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Dream Island Resort Author: Marshall Wade
(Added on Jan 7, 2003) (This month 110166 readers) (Total 160364 readers)
A 'classic' slave island story, but seen from a different angle and with several twists.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 4
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Weighed Average (?): (7.5/10)
Average Rating: (8/10)
Highest Rating: (10/10)
Lowest Rating: (6/10)

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Reviewer: berit7dk (Edit) Rating: Aug 12, 2005
I have read the stories from BDSMLibrary for some time but never thought about reviewing until I read mr. Wades new story: Sacrifices, because some of it is in my country, Denmark in the very distant past.
That made me begin reading his other stories, beginning with this one.
If it really is his first, he is brilliant.
A long one, good for hours of entertainment, and it hangs together from beginning to end.
The reader cannot but love the heroes, the slaves.
I did and was reading with tears in my eyes, especially the romantic end.
Thank you mr. Wade. I am looking forward to your other stories. (10/10)

Reviewer: rcb (Edit) Rating: Feb 27, 2003
This could be the next reality show on fox (6/10)

Reviewer: Engineer (Edit) Rating: Jan 11, 2003
Thrilling idea, and I appreciate that the victims are cared for, too. Forcing couples for such a kind of job is quite new and entertaining.
Unfortunately, the story is too long-winded, I missed the thrill while reading. (6/10)

Reviewer: Nitrofox (Edit) Rating: Jan 8, 2003
WOW!! This is a great story. It has many virtues:
1. Excellent storyline. The story is relatively easy to follow, is engaging, and interesting.
2. Excellent Detail. Scenes are well described, and easy to visualize.
3. Good writing. The spelling in general is good. Nice vocabulary, good grammar.
4. Character Development. The characters get to know each other with time, evolve relationships, etc. Quite engaging.
5. Nice ending. Interesting twist in events, but I do not want to ruin it. Read the story :)
The reason this story did not get a ten is because of the errors in syntax and spelling:
1. "Loose" and "Lose" are not even interchanged, "Loose" is just used for both.
2. New paragraphs were not started when a new person spoke. This occasionally makes it difficult to follow conversations, as they are just one long paragraph.
3. Minor spelling errors. Mostly things that a spell checker would have *easily* picked up.
The only other complaint I have is that occasionally the story got a bit boring, making me want to scroll ahead.
As I mentioned earlier, this story kept me engaged. Little twists in the storyline kept me hooked, and wanting to see how events turned out. Also, not everything went in favor of the captors. I bring forth as an example the event of the two drunks getting kicked out through a clever scheme by two of the girls. I loved the ending. I thought it entirely appropriate, and just goes to show that eventually justice will be meted out, albeit not by the authorities. I also admire the long introduction. Everything is well explained, and I couldn't wait until they finally got their first client. Also, I must commend the author for AMAZING originality. Mr. Wade (the author), obviously did not write this story as a rush job. It is inherently evident that he put a great deal of thought into it, developing the story, the characters, and being able to bring new ideas to light. "'Classic'" indeed ;) (see description). I shall definitely look into Mr. Wade's other stories. All in all, delightful twists, great story, interesting new ideas, and clever execution. Mr. Wade should be triply commended. (9/10)

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