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Lois Griffin in Trouble Author: Loose Lois
(Added on Jan 8, 2012) (This month 69170 readers) (Total 93327 readers)
This is the first part of a Lois Griffin hard bondage story. It is based on the Family Guy animated series and assumes a knowledge of who Lois, Meg and Peter are and their character quirks. All these characters are over 18 on the show. The writers of FG have shown that Lois can be a kinky slut and this story takes that to the extreme. Check out the story codes and believe them. The first part starts out pretty tame but it will get much worse for Lois. Don't say you weren't warned.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 2
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Weighed Average (?): (7/10)
Average Rating: (8/10)
Highest Rating: (9/10)
Lowest Rating: (7/10)

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Reviewer: zts005 (Edit) Rating: Mar 4, 2012
Great story. I can't stop reading it. It's made me cum multiple times. Both parts are well written. Keep going with the storyline. Meg seems like she could cause great problem for her. Love it (9/10)

Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Jan 9, 2012
Not familiar with the "Family Guy" series -which is good since I'm not a big fan of spoofs.
This being said -and although the story suffers a bit from weird formatting- I wasn't too thrilled with what's written here. I have a feeling that, because the story is based on "existing" characters, too much of the imagery got stuck in the author's head and didn't transfer to paper -electronic or otherwise.
Or it's of course my own lack of foreknowledge of the characters which hampered me getting in touch with the shenanigans.
Anyway, I must add that letting Loose Lois loose isn't a bad thing, cuz the lass shows promise as a writer.
So, get to it and give us something based on characters developed by your own mind. I bet the tale would come out better because of being freed from the restrictions one has when using existing "people"...
JJ (7/10)

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