The mere brush of his
lips against her forehead was pure bliss for Susan. He had warned her about
pride, but his words stirred that very sentiment in her soul. Roger pulled his
lips away and brought the wine glass to her mouth. Susan sipped, and relished the
clean light taste with the delicate aroma, just a hint of honey as an
aftertaste. Her tongue ran across her lips; savoring the last traces of
Mathew’s salty offering, she smiled.
Roger dangled a strawberry
before her and she playfully nipped at it. He
was what she really wanted; to taste him, to feel him thick and heavy,
stretching her lips, forcing himself into her, deeply and fully. Then she would
be his, his to use however he wished. She would be opened, desired and adored
by his thrusting cock in every imaginable way.
That time wasn’t here
Bits of hard chocolate
coating fell away as her teeth sank into the firm red fruit. Roger lowered his
head, lips seeking her breasts which she eagerly thrust toward him. His darting
tongue retrieved a few of those dark morsels then he tenderly licked her throbbing
Susan was
Others were gathering around
the big screen. The noisy crowd in Times Square was getting restless as the witching
hour approached. The TV camera kept flashing on the crystal ball high on top of
its pole. Sam had opened a bottle of Moet Chandon White Star ’99 and was busy
filling champagne flutes.
Linda and Steven
returned from the guestroom. They descended the staircase, fervently clasping each
other’s hands like a pair of love sick teens. Linda was oblivious to her nudity.
Her entire body was flushed and glowing from her recent exertions. Her eyes
never left Steven and a sense of overwhelming contentment seeped from her every
Roger and Susan studied
the young couple and then turned to each other. Roger planted a hungry kiss on
her juice stained lips before holding out the last strawberry for her. Susan curled
her tongue around it drawing it toward her waiting lips. Her eyes never left
her lover as she sucked the fruit into her mouth.
With nine glasses poured Sam began passing out
the champagne flutes for the New Years toast. He brought one over to Erica who
was hovering close to Roger and Susan. She set it on the coffee table and Sam
set Rogers’s glass next to it. He’d not poured a glass for Susan. Her status
was distinct; if she was to toast the New Year it would be from Roger’s own
Roger and Susan were engaged
in a playful tug of war. He hung onto the strawberry’s leafy stem pulling it slowly
from her mouth and then allowing her to suck it back in. Her eyes sparkled merrily
as the hard chocolate shell dissolved between her lips. Finally, Roger pinched
the leafy top off and released the juicy prize into her mouth. Susan munched
contentedly then swallowed.
“You need to get her
ready.” Erica interrupted, “I won fair and square and I’m allowed to smack her
ass before midnight. Ten strokes, with the crop, you said so.”
Roger looked up,
annoyed that their moment had been disturbed, but nothing disturbed Susan’s
blissful smile, focused entirely on her lover Erica tried to stare defiantly
into Rogers’s cold gaze but she said no more. Then Roger smiled and Erica
relaxed visibly.
“Of course Erica, We
have an agreement. Ten strokes on her bottom, right.”
Erica nodded eagerly,
reaching for the riding crop she had brought to the party. Roger’s hand closed over
the whip’s lower shaft, by the leather tongue. For a moment they both held the
implement as if prepared to test each other’s resolve.
“She’s mine Erica; remember
that. Yes, I know she needs to feel pain; all women do.”
Roger spoke the last
three words softly, almost reverently. It was an intimate thought, briefly
shared, between the three of them. He shook his head to dismiss that tender notion
and turned his cool gaze back to Erica.
“But draw no blood Erica, or there will be grave consequences.”
He spoke this last part slowly, enunciating each word carefully,
his voice firm and insistent once more.
That brief glimpse into
Rogers’s private beliefs affected Erica far more than his challenging tone. She
was a shade paler as she gathered up her courage. She looked straight into his
eyes and she nodded her understanding. Roger released his hold on the crop.
Erica stepped back and to Susan’s right. The prize that
she had won was now a task he’d assigned to her. The joyous opportunity to put
a squirming little slut in her place had been transformed into a solemn duty
with just a few terse words and a meaningful glance. Erica shook her head and
grinned. As a Dominatrix, she couldn’t help but admire Roger’s ability to take control
of the situation.
She held the crop
loosely at her side and nodded her readiness toward Susan’s master.
The crowded square on the big screen was abuzz
with excitement. The giant crystal ball erupted into a flash of dazzling light atop
its pole. The New Years Eve Ball had come to life and there was barely a minute
left of the old year. Erica was right. It was time to prepare Suzan.
Susan was still
kneeling with her hands joined behind her neck, her elbows sticking awkwardly
out. She watched wide eyed and fearful as Roger produced his knife and slide the
shiny blade between her thrusting breasts. He traced the blade slowly down across
the quivering flesh of her belly until it slipped beneath the hemp belt. The
blade jerked as Roger gave it a sharp twist. It was all Susan could do not to
look down. The passage of the cold metal against warm skin felt like flowing
liquid and she could almost feel the blood oozing along its path. Her trust
struggled briefly with her fear; trust won. She kept her eyes on Roger.
A murmur ran through the
guests as they turned away from the big screen. The rope that had protected,
frustrated, and marked her temporary status, dropped to the ground without
ceremony. She was completely naked before them all.
The counter beneath the
crystal ball began its backward run. The seconds ticked away as the glitzy orb
began its steady descent.
Roger grasped Susan by
her shoulder and helped her to her feet. He pulled her head toward him and so
she needed to lean forward, supported by resting her head on his shoulder. Her
feet scuttled apart to keep her balance. They turned together as one, until Roger
faced away from the TV screen, though Susan could see it over his shoulder.
Erica moved with them to maintain her position behind Susan.
“Wrap your hands around
She had exercised the discipline
he required throughout the evening. When she had briefly failed him, he had
punished her severely. Now, with just seconds left, he was telling her to
abandon her task. Her hesitation was barely perceptible. She threw her
liberated arms around his shoulders with a sob. His left knee moved forward
nudging her hips back toward Erica, spreading her legs at the same time. She
knew he desired her open and vulnerable and she readily complied. His arms
wrapped around her, holding her tight and she sighed.
She watched the giant
counter tick off the remaining seconds; 25,24,23…
Had she failed him?
Absolutely! Was the evening over? Not yet, her mind filled with the image of Erica
standing behind her eager with anticipation. Did she deserve it? The crop, of course; it didn’t
matter how she’d earned it, the pain would be a gift- a gift for him. What of
the collar? A smile flickered as she realized the collar she craved was
nothing, only a symbol of what was. It was of no real consequence.
She had changed this evening. No, that wasn’t quite it. She had
been changed this evening. She had allowed it, accepted it, even embraced it as
best she could; but it was he who had actually changed her. That alone was
worth more than all the silver collars in the world. She knew on a fundamental
level that he would always cherish what he was creating.
Damn him and all his
warnings, she was proud to be his! She would gladly suffer the consequences of that
He lowered his head,
lips nestled by her ear. A tongue raspy as kitten’s stroking her ear lobe.
“I love you.” they both
whispered in unison.
The crowd in New York was
chanting now “thirteen, twelve, eleven…”
Her friends
joined in shouting out
“Will,” Roger began.
The crop cut
noiselessly through the air and lashed cruelly against her bottom. It struck at
the very top, right where her ass began to curve away from her back. Susan
gasped and jerked in his arms reflexively. Erica grunted from the effort of the
blow. The sharp pain sliced across her cheeks and through her mind. The softer prickling
tingle that radiated deep into her flesh made her whole bottom shiver. All eyes
had left the flat screen and were focused on the clinging couple.
they shouted breathlessly.
“you,” Roger continued
Erica delivered the
next blow on cue. It was maybe an inch lower than the last, starting into the
more fleshy area of her rump. While she felt the pain just as much, and
shuddered in Rogers’s embrace, it somehow seemed easier to bear. Not all eyes
had left the screen, Susan still watched. The ticker continued its backward count
as the ball steadily dropped. Each member of that distant chanting crowd was an
unknowing participant in her pain-filled offering and that sent a flickering
smile across her face.
The chanting crowd, her
shouting quests, Roger’s words, they were all melding and then the crack of the
crop. Lower again, this time the pain was deeper; she could feel it right into
the base of her spine. Susan cursed Erica under her breath and squeezed her eyes
shut as her legs trembled uncontrollably.
The moments were
slowing. Susan worked to isolate the three noises, concentrating hard to bring
her lovers words into sharp focus, to string them together. She was aware of
the bite of the leather sheathed rod as it smacked into her fleshy bottom but
the sensations were changing and that in itself was a distraction. The pain,
the throbbing it was all a familiar feeling, a bittersweet memory of past pain
survived; she had no time for it now. She needed to pay attention to him.
The word, it made no
sense; the blow followed with urgent clarity. The pain rattled within her; the
heat, the throbbing need overwhelmed her for a brief moment and then her mind
began to clear, string together his words. Oh god! He was going to do it! He
wanted her! In his collar! Tears welled in her eyes and the ticker in Times
Square blurred.
The sound confirmed her
hope, forced her to believe it could all be true. Her mind and body relaxed as
one even as Erica applied a particularly nasty strike against the lower curve
of her bottom. She jerked upward in his arms, a gasp forced from her lips, then
settled back, shamelessly clinging to him as she awaited his next word.
Time resumed its
implacable pace. The eruption of pain followed the number and word. Susan could
hear the Erica’s rasping breath as she delivered the blows. For a brief moment
Susan felt guilty for all the exertion she was forcing on poor Erica. The crop
was striking on an uppercut now as her lower bottom was attacked and again she
lurched upward in her lovers arms.
The pain was so intense
that it had passed beyond pain. The march of the slashing crop was headed
inexorably toward her cunt. Susan cringed at the thought of that harsh slash
upon her most tender flesh. She would die! Yet she would die content. There was
no denying her sex was moist and gapping, the lips parted and throbbing; even
now she rolled her hips outward and upward, presenting herself more openly to
Erica’s crop.
Susan gasped again; she
was on her tip toes now, her back swayed as she stuck her fanny out obscenely
for the whip. Erica’s strength was unfailing and her accuracy was impeccable.
Nine evenly spaced stripes marked Susan’s bottom the last barely above the
point where her bottom ended and her thighs began. The next blow would slice
into her distended lips. Susan trembled with fear and longing.
Yes, she wanted to cry,
though the sound she made was a garbled yelp. Erica landed her final blow with cruel cunning. It followed
across the very tops of Susan’s thighs and slashed down onto her perineum. The
force of the blow stretched her vulva pulling her outer lips together with a
wet smack. The blow actually forced moisture to spurt from her sex and dribble
down her inner thighs. She would have died of embarrassment, but the pain was too
intense to allow any such thought or feeling. After wobbling for a moment, her
legs buckled. Roger bent with her as her body slid toward the floor. Susan
managed to recover enough to flow into a close approximation of her
presentation position.
Roger was still bent
close to her. She did her best to straighten and assume a proper posture. Lips
parted, back straight, Susan gingerly rested her throbbing bottom down on her
heels and spread her knees wide for him. Still Roger didn’t move. She rested
her hands on her thighs palms up, a supplicant awaiting her lord’s pleasure.
Then it struck her. He was waiting for her answer! She was such a fool!
“Yes, Oh god yes!
Please, sir, I humbly beg to wear your collar.”
She would have gone on
but that was enough. Roger was rising now; he had heard the words from her
heart. Roger turned away from her, leaving her kneeling in her open display
position. He picked up the two flutes of champagne from the table and handed
one to Erica. Susan watched, her blinking eyes glistening.
The TV showed a raucous
mob cheering wildly, though as cameras panning through the horde they would
linger whenever they found a couple engaged in a particularly passionate
embrace. The strains of ‘Auld Lang
Syne’ were being piped into Times Square but they were barely discernable over
the background noise. Roger raised his glass to make a toast, and all the
guests followed suit.
“To a healthy, happy
New Year.” He said, rather mundanely.
Roger and Erica touched
their glasses and sipped on the bubbly liquid. The others dutifully clinked glasses
and welcomed the New Year. Susan was feeling ignored as she waited patiently on
her knees. Would he say nothing of her? Nothing of how she had been changed,
how she was to change in the coming year? Her giddy joy was turning bitter as
she waited expectantly for his attention.
Roger raised his glass
once more and everyone fell silent.
“To friends and lovers,
may we always keep them close.”
Again glasses clinked
but now by twos as couples paired up to share this toast. Erica and Mathew
entwined their arms and sipped from each other’s flute.
Roger held his glass to
her lips for a moment tilting it back for her. Susan sipped the light
effervescent wine but held it in her mouth savoring the taste. He raised the
champagne glass above her then brought it to his own lips. With a nod from
Roger she swallowed the wine as he drank to his love.
Roger set his glass
down, turned to Erica, and held out his hand. After a quizzical glance she
understood and surrendered the riding crop to him. He held the crop under
Susan’s chin using the tip to raise her head until she was looking up at their
guests. Only then did he step behind her. Susan wanted desperately to lean back
against him, but she knelt erect, head high, and body open for the others to
inspect. She would make him proud. He turned to the others and spoke.
“Susan and I wish to
thank you for attending our New Years Eve Party. I am pleased to announce that
Susan has consented to wear my collar and we would be honored if you would stay
and share her collaring ceremony with us.”
Roger brought Susan to
her feet. He silently used the riding crop to nudge and prod her into the
position he desired. Susan was forced to stand with her feet spread, back
straight, breasts thrust forward and her chin held high. Her hands were once
more crossed behind her back. The others eagerly moved forward to surround her.
Where moments before Susan felt abandoned and ignored, she now found herself
the center of intense interest. Susan stared straight ahead erect and unblinking.
After a few moments she felt as if she was beginning to sway on her feet. The
girls, first Kim and then Barbara embraced her, each whispering private
congratulations along with sighs, fluttering kisses, and words of encouragement.
The men were somewhat cruder in expressing their appreciation of her beauty;
hands stroked and petted, pinched and poked her in the most intimate of
openings, but Roger allowed it and so Susan endured it for his pleasure.
Susan remained still,
but her eyes followed her lover. Roger set down the crop and purposefully
strode over to the fireplace mantel. He retrieved the box containing her
birthday gift and turned back toward her. He seemed so very solemn as he
returned with the box cradled in his hands. Susan struggled not to smile; she
was sure if she even allowed herself the slightest grin, she would begin to
giggle like a schoolgirl and spoil the entire moment.
“Sam, Kim, would you be kind
enough to assist me?” Roger asked.
Sam and Kim both hurried forward to stand
next to Susan; the other guests backed away to take up positions behind her.
Roger handed the display case to Kim and then rummaged beneath the blue felt
liner and retrieved a half dozen 3X5 note cards. He glanced through the note
cards putting them in order and. handed the cards to Sam. Roger then smoothed
the felt liner on which her collar lay. Susan really couldn’t help but smile. Leave
it to her one true love to have every detail planned, right down to a cheat
sheet for the “Master of the Ceremony”.
Susan wasn’t sure if Roger, Kim and Sam had
secretly rehearsed this ceremony. She couldn’t think of a time when they might
have. Still everyone else seemed to know exactly what to do and she felt a bit
self-conscious. Sam glanced at the cards in his hand and took a pace forward, before
turning to face her. Roger stood to her right, his arm around her shoulder in a
supportive embrace. Kim knelt gracefully to her left, holding the box that
contained her collar. Susan glanced down at it, marveling anew at its beauty. The
other guests had gathered behind them and were silent but for occasional hushed
mutterings and the shuffle of nervous feet.
Sam cleared his throat and read from the
“Dear Friends,” he began
“We are gathered together here to witnesses,
Susan’s affirmation of her desire to dedicate her life in servitude to her
Master, Roger, and to become in all ways the possession of her Master.”
Sam looked up and addressed Susan.
“Susan, is that your intention?”
Susan nodded enthusiastically.
“Speak up girl!” Sam demanded, “Do you
consent to these conditions of your own free will?”
“Yes,” Susan croaked her throat suddenly dry
and tight.
“Kneel and present yourself to your master.”
His tone was harsh and Susan was sure he was
enjoying every moment that he added to her confusion and discomfort. She began
to sink to her knees, then realized she was facing Sam not her lover.
Susan stepped in front of Roger, faced him, standing
proud and erect, then slowly and gracefully knelt before him in a proper
presentation display. Kim sighed, and the guests murmured their delight. Susan
was relieved to have her back to Sam.
Sam held up the second card and continued to
read in his officious tone. Now he was addressing his words to Roger.
“Susan has expressed a desire to serve you,
Roger, in any manner you might desire. She humbly asks your leave to become
your property, a possession, to be used for your pleasure. Furthermore Susan
makes this request of you of her own volition without external compulsion or coercion.”
Sam looked up but Roger’s eyes were on
Susan. His desire stirring as he drank in her unabashed nudity and open supplication.
Sam cleared his throat again and Roger tore his gaze away from that which he
“Roger, will you accept Susan as your own, a
possession to be used, cherished, protected?”
“I will.” Roger stated firmly.
Susan felt a rush of delight and a release
of tension. Her body was torn between a giddy joy and a numbing relief. Sam
followed the cards and droned on.
“Will you train her to do your bidding and discipline
her when she fails?”
“I will.” From her Master
Susan was having trouble keeping still; she
desperately wished to embrace him, her knees where all but dancing beneath her.
“And do you accept the gift of this slave’s
body, heart, mind, and soul.”
“Yes!” Roger said eagerly.
“You accept this gift of your own free will
without external compulsion or coercion”
“Of course.”
“Have you a symbol of ownership to mark your
Kimberly held the box up to Roger and he
plucked the silver collar from it. The collar was closed and locked at the
moment, looking more like a circlet crown than an instrument of bondage. That
was how he handed it to Sam and Sam held it high for all to see. He flipped to
the next card and continued to read.
“This collar is the instrument of Roger’s
ownership and control. As such once Roger has put the collar on his
property; it may not be removed except by his wish. It is not for Susan
to decide when and where the collar shall be worn. Do you understand Susan?”
“Yes,” Susan hissed trying to keep her
bottom from squirming against her heels.
Sam held the silver band above her head;
positioned exactly like a crown at a coronation. The singular deference was
that he had turned the collar so the keyhole was facing Roger. He winked at
Roger, but Susan could not see that. Sam continued in his formal tone.
“Roger, if it is your desire, you may claim
your property.”
Nothing happened for a moment and Susan
couldn’t stand the suspense. She glanced up at Roger and found he was fumbling
in his shirt pocket for the keys. He looked flustered and embarrassed. Susan suddenly
realized that Roger was just as eager and nervous as she was. The emotional
bond of their shared reaction calmed her heart and filled her with joy. Her
thoughts grew warm with desire.
She heard the distant ‘snick’ as Roger,
having found the key, opened the collar. She felt the tingle of cold metal as
it closed about her, embracing her neck for as long as her master desired. Roger
gave the new collar a tug then slipped a finger under it to check its snugness.
Others were cheering, clapping, and a few offered toasts for occasion, but
Susan was more tightly focused on the here and now.
Sam had some final words to say.
“You may worship your master, slave.”
Sam may have meant it as a derogatory term,
but that last word rang like a badge of honor in her ears. Susan’s head was
nuzzling into her Master’s crotch. Teeth closed on a stubborn zipper and tugged
it down. Roger was grinning like an idiot while Susan forgot completely about
holding position. Her hands trembled as she eagerly unbuttoned his pants and
let them drop. He wasn’t wearing any underwear.
Her lips were insatiable kissing and
nipping. Her tongue darted like a hummingbird searching for nectar. When his
hands came to rest on her head she gasped joyfully. Her mouth gapped open and
he leaned into her taking what was his.
She moaned around him as he slid across her
tongue. Her jaws were wide for him, her lips tightly sealed against his flesh.
She inhaled his essence as he thrust firmly into her throat. She opened for him
feeling it throughout her body, even as her hips rocked convulsively against her
Fuck! She was going to cum, before him,
without his leave, without any form of control. She was betrayed, undone by her
own body, a simple slave desperately needing discipline.
He was thrusting now deep into her throat.
He pounded away with unthinking lust, pure desire. Her entire body began to
shudder from her very core. Then even as her own faithless body emptied itself,
his was filling her. Susan’s hips convulsed a final time and her heels and
ankles were drenched but she swallowed rapidly as her master finally granted
her a slave’s reward.
She was sure her punishment wasn’t far
Mad Lews 2007
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