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Digimon Tamers: A Brother's Vengance Author: kNiVeS and Omechron
(Added on Aug 25, 2002) (This month 49820 readers) (Total 58637 readers)
Rika is treating Renamon like scum. Renamon's brother (a male renamon) shows up to fix Rika's attitude about Digimon.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 4
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Weighed Average (?): (3.5/10)
Average Rating: (3/10)
Highest Rating: (4/10)
Lowest Rating: (2/10)

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Reviewer: fetish101 (Edit) Rating: Mar 31, 2004
*blinks*.....did I just read that all the way through?? "Digimodify! Energy Activate!" Fetish101 dodges Omechron's evil "bad review energy beam". "Volcanoe!" Fetish101 fires back, distracting Omechron just long enough to give him a rating of...2!
Whew..that was a close one.. (2/10)

Reviewer: Harold (Edit) Rating: Aug 27, 2002
Okay, so Star Trek is way better than Star Wars. Well, excuuuuse us. Nonetheless, we now have three reviews by people who aren't sure what's going on here. This should give the author at least a hint that he has not done an adequate job of setting the scene. I doubt that we need a blow by blow of the entire history of Japanese animation, but obviously something more is necessary.
The author's reply to the previous review makes it clear that he has, indeed, picked the wrong audience. (3/10)

Reviewer: Jonathan (Edit) Rating: Aug 25, 2002
Like Boccaccio, I'm not entirely sure what's going on here. This seems to be a
story based on what is apparently a Pokemon knockoff. Considering that there
probably aren't likely to be all that many readers who watch Saturday morning
television (this is supposed to be an adult site), the author has a responsibility
to clue the reader in on what this is all about. Simply stating that the story is
based on "Digimon" is not sufficient.
Even if I did know what was going on, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't find this story
very interesting. It's not erotic, there's no suspense or character developement
or much of a plot. What is there about this story to interest a reader?
I think it would benefit all concerned if the author would seek out a more
appropriate venue for this type of story. (3/10)
Replied by: omechron (Edit) (Aug 26, 2002)
You mean you WANT me to post an explanation of digimon's plot and backstory? You have no idea how complicated and massively irrelevant to the story that would be!
Now, I am trying to be civil here. But, pardon me if I lose it slightly when you call digimon a pokemon knock off. For one thing, Digimon is older and better than pokemon. Also, pardon me but what are you "adults" doing instead of watching tv on saturday? You write me off as a kid just because I watch "cartoons"? Digimon is an ANIME from Japan, which makes it automatically better than any american media. And I am 18 for your information.
I don't expect to be that well recieved here because you seem to be predominantely normals who saw 1/5 of an episode of "that Japanese thing about the dragon's balls or whatever" and decided anime was for kiddies. I reach out and try to reach non-otakus and this is pretty much what I get.
okay. I am done ranting about that,
Actually this site is just one place I post my work. It predominantly goes to anime fan sites and Charachter development isn't really an issue there because people there are otakus who know watch the show. I guess I should've planned ahead better... next time I'll make a version for you normals that explains what you missed.
"It's not erotic"?

Reviewer: boccaccio2000g (Edit) Rating: Aug 25, 2002
At least I understood what 'Plant Love' was about. I never did quite get the hang of the fantasy world depicted here. (4/10)
Replied by: omechron (Edit) (Aug 25, 2002)
Bocc, this is based on a television series called Digimon Tamers (released domestically as Digimon: Digital Monsters season 3) If you are lost then you might not have watched it enough. It's on fox on saturday mornings and possibly also on fox family.

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