Collected by
kitty b
to read
(51 stories listed)
(4 stories listed)
Strip Searching Rebecca:
by Powerone
(Synopsis: Rebecca is caught by the authorities attempting to smuggle drugs. She is forced to strip naked, bound and forced to perform sexual perversions at the hands of her captors.)
The Enemy's Daughter:
by Powerone
(Synopsis: This is a story of the punishment of a female by the authorities to get back at what her Father had done to the people in power. The Enemy's Daughter is a collaboration of Katie Lynch and myself, Powerone. We hope that by partnering a male and female writer, a better story will appear. If you liked this story, please e-mail either one of us.)
Ransom Demand - Rape and Torture of Sara:
by Powerone
(Synopsis: While on vacation in Mexico, Sara's niece is kidnapped. The ransom demand is 30 days of being a sex slave for a powerful politician and his wife. Sara loses her ability to say.)
Sexual Tortures of Rebecca at the Psychiatrist Hospital:
by Powerone
(Synopsis: This story is about a "rich bitch" that became more trouble to her family. Her family sends her to be cured, but the treatment includes rape, humiliation, bondage and torture. This story is a collaboration between Zone and myself, Powerone. We hope that by combining the writings of a female and a male writer a better story would appear. If you liked this story, please send us an e-mail to either one of us.)
kitty b
(7 stories listed)