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Cordelia\'s Corporal Comeuppance Author: CarolinaSpanker
(Added on Nov 9, 2010) (This month 58423 readers) (Total 69968 readers)
This should be read by adults only, eighteen years of age or older All characters are over 18 years of age and this is a hard spanking with humiliation and sexual overtones.(

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Weighed Average (?): (6/10)
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Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Nov 13, 2010
A bit of a chopped-up affair, this is, as the narrative of the story bounces around like a magic rubberball.
Also, the author seems to be under the impression that passing gas is a direct result of an overly stuffed stomach (while at the same time, Carolina seems to pretend that hence, people only fart round Thanksgiving --which would make Europe and most of the world outside of the U.S.A. a gas-proof environment...).
I must clarify that a stuffed stomach can lead to burping, but certainly not farting. Farting has to do with the chemical processes in your intestines, which come way after the stomach...
"Cordelia" is an okay story. It could have been 'better' should CarolinaSpanker have taken the time to watch the upholstering and keep her story on the tracks.
Now, things are a tad on the thinnish side, while at the same time we bounce from on situation to another, without getting a grasp of/on the characters.
But CarolinaSpanker shows promise. Let's hope that she delivers too, one day.
Not a complete miss, but not entirely a hit either.
JJ (7/10)

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