Aunt Monica
Author: Goddess Agony
(Added on Aug 16, 2015)
(This month 133964 readers) (Total 133964 readers) |
When Angela moves across the country to live with her aunt and twin cousins, they have to cover up their lifestyle quickly. But Angela's own explorations send her down a path of discovery that leads to a pit of depravity, abuse, torture and absolute bliss |
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Average (?): (8/10) |
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Jan 10, 2016 |
Good pacing, and delightful foreshadowing. I look forward to future installments (which would honestly boost the rating I give this). (8/10)
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Oct 27, 2015 |
<br /><b>Warning</b>: Function eregi_replace() is deprecated in <b>/home/bdsmlibr/public_html/stories/review_add.php</b> on line <b>40</b><br />I really enjoyed this story. It's just an intro, but a well written one. (8/10)
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Sep 30, 2015 |
A-ha, the reviews seem to be working again. I did send a short message to the author a while back, but am unsure if the mail got out since it was sent from the BDSM site... Anyway, read "Aunt Monica" and was pleased to come across another one of those -I assume- sporadic writers who have the knack of telling a story. That special brand of people who have a feel for rhythm, for flow and for natural sounding train of thought and conversations. "Aunt Monica" isn't a story which breaks new gound or is novel in any kind of way. It simply is some pretty decent story telling by an Author with capital 'A'; the latter becoming more and more of a rarity on any kind of erotic story site. So, welcome and well done, Goddess Agony. JJ (9/10)
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Sep 26, 2015 |
I hate hate HATE reviewing the very first chapter of a story, but I wanted to call peoples' attention to this author. In just a few pages she has created a cast of believable, very human characters and a setup that is just DRIPPING with BDSM possibilities. Congratulations to Goddess Agony! *** I've already PMed the author to let her know how much I've enjoyed her work, but I'd like to say publicly that I'll be looking out for more from her, and will certainly be willing (and, I hope, able) to adjust my score of this story upward as it continues. (8/10)