddie?"

  "Two whores are always better than one," agreed the older pirate whose
cockhead Betty was licking.

  Ludivine unbusy at the moment watched as Betty demonstrated all she knew of
pleasuring a man's cock with her mouth. Ludivine watched closely and learned.
Ludivine was appalled when Betty demonstrated how to wet her own finger then
push a finger up the pirates crusted asshole and massage the tiny prostate

  "Oh that feels good," agreed Eddie when Ludivine slowly rubbed his prostate.

  Ludivine found the three times she had endured anal intercourse to be painful
but bearable after Louise came to her aid the first time a sailor forced his
cock past her anal ring.

  "Tell him to give you a good spank on the bottom to relax you," suggested
Louise who was kneeling besides a moaning Ludivine as the crewman stroked into
her distended anal ring.

  "The pain is too much to bear," whined Ludivine.

  When Ludivine failed to act, Louise delivered her own smart stinging blow.
Ludivine sounded a loud yelp then was forced to admit that the slap had relaxed
her backside and what before was agonizing now bordered on the pleasurable.

  "Now, once they're up your bum, play with your clit," said Louise reaching
underneath Ludivine to stroke that strange piece of flesh so markedly different
from the other women. Louise had finally managed to observe it closely.
Afterwards she had quietly remarked about it to Betty.

  "Have you noticed that Miss Townly is not quite made the same as us," said
Louise. She and Betty were currently unoccupied. They were watching Ludivine
service Pete and Magwa at the same time. Ludivine was on all fours. The two
pirates were switching between Ludivine's mouth and pussy both fucking her with
considerable force and energy. They were taking their time, laughing as they
frequently changed places. Betty had noted that Ludivine's body was now
responding to their rough intercourse. She watched as Ludivine moved her
buttocks back to accept Magwa's cock each time he thrust forward.

  Nearby the Claridge twins were jointly providing oral intercourse to Little
Warner, the Condor's shortest sailor who stood barely forty-seven inches high
but who had the cock of a healthy six-footer. Sally's mouth was licking and
massaging Warner's large balls while Anne's mouth engulfed the shaft her head
moving up and down as her lips and tongue worked the cockhead before slowly
sliding down to force it into the opening of her throat. Warner was grunting
appreciatively and chanting softly in some heathen language that the twins
neither understood nor recognized.

   "She's amazingly tall and thin but she's handled Jared's sausage without a
problem. Last time, Jared took me, I thought he would split me apart," said
Betty remembering how she grunted and whined as the pirate with the incredibly
fat penis forced himself inside her.

  "I was referring to her clitoris. It is much larger and part of it is not
connected. It's not at all like yours or mine or the Claridge girls for that
matter. It puts me in mind of a small cock," said Louise. Seven days ago, Louise
was a young lady who knew little of sexual matters and considered any discussion
of sex completely inappropriate for a young lady. However, the last week she had
developed a keen interest in copulation; even going so far as to question
Earnest about the acts of sodomy he was performing with Elton and William.
Ernest reluctantly admitted that other members of the crew were using him and
that he was being sodomised a good half dozen times each night.

  "I have noticed. It is unusual; but she is very sensitive about her appearance
being so tall. I heard that during the London social season after she was
presented, her height was a serious impediment to acquiring a socially
acceptable offer of marriage. That was in spite of one of he largest fortunes in
England. Potential suitors made cruel remarks.  Let's not mention it. We all
bear enough of a burden without being concerned with any physical abnormalities.
Besides when we're on our backs with a pirate between our legs, we're all the
same height. And speaking of burdens, two more of the crew are coming down. No
rest for the weary," said Betty putting a smile on her face as she prepared
herself mentally for one more rape.

  "I hope mine will be satisfied with my mouth. My pussy and bum are sore as
boils," said Louise.

  Ludivine had learned quickly that proper lubrication was key to less painful
intercourse whether vaginal or anal. Betty had taught her to spit lustily in her
hand and then use her fingers to work the saliva into her anal ring or pussy
whichever the pirate intended to use. 

  "Slides right in if you're nice and wet," said Betty.

  Ludivine had also learned that a handful of spit was not the only means to
lubricate a dry butthole. She had been shocked when Louise showed her an

  "If you'll wait a minute, Ike, I'll make her slippery so you'll slide right
in," said Louise who then applied her own mouth to Ludivine's anus using her
tongue and saliva to moisten and relax Ludivine's butt before Ike gave her a
vigorous 'shit packing' as he called it. Ike, a tall sailor, had put Ludivine on
her all fours with her butt pointed upward. Ike had stood crouched over her
fucking almost straight downward into her rectum. After several minutes of butt
plowing, air began to noisily exit Ludivine's butt causing everyone on the gun
deck to laugh. Despite Ludivine's humiliation she had found it funny and laughed
herself for the first time since the Bombay Enterprise was taken.

  As it was getting dark, Ludivine found herself once more sitting straddle of
Jared, a crewmember known for the girth of his cock. Her vagina felt pleasantly
stretched and full and she found herself moving in a fashion that maximized her
own pleasure. Ludivine was squatting on her haunches as she raised and lowered
herself. She emitted a loud grunt each time she bottomed out forcing his cock to
its maximum penetration. Her partner's hands were busily stroking Ludivine's
breasts, pulling her nipples and twisting them as they fucked. He had just paid
her an odd compliment.

  "You got the tits of a Balinese dancer," exclaimed Jared as his hands played
over Ludivine's chest.

  Ludivine smiled in the twilight at the unaccustomed compliment. She adjusted
her body angle slightly to allow her clitoris to rub against the pirate's coarse
pubic hair. Just as the pirate's body convulsed and his seed squirted into
Ludivine's vagina, Ludivine experienced a powerful orgasm herself. Loud moans
punctuated by repeated shouts of "oh yes, oh yes" drew the attention of the
other women.

  "I see that at last you've learned to take some pleasure for yourself," said
Betty to Ludivine once Jared had left and the women were alone.

  "It's as you said. Not a conscious choice but something that happens whether
we will it or not," said Ludivine relaxing against the bulkhead as her breath
and heart rate returned to normal. "However, I am forced to admit that it was
deeply pleasurable. Satan must be on the side of the pirates."

  It was well after dark and the crew was resting when Eduardo came down to the
gun deck and selected Sally, Anne, and Ludivine and ordered them to come with
him to Captain Asago's cabin.

  "What's this all about, Eduardo, where are you taking them?" said Betty
stepping forward to stand in front of Eduardo.

  "Last night before arrive Mahajanga, Captain want little girls again, plus big
girl this time, out of the way, whore, Captain plan big party," said Eduardo
roughly shoving Betty aside.

  "Ludivine, take care of Sally and Anne," said Betty. "I promised Mrs. Claridge
that I'd do all in my power to keep them safe."

  "I'll do my best," said Ludivine wondering what she could do beyond willingly
offering herself to any member of the crew who wanted her.

  When Ludivine and the girls accompanied by Eduardo reached the main cabin,
they found Captain Asago, Nabu, and Lewis, the crewman with a hook for his left
hand. Ludivine recalled with a shudder poor Mrs. Wilkes being raped with Lewis's
hook embedded in her breast. Ludivine remembered her screams as Lewis used his
hook to twist and turn her as he forced her backward over the rail until her
spine snapped.

  Captain Asago was dressed in a long silk dressing gown that Ludivine
recognized as belonging to her father. The cabin was strewn with booty taken
from the rich furnishings of the Bombay Enterprise. The robe was too long for
Asago and a good half-foot drug the deck. When Ludivine entered the cabin, the
Captain was standing naked with the robe open. His brown skinned cock dangled
between his legs.  Ludivine shuddered when she recalled how he had savagely
plunged it into her anus only moments after Sir Charles had split her hymen with
a marlinspike.

   The captain's or main cabin was large, occupying the entire aft portion of
the Condor. Like many shipboard spaces, it had multiple uses. Besides the
Captain and senior officers sleeping quarters, it also served as the officer's
mess and meeting room. There was a large round table in the center of the room.
There were sleeping spaces along the hull. Nabu was lying naked in one bunk
stroking his cock.

  God it is huge thought Ludivine staring at Nabu's fully erect cock. I have had
that evil instrument inside my body twice. No doubt tonight I will be forced to
endure it again. Ludivine felt a certain stirring between her legs as she stared
at Nabu's glistening cock. It was as black as the rest of him with an angry red
ring below the head.

  Lewis was also naked lying in another bunk stroking his member with his good
hand as his hard cold eyes fixed themselves on Ludivine and the twins.

  "Wine, drink," ordered Captain Asago pointing toward several bottles of wine
that Ludivine recognized as belonging to her father's private stock bottled on
his Bordeaux estate. There was silver wine goblets scatted over the table that
Ludivine recognized as belonging to her family. The Townly crest was engraved on
their side.

  Ludivine screamed involuntarily when her eyes landed on the large black ape
that was curled up on one of the bunks drinking wine from a goblet. Due to the
fact he was slightly out of her line of vision when she entered, she had not
seen the creature. Ludivine had never seen an ape although she had viewed
drawings and visited the British Museum where several preserved specimens were
on display. Ludivine's scream startled the ape and it threw down its wine
goblet, leaped upon the table and grabbed the overhead chandelier and began to
swing back and forth emitting loud screeching sounds.

  "You've frightened Aris," laughed Captain Asago. "It seems our Miss Ludivine
Townly has not met the Condor's mascot. Sally and Anne have. Get him down, you

  Ludivine watched in astonishment as Sally and Anne clambered on the table.
Sally reached up to take the large ape into her arms.

  "Come here, Aris, come to your Sally" cooed Sally to the creature who lowered
himself from the chandelier to nestle in Sally's arms as would a child.

  "Give us a kiss, Aris," said Anne leaning forward with puckered lips. Aris
responded by placing a long hairy arm around Anne's neck and drawing her face to
his for several kisses.

  "What is that creature?" asked Ludivine as she poured herself a glass of wine
to calm her nerves. She poured two more glasses handing them to the twins.
Ludivine was truly amazed when Aris held out his empty goblet for a refill.

  "They're called chimpanzees, smartest of the apes, smarter than a lot of men,"
said Captain Asago as he watched Sally and Anne climb down from the table. The
two girls took Aris over to one of the empty bunks. Sally was holding Aris like
she would a baby. She was speaking gently to him and his attention was fixed on
her as if he understood. His long hairy arms were rapped around her neck. Anne
was seated beside her sister slowly rubbing Aris' back. Aris shared sips of wine
from the girl's goblets.

  "Nabu tells us your pussy has recovered from the little ride on the rope we
gave it," said Captain Asago stepping in front of Ludivine and reaching down to
place his hand on her sex.

  "Yes, one of your crew applied a healing salve to my injuries," said Ludivine
not moving as she felt growing warmth between her legs. Asago's rubbing of her
sex was creating a response that Ludivine was not emotionally comfortable with.
I must accept my fate thought Ludivine. If the Captain's hand on my sex causes
me pleasure then so be it. Wine will help me get through tonight.

  Ludivine finished her goblet of wine in one draught and poured herself

  "That be Quito, half the crew be dead without that savages' nostrums, Let's
see if your pussy is ready for a good fucking," said Captain Asago as he
unbuttoned the top buttons of Ludivine's trousers with one hand while stroking
her sex with the other.

  Ludivine's breath was coming in shorter and deeper bursts. Ludivine looked
over to see that Anne had exposed one of her breasts and the ape was examining
it with his humanlike hands.

  Captain Asago had managed to unfasten enough buttons to allow his hand to slip
down the front of Ludivine's trousers and feel her sex. Ludivine sounded a small
undeniable hiss of pleasure as the Captain's index finger flicked over her

  "Milady Townly is as wet as a dock whore and just as anxious. She's apparently
learned the purpose of that hole between her legs," said Captain Asago as he
withdrew his glistening fingers from Ludivine's trousers and brought them to his
nose. "Smells like a dock whore too."

  Ludivine was shamefully aware she had not bathed in a week. She had spent her
day in physical contact with men whose bodies reeked of sweat and body odor. All
the women had commented how their sexual organs smelled after numerous
copulations with the crew.

  My body is not mine to command thought Ludivine. I will drink wine to dull my
senses. Then I will do as they order trusting that the Lord will not hold me
accountable for what happens tonight.

  "Strip, Miss Townly, you girls too," said Captain Asago gesturing toward Sally
and Anne.

  The two girls promptly stood up and stepped out of their dresses.  Anne sat
back down and Aris crawled into her lap. His lips wrapped around Anne's nipples
causing the young girl to giggle.

  "That tickles Aris, do Sally," said Anne laughing. Sally positioned her body
close to her sisters so Aris' mouth could suckle from one breast to another.

  "Aris loves to suck our titties," said Sally giggling.

   In a thousand years, I would never have thought it possible to see two well
raised English girls having sexual congress with a lower animal thought
Ludivine. These pirates have reduced us to the lowest level of humanity in less
than a week.

  Ludivine saw that the ape's large cock was starting to get hard. Anne had
reached down to take it in her hand   My God the twins are sexually familiar
with that ape. Betty mentioned that the twins spent their first night in Captain
Asago's cabin. I bet they have already had sexual intercourse with that ape.
They are not resisting him and they seem quite familiar and comfortable with his
wants. My turn may come before this evening is done.

  Ludivine finished her second goblet of wine and poured herself a third.

  "Aris remembers what a good time he had with you two, see, his pecker is hard
already," said Captain Asago turning his attention to the twins. The captain sat
down with Aris and the girls then leaned over to kiss Sally as he fondled her
breast. Sally placed her hand on Captain Asago's cock and gently caressed it.
Sally and the Captain embraced and relaxed back onto the bedding.

  When Ludivine finished undressing, she saw that Lewis had stood up and was
standing directly in front of her. He was obviously drunk.

  "These are lovely," said Lewis lifting one of Ludivine's breasts with the
polished metal hook. "I was going to fuck you that day you rode the rope but by
the time old Lewis got his turn, you were dead to the world. I screwed the one
they said was your sister."

  "Elena, you had her," said Ludivine as she placed her arm around Lewis's neck.

  "We all did, that bint couldn't get enough cock, she raped us, quite the
little doxy she was," said Lewis as he stood on his tiptoes to place his mouth
on Ludivine's breast. He licked around her areola then took her nipple in his
mouth and sucked it for a moment. "By Satan's cock, you are tall for a woman,
hell, even for a man, bend down here and give Lewis a kiss."

  Ludivine leaned down and placed her lips on Lewis'. His good hand was between
her legs warming her sex. She could feel his fingers rubbing her clit.  She
could also feel the cold metal hook resting under her buttock. Ludivine mentally
committed herself performing whatever sexual acts required to keep Lewis
satisfied. She did not want to wind up like Cathy Wilkes with that hook embedded
in her body.

  Ludivine opened her mouth to Lewis' probing tongue and she felt the heat
growing within her as her tongue intertwined with that of the one armed pirates.
She softened her lips and kissed him with all the ardor she could muster.

  "Lay back on the table and let me show you something I learned in the East
Indies," said Lewis placing his good hand on Ludivine's chest to nudge her
backwards. Ludivine sat down on the table then leaned backward until she was
resting on the tabletop. Ludivine acquiesced when she felt Lewis spreading her
legs apart then bending her knees so her feet rested on the table.

  Ludivine felt Lewis hand's metal hook part her labia and stroke her sex.
Ludivine moaned as she felt the hard metal pass over her clitoris.

  "Like the feel of cold steel on the old puss, I'll show you a trick later
that'll get you jumping. Old Lewis knows how to please a whore."

  "It feels so good," moaned Ludivine as the hard metal pressed into softest

  "Well, what have we here," said Lewis almost in a whisper. "That's

  His face was so close to Ludivine's sex that she could feel his warm breath on
her sex.

  Ludivine tensed for a second then relaxed as Lewis' tongue slowly licked down
one side of her clitoris then took her clit in his mouth and sucked it. Ludivine
tilted her pelvis slightly forward to give Lewis's mouth better access to her
clit. She sounded a long hiss as her breath escaped in an audible sigh.

  "Oh, she likes her clit sucked. I've seen whores with nubbins like that, in
Shanghai," said Eduardo who had come closer to examine what Lewis was referring
to. "Chinamen cut their whores so they dangle down. It keeps them ready for

  Ludivine felt an intense wave of pleasure as Lewis's tongue swirled over her
clitoris covering it in warm saliva.

  "Go ahead, Eduardo, suck it like it's a cock while I lick around her hole,"
said Lewis.

  Ludivine gasped at the pleasure that engulfed her as Eduardo's mouth
surrounded her clitoris. He pressed his lips hard against its base while sucking
the tip deeper into his mouth and teasing it with his tongue.

   Lewis's tongue worked its way into her vagina. He placed his mouth over her
hole, formed a loose seal then forced air into her vagina. Then Lewis inhaled
drawing all the air out forcing Ludivine's vagina to contract.

  "Ahhh," sounded Ludivine reacting to the intense pleasure the two pirates were
providing to her sex.

  Without removing his mouth from her clit, Eduardo slowly climbed first up on
the table then on top of Ludivine. Ludivine looked up as his hairy ass and balls
perched over her face.

  "You suck mine and I'll suck yours, milady," said Eduardo as he pushed his
hard cock back between his legs so Ludivine could take it in her mouth.

  "Wet your finger and stick it in my ass," directed Eduardo as he turned to
licking Ludivine's clit with a will.

  Ludivine for the first time in her eighteen years felt in the throes of true
passion. She greedily wrapped her lips around Eduardo's cock and ran her tongue
over the tip. She reveled in the presence of drop of semen that was perched on
the very tip of his cock. One hand reached up to massage his sack while the
other forced his butt cheeks to part. Ludivine's index finger tickled the
wrinkled brown skin surrounding his hole. Ludivine transferred some saliva from
her mouth to her finger then worked her long slender finger into Eduardo's anus
penetrating to her first finger joint.

  "Good girl," whispered Eduardo. "Now fuck my ass with your finger while you
suck my cock. That's the way the Arab whores pleasure their men."

  Ludivine moaned loudly as Lewis drove a wet finger past her anal opening. She
moaned ever louder when he circled it stretching her anal ring.

  "You hear that, Captain, didn't you say this one was a virgin when we took the
Bombay?" asked Lewis.

  "Had a maidenhead as strong as sail. Sir Charles bent his dick trying to split
it. Finally, I showed him how to stick a marlinspike in her twat and give it a
good kick. That opened her up all right," replied the Captain who was lying back
on the bunk while Sally sucked his cock. Aris was lying right beside him in the
identical pose and Anne was sucking his large hairy cock. Both Captain Asago and
Aris were casually drinking from their goblets as the girls worked on their

  "Well, virgin or not, she's a proper whore now," said Lewis.

  "Nothing surprising there, Lewis, Miss Ludivine Townly has been a week on the
Condor getting a proper fucking from the crew.  If Queen Victoria herself was to
spend a week on the gun deck with her legs spread, she'd be just as big a whore
as if she worked the London docks."

  "But she was too bloody from the rope until last night to get a proper
rogering," countered Lewis.

  "I guess she made up for lost time. Too bad she wasn't like these two little
angels. First night on board, they take to it like a duck to water. Give old
Aris and me a proper suck off right from the start, right Aris," said Captain

  The ape made a sound of approval as he placed his hand on the back of Anne's
head to force her mouth further down onto his dick.

  "Give my butthole a lick, milady," said Eduardo as he adjusted his position to
lower his anus to Ludivine's face.  He reached back to grab his buttocks
separating them so Ludivine had a clear path to his anus. "Fine London lady like
yourself needs to know how to use their mouth on a man's shitter."

  Ludivine pushed her face between Eduardo's hemispheres bring her mouth
directly over his anus. She placed her lips over the dark circle of skin and
forced her tongue to penetrate its center point.  Ludivine moaned into Eduardo's
asshole as Lewis inserted a second finger into her rectum.

  "Getting you nice and opened up my lady," said Lewis. "Your ass will be ready
to take a proper fucking."

  Ludivine's mouth had managed to open up Eduardo's hole and her tongue was
working the opening. Ludivine surprised herself by managing to ignore the smell
and taste of the feces that crusted around his anus.

  "Now, let me show you something special," said Lewis as he put two fingers
inside Ludivine's vagina.

  All of a sudden, Ludivine felt an intense wave of pleasure from her vagina.

  "Feel that, milady, there's your whore spot, and you've got a big one, come
here Captain and have a feel," said Lewis.

  Ludivine sensed movement between her legs. Once again, she exhaled in pleasure
as fingers entered her vagina and touched a point that caused a wave of pleasure
to wash over her.

  "Born to be a whore, that one," said Captain Asago. "It's the size of a

  "Suck me more, I'm going to blow like a sperm whale," said Eduardo switching
his cock back into Ludivine's mouth.

  Eduardo began to rapidly raise and lower his body fucking Ludivine's mouth
with great energy. At the same time, Eduardo's mouth feasted on her clit and
Lewis's fingers in her cunt and ass were taking Ludivine through stages of ever
increasing ecstasy.

  Ludivine took her own cue from the first splash of warm cum that landed on her
tongue. She unleashed her own climax as she sucked hard on the tip of Eduardo's
spewing cock. A desperate hunger to extract and swallow ever last drop of
Eduardo's semen sized her being. She captured Eduardo's semen in a pool on her
tongue and reveled in its warm, salty taste.

  "See that," said Lewis. "Her cunt's grabbing my fingers, her pussy's hungry,
needs to be fed some cock."

  As the spent Eduardo's cock performed its final spasm of ejaculation, he
rolled off Ludivine and was promptly replaced by Lewis. Lewis mounted her
quickly gathering her long legs in the crooks of his powerful arms and bending
her until her knees touched her chest. Ludivine's long arms reached down to
spread her inner labia and invite the pirate's cock into her still climaxing

  "Fuck me, Lewis, fuck me hard, like a dock whore," screamed Ludivine. Ludivine
was shocked at her outburst but felt helpless to control her feelings. I
actually do want Lewis to rape me thought Ludivine. I want his cock inside me
fucking me with all his energy.

  "Most unladylike behavior, wouldn't you say, Aris," commented Captain Asago.

  Lewis buried his cock inside Ludivine and began a long pounding fuck. Ludivine
desire to have Lewis' cock as deep in her as possible was accented when she
reached out and grabbed his butt cheeks spreading them while he fucked her.

  After Lewis had been fucking her for a while, Ludivine was surprised to see
Eduardo standing by the table stroking an erect cock. She was even more
surprised when he positioned himself behind Lewis.

  "Hold his ass open, milady," said Eduardo who proceeded to spit in his hand
and then rub it on his hard cock.

  Lewis groaned when Eduardo forced his cock up Lewis' butt.

  "That's right, mate, give me a good rogering while I fuck the bint," said
Lewis to Eduardo. Unknown to Ludivine, Lewis was Eduardo's sea wife and the act
seemed very natural to the pair.

  Ludivine stretched her legs out and curled them around both men. She used her
muscles to pull them into her each time they stroked forward. Lewis's mouth
sucked greedily on her nipple causing it to ache with pleasure.

  They continued like that for some time. Ludivine's body was covered in sweat.
Each time, Eduardo drove his cock deeper into Lewis it caused Lewis' cock to
sink deeper and more forcefully into Ludivine. Finally, Lewis reached his climax
and deposited his seed in Ludivine. When he withdrew his cock, Ludivine felt his
seed seep out of her cunt and drip down onto her asshole. When Ludivine's
breathe rate returned to normal, she turned onto her elbow, refilled her goblet
with wine and took a full draught.

  "Aris, would you like a piece of that, she's a tall one," said Captain Asago.

  Aris made a loud shrill noise that must have signified his positive response.

   "You girls help Aris mount Miss Townly. Stay on top the table. Milady, so we
can all watch."

  "You need to get on your hands and knees, Ludivine, that's the way monkeys do
it," said Sally who'd climbed up on the table beside Ludivine.

  Ludivine was feeling the effect of the wine as she slowly rotated her body
until she was on all fours. Sally made some adjustments to Ludivine's position
mainly to lower it at her head while raising her rear toward the ceiling.
Ludivine felt the ape's hairy body come in contact with her thighs and buttocks.

  "Here, Aris let me help," said Sally as the ape positioned himself at
Ludivine's rear. His long arms reached all the way to the top of Ludivine's

  "That's a good chimp," said Captain Asago. "Anne, help him get it in."

  Ludivine gave out a little grunt as she felt the odd shaped penis probe for
the opening of her vagina. The first couple of attempts failed to gain entry as
the cock missed her hole and slipped to the side.

  "Quit moving around, Aris, and let me help," said Anne taking a firm grip on
Aris' cock and pressing the tip into Ludivine's vagina. Aris sensing that he had
arrived at the point of entry pushed forward sliding several inches inside the
warm wet hole. Aris shrieked loudly, adjusted his angle of attack and plunged in
the maximum.

  Ludivine could sense that the cock inside her cunt was not human. She felt the
powerful ape hands grasp the top of her shoulders as Aris began to forcefully
fuck her all the time sounding loud shrill shrieks that sounded off the cabin

  "Open up milady, getting fucked my man and ape is an uncommon thing," said
Asago raising Ludivine's head from the tabletop using a fistful of her hair.
Ludivine saw that Asago's erect cock was only inches from her lips. Ludivine had
been too preoccupied by the ape's attempts to copulate with her that she had not
noticed that the captain had climbed upon the table and sat down with his legs
in a wide V.  Ludivine's head was only inches from Asago's crotch. His other
hand fisted his erect dark brown cock directing it toward Ludivine's mouth.

  Ludivine opened her mouth and the cock immediately moved forward between her
lips. She glanced upward to see that Captain Asago was flanked by both of the
twins who were kneeling by the Captain kissing his mouth as he fondled their

  "Come here, Sally," said Eduardo pulling Sally away and placing her on her
back. Sally parted her legs and reached forward to pull Eduardo on top. She
reached down to take his hard cock in her hand and guide it into her pussy.
Ludivine saw the muscles in her legs tense as she wrapped her thin legs around
Eduardo's olive skinned body and pulled him inward. A loud sigh of pleasure
escaped Sally's lips as Eduardo's cock sunk into her depths.

  Aris rode Ludivine's back periodically sounding ear-splitting shrieks.
Ludivine was surprised that the shrieks had not summoned the entire crew to the
cabin. Aris' paws firmly clutched the top of Ludivine's shoulders to the point
that they ached.

  "Prepare yourself for a drink of captain's piss, milady, I don't feel like a
trip to the head," said Captain Asago using both hands to grasp Ludivine by her

  Ludivine did not understand what the Captain intended until she felt a warm
liquid invade her mouth. The strong taste and smell caused her stomach to churn.

  "Swallow it, milady or I'll let Lewis fuck you with his hook," ordered Captain

  Ludivine recalled the piteous screams of Mrs. Wilkes when Lewis's hook was
embedded in her breast. She could only imagine how it would feel to have that
piece of sharp steel in her vagina. Ludivine forced herself to gulp down the
first mouthful of the Captain's urine. Seeing that Ludivine had swallowed, the
Captain released the rest. Ludivine swallowed mouthful after mouthful of the
Captain's urine.

  "See, now that's a true English whore, one that swallows a man's piss so he
can keep fucking her," said Captain Asago. "How about you, Anne, make water into
milady's mouth."

  Ludivine did not hear Anne's response but felt Asago's cock leave her mouth
and bodies being shifted. She opened her eyes to watch the Captain positioning
Anne's pussy against her mouth.

  "Open up, milady, and drink," said the Captain.

  Ludivine lacked any will to resist. She opened her mouth wide and felt the
warm stream of Anne's piss land on her tongue.

  Not too much, Anne, take it slow so she can swallow every drop. Milady Townly
wouldn't want to spill any," said Captain Asago.

  Once again, Ludivine swallowed until Anne stopped.

  "Now, let see how well Miss Townly like to eat pussy. A true whore would
rather eat another whore's pussy than have a man's cock inside her any day,"
said Captain Asago.

  Ludivine felt Anne scoot forward until her sex touched Ludivine's face.

  "Eat her, Miss Townly, her little pussy's full of Aris' spunk. They say it
tastes different from a man's," said Captain Asago. "Use your fingers to open
your hole, Anne."

  Ludivine's pushed out her tongue to penetrate Anne's vagina. Her hole was
overflowing with fluids and Ludivine tasted the odd mixture of female wetness,
urine, human and animal semen that dribbled out onto her tongue.

  "That's right, milady, now you're a piss drinker. Sir Charles plans to make
you into a proper whore when you get to Mahajanga. I told Sir Charles that by
the time you reached port you'd be whoring second to none," laughed the Captain.

  At that moment, Aris climaxed. Ludivine felt a warm fluid flood the insides of
her vagina. Ludivine reached down to stroke her clitoris to induce her own

  Animalistic depravity of the most base and vile nature has conquered my being
concluded Ludivine. I cannot be held responsible for what has befallen me nor
for my participation in it, willingly or not. I am blameless before God and man.
This is not of my will.

  A few hard strokes on her engorged clit and Ludivine climaxed. She jerked her
legs and grabbed her abdomen squeezing her stomach full of wine and urine. She
collapsed to the tabletop breathing heavily and covered in sweat.

  Sally and Anne refilled the wine goblets. Ludivine drank quickly to cleanse
her mouth of the taste of urine and all the other bodily fluids she had
ingested. How odd she thought to be sitting her naked drinking the grand cru of
my father's recently acquired Bordeaux vineyard after just having sex with men,
an ape and a young girl. I thanked God that my father did not live to see how
debased and depraved I have become.

  Aris climbed up in Ludivine's lap and took a sip of her wine as he played with
her breasts. He placed an arm around Ludivine's neck and raised his head up to
kiss her lips. Ludivine acquiesced as Aris' tongue invaded her mouth. She found
herself responding to the ape's lovemaking.

  "Aris is a good kisser," commented Sally watching the two.

  "My turn with this whore," said Nabu as he climbed up on the table. "Aris, go
to the girls." The ape obeyed immediately jumping off the table onto a nearby
bunk where Sally and Anne were lazily playing with Eduardo and Captain Asago's

  Ludivine finished her wine in one gulp and turned to face Nabu. She had never
gotten a close look at his body so she gently shoved him onto his back. His wide
muscular chest was covered with a raised tattoo of some primitive design. A
large thick row of scarred flesh formed a circle that traversed his broad chest
connecting his nipples and navel in its circumference. Scars representing the
sun, moon, and several symbols Ludivine didn't recognize were inside the circle.
There was a smaller inner circle on his abdomen. Ludivine shuddered when she
thought about the intense pain that must have accompanied the scarring.

  Ludivine traced the scarring with her fingers then felt compelled to use her
tongue to continue the tracing. Nabu watched her as she played her tongue across
his nipples then each of the symbols. His breath quickened as her tongue passed
over his navel. Ludivine's hand reached down to lift Nabu's cock, amazed that
her long delicate hand seemed so small when she wrapped her fingers around its
girth. She leaned down to examine it closer. Its shade was identical to the rest
of Nabu's body, a blackness that was tinged with the blueness of midnight.

  "I can see Miss Townly's fascinated with your tool," commented Captain Asago
who was languidly lying in a nearby bunk. Sally sat a straddle his body and she
was ever so slowly moving back and forth with the Captain's cock fully embedded
in her fourteen-year-old pussy.

  "Such is the way with whores," said Nabu watching intently as Ludivine stuck
out her tongue and licked the mushroom head. "I fucked this one twice. The first
time after Sir Charles then the other night when Quito said she was all well
enough. She has learned to like Nabu's cock."

  "Miss Townly, do you want Nabu to fuck you?" asked Captain Asago.

  "Yes," was all Ludivine could bring herself to answer as she took Nabu's cock
in her mouth and sucked it.

  Ludivine found herself entranced with the long black cock she held in her hand
as her mouth made love to it. She pressed it to the side of her face to and
exulted in the warmth she felt. Nabu watched her as she held his balls in one
hand while she stroked and licked the length of hard black flesh.

  Finding that she could not bear one more minute without Nabu's cock inside her
body, she lifted herself up to straddle Nabu. As she passed his cock head
between her outer labia, a loud hiss came from her lips as her clit came in
contact with Nabu's cock. Feverishly, she guided the head to the entrance to her
vaginal cavity. Gathering her feet directly under her haunches, she held the
cock in one hand while she lowered herself.

  Savoring the moment, desperate to prolong the pleasure, Ludivine almost
imperceptivity lowered her body. As Nabu's cock progressed, it's girth forced
Ludivine's vaginal walls outward.

  "Ahhh," spoke Ludivine when Nabu's cock could progress no further.

  Ludivine began a slow rhythmic movement raising herself to where only the very
tip of Nabu's cock was inside her then descending until she felt it slide deep
into her female parts. Gradually, Ludivine increased the pace; now bringing her
clit in contact with the tight curly hairs of Nabu's crotch.

  "I wish Sir Charles were here to see this," whispered Captain Asago.

  The onlookers watched in silence as Ludivine took Nabu's hands and placed them
on her breasts. His powerful fingers seized her nipples and pulled them outward
as he twisted her flesh and flattened it. The only sound was the flesh on flesh
impact of Ludivine's bottom upon Nabu's groin.

  "Oh yes, fuck me, fuck me," screamed Ludivine as her physical craving for
sexual release gained dominion over all else. Her body became a blur as she took
pleasure from the fullness within her vagina and the friction of her clit.

  Finally, Ludivine rose up, contracting the muscles of her sex, desperate to
squeeze every ounce of pleasure from her body and reached an orgasm whose
repeated soul wrenching convulsions left her breathless and exhausted. She fell
forward, drenched in sweat, her long red hair wet with perspiration covering her
face. Ludivine drank more wine as she regained her breath.

  I did not know it was possible to feel such pleasure thought Ludivine. When
Ludivine recovered sufficiently to look up, there was Sally offering her a fresh
goblet of wine. Ludivine took the wine and drank.

  All of a sudden, she felt Nabu's powerful body roll both of them over, placing
her on the bottom. He turned her over on her all fours.

  He probably wants to finish in this position thought Ludivine. That thought
was immediately contradicted when she heard him spit and felt a large glob of
sputum land on her rectum. Ludivine's anal ring sent waves of pleasure to her
brain when it felt two fingers push into the opening. He going to take me anally
thought Ludivine in panic. He's too large. It'll split me apart. I can't bear
it. Ludivine tried to relax as she heard and felt more sputum on her anus.
Nabu's fingers were deep inside her rectum, working against the walls,
stretching and spreading her bowels. Finally, she sensed the presence of Nabu's
cock pressing past her anal ring. In an act of self-preservation, Ludivine
reached between her legs and grabbed her clit pulling hard to create some
distracting sensation in her body.

 "Oh merciful heavens, he will split me open," whined Ludivine as Nabu's cock
slipped past her anal ring thereby creating a fireball of pain just inside her

  Nabu's hands grasped Ludivine 's hips as he slowly pushed and pulled himself
ever deeper into her guts. Ludivine sensed the painful relocation of her organs
as the intruder forced the colon to straighten. Her fists pounded the tabletop
in agony.

  Slowly, Nabu withdrew his cock providing Ludivine the sensation that her
organs were being forcibly drawn out her rectum. Once more, Nabu pulled Ludivine
back onto his impaler.

  Dear God, let me die. I cannot bear this silently prayed Ludivine. But the
second time was less painful by the first. By the fifth stroke of Nabu's anal
hammer, the pain had lessened to the point that Ludivine's clitoris was
awakening a small feeling of pleasure. At some point, the line between pain and
pleasure was passed. Pleasure ascended and pain descended.  Ludivine began to
drive her buttocks back onto Nabu's cock, increasing the force and speed that
his cock was traveling her rectum. Her hand was a blur on her clitoris and her
body welcomed each anal stroke.

  Once again, Nabu rolled both them over. Ludivine was now on top her back
against Nabu's chest. His hands pushed her upright to where she was sitting on
his groin with his cock fully embedded in her ass. Her feet were on top of his
thighs. She began to raise and lower herself. The pleasure of his cock passing
deep into her bowels was almost too intense to bear.

  When she looked straight ahead, she saw Lewis standing at the table's edge.
Lewis was unbuckling the leather straps that held the hook onto the stump of his

  "Not many women in this whole world ever been fucked by a man's stump," said
Lewis when he finished and held his amputated arm up for her to see. The arm
ended below the elbow in a twisted mass of scarred flesh and bone. There were
two loose flaps of skin and what looked to a shank of bone.

  "Cannon ball took if right off," said Lewis holding the disfigured limb close
to Ludivine's face. "Give it a little kiss, milady."

  "I want to see," said Sally stepping forward to peer at Lewis' stump.

  "Me too," said Anne stepping to the other side.

  Lewis pressed the stump to Ludivine's lips and she opened her mouth and passed
her tongue over the end.

  "Suck it like it's a cock," ordered Lewis pressing it harder against
Ludivine's lips. Her teeth gently grasped the folds of skins and sucked and
licked them before taking the bony narrow end of the stump and sucking on it.

  "Get it nice and wet so it goes in easy," said Lewis.

  Oh my God, he intends to put that limb of horror inside me realized Ludivine
in panic. Nabu's cock has already packs my guts to the point they could burst.
Surely, this will rupture some organ and I will die.

  Ludivine had no time to think further as Lewis parted her labia with his good
hand and took a firm two-fingered grip on her clit. Her vagina was already
spayed open from the savage fucking she had given Nabu. The end of the stump
easily slipped inside her opening.

  This is horror beyond words. Has any Englishwoman ever experienced such an
extreme level of defilement wondered Ludivine? Words cannot express the disgust
that civilized people would feel if they knew of my experiences. 

  Ludivine grunted as Lewis' stump reached his muscular forearm and its girth
forced her vaginal opening wider. Lewis began to withdraw his arm then return it
to Ludivine's depths. Nabu's arms reached under Ludivine's buttocks and he
commenced to raise and lower her on his cock as Lewis thrust his arm forcefully
into her sex. The feeling of both large foreign objects invading her body
overwhelmed Ludivine's senses. Lewis's ministrations to her clit were now
producing waves of pleasure that coincided with the deep invasions of her

  "Turn her over, Nabu," said Lewis. "Let's swap holes."

  Moments later, Ludivine found herself on top of Nabu facing him. He put his
cock in her vagina while Lewis drove his stump up her ass. At some point,
Captain Asago climbed up on the table and forced his cock in her mouth.
Everything became a blur of flesh and fluids as the three men fucked Ludivine

  Ludivine's mind cleared for a moment and she saw that Sally was on her knees
underneath Aris being fucked by the shrieking ape. Her sister was astride
Eduardo moving her young body to give them both pleasures.

   Nabu and Captain Asago climaxed in her body. She was pulled from the table to
suck Lewis' cock on bended knees. Ludivine later recalled accepting his sperm
and greedily swallowing it with a wish that there was more. Afterwards, Ludivine
attempted to drink more wine but was so drunk she spilled most of it down over
her breast.

  The rest of the evening passed in indiscriminate couplings. Ludivine could
recall later that she had sucked Aris' cock while he hung from the chandelier.
She could also recall the men and Aris watching while Ludivine and the girls
pleasured each other's sex with their mouths and fingers

  Finally from exhaustion and wine, the orgy ended and the participants fell
asleep lying together on the bunks that lined the cabin. Toward morning the
sound of the ship anchor splashing in the sea awakened Ludivine. Her face was
resting in a drying pool of her own vomit. Despite intense nausea, she managed
to awaken the twins and shepherd them back to the gun deck where they collapsed
in a heap and slept.

Chapter 07  - The Fortress at Mahajanga

Please take note! Adults Only Literature

The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for
adults only.

If you are an underage minor or offended by such material -or- if viewing this
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This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwise
is purely coincidental, etc.

Copyright 2003


   God I wish I were dead thought Ludivine as she retched over the gunwale of
the Condor's long boat. Ludivine's stomach churned and her head pounded from the
effects of last night's wine. I performed such awful, perverted and vile things.
I don't deserve to live. What has come over me? I have become totally depraved,
even willing to accept the member of an ape inside my body. But what other
choice did the twins or I have.

  The captives were being rowed ashore. The Condor had dropped anchor right
before dawn in the harbor of Mahajanga.

  "There's the Polaris, They must have arrived first," shouted Ernest
interrupting Ludivine thoughts. The early morning mist had cleared and Ernest
spied the Polaris, one of the four pirate ships that captured the Bombay

  "Let's hope your sister and brother are here and safe," said Betty who was
holding Ludivine's head as she vomited into the quiet waters of Mahajanga

  Too much wine thought Betty. Ludivine and the Claridge girls are positively
green this morning. I wonder if the twins are telling the truth about last
night. They must be exaggerating about the monkey, chimpanzee, whatever creature
it is. I can't believe Ludivine would do something like that. Somehow those poor
girls don't consider having sexual congress with an ape wrong; but they're only
fourteen and they've no mother here to tell them how wrong it is. And if Mrs.
Claridge were here, what could she do about it. Nothing. Better the girls think
its okay.

  However, if Miss Ludivine Townly of Hyde Park engaged in sex with a lower
animal, I am genuinely shocked. Of course, she was drunk. Wine takes us down to
the level of the animals. Maybe she's more like her sister, Elena, than we
thought. Then again whom am I fooling? If Captain Asago held a pistol to my
head, I'd do what he said even if it did mean placing my lips around a pig's
cock. But Anne said the Captain was nice, not like the first time, and they
enjoyed themselves playing with the ape. God what's the world coming to when
young girls consider a monkey an acceptable sexual partner.  Well, at least
we're off that hellish pirate craft and I won't get my turn to sample monkey

  "I don't see the Lovella," said Ernest disappointed that he couldn't locate
the ship that carried his mother and the other older women.

  "Are you sure," asked Louise?

  "Yes, no sign of her," replied Ernest looking all around. "What's that,
Elton?" asked Ernest speaking to one of the oarsmen he had slept with on the
Condor and pointing toward an enormous stone fortress sited on a tall cliff
overlooking the city of Mahajanga.

  "That is the Fortress of Karem Bey, the ruler of this benighted country. You
and the others will be his guests," said Elton.

  "I've heard they have plans for you," said Taryn, a talkative young sailor
that had always chosen Louise when he came to the gun deck for sex with the
captives. One night he had even slept with her after they had sex.

  "What kind of plans, Taryn?' asked Louise trying to hide her disappointment
that the Lovella was not in the harbor.

  "Something hatched up by Karem Bey's daughter and Sir Charles. Karem Bey lives
in a palace up in the mountains where it's cooler. He leaves his daughter to
rule over the fortress and the city. That's all I know," said Taryn saddened by
the fact that Louise was going ashore.

  The conversation was ended by the long boat's arrival at the quay. Ernest and
the five women were turned over to a party of a dozen guards mounted on
horseback. Each guard was equipped with a scimitar, a pistol, and a rifle. They
were dressed in white robes after the fashion of desert people.

  Muslims decided Ludivine based on the dress and language of the guards. Their
leader was a handsome young officer whose eyes appraised each of the women as
they climbed the small ladder into the back of a wagon that was obviously built
to transport prisoners since its sides and top consisted of iron bars. Four
white mules pulled the heavy conveyance along the rough stone streets.

  "What language is that?" whispered Betty as soon as the cart began to move and
the captain of the escort issued orders to his men.

  "Arabic, I think," replied Ludivine. She had heard Arabic and other strange
languages spoken at parties in London attended by diplomats from that part of
the world.

  The cart accompanied by its mounted escort quickly passed through the town and
began the steep climb toward the fortress.

  My God what is to become of us though Ludivine as she looked up at the high
forbidding stonewalls. Perhaps they intend to torture us to death.  A place like
that must have an awful dungeon. Ludivine had heard rumors of the terrible fate
of women who fell into the hands of Muslim pirates. An early death was to be
prayed for.

  There were two rows of gun ports and ugly black iron muzzles of cannons
protruded from the walls to dominate the harbor below.  At the end of the long
ascent, the road flattened and the cart passed through an enormous iron gate
into the fortress's main courtyard. Ernest and the women were quickly unloaded
and taken inside to a large prison cell where they were reunited with the
prisoners brought by the Polaris.

 "Thank God you're alive," shouted Ludivine as she held Elena and Oliver in her

 "Yes, have you seen Mother," asked Oliver?

  "No, one of the crew told Louise that the Lovella was bound to Ismailya to the
slave market," said Ludivine sadly.

  "Oh God, I pray for her," said Elena.

  "So do I, I pray for us all," said Ludivine deciding to forget for now her
sister's involvement with Sir Charles Danby. Ludivine once again hugged her
siblings genuinely glad to be re-united.

  After last night, I have no justification to condemn Elena thought Ludivine. I
doubt she has ever had intercourse with an ape or the stump of a pirate's arm.
There is no woman on earth I am justified in calling to account for her sexual

  "I thought you were dead after what they did to you with the whip and rope,"
said Elena holding Ludivine and crying.

  "Betty Humphrey and Louise Stapleton took care of me. The Claridge twins also
helped. They even got me some medicine. I'm much better," said Ludivine hopping
that last night's dissipation did not somehow show.

  "They killed Blanche Worthington. Poor Blanche, she went mad from being raped
and scratched out the eye of one of the crew. They made us watch while they
hacked her hands and breasts off," said Oliver. "Then they threw her overboard
to the sharks. She was still alive when the sharks attacked. It was horrible."

  "Ollie, How long have you been here?" asked Ernest offering his hand to his

  "Yesterday, after dark," replied Oliver shaking Ernest's hand.

  "Have they treated you well?" asked Betty looking around. "It doesn't look too
bad. In fact, it doesn't look bad at all."

  Betty had noticed that the cell was clean and airy and there was plentiful
food and drink on a nearby table. Except for the bars across the front, it
resembled more living quarters than a cell. There were several rooms connected
by open archways. Thick oriental rugs covered part of the floor. Betty could see
a large bathing pool through an archway. Two three and even four person couches
were positioned in a corner of the sleeping room. My God it's actually rather
nice thought Betty. But then again I've been sleeping on a vermin infested
pallet on the gun deck of a pirate ship.

  "Not all those bad considering, much better than on the Polaris, there's
plenty of food including fresh fruit and water and even a place to bathe. The
couches are comfortable but we had company last night. The guards act like the
Polaris' crew; but there's a lot less of them. They take us when they feel the
need; but they are not as brutal," said Eliza Hamilton another of the Bombay
Enterprise's young female passengers.

  Twenty two year old Eliza was journeying to India to join her brother Simon at
the Anglican mission in Delhi. Eliza was a thin ascetic looking woman of modest
looks. Without beauty, wealth or connections, she had resolved herself to a life
of celibacy and spinsterhood.  During the rape of the Bombay Enterprise's
females, Eliza had lost her virginity when two pirates had first cut off her
dress and undergarments while she was still below deck in the Bombay Enterprise.
They had pulled her lean naked body onto the main deck grabbing her breasts and
sticking their fingers into their vagina and rectum. It had been painful and
humiliating beyond words for the young spinster.

  Eliza had been too terrified to resist when they forced her down on her back
then pulled their cocks out and loudly asked whether she was a virgin.

  Eliza was barely able to mutter "yes". They laughed and told her she wouldn't
be much longer. Her leg were grasped by two pirates and pulled apart until her
hip joints screamed in pain. She begged them for mercy and to consider the fact
that her brother was a minister. They had laughed at her as they examined her
sex, inserting their filthy fingers deep into her vagina.  They had called her
"liar" and "whore" because they were not able to feel a hymen.

  "Let's see if she bleeds like a virgin," announced the leader of the three as
he fisted his hard cock. "Whoever goes next, can fuck her virgin ass."

  Two pirates held her legs in a wide V and bent them toward her head until she
thought her back would break. She let out a high-pitched scream as their leader
first spit on his cock then forced it inside Eliza's untrammeled vagina. Once
inside, he adjusted his body to achieve the best angle to lunge forward.

  Eliza feeling the pirate's cock slip just inside the entrance to her vagina
whispered a prayer to the Almighty begging for divine intervention. Her prayer
was interrupted when the pirate plunged violently inward. His cock traveled from
her opening to her depths in a split second. It had felt like a hot knife had
been forced into her body. Eliza had screamed then passed out. They immediately
revived her with a bucket of cold seawater.

  "That's the way you rape a virgin, see the blood," her rapist bragged to his
mates when he climbed off the sobbing and sputtering Eliza so his mates could
have their turn. The second pirate had used her own blood to lubricate her anus.
At that point, an unknown sailor had forced his cock into her anus and she
suffered the pain and indignity of being sodomized. Eliza had been brutally
abused. Her breasts bore teeth marks and she had been slapped almost senseless
when she failed to respond properly to one of the rapist who insisted she
service him with her mouth. After she had swallowed his filthy sperm, he had
insisted his mates watch as he urinated in her mouth. Two pirates had held her
while a third aimed his cock at her open mouth. She had tried to swallow to
avoid another beating but when she retched and vomited his piss back up, he had
kicked her repeatedly in the rib. Amazingly, nothing was broken although only
yesterday had her ribs stopped hurting.

   Eliza who had always considered herself as unappealing to the male sex lost
count of the number of times she was raped. One of the fatter pirates had forced
her legs apart to the point that her hip was dislocated. Unable to walk without
assistance, she had to be helped aboard the Polaris.

  But once on the Polaris and with a nights rest, she found she was at heart an
intrepid soul and determined to survive. During the five day voyage of the
Polaris, she had followed the lead of Elena Townly and learned not only to
please a man in order to gain better treatment but to take a certain measure of
enjoyment from something she had no control over. Eliza had listened to Elena's
counsel that cooperation resulted in better treatment. Eliza overcame the shame
she felt the first time she took a crewman in her arms and pulled his lips to
hers for a passionate kiss. Eliza had also observed the murder of Blanche
Worthington and decided that was to not be her fate no matter what.

  "Two boys and nine women," commented Betty looking over the assemblage as she
walked to a nearby bowl and selected a piece of fruit to eat.

  Betty surveyed the group paying particular attention to Rebecca and Katherine
Smythe. The Smythe girls were after the Townly's next on the social ladder.
Their father was a prominent banker in Delhi. Their mother, Cecile, a woman of
wealth and beauty had gone with the Lovella. Rebecca was barely seventeen, a
thin pretty girl with delicate features. She was looking very much the worse for
wear. There was a haunted look in her eyes and her hands were clasped tightly
across her lap.

   However, Katherine, her younger sixteen years old sister looked to be
handling matters better. Katherine's like Louise thought Betty.  Katherine and
Louise were already engaged in an animated conversation about what had befallen
them while shipboard. Katherine has adapted and so had Eliza but Rebecca needs
help. The poor girl is at her wit's end. You can see it in her face.

  "I wonder what they are planning to do with us," said Betty to the group.

  "Whores, we plan to use you as prostitutes," said a female voice in strongly
accented English from the direction of the cell door. Everyone looked around to
see a richly dressed young woman enter the cell. She was clothed in the style of
a Muslim princess. The Captain of the Guard and four of the guards flanked her.

  "We have already been much abused by the pirate crews," said Betty with a tone
of defiance in her voice. Betty regretted the rash words almost as soon as she
spoke them.

  "Captain Rashad, that whore spoke without permission, twenty lashes, I'm
feeling generous this morning, next time it will be fifty," said the Muslim lady
to the Captain who immediately barked out orders to the guards as he pointed
toward Betty who protested that she was tired and had spoken without thought.

   Two guards ignored her protestations and rushed forward, grabbed Betty and
ripped her dress off. Betty had not worn undergarments since they were cut and
ripped from her body that fateful day on the Bombay Enterprise.  The naked Betty
Humphrey was too terrified to resist as the guards slapped her face. The force
of the blow threw her face down to the ground.

  The guards scooped her up by her armpits and drug her to a place just outside
the gate of the women's prison. Two stone steps led to a platform where there
were two sets of two large poles standing upright and a good eight feet part.
Manacles were snapped around the hapless Betty's ankles and wrists. Chains
connected the manacles to the poles. The guards shorted the chains to where
Betty's body was stretched outward. The tendons in her limbs showed the tension
applied to her naked body.

  The lead guard uncoiled a short thick whip from his belt and took a position
behind Betty who now faced the women.

  It had all happened so fast that Ludivine and the other women had no time to

  "Mercy, madam, she meant no insult, we are tied and exhausted from the
voyage," said Louise approaching the Muslim princess and going down on her knees
at the Princesses' feet.

  "Such a pretty child, how old?" said the princess casually reaching down to
cup Louise's chin and raise her.

  "I am fifteen, Princess," said Louise.

  "Twenty for her too, Rashad. Tell your men to draw blood," said Princess

  After more orders by the Captain, Louise found herself beside Betty. She was
also facing the other women. A second guard had unfurled his whip and positioned
himself behind Louise

  "You may begin, Captain," said the Princess.  The Captain barked an order in
Arabic and the whips came down simultaneously and with full force in the
shoulder blades of both females.

  Louise screamed in pain at the first blow but Betty managed to stay silent.
Both women twisted in agony as the nerves in their shoulder blades attempted to
cope with a violent sensory overload. Ludivine sensed that Ernest was about to
throw himself on the guards whipping Louise so she stepped beside him and
grabbed his arm.

  "Help me hold Ernest, Oliver," whispered Ludivine to her brother who quickly
grabbed Ernest's other arm.

  "Stay quiet, it won't do any good and they're likely to kill you if you attack
a guard, they may kill your sister too," said Ludivine grasping Ernest's chin in
her and twisting Ernest's face toward her to make sure he understood.

  The captives watched in mute silence as the guards delivered twenty savage
strokes to the women's backs and buttocks. The whips made a deep impression in
the women's flesh when they landed. Wide red welts appeared on their pale flesh.
By the tenth stroke, the whip had opened the skin and trickles of blood coursed
down their backs. Betty had remained silent until the fourth blow and then she
too began to scream. By the twentieth blow, small strips of skin were hanging
from their backs. Each time the whip reached its target, both Betty and Louise
screamed with all the lungpower they could muster. The other captives looked on
in tears as they watched.

  When the guards finished and stood waiting for further orders, the two women
remained manacled to the whipping posts. Both were loudly sobbing.

  "Does anyone else want to speak without permission?" asked the woman.

  Ludivine and the others maintained a strict silence.

  "Good, I am the Princess Aziza, daughter of Karem Bey and first wife of Sir
Charles Danby. My father is Caliph of Mahajanga. You are now our slaves and we
will use you as we see fit. You will be trained as whores and work as
prostitutes. If you disobey, you will be punished. What you saw with these two
is nothing. I assure you that I can provide a punishment so horrible you will
curse your mother and father for giving you birth."

  Ludivine and the others stood immobile as Princess Aziza walked among them.

  "What an incredibly tall woman, you are?" said Princess Aziza looking Ludivine
up and down.

  "Yes, Princess Aziza," said Ludivine lowering her eyes.

  "You are the one that refused to become the second wife of my husband."

  "Yes, Princess," said Ludivine surprised she knew of Sir Charles offer and
even more surprised that he already had a wife.

  "We have special plans for you," whispered Princess Aziza. "You will learn the
folly of your proud ways."

  Ludivine stood silent as the Princess moved to stand in front of Ernest and
Oliver. Both boys remained absolutely still as the Princess reached between
their legs to feel their manhood. The boys began to breathe more rapidly as she
stroked their cocks through their clothes.

  "You are both English," said the Princess one hand on each boy's crotch.

  "Yes, Princess," said both boys almost in unison.

  "My husband is English. I like the English, the men that is," said the
Princess. "Show me your cock."

  Both boys hesitated. They were only fourteen and fifteen and though over the
last few days they had seen many naked female bodies, they were embarrassed at
the prospect of exposing themselves to the Princess and the other women.

  "Immediately, or I will have Captain Rashad remove your clothes," said
Princess Aziza.

  Oliver and Ernest reluctantly unbuttoned their trousers and pushed them down
to their knees. Both boys had a small erection from the work of the Princess's
hands. Once again the Princess reached down and took the boy's cocks in her
hands and stroked them.

  What kind of wife has Sir Charles that she can openly touch the cocks of two
young boys thought Ludivine? Ludivine and the others watched as Oliver and
Ernest became erect.

  "Which of these women have you fucked," said Princess Aziza looking toward
Ludivine and the others?

  "None, Princess," replied both boys.

  "Not even your sisters," said Princess Aziza.

  "No, Princess," they replied looking embarrassed by her question. Both boys
while on board the Bombay Enterprise had discussed their lust for their sisters
between bouts of anal sex in the ship's tool locker.

  "So you are virgins," said Princess Aziza?

  "Yes, Princess," said the pair. Oliver's face had turned red. Both boys were
having trouble controlling themselves as the Princess's hand was rapidly
stroking their now very hard cocks.

  "Well you shall have them all before long. But tonight, I will take your
virginity," said Princess Aziza dropping both boys cocks just when they were on
the verge of ejaculating. "Captain, see these two are bathed and fed and brought
to my quarters tonight. And get them some decent clothes," said Princess Aziza
ceasing her stroking of the two boys and walking toward the cell gate.

  "Yes, Princess Aziza," said the Captain as he and the other guards exited the
cell behind her.

  Ludivine and the others rushed forward to Betty and Louise. The guards had
removed them from the whipping posts and returned them to the cell. They were
lying on the floor crying and trying to deal with the fiery pain they felt from
the top of their shoulders to their buttocks. The two women were helped to their
feet and taken to a couch where they were laid on their stomach. Ludivine first
washed then applied a small amount of Quito's ointment to their backsides.

  "I better learn to keep my mouth shut," said Betty wincing in pain as water
cleaned her cuts. "Ludivine, please see to Rebecca Smythe. I think she is in
difficulty. I'll be okay."

  My God thought Ludivine. They cut her back to ribbons and all she can think of
is helping Rebecca. There are things about Christian charity that I must learn
from Betty Humphrey. I've also noticed Rebecca's stress and agitation.

  "I'll do what I can," said Ludivine.

  Ludivine left a resting Betty and Louise to look over their new prison. One
wall contained several windows that opened to the sea. However, they offered no
chance of escape as they were cut into the cliff wall several hundred sheer feet
above the pounding surf. Part of the cell appeared to be dug right into the side
of the mountain. There was a large pool to bathe that was fed by a spring. The
size of the bathe amazed Ludivine. She realized she could even swim in it. There
were marble steps for stepping into the pool gradually.

  There was a varied supply of fruit and breads. Ludivine watched as the others
sat down and ate, eager to assuage their hunger for fresh food. The women
consumed dates, pomegranates, and several varieties of oranges that no one

  "At least, they don't plan to starve us to death," said Betty who had
recovered enough to apply herself to the task of peeling an orange.

  Ludivine looked at the food and realized she still didn't feel well from last
night's revelry. In spite of the fact that it was barely mid afternoon, the
women after eating separated into groups and positioned themselves among the
many couches and chaises. Due to the warmth, most took off their clothes and lay
naked. Something they would have considered inconceivable a week ago, especially
with two young boys present.

  Ludivine lay down on a large chaise between Oliver and Elena and pulled their
bodies close to hers. Elena felt no shyness as she settled her naked body into
her older sister's arms. Ludivine had kept her sailor's trousers and shirt on.
Oliver had surprised Ludivine by removing his clothes but she could not bring
herself to object even when she felt his cheek resting on her breast and his
cock touching the bare side of her leg.

  "What do you think the Princess will do with Ernest and me," said Oliver.

  "She expects you to make love to her," said Elena. "You must work hard to
please her for all our sakes."

  "Your sister speaks the truth. Make the Princess happy and we will all be the
better for it," said Ludivine. "You should bathe first."

  "I will do my best," said Oliver.

  The conversation ended as Elena and Oliver fell asleep. The other women
exhausted from the long sea voyage, the poor food and the constant rape also
fell asleep. Most were in a state of mental and physical exhaustion and within
minutes the sleeping area was quiet.

    Ludivine tried unsuccessfully to go to sleep. But after a while and feeling
her restlessness would disturb the others, Ludivine slipped off the couch and
walked into the room overlooking the ocean. There she found Rebecca Smythe
standing on the window casement staring down at the sea.

 My God she's going to jump thought Ludivine as she approached to within several
feet of Rebecca.

 "Magnificent view," said Ludivine quietly hoping to distract her.

 "What," said Rebecca glancing nervously behind her.

  "I said that in spite of everything the view of the harbor is magnificent,"
said Ludivine moving closer.

  "I can't bear it anymore," said Rebecca.

  "I know it's hard. My father is dead. My mother sold as a slave and the
Princess Aziza intends to make us into prostitutes. It seems funny now but a
week ago I thought that last social season in London was the worst thing that
could ever happen to me. Now, what I wouldn't give to be at a party with my
mother and father even if no one asked me to dance and everyone was laughing
behind my back at the giraffe from the country."

  "It was very cruel of them. I think you are the most beautiful woman I have
ever seen," said Rebecca. "I wish my hair was that color."

  "You are very kind. Their cruelty doesn't matter now. I have learned to endure
far worse in the last week than the jibes of our aristocracy. Let's go into the
bath and wash each other's hair. Mine has not been cleaned since this business
started. Come," said Ludivine reaching out her hand.

  "All right," said Rebecca.

  Ludivine was elated that Rebecca had moved away from the open window. She had
contemplated rushing forward to grab Rebecca and wrestle her away but the small
distance between Rebecca's feet and the edge had deterred her.

   Moments later, Ludivine and Rebecca were seated naked in the shallow end of
the large bathing pool. Ludivine had found a supply of bath oils and was slowly
massaging Rebecca's scalp.

  "Your hair is exquisitely black, and such curls," said Ludivine. Rebecca was
seated between Ludivine's legs leaning back against her chest. Rebecca's head
was resting against Ludivine's breasts.

  "How do you deal with it?" asked Rebecca.

  "With what?" said Ludivine?

  "Being raped day and night by those animals."

  "Mainly by working to stay alive in hopes that one day I can avenge my father
and mother," said Ludivine wrapping her arms around Rebecca and pulling her body
close into her. "When I woke up on the Condor I was in such pain that I wanted
to die. But Betty and Louise came to my aid. They willingly gave themselves to
the crew in my place; even the Claridge girls, Sally and Anne, helped. They
bribed the ship's surgeon with their bodies. He was able to heal my wounds. When
I was better, Betty with Louise's help showed me how to deal with the rapes.
I've reached the point where I can take my own pleasure from the act the same as
they take theirs. I regard that as the first step in my revenge."

  "I don't understand. Your sister showed Eliza and Katherine many things about
sexual intercourse but I was too terrified to learn. I know this is a horrible
thing to say about Elena but it was almost as if she enjoyed it. Even when she
was forced to strip naked with the rest of us on the deck of the Bombay
Enterprise, she seemed to take pleasure. Later on the Polaris, she was quick to
show willingness and told all of us to do the same. It was only because of Elena
that I was left alone most of the time. Elena tried everything to save poor
Blanche Worthington but the Captain was furious that she had cost him the eye of
his first mate. Elena attempted to teach me things but I just couldn't bring
myself to learn them."

  "There are things I did not know about Elena until recently. I am heartened to
know that she acted in everyone's best interest," said Ludivine. "It shows a
strength of character I had to learn from Betty and Louise."

  "I need to learn how to please a man if I am to survive.  And to take pleasure
from it," said Rebecca.

  "Pleasing a woman is not that much different from pleasing a man. Would you be
willing to learn from me? Can I be your teacher?" said Ludivine placing her
hands on Rebecca's breasts and caressing her nipples. "You are a very beautiful
girl with exquisite breasts. Your beauty is something you can use to survive
until we are rescued."

  "They say the love of one woman for another is unnatural," said Rebecca as she
sighed from the warmth generated by Ludivine's hand.

  "Those that say that were never in Karem Bey's fortress," said Ludivine
turning Rebecca's head slightly to kiss her lips. It was a long passionate kiss
that caused both women to feel the stirrings of passion.

  "That was sweet. Yes, I would be willing to take instruction from you in the
art of love," said Rebecca breaking the long sensuous kiss where the women's
tongues had intertwined.

  "Come then, let's dry each other then go to that chaise and I will show you
how to accept pleasure from a woman," said Ludivine.

  The two women stepped from the bathe and dried one another. Ludivine took
Rebecca in her arms and kissed her fervently on the lips and breasts. Ludivine's
hand found its way into the crease of Rebecca's sex and massaged her sex.
Ludivine felt gratified when her fingers slipped into the entrance of Rebecca's
vagina and felt both warmth and wetness.

  Rebecca responded with a moan of pleasure and placed her lips on Ludivine's
breasts to deliver many warm passionate kisses. Breaking their embrace, Ludivine
took Rebecca by the hand and lead her to a nearby chaise.

  "Lay down, my beauty," said Ludivine positioning Rebecca on her back then
opening her legs and kneeling between them. "Close your eyes for a moment and
pretend a knight errant has climbed the wall of your father's castle. Now he had
entered your boudoir and has come to make passionate love to your body. Breathe
deeply as I pleasure you with my mouth."

  Ludivine slowly and gently parted Rebecca's labia. Her fingers caressed the
sides of Rebecca's clitoris causing Rebecca to softly moan.

  "See, you can feel true pleasure from sex. Just close your eyes and allow me
to please you," said Ludivine as she used her fingers and tongue to encourage
Rebecca's clitoris out of its protective sheath. Ludivine passed her tongue
across the nub of warm flesh allowing her warm saliva to coat it with a
glistening sheen. Ludivine then licked long slow swirls that passed over
Rebecca's clit and descended to tease her vaginal opening. Ludivine's mouth made
a trail of warm wet kisses that traveled up Rebecca's body lingering first on
her navel then on each breast before once again descending to her sex. Rebecca
all the while was moaning and thrusting her sex against Ludivine eager to
increase the force of their contact.

  Ludivine's hand traveled up Rebecca's body to her breast. She grasped the
nipple in two fingers and pulled it outward as she twisted it. Her other hand
roamed over Rebecca's abdomen. Rebecca sounded a moan and grasped her other
nipple in the same manner and attacked it with even greater force.

  "Oh that feels heavenly," cooed Rebecca. "Where did you learn that?"

  "A pirate taught me last night," said Ludivine as she slid her forefinger into
Rebecca's vagina. Ludivine circled the opening with her finger stimulating the
flesh that lined the inner wall. Ludivine used her thumb to press against the
inner labia pulling and stretching the flaps of skin to maximize Rebecca's

  Rebecca's sex was glistening with the secretion of her womanly glands.
Ludivine applied her tongue to the opening and tasted the acidic fluids.

  "You taste delicious," said Ludivine.

  "You must let me do this to you, later," said Rebecca as she pushed her heels
against the surface to push her sex against Ludivine's mouth.

  "Yes, later but for now relax and enjoy it," said Ludivine using her arms to
tilt Rebecca's body so her anus was exposed. Ludivine touched the center of
Rebecca's anus with the point of her tongue.

  "That's a sin," said Rebecca conscious that she was raised in a society that
considered sodomy the greatest sin of all.

  "It's not a sin here and now between two captives of pirates," said Ludivine
pressing the point of her tongue against the wrinkled brown skin.

  "I never knew that such pleasure existed," said Rebecca taking deep breaths.

  Ludivine replaced the tip of her tongue with an index finger in Rebecca's
anus. Ludivine inserted her other index finger in Rebecca's vagina then started
a pattern of licking the area above Rebecca's vagina. Ludivine looked upward to
see perspiration on Rebecca's brow and upper lip. Rebecca's fingers had
flattened both her nipples and she was twisting them and pulling them with force
from her body. The force of her hands stretched her breasts and nipples outward
away from her body.

  Ludivine's mouth focused on Rebecca's anal area. Her lips pressed against the
wrinkled brown skin and her tongue teased the opening, causing it to contract
and expand in response.

  "I never knew that place could give pleasure. It's enough to cause one to
loose all reason," whispered Rebecca who breath was becoming more rapid.

  Ludivine's index finger probed Rebecca's vagina until it located that same
sensitive patch of flesh that Lewis had shown her last night. Ludivine recalled
how Lewis had guided Ludivine's fingers into her opening to feel her own special
spot. Later he had shown her how to do the same for Sally and Anne. The three of
them had ended up with their fingers in each other's sex having an extraordinary

  Ludivine felt a slight contraction in the wall of Rebecca's vagina when her
nail scraped that special place. Ludivine removed her finger from Rebecca's
rectum; quickly wet it in her own mouth then re-inserted it. As she pushed well
past Rebecca's anal ring Ludivine felt slight muscular contractions in the
lining of Rebecca's ass.

  Ludivine imitated the actions that Lewis performed on her. She strenuously
applied her wet tongue and mouth to the area around Rebecca's clitoris. All the
while imitating the actions of a cock thrusting into Rebecca's anus and vagina.

  It was not long before Rebecca's body convulsed and shook as she experienced
her first orgasm.

  "What was that," said Rebecca after she caught her breath. She was lying
quietly in Ludivine's arms.  "That was pleasure beyond anything I have ever

  "That was what men call an orgasm," said Ludivine kissing the back of
Rebecca's neck.

  "I was told only the man can achieve that," said Rebecca.

  "You were told wrong as was I. We women can experience orgasm. I have before
and you just did," said Ludivine. "I see we have company."

  Rebecca looked up to see a guard quietly watching them. One hand was clutching
his manhood, concealed under his robe.

  "Do you think he saw us," whispered Rebecca conscious of the fact that the two
naked women had been making love for some time?

  "Better if he did," said Ludivine as she used her hand to motion him closer.

  Ludivine stood up as the guard approached. She drew him into an embrace and
pressed her lips against his. Her lips parted as she felt his tongue touch hers.
Her own tongue met his and she felt the warmth of his wet mouth as they eagerly
worked their tongues against one another.

  Ludivine reached down and took the reclining Rebecca's hand and slowly pulled
her to standing. Ludivine brought Rebecca into the embrace and the three mouths
probed each other. Leaving Rebecca standing, Ludivine slowly sunk to her knees.
She unfastened the tie that held the guard's trousers then slipped them down to
his knees.

  "What a beautiful cock," whispered Ludivine as she took his member in her hand
and pressed her tongue against the tip, then swirled it around the mushroom
shaped head. Ludivine slipped the head into her mouth passing her tongue over
the tip as she formed her lips on the underneath edge of the cockhead and pulled
slightly backward. Ludivine's efforts were rewarded with a loud exhale of the
guard's breath followed by a moan.

  "Let's help him to undress," said Ludivine reaching down to untie his boots.
Rebecca broke her embrace and helped the guard remove his jacket and shirt.

  Good girl thought Ludivine when she looked up and saw that Rebecca's mouth was
sucking the guard's nipples and she had guided his hand to her sex. 

  When the guard was naked, Ludivine encouraged him to lie back on the chaise on
his back. Hs cock was rock hard by this time.

  "Take him in your mouth," whispered Ludivine to Rebecca.

  Rebecca knelt between the guard's legs and guided the guard's cock into her
mouth. Ludivine knelt beside the chaise. Once again, she kissed the guard on the
mouth; then she attacked his nipples with love bites that verged on the painful
but aroused the guard further. Ludivine reached her hand down to feel the
tightness on the guard's balls.

  "Mount him, Rebecca," said Ludivine.

  Rebecca moved forward to straddle the guard reaching down to hold the guard's
cock upright as she guided the cockhead into her vagina. Rebecca sounded a low
moan of pleasure as she lowered her body permitting the cock to travel deep into
her body. Ludivine saw that Rebecca's face expressed both pleasure and desire
with a subtle hint of triumph at the corners of her mouth.

  "Lean forward so you can run your clit against him as you fuck," said Ludivine
placing a hand on Rebecca's clit and rubbing it.

  Once Rebecca had established the necessary motion, Ludivine moved behind the
couple and placed her hand on Rebecca's anus that was still moist. Ludivine
inserted her index finger and then allowed Rebecca's own motion to create the
sensation of a small cock invading her rectum.

  Ludivine looked over Rebecca's shoulder to see that the guard had grasped her
breasts in his strong hands and was twisting and kneading the soft pliant flesh.
Rebecca was making shrill little sounds as the feeling of a man's cock in her
vagina overwhelmed her pleasure centers. Ludivine caught in the eroticism of the
moment rose up on her knees to press her naked breasts against Rebecca's back.
Maintaining a finger inside Rebecca's spasmodically contracting anus, Ludivine
reached around Rebecca with her other arm to turn Rebecca's face to her for a
kiss. Ludivine lips felt the intense heat of a woman in orgasm as her lips
touched Rebecca's and their tongues found one another.

  The guard thrust his hips upward as his cock spewed warm semen into Rebecca's
womb. It took half dozen violent contortions before the guard had emptied all
his semen. The three were out of breath and covered in perspiration collapsed
together on the couch with the guard in the middle.

  It was not long before the guard smiled and whispered something in Arabic. The
women watched as he quickly rose and dressed. Once again he spoke in his
language then quietly slipped away.

  Ludivine pulled Rebecca to her and the two fell into a quiet sleep. They only
slept a few hours before Ludivine felt a hand on her feet. Shaking off sleep,
she looked up to see that the same guard had returned with a friend. Ludivine
watched as both guards discarded their clothes then climbed onto the chaise.
Ludivine touched Rebecca's shoulder to awaken her.

  "We have visitors," said Ludivine to Rebecca.

  "Oh that's good, I dreamed I was being taken by a guard and now here is one to
do just that," said Rebecca moving her legs slightly apart so she could rub her
sex. Ludivine spread her legs as one of the guards climbed on the chaise between

  "I need sex thought Ludivine as the guard pressed his lips against her breasts
and she felt his hard cock probing for the entrance to her vagina. Ludivine
squirmed to provide the guard the entry his sought. She sighed loudly as the
hard member slipped past her inner labia, found its target and then guided
itself inside her.

  Beside her, Rebecca was grunting in response to her partners' hard thrusts.
The guards fucked them for a while and then switched. Ludivine was able to grasp
the buttocks of her partner and pull him forcefully into her each time he lunged
forward. The harsh contact of his hairy manhood against her clit produced an
orgasm that continued even after the two men switched and Ludivine found herself
impaled by a cock covered in the wetness of Rebecca's vagina.

  After a period of hard thrusting sex, both guards climaxed then dressed and
quietly left. Ludivine and Rebecca returned to their sleep only to be awakened
in the middle of the night by two different guards. The room was partially
illuminated by moonlight. One of the guards spoke broken English. He did not
speak until he and his fellow had climbed naked onto the chaise.

  "Eat pussy, she eat you, we watch," spoke the guard as he stroked his cock.

  "What do they want," asked Rebecca.

  "Get on top of me, face down, with your head between my legs, " said Ludivine.

  Ludivine licked and sucked Rebecca's clit and vagina as Rebecca did the same
for her. At some point, she felt her legs being raised and placed on a man's
shoulders. Ludivine moaned as a large cock pushed its way into her vagina.
Rebecca was licking Ludivine's clit as the guard fucked her pussy. Ludivine
looked up to see a cock entering Rebecca's vagina. She felt his scrotum brush
against her nose. She licked the wrinkled sack as he began to plunge into
Rebecca's vagina. Ludivine alternated between licks and sucks of his balls and
licking Rebecca's clitoris.

  The guard pulled his cock out of Rebecca's vagina and pressed it to Ludivine's
lips. Ludivine opened her mouth and took the warm wet cock into her mouth
reveling the taste of Rebecca's vagina. After a while, the two guards switched

  At some point, the guard pulled out of Rebecca's vagina and emptied his seed
into Ludivine's mouth. Ludivine swallowed the warm salty fluid entranced by the
sensation that of a man's seed flowing down her throat. Ludivine sensed that his
partner had filled Rebecca's mouth with his seed.

  The guards having finished dressed and left. Ludivine and Rebecca had remained
in the same position. Ludivine felt Rebecca's mouth return to the task of
pleasuring her sex. Ludivine reapplied her own efforts. Before long, both women
clutched one another in a fierce embrace as they writhed in climax that left
them covered in sweat and breathless.

  Afterwards they managed to sleep peacefully in each other's arms unbothered
for the remainder of the long tropical night.

Chapter 08  - The Maharaja Bribe

Please take note! Adults Only Literature

The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for
adults only.

If you are an underage minor or offended by such material -or- if viewing this
file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story

This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwise
is purely coincidental, etc.

Copyright 2003


  Ludivine's arm was wrapped around Elena as once again they were driven in the
prisoner's cart. This time it was down from the fortress to the harbor. The
morning had begun with the news that the Bombay Enterprise had dropped anchor
along with the Polander and the Lovella. Ernest and Oliver had spotted the three
recent arrivals when they took a morning walk around the parapets of the
fortress.  The two boys were allowed free reign of the immense stone citadel.
That was in contrast to the females who were forbidden to leave their unlocked
harem quarters except for brief supervised periods in the morning and afternoon.

  The boys hastened to the women to report their findings.

  "All four pirate ships plus the Bombay Enterprise are anchored in the harbor,"
said a breathless Oliver. "It's quite an impressive flotilla."

  "Including the Lovella," added Ernest.

  "Maybe Mrs. Townly and Mrs. Stapleton are on board," said Oliver.

  "I wouldn't get my hopes too high," said Betty understanding that there had
been sufficient time for the Lovella to sail to the slave market at Ismailya and

  The morning had passed slowly as the captives waited for something to happen.
It was not quite 10:00 when Captain Rashad arrived with the guards and
instructed Ludivine and Elena to put on their cloaks and come with him. The two
sisters flung their capes over the flimsy harem dress they were wearing and
followed the Captain into the courtyard where once again they stepped up the
short ladder into the cart. A guard of six plus the Captain provided an escort.

  Six heavily armed guards for an escort. Do they think Elena and I might
overpower a lesser number wondered Ludivine as the cart began its slow bouncing
progress toward the harbor?

  It had been a full ten days since the Condor arrived in the port. After the
first day, four seamstresses had shown up and provided what Princess Aziza
called "harem dress" for the women.  Their filthy English clothes had been taken
away and burned.

  "Harem indeed, more like the dress of a Arab whore," said Betty to her image
in the mirror. She was looking at herself once the seamstress had completed her
work. There were gold sandals on her feet. A pantaloon of the sheerest fabric
covered the skimpiest of blue silk underpants. The pantaloon and underpants
clung to her hips dipping low in the center exposing her flesh to within a few
centimeters of her sex. They had partially shaved her sex to allow the garment
to dip so low in the center. Her breasts were encased in an abbreviated top of
matching silk material and color that pushed her globes upward and together.
Betty noted that when she reached one arm over her head the opposite nipple

  A cask of jewelry was delivered and the women adorned themselves with gold
bracelets, rings and even bands of gold that encircled their ankles. They were
also provided perfumes and fragrant bath oils. With little else to do, the women
had spent some time adoring themselves in the new fashion.

  "I suppose we might as well look the part of whores since that is what we have
become," commented Ludivine looking through the cask of jewelry.

  "Hubert Ellsworth Humphrey if you could see your Betty now," repeated Betty to
herself as she looked in the mirror. Betty gave her hips a slight shake and
thrust out her breasts. "I bet you would take me to bed on the spot and keep me
there for a fortnight." Thoughts of Hugh first brightened then saddened Betty.
She missed his gentle touch and the way he made her feel when he held her in his
arms and kissed her.

  All the women were similarly dressed. Ludivine's long legs looked especially
attractive in the sheer material. Elena had selected a beautiful jade and gold
comb for Ludivine's hair.

  "It suits you. You look incredibly beautiful. English attire hid your beauty,"
said Elena admiring her sister.

  "We would be arrested on the spot if we appeared dressed like this in London,"
replied Ludivine laughing.

  The Princess Aziza had been pleased with the result when she inspected each of
the females.

  "Princess, may I speak?" asked Ludivine.

  "Yes, I suppose if you must," said Princess Aziza.

  "What is to be our fate?"

  "You are to be trained as whores. I have informed the garrison that they can
visit anytime they are not on duty and take their pleasure with you. There will
also be visits by soldiers of my father's palace guards. If any of you resist or
even show unwillingness, you will all be whipped until you bleed. I will have
Captain Rashad put each of you in the stocks and peel the flesh off your backs."

  "And how long will be held in this place?"

  "Until you are trained by me, then your newly acquired talents will be put to
work elsewhere," said Princess Aziza. "Now I will conduct your first training

  The nine women watched as each one of them in turn was ordered to strip naked,
lie on her back, and spread her legs. A guard would mount the woman and have
intercourse with her under the watchful eyes of the Princess. The Princess would
encourage the woman to act in ways that increased the man's pleasure by
contracting the muscles of her vagina or encouraging him to suck her nipples as
they fucked.  Ludivine discovered there was considerably pleasure from having a
man's mouth on her nipples as his hard cock pounded into her vagina.

  Although the women had been raped repeatedly, there was still something
totally depraved about the methodical and controlled way each woman was taken as
the other's watched.

After several days had passed with a training session each afternoon in which
the women had performed with their mouths and their anuses, the women had left
all sense of respectability and modesty behind.

  At first the women had been scandalized by the way the underpants exposed
their lower buttocks and the amount of cleavage they were showing.  But shortly,
the women realized the pointlessness of their modesty. During the heat of the
day, everyone shed their tops exposing their breasts. As each day in the cell
passed, clothes seemed to matter less and hot afternoons were spent with the
women swimming naked in the cool waters of the pool. If an off duty guard came
by, they encouraged him to strip and go for a swim. The women would play at
holding their breath and gliding under water to suck his cock. After they tired
of horseplay, the woman next in line would bring the guard to one of the chaise
and mount him. Ludivine and the others would masturbate as they watched their
fellow captive impale herself and ride the guard's cock until they both
climaxed. If the woman failed to climax, there would be lesbian sex after the
guard departed. The women became skilled at pleasing one another.

  We have become the most depraved group of English women on the planet decided
Ludivine as she massaged her clit while a few yards away, Elena was in the
throes of passion as she raised and lowered herself on the sizeable member of a
guard that was a blackamoor. The women had nicknamed him "Othello" and referred
to having sex with him as being his Desdemona. His sizeable black cock had
become a favorite of the women. Othello would lay there, his phallus pointing
toward the ceiling as the women mounted him. The women would massage their clit
with their fingers as Othello stroked their nipples. One visit by Othello
resulted in at least six orgasms by the females.

   The last few days had seen a subtle change in the attitudes of the women.
Ludivine noticed that with time hanging so heavily on their hands, the women
began to look forward to the visits by the guards. There even developed a
competition among the women to attract the guards.

  Elena took the lead in presenting herself to them when they first entered.
Often as not, she was chosen and wound up on a nearby chaise enjoying a good
fuck as the other women watched. Betty soon intervened and established a system
where each woman took her turn. Betty had been surprised when Rebecca Hamilton
eagerly joined in. Often two women would entertain a guard's cock with their
mouths bring him to climax that they would share.

  Two nights ago, a party of thirty soldiers arrived from Karem Bey's palace
that was located in the cool highlands. The women were kept busy almost all
night in what became an orgy of naked body writing against each other as the
women and men sought their pleasure. Betty was forced to acknowledge they had
all participated with great willingness. Ludivine had played the part of the
coquette. At times, she had disappeared under a mound of hard male flesh, each
of her orifices seeking to be filled. The women had laughed and teased the
soldiers as they went from couch to couch sampling all the females. Mindful of
the Princess's threats they would all be whipped if any one failed, the women
had performed whatever sexual acts the soldiers desired.

  Without a single instance of physical coercion we have all become eager
whores, vying for the attention of any man who walks into our cell realized
Betty and Ludivine when next morning they were discussing the their willingness
to have sex with the guards.

  "It's as if someone has whetted my appetite and no matter what I can's satisfy
it once and for all," said Ludivine to Betty discussing last night. "I find all
forms of sodomy pleasurable."

  "It was the same for me. I just couldn't get enough men between my legs, in my
mouth or up my ass," replied Betty. "And if more than one wanted to try one of
my orifices, I was eager."

  "The Princess has made us into wantons," concluded Ludivine.

  "Yes they have and here comes the corporal with two others and it's my turn,"
said Betty.

  "I'm after you. I'm already feeling warm between my legs at just the thought
of the corporal's cock inside me." 

  Unlike the corsairs, the soldiers were cleaner and better mannered. Relations
had even become friendly as the captives and guards got to know one another. 
The women had learned a few words of Arabic.

  Betty discovered that the more depraved and wanton the sex, the more she
enjoyed it. At one point, two soldiers had playfully trapped Betty between them
in the pool and she willing accepted the cock of one solder in her cunt then
encouraged the other to enter her rectum. The three floated in the warm waters
slowly fucking Betty until at last they emptied their sperm inside her cavities.

  It had felt good to have so many sexual partners and she had orgasmed to the
point that it became a process rather than an event. Betty had also noted that
Ludivine's sexual appetite matched her sisters. Both Ludivine and Elena threw
themselves into the orgy with all the intensity they could muster. Ludivine had
appeared insatiable as she spread her long beautiful legs as each man approached
her, throwing them wide apart and using her fingers to open her vagina and
invite its penetration. Ludivine's long limbs permitted her to stimulate and
even penetrate the anus of her partners slipping her fingers into their rectum
as her legs coiled around their torsos. Some of the smaller guards looked
something the worse for wear after a good fucking by Miss Ludivine Townly.

  I lost track of how many men were inside me thought Betty as she recalled last
night's orgy of warm bodies. Every hole had been well used during the course of
the long evening.  Sodomy has become routine to me thought Betty recalling the
time when there was a cock in her mouth and another in her rectum. She had been
seated astraddle a light skinned soldier with her anus impaled on his cock when
another had approached her standing and placed his erect cock against her lips.
She had eagerly taken it in. Later she was rewarded when both soldiers released
their semen into her cavities. Betty had climaxed as the salty fluid filled her
mouth and she rolled it back and forth on her tongue before swallowing.

  "I'm a little sore in my parts," confided Ludivine to the others, as they were
lying naked around the bathing pool the next morning. Ludivine was unconsciously
rubbing her sex as she spoke. Sore or not, Ludivine had enjoyed the continual
sex and found herself looking forward to the arrival of more soldiers.

  "Mine are extremely tender to the touch. I don't see how the women who work
the London docks survive. I was told they sometimes service thirty sailors in an
evening," said Elena.

  "I wish there had been wine," said Louise.

  "The Muslim religion forbids it. That is written in the Koran," said Elena.

  "But thankfully rape is allowed," said Eliza Hamilton pushing away from the
side of the pool and perform a backstroke that showered her lean naked body
gliding through the water.

  "No one had to rape me last night. They were all so handsome and really quite
charming," said Rebecca Smythe causing all the women to laugh.

  "Did you notice the size of the one who had the scar on his face," said
Katherine Smythe. "It was enormous. I thought it was going to split me wide

   "There were two others at least as big. I thought the older one with the gray
beard was the largest," said Sally Claridge.

  "I fear the Princess Aziza has accomplished her goal of making us into whores
without having to use force," whispered Betty to Ludivine.

  "Yes, I agree. It must be the nature of woman to enjoy repeated intercourse
when other choices are not available," said Ludivine. "There is little to do
here other than entertain the soldiers. We are birds in a gilded cage.
Intercourse is the only means we have to break the tedium of the day.

  Early on, there had been one moment of moral turpitude when Betty had
whispered to Ludivine that she wanted to show her something. All the other women
were asleep it being the custom to slumber during the hot desert afternoon.
Ludivine had followed Betty to one of the smaller rooms. Ludivine responding to
Betty's lead peered cautiously around the corner.

  Sally and Anne Claridge were on their backs being soundly fucked by Oliver and
Ernest. Both girls were making loud moaning sounds as the two young boys thrust
into them. Their legs were wrapped around the slender hips of the boys and they
were pulling the boys into their sex with as much force as they could provide.
The boys switched partners repeatedly. The twins appeared insatiable as they
writhed their young bodies against the two. 

  Ludivine found herself becoming aroused as she watched her younger brother and
his friend take the very willing twin girls. After a few moments, Betty and
Ludivine reluctantly stepped back from the doorway and went to another room to
discuss what they had just witnessed.

  "I suppose we should have expected that," said Betty. "They may be boys but
they are of the male sex."

  "Should we stop them, forbid it," said Ludivine?

  "I'm not sure on what grounds or even if they would listen to us. You recall
that the Princess Aziza said they could have any of us they wanted. Besides, why
should we deny them the same thing we'd given to the pirates and the guards? It
seems illogical," said Betty.

  "I am of the same opinion. They are dressed the same as the guards and have
the run of the fortress. However, I am not anxious to commit incest. It is one
of the few sins of a sexual nature I am not guilty of. However, if Oliver wants
Elena or myself, there is little we can do about it. I will have to ignore the
fact that my own brother's cock is inside me."

  "Agreed then. We treat Oliver and Earnest like the guards and soldiers and
give of ourselves if they want us," said Betty. "On another matter, Rebecca told
me about what transpired between the two of you. Her attitude is much changed as
a result. I thank you for that," said Betty placing her hand on Ludivine's

  "She has become as eager as Elena when a man walks into our cell. It is quite
a transformation," said Ludivine.

  "I find you very beautiful and would like to for us to make love. I want to
have the same experience as Rebecca," said Betty placing her arms around
Ludivine and kissing her.

  Ludivine responded to Betty's kiss and before many moments had passed the two
women were lying naked on a chaise making love to each other's sex with their
mouth. Lesbian sex among all the women became commonplace especially before the
afternoon rest. After the noonday repast, the women would pair off or even form
chains where each woman both gave and received oral sex. The women became adept
at using their fingers to pleasure one another. Ludivine transferred the
knowledge that she learned her last night on the Polaris. She taught each woman
the location of the rough, sensitive spot inside her vagina. The nine achieved
powerful orgasms that left them both relaxed and eager to repeat the experience.

  As the prisoner cart bounced over the rough paving stones, Ludivine wondered
about her and Elena's fate. The last three weeks had been a languid time of
lovemaking on a scale and frequency that Ludivine would have thought impossible
a month ago. Although Ludivine was fearful of what might befall Elena and her
once on board the Bombay Enterprise, she welcomed the chance to leave the gloomy
fortress and see the town of Mahajanga once more. As soon as the two women
arrived at the quay, they were escorted to a waiting longboat.

  The pirates immediately recognized both women as they pushed away from the
dock and started to row toward the Bombay Enterprise.

  "Ready for another go, missy," said one of the rowers to Elena.

  "The question is are you ready for me," said Elena slipping her cloak off her
shoulders to reveal her skimpy harem dress. Her action caused the oarsmen to
momentarily cease their efforts and turn their gaze toward Elena.

  Ludivine feeling there was nothing to lose pushed a long leg through the
cloak's opening causing further distraction on the part of the rowers.

  "Look too, you bastards," screamed the pirate with the tiller in his hand.
"There'll be plenty of time to stare at the bints once we reach the ship. Sir
Charles said we could have our fun with then until he is ready."

 The rowers realizing that the sooner they reached the ship, the sooner they
could have the two women, resumed their rowing with renewed energy. The longboat
sliced through the water.

  "Looks like we're in for another stint on our backs," said Elena.

  "Yes, but this time, I don't intend to suffer. I will work hard to please them
and take my own pleasure," said Ludivine placing her hand over Elena's and
giving it a squeeze.

  "Yes, sister, let's show them what we are capable of," said Elena. 

  "Agreed, there is no shame in it. We are at there mercy, forced to do what we
must in order to survive this ordeal," said Ludivine.

  "Father would have a fit if he could see condition of his ship," said Elena as
the long boat pulled along side of the Bombay Enterprise. Ludivine could see
that some very shoddy repairs had been made to cover up the holes blown in her
sides by the corsairs.

  Ludivine ignored the pirates' hands on her bottom as she climbed the rope
ladder to emerge on the deck. She shuddered slightly when she recalled the pain
of the cat-of-nine landing on her back and breasts and then the searing agony of
the hawser as its rough fibers abraded the tender flesh of her sex.

  God give me strength prayed Ludivine as she walked toward the main hatch were
only weeks before, she along with the other women of the Bombay Enterprise had
been so savagely violated. Ludivine was walking several paces behind Elena when
she saw her younger sister remove her cloak with a broad gesture causing the
rich material to spin through the air before it came to rest across her arm.
Ludivine took a second to admire her sister's lithe figure. Elena exaggerated
the roll of her hips as she walked toward the hatch covering. Someone had taken
the effort to bring two mattresses from below and place them on the covering.

  Ludivine had engaged in lovemaking with all of the women captives with the
exception of her own sister. But when Ludivine saw Elena roll her shapely hips
she realized how much she wanted to make love to her. Later decided Ludivine as
she arrived at the hatch. Ludivine quickly removed her cloak, stood as tall as
possible, and thrust out her breasts as she turned to face the crew. Ludivine
smiled and then bowed.

  "You bints get naked and on your backs," said the pirate who had operated the
longboat's tiller.

  Ludivine smiled once more at the gathering of roughly thirty pirates as she
unbuttoned the three buttons of her abbreviated blouse and pulled it off with a
certain elan to allow her breasts to spring forth. The pirates pushed forward to
get a better view. Ludivine maintained eye contact with the pirates as she
placed her thumbs in the waistband of her sheer trousers and pushed them along
with the underpants down to reveal her sex. She stepped out of her pants folded
them placing the blouse and trousers nearby. Elena had already stripped naked
and was standing with both hand between her legs rubbing her sex.

  Ludivine leaned over to slip her sandals off exposing her naked bottom to the
pirates. She leaned well forward with her legs spread wider than her shoulders.
She reached back and pulled her buttocks apart then turned her head toward the
pirates as she smiled then licked her lips.

  Ludivine saw that the thin mattress lying on the hatch cover was filthy. Oh
well, she thought, soon it will be covered with my sweat and their ejaculate.
Nothing to do other than accept my fate and lie back and enjoy what I can of
this ordeal.

  Ludivine sat down on the mattress, parted her legs and placed her hand on her
sex, parting her labia to expose her clit and vagina. She and Elena exchanged
passionate kisses licking each other's face and nipples.

  "Let's masturbate for them," suggested Ludivine to her sister.

  She maintained eye contact with the pirates as she began to stroke her clit.
Elena was doing the same. Ludivine placed two fingers in her mouth to wet them
then smeared the saliva over her sex working her fingers into her vagina. The
pirates watched almost entranced as the two beautiful women masturbated.
Ludivine keeping one hand on her increasingly wet sex lifted her breast as she
bent her face downward to pass her tongue over her nipple. Out of the corner of
her eye, she could see that Elena was busily playing with herself using both
hands. Elena's fingers were thrusting into her vagina as her other fingers
rubbed her clitoris.

  Ludivine deciding that she was sufficient lubricated and sufficiently aroused
leaned backward on her elbow as she spread her legs wider and gestured for the
pirates to come forward and take her. She reached up and grasped her ankles
pulling them back toward her exposing her vagina and anus to the maximum extent.

  At that point, pandemonium broke out. Three dozen pirates rushed forward to
leap on the two women. Most were struggling to unbutton their trousers as they
landed on the backs of their mates. It was chaos as fights broke out. Men cursed
one another and knives and cutlasses were drawn. Ludivine and Elena were trapped
under a pile of squirming bodies. The struggle continued for several minutes
until two shots rang out.

  "Get up, you scum, you'll all get your turn," shouted Sir Charles Danby. He
had apparently rushed onto the main deck when he heard the commotion. The
pirates pulled back leaving Ludivine and Elena to untangle themselves.

  "Matson, form two lines," shouted Sir Charles speaking to the sailor who had
managed the longboat's tiller.

  Matson cursed, pulled and shoved the crew into two queues. Ludivine saw that
the first crewman in the line that began at her feet was an Oriental. He had a
long pigtail that hung almost to his buttocks. Ludivine watched as he pulled his
trousers down and exposed an already hard cock. Ludivine was surprised when Sir
Charles sat down on the raised hatch cover between Elena and herself. He smelled
of wine and was obviously a little drink. Both women were reclining on the
mattresses when Sir Charles quickly sat down between them and placed a hand on
each of their naked thighs.

  "How are the two Miss Townlys this morning?" asked Sir Charles as he gestured
for the Chinaman at Ludivine's feet to move forward. "Chuan, George, climb
aboard. I promised you a good fuck when we reached port. These two ladies are
from the cream of London society."

  Ludivine grunted and moaned as Chuan first moved his cock back and forth
across her slit before inserting himself into her vagina. She saw that the first
sailor in Elena's line had mounted her. Elena's arms were wrapped around the
shoulders of the sailor and he was sucking on her breasts as he worked his long
thin cock into her vagina.

  How odd thought Ludivine to have Sir Charles only inches away as the crew
takes us. Sir Charles' hand was still on Ludivine's thigh as the Oriental named
Chuan slipped his cock into Ludivine's vagina.

  "Just think, Miss Townly, less than a month ago, you were a worthless virgin.
Now you've become a quite useful whore like your sister. Tell me, is that is how
you pictured your life? Spread out on the hatch cover of your father's ship
servicing a line of the worst scum of the Madagascar Straits," said Sir Charles
taking a cheroot from his jacket pocket, biting the tip off and spitting it on
the deck.

  "No, I did not picture myself in this manner. You have brought me to this, Sir
Charles. I was a respectable member of society before you and your pirate crew
made me what I am," said Ludivine as she wrapped her legs around Chuan to pull
him more forcefully into her vagina. Ludivine reached her hand around the
Oriental's short body to grasp his buttocks and pull then apart exposing his
asshole to the crew. A loud cheer broke out from the sailors as Ludivine passed
her fingers across Chuan's rectum. Mindlessly, Chuan kept repeating the same
Cantonese phrases over and over again as he plowed into Ludivine's sex.

  "You seem to like it well enough now. How is she Chuan? Pussy any good?" asked
Sir Charles after Chuan had been at it for a few minutes.

  "Pretty good fuck, wish move pussy more," said Chuan.

  "You heard Chuan, move your cunt more. You should watch your dear younger
sister. Look at the way she's humping George," said Sir Charles as he lighted
his smoke and took a puff.

  Ludivine glanced over to see that Elena was jerking her body back and forth as
the pirate took her. Ludivine imitated Elena's motion causing Chuan to make an
appreciative grunt.

  "Matson, how many in each queue," asked Sir Charles.

  It took several seconds for Matson to count.

  "Twenty one in Red's line, twenty in Blacks," replied Matson.

  "See that everyone gets both women," ordered Sir Charles to Matson.

  "That makes forty one pirates who'll fuck the two Misses Townly's this
morning. Elena, how many of the Bombay Enterprise's crew did you fuck after we
left London?" said Sir Charles.

  "Eleven, I think," said Elena between moans.

  "Lying cunt, didn't you sneak forward one night to the crew's quarters and
take all on who wanted a piece of your sweet young ass," said Sir Charles.

  "It was dark. I did not see how many there were," said Elena.

  "Ludivine did you tell Elena you saw me fucking her in the Food Locker the
night before the Corsairs took the ship," said Sir Charles.

  "No, I didn't," said Ludivine as Chuan reached his climax and soaked the walls
of Ludivine's cunt with his sperm.

  "Well, I'm surprised that you in your righteous wrath did not confront your
sister regarding her whorish behavior. Elena, your older and most respectable
sister saw the two of us. You were sucking my cock when she entered," said Sir
Charles. "Jayson, your next, get a move on man."

  Ludivine accepted a sailor named Jayson between her legs reaching down to
guide his hard cock into her hole. Ludivine saw that another sailor had mounted

  Sir Charles watched quietly as Jayson fucked Ludivine. He was sipping wine and
smoking as he watched the two women service his crew.

  Jayson possessed a sizeable instrument and he maintained a tight contact with
Ludivine's clitoris as he rode her. Ludivine moved her body in concert with
Jayson's to maximize the friction between his hairy pubic mound and her own. It
was not long before Ludivine enjoyed a noisy climax.

  "Ludivine, no point in calling you Miss Townly anymore, especially now that
you're nothing more than a common whore. I see you've learned to take your own
pleasure. You should have accepted my proposal of marriage. You are obviously
like your sister, a woman born to whore. I would have brought you here where my
first wife, the Princess Aziza would have instructed you properly in the art of
fornication," said Sir Charles starting to rise.

  Ludivine was too busy responding to Jayson's climax to respond to sir Charles.
She waited expectantly as a third pirate climbed between her legs. Ludivine
reached down to guide his cock into her slimy quim.

  "Matson, after the first twenty, switch to the Townly's sisters assholes if
that's the crew's preference," said Sir Charles as he made to leave.

  "Yes, Sir Charles," responded Matson.

  It was past noon when the last of the pirates emptied their semen into
Ludivine and Elena. Ludivine felt exhausted. Her vagina and asshole were fucked
raw. There was sperm oozing from both orifices. Her nipples were scraped from
being sucked and bit. When Ludivine looked over at Elena, she was surprised to
see that Elena was still bucking her hips as the forty-first fuck of her day
strained to reach an orgasm. Finally, he convulsed and rolled off the sweat and
semen covered Elena.

  The two women lay there not moving for a while. Ludivine judged by the sun
that it was well past the noon hour.

  "Wine," said a voice that Ludivine recognized as Sir Charles. He had returned
to the main deck when informed that all his crew had enjoyed both women.

  Both women propped themselves up on one elbow to accept a glass of dark red
Madeira. Once again, Sir Charles seated himself between the two women.

  Watching you two service my crew has made me randy," said Sir Charles as he
unfastened the first button of his trousers. "Let's see how the two sisters work
together to suck a gentleman's cock."

  Ludivine and Elena wearily rose up and positioned themselves. They repeatedly
switched between sucking Sir Charles balls and his shaft until he sprayed his
sperm into Elena's mouth.

  "Share it with your sister," ordered Sir Charles.

  Elena placed her open mouth on Ludivine's and their tongues swapped the
slippery product of Sir Charles' loins back and forth between their mouths.

  "I must say I am impressed with the results achieved by the Princess Aziza. I
though it would take the repeated use of the whip to bring you around but the
Princess said none of that was necessary," said Sir Charles.

  "We have not been treated harshly," said Elena.

  "On the contrary, good food, attractive clothes and jewels, and plenty of hard
cock, what more could an Englishwoman ask for," said Sir Charles. "The Princess
informs me that all nine of you are willing to open your legs for any guard who
happens by. In fact, she tells me that she arranged for a unit of her father's
personal bodyguard to visit the other night and that you acted like bitches in

  "There is little else to do," said Ludivine. "Sexual intercourse is the only
way we have to relive the tedium of our existence."

  "A convenient rationalization. Soon you will discover you are part of my
master plan. Of course, you are not fully trained but that will come in time.
Now, I have another small matter to attend to. Let me introduce Rhang, " said
Sir Charles turning toward a small native who had arrived on deck carrying a
large cloth sack.

  "Another," said Ludivine to Elena thinking that there was one more crewman
requiring sex.

  "Oh, Rhang is not here to fuck you. I hope that doesn't disappoint you," said
Sir Charles. "Matson, bind their arms behind their back and tie them to the main

  Matson stepped forward with four of the crew. Shortly, Ludivine and Elena were
tied standing to the main mast. Their arms firmly bound behind their back.

  "Rhang was given to me by my close fiend, the Malay ruler, King Ashanipur,"
said Sir Charles who then spoke to Rhang in a language unknown to the Townly
sisters. Rhang immediately removed two long metal apparatus from the cloth bag
and handed one to Sir Charles.

  "King Ashanipur uses these if one of his courtesans fails to show the proper
enthusiasm or technique when they are brought to the royal bedchamber. They're
called a Malay tit press. See the intricate brass work. After a woman spends
time in these, she undergoes a remarkable change in attitude," said Sir Charles.

  "Please, Sir Charles, you've killed our father, sold our mother into chattel
slavery, and made whores of my sister and me. Your wife has enjoyed our brother.
Haven't you done enough to the Townlys for my refusing your offer of marriage,"
said Ludivine.

  "Of course, I'm fully revenged. At this point, I'm just amusing myself," said
Sir Charles who then spoke once again to Rhang. Rhang immediately extracted a
pair of metal pinchers and stepped directly in front of Ludivine. Without
hesitation, he reached up to capture her nipples in the claw teeth of the
pinchers and pulled her breast painfully outward.

  "Oh, for the love of God, have mercy, Sir Charles, the pain is more than a
body can bare," whined Ludivine as the pain rose in waves from the tips of her
breasts. Ludivine whimpered as Sir Charles opened the metal contraption he held
in his hand. Ludivine saw to her horror that it was hinged at one end and
consisted of two steel arms. There were two small half circles in each arm. Sir
Charles fitted one arm above Ludivine's breasts and the other below it. He
closed the two arms together trapping her breasts in the half circles that were
in no way sufficient to accommodate Ludivine's large breasts. Each semi-circle
was lined with sharp metal spikes. Ludivine screamed as Sir Charles clamped the
bars together at the base of her breasts. She continued to scream as Rhang
turned a tightening screw that narrowed the opening until Ludivine's breasts
were trapped in a metal circle that compressed the flesh to less than half its
normal size. The metal spikes penetrated her flesh and Ludivine felt her blood
dripping down onto her feet.

  Ludivine screamed until she ran out of breath. Elena added her own screams as
Sir Charles applied the other device to her breasts. Both women were shrieking
in pain as Sir Charles attached a rope to a center ring on the top of device.
The rope was tightened and Ludivine found herself standing on her tiptoes.

  "Hearing you scream gives me a hardon, Ludivine. On my last visit to King
Ashanipur, he demonstrated its use to me when the daughter of one of his
governors failed to show sufficient zeal in the royal bedchamber. He had Rhang
hang the girl and her mother up right outside my bedroom window. He then invited
the governor's younger daughters to my bed where he informed them that they had
better show enormous enthusiasm for my cock or wind up with their little titties
in the press.

   I spent the night allowing them to please me with all three of their
orifices. Each time, their mother and sister screamed, they redoubled her
efforts. In the morning, I informed the king their performance was only
adequate. Rhang strung them up alongside the others while we ate breakfast."

  When Ludivine looked upward, she saw that the ropes attached to the tops of
the press were threaded through pulleys attached to the topmost spar of the main
mast. Ludivine and Elena were untied from the main mast as two sailors pulled
the ropes causing both of the women to lift off the deck. Ludivine watched in
horror as her breasts turned into bright red, almost purple, globes with visible
veins and arteries. Slowly she twisted in the wind as she and Elena rose higher
and higher above the Bombay Enterprise's main deck. Ludivine thought at any
moment her breasts would rip off and she would fall to her death on the deck

  Enduring unspeakable agony exacerbated by the force of the wind and the
constant uneven pull of the ropes, Ludivine and Elena finally reached the
highest point possible in the ship's rigging. Ludivien and Elena remained there
for over an hour until all of a sudden, Ludivine felt herself in free fall. She
screamed as she fell a short distance then screamed even harder when the rope
pulled taut and the press bit in her flesh with a frightful force. After that,
she was slowly lowered to the main deck. Ludivine looked up to see that Elena
was still high above held in the press.

  Ludivine crumpled to the deck when she had fully descended. She was quickly
pulled to her feet to face Sir Charles.

  "Where is it," demanded Sir Charles. Not understanding what Sir Charles meant,
Ludivine did not answer. He immediately raised a belaying pin above his head and
struck downward onto Ludivine's painfully over inflated press. Ludivine screamed
in agony then passed out. She returned to consciousness when she realized her
head was under water. She fought against the hand at the back of her head that
was holding her under. Finally the hand relented and she was allowed to pull her
head back choking and spitting seawater. She rolled away from the water barrel
striking one end of the tit press on the deck causing her to shriek in anguish.

  "Where is it," repeated Sir Charles.

  "Where is what," screamed Ludivine?

  "The payment your father was bringing to the Maharaja of Sindth. It's hidden
on the ship. I cannot find it."

  "I will show you if you lower my sister and take these hellish devices off
us," screamed Ludivine. Ludivine's chest was a fiery ache. The breast where Sir
Charles had landed the belaying pin was swelling causing even greater pain from
the tit press.

  "All right, bring her down, Matson. You two can always go back up if you are
playing me false," said Sir Charles.

  Once Rhang had removed the press, Ludivine rolled back and forth across the
wooden deck in horrible agony as the blood returned to her breasts. Elena had
passed out when she reached the deck and did not revive until her breasts were
freed.  Both women sobbed and whimpered as the pain refused to lessen even after
many minutes had passed. Finally, Ludivine fell sufficiently recovered to raise
her head.

  "Show me," said Sir Charles who was standing nearby holding the Malay tit
press. 'Show me where or this goes right back on. This time I'll leave you up
there until you rot and the gulls peck your eyes out."

  Ludivine staggered to her feet and walked toward the bow. She was still naked
as she passed many of the crew. When she reached the very tip of the bow she
leaned over and pointed out to Sir Charles the secret compartment where her
father had concealed a metal box containing 10,000 gold sovereigns, a king's
ransom. It was intended as a payment to the Maharaja of Sindth in return for his
oath of loyalty to the crown of England. The payment of the sum had been the
secret reason for Sir Roger's trip to India.

  Sir Roger had trusted only Ludivine with the knowledge of the gold's location.

  "In case, I fall overboard or get killed by pirates, someone must know," said
Sir Roger. "I trust you and only you, Ludivine."

  "I would have told you if you had asked," said Ludivine sitting on the deck
and holding her arms across her throbbing breasts.

  "Possibly, but I wanted to observe how effective my gift from the King was in
extracting information," said Sir Charles examining the large metal box of
bright gold coins.

  "Matson, row them to shore," ordered Sir Charles.

Chapter 09   - Breaking The Duchess

Please take note! Adults Only Literature

The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for
adults only.

If you are an underage minor or offended by such material -or- if viewing this
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This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwise
is purely coincidental, etc.

Copyright 2003


  "Julia," said Ludivine recognizing one of the six new women who had just been
brought into the harem. Julia Stafford was the same age as Ludivine. They had
both been introduced to society in the past London season with vastly different
results. Julia Stafford, the daughter of the Duchess and Earl of Leicester had
become engaged to the eldest son of the Duke of Cornwall. Her future
father-in-law was the Viceroy of India. Julia had made the match of the social
season where Ludivine had failed miserably to attract suitors.

  Ludivine and the others were relaxing around the bathing pool, having just
completed their noon repast. Some of the women were swimming naked in the cool
waters. Rebecca and Katherine Smythe had just finished having intercourse with
two of the guards on a nearby chaise. The guards, Azeem and Suleman, darkly
handsome with startling white teeth that frequently smiled were favorites of the
female captives. They had been mounted on the two sisters, energetically
stroking their hard cocks into the more than willing girls. The other seven
members of the harem looked on with a certain degree of envy wishing the guard's
cocks were pounding their pussy. Having just climaxed the two were about to swap
partners for another fuck when Captain Rashad appeared with the six bedraggled

  It had been over a month since Ludivine and Elena were taken to the Bombay
Enterprise where they were gang raped and tortured by that horrible tit press.
Only in the last week, had Elena quit waking up in the middle of the night
screaming for the removal of the nightmare Malay tit press that was crushing her
breasts. Ludivine had slept close by her sister and held her tightly and
comforted her until Elena realized it was just a dream and her breasts were not
bound nor was she swinging high above the Bombay Enterprise's main deck fearing
her breasts would rip off plunging her to her death.

  The puncture wounds circumscribing their breasts had finally healed. In the
last two days, Elena's spirits had finally returned to normal and she was once
again the witty, high-spirited and always eager for sex girl the other members
of the harem were used to.

  Ludivine's breasts had remained a dark purple for two weeks from Sir Charles'
beating with the belaying pin. Ludivine had her own horrible memories of that
day. She vividly recalled the dizzying height and the intense fear that the
press would slip or rip her breasts off and she would fall to the deck below.
The fear was compounded by the pain of the metal spikes plunging in her breasts
and the agonizing feel of being lifted off the ground and having her body weight
borne by the connecting tissue that anchored her tits to her chest.

  Some day I am going to put his cock and balls in my own press and raise him to
the top gallant vowed Ludivine. Then I am going to lunch while the winds play
with him.

  Their harem life had settled into a routine. During the day, the women
relaxed, swam in the pool, primped, and engaged in lesbian sex. Guards
occasionally visited them during the day but more often at night. At least once
a week, a contingent of Karem Bey's palace guards would arrive for an all night
orgy.  At first, Ludivine had been amazed that the women including herself had
grown to look forward to those nights when there would be several men for each
woman to service. When the appointed night came, the women took extra care with
the appearance. Ludivine and some of the others were being taught to belly dance
by an instructor that came each day to the fortress. During the weekly orgies,
musicians would play and Ludivine would dance erotically for the men. Ludivine
discovered that the provocative dance where she swung her hips and abdomen
closer and closer to a watching soldier got her excited almost beyond her own
control. The dance usually ended when several of the soldiers would grab her and
pull her into a pile of bodies where her clothes would be stripped and several
admirers would mount her for a prolonged period of warm sexual intercourse which
would leave her feeling languid and satisfied after the soldiers had departed.

  There was the occasional whipping for some minor infraction of the rules. The
Claridge twins had snuck off to the barracks for a night of group sex. Captain
Rashad had found out and had the girls whipped. The Princess Aziza attended the
whippings and turned them into occasions for an orgy of lesbian sex. The
Princess would order the women to pair off and even select one of the nine for
her own amusement. After the whipping was over, the offender would be brought to
kneel at the Princess's feet to beg her forgiveness.

  "Lick my pussy to show you are genuinely sorry," commanded the Princess's
spreading her legs and exposing her sex. The penitent would lean forward and
place her mouth over the Princess's well-stimulated vagina and slowly lick and
suck her until her face was smeared with the Princess's secretions. The women
had noticed the capacity of Princess Aziza's female glands to generate large
quantities of fluid. If the Princess desired, she would order the girl to open
her mouth and the Princess would direct a stream of yellow urine between the
girl's lips. If the girl failed to swallow every drop of the Princess's pee the
girl would be put back in restraint and whipped again.

  Ludivine observed that the Princess was aroused at the sight of the guard's
whip leaving vivid red stripes across the breasts and buttocks of the offender.
Only last week when Kathryn Smythe was whipped, Ludivine was directed into a
torrid embrace of mutual oral sex with the Princess. Ludivine had screamed her
orgasm when the Princess's mouth brought her sex to a crescendo.  Afterwards,
both Ludivine and Kathryn were ordered to kneel with their mouths open and share
a stream of piss that spurted from the Princess's urethra.

  The Princess also took pleasure in ordering Ernest and Oliver to have sex with
their sisters. The Princess and many of the guards along with the other women
had been ordered to watch as Ludivine and Elena had first sucked Oliver to
erection. Then Oliver had mounted each sister in turn. Ernest and Louise had
also participated in these highly public displays.

  Still, time passed slowly for the nine women. Ludivine and the others found
themselves looking ever more forward to the visits by the guards to relieve the
tedium. They had asked Captain Rashad for books and playing cards; but he was
unable to locate English books. Ludivine and Betty worked hard to learn Arabic
and both could now carry on limited conversations with the guards. Not
surprisingly, much of the their conversational capability involved sexual
intercourse. In time and after much cajoling based on feeding the Captain's
insatiable sexual appetite, they managed to acquire several decks of playing

  "No man ever got his cock sucked more for two decks of playing cards,"
commented Betty recalling how the Captain would lay spread across a chaise with
each of his balls in a different woman's mouth while his shaft was massaged by
the gullet of another.

  Ludivine became expert at bezique and other games they played to pass the
hours. She enthusiastically took her turn when guards arrived. Betty kept the
rotation posted and each of the nine knew exactly the order they were expected
to service their visitors.

  When the six new female arrivals stepped into the harem, the women excitedly
rushed forward to meet them. Ludivine assumed (correctly as it turned out) they
were from a ship recently captured by pirates. The six were half clothed, their
dresses rent and in some cases bloodied. They looked considerable the worse for
wear. There were visible bruises and small cuts on their faces. They had the
haunted vacant appearance of women subjected for the first time to the swift and
brutal invasion of their sexual parts by corsairs. The nine, even Sally and Anne
the youngest, felt an immediate empathy as they recalled that afternoon on the
main hatch of the Bombay Enterprise when their persons were violated.

 Julia, the future Duchess of Cornwall, was a short stout young lady known for
her imperious and haughty manner especially toward people she considered her
inferiors which was almost all of the population of Britain excepting the royal
family and those few at Julia's level within the aristocracy. Ludivine and Julia
had not gotten along. Julia and her mother, the Duchess, had not condescended to
speak to the Townlys since Sir Robert Townly was in trade and not part of the
landed gentry who had inherited their wealth.

  Ludivine felt a momentary feeling of guilt as she realized that the Duchess
had probably spent yesterday on the main deck with a corsair between her legs.
If the Duchess of Leicester survived, she was probably on her way to Ismailya to
be sold as a slave. Every day of that voyage the pirates would rape her.

     Ludivine also recognized, Julia's younger sister, Constance. Constance was
by Julia's side helping to support her older sister. Ludivine had met Constance
only twice but she favorably recalled the pretty, slender and shy young lady who
polite manner seemed nothing like her older sister. Constance at fifteen was a
year younger than Elena. Constance and another young female were supporting
Julia on both sides. Ludivine concluded that the other young girl helping to
support Julia was a servant based on her clothes that appeared to be the
remnants of a uniform.

  "These six will be joining you," said Captain Rashad. "Make sure that they are
cleaned up and rested.  Undress and bathe them. Their clothes are to be burned."

   "Lorraine Connors," said one of the women to Ludivine as she thrust out her
hand like a man. Ludivine unsure how to react instinctively grasped the woman's
hand. Ludivine was surprised at the firmness of her grip.

  "Ludivine Townly," responded Ludivine not quite sure what to make of this
woman who seemed a little older than the others. Lorraine had short straight
black hair and pleasant features. Ludivine saw that Lorraine had some ugly bite
marks about her neck and there were several bruises on her face.

  "They knocked me about some for their amusement. There was no need I didn't
resist. One of them took his pleasure by using his teeth to make me cry out.
Have you food and medicines? We have not eaten in two days," said Lorraine
noting that Ludivine was observing her injuries. Lorraine had pulled her bodice
open to expose a smallish breast that carried signs of deep bites.

  "They are savages. Fortunately, we have medicines and plenty of food. When
were you taken," said Ludivine.

  "The Corsairs took our ship yesterday noon. We have all been violated
repeatedly. Some of us are much the worse for it. I'm afraid Roxanne has
experienced things no fourteen year old women should," said Lorraine referring
to a young female whom she was holding up.

  Certainly Lorraine is not a beauty thought Ludivine but not entirely
unpleasant either. She's tall for a woman. Now there is someone besides Elena
who at least reaches my shoulder.

  "Is there a place we can wash? My body is caked with pirate filth," said

  "Yes, you can bathe in the pool through the archway, the water's clean and we
have soap and oils, " said Ludivine.

  "Ludivine, could you help me with her?" interrupted Betty who had taken
Roxanne from Lorraine. The girl had fainted and Betty was having a difficult
time supporting her.

  Without hesitating, Ludivine scooped Roxanne in her arms and carried her to a
couch by the bathing pool.  Everyone followed into the pool area.

  Lady Roxanne Trimble was suffering from the shock of multiple rapes seeing her
father killed and her mother taken away into slavery.

  "Let's get everyone into the baths," announced Betty. "The six of you need to
undress. We'll have to share our clothes until the seamstress can make you new

  "Is that what we're expected to wear? I couldn't possibly wear that. It's
indecent," said Julia referring to the skimpy harem outfits that the women were
wearing. Ludivine noted that several of the women were not wearing anything.

  "You can just go naked then, Julia," said Elena who had relived Constance of
the burden of supporting her sister.

  "Elena, Elena Townly, you're here," said Julia finally recognizing her.

  "Yes, there's Ludivine my sister," said Elena.

  "Your breasts are exposed," said Julia noting that Elena was only wearing her
harem pants.

  "It's too hot for the blouse and it makes it easier for the guards to play
with my tits," said Elena moving Julia toward the bath. This occasioned Julia to
roll her eyes and look outraged.

  "Let's get everyone undressed and examined for injuries," said Betty when they
had all arrived at the steps leading into the pool.

  Ludivine noticed that Lorraine Connors without hesitation began to shed her
clothes while the others held back.

  "Modesty is something you must do without in the harem of Karem Bey's
Fortress. Captain Rashad said your clothes are to be burned. In a day or two,
you'll get used to it," announced Betty. "There are seamstresses who will make
you new clothes like ours."

  A naked Lorraine Connors walked down the steps into the pool and swam toward
the other side, ducking under the water then surfacing. She struck out across
the pool propelling herself with powerful kicks and arm strokes. Ludivine found
herself admiring Lorraine's lean almost masculine body as it glided on the
surface of the water.

  Betty brought a cup of cool water and a damp cloth to Roxanne who was moaning
slightly.  The young girl began to revive.

  "Poor child, she's just fourteen. They killed her father right before her
eyes, a musket ball shattered his chest She was covered with his blood and
viscera," said one of the new arrivals. "I'm Cynthia Weston. Roxanne's family
was on the way to Calcutta. Her father was posted to serve the Viceroy. My
mother and I were going there to meet my fiance, Richard Swift. He's a captain
in a Sepoy regiment. They took my poor mother to be sold as a slave."

  Betty and Ludivine introduced themselves.

  "Are you injured, Cynthia," asked Betty?

  "Only a few scrapes, I'm sore in my female parts. The pirates raped us, of
course. There was a lot of blood when they raped Roxanne. The Captain, a man
named Asago took her virginity himself while the rest of us including her mother
were made to watch. After that they raped all of us for hours," said Cynthia.
"It continued through the evening. It was horrible how they kept at us. Even
after we transferred to the pirate ship, they wouldn't leave us alone. I believe
there wasn't a single member of the crew who did not rape the six of us."

  "We know of Captain Asago. That was our fate too. We spent almost a week
sailing here because of a calm. The pirates raped us every day. Did you meet the
monkey called Aris? He raped us too," said Sally Claridge who was helping
Roxanne to drink some water.

 "I saw no monkey. Four smaller vessels and a large East Indiaman attacked our
ship, the Liverpool Trader. Our poor vessel was quickly overwhelmed especially
by the big guns of the East Indiaman. Muskets struck Sir Roger Trimble and Mrs.
Stafford's maid; Kate was killed when a cannonball exploded inside the ship.
They both died. My mother, Mrs. Stafford, and three other ladies were placed on
a different ship. The corsairs said they were taking them to Ismailya to be sold
as slaves."

  Ludivine and Betty had removed Roxanne's clothes while Cynthia spoke. Betty
examined the girl closely especially her sex, separating her labia and closely
examining her vagina.

  "She does not appear seriously harmed, a little bruised. Her parts look a bit
raw but nothing ripped," said Betty. "Would you like a bath, Roxanne? The water
is nice and cool. It would refresh you."

  Roxanne nodded her head. Betty stood up, stripped off her own clothes and
helped the naked Roxanne into the pool.

  "Come, Cynthia, I'll help you bathe," said Ludivine standing up and pulling
her own blouse off.

  "No reason to be modest here, " said Ludivine reaching to unbutton the front
of Cynthia's dress. Cynthia stood quietly with her eyes closed while Ludivine
removed her dress. Cynthia was wearing no undergarments and in a moment she was
naked. Ludivine saw there was a small amount of dried blood on Cynthia's upper

  "Is your sex injured? I see blood," said Ludivine.

  "I was penetrated anally once my vagina no longer pleased them. It bled during
the first rape. All of us including Roxanne were sodomised. They made me use my
mouth to pleasure their member. The others were forced to perform similar acts
of depravity," said Cynthia.

  "All of us suffered similarly when the Bombay Enterprise was taken. Come, let
me help you undress and bathe. Then you can rest," said Ludivine wondering what
the newcomers would think of the nine once they saw how they willingly engaged
in all forms of depravity.

   Ludivine took Cynthia by the hand and lead her down the steps into the cool

  "You always swim naked," said Cynthia once she was in the water up to her

  "Yes, there is little point in clothes. We have no bathing costumes. The
guards are not as bad as the pirates but they come into our quarters when they
want and take us. We take turns servicing them. Betty keeps everything
organized," said Ludivine.

   "I'm afraid that Lady Julia still thinks she's the Earl's daughter," said
Cynthia. Ludivine looked to see the side of the pool where Julia sat alone. She
was still wearing the same filthy dress that had probably been ripped off her
when the pirates attacked. Her sister Constance was standing nude in the pool
near Julia attempting to persuade her to undress and enter the pool.

  "I can't get her ladyship to undress and come in the pool. She says we are all
immodest tarts who suffer from the German disease," said a young girl paddling
up to Cynthia and Ludivine in the chest deep water.

  "She's speaks truthfully. We're even worse than that and we do pass the time
in each other's company like German women, somehow it does not seem wrong here,"
said Ludivine aware of the Victorian prejudice of considering lesbianism as a
German disease.

  "I believe there is nothing immoral about women enjoying each other sexually,"
added a nearby Lorraine.

  "I'm Millicent Reasoner, Lady Julia and Lady Constance's maid," said the young

  Their conversation was interrupted by a scream from the direction of Julia. A
naked and wet Elena had Julia by the hair and was ripping off her tattered
dress. The garment came off with a loud rip revealing Julia's stark white chubby
body. Julia's large thighs were bruised a dark purple and there were more
bruises on her pendulous breasts. Julia placed her hands over her sex in a vain
attempt at modesty. Elena wrapped her arms around Julia and the two of them
tumbled into the pool.

  "I must get back to Lady Julia. She'll be very upset," said Millicent.

  "In this place, you should consider your service to the Stafford's at an end.
We are all the same here. I'm afraid Julia will have to learn to live as an
equal," said Ludivine placing her arms around Cynthia and Millicent and drawing
them closer. Ludivine gently kissed both girls on the lips. Ludivine felt
herself become sexually aroused as her lips kissed first Cynthia then Millicent.

  "It is in the gentle love of each other that we can take our greatest
pleasure," said Ludivine as the three women kissed one another. Ludivine was
surprised at the ardor the two demonstrated in returning her kisses, especially

  Julia had surfaced sputtering and screaming for Millicent. Elena placed her
hands on top of Julia's head and pushed her under the surface.

  Ludivine looked over to see that Betty was sitting on the bath steps with
Roxanne in front of her. Betty was talking quietly to the girl as she washed her

  "Come, let's wash your hair," said Ludivine swimming toward the steps.

  Elena placed her arm around a sobbing Julia and took her to the steps where
she forced her to sit down and proceeded to shampoo her hair.

  "This seems so wrong," cried Julia in a quiet voice once all the women were
relaxing together in the shallow part of the bathing pool.

  "It is wrong, dear Julia but it is what we do. We are not in London. We are
members of a harem and expected to act the part. They whip us if we resist. We
swim naked, have sex with any man who walks in here, often more than one at a
time. We also pleasure one another when we are bored which is every day," said

  "I can't bear it," wailed Julia. "I just can't bear it."

  "You'll learn. It's not so bad. How many pirates stuck their cocks there?"
said Elena placing her hand between Julia's legs and rubbing her sex.

  "I don't know. They sodomised us and forced us to use our mouth on their sex.
It hurt terribly when they forced their member inside my bottom. There were so
many," sobbed Julia squirming away from Elena's hand.

  "That means you are off to a good start, more cock than you can remember and
all orifices in service," said Elena. That remark caused the women to laugh.

  Later when the fifteen women were perched on the steps talking and washing,
Oliver and Ernest arrived. The six newcomers became agitated since they were
naked but Betty quieted everyone down and invited the two boys to join them. The
boys undressed and dove into the deep end of the pool. They swam to the shallow
end and joined the women where they were introduced to the newcomers.

  "The boys have the same privileges as the guards. They can have us when they
want," said Betty. "But I expect you two to leave the newcomers alone until they
are settled in. They are bruised and exhausted from their rape by the corsairs."
Betty had noticed that both boys had shown an immediate interest in Constance
Stafford and Cynthia Weston.

  "And who says that," demanded Julia.

  "Princess Aziza, " said Oliver. "She is the daughter of Karem Bey and the
first wife of Sir Charles Danby. She is our jailor and rules over the harem. You
must show her respect when she appears or you will be punished. Ernest and I
spend our nights in her boudoir. "

  "Surely not including your own sisters," said Julia. "That would be incest."

  "The Princess directed me to have both Elena and Ludivine on the same day.
Captain Rashad watched to make sure we followed the Princess's orders," said

  "As I recall, the Captain joined in," added Elena. "The Captain is quite

  "And well endowed," added Ludivine recalling the pleasant afternoon she had
spent servicing Earnest, Oliver, and Captain Rashad.

  "And I have lain with Louise who I love as sister and mistress," said Ernest
his arm around his sister

  "And I've had both of these young lads at once," laughed Betty. "It's a fine
way to pass an afternoon.

  "So have we all," added Rebecca Smythe reaching over to touch Ernest's cock.

  "Don't worry, Julia, you'll get your chance with Oliver and Ernest and even
Ahmed Zubaday," said Elena.

  "Who is this Ahmed Zubaday," sniffed Julia?

  "The guard with the largest cock I've ever seen. It's as big as your arm and
it hurts like the dickens the first time he sticks it in there," said Elena once
more sticking her hand between Julia's legs causing her to squirm.

   "I am truly among the most perverse and wanton group of Englishwomen that God
has ever put on this earth," complained Julia.

  "How long have you been in the harem," asked Lorraine as she rubbed her
breasts with oil. Ludivine found herself admiring Lorraine's dark red nipples.

  "Almost four months," said Betty.

  "And is this what they intend, to keep you here to service the fortress's
guards," said Constance.

  "Up until now, but I think they have other plans for us. I'm not sure what
they are but I suspect this is not our final destination as far as Sir Charles
and the Princess are concerned. We have been trained as harem girls. For the
most part, we are well-treated all things considered," said Ludivine.

  "It's a cage but a gilded one. Let's all rest for a few hours. The guards
begin to come after the evening meal. We'll try to get them to leave you six
alone for a day or two to let you recover from the rapes, especially Roxanne.
But if they want one of you, we cannot stop them but we will try to help," said

  "Help, how," said Julia.

  "Sucking his cock or playing with his balls or asshole while he fucks your
pussy. It all depends on what they like," said Louise. "Two of us can make a
guard give up his seed faster than one."

  "Oh my God," sighed Julia. "How could Englishwomen stoop to such depravity?"

  "I'll do my part tonight. I wasn't a virgin when the pirates took me. My parts
are sore but serviceable," said Lorraine Connors. "I just hope they don't bite."

  "I will also service my share. I am not sexually inexperienced," said Cynthia
Weston.  "Richard and I enjoyed each other before he was posted to Islamabad.
There I said it and I don't care. I love Richard and when he said he wanted me.
I gave myself to him willingly. Now, I'm ruined and he'll not have me even if I
should escape this horrible place. I have nothing left to lose." Cynthia at that
point burst into tears. Eliza Hamilton placed her arms around Cynthia and held
her as she sobbed.

  "We are all ruined my dear as far as society is concerned. We're damaged goods
through no fault of our own," said Eliza.

  "Me too, what's another rape at this point? No unattached serving girl escapes
the attention of the other members of the staff. I have been violated so many
times by my superiors, what's a few more," said Millicent.

  "What do you mean, Millicent," demanded an outraged Julia.

  "Miss Julia, a poor serving girl who goes into a great house must expect that
the older servants and male family members will take advantage of her," said
Millicent. "It cannot be avoided."

  "Name the members of the staff that have taken such advantage, now,
immediately," screamed an outraged Julia.

  "Roland Sykes, the head of household, he took my virginity the day after I
arrived.  Paul, the footmen, the stable hands, most of them, and Mrs. Marsh, the
cook, she likes young girls," said Millicent. "Those were the most recent, and
of course, there was Wilfred, the coachman. He really knew how to please a lady
with his mouth. He claimed to have learned that in France."

  "You perverted little whore, anyone else, you mentioned family," demanded

  "Your father, the Earl," said Millicent on the verge of tears but looking

  "You lying deceitful little strumpet, my father wouldn't touch a woman other
than my mother, his wife, especially a member of the lowest class," said Julia.

  "The Earl was very sweet to me. He always gave me a brandy and chocolate
before we did it. We enjoyed a bit of sport before he retired for the night.
Many nights, Mabel, the parlor maid, and I would climb up in bed with him and
have a go. Then the three of us would sleep together all warm in his great bed,"
said Millicent.

  "You lie. My mother would never have permitted that," said Julia reaching out
with her hand to slap Millicent.

  Ludivine's hand immediately shot forward to catch Julia's hand in mid swing.

  "We don't do that here, Julia. We've taken enough abuse from pirates and
Princess Aziza, keep your hands to yourself," said Ludivine slowly releasing
Julia's hand.

  "The Duchess knew. In fact she encouraged it. She was very much in love with
Lady Wellford. She told me she couldn't stand for the Earl or any man to touch
her," said Millicent.

  "You're discharged from my service," said Julia coldly.

  "Millicent was automatically out of your service when she arrived here. We are
all equals in the harem," said Ludivine.

  "Well, except for Lady Roxanne Trimble, my sister Constance and myself I see
now that I was traveling in the company of whores. It's our misfortune to arrive
in this place where women who have given their souls to the devil and openly
practice the most depraved of Godless sexual perversions. My sister and I will
keep to ourselves and not become a part of this filth," said Julia firmly.

  "I must acknowledge that I too am a fallen woman and was so before the
corsairs took me," said Constance.

  "What," demanded Julia. "You are still a child, only fifteen."

  "In the park when I was ridding I met an officer in the Lancers and fell in
love. I gave myself to him thinking he loved me," said Constance. "But he only
used me for his pleasure."

  "What, you gave yourself to officer, surely he wasn't a commoner, when and
where?" said an exasperated Julia.

  "At Prides Livery, at least the first time, later in his quarters many times,
his name is Captain Harry Dashwood and he is the handsomest and bravest officer
in his majesty's army.  He gained sway over me and I did what he asked. I became
his slave. I even allowed him to share me with another officer and a female he
brought. She was very beautiful and a lady," said Constance.

  "Major Wesley Huntington," offered Ludivine holding her tongue regarding
Caroline Huntington.

  "That's right, how did you know," said Constance?

  "I have heard that Captain Dashwood and Major Huntington are the best of
friends and often engage in such practices with their conquests," said Ludivine
recalling the scene and conversation she witnessed in Prides Livery.

  "Wesley Huntington, the most vile and evil man in London," said Julia. "You
know him Ludivine, somehow that doesn't surprise me."

  "I met him once at the last ball of the season. He is quite handsome," said

  "I wish he were here now," said Elena. "I have seen the Major and I would like
to find out if he lives up to his reputation."

  "He is huge and so is Harry. I let them have me at the same time," said
Constance with a wistful look in her eye. . "They tied me and the Lady to a
saddle and whipped us before we had intercourse. I was surprised that I was able
to take pleasure from it but the truth is I enjoyed what they did and begged
them to apply the crop more energetically."

  "Lucky, lucky, girl," said Elena. "I wish the two of them were here now to tie
me up, whip my bum, then take me savagely with no mercy."

  "Whore, strumpet, from this day forth, you are no sister of mine," said Julia
looking directly at Constance.

  "I will take you as a sister, then" said Louise putting her arm around
Constance's shoulders.

  "We will all be your sisters," said Katherine Smythe.

  "Enough everyone, let's get some rest," said Betty.

    It was after the evening repast that Princess Aziza arrived with Captain
Rashad in tow. After the customary deep bow and unison greeting, the Princess
instructed the women to be seated. Roxanne was seated between Sally and Anne
Claridge who each held one of her hands.

  "My husband and I have decided that with fifteen English whores in the harem,
our plans can go forward. Tomorrow will begin the next phase," said Princess

  "I am not an English whore. I am Lady Julia Stafford, daughter of the Duchess
and Earl of Leicester. My future father-in-law, the Duke of Cornwall is her
majesty' viceroy to India. I demand to be released and provided a suitable
escort to reach Bombay," said Julia in a defiant voice.

  "She's in for it now," whispered Elena to Ludivine. "I told the stupid cow to
keep her mouth shut."

  "Captain Rashad, remove the future Duchess' clothes and introduce her to the
punishment bench. Let's say fifty to start," said Princess Aziza. "Tell your man
to take his time. I expect to hear her scream each stroke of his whip. The rest
of you pair up."

  Captain Rashad issued orders to two of the guards. They immediately grabbed
Julia and pulled her kicking and protesting to the punishment bench where they
stripped her naked. Julia was all the while reminding everyone she was an Earl's
daughter and demanding they stop.

  The guards secured the protesting Julia over the punishment frame tightening
the restraints until she could barely move. Once Julia was secured tightly to
the bench, the Princess Aziza positioned herself at Julia's bottom. One of the
guards stood with the single strand whip unfurled waiting to begin as soon as
Princess Aziza stood aside.

  The Princess placed her hands on Julia's broad buttocks and forced them apart.
The Princess inserted a finger in Julia's asshole. Julia wailed in misery as she
felt the digit slide past her sphincter.

  "You have a hairy fat ass, Julia, and it's a little red. I can see that pirate
cock has been inside it," said Princess Aziza as her traced her fingers over the
tuffs of short curly hairs surrounding Julia's sphincter.

  "My father-in-law will have you drawn and quartered for this outrage,"
screamed Julia.

  The Princess responded by wrapping her fingers in the hairs around Julia's
anus and yanking them out in one swift motion. Julia screamed with all her
lungpower as she felt a fiery ring of pain around her rectum. Next, Princess
Aziza stuck her finger in her mouth to wet it then inserted it inside Julia's
rectum. The Princess slowly pushed fingers inside until they were buried. The
Princess worked a screaming Julia's hole for a few seconds; then withdrew her
finger, leaned down and spit on Julia's brown hole, then stuck three fingers in
a squirming Julia's ass. Julia howled in response.

  "My fingers have never been inside a Duchess's asshole. It feels the same as
any other," laughed Princess Aziza.

  "Remove your hand, immediately," screamed Julia.

  "You have a tight ass, Duchess, but before the evening is over, we'll loosen
you up a bit. The rest of you come forward and give me your opinion of our
Duchess's asshole."

 In response the women as directed by the Princess, inserted several fingers in
a wailing and crying Julia's asshole. Julia felt humiliated and enraged beyond
anything she could ever imagine. She was used to being shown the utmost
deference by others. The fact that Constance her own sister and Millicent, her
maid, followed the Princess's instructions to first land a large gob of spit
directly on her sphincter then insert several fingers to stretch her anal ring
added to her intense misery.

  "My father-in-law will come with a great fleet and blow every one of you and
your filthy pirate scum to hell," screamed a disconsolate Julia.

  "Your future in-laws will no longer have you. You are a ruined woman whose
holes have accommodated numerous corsairs and the fingers of every woman here.
No proper English family would want to be associated with you," said Princess
Aziza running her hand over Julia's sex spreading her labia and examining her
vagina and clitoris. Princess Aziza casually wet her fingers with her mouth then
traced a swirl around Julia's clitoris. Julia wailed in response.

  "Remove your hands. Stop it immediately, I am not a wanton slut like you and
the others," screamed Julia.

  "Good, you are still defiant. This is going to be enjoyable. I will take great
pleasure in making you into a harem girl eager to please any man with your sex,"
said Princess Aziza as she stepped aside and signaled the guard to begin Julia's

  The first blow of the whip came down hard on Julia's buttocks causing Julia to
scream. The whip left a red stripe that contrasted sharply with Julia's white
flesh. The guard began to slowly and methodically apply the whip leaving Julia
just enough time between strokes to recover her breath for a loud scream.

  Princess Aziza looked over the fourteen women and felt pleased. The women knew
that Julia would not be permanently damaged. There was a sense of anticipation
as they watched Julia's punishment.  They're sexually excited and that's exactly
what I wanted thought Princess Aziza.

  "Members of the Harem, you may relax and enjoy each other," announced Princess
Aziza. Immediately, the women looked to one another. Lorraine Connors moved
quickly to sit down beside Ludivine. The other women arranged themselves in
small groups. The Claridge twins moved to Roxanne and began kissing her.

   The Princess walked over to Constance Stafford as Julia's punishment
continued. Constance lowered her eyes in submission but the Princess placed her
hand under Constance's chin and raised her face upward.

  "How beautiful you are, my child. Your sister," asked Princess Aziza referring
to Julia?

  "Yes, Princess," responded Constance.

  "Was she not told to be quiet unless spoken to," said the Princess?

  "Yes, Princess but my sister is proud and finds it hard to obey the will of
others," said Constance.

  "I will teach her to be obedient and to follow my will.  What is your name
child?" said Princess Aziza.

  "Constance Stafford, Princess."

  "Constance, I will sit with you. We will watch together as she is made more
amiable. Do not concern yourself, as no permanent damage will be done. Excessive
pride is a sin according to the Prophet. Learning humility will improve your
sister's character," said Princess Aziza sitting down by Constance. Princess
Aziza placed her arm around Constance's shoulder and drew her closer.

  "Have you seen whippings before," said Princess Aziza reaching over to
unbutton Constance's top?

   "Yes, Princess, I have seen servant's whipped and others on occasion," said
Constance her eyes fixed on Julia's punishment.

  "And you found it exciting?"

  "Yes, Princess, very," said Constance staring intently at Julia's reddening
bottom. Each blow brought fresh screams. Vivid, red stripes appeared across
Julia's ass.

  "Please Princess, I was wrong. I will be in the harem and do as the others,"
pleaded Julia when the guard stopped for a moment to rest his arm.

  By the end of the first twenty strokes, Julia was begging Princess Aziza to
cease. From then on, Julia promised over and over again to become a harem girl,
an eager harem girl willing to service men with all her orifices. Princess Aziza
ignored Julia pleas.

  "Were you whipped yourself," said Princess Aziza?

  "Yes," said Constance turning her head to kiss Princess Aziza.

  "By a lover?"

  "Yes, he whipped my sex. I begged him to strike me harder. There was another
woman too. Our screams excited one another."

  "And you enjoyed it," said Princess Aziza massaging Constance's breasts with
her hand. She pulled and twisted Constance's nipple causing her to moan loudly.

  "Yes, very much, he whipped me hard between my legs, there were two of them.
They took me in both my holes; my lover shared me with a fellow officer, and
then allowed another woman to take her pleasure of me. I was in ecstasy," said

  "Look around you, see how they react like true harem girls," said Princess

  "Yes, but I am surprised, they are English," said Constance.

  "Find a nice English girl from a good family, a virgin perhaps, put her in a
place like this and see what she becomes," said Princess Aziza.

  Constance's eyes darted over a room filled with writhing female bodies. 
Lorraine Connors topped Ludivine's long torso. Constance could see Lorraine's
mouth and tongue greedily licking and sucking Ludivine's sex. Sally and Anne
Claridge were each suckling one of Roxanne's nipples. Roxanne was on her back
with her legs widely spread. There was a large circle of women chained together
each using their mouth to pleasure each other's sex. Betty had taken one of the
double-ended India rubber dildoes, inserted one end in her vagina and the other
in Cynthia Westford's. Betty and Cynthia were rhythmically forcing the double
dildo into each other's vagina as they ground their clitoris together.

    The guard assigned to whip Julia removed his shirt revealing a lean tanned
body. Constance glanced at the guard wishing he had whipped her and was about to
force his hard cock into her body.

    Julia's screams had aroused the sado-masochistic desires of the women. Her
loud cries followed by the pitiful pleas for the Princess to desist had
stimulated their sexual desires. The sound of the whip as it landed on her soft
flesh spurred their needs for sexual gratification. Julia's piteous screams
excited the most depraved urges of the harem. Eliza Hamilton was seated alone
using both hands to force a large dildo into her sex. A plug shaped dildo was
buried in her rectum stretching her anal ring. Eliza's eyes were closed and she
was imaging that she was the one being whipped. Eliza fantasized that Julia's
screams were her own and it was her bottom turning red. Eliza prayed that the
guards would follow the punishment with a savage and cruel gang rape.

  Julia's backside faced the seated women so they were able to watch as Julia's
buttocks, lower back, and hamstrings as they were slowly covered with vivid red

  "And they whipped you there," asked Princess Aziza placing her hand on
Constance's sex and rubbing it slowly.

  "Oh yes, I thought I would go out of my mind with pleasure," said Constance.

  "Remove your clothes and lean back," said Princess Aziza.

  Constance pushed her borrowed harem paints to her knees and then off. She laid
back on the chaise spreading her legs to give Princess Aziza complete access to
her sex. Constance felt her nether lips being parted. She gasped with pleasure
as a warm mouth applied itself to her love button and covered it with saliva.
The sharp blow of a tiny hand whip applied by Princess Aziza followed this

  "Did you find that pleasurable," asked the Princess as one more she applied
her mouth to Constance's clit that was still feeling the sharp sting of the

  "Yes, you may strike me harder, please," whimpered Constance.

  The force of the next blow took Constance's breath away. It took all her
self-control not to place her hands between her legs and grab her throbbing sex.

  "Look how wet you are," said Princess Aziza inserting and then removing two
fingers from Constance's vagina. They were covered in thick lubricant. Long wet
skeins hung from her fingers.

  "Here, taste yourself," said Princess Aziza offering the moist fingers to
Constance who immediately opened her mouth and sucked and licked the Princess'
glistening fingers. Constance lowered her body and burrowed her face into the
Princess's hairy mound. The Princess parted her labia and spoke to Constance.

  "Lick my hole and swallow my fluids," said the Princess placing one hand on
the back of Constance's head to press her face firmly against her sex.

    "Fifty strokes of the lash have been delivered, Princess," interrupted
Captain Rashad.

   "Put your cock in her mouth then inform the Duchess, she has a choice, either
swallow your piss or take another fifty blows," ordered Princess Aziza.

  Captain Rashad positioned himself at Julia's head on the other side of the
whipping bench. He reached down, embedded his hand in Julia's brown locks and
raised her head so she was looking directly at his cock.

  "The Princess has graciously offered you a choice," said Captain Rashad.

  "Please, no more, I can't stand it. I'm not used to pain," said a tearful

  "Either fifty strokes or you can allow me to pee in your mouth as you
swallow," said Captain Rashad as he rubbed his cock over her lips.

  "You mean actually swallow your urine?" asked an incredulous Julia.

  "Yes, others here have done it."

  "I can't do that. That's the most depraved and disgusting thing I've ever
heard of," said Julia.

  "Ahmad, fifty more," said Captain Rashad to the guard who was covered with

  "No, I can't take any more," whined Julia. "I'll die."

  "Then open up and prepare to swallow," said Captain Rashad pushing his cock
head past Julia's lips. It took a minute for the Captain to start his flow. He
began slowly. He had excellent control. He pissed a small amount then stopped to
allow Julia to swallow.

  "English whore," he whispered under his breath. The Captain enjoyed his
position of power over the English women. He considered the Princess a genius
for the manner she had cleverly turned proper English ladies into wanton sluts.
He noted with satisfaction that Julia managed to gulp down her first mouthful.
His bladder felt full and the fat slut had a long way to go he noted with
pleasure as he released another mouthful. It took several minutes for his
bladder to completely empty.

  "Now, suck my cock, English whore," said Captain Rashad pleased that Julia's
belly had taken on a roundness.

  "Ahmad, fuck her in the ass, make her feel it," said Captain Rashad to the
guard standing at Julia's rear. Without a minute's hesitation, Ahmad drove the
head of his cock past Julia's ring then buried his staff until his balls slapped
against her labia. Ahmad grabbed onto Julia's rotund hips and embedded his hands
in her fatty flesh as he began to pound away.

  After Captain Rashad and Ahmad finished with Julia, he ordered Oliver and
Ernest to penetrate her orally and anally.  After Oliver and Ernest, it was two
more of the guards. For the next two hours, Julia was assaulted by dozens of

  At the end, Princess Aziza walked over to Julia and spoke to her.

  "Have you learned your lesson?" asked Princess Aziza.

  "Yes, Princess," replied an exhausted Julia.

  "Good, now open your mouth and suck my pussy to prove your obedience."

  "Without hesitating, Julia started to lick the Princess's very wet vagina.

  After a few licks, Princess Aziza had each of the women step forward for Julia
to demonstrate her submission.  Julia had tasted the cunt of every woman present
by the time the evening ended.

  "Good, I suspect we will have no more trouble from the Duchess," said Princess
Aziza as she left. And in point of fact, Julia never again failed to eagerly
follow the Princess's orders.

Chapter 10   - Mutilation

Please take note! Adults Only Literature

The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for
adults only.

If you are an underage minor or offended by such material -or- if viewing this
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This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwise
is purely coincidental, etc.

Copyright 2003


  "Ouch," yelled Ludivine as the wizened Oriental gentleman, Lui Shao Chi,
brushed a thick orange paste over her pubic area. Ludivine released her breath
slowly in an attempt to control the fiery pain that accompanied the paste.

  It's not so bad decided Ludivine. I've experienced worse and not so long ago.
Ludivine recalled the mind destroying agony in her breasts as the needle like
teeth of the Malay tit press sunk into her flesh. She remembered her and Elena's
screams as they were slowly raised upward their entire body weight born by the
tight brass rings encasing the narrowed base of their breasts. Ludivine
shuddered at the recollection of such horrors.

  And of course there was riding that hawser that fateful day aboard the Bombay
Enterprise when she along with the others was raped. Ludivine couldn't decide
what was more painful. Both had seared into her soul a deep desire for revenge
against Sir Charles Danby. The death of her father added to her will to survive
so that one day she could return and make Sir Charles pay for all he had done.

   Ludivine already had a notion about how painful the paste was since she was
the fourth one to receive the treatment that Princess Aziza had that very
morning informed them would permanently remove all their pubic hair. Elena,
Betty, and Louise had loudly complained of the burning sensation but they
weren't screaming their lungs out or begging Master Lui to remove the paste. As
Ludivine felt the pain lessen, she understood that while it wasn't pleasant it
wasn't agonizing either.

   After what I went through with Sir Charles, I can handle this thought
Ludivine. The day had begun with the early morning appearance of the Princess
Aziza. The captives had not seen her for several days, although Oliver and
Ernest were still called to her bedchamber each night. Both boys had proven
reluctant to talk about what occurred there. Ludivine and Betty had been
discussing the boy's refusal to speak about their experiences right before the
Princess arrived.

  "I thought their visits would stop when Sir Charles returned. Does he watch
the boys have sex with his wife, the Princess? Perhaps he likes young boys too
and joins them," said Betty. "Of course, now he has sailed away once again."
Betty was referring to the departure three days before of the Bombay Enterprise
and four pirate ships from the harbor.

  "I thought the Princess was fucking the boys behind Sir Charles back but
apparently I was wrong. I asked Oliver if Sir Charles was with them at night and
he replied yes," said Ludivine. "But he wouldn't tell me what happened. He
absolutely refuses to tell us more about it."

  "Louise can't get anything out of Ernest either. But she did notice that her
brother smelled of perfume and she would swear he was wearing face powder and
rouge when he returned the other morning. When Louise asked him about it, he
became angry and rushed to the bath to wash," said Betty.

  "Have you noticed how they've let their hair grow long?" said Ludivine.

 "Good morning, whores," announced Princess Aziza as she imperiously walked into
the cell accompanied by Captain Rashad, four guards, an elderly oriental
gentleman, and two young Oriental females.

  "Good morning, Princess Aziza," responded the women captives in unison with
their heads bowed. Ludivine noted that Julia Stafford had been completely tamed
by her whipping. Julia bowed lowered than anyone when the Princess appeared.

  "This is Master Lui Shao Chi. Master Lui has been employed to transform you
into concubines. In his former capacity, he performed the same service for the
Chinese Manchu Emperor. He will begin by removing your pubic hair; a procedure
he tells me is somewhat uncomfortable but not really painful. You will go in
groups of four with Captain Rashad."

    Ludivine and three others in the first group were escorted to a separate
area of the Fortress where four waist high tables were waiting. The women were
instructed to remove their clothes and climb up on the table and lay on their
backs. Ludivine remained calm while she was tightly strapped to the table by the
two assistants. Broad leather straps over her forehead, arms, chest and upper
abdomen rendered her immobile. Next her legs were raised and bent toward her in
a V maximizing the exposure of her vagina and rectum. Her ankles and knees were
secured with wide leather strapping to hinged metal bars so that once raised and
set, she was held firmly in place.

   Another couple of inches and I could kiss my knees realized Ludivine
attempting to relax and accept her predicament.

  Ludivine's limited peripheral vision informed her that all of the women were
similarly restrained. It wasn't long before Ludivine fell warm water and soap
being applied to her pubic mound. Next she both felt and heard the scrapping of
a sharp razor as the assistants removed all her luxurious growth of curly red
pubic hair.

  It is unnatural for a woman not to have hair in that place thought Ludivine.
It could only be the practice of the Godless Chinese whose embrace of idols and
not the God of Christ Almighty leads them to degrade their bodies in this
fashion. If our missionaries ever manage to convert those heathers, these foul
perversions will come to a stop.

  Ludivine tensed when she felt the razor pass over the delicate tissue
surrounding her anus. But the young Chinese girls were skilled and not a single
nick or cut occurred on any of the women.

  After the assistants had shaved her sex and anus, Ludivine heard the other
women begin to complain as Master Lui proceeded to apply the paste. Ludivine had
been the last to receive the depilatory. When Master Lui came to Ludivine, she
felt his hands touching her sex then his fingers examining her clitoris. With
considerable effort, she was able to look down to see that he was bent over
looking closely at her clitoris. Master Lui spoke excitedly to his assistant and
they too hurried over to examine Ludivine's clitoris. The three spoke rapidly in
Mandarin as they examined her closely. Ludivine felt her clitoris being stroked
and pulled. That caused her to moan in pleasure. Her moans occasioned some
excitement among the three Chinese as they spoke rapidly in their language.

   Ludivine was aware that her clitoris was larger and more prominent than the
other female captives. She attributed this to her greater height.  After all,
none of the women reached Ludivine's shoulder and only Elena and Lorraine were
even chest high to Ludivine.

  Master Lui stopped his examination after a few moments and sent his assistants
back to their tasks. He began to carefully apply the paste to Ludivine from a
small pot, all the while humming a song in what Ludivine assumed was Mandarin.
He used a small brush to thoroughly paint Ludivine's privates.  Immediately the
burning sensation started especially in the tissue around her anus. After Master
Lui finished, he and his assistants left the room.  The burning slowly subsided
as the minutes passed.

  "Everyone all right," asked Betty? "My pussy was on fire at first but now it's
not so bad."

  "Yes," replied the other three.

  "At first, the area around my asshole fell like someone poured lamp oil on it
then set it aflame," said Louise. "But it's better now."

  The women were left alone for a time. Ludivine fell asleep only to awaken when
the assistants returned and carefully washed the paste away with warm water. The
procedure ended when the two assistants rubbed soothing oil over the women's
privates that took away even the slightest irritation left by the paste.

  She is quite beautiful thought Ludivine as the Chinese girl applied a warm wet
cloth to Ludivine's sex. I wonder what it would be like to have her in my arms.
Ludivine sighed with pleasure as the girl carefully wiped her clitoris. Ludivine
thought she detected a slight smile pass quickly over the girl's face. Ludivine
moved her hips slightly to push her clit more firmly against the warm cloth. All
of a sudden, Master Lui shouted something in Mandarin and the assistants quickly
finished with the women and removed their leather restraints.

  On the return walk to the cell, they passed the next group on their way to
Master Lui.

  "How was it," asked Kathy Smythe.

  "It stings but you'll survive," replied Betty.

  The four women rushed to the large mirror in the dressing area of their cell
shedding their clothes immediately.

  "I guess it will be cooler," said Betty looking at her hairless sex in the
mirror. Her fingers were holding her labia apart.

  "Less likely to attract lice," laughed Ludivine.

  "So this is how the Manchu Emperor expects his concubines to look," said

  "Somehow I don't think they are planning to make us a gift to the Emperor of
China," said Elena who was stroking her clit as she examined her hairless sex.

  "I think it's ugly," commented Julia who was seated nearby with her legs
spread and her labia separated by her pudgy fingers. Julia along with the other
five women who had recently arrived the Fortress had become fully integrated
into the harem. She took her turn pleasing the guards and eagerly participated
in the orgies when the Karem Bey's palace guards visited the Fortress.

   "I suppose it somehow makes you appear more available," said Ludivine
following Elena's lead and separating her labia to expose and rub her clit.

  "I don't know how anyone can be more available than we are," said Louise

  The women sat facing the mirror with their legs spread apart and masturbated.
They watched each other in the mirror until one by one each climaxed.

  "We are such sluts," laughed Betty the last to climax. Elena had predictably
been the first.

  The last group of women captives was finished by noon and the women were back
in their quarters relaxing when once again Princess Aziza appeared.  .

 All fifteen of the captives had made an effort to show off their hairless sex.
Ludivine and Lorraine joined by fourteen-year-old Roxanne had spent the
afternoon discovering that oral sex was enhanced by the complete removal of
pubis hair. That occasioned a lesbian orgy. Ludivine noted with satisfaction
that Julia and her former servant, Millicent, had engaged in a torrid session of
mutual oral pleasure that resulted in a sweaty climax that left both women
breathless. Julia had developed an eagerness to bury her face between
Millicent's thighs and slowly lick her to a climax.

  It was late afternoon when Princess Aziza appeared. The fifteen aroused
themselves for the required obsequious greeting.  Two guards were carrying a
large wooden chest that they placed near the Princess.  The women's curiosity
was instantly aroused.

  "Firstly, I'm here to check on Master Liu's work. Everyone lay on your on your
back with your sex exposed, grab your feet and pull them back to your chest,"
said Princess Aziza.

  Ludivine was the first person the Princess examined. She felt a sense of
humiliation lying on her back with her ankles in her hands while the Princess
casually spread her labia and examined her sex. Captain Rashad and the guards
stood nearby watching as the Princess pulled Ludivine's inner and outer labia
apart looking for a missed hair.

  "Excellent, not a hair, now roll over and hold your butt open so I can inspect
your ass, use your hands to part your buttocks," ordered Princess Aziza.

  Ludivine did as she was told reaching back to grasp her buttocks and spread
them widely for the Princess's view. Ludivine gasped when she felt the
Princess's fingers probing in her anus, pushing past her anal ring.

  "My husband informed me that you and your sister serviced the entire crew of
the Bombay Enterprise, over forty sailors and that half stuck their cocks where
my fingers are now," said Princess Aziza.

  "That is true, Princess Aziza," said Ludivine recalling the horrid events of
the previous week.

  "Sir Charles tells me you were a virgin until he burst your hymen was a marlin
spike the day he captured the Bombay Enterprise," said Princess Aziza placing
her other hand on Ludivine's sex and working several fingers around Ludivine's
increasingly wet cunt. The Princess used two fingers to stroke Ludivine's
clitoris while she slowly pushed two other fingers into Ludivine's vagina.
Ludivine gasped then moaned as the Princess's long fingers penetrated her sex.

  "Oh, yes, that also is true, Princess Aziza," said Ludivine feeling the
pleasure of contrasting her vaginal muscles around the two digits that were
slipping in and out of her sex.

  "You've come along way, Miss Townly, from virgin to wanton slut in a matter of
a few months. You react like a brothel girl to being penetrated. You certainly
get wet easily enough. Do you consider yourself a whore?" said Princess Aziza
manipulating Ludivine's clit while her fingers worked inside Ludivine's vagina.
The fingers of her other hand worked into Ludivine's rectum.

  "Yes, Princess, I am now a whore thanks to you and Sir Charles," said Ludivine
obviously in the throes of pleasure as she squirmed about attempting to force
the Princess's fingers further into her orifices.

  "Speak it more plainly for all to hear," said the Princess. Princess Aziza was
aware that Ludivine was the natural leader of the harem and by forcing her to
acknowledge her wantonness; she was effectively forcing all the women to
acknowledge it.

  "I am a whore, a slut, a wanton. I desire nothing more than a man's cock in my
body. I take my pleasure with women when cock is not available. My lust for
sexual depravity and perversion knows no bounds," said Ludivine. Ludivine them
moaned loudly as the Princess's long tapered fingers touched that special place
inside her vagina.

  "You certainly moan like a whore," said the Princess.

  "Yes, Princess," said Ludivine letting out another louder moan.

  "Unquestionably a whore," said Princess withdrawing her hands and stepping
away to examine the next woman. "Captain Rashad have one of the guards fuck this
whore while I complete my examination of the rest of the harem."

  Ludivine felt a keen sense of disappointment that the Princess had removed her
hands. But was more than pleased when a guard with a large cock fully aroused by
the Princess's manipulation of Ludivine's bare sex stepped forward, dropped his
pantaloons, parted Ludivine's labia with his cock head and forced himself into
her vagina. Ludivine breathed out a loud cry of satisfaction as the guard's cock
sunk into her. The Princess laughed at Ludivine's cry occasioning the other
members of the harem to follow suit. 

   While the guard fucked Ludivine, the Princess directed each of the women in
turn to assume the same position as had Ludivine. Their examination was more
cursory. It went quickly. Betty managed to reassure Roxanne to the point that
the young girl allowed the Princess to examine her in the same humiliating
fashion as the others. Roxanne in recent days had recovered from the trauma of
her father's death and her own capture and rape. While still somewhat fragile,
Roxanne with the active help of the Claridge twins and Betty' counsel had begun
to accept her role as a member of the harem.

  "Such a beautiful child, so small and perfect, what's your name, child?" said
Princess Aziza holding Roxanne's chin in her hands and looking into her eyes.
The Princess had examined Roxanne last and like with Ludivine her fingers had
stroked the young girl's sex to an aroused state.

  "Roxanne, milady," said Roxanne in a barely audible voice.

  "Well, Roxanne, I've brought you all a gift. Open the chest Captain," said
Princess Aziza. Captain Rashad hand signaled to one of his men who promptly
stepped forward and lifted the lid of the chest.

  "Now help me undress Roxanne and I will show you the wonderful things that
Master Liu has brought all the way from China," said Princess Aziza.

  Betty stepped forward to help Roxanne remove the Princess's gown. The Princess
was very beautiful and the exquisiteness of her body caused Betty and the others
to lick their lips and feel certain warmth between their legs. Ludivine was
still on her hands and knees with her fingers working her bare sex as the guard
pumped her pussy. Ludivine was able to reach back and cup the guard's large ball
sack as he approached his climax. Ludivine stroked her clit to bring on her own
climax as she sensed the flow of the guard's warm semen into her cavity. The
exhausted guard fell forward over Ludivine's back as she trembled and convulsed
in her own orgasm. Ludivine had noticed that her orgasms were more intense when
she was conscious of being watched. Ludivine attributed this depraved tendency
toward exhibiting herself during intercourse to some perversion of her basic
nature brought on by her circumstances. Ludivine still recalled how aroused she
was when she and Elena were forced to service the pirate crew of the Bombay
Enterprise. She recalled how energized she was when she looked at the long line
of men waiting to take her and how Sir Charles had sat quietly on the hatch
cover watching pirate after pirate dump his seed in her cunt and rectum until
they were overflowing.

  The women watched Princess Aziza walked over to the open chest and removed a
leather waist harness that contained two large flexible appendages. A collective
sigh went up from the captives when they realized the appendages were shaped
like a man's cock. The Princess stepped into the harness and tightened the
several buckles to where the harness was tightly secured to her waist and

  "Gutta percha or India rubber as it is better known," said the Princess
grasping the flexible cock in her hand and gently shaking it. The Princess
walked over to Ludivine and spoke.

   "On your knees, whore," said Princess Aziza.

  "Yes, Princess," said Ludivine quickly kneeling down in front of the standing
Princess. The India rubber cock was inches from her mouth.

  "Now suck it like it was Sir Charles' dick," said Princess Aziza.

  Ludivine leaned forward and took the head of the imitation cock in her mouth.
She was amazed at the resemblance to a real cock. There was a large mushroom
head and a vein covered shaft. There was a smaller cock below that Ludivine
could only assume was for anal entry.

  After Ludivine had debased herself sucking on the imitation cock, Princess
Aziza passed among all the members of the harem ordering them to kneel and suck
her cock. She came to Roxanne last.

  "Get on your back, Roxanne," directed Princess Aziza.

  Roxanne did as she was instructed. Princess Aziza placed the topmost cock at
the entrance of Roxanne's vagina and inserted the tip of the smaller and thinner
cock in Roxanne's anus. Carefully, the Princess lowered herself forcing the
cocks deeper inside Roxanne until the Princess's pubic mound touched Roxanne's.
Betty was pleased to see Roxanne place her feet behind Princess's Aziza's lower
back in order to draw both cocks deeper into her body. The women gathered
closely around the pair. Hands descended to groins and clitorises were coaxed
from their protective valleys of flesh as the Princess fucked Roxanne with the
two dildos. Before long, Roxanne reached orgasm emitting a shrill girlish cry of
pleasure as she grasped the Princess's body to her.

  "Even the youngest of the harem is a greedy little whore," commented the
Princess as she withdrew the glistening staffs from Roxanne's cavities.

  Ludivine noted that the two concubines of Master Liu had appeared from
somewhere and were standing by the open chest.

  "Whores, Mei Ling and Chi Zee will instruct you on the use of the other
instruments of pleasure in the chest," said Princess Aziza before leaving.

  The harem was amazed at the variety and quantity of the items in the chest.
The two Chinese began the instruction by inserting a string of eight soft India
rubber spheres all connected by a thong of leather into Betty's anus. Louise and
Cynthia performed oral sex on Betty until she began an orgasm. Mei Ling
demonstrated how to prolong and intensify Betty's orgasm by slowly withdrawing
the sphere's as Betty writhed and contorted in pleasure. Mei Ling and Chi Zee
demonstrated the use of ben-wa balls. The demonstration quickly turned into a
lesbian orgy as the women inserted anal dildo's in each other's rectums or
fastened dildo harnesses around their waists and assuming the man's role fucked
their partner to exhaustion.

  Ludivine selected a large double dildo from the chest. She buried one end deep
in her own vagina then forced Chi Zee onto her back and inserted the other end
of the dildo in the entrance to the girl's vagina.

  "Look into my eyes," commanded Ludivine to the delicate, porcelain
complexioned girl. "I want to watch as you take my cock." Ludivine drove the
dildo into Chi Zee until their clitoris rubbed. Chi Zee feeling the large warm
extended tube of flesh that constituted Ludivine's clit, went into a paroxysm of
lust and the two women clawed and writhed their way to an orgasm.

  The orgy ended in exhaustion sometime in the middle of the night. The next
morning, Ludivine and three others were once again summoned to Master Liu's
presence. The four were strapped to the tables this time more firmly than last.
Ludivine and the others had no inkling of what was to occur.

  Sir Charles appeared. Ludivine decided his pirate ships must have arrived
during the night. Sir Charles stood and watched as the women were restrained.
Master Liu passed among the women giving them a large tablespoon of a thick
brown honey like substance. When Master Liu approached Ludivine with a spoonful
of the mixture, Sir Charles stopped him.

  "No laudanum for that one. I want her to feel every agonizing minute of it,"
said Sir Charles.

  Master Liu appeared to want to argue with Sir Charles but though better of it
and put the jar aside.

  "Cut her first," said Sir Charles. "I want to watch the bitch suffer."

  Ludivine started to scream as she watched Master Liu and Chi Zee approach the
area between her widely separated and elevated legs.

  "Don't hold back on Ludivine. I want her hole exposed and ready so every man
will know her for a whore and slut," said Sir Charles with malice in his voice.

  Ludivine felt Chi Zee's delicate hands grab her outer labia and stretch it
outward. She watched in horror as Master Liu bent down knife in hand. Ludivine
began to scream as she felt the blade slice through the soft tissue beginning at
the top and proceeding downward. The pain was unbearable. When one side was
finished, Master Liu began to cut the other side.

  Through her pain filled eyes she saw Sir Charles take something from Master
Liu's hand. He held it upward. It was two long strands of bloody flesh, her

  "Your labium majus, Miss Townly. The Orientals mutilate whores in this
fashion. It makes it easier for the man to shove his cock into her hole," said
Sir Charles dangling the dripping pieces of carrion in front of Ludivine's face.

  "Eat it," said Sir Charles offering the flesh to Ludivine's whose mouth was
open as she screamed in agony.

  "Never," spat Ludivine in between waves of incredible pain.

  "Eat it or I'll have Master Liu cut your sister so she is no longer a woman.
The learned Master knows techniques that will render her sexless as an apple. I
wouldn't think Elena would choose to go on living without the pleasure of a male
cock," said Sir Charles once again offering the long strands of flesh to
Ludivine's mouth.

  Ludivine opened her mouth and accepted her own carrion. The intense pain in
her groin made it difficult to chew and swallow the raw tissue.  Sir Charles
watched with an amused look as Ludivine masticated then forcefully gulped down
her labium.

  "Now, Master Liu, take off her labium minor. And leave her nothing but an open
hole. I want the entrance to her cunt unimpeded so any man can drive his cock
inside without hesitating," said Sir Charles.

  The excision of her inner labia was even more painful than the outer. Once
again, Sir Charles forced her to consume her own flesh.

  "Now, Master Liu will free your clitoris so it extends like a man's cock. It
will heighten your need for sexual sensation to the point that it becomes your
obsession," said Sir Charles.

  Ludivine fainted when she felt the knife slice into the area close to her
clitoris. The last words she recalled were Sir Charles commenting to Master Liu,
"When she's well, I'll be able to suck that like it was a cock."

  Ludivine awoke two day later in horrible pain. Chi Zee promptly gave her a
large dose of laudanum. That deadened the pain and returned her to sleep.

  It was a week before Ludivine and the others could exist without the laudanum.
It was another week before the women were able to move about. Kathy Smythe
almost died from an infection. By the end of the second week, Ludivine felt well
enough to examine her sex in the mirror.

  When she managed to stumble to the large wall mirror in the harem's dressing
room, she found Betty sitting on a bench with her legs spread examining her sex.
Betty was quietly crying.

  "Hugh wouldn't have me if I did manage to return to England. No man would. I'm
what they call a cut whore. There's nothing lower on God's earth," said Betty
looking in the mirror. Her vagina entrance was open and exposed. Her clitoris no
longer had to be aroused to leave its protective sheath. It was plainly visible.
Ludivine saw that her own vagina appeared as a small open black hole in the
mirror. There was a three-inch clitoris overhanging the hole.

 Ludivine wrapped her arm around Betty and the two of them cried together. The
other women slowly joined them. Each was incredibly distraught by the mutilation
of their sexual organs. Among the very last to join them was Elena.

  "This is fantastic. No more having to reach down and guide their peckers in,"
said Elena looking excitedly at herself in the mirror. "Plus it will be easier
for two cocks to find their way inside."

  At that point, the other women began to laugh through their tears. 

Chapter 11    - Brothel Boot Camp

Please take note! Adults Only Literature

The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for
adults only.

If you are an underage minor or offended by such material -or- if viewing this
file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story

This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwise
is purely coincidental, etc.

Copyright 2003


  "That's not possible," said Ludivine looking at the drawing of three men
having intercourse with a single woman. The woman was bent like a pretzel,
almost in the headstand with her legs spread and bent toward her head. "My back
would break. Just because it can be drawn, that does not mean it's possible in

  "You are wrong. I will demonstrate," said Sithra slipping off her silk
trousers to reveal her nakedness. Ludivine found the dark Indian skin attractive
and wished that her lips were again caressing the dark flesh that surrounded
Sithra's vulva.

  It had been three months since Master Liu had carved off the captives' labia
and modified the flesh around their clitoris to free their pleasure center from
its enfolding tissue. It took a full month for the incisions to heal. But as
soon as the women regained the use of their sexual organs, they made a startling

  "My God in heaven, what an orgasm," exclaimed an exhausted, sweat-covered
Elena, the first one to chance masturbating her still healing flesh. The women
had watched anxiously when Elena sat by the pool with her sex on display and

  "Sore or not, I'm going to pleasure myself. I haven't had a proper fuck in a
month and I need to see if everything still works down there," Elena leaned back
on a chaise with her legs spread. She stuck two fingers in her mouth to wet them
then carefully slid them down each side of her now extended clitoris and stroked

  "Does it hurt?" asked Louise.

  "It's a little tender but the feeling is more intense since they cut away my
flesh," said Elena. The women could see her open vagina began to rhythmically
open and close as Elena's clitoris turned a darker pink and began to swell.

  "My body is somehow different. The sensations are more intense. My nipples are
so hard they hurt," whispered Elena between clinched teeth.

  The other women watched intently as Elena increased the intensity of her

  "What's it like?" said Betty her moistened fingers descending gingerly to her
own love button.

  "This is amazing. The erotic sensation is much greater than before. I feel
everything so intently. My clit is functioning like a man's cock. Its
sensitivity has increased enormously. My next real fuck is going to be
spectacular," said Elena smiling broadly as her fingers gathered speed.

  "Let's see if my pussy still works," said Elena inserting two fingers of her
other hand into her vagina. The women watched in amazement as Elena's vagina
closed tightly on the fingers. Several drops of clear fluid emerged from Elena's
cunt flowing on to her hand.

  "It's magic, it is. I'm so wet and ready," gasped Elena.

  "So Master Liu was right. It will increase our pleasure when they are raping
us," said Julia.

  "Rape, don't be ridiculous Julia. You'll be the rapist once you have a man's
cock inside your new pussy. This looks so yummy I can't resist," said Lorraine
as she bent down to lick Ludivine's clitoris that had stood to attention all on
its own as Ludivine watched her sister masturbate.

  "Oh that does feel divine. Is this what a man feels when we suck him off?"
breathed Ludivine adjusting her legs to allow Lorraine greater access.

  "Please allow me to be the first to suck you off. I'll be gentle," said
Lorraine looking up into Ludivine's face as she licked the tip of Ludivine's
four-inch clitoris.

  "Yes, all right," breathed Ludivine spreading her legs even wider and
marveling how Lorraine's mouth was creating such irresistible sensations.

  "Millicent, now," said Julia spreading her legs as she commanded her former
maid to suck her clitoris. Julia rolled over on her back, grabbed the inside of
her feet and pulled them upward and wide apart. Her fat little clit and
wide-open vagina were on display. Millicent had been born to service and she
found the habit of obedience to Julia hard to break. Millicent moved quickly to
occupy the space between Julia's chubby thighs. She placed the tip of her tongue
against the now very exposed button of flesh and applied a gentle lick.

  "Oh yes, suck my girl cock," hissed Julia grasping her nipples and twisting
them. "More, more, and harder," she urged her former servant.

  Ludivine's mind and body filled with erotic pleasure as Lorraine's warm mouth
engulfed her clitoris and began a gentle sucking process. Ludivine moaned as she
felt Lorraine's tongue swirl around this highly sensitized pillar of flesh.
Ludivine released a loud sigh when Lorraine licked around her now open vagina
then pushed two long fingers inside to stimulate Ludivine's G-spot.

  "I'm a German whore for life," exclaimed Betty when Cynthia's mouth engulfed
her pleasure center.

  Betty's remark was punctuated by loud shrieks of carnal arousal coming from
Roxanne and the Claridge twins who had formed themselves into a three-member
chain and were shrieking their erotic responses to the intense stimulation their
now completely exposed girlish buttons were providing.

  All the harem's occupants began using their mouths to pleasure one another.
Ludivine changed positions so that she and Lorraine were mutually giving each
other oral pleasure. In only minutes after Elena had shown the way all the
captives had experienced powerful orgasms that in spite of their intensity left
them unsatisfied and longing for a man between their legs.

  "Where are the guards?" shouted Betty. "I need a fuck and I need it now."

  While the other women were engaged with one another, Elena had walked on
wobbly legs to the chest of love tools that Princess Aziza had provided and
selected a large dildo. Elena placed the flat end of the dildo on the floor,
inserted the cock end in her opening and using her legs slowly lowered herself
until the sizeable pleasure instrument had completely disappeared inside her
vagina. Elena reached into the chest, selected an equally sizeable anal plug and
forced it inside her sphincter.

  'This is better too. It's all better now," screamed Elena as she raised her
body then once again lowered it with more force, all the time pushing in then
extracting the anal plug from her rectum.

  By nightfall, the guards had discovered that the harem was once again
accepting visitors. When Captain Rashad came to investigate, Ludivine walked
quickly toward the Captain, tumbling him back on a divan as she reached between
his legs to free his hardening cock. Vigorous and energetic applications of her
mouth quickly produced an erection. Without hesitating, Ludivine mounted the
Captain intent on feeling the acute sensation of her newly sensitized flesh as
it engulfed his member. The feeling was so powerful that Ludivine swore that
Satan himself must have possessed her soul since only the devil could possibly
offer such irresistible pleasure of the senses.

   I would sell my soul for the feelings that are coming from my sex thought
Ludivine.  Who would have thought such physical pleasure was possible though
Ludivine as the Captain's strong hands squeezed her breasts creating a fiery
sensation that made them throb with ecstasy. Ludivine's finger clutched her
hardened nipples, stretched them outward and applied pressure until the pain
grew so intense that she was forced to stop. Taking a deep breath to gain some
semblance of control, Ludivine positioned her clit so it rubbed against the wiry
pubic hairs of the Captain's groin. An orgasmic wave of pleasure swept up from
between her legs moving like a giant ocean wave until it reached the very tips
of her fingers and toes.

  I can feel it in the pads of my fingertips thought Ludivine. Ludivine
discovered that further friction between her projecting clit and the Captain's
hard pubic mound generated even greater sensations of pleasure. It was so
intense that Ludivine's focus on that projection of nerve ganglia between her
legs excluded all other feelings. It was only when the Captain orgasmed and she
felt his warm semen splatter inside her vagina that she opened her eyes and saw
that the Princess Aziza had arrived and was watching her closely.

  "I see Master Liu had earned his fee," commented the Princess as she observed
the writhing and twisting bodies of the harem. Moans, sighs, and loud hisses
filled the room as the women orgasmed time and time again.

  "Captain, bring your men to order before these whore fuck them to
unconsciousness," said the Princess when she tired of observing the harem.

  Captain Rashad required a few moments to extricate his men from the women.
When Ludivine had gathered her senses, she saw that there were three dark
skinned Hindu women standing at the entrance to the harem. Even more surprising
was the presence of two young fair skinned girls dressed in harem attire. It
took Ludivine a few seconds to recognize that the two girls were Oliver and
Ernest and that they both looked very unhappy to be there dressed as females.
Ludivine also noted that the two made quite pretty young girls and she even felt
a moment of lust toward her brother in feminine garb.

  Why are they dressed as harem girls wondered Ludivine? Then it dawned on her
that converting the boys into boy-whores had been part of the Princess's plan
since the start. It explained the long hair, the make-up and as she and Betty
had recently observed when the boys were swimming naked in the pool, the removal
of their body hair.

  "They must have used the same ointment on their pubic hair. Their sex is as
hairless as ours," observed Betty at the time. Oliver and Ernest were playing
with the Claridge twins and Roxanne in the shallow end of the pool. Ludivine
knew that such playfulness was only a precursor to there having sex with the
younger female captives.

  "But why?" said Ludivine.

  "Perhaps it's a Muslim custom," said Betty unable to fathom the mystery.

  "It certainly hasn't lessened their appetite for the twins and Roxanne," said
Ludivine noting that Roxanne was sucking Oliver's cock underwater.

  "Nor theirs for Oliver and Ernest," said Betty.

  "This is Sithra, she is to be your instructor in the art of love. Sithra
learned her craft in the most holy of Hindu temples. She along with her
assistants will transform you seventeen from ordinary whores to exceptional
whores," announced Princess Aziza after Captain Rashad had restored order.

  "But Princess, there are only fifteen of us," said Betty.

  "Oliver and Ernest will now join the harem as boy-girls. There are many men
who sail that develop a preference for young boys dressed as women," said
Princess Aziza. "Training in the pleasure and entertainment arts will commence

  Afterwards, when Oliver and Ernest had remained, they revealed to the others
how that for the last few months, they had been dressed as women each night they
had gone to the Princess Aziza's quarters. At first, they had sex only with the
Princess but when Sir Charles returned, he and several of the guards had
sodomised them each night. Then the Princess had made them wear harem dress and
taught them to make up their faces and even dance as girls.

  "We're sodomites," said Oliver forlornly to Ludivine and Elena.

  "You are still our dear brother. We have all been forced to act in accordance
with the plans of Sir Charles and the Princess. None of us are acting of our
free will," said Ludivine.

  "The Princess says that if we ever again dress as men, she will have us
whipped," said Ernest.

  "Well, you make a very pretty girl, Ernest," said Louise.

  "And that doesn't mean you can't have us as men when you want," said Sally
Claridge reaching between Ernest's legs to fondle his cock.

  The next morning, Sithra began their instruction using a large illustrated
book she called the Kama Sutra.  In the afternoons, the captives were taught
erotic dances that Sithra had learned in the Tantric temple of Vishnu. The
training had gone on for weeks beginning with the art of pleasing a man's cock
with your mouth and ending with complicated triple penetration positions whose
practicality Ludivine had just questioned.

. Most evenings Sithra and her assistants had joined the captives in the harem
and instructed them how to refine their use of their newly taught skills to
please the visiting guards. After the guards had departed in an exhausted state,
Sithra had instructed the captives how to better please one another. Sithra,
Lorraine and Ludivine slept together after they had used the contents of the
chest to pleasure one another.

  Sithra could easily perform each of the positions of sexual intercourse
described in the Kama Sutra. When Ludivine commented that the position for
triple penetration illustrated in the large volume was not humanly possible,
Sithra lay down on her back and raised her legs and bent them toward her until
her feet touched the ground above head. Her knees were right beside her ears.
Her bottom was pointed straight toward the ceiling.

  "Good God, Sithra, you could eat your own pussy," said Elena.

  "Now, Ahmad, Rashi, Moshe, enter me," ordered Sithra to the three guards
standing nearby. They too were naked. Louise, Betty, and Rebecca were on their
knees sucking their cocks to maintain their erection.  Moshe knelt over Sithra's
mouth pushing his cock between her lips. Ahmad took a standing position at her
rear and used his hand to push his hard wet cock past Sithra's anal ring and
then deeper into her rectum. Ahmad straddled her legs and slipped his long thin
cock into Sithra's vagina.

  "Now fuck me without mercy," commanded Sithra. 

  The captives watched as the three guards commenced to slam their hard cock
into the Indian girl. It was only a matter of minutes until one by one they
emptied their seed into her orifices. The captives clapped loudly when the three
guards finished and Sithra was helped to her feet.

  As a last step, the fifteen captives had been taught four positions for triple
penetration. Over the course of the two-month training period, the members of
the harem had honed their skills for both giving and receiving pleasure to a
remarkable extent. Ludivine had emerged as a mesmerizing dancer. Roxanne had
surprised everyone with her oral skills. Elena's energy and drive had made her
the ultimate whore. Betty had developed not only an appetite for anal
intercourse but also a powerful set of muscles in her buttocks that could
squeeze a man's cock until his semen burst into her rectum. All the women
including Julia had acquired a rapacious appetite for sexual intercourse in all
its varieties and forms that amazed these former Victorian ladies.

  "Princess Aziza has transformed us, without exception. Even Julia and Roxanne
don't hesitate of offer themselves to any man that enters," remarked Ludivine to
Betty and Lorraine.

  "I wouldn't have thought it possible," said Lorraine. "Before I arrived, I
preferred women to men but now I love both equally and the site of a large hard
cock turns my knees to jelly and I tumble backwards offering myself eagerly."

  "If I ever get back to England and my Hugh, I wonder how I will live with only
one man for sex. I'm so used to servicing all these guards. I'll become known as
a whore and a disgrace to my family," said Betty.

  "We're going to return home one day Betty, then we'll worry about how to stay
satisfied without fucking every man in London," said Ludivine.

Chapter 12    - Capture By The Khan

Please take note! Adults Only Literature

The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for
adults only.

If you are an underage minor or offended by such material -or- if viewing this
file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story

This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwise
is purely coincidental, etc.

Copyright 2003


  The roar of the crowd and the bright Sudanese sun startled Major Huntington
and the thirteen other survivors of his detachment. They had spent the last
three days in the semi-darkness of Mohammed Khan's dungeon and the bright
morning sun caused them to shade their eyes. The whips of their jailors had
driven them out into the large square where the Dervishes publicly tortured and
executed their prisoners.

  When Major Huntington eyes recovered enough to focus on his surroundings, even
his normally brave personage suffered a moment of fear. There were tens of
thousands of fanatical dervish warriors along with the ordinary citizens of
Khartoum gathered to see the fate of the English

  "This may be it for us, Harvey," said the Major to his second Captain Harvey

  "Think they'll do it quick or have their fun with us, Major" said Captain

  "With this size crowd, they'll make a show of it. They're here to enjoy the
performance," said the Major.

  The square covered several acres. There was a raised stone platform in the
center. An amphitheatre bordered one half of the square with the end section
containing an area that the Major supposed based on the opulence of the
furnishings was for Mohammed Khan himself. A double rank of the Khan's personal
guard lined the square keeping the crowd at bay. Merchants hawked food between
the aisles. The Major noted there was something of the same holiday air that one
might find in London first Saturday of the month when criminals were hanged
outside the Old Bailey.

   Thousand of Khartoum's elite were seated in the filled amphitheatre and many
more thousands stood in the other half. The crowd was screaming obscenities at
the captives and making gestures.

  As the captives were marched toward the center platform that the Major took to
be their place of execution, his mind recalled the events of the last week.

  The Major had been assigned to lead an extended reconnaissance of Lancers in
the general direction of Khartoum. The objective was to locate Mohammed Khan's
Dervish Army. Leaving Port Sudan with a detachment of thirty-six they had ridden
uneventfully along the banks of the Nile. They had encountered no followers of
Mohammed Khan or his Dervish Army in five days and were lulled into a false
sense of security. They were skillfully ambushed in a deep ravine. The Dervishes
had fallen on them so quickly there had been no chance to assume a defensive
position. Within seconds, Major Huntington and the others were pulled from their
mounts. The captive Lancer's arms were tied behind their back over limbs chopped
off a nearby Eucalyptus tree.

  The dervishes captured unwounded sixteen of the thirty-six Lancers. They
unhesitatingly cut the throats of the five wounded.  The sixteen were tied
together by a rope around their necks and forced marched for five days to
Khartoum where they were imprisoned in the dungeon of Mohammed Khan. Two of the
Lancers succumbed to thirst and exhaustion during the march. After arriving, the
fourteen survivors were left to themselves for three days. Sufficient food and
water were provided to revive their spirits and allow them to partially recover
from the ordeal of the march.

  At the end of the first day in the dungeon, Major Huntington had revived
sufficiently to examine his surroundings. He was surprised to discover in the
adjoining cell a solitary fellow Englishman.  At least that was what he appeared
to be from his clothes. The Major noted that while his civilian attire was dirty
and tattered, it was the product of a good English tailor. It reminded him of a
bespoke suit he had tailored in Saville Row prior to his departure for the

  The tall fair skinned man repeatedly refused to answer when Major Wesley
inquired as to his name. After expending considerable effort, Major Wesley
ceased his attempts at communicating with the gentleman. It was toward evening
when the guards delivered water and food that Major Wesley and Captain Dashwood
witnessed something they truly considered bizarre. 

  After the kettle of unappetizing victuals was passed through the bars to the
gentleman, two guards exposed themselves positioning their cocks between the
bars. Without hesitation, the gentleman dropped to his knees and took one of the
cocks in his mouth. The Lancers watched and listened as the gentleman noisily
and enthusiastically used his hands and mouth to get the guards hard. The
gentleman applied himself skillfully to his task and before long; the guard's
body motion and cries signified that they had ejaculated in the gentleman's

  The Major knew enough Arabic to understand that the previously silent
gentleman was thanking the guards profusely for the opportunity to swallow their

  "My God, Major, he's sucked off their bloody dervish dicks just like a
Cheapside whore," whispered Captain Dashwood.

    "I heard him speak to them. But I couldn't get a word out of him," said the

   "He knows their lingo," said Captain Dashwood.

   "He must speak Arabic," said Major Huntington who had managed to learn a
little of the language himself.

  The British officers watched in silence as the gentleman applied himself to
the task of licking clean their cocks all the while expressing his thanks for
the opportunity. The jailors smiled and laughed as the gentleman switched from
one cock to other until both jailors were licked clean.

  The jailors then gave the gentleman further orders that occasioned him to tilt
his head back with his mouth open. The two jailors laughingly directed two
streams of piss toward the man's open mouth. Much landed in his face, hair and
elsewhere but a goodly amount found its mark and the bobbing of the gentleman's
Adams apple attested that he was swallowing 

  The two jailors allowed the gentleman to lick the yellow drops off the tips of
their penises before they left.

  "He can't be English or a gentlemen. No Englishman would perform such acts
with these filthy heathen," remarked Lieutenant Kenneth Eversole disgustedly
when the jailors had departed. The gentleman was now standing wiping drops of
urine from his face with his sleeve.

  "Oh, your time will come my young friend. You will beg them to piss in your
mouth, even defecate if they want," spoke the gentleman in a Midlands accent.

  "Major Wesley Huntington, 12th Lancers, of whom do I have the pleasure," said
Major Huntington offering his hand through the bars, taking advantage of the
opportunity to communicate.

  "Roger Chumley, actually Viscount Chumley," answered the gentleman taking the
Major's hand. The Major ignored the fact that the Viscount's hand was still damp
from jailor's urine.

  "And how do you come to be in Mohammed Khan's care," asked Major Huntington.

  "Doing a bit of exploring, seeking the source of the Nile, I had heard
Mohammed Khan was a learned man with an interest in natural phenomena. When we
reached Khartoum, we made the mistake of paying a call on his majesty,"
responded the Viscount.

  "We," questioned Captain Dashwood.

  "Yes, my wife, Estelle, her sister Eloise and her husband Randall, my late
brother-in-law," said the Viscount.

  "You brought your bloody wife and sister-in-law to this place, are you daft
man," exclaimed Captain Dashwood.

  "The wives insisted on accompanying Randall and myself," said the Viscount
matter of factly. "You don't say No to those two."

  "Something went amiss," inquired Lieutenant Eversole.

  "It seems that Mohammed Khan has a fancy for English women. He added Estelle
and Eloise to his harem. They're twins you know, quite lovely. Same as two peas
in a pod they are. He imprisoned Randall and myself."

  "And what befell your brother-in-law?" asked Major Huntington.

  "An awful run of bad luck, Randall suffered a heart attack while Kedif was
cutting off his balls," said the Viscount.

  "Kedif" said Captain Dashwood.

  "Mohammed Khan's chief torturer and executioner. You'll meet him soon enough.
He runs things here, a very religious man and quite skilled. His father had the
job before him."

  "That's good to know," said Captain Dashwood.

  "How long have you been here, Viscount," asked Lt. Eversole uncertain whether
the Viscount had descended into madness.

  "Not sure, any idea of the date," said the Viscount.

  "May 23rd," said Captain Dashwood.

  "Almost two months to the day," said the Viscount.

  "You said that we would be more than willing to do whatever they asked
including what we just saw you do. Can you explain that?" said Lieutenant

  "Depends on whether you want to keep your balls old man. The Dervishes think
the worst thing that you can do to a man is to cut off his testicles. A man with
no nuts cannot go to heaven and enjoy the virgins promised by Allah or some
heathen nonsense like that. They delight in the act and make quite a show of

  "Yes, we've heard that but thought it was a rumor. It seems so incredibly
uncivilized and savage," said Captain Dashwood.

  "Nothing's too savage or uncivilized for this bunch. Kedif is the man when it
comes to that sort of thing and he enjoys his work. He proclaims that he is
doing the will of Allah and that the more an infidel suffers the greater Kedif's
place will be in heaven."

  "This Kedif castrated your brother-in-law?" said Major Huntington.

   "He was only haft castrated due to circumstances beyond Kedif's control.
Kedif slowly sliced off one ball then cauterized the wound with a hot iron. Then
he disappeared for a spot of lunch and noon prayer at the mosque. When poor
Richard saw him coming back for its mate, his heart gave out, dead as a
mackerel. Kedif cut it off anyway, I suppose he likes to stay in practice," said
the Viscount.

  "But you've managed to keep yours," said Major Huntington.

  "Pretended to be daft, I decided early on to survive even if it meant sucking
Dervish cock. Those chaps are into buggery too, all kinds of such old school
business, you know."

  "So they have sodomised you too," sad Lt. Eversole.

  "Innumerable times, you had better get used to the idea that you will engage
in the crime that dare not speak its name or you can let Kedif cut your nuts
off," said the Viscount. "The truth is the old bastard much prefer to snip off
the family jewels to sticking his cock in your ass."

  "No bloody dervish bastard is going to stick his unchristian prick in my bum,"
announced Lt. Eversole firmly.

  "Suit yourself my boy. They seem to have their own idea on how to have fun
with us. But those of us who survive learn how to play their game," said the

  "And your wife and sister-in-law are still live?" asked Captain Dashwood.

  "Oh yes, Mohammed Khan seems to be quite taken with the pair. The last time I
saw Estelle and Eloise, they were being taken to Mohammed Khan's bed for a
little of the old in and out. Afterwards they've remained by his side according
to the jailors. In matters of the boudoir the twins are quite talented."

  "And you didn't object when your wife and sister-in-law joined him in bed,"
asked Lt. Eversole with a tone of amazement.

  "Nothing to do but keep a stiff upper lip, old man," said the Viscount. "I
suppose the ladies are doing what they have to in order to survive just as I
fall down on my knees when they pull out their Mohammed loving dicks."

  Major Huntington had already decided that Viscount Chumley was the best
example of an upper class English twit he had ever encountered. The very idea of
bringing two British women to Khartoum and then introducing them to Mohammed
Khan was extraordinarily stupid. Mohammed Khan had the reputation of keeping an
extensive harem of European women. If the two women were young, attractive
identical twins there chances of not being added to his harem were nil. The Khan
was known throughout Arabia for his practice of depravity and perversion.

  Major Huntington and the other Lancers learned little more from the Viscount
other than he had been whipped repeatedly and forced to perform various sexual
acts with the jailors. Major Huntington suspected that the events that had
befallen Viscount Chumley had rendered him mentally suspect.

  This opinion was reinforced when the very next night along with supper, four
of the jailors entered the Viscount's cell. They spent over two hours leisurely
performing acts of sodomy and oral sex. While the jailors had been busily
pounding their cocks into the Viscount's rectum, they gestured toward the
Lancers indicating their time would come.

  "Soon, you too," yelled one of the jailors toward the Lancers. At the moment
his cock was buried in the Viscount's ass. The Viscount was making noises like
he was enjoying himself immensely. After the jailors had satisfied themselves
and left, the naked Viscount came close to the Lancer's cell then bent over
presenting his separated buttocks.

  "I'm not bleeding, am I?  Karem, that's the tall one with the bad eye, has the
cock of a Jersey bull. And it's as thick as a man's arm.  I thought he was going
to split my ass wide open, " said the Viscount looking through his knees at the
Lancers who in turn were staring at his much used sphincter.

  "No, no blood, just a little red, none at all," said Major Huntington looking
at the Viscount's distended anus that was dripping the ejaculate of the jailors.

  "Good, I've toughened up considerably since they started with me. I used to
bleed like a stuck sow every time I had to accommodate one of the larger
jailors. Of course I fagged two terms for upperclassmen at Harrow but that was
altogether different," said the Viscount with an air of satisfaction.

  The jailors had left Viscount Chumley in his cell that morning when they came
to fetch the Lancers and take them to the square.

  "There must be a hundred thousand of them here to watch us," said Captain
Dashwood looking around the square.

  "Wonder what that's for," said Lt. Eversole gesturing toward a number of
odd-looking chairs nearby.

  "Us," responded the Major guessing they were instruments of torture.

  "Clothes off, English," demanded the leader of their jailors snapping his whip
for emphasis.

  "Might as well, gentlemen, let's show them some English dick, " said the Major
speaking with a hubris he didn't really feel as he began unbuttoning his tunic.

  The crowd roared as the Lancers shed their uniforms. When the Lancers were
completely naked they were separated into four groups. Each group was taken to a
different side of the rectangular platform and chained standing between two
posts. Their wrists and ankles were tightly shackled between the two uprights.

  Major Huntington, Captain Dashwood, Lieutenant Eversole, and Lieutenant Carson
found themselves facing the portion of the amphitheatre that contained the
throne of Mohammed Khan. The Major saw what he took to be the ruler seated on
the throne. Seated at his feet were two very attractive females, obviously the
Viscount Chumley's twins. They were fair skinned, blue-eyed English blondes. 
They were wearing some sort of pantaloons and their r breasts were uncovered.
That's a bit of all right thought the Major looking at Estelle and Eloise. 
Under different circumstances, I'd like to have a go ay those two myself.

  They were laughing and talking gaily with Mohammed Khan as they fed fruit to a
half dozen small monkeys scurrying around the throne restrained by leashes.

  "Whores, English whores," shouted Lieutenant Carson bitterly.

  One of the twins must have overheard because she turned toward Lieutenant
Carson then said something to her sister as she pointed him out.

  "Filthy fucking English whores," screamed Lieutenant Carson even louder when
he realized he had their attention.

  "Be quiet, Lieutenant," cautioned Major Huntington noting that Mohammed Khan
was staring at the Lieutenant.

  "What does it matter? We're done for anyway," sobbed the Lieutenant.

  Major Huntington watched as Mohammed Khan spoke to a nearby servant who then
hurried to speak to another courtier. Within moments, the word arrived at the
platform. Two burly guards seized Lieutenant Carson and pried his mouth open
with small pieces of wood. A wizened dirty man stepped forward with a pair of
tongs. He captured the Lieutenant's tongue in the tongs and stretched it
outward. The Lieutenant screamed in pain as the sharp tongs gripped the
sensitive flesh of his tongue. The man wielding the tongs turned out to be the
Kedif that Viscount Chumley had described. With a small curved knife, he slowly
and carefully severed Lieutenant Carson's tongue at its root. A fountain of
blood gushed from the Lieutenant's mouth.

   The crowd roared its approval of Kedif's action. He used the tongs to hold up
and wave the bloody piece of carrion for the crowd to view. Even louder shouts
of approval followed that display. When it died down, he flung the severed
tongue into the crowd where a scuffle broke out over its ownership.

  Kedif spoke to an assistant who removed a glowing red iron rod from a nearby
brazier of coals. Kedif carefully maneuvered the iron rod to place it on the
blood stump that used to hold the Lieutenant's tongue.

  There was the unmistakable hiss of sizzling flesh accompanied by the guttural
screams of Lieutenant Carson. Kedif inspected the Lieutenant's mouth then spoke
once again to his assistant at the brazier of coals. For a second time, a
freshly heated iron rod was forced against the Lieutenant's open wound. This
time Kedif held it there longer.

As the sound of sizzling flesh died out, the Lieutenant lost control of his
bowels and defecated on the stone floor beneath him.

  Kedif angrily gestured toward the pile of shit underneath the lieutenant. He
spoke to the guards who quickly shifted their position to behind the lieutenant.
They removed his ankle shackles then raised the lower half of the Lieutenant's
body to where he was bent double. From a nearby chest, Kedif retrieved a large
wooden stake and a mallet. The stake was pointed at one end, tapering to the
width of a man's hand at the top. While the guards held the Lieutenant in an
elevated position, Kedif inserted the pointed end of the stake in the
Lieutenant's anus then used the mallet to hammer it deep within the Lieutenant's
rectum. The Lieutenant screamed each time the mallet struck the wooden stake.
With each strike of the mallet, a cry of approval was given full throat by the
audience. Major Huntington was surprised the Lieutenant had remained conscious
through his ordeal.

  "Too bad, best baritone in the regiment," said Captain Dashwood as the guards
lowered the Lieutenant and refastened his ankle shackles. Lieutenant Carson hung
in his chains making odd sounding moans. The blunt end of the stake protruded
from his asshole.

  Almost immediately, the Lancers heard the loud crack of whips from behind
them. Major Huntington turned his head to see that each Lancer had a whip
wielding guard positioned behind them. The guards were limbering up their whip
arms. The Major saw they were wielding a nine-stranded flogger and that each
strand ended in a metal tip. The Major had seen that type of whip used to punish
common soldiers who had committed serious breeches of discipline. The floggers
quickly shredded the skin from the soldier's back.

  "They're going to start on us," said Major Huntington trying to summon the
courage to endure his fate.

  When he looked up at the throne area, he saw Mohammed Khan wave his arm.
Almost immediately his back exploded in pain. The Major twisted and screamed in
agony as the flogger landed on his shoulders. Around him, all of the Lancers
announced their descent into hellish pain by opening their mouths and giving
full voice to a loud baleful cry. Even the mutilated Lt. Carson emitted unshaped
guttural cries each time the nine metal tipped points dug deep furrows across
his backside.

  Major Huntington felt his back grow moist from his own blood. At times, the
guard would direct the whip to between the Major's legs and the metal tips would
come in contact with his gonads and penis causing incredible pain. The Major
would perform a dance of agony causing the mob to express their satisfaction by
laughing as he attempted to hop from one foot to another.

  The crowd shouted its approval of the proceedings. The square was a cacophony
of the Lancer's screams and the approving cries of the mob.  

  After the first twenty blows, the Lancers drifted in and out of consciousness.
Each time, a Lancer totally lost awareness; a bucket of cold salt brine was
dumped over his head. The salt seeped into the wounds expanding the pain.

  Major Huntington had no idea how long the whipping lasted or how many blows he
suffered. At the end, several pails of heavy salt brine were tossed on his back.
These caused him to scream for several minutes even though no further blows of
the whips landed. A jailor carrying a pail of sea salt stood behind the Major
scooping out handfuls of the coarse salt and rubbing the white grains into the
open cuts crisscrossing the Major's back. As the impact of the sea salt upon his
gashes reached the pain centers of the Major's brain, he began to pray that the
Dervishes would quickly kill him.

  Half unconscious and in agony, the Major was removed from his upright position
between the whipping posts. He was dragged several feet by the guards and seated
in one of those strange looking chairs they had noticed when they had first
arrived on the platform.

The Major's arms were tightly chained behind the narrow back of the chair. The
chair back was tilted slightly backward and the Major found himself staring
toward the horizon. Shackles were attached to his ankles and his feet were drawn
upward until his knees were chest high. A leather belt was placed around his
forehead immobilizing his head against the chair back. Other belts were placed
on his thighs and chains attached to draw his thighs back against his chest.

  At the last, Kedif arrived to insert a metal apparatus in his mouth. Major
Huntington tried to resist but Kedif's assistant pinched his nostril's shut
until the Major was forced to take a breath. Kedif adjusted the apparatus to
where the Major's mouth was held wide open, unable to close. Kedif leaned in
close to the Major and spit into his open mouth. The Major was forced to swallow
Kedif's sputum.

  "You like, English pig," said Kedif smiling.

  Trussed up like a chicken realized the Major's pain clouded brain. And ready
to be plucked. Or is that fucked? My asshole is front and center and so is my
mouth. It looks like Harvey and the others are in the same fix. Out of the
corner of his eyes, the Major could just barely see that Captain Dashwood was in
the same predicament.

  A naked dervish appeared in front of the Major stepped up on the seat of the
chair and placed his already hard cock in his mouth and began to stroke it. The
smell of unwashed flesh pervaded his nostrils. The Major felt more movement.
Another dervish was standing on the floor behind the dervish standing over the
Major. The Major grunted as he felt a hard cock push past his sphincter. The
dervish with his cock in the Major's mouth grabbed the Major's ears and began a
back and forth motion forcing his member in and out of the Major's throat.
Before too long, the Major's taste buds detected fresh semen. The crowd got into
the performance and cheered each time a Dervish ejaculated into an English mouth
or ass.

  A fresh dervish replaced the Major's face fucker. When the Major's ass fucker
finished moments later, he too was quickly replaced.  This routine repeated
itself time and again as the morning wore on. Once again, Major Huntington lost
all track of how many cocks he had entertained.

  At some point toward noon, he found himself without another man's cock inside
his body. He opened his eyes to see Mohammed Khan and the twins standing
directly in front of him. Apparently, they had decided to make a closer
inspection of the captives.

  "This one," asked Mohammed Khan speaking to the twins.

  "Oh yes, he'll fix up nicely," said one of the twins reaching down to grasp
the Major's cock. She smiled at him as she fondled his large cock.

  Major watched uncomprehendingly as a servant painted a large red X across his

  "That's seven. I said you could have half," said Mohammed Khan.

  "One more, seven's an unlucky number," said the other twin. 

  "All right, just one more. I can't disappoint my people," said Mohammed Khan
as they walked away.

  "Kedif, take the chosen eight to a place where they can watch," said Mohammed
Khan as the twins left the platform. "They'll see what will happen if they don't
fully cooperate."

  Major Huntington could not walk or stand when his restraints were removed. His
rectum was on fire and his back was a mass of cuts. Two burly guards grabbed him
under his armpits and drug him along with the others to a cell whose window
looked over the square. The Major saw that only seven of the Lancers had
returned with him. Captain Dashwood, Lieutenant Eversole, and five others were

  The Major and Captain Dashwood crawled along the floor until they reached the
cell window, drawn by the roars of the crowd. Helping one another, they used the
stonewall and cell window bars to pull himself upright all the while their
bodies screaming in pain.

  Through the bars of the tiny window, they saw that the other six Lancers were
facing the amphitheater end of the square. They were again chained between two
posts. Kedif was standing in front of Lt. Carson. Major Huntington forced
himself to watch as Kedif reached between the Lieutenant's legs grabbed his
testicles in one hand pulling them tight then quickly severing them, throwing
the bloody flesh to a pack of dogs that had gathered at the base of the
platform. The dogs engaged in a spirited snarling fight for the lieutenant's

  "God have mercy on his soul," whispered Captain Dashwood.

  The dervish practice of castrating prisoners had become known and feared
throughout the British Army. A Corporal Elijah Witherspoon had escaped from the
dervishes after being castrated. He had sold his story to the London Times even
allowing doctors to examine his wound. Of course, his account dramatically
reduced his fellow soldier's willingness to serve in the Sudan.

  Major Huntington reached down and wrapped a protective hand around his own
testicles. Still there fellows said the Major quietly but probably not for long.

  Kedif worked from Lancer to Lancer repeating the castration until all six had
been made eunuchs. One of Kedif's assistants followed behind using a heated iron
to cauterize the wound. Each Lancer lost consciousness either at the moment of
castration or when the glowing red iron was pressed against the gaping wound
where their gonads once hung.

  The Lancers were revived with water. Next, Kedif slit the nostrils of the six
then cut off their ears and gouged out their eyes with an implement that
resembled a tablespoon.

  At that point, Kedif and the guards packed up and left the platform. The
double rank of guards surrounding the square withdrew. As soon as the soldiers
left, the mob surged forward racing onto the platform. The Major turned his head
as the mob hacked the six Lancers to pieces.

  Major Huntington and Captain Dashwood fell to the stone floor unable to stand
longer. As he lapsed into unconsciousness, the Major kept asking himself why he
and seven others had not suffered the same fate. 

Chapter 13    - The English House

Please take note! Adults Only Literature

The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for
adults only.

If you are an underage minor or offended by such material -or- if viewing this
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This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwise
is purely coincidental, etc.

Copyright 2004


  "Ludivine, Ludivine," chanted the crowd of sailors toward the small stage.
They were stomping their feet and clapping eager for the performance to begin.
Every seat was taken and men were standing three deep at the back of the room
waiting for Ludivine to dance. The strong shouldered the weaker aside. Fights
threatened to break out and knives were drawn but the commotion stopped and the
crowd grew silent when they heard the slow pounding of the drum. It was the
signal that the one known as the "Red Whore" was about to dance.

  It was a hot tropical night in Toliara, a port town on the very bottom tip of
the island of Madagascar. Toliara was where merchant ships re-provisioned and
repaired damages after crossing the stormy Cape of Good Hope. Often ships limped
into Toliara with tales of incredible storms and sailors swept overboard.

  Captain's anchored their vessels in Toliara's protected harbor prior to
undertaking passage through the pirate-ridden Madagascar Strait. The city was
nominally under the rule of a local khan but in fact anyone with a gun and a
strong sword arm was the law. It was a den of every form of iniquity and
perversion. Brothels, gaming houses and opium dens lined the waterfront. Most
mornings found a dead sailor laying in the gutter of Front Street. Drunken salts
returning to their ships were waylaid by cutthroats who stole everything leaving
naked bodies for the seagulls to dine on.

  The oil lamps surrounding the small stage had been turned up and the lamps
over the audience lowered. Men strained to see the stage as they wet their lips
in anticipation of seeing Ludivine dance. Sailors unashamedly rubbed their
crotch and a few of the drunker patrons had exposed themselves and were slowly
stroking their member.

  There won't be a soft cock in the room after her dance thought Betty. There
never is. I just hope a brawl doesn't break out like last time. It had been
several days since Ludivine and Elena had danced.

  Betty was seated at a table between the captain and first mate of the Benjamin
Constant; a trader out of Liverpool bound for Cochin with a cargo of English
textiles. Their table was located near the front of the stage. Both sailors had
a hand under Betty's skirt rubbing the soft flesh of her inner thigh. Betty's
legs were spread as wide as possible to give them access to her sex. Captain
Curry slipped a finger into Betty's cunt then pulled it out and held it up to
his nose and sniffed.

  "You're clean of the pox. You'll take on the two of us. Edgar and I like to
share, don't we, Edgar?" asked the Captain. Edgar was his sea wife and slept
with the captain when they were on board. When the Benjamin Constant reached
port, their usual practice was to share a woman at one of the local brothels.
Betty had learned much of the life of men at sea during the time she had spent
at the English House. Sodomy was as much the order of the day as raising the
mainsail. Sailors expected to enjoy each other's holes on a long voyage.

  "Yes, all at once, any hole and all of them, whatever you want little Betty
will do it," replied a slightly drunken Betty. Betty and the others were
drinking too much. Their harsh difficult life at the English House coupled with
an unending supply or rum was taking its toll on the captives.

  Betty's hands were also under the table each slowly stroking a hard cock.
Betty was intent on making her house quota and avoiding a beating by one of the
Bromleys. Betty shuddered when she thought about the collection of sadists that
ran the English House and were collectively driving her to a rum soaked

  Mrs. Susan Bromley, the person who ran English House, was a massive woman with
arms as thick as a man's thighs and thighs the size of a man's waist. Her
husband Paul was a wastrel who spent his time gambling and bothering the girls.
Refuse to climb under the gaming table and suck off Paul and a girl could have
the flesh whipped off her back. But to Betty, the worst of the Bromleys was
their son, Rodney. Rodney was a dim-witted giant who delighted in causing the
girls pain. Rodney was often tasked to administer the daily punishments for
whores that had failed in some respect to satisfy Mrs. Bromley. Hardly a day
went by without one of the captives being whipped senseless for some minor
infraction. The constant scourging was driving Betty to drink.

   The Fortress of Karem Bey was a paradise compared to The English House
realized the captives after their first week in Toliara.

  The fifteen women along with Oliver and Ernest had been placed on board the
Polaris and sent south. What occasioned their departure was the arrival of some
twenty young officer's wives who had been captured when their ship was
intercepted in the strait. The brutally raped young women had shown up one
morning and Betty and the others were shipped out that afternoon. The newcomers,
many of them recent brides were appalled when they had been informed of what
would be their fate during their stay at the Fortress.

  "Do what it takes to survive," advised Ludivine to the newcomers. The pirates
have already defiled you. You have nothing left to lose. What does it matter now
if you have to spread your legs every day for the guards? The guards are easier
than the pirates and not as brutal. Please them and obey the Princess Aziza and
things will not go badly for you."

  The discussions between the older group of captives and the new arrivals had
been cut short by the appearance of Princess Aziza. The Princess separated the
two groups and informed Ludivine and the others that they would be leaving.

  "You will start earning your keep now. You are being sent to work as whores in
our brothel in Toliara," said Princess Aziza announcing their departure.

  Sir Charles had acquired a large courtyard residence in Toliara and had
brought the Bromleys from London to establish a brothel whose real purpose was
to gather intelligence about merchant shipping reaching the port. The Bromleys
had hired a half dozen of the local thugs to watch over the women and make sure
they didn't escape.

  Ludivine had discovered that the brothel's rooftop contained a carrier pigeon
coop whose inhabitants couriered the information gathered by the brothel's
inhabitants to Princess Aziza and Sir Charles Danby. As a result, Sir Charles'
pirate fleet captured only poorly armed merchant ships with the most valuable

  "They say the red headed whore's dance would get a dead man hard," said
Captain Curry giving Betty's thigh a firm grasp while pressing the heel of his
hand against her sex. The brush of his hand against Betty's exposed clit caused
a spark of pleasure to flow from her pussy to her brain. Betty involuntarily
moved her clit so there was firmer contact with the sailor's rope hardened hand.
The first mate had managed to get a hand inside Betty's bodice and was stroking
his callused palm over its surface rubbing her nipple. The rum and the presence
of so much tactile simulation caused Betty to wish her companions would lose
control and take her on the table right then and there.

  "That's true, mate," said Betty clanking her tankard of dark ale against the
captain's before taking a drink. "And after you're hard, the three of us can go
upstairs for some fun."

  "You can tell she needs a fucking, can't you Edgar?' said the Captain reaching
between Betty's legs to stroke her clitoris.

  "She's an eager whore, all right, Captain. Look at the bud on her, sticking
out hard as sapphire," said Edgar pulling Betty's breast out of her bodice.

  "Feel this, Edgar, she's a cut whore, like you'd find in China, she's cut off
her pussy lips so her hole is always open and ready."

  Betty spread her legs wider so both men could feel her sex.

  "See how she opens up, Edgar, feel her cunt, feel it all over," said the

  "My God, she's got no pussy lips and her button's sticks out like a cock,"
said Edgar his hand passing over Betty's pussy.

   "You got to come to the Orient to find a whore who's been cut. No
self-respecting English doxy would allow herself to be disfigured like that. Old
Betty here has been fixed so she's good for nothing but whoring. Right Betty?"
said the Captain.

  "Right you are. A whore I am and nothing more. Just say the word and there's
nothing Betty won't do."

  My God the slightest touch of a man's hand against my button and I'm ready to
climb up on the table and beg for a fuck thought Betty her body almost trembling
from the feel of the Captain's hand on her clit. That Chinaman has made me into
a wanton slut who craves a man's cock in her holes thought Betty recalling how
her sex had been modified. At times, Betty found herself unconsciously playing
with the cock-like projection that Master Liu's knife had cut out of its
surrounding bed of flesh. It now dangled a good inch from its former hiding
spot. Betty quickly returned her attention to the business at hand.

  "I've got you hard already," said Betty laughing as she slowly stroked the
Captain's member. It was Betty's hope that as soon s Ludivine finished her
dance, the two of them would take her upstairs.

  It was the first visit of the Benjamin Constant's senior officers to the
brothel that had come to be widely known as "The English House".  The English
House got its name from the simple fact that all the brothel girls and boys were
English. Mrs. Bromley made them dress as English ladies.  Most of the other
whores working the docks were native girls.

  Since most of the ships that docked at Toliara were from the British Isles,
the brothel had a special appeal to English sailors who'd left port two months
ago. The touts and pimps that scoured the docks for Mrs. Bromley claimed that
not only were all the women English but that some were ladies of quality who had
been captured by corsairs, trained in the art of exotic sexual rights by an
Indian and then forced into prostitution. This partially correct claim along
with the excitement brought about when Ludivine danced enhanced the brothel's
reputation and made it the preferred destination for ship's officers interested
in a night's diversion while their ship was replenished.

  "How'd you like to fuck an Earl's daughter or a Duchess's little darling," was
how the pimps stated it when they worked the bars and dives frequented by the
ships' officers. "What better chance had an officer of a merchantman to enjoy
the favor's of a lord's daughter other than to appear at The English House, pick
out a pretty miss and take her upstairs to enjoy as was his want."

  In her three months at the English House, Betty had learned every possible way
to quickly separate a sailor from his coinage so she could return downstairs for
more customers. If the small leather purse fastened around each whore's neck did
not contain enough coins the next morning when Mrs. Bromley came around to
collect, a whipping was in order. Betty along with the others had received her
fair share of punishment.

  The whores were also tasked to question the officers and find out their cargo
and sailing plans. These too had to be remembered and reported the next day or a
vicious beating ensued.

  Sometimes, old Mr. Bromley did the whippings but as of late, Rodney had been
doing the honors. A large strapping lad of dim wit, Rodney was able to quickly
set a whore to screaming as he brought down the thin swamp reeds that Mrs.
Bromley maintained a large stack of in the building's entry way. All of the
whores and the two boys had been whipped repeatedly.

  Rodney had taken a liking to sodomizing Oliver and Ernest after he punished
them. He would first whip their buttocks to a fiery red then order the boy to
suck his cock before he sodomized him. Everyone was forced to watch punishments
being meted out. If Mrs. Bromley detected one of the whores looking away from a
particularly brutal punishment, the whore was punished next.

   Mrs. Bromley had taken a particular dislike to Betty and made a point of
seeing that she was whipped to the point of hysteria for the slightest

  Each morning after each girl placed her earnings on the wooden bar, Mrs.
Bromley would determine those who as she called it, "failed to respond to Sir
Charles generosity for allowing them to work there". Those girls would be made
to strip naked in front of all the others and grasp the side of a chair while
Rodney applied a reed to their bare bottom and back. Rodney liked to add a few
blows up between the girl's legs so they landed directly on her sex. Often this
sent the poor girl screaming to the floor, rolling about with her hands
clutching her sex.

  If the girl released her hold on the chair arms, the punishment was doubled.
If she did it a second time, her hands were bound to the chair arms and the
number of lashes tripled. On a normal day, at least three of the fifteen girls
would find themselves screaming in pain as Rodney brought the highly flexible
reed across their buttocks and back.

  After her beating, the girls were required to kneel before Rodney and thank
him for his efforts. Rodney thought it hilariously funny to make the kneeling
girl hold her position while he turned around, separated his cheeks and
delivered a loud fart directly into their face.

  For the girl who produced the least income there was the added indignity of
having to suck Rodney's fat cock until it was hard then pretend to be incredibly
passionate and aroused when he forced himself into a girl's vagina or anus,
sometimes both over the course of the punishment.  Then the worst performing
whore would be turned over to the none-too-gentle treatment of the guards for
the remainder of the day. Facial bruises, lose teeth, cuts, and even broken
fingers were often the outcome of a day spent in the guard's quarters.

  Betty shuddered when she thought about the time through bad luck or ill
timing; she came up last on what had been a busy night. Not only had Rodney
whipped her until she felt she was going out of her mind then fucked her burning
bottom mercilessly but Mrs. Bromley directed her to lie on the floor face up.
Mrs. Bromley hiked up her skirt revealing her broad corpulent dimpled ass then
she straddled Betty's body and lowered her sex onto Betty's face. Betty was
almost overcome by the rank odor of unwashed flesh.

  "Lick it, my dear, lick your Mistress's pussy then beg her forgiveness for
being such an unproductive cunt," said Mrs. Bromley.

  Betty choked back the strong urge to gag and licked the unwashed sex of the
Madam until Mrs. Bromley all of a sudden lowered herself over Betty's face
cutting off her air supply. Unable to breathe, Betty began to smother. Her heels
beat against the wooden floor. Finally, just as Betty was about to loose
consciousness, Mrs. Bromley relented and raised herself off Betty's nose and
mouth. Almost immediately, Betty felt and smelled a warm vile liquid land on her
face and in her mouth that was still open gasping for air. Betty accepted her
fate and lay still as Mrs. Bromley sprayed her face with urine then farted and
stood up.

  "That's what happens to whores who don't produce," said Mrs. Bromley walking
away leaving a sobbing and sodden Betty lying in a puddle of dark yellow piss.
Betty had spent the afternoon in the guard's quarters being sodomised. One of
the thugs was Malay.  He had tied her hands to chair arms and made her watch as
he broke the little finger on each of her hands. Betty had no idea why he did
this other than to amuse himself

 "We've got to find a way to get out of here," confided Ludivine to Betty one
day when they were eating in the small courtyard.

  "I agree but how," said Betty. "I don't know how much longer we can last.
Rodney beat Louise so badly she couldn't walk for two days. A guard cut her
breasts with knife while he fucked her. The poor girl will have scars. The
beatings are getting worse. Even some of the guards are starting to feel sorry
for us.

  "We must find a way," whispered Ludivine.

  But they were closely watched and never allowed outside the brothel. Depending
on the number of ships in port, the captives could be incredibly busy. Often
times Betty and the others would lose count of the number of sailors who climbed
between their legs.

   Oliver and Ernest were beaten if they didn't dressed carefully and
attractively as women. Betty was amazed at how pretty the two boys were when
they came downstairs each evening in the cheap dresses Mrs. Bromley provided.
The two boys were kept busy by seamen who found the idea of boys dressed as
pretty girls irresistible.

  Betty's attention returned to the stage as the music changed to the tune that
played whenever Ludivine danced. As the tempo of the drums increased, other
instruments joined in. A long nude leg appeared from behind the curtain curled
around and a sounded a distinctive clang using tiny cymbals located on the
inside of Ludivine's big and second toe.

  Although Betty had seen Ludivine dance countless times, she still found it
erotic and wished she was back at the Fortress with her head between Ludivine's

  "My God she's tall," exclaimed the Captain when Ludivine appeared. Ludivine
was scantily dressed in a dozen veils that she would discard during the course
of her performance. As the tempo of the music increased, Ludivine increased the
pace of her footwork. Often but not tonight, she danced out into the audience.
Dozens of hands reached out to touch her breasts and legs. There was something
hypnotic in the way Ludivine moved. It was beyond mere grace and skill. Ludivine
would work the audience, pushing her beautiful bottom firmly into their laps,
kissing their lips and offering them her breasts to suckle.

  But the sheer eroticism of Ludivine's performance sometimes created problems.
Betty wondered whether the occurrence of three nights ago would be repeated.
Ludivine had been gang raped by dozens of sailors. She had almost reached the
end of her dance. There was a tiny veil covering her sex. Her large high breasts
were exposed. Her darkly rouged nipples quivered as she danced up to each sailor
thrusting her breasts or her sex toward his outstretched hands.

  That night the brothel was crowded. There was a large party of rough looking
sailors from an Indian Trader bound for Bombay. At the end of Ludivine's dance
when she was almost naked, she had jumped on their tabletop to finish her dance.
The music was reaching a crescendo. Ludivine's body was a blur as she undulated
her sex toward each sailor in the circle around her. As if on command, they had
grabbed her, ripping off the last shred of clothing.  They had thrown her
roughly on the table and one of them had immediately mounted her. Mr. Bromley
had done nothing to stop them other than tell her husband to keep track of what
was owed.

  Ludivine had responded to the public rape by wrapping her long legs around the
officer whose cock was pounding into her pussy. Someone grabbed her by the hair
and twisted her face into a naked crotch. Ludivine opened her mouth to accept a
hard cock between her lips. Elena ran out to help her sister climbing up on the
table laying back and offering herself to any watching sailor. Lorraine climbed
beneath the table and used her mouth to pleasure a sailor who had not had his
turn with Ludivine. The sailors at Betty's table had forced her to climb up on
the table and strip naked. They jerked her feet out from under her causing her
to land on her back knocking the wind out of her. They'd bent her double bottom
toward the ceiling and entered both her holes at the same time. Several of the
whores had wound up with cuts and bruises that night.

  The evening had ended in a wild melee that netted the Bromley's little income
or shipping intelligence. Broken tables and chairs had to be replaced. The next
day, Mrs. Bromley had blamed Ludivine and Elena. She ordered Rodney to beat the
two women into a state of near unconsciousness using a heavy flogger she had
recently acquired. He had whipped them until they vomited and passed out on the
filthy floor. Then she had allowed the guards to take them to their quarters for
the day. Both women had to be carried back to their beds that night.

  Ludivine and Elena had been too injured to entertain for several days causing
an even greater loss of income. Mrs. Bromley was in a constant rage over this
unexpected outcome. When she discovered that Ludivine could not dance, she lined
up all the remaining women plus Oliver and Ernest and ordered them to strip.
Rodney delivered twenty lashes of the flogger to each one. Julia had let go of
the chair arm when Rodney's flogger landed on her sex, the force of the blow
almost lifting her off the floor. The fat little duchess-to-be was tied over the
back of the chair and beaten until she was babbling about her mother and father.

  "If there are any more failures of decorum, you'll get forty or even sixty
next time," warned the outraged brothel madam.

  That night was the first time Ludivine had danced since her beating. She
planned to remain on stage and not venture into the audience. Something Mrs.
Bromley had insisted upon.

  After her dance, Ludivine had stood back stage watching Elena dance until she
felt a tap on her shoulder.

  "There's a black upstairs in your room. He paid extra. Go to," said Mr.

  Although she was still sore from her beating, Ludivine knew she had to comply
or suffer another beating.

  When Ludivine reached the small alcove containing the bed where she so often
accepted the semen of customers into her body it was totally dark.

  "Hello, who's there?" said Ludivine into the blackness as she dropped the robe
she was wearing on a nearby chair. She sat down on the edge of the dirty bed and
placed her hand on the naked thigh of the man lying there.

  "How do you want it," asked Ludivine.

  "I want you to be my queen. It is I, Nabu," spoke a voice out of the darkness.

  "I'll be anything you want," said Ludivine not understanding the meaning of
Nabu's statement. She recalled Nabu from that day when her father's ship was
attacked. He had been one of the pirates, the huge proud coal black native whose
cock was just as large as he was. She remembered that it was he who had helped
drag the hawser between her legs and he had been the second man to rape her
after Sir Charles. Still, even if it was Nabu, he was a customer and had to be
serviced or she would pay a horrible price. Ludivine's answer was based on the
fact that at times, customers asked for the whores to answer to the names of
wives or sweethearts.

  "My father, the King of the Ibo Nation, has died. I have been sent for to take
his place. I have chosen you to come with me as Queen and rule with me for the
good of my people," said Nabu taking her hand in his and kissing it.

  "I cannot leave here. The Bromley's would not allow me. They hold me and the
others as prisoners."

  "I have brought enough followers with me to free you," said Nabu.

  "You must take my sister, brother, and the others," said Ludivine.

  "Only your sister and brother, we will leave the others," said Nabu.

  "No, we have all been through much together and they are all my people now.
The Ibo deserve a queen that would never leave her people. It is a matter of
honor," said Ludivine placing her face close to Nabu's, almost brushing his

  "You speak of honor in this place."

  "In this place most of all," said Ludivine. There was a moment of silence
before Nabu spoke.

  "You are right. You will make a worthy queen."

  Ludivine reached down and placed her hand on Nabu's cock and stroked it. Her
lips found his and they kissed.

  "I promise that if you save us from this horrible place, I will stay with you
and rule by your side," said Ludivine. "That is the promise of a queen."

  "Then it is agreed. My followers are hiding nearby. What should be done?" 

  "First we will make love then we will plan our escape," said Ludivine taking
Nabu's cock in her mouth and passing her tongue over his piss hole.

Chapter 14    - Only Half A Man

Please take note! Adults Only Literature

The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for
adults only.

If you are an underage minor or offended by such material -or- if viewing this
file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story

This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwise
is purely coincidental, etc.

Copyright 2004



  "For the love of God, leave him alone," shouted Major Wesley Huntington. The
Major's appeal to Mohammed Khan's dungeon master, Kedif, fell on deaf ears.
Kedif turned to smile at the Major's outburst as he took a firmer grip on
Lieutenant Eversole's testicles. One of Kedif's assistants rushed to stand in
front of the Major and delivered several vicious lashes across the Major's groin
that resulted in piteous screams from the normally stalwart officer.

  Kedif was as usual taking great pleasure in his work. Patience was his creed
as he handled the Lieutenant's balls seeking the precise place to cut. Kedif
although uneducated was aware that the torturer should not neglect the mind of
his victims. Kedif considered their mental anguish almost as important as the
physical. Besides taking his time increased Kedif's own pleasure since it
prolonged suffering.

  The fact that the terrified Lieutenant was blubbering some filthy infidel
prayer made Kedif's work all the more satisfying.

  "Yea, though I walk in the valley of the shadow of death...," intoned the
Lieutenant who was about to receive the worst fate a man could possibly

  Kedif took a look around his torture chamber. There were eight stark naked
Englishmen chained to the dungeon walls. Crude iron wrist manacles pulled their
arms over their heads suspending them only inches above the dungeon floor. The
rough manacles cut into their flesh and blood trickled down their arms to the
tops of their shoulders.

  It is unfortunate that Mohammed Khan the Great and Mighty has fallen under the
sway of the two English whores thought Kedif once again releasing his grip on
the Lieutenant's balls and walking to a whetstone to sharpen his knife. The sobs
of the Lieutenant as he walked away pleased him. What did not please him was
that he would not be able to finish his work with these infidel pigs.

  "Only one, Kedif, leave them one," said Mohammed Khan relaxing on his throne.
The infidel women were seated on his lap with their breasts exposed. Kedif was
forced to admit that their curly blonde hair, fair skin, and blue eyes were most
unusual. And the fact that they were identical twins made them all the more rare
and desirable.

  Kedif could hope that the day would come when Mohammed Khan would tire of the
infidel sluts and give them to Kedif to enjoy. That had happened before.

  Kedif recalled with sublime pleasure the beautiful woman with the fiery red
hair that had gotten drunk and insulted Mohammed Khan's manhood. She was from a
country next to the one where the English lived.  Kedif's wife had called it
France. She had been surprisingly strong and lived for a full two weeks after
Kedif began his work. Of course she had not been so beautiful when Kedif was
finished. She had given him many pleasant interludes where her screams were
music to his ears. He especially liked to remember the two afternoons he had
slowly and methodically broken every bone in her beautiful hands. How she had
cried and offered herself to him if he would kill her quickly. But Kedif had
stuck to his plan moving to an unharmed part of her body each day until there
was nothing left.

  If Mohammed Khan's gives me the twins, I will have to consider carefully how
to start to maximize my pleasure thought Kedif as he held the blade against the
whirling stone. His assistant, Kamal, slowly turned the wheel. A good man,
Kamal, strong and steady but perhaps too fond of sticking his cock in English
asses decided Kedif. Kedif's other assistant, Rashad, had reported how he and
Kamal had sodomised each of the Englishman while Kedif was at the palace getting
his instructions concerning the fate of the prisoners.

  Sodomy of the prisoners especially infidels was not forbidden by the Quran.
Kedif occasionally sodomised an infidel when he first arrived in the dungeons of
Mohammed Khan. If the prisoner were young and handsome, Kedif would have Kamal
and Rashad lash him over one of the benches so the aged Kedif could enjoy
himself. However, infidel prisoners were infrequent and as Kedif grew older he
seldom had the will or opportunity to spray his Muslim seed into the anus of an

  When Kedif had made his inspection of the chained and naked Lancers, he had
felt his cock stir at the sight of the young lieutenant. Must to the
Lieutenant's dismay, he had him tied over one of the punishment benches. After
Kedif had finished in the Lieutenant's rectum, Kamal and Rashad took their turn.
That his fellow soldiers witnessed his anal assault added to the Lieutenant's

  Kedif had been summoned to the throne room almost immediately after they had
chained the sobbing officer back on the dungeon wall. 

  "When you have taken one, they will be turned over to Estelle and Eloise. They
have some special plans for them," said Mohamed Khan.

  "Yes, oh magnificent one," responded Kedif his forehead pressed against the
cold marble floor of the throne room. 

  Kedif had no idea what the two women intended. Maybe they knew some horrible
new means to execute the English soldiers. Or perhaps they intended to keep them
alive and use them as women. Kedif had heard rumors that one of Mohammed Khan's
palaces was being made into a place where men would dress as women and male
members of the royal court would use them as such. Kamal would like that mused
Kedif unable to picture in his mind how the burly British soldiers could be made
into women.

  Yesterday, Kedif and his assistants had tied a leather thong around the
captive's testicles then attached a heavy iron weight to the thong. Each man's
scrotum had stretched downward several inches since the weight was applied. 
Kedif had selected Lt. Eversole, the youngest of the soldiers to be the first to
lose a testicle.

  The taking of only one testicle and leaving the other unharmed and functional
required considerable skill and steady nerves. Kedif was aware that if he made a
mistake, it might well be he hanging from the dungeon wall while Kamal clumsily
hacked off his balls. Mohammed Khan was not a ruler who countenanced mistakes.
Kedif tested the sharpness of the blade by slicing in two a hair he pulled from
his beard.

  Once again, Kedif took up a position in front of the Lieutenant and grasped
his testicles pulling them toward him as he positioned the knife. Kamal and
Rashad sensing that the moments of delay were over grabbed the Lieutenant and
held him immobile against the dungeon wall. Kedif took a deep breath and asked
Allah to guide his knife.

  Major Huntington turned his head trying not to watch as Kedif slowly cut
through the scrotum of Lieutenant Eversole carving off one testicle. Kedif
allowed the gonad to hang for a moment by a thread of tissue before slicing it
free allowing the bloody orb to drop into his waiting hand as if it was an apple
falling from a tree.

   Kedif's experience as a castrator was obvious. There was hardly any blood. A
half hour previous, he had tied a narrow leather thong around the Lieutenant's
well-stretched scrotum separating the testicles into two tightly bound packages
so they could be severed one at a time. The restriction of the thong had caused
each gonad to swell to a respectable size permitting Kedif to easily separate
the part from the whole.

   After Kedif had bifurcated the Lieutenant's sack, he explained the purpose of
the exercise to the soldier.

  "We will wait for a while then we will slice your testicles off one at a time,
Lieutenant," said Kedif staring into the Lieutenant's face to witness his

  "No, don't, my family is wealthy, they will pay you a king's ransom if you let
me go," said the desperate officer.

  "And what would I do with a king's ransom in this place. Why are you so
concerned? There are no women here," said Kedif tauntingly.

  "Gold, enough that you could leave this place, London or Paris," said the

  "And why would I leave the city where I was born to go live in the land of the

   Kedif then busied himself elsewhere leaving the young soldier to contemplate
his upcoming castration.

  "Oh God save me," sobbed Lt. Eversole. "I can't bear the thought of my having
my balls hacked off. I'd rather die."

  The Lieutenant had not found the glory and honor he had hoped for in the
Sudan. Instead he had lost his nerve and cried out for his mother when Kedif
sliced through his scrotum removing his gonad from its pouch.

  "See, Lt. Eversole," said Kedif, holding up the bloody handful of flesh in
front of the hysterical Lieutenant's face. "Now, you have only one left. I will
wait a while, have some tea, then take the other one, perhaps today, perhaps

  That was actually a lie. Still Kedif would proceed like he intended to
completely castrate the soldiers. If the horror and fear caused one of them to
go completely mad, maybe Mohammed Khan would allow Kedif to follow his usual
practice and slowly execute the man.

  "Kill me, for the love of God, kill me," pleaded the Lieutenant.

  "All in due time, Lieutenant," said Kedif as he tossed the severed gonad into
a nearby brazier of bright red coals. The soldiers flinched when they heard the
carrion sizzle as it landed. The odor of roasted human flesh drifted through the
dungeon.  Wesley watched as Kedif used a leather mitt to remove a small glowing
red iron from the brazier and return to his position directly in front of the
Lieutenant's mutilated sex.

  When he felt Kedif place a hand on his cock and lift it upward, Lt. Eversole
looked down to see that Kedif was maneuvering the glowing red iron into position
under his bloody scrotum. The Lieutenant commenced to scream once more as he
sensed the warmth of the iron approaching his remaining testicle. There was a
loud hiss and a small puff of smoke as Kedif cauterized the wound.

  Lieutenant opened his mouth to scream then almost as if he thought better of
it, mercifully fainted.

  "I'm going to cut off one testicle from each man today then tomorrow, I will
take the other," lied Kedif to the prisoners before he departed for prayers at
the nearby mosque. Kedif was anxious to prostrate himself and thank Allah for
allowing him the opportunity to bring such intense pain to those who did not
follow the words of the Prophet as written in the Quran.

  Major Huntington's eyes had filled with tears as he watched Lt. Eversole's
partial castration. The Major had taken a liking to the young officer. It had
been obvious since they sailed from London that the Lieutenant idolized the
Major. Plus he now had an unfulfilled debt to the Lieutenant's mother. The
Major's feverish brain recalled how he came to that debt.

  Kenneth Eversole, barely sixteen years old, had only received his commission
in the 12th Lancers a fortnight before the unit's departure for the Sudan. Lady
Eversole, the Marquise had spent an afternoon and night in Major Huntington's
London residence securing his promise to look after her only son. The deal had
been sealed at the officer's ball celebrating the regiment's departure for the

  "Promise me you will see to my Kenneth," said Lady Eversole to Major
Huntington during a dance where they were partnered.

  "Of course, Lady Eversole, I look after all my officers, it's my duty and I
take it seriously," said Major Huntington noting that Lady Eversole's had large
and attractive breasts that were almost popping out of her ball gown.

  "Kenneth speaks very highly of you, Major Huntington," said Lady Eversole.

  "Kenneth will make an excellent officer," said Major Huntington.

  "I have a mother's concerns as to his safety in that awful Sudan. So many of
our brave soldiers have died there," said Lady Eversole brushing her breasts
against the Major when the dance required them to change sides.

  "The Sudan remains a dangerous posting. That I must admit," said Major
Huntington realizing that an offer was about to placed on the table.

   "Exactly why I am willing to go to extraordinary lengths to insure my son's
safe return. I would be willing to express my gratitude in the most forthright
manner," said Lady Eversole.

  "This Thursday, say at 2:00PM, at my London place," said Major Huntington
surprised by the Marquise's offer but perfectly willing to take advantage of it.
Dashwood and I can have some fun with the subaltern's mother thought Major
Huntington as he stepped gracefully around the dance floor. The lady will be
surprised at what I require but I doubt she will complain.

  "Yes, 2:00 then," said Lady Eversole as the dance ended.

  "My pleasure, Lady Eversole," said Major Huntington.

 Kathy Eversole was still an attractive woman after having born Lord Eversole
five children. She rationalized her willingness to give herself to Major
Huntington as part of her family duty since Kenneth was the Marquis's heir and
the Sudan was becoming known as the graveyard of British arms.

   In addition, Lady Kathy Eversole was also driven by both lust and the desire
for revenge against Lord Eversole. Her husband and she had not shared a bed in
many years. Lord Eversole preferred to spend his nights in the company of a
succession of tavern wenches who were perfectly willing to do his bizarre
biddings for a few copper pennies. The Lord, when inebriated which was more
often than not, like to share with his wife the elaborate details of his
experiences with the most common of prostitutes. He forced her to listen by the
simple expedient of locking them both in the drawing room where for hours he
would regale her with the sexual perversions he paid the whores to perform on
his besotted body.

  Precisely at 2:00PM, Lady Eversole had arrived at the town home that the Major
maintained in Hyde Park. Skipping preliminaries, the Major had conducted Lady
Eversole straight to his bedroom. Once inside the large room, the Major
discarded his dressing gown revealing that he wore nothing underneath. He took
up a position in the center of the great bed and began to idly stroke his cock.

  Kathy Eversole's expectations of a modicum of polite seduction before
committing adultery were disappointed but like many ladies of her age she was
able to hide her disappointment and carry on. She consoled herself by noting
that the Major's cock was much large than her husband's and that such
preliminaries would only delay that moment when it entered her vagina and she
truly felt it's length and girth in a place where it would do her the most good.

  "Strip," commanded the Major to the Marquise who found his command
irresistible. Lady Eversole had dressed with the intention of undressing with
ease and without the services of her maid. She made good progress thanks to
careful planning and within a few moments found herself standing naked at the
foot of the Major's bed. Lady Eversole observed that the Major's cock had grown
while she undressed.

  "Bend over and show me your asshole," barked the Major. "Use your hands to
spread your ass."

  Lady Eversole immediately complied finding herself once again unable to resist
the Major's military bearing. Besides it reminded her of her husband's
descriptions of how he acted down at The Wounded Bear, his favorite hangout
where a Madman Cartwright kept a stable of girls willing to follow Lord
Eversole's directions.

 "Excellent, besides Lord Eversole, how many men have had you?" asked Major

  "Only my brother Benjamin," said Lady Eversole referring to her older brother,
Lord Benjamin Rafferty, a notorious rake currently in disgrace and banned from
London society. "Please don't repeat that," added Lady Eversole amazed at her
willingness to discuss such personal matters. On the other hand, she did not
want to admit to a lack of experience prior to bedding a man know for his sexual
prowess throughout her London social set.

  "You can count on my discretion," said Major Huntington making a mental note
that the next time he ran into Ben Rafferty at his club, he'd mention that he
had enjoyed his sister's favors.

  "Was he your first?" said Major Huntington.

  "Yes and only besides my husband."

  "How old were you? Tell me about it."

  "Fourteen, a few days after my birthday," replied Lady Eversole sitting down
on the edge of the bed and reaching over to place her hand around the Major's
cock. "Benjamin took me riding. Pa-pa had bought me a new hunter for my
birthday. At the lake, Ben suggested we dismount and give the horses a breather.
He tied me across a fallen tree and had his way with me. He said that since I
was fourteen he didn't see a reason to use me when he felt the need. He tore my
drawers off and mounted me from behind."

  "Did you cry?"

  "Yes, the first time but after that he often came to my room and took me in my
own bed."

  "And did you suck his cock?" asked the Major.

  "Yes, he made me at first. But I learned it was not unpleasant."

  "Did your parents know?" said the Major placing his hand on the back of Lady
Eversole's neck and pulling her head toward his groin.

  "I told Ma-ma but she said I was to keep quiet. She said women were obliged to
put up with that sort of thing even from a beloved brother."

  Lady Eversole licked the top of the Major's cock then took it in her mouth
just like she had done for her brother. 

  Major Huntington found Lady Eversole to be a very eager and satisfactory
partner, anxious to engage in certain practices that ladies of quality were
supposed to eschew. He attributed that to her spare diet of male cock and an
inborn but hitherto unexploited predilection for randy behavior.  The Major
began by expanding Lady Eversole's knowledge of cock sucking, insisting she take
his large member in her mouth and bring him to full erection.

  After that, The Major placed Lady Eversole on her back, climbed between her
legs and without ceremony plunged his cock into her long unused vagina. The
Major liked to begin with the most basic missionary position and then expand the
repertoire in whatever direction caught his fancy.

   Despite the lack of sexual finesse, the combination of that large object
straining the capacity of her pussy and the stimulation of the Major's fingers
against her clitoris caused Lady Eversole to experience an orgasm for the first
time since her brother's last visit to her boudoir decades ago.

  As the waves of pleasure washed over her and her breathing calmed, she noted
with regret and some bitterness that not once in all her years of marriage to
Lord Eversole had she experienced similar pleasure. Lady Eversole made a mental
commitment to not eschew sexual relations in the future even those of an
adulterous nature.

  During their brief respite, the Major had popped open a bottle of champagne.
The Major splashed some of the cold liquid on Lady Eversole's breasts and
proceeded to lick it off much to the delight of the Marquise.

  The Major directed Lady Eversole to the female superior position that she
accomplished with good grace. She inserted the Major's cock in her love tunnel
and lowered her body finding an exquisite pleasure in being able to control the
movement. Lady Eversole's experiences with her sibling came back to her and she
found herself pressing her clitoris against the Major's pubic mound thereby
bringing herself enormous gratification. Her loud moans filled the room.

  Major Huntington fingers busily plied the large breasts of Lady Eversole as
she rode his cock. I certainly can pick them thought Wesley listening to the
mellow back of the throat sounds his partner made when his cock reached its
maximum penetration and her little nubbin scraped across his groin. I hope she
retains her positive attitude once Harvey pops out.

  With the couple thus engaged, Captain Harvey Dashwood chose to exit the
cramped wardrobe and make his presence known. Captain Dashwood was already naked
as he approached the bed. Listening to their noisy lovemaking from his hide away
had resulted in an erection that the Captain planned to use on the Marquise's
alternate orifice. Stealthily he approached the bed and due to its solid
construction managed to climb up without alerting the fornicators.

  It was the sensation of Captain Dashwood's cock slipping between her rising
and falling buttocks that alerted Lady Eversole to the presence of another
lover. Apparently, the Marquise was not prepared to entertain more than one
Lancer to assure her son's safety. Emitting a loud shriek, Lady Eversole flew
off the bed toward the bedroom door.

  "Get the tongs, Harvey," said Major Huntington leaping off the bed in hot

  Before Lady Eversole's arrival, Major Huntington had foreseen that she might
object to multiple partners. To overcome her reluctance, the Major had retrieved
two pair of black smith tongs from the stable and instructed the Captain in
their use.

  "Harvey, put these on a tit and the best bred female in the kingdom will
gladly suck your cock and swallow your piss. And thank you for it afterwards"
explained the Major as he brandished the long black tongs that the farriers used
to grip a smoldering horseshoe for shaping.

  Major Huntington had easily beaten Lady Eversole to the door. That as it turns
out was unnecessary it being securely locked from the outside by the Major's
faithful manservant, Gregory. The Major had grabbed Lady Eversole's wrists and
spun her about in order to deliver an open handed slap to her cheek that snapped
her face around a full ninety degrees. Her face was promptly returned to its
prior position by the application of a similar slap to the opposite side of her
face. Two identical trickles of blood appeared at the corner of her nostrils.
The Major felt his cock grow even harder when he saw the vermilion droplets

  By that time, the always-helpful Dashwood had arrived with the pair of
blacksmith's tongs. Positioning himself behind the sobbing and bleeding Lady
Eversole, the Major had pulled her arms firmly behind her causing her large
breasts to thrust forward. Harvey Dashwood had shown considerable skill in
closing and locking the business end of the tongs over Lady Eversole's nipples
whose sole employment up to that point had been to suckle five infants. Lady
Eversole, a devoted mother, had refused the services of a nursemaid with the
result that her dugs were sizeable and therefore subject to excruciating pain
when Captain Dashwood captured them in the iron grip of the tongs.

  Captain Dashwood always ready for fun proceeded to merrily pull the Marquise
around the bedroom. The Marquise exhibited her vocal power by screaming at the
top of her lungs and loudly begging for the release of her mammary.

  In accordance with the Major's predictions, Lady Eversole after several trips
around the large bed had readily agreed to participate in whatever sexual
peccadilloes that Harvey and Wesley could devise. After two glasses of brandy
and one of champagne, Lady Kathy had calmed down, resigned herself to her fate
and agreed to eagerly take part in the activities.

  Why not? This will put me on a par with my husband quietly concluded Lady

  Wesley and Harvey later remarked that the day's events should be considered an
outstanding example of the willingness of British womanhood to adapt to changing

  Lady Eversole that afternoon and night had experienced several of what the
Major had termed "firsts". This included the first time Lady Eversole had ever
had a male cock in her rectum, had sex with two men simultaneously, three when
the Major invited Gregory his manservant to join them. The normally finicky but
inebriated Lady Kathy had swallowed several bladders of urine provided by her
companions. Additionally, she had for the first time engaged in oral sex with
another female, Gregory's wife, the insatiable and quite beautiful trollop

  Using her mouth on Annabelle's sex opened up a new world for Lady Kathy.
Lesbianism had been one taboo she never intended to break. However, not having
prior informed her companions of her scruples, they placed her head between
Annabelle's legs and Annabelle's between Lady Kathy's. The action of Annabelle's
tongue upon her clitoris and vagina begged for a concomitant response. Lady
Kathy hesitated only seconds before her own tongue plunged into Annabelle's
pussy tasting the combined semen of the three males that had managed to deposit
their essence inside. Lady Kathy reconsidered her aversion to lesbianism
reclassifying it from taboo to highly desirable as she and Annabelle pleasured
one another. The three males sat nearby watching the two women and occasionally
shouting encouragement.

  This has gone even better than I expected thought Wesley breathing in the
smoke of his favorite cigar before taking a sip of champagne.

  "To Lady Eversole, who had performed extremely well this evening," said
Captain Dashwood lifting his flute of bubbly to his lips.

  "Here, here," added Wesley.

  "It was most impressive that she was able to accommodate the three of us at
once," said Captain Dashwood.

 "Yes, and not the smallest cocks in England by any means," said Wesley.

  "You say the lady has little experience of men," said Gregory.

  "Only her brother, Lord Rafferty when she was a girl and her husband Lord
Eversole since marriage. I gather that his lordship had not been in the saddle
since their youngest was conceived a decade ago," said Wesley.

  "All the more impressive, look at her and Annabelle. See how she licks
Annabelle's pussy, like a deer with a block of salt. Her ladyship has the soul
of a wanton," said Gregory.

  "More like the soul of that French whore of yours, Gregory. Of course, there
is French blood in the Rafferty's. That may account for it," said Wesley.

  "Her ladyship had a nice round bottom, perhaps I should fetch the canes," said

  "Capital idea, Gregory, let's make the bitch howl like a hyena and then we can
take turns in her warm little bottom," said Captain Dashwood.

  The finale of the evening consisted of a drunken Lady Kathy being restrained
across an armchair and soundly whipped with a thin bamboo reed until she
fainted. Revived with another glass of brandy, she was sodomised by the three
males while her mouth serviced Annabelle's well-used sex. The evening's sport
ended when Lady Kathy was forced to kneel before each of the revelers with her
mouth open and swallow mouthful after mouthful of champagne piss.

  The revelry had ended when the five had passed out. Lady Kathy awoke the next
morning to find herself in a pile of naked bodies in the center of the Major's

  Lady Eversole had left the next morning sore in all her parts, her head
pounding and slightly nauseated but with the Major's assurances that he would do
his best to look after the welfare of young Kenneth. Something that sadly enough
due to Kedif's knife the Major was a decided failure.

   When Lady Kathy returned to Chichester Hall, she found her husband in the
drawing room angrily waiting her return. Her being gone overnight was an
unprecedented event. She proceeded to lock the door and describe in detail her
activities of the previous afternoon and night. She particularly dwelled on the
size and prowess of the cocks she had hosted in all three orifices. Lady
Eversole had not even excluded her oral enjoyment of Annabelle's semen soaked
vagina. She even went so far to report her disappointment that the Major's
bullmastiff, Waterloo, was sick and therefore unable to provide her with her
first non-human sexual intercourse.

  "I was perfectly prepared to take his cock in my mouth and pussy but the beast
was ill and discommoded," said Lady Eversole to her astounded husband.

  Lord Eversole listened in silence as his wife specified exactly who did what
to whom and how much she enjoyed it. Lord Eversole was far too much of a coward
to challenge the pistol aim of Major Huntington in a duel. And in point of fact,
he did not much care who had carnal knowledge of his wife.

  As proof of her infidelity, Lady Eversole positioned herself over an armchair
and pulled her dress up exposing her well-stripped and bruised bottom. Lord
Eversole uncharacteristically found himself aroused by the sight. He proceeded
to mount her, forcing his cock into her painfully sore rectum as he grabbed a
handful of her long hair as leverage. Her screams of pain brought the servants
to the locked door knocking to inquire the matter. Lord Eversole calmly
retrieved the key from his sobbing wife. Forbidding her to move, he opened the
door to assure the staff that all was well. The servants was somewhat taken back
when they looked across the room to see Lady Eversole bent across a chair with a
vividly marked bottom and orifices showing signs of recent penetration. The fact
that Lord Eversole's erect cock was clearly visible clearly informed the
servants that the Lord was merely exercising his matrimonial rights and that a
discreet retreat was in order.

  However, Lord Eversole before dismissing the servants huddled at the drawing
room door had a second thought.

  "Edgar, I require your assistance, come inside," said Lord Eversole to the
youthful manservant he had recently taken into his service.

  "Certainly, my lord," replied the young lad who had gained his employment
based not only on his skills as a manservant but also on the size and stamina of
his member. Lord Eversole during his classical studies at Eton where he took a
first in Latin and a second in Greek had acquired an appetite for buggery that
upon occasion Edgar was expected to satisfy. 

  "Edgar is attending to his lordship," was the servant's coded phrase that
meant his lordship was on his back with his feet pointed to the ceiling and
Edgar's cock in his bum. His lordship had a disturbing habit of squealing like a
partially slaughtered hog during sodomy.

  Lord Eversole and Edgar spent the remainder of the day enjoying themselves
with Lady Eversole's sore and painful to the touch orifices. This included a
prolonged period where Lady Kathy was subjected to what his Lordship referred to
as a "good old fashioned English whipping". Both Edgar and Lord Eversole
simultaneously applied a coachman's whip to Lady Eversole's buttocks until the
poor Marquise was beside herself and begging them to fuck her instead.

  The events of those days inspired a brief but pleasurable renaissance of his
lordships sexual interest in her ladyship. When his interest waned, Lady
Eversole consoled herself by taking Edgar and eventually her maid, Agatha, to
her bed. 

  In spite of having degraded, humiliated, and subjected Kenneth's mother to
multiple partners and perversions, the Major genuinely liked Kenneth Eversole
and considered him an excellent young officer.

  The Major's fever-induced reverie of his encounter with Kenneth's mother was
interrupted by the arrival of Kedif who proceeded to bind the Major's gonad with
a narrow leather tie. The Major steeled himself as he felt the knife bit into
the skin of his scrotum. The Major screamed in both pain and horror as Kedif
carefully sliced opened his scrotum and severed the connecting tissue that bound
the lump of nerve ganglia to its mooring.

  Kedif palmed the gonad impressed with its size and weight then tossed the now
useless flesh into the brazier. Selecting the iron with the brightest glow he
grasped the Majors' cock in one hand and pulled it straight up lifting the half
empty ball sack.

  Kedif glanced up to confirm that the Major was still conscious and watching
him intently. Kedif used his fingers to pull the incision in a straight line and
hold the wound closed as he lined up the iron with the wound. He pressed the
iron to the flesh and held it for a few seconds. The Major's scream brought
another smile to his face. Kedif inspected the result then touched the iron to a
place that appeared missed producing another scream of pain.

    Major Huntington would have much preferred unconsciousness but his strength
precluded that and he was forced to watch as Kedif spent the afternoon removing
one testicle from each of the Lancers. Finally, he did manage to lose
consciousness. That was unquestionably the best thing that happened to him that

Chapter 15    - Slaughter and Escape

Please take note! Adults Only Literature

The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for
adults only.

If you are an underage minor or offended by such material -or- if viewing this
file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story

This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwise
is purely coincidental, etc.

Copyright 2004


   Sally and Anne Claridge were exhausted from their day's work as whores at The
English House. Both girls had been chosen many times during a busy Saturday
afternoon and evening. The fact that they were young, barely fourteen and
identical twins made them doubly appealing to the horny English sailors who had
sailed from London two months ago.

  The officers of an East Indiaman had purchased the twins for the afternoon and
they had been obliged to entertain a dozen sailors in a serial fuck that had
continued until all the sailors had exhausted their capability to achieve an
erection. Two of the midshipmen had been roughly the same age as the twins.
Sally and Anne had been obliged to deflower the two boys as their shipmates
hooted and applauded.

  Both girls had mounted the two boys for less than a minute when they
ejaculated causing great amusement to the other officers.

  "Let me show how it's done," exclaimed the drunken captain pulling Sally to
his groin and placing his cock in her mouth.  "Open your mouth, darling."

  "This is called a Jamaica skull fuck," yelled the captain grabbing the sides
of Sally's head and forcing his large hard cock into her gullet. At first Sally
choked and gagged. Saliva cascaded from her chin when the Captain withdrew his
member before forcing it back down her throat.

  Sally's throat bulged with the presence of the fully erect cock. It took
minutes for Sally to gain control over her gag reflex and prevent the Captain
from asphyxiating her. Sally had mastered at considerable effort the skill to
serve a cock in her throat and maintain her air supply. There was nothing for
the poor girl to do but remain calm and use her hands, tongue, and lips to bring
the sailor to a climax as quickly as possible. As soon as Sally had swallowed
the Captain's ejaculate, she was tumbled on her back like Anne who was in a
nearby bed under a pile of sailor flesh.

  Anne was groaning as two particularly well-endowed sailors were ramming their
cocks in her pussy and ass while a third was forcing his cock past her

  "My turn and I want her bunghole," announced the first mate as he grabbed
Sally's ankles.

  The officer bent her double and unhesitatingly forced his cockhead past her
anal ring causing Sally to squeal in pain. There was searing pain for a moment
then Sally relaxed and found herself responding, as a well-trained whore should. 
The twins were aware that any complaints by the officers of a lack of zeal or
skill on their part would result in a beating by one of the Bromley's.

  "I love a good English cock in my ass," exclaimed Sally emphasizing her point
be contracting her buttocks to squeeze the customer's penis.  Nearby Anne was
pretending to enjoy the painful bites that the second mate was inflicting on her
small breasts.

  If he keeps at it, he will chew them off thought Anne leaning down to stick
her tongue in the mate's ear to distract him. 

  The girls had lost count of the number of sailors they had serviced. Both
girls had been thoroughly used in all three orifices. At the very end of the
evening, a Welshman with a taste for the bizarre had paid extra to have the two
urinate in his mouth and he in theirs. 

  Despite their fatigue, Mrs. Bromley had ordered them to her bedroom for the

  "You two little harlots can pleasure me tonight," said the enormous woman
taking the two from their tiny room that still smelled of urine.

  The girls reconciled themselves to their fate as they helped the brothel madam
to undress and climb in bed. According to a well-established ritual, they
struggled to place a bolster under her enormous bottom in order to elevate it
and expose her asshole along with her hairy and unwashed sex.

  "It's very important you service my asshole properly," was how Mrs. Bromley
put it the very first night she called them to her bed.  Sally and Anne
alternated the unpleasant task of using their mouth on the madam's bunghole
since her hygiene was questionable and consisted mainly of the nightly tongue
baths provided by the twins.

  It had been a busy day and the brothel was at last quiet when the twins
slipped between the madam's thighs, overcame the smell of unwashed flesh and
applied their tongue and lips to the various components that comprised her sex.

  "Fist me," said Mrs. Bromley who had consumed her fair share of rum tonight.
She was looking forward to a good climax followed by a long snooze. She felt the
need of having the twin's hands inside her body cavities.

   For the last few minutes the twins had been using their mouths on Mrs.
Bromley's clit in their efforts to bring her to climax. One twin would suck the
digit while the other licked the underside.

  Sally's entire hand was inside the amazingly loose Bromley vagina and Anne was
in the process of working her hand up Mrs. Bromley's asshole.

  Mrs. Bromley had become a whore at the age of twelve when her parents who
owned an inn near Leominster had lost her at cards to a stranger that operated a
brothel in the Cheapside area of London. One of eight surviving children, Carrie
Bromley had not been a virgin when the lucky brothel owner carried her off in
the night. Her father and brothers had seen to that. Her father was not averse
to allowing Carrie or her younger sister Rose spend the night in a guest's room
for a few coppers.

  Whoring was all Mrs. Bromley knew. A strong taste for rum and sweets resulted
in a too large figure that ended her career as a brothel worker. But her cruel
nature and her large and intimidating stature had pointed her in the direction
of being a Madam.

  Mrs. Bromley had by good fortune connected with Sir Charles Danby who sensed
that he had found someone who would be completely loyal to him and willing to
operate a house that served not only as a brothel but also as a means to gather
shipping intelligence. When Sir Charles decided that piracy was a quicker path
to riches than trading English textiles to natives, he moved Mrs. Bromley to
Madagascar as part of his master plan that included marrying the Princess Aziza
and gaining control over the port of Mahajanga. Placing Mrs. Bromley at the
southern city of Toliara had been a stroke of genius. Sir Charles's pirate fleet
was able to pick off the richest and least defended traders while avoiding the
occasional frigate sent by the Royal Navy to suppress the marauders.

  Sally was scraping her fingers along Mrs. Bromley's vaginal walls while her
sister went about the unpleasant task of pushing her hand into the turds that
packed the woman's intestines. Mrs. Bromley's loud moans indicated she was
approaching an orgasm.

   Both girls were laying between the enormous outstretched thighs each licking
along the side of her pudgy clitoris.  The smell of unwashed sex, urine, and
feces hung in the warm tropical air. However, the twins were used to it and well
aware that any lack of zeal would result in a nasty whipping and even worse an
afternoon spent with the brothel's brutal guards. 

  During their time at The English House, Mrs. Bromley had made a point of using
the twins to satisfy herself after the last customer had departed and the
brothel had been closed up for the night. At first, frequent slaps and beatings
had accompanied these nightly sessions. Mrs. Bromley would communicate her
dissatisfaction by climbing out of bed and tying the girls to one of the
bedposts. Then she would apply a wide sailor's belt to their backsides. Their
screams of pain and cries for mercy would wake the entire establishment.

  Finally, the twins had mastered the techniques required to satisfy the madam's
desires and they were able to quickly bring her to orgasm and thus to sleep
where her loud snores made rest difficult for the tired girls.

  Sally's hand sensing the muscular contractions of Mrs. Bromley's vaginal walls
signaled her sister that success was nigh. Both girls redoubled their efforts.
Mrs. Bromley twisted her giant body from side to side as the pleasures of the
little death overtook her. At that moment, the girls felt the presence of
another body landing on the bed. It was too dark to make out who it was. They
looked up to see the glint of a knife blade in the tropical moonlight and then
felt the madam's body convulse. They heard the sound of air rushing from
someone's lungs.

   "There bitch, I've done for you," whispered Ludivine in Mrs. Bromley ear. It
was pitch black when Ludivine silently entered Mrs. Bromley's bedroom and took
her vengeance. Ludivine had clamped her hand firmly across Mrs. Bromley mouth as
she used Nabu's knife to slice the woman's throat severing the jugular.

  "Help me hold her, girls," whispered Ludivine as Mrs. Bromley attempted to
rise. Sally and Anne each grabbed and held on to the enormous thighs. It took
only moments for Mrs. Bromley's life to ebb away. Ludivine held the struggling
woman's head as the warm blood spurted out of the gaping neck wound over her
enormous bosom. In a matter of seconds it was over. Ludivine calmly wiped her
hand on the bedcovers the moment Mrs. Bromley ceased her struggles.  A loud fart
and the release of a sizeable turd signaled that the madam had give up the

  "Sally, Anne, get dressed, we're leaving," whispered Ludivine.

   "Is she dead," asked Sally?

  "Yes, be quiet," answered Ludivine. "Don't make a sound, we're escaping this
awful place tonight."

  "Of course she's dead silly, can't you smell she's shit herself," said Anne.

  "Quiet," repeated Ludivine.

  "Where are we going, Ludivine," said Anne.

  "Away from this horrible place. I'll explain later. Now be silent for all our
sakes and come with me," said Ludivine.

  Across the hall in Mrs. Bromley's son Rodney's room, another murder was taking
place. Rodney had selected Elena as his bed companion when she first arrived at
the English House. Elena quickly learned that she was in the hands of a complete
sadist. At the slightest provocation he had beaten her with his huge hands.
Slaps, kicks, and using his powerful hands to torture her breasts and sex were a
common occurrence. Large bruises that covered an entire breast had been common.

   Once after Elena had particularly displeased Rodney, he had tied her to a
chair and slowly pulled two of her fingernails out. Attempts by Ludivine to
intervene had resulted in horrible beatings for the two of them.

  Elena had made an extra effort that night to ply Rodney with drink. As per
usual, the night had ended with a drunken Rodney doing his utmost to cause Elena
pain as he fucked her. His great hands had bruised her breasts and painfully
twisted his nipples. He had lifted her off the bed by her nipples causing her to
scream out. By the time, Rodney climaxed, Elena was crying and sobbing in
terrible pain.

  When he passed out after fucking her, she stealthily bound his hands and feet
to the bedposts with cords hidden under the mattress. Then she had slowly
stroked his cock and used her mouth to bring him to an erection. She carefully
straddled his body slipping his cock into her pussy and began to fuck him. At
that point, she heard Segos slip into the room. He had expected to kill Rodney
by himself at least that was the plan Nabu had laid out. Instead he found the
beautiful Elena slowly fucking the unconscious man. Segos could see in the
moonlight that Rodney's ankles and wrists were tightly bound.  

  Elena reached out for the knife Segos was holding. He placed it in her hand
allowing his fingers to linger for a moment on the white skin of the dark haired
beauty. Segos sensed Elena's need to take her own revenge. He watched as she
used one hand to grasp Rodney's balls in one hand and pull them tight as she
continued to ride his cock. She positioned the razor sharp blade at the base of
Rodney's gonads and cut upward as she pulled hard on the scrotum. The bloody
ball sack and penis were severed and easily came off in Elena's hand. She spun
around facing the awakening Rodney and at the moment he opened his mouth to
scream, shoved his severed manhood between his teeth.

  Segos allowed Elena to savor her revenge for a moment then used his other
knife to cut Rodney's throat.

  Lorraine Connors and Roxanne were completing the slaughter of the Bromley
family in another bedroom. As usual, Mr. Bromley had drunk himself into a stupor
and passed out. Lorraine and Roxanne had helped him to bed. They had undressed
him then climbed in bed on each side of him and waited. At the agreed upon hour
they had bound and gagged the old sadist. Lorraine had bent the drunkard double
tying his hands and feet together exposing his skinny flanks and rectum.

  "He was so fond of buggering us that I think this is appropriate," whispered
Lorraine. Instead of the knife provided by Nabu, Loraine used the gold headed
sword cane that Mr. Bromley frequently used to beat the girls. Unsheathing the
sword from the custom made Malacca cane, Loraine with Roxanne's help had
positioned it a Mr. Bromley's anus and then on a agreed upon signal driven it in
to the hilt. They watched as the man twisted and died.

  On the roof, Oliver and Ernest were reaching into the cage of pigeons and
breaking each bird's neck. Ludivine had insisted this be done in order to
prevent the carrier pigeons from being used to inform Sir Charles and Princess
Aziza of what had befallen The English House.

  Betty was downstairs in the guardhouse. Along with Nabu and his other warriors
they were moving from room to room killing each of the guards. When it came to
the room of the Malay who had broken Betty's fingers for his own amusement,
Betty had insisted on taking her revenge personally. Topanga, a huge warrior had
gagged and bound the Malay. Betty carefully sliced his stomach open and reached
in to grasp a loop of his intestines. Slowly she had pulled his guts out until
they formed large loops of intestines at her feet. Betty and Topanga left the
Malay to die a painful death.

  According to plan everyone gathered in the downstairs tavern. Elena and
Lorraine had awakened all the whores and told them to prepare to leave.

  "I'm not leaving," announced Julia stumbling downstairs unaware of what had

  "Good, stay here, when Sir Charles Danby arrives he can take his revenge on
you," said Elena. "Lord knows what he'll do to that big ass of yours but I
suspect it won't be pleasant."

  "Where's Mrs. Bromley and Rodney," asked Julia?

  "Dead," said Ludivine. "Mr. Bromley and the guards are dead too."

  "My God, Sir Charles will murder us all," said Julia.

  "Not unless he catches us. You can stay here and explain to him what
happened," said Elena.

  "You seem to have left me no choice. I'll have to come with you," said Julia.

  "Here, Nabu," said Ludivine handing him a large chest.

  "What's in the chest?' said Julia.

  "The money your ass and mine earned for the Bromley's," said Elena.

   "Come my Queen," said Nabu to Ludivine.

  "Queen, why did he call Ludivine his Queen," asked Julia.

  "We'll explain later," said Elena. "Move your ass before I stick this knife in

Chapter 16 - Transformation

Please take note! Adults Only Literature

The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for
adults only.

If you are an underage minor or offended by such material -or- if viewing this
file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story

This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwise
is purely coincidental, etc.

Copyright 2004


  "Stiff upper lip," whispered Major Huntington to himself as he felt the
jailer's spit land on his butthole. The Major, Captain Dashwood and Lieutenant
Eversole were shoulder-to-shoulder bent over a wooden bench. They were about to
experience their afternoon sodomy session courtesy of their jailers. The Captain
and Lieutenant had already been penetrated but the Major's partner was taking
his time using his finger to work his spit into the Major's anus. Relax and
think of the Empire the Major told himself as he experienced the not unpleasant
sensation of jailer's index finger loosening up his anal ring.

  Viscount Chumley was less than a yard away noisily providing oral pleasure to
one of the jailers who preferred mouths to assholes. Major Huntington groaned as
a cock forced his sphincter and occupied his butt. There was a brief moment of
discomfort and then his rectum relaxed and accepted the intruder. Hands grasped
his hips and began the motion that had become part of the captives' daily
routine for the last three weeks. The jailers jabbered and laughed in Arabic as
they fucked the British officers.

  The officer's limited knowledge of Arabic allowed them to decipher only a few

  "Yasmina's asshole feels like the Captain's," said one jailer referring to the
wife of a fellow. 'Except the Captain's is tighter and hugs my cock."

  "Yasmina does not suck cock as well. The Captain's mouth is like warm butter."

   This could be much worse the Major told himself as he moaned from the
sensation of his prostate being massaged by a sizeable cock. The Major reached
his hand down to take his own cock in hand and began stroking it.

  "Ah, that feels good," said the Lieutenant stroking his cock as he rocked back
and forth on the jailer's penis.

  As had been the custom for the last week, another jailer appeared in front of
the Major pushed down his trousers and presented his hairy cock to the Major's
lips. The Major opened his mouth and accepted the double-ended buggery. Refusal
would possibly mean a beating; however, none of the soldiers had ever refused.
Major Huntington had to admit he and the others had been a docile lot since
Kedif cut one of their nuts off.

  His peripheral vision informed him that his fellow officers were similarly
engaged. He noted that Captain Dashwood was making little moans of pleasure as
he vigorously rocked back and forth to maximize his and his penetrators'
pleasure. Good old Harry, he could always make the best of a bad situation
thought the Major.

  The Major recalled that in London Captain Dashwood was always up for buggery
when they attended parties hosted by the city's gay gentlemen, parties that were
known to be attended incognito by male members of the royal family.

  Even Lieutenant Eversole was moaning and showing enthusiasm for double sodomy. 
He was the one who swore he would rather die than be buggered by a filthy Muslim
recalled the Major. Kedif's knife had produced a complete change of attitude in
the young lieutenant. For the remaining Lancers and the Viscount, daily sessions
of cock sucking and butt fucking had become part of their regular routine. The
routine had become so predictable that there seemed to be some plan behind it.
The Major and the Captain Dashwood had discussed the idea but could not figure
out why their jailers were making such a regular practice of buggery.

  "Honestly, you'd think they'd get tired of us," said Captain Dashwood.
"Everyone of them has fucked me a dozen times."

  "There has been a noticeable decline in enthusiasm among them. I had to suck
Abdullah's fat cock for half an hour before he ejaculated," said Major

  "I think they are acting under someone's orders," said the Captain.

  "I agree but who and why are the questions."

  The fact that the Lancers had been left with one testicle was something of a
mystery too. Kedif had certainly promised them that the second ball would
shortly go the way of the first. However, instead of being completely gelded the
following day, they were taken to a larger and cleaner cell that was above
ground and therefore not subjected to the putrid air of their previous abode.
They were given fresh water to wash and clean water to drink. The food improved
in quantity and edibility and the Lancers regained their strength.

   As soon as his scrotum healed, the Major suggested they test their equipment.
The eight had sat in a circle each man masturbating the fellow to his right and
then his left until the welcome result occurred.  Viscount Chumley had
obligingly offered to orally stimulate anyone who had difficulty but that proved

   "It may have taken twice as long since we have only half as many balls but we
definitely performed," announced the Major to his comrades.

  "Right," added Captain Dashwood who had been pleasantly surprised that he
functioned at all. The Captain had quietly assumed that his days of bedding
young London males and females were done. Dashwood's plan was that if he ever
reached England's shores, he was going to drink himself to death as quickly as

  After the healing was completed, the sodomy by jailer began. It was regular as
clockwork. And in spite of the initial distaste for having heathens stick their
cock in their bums, the Lancers recognized that sodomy was much preferable to
another encounter with Kedif's knife. Each afternoon they were lead in groups of
four to a nearby cell that was equipped with a wooden bench whose construction
lent itself to the act. The prisoner's bum was elevated so the jailer could
perform the act standing.

  Unlike before, the guards were not unnecessarily brutal and as long as the
Lancer's cooperated, the whips and club remained unused. Major Huntington had
noticed that during the last week, he found himself looking forward to the break
in the tedium provided by the sodomy. In fact, several of the Lancers had
adopted the practice of stroking their own cocks while being sodomised and
timing their ejaculation to match that of the jailer.

  Major Huntington had doubts that sodomy was completely new to any of his
fellow soldiers. Back in England the enlisted men's barracks was rife with
buggery.  Sucking the Sergeant Major's cock was a rite of passage for a new
recruit. Any young soldier with a girl's features and slender hips was kept busy
after lights out servicing the needs of the others.

 As for the officers that had attended formal military training, sodomy was a
rite of the underclassman's life at the academy.  The Major recalled his days at
the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst. It was questionable whether any
subaltern ever completed the course without being penetrated by the bulk of
upper classman. The Major recalled how he and the others were lined up and
buggered as a group by the upperclassmen their first day at the academy. That
particular session had also involved drinking the upperclassmen's piss straight
from the source so to speak. The Major had gotten it down all right but most of
the cadets were left retching in pools of their own vomit. It had been quite an
introduction to his military education.

  Punishment for infractions of the rules at the Academy involved rituals that
were decidedly homosexual in nature. The Major remembered Captain Gaines the
officer who taught map reading and the use of a compass to navigate unfamiliar
terrain. Cadets who failed in the field exercises had to present themselves at
the Captain's quarters where they not only received additional tutoring in
locating compass north but also oral stimulation of a delightful sort. The
instructor was so skilled in his oral administrations that cadets purposely got
lost for the pleasure of his remedial instruction.

   Punishment for serious infractions of the rules involved restraining the
cadet over a wooden frame during punishment parade. This was done on Saturday
afternoon when the entire core of cadets plus the staff were drawn up in
formation. Everyone bearing witness to the miscreant's execution of sentence was
considered essential to good military discipline.  As the drummer beat out a
tattoo an upperclassman lowered the cadet' s trousers. That in and of itself was
an exercise in supreme humiliation as several hundred students were staring at
your naked bum. After your list of offenses were read aloud by the
superintendent, one of the prefects would step up with a cane and land from ten
to thirty blows on your bottom. The cadet would be judged on how well they bore
the pain without crying out. Cadets who screamed their bloody lungs out were
judged unfit to be leaders of men. Cadet Wesley Huntington had never cried once
even when he was caught sneaking three of the local trollops into the barracks
for a bit of fun. For that offense, he was subjected to the full thirty strokes
by the prefect known to have the strongest arm at the academy.

  After the caning was complete and the cadet's bottom striped like a Bengali
tiger, they restored their trousers and the military formation dismissed. The
cadets would be left overnight in the stocks to shiver in the cold and
contemplate the virtues of military justice.

  The shenanigans began after dark when the academy staff had retired.  The
shivering and sniveling cadet would stiffen when he heard sounds behind him.
Some unknown person or persons would tug down his trousers then spend some time
playing with his cock and balls. The next step involved a large gob of spit or
butter from the mess being worked into the cadet's rectum. This was invariably
followed by penetration with as many cocks as were willing to brave sneaking out
of the barracks at night. An infraction that would land the perpetrators in the
same position as the cadet they came to sodomise.

  Major Huntington fondly recalled those moments when his cock was buried in a
cadet's stripped bum. He remembered feeling the heat on his groin from the
raised whelps. If the cadet was crying and begging for mercy it added to the
pleasure. If the cadet had not made a good show by keeping silent during his
caning, the others expressed their displeasure by pissing on him. Major
Huntington recalled that his personal favorite was to piss in the cadet's
asshole immediately after ejaculating. The Major would then restore the cadet's
trousers leaving him to add to his disgrace by shitting himself. It made for a
pretty sight when the prefects showed up the next morning to release the cadet.

  He himself had stood up bravely to numerous appearances on the punishment
frame. He had conducted himself as would be expected of an officer and a
gentleman. He particularly remembered the night that his good friend Harvey
Dashwood had sucked his cock while a Scottish cadet named Ian Macneil possessor
of the largest member the Major had ever seen had sodomised him. Major Wesley
could recall how the sweat poured from his brow as slowly and inexorably Ian's
giant member had traveled up his bowels packing his shit into a single massive
turd that emerged three days later. The Major still considered that his greatest
achievement in at the art of defecation.

  Poor Ian recalled the Major. His Sepoy regiment had revolted near the Khyber
Pass. Ian's penchant for harsh discipline had not endeared him to his charges
and they had turned him over to a tribe of Pushtun's for torture and amusement.
The women of the tribe were notorious for their skill in providing a long and
painful death. The finale was watching your own castration. The Pushtuns females
had removed Ian's eyelids thereby insuring that he watched as they went to work
with their knives on his manhood.

  Rumor had it that the females had been so impressed with Ian's penis they cut
it off and presented it to a local village headman who preserved it in a jar of
glycerin. The headman showed it to all his visitors, claiming that it was his
most prized possession. 

  Major Huntington's reverie of his days as a cadet was interrupted by the taste
of semen in his mouth and the realization that the jailer at his rear was about
to finish. The Major swallowed then sucked vigorously to capture the remaining
ejaculate and swallowed again. Major Huntington licked the withdrawn cockhead
experiencing a touch of regret that he had finished. The Major managed to squirt
his own semen on the stone floor just as the Jailer's body motions and loud
breathing indicated that additional semen now occupied his rectum.

  When the jailers were done, Major Huntington was startled to hear a female
voice say, "Bravo, bravo, weren't the splendid? I think they will do very

  "Wonderful, I couldn't agree more."

  The Major looked up to see Estelle and Eloise standing in the cell door
watching the proceeding. Several well-armed guards accompanied them. The twins
were smiling and clapping.

 "Hello there, how are you two getting on?" said Viscount Chumley taking a
jailer's cock out of his mouth.

  "Very well, Roger, how have you been?" asked Estelle.

  "Good, quite good really considering," said the Viscount.

  "Can you gather everyone Major, we have something we need to discuss," said

  Major Huntington wiped off his own chin got to his feet, restored his trousers
and summoned the rest of the soldiers. Moments later, everyone was seated on
benches in front of the twins.

  "Mohammed Khan has decided to spare your lives provided you cooperate," said

  "The normal practice for captured British soldiers is mutilation and
castration followed by being torn to pieces by the mob. But you know that since
you were in the square that day when they executed half of your company," said

  The fact that the twins were smiling as they talked about such matters rather
surprised Major Huntington. In London, he had met his share of women who had
peculiar tastes but Estelle and Eloise seemed a breed apart.

  "Mohammed Khan has commanded my sister and I to conduct a little experiment
with you," said Estelle.

  "We have been working very hard and have overcome many difficulties on your
behalf. You have no idea what we have been through to locate the items needed.
We have now acquired the necessary clothes, jewels, wigs, make-up and even a
nearby palace to allow us to proceed."

  "Pardon me but proceed at what?" said the Major.

  "Becoming women to entertain Mohammed Khan's court," said Eloise.

  "They won't exactly become women. It's more dress up and act like a woman,"
said Estelle.

  "I don't understand at all," said Captain Dashwood.

  "Luckily for you, when Mohammed Khan was studying in Cambridge, he attended
what he refers to as chiffon balls. Are any of you familiar with that?" said

  "I am," said Major Huntington.

  "I also," said Captain Dashwood.

  "Excellent, that's important because neither of us had any idea at first what
he meant," said Eloise.

  Actually chiffon balls were a regular but unpublicized feature of the London
social season. The Major recalled that he and Dashwood had attended a
spectacular chiffon ball in Charring Cross several months before they were
posted overseas. It had been a very enjoyable evening. Chiffon balls were very
elegant affairs where London's homosexual set dressed up like women and invited
masculine men to come and be their partners.

  To the casual observer, a chiffon ball resembled a normal London ball except
the presence of women was expressly forbidden.  Homosexual men who had the
inclination dressed in ball gowns danced and flirted with the men. Champagne was
liberally consumed and the evening ended in male orgies that went on to dawn.
Major Huntington recalled having the devil of a time finding his clothes when he
finally awoke holding a MP from Devonshire in his arms. He had passed out while
engaged in a sodimising the young men dressed in the latest fashion of
provocative lingerie straight from Gay Paree. The Major felt his cock twitch at
the memory of that night.

  "It's like a normal London ball except that instead of women you have men
dressed as women and we danced with them," said Captain Dashwood.

  "And afterwards?" asked Estelle.

  "We committed sodomy," said the Major never one to mince words.

  "So you understand what is required," said Eloise.

  "Yes, but there are some of us who are too masculine to succeed as women,"
said Major Huntington referring to himself. Dashwood and Eversole were slender
young fellows but the Major had a definite male physique, taller than average
with broad shoulders and a powerful build.

  "True, Mohammed Khan who is truly a genius when it comes to such matters has a
solution. Are any of you familiar works of the Marquis de Sade, Major?" asked

  "Yes, by reputation," said the Major. The Major literary endeavors were
limited to the manuals required to complete Sandhurst. He could say with pride
that he had never read a book for enjoyment. However through experience, he had
become a devotee of the Marquis's philosophy and had on many occasions spent a
pleasant hour applying the lash to a screaming female's backside as a prelude to

  "Our pleasure palace will include a dungeon. We plan for you Major and
Corporal Worthy to be dressed as Dungeon Mistresses. We'll keep the lighting
poor. Mohammed Khan plans to introduce the Marquis's practices to his
courtiers," said Eloise.

  "And of course, there will be courtiers who enjoy being sodomised by a soldier
of the Empire," said Estelle.

  "If I understand you, correctly, Mohammed Khan is establishing a residence
where we will dress as women and perform acts of sodomy and Sadism with members
of his court," said Captain Dashwood.

  "Correct, you will be well treated, actually pampered as long as you behave.
But if even one of you refuses or tries to escape, then all of you will be
returned to Kedif," said Estelle.

 "So we are in agreement?" said Eloise.

  "Ladies, we are at your disposal," said Major Huntington bowing his head

Chapter 17 - Wedding and Coronation

Please take note! Adults Only Literature

The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for
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This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwise
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Copyright 2004


 Ludivine's flicked her tongue across Nabu's asshole as he raised and lowered
his body over the young native girl. Moments before Nabu had deflowered the girl
who was one of four hundred virgin brides presented to the newly crowded king of
the Ibo Nation. Nabu was expected to ejaculate in the girl and hopefully get her

  The young girl was moaning slightly as Nabu worked his blood-smeared cock into
her sex. The girl's head was resting in her mother's lap and she was stroking
the girl's brow and speaking quietly to her.

  Ludivine sensed Nabu's exhaustion. This was the fortieth girl he had
deflowered in the last four days. It had been ten a day plus several long
tedious ceremonies as Nabu and Ludivine were crowned rulers of the nation.

  After he had finished with the girl, Nabu would rest for a day then take the
men on a lion hunt. The celebration of the coronation of King Nabu IV would be
complete when Nabu killed a lion.

  Ludivine glanced around at the several hundred faces watching the king. The
room was quiet intent on the performance of Nabu, Ludivine, and the young girl.
Betty, Elena, and the others were nearby. Elena was kneeling down between Segos'
legs holding his large cock. If Nabu failed with this last girl, his rule would
be considered to have an unlucky start.

  Ludivine reached down to grab Nabu's balls pressing the side of her hand
against the sensitive area between his balls and his asshole. She pushed her
face between his rising ass cheeks and pressed her tongue through his anal ring.
Ludivine sensing that Nabu was responding forced her tongue inside his asshole.
She sucked and nibbled at his anus as she caressed his balls. Nabu reacted to
her encouragement and picked up the pace of his assault on the girl's pussy.

  Nabu's energy returned and his mouth grabbed one of the girl's nipples between
his teeth and pulled. The crowd murmured its approval that the young king had
regained his strength and would finish in the girl.

  Nabu began to vigorously pound his cock into her causing her to moan loudly
each time his sizeable tool reached its maximum penetration. Her mother
whispered excitedly to her and the girl planted her feet firmly on the floor and
pushed her sex up to meet Nabu's downward thrust. The crowd began to murmur
louder encouraging their young king and queen. Ludivine slipped a finger coated
with her saliva into Nabu's slippery rectum. Her digit sensed the presence of
his walnut sized prostate and she gently pushed on the side of the gland
stimulating Nabu to even greater efforts. Nabu's pace increased as he worked his
way toward a crescendo. He placed his powerful arms under the girl's knees and
raised them toward her upper body as he began to slam his groin against her
crotch. Ludivine reached her long arm between Nabu's knees to stimulate the
girl's anal region.

  The girl was twisting and writhing as she responded to the assault.  Her eyes
rolled up in her head as Nabu in a flurry of brutal strokes finished, emptying
his seed into the girl's vagina. Nabu rose to his feet showing the large crowd
the blood-streaked cock dripping semen. Then he turned to Ludivine who took the
cock in her mouth and cleaned it with her tongue. The mother clutched the girl
in her arms conscious of the honor that had been brought to her family. She
grasped and kissed Ludivine's hand acknowledging her role in bringing matters to
a successful conclusion. Ludivine exchanged long passionate kisses with mother
and daughter as she helped them to their feet.

  The crowd roared its approval and the drums began to pound out the tribal
rhythms. The dancing started. The European women shed what little clothing they
were wearing and danced with the Ibo.  Before long, the women and men began to
pair off. Couples fell to the floor and engaged in intercourse among the crowd
of dancing feet. Couples rolled on the floor exchanging partners at random.

  Nabu and Ludivine both exhausted sat on their respective thrones and watched
the dancing. Not being expected to participate in the tribal orgy was a relief
to Ludivine. It gave her a chance to rest and consider her situation. She had
been surprised at how her agreement with Nabu was turning out.

  When Ludivine agreed to become Queen she had no idea that she was taking on
the rule of several hundred thousand humans in West Africa's largest tribe. They
were in the fourth and final day of the coronation ceremony. They had just
successfully completed the tradition that the newly crowned king would with the
help of his queen take the virginity of ten of the girls each day. That was a
testing of the new king and it was critical that he demonstrate his fertility to
the Ibo.

  The other three hundred and sixty would be deflowered over the course of the
year. Once a girl was no longer a virgin, she could return to her village where
she would be married to one of the local warriors. It was considered a privilege
and honor to take a wife that had been first used by the king.

  It had been four days of almost non-stop dancing, drinking, and indiscriminate
sex. After the captives departure from Toliara they had sailed to the African
coast then traveled inland to the royal village on the shores of a magnificent
lake. The women and two boys had rested for several days before preparation for
the dual coronation had begun.

  The morning the ceremony was to take place, they had made the rather
unpleasant acquaintance of Rev. Gordon Ellsworth. His wife Meredith and his
sister Melody accompanied him. The missionary of the High Anglican Church had
been appalled when he found Ludivine and the others dressed like the Ibo.
Ludivine was wearing a small animal skin that barely covered her sex. She like
the others had not covered her breasts.

  The Reverend Ellsworth had only recently arrived in Africa. The year before he
had completed Christ's Church Divinity College and this was his first posting.
He had been invited to the coronation by Nabu's uncle, Prince Randa, who had
shown some interest in converting to Christianity. The Reverend and the two
women had come to the large ceremonial hut expecting to find only native
peoples. The presence of fifteen half naked English women and two boys surprised
them.  The Reverend immediately requested a private audience with Ludivine and
the others. He wasted no time in sharing his opinions with Ludivine.

  "I am forced to say that your adoption of native dress sets a bad example for
the Ibo," said the Reverend with a huffy tone to his voice.

  "The Reverend's not all that bad looking," whispered Betty to Lorraine. "I
wonder what he is like in bed."

  "And the wife and sister are very pretty. I would enjoy showing them another
side of the coin," whispered Lorraine in response.

  "I disagree. I am to be the Ibo Queen and I intend to dress like my subjects,"
said Ludivine. "Besides the climate is not conducive to English clothes, your
wife and sister would be much more comfortable dressed like us. That wool suit
you are wearing is not healthy in this heat. I suggest you adopt Ibo dress

  "Allow my wife and sister to run about half naked, that's against the laws of
God and man," said the Reverend.

  "My husband and I are the law here. Crown Prince Nabu rescued us from a most
cruel existence that befell us after pirates captured us. We were forced into a
harem and later a sailor's brothel. Rape and constant intercourse were our fate.
We were subjected to surgeries that increase our desire for sexual intercourse.
After what we have been through, our respect for such niceties as covering my
body from head to toe in spite of the heat have left us," said Ludivine.

  "Madame, just because you and the others were captured by pirates and forced
to endure all manner of outrages that is no reasons to forget one's morality."

  "Meredith, are you warm?" said Ludivine growing irritated by the Reverend's

  "Yes, but of course this is Africa," said Meredith the pretty and demure young
wife of the missionary. Meredith had been born into a family of ministers and
knew little of the world outside the church. Like her husband she had been
appalled by the women's lack of modesty but she found herself liking the tall
red haired woman who seemed so very much in charge and the very personification
of a queen.

  "And you Melody, you must be terribly hot in that dress and all those
undergarments," said Ludivine.

  "The heat does make it presence felt," said Melody unwilling to be rude to a
future royal person. Further, she had to admit that Ludivine was correct. The
heat was hard to bear and the presence of so many layers of clothing added to
the discomfort. She and her sister-in-law had suffered painful chaffing since
their arrival.

   "Reverend, what did Adam and Eve wear in Paradise?" said Ludivine.

  "Nothing of course but after they ate the forbidden fruit they were forced out
of Paradise and had to cover their nakedness," said the Reverend.

  "And in this jungle Paradise we wear what suits the climate and the Queen.
Lorraine, Betty, see that our female guests are more comfortably attired," said

  "Absolutely not, I refuse to allow it," said the Reverend stepping forward to
put his arms around his wife and sister.

  "Guards, take this tiresome man and strip him naked," said Ludivine.

  "Surely you do not mean that," said the Reverend beginning to sense that he
had underestimated Ludivine or overestimated his own moral authority.

  "If you are going to minister to the Ibo, then you must learn to dress, eat,
and dance like an Ibo," said Ludivine as two of the royal guards stepped forward
to grab the Reverend's arms.

  "You really can't be serious," said the Reverend struggling with the guards.

  "Guards, remove the Reverend's clothes and make him more comfortable," said
Ludivine. "Betty, you and the others remove the ladies clothes.  All this talk
of morality grows tiresome."

  "You heard the Queen, off with everything," said Betty to the two women.

  "I can't," said Meredith whose modesty was so great that she did not even
allow the Reverend to see her naked.

  "All right, we'll do it for you," said Lorraine reaching out to untie Melody's

  "I want to see what the Reverend has between his legs," said Rebecca Smythe
rushing up to the Reverend to fumble with his trouser buttons. The royal guards
were selected for their size and they easily held the much smaller Reverend as
Rebecca unbuttoned his trousers and pulled them down.

  "Young woman, stop this outrage," yelled the Reverend.

  "It's a nice one," said Rebecca wrapping her fist around the Reverend's cock.

   The women surged forward to undress the two women and the Reverend. They
laughed as they pulled the heavy clothes off the two women. Oliver and Ernest
helped to remove Melody's clothes. Melody for the first time found herself nude
with two boys admiring her body. She turned red with shame.

  The Smythe and Claridge sisters wrestled with the Reverend until at last they
managed to relieve him of all his clothes.  The women held him on the floor as
they played with his cock and balls

  "The Reverend has big balls," laughed Sally Claridge her hand hefting the
Reverend's gonads.

  "The bishop in Nairobi will hear of this," screamed the Reverend.

  "Guards, bind the Reverend to that pole. He has developed too much pride for a
man of the cloth. He needs to learn humility. And you two come sit by me," said
Ludivine gesturing to Meredith and Melody who were now completely nude. They
were crying and attempting to cover themselves with their hands.

  Meredith choked back her tears. Melody was mortified that Oliver and Ernest
were admiring her naked body.

  "You're very pretty, isn't she Oliver?" said Ernest.

  "Yes, how old are you?" said Oliver.

  "Fifteen," whispered Melody one hand covering her breasts and the other her

 "No need to cover up for us, we've seen it all," said Oliver.

  "Sit and drink, Ibo beer is quite drinkable," said Ludivine handing each of
the women a bowl of liquid.

  Across the room, the guards had secured the protesting Reverend to one of the
thick poles supporting the roof. Rebecca was playing with the Reverend's cock.

  "Are you more comfortable now?" asked Ludivine of the two women who were still
using their hands to cover themselves.

  "Yes, but this takes some getting used to. What is she doing to Gordon?" said
Meredith looking across the room where Rebecca Smythe was stroking and licking
the Reverend's cock.

  "Rebecca is playing with his cock. She's taking a fancy to your husband and
intends to have intercourse with him," said Ludivine.

  "She's putting her mouth on him," said Meredith.

  "Yes, we all learned to do that at the Fortress of Karem Bey," said Ludivine.

  "I knew how to suck a dick long before that," said Elena.

  "This is my sister, Elena, and she developed a fondness for intercourse with
the male sex before most of us," said Ludivine introducing Elena to Meredith and

  "You do not take the Reverend's cock in your mouth to pleasure him," Elena
asked Meredith.

  "No, I was taught that such things are sins and forbidden to Christian women,"
said Meredith.

  "We'll teach you how. It's quite pleasant really and it has many uses,' said

  "Uses?" questioned Meredith.

  "For example, restoring your husband's member to a full erection after you
have made love," said Elena.

  "We have never done it more than once in a month's time," said Meredith.

  "My God but you have much to learn. As soon as Rebecca has finished, you can
watch one of the others use her mouth to ready him for another fuck," said

  Meredith winced at Elena's use of that profane term but she felt helpless to
protest. Across the way, the one they called Rebecca was moving her head back
and forth causing her lips to pass from the very tip of Gordon's cock to its
base where she buried her face in his pubic hair. 

  "My name is Lorraine and I am a proponent of Sapphic love," said Lorraine
sitting down beside Melody and putting her arm around her.

  "I'm afraid I do not know what that is," said Melody.

  "I'll show you. Maybe this afternoon we can slip away from the others and find
a quiet place to practice the love that the ancient Greeks learned on the Island
of Lesbos," said Lorraine.

  "I'd like that," said Melody responding politely but completely unaware of
what Lorraine had in mind.   

  "You don't mind sharing your husband with us, do you?" said Ludivine.

  "I don't know what to say. I know Gordon will be very upset later," said
Meredith watching as a kneeling Rebecca took the Reverend's fully erect cock in
her mouth and sucked it while she fondled his balls.

  "He seems to be enjoying Rebecca's attention," said Ludivine.

   The Reverend was attempting to pray and avoid the sin of lechery and adultery
but Rebecca's warm and skillful mouth had caused him to lose control over his
penis. His hips were moving slightly forward each time the girl took him deep
into her mouth. The caress of her tongue was arousing him to a degree that he
had not experienced in his monthly intercourse with Meredith.

  "Don't worry. He won't be harmed. He can atone for his sins after the
coronation," said Ludivine.

  "This is unexpected. What's to become of me and my sister?" said Meredith
relaxing and allowing her hands to fall to the side.

  "You are to join the celebration. Pick a warrior and couple with him. Choose
any number of them. They are quick but energetic lovers and there are more of
them present than women so you can have more than one."

  "It seems so wrong," said Meredith.

  "We at first though that way at the Fortress of Karem Bey. However, you have
no choice so you must learn to accept your fate. You will come to no harm. That
I promise," said Ludivine.

  "I suppose you are right," said Meredith. But what of Melody?"

  "Oliver and Ernest will see that no harm comes to her, right gentlemen," said

  "You have nothing to worry about," said Oliver to Melody.

   "Now, please tell me all the news of England. We've been imprisoned in the
Island of Madagascar over the past year. We spent months in the Fortress of
Mahajanga being trained as whores and then more months in Toliara working in a
brothel before we escaped," said Ludivine.

  The beer and conversation relaxed the women as across the way first Rebecca
Smythe and then the Claridge twins availed themselves of the Reverend's cock. As
it grew dark, the drums started pounding signaling that it was time for the
coronation to commence. Ludivine shed the tiny loincloth covering her sex and
lead the women out of the Queen's hut to join the dancing.

  Ludivine was pleased that Meredith and Melody joined in and danced with
abandon. At some point, she saw Oliver and Ernest lead Melody away from the fire
toward an empty hut. The girl was staggering slightly from the alcohol. Later,
Ludivine saw Meredith lying on the ground under one of the tall Ibo males. Her
legs were wrapped around the guard pulling him into her each time he thrust
forward. The sex, dancing and drinking continued until halted by the exhaustion
of the participants.

  At some point, Ludivine recalled Betty telling her that the Reverend had
passed out in the arms of a fat Ibo girl who seemed incredibly pleased to be
enjoying her first white man.

  The coronation ceremony was at noon the next day. After that the celebration
began in earnest. It was on the morning of the fifth day that the women found
themselves recovering in the Queen's hut.

 "I wonder if it is humanly possible for a woman to fuck herself to death,"
spoke a voice that Ludivine recognized as Betty's. The women were sprawled
across the floor in one of the royal sleeping huts. They were wrapped in furs
and hides.

  "If that were possible, I've have been dead a long time ago," said Elena. That
occasioned laughter from several of the women.

  "My head's killing me. That beer we drank is filthy stuff," said Julia from
somewhere across the room.

  "So why did you try to out drink Nabu's uncle," asked Constance her sister.

  "She was trying to get him drunk enough to screw her," said Lorraine.

  "So did he, Julia?" asked Louise.

  "I'm not sure. I think so," said Julia. "It was awfully dark in that hut."

  "I was so drunk I had no idea who was in inside me," said Constance. "The
Ibo's certainly don't believe in fidelity. Most of the men already have two or
three wives."

  "I think he was quite taken with me," said Julia.

  "Who?' asked Constance.

  "Randa, Nabu's Uncle, the ruler of the northern branch of the tribe," said

  "He already has thirty wives," said Elena. "You'd only get your turn at his
cock once a month."

  "Life's has a way of not turning out like you would expect it," said Eliza.

  "How so," said Ludivine?

  "A year ago I was on my way to India to become a missionary," said Eliza.

  "You can still do that. I got to screw a missionary.  Gordon loved having his
cock sucked," said Rebecca Smythe.

  "Speaking of missionaries, where is the Reverend Ellsworth?" asked Ludivine.

  "He's sleeping it off in the men's hut. He proved to be quite a terror with
the Ibo ladies," said Rebecca.

  "And where are Meredith and Melody?" asked Ludivine.

  "Melody is curled up fast asleep in my arms," said Lorraine.

  "I'm here. My head is killing me," said Meredith from somewhere in the dark

  "For someone whose only experience of men was your husband you certainly
showed an appetite for the male sex," said Elena.

  "I know. Gordon saw me several times with other men. He'll never speak to me
again," said Meredith starting to cry.

  "I wouldn't worry about it. The Reverend broke the commandments more than once
these last four days. And he did it with a will once we got him loosened up,"
said Sally Claridge.

  "I don't want to be a spinster missionary anymore," said Eliza.

  "Then you must find a husband," said Rebecca.

  "And then I would be required to sleep only with him," said Eliza.

  "Not necessarily but that will be a problem when we return to England," said

   "It's hard to imagine especially after the last four days having only man to
satisfy you," said Eliza.

  "We're spoiled women. We'll never be satisfied with just one lover," said
Sally Claridge.

  "You're just a child, Sally," said Louise.

  "I've slept with just as many men as you have Louise," said Sally.

  "And more women," added Anne Claridge. That occasioned more laughter.

  "So what is the arrangement with Nabu, Ludivine?" asked Lorraine.

  "I promised Nabu that we would stay here one year then he will arrange for us
to return to England," said Ludivine.

  "But you are coming back," said Constance.

  "Yes, I promised to return as soon as I have settled my family's affairs,"
said Ludivine.

  "Well, you are the Queen now with responsibilities," said Lorraine.

  "I'm not leaving. I'm going to stay here and fuck Segos all day every day,"
said Elena.

  "There are some other issues. I plan to go to Ismailya to find my mother and
buy her out of slavery. There is that little matter of Sir Charles Danby to take
care of," said Ludivine.

  "What do you intend to do about Sir Charles?" said Betty.

  "I'm going to raise a force even if at my own expense and blow Sir Charles off
the map," said Ludivine.

  "I'm coming with you. I want to cut his balls off with a dull knife," said
Elena. He killed our father and did such awful things to all of us.

  "And sold our mothers into slavery," added Sally Claridge.

  "It's too bad, he only has one set of balls," said Louise.

  "I'm thinking of a nice public hanging in London," said Betty.

  The women went back to sleep. Ludivine rose to see Nabu off on the hunt with
the other warriors. Oliver and Ernest were going too. Ludivine was not keen on
the boy's participation but they were bent on accompanying Nabu. Segos promised
he would see they came to no harm.

  It was the next morning that Ludivine was awakened by gunfire.

Chapter 18 - Man Whores

Please take note! Adults Only Literature

The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for
adults only.

If you are an underage minor or offended by such material -or- if viewing this
file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story

This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwise
is purely coincidental, etc.

Copyright 2004



  "How many? How many times should we whip the bitch? Yousef," said Major
Huntington taking a firm grip on the slender Arab man's balls and squeezing
them.  The young man screamed and twisted. He was naked and hanging in chains
from the ceiling. His young wife of only a few weeks was hanging naked beside

  Whelps crisscrossed the man's back and buttocks. Only moments before the Major
had delivered thirty lashes with the thin whip that was now coiled and hanging
from his belt. The Major considered himself an expert with the lash, adept at
placing his whip on the most sensitive parts of the body. As the Major delivered
the thirtieth blow, Yousef had passed out. The Major had revived him by dumping
a bucket of cold water over his head.

  I never could have imaging that my tour of duty in the Sudan would include
anything like this thought the Major passing his tongue over the man's ear as he
tortured his nuts. The Major took one of the man's nipples between his thumb and
forefinger and pressed down.

  "Please, Mistress, make her scream so loud that Allah himself can hear,"
whispered Yousef through clinched teeth. In spite of the pain, his cock was
fully erect.

  Major Huntington placed his lips against Yousef's and pushed his tongue
inside. Yousef responded passionately even though the Major's fist continued to
crush his testicles. The Major had been surprised at the willingness of
Khartoum's elite to endure savage tortures in the name of sexual pleasure.

 Major Huntington was in the basement dungeon of the Palace of English Fantasy
that Mohammed Khan had given to Estelle and Eloise to house his brothel of
Western perversions. This was the Major's second session of the evening. Earlier
he and the Sergeant had performed the same fantasy with a father and daughter.
That had been a first for the Major. In his experience, husbands often took
pleasure watching their wife being tortured and raped but not their daughters.
The father was older in his fifties and the daughter in her teens. The father
told Major Huntington that his wife had recently died and the daughter had
agreed to substitute for her mother in the fantasy.

  "She was a bloody fat one," was how Sergeant described her. She had squealed
when the Sergeant stuck his cock in her cunt and then screamed like a banshee
when he had rammed it in her ass.

  "There is something I find erotic about whipping a corpulent woman," said the
Major when he and the Sergeant were relaxing as they waited for a young nobleman
and his even younger wife to arrive.

  "It's the way the flesh bounces and they scream harder, said the Sergeant.

  "Amalia was certainly second to no one in screaming. Estelle said they could
hear her upstairs and it got everyone turned on and ready to fuck.

  "Funny, how her daddy brought her here. Never happen in a proper English
family. All right to bring a wife to a mate for a little of the bloody back and
a good rogering but not the chillins," said the Sergeant who was from a Scottish
Presbyterian background and disapproved of sex between parent and child.

  A loud scream of 'stop' from Yasmina brought the Major's attention to the
present moment. The scream was a direct result of the Sergeant having captured
one of Yasmina's nipples in a metal tong and using it as leverage to swing her
back and forth. 

  "How many lashes before the Sergeant fucks her," repeated the Major pressing
his body against Yousef's while reaching back to place his hands on Yousef's
buttocks and pulling them apart? He pressed his leather-covered groin hard
against Yousef's. The Major slid a finger in Yousef's butt crack inserting the
first joint in his anus.

  "I'm going to fuck you in the ass while the Sergeants rapes Yasmina,"
whispered the Major to Yousef.

  "Yes, Mistress, fuck me while the infidel rapes my Yasmina," responded Yousef.

  "How many lashes should the Sergeant place on her beautiful skin?' asked the

  "Twenty five, give her twenty five," cried the son of one of Khartoum's
wealthiest citizens. The mighty and powerful of Khartoum had been coming for the
last three months to avail themselves of the bizarre practices that the palace

  "No, for the love of Allah, Yousef do not let them do this to your Yasmina,"
begged Yasmina. She had watched the Major whip Yousef and she was terrified of
the lash. The Sergeant had teased and stimulated her sex during Yousef's
whipping. The Lancer's large fingers had pushed into her vagina and anus as she
was forced to listen to her husband screams.

  "Twenty five of your best, Sergeant Major Edison," said Major Huntington to
the tall mustachioed individual who was dressed impeccably in the uniform of the
Lancers. The sergeant without hesitation uncoiled his whip and delivered a lash
onto the exquisitely beautiful skin of the young girl. She shrieked and twisted
in agony.

  "See how the cruel whip of the British sergeant marks her skin. Listen to her
scream of pain," whispered the Major in Yousef's ear as his hand stroked the
fully erect cock.

  "Yes, I see," breathed the youth. "She is a slut and deserves to be whipped
and fucked by the English. She is nothing but dirt. Her people are all whores,
the entire tribe."

  The Major had been surprised at the numbers of the local nobility that had
eagerly come to the dungeon to engage in what was called he called the British
Rape Fantasy. Estelle had informed him there was a waiting list. He and the
twins had worked out the elaborate fantasy. Seamstresses had produced an exact
copy of the Sergeant Major's parade uniform based on drawings prepared by the
Major and Sergeant. The white helmet had turned out to be the most difficult
item to manufacture.

  The Major was no stranger to the world of bizarre sexual depravity being a
founding member of the Hell Fire Club. However, he had never considered that
there might be a willingness on the part of the noble Arab families of the Sudan
to participate in similar perversions.

  The Major fondly recalled how each member of the club had on one occasion
placed a female family member in what was termed an Ottoman Seraglio. His first
cousin Elspeth had obliged the Major by participating. Elspeth's appetite for
bizarre sexual encounters was not in the least satisfied by her husband who was
more interested in parliament than Elspeth.  Elspeth and the others were dressed
in the indecent costume of the Sultan's harem, flimsy pants that exposed their
navels and tiny little patches of sheer cloth over their breasts. The men were
dressed in the uniforms of the Janissary, the elite warriors that formed the
core of the Sultan's personal guard. The fantasy was based on a recent story in
the London Times about how a revolt of the Janissary in Istanbul had resulted in
the brutal rape of all the members of the Sultan's harem. The night of fantasy
had occurred at a remote country estate in Devonshire. The faux Janissary had
broken into the harem only to find women far too anxious to be raped. Elspeth
had pulled down her harem pants and spread the legs wide at the first sign of
the intruders. Still it had been a night of unequalled sexual enjoyment
especially when several of the women who had a penchant for pain suggested that
the whips come out and be applied liberally to their backside.

  According to the twins Mohammed Khan as a young Oxford student had made some
friends at school who introduced him to a secret society of the most depraved
men in England. Among many other perversities, they kidnapped one of Dockside's
more attractive prostitutes each month. The poor girl was taken to a town home
in Charring Cross and subjected to the most brutal and painful tortures then
gang raped. Her naked and scarred body was delivered back to Dockside early next
morning. Sadly, the prostitute's beauty was a thing of the past. One of the
hallmarks of the group was the use of acid to etch each member's initials in her

  Mohammed Khan had developed a taste for the sado-masochistic. When he returned
to Khartoum to rule after his father's death, he was forced to temporarily
abandon his predilection for the sexually perverted until the twins arrived and
offered to establish what they called the Palace of English Fantasy.

  Estelle and Eloise with the Major and the other Lancer's support had gone to
great lengths to create a place where Khartoum's nobility could engage in the
most perverted pleasures of the flesh in an English style. The upstairs of the
Palace had been redecorated in the fashion of an English manor house.

   The twins had convinced Mohammed Khan that the feminized British soldiers
would be a vital component of an establishment that would achieve worldwide fame
as the most vile and perverted on earth. Knowing the propensity of his people
for all kinds of buggery and the large number of brothels in Khartoum where the
workers were either young boys or transvestites, Mohammed Khan had agreed to the
twins' plan. Although he had not yet visited the establishment the feedback he
had been receiving from his courtiers had been highly positive. Even more
complimentary had been the praises sung by those who visited the Palace's

  The Major's hair had grown longer than shoulder length. Eloise used a heated
iron to curl it each evening. He was clad in a tight leather corset decorated
with metal studs. Bare shoulders, buttocks, and legs created a striking
impression. Except for his head, all the hair had been removed from his body.
Footwear consisted of a pair of heeled leather boots whose tops reached mid
thigh. The boot heels were five inches high and it took the Major several days
to learn to walk with anything approaching confidence and grace. His powerful
male buttocks were completely exposed. A narrow strip of leather separated his
butt cheeks. A metal studded leather codpiece that he could easily remove
covered his cock. Several different types of whips hung from his waist. His face
was heavily rouged. His eyebrows had been plucked and his lips painted.  Red
lacquer covered his long fingernails.

  Often one of Mohammed Khan's effete courtiers would look at the Major and get
what was referred to as a 'fear hardon'.

  With the sounds of Yasmina's screams echoing off the dungeon walls, the Major
took Yousef in a torrid embrace and kissed him and teased his nipples while they
listened. At the twenty-fifth blow, the poor girl was reduced to a whimpering
piece of flesh barely conscious. The Sergeant reached into a nearby container
and grabbed a handful of coarse sea salt that he applied liberally to Yasmina's
back. The contact of the salt with the dozens of cuts opened by the whip sent
Yasmina into a fresh paroxysm of agony and a robust output of screams of pain.

  The Major pushed a bench in front of Yousef and released the chains allowing
him to fall face forward across the bench. The Major had designed the rape bench
after ones they used at the Hellfire Club.

  Sodomy time thought the Major as he reached down to unsnap the codpiece and
free his large cock. The Major walked around to face Yousef. Sergeant Major
Edison had done the same for Yasmina. Both Yousef and Yasmina were lying in the
same exposed position their rear poised for penetration and ready to be mounted
in a fashion that allowed the standing party to deliver a callous and brutal

  "Suck my British cock, follower of the Prophet," hissed the Major placing his
cock at Yousef's lips. Yousef opened his mouth and greedily took it in The Major
looked over to see that Yasmina's lips were wrapped around the Sergeant's cock.

  "See how your wife loves the cock of the British," said the Major to taunt
Yousef. The Major was impressed with the energy and enthusiasm that Yasmina was
demonstrating. She was zealously applying her mouth to the Sergeant's manhood.
Perhaps she thought mistakenly that if she pleased the Sergeant he would go
easier on her.

  Moments later and cocksucking completed, the Major separated Yousef's slim
buttocks, applied oil to his anus and slowly pushed into the rectum. Yousef
grunted his pleasure as he turned his head to the side to watch the Sergeant
mount his wife.

  Sergeant Major Edison's cock was much larger than Yasmina's vagina was used to
and she groaned as the Sergeant took her. He did it according to plan, quickly
and brutally. His large hands left bruises on her hips as he slammed into her.

  "Fuck the whore, fuck the whore,' repeated Yousef as the Major's large cock
forced its way into his rectum.

  After a while, the Major withdrew. He moved to stand in front of Yasmina and
fed her his cock stained with her husband's shit.

  "That's right," yelled Yousef. "Make the whore eat my shit. Make her lick my
shit off an English cock."

  After Yasmina had done as instructed after being encouraged by the insertion
of two hooks in her nostrils, the Major returned to Yousef, applied more of a
special lubricant and began to slowly work his large hand into Yousef's asshole.

  "Oh yes, that is wonderful,' said Yousef as the Major managed to get four
fingers inside Yousef's anal ring. The Major applied more of the lubricating oil
and slowly worked all four fingers and thumb inside. 

  A loud scream brought his attention to the Sergeant and Yasmina. The Sergeant
had anally penetrated the girl, something that had never before happened to her.
Sergeant Edison withdrew a bloody and feces-stained cock to show Yousef.

  "Rip her ass open. Make her bleed," said Yousef who continued to moan as
slowly the Major worked more of his hand inside his butt. With more oil and a
final push, the Major found his hand inside Yousef's rectum. Yousef was making a
high-pitched humming sound in reaction to having his bowel stretched to
accommodate the Major's fist.

  Yasmina was breathing in loud gasps as the powerful Lancer went about the task
of fucking her asshole mercilessly. She was muttering in Arabic between little
shrieks of pain each time the Sergeant sunk his cock to its greatest possible

  The Major poured oil into the now gaped-open anus of Yousef then re-inserted
his entire hand, made a fist and slowly drove his arm forward into the lad's
guts. Leaving his arm in place the Major turned Yousef over on his back and took
his cock in his mouth. The Major sensing that the Sergeant was about to
ejaculate in Yasmina's bleeding asshole put his mouth to work on Yousef's cock.

 The Major sucked with energy as he forced his fist inward until Yousef's anal
ring reached his elbow.  The Sergeant sounded the unique noise that signaled he
was dumping his load inside Yasmina's rectum. At that sound, the Major redoubled
the movements of his arm and mouth and was soon rewarded with a mouthful of
semen that he greedily swallowed.

  A few minutes later, the Major was helping the young nobleman into a caftan.
He had expressed the desire to join his mother and father who were upstairs
watching an almost naked Lt. Eversole dance.

  "It was everything I heard and more," said Yousef complimenting the fantasy.

  "The Sergeant and I are glad you're pleased, My Lord,' said the Major.

  "What about Yasmina?" asked the Sergeant Major Yasmina was still lying over
the rape bench unable to move. She was making little whimpering sounds.

   "Can I leave her here for your amusement?" said Yousef.

  "Certainly, my lord, we will take good care of her," said the Major.

  "Do what you will. I plan to divorce her. She doesn't please me,' said Yousef
in parting.

  Through the stone floors, the Major could make out the faint sounds of the
music. Lt. Eversole was performing an erotic dance with the aid of the twins.

  "Should we change and go up or stay here and amuse ourselves with Yasmina,"
asked the Major?

  "I could use another go at this pretty little thing. She's not totally used
up," said the Sergeant his hand on Yasmina's hip. The girl was sobbing as she
repeated a prayer from the Quran she had memorized as a small girl.

  "Let's see how she likes two cocks at the same time," said the Major.

  "We need to liven her up first," said the Sergeant taking a hot iron from a
nearby brazier.

  "The inside of the thigh usually does it,' said the Sergeant kicking the
girl's legs apart.

Chapter 19 - Slaves To the Emir

Please take note! Adults Only Literature

The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for
adults only.

If you are an underage minor or offended by such material -or- if viewing this
file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story

This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwise
is purely coincidental, etc.

Copyright 2004



 The kidnapping by the Arab slavers was the beginning of a period of living hell
for Ludivine and the others. The attack had been a complete surprise. The
slavers sought only the white women. Ludivine had been forced to watch as Ibo
women and children were shot down. The better-armed Arabs easily slaughtered the
few royal guards. Spears were no match for muskets. Much to Ludivine's dismay
many of the Ibo women who were relatives of the royal family had died defending
their queen in spite of Ludivine's entreaties for them to flee.

  The seventeen female captives were force-marched to a waiting ship, a small
fast dhow that sailed quickly up the coast with its human cargo. They had been
snatched from an idyllic existence with the Ibo. To add to the women's despair,
Nabu and a thousand warriors had arrived in hot pursuit as the dhow sailed away
from the coast. A few more minutes and the slavers would have been slaughtered.
Nabu watched in frustration as the wind filled the dhow's sails. He lacked a
vessel to pursue her.

  The slavers sailed up the coast to Somalia then marched the women for three
days across the desert to the city of Berbera. The city was one of the most
distant outposts of the Ottoman Empire. The Sultan in Istanbul had tasked the
Emir of Berbera to conquer Somalia for the Divine Port.  To that end, the Sultan
had provided the Emir with a vast quantity of gold and a cadre of Prussian
trained officers to build his army.

   For the march across the desert inferno, the women were fitted with thick
iron collars then chained together. By the time they approached Berbera, some of
the women were on the verge of collapse.

  "Up, up," yelled the Arab slaver as he whipped the women lying in the sand.
Ludivine struggled to stand in spite of the blows raining down on her but she
was chained to Lorraine who couldn't rise because Cynthia had collapsed from
exhaustion and thirst. The whip landed repeatedly on her and Lorraine's back as
they struggled to get Cynthia upright.

  "Hold, Rashid," said Muhammad the leader staying the whip hand of the most
brutal and violent of the slavers.

  "We will camp there for the night," said Muhammad pointing toward a nearby

  "Good, one more night of pleasure with these unclean infidel whores," said

  "Yes, but spare the whip, tomorrow we arrive in Berbera and the Emir will pay
a better price if they are not marked," said Muhammad.

  Ludivine and the others threw themselves in the cooling waters of the spring
fed pool when they arrived in the oasis. It was the end of the third day of
their march from the coast. Ludivine had overheard Muhammad and was heartened
that they would arrive at their destination the following morning. She doubted
she or any of the women would survive more than another day or two of being
marched in chains through the hellish Somaliland desert. Cynthia and Roxanne
looked totally done in.

   Ludivine was lying in the shallow cool shallow waters when Rashid pointed to
her.  She stood wearily up as Rashid unfastened her chains. Around her the
slavers were selecting their female companions for the night. There were more
than thirty slavers. Each of the women had been forced to service several of the
Arabs each night of their trek

  As usual Muhammad had selected Melody Ellsworth the young sister of the
Reverend Gordon Ellsworth. Melody had the ill luck to be sleeping in the women's
hut the morning the slavers attacked. Both Melody and Meredith, the Reverend's
wife had held up better than Ludivine had expected. Although only fifteen,
Melody had coped with the nightly rapes and brutal treatment of the slavers.

  Meredith the minister's wife was at first terrified of the slavers and proving
not as adaptable as her sister-in-law. On the dhow, Meredith had resisted the
first slaver who without ceremony had grabbed her ankles spreading them apart as
he mounted her. He had easily overcome her attempts at resistance. However, when
he finished he held Meredith by the hair and slapped her face repeatedly until
blow flowed from her nose and lips. After the slaver had spit in her face,
cursed her and left, Elena took Meredith to console her.

  "You can't resist them. They will beat you senseless but still have their way
in the end.  It's better to give them no cause for complaint. And it is even
better to take whatever pleasure you can from the act because it cannot be
avoided," said Elena holding a tearful Meredith.

  Elena taught Meredith the necessary skills and she helped her to adopt the
outlook required to insure her survival. Meredith had now resigned herself to
her fate and each time she was chosen she willingly lay on her back and spread
her legs. In the hold of the slaver's dhow, Elena had taught her to manipulate
her clitoris to lubricate and relax her sex making it easier for the slaver's
cock to enter her vagina.

  "Just pretend it your wedding night and Reverend Ellsworth is on top acting
like a young ram," said Elena.

  "The Reverend was always very gentle and respectful,' said Meredith.

  "Well, pretend he's changed. He certainly played the ram at the coronation.
You've lived in the countryside, haven't you?" said Elena.

  "Yes, in the Midlands," replied Meredith.

  "So you know how a young healthy ram covers each of the ewes in the flock,
slamming his cock in them like he was possessed," said Elena.

  "Yes, every spring the other girls and I slipped down to the meadow and
watched from the trees. We were not supposed to see that sort of thing but for
reasons unknown we all found ourselves hiding in the tall grass as the rams made
a lamb with each ewe," said Meredith.

  "And you've seen how much the ewes enjoy the ferocious fucking they get. They
bleat out their pleasure as he gives them no mercy," said Elena.

  "I do admit there was guilty pleasure in watching Isaiah, that was my uncle's
ram having his way with the ewes," said Meredith. "He was so powerful and strong
and his member was huge. The poor ewe's hind quarters would actually spread as
he covered them."

  "And didn't you ever wish you were one of those ewes and the Reverend was your
ram, giving you all the cock you could take as you bleated your pleasure and
urged him to greater efforts," said Elena.

  "Yes, but those are sinful thoughts," said Meredith.

  "True, and this is a horrible sinful place where ungodly men use us for their
pleasure and we can not stop them. In order to survive you must make the best of
things. When you are chosen, rub this place," said Elena reaching between
Meredith's legs to massage her clitoris.

  "Self-abuse is a mortal sin," said Meredith but she did allow Elena to keep
rubbing her. Meredith along with Melody had participated in the indiscriminate
coupling of the Ibo wedding and coronation. But they had been under the
influence of the Ibo's potent home brewed beer. Meredith had also been
encouraged by the behavior of her husband who had lost all his inhibitions and
mounted as many of the Ibo and European women as he was capable. Still once away
from the Ibo and in the hands of the slavers, Meredith needed guidance in how to
survive her capture.

  "Self-abuse is not a sin when you are a female trying to survive captivity
where you have no control over your body," said Elena. "The next time, a slaver
wants you, start making yourself ready immediately before he mounts you.  Suck
his cock to cover it with saliva as you rub your clitoris to lubricate

  "I do feel wetter when you rub me," said Meredith.

  "Pretend you're an ewe on your uncle's estate and a ram of enormous size and
stamina is having you. Enjoy it, revel in it, and make that ram think you are
the best fuck in the flock."

  The next time a slaver came to the ship's hold and pointed toward Meredith she
took Elena's advice and found that not only did it go much easier for her but
the slaver had not slapped her face and spit on her once he finished inside her. 
Slowly she learned to accept the pleasure of having a slaver's cock in her and
she gave herself freely to whoever wanted her.

  Ludivine stood up and smiled at Rashid as he pointed toward her. She resigned
herself to another night with Rashid. He seemed enthralled with her red hair. He
had even come down into the filthy rat-infested hold of the slave ship for
Ludivine. He had unchained her and forced her to her knees as he opened his
robe. The other women watched as Ludivine was confronted with his hairy cock.

  Sensing what was expected, Ludivine had taken it into her mouth and sucked his
penis until he ejaculated. He had chained Ludivine back up ignoring her request
for water.

  "Open your mouth infidel whore,' said Rashid holding his cock toward Ludivine.

  Ludivine held her mouth open as Rashid aimed a stream of foul yellow piss
between her lips.

  "Swallow my urine, filthy godless slut," said Rashid looking into Ludivine's
eyes as he filled her mouth.

  Ludivine swallowed mouthful after mouthful of the dark yellow urine. After
Rashid finished he leaned his face down to Ludivine's. He used his hand to force
her mouth open the spit a large gob of saliva down her throat.

  "There's the kind of lover only Lady Caroline Lamb could enjoy," commented
Elena who had watched her sister's rape.

  Ludivine had returned to an exhausted sleep with the taste of Rashid's semen,
urine, and spit in her mouth. Other slavers had made visits to the hold and
forced themselves on the women captives during the voyage. An Arab would all of
a sudden appear in the dark hold, take the woman's ankles and spread them apart
then mount her. The space was small and the women tightly packed. Ludivine had
cradled Melody's head in her lap the first time a slaver had ventured below and
selected the minister's sister.  Melody had cried quietly after the slaver had

  Other than Meredith and Melody, the women's prior experiences had prepared
them to easily handle the sexual demands of the crew. It had not been the loud
bawdy and drunken rapes of the pirates or the exotic orgies conducted in the
harem of the Fortress. Nor had it been the routine of daily demands for paid sex
that the women had experienced in the brothel. At irregular times never more
than two of the Arabs would climb down into the hold seeking sexual
satisfaction. After they were satisfied, they would steal quietly away. For
everyone except the two newcomers, the sex was pretty tame and infrequent.

  "Fucking us must be against their religion," said Betty. "You'd think their
wife was up on deck and they were sneaking down for a quick one while she takes
a shit."

  "They believe they are defiling themselves with us," said Meredith. "We are
unclean and rape of an infidel woman is forbidden by the Quran."

  "Yet, they come and then they cum," laughed Larraine. "Filthy bastards are
unable to resist their need for us."

  "I don't mind sucking them off but I could use a drink of water afterwards,"
said Ludivine, "There diet gives their semen a very strong and unpleasant

  That last night in the desert, Ludivine had stroked and sucked Rashid's cock
until it was hard as she played with her own sex to lubricate herself. She
lifted her filthy tattered skirt as she straddled Rashid's prone form. Ludivine
used her hand to hold Rashid's cock as she positioned it at the entrance of her
hole and slowly lowered herself. Once his cock was fully embedded in her sex,
Ludivine started the slow back and forth motion that would bring him to a

  Ludivine contracted the muscles lining her vagina as she began a rolling
motion. The feeling of Rashid's hard cock inside her sex was one of the very few
pleasant experiences of the last several days. Ludivine made a slight adjustment
in her position to bring her clit more in contract with Rashid's pubic region.

  "Englisher whore," repeatedly muttered Rashid speaking the only poor English
phrase he knew.

  Ludivine smiled at Rashid as he motioned for her to remove her top so he could
handle her breasts as she fucked him. Ludivine moved slowly and gracefully.
Around her, the other women chosen by the slavers were performing whatever
sexual acts the Arabs desired. Melody was noisily sucking Mohammad's cock. As
the desert sky appeared overhead, Ludivine wondered what lay in store for them
in Berbera.

  It only took a few minutes after their arrival for Ludivine to realize they
were once again in a very bad situation. The Arabs had marched the women to a
large fortress on the outskirts of Berbera and sold them to a Prussian officer.
After a minimum of haggling, the slavers and the officer agreed on a price.

  Muhammad Al-Huwazai leader of the slavers recounted to the Prussians how he
had captured the women in the royal village of the Ibo tribe.

  "We watched them for three days. The white women were together sleeping in the
royal hut when we attacked. They had been fucking with the Ibo men and women for
days. That morning the Ibo men went to hunt the lion so we had our opportunity.
The tall red haired woman is said to their queen," said Muhammad as he carefully
counted the coins that the Captain handed him.

  "Well, queen or not, she's a private in the Emir's army now," said the

  "They are nothing but whores, the vilest of women. You should have seen how
willing they were to give themselves to the Ibo. They performed sinful acts
forbidden by the Quran with Ibo woman and with one another," spat Rashid.

  Julia who spoke a little German had tried to explain to the Captain that some
of the ladies were members of the British aristocracy and that Julia herself was
a full duchess. Julia added that there could be a considerable reward for aiding
their return to England. After Julia finished, Captain Rhinerman had calmly
informed Julia that she had spoken to an officer without permission and that was
against the rules. The Captain's baton struck out catching Julia in her sex
causing her to grab her groin and roll on the ground screaming. Captain
Rhinerman grabbed Julia by the air pulling her erect. He struck her several
times with his baton before dropping her sobbing form to the ground.

  The women were shoved into two ranks. The sergeants and corporals made a point
of arranging the women as if they were in a military formation.  It was not
until Colonel Himmelman spoke that the seventeen women understood their fate. 
The tall aristocratic Hessian stood erect in the fortress square and made a
short speech to the new arrivals.

  "I am Colonel Baron Rothgar Himmelman. I am in command of Emir Al Rashid the
Magnificent's military forces. The Emir in his wisdom has decided to form a
company of European females. You are part of that company. Your commander will
be Captain Rhinerman.  He will have life and death authority over you. The
training regimen will follow the manual of arms written by his imperial majesty,
Frederick the Great. I assure you that before too long you will be more afraid
of your officer's baton than the enemy. As we have with those who came before
you, we began by showing you what is meant by Prussian discipline."

  After the Colonel finished, the women were forced to strip and placed in a
cage at the edge of a square. A Sergeant marched into the cage and selected five
of the women at random. The first five included Ludivine, Elena, Julia, Cynthia,
and Roxanne. Soldiers took Ludivine and the four others to a set of double
whipping posts and chained them between the poles. The whipping posts were
located in the center of the square.

  Ludivine watched as the Sergeant removed his shirt then uncoiled a whip.
Ludivine gathered her courage as she heard the Sergeant cracking the whip in the
air to limber up his arm. She tried to resign herself to what was about to

  In spite of her determination not to scream, Ludivine opened her mouth and
wailed with every ounce of lungpower she possessed when the metal clad tip of
the sergeant's whip curled between her widely spread legs and curved upward to
land directly on her clit. It wrapped around the protruding flesh and landed
with a savage smack. A fiery sensation radiated from the tortured three inches
of dangling nerve ganglia creating an undeniable urge to give voice to the pain.

  The women remaining in the cage watched forlornly as the non-commissioned
officers whipped the first five of their group. Several of the less stalwart
women were crying at the prospect that soon their naked bodies would be hanging
in chains as the soldiers applied their vicious whips to their backs. The air
was filled by the repeated cracks of the whip followed by the anguished cries of
the females. Most of the blows landed on the women's backsides but the soldiers
occasionally leaned forward to wrap the whip around the women's body such that
it landed on their breasts or sex.

  "Well done, Sergeant," said Captain Rhinerman noting the way the tall red
headed woman's body contorted as the pain flowed outward from her sex. As an
officer in the Prussian Army he was fully conversant with the art of the lash
and what it took to bring the bravest man or woman to the point of madness or
death. His goal in having each of the new arrivals subjected to his
non-commissioned officers blows was to instill in their minds the nature of
their punishment for even the slightest infraction of the rules.

  Over the last month as the Arab slavers had filled the Emir's fortress prison
with kidnapped females, the European women had born their punishment well. Only
two had died and one had gone completely mad. The Captain had ended the woman's
madness by placing his revolver at the nape of her neck and pulling the trigger.
This latest lot looked particularly strong and their addition brought the
planned troop of females to two above the required number for a full company.
Their harsh training according to the world's strictest military code could
begin immediately.

   The Captain felt a twinge in his groin as he watched the naked Ludivine twist
in agony between the two upright posts she was chained between. In spite of her
height and the deformity of her sex, she is a real beauty the Captain told
himself. I'll have her a few times before the soldiers wear her out.

  Ludivine's scream evinced some laughter from the town's filthy street urchins
who had gathered to watch the white skinned English women being whipped and
abused by the Prussians. Some of the little beggars had exposed their cocks and
were fisting themselves as they watched the start of what the Captain referred
to as the attitude adjustment phase of their training.

  Amazingly prominent clit on the English bitch noted the Captain as he watched
it turn beet red from the blow. The Captain and his fellow officers had been
startled to discover that Ludivine and the others have all been altered in the
Chinese fashion to make them more willing whores.

  "You don't see that much outside of the Orient," said the Captain to Major
Rundle standing nearby.

  "Never heard that the British went in for that form of mutilation," responded
the Major.

  "Actually they don't. The fat one who claims to be a duchess said they were
taken by pirates and forced to work in a brothel. She said a Chinaman chopped
them up in Madagascar. He also treated their pubic region with an ointment that
permanently removed all the hair," said the Captain. "I've seen this kind of
thing before."

  "Really, where," said the Major?

   "Once in a Hamburg brothel I bought a whore with her labia sliced off and the
hood over her clitoris cut away. She was a White Russian who had been kidnapped
and put to work in a brothel in Port Arthur. The owner of the Hamburg brothel
had purchased her and brought her to his place to serve as a novelty. Fifteen of
seventeen of the new arrivals have been altered in the same way. I understand it
creates an almost insatiable appetite for sexual intercourse. The White Russian
whore would do anything as long as you stuffed your cock in her."

  "And the two that aren't cut what's their story?" asked the Major.

  "They claim to be the wife and sister of an Anglican missionary," said the
Captain. That set both officers to laughing.

  "How does it make them greater whores?" asked the Major staring at Elena's
naked and open sex and finding himself attracted to the auburn haired beauty.

  "It makes their parts more sensitive. You saw how the red haired one reacted
when the whip landed on her cunt. She practically jumped out of her skin."

  "So with the seventeen that bring us to the required number? Your complement
of female recruits is complete," said the Major. "You can start training within
the week."

  "One hundred and eighty two, the Colonel will be pleased," said the Captain.

  "And so will the Emir," added the Major. "He is most anxious to stand in the
reviewing stand and watch them march by."

  "Woman soldiers, the Emir's a fucking madman," said the Captain

  "Not so loud, Captain, the Emir has his spies everywhere," said the Major
looking around to see if one of the Emir's people was nearby.

  "Trained whores will murder us in out beds," said the Captain.

  "Not if we keep them under the strictest discipline"

  "They'll be taught to shoot and the ones that can ride to use sabers," said
the Captain.

  "What can I say, the Emir is paying us far more than we can earn in anyone
else's service. If he wants one hundred and eighty two whores trained as musket
soldiers, then we'll train them. Don't forget we have over three hundred
grenadiers and a hundred horsemen to keep the women in line. They'll keep them
so well fucked they won't be able to walk let alone attack their officers."

  "We shall see, Major, I hope you are correct," said the Captain.

 The two officers watched as the non-commissioned officers finished delivering
thirty lashes to the first five women. Julia was making the most noise but all
five women were screaming each time the whip landed.

  As soon as these first five had received their lashes, the grenadiers would
drag five more of the women to the punishment posts. That would continue until
all seventeen had been whipped.

  By the thirtieth lash, Ludivine and the others were hanging in their chains
barely coherent. Rough hands removed the iron manacles from her wrists and
ankles. She was barely able to stand. Two Grenadiers gripped her under the
armpits and carried her the few feet to the cage where the other women were
kept. Other grenadiers were busily dragging five more screaming women toward the
punishment posts.

  Within two hours, all seventeen had been whipped and were lying in the cage
sobbing.  Ludivine poured a ladle of water over her head to revive herself. Her
back and parts of her front burned horribly from the whip.

  "I'd rather be raped than whipped," said Melody her hand reaching behind to
feel the painful whelps on her back. "I'm bleeding."

  "I'd rather be fucked by thirty pirates than have thirty lashes," said Elena.

  "The tip of the whip landed on my pussy and it feels numb," said Lorraine.

  "I heard one of the soldiers say that he and his mates planned to have their
fun with us later. I don't think we will lack for men between out legs," said
Millicent who was seeking to comfort Julia who was still crying although she was
among the first to be whipped.

   Sally and Anne Claridge were sobbing nearby as they held Roxanne who had lost

  "Drink some water," said Ludivine pushing the bucket in Elena's direction.

  "First five whipped, come with me," said the Sergeant standing at the entrance
to the cage.

  "What now," demanded Julia to the Sergeant as she stood up?

  "Does the dumb bitch ever learn?" whispered Elena to Ludivine.

  "You two turn her for punishment," said the Sergeant to two of his soldiers.

  They grabbed the protesting Julia's ankles and pulled her feet out from under
her. They turned her upside down holding her legs apart in a Y shape. The
Sergeant stepped up to where he was looking directly downward into Julia's sex.

  "Every one of you take notice. This is how we deal with you when you speak to
officers or sergeants without permission," said the Sergeant looking at the
women who were watching intently. The Sergeant delivered five blows with this
baton to Julia's sex. Julia passed out after the second blow. That occasioned
the Sergeant to order a bucket of water dumped over Julia to revive her. After a
sputtering and screaming Julia returned to consciousness, the Sergeant struck
her three more times.  Julia collapsed to the floor moaning loudly as she
clutched her badly bruised vagina. Her clit had absorbed several of the blows
and had started to swell.

  The Captain watched Julia's punishment with an amused look. Overall he had
been pleased with the new arrivals. The one called Ludivine was a real beauty
and so was her sister. Some of the younger women especially the twins were quite
appealing also. Roxanne, the youngest, would tickle the Colonel fancy. The
Colonel preferred his bed partners to be of a tender age. He had already
mentioned to the Captain that he planned to bed the young girl.

  The Captain wondered how the women would fare when the Colonel gave them to
the grenadiers or the horsemen for the night. The mercenaries hired for the
Emir's army were the worst kind of scum, freebooters, former French Foreign
Legionaries, criminals, men too violent for a regular army.

  The Emir intended to subdue the whole of Somaliland and he wasn't particular
how it got done. The mercenary army had been highly successful against the far
more numerous but untrained natives.  The female company had been formed at the
insistence of the Emir whose tastes in such matters ran to the depraved. The
Captain had dined several evenings at the Emir's Palace where he had been
appalled at the perversions that were practiced. The Captain had no appetite for
young boys. And the idea of training the women as warriors struck him as insane.
However the Colonel had readily agreed believing that women would be easy to
control. The Emir had also increased their pay to compensate for the additional
company of female soldiers.

  I wonder how this lot will fare when they visit the Emir's dungeon considered
the Captain as he watched the five women being marched away from the square.
They had to help Julia who was having trouble walking. The Captain found himself
admiring Ludivine's breasts as she walked by. Too bad about her tits but they
are the Emir's property thought the Captain.

  The five women were marched into the inner fortress. Upon entering the
building, they descended two flights of stairs then proceeded down a dark stone
corridor emerging in a large subterranean dungeon. Ludivine shuddered as she
looked around the hellish place. Everywhere she looked, torturers were working
on dark skinned natives. Screams of agony filled the air. Later she learned that
torture was used to gather intelligence on the tribes of Somalia that had not
yet agreed to the Emir's rule.  Ludivine thought it particularly ominous that as
soon as they entered the dungeon, everyone halted and looked toward them. A one
eyed Arab wearing only a loincloth came running up to the Sergeant and saluted. 

  "Five more slaves for the Emir, we have seventeen total for you today,
Zakreem," said the Sergeant to the half naked Arab who was in charge of the

  "Seventeen you say, all like this lot," said the dungeon master displaying a
mouthful of rotting teeth.

  "Yes, do what's needed and hurry. I haven't all day," said the Sergeant.

  "We're entitled to have our fun with them," said Zakreem defiantly.

  "Just don't take too long," said the Sergeant.

  The dungeon master barked some orders and the five women were placed against
the dungeon wall. Iron manacles hanging from chains were placed around their
wrists. The chains were tightened and the women's arms drawn painfully over
their head. Ludivine and the others found themselves suspended by there arms
their feet several inches above the floor.

  The women's whipped backsides were in agony as they were pressed against the
rough masonry. Ludivine gasped in pain as the workers grabbed her ankles pulling
her legs into a split as they manacled them to two iron rings set in the wall.
Her legs were flat against the wall perpendicular to her body. Ludivine could
only wonder at the reason that she and the others were now in a position of an
upside down T. My sex is open to whoever wants to stick himself inside me
thought Ludivine as she looked around the room at the many torturers who were
watching the women intently.

  "You are a tall one and with such a strange pussy. And look at the hair," said
Zakreem stepping in front of Ludivine and placing his filthy fingers in her
vagina. Ludivine turned her head as Zakreem's foul breath invaded her nostrils.
Around her other workers were inserting their fingers in the cunts of the women.

  "Give us a kiss," said Zakreem to Ludivine.

  Ludivine turned her head unable to cope with the fetid breath and scabrous

  "Give old Zakreem a kiss or he's cut your pussy thing off," said Zakreem his
hand grasping Ludivine's clitoris.

  Ludivine gave in and pressed her lips against Zakreem's. She allowed his
tongue to pass between her lips and intertwine with hers.

  "Hurry up, your filthy swine," yelled the Captain.

  "Just having some fun," said Zakreem standing back and placing his hands on
Ludivine's breasts to examine them.

  Ludivine looked over to see that the Sergeant and Captain Rhinerman were
lighting cigarettes as they watched the proceedings.

  "Both tits?" asked Zakreem turning to the Captain as his fingers worked their
way back into Ludivine's sex.

  "Yes, why not," answered Captain Rhinerman. The Captain felt that symmetry was
important and he preferred that both of the women's breasts matched.

  Four dungeon workers moved a large brazier of red-hot coals over in front of
the women.  A bellows was pumped to increase the temperature. Zakreem removed a
glowing iron from the brazier and examined it before returning it to the coals.
Zakreem barked orders to the workers. Ludivine and the others watched helplessly
as a sweat drenched worker stepped in front of them and began to fist their
cock. As soon as their cocks were hard, the worker pushed himself in the women's
cunt. Ludivine grunted in pain as the motion of her attacker forced her back
against the stonewall. The worker pumped into her for a few minutes his breath
becoming more rapid. At some point, he said something to Zakreem over his
shoulder. Ludivine felt him move slightly to the side as the strong hands of
another worker grabbed the base of her breast and squeezed it tight forcing the
flesh to expand. Ludivine watched in horror as Zakreem appeared holding a
glowing red branding iron with some sort of design on the end.

  "Hold her steady as Azul fucks her," said Zakreem placing the iron almost on
Ludivine's breast.

  "I am almost there," said Azul pumping into Ludivine. "May the Prophet take
this whore's soul to hell."

   Ludivine heard a loud hiss and the smell of her own burnt flesh entered her
nostrils. Her cunt was accepting the rapid jabs of Azul's cock as Zakreem slowly
branded her breast to signify she was a slave of the Emir. Ludivine experienced
an explosion of pain in her breast as Azul repeatedly ejaculated in her vagina.

  A worker handed Zakreem a freshly heated iron as he moved to Elena who was
being slowly fucked by another torturer. Ludivine lost consciousness with the
sound of her sister's screams in her ears.

  Moments later, Ludivine was jolted awake when a bucket of cold water was
thrown in her face. The other four women had been branded and the torturers
threw a bucker of cold water on each of the women to revive them.

  "Now for your other tit, whore," said Zakreem as a different worker stepped up
to Ludivine and pushed his cock in her. Ludivine begged and pleaded not to be
branded again. But it was to no avail. The worker fucked her agonized body for a
while then signaled to Zakreem he was on the verge of ejaculation. Ludivine's
unmarked breast was immobilized and slowly branded. This time Ludivine did not
pass out. She screamed like a banshee into the smiling toothless face of her
rapist as she felt the iron touch the surface then sink beneath the skin causing
the layer of subcutaneous fat to hiss and pop as the bright red iron came in
contact. The torturer finished in her and she felt his semen dripping out of her
open cunt as Zakreem moved to each of the women branding their other breast as
his workers squirted their cunts full of semen.

  Ludivine outside of the time the pirates had drug that hawser between her legs
had never experienced such suffering. At some point, Zakreem smeared a handful
of some form of grease on the brands and the women were released from their
restraints and allowed to fall to the ground.

  "Zakreem says it is the greatest fuck imaginable. Their cunt practically
squeezes your cock off as the iron burns into their tit," said the Sergeant to
the Captain.

  "Have you tried it?' asked the Captain.

  "No, I don't have the nerve to let that filthy beggar near me with a branding
iron," said the Sergeant.

  "Neither do it, but it does look interesting," said the Captain.

  More buckets of cold water were used to revive the women. After that they were
taken from the dungeon and placed in the barracks with the other women.

Chapter 20  - Manual of Arms

Please take note! Adults Only Literature

The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for
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This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwise
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Copyright 2004


    The captured female slaves of the Emir spent the next four months being
trained as infantry during the daylight hours. At night and on weekends, the
male soldiers used them as whores. For Ludivine and the captives that had been
with her in Madagascar, the constant demand to spread their legs and accept the
cock of a cavalryman or a grenadier was not a problem. However, for others of
the female regiment, satisfying the lust of the soldiers was an unwelcome
burden. Ludivine, Elena, Betty, and the others counseled the women to willingly
do what the soldiers desired and even take some small measure of pleasure from

  It was difficult for young women raised as ladies in European families to
accept that reality but in the end they realized they had no other choice. Young
girls kidnapped from countries where a girl was expected to be a virgin when she
married found themselves lying on their backs holding her ankles grunting their
pleasure while men they did not even know took advantage of them anally.

  "I would have never believed that an Italian lady of good family could enjoy
having a stranger stick his cock in her ass. And the first time, it hurt
horribly. But now, I grab the soles of my feet and let him spit on my asshole
then go inside me and it actually feels good," said Bianca one afternoon when
they were resting.

  "And it feels even better when their a cock in all three holes at the same
time," commented Elena.

  "I've done that too. It increases my pleasure when I feel their cocks rubbing
against one another inside my body," said Bianca. 

   Ludivine over time became the unofficial leader of the women's regiment. She
along with Elena and Betty helped the others to master the skills needed to
please the males.

  "Who would have ever thought that Betty Humphrey, a vicar's daughter, would
wind up teaching other females how to suck cock," was Betty's comment on the

  "Or that a minister's wife would be one of your students," added Meredith.

  Although the Emir had ordered Colonel Himmelman to train a regiment of female
infantry, the Prussian sergeants and corporals never tired of informing the
females that the Emir's idea was a perversion of true military life. The women
would never become acceptable soldiers. For that reason their training was
harsher than that of the grenadiers and cavalry.

   The daily regimen was brutal, exhausting, and never ending. It went on all
days of the week except Sunday. Corporal punishment of the most vicious sort was
meted out daily. On the second day of their training the women learned first
hand how Prussian discipline worked. The punishment began at 6:00 in the morning
when all the regiments were drawn up in formation on the parade ground.

  The entire force of the Emir's European trained army was standing at
attention. Each morning soldiers from each regiment formed a gauntlet whose
purpose was to punish members of their regiment failing the morning inspection.

  That second day Ludivine and the others stood in ranks watching the punishment
of the cavalry. The horsemen always went first and were in general treated
better than the other regiments. Colonel Himmelman was a cavalry officer and
favored that regiment over others.

  Forty of the cavalry dismounted and formed two parallel ranks of twenty. The
names of the guilty and the nature of their offense were read aloud by the
regiment's Sergeant Major. Given the minor nature of the offense the punishment
seemed disproportionate. The men were stripped to the waist. Their hands were
lashed to the stocks of muskets. A drum began a measured tattoo. The punished
soldier was lead to the drumbeat through the gauntlet by two solders holding the
muskets. The three kept the same pace as the drum. It was a slow painful trip.
The sound of the short whips landing on the bare backs sounded over the parade
ground. Ever so often a particularly painful blow would land and even the
toughened cavalryman would cry out.

  The male infantry or grenadiers went next. Due to their greater number, two
gauntlets were formed. Ludivine watched as a young soldier's unblemished back
was slowly turned into a bleeding patch of flayed flesh as he progressed through
the gauntlet.

  "Now it's your turn, my ladies," shouted Sergeant Major Ovitz smiling at the
women. There was a murmuring of fear and surprise among the ranks. The first
rank was hastily formed into two files and issued the short whips.

  Ludivine was shocked to hear her own name called. Her offense was failure to
polish her tunic buttons. Ludivine and nine others stepped forward. Rebecca
Smythe was also one of the ten.

  "Off with your tunics, let's show everyone our tits," commanded the Sergeant

  Ludivine unbuttoned her uniform and handed it to the soldier designated to
accept it. There were several catcalls from a nearby troupe of cavalry.

  "Quiet in the ranks," yelled the Sergeant Major.

  Ludivine and Rebecca found it less humiliating than the other eight to stand
at attention while hundreds were staring at her recently branded breasts. The
brands were designed to surround the areola with Arabic characters that
designated that the slave was the property of the Emir. Ludivine's nipples
hardened in the cool morning air.

  One of the women, a girl not quite fifteen, unconsciously placed her hands
over her bare breasts.

  "I'll teach you to stay at attention during formation," screamed a corporal
laying into the girl with his baton. The corporal savagely beat the screaming
girl to the ground raining vicious blows on her upper body.

  "Stand up," yelled the corporal pulling the girl erect using her hair. Another
corporal grabbed her wrists pulling them straight back behind her as he placed
his boot along her spine. That allowed the other corporal to strike each of her
still healing breasts in turn wringing piteous cries from the girl.

  "Corporal, put her through the gauntlet first," ordered the Sergeant Major
interrupting the corporal's savage beating of her mammaries. Later in the
barracks, the girl showed the others that the Corporal's beating had turned her
breasts a dark purple.

  Ludivine watched, as the hapless woman was slowly walked through the ranks of
her fellow soldiers. She screamed as she was beaten. She begged for the beatings
to stop. When she reached the end of the gauntlet and released, she dropped to
the ground sobbing. Another corporal immediately grabbed her by her hair and
pulled her to a standing position. He warned her that if she fell again, she
would have to walk the gauntlet twice. The woman was terrified into standing as
the punishment continued.

   Ludivine stood silently as her wrists were tied to musket stocks. Each step
brought two blows on her back. The agony was intense as she was led through the
gauntlet. As she passed each solder they struck her back with a small whip
designed by Frederick the Great specifically for the gauntlet. The pain was
excruciating. She could feel blood seeping from cuts left by the whips. Her
breasts bounced each time her body shuddered with the pain of each blow.

   Captain Rhinerman watched the proceeding closely. Colonel Himmelman had put
him in charge of the female regiment and coldly informed him that failure to
create a credible force would result in the loss of the sizeable bonus he had
been promised. The Colonel and the Captain did not see eye-to-eye on many things
and assigning the Captain to the women's regiment was the Colonel's way of
expressing his displeasure.

  It was the second day of training and the Captain considered it important that
his female charges learn that corporal punishment would be applied for even the
slightest infraction of rules. Even though they were women, they would be
treated as if they were men.

  At the morning inspection, he had watched as the Sergeant Major selected ten
female soldiers to walk the gauntlet. The Captain had been pleased that the
unusually tall red head named Ludivine was selected. He sensed that she was a
natural leader and that if she were able to endure the training and punishment
the others would follow.

  What an awful waste of good titties thought the Captain as he looked at the
branded breasts of the women being lead through the gauntlet. The brands were
large, over three inches square. The most recently branded were still healing.
The brand covered the entire breast of the younger smaller girls.

  Captain Rhinerman recalled that the redhead's breasts were quite beautiful
before her visit to the Emir's dungeon. No man will ever call them beautiful
again thought the Captain. Of course, the men in the barracks won't care if
their tits carry a slave brand. They'll ram their cock in whatever hole they
find first.  If the Sergeant Major is correct and Ludivine the redhead and her
sister worked in a brothel in Madagascar and were trained to serve the sexual
desires of men and women then perhaps something interesting can be arranged. It
has been a long time since my desires were properly met.

 Captain Rhinerman acknowledged that ordinary women would consider his sexual
preferences bizarre. However brothel whores are often familiar with unusual
needs of their customers. When the time is right, I will determine if Ludivine
or one of the others is able to satisfy my peculiar lust.

   Betty and Lorraine were holding the muskets walking as required to the tempo
of the drum. Each soldier was to take one single hard stroke, forty in all. The
Captain had warned the soldiers that if he or Sergeant Major Ovitz detected any
failure to apply the whip with the requisite zeal, that individual could expect
to walk the gauntlet next.

  Ludivine clinched her teeth each time the whip landed. It was agonizingly
painful and humiliating to be treated in this way for failure to polish the
buttons on her uniform. No one had even mentioned shining the brass buttons when
they were issued the uniforms. Ludivine looked down the gauntlet at the five
half naked women who had gone before her. The five were standing at attention.
The cool morning air had brought their nipples into an erect state.  The pink
nipples stood in marked contrast to the raised scars wrought by the branding
iron. In order to more completely disfigure the branded women the dungeon master
had added a dye to the salve applied immediately after the branding. The pigment
embedded itself in the scar tissue turning the brand almost black.

  Ludivine recalled with horror those few moments in the dungeon when she was
branded. Her olfactory memory was very acute. It mixed the smell of her own
burning flesh with the fetid breath of the young torturer who had his cock
inside her. She remembered her own screams of terror as the white hot branding
iron approached followed by the agonizing cries of pain as the heated metal came
in contact with her tender flesh. Equally horrible was the look of pleasure on
her rapist's face as unspeakable agony caused every muscle of her body to
constrict, including those of her vagina. The muscles lining her sex pressed
inward on his cock as he released his semen in her. And then there was that
awful moment of realization when the dungeon master signaled his intention to
brand her other breast.

  The rape and branding that occurred only five days before.  The pain had only
lessened slightly on the second day. Ludivine had been surprised that all
seventeen of the captives had survived. Roxanne, Melody and the Claridge twins
had small girlish breasts that the brand had not only scarred but also
disfigured due to the depth of the brand. Regardless on the third day, the four
were summoned to Colonel Himmelman quarters

  "We're soldiers, slaves, and whores," said Elena when the four returned the
next morning and recounted that the Colonel had ordered them to have sex with
each other as he watched.

  "True, the others told me that the some of us are given to the grenadiers or
cavalry each night," said Ludivine. "Sundays they give all of us to the
companies that performs best during the week. They'll fuck us all day."

  "We are their slaves," said Elena. "They can do with us as they please."

  "We must find a way to escape,' said Ludivine.

 "How could we escape from Berbera? It's an impassable desert. There's nothing
around for hundreds of miles," said Elena.

  "We must find a way. In the meantime, we must do what it takes to survive.
Maybe after we become soldiers we can getaway."

    When Ludivine reached the end of the gauntlet, Betty and Lorraine untied her
wrists and returned for the next soldier. Ludivine stood at attention with the
others hoping the fire on her back would abate. Rebecca Smythe was the only one
of the ten that had been with Ludivine in Madagascar. Her back was criss crossed
with red stripes. Her beautiful young breasts were horribly scarred by the
brands that covered the entire surface. The healing scars twisted the flesh

  "That was awful. How could they be so cruel?' whispered Rebecca tears staining
her cheeks.

  "They did that to the men too," said one of the other women. "They whip the
hide off one another. Having a back covered with scars is considered a badge of

  The seventh female soldier to be punished collapsed midway through the
gauntlet. Betty and Lorraine had to drag her by her wrists as her fellows
whipped her unconscious body. Buckets of icy cold water were doused over the
back of the ten women to wash away the blood and arouse them from their
pain-induced torpor. They were ordered to put their tunics back on and rejoin
the ranks.

  "Sergeant Major, see that those ten spend two hours in the stocks in the
grenadiers barracks after tonight's meal," said Captain Rhinerman thinking he
would observe how Ludivine would react when she was fucked by a long line of

  "You heard the Captain you lucky whores. Two hours of solid fucking. I hope
you like having a cock in your bum," said the Sergeant Major.

    After the punishment was finished, the women soldiers were formed into four
companies and drilled until noon. The women were taught the manual of arms.
Blows from the corporals' batons punished mistakes. After the noon meal, the
women were given three hours rest during the intense heat of the day. Mid
afternoon the drills resumed. The women were in a state of physical exhaustion
by the end of the day.

  After the evening meal, all the women collapsed on their bunks; but Ludivine
and the other nine were taken to one of the four grenadier's barracks. As soon
as the ten entered the barracks soldiers surrounded them. Ludivine stood quietly
as they put their hands between her legs and felt her sex.  Deciding it was
better to show willingness than resistance, Ludivine smiled and held her scarred
tits up for one of the soldiers to kiss after they had unbuttoned her tunic.

   "Strip them and put them in the stocks, you're the lucky ones tonight,"
commanded Sergeant Major Ovitz to the men.

  Ludivine stood silently as many hands pulled off her clothes.

  "Make them stand up on the bench so we can see them," yelled someone.

  Ludivine and the others were forced to stand on a long wooden bench.

  "Wait till you get my cock up your asshole, sweetheart," yelled someone.

  "I hope you like to suck dick," yelled another.

   "Introduce yourself to your lovers, ladies," ordered Sergeant Major Ovitz to
the women. "Townly you go first."

  "Private Ludivine Townly,' shouted Ludivine to the crowd of lust crazed men
many of whom had already exposed their cock.

  "Stock one," yelled the Sergeant Major.

  Rough hands grabbed Ludivine and carried her overhead to a nearby stock. The
top board was raised. Ludivine's hands and head were placed in the cutouts.  The
board was lowered. Her weight rested uncomfortably on her wrists and knees.
Hands separated her buttocks and she felt a gob of spit land on her asshole. A
finger entered her vagina probing her sex.

  "If her pussy's as long as the rest of her, only Marcel will reach its
bottom," said one of the grenadiers working his fingers into Ludivine's pussy.

  "This will plumb her depths and make her squeal," spoke a tall thin soldier
with a French accent as he stepped forward cock in hand and slapped it across
Ludivine's buttocks.

  The other nine women were quickly fitted in the stocks. Several of the women
were loudly sobbing at the prospect of rape on such a scale.

    "Company A, for your excellent work today, the Colonel has rewarded you with
two hours during which you can fuck them any way you want," announced Sergeant
Major Ovitz. "There are one hundred of you and ten of them. I suggest you start

  The Sergeant Major and the Corporals left the barracks. In a matter of
seconds, the sounds of scuffling and fights broke out. Ludivine felt a pair of
rough hands grab her hips as a cock sought the entrance to her vagina.  Almost
immediately the hands were pulled away and another pair of hands gripped her.
Loud curses in several different languages were shouted. All of a sudden there
was a musket shot and the room got quiet.

  "Settle down, men, form a line of ten behind each whore," shouted someone in
authority. Ludivine recognized the voice of Captain Rhinerman.

  Ludivine once again felt hands on her hips as someone kneeled at her rear.

  "Bitch got no lips on her cunt and look at the clit on her," shouted the voice
behind her.

  "Neither had this one," shouted another grenadier as he placed his cock at the
entrance to Rebecca Smythe's vagina. "But it's still a damn fine pussy."  The
sound of Rebecca groaning filled the room.

  That caused general laugher. The women grunted and squealed as they were first

  "Oh this is a tight young pussy. Listen to her squeal," said the grenadier
behind the female next to Ludivine. The girl was named Bianca and she was
praying loudly as the soldier plunged into her. Bianca was one of five women who
had been brought to Berbera when her family's yacht was boarded as it passed the
Golden Horn. The girl was only fifteen and from a wealthy Italian family. The
Arab slavers had slaughtered the crew, her parents and brothers. The slavers had
allowed her parents to live long enough to watch their daughters and the others
raped on the wooden deck of the yacht. Bianca had a vivid memory of the slavers
slitting her parents throat as the moment an unwashed gap-toothed slaver took
her virginity. 

  Bianca had been brought to Berbera with her two sisters and a cousin along
with her mother's maid. All five had been repeatedly raped during the sea voyage
and the march across the desert.

  "What's your name child?" whispered Ludivine contracting her sex and moving
her hips to satisfy the unknown party thrusting into her sex.

  "That's right, Private Townly, show me how much you like my cock," said the
soldier thrusting into Ludivine.

  "Bianca DellaGrasso, my father is a count, rather was a count, he's dead now."
replied the girl through tear stained eyes. "I cannot live through this. A
slaver took my virginity while my father was made to watch. I have been raped
almost every day for the last month. Why won't the blessed Virgin Mary hear my
prayers and kill me?"

  "You must find a way to live through this. I have suffered much longer than
you and my pain has been as great.  My sister and I along with others were taken
by pirates and tortured horribly. My father was also killed and my mother sold
into slavery. I lost my virginity on the blood soaked deck of a sailing ship. We
have been subjected to the vilest acts known to womankind and are still alive."

  "But it is so horrible to be raped by these scum," said Bianca. "They are
barely human. I cannot bear it. Oh help me Virgin, he's put his finger in my

  "Just relax. Pretend you are back in your home and a lover is taking you.
Learn to endure and even enjoy this," said Ludivine. "Besides, you have no
choice. We are their slaves for now."

  "Oh help me blessed virgin, now he's forcing his cock in my asshole," sobbed

  Grenadiers appeared at the front of the women. Ludivine opened her mouth and
took the offered cock working her tongue around the head. She heard a loud slap
from the direction of Bianca.

  "Suck it bitch or I'll knock your teeth out and force it down your throat,"
said the grenadier his hands embedded in Bianca's black tresses.

  "That's better. Maybe I'll give you something to swallow if you're a good
girl," said the Grenadier holding Bianca's head as he established a tempo of
thrusting himself into the girl's mouth.

  Private Townly was definitely trained as a whore decided Captain Rhinerman as
he watched grenadiers take their places fore and aft of Ludivine. See how she
arches her back so she can squeeze each cock whether it's in her cunt or her
asshole. And she knows how to please a man with her mouth judging from the look
on the grenadier's face that was currently standing in from of Ludivine.

  Most of the women are crying but she accepts what is happening. You might even
think that if she were in a more comfortable position, she'd enjoy it. It's
because she has been mutilated in the Chinese fashion. Her clit is enormous and
the labia have been cut away.   The other one, Rebecca, who came with her is
also shaking her bottom and moving slightly back each time a grenadier moves
forward. Whoever had those women mutilated and trained as whores did an
excellent job.

  After the two hours had passed, the Sergeant Major returned. The women were
told to grab their uniforms and were marched naked back to their barracks where
they collapsed for the night.

  The next day, another ten of the women were selected for the gauntlet. After
the day's training, they two were sent to one of the barracks to reward the
grenadier company that performed best that day.

  Sunday afternoon the women were divided into five groups and marched to the
men's barracks. This time they did not use the stocks. Ludivine spent her time
on a bunk servicing dozens of cavalrymen.

  In spite of the exhausting and brutal environment, the women become inured to
the sexual demands of the men. The stocks were done away with. Even the younger
and more innocent of the females began to accept their fate and follow the lead
of Ludivine and the others.

  Ludivine watched one day in amazement as Bianca lay moaning in pleasure as the
cocks of three grenadiers shared the interior spaces of her young body. The
women even found themselves looking forward to Sunday and the orgy of barrack's
sex that it brought. 

  At the beginning of the fourth month, Colonel Himmelman made an announcement
to the regiments during the morning formation.

 "Tomorrow, all the regiments will assemble in the main square of Berbera. Emir
Al Rashid the Magnificent will review his army. There will be no punishment
formation this morning. This afternoon's drills are cancelled to allow you to
clean your uniforms and polish your kit for the inspection."

  However, as soon as the female regiment returned to their barracks Sergeant
Major Ovitz made an additional announcement.

  "The Colonel had informed me that the Emir has made a special request of your
regiment. It seems the Emir has a sense of humor. Tomorrow, your uniform will
consist only of your boots, cartridge belt, hat, and musket, no tunic or

  "They're going to march us through Berbera buck naked," whispered Julia to

  "It certainly looks that way," answered Ludivine.

  "The Emir, his court, and the citizens of Berbera are going to see you just as
Adam saw Eve in the Garden of Eden. I hope none of you are shy because the
entire population of Berbera will be watching," added the Sergeant Major.

  The next morning, the women's regiment marched out of the barracks wearing
only the approved items. The narrow streets were lined with the citizenry who
had been informed that the women would not be wearing their uniforms. As they
passed through the narrow streets, street urchins and others grabbed the breasts
and sex of the outer ranks. After one of her nipples was painfully pinched,
Ludivine decided she had enough of that nonsense. Ludivine's musket butt
flattened the face of the next person who reached in for a feel. The other women
followed suit and before long the groping stopped.

  God this feels weird thought Ludivine standing naked along with the other
women in the enormous square outside the gates to the Emir's palace. Here I am
without a stitch covering my breasts or sex and there must be ten thousand
people watching.

  When the women's regiment passed the reviewing stand, Ludivine saw the short
fat Emir sitting on a wide divan or chaise along with what could only be
described as children. The Emir became very animated when the women's regiment
passed. He and the two young boys sitting on his lap waved and cheered as the
women marched smartly by the reviewing stand. Ludivine's height and red hair
must have caught the Emir's attention because after the regiment returned to the
formation, the Sergeant Major rushed up to Ludivine and ordered her to follow
him to the Emir.

  Ludivine came to attention as she reached the Emir.

  "Ask her to remove her hat," said the Emir to Colonel Himmelman in Arabic.

  Ludivine without thinking removed her three-corned hat.

  "Ah, you speak Arabic?" asked the Emir.

  "Yes, your Excellency, I learned in Madagascar in Karem Bey's harem," replied

  "She is certainly a magnificent creature," said the Emir slowly walking around
Ludivine. He casually placed one hand on her buttocks as he passed.

  "A harem girl, is that where they cut your sex?"

  "Yes, your Excellency, Karem Bey's daughter hired a Chinese doctor to alter
our sex."

  "Colonel, they say that makes them always willing to have a man between their
legs. They're like a bitch that's always in heat. They develop a craving for
sex, watch," said the Emir placing his hand on Ludivine's sex and starting to
rub the area between her clit and her vagina.

  Ludivine struggled to remain at attention as the Emir's fat fingers entered
her vagina.

  "She's already wet," said the Emir taking his hand away and drying his fingers
on a towel proffered by a nearby servant. "I must send an emissary to China and
locate someone with the skill to perform the operation."

  "An excellent idea," said the Colonel.

  "Have you had her Colonel?" asked the Emir.

  "No, your Excellency. But there were others in her levy that were similarly
modified. Three of them are very young and quite delightful."

 "Oh, I forgot. You like me, have a taste for the very young. How old are you
Private Townly?"

  "Nineteen, your Excellency." Ludivine realized she was soon be twenty. She was
barely eighteen when Sir Charles Danby's pirates took her father's ship.

  "Still young and so very tall for a woman and the red hair, quite remarkable
and most rare. What do you think Saafir?"  Ludivine allowed herself to glance
toward a handsome youth roughly her age. He was tall, almost as tall as

  "I think the way she has been altered makes her a challenge," said Saafir.

  "Private Townly, would you like to fuck Saafir?"

  "If that is his Excellency's wish," replied Ludivine wondering how her
situation could get any stranger.

  "Saafir, show Private Townly what other women have trembled before," said the

  Ludivine watched as Saafir without a hint of modesty untied the drawstring
that held his pants up. When he allowed his pants to drop to the floor there was
an audible sound of amazement. Ludivine found herself staring at the longest and
thickest cock she had ever seen. It was even larger than Big John a seamen who
occasionally wandered into the Bromley Brothel for a fuck. Big John developed a
preference for Ludivine and Elena because they could handle his enormous penis.
If he took another of Mrs. Bromley's whores, the girl was sore for days.

  "Are you still interested Private Townly?" asked the Emir.

  "Yes, your Excellency," said Ludivine.

  "Good, I want the good citizens of Berbera to see this. You can use my
throne," said the Emir.

  "Right here, now? Your Excellency" asked Ludivine not realizing that the Emir
had meant for the entire city to watch her copulate with Saafir.

  "Of course, now, Mahmud, make an announcement," said the Emir.

  "Take everything off," whispered Colonel Himmelman reaching for Ludivine's
musket. Ludivine slipped the cartridge belt off her shoulders and removed her
boots as the Emir's crier spoke to the populace informing them that one of the
Emir's soldiers would have public sex with Saafir, a courtier

  "Kneel on the throne and suck his cock. I want everyone to see," said the

  The throne consisted of an elevated divan that was turned facing the populace.
Ludivine knelt down on the cushions as Saafir stood on the divan facing her.
Ludivine glanced sideways and saw that not only could all the regiments clearly
see her and Saafir but so could the townspeople. The crowd pressed forward to
get a closer look.

 There were loud murmurs from the crowd as Ludivine took Saafir's cock and ran
her tongue over the head.  Ludivine realized she was performing for a large
crowd and that it was important to fuck in a fashion that was visually
satisfying. Ludivine placed both hands around the shaft of Saafir's cock and
began stroking.

  As Saafir's cock hardened, a sound of awe went up from the assemblage. The
length and thickness of his shaft humbled every male onlooker. The women felt a
mixture of fear and envy as they watched Saafir's cock grow hard.

  Ludivine began to take more of the shaft in her mouth. As it reached the back
of her throat, she applied the lessons of the Kama Sutra and relaxed her throat.
It was by far the largest cock that Ludivine had ever attempted to force into
her throat. There was a moment of panic as her air supply was shut off. The cock
head wedged itself past her epiglottis as it pushed inside her esophagus.
Ludivine back off for a moment to regain her composure.

  "She is wonderful, your Excellency," said Saafir.

  Once again, proceeding very slowly to draw in the crowd, Ludivine extended her
jaws to the maximum open position and forced the length of Saafir's cock down
her throat.

  "Look, see how her neck bulges, like a snake swallowing its prey," said the

  "You did not tell me you had such a treasure among your soldiers," said the

  "Until now I was unaware of her skill," said the Colonel.

  Ludivine sensed that Saafir's cock was as erect as possible. She repeated a
half dozen times the act of taking his cock into her throat. The crowd was
totally silent as they watched. Ludivine released Saafir's cock and reclined on
her back. She reached her long arms up grabbing the soles of her feet. She
straightened her legs as she spread them in a wide V then pulled her feet toward
her head tilting her butt upward.

  Saafir knelt between her legs and placed his cock at her entrance. With
deliberation, he pushed forward driving his manhood into Ludivine's vagina. Inch
by inch its length disappeared in Ludivine's sex. The audience sounded its awe
when Saafir's groin nestled against Ludivine's crotch.

  "She's taken ever inch. I've seen women scream in agony when Saafir enters
them," whispered the Emir.

  Ludivine and Saafir fucked in that position for a while then switched to dog
style. Ludivine next assumed the superior position raising and lowering herself
on Saafir. Ludivine constricted her vagina muscles clutching and milking
Saafir's penis.

  "I'm going to cum," whispered Saafir.

  Ludivine removed Saafir's cock from her vagina and licked the cockhead as she
stroked the shaft. She aimed his piss hole at her face as the action of her hand
formed a blur along the length of his penis.

  A spurt of semen landed on Ludivine's nose and mouth. Other spurts covered the
lower half of her face in creamy goo.

  At that point, the previously silent audience erupted in a roar of
appreciation. Ludivine quickly licked Saafir's cockhead clean then turned to the
crowd and using her finger as a pusher, moved the cum onto her tongue and

  "Wonderful, truly wonderful," said Saafir.

  "Colonel, you must bring the Private and the others that have been modified in
the Chinese fashion to my palace one night for a little party," said the Emir

  "Certainly, your Excellency, we are at your disposal."

Chapter 21  - Saber Training

Please take note! Adults Only Literature

The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for
adults only.

If you are an underage minor or offended by such material -or- if viewing this
file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story

This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwise
is purely coincidental, etc.

Copyright 2004


    The next four months passed slowly for Ludivine and the others. They were
endlessly drilled to stand in ranks and perform synchronized volleys with their
muskets. Failure to load in the required time resulted in a blow from a
corporal's baton. Multiple failures lead to a walk through the gauntlet.

  As the women gained the strength and skill to handle the heavy rifles, they
became highly proficient at loading and firing in increasingly short intervals.
Weeks of dry fire ended and the women practiced hours of live fire. It left them
with powder-blackened faces and ringing ears.

  "How are they doing, Sergeant Major?" asked Captain Rhinerman after the
women's brigade had just delivered ten successive volleys.

  "It's hard to believe, Captain," said Sergeant Major Ortiz staring at his

  "How so?"

  "They are faster than the grenadiers. Quite a bit faster in fact."

  "And their accuracy?"

  "Far better, some of them are deadly at one hundred yards," said the Sergeant

  "Something we need to keep to ourselves, Sergeant Major. The Colonel would not
be happy if he learned that a brigade of whores was out performing his precious
grenadiers," said the Captain before riding off.

  Betty and fifteen others were placed in charge of the four twelve pound muzzle
loading cannons and taught to aim and fire the weapons. Ludivine, Elena, Julia,
and twenty-two others who excelled at horsemanship were also drilled as cavalry.
Practice with the saber both mounted and dismounted went on until dark.

   Throughout the training, the harsh punishment continued. Walking the gauntlet
proved a daily occurrence for anywhere from five to ten of the women. Each woman
faced the day knowing there was a possibility they would be stripped half naked
and whipped like a dog then find themselves on their hands and knees being
screwed like dogs.

  The women slowly became inured to the beatings and the nights spent in the
men's barracks. Badly scarred backs and abrasions around their wrists and neck
signified that a woman had walked the gauntlet in the morning then spent several
hours in the stocks that night. The Sergeant Major kept track of who was
punished and managed to insure that every one of the women had walked the
gauntlet at least once during the first two months.

  Sunday was the one-day off from training and sexual slavery. The soldiers were
allowed to rest. But Saturday night all the women were divided up and sent to
the male barracks to service the soldiers. With Prussian thoroughness the
women's brigade was first separated into three groups. The groups were rotated
among the two brigades of grenadiers and the cavalry brigade.

  ON Saturdays, a keg of brandy was allocated to each barracks and better and
more plentiful food than usual provided at the evening meal.  The result was a
drunken orgy that began at dark and lasted until midnight. The women were
expected to shed their uniforms as soon as they reached the men's barracks and
not dress until the Sergeant Major came to retrieve them. Because each brigade
of grenadiers contained three hundred soldiers and the cavalry brigade half that
many, sixty women found themselves serving the needs of five times that many
men. Since these were young viral men who in the course of six hours could be
expected to have sex multiple times, each of the women faced a never ending line
of males anxious to mount them for several minutes of rough sex them move to
another female for more of the same.

  When Saturday came, Ludivine and the others would pick out a cot and lie there
as man after man took them until they had satisfied their lust. It was rough,
quick, impersonal sex. Ludivine kept a rag handy to wipe the semen out of her
pussy or asshole each time a grenadier rolled off her.  Fights broke out over
who went next and over who go their turn with the more attractive and younger
women. Ludivine, Elena, Cynthia, Betty and Rebecca were the favorites along
Roxanne and the Claridge twins. Frequently, the non-commissioned officers had to
intervene to maintain order and prevent violence.

  Ludivine noted that if the lines for the women were particularly long, the men
would often pair off and go to bunks toward the back of the barracks and
sodomize one another.

   Some of the females less experienced in the ways of the world found it
difficult to reconcile the way they were raised and the realities of their
sexual slavery.

  "I was raised to believe that I would marry a good Christian man and he alone
would enjoy my body. Here men I do not even know assault me treating me as they
would the very worst of womanhood. I am a whore, no worse than a whore because a
whore has some choice in who she gives herself to," said Meredith after
returning from a grueling session in the stocks.

  "They are all sodomites," said Bianca who had been in the stocks beside
Meredith. "They prefer out assholes to our cunts. And they think it's great fun
to stick their cock in our ass and then our mouth so we taste our own shit."

  "One of them pissed in my face when the Sergeant Major called for us to
return," said Melody who was washing her pussy with a wet rag. "It was the big
Pole with the half moon scar across his face. He thought it was such great fun.
He even forced my mouth open and made me swallow his urine. I though I was going
to vomit."

  "We are whores that is for certain," said Elena. "But I was a whore back in
England. Some of us have developed an appetite or at the least a tolerance for
the pleasures of the flesh. I enjoy it when they form their line and stand there
stroking their hard cocks anxious to climb on my body and couple with me."

  Meredith considered her and Melody's fate a just punishment for having
participated in the orgiastic rites of Nabu and Ludivine's wedding and

  "That first night with the Ibo when Melody and I were persuaded to join in the
wedding celebration, I was a willing whore. I knew I was going against both my
religion and my beliefs.  My poor weak husband gave in to the pleasures of the
flesh. His own behavior which was in no way correct for a man of the cloth
encouraged me to join in the sexual practices of the Ibo.  I must admit that
those days of feeding my carnal appetite opened up a new world for me. But here
I find the way they use us to be horribly degrading. After all these months,
they don't know my name even though they have mounted me dozens of times."

  "Your husband the Reverend Ellsworth is an excellent fuck. He mounted me
several times and I found both his ardor and technique excellent," said Elena.
"He was also extremely well-endowed for a cleric. You were lucky to have a man
with not only a prodigious tool but also a lusty nature. He covered every white
woman there and many of the native girls in those three days."

  "Our day will come and soon," said Ludivine who had been listening to the
conversation. "Each day we grow stronger and more capable as warriors. They are
mistaken in thinking that we women pose no danger to them. Meredith, Melody, I
think of you as my sisters and love you dearly. I ask you to change your
attitude and become like Elena and me. Find pleasure and strength in the
degradation and it will be less of a burden."

  "You're right of course. If we are to survive and escape this horrible place
we must learn to live as you say. I admit that I find it easier than at first
and find myself looking forward to Saturday and having that line of males
anxiously awaiting their turn with me," said Meredith embracing Ludivine for a

  "I'll learn to like it too," said Melody joining in the embrace as she
guiltily recalled that dark night when she first had sex with her own brother.
She had been partially drunk on native beer. They were dancing naked around the
fire surrounded by the Ibo warriors. A few moments before she had returned to
the dance after being scooped up by a tall warrior and carried over his shoulder
to a hut where he had dropped her to the ground separated her legs and entered
her. She had locked her legs around his lean muscular flanks and pulled him into
her feeling the pleasure of his manhood passing from the entrance of her vagina
to a place deep inside. The hut was not empty. Around her others were coupling
and the moans of pleasure and desire filled the small space.

  All too quickly, he finished and left. Melody intensely aware of the need
between her legs had rushed back to the fire and danced moving her body like the
Ibo women offering herself to any warrior who wanted her.

  All of a sudden a white man had grabbed her and carried her away. Melody saw
that it was her brother, the Reverend Gordon Ellsworth.

  "What are you doing, Gordon?" whispered Melody as they left the circle.

  "Taking you to a hut," said Gordon. "I intend to have you."

  "But I am your sister. It's incest, a horrible sin," said Melody.

  "I don't care. I have to have you," said Gordon entering a hut and dropping
her to the floor.

  The hut had been full of writhing bodies. Melody had protested no more as she
reached down to take Gordon's cock in her hand and guide it into her vagina. She
gasped in response to her narrow passage being forced by the large mushroom
shaped head. Once the shaft had sunken into her and she could feel his balls
touch her buttocks, Melody released a flood of pent up desires as she wrapped
her body around Gordon's and clung to him as he thrust into her.

  "I've wanted this since I was a little girl," whispered Melody in her
brother's ear as they copulated.

  The nearness of other couples in the crowded hut added to the eroticism of the
moment. Finally, Gordon had climaxed and so did Melody reveling in the sensation
of her brother's semen coating the walls of her vagina.

  "Are you okay, Melody?" asked Elena looking at the distracted girl.

  "Yes, just remembering something," said Melody.

  "It must have been a good memory or your pussy wouldn't be glistening. Here,
let me finish washing it for you," said Elena taking the wet rag from Melody's

  "Can I sleep with you tonight,' asked Melody seeing that her sister-in-law had
curled up with Ludivine and the two were kissing.

  "Of course, " said Elena gently rubbing the rag across the girl's sex.

  It wasn't unusual for the women to pair off for the night and share a cot. It
provided one of the very few tender moments in an otherwise brutal and demanding
existence. After lights out, the barracks filled with the sounds of women using
their mouths to pleasure one another.

  "Every fucking one of them has the German disease," declared Sergeant Major
Ortiz listening to the sounds of their lovemaking.


  It was late in the afternoon almost dark and saber practice was drawing to a
close when Ludivine had her first face-to-face encounter with Captain Rhinerman.
Ludivine was receiving instruction from Corporal Wolfgang when Captain Rhinerman
stepped in front of her.

   "I wish to check on the private's progress, Corporal," said the Captain
sending the corporal off to instruct another.

  Ludivine was in her third month of saber instruction. The manual of arms
required that she be competent with either hand in case she was wounded on one
side. Ludivine's wrists and forearms had almost doubled in size since her
instruction began. During the first few days, her wrists had hurt so badly she
could barely feed herself.

  She was proving to be an excellent student and could fight equally well on
foot or mounted. She had learned to control her mount with her knees leaving her
arms free to fight with a long curved single edged saber in one hand and a
shorter and lighter double-edged sword in the other. Corporal Wolfgang had shown
considerable favoritism to Ludivine's instruction based on two factors. The
first was her willing enthusiasm to follow him into one of the stable stalls and
use her mouth to bring him to orgasm. When the Corporal was in the mood for
something beside oral, he required Ludivine to lower her uniform trousers and
bend over holding the side of the stall. He would then choose to insert his
penis in her asshole or pussy depending on his fancy. Ludivine's skill in
inducing a powerful and thoroughly pleasurable orgasm exceeded that found
previously in the Corporal's experience. She was truly the best fuck he had ever
had. Secondly, Ludivine's skills with the saber far exceeded that of his other
female students and in the Corporal's estimation most of the cavalrymen.

  "Private Ludivine Townly loves to fuck and she's quite handy with her saber
was how the Corporal phrased it when he was back in the barracks with the other
non-commissioned officers. "She can squeeze your cock with her asshole or her
vagina and those long arms of hers allow her to reach back and play with your
balls or tickle your ass while you screw her. Her mouth feels like hot butter
and her oral technique is superb. And to cap it all, she loves to be fucked. She
is through and through an English whore."

  "Her sister's not too bad either," replied one of the other corporals who had
taken a fancy to Elena. "She's happiest when she's on top with my cock in her
pussy. Sometime I let one of the other corporals take her asshole while I'm in
her cunt. Most women would feel discomforted with having two pricks in them but
she prefers it that way. These English women are sluts that's for certain."

  Ludivine and the others could count on being taken to the stable for sex at
least once during the three hours of instruction. Still it was unprecedented for
Captain Rhinerman to involve himself in the female's saber instruction. Ludivine
recognized that a departure from the ordinary was taking place.

  Ludivine came to attention facing the Captain and performed the necessary
salute to her adversary with her saber.

  "Attack," ordered the Captain.

  The command sent Ludivine into a series of lunges. She advanced quickly and
delivering several rapid cuts that the Captain was at pains to parry. The
practice sabers were not sharpened but could deliver a painful blow.

  "Excellent, now your turn for defense," said the Captain.

  "Attack," shouted Ludivine.

  Ludivine's youth and quickness allowed her to parry the Captain's saber but
just barely.

  "You have a talent that is unusual in a woman," said Captain Rhinerman.

  "Thank you, Sir," said Ludivine.

  Twice more they went through the standard offensive and defensive actions
before the Captain called a halt.

  "You have developed considerable skill," said the Captain sweating profusely.
"I understand from the men that you have other skills."

  "Thank you, Sir. I assume you are taking about my proficiency as a whore. I
have been a ruined woman for the last two years. I've lost count of the men who
have had me," said Ludivine.

  "Is it true you worked in a brothel for a period?" said Captain Rhinerman.

  "Yes, I along with my sister Elena and fifteen others were captured by pirates
and imprisoned in Karem Bey's fortress. We were trained in lovemaking in a harem
then placed in a brothel in Toliara. We were there for many months before we
escaped," said Ludivine.

  "And it was in the harem that your sex was mutilated?"

  "Yes, the daughter of Karem Bey, Princess Aziza, employed a Chinese doctor to
permanently remove all our pubic hair then as you put it mutilate our sex.

  "I've seen that before but only once; although I understand it's not uncommon
for prostitutes to be surgically modified in the Orient. What exactly was done?"

  "Our inner and outer labia were trimmed off like a butcher would trim fat from
a cut of meat. And the flesh surrounding our clitoris was severed allowing the
organ to hang freely. Would the Captain care to see?"

  "Perhaps later, and the effect of the mutilation?" asked the Captain.

  "It increased the intensity of sexual intercourse. We find that we both desire
and enjoy copulation more than others of our sex," said Ludivine.

  "You mentioned training in the art of lovemaking?"

  "Princess Aziza brought a temple priestess from India who had great expertise
in the art of pleasuring a man or another woman. She trained us for months to
use every faculty of our body to bring pleasure and at the same time to take our
own pleasure from our actions," said Ludivine.

  "You said after leaving the harem, you worked in a brothel," said Captain

  "Yes, we became prostitutes."  

  "And your customers were seamen?"

  "Yes Sir, Toliara is a port city. Ships rounding the Cape of Good Hope put in
there for provisions and repair."

 "How many customers did you service each day?"

  "It varied depending on the arrival of the ships but often it was twenty to
thirty. I danced too."

  "Yes, I have heard that you dance for the men in the barracks. They say it is
very provocative."

  "It encourages them to have sex with us. We have come to look forward to
Saturday nights. At least most of us have." 

  "Did you enjoy selling yourself that many times each day?"

  "I didn't have a choice. But I have learned to enjoy varied sexual practices.
Taking some degree of pleasure from even the most depraved and wanton act is a
key to survival when you are a slave and a whore."

 "Did you and your customers ever engage in acting, performing a role?"

  "Yes, English sailors have odd tastes. I performed many types of role-play:
master and slave, priest and penitent, mother and son, brother and sister, there
were many others. We did whatever the customer wanted. However the brothel owner
charged extra."

  "Were there times when the female dressed as a man dominated and punished a
male clad as a woman? Pretend the male had committed some offense and was
subjected to corporal punishment as a result."

 "Yes, the brothel owner maintained a selection of women's dresses, wigs, and
undergarments. The male once dressed as a girl could be restrained in various
ways such as over the top of a wiping bench or a barrel. One sea captain had a
preference for being hung upside down with his arms secured behind his back. We
had a selection of floggers, crops, quirts, cat-of-nine and canes depending on
the customer's preferences. Sometimes, we whipped their cock and balls and did
other things to torture their sex. We attached weights to stretch their balls."

  "And did you ever treat them as a woman sexually?"

  "Yes, we have several sizes and styles of replicas of the male sex made from
India rubber. We belted them to our waist and sodomized the man," said Ludivine
noting that a sizeable lump had appeared in the Captain's trousers.

 "Can you maintain a confidence?" said Captain Rhinerman.

 "Yes sir."

 "Failure to do will cost you your life."

  "I understand. What secret does the Captain wish to share?"

  "I have the need to participate in such acts. Would you assist me?"

  "Of course, Major, you would need to explain in some detail what you desire
and I will do my best to accommodate you."

  "I will see that you are brought to my quarters tonight. We will talk of this
matter further in private."

Chapter 22  -Captain Rhinerman

Please take note! Adults Only Literature

The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for
adults only.

If you are an underage minor or offended by such material -or- if viewing this
file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story

This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwise
is purely coincidental, etc.

Copyright 2004


    "You may leave us," Captain Rhinerman said to the corporal who escorted
Ludivine to his quarters.

  "Wine?" asked the Captain as soon as they were alone.

  "Yes Sir," said Ludivine.

  "Here, you may call me Gerhard and I will call you Ludivine."

  "A glass of wine would be very nice, Gerhard," said Ludivine.

  "There are two trunks in the other room," began Gerhard when he and Ludivine
were seated. I wish you to go into the room and dress yourself in what you find
in the blue trunk. When you are finished return here. While you are in there, I
will dress as a girl. Do you understand?"

  "Yes, I understand. How will I call you?"

  "Sophie and you will be Ludwig or father," said Captain Rhinerman.

  "How severely do you wish to be punished?" said Ludivine.

  "You can start with a hard over the knee spanking. Do not spare me. If I speak
the words, 'Holy Roman Emperor', you are to cease what you are doing. 'Pope
Gregory' means for you to continue but at a lesser pace and "Caligula' means for
you to apply the lash more energetically. There's a note in the trunk with some
specifics you will find useful. Certain things are best left to the written

  "An interesting choice of words," said Ludivine.

  "Shall we begin?" said the Captain obviously eager as he hurriedly finished
his wine.

  Ludivine began to undress as soon as she closed the door behind her. She
stripped completely naked tossing her private's uniform on the bed. Then she
opened the blue trunk.

  "Interesting," commented Ludivine to herself pulling out the dress uniform of
a Prussian general. When Ludivine held the trousers up, she was surprised to see
they were the right length. He must have been a very tall general thought
Ludivine stepping into the trousers. Ludivine dressed quickly in the Jodhpur
style pants and the tight fitting jacket that was covered with medals. When she
reached for the dress helmet she saw the molded column of Gutta Percha and the
leather harness. Ludivine pushed her trousers down while using her lips to wet
the end of the double dildo that fit into her vagina. She groaned as she pushed
the inverse dildo inside her then buckled the leather holding strap tightly
around her waist and thighs. She tested the dildo to make sure it was securely
in place before positioning it down her trouser leg.

    I hope Captain Rhinerman or Sophie knows having that dildo up his butt is
going to hurt thought Ludivine as she finished dressing and picked up a riding
crop. Her hair was already short but she secured it with a clip and covered it
with the helmet. Attached to the ridding crop was an envelope. Ludivine opened
it. Written in Captain Rhinerman's hand were certain details about what he was
expecting to happen tonight.

  Ludivine looked at herself in the mirror. From the polished leather boots to
the stiff helmet she was a Prussian general. When she returned to wait for
Captain Rhinerman she took up a position by the mantelpiece and stood stiffly at
attention. It wasn't long before the Captain wearing a wig of long blonde plated
hair and a white dress appeared. Ludivine noted that the Captain had applied
make-up and there were two red circles of rouges covering his cheeks.

  "Where have you been, Sophie?" said Ludivine.

  "Nowhere, Father," said Captain Rhinerman.

  "Liar, you have been with that Jew boy, Anton Stroesser."

  "No Father, I have not seen Anton."

  "Come here, this instant," said Ludivine.

  "You're not going to punish me again, please Father it hurt so badly the last
time," said Captain Rhinerman walking fearfully across the room.

  "Because his father is a rich banker who's loaned the government money, he
thinks he can defile you. What did you let him do?"

  "Nothing Father, we just talked."

  "Lying little whore, " screamed Ludivine bringing the riding crop down hard on
one side of the Captain's chest. The thin material of the dress provided little
protection as the end of the crop landed on the Captain's nipple.

  "No, Father," screamed the Captain clutching his chest.

  "Now tell me did you touch his circumcised cock?"

  "No, Father," said Captain Rhinerman tears streaming down his cheek.

  "Liar," yelled Ludivine once more landing the crop this time on the Captain's
other nipple. The force of the blow sent the Captain in an ecstasy of realized
pain as he recalled his childhood. His entire body contorted in response to the
fiery agony he felt in his chest.

  "I repeat myself. Did you touch his Jewish cock? You're a slut like your

  "Yes, Father, I touched it. I didn't want to."

  "And did he want you to put it in your mouth?" said Ludivine.

  "Yes, Father."

  "And did you, you lying little slut?" said Ludivine.

  "I know it was wrong but he asked me so nice."

  "You pathetic little bitch. So you sucked his cock. What else did he do? Are
you no longer a virgin?"

  "He put his hands between my legs and he touched me. It felt so warm. I became
weak and confused. I didn't know how to stop him."

  "You're just like your mother, Sophie. She made a fool of me, disgraced the
family, spreading her legs for any man in Berlin who smiled at her. Well, I know
how to punish you just like I did her. Come over here," said Ludivine taking a
seat in a nearby chair.

  "Please not again, Father. Last time, it hurt so badly I was sore for days,"
said Captain Rhinerman who regardless of what he said walked quickly over to
Ludivine and stood.

  "Over my knee, Sophie," said Ludivine bending the Captain over her knee. She
pulled up the hem of the white dress to reveal a pantaloon-covered bottom.
Ludivine tugged the pantaloons down to expose the Captain's white hairy bottom.
Ludivine rubbed his buttocks as she spoke.

  "You liked it when Anton stuck his dirty Jew dick in your hole. Didn't you?"

  "Yes, Father, I'm sorry. I won't do it again," said Captain Rhinerman tears
flowing copiously down his cheeks.

  Ludivine began a regular and methodical application of her open palm to
alternating buttocks as Sophie screamed for her to stop. Even through the coarse
material of her uniform trousers she could feel the Captain's hard cock as she
spanked his bottom. Ludivine reached between his legs to take his balls in her
hand and twist them quickly causing Sophie to writhe in pain.

  "Stand up," ordered Ludivine.

  When Sophie stood up, Ludivine saw there was a drop of semen on the top of her

  "Lick it up. Pretend it's your precious Anton's," ordered Ludivine.

  Sophie leaned over and using the very tip of the tongue scooped the single
droplet of semen of Ludivine's trousers.

  Ludivine stood up.

  "Pull your dress up and bend over the chair," ordered Ludivine.

  Sophie did as she was instructed.

  "I am going to strike twenty times. You must count each blow out loud. If you
forget, we will start again," said Ludivine.

  Ludivine landed the crop on the Captain's buttock.

  "One, Caligula," sounded the Captain.

  Ludivine planted her feet and swung her saber-trained arm with considerable
more force. A large red welt appeared where the crop landed.

  "Two, Caligula," screamed the Captain.

  Ludivine struck with even greater force causing the Captain to shriek with

  The Captain failed to shout the count several times and Ludivine was forced to
start again. She had no idea of the total number when finally she reached
twenty, possibly fifty or more. The Captain's butt was a fiery red and warm to
the touch. Ludivine's arm was starting to tire.

  "Now I am going to fuck you, just pretend your father is your Jew lover," said
Ludivine unbuckling her trousers.

  "No Father, do not put your cock in me. It's not right," sobbed the Captain.

  Ludivine grabbed the Captain's buttocks pulling them apart as she leaned in
and released a large gob of spit onto his anus. She rubbed the sputum into his
sphincter as she expectorated in her own hand and used that to lubricate the
dildo head.

  "Tell me you want your father to fuck you like the Jew," said Ludivine.

  "Yes, please Father, fuck me like Anton did. I'm a slut like my mother and
deserve to be fucked by my own father," sobbed Sophie.

  Ludivine pressed the dildo head past the anal ring. The Captain gasped in pain
as the column of India rubber filled his ass. Ludivine reached around and under
the Captain and took his cock in her hand. She stroked it as she took him
anally. When she sensed his ejaculation was imminent she reached her other arm
around and under placing the palm directly beneath this cock head. In a matter
of moments, she felt warm semen fill the palm of her hand. She pumped his ass
and stroked his cock until his orgasm was exhausted. Then she turned Sophie
around and presented the open palm filled with cum to him.

  "Eat it, Sophie. Swallow your father's semen," ordered Ludivine.

  Sophie leaned forward and licked the sticky fluid from Ludivine's palm and
swallowed it.

  A half hour later, the Captain had surprised Ludivine now dressed in her
private's uniform by offering her a brandy before she returned to her barracks.

  "You did very well," said the Captain.

  "Thank you Sir, would you mind if I asked a question?" said Ludivine.

  "No, you want to know how much that resembles my real life. The answer is very
much. I did have a younger sister named Sophie. My father is or rather was a
Prussian general in the army of the King of Prussia and his name is Ludwig. My
mother was a tart, also a Countess, and she abandoned Sophie and me to my
father's care and ran off to Paris to whore herself with any man who would have

  "And the Jew, Anton Stroesser?" said Ludivine.

  "A childhood friend," replied Captain Rhinerman.

  "That your father caught you sodimising."

  "Actually, Anton was sodimising me when the General walked in quite
unexpectedly," said Captain Rhinerman.

  "So in punishment, he made you wear your sister's clothes," said Ludivine.

  "After he beat me half to death, he dressed me up as a girl and humiliated me
to the point that I tried to commit suicide."

  "But you didn't."

  "Sophie saved me. She talked me out of it. She also let me in on her and
father's secret. He was a frequent visitor to her bedroom."

  "Did you visit Sophie also?"

  "Yes, she tried to convert me to a different point of view."

  "How does the son of a General and a Countess wind up in Berbera? I would
think you'd be in Berlin on the general staff."

  "There was this little incident with several cadets entrusted to my care.
Sodomy is not highly regarded in the Prussian Army. I was sent to Turkey to
avoid a scandal."

  "In this place, sodomy is considered normal. Do you know how often I've seen a
grenadier or a cavalry man with a cock in his mouth or ass?"

  "Among the enlisted men, it's acceptable but not for an officer. The Colonel
would cashier me if he found I was a sodomite. So far I have managed to avoid

  "So me with an India rubber cock between my legs is an acceptable

  "Yes. I've told you certain things about myself. If you tell others, there
will be consequences."

  "You can trust me."

Chapter 23  - Hard Won Battle

Please take note! Adults Only Literature

The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for
adults only.

If you are an underage minor or offended by such material -or- if viewing this
file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story

This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwise
is purely coincidental, etc.

Copyright 2004


  "May I have a look, Sergeant Major?" Ludivine asked the Sergeant Major when he
lowered his field glasses.

  "Certainly, Corporal," said Sergeant Major Ortiz handing the field glasses to
Ludivine who had been promoted to Corporal and placed in charge of the brigade's
tiny cavalry unit before the army left Berbera. Betty had also been promoted and
placed in charge of the artillery. The army's mission was to bring Ethiopia's
largest and most fierce tribe of natives, the Singalashti, under control of the

  The women's brigade was in reserve assigned to guard the supply wagons and
spare mounts. The Colonel had been dismissive of Captain Rhinerman's suggestion
that the women's brigade could play a more important role.

  "Don't be insane, Rhinerman. We have two hundred women with us for only one
reason. The Emir insists that we have them and he is the one with the gold. He
thinks they're soldiers and we play along. Actually they are good for only one
thing and that's keeping the men satisfied. The plain fact is that they are
worthless as soldiers and excellent as whores. Keep them back out of the way."

   The wagons were situated on a slight elevation looking down on a broad plain.
The Emir's mercenary army was three days march from Berbera and about to engage
the enemy. The Singalashti were known for their bravery in battle. They were the
only tribe in the Ethiopian interior that had refused to accept the rule of the

  Ludivine saw that the two brigades of grenadiers were drawn up in battle
formation facing the oncoming tribesmen.  Colonel Himmelman and the cavalry were
slightly off to the right. Ten twelve-pound cannons were immediately below
Ludivine to the back of the grenadiers facing outward toward the advancing
enemy. Captain Rhinerman and the rest of the Prussian officers were down on the
plain where they believed all the action would take place. It had not been
thought important enough for an officer to stay with the women's brigade.
Sergeant Major Ortiz had been left in charge.

  "The enemy seems to be quite numerous," commented Ludivine observing the
enormous mass of tribesmen moving toward their positions.

  "I would be concerned, Corporal, if they were armed with muskets and cannon
but we should be able to handle them easily," said the Sergeant Major. "Spears
and shields of buffalo hide are no match for trained European musketry."

  "I agree but still there are a lot of them," said Ludivine handing the field
glasses back to the Sergeant Major.

  Ludivine was mounted on a reasonable piece of horseflesh. All the best mounts
were assigned to the cavalry. She and the Sergeant Major watched as the massive
crowd of natives approached the grenadier's position.

  So this is battle thought Ludivine. This is what makes a man's blood run hot.
Some of the women had looked envious of the grenadiers as they took up their
positions facing the Singalashti. There were disappointed mutterings about being
left to guard the wagon train after months of harsh training.  They wished they
were down there lined up with the men muskets loaded and ready to fire thought

  The cannons fired their first salvo and Ludivine saw great explosions occur in
the ranks of the onrushing natives. Clumps of bodies were thrown skyward.

  "Sergeant Major, there's movement to our left front," said Corporal Betty who
had run over from her four cannons to report. Betty as an artilleryman had her
own pair of field glasses. Since the women's brigade was also functioning in the
role of rear guard, their cannons and formation were pointed away from the

  Sergeant Major Ortiz scanned the rear with his glasses.

  "It seems we too will be engaged," said the Sergeant Major calmly. The
Sergeant Major saw a large force of natives approaching from the rear.
Underneath the calm demeanor, the Sergeant Major was seriously concerned. The
women's brigade was untested in battle and the number of the attackers although
difficult to calculate accurately looked to be equal to the number about to
attack the forward positions.

  "Corporal Townly, you and your troop take up positions to defend the cannon,"
said the Sergeant Major to Ludivine. "Their battle line may overlap us."

  Ludivine saluted then rode off to her cavalry detachment and ordered them to
form where they could defend the vulnerable artillerymen. Sergeant Major Ortiz
dismounted and took up a position beside the ranks of female infantry.

  Ludivine glanced back over her shoulder and saw that the mass of natives was
moving very quickly toward the grenadiers. The cannons were killing hundreds
with each volley but there were hundreds more to take their place. Ludivine
watched as the grenadiers fired their first musket volley mowing down the
leading rank of natives. Other volleys immediately followed. But the great mass
of natives swept onward toward the grenadiers.

  Turning away from the plain toward the rear, Ludivine saw that an enormous
force of Singalashti were rushing toward them at a dead run. They were
surprisingly close. The rolling terrain had concealed their approach. Ludivine
had asked earlier why they had not deployed scouts or skirmishers rearward to
detect an approaching force. She had recalled it was clearly advised in
Frederick the Great's Manual of Arms.

   "Its not necessary for this lot. They understand nothing of such tactics,"
replied the Sergeant Major. That caused Ludivine to remember Frederick's advice
about respecting your enemy, over confidence, and arrogance; but she had kept
her mouth shut. Corporals were not immune from walking the gauntlet.

  Ludivine's horse stirred as Betty fired off the first salvo. Her aiming marks
were true and large holes were torn in the front of the native charge. Betty had
proved to be an excellent artilleryman. Ludivine saw that the front of the
native attackers was wider than the ranks of the infantry. The Singalashti had
overloaded the attack on the side of the cannon in an attempt to wrap around the
infantry disable the guns and take the infantry ranks from the rear.

  "It looks like we are in for a fight," said Ludivine to Elena.

  "There are so many of them," said Elena casting a worried glance at her

  "Nothing that we cannot handle," said Ludivine maintaining a calm in her voice
that she really didn't feel.

  Ludivine took another look at the now smoke obscured plain where the main
battle was to take place. The natives had reached the ranks of the grenadiers
and fierce hand-to-hand combat was underway. The main battery had fallen silent
unable to target friend from foe. Ludivine heard the Sergeant Major scream,
"Fire," and the first volley of musket fire from the women decimated the leading
row of natives. The women commenced rapid volley fire and the great swarm of
natives began to slowly melt away.

  Observing that the left wing of the attackers had reached the critical
juncture, Ludivine ordered her cavalry forward.  

  "Charge," screamed Ludivine spurring her horse. The two dozen cavalry wheeled
about and charged toward the left wing of the onrushing Singalashti. Ludivine
saw that ground in front of the musket ranks was covered in dead and wounded
natives. Ludivine pulled the two pistols from their holsters as she came within
firing range. She fired and dropped her target then shot another with the other
pistol. She holstered her pistols and drew both her sabers as her mount slammed
into the attackers. Ludivine parried and thrust with both arms as she hacked her
way through the Singalashti. All of a sudden she found herself on the other side
of the native force. She saw that her troop had followed her. She wheeled about
and charged through again.

  As Ludivine passed through the now thinned native ranks again, she saw them
give away. Although the Singalashti were fearless, their slaughter had been too
great. Not one man of ten who had attacked the women's brigade was still
standing. The accurate and rapid fire of the cannon and muskets had decimated
the Singalashti.

  Ludivine did a quick review of her charges. Elena was still at her side as was
Lorraine. One was missing. A quick look at the battleground showed that Rebecca
Smythe had been dismounted. Ludivine saw Rebecca standing in a circle of natives
each attempting to spear her as she parried their thrusts with her saber.

  Ludivine spurred her mount to ride to Rebecca's aide. Her troop followed. The
distance was not great and Ludivine and the other's arrival on the scene caused
the already beaten natives to give up on their efforts to slaughter Rebecca and
run. Ludivine helped Rebecca to mount on the back of her horse and the two rode
back to the battle line together.

  The musket fire and then the cannon stopped firing as the retreating
Singalashti went out of range. Ludivine rode over to Betty.

  "You look like you have been in a soot bin," said Ludivine.

  "I could almost past for a Singalashti," said Betty her face blackened by

  "Excellent job, Corporals, " said Sergeant Major Ortiz ridding up. The
Sergeant Major was hiding the fact that he was surprised he was still alive. He
half expected his untried women's brigade to break and run. But they had fought
extremely well and their rate and accuracy of fire had been mortal to the enemy.
The closest Singalashti had been ten yards from his front rank. The field to
their front was carpeted with the dead and dying enemy. The Sergeant Major had
sent the first rank forward with bayonets to finish off the wounded. Ludivine
watched as Roxanne and the Claridge twins along with the others walked casually
along occasionally bayoneting a wounded native.

  Ludivine looked once again at the so-called main battle and saw that the two
brigades of grenadiers were heavily engaged in combat with the Singalashti.
Colonel Himmelman and his beloved cavalry were hacking their way through the
mass of natives.

  "Should we deploy to their aid, Sergeant Major?" said Ludivine watching the
battle whose result looked questionable.

  "No, the Colonel will send word if the needs us. But keep an eye on the cannon
and if the Singalashti threaten, we will defend the artillery," said the
Sergeant Major.

  Serves his arrogant ass right thought the Sergeant Major as he watched the
battle seesaw back and forth. There were more than a few dead grenadiers and
cavalrymen lying on the ground. The brigades had formed into squares. The
natives were attempting to break into the squares. It was close brutal work,
spear against bayonet. Finally the natives broke and retreated.

  Ludivine watched as Captain Rhinerman rode up toward her. His helmet was gone
and there was a bloody gash across his shoulder.

  "My God it was a near thing," said Captain Rhinerman as he approached. "The
Colonel has been wounded. Bring the wagons down to collect the injured. We were
lucky you weren't attacked."

  "But we were, Captain," said the Sergeant Major pointing to the field covered
in Singalashti dead.

  "My God," said the Captain looking from one battlefield to another. "There
were as many of them in front as behind. How many did you lose?"

  "None," replied the Sergeant Major.

  "I think the Singalashti are done for now. Abandon your position and bring
your brigade down to help care for the wounded," said Captain Rhinerman.

  The fact that none of the Prussian officers except for Captain Rhinerman had
witnessed the total devastation wrought by the women's brigade on the
Singalashti was not lost on Ludivine.

  It was a difficult three-day march back to Berbera. Many of the badly wounded
grenadiers died along the way. As the exhausted troops were about to reach the
fortress's gate, someone from the crowd of townspeople stepped out and pressed a
paper into Ludivine's hand. When she glanced sideways, she saw Oliver and Ernest
standing in the crowd dressed as Arabs.

Chapter 24  - Escape

Please take note! Adults Only Literature

The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for
adults only.

If you are an underage minor or offended by such material -or- if viewing this
file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story

This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwise
is purely coincidental, etc.

Copyright 2004


  "Look at them, a rabble without their sergeants. No proper line of march, just
a fleeing mob," said Colonel Himmelman training his eyes on the women's brigade.
The scorn in his voice was apparent.  "We will ride them down and slaughter
them. Any prisoners we'll turn over to the Emir's dungeon. I want them to take a
week to die."

  "Colonel, I suggest we send a skirmish line ahead to test their intentions.
This may be a trick," said Captain Rhinerman.

  "And I suggest you keep your opinions to yourself, Captain. This brigade of
murderous whores is your responsibility. You have failed to maintain military
discipline. Your lack of leadership had lead to the needless death of eleven of
our soldiers. After we are finished here, I intend to send you back to Berlin
with a letter of reprimand. Your career in the army of the King of Prussia is

 The Colonel was referring to the guards found dead that very morning. It was
Sunday afternoon and the Colonel and the cavalry brigade had caught up with the
women's brigade that had escaped during the night.  That Saturday night there
had been a celebration of the hard won victory over the Singalashti. There had
been a triple ration of rum and brandy. The drunken orgy in the three barracks
had been unusually wild and wanton as the women threw themselves on the men.
Ludivine and Elena had danced for all three barracks inciting the men to the
lewdest behavior.

  The sight of their naked bodies glistening with sweat had created a level of
erotic intensity that combined with the elation of having survived and been
victorious in a savage and bloody battle had unleashed an evening of wild
uninhibited sex.  Even the wounded soldiers had lain on their bunks fisting
their cocks as they watched the two beautiful creatures swirling around the room
undulating their nude bodies offering the men their sex.

  The soldiers attributed the wantonness of the women to the psychological
effect of the battle. They were vaguely aware that the women's brigade had also
engaged in combat. The fifteen women who arrived with Ludivine plus Meredith and
Melody set the standard by offering themselves to multiple partners and begging
the men to fill their every hole. Roxanne, barely fourteen had offered her young
body to the older sergeants and corporals offering to perform any act they
desired no matter how lewd or perverted.

  The morning had brought the Colonel the unexpected news that the women had
killed the guards and escaped during the night. The Colonel had ordered an
immediate pursuit but it had taken time for the cavalrymen to recover from the
night's revelry and assemble. Colonel Himmelman, his arm still bandaged had
cursed his officers for the delay.

  They had rode furiously for over three hours before they caught up with the

  "They've arrived," said Elena to Ludivine as they marched together along with
the entire brigade. Everyone according to Ludivine's plan was on foot.

  "They've ridden hard and their horses look tired," said Ludivine training her
field glasses on the approaching cavalrymen.

  "I'll quietly pass the word," said Elena moving into the crowd of marching

  "Remember no change in positions until I give the order," said Ludivine.

    The women were walking slowly conserving their strength. Concealed in the
middle of the formation were Ernest and Oliver. The two young men had been
trained as Ibo death warriors. After they had been thoroughly taught to kill
silently and without mercy, they had asked King Nabu if they could go north to
the land of the slavers and find the women and rescue them. King Nabu had agreed
and arranged for passage on a ship bound for Ethiopia. The boys had disguised
themselves as Arab traders and made their way to Berbera where spies sent by
King Nabu had reported the presence of Ludivine and the others.

  Oliver and Ernest had met with Ludivine and Elena and worked out an elaborate
escape plan. After midnight Oliver and Ernest had slipped into the fort over the
wall and easily killed the drunken guards posted outside the women's barracks.
Ludivine and Elena dressed in the slightest of garments slipped out of the
barracks to the main gate where there were six guards. They carried several
bottles of rum.

  "Corporal, you missed the party," said Ludivine pretending to be drunk as she
and Elena arrived at the small guardhouse that stood in front of the massive

  "What are you two doing outside the barracks?" asked the Corporal knowing that
the women's barracks was normally kept locked after midnight.

  "The Sergeant had a change of heart. He sent us out to take care of you. He
said there was no reason for you to miss out on the celebration," said Elena
putting her arms around the Corporal's neck.  Elena used her teeth to uncork the
bottle and offer the Corporal a drink that he readily took. "We came out to show
you a good time. The Sergeant said we were to do anything you want, anything at

  "My sister's right. Just name it. Let's go inside," said Ludivine pushing her
breasts in the other guard's face. "I need my tits sucked."

  "I want you to suck my cock and lick my asshole to start," said the grenadier
who'd freed Ludivine's breasts and was sucking her nipples.

  "Sounds exciting. Your comrade here can fuck me at the same time," said

  "Ernst, Guillaume, you two stay on guard here. We'll fuck these whores and
then you can have a go at them," said the Corporal in charge of the guard.

  The Corporal threw a blanket on the stone floor. The room was tiny. Ludivine
and Elena found themselves practically shoulder to shoulder as they got down on
all fours.

  "Make love to my asshole with your mouth, Ludivine," said the Corporal who had
stepped out of his uniform trousers. He also got down on all fours and backed
his butt up to Ludivine's face. She parted his muscular butt cheeks pushing her
face into the deep cleft until her tongue reached his wrinkled brown hole.
Ludivine passed her tongue over his anus pushing the tip against his sphincter.
The fact that the Corporal was not particularly clean did not deter her.

  Out of the corner of her eye, Ludivine could see that Elena's face was pushed
into a grenadier's butt and she was busily working her mouth to please his
asshole. Ludivine signified her pleasure with a loud moan as another grenadier
took hold of her hips and sunk his hard cock in her vagina. Within moments,
Ludivine sensed the application of warm spit to her own rectum. She grunted as
the grenadier inserted his forefinger in her asshole while he fucked her vagina.

  The sex went on for a short while. The four men swapped girls and positions.
Soon two of the men had ejaculated twice and left the guard station to return to
their posts. As everything was going to plan Oliver and Ernest had already
killed the two left on guard and killed the others as they emerged from the

  "Let us get on top and ride you. We'll do all the work. Just lie there and
enjoy yourself," said Ludivine to the Corporal and the other guard. The soldiers
got on their backs as the two sisters straddled them easing their hard cocks in
their well-lubricated pussies.

  "Just close your eyes and let Elena ride that big cock of yours," said Elena
as she squeezed his cock with her pussy.

  "These two whores can fuck a man to death," said the Corporal his eyes closed
as Ludivine used her vagina to milk his cock. Elena and she were applying all
the skills they had learned in the last two years about the art of intercourse.

  Seeing that both men had their eyes closed, Ludivine reached her long arms to
the muskets standing in the corner and unfixed the bayonets. She handed Elena
one of the bayonets. The two women raised the bayonets and plunged them into the
chests of the soldiers covering their mouths to stifle any outcry. Both bayonets
thanks to the extensive training they had received found their mark in the
soldiers' hearts and death was near instantaneous.

  When Ludivine and Elena emerged from the guardhouse they found Ernest and
Oliver waiting for them. The other four gate guards were dead. The four returned
to the barracks of the women's brigade. Ludivine led the women to the armory
where they withdrew their muskets and a large amount of ammunition. They fled
through the unguarded gate into the night.

  Ludivine's plan seemed to be working. She knew that it was very risky and
depended on the rash judgment of Colonel Himmelman. If the Colonel were a
careful man, he would have assembled his entire force of grenadiers and cavalry
for the pursuit. Ludivine had correctly guessed that he would follow only with
the cavalry confident that the women were no match for his troop of horsemen. He
would not have the patience for a long chase required if the grenadiers had to
march on foot after the women.

 The women walked slowly forward in the desert heat.

  Ludivine looked back to see that the cavalry was forming in line for a charge.

  "When they're within five hundred yards, we form our lines," said Ludivine.
"We release our first volley at one hundred yards."

  "I still wish you had let me bring the field pieces," said Betty.

  "If we had, they would have brought theirs and they would have more than us,"
said Ludivine.

  The Colonel is a complete fool decided Captain Rhinerman as he began the slow
gallop toward the fleeing women. It may be a trap. However, even if the women
stand and fight the cavalry should prevail. We may take serious causalities from
their muskets but enough horsemen should reach their line to ride them down.
Once their formation is broken they will scatter and we will round them up and
march them back to Berbera.

  "Full gallop," screamed Colonel Himmelman as they reached a distance of five
hundred yards.

  One thing about the Prussians is that they are so damn predictable thought
Ludivine as she watched the horsemen draw their pistols and spur their horses to
maximum effort.

  "Form your lines,' shouted Ludivine.

  "Form on me," screamed Elena.

  The women ceased their rather desultory walk and sprang into action. They were
well aware of their fate if Ludivine's plan did not succeed. If they survived,
they would wind up in the Emir's dungeon being slowly tortured to death.

  Ludivine's battle plan was a simple one. The musket men formed to two files of
eight each, the first kneeling and the other standing. Ludivine's detachment of
twenty-four cavalry was on foot positioned at regular intervals along the line.
They were to use their pistols if any cavalry reached the front rank. Since
Ludivine's detachment was trained in the use of the saber they would engage on
foot any horsemen that broke through. Finally Oliver, Ernest and Betty's
artillerymen were divided into two flying squads that would immediately attempt
to seal any break in the front line using their muskets.

  It is a trap realized Captain Rhinerman as he watched the women neatly form
ranks. The Colonel his sabers drawn was riding Pall Mall into their guns. The
idiot has no idea how devastating their musket fire will be. We'll be lucky if a
third of our force reach the front line.

  "First rank fire,' screamed Ludivine when she judged that the cavalry was one
hundred yards away.

  "Second rank fire," screamed Ludivine almost immediately.

  Ludivine counted the necessary seconds required for the first rank to reload
then screamed, "Fire." She was gratified to hear the sound of what appeared to
be eighty muskets firing simultaneously. Smoke now obscured everything. The
women were firing blindly into the white haze. The women had first eight volleys
when a rider less horse appeared at their front rank. Ludivine had raised her
pistol to fire then realized the horse was missing its rider. It veered away
from the front ranks.

  "Cease firing," yelled Ludivine as the women released two additional volleys.
Ludivine looked around and saw that Elena and Betty were not wounded. Thick
powder smoke obscured their forward vision. It seemed like forever before the
smoke dissipated to reveal the carnage. The women saw the cavalrymen and most of
their mounts lying in the desert sand. The moans of the wounded filled the air.
There was not a single man standing.

  "First rank advance, no quarter," yelled Ludivine.

  The kneeling women slowly stood up and began to walk toward the prone figures.
The nearest body was about five yards from the front rank. A surprising number
of bodies were well back toward one hundred yards. Ludivine watched as the women
bayoneted the wounded men. Their screams filled the air as the women plunged
their bayonets into their chest. Ludivine saw that Colonel Himmelman 's horse
was standing quietly about seventy-five yards away. She also saw that there was
a single mounted horsemen heading rapidly away.

  "You know what to do, Elena," screamed Ludivine as she ran toward the
Colonel's mount.

  Ludivine covered the distance to the horse at a dead run mounted and took off
in a dead run. The Colonel's mount was an exceptional piece of horseflesh and
within a half mile Ludivine overtook Captain Rhinerman. The Captain realizing
that he could not outride the Colonel's horse drew his saber and turned to

  "Congratulations on your victory," said Captain Rhinerman in a pause between
passes of the saber.

  "If the Colonel wasn't such a fool, there would have been no victory," said

  "Still, you are an able tactician,' said Captain Rhinerman.

  "If you surrender, I will spare your life," said Ludivine.

  "I'm afraid the idea of a Prussian officer surrendering to a woman is out of
the question," said Captain Rhinerman charging forward.

  Ludivine parried the blow and managed to knock the saber out of the Captain's

  "Still consider it unacceptable to surrender to a woman?" said Ludivine her
saber blade under the throat of Captain Rhinerman.

  "I surrender," said Captain Rhinerman.


     "It is Captain Rhinerman, open the gate," said the Captain. The quarter
moon did not reveal the fact that Ludivine was seated behind the Captain. Her
long arms were wrapped around him hidden under his tunic. In one hand she had a
firm grip on the Captain's cock. In the other hand was a knife poised to
castrate him if he gave them away.

  "Where's the Colonel?" said the Sergeant in charge of the guard. He was
standing on the parapet shouting into the night.

 Ludivine could hear the guards removing the iron bar that held the heavy gate

  "Seriously wounded, hurry up," said the Captain.

  "You catch up with the whores?" yelled the Sergeant.

  "Of course,"

  "Any of them alive? I hear the Colonel's got plans for any that lived. He's
going to turn them over to the Emir's dungeon."

"Yes, some were captured. They put up quite a fight," said the Captain as the
gates swung open.

  Oliver and Ernest slipped inside and silently killed the guards.

  "They were pretty tough for whores," said the Sergeant. Ludivine heard a thunk
and then the sound of the Sergeant's body falling from the parapet.

  Quietly the women's brigade passed back into the fortress.  Betty rushed to
the armory for her twelve pounders. Within minutes the women had divided
themselves into two groups each positioned outside the entrance to the two
barracks of the grenadiers. Betty's cannon were loaded with grapeshot and
pointed toward the doors.

  The women were formed into a single rank. Ludivine and her horsewomen lighted
their tortures then rode forward to fire the roofs of the barracks. The
desert-dried thatched roofs immediately shot into flames. Ludivine could hear
screaming inside as the flames spread.

  The barrack's door burst open and the men came stumbling out to be slaughtered
by the grapeshot. Many of the men tried to surrender but the months of
mistreatment had not put the women in the mood to accept their surrender. The
women used their muskets to pick off the men who came out with white flags.
Ludivine listened to the screams of the badly wounded that were too afflicted to
leave their cots and died in the fire.

  Having secured the fort, Ludivine took half her force and several cannon. She
marched through Berbera and captured the Emir's palace. Betty blew open the gate
with a cannon ball. His guards offered little resistance. The Emir and his
courtiers were imprisoned in the large dungeon under the palace. Ludivine left
Elena and a small force in charge of the Palace and returned to the fortress.

 Having captured the only two strong points in Berbera, Ludivine decided it was
time to take a short rest and regroup. When she got back to the fortress, she
found that Eliza Hamilton had put things in order and the gates were defended.

  "Where's Lorraine?" asked Ludivine.

  "Amusing herself with the prisoners," answered Eliza.

 Ludivine found Lorraine in the cavalry barracks. The twelve males who remained
alive were in the stocks. The sound of a man screaming greeted Ludivine's ears
as she entered the undamaged barracks. Ludivine saw where the cavalrymen who had
been too wounded to join in the pursuit of the fleeing women had been bayoneted
or shot in their bunks. The stocks were filled with the prisoners. Many of the
women had stripped naked and were openly having sex with one another.

  The soldier doing the screaming was a burly sergeant. Lorraine arm was inside
his rectum to the dept of her elbow.

  "For the love of heaven take it out," begged the man.

  "Sergeant Trevor, don't you recall the time you put your fist in my asshole? I
begged you to take it out. Now you know why," said Lorraine as she shoved
another inch of two of her arm into the Sergeant's asshole.

  Ludivine looked over to see that several of the women were following Lorraine
example and forcing their arm inside the grenadier's ass. The men's screams
filled the room.

  "Look what we found," said Melody and Meredith dragging in a brazier of
red-hot coals and several branding irons.

  Rebecca Smythe walked over and took an iron from the brazier. She spit on it
and listened to the sizzle.

  "Because of what was done to my breasts, I have no hope of a decent life or
finding a husband. Lorraine, remember how they thought it was such great fun
that the torturers fucked us while we were branded?" said Rebecca.

 "Yes, I think we should return the favor," said Lorraine who began to furiously
pound her fist into the asshole of the Sergeant. Rebecca stepped up and applied
the branding iron to the buttocks of the Sergeant. There was a loud hiss. The
smell of burning flesh filled the room. The Sergeant screamed then fainted.

  "Let me wake him up," said Melody positioning herself to piss on the
Sergeant's head.

  I'll let them have their fun decided Ludivine. I have more important things to

  "Look at me," interrupted Julia. Ludivine looked over to see Julia had her arm
inside the cook to her shoulder.

  "Now watch," said Julia as she pulled her shit-stained arm out and shoved it
back inside the man's bowels as he screamed in pain.

  "Leaving us?" asked Lorraine.

  "Yes, I have some matters to attend to," said Ludivine.

  "We're almost done here. When we've satisfied our lust for revenge, I'll
dispatch the captives," said Loraine.

  "How will you go about the deed?"

"Simply take a bayonet and cut their balls and cock off. Let them bleed to
death," said Lorraine.

  "They deserve it. Make sure that none of them see the sun come up. Tomorrow we
need to think about leaving this place and getting home," said Ludivine. 

Chapter 25  - Family Reunions

Please take note! Adults Only Literature

The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for
adults only.

If you are an underage minor or offended by such material -or- if viewing this
file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story

This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwise
is purely coincidental, etc.

Copyright 2004


  "You've grown in so many ways, some of them wonderful to feel and behold,"
moaned Ludivine as her brother Oliver slid his cock into her pussy. Ludivine was
being taken from the rear, her elbows and knees resting on cushions located only
a few feet from the Emir's throne. Ludivine's long legs permitted Oliver to
stand up over Ludivine's rear fucking down into her pussy.

  "Oh this is just as wonderful as I remembered. I told Ernest that as soon as
we rescued you three, we were going to get together for an afternoon of glorious
family sex," said Oliver pumping his now manly cock into Ludivine's lipless sex.
He was experiencing the pleasurable sensations created by the contractions of
the well-developed muscles that lined Ludivine's vagina. "Your cunt milks my
cock. King Nabu claims it is a something that few women are capable of."

  "Open my asshole and spit in it, Oliver," said Ludivine.

  "I want to see," said Elena stepping to Oliver's side. She placed her hand
between his buttocks and rubbed her index finger over his anus. "Oh how I have
longed to put my fingers in your butt."

  Oliver's thumbs pushed Ludivine's sphincter open. He aimed his spit at her
open butthole.

 "Let me spit too,' said Elena leaning in close to drool a large gob of spit
into Ludivine's anus. "See how it opens for you, brother Oliver."

 "Look, how its pulsing like a hungry mouth," said Oliver working the saliva
into the wrinkled muscle that was rhythmically opening and closing.

  "I must give it a kiss," said Elena leaning down and covering Ludivine's anus
with her mouth. After many passionate kisses, Elena moved to Oliver's lips and
kissed them just as passionately.

  "Oh, I've missed you too sweet brother," cooed Louise Stapleton as her brother
Ernest rhythmically pumped his cock into his sister's vagina.

  Louise and Ernest were lying within arms reach of Ludivine as the three
Townlys including Elena and the two Stapleton's were having a quiet sexual
reunion in the Emir's throne room. They were sprawled over cushions normally
used by the Emir's wives when he was holding court.

  It had been three days since the women's brigade had liberated the citizen's
of Berbera from their cruel and depraved Turkish ruler. At the moment the Emir,
his wives and consorts and his court were housed in the dungeon cells beneath
the palace.

  "Marry me, sister," said Ernest applying his lips to Louise's aroused nipples.

  "I'm your sister. We can't marry silly. Oh, that feels divine. I've longed for
the days when my brother's cock was deep in me and his lips sucked my tits,"
said Louise her legs firmly wrapped around her brother's waist pulling him
inward each time he thrust forward.

  "We can move to America. No one will know that we are brother and sister,'
said Ernest repositioning himself to cradle Louise's knees in the crooks of his
arms and bending her double. He made several hard thrusts slamming his penis in
his sister's vagina.

  "Oh, that is marvelous. I love you brother and would do anything to make you
happy," said Louise reaching her mouth upward to kiss Ernest's lips.

   "When was the last time the five of us got together for a family fucking?'
asked Elena as she scooted underneath Ludivine to assume the bottom position for
mutual oral sex.

  "Not since Ludivine's wedding to Nabu. The five of us snuck off to a hut
together for a quickie," said Louise.

  "I though Melody tagged along so it wasn't just the five of us," said

  "It wasn't just Melody. She brought Nabu's uncle. She had quite a taste for
older men. She screwed every wedding guest with gray hair," said Elena.

  "Little Melody seems to have held up well for the young and innocent sister of
a minister," said Oliver as he took long slow strokes inside Ludivine. His
thumbs were now well inside Ludivine's anus stretching it open. Once more he
leaned down and spit in his sister's now open rectum.

  "I adore it when you spit in my ass. It seems so deliciously dirty," said
Ludivine arching her back with pleasure then leaning down to lick Elena's sex.
She spit loudly into Elena's vagina.

  "We should feel guilty for seducing the wife and sister of a missionary of the
English high church but somehow I don't. How is the Reverend Ellsworth enduring
the loss of his kinswomen?" said Elena removing momentarily her mouth from her
sister's sex.

  "He sought solace with a number of native girls that he moved into the
rectory. He established a regular harem. Then much to his surprise, his wife's
younger sister, Aileen, arrived from Manchester seeking to find out what became
of Meredith," said Oliver.

  "And you would not believe what he did," said Ernest.

  "Tell us," said Louise.

  "The first night Aileen arrives he plies her with wine and gets her drunk,"
said Oliver.

  "When she's quite tipsy, he strips her naked, sheds his own clothes, takes her
outside and makes her dance around the fire for the delight of the villagers,"
said Ernest.

  "I have to add that Aileen can be considered rubenesque," said Oliver.

  "She's fat as a pig to put it bluntly. She makes Julia look thin," said

  "It was quite an uproarious sight to see her alabaster white skin dancing
naked with the dark skinned natives. The Ibo were much taken with her. They're
all so lean and muscular. She was an oddity to them," said Oliver.

  "So after a while, they drug her off to a hut for lovemaking that went on
until dawn and involved dozens of Ibo men and women. Of course, the Reverend
joined in. In fact he went first and deflowered her. The IBO were incredibly
curious about her body," said Ernest.

  "If you recall, Julia was very popular with the Ibo men," said Louise.

  "Thanks be to Frederick the Great's training, Julia is quite slim and
muscular," said Ludivine.

  "All of you look extraordinarily fit. But judging from your backs, I'd say it
must have been difficult," said Oliver running his hands over the ridges of
scars that covered Ludivine's back.

  "One trip through the gauntlet and you were scarred for life. It peeled the
flesh off you. And the salt brine they rubbed in the wounds created scarring. I
went through many times," said Louise. "After they scarred your backs, they took
you to one of the barracks and put you in stocks. The soldiers mistreated us in
every way possible even though we did everything possible to please them. One
night they made me drink their piss until I could barely walk. I looked like I
was about to bear a child."

  "And there were the times that the corporals beat us with their batons,' said

  "Once, when I dropped my powder and could not reload in time, two of them held
me upside down and beat my sex until I was a bloody mess between my legs," said
Louise. "I though they had castrated me. I couldn't feel anything between my
legs for days."

  "So now you understand why our vengeance on them is so terrible,' said

  "One look at those horrible scars and I fully understand why you were
merciless with your Prussian trainers," said Oliver. Oliver and Ernest had been
appalled when they saw the fashion in which the women had been branded on their

  "Revenge on those who branded us will be sweet. The ones who did it are locked
up in the dungeon and Lorraine is flogging the skin off their backs then
castrating them," said Elena as she flicked her tongue across the abnormally
long hanging piece of flesh that constituted Ludivine's clit. "Ludivine, as many
times as I have licked and sucked your wondrous clit, I always marvel at it. It
gets hard like a man's cock when it is aroused. If it was a little larger you
could fuck me with it."

  "I am truly a freak of nature," said Ludivine.

  "Nonsense, you are a rare beauty with a marvelous sex organ that I envy. If I
had your clit I would make sure every man in England sucked it," said Elena.

  "And every woman," added Louise. "Put your cock in my ass, Ernest. Help me
raise my legs."

  Ernest spit in his hand, rubbed it on his sister's anus while using his
fingers to open her butt hole then pushed inside.

  "Dear brother, I want to feel you seed slowly oozing out of my bottom for the
remainder of the day," said Louise accepting Ernest's cock in her rectum and
contracting her muscles to add to the pleasure of his entry.

  "It was quite satisfying to see the feared torturers of the Emir's dungeon
screaming and begging for mercy," said Elena reaching up to fondle Oliver's

  Their lovemaking continued for several hours. They swapped positions and
partners frequently. It was mid afternoon before they finished their reunion.


      The Dungeon Master screamed each time Lorraine landed the whip on his
back. There was no flesh on large patches of his upper and lower back. Three
days ago, a force of female soldiers had entered the dungeon killing several of
his helpers and imprisoning the rest. They had freed the other prisoners and
forced him and the torturers into a tiny cell. They had replaced the freed
prisoners with the Emir and his court.

  One by one the women had removed the torturers from the cell. The Dungeon
Master listened to their screams and the sound of the whip flaying their flesh.
That morning he had found himself alone in the cell.

  He had screamed and begged when the women had come for him. Lorraine had
ordered him manacled to the two whipping posts that he had so often used to
punish those fallen from the Emir's favor. He had been whipped savagely until he
fainted. Then a bucket of the special mixture that magnified the pain almost
beyond comprehension had been poured on the stripes and cuts left by the whip.
He screamed so hard that he lost his voice and could only make a croaking sound.

  "Ready his balls for branding," commanded Ludivine when Elena and she entered
the room. Ludivine had left the other torturers to the tender mercies of
Lorraine. However she intended to deal with the Dungeon Master herself.

  Lorraine took a thin leather thong and used it to separate and tightly bound
his scrotum bifurcating his gonads.

  Lorraine and two of her helpers bent the Dungeon Master over a tall bench and
tied him securely. He was looking directly back between his legs. His bottom was
pointed upward.

  "Here," said Lorraine holding up a large container of pig fat. Ludivine buried
her arm in the greasy mixture to her elbow thoroughly coating the surface.

  Ludivine commenced the process of working her fingers into the asshole of the
Dungeon Master. She took her time listening to the squeals and grunts of pain as
her hand slowly forced open his rear passage. As she proceeded, she vividly
recalled that day months ago when the Dungeon Master had supervised the branding
of her breasts. Ludivine looked down at the hideously ugly brand that coverer
almost the entire surface of the breast. The iron had burned the nipple on the
right completely away. The left nipple was partially gone. The result was a
large jagged series of scars only faintly resembling a brand. The Dungeon
Master's men had thought it highly amusing to have their cocks buried in the
women at the time the brands were applied. The female's paroxysm of desperate
pain had caused contractions of their entire musculature including those that
lined the walls of their vagina. This branding-induced nutcracker was much
prized by those who worked for the Dungeon Master

  The Dungeon Master experienced the intense pain of Ludivine's hand slipping
past his anal ring. Ludivine withdrew for a moment to recoat her arm with pig
grease. Her hand slipped easily past the Dungeon Master's anus this time. The
pressure was unbearable as she slowly shoved her arm deeper and deeper into the
Dungeon Master's bowels. He sounded a high-pitched squeal as her arm entered his
lower intestine and moved upward. Ludivine's fingers pushed through the soft
feces caked in his upper bowel.

  Ludivine began a slow back and forth motion with her arm withdrawing it a foot
then pushing it back inside. She slowly increased the pace and force of her arm
accompanied by the loud screams of the Dungeon Master.

  Elena signaled for Lorraine to hand her the branding iron from the brazier. As
Ludivine fist fucked the Dungeon Master's asshole, Elena positioned the iron
over one of his balls. Slowly Elena pushed the glowing red metal into the soft
skin of half his scrotum. There was a loud kiss as the fiery metal made contact
with flesh. The Dungeon Master sounded a cry that reached into every cell of the
dungeon including those where the Emir and his courtiers were held. Elena burned
through the soft tissue effectively castrating the Dungeon Master.

  When the Dungeon Master fainted, Ludivine withdrew her arm.

  "Now, sweet sister, I'll burn off his other one and you get his asshole," said
Ludivine holding the large jar of pig fat for Elena.

Chapter 26  - Town Orgy

Please take note! Adults Only Literature

The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for
adults only.

If you are an underage minor or offended by such material -or- if viewing this
file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story

This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwise
is purely coincidental, etc.

Copyright 2004


  This is delicious thought Ludivine as she worked her tongue over the underside
of the cock jammed in her throat. Ludivine was breathing through her nose
enjoying the sensation of having her esophagus stuffed with a rigid column of
warm male flesh. It was the third day of a three-day celebration of the end of
the Emir's rule. The entire city of Berbera was celebrating with an orgy
organized by Ludivine and the civic leaders.

 Ludivine had been surprised at the sexually libertine attitude of the citizens
who exhibited an anything goes approach that ignored many of the taboos of
European society. Chief among the ignored taboos was incest. Fathers eagerly
mounted their daughters, mother's impaled themselves on their sons and brother
and sisters copulated freely.

  Ludivine and the women of the brigade had thrown themselves whole-heartedly
into the celebration. Knowing that they faced a long and dangerous march to
safety made them eager to enjoy their final nights in Berbera. During the three
days, the women had achieved a degree of depravity that startled even the
experienced whores that had accompanied Ludivine on the long sojourn from the
Madagascar pirates. Other less experienced members of the brigade such as Bianca
had shown no less willingness to engage in acts that would be considered
unspeakably vile in their native land.

  At the moment, Ludivine was enjoying sexual intercourse of the triple
penetration variety. She and three young virile males who happened to be
brothers were comfortably situated on a large cushion in the throne room.
Ludivine was facing downward straddling a well-hung member of the city's elite.
His cock was in her vagina while his brother's was thrusting into her asshole.
Ludivine exulted in his firm grip on her hips as he pulled himself deep inside
her pussy his balls slapping against the underside of his brother's cock. The
sensation of being filled with cock permeated every pore of Ludivine's being.
The thin membrane of flesh separating her vagina and rectum magnified the
friction of the two cocks as they traveled their separate paths to reach her
inner depths. The thrill of having three male members inside her was
overwhelming to Ludivine's pleasure centers. She was in the throes of a
prolonged orgasm that seemed never ending.

 Their slow thrusting into her orifices was only interrupted when the brother in
her mouth withdrew momentarily so the brother lying underneath Ludivine could
take the drool-coated cock into his mouth. Ludivine noted that the citizenry
having ignored the incest taboo found no problem with homosexuality. The three
brothers exhibited no compunction with regard to sodomy of one another.

  Even more depraved in terms of European morality was that several of the
town's matrons along with Elena and Melody were in the palace's courtyard being
serviced by the late Emir's menagerie specifically trained for bestiality. Apes,
dogs, sheep, goats, donkey's and even a well-trained stallion were available to
those willing to cross the inter species barrier.

  The citizenry most of whom were in a near drunken stupor acknowledged no
proscription against intercourse with other animals. At the moment, Elena and
Melody Ellsworth were providing oral pleasure to an Arabian stallion. The two
were working up their courage to engage in vaginal penetration with the beast's
oversized cock.

  Earlier, the stallion had provided them a shower of sticky cum much of which
they had captured in their open mouths.  Equine semen had coated their face and
breasts permitting the lust maddened females to lick the whitish fluid from each
other's bodies.

 Ludivine smiled at an outburst of hysterical laughter from Julia Stafford. The
Emir's collection of sexual freaks had included a group of dwarves. Two of the
dwarf females were surpassingly beautiful perfect miniatures of normal adult
females. The males were equipped with larger than normal cocks. Ludivine and the
others had been eager for sexual intercourse with these freaks of nature.

  At the moment, Julia's face was buried between the tiny thighs of Esmeralda
while hairy and misshapen Otto was plowing Julia's rear. His stubby fingers were
tickling her ribs as he fucked her.

  The first day of the celebration had begun with Ludivine and members of the
women's brigade along with the leading citizens of Berbera seated in the
reviewing stand that looked down on the huge square where all the populace was
gathered. In front of the reviewing stand was a large raised platform where the
loyal followers of the Emir would be punished.

  "Nothing brings out the crowd like a public execution," commented Lorraine
seated nearby on a cushion her arm firmly placed around young Millicent
Reasoner, Julia's former maid who had discovered a fondness for the Sapphic
arts. The pair frequently exchanged long sensuous caresses and kisses during the
morning's punishment and executions.

  "The good citizens will be stroking their cocks and flicking their clits
before we are done here," said Elena sitting nearby with a chimpanzee in her
arms. Elena was idly handling the primate's cock as he applied his lips to her
exposed nipples.

  Ludivine had left it to the leading citizens of Berbera to decide the fate of
the Emir, his wives, and courtiers some of whom were citizens of Berbera who had
transferred their loyalty to the hated Turkish ruler. Emir Al Rashid was not a
popular ruler. His practice of selecting young and attractive children of the
town and taking them to his palace to feed his appetite for pedophilia had not
endeared him to the population. Ludivine upon assuming control had returned the
children to their families. The heavy whip hand of his Turkish guards had often
fallen on the backs of the populace and the citizens had seen not only their
family members despoiled but also much of their wealth forfeited to the Emir's

  The morning of the first day was devoted to rough justice. As trumpets
announced the start of the public punishment, wives and daughters of the council
of citizens led the Emir's wives and consorts from the dungeon. Ludivine had
established the Council of Citizens to govern the city after she and the women's
brigade departed.

  "They are all so beautiful. What a waste," remarked Betty Humphrey standing
beside Ludivine who was seated on the Emir's throne watching the proceedings.
Ludivine was wearing a purple robe that could be easily parted to expose her
breasts and sex.

  "They are vile creatures that took it upon themselves to go into the dungeons
and torture and kill citizens whom the Emir had imprisoned. They performed
unspeakable atrocities against innocents for their depraved pleasure," said the
President of the Council of Citizens who was seated nearby. "They tortured my
brother and his family for three days before they were allowed to die."

  Ludivine smiled warmly at the President. His name was Mustafa and Ludivine
found him incredibly handsome. Ludivine and the other leading women of the
brigade appreciated his skills in the art of lovemaking. Techniques employed by
his tongue and mouth had brought Ludivine to powerful and sustained orgasms that
had left her gasping for breath. His beautiful and equally talented young wife
had joined her husband in Ludivine's bed for long hours of pleasurable

  The heralds read each of the ten's name as they were brought forward to the
edge of the large platform erected especially for that morning's activities. As
each name was read, they were forced to undress themselves and stand naked at
the very edge of the dais only a few feet from the front row of the crowd.
Ludivine felt a certain stirring between her legs as she recalled that day when
she and Saafir had performed a public act of intercourse for this same populace.
The entire citizenry of Berbera had watched intently as Saafir, possessor of the
largest cock that Ludivine had ever encountered had slowly slide it inside her
vagina stretching her flesh to the utmost. The crowd had roared its approval as
the red headed giantess had without the usual cries of pain and anguish accepted
Saafir's member even using her long legs to pull him fully inside her as they
copulated. That day Ludivine did not doubt that once Saafir and pulled his cock
from her cunt and squirted semen over her face, the crowd rushed home to engage
in intercourse imaging that they were the ones on the Emir's throne fucking
Ludivine as all their fellow townspeople watched. Ludivine placed her hand on
her sex and felt its warmth. She stroked herself as each of the ten were
humiliated before the people that they had so horribly mistreated.

  Each of the ten was tied standing to a whipping post. The next half hour was
given over to a vicious lashing that left none of the ten conscious. Their
screams had turned to groans then to gasps finally ending in silence as the
flogging had shredded the flesh on their backs and buttocks. The use of Turk's
head knots on each of the strands meant that the flogger stripped away the skin
in nine different areas. Indeed as each blow landed, it was possible to see
patches of skin and flecks of blood explode off the women's backs. Muscles and
sinews became visible on their shoulder blades as the skin was flayed off.

  The ten were abruptly brought back to consciousness by having a large bucket
of salt brine dumped over their head. The brine entered the torn flesh creating
its own hellish pain. The crowd was much amused by the wild dances performed by
the ten as their bodies reacted to the salt and attempted to escape its agony. 
Ludivine looked into the crowd to see that many had exposed their sex and were
masturbating as they watched. Wives and daughters were on their knees sucking
the cocks of male family members. As they performed orally they kept one eye on
the raised platform anxious not to miss a scream or moment of agony.

   The ten restarted their pitiful pleas for mercy as they watched braziers of
red coals and glowing iron rods wheeled to their front. Ludivine watched as a
particularly beautiful consort of the Emir's was bound tightly to the whipping
post. Her gorgeous hair was a mass of curly ringlets and the crowd had been
awestruck by the beauty of her face. A wide leather band circling her forehead
immobilizing her head. A female member of the local nobility had been chosen to
disfigure her.

  The beauty shrieked her terror as the searing hot branding iron approached her
face. Her wild pleading eyes bespoke her fear. The Arabic word for whore was
branded deeply into her left cheek destroying her comeliness in a single stroke.
Ludivine could hear the hiss as the flesh of her right cheek was emblazoned with
the word for slut.

  The girl had passed out. More salt brine was used to restore her awareness to
the next torment. Two guards grabbed her feet lifting her legs as they separated
them. The crowd pointed and laughed at the site of her exposed female sex. The
guards held her legs separated as they reached forward to catch her labia in
rough iron tongs. They pulled her labia open fully exposing her vaginal opening
and clitoris. A wide iron rod with a glowing red surface was selected from the
brazier of coals. The matron held the iron up for the crowd and the beauty to
see. Then a roar went up from the crowd as the branding rod was placed against
her sex burning deep into the opening of her vagina and searing off her

  "These townspeople show no mercy," said Elena her hand between her legs
stroking her sex. "Burning off their clit robs them of any future pleasure."

  "They deserve it especially that one. She was fond of cutting off the clitoris
of females in the Emir's dungeon. There are dozens of women in this town who
were castrated by her, " said Ludivine who was idly forcing an India rubber
replica of Saafir's cock into her vagina. She was drawing it slowly back and
forth as the ten were branded. Each scream of agony increased her pleasure as
her vagina gripped the dildo in response to each cry. Ludivine glanced down
surprised at the amount of fluid her vagina was producing as she masturbated to
the spectacle.

  The ten were revived with cold buckets of salt water then taken down and
handed over to a group of natives. They would end their days as slaves to one of
the tribes that the Emir had subdued then almost eradicated.

  A dozen Turkish administrators that had been brought from Istanbul to manage
the Emir's government replaced the ten women. The whippings resumed. This time
weighted whips were used each tinged with sharp metal barbs. Only eight of the
dozen survived the floggers. The living envied the dead as the living were
brought back to consciousness with an application of cold salt brine. It raised
havoc with their open wounds.  It was several minutes before the screaming

  "This next part is weird. I can't believe they are going to do this," said
Cynthia Stafford, Julia's younger sister.

  "It will be quite good theatre. They wanted to make it interesting and
entertaining," said Eliza Hamilton.

  "They had to scour the entire town to find a dozen virgins but now they only
need eight unless four are going to suck a dead man's dick," said Betty Humphrey
seated on a nearby cushion working a dildo into her cunt. Betty was grimacing as
she raised and lowered herself. Young Roxanne Trimble was kneeling in front of
Betty licking Betty's clit as she impaled herself.

  The townspeople brought forth a dozen very young girls robed in immaculate
white gowns.

  "Mustafa, how do we know they are virgins?" asked Lorraine.

  "They were examined by the Inman," said Mustafa. He put his fingers inside
them and if he found the presence of a hymen they were selected."

  "I had a hymen until a pirate took it with an marlin spike," announced

  "They practically had to hammer it through Ludivine's hymen. No one had ever
seen anything like it. I on the other hand had mine split open by a cute little
Irish lad who worked on my father's firm. His little cock sliced it open without
a moment of hesitation and hardly a drop of blood," laughed Elena.

  "Mine was taken by a Ibo warrior. There was not even a speck of blood," said
Melody. "It didn't hurt. In fact it felt quite good. Now I find myself wanting
something in my pussy all the time."

  "You were born to be a whore, my dear sweet Melody. You just did not know it,"
said Lorraine.

  "The pirates got mine," said Julia Stafford. They tied me up in that position
they called a Madagascar Pear. I was suspended to a yardarm hanging like an
ornament from a Christmas tree. My body was not used to that posture and it was
agonizing to be so constrained. My feet were roped behind my head and my hands
tied overhead. My butt was the lowest part of my body. A couple of them swung me
back and forth several times then all of a sudden one stuck his dick in my
virgin hole and I became a pirate's whore."

  "Then the Princess Aziza's harem whore," said Betty.

  "Then one of Mrs. Bromley's prostitute whores," said Lorraine.

  "Then the bedfellow of every male member of the Ibo tribe that you could fit
inside your snatch," said Cynthia. "That was Julia's favorite part. She adored
the long black cocks of the Ibo men."

  "Next a mistreated sex slave of Arab slave traders," said Clara Stapleton.

  "Most recently the barracks cunt of three brigades of Prussian led
mercenaries," said her twin sister Anne Stapleton.

  "And about to become the willing fuck object to any man or woman citizen of
the city-state of Berber," said Elena.

  "Quiet you all. They're about to begin," said Ludivine.

  The dozen young girls approached the men who had been firmly secured to posts
after being forced to undress in front of the crowd. The virgins knelt in front
of the men and began to suck their cocks.

  It was not long before the eight became erect. The four girls whose partners
had not survived helped the others. Two eager mouths worked the Turk's cock and

  "Watch this next part, closely," whispered Mustafa.

  The young girls pulled a length of rawhide from within their robe. They
carefully encircled the base of each man's cock and balls. Then they pulled the
strand painfully tight capturing the engorged penises preventing the exit of the
blood. In a matter of moments, each of the eight was left with a fully erect
penis. The virgins stepped away from the prisoners. From underneath the platform
rose the slow methodical beat of several drums.

  A giant of a man dressed only in a gold mask appeared. His body was laced with
muscles and his cock hung down to mid thigh. His hand held a jeweled ceremonial

  "I've got to fuck him," said Elena staring at the man and wetting her lips.

  "We had to pay quite a sum to bring him here," said Mustafa.

  The crowd roared its approval as the executioner stepped up to the first Turk
and crushed the man's balls in his powerful hand. He reached down with the
dagger and severed the screaming Turk's entire sexual apparatus at its very
base. The executioner held the bloody carrion high for the crowd as a fountain
of blood spewed from the massive hole left by the dagger. The executioner flung
the bloody organs far into the crowd.

  The executioner proceeded to sever the testicles and penises of the others
causing them to exsanguinate. The activity halted momentarily as the dead bodies
were removed from the platform.

  "The next will be an English style execution," said Lorraine. "I planned this
one. It's roughly modeled after the ones performed in Elizabethan times to
enemies of the king."

  The Emir's beautiful and wicked queen was brought forth to the edge of the
crowd. Two men stripped her naked as the crowd roared its approval.

  "First the strapaddo," said Lorraine.

  "What's that?" asked Betty.

  "Watch, you'll see," said Lorraine.

  The Queen was placed underneath a tall tripod that soared some thirty feet
above the platform. A single pulley hung from the center of the tripod. The
Queen's arms were bound behind her back and weights were attached to each ankle.
The pulley's rope was attached to her bound wrists and she was slowly and
painfully raised in the air. Her screams sounded over the crowd as her arms and
shoulders were forced to bear the weight of her body and the iron balls attached
to her ankles. She was allowed to hang there for several minutes all the while
screaming as she twisted in the hot desert breeze.

  All of a sudden the pulley rope was released and she plummeted toward the
platform floor only to interrupt her descent six feet off the floor. A loud
crack sounded as her shoulder joints dislocated and her arms were pulled
directly overhead.

  There was a moment of silence then the crowd applauded wildly.

  "Very well done, Lorraine," said Ludivine.

  "The next phase requires a delicate hand. I hope my men are up to it," said

  The crowd watched as the Queen was lowered to the ground. She was taken to
another place on the platform and bound on her back to a small table. A large
windlass was positioned over the Queen's prone body. One of the men made a small
incision in the lower abdomen of the Queen. He inserted a small hook into the
incision and pulled through a loop of her intestine.

  "What's that called?" said Elena.

  "It's called drawn as in drawn and quartered. We English executed Guy Fawkes
and many others in that fashion. People convicted of crimes against the crown
were hung, drawn and quartered. Oh good, they got it out all right."

  The men had severed the loop of gut. They attached one end to the spool of the
windlass and began to slowly turn the wheel pulling the Queen's intestine out
and wrapping it round the spindle.

  "We really did that to Guy Fawkes and others,' said Elena. "It seems so

  "Yes, we did it thousands of times," said Lorraine.

  "Won't they die immediately?' asked Ludivine.

  "Not if they are careful," said Lorraine.

  The crowd watched fascinated as first the small and then the large intestine
of the Queen coiled around the spool.

  "Her guts are amazingly long," said Betty.

  "Just average, really. Your intestine are probably the same length," said
Lorraine. "Want to find out?"

  "No, I'll gladly accept your word for that," said Betty.

  The crowd cheered wildly at the next step. The men having felt they reached
the end of the Queens gut cut the intestine then held the Queen upright to show
she was still alive.

  "The bitch lives," exclaimed Betty.

  "But not for long, we are going to end her days with a Spanish form of
execution, The Saw," said Lorraine.

  Once again the men used the tripod to suspend the queen upside down with her
legs separated. A long two-sided woodsmen saw was delivered to the executioners
by one of the attendants. The executioners positioned the saw between the legs
of the Queen resting it on her sex. They waited for the crowd to quiet then
began sawing the still living woman in two.  The fact that she was still alive
and screaming pleased the crowd.

  "You would think she would die quickly," said Ludivine.

  "Not until the saw reaches her heart if we are lucky," said Lorraine.

  It took several minutes for the sweating executioners to saw from the Queen's
sexual organ to her heart. At that point she made a final convulsion and died.

  "Now for the finale," said Ludivine.

  "This is going to be simple,' said Lorraine.

  Everybody watched, as the Emir himself was lead to the front of the platform.
The crowd's hatred of their now deposed ruler was obvious.

  The executioners removed his clothes to display his gross and corpulent body.
He was tightly chained between two posts. Several executioners appeared holding
oddly shaped knives.

  "I hope this works," said Lorraine.

  "What are they going to do?" asked Elena.

  "Flay him alive," replied Lorraine.

  The Emir's screams sounded above the crowd as the knives removed long
rectangular strips of his epidermis. Ludivine was amazed when one of the
executioners stepped aside to show the crowd that he had cut the Emir's face
off. Inside of a half hour, the Emir was separated from his skin.

  "How hideous we look without our hide," said Roxanne her face covered with the
secretions of Betty's pussy.

  The crowd was given a few moments to observe their former ruler hanging
upright in his chains. Large gelatinous rolls of fat were clearly visible.

  "Excellent, I couldn't have expected a better result. Only one thing left,"
said Lorraine.

  The executioners drug the bleeding hulk to the tripod attached ropes to his
ankles then raised him slightly off the ground. The Emir was now upside down
with his legs spread. An executioner appeared with a brazier. A large funnel was
inserted in the Emir's anus.

  One of the executioners took a long handled melting pot from the brazier and
proceeded to pour its contents into the funnel. The cries of the Emir sounded as
molten lead burned into his guts. The executioner continued to ladle the lead
into the funnel until the Emir expired.

  "I'm amazed. Everything went so well," said Lorraine.

Chapter 27 – Desert Encounter

Please take note! Adults Only Literature

The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only.

If you are an underage minor or offended by such material -or- if viewing this file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story now.

This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwise is purely coincidental, etc.

Copyright 2004


"I commit my soul to Almighty God and to Jesus Christ, his son and Saviour," whispered Captain John MacDonald to himself as he parried the blow of the Dervish blade. The five mounted Dervishes continued to press in attempting to capture or kill the captain. Moments before he and his subaltern, Lieutenant Wilkins had been surprised by seven Dervishes when performing a reconnaissance in advance of his detachment.

Lt. Wilkins was lying on the ground several yards away attempting to hold his intestines in place. A Dervish scimitar had sliced his abdomen open in the first seconds of the skirmish.

I can't hold them off much longer realized the Captain. His mount and his sword arm were tiring. He'd emptied his revolver to little effect during the first few minutes of the encounter. The Captain understood that the reason he was still alive was that the enemy would prefer to capture him rather than kill him. Mohammed Khan would doubtless pay a handsome reward for a British officer. The Captain considered surrender but he had heard the stories of how the Dervishes treated prisoners. Torture and mutilation followed by public castration in the great square of Khartoum was to be expected. Better to die with your balls still connected was his regimental commander's crude advice.

A cry reached his ears forcing Captain to look past his attackers. What he saw caused him to despair. Another enemy was quickly approaching on a huge white camel. The warrior dressed like an Arab looked enormous astride the beast. As the Arab approached, he drew two pistols at the same time and began to fire. At that moment one of his attackers landed a blow on the Captain's helmet knocking him unconscious. He fell slowly from his horse to the hard desert earth.

It was moments later that the Captain looked up into the most beautiful green eyes he had ever seen. Although the owner of the eyes wore both a veil and a burnoose, he could see red curls. He was astonished to hear a woman's voice speak English with a British accent.

"This one is alive,' said Ludivine.

"This one isn't. Too bad I could use a fuck," said Elena.

The Captain thought that the blow had somehow addled his brain. He glanced around and saw the bodies of the Dervishes. His horse was nearby.

"You're an English woman," said the Captain not know what to make of it.

"Yes, Colonel Ludivine Townly of the Berbera Composite Brigade, and you are."

"Captain John MacDonald of the 19 th Hussars," said Captain MacDonald.

"Can you stand, Captain? We need to get moving before the one Dervish who got away returns with reinforcements."

"I think so," said the Captain.

"This is Major Elena Townly, my sister," said Ludivine to the Captain.

"Major," said the Captain acknowledging the introduction as he stood. He could see that the Major was also very beautiful. "Is he?" asked the Captain gesturing toward the body of Lt. Wilkins.

"Yes, I'm afraid so," said Elena. "He was quite a handsome lad. I bet he was a great favorite of the ladies."

"He was engaged to be married when he returned," said the Captain.

"Unfortunate, the bride will miss her wedding night," said Elena.

"You saved me?" asked the Captain as he attempted to understand what was happening. When he stood, he realized that Ludivine towered over him and that Elena was several inches taller.

"I wish we had arrived earlier and saved your Lieutenant," said Elena. "I would like to have shown him some things that he could use to his advantage on his wedding night."

"I must get back to my men," announced the Captain once he was mounted.

"My brigade is camped in the Wahdi Razuli an hour's ride from here," said Ludivine as the enormous snow white camel climbed to its feet.

"My detachment was marching toward Wahdi Razuli. We are fifteen days out of Port Said," said the Captain as they prepared to leave.

"Port Said is our destination. We hope to take ship there and return to our homes," said Ludivine.

"I want to thank you for saving my life," said the Captain.

"Anything for a fellow servant of the crown," said Ludivine.

"You said you are a Colonel," said the Captain wondering how it could be that a woman was an officer.

"Yes, we hold our commissions from the city-state of Berbera," said Ludivine. "Is your force substantial?"

"Less than a hundred hussars," answered the Captain.

"Why does such a small force approach the Dervish capital of Khartoum when there are tens of thousands of dervish?" asked Ludivine.

"We are on a secret rescue mission. A reconnaissance party of British Lancers were captured almost a year ago," said the Captain. "Our plan was that we would arrive without being detected. I'm afraid everything has gone terribly wrong."

"And who precisely do you intend to rescue?"

"Fifteen lancers were taken prisoners by Mohammed Khan. The Khan executed half of the prisoners in the main square of the city. There are reliable reports that Major Huntington and the others who survived have been imprisoned in a palace on the outskirts of Khartoum."

"Imprisoned in a palace, not some filthy rat-infested Dervish dungeon," said Ludivine. "Did you say Major John Huntington?"

"Yes, John Huntington the Earl of Kent's youngest son. Do you know him?"

"Yes, we met in London during my coming out season," said Ludivine. "I danced with him scandalizing my parents. He has the reputation of a rake and roué."

"I was not aware of that. Major Huntington is known an able military man. According to our spies the palace is a sort of brothel run by two British girls who happen to be twins. I'd prefer not to discuss what kind of brothel with you ladies present. Suffice it to say that the most depraved and sordid acts are performed there,' said the Captain.

"You need not be so circumspect with us. Pirates in the Madagascar Straits captured my sister and me two years past. Our father was killed and mother sold into slavery. We were trained by a Hindu priestess to please men sexually. We spent many months in a brothel. Recently we were the sexual slaves of the Emir's Prussian officers. They took us at their will for six months. There is absolutely nothing of a sexual nature that you cannot discuss with us," said Ludivine.

"At Mrs. Bromley's bawdy house in Toliara, I performed sexual intercourse with an average of twenty sailors each day at 15 pennies each," added Elena matter of factly.

"You ladies have me at a disadvantage. Major Huntington and his men are forced to perform as women for Mohammed Khan's court," blurted out the embarrassed Captain.

"Interesting," said Elena. "I'd like to see that. Most brothels offer young boys especially if sailors are among their customers. "

"Look, more Dervish," said Captain MacDonald pointing toward two approaching riders.

"No, those are our scouts," said Ludivine stopping to allow the two riders to catch up.

"Colonel, there is a British force up ahead but I see you have found one of them," said Oliver.

"Captain, this is our brother, Private Oliver Townly and his good friend, Private Ernest Stapleton, the brother of one of my officers, Lt. Louise Stapleton."

"Odd I must say that the men are privates and the women officers," said the Captain.

"That is how it should be," said Elena.

"Anything else?" asked Ludivine.

A large force of Dervish is on the trail of the Hussars. They are less than half a day's march behind them," said Ernest.

"Oh my," said the Captain. "We've lost the element of surprise."

"Did your scouts not detect the pursuing force?" asked Ludivine.

"We do not have the services of scouts,' said the Captain.

"The Sudan is not a place to rush blindly about, Captain MacDonald. If we hurry we can meet up with your detachment and force march them to Wahdi Razuli before dark. Then we must make a decision whether to fight or run. We have an advantage since they are only expecting a force of one hundred Hussars and I have over two hundred Grenadiers plus cannon and a small force of cavalry. We may be able to surprise them," said Ludivine.

"Oliver, you and Ernest shadow the Dervish force. Return at dawn to report their status," said Ludivine.

It was nearing dark when the hussars reached Wahdi Razuli.

"Your force is all women," exclaimed Captain MacDonald as he and his Hussars rode into the oasis. The Captain was astounded when he realized the sentries were women and even more astounded when he saw dozens of naked women relaxing in the oasis pool fed by the spring that created the Wahdi. The women jumped up to greet the hussars offering them water and fresh fruit. At the grenadier's encouragement, some of the hussars began to undress and join the woman in the cool waters.

"Except for Oliver and Ernest," said Elena.

"All the women will have to put some clothes on immediately if we are to maintain discipline," said the Captain. "That is an order."

"As the superior officer I give the orders. You are under my command now," said Ludivine.

"That's ridiculous. You're a woman," said Captain MacDonald.

"And a full colonel not only by appointment but by right of battle. I defeated in battle Colonel Himmelman the former commander of the mercenary forces in Berbera. We have fought three pitched battles with the Dervishes since crossing into the Sudan losing only twelve soldiers and killing hundreds of the enemy. How many times have you faced the Dervish in combat, Captain?"

"None, actually," said the Captain. "This is my first overseas posting. I taught mathematics at Sandhurst."

"Then I expect you to bow to my superior force, knowledge and experience," said Ludivine.

"It's most irregular but I can see your point," said Captain MacDonald watching as his entire force quickly shed their clothes. Naked hussars and the grenadiers began to disappear into the bushes sounding the pool.

"Good, now tell your men to make camp first. Then they can relax in the pool and have sexual intercourse with the grenadiers who will be more than happy to accommodate them," said Ludivine. "We are used to pleasing men sexually. I'm sure my grenadiers are disappointed that your numbers are less than half ours. They will quickly wear your hussars out."

"The Prussian mercenaries were four to one against us. They kept us on our back for hours at a time," said Elena with a wistful look on her face.

"Yes Colonel, but I must say it seems most heathen and unchristian to me. I would have thought your grenadiers being European and civilized would be more circumspect in their behavior," said the Captain.

"Our Prussian drill sergeants beat the civilization out of us, Captain," said Elena. "I have scars on my back and brands on my breasts to prove it. We were all forced to walk the Prussian's gauntlet at one time or another. Would you like to see mine?"

"No, I can see the brands and the scars," said the Captain noticing that all the grenadiers with their breasts exposed had been horribly branded. He could also see the scars of on backs of several women nearby.

"At the whim of the Turkish Emir, the Prussians trained us as grenadiers. They was a serious mistake," said Ludivine.

"Pray why was that?" asked the Captain.

"They trained us too well," said Ludivine. "We became their nemesis."

"How did you escape?"

"We faked our escape to lure Colonel Himmelman and his cavalry into a pitched battle. As a military man he lacked patience and cunning. They foolishly charged our ranks of muskets. We destroyed them to the last man."

"You defeated a unit of Prussian cavalry?"

"Utterly, Then we returned to Berbera under cover of darkness and surprised the Prussian grenadiers in their sleep. We shot them down as they fled their burning barracks. After that we stormed the Emir's palace and captured him and his courtiers and assumed command of the city of Berbera," said Ludivine.

"We didn't take any prisoners either," said Elena emphasizing her point by drawing her finger across her neck.

"What came of the Emir and his court?" asked Lt. Rodney Tibbetts.

"We executed them in the town square and then had the most marvelous orgy. It went on for three days. The citizens of Berbera joined in the fun. I doubt there is a virgin younger than ten in Berbera," said Elena.

"Most interesting, what did you do during the celebration?" asked Lt. Tibbetts who was with the death of Lt. Wilkins now second in command. He and Elena were showing a distinct interest in one another.

"I fucked myself silly. I've never had so many sexual partners I completely lost count," said Elena.

"Surely the desert and the strain of your adventures have caused you to lose your sense of morality. I have never heard of such libertinism from British women,' said Captain MacDonald looking shocked. He was considering trying to stop his men form cavorting with the women. All of the enlisted men had shed their uniforms and joined the women in the pool. Only a few yards away several of the hussars were openly embracing the naked women. Loud moans and sighs filled the air. The Captain decided to ignore the situation after concluding his orders would not be obeyed.

"Relax Captain. Let them have their fun. Tomorrow we have a difficult fight on our hands and many may not live to enjoy the company of the opposite sex at another time and place," counseled Ludivine reading the Captain's mind.

"I do not know what to make of this," said the Captain as he and the other officers watched the unbridled sex. "It goes against the very foundations of proper society."

"I understand and must add that once felt the same way," said Ludivine.

"What changed your outlook?" asked the Captain.

"Being raped numerous times on the deck of my father's ship by pirates. They cheered each time I was violated. A man named Sir Charles Danby whom my father considered a friend betrayed us to the pirates. He took my virginity with a marlinspike. The pirates performed unspeakable acts with us on the voyage to their capital, Mahajanga. Once ashore we became harem girls who serviced the needs of the fortress where we were imprisoned. There were fifteen of us captives. Princess Aziza, the wife of Sir Charles and the daughter of Karem Bey was in charge of us. She saw that we were seldom without a man between our legs. The Princess would invite entire companies of her father's palace guard to the harem where they would plunge their manhood into all three of our orifices."

"And you survived?" said the Captain.

"The Princess was very clever. We developed a strong appetite for sexual congress with both men and women," said Elena.

"You practiced the Sapphic arts?" asked Lt. Tibbetts.

"Of course, every day," said Elena.

"Princess Aziza employed a Chinese doctor to mutilate our sexual organs in the fashion of Manchu concubines who are known throughout the Orient for their unbridled lust. He cut out sexual organs to make us wanton women with an insatiable appetite for sexual pleasure. A Hindu temple priestess trained in the art of lovemaking as described in the Kama Sutra taught us all that is known with regard how to sexually pleasure a man, a woman and ourselves Later we worked as prostitutes in a brothel for sailors where we gathered intelligence for the Madagascar Pirates. We escaped with the help of an Ibo prince and lived happily with the Ibo tribe for a short period."

"What an incredible tale?" exclaimed Lt. Tibbetts.

"Tell your sergeant not to bother pitching your tent tonight, Lieutenant. You can sleep in mine," whispered Elena to the Lieutenant.

"And how did you come to be in the Sudan?" asked the Captain.

"We were kidnapped by Arab slavers and transported by ship from idyllic Ibo country to the harsh deserts of Ethiopia. The Emir had let it be widely known that he would pay handsomely for beautiful European women to populate his army of women. Slavers from the Arab world scoured North Africa and the Mediterranean kidnapping young beautiful women wherever they found them. We have many members of the nobility and several daughters of wealthy Americans among our brigade. Once in Berbera, we were sold to the Turkish Emir where we were first brutally whipped then branded on both breasts as slaves. The brands are deep. We were purposely mutilated to mark us as the property of the Emir," said Ludivine.

"One of the dungeon's torturers would stick his cock in you while the other branded your breast," said Elena. "My screams and painful muscular contortions added to their pleasure."

"How horrible," commented the Captain.

"The Emir employed a corps of Prussian officers and noncommissioned officers to train a mercenary force to subdue the tribes of Ethiopia. The Ottoman Sultan financed his efforts. I have papers proving the complicity of Sultan Omar in the Turkish conquest of Ethiopia. I will provide them to the crown as soon as I return to England," said The Emir who was slightly mad ordered the Prussians to develop a force of female warriors. I later learned from perusing his official papers that the Emir had read about the Amazon warriors of the ancient Greeks. He hoped to replicate them in us. His Prussians considered him a lunatic but went along because he paid very well and the nearby presence of over two hundred attractive women provided sexual partners for the male mercenaries. They subjected us to the same regimen as the men. Each morning, some of us were put on report for minor infractions and forced to walk the punishment gauntlet. We drilled with muskets during the day according to the field manual of Frederick The Great. On weekends, we were given to the men like common whores."

"What an extraordinary story," said Lt. Tibbetts.

"So you were trained by the Prussians. That must have been hard. I would not think that mere women could survive such difficult physical training," said the Captain.

"It was very hard at first. We seem to not only survive but thrived. Our rate of musket fire soon exceeded that of the male brigades and we were more accurate. We left nearly four hundred dead mercenaries in Berbera," said Ludivine.

"It's all very amazing," said the Captain.

"I'll leave you to see to your men, Captain. Tomorrow we face perhaps 3,000 dervishes. There will be a council of war in my tent in one hour. Your attendance and that of your officers is required."

It was later that night when Captain MacDonald had slipped between the covers that he saw a tall figure enter his darkened tent and shed a shimmering robe.

"It's me, Ludivine Townly," said Ludivine as she slipped under the covers with Captain MacDonald. The council of war had ended several hours ago. The grenadiers and hussars had retired in clumps of naked bodies. The hussars had been astounded at the willingness of the grenadiers to engage in sexual intercourse. Some of the soldiers found it difficult to perform the act without some element of privacy. The women had no sense of shame as they coupled with the men in plain sight of each other.

"You're naked, Colonel" said the Captain feeling bare skin against his body.

"Call me Ludivine when we are making love. I'm cold and need the warmth of a man by my side tonight. Even a Colonel needs on occasion to be treated as a woman."

"This is against my principles," said the Captain pushing Ludivine away slightly.

"Just hold me for a while unless you find me too ugly for your bed. Have the Emir's branding iron and the Prussian's knout made me repulsive to you?" said Ludivine taking the Captain's hand and placing it on her breast. The Captain's fingers felt the raised scars and the firm nipple

"No, you are one of the most beautiful women I have ever met."

"These are not hideous to you?" said Ludivine placing his other hand on the untended breast.

"No, even with the Emir's mark they are quite perfect."

"Prove it with a kiss on each," said Ludivine. The Captain lips kissed the scarred flesh of first one then the other of Ludivine's breasts.

"What once was beautiful is now disgusting," said Ludivine.

"No, they are still beautiful," said the embarrassed Captain kissing Ludivine's breasts again.

"Being the commander is a lonely task. I thought you would understand the needs of a fellow officer for companionship the night before a battle. Who knows what tomorrow may bring?" said Ludivine reaching down to place her hand on the Captain's cock.

"Please stop Ludivine, I'm a married man," said the Captain.

"And I a married woman. But thanks to the knife of a Chinese physician I have needs that I cannot control,' said Ludivine slowly stroking the Captain's cock.

"You have a husband in England?" said the Captain.

"No, in Kenya, my husband is King Nabu IV, ruler of the Ibo people. I am his queen," said Ludivine putting her other arm around the Captain and drawing him to her lips for a kiss. The Captain surprised himself by returning the warmth of her lips.

"You are married to a black man, a native?"

"Yes, a king, is your wife white or black?"

"Helena is a Scot like myself. Her father is the Bishop of Edinburgh," said the Captain.

"Helena, what a pretty name. I'll look her up when I get back to England and tell her how you were kind enough to make passionate love with me on the eve of battle," said Ludivine teasingly.

"Please, you wouldn't do that. Helena's very innocent. She has no idea what can occur between a man and a woman is these benighted parts of the world," said the Captain.

"Silly, of course not, provided you don't send me away to my lonely bed. Please make love to me. Helena will never know," said Ludivine slipping under the covers to take the Captain's cock in her mouth.

"What are you doing?" said the Captain.

"Sodomy, surely you have read in the bible about sodomy," said Ludivine."

"Yes, I've read it," hissed the Captain as a wave of pleasure swept his body when Ludivine's warm mouth engulfed his penis.

"Good, now relax and I will demonstrate sodomy to you as practiced by the Hindu priestesses in the temple of Shiva," said Ludivine.

"This is a horrible sin. My parents raised me to believe in the bible's proscriptions against the sins of the flesh," said the Captain as he felt his body melt with pleasure.

"Don't tell me your father is a man of the church too?" asked Ludivine between bouts of licking and sucking the Captain's cock.

"He's a vicar, currently an assistant to the Archbishop of Canterbury," said the Captain.

"Outside of Helena, what is your experience of women?"

"None, I was raised by those who follow the Lord's commandments. Fornication and adultery are grave sins in the eyes of God," said the Captain.

"I was raised with similar beliefs but the Pirates of the Madagascar Strait changed all that. As I said before I have been mutilated in a fashion that inflames the lust in my being. I am going to use my mouth to bring your penis to a state of erection, and then I intend to mount you inserting your member into my vagina. I will ride your cock until I achieve an orgasm. Hopefully you too will ejaculate. After a short recovery period we will engage in more exotic acts of sexual intercourse."

"You're mad. Wantonness has driven you and the others insane," said the Captain.

"Hush now, just lie there and let me enjoy having your very sizeable cock in my mouth," said Ludivine disappearing under the blanket to once again engulf the Captain's cock.

Initially the Captain decided that no act so perverted could possibly effect his manhood. However, Ludivine's warm wet mouth and talented tongue put the lie to that in less than a minute. The Captain felt his member becoming erect as an amazingly rapid pace. He had never experienced anything like that with Helena. It was only a very few minutes before he lost complete control and ejaculated in Ludivine's mouth.

"My God I must apologize," said the Captain surprised that Ludivine's mouth was still sucking the tip of his penis draining the final drop of his seed. He was even more astounded when he sensed that she had swallowed his seed.

"I figured that would happen and am glad. You'll last longer the next time," said Ludivine climbing up on the cot to lie beside him.

"Tis a sin and most unnatural what you just did," said the Captain.

"I enjoy it when a man reaches an orgasm in my mouth and I swallow his semen. It has a most refined taste," said Ludivine nestling in beside the Captain. "Tell me. Did you not find it pleasurable?"

"Yes but that is how Satan seduces the upright man."

"He makes sin pleasurable."


"How does this feel, pleasurable or not?" asked Ludivine reaching down to wrap her hand around the Captain's flaccid penis.

"Pleasurable, I must admit," said the Captain.

"Let's give this one night to Satan then. You can atone for your sins tomorrow on the field of battle," said Ludivine once more crawling under the cover and taking the Captain's cock in her mouth.

Chapter 28 – Battle of the Wahdi Razuli

Please take note! Adults Only Literature

The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only.

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This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwise is purely coincidental, etc.

Copyright 2004


Captain MacDonald exhaled forcefully as he felt a cock slip past his anal ring. "Easy, easy, let me get used to it," he said looking over his shoulder at the young soldier kneeling at his rear posed to penetrate him further. It was Timmons one of the Privates who was known to have a taste for buggery. He certainly is well equipped for it thought the Captain noting the length and girth of the private's member.

It was only by a force of will that the Captain refrained from shouting out that sodomy was new to him and his anus had never experienced the intrusion of another man's member. It was proving incredibly painful in contrast to before when Timmons had licked his anus and forced the tip of his tongue in the Captain's rectum. How can anyone desire sodomy when it is so painful wondered Captain MacDonald as Pvt. Timmons' cock created a fiery sensation along his anal passageway?

"Suck the jism from Ludivine's ass. It'll take your mind off your bottom," said Betty Humphrey who was underneath the Captain her vagina full of his hard cock. The sheer sordidness and perversity of Betty's suggestion would have appalled the Captain if it had been made the day before. But now under the circumstances he felt drawn to perform an act that he would have considered beyond repellant.

Ludivine's mouth was filled with the hard member of one of the hussars. She was using her mouth to make love to his sex just as she had done to the Captain last night. Previously, the Captain had considered oral sex both an unnatural act and a serious sin against God's laws but now he was uncertain. Ludivine's mouth had created such irresistible pleasure that he had quickly filled it with his seed. The Captain wondered if possibly his views toward the sex act were too limited. Still the fact that he was allowing another man to perform sodomy on him was an obvious violation of the Bible. Even worse not an hour ago he had in a moment of sheer sexual perversity grabbed Lt. Tibbetts flanks and thoroughly sodomised him.

The Captain groaned as he felt Timmons grip his hips using them to penetrate deeply in his rectum. The Captain's groans and grunts were just one of many as an orgy had broken out spontaneously after the battle was over. They were surrounded by groups of naked men and women engaged in every possible sexual position and combination.

The fact that Captain MacDonald had met Betty Humphrey's husband at Sandhurst and considered him an outstanding officer added to the angst that the Captain was feeling about his participation in the orgy that broke out after their hard fought victory over the Dervishes. How would I feel if Captain Humphrey had carnal knowledge of my dear Helena? Dear sainted Helena who must never know what occurred in the Sudan. Heaven help me if she found out what I had done here. She would be completely justified in never speaking to me or allowing me to see our children again.

Ludivine's vagina was directly over Betty's busy tongue. Betty's legs were wrapped around the Captain's and her hands were separating his buttocks for Private Timmons who had just reached a depth of four inches in the Captain's rectum. The fact that Betty's muscular cunt was milking his cock was partially distracting him from the fiery pain in his butt.

I have no morality left to lose decided the Captain as he leaned slightly forward to place his lips and tongue on the brown pucker of Ludivine's anus. Drops of pearly semen were slowly dripping from the aperture. The Captain acknowledged that some of the semen was his but Lt. Tibbetts had more recently made a contribution, as had several others.

Satan has conquered my soul decided the Captain as he began to slowly suck the sticky fluid from Ludivine. It's the price he demands for saving my men and me from the Dervishes. If not for Ludivine and her brigade of women soldiers, I would be dead or in the process of having my testicles removed with a dull blade. Captain MacDonald recalled being told that the Dervishes removed one testicle then wait a day to remove the other.

"It's the waiting that drives one mad," said one of officers who had served before in the Sudan. "They stick a stake up your shit hole and leave you overnight to consider the fact that you won't be a man when you die."

Thanks to Ludivine and her grenadiers he had avoided that fate. But now as he watched her brown pucker pulse slightly and more drops of semen exit the wrinkled aperture, he understood there was a price to pay. Nothing to do but what Betty suggests and seeks the Almighty's forgiveness once I leave this benighted land decided the Captain.

As the Captain sucked and swallowed the viscous fluid all the while starting to enjoy the sensations from the hard cock in his ass and the glove tight pussy milking his penis, his mind passed over the day's events.

The day had started before sunrise when Private Oliver Townly had appeared in his tent and awakened Ludivine.

"Colonel, the Dervish have two cannon, big ones, I'd guess fourteen pounders," said Pvt. Townly seemingly unbothered to find his older sister sleeping naked in the Captain's embrace.

A naked Ludivine leaped out of bed yelling, "Get dressed Captain MacDonald and meet me in my tent in ten minutes," before hurrying off with her brother in tow. The Captain had been sound asleep. He had thought he would not sleep at all the night before his first battle but after two hours of non-stop sexual intercourse with Ludivine he had fallen into a deep slumber only to be rudely awakened by the whispered words of Ludivine's brother.

Less than ten minutes later, he and his three lieutenants arrived to find all the female officers discussing the situation.

"Are you sure they have cannon? The Dervish have never had them before," said Major Humphrey.

"They don't appear to be Dervish. The artillerymen are dressed differently like Mamelukes," said Pvt. Townly.

"Mercenaries, the Khan has contracted with Sultan in Cairo for Mamelukes with cannon. He realizes that the British guns provide an overwhelming advantage," said Major Elena Townly.

"Are you sure there are only two?" asked Ludivine.

"Yes, only two but they are much larger than ours. They are drawn by a team of six horses and there is a sizeable group of mercenary cavalry assigned to protect the guns," said Private Townly.

"We must destroy them before they can be used. Otherwise they will blow us to bits before they get in our range," said Ludivine.

"How do we do that?" asked Captain MacDonald.

"Elena, how many Dervish robes do we have?" asked Ludivine.

"Twenty-five at least, maybe thirty," replied Elena.

"Betty, can you prepare explosive charges to spike their cannon?" asked Ludivine

"Certainly, Colonel," said Betty.

"We'll dress as Dervish cavalry to get close. Care to come along Captain MacDonald?" asked Ludivine.

"Yes, of course," said the Captain.

Two hours later the Captain found himself peering over a small knoll at the approaching Dervish army.

"They are Mamelukes," whispered the Captain to Ludivine. "They are a long way from home." The Captain was referring to the fact that the Mamelukes were a mercenary force organized by the Egyptian rulers from non-Arab slaves.

"Those are definitely fourteen pounders. They can stay out of our range and pound us into the ground," said Ludivine her Colonel's uniform covered by the robe of a Dervish sheik.

"The Mameluke horsemen ride very near to the guns. Do you think we can get close enough to destroy them," asked Lt. Tibbetts.

"We have no choice. We will ride slowly toward them until we are detected. At that point, we must reach the guns, set out charges and run. We may have to cut our way through the Mamelukes to escape," said Ludivine.

Moments later, Ludivine and twenty-five others rode leisurely over a dune on a course that would intersect the two gun carriages. They rode along unnoticed for a while.

"Good, the Mamelukes think we are Dervish horse," said Captain MacDonald.

"As we get closer to their cannon we get closer to the Mameluke cavalry," said Ludivine.

They managed to ride within fifty yards before the Mameluke commander became suspicious. He broke off from his men and trotted toward Ludivine and the others.

"He coming," whispered an alarmed Captain MacDonald.

"Stay calm, let him ride right up to us," said Ludivine.

"May Allah give us victory over the infidel," said Pvt. Townly when the Mameluke commander came within shouting range.

"Our cannon will surprise the British. Perhaps they will realize the hopelessness of their situation and surrender," said the commander as he drew near eying the Dervish with suspicion.

"Mohammed Khan will reward us well for British prisoners," said Pvt. Townly.

"Yes, he loves to entertain the rabble of Khartoum with executions of prisoners," said the commander as he rode up beside Ludivine and the others.

"Don't make a sound or I will shoot," said Ludivine when the Mameluke commander was beside her. His face registered the shock of seeing the pistol that Ludivine was pointing toward his chest. He was even more astonished when he realized that Ludivine was a woman.

"So it is true then. I thought the Dervish were mad," said the Commander.

"What is true?" asked Ludivine.

"That there is a force of women soldiers crossing the Sudan from Berbera and that they have utterly defeated several of the Dervish tribes," said the Commander.

"Just remain quiet and you might live to return to Egypt," said Ludivine.

They were now within a few yards of the two large caissons. Two teams of six white mules were pulling each of the enormous cannons. The Mameluke Commander sensing the Ludivine's intentions opened his mouth to shout a warning. Instantly a dark red spot appeared in the center of his forehead and he plunged backward off the rear of his horse.

"To the guns," screamed Ludivine spurring her horse to cover the few remaining yards.

The sound of the pistol and the unhorsing of their commander caused momentary confusion in the Mameluke cavalry. But the Mamelukes were professional soldiers and they quickly realized that Ludivine's horsemen were not Dervish cavalry. Captain MacDonald and Lt. Tibbetts shot down the Mamelukes on one of the caissons as Ludivine and Elena cleared the riders of the other. Both caissons came to a stop as Louise and Elena dismounted to spike the guns.

Elena was off her horse at a full run first ramming the charge Betty had prepared into the mouth of the cannon and then pounding it home with a large hammer. Louise quickly lit the fuse. When Ludivine looked to the other caisson she saw that Capt. MacDonald was lighting the fuse.

The Mamelukes had finally sorted the matter out and were rushing to the attack. Ludivine realized that the Mamelukes had to be delayed for a brief period to allow the fuse to burn down. She led her small party of horsemen directly toward the onrushing Mameluke cavalry.

The fight was ferocious but the superior numbers of the Mamelukes allowed them to quickly surround Ludivine's force. Her pistols empty, Ludivine with a saber in each hand was hacking her way through the Mamelukes when she heard two successive explosions. A glance back revealed the shattered iron mouths of the Mameluke cannon.

"Back to the Wahdi Razuli," yelled Ludivine spurring her horse. With Ludivine and Elena in the vanguard the small force managed to extricate themselves from Mameluke cavalry and temporarily escape. It was a race for life as the Mamelukes hotly pursued them back to the oasis. The Mamelukes were less than ten yards behind when they reached the cover of the giant date palms. As Ludivine's force reached the Wahdi they passed through a double file of concealed women grenadiers who unleashed a deadly volley of fire on the pursuing cavalry. The first several rows of Mamelukes tumbled to the sand. The second volley decimated the Mamelukes as an unseen enemy shot down the horsemen.

Their officers rallied them for another attack but this too resulted in losses that could not be sustained and the remaining Mamelukes fled.

"How many did we lose?" asked an out of breath Ludivine.

"Uncertain, several were unhorsed and Bianca's mount fell during the race to the Wahdi," said Louise.

Wahdi Razuli was in the shape of a rough 'L'. The British hussars were formed in two ranks across the foot of the L. The female grenadiers were hidden along the vertical part of the 'L'. Ludivine's plan based on her past experience with the Dervish was that they would immediately attack the hussars passing by the grenadiers on their flank. At the appropriate time, the grenadiers and cannon would open up on the Dervish catching them from two sides.

Captain MacDonald had barely time to catch his breath before Lorraine announced that the Dervishes were readying their attack. The Captain and the Lieutenant rushed to join their hussars.

"There's a fucking bloody lot of them," said Sgt. Major Tilton as they arrived. The two ranks of hussars seemed pathetically small when compared to the huge swarm of enemy that had appeared on the top of a hillock that looked down on to the Wahdi.

"Well, at least they don't have any cannon," said the Captain.

"So you destroyed their guns," said Lt. Wilkins.

"Yes, but it was a near thing," said Captain MacDonald scanning the Dervish force with his field glasses.

"Do you thing that the women will stand?" asked Lt. Wilkins.

"I'm betting our lives on it," said Captain MacDonald.

"They certainly blew the living shit out of the Mamelukes," said Lt. Tibbetts.

"Here they come," said the Sgt. Major.

Captain MacDonald for no reason in particular had reached down to look at the pocket watch that Helena had given him on the night before he left for the Sudan. He felt at twinge of guilt when he flipped open the cover and saw the inscription, "All my love, constant, faithful and forever, Helena." What a cad I've become thought Captain MacDonald as he noted that the time was 11:22AM.

The attacking Dervishes had no formation other than a mob. The first to come within range of Betty Humphrey's cannon were the warriors mounted on camels and horse. Betty had carefully worked out her aiming points and the first barrage tore large gaps in the thick line of mounted attackers. Riders and mounts went down in huge clumps. The air filled with the screams of wounded men and animals. Betty's two batteries of four cannon each worked in tandem. As one fired the other finished reloading.

Betty looked through her field glasses noting that the attackers were less than a hundred yards from the distance that she would switch her ordinance to grapeshot.

"They come on like madmen," said Louise crouched behind a small rise that concealed the grenadiers from the enemy.

"Brave but foolish," added Elena.

At the agreed upon moment, the grenadiers marched smartly forward in two ranks bursting out of the cover provided by the Wahdi Razuli. Their initial fusillade threw the attackers into confusion. At that point, the batteries switched to grapeshot and large swaths of slaughtered dervishes appeared.

Although the slaughter was appalling the Dervish continued their pell mell onward rush toward the hussars.

"We're not going to be able to stop them," shouted Ludivine motioning for Lorraine to move her reserve squad toward the center of the hussars' battle line. The grenadiers fired faster and more precisely than ever but the sheer number of the attackers allowed them to stream past the front of the grenadiers and reach the first rank of the hussars. Many of the British soldiers had never stood in battle before. At a certain point in the line, numerous hussars had been wounded or killed. The remaining few began to fall back. Sergeant Major Tilton grabbed a musket and ran to rally his men but the Dervishes were pressing too hard. Captain MacDonald and Lt. Tibbetts joined him and were quickly engaged in hand-to-hand combat.

"There's too fucking many of them," screamed Lt. Tibbetts.

"We can't hold them sir," yelled the Sergeant Major.

Just as the entire line was about to give way, the Master Sergeant heard Lorraine yell for the hussars to stand aside. When he looked back he saw the grenadiers standing in three ranks preparing to fire.

The Sergeant Major grabbed the Captain and Lieutenant forcing them to the ground moments before the grenadiers fired. The front line of the Dervish melted away under the musket fire of the grenadiers. As the grenadiers advanced the Dervish were forced back. Betty aimed her grapeshot directly down the Dervish line. The battery's enfilading fire destroyed in a single cannonade the entire front ranks of the attackers.

The remaining Dervish retreated. The sand in front of the hussars and grenadiers was covered with dead.

"They're not done," said Ludivine watching the Dervish retreat.

"Colonel, a large force of Dervish horse is about to enter the Wahdi from our rear," said Pvt. Ernest Stapleton arriving out of breath.

"I was afraid of that. Inform Capt. MacDonald to report to me immediately," said Ludivine.

Moments later, Ludivine had ordered the Captain to move his ranks of hussars directly behind her grenadiers forming a rear guard that would move through the Wahdi and engage the Dervish cavalry.

Meanwhile the Dervishes were preparing a frontal attack on the grenadiers.

"You would think after such a slaughter, they would not have an appetite to attack again," said Elena.

"They are fanatics and consider death in battle with the infidel a guarantee of heaven," said Ludivine.

"There are nowhere near as many," said Louise noting that their numbers were far fewer.

"They will attack until they are all dead," said Ludivine.

The attack was halted only a few feet from the first line of the grenadiers. Grapeshot reduced the number of attackers greatly as the shrapnel created corridors of dead Muslims in the onrushing mob.

When Ludivine called a halt, there was not a single Dervish standing in front of the grenadiers. Ludivine looked over to see that Betty and her artillery had collapsed completely from exhaustion. Betty was hanging on to a cannon wheel to remain standing but most of her artillerymen were on the ground gasping for breath.

Behind Ludivine, she could hear the hussars being engaged by the cavalry. She took the time to reform and turn her ranks toward the rear. They began to march in files toward the sound of battle. In less than two hundred yards, they found the hussars engaged with a large force of cavalry. Recognizing that the hussars had the advantage in hand-to-hand combat with the Dervish, Ludivine formed her grenadiers into musket squads that sought out clumps of Dervish horsemen and shot them down.

Ludivine and her small cavalry detachment had remounted and engaged the enemy on horseback. It was a long and vicious battle among the palms but slowly the Dervishes were driven back. As they fled the grenadiers took a heavy toll with their accurate musket fire.

"Let them go," said Ludivine as a few Dervish horsemen fled back whence they came.

"We won," said Captain MacDonald ridding up to Ludivine who was speaking with Pvt. Oliver Townly.

"We have one more battle to fight," said Ludivine.


"Another one," ordered the new commander of the Mameluke cavalry. Tomorrow he and what as left of his command would begin the journey back to Egypt. The destruction of the cannon had left the mercenaries with no reason for staying. Their paid purpose was to protect the two cannons. Mohammed Khan purchased them at great cost from a German foundry and employed the Mamelukes to operate and protect them. For Mamelukes used to easy victory it had been a sobering day. In the first skirmish they had lost both their commander and the cannon. At the Wahdi Razuli they had been surprised and over half of the Mameluke cavalry lay dead on the field of battle. The Mamelukes had decided to abandon the Dervishes in their fight with the British.

Bianca screamed as the commander's subordinate sliced off another one of her toes. The fact that the Mameluke commander's cock was deep in her ass was a minor issue compared to what was happening to her fingers and toes. She screamed again when the Mameluke who had sliced off the toe touched an iron rod heated to glowing red to the bloody stump where her little toe had been.

The commander halted his thrusting to savor the moment as Bianca's body convulsed in pain squeezing his cock with her rectal muscles. This was not his first experience at rape during the amputation of a female's digits. To add to his pleasure he grabbed the side of Bianca's head pressing his fingernails into the open wounds created moments before when his subordinate Rashid had sliced Bianca's ear off.

"Kill me, I beg you,' whispered Bianca unable to endure the agony of her mutilation.

She along with three others had been captured in that morning's raid on the cannon. She had been savagely knocked from her horse by one of the Mamelukes. They had quickly made her a prisoner leaving her and the other three with a few guards as the main body rode in pursuit in of Ludivine and the others.

Ludivine's trap had worked and the Mameluke cavalry had ridden into the masked muskets of the grenadiers. Less than half of them had returned. Bianca had witnessed a furious argument between the new Mameluke commander and the leader of the Dervishes. Then the Mamelukes had ridden away from the direction of Wahdi Razuli.

Bianca and the others had been placed on horseback. They rode from the sound of the battle for several hours. The sound of cannon could be heard for the first hour of the ride. It was when they reached a small unnamed oasis that the torture and rape of Bianca and the others began.

They had been stripped naked then tied on the burning sand in Mameluke fashion. Each wrist was bound to a stake driven into the ground. Their ankles were bound to the same stake bending them double. It was sheer back breaking agony to be restrained in that position but it served the Mamelukes purpose in that vagina and asshole were available to any Mameluke kneeling before them.

The Mamelukes formed four queues in front of the women and proceeded to assault them unceasingly for hours. The grenadiers sustained the rapes stoically as the mercenaries switched their cocks between their vagina and rectums. The women groaned and cried out as their painful position and the repeated abrasion of their orifices slowly made each rape more agonizing than the last.

Once the gang rape was finished, the four were subjected to acts of torture and mutilation. Bianca and the others were held standing between two tall date palms. Her arms were stretched out high above her head as she was lifted off the ground. Large spikes were hammered into the center of each wrist crucifying her to the tree. Her feet were next. It was unbearable agony as the thick iron spike was hammered through the bones of her foot.

When they were done she and the others were nailed spread eagle between the palm trees. The pain in her arm and hip joints was intense as they bore all her weight. Bianca fainted repeatedly but they had revived her by dousing her and the others with a pail of cool water from the spring.

"I want to remember how beautiful you were before we made you ugly," said the Commander using Bianca's hair to life her head.

"Mercy, please," said Bianca.

"Start with an ear from each of them," ordered the commander standing back as his subordinate stepped forward to slice off the ear of the prisoners. Bianca felt a white hot pain as the blade sliced downward through the cartilage.

"No lover will ever press his lips to this and beg you to join him in bed," said the commander holding up the bloody carrion in front of Bianca before tossing it casually aside.

"Kill me now I beg you," pleaded Bianca.

"Burn off their nipples," ordered the commander.

Bianca quailed in horror as a Mameluke stepped forward and grabbed her nipple in a metal tong and stretched it as far as it would go. Another soldier touched a heated iron to her areola and slowly passed it through her flesh. The blackened tissue hissed and emitted a cloud of acrid smoke as the iron slowly burned away the pink part of Bianca's breast. The tongs pulled away the charred flesh as Bianca screamed. Around her she could hear the cries of the others. She could smell seared tissue and she prayed for a quick death as she looked down at the maimed end of her breast. Her other breast suffered the same fate.

"Please kill me now. I cannot bear more pain," cried Bianca as she lost her other nipple to the glowing rod.

"How hideous you are becoming," remarked the commander feeling his cock harden in response to the beautiful girl's disfigurement.

Had Bianca better known the customs of the Mamelukes she would understand that slow painful disfigurement was their traditional way to treat prisoners. Her Mameluke captors especially prized women prisoners because acts of mutilation could be interspersed with rape. Raping a female while her fingers and toes were being amputated was an act much prized by the Mamelukes.

Bianca watched in a daze as the commander loosened his trousers then walked behind her and forced his cock up her anus. She cried out in pain as her sore rectum was forced to accept the commander's penis.

As the commander thrust in her sore hole she watched as his subordinate positioned the blade at her little finger and sliced it off. She screamed as much in horror as pain. Rashid touched a heated iron to the stump of the finger adding to her agony.

"I will fill your ass with my seed when all your fingers and toes are gone," said the commander. "Then we will cut off your nose and lips and leave you here to die."

A glance to the left and right revealed that the other grenadiers were suffering the same fate. Bianca detected another movement in the nearby date palms. Her pain was too great to clearly discern that Ludivine and several others had just stepped out of the darkness. Ludivine's saber cut down the Mamelukes that had been cutting and burning her. Bianca heard a loud clunk as Ludivine landed the saber's hand guard on the chin of the Mameluke commander rendering him unconscious.

There was shouting and the Hussars charged past toward the sleeping Mamelukes many of who were bayoneted in their sleep. That was followed by a fusillade of musket fire as the fleeing Mamelukes ran into a massed detachment of grenadiers commanded by Lorraine.

"Here, drink this," said Sally Claridge to Bianca as soon as they had pried the spikes from her hands and feet and lowered her to the ground.

"What is it?" asked Bianca.

"Laudanum," answered Sally holding the cup to Bianca's lips.

Bianca remained barely awake as she heard the sound of spikes being driven into human flesh. Mamelukes screams filled the air. As she was being placed on a pallet she saw Ludivine kneeling before the Mameluke commander. His hands and feet were nailed to the same date palm trees as were Bianca's. There were several captured Mamelukes pleading for their life. Like Bianca they had been nailed between two palm trees.

"Wait I want to watch," said Bianca before they could move her further away. Ludivine had the commander's testicles in her hand. She deftly sliced one off and held it up so the screaming Mameluke could see the bloody orb. Then she sliced the other one off. The commander had fainted. Ludivine pushed his severed gonads into his mouth then cut his penis off creating a fountain of blood that flowed over the warm sand.

Ludivine moved quickly to each of the other captured Mamelukes castrating them. One of the Mameluke officers was allowed to live and return to Cairo to tell the story to the Caliph.

Chapter 29 – House of Shemales

Please take note! Adults Only Literature

The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only.

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This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwise is purely coincidental, etc.

Copyright 2004


"Sell her to me, Sheik" said Lady Estelle Chumley her hand resting on Ludivine's throat. Lady Estelle could feel Lt. Rodney Chambers' unusually long thin cock moving inside Ludivine's esophagus. Other than his cock the Lieutenant had been thoroughly feminized since he was brought to the Palace of Pleasure six months ago. His small reconnaissance force had been ambushed. Only he had survived. Rodney was now the beautiful and seductive Carla, one of the most sought after shemales at the palace.

Ludivine, Elena, Captain MacDonald, and Lt. Tibbetts had been in Khartoum for a week. The Berbera Composite Brigade and Captain MacDonald's company of hussars had left Wahdi Razuli ten days ago. They were currently making a forced march to the safety of the British army at Port Said. Ludivine and Elena had agreed to aid the Captain in his mission to rescue the British soldiers being held in the brothel manned by feminized captured British soldiers and run by the notorious twins, Estelle and Eloise.

The four disguised as a wealthy merchant family and funded by the stolen treasury of Emir Bey had joined a caravan approaching Khartoum. Ludivine's fiery red hair was dyed coal black. Elena and she had assumed the role of slave concubines to Sheik Achmet Kazali and his brother Rashid. Sheik Kazali had spent liberally upon entering the city. He had taken a large and palatial residence located on the great public square of Khartoum. That was the same public square where Major Wesley Huntington and Captain Harvey Dashwood had seen half their number castrated and torn to pieces by the mob over a year before.

On their very first full day in Khartoum, the four had witnessed the execution of the Dervish general that had been foolish enough to report to Mohammed Khan the defeat and almost total destruction of his army by a much smaller force of British and Prussian soldiers at Wahdi Razuli. The General's report that the Prussians were women had been widely disbelieved and had enraged Mohammed Khan. As a reward for his honesty, Mohammed Khan arranged for the public execution of the General and his immediate family.

The four were comfortably seated on the roof of the palace where they could look down on the execution. Servants had placed divans, chaises, and cushions on the roof along with refreshments then departed so the Sheik and his brother could enjoy their beautiful female slaves in private. A colorful awning shielded them from the unrelenting sun of the Sudanese desert.

"You couldn't gather that many in London for a public hanging," commented Rashid, the Sheik's brother aka Lt. Sidney Tibbetts. "The crowd must number a hundred thousand."

"Think they will hang him. I love a good hanging. The magistrates always saved me a seat in the front row," said Elena aka Shazia recalling those days in London when the crowds gathered at the Old Bailey to see criminals hanged.

"They will do something far more gruesome than that, Shazia," said Rashid slowly sliding his hand up Elena's skirt to her bare knee.

"And what dear sister did you do for the magistrate to merit such a favor?" asked Ludivine aka Amalia.

"I would stroke Magistrate Worthington's cock attempting to make him cum just as the trap door opened. It took considerable skill to get him to release his semen as the prisoner made his final drop. Sometimes I would bend down and catch it in my mouth. We 'hanging doxies' as we were called made quite a game of it. Sometimes, we'd spit the semen in a wine glass to see who had captured the most. The winner got to drink everyone's glass."

"How utterly depraved. No one in the crowd was outraged by your behavior?" asked Sheik Kazali.

"The magistrates were in a separate enclosed area. The crowd could not see us."

"How about the other officers of the court," asked Rashid?

"They brought their own ladies although sometimes we switched especially if there were to be a large number of hangings. Occasionally I knelt down and sucked the Magistrate off but then I didn't get to see," said Shazia. "Other times I watched upside down when the Magistrate laid me across a table and mounted me for a proper fucking. There I would be with my skirt throne up and my drawers pulled down with the Master Worthington stroking away as the prisoner made his peace with his maker. It was terribly exciting."

"She had a very active life in London that none of the family knew about," said Amalia slipping her arms around Sheik Kazali and kissing him as she stroked his cock through his robe. Ludivine gently massaged the Sheik's erection.

"Would you like to ejaculate in my mouth during the execution?" whispered Amalia to the Sheik.

"Yes, it would give me great pleasure," replied the Sheik.

I am now just as depraved as Ludivine and Elena though Sheik Kazali. Yet, how I anticipate the pleasure that Ludivine's mouth with give my sex and I admit that listening to the screams of the General and his family will increase the ecstasy of the experience. Satan has surely taken me for one of his own.

"Let's stroke each other's sex while we watch the execution. It's great fun," said Shazia pulling her skirt up to expose herself. She started to slowly rub her sex pulling on her exposed clitoris with one hand while she slipped the fingers of her other hand into her vagina.

"Capital idea," said Rashid pulling his cock from his robe and stroking it while reaching over to kiss Shazia's sex. "Delicious, its like ambrosia. The taste is divine."

"Yes, let's do that," said Sheik Kazali. Amalia was already busily extracting his cock from his sheik's robes. As soon as it was free, Amalia leaned down and licked his cockhead as she massaged his balls. She stretched them downward pulling and stroking them to bring the Sheik to full hardness. The forefinger of her other hand ticked his anus causing the Sheik to sigh loudly.

"Someone is enjoying himself. When we return to England you must allow me to teach your Helena how to suck your cock while penetrating your asshole," whispered Amalia as she sunk her long finger in his rectum to the second joint. Amalia following the teaching of her Tantric instructress gently pressed the Sheik's prostrate.

I knew serving the empire would require great sacrifices but I never envisioned the loss of my immortal soul thought Captain MacDonald as his cock responded to Ludivine's tongue. The Sheik raised his legs to improve her access to his butthole. From past experience he knew that Amalia would pleasure his anus with both fingers and tongue

Who would have thought the son of a man of God raised to unquestionably follow the commandments would fall into such a depraved state. Here I am about to watch an execution while a woman that is not my wife is making love to me with her mouth. Tibbetts has absolutely no qualms about anything Elena suggests. I've seen him gladly suck other men's semen from her anus. Heaven help me but I have done the same greedily sucking and swallowing the slippery liquid from any number of bottoms during the orgy at the Wahdi Razuli where we celebrated out victory.

At the orgy I threw myself into the utmost depravity with countless women. I committed the sin of Onan with my hussars. It was as if the devil himself entered our camp that night. At some point I must come to terms with taking Private Timmons to my tent and making love to him like he was a woman. I kissed his lips and took his cock in my mouth and sucked it until he spilled his essence. I took great pleasure in everything we did but it was against all that I was taught to believe. Still I become aroused when I recall holding his narrow hips on the palms of my hand as I buggered his slender behind.

And how can I ever look Captain Humphrey in the eye after the things I did with his wife. Betty was such a delightful little minx and the things she could do with her mouth and fingers to my butthole. Still it was a breach of trust. How would I feel if George Humphrey did the same with my Helena?

Yet, last night, the image of the captain mounted on Helena savaging her with his cock comes to me in my dreams and I woke up rigid cock in hand. As I stroked my manhood, Ludivine woke up and took me in her mouth and I finished inside that warm wetness spraying her throat with my semen. Then in an act most depraved, she kissed me forcing my own essence into my mouth. I reveled in the perversity and greedily swallowed all that she provided. What man of the church could hear my confession and not proclaim me a sinner beyond all hope of redemption?

Look how Elena lifts her skirt so Tibbetts can lick her sex. He looks supremely satisfied. For my part, I have fallen under the sway of Ludivine and would gladly follow her into the mouth of hell even though I have sworn in church and before God to be faithful to my Helena. I will raise Ludivine's skirt and use my mouth in the French fashion to make love to her sex. I will kiss those exquisite legs and thighs. Her moans of pleasure will be my reward. The feeling of the scars on her breasts and back excites me beyond bounds. I cannot resist the smell and taste of her sex. Her malformed and mutilated appendage of love gives me unequalled pleasure.

What she has become is not her fault. She was gently raised. Her father was one of the foremost men in the empire. The pirates mutilated the poor woman and created an unnatural creature. The Prussians made her the equal of any man with a saber. Her bravery and skill on the battlefield is unmatched. Her lust for sexual pleasure knows no bounds. I adore her and am under her thrall.

Somehow when I return to England I must convince my Helena to allow me to use my mouth on her. If I succeed at that, then I will encourage her to take my member in her mouth like Ludivine. But what can I tell her as to how I learn these wicked pagan practices. Dare I send her to the Townly estate to learn from Ludivine and her sister how to truly pleasure a man?

Slowly the two changed positions until juxtaposed they offer their sex to the other's mouth.

"You do that so well, Sheik," said Ludivine caressing the back of his head as his tongue swirled around her clitoris.

"It gives me great pleasure," said Sheik Kazali.

"Look, they're bringing the prisoners out," said Elena excitedly.

The foursome ceased their lovemaking and watched as the unsuccessful Dervish commander and his family was lead from the dungeon doorway to the raised stone platform where the crowd could view prisoner's execution.

"They punish his family too?" asked Rashid.

"That is their custom," said Amalia.

The commander, his wife, two sons, and three daughters slowly ascended the platform. The girls knowing their fate had to be dragged by the guards. The commander and wife were chained standing between two whipping posts facing the dais of Mohammed Khan and his retinue. A son and daughter were similarly restrained looking outward toward the palace where Ludivine and the others were watching. The palace roof was quite close to them and Ludivine could see the fear and terror in their faces. The other son and a daughter were faced toward the mob. The last and youngest daughter was on the narrow side opposite her parents.

The crowd waited restlessly for the punishment to begin. Vendors passed among the crowd hawking food.

"There's Mohammed Khan," said Sheik Kazali as the regally dressed figure appeared on the dais. Two fair skinned females accompanied him to the throne and took up positions on each side of his throne.

"Those must be Eloise and Estelle," said Rashid.

"They are very beautiful and so young," said Shazia peering through a tripod-mounted spyglass.

"They are said to be the most evil women that God ever created," said Rashid. "But exquisitely beautiful. They take great pleasure from the most depraved acts."

"I bet they suck Mohammed Khan's cock during the torture and execution of the Dervish general and his family just like we are going to do to you," said Amalia.

"Look, many in the crowd have exposed themselves already," said Shazia.

"The citizens of Khartoum were known for their sexual depravity. It was said that the first lover of a Khartoum girl was always her father and after that her brothers," said Rashid. "It is their custom to offer their wives and daughters to visitors as an act of hospitality."

"Oh good, they are going to strip them naked,' said Shazia watching closely as the executioners began to cut off the clothes of the bound prisoners.

"The girl is rather fetching," said Rashid once the young girl was completely nude.

"Her brother is well endowed," said Amalia staring at the male. "It would be interesting to suck his cock while he was being whipped."

"I wish we stripped our prisoners before we hanged them," said Shazia. "It would make hanging much more exciting for the ladies in the crowd."

"Do they often hang a woman?" asked Amalia.

"Yes, their crime is usually pick pocketing. Right before we sailed they executed a fourteen-year-old boy and his thirteen-year-old sister for stealing at Charring Cross Station. The girl was quite pretty and sweet looking. She would distract the gentleman while her brother took his wallet," said Shazia.

"It must go hard for women in prison, especially if she is young and pretty," said Rashid.

"The jailers have their way with the female prisoners. The girl looked pretty much fucked to death by the time the trap door opened," said Shazia.

"I would imagine they bugger the male prisoners if they are handsome," said Amalia.

"Excellent, they begin with the whip," exclaimed an excited Shazia pushing her cunt hard against Rashid's mouth.

"Lick my cunt, Sheik, while I listen to their screams. After I orgasm, I will take care of you," said Amalia

Sheik Kazali dutifully licked Ludivine's vaginal opening and sucked on her clitoris as loud screams of agony rose from the place of execution. It was a cacophony of the crack of a whip followed by a cry of anguish.

"Stick your fingers in my ass and pussy," whispered Amalia her eyes intent on the spectacle below.

The Sheik inserted the first two fingers of his right hand in Ludivine's vagina. As she had taught him, he searched for that special rough patch of flesh that gave her the most pleasure. Ludivine sounded a low-throated growl when the Sheik gently scrapped a nail across the place. The Sheik wet his the fingers of his other hand in Amalia's cunt then forced the first two fingers of his other hand past her anal ring.

I wonder how Helena will react when I do this to her thought Captain MacDonald. Ludivine, Elena, Betty, and the other women routinely have powerful orgasms that give them great pleasure and feed their sexual appetite. Poor Helena has never taken much pleasure from our lovemaking. That is why she so rarely accommodates my needs. Helena says that our lovemaking is painful to her and she only relents because it is her duty as a wife. How I would love to see her acting like these women who are always eager to make love.

The sounds of whips and screams had reached a crescendo. Almost at the same time, Amalia and Shazia reached a climax.

"Let's fuck as we watch," said Amalia sitting in the Sheik's lap as she slid his very hard cock into her warm wet pussy.

"Oh God that feels grand," exclaimed Shazia as Rashid's cock sunk to her depths.

The two women looked toward the square as they sat straddle the men slowly ridding their cock.

The air was filled with the screams of the family as a torturer passed among them applying a red-hot iron to their armpits and their sex.

It was later when the executioners were slowly burning the testicles off the half dead General that Ludivine saw a glint from the direction of Mohammed Khan's dais. When Ludivine glanced through the telescope, she saw that one of the blonde twins was using a similar tripod mounted periscope to look in their direction.

"We are being watched," observed Amalia.

"What should we do?" asked Rashid.

"Let us kneel before you and you piss in our mouth. We won't the twins to know that we are depraved people who would enjoy her Palace of Pleasure," said Amalia.

Shazia and Amalia were on their knees with their mouths open drinking the warm piss of the Sheik and his brother. Down below, executioners were using three pronged breast grabbers heated to white hot to slowly remove the breasts and penises of the prisoners.

The next day the Sheik had received an invitation to the Palace of Pleasure.

"I won't sell her until I have grown tired of her," said Sheik Kazali. He was richly dressed and wearing fabulous jewels that Ludivine had liberated from Emir Bey's treasury.

"I will pay a good price," said Lady Estelle.

"I just recently purchased her and her sister from the harem of the late Emir Bey," said Sheik Kazali. "He came to a bad end shortly after we departed Berbera."

"The Emir deserved his fate, the fool. The rumor in the bazaar is that the rebels executed him and his court in the morning then engaged in a non stop orgy in which leading citizens overjoyed at the Emir's demise, celebrated by first deflowering their own daughters then offering them to strangers in the street," said Lady Estelle.

"I have heard those rumors too. They mutilated his consorts, castrated his advisers and slowly removed the intestines of his queen before they turned her upside down and sawed her in half,' said Sheik Kazali repeating what Ludivine had told him about the savage revenge extracted by the citizens of Berbera.

"I heard they filled the Emir's ass with molten lead in the main square of Berbera while the citizens cheered. Stupid man, his Prussian soldiers proved unable to protect him. Branding a slave's breasts ruins their sale value. But in her case I would overlook her disfigurement and give you a good price," said Lady Estelle running her hands over Ludivine's breast. The small room was filled with the sound of Ludivine breathing through her nose.

"As I said I will consider offers when her body no longer interests me," said Sheik Kazali.

"She is cut in the Chinese style. That is most unusual, " said Lady Estelle reaching down to take Ludivine's clit in her fingers. She gently stroked the rubbery finger of flesh.

"I had never seen a woman whose pleasure center is so large or exposed," said Sheik Kazali.

"She must have come in contact with a Chinese physician. The Manchu's remove the hood from the female clitoris then make two small incisions freeing it from the surrounding tissue. Next they trim the labial lips away to expose her opening. The Manchus say it makes a woman crave all forms of sexual contact. Do she and her sister make love to one another with their mouths in the French style?"

"Yes, frequently," said Sheik Kazali. "Both her sister and she were trained by a priestess of Tantra in the Hindu rites. They can perform acts that others would considerable unspeakable."

"And she has no qualms about other forms of depravity?"

"Such as?"

"Would she object if Carla urinated down her gullet?"

"No, not at all," replied Sheik Kazali.

"Carla, allow the slave Amalia to drink your piss," said Lady Estelle speaking to Lt. Chambers who was dressed in the lacy underwear preferred by the higher-class French whores who serviced the nobility of Paris.

"Yes, your ladyship," responded Carla who halted his slow thrusting into Ludivine's throat. His painted face took on a look of concentration as he commanded his bladder to act.

"He is dressed most provocatively," said Sheik Kazali admiring the slender male officer. The Sheik had been genuinely surprised at the transformation of male soldiers into female prostitutes. Carla's cold black hair was long and carefully styled into a mass of curls. Kohl darkened the flesh around his eyes and his sensitive lips were painted red. When Lady Estelle had invited Sheik Kazali and Amalia to a private session, the had found Lt. Chambers and Sgt. Kevin Lothrip waiting for them dressed as two English ladies named Carla and Desiree. Sgt Lothrip or Desiree as he was known was even more feminine and attractive than Carla.

At Lady Estelle's command, the two had removed their ball gowns to reveal their lacy undergarments and their impressive sexual equipment. The Sheik had been compelled to ask at least one question.

"Their breasts, how?" said the Sheik amazed that the two men had somehow acquired very natural looking female breasts.

"A secret drug known to the ancient Egyptians. They say Cleopatra surrounded herself with young men with female breasts and every night they were required to ejaculate on her skin. Her servants massaged her with their semen. That was the secret of her never ending beauty."

Ludivine's nostrils filled with the aroma of fresh urine as she felt the warm fluid passed down her esophagus and enter her stomach. Ludivine sounded a sigh as she took her pleasure from the perversity of the act.

"And how is her cunt, Desiree?" asked Lady Estelle of the man kneeling between Ludivine's legs thrusting into the pussy.

"She's a nut cracker all right, your Ladyship. She clamps down each time I go deep and milks me. I'm going to blow in a second," said the feminine Desiree as he slammed his cock into Ludivine.

"Her sister is quite beautiful too. But unfortunately not as unusual in her physical attributes," said Lady Estelle.

Elena had remained in the ballroom dancing with Rashid until one of the feminized male's invitation stepped behind one of the screens strategically placed around the ballroom to afford a minimum of privacy to guests enjoying sex with the English femmes.

At the moment, she was kneeling in front of Captain Travis aka Simone. The good captain was holding his skirt up allowing Elena access to his private parts. Lt. Tibbetts masquerading as Rashid, Sheik Kazali's brother was also behind the screen. His face was buried in the cleft of Simone's asshole licking his anus.

As soon as the three had slipped behind the screen, Simone had gathered up his voluminous skirts. Elena and Rashid had untied the drawstring holding up Simone's lacy drawers. She had slid them down permitting Simone's rock hard cock to spring forth. He had been aroused while dancing with the beautiful Shazia who had not hesitated to take liberties with his person.

"Amalia is partial to anal," said Sheik Kazali.

"Desiree, switch to her anus," commanded Lady Estelle who then leaned over to take Ludivine's clitoris in her mouth. Ludivine's body contorted in an orgasm as soon as she felt Lady Estelle's warm mouth cover her love button and apply gentle suction.

"God, she is squeezing my cock with her ass," exclaimed Desiree.

"May I" asked the Sheik placing his hand on the naked bottom of Desiree. The Sheik was completely aroused from the sight of the two faux females shoving their cocks into Ludivine's orifices. The Sheik's hand touched Desiree's wrinkled brown sphincter pushing inward to feel the ring of muscles guarding the entrance.

"Please go ahead, Sheik, your wish is Desiree's desire," said Lady Estelle taking her mouth off Ludivine's clitoris for a moment.

Chapter 30 – Shemale Execution

Please take note! Adults Only Literature

The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only.

If you are an underage minor or offended by such material -or- if viewing this file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story now.

This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwise is purely coincidental, etc.

Copyright 2004


"This is the room I'm proudest of," announced Lady Estelle Chumley leading the four British disguised as Arabs into the dungeon below the Palace of Pleasure. Lady Estelle was conducting a tour of the facilities. Earlier, the four had been upstairs in one of the luxurious bedrooms engaged in an orgy.

Sheik Achmet had selected six of the British shemales to participate in the group activity. It was Ludivine's first sexual experience with a male who had the breasts and appearance of a female. Of course, their genitals were definitely male. Elena and she considered the experience profoundly erotic.

"All the while, you're sucking his big tits while he slams his cock in you. I thought my head would explode," was how Elena described it.

The eight had sex for several hours trying every possible position.

I am drawn to the sin that dare not speak its name thought Captain Macdonald as he pumped his cock into the asshole of a shemale. The shemale being penetrated by the Captain was in turn pushing his cock in Elena's rectum. The room was a collection of twisting squirming bodies as everyone sought their own pleasure. My soul is lost to eternal damnation decided the Captain as he took a firmer grip on the shemales flanks forcing his cock in a far as possible.

Lt. Wilkins who went by the name of Katherine rewarded the Captain's efforts with an appreciative grunt as he squeezed the Captain's cock embedded in his ass.

Nearby, Ludivine indulged her own sense of perversity when she persuaded several of the shemales to pee in her mouth. As her mouth formed a tight seal around a fully erect cock, she rubbed her distended belly swollen from the ingestion of multiple full bladders. The fingers of one hand massaged her clitoris as she swallowed mouthful after mouthful of the warm golden liquid. Full to the point of bursting, Ludivine ceased swallowing and relaxed on the tile floor squirming the warm piss that had missed her mouth.

"Now, piss all over me, especially my pussy," whispered Ludivine. Her desires were gratified as urine first covered her face and hair then her breasts finally ending between her legs. She arrived at a powerful climax as the warm stream along with her fingers stimulated her clit.

When the orgy had run its course Lady Estelle arrived offering to conduct the four on a tour through the rest of the Palace of Pleasure. Facilities were pretty much what Ludivine expected except that the place was incredibly luxurious. The room dedicated to scatology had fixtures of eighteen carat gold. An Arab gentleman reclined indolently on his back his mouth surrounding the open asshole of one of the man/woman. He fisted his hard cock as a soft turd slowly emerged. The gentleman sighed his pleasure as he bit off a mouth of soft brown shit masticated it then swallowed.

One enormous room was constructed as a maze. Wealthy, often fat citizens pursued young boys and girls darting through the maze. Eventually, the children allowed themselves to be caught so the out of breath guests could enjoy them sexually.

Ludivine pictured herself being pursued through the maze by Major Huntington and his group of shemales. Just when she is about to escape, they capture her. They drag her kicking and screaming to a large bed. They slap her repeatedly as they rip off her clothes. Then they attack her like a pack of starving wolves.

"You thinking the same thing I am thinking?" whispered Elena.

"What would that be?" responded Ludivine.

"How much fun it would be to run down by several horny Irishmen in this room then savagely fucked."

"Something like that," said Ludivine as they were leaving the maze. Next they descended several sets of stairs to arrive at a dungeon where there was substantial activity.

"One of Khartoum's leading citizens is having members of his family punished for a serious offense. We are honored that the Sheriff of the Benin-Hassan has chosen the House of Pleasure to carry out his wishes," said Lady Eloise.

"It seems very well equipped," said Lt. Sidney Tibbetts in his disguise as Rashid Kazali the younger brother of Sheik Achmet Kazali who was in actuality Captain John MacDonald. Ludivine and Elena, known as Amalia and Shazia respectively, accompanied the Sheik and his brother. In their role as slave concubines, Amalia and Shazia walked respectively behind the others.

The scene that greeted the four struck Ludivine as both bizarre and exciting. On the far side of the dungeon were three females busily screaming their lungs out as three of the House of Pleasure's shemale officers applied a cane to their naked rears. While two of the screaming women were quite young, girls in their teens, the third was older. In the center of the room, an extremely fat and richly dressed man reclined on a chaise. Close to the reclining man, a young couple hung in shackles from the dungeon ceiling. Initially, Lady Eloise directed their attention to the three women being whipped senseless.

The women were bent double over what Ludivine would have characterized as a whipping bench. Ropes stretched their arms and legs down toward the floor as the center of the furniture pushed their lower abdomen toward the ceiling.

"What are those things on the women's breasts?" asked Rashid.

"The British call them tit presses. Her let me show you how they work," said Lady Eloise drawing Rashid and Sheik Achmet closer to the three screaming women. Their shemale tormentors suspended their canes for the moment. Lady Eloise picked up an identical device from a nearby table. It was made of a shiny metal that Ludivine took to be brass. There were two slight bows for the breasts. Jagged teeth lined the upper and lower bows.

"How do they work?" asked Sheik Achmet who had a fantasy that he was back in Scotland with his wife Helena. Helena was bent over the one of those benches and he was applying the cane to her bottom as she screamed for her father, the Bishop, to come to her aid.

"Would you like a demonstration on one of your concubines?" asked Lady Eloise.

"Certainly, Amalia you can help demonstrate," said Sheik Achmet.

Ludivine slipped out of her gown then stepped forward.

"Arch your back, Amalia," directed Lady Eloise as she fitted the device over Amalia's breasts. Lady Eloise positioned the metal tight against Amalia's chest capturing the base of her breasts in the teeth. A loud exhale of pain escaped Ludivine's lips as the metal teeth bit into the circumference of the base of her breasts.

"The screws on the end tighten the press, thus so," said Lady Eloise twisting the large flat screw heads.

Ludivine felt that two metal bars crushed the base of her breasts. Almost instantly, the action of the tit press caused her breasts to swell and the flesh to tighten. Ludivine recalled with a shudder the time that she had spent hanging from the main mast of her father's ship. Sir Charles Danby had suspended Elena and her high above the deck held only by the pointed teeth of the ornate brass Malay instrument of breast torture. She recalled the searing soul destroying pain as the crew having spent hours gang raping her and Elena joyfully used ropes and pulleys to haul both women high into the rigging. There the strong ocean winds added to their agony as they swung and twisted suspended by the connective tissue. At any moment, Ludivine had expected the tissue to give way and she would plunge to her death.

"Here, allow me," said Rashid turning the screws several revolutions causing Ludivine to at last cry out. Ludivine attempted to bend over but Rashid grabbed her by the hair and lifted her head as he gave the screws several more turns.

"Mercy, Master, the pain is unbearable," whispered Ludivine through clinched teeth.

"Simple, but highly effective. Let me introduce you to one of the most important men in the court of Mohammed Khan," said Lady Eloise removing the press and leading the four toward the corpulent man reclining nearby.

Ludivine recognized Major Wesley Huntington as one of the shemale officers. His friend Captain Harvey Dashwood also feminized stood beside the major landing blow after blow on the screaming older woman.

Ludivine felt a stirring between her legs as she surveyed the tall muscled soldier his long brown hair cascading down over his massive shoulders. Clad in a leather corset decorated with brass studs, the Major was applying the cane with terrible force to the tender buttocks of one of the younger girls. The girls stripped and bleeding bottoms faced the new arrivals. Rivulets of blood flowed down the women's legs to their ankles.

"Before I introduce you care to inspect the results of their caning more closely," asked Lady Eloise.

"Thank you," replied Sheik Achmet stepping forward to place his hand on the bleeding quivering bottom of the sobbing girl. The Sheik felt his cock stir at he touched her rear that felt incredibly warm to the touch.

"Adele, torture her sex with a dildo," said Lady Estelle to Major Huntington using his shemale title.

Without hesitating, the Major picked up a replica of a male cock from a nearby rack. Ludivine shuddered as she admired its length and girth. It was made of India rubber and must have been modeled after an exceedingly well-endowed male. The Major had made his selection from a rack of similar dildos that were graduated in size. The Major had selected from the middle of the rack.

Adele deftly positioned the head of the dildo at the opening of the girl's vagina. He placed his right palm across the base as he steadied the dildo with his left hand. Adele looked around at Lady Estelle awaiting her command. When Lady Estelle nodded her head slightly, Adele used all his strength to slam the dildo downward. An almost inhuman cry of agony erupted from the girl's throat as the rough shaft surged into her.

"Fill her little bottom too," ordered the Sheriff from his nearby chaise.

The Major selected the next largest dildo from the rack, worked the head past the girl's anal ring then slammed it home. Another cry of pain sounded from the girl before she fainted.

Adele grabbed a nearby bucket of ice-cold salt water and tossed the contents into the girl's face. She awoke sputtering then realized that the salt had entered the dozens of lesions on her backside. That occasioned another round of screams.

"Why don't we sit and observe for a while. You don't mind do you Sheriff?" Lady Estelle was speaking to the corpulent richly dressed man reclining on a nearby chaise.

"Of course not, Lady Estelle, the more that witness my daughter's punishment, the greater the honor that will be restored to my clan," said the Sheriff.

"You have our gratitude," said Sheik Achmet.

"If I may be permitted, what was their offense, Sheriff?" asked Rashid.

"That is my daughter, Adara," said the Sheriff pointing toward a beautiful young girl suspended from the ceiling by her wrists. She was naked. Nearby, two shemale officers were standing beside a large brazier of coals. Using a bellows, they were heating a collection of branding irons to a white-hot state.

"Adara defied me and ran off with that boy Ebrahim, " said the Sheriff gesturing toward the terrified male hanging beside the girl. He was also naked but unmarked.

"I can see why he did it. The boy has a nice cock," whispered Elena into Ludivine's ear.

"She refused to marry the man I picked for her. She said he was too old. She'd rather marry the son of a merchant who sells rugs in the bazaar. I had the Imam examine her when we found them. She was no longer a virgin. By becoming a whore, she has brought dishonor to my clan, the Benin-Hassan. Dishonor that can only be erased by her and the boy's death after great suffering."

"And those three?' asked Rashid referring to the females restrained over the whipping benches. Once again their torturers had returned to the cane. The women's shrieks of pain filled the room.

"This one is my third wife, Yasmin," said the Sheriff reaching to pull the handle of a lever near him. A pulley system connecting the women's tit press to the handle ran along the floor. When the Sheriff moved the ratchet-controlled lever, the older woman's breasts were stretched several more inches toward the floor. She looked up toward the Sheriff and begged him to stop. The Sheriff rewarded her request by moving the lever several inches.

My God thought Elena he could rip her tits right off with that thing. I hope he takes them off while we watch.

"She is the girl's mother and the one I hold responsible for this affront. Those other two are Adara's sisters. They knew of her plans but did not inform me, their father. The one they owe their allegiance to," said the Sheriff taking each of the other two levers in turn and increasing the stretch several inches. The women screamed as their breasts were obscenely stretched.

"I understand," said Sheik Achmet reclining on a nearby chaise. "Family honor must be avenged."

"Please, join me, make yourself comfortable," said the Sheriff gesturing toward two nearby chaises. Servants immediately moved the couches to each side of the Sheriff.

Rashid and Sheik Achmet took their places on the chaises beside the Sheriff. Amalia and Shazia seated themselves at their master's feet.

"Their screams will atone for their sins," said the Sheriff solemnly as the officers applied the canes and dildos to the squalling women. They had to stop occasionally to revive them with cold salt water.

"May Allah restore your peace of mind and bring you once again to a state of honor and respect," said Rashid.

My God what has happened to Major Huntington thought Amalia who found herself only several feet from the Major. I barely recognize him. He's become a woman. What an absolutely bizarre costume. Ludivine recalled those brief moments in the stable when she had watched the Major whip his brother's wife to a state of sexual ecstasy then savagely impale her on his cock.

Ludivine recalled his broad muscular chest covered with hair. It was hard to reconcile that image of the Major with the hairless body adorned with large female breasts that was busily caning the young girl.

. In London, the Major's hair had been close cropped in the military style but now he had long soft tresses that reached his shoulders. The Major's sizeable breasts spilled out over the top of a bright red leather corset that cinched the Major's waist to give him an hourglass figure. The bottom of the corset exposed the Major's buttocks except for a narrow strip of red that bisected the muscular globes of his buttocks. The Major's bulging crotch was covered by a narrow triangle of leather that could be easily released. Knee high boots of the same material and color completed the Major's attire. Captain Dashwood was similarly dressed expressed for color. A vivid yellow formed a sharp contrast to the Major's red. The other officer that Ludivine did not recognize was clad in bright green leather.

What I saw in London in that stable disgusted and disturbed me realized Ludivine. But after all that has happened to Elena and me, I find the bizarreness of this situation stimulating. I would enjoy suffering the Major's attentions in his current state.

"Sheriff, Sheik Achmet and his brother have a fondness for the bottoms of young men. Would you mind if they enjoyed Ebrahim before Doreen and Alicia render him unsuitable," asked Lady Estelle. Doreen was the female name of Major Huntington and Alicia that of Captain Dashwood.

"It would be my pleasure to see the young pig suffer such humiliation," said the Sheriff who had pulled his robe up to expose his large rounded belly.

"And may we offer you the services of our consorts to give you pleasure while we enjoy the boy?' offered Sheik Achmet.

"Undress you two," ordered the Sheik. Amalia and Shazia stood up and unpinned the broach that held the single garment they wore. It fluttered to the ground leaving them completely naked.

"They are magnificent. I have never seen such tall women," exclaimed the Sheriff as he fisted his cock that was almost hidden by his enormous belly and the thick rolls of fat that hung from his abdomen and thighs.

At Lady Estelle's command, Ebrahim was taken down from his suspension then tightly restrained over a nearby bench.

Rashid and Sheik Achmet slipped out of their robes aided by two of the shemales.

"Would you like for Desire and Simone to pleasure your ass with their mouths as you rape the boy?" asked Lady Estelle.

"Yes, that would be excellent," said the Sheik unlimbering his cock that was hardening at the prospect of penetrating Ebrahim.

Desire and Renee dropped to their knees in front of the Sheik and Rashid. Nearby Ebrahim was protesting loudly as he was tightly restrained for a butt fucking session.

My descent into perversion and depravity knows no end thought Captain MacDonald as he watched the feminized former British soldier take his cock in his mouth and start to apply his oral skills. I have engaged in all manner of deviant behavior. The difficult part is that if I ever return to England and my Helena I don't think I could live as we did before. This adventure has changed my life. If we do manage to return to the motherland, I will ask Ludivine if she will train Helena in the Eastern arts of live. Helena will just have to live with my decision.

Meanwhile on the chaise, Amalia and Shazia were using their mouths to pleasure the Sheriff's cock.

The other side of the room had grown quiet. The women were no longer responding to the cane or the dildo torture. Adele had reported this to Lady Estelle. That occasioned her to speak to the Sheriff.

"What more would you like done to them, Sheriff?" asked Lady Estelle.

"They've gotten off easy for such a grievous fault. What do you suggest?" asked the Sheriff. His eyes were closed as he enjoyed the highly skilled oral ministrations of the Townly sisters.

"I suggest we revive them and burn their nipples off," said Lady Estelle. "That will diminish their value when you sell them as slaves.

"Excellent," said the Sheriff. "I accept the loss in value."

"I will do it myself," said Lady Estelle.

Moments later, one of the girls had been revived with camphor. Her wrists and breasts had been disconnected from their restraints and she was standing upright held in place by Adele.

Ludivine placed one hand on her sex and began to rub her clit all the while joining Elena in sucking the Sheriff's cock. She noticed that Elena had done the same. This is going to be worth watching thought Ludivine as Lady Estelle selected a white-hot pincer tool from the brazier.

I'll do one tit on each of them then the second breast. The wait will increase their suffering," said Lady Estelle.

The girl's breasts were still in the tit press. The appeared ready to burst dotted with veins and arteries. The girl shrieked in terror as she watched Lady Estelle approach. With a deft move, Lady Estelle captured the edges of the girl's areola and closed the pincers. There was a loud hiss and a cloud of steam followed by a full-throated cry. When Lady Estelle stepped back, Ludivine saw that the end of her breast was missing replaced by a blackened charred area. The smell of burnt flesh permeated the dungeon air.

Returning the pincer to the blazer, Lady Estelle selected another heated pincer. She took her time approaching her now hysterical sister and positioning the pincher around the girl's areola. Moments later, both sisters had a blackened patch of flesh where before there had existed something very appealing to the opposite sex.

Lady Estelle removed the entire top of the mother's breast. Ludivine and Elena climaxed as they listened to the screams of the women. The continued to orgasm as Lady Eloise proceed to remove the three females other nipple.

"Put them in a cage. I will sell them tomorrow in the slave market," announced the Sheriff.

"See, my daughter what you have brought on your mother and sisters," said the Sheriff to the suspended girl.

"He is very tight," whispered Sheik Achmet as he thrust his cock into Ebrahim's bleeding rectum. The boy was sobbing. The pain of the anal penetration combined with the humiliation of what was happening overwhelmed his senses.

As soon as the Sheik sprayed his sperm in Ebrahim's ass, Rashid took his place. Moments later, the two watched with amusement as the brown pucker expelled several dollops of their semen.

"What is your pleasure, Sheriff? How shall they die?" asked Lady Estelle. Ebrahim was returned to his chains. He hung beside Adara.

"I will leave that to you, Lady Estelle. Just make it painful as possible," said the Sheriff as he changed positions to be on all fours facing the suspended pair. "You two make love to my ass as I watch this whore die."

Ludivine and Elena repositioned themselves to service the broad buttocks of the Sheriff. Ludivine spread his globes so Elena could attack his anus with her mouth and fingers.

"Would the Sheik and his brother enjoy being sodomised?" asked Lady Eloise.

"Most certainly," said Sheik Achmet placing himself on all fours with his bottom pointed skyward. The Sheik was pleased to see the well endowed shemale named Adele approach his rear. The Sheik and Rashid moaned their pleasure as large cocks forced their way past their anal ring.

Lady Eloise began by applying the white-hot irons to the armpits of the young lovers. Assisted by three servants who revived anyone who fainted, it took several hours for the pair to die. The two were barely recognizable after Lady Eloise had applied the heated irons to most of their body.

At the end, Lady Eloise burned off Ebrahim's cock and balls causing the youth to expire from shock. Lady Eloise inserted a pointed iron in the length of Ebrahim's cock then rammed the severed flesh into the vagina of Adara. The girl died when the metal rod punched past her cervix and penetrated vital organs.

"That was most excellent, Lady Eloise," said a well-satisfied Sheriff.

Chapter 31 – Discovered & Tortured

Please take note! Adults Only Literature

The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only.

If you are an underage minor or offended by such material -or- if viewing this file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story now.

This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwise is purely coincidental, etc.

Copyright 2004


Lt. Sidney Tibbetts' screams startled Ludivine from her drugged sleep. When she managed to open her eyes and turn her head in the direction of the screams, she saw a naked Sidney whose limbs were outstretched and tightly bound to an enormous metal ring. His position reminded Ludivine of that famous drawing of man found in Leonardo DaVinci's notebook.

The bottom of the ring was elevated above the stone floor bringing the height of Sidney's manhood within a comfortable reach of Lady Estelle Chumley's hands. Lady Estelle was standing in front of Sidney blocking Ludivine's view. However, Ludivine surmised from their relative position to one another and the earnestness of Sidney's cries of pain that Lady Estelle was torturing his manhood.

Ludivine's recalled how the twins invited them to a midnight repast in their private quarters. "Something to refresh you so that you can enjoy the pleasures of the flesh until the sun rises," was how Lady Eloise had stated it. There was a table of rare delicacies and a delicious wine. Ludivine and Elena had been indulging their appetite for depravity for several hours and rest was needed. But the wine was drugged and within moments the four would be rescuers were at the mercy of the most fiendishly evil women ever spawned by the British Empire.

Sidney's cries echoed off the stone walls of the Palace of Pleasure's deepest dungeon that was the private torture chamber of the twin sisters: Lady Eloise Parker recently widowed when her husband Sir Edmund succumbed to a weak heart during his castration and Lady Estelle Chumley, wife of the totally insane Viscount Chumley who spent much of his time in lavatory persuading patrons to allow him the pleasure of drinking their urine.

Lady Estelle was dressed quite fetchingly in a black leather corset that pushed her substantial breasts upward and outward while squeezing her already tiny waist to the minimum one would think possible to contain her internal organs. A narrow triangle descended to barely cover her sexual organ. The triangle was held in place by a narrow leather strap that attached the tip of the triangle to the corset's back bisecting her buttocks but leaving them totally exposed. Laced leather boots completed her costume. Lady Estelle's blonde hair was pulled tightly back and plated.

As Ludivine's awareness returned, the moan of a feminine voice drew her attention. Directly across from her perhaps some twenty feet away was her sister Elena. Elena's condition was identical to that of Sidney and as she was to discover momentarily that of herself and Captain John MacDonald who was to her right. Each of the plucky rescuers was suspended like four limbed starfish within an enormous ring of steel. Ludivine's arms rose upward and outward at a forty-five degree angle as did her legs. The symmetry of their state was impressive.

Ludivine's sharp mechanical sense noted that the ring holding her and the others was capable of being spun on a vertical axis and that an outer ring permitted horizontal rotation. A third and more substantial third ring held the apparatus in place.

Impressive thought Ludivine. They can alter out position vertically and horizontally inflicting pain in multiple positions without the worry of having to untie and retie us.

Ludivine observed that Elena's moans were attributable to the actions of a deformed dwarf standing on a stool in front of her sister working feverishly to insert his hand inside the still unconsciousness girl's vagina.

"Aw, sweet sister, you started without me," said Lady Eloise Parker arriving in the dungeon accompanied by a female dwarf that seemed to be the mate of the creature inserting his hand inside Elena's sexual organ. Lady Eloise's attire was identical to that of her twin and for that matter the dwarf's costume also matched.

"The Lieutenant awoke and I could not contain myself," said Lady Estelle standing aside to reveal that she was crushing Sidney's testicles in her bare hands.

"Then let me join you for a little squeeze," said Lady Eloise stepping to her twin's side.

"Shall we share a sisterly kiss as we disport ourselves?" asked Lady Estelle.

"Why not," said Lady Eloise?

Each twin grasped a testicle firmly then as their lips met, they contracted their fingers flattening the orbs considerably.

"For the love of Jesus," screamed Sidney as the pain grew.

The Lieutenant's screams were unexpectedly joined by those of Captain John MacDonald. The dwarf pair had imitated their mistresses using the Captain's testicles. Locked in a one armed embrace they were kissing as they hung suspended in mid air their body weight pulling the Captain balls toward the stone floor. The gravitational force occasioned by their joined weight had stretched the Captain's scrotum almost to the point of separation when the twins intervened.

"Zahara, Zotan, stop that. You'll rip Captain Macdonald's gonads off and ruin our fun," shouted Lady Eloise.

"You are such bad little people. We shall send you to bed immediately and not let you play with them," said Lady Estelle.

"I am sorry, Lady Eloise. Please let us stay," said Zotan running across the room to throw himself at the feet of Lady Eloise.

"I'm sorry too. It was my idea," said Zahara following Zotan's lead and prostrating herself in front of Lady Estelle.

"Well, what shall we do, sweet sister?" said Lady Eloise.

"I can't stay mad at these two for long," said Lady Estelle smiling.

"All right you can stay as long as you only do as you are told. And your first task is to bring both of the officers to an erection then make sure they stay that way," said Lady Eloise. Ludivine watched as Lady Estelle retrieved two narrow strips of leather from a nearby table handing one of each to the dwarfs.

Shortly, Captain MacDonald found himself looking down on the top of Zahara's head as she noisily sucked and stroked his cock. A leather ligature circled the base of his scrotum ready to be tightened once the Captain was fully erect. Zotan's mouth engulfed the Lieutenant's cock as one hand stroked the shaft and the other pushed a singe digit into his anus.

"I wager mine gets hard first," shouted Zahara taking her mouth of the Captain's cock for a second.

"You're on. What shall we wager?" responded Zotan.

"We must let our mistresses decide," said Zahara.

"What would you like?" asked Lady Estelle.

"The winner gets to slice off their balls one by one while they beg for mercy," said Zahara.

"Castration of British officers is reserved for us. Name something else," said Lady Eloise.

"Saw their titties off," said Zotan referring to Ludivine and Elena.

"Oh that would be fun. We could do them like we did for Mehalia," said Zahara referring to a consort of Mohammed Khan whose family had failed to pay their annual tribute to the Khanate. Mehalia among other family members had suffered the consequences. After long hours of fiendish torture by the twins, Mehalia has been rotated to a prone position. Gravity extended her breasts previously known for their beauty toward the stone floor. Using sharp hooks and iron weights, the dwarfs had painfully stretched the unfortunate whore's orbs then slowly sawed them off oblivious to her cries of anguish.

"Then it is agreed. First one to get their officer hard, gets to saw off the breasts of the Townly sisters," said Lady Eloise.

"You know us?" questioned Ludivine surprised at the use of her last name.

"Miss Ludivine Townly, I recognized you from the Mayor's ball. You were the one they called the country giraffe. Your coming out season was a disaster. None of the men would dance with because you were so infernally tall," laughed Lady Estelle as she retried several small objects from a nearby cabinet. "I'm afraid your attempts to effect a rescue are not going to be successful."

"This must be her sister, Elena," said Lady Eloise laughing. "Everyone said she was the biggest whore in London. All a man had to do was ask and she would fall on her back grabbing her ankles on the way down."

"My sister has a phenomenal memory for faces and names. Some say it is the best in the Empire," added Lady Eloise.

"How shall we start, dear sister?" asked Lady Estelle.

"With these," said Lady Eloise holding up the shiny metal orbs each of which had a knob on one end.

"Aw, pears, so named because they resemble the fruit," said Lady Estelle holding the object up so Ludivine could see it. "Are you familiar with these, Lady Townly?"

"No, I have not been exposed to there like," said Ludivine.

"I thought that somewhere in your varied career, you might have encountered them. This particular model is for your vagina," said Lady Estelle. "My dear sister will demonstrate on Lady Elena Townly so that you can observe."

Ludivine watched intently as Lady Eloise first applied some form of lubricating oil to the globe then proceeded to forcibly insert the round end in Elena's vagina. Lady Eloise forced the object inside the shrieking Elena until only the butterfly shaped knob at the top was visible.

"Sorry Lady Elena, I know you would prefer that cock of some Irish ruffian. Rumor has it that you gave you virginity to five Irish brothers who worked on your father's estate. Any truth to that?" said Lady Eloise turning the butterfly handle several rotations causing Elena to gasp with pain. "There, not quite as much fun as a potato eater's dick."

"Once the pear is in place, you spin the handle like so," said Lady Estelle holding the pear in front of Ludivine's face. "And like an English rose in bloom, the petals open up applying pressure to the inner walls of your sex."

"Please, please, I cannot bear it," screamed Elena.

"What a horrible insidious device. You would thing no honest Englishwoman would use such a thing on a countrywoman," said Ludivine watching the globe expand in all directions.

"Well spoken, Lady Ludivine. Now, first we apply some oil so it slips into place deep inside you," said Lady Estelle as she first lubricated the globe then inserted it into Ludivine's vagina. "One full turn, now two, three, four, five, six, seven."

At seven turns, Ludivine opened her mouth and screamed. The pressure inside her sex was unbearable.

"Seven turns, impressive, but then again you are a big girl," said Lady Estelle. "We shall leave it at that for the moment. Now this is the narrower pear that finds it home in your ass."

Ludivine was taking long deep breaths attempting to control the pain.

"I won," yelled Zotan stepping away from the Lieutenant once he had finished tying the ligature. Zotan gave Sidney's cock a nasty slap causing it to bob back and forth.

"Damn, it was almost a tie," said Zahara stepping off the stool to reveal the fully erect cock of Captain MacDonald.

"Perhaps since there are four breasts to remove, Zotan will let you cut one off," said Lady Estelle.

"You can have one, Zahara, two if you will suck my cock," said Zotan reaching out to touch Zahara's naked buttock.

"I want to use my hatchet instead of a saw. I prefer to chop them off,' said Zahara brandishing a small hatchet.

"You two need to get busy and help. Zotan, spread Lady Ludivine's buttocks so I can pear her ass," said Lady Estelle. Zahara rushed to Lady Eloise's side to assist.

Ludivine winced as she felt the dwarf's hard hands pull her ass cheeks apart. Seconds later, a metal object forced its way past her sphincter and traveled inward through her rectum.

"There is a certain amount of interaction when one had a pear in both orifices. Now to expand our little torture device to where it is dreadfully painful," said Lady Estelle twisting the butterfly knob.

"For the sake of everything holy, stop, the pain is too great," said Ludivine, as her rectum was forced outward by the unfolding sides of the device.

"We owe a debt of thanks to the Inquisition for inventing the Pear. It is said that Torquemada himself would turn the handle of the Pear if the heretic was a beauty," said Lady Eloise as she expanded Elena's anal pear. Elena's piteous screams filled the dungeon. Shortly, Ludivine's added her own screams creating a symphony of pain as the twins alternately expanded both pears until the pain was unbearable.

"We can't let the ladies have all the fun, can we dear sister?" said Lady Estelle.

"No, Zotan, fetch Pears for the officers. We would not want them to feel left out," said Lady Eloise.

Captain MacDonald cried out when he sensed that his anal ring was being expanded to accommodate the pear's circumference. He groaned as the object passed deep into his bowel.

"Are you a Christian, Captain," asked Lady Eloise slowly expanding the Pear.

"Yes, I follow the Lord Christ," responded Captain MacDonald.

"But for a Christian you have such a strong taste for sodomy. I saw the look on your face when you were applying your cock to the tight ass of one of our girls to use the term loosely," said Lady Eloise.

"I have succumbed to the temptation of the flesh in this benighted land. I have forsaken the path of the righteous," said the Captain.

"No doubt encouraged by Lady Ludivine and her sister. I assume you have carnal knowledge including all forms of sodomy of both of these notorious whores," said Lady Eloise.

"Yes, I have lain with them and broken the commandments," said the Captain.

"And with your subaltern, the Lieutenant, has your cock found its way to that place where my dear sister is now placing an anal pear identical to the one that is in your ass causing unbearable pain?" said Lady Eloise.

"Yes and he with me. I have participated in the most vile and depraved acts," said the Captain.

"Doubtlessly enjoying every minute of it. If there is one surprising thing I have learned here in the Sudan is the eagerness of one British officer to sink his cock into the asshole of his fellow officers. Buggery is rife within our military," said Lady Eloise continuing to twist the knob moving the Captain to begin a long piteous wail of pain that only paused when he had to inhale more air to drive his next scream.

"How would you describe the pain?" Lady Estelle asked Lieutenant Tibbetts as she slowly expanded the Pear in quarter turn increments.

"It's awful. It is beyond what I can deal with. If there is anything I can do to make you stop just name it," said the Lieutenant.

"You're exhibiting a serious lack of verbal skill, Lieutenant. The last man whose ass took the Pear for me said it was like the biggest turd in the world was stuck in his ass and couldn't get out. I bet you find something more interesting to say when my sister and I tire of you and I take a knife and very slowly cut off your balls and then your cock," said Lady Estelle.

"All done, now let's create a chorus of pain," said Lady Estelle. "Zotan, you and Zahara do the officers while Eloise and I the ladies."

The room filled with screams as the four expanded the Pears in half turn increments. One by one, the four lost consciousness.

"A moment's respite is in order, dear sister," said Lady Eloise.

"Yes, a glass of wine would refresh us," said Lady Estelle.

"Zotan, while we regain our strength, prepare the braziers," said Lady Eloise.

As the twins repaired to a nearby table spread with sweets, imported cheese and wine, Zotan wheeled two large braziers to the center of the room. He with Zahara's help pumped the handles of the bellows bringing the coals and their metal instruments to a white-hot state.

Chapter 32 – Tables Are Turned

Please take note! Adults Only Literature

The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only.

If you are an underage minor or offended by such material -or- if viewing this file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story now.

This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwise is purely coincidental, etc.

Copyright 2004


Elena struggled against her bonds as Lady Eloise approached with a pair of iron thongs.

"No, please don't. I beg you," screamed Elena as she watched the hard metal pinchers close on the base of her nipple.

"I just love it when they beg us not to hurt them. It adds greatly to our pleasure," said Lady Eloise to her sister Lady Estelle. Lady Eloise adjusted the iron pinchers to grab at the thick base of Elena's bud. Lady Eloise pulled and twisted the thongs to increase Elena's pain. "Such a pity, you have such prominent and attractive nipples. And the slave brand makes your breasts so very exotic and oriental. I know a club in London where men would pay several pounds just to look at them. But after my sister and I are finished, no one will want to look at any part of you."

"It is certainly a capital nipple one that has been sucked by countless men and women," said Lady Estelle approaching with a glowing white-hot iron. "Hold it steady."

There was a loud hiss as the iron touched the breast below the pinchers. Elena screamed her agony to the uncaring dungeon walls. Ludivine struggled helpless in her restraints as the horrible twins burned Elena's nipple off.

"Now you get to eat it," said Lady Eloise taking the detached nipple from the tongs and holding it in front of Elena.

"No, I can't," sobbed Elena.

"You can eat it or I will stick a hot iron in your pussy and burn your insides out," said Lady Eloise.

Lt. Tibbetts loud scream interrupted the proceedings. Zotan and Zahara had fitted a press around the lieutenant's testicles and were in the process of crushing them flat.

"Say goodbye to your balls, Lieutenant," laughed Lady Estelle.

Another heart rendering scream was wrung from the Lieutenant's throat as Zahara tightened the press. The next turn of the screw rendered the Lieutenant unconscious. The two misshapen creatures switched their attention to Captain MacDonald. The Captain struggled in his chains as Zotan fitted in his gonads into the jagged teeth of the press.

"They are such adorable creatures. I love to see them play," said Lady Estelle watching the two begin work on the Captain's testicles. They turned the screw quickly until a loud scream rose from the Captain.

"That's a good girl. Eat your nipple," cooed Lady Eloise pushing the burnt carrion into Elena's mouth. Everyone watched as a sobbing Elena managed to chew and swallow her own flesh.

"Now it's your turn to lose a nipple, Miss Ludivine Townly," announced Lady Estelle.

Ludivine screamed when the crude iron pincher closed on the base of her nipple. Lady Estelle pulled forcefully extending Ludivine's flesh several inches.

"We are going to burn off the end of your tit and you get to eat it," said Lady Estelle approaching with a white-hot iron she had selected from the brazier.

Just as the iron was about to touch Ludivine's flesh, there were two loud gunshots. Everyone turned to see Viscount Robert Chumley standing quietly with a smoking pistol in his hand. Zotan and Zahara lay dead on the floor. Before anyone could move, the Viscount stepped forward to bring the pistol barrel first on the head of Lady Estelle and then of Lady Eloise.

The Viscount moved quickly to release Ludivine from her chains.

"Please remove the pears," begged Ludivine as soon as she was free. She bent over spreading her butt cheeks so that the Viscount could turn the anal pear's handle thereby reducing it's girth to where it could be safely pulled from her anus. Ludivine screamed in pain as the Viscount slowly pulled the large silver ball past her anus. Ludivine fell to the floor spreading her legs.

"This one is equally unbearable," said Ludivine as the Viscount knelt between her legs to remove it. "It feels as if my cunt was going to burst."

"Pears were a favorite of the Inquisition. Estelle and Eloise have read every extant account of the Inquisition's practices. When they were little girls, their father read them to his daughters as bedtime stories. These Pears have tortured countless men and women to the brink of insanity and beyond," said the Viscount placing one hand on Ludivine's pubic mound for leverage as his other grasped the Pear's protruding handle.

Ludivine gave full throat to her agony as the Viscount slowly pulled the Pear from her vagina.

"Viscount, everyone said you were insane," said Ludivine as they removed Elena from her bonds.

"Just a pretense to remain alive. I reasoned that my dear wife and her sister would have me painfully dead unless they thought me amusing. I pretended that my time spent in Mohammed Khan's dungeon had unhinged my mind. Sucking cock, being sodomised by any Arab with a yin for my bottom and swallowing the occasional mouthful of piss or shit was the price of staying alive. My wife and sister-in-law consider people driven mad by maltreatment amusing."

"Hold her still while I remove the Pear from her ass," said Ludivine turning the Pear's handle to decrease its girth.

"Sorry, Elena but this is going to hurt," said Ludivine as she pulled the object from her sister's rectum. Elena's wail of agony echoed off the dungeon walls.

"That felt like my ass was being turned inside out," sobbed Elena.

"One to go," said Ludivine rolling her sister over.

"Viscount, would you please get this thing off my balls," pleaded Captain John MacDonald. "And Tibbetts too, the poor lad has passed out."

"Certainly," said the Viscount leaving Ludivine to unscrew Elena's vaginal Pear then slowly pull it from the screaming girl.

Moments later the four torture victims were free. Lt. Tibbetts quickly revived once his testicles were no longer flattened although he did move quite carefully.

"I don't know how we will ever thank you, Viscount," said Captain MacDonald shaking the Viscount's hand.

"You can thank me by getting me safely back to England out of this heathen land," said the Viscount.

"Let me add my heartfelt thanks to John's," said Lt. Tibbetts. "My gonads want to thank you especially."

"And to express my gratitude if you've ever feeling randy and want a good shag, I'll always be available," said Elena.

"I'd be more than happy to make it a threesome," added Ludivine.

"How do we escape?" asked Captain MacDonald.

"For some months, Major Huntington and I have been secretly acquiring weapons. That's how I got this," said the Viscount referring to the pistol. "Upstairs the guests are leaving. As soon as the last guests depart, we will arm ourselves and attack the guards. We should take them by surprise. We've made a practice of being docile and not giving them any trouble."

"All right, let's chain these two up and gag them," said Ludivine referring to Lady Eloise and Lady Estelle. Lady Estelle had started to moan.

To begin I want to burn off their nipples," said Elena.

"There will be time enough for that later after the castle is ours. We must wait for night fall to escape the city," said the Viscount.

"Agreed, help me," said Ludivine pulling Lady Estelle to her feet then commencing to attach shackles to her wrists and ankles.

"Now we need our clothes, weapons, and a plan of attack," said Lt. Tibbetts recovering his martial ardor.

"They're secure," said Elena locking the shackle on Lady Eloise's ankle.

"Be forewarned that I will return shortly and perform all the hideous tortures on your body that you had planned for mine," whispered Ludivine in Lady Estelle's ear. A gag of filthy rags prevented the twins from crying out.

"Now to take the Palace and make it ours," said Ludivine.


The struggle for control of the Palace of Sin had been quick and bloody. Years of mistreatment had not inclined the British captives to mercy. Mindful of the countless times they had been sodomised and subjected to various acts of punishment and sexual humiliation for the most minor of offenses. Major Huntington and his men proceeded to dispatch the few guards captured alive in the most painful fashion.

"You will have no need of these where you are going," said the Major as he grasped the gonads of one of the guard officers and proceeded to cut through his scrotum removing his testicles in one swift and terrible act of revenge.

Captain MacDonald and a party stormed into the guard's barracks where most were asleep. The result was a slaughter of the unarmed guards who did not have time to awake let alone arm themselves.

Guards on duty were quietly dispatched using various ruses. Ludivine and Elena appeared drunken and disheveled at the main gate to offer themselves for sex. Ludivine's robe was open displaying her breasts as she staggered toward the close gate and its two guards.

"I want to suck your cock, Commander," announced Ludivine in heavily slurred Arabic. The Commander considered himself handsome. It was not uncommon that whores wandered away from the perversities of the palace looking for a simple fuck.

"Kneel, whore," he commanded putting his hands on Ludivine's shoulders and pushing her to her knees. His second in command imitated his superior pushing Elena to the rough paving stones. The chatted and laughed among themselves as they thrust their cocks into the Townly sisters mouths causing them to occasionally gag.

Ludivine and Elena in spite of their physical ordeal threw themselves into noisily sucking and licking their hairy penis and balls all the while moaning and complementing them on the size of their penis and the firmness of their erection. There loud ministrations covered the sounds of the approaching British officers.

Ludivine was noisily sucking the Gate Commander's cock when Lt. Tibbetts cut his throat from ear to ear.

"Hold him still, Lieutenant. I'm not finished," ordered Ludivine.

As the Lieutenant held the dying Commander upright, Ludivine continued to suck his cock while his carotid artery released a wave of blood that cascaded down his body onto his cock covering Ludivine's hands and face. The scarlet flow reached Ludivine's mouth and mixed with her saliva and his precum. Ludivine orgasmed when she detected the Commander's death rattle. At the moment of his expiration, control of his bladder and bowels was lost. Ludivine calmly swallowed the dying man's urine and semen..

"What was that all about?" asked the Lieutenant amazed at Ludivine's actions.

"I thought it might be my only chance to ever experience such a moment and I wanted to take advantage of it," answered Ludivine wiping blood and other fluids on the dead Commander's robe.

"It was truly a unique experience," said Elena who had followed her sister's example. "His cock stayed hard almost to the very end and what a large amount of seed was released. The contents of his testicles and his bladder warm my belly."

The other British soldiers had made short work of the remaining guards. Once all the guards were dead, the British held a council to plan their escape from Khartoum. As it was approaching daylight on a holy day in which good Muslims were to remain inside and fast, the decision was made to delay until after dark when the exit of such a large party would be less noticeable.

"Good," said Ludivine. "My sister and I have some unfinished business in the lower dungeon. This will permit us to accomplish it at our leisure."

"Mind if I come also? Those are my nuts they were planning to cut off," said Lt. Tibbetts.

"Certainly, you may join us, Lieutenant," said Ludivine. "And you too, Captain MacDonald.

"It would be my pleasure to watch those fiendish whores suffer for all the evil they have done. It is only just,' said Captain Macdonald.

Chapter 33 – Torturing The Twins

Please take note! Adults Only Literature

The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only.

If you are an underage minor or offended by such material -or- if viewing this file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story now.

This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwise is purely coincidental, etc.

Copyright 2004


"This is truly delicious," said Ludivine between grunts that signified the pleasure her sex was experiencing. Major Huntington was driving his cock into her pussy like a man possessed. Ludivine was on her back with her legs raised perpendicular to her body. Her hands had a firm grasp on the outside of her feet. Each time the Major forced his sizeable prick into her cunt, she pushed her feet into her hands contracting her abdominal muscles. The result was a mutually pleasurable sensation as the walls of her vagina applied pressure along the entire length of the Major's cock. Ludivine groaned and grunted as the lining of her love tunnel filled her mind with erotic sensations.

"You're an excellent fuck. No I would have to say both excellent and exceptional," said the Major responding to the pressure his cock was experiencing. "I would also say, Miss Townly that you've spent considerable time working in a brothel. Only a brothel whore knows that trick," said the Major sweat dripping off his brow. As a man of the world he could appreciate the considerable pressure that the walls of Ludivine vagina were applying to his pounding cock.

"Elena and I worked almost half a year at Mrs. Bromley's English House at Toliara. It was thirty fucks a day, more when an Indiaman made port," said Ludivine exulting in the enjoyment of a good fuck made even more pleasurable by the ear splitting screams of the Chumley sisters. Ludivine found the twins terrible anguish and the resulting cries of pain coupled with piteous pleas for mercy added immeasurably to her enjoyment of intercourse.

A few feet away, Elena and the Viscount were busily engaged in making the exit of the twins from this world as painful as possible. The two experienced torturers were working in a friendly, coordinated fashion exchanging hard won knowledge concerning the optimum methods for maximizing human suffering.

Major Huntington thrust in with all his force grinding his hairy pubic bone against Ludivine's exposed and dangling clit. "I've heard of it and knew Mrs. Bromley when she had a house in Dockside. It was a fine place to spend an afternoon caning the hide off an unwilling doxie. Unlike the more respectable houses, for a few extra quid, you could leave your whore looking liked a skinned rabbit. I heard a rumor that Mrs. Bromley and her idiot son Rodney came to a bad end."

"The rumor is true. Mrs. Bromley's throat was cut from ear to ear. As for Rodney, a vengeful doxie sawed his cock and balls off while she was fucking him."

"Buggers deserved it. Who did the honors?

"I passed my knife across Dora Bromley's neck and held her in my arms until Satan came for her. Elena rode Rodney's prick until the moment he was ready to erupt. At that critical instant she unmanned him in a single stroke much to his surprise. His severed cock remained in her cunt as she climaxed."

"That's capital. Is Toliara where they cut your sex? It is a most wondrous piece of work. Your clit rivals some men's cocks."

"Sir Charles Danby and his wife, Princess Aziza saw to that at Mahajanga. They employed a Chinese surgeon to carve our sex in the fashion of the Manchu courtesans. Sir Charles taking a particular dislike to me, instructed the surgeon to operate without laudanum. My pain was so great I begged for him to kill me. My memory of the knife slowly slicing off my labia is particularly vivid."

"Sir Charles Danby was a patron of Mrs. Bromley and a man known to take his pleasure from the agony of a woman. Still, while your pain must have been great, the result is a sex unequaled in the pleasure it both gives and receives. I had heard of such alterations and how they can make the most modest woman a lustful whore, I had never had the pleasure of observing such a phenomena first hand."

"They create a craving in a woman's sex that cannot be denied. While the pleasure from a single act is much enhanced, it reinforces the need for more of the same."

"The crown should bring these Chinese surgeons to England and let them mutilate all the women's sex in the country. There would not be a happier land under the sun."

"My sister and the Viscount appear to be giving the Lady Eloise and Lady Estelle justice," said Ludivine responding to a particularly loud scream by Lady Estelle.

"Yes, I find the experience of fornication much improved when accompanied by the piteous cries of those evil twins."

Only a few yards away, Viscount Chumley and Elena had carefully maneuvered a small pot of boiling water under the right breast of Lady Estelle. The two ladies were each tightly bound to the identical iron rectangles where hours before Ludivine and Elena had suffered their torture.

An hour ago as a first step in their retribution, Ludivine and Elena had inserted pears in the vaginas of the protesting twosome. Once the pear was forced deep in their pleasure tunnel, the screw was slowly turned expanding the pear to the accompaniment of agonizing cries of pain and tearful requests for mercy. Ludivine and Elena both requested that one of the British soldiers lay on his back with his erection skyward. The two sisters impaled themselves on the vertical erections as they slowly expanded the pear.

Sergeant Major Tilton large hands firmly grasped Ludivine's breasts as she synchronized each descent with a full turn of the Pear's key. Elena, who was similarly impaled, imitated her sister. As the two sat astride the British soldiers, their feet firmly planted on the stone floor, each descent was accompanied by an inhuman scream followed by the most piteous and heart felt cries from Lady Estelle and Lady Eloise for a surcease of their agony.

The former British prisoners of the establishment crowded into the lower secret dungeon to enjoy the prolonged torture of the two women who had shown them no mercy and delighted in their partial castration and the humiliation of being forced to serve the local citizenry as transvestite prostitutes. The British soldiers walked about the dungeon shouting encouragement to Ludivine and Elena as they transformed the twin sisters from imperious rulers of the establishment to broken human beings.

Ludivine recalling the almost unbelievable anguish she had experience when those very same pears had been inserted in her orifices felt thoroughly justified in forcing the smaller pear past the brown pucker of Lady Estelle's anus. To add to her discomfort, she promptly pulled it out then forced its return. She repeated this several times gratified by the loud cries of protest sounded by Lady Estelle.

"I cried and screamed just as you," whispered Ludivine in Estelle's ear. "I felt that same combination of terror and agony as my rectum was invaded."

"Please, I will see that Mohammed Khan rewards you beyond your wildest fantasy," pleaded Lady Estelle.

"I'll go in so far that only the key is visible," said Ludivine ignoring Estelle's offer and pushing the pear deep in her rectum. A British officer by the name of Captain Goddard had replaced Sergeant Major Tilton. He stood quietly beside a screaming Estelle as Ludivine sucked his cock all the while expanding the walls of Lady Estelle's rectum. Captain Goddard availed himself of a long handled iron pincher to bring added pain to Lady Estelle's nipples. Sucking vigorously Ludivine began to slowly turn the small key. Inside Lady Estelle's rectum, the Pear blossomed open, forcing the rectal tissue into an unnatural expansion. With each turn, the screams of Lady Estelle grew louder. As the Pear reached it's maximum girth, Captain Goddard filled Ludivine's mouth with his semen that she greedily swallowed.

Ludivine was pleased to note the large number of British standing about fisting their cock waiting their turn to fuck her and Elena. The torture of the twins would be greatly enhanced by their presence.

"Viscount, I will leave it to you and Elena to finish these two, only sending their souls to Hell when there is not an ounce of pain left in their bodies," said Ludivine having expanded both pears to their maximum.

"It will be our pleasure. For these two have tortured many a man and woman in this place. It is fitting that they suffer their fate here. Ready my dear Elena?" said the Viscount looking down at Elena who was noisily sucking his cock.

"Yes, dear Robert, how would you like to start?" said Elena.

"I could use some souvenirs. Let's remove the flesh from their breasts," replied the Viscount. "It is justified since on many an occasion, I have watched my wife and sister-in-law perform such a separation at the behest of Mohammed Khan. I will employ the same techniques."

That set off an immediate round of cries for mercy from the twin sisters. Ludivine luxuriated in the feelings of having another large cock invade her vagina.

"First we rotate the metal frame to take advantage of Lord Newton's gravity," said the Viscount as he unfastened the bar that held the rectangular metal frame in place. Where the sisters had been vertical for the insertion of the Pears they were now face down toward the floor still a good English yard above the floor. Elena aided the Viscount as the repositioned the women.

"Now that their tits are hanging downward, we provide a cincture at the base of the breast," said the Viscount putting a loop of rawhide around the base of Lady Eloise's breast then drawing it tight.

"Why did you wet the rawhide?" asked Elena.

"It will shrink as it dries," said the Viscount. "This would have been yours and Ludivine's eventual fate. Lady Eloise and Lady Estelle had made a hobby of carefully removing the breast flesh of females. They subject the skin to a process of preservation similar to tanning then they refill the breast with Gutta Percha to reshape it in a life like form. Their collection of preserved breasts and penises are upstairs in their sleeping quarters."

"Here, let me try one," said Elena taking the moistened strand of rawhide from the Viscount and carefully tying it at the very base of Lady Estelle's breasts then drawing it tight while Lady Estelle protested loudly at the pain and begged for mercy.

"Now while we wait for the rawhide to dry, shall we apply the cat to their back side? These Turkish head knots will quickly flay their skin allowing us to examine the underlying musculature. If you have an interest in anatomy, that should be interesting"

"Excellent idea," said Elena taking a powerful swing to land the multi-stranded whip on Lady Estelle's backside. Elena was gratified to see that her initial blow had peeled bloody patches of Lady Estelle's epidermis off on the first blow. Elena stopped to stroke her sex as she contemplated how Lady Estelle's back would look when she was done.

A half hour later, the Viscount called a halt to their efforts. Both women were returned to full consciousness when a bucket of cold salt water was doused on their skinless backs. As the salt crystals found their way into the open cuts, their cries rose to a crescendo. Nearby, Ludivine experienced a powerful orgasm carried onward by the twin's cries of agony.

"Their breasts appear on the edge of bursting," said Elena noting that the four breasts had each expanded to the point that the skin was translucent. Veins and arteries were clearly visible.

"Now we carefully make a small incision right at the rawhide cincture. A straight cut will produce a better result," said the Viscount circling the base of the breast with a razor sharp cutting tool. "The skin will fall off neatly along the cut edge thereby insuring that we can use it for our purpose."

Ludivine was now in the table position mounted from the rear by one of the officers. She watched as Elena and the Viscount carefully maneuvered a small pot of boiling water under shrieking Lady Eloise's breasts. The Viscount used a tongs to adroitly place the tightly expanded orb into the boiling water. An inhuman cry of anguish escaped Lady Eloise's lips.

"Two minutes at most," said the Viscount looking at his pocket watch.

It was a little over one minute when the intact skin of Lady Eloise's breast sluiced off into the pot. The Viscount once again employed the tongs to pluck the separated flesh from the boiling water and gingerly placed it on a nearby table. He flattened the steaming flesh being extra careful to remove any wrinkles.

"When I return to England, I know a skilled harness maker who can create an excellent purse from this," said the Viscount.

"I want your ass, Milady," said the young British officer whose turn with Ludivine had arrived.

"Of course, Lieutenant," said Ludivine reaching back to pull her buttocks apart. Ludivine sighed as she felt the Lieutenant's lips and tongue go to work on her sphincter. Moments later, she grunted as the Lieutenant placed the blunt end of his cock against her sphincter and forced the narrow opening. Ludivine reached back to massage her clit as the Lieutenant crouched over her to deliver strong thrust of her penis into her ass.

"That's all four," said Elena examining the now completely fleshless breasts of the women.

"Yes, that went well. Now we position a bucket of salt brine under each breast and at the instant I cut the rawhide cincture, you immerse the breast in the brine. The effect will be absolutely magnificent," said the Viscount.

Elena was very pleased with the result of the immersion. The effect of the removal of the cincture combined with the salt entering the flayed flesh produced unequalled agony for the two women. The fleshless breast shriveled up as the salt attacked the now defenseless layer of tissue. Both women screamed until they lost their capacity for such action.

"Our time grows short. How shall we finish them?" asked Elena.

"I asked Sergeant Tilton to collect these two large buckets of shit from the soldiers. Once the sergeant explained its intended use, they were eager to contribute," said the Viscount walking to the side of the dungeon to retrieve two wooden buckets of rank shit and piss.

"I will get the funnels,' said Elena quickly discerning the Viscount's intent.

The torture frames were adjusted to a forty-five degree angle. The funnels were inserted in the twin's mouth and India rubber tubes fed into their stomachs. Using ladles, Elena and the Viscount slowly filled each funnel, waited for gravity to do its work then repeated the process until the buckets were empty.

"Lower their heads to the ground. I wish to contribute," said Ludivine.

Moments later, a pain crazed Lady Eloise looked up as Ludivine's sphincter slowly open. Lady Eloise squirmed in horror as the opening grew and large dollops of soft shit fell with a plop in the mouth of the funnel. Ludivine changed her position. The hiss of a strong flow of piss quickly followed. Ludivine smiled as she watched the golden fluid wash the last pieces of turd down the funnel into Lady Eloise's belly.

That night as Ludivine, Elena and the rest of the British quietly rode out of Khartoum, the walls of the Palace of Pleasure's lower dungeon sounded with the plaintive cries of the twins. The Viscount had once again position the women so they were face down above the floor. Their enormous swollen bellies were immersed in a large pot of oil. Under the oil was a small brazier designed to cook with agonizing slowness.

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