After a few minutes April began to relax. It was actually a fairly quiet evening and there
were not many people around. As she looked around, April realized that she was situated in
the middle of the domestic section of slaves. From her quick count there had to be nearly
100 females and maybe 20 males. It seemed like a lot of inventory to her, but as she
thought about the economy she realized that inventory was probably building up. Seeing
herself positioned in among so many slaves made her feel better. There was little to no
way anyone would even look at her today let alone buy her.
April actually felt like she could teach the store a bit about how to market to customers.
Every slave looked the same and from what she could tell they were not labeled. How was
anyone able to find what they want without looking at every option first. Perhaps that was
the point. In the end it did not matter, there was no way she could get a job working at
this store even if Jessica had managed to get one.
Standing there actually was pretty boring and April began to drift off, thinking about
things she needed to do that even and homework that she needed to finish. Her mind was
clearly wandering as Jessica came by with a customer. The sudden conversation startled
her. "We have a wide variety of domestics that can meet everyone of your needs from
cleaning to laundry and some that are even trained in personal service like styling your hair
and giving massages."
"Well that is great. I am looking for a maid a bit on the younger side, not too expensive
that has at least a basic understanding of cleaning and laundry. The rest she can learn on
the job." April could see that the woman talking was around 40. She looked very polished
in her dress. Her hair was auburn and came down to her shoulders. She was wearing a
nice black pencil skirt, ivory blouse with a gray sweater. Her shoes were black pumps with
a medium. Based on the large ring on her finger as well as the earrings she was wearing,
April could tell that this woman came from a lot of money.
Jessica brought the woman right over to April. April had a feeling that Jessica was
planning to do this all along to spice things up a bit. She stopped right next to the slave
next to April. The woman was probably around 30, dark hair and tan complexion. She was
fairly plain but looked like she was built to do a lot of labor. "Well this slave may be just
what you are looking for. She does not have a lot of training, but she is 28 years old. As
you can see, she is built for labor and has a lot work left in her."
The woman began inspecting the slave. She lifted her arm up and began feeling her
stomach before turning her around. The slave barely reacted as she was inspected like an
animal. "How much is she?"
Jessica moved to scan the slave's bar code. She seemed to be getting excited at the
possibility of closing her first sale. "$6,500. She also comes with a three year warranty."
The wealthy woman raised her eyebrow, "$6,500. She seems a bit plain and does not
have much training. That seems a bit high to me." Without even passing another glance at
the slave, the woman turned and moved to April, "What about this slave?" April was a bit
shocked that the woman expressed interest in her. Before she could react the woman was
lifting up her arms and feeling her muscle to see if she was in good shape. She turned April
around and felt her ass and looked at her smooth legs. "This slave looks to be in very good
shape. What are her specs?" Without waiting for Jessica to speak, she turned April around
again so that she was facing the woman and opened up her mouth. She began to inspect
April's teeth.
Jessica only hesitated for a moment, "Well let me see. Ah here she is. This is April, she
is a relatively new acquisition. She is 23 years old and we estimate that she could provide
up to 50 years service as a domestic."
The woman looked over at Jessica. "How much is this slave?"
"Let me see.... oh here we go, April is $10,000." Jessica was sure the woman would balk
at such a high price, but she still seemed interested.
"Its a bit high, would you take $8,000 for her?"
Jessica hesitated for a moment. She was not ready for the woman to actually offer
money for April. After all she did not have any formal training. For a brief moment the idea
of a $800 commission passed through her head, but then reality set back in. "Oh I am
sorry I just noticed. This slave has already been purchased, she is on layaway." Neither
Jessica or the woman noticed, but April let out a sigh of relief. All of this was fun, but she
was very worried that she could end up as this woman's property. April really did not think
there was a chance that anyone would consider her amongst all of these slaves and here
she was a few steps away from being purchased.
"I am happy to pay $9,000 if that gets her taken off of layaway." April was getting
nervous. She did not like where this was going or how this woman was looking at her. She
considered speaking up, but she knew that both her and Jessica would get into a lot of
trouble if the truth came out.
"I appreciate your interest in this slave, but I could get into serious trouble for selling a
slave that someone else already purchased." April relaxed more as Jessica spoke. Clearly
Jessica was not going to allow her to be sold.
The woman looked frustrated, thanked Jessica and walked away. Finally April got the
courage to speak, "Jessica that was a little too close. I know you were trying to give me a
thrill, but can you not do that again?"
"I am sorry April. Honestly I thought there was no way she would be interested in
buying you once she heard the price. I did not even try to do a hard sell on her. I promise
I will not bring anyone by here again. Are you at least having fun?"
April thought about that for a moment, "Honestly, it has been fairly interesting. I enjoy
watching people walk by looking at the slaves. I try to imagine what is going through their
head. I hate to admit it, but even though I was terrified a few minutes ago, that was also
really fun. I mean she was inspecting me like I was not even there."
Jessica smiled, "Well I should have sold you. With that commission, I could be buying
that new bracelet I have wanted."
"Well I hope I am worth more than $800 to you," April looked sad, but smiled as Jessica
started laughing.
"Alright, I promise that I will not bring anyone else over here. You can just sit back and
relax. Heck I could use a break myself. I think I am about due. I am going to head to the
break room, do you want anything?"
April thought about it for a few minutes. "No I think I am fine. How long is your break?"
"Just 30 minutes. You can sit back and observe. Things are getting pretty quiet now.
When I get back we will be at the home stretch and we can talk about where to go with our
"Sounds good, see you soon." April watched Jessica walk off and exit back into the room
where all of this first began. For the first time since all of this began, April realized that the
display area was very quiet. There were lots of people around, but the majority of them
were slaves and none of the slaves were talking. She did notice the occasional customer or
window shopper. This was a really boring existence. April's mind began to wander and she
began thinking about some homework she had to do that evening. Her expression glazed
over as her mind began to plan out the rest of the evening.
April did not notice as a young woman approached her. The woman was slightly older
than Jessica, late 20s with brown hair and green eyes. She was a bit stocky but still
attractive in her smart navy blue skirt suit, nude stockings and black leather pumps. "Is
this the slave you were looking at earlier?"
"Yes that is the one." April was startled by the voice and saw the woman from earlier
with another woman who April could only assume was a sales person. "The other salesgirl
told me she was on layaway for another customer."
The salesgirl who's name was Beth grabbed April's wrist and went to scan her bar code
but there was nothing to scan. "This is strange," she said out loud. She grabbed April's
other wrist but could not find a bar code. Beth looked up and saw the price tag in April's
ear. "Well this says she is $10,000, but I cannot seem to find a bar code. I cannot find
anything at all that shows this slave is even in the system."
"Well the other girl told me she was on layaway. I would love to buy this slave. Is there
anything you can do. I am ready to pay $9,000 right now."
"Well I should probably go talk to Jessica. Perhaps she sold her earlier in the day. I
could get into trouble if I sell her again." April felt relieved that the girl the was not going to
be able to sell her. She looked at the door back to the break room hoping Jessica would
come out. How long had she been gone?
"Look I do not have all day. I need a new slave and I am ready to purchase this one
right now. I am happy to pay you $500 directly if you approve this sale."
Beth's jaw dropped as she heard these words. This woman was willing to give her $500
on top of the 10% commission for this slave. "Alright, deal. I am going to need to process
her though since she is missing some key identification." Beth pointed toward an area.
"Can you come with me to finalized the paperwork and processing?"
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