Author: sam_boy
(Added on Oct 18, 2015)
(This month 73026 readers) (Total 73026 readers) |
Submissive girl enslaved by dominating, mean and cruel beautiful friend seducing her father |
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Average (?): (3.5/10) |
Rating: (2/10) |
Rating: (2/10) |
Rating: (2/10) |
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Rating: |
Nov 15, 2015 |
This could be an interesting tale, but it's hard to tell since it's almost unreadable. The first paragraph rambles for roughly 20 lines, is punctuated with something like 10 commas -- and not one single period. Not one. Not even at the end of the paragraph. Besides not knowing when the sentences start and stop, the misused/misspelled words sprinkled throughout make this a challenging read to wade through (to say the least) This work has severe grammar issues and requires a top-to-bottom rework. Once it is possible to understand the author's thoughts, we can assess the merits of the tale itself... Respect is a two-way street. Your readers respect you enough to take the time to read what you wrote. Some of us respect you enough to take the additional time to write reviews. Please respect us enough to not make us work too hard in order to understand what you're trying to say. (2/10)