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To be Or not to be....a male crack whore for a day.....(or the rest of my lifetime) Author: Chris Hibbard
(Added on Jan 2, 2006) (This month 50365 readers) (Total 57825 readers)
it possible for anyone to be truley \"destined\" to willingly become and live the life of a low life crack whore.?? That is what I intend to figure out. Intended to be much, much more than the completely accurate, real life and REAL TIME circumstances that I find myself in, it is also a well concieved genuine attempt on my part to prove or dissprove (as has been recently suggested)) that I am one of thoss unfortunate people who have not only a deep rooted need, but a genuine desire to experience various degress and endless forms of humiliation....espcially of the sexual type! For years I thought it was just my own little secrect, and admittedly perverted fantasy. I never really gave much thought or seriously questioned the reasons that (over time) I have come to believe and accept as the \"cause\' of my obsession and ever growing desire to read about, hear about, watch on video (and now my computer) and most of all FANTASIZE about vertually anything having to do with acts of sexual humiliation. It wasnt until just recently, at the age of 38, that I found myself unsatisfied with just mt \'thoughts\' alone. I started to act on them and allow them to escape the bonds of my imagination and enter into my real world life. Ironicly enough, it wasnt until I (as if it was my fate and as I now strongley believe was simply and undeniably meant to be) I stubbled upon this very BDSM story site that I realized the true extent of my need and desire to confront my obsession to experience the many ways to experience humiliation. It wasnt until I tried cocain that I actually considered and fantasized about experimenting with it. BUT it wasnt until I discovered just how incredably horney CRACK Cocain made me that started to put in place an actual \"plan\" to make it happen. For those of you who understand the need, and are comfortable with the concept, This is also an OPPORTUNITY...for you to not only read about my specificly designed and customized form of self help theropy, but to satisfy your own sexual needs and benefit in other ways as well.

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Reviewer: mkemse (Edit) Rating: Jun 3, 2006
Afrer reading the synopsis as long as it was, the was no need o read the story, simply terrible, horric, use what adjective you want,, next time also try to keep the synopsis to 2 pages (2/10)

Reviewer: JayR (Edit) Rating: Feb 5, 2006
This story is bad. The writing is bad, the paragraph formatting is bad, the grammar is bad, and even the type size is bad. If this is a true story (which I doubt), stop talking to your crack-whore friend and find a therapist. If this story is mere fiction, I suggest you go back to high school and take a few more years of English courses. (1/10)

Reviewer: bigcat (Edit) Rating: Jan 8, 2006
Sense he desperation and i can empathize with it, but my own life experience has been that one needs to separate his sexual compulsions from his use of alcohol or drugs. The combination is no tonly dangerous, but it's stupid, bevause despite the feelign oif heightened effects, the suibstances dilute and even numb the experience. Agree with Raina below: write out your most extreme fantasies in a narrative form. That might help to mitigate the urgency. Find a support group with people who share "minority" or non-vanilla sexual tastes. In NYC, try the Euglenspigel (sic) society, which has social and gathering quarterly with people of like-minded interest. If you're not in the NYC area, check out the web for leather groups in your state or area. You can tryyto write to some addresses found in magazines or on websites, but most of those are scams, after your contributions. It can be a long lonely journey, but there are people out there. Join the chat board on this site or on BSDM Cafe, where experienced pratctioners might be able to guide you. Understand your desire, but learn to separate fantasy and reality, which, I admit, when you're caught up inthe "fever" is difficult. I would suggest not telling your wife YET. Find ways to introduce the topic to her to see how she takes to it. Perhaps videos or books or magazines can help here. Theee are soke videos out there that not embarrasing to watch: two I thinkof immediately are "Story of O," and "The Punishment of Anne" (also under the title of "The Image," thought the submissives in both of these are women/ Primary thought is to separate the drugs from the sexual behavior. This advice is not from any moral perspective, but from a practical one. Let your mind and body pursue yoru fantasies WITHOUT the fogging or judgment-distorting effects of mind-altering substances. Take this peice of advice from someone who knows. Believe me. (5/10)
Replied by: Ranai (Edit) (Jan 9, 2006)
A note to clarify:
What I mean with ‘trolling’ and ‘pseudo-real premise’.
I think the text is fiction. A figment of the imagination. Made up.
Which would be perfectly fine – as this is the fiction library – were it not so extremely badly written fiction.
bigcat, the real-life advice is very good I believe, but wasted here in the story review section.

Reviewer: Ranai (Edit) Rating: Jan 7, 2006
I can only suppose you are trolling for ‘Please don’t do it, crack is dangerous!’ entreaties.
The pseudo-real premise is ridiculous. The style is horrible. The synopsis alone is a stylistic ‘don’t look inside’ nightmare.
Why not sit down and write a passable story instead? Better submit it under a new author pseudonym; this one has been wasted. (1/10)

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