Collected by
(5 stories listed)
Major Slut:
by conwic
(Synopsis: The female officer commanding a small installation becomes the sex slave of her NCO.)
Comment: Part 2
Wrong Place, Wrong Time:
by Semiater
(Synopsis: This is a story of a pretty, educated, Asian girl on a business trip, who stops for coffee in the wrong town, at the wrong time and comes to regret every moment of her indiscretion. She is arrested, used and abused, sentenced to pay her debt to society by being a slave to the city and is later sold to fill the municipal coffers in these hard economic times. )
Breaking and Training:
by embermoon
(Synopsis: A boy is kidnapped to awaken in a secluded compound and eventually trained as a slave for multiple uses)
Cheerleaders' Rape and Torture:
by Semiater
(Synopsis: This is the story of 5 high school Cheerleaders' who get lost and have their car breakdown, only to have a friendly garage owner "help" them out and turn them into slaves.)
Road to Slavery, Road to Life:
by Rob
(Synopsis: The adventures of Rob, a 23 year old submissive computer programmer. Taken by a Master from a Mall parking lot and trained to be a slave. What can I say, it has it's funny moments, sad moments, painful moments and pleasurable moments. It was and is being written just for the shear fun of doing it. Hope you enjoy. Rob)
Comment: Chapter 21