By Sam Blythe
Part 4
Occurring Monday, New Years Day.
The next morning I awoke
to find I was free of any restraints. I
mean my collar, wrist and ankle cuffs were still on, but they weren’t attached
to anything. I wasn’t sure if I should
get up or not. I didn’t hear Dave
My tongue felt
better. The swelling seemed to have
gone done and it felt normal again – that is, normal except for a pole speared
through it. My tattoo tingled !till and
my nose itched where the new stud was, but all in all, I wasn’t in any real
Eventually, my need to
relieve myself got the better of me and I left the bed and moved toward the
door, half expecting to see Dave pop around a corner at any moment and punish
me for moving without his permission.
As I thought of that, I was struck by how odd it was that I felt like I
needed his permission just to move from my bed. This has really got to stop… somehow.
As I went toward the
bathroom, I didn’t see Dave anywhere upstairs.
I decided to risk it and relieved myself, then took a quick shower,
trying to clean yesterday’s dried fluids from my body. I shaved my legs and even up between them as
well. I was tired of all this, but it
seemed a small thing not to get him angry.
Remembering yesterday
morning’s towel experience, I dried off but took the towel with me. I could always pretend I was still drying
off. I walked out naked and looked
around. Not seeing my brother upstairs,
I went downstairs to see if he was there.
I felt nervous, walking around naked and not knowing what to
expect. I kept the towel ready just in
case I found someone else.
Dave was nowhere
around. I peeked out back and still saw
no sign of him. I looked out front and
noticed his car was gone. Now what? I was free for the time being, but free to
do what?
If I stayed naked, should
I remain downstairs or wait in my room?
Did I dare get dressed? If I did
and he came home and was ticked, what would happen then? If I didn’t, what would happen if my mother
or Mike came home and saw me naked before I had a chance to get in my room.
I decided to return to my
room and wait there. The clock read
9:10 am when I got back there. I put
salve on my tattoo and swabbed my piercings with disinfectant. I tried to nap, but didn’t get much
sleep. I tried to read, but got bored,
and then I worked on my journal some.
I could call the
Department of Family Services I thought.
I could report him. But how
could I prove anything. I couldn’t
prove he’d forced me to have the tattoo or the piercings. I couldn’t prove he was making me walk
around naked. My butt was now only
faintly bruised after the spankings and whippings I’d received. They could have been caused by falling down
and landing on my rear. I couldn’t
prove that the cuffs, or collar were his idea.
And what would Mom say if I called DFS and didn’t talk to her first?
They would just think I
was crying wolf. And if they DID
believe me and took Dave away, where would that leave me? My mother didn’t care and Mike didn’t like
me. I’d either have no one or maybe
even be put in foster care – No WAY!
I could call Rachel and
warn her not to come over anymore, but she’d just think I was losing my
marbles. And besides, there was some
comfort in having someone else to share Dave’s kinky side with.
In the end, I did
nothing. I just put on more salve and
It was close to 12
when I heard the front door. I
wondered who it was. What if it wasn’t
Dave? I scrambled back under the sheets
so Mike or my mom wouldn’t see me naked.
The bedroom door opened. It was
Dave. I was almost relieved.
“Well, good morning slut.”
he said as he ripped the sheets off me.
My face reddened in sudden
shame. I had almost started to feel
normal again.
“Good morning… Master.” I
said, trying to keep him happy.
He snapped his fingers and
pointed at the floor in front of him. I
was pissed that he would just point at the floor and expect me to come over and
kneel in front of him. But what choice
did I have? I got up, still naked, and
started to walk over to him in the doorway.
Like a shot, he was in
front of me, slapping my face, his hand first hitting me with the palm and then
backhanding me with his knuckles. “I
[slap] did [slap] not [slap] tell [slap] you [slap] to [slap] walk. Only walk when I tell you to or make you to,
got it?”
As he hit me I backed away
and I fell to my hands and knees, tears streaming down my face. It seemed like he kept making up rules as he
went along. I guess that was rule ten. He stepped away from me, back to where he
was and snapped his fingers again, pointing to the floor in front of him. I crawled over to him, stopping in front of
him like the defeated dog I was.
“Alright,” he said, his
voice now tender and caring, “much better.
Steph, I love you so much and I want you to do well here, and I hate
hitting you, but you have to learn to do this right. Now, today we’ll do some obedience training, but first things
first, be a good slut and suck me off.”
Feeling no more
comfortable about sucking him than before, I took his cock out of his pants and
started to work. What had happened to
my nice, gentle brother?
His cock wasn’t even hard
yet when I took it out. I don’t think
I’d ever really seen it close up when it wasn’t rock hard. Soft, it wasn’t that intimidating. It was only about 3 inches long or so and
maybe an inch thick. It was soft and
velvety to touch. But it grew rapidly
as I pulled on it with one hand while I massaged his balls through his
pants. He was circumcised so there was
a big bulb on the end and I bent forward and kissed it lightly on the tip.
With the touch of my lips,
his cock quickly sprung out like a 7 inch iron pipe. It was hard to believe that something could be so hard and stiff,
yet feel so smooth and warm. It had
gotten so hot, it seemed filled with hot oil or something. As I took it into my mouth, his 2 inch thick
pole really filled my mouth.
I made it all wet and
sucked in as much in as I could, then kind of blew him out as my studded tongue
scrapped up his shaft, making him moan in pleasure. The stud in my tongue still hurt when it was pulled on like that
and I felt tears come into my eyes from the sudden pain. I kept it up while one hand massaged his
balls and the other was wrapped around the base of his cock, helping to
stimulate him more. The sooner I could
get him to cum, the sooner it would be over.
It only took about five
minutes and when he was ready to cum, he told me to stop and pulled himself out
of my mouth. He told me to look him in
the eyes and jerked himself until he came, pointing his cock right at my
face. He squirted the first shot on my
nose and mouth, the next one between my eyebrows. The third one hit my cheek and the last one landed in my
hair. And I’d just taken a shower.
He wiped himself off on my
other cheek and used my hair to dry off.
“First thing you have to
learn today is to remember to be polite.
Say thank you.”
I said, “Thank you,
Master.” We seemed to be up to rule
eleven if I was counting right.
He pulled a crop from
behind his back – he must have had it stuck in his belt because I hadn’t seen
it before. Giving me a sharp swat on
each butt cheek, he told me to always be specific. He said I should have said something like ‘Thank you Master for
fucking my mouth and cumming on my face and hair.’
With that, he hit me twice
“And you forgot to say
thank you for punishing you.”
“Thank you, Master for
punishing my butt.”
He hit me again. I couldn’t help it and cried “Aaaaah!” both
“It’s not a butt, it’s an
ass.” he said. “Butt’s a word for nice little girls and boys, not sluts. And don’t say punish, describe what I
punished and what I did to punish you.
Can’t you get anything right, you stupid cunt? Now try again.”
“Thank you, Master, for
whipping my ass.” I said, crying now in humiliation again.
This time he massaged my
‘ass’ with his hand saying, “Much better my beautiful little cock-sucking
slut.” Once again, his voice had
changed back to the “kind” Dave.
I just knelt there, naked,
on my hands and knees, tears leaking from my eyes, not sure what was going on
or what would be next.
“Now,” he said, “you
should ask to please me whenever possible.
So even if I tell you to suck me off, ask me first. Say something like, “Master, may I please suck
your cock.”
“Yes, Master.” I said,
thinking we were now up to rule twelve.
He told me to kneel
straight and hold my hands together behind my back with my knees apart. This would be the Normal position I should be in whenever I was not restrained, or told
to be in another position. So, when
he’d cmme into my room a few minutes ago, this is how I should have presented
Again, I said, “Yes
Then he had me put my arms
behind me, my hands holding the opposite elbow, and lay down on my back with my
legs spread as far as possible. This
was the ‘Ready’ position he
said. I hated this; it made me feel so
exposed and vulnerable.
After he had explained
what this position was for, he knelt between my widespread legs and started
tickling my feet – just a little. He
told me to close my eyes as his hands continued their journey up my legs,
teasing my skin with gentle touches.
Dave’s hands worked up my
calves to my thighs. He went first to
the outside of my thighs and then moved inside from the knee. The stretched tension of my legs and the
vulnerable position I was displayed in, seemed to help me respond to his
touches by sending shivers all through me.
My pussy grew hot and wet in anticipation.
But his hands bypassed my
pussy and went up my hips to my waist.
He played around below my belly button, lightly pulling on the ring
connected to the stud there. He teased
me by dipping his hand down where my pubic hair used to be, and meandering back
up again.
He bent down and kissed me
on my freshly shaved pubic mound and said very huskily, “I appreciate it when
you shave your cunt for me. You will be
I kind of thought I
already was. He licked up and drove his
tongue around the piercing in my belly button.
As his hands went to play with my breasts, his tongue wandered around my
stomach. It was like he was bathing me
with his saliva.
His tongue was driving me
wild. I kept getting shivers all over
me. My stomach muscles convulsed
repeatedly as he kissed and licked his way around my abdomen. He moved up and began licking my breasts as
one hand finally went to play with my pussy.
I was moaning and rocking
around on the floor as the heat of my passion increased, my pussy creaming with
preparatory juices. I was going
crazy. Gone from my mind was any
thought of calling a halt to our ‘games’ or telling him to stop. I just wanted to cum.
His hand and mouth
switched again and his tongue began to circle my pussy, then up and played
around my clit. I pushed my hips up
into his mouth, trying to increase the contact. Then his tongue stabbed into my pussy hole, twirling around and
lapping up my juices. He kept
prolonging my orgasm, pulling out his tongue and simply licking the outside
lips of my pussy. Then he’d lick my
clit again, and push his tongue back inside me. After about fifteen minutes of driving me wild, he suddenly
plunged as deep inside me as he could reach, leaned his head forward to push
his nose against my clit, and pinched and twisted my nipples hard.
I came. I came hard. And not just once, but as he kept up his tongue lashing and
nipple twisting, I came several more times.
As he finished and I lay
panting on the floor, he stood up and said, “That’s your reward for pleasing me
with your freshly shaved cunt.”
I just lay there panting,
trying to recover. He went right on
with his instructions.
“When I tell you to
present yourself, I want you on your knees with your legs spread wide and your
hands in front of you. Your head should
be touching the floor. Now, present
yourself slut.”
My mind was somewhere in
lala land. I was still trying to catch
my breath and come back down to earth from my orgasm. I didn’t even really hear him.
All of a sudden my freshly
sensitized pussy exploded in pain as the riding crop came crashing down on
it. I let out an ear-piercing scream as
my arms came from behind my back to cup my pussy and my legs came together to
close my lips together. I rolled on my
side to try to protect myself.
But the crop found my hip
as he continued to lay blow after blow on me, telling me over and over again to
get into my presentation position.
I kept apologizing and
pleading with him to stop. I told him I
didn’t know what he meant.
So he told me again, one
step at a time, each punctuated with more slaps of the crop against my
defenseless body. I rolled over on my
stomach (slap), then got up on my knees (slap), put my arms out in front of me
(slap), head on the floor (slap) and spread my legs (slap). It made me think I was facing Mecca and
praying to Allah.
“You forgot to thank me
for punishing you” Dave said.
I tried to make up for it
but he interrupted me, saying that for being hard headed, I would get 20 slaps
with the crop. But first, I had to beg
him to whip me and then I had to thank him for each smack. If I didn’t beg him to whip me, he’d do it
anyway, but wouldn’t start counting the 20 until I begged to be whipped.
With tears falling from my
eyes to the floor, I begged him saying, “Please Master, please whip my ass with
your crop. I’m so sorry for being bad,
so please punish me with your crop. I’m
sorry I was bad Master.”
“Good job slut, your wish
is granted. Now stay in your
presentation position.”
The first swat came down
on my right cheek and the pain seemed to explode in my butt.
“OW! Thank you Master for whipping my ass.” I
The second landed on my
left cheek.
“OOOWWW! Thank you Master for whipping my ass.”
It went on and on… first
one cheek then the other. My tears
puddling on the floor below me. He made
sure to cover my butt all over, sometimes hitting the same spot twice. By the twelfth or thirteenth blow, I was
screaming and trying to say thank you at the same time.
Finally, it was over. Dave told me to relax a few minutes. I collapsed, face down on the floor, my
hands reaching behind me to massage my butt.
He walked away and came back a few minutes later. I was still shaking with my sobs.
He pushed my hands away
and I felt his hand on my butt as he rubbed something cool and soothing into my
burning, reddened cheeks. How could
someone who could give me so much pleasure one minute, turn around and in the
next give me so much agony then flip again and be tender?
He pulled me to my feet
and gave me a tight hug, holding me and caressing my back until my sobs subsided. After I’d calmed down, he went through my
clothes and handed me a skirt and tank top, told me to put them on, clean up a
little and walk downstairs to the kitchen for something to eat.
As he walked out of the
door, he reminded me not to forget to assume a normal position when I got to
the kitchen.
I dried my tears and got
dressed. The skirt was one I’d had for
awhile. It came to about mid-thigh and
was made of light blue cotton. The top
was yellow and came down to just below my belly button. Compared with what I’d been wearing, this
was a modest outfit.
I went to the bathroom and
repaired my face, brushed my teeth, and used a washcloth to wipe off the cum
he’d left to dry on my face and got what I could out of my hair. Then I rinsed between my legs as good as
possible, trying to be gentle since it was still tender.
Reluctantly, I went down
to the kitchen for whatever awaited me there.
I was thankful he had allowed me to walk rather than crawl. I was ravenously hungry. I had eaten very little the last few days
and it was already after 1 in the
Entering the kitchen, I
saw Dave fixing something, and I sank to my knees, putting my hands behind my
back. I said, “Thank you Master, for
letting me dress and clean up. Also,
thank you for letting me walk down here.”
“You’re welcome slut.” he
He had me poor the drinks
while he served some sandwiches he’d made while I was upstairs, then invited me
to sit at the table and eat.
“Thank you Master for
allowing me to eat at the table.”
We had a pleasant meal,
almost like normal, except every time he addressed me, he called me
“slut.” It was a none-to subtle
reminder that things weren’t quite back to normal. Plus, sitting normally was rather painful on my recently whipped
When we were done, he told
me to clean up and then join him in the living room, also telling me I could
walk unless he told me otherwise. I
remembered to say thank you.
There wasn’t much to clean
up, so it wasn’t long before I joined him again. I wasn’t sure if I should stand or just sit down, so I played it
safe and assumed the ‘normal’ position, kneeling on the floor with my hands
behind me.
Dave looked down at me and
smiled. I saw his eyes go to the
clock. It was close to 1:30 in the afternoon. He looked thoughtful and then said we might
just have time. He told me to
strip. Sighing to myself, I obeyed.
“Play with yourself slut.”
he said. “I want to see you cum for
I hesitated a few seconds
and was about to protest. He’d never
made me play with myself in front of him before, and I just couldn’t imagine
just doing it in the open like this.
When I hesitated, I saw him beginning to get angry again and decided to
comply. I quickly changed my tune and
said “Yes Master.” I put one finger in
my pussy and started to play with my nipples with the other hand. This was sooo embarrassing! I could tell by the tent in his trousers
that it was making him excited though.
After about 10 minutes of
working on myself, I felt the heat building toward a climax. Then he calmly mentioned that Mike would be
home around 2. I panicked knowing that
time was rapidly approaching and almost lost my arousal.
“Speed it up slut. You don’t get to stop until you cum for me.”
I went back to work on
myself and after a few more minutes of diddling myself, the idea of someone
else finding me like this kind of added to my excitement and my pussy started
heating up even faster. Finally, I
As I knelt there panting
for a minute while I recovered, I glanced at Dave and noticed his digital
camera in his hand.
‘Dave, you DIDN’T just
take pictures while I was playing with myself, did you?” I asked feeling
embarrassed and betrayed.
“Sure, just a few pics to
remember the moment. You looked
incredibly sexy doing that. But I don’t
recall giving you permission to ask me questions, and you didn’t say “master”
and failed to thank me for letting you cum.”
I quickly apologized and
fearfully added, “I’m sorry Master.
Thank you for letting me cum Master.”
“You’re welcome. I’ll forgive you for the moment, but it
might add to a later punishment if you slip up again.” Dave said, “Get dressed
again and come sit beside me.”
I got dressed, but wished
I could clean the juices that were now drying on my crotch and thighs. Those pictures worried me. I hadn’t even noticed the camera on the
table beside his chair. As I sat down
beside him, he put his finger in my pussy, swirled it around, and then put it
in my mouth, saying, “mmmmm, cunt juice, delicious.”
Then he stuck his finger
back in me again and put it in my own mouth.
I licked it clean and said, “Thank you master for letting me suck my
juices off your finger.”
“You’re doing very well,
my little slut” Dave said. “But any
minute, Mike will be back and Mom should be home this afternoon, too. I want to speak candidly for a minute. Our little weekend together is almost
over. For the moment, we’re back to
being a normal brother and sister. I
want to know what you’re feeling.”
I didn’t know what to
say. I didn’t know what to do. I was taken by surprise. And I wasn’t sure if he meant it was over
for just a few minutes or forever.
“Take your time, Steph,
and think carefully.” Dave said.
“I don’t know Dave. I don’t really know what I feel.” I
said. “Confused I guess. Sometimes I’m mad at you for treating me like
you have been, and I’m afraid of you now.
Most of the time I don’t want to do this anymore, but then when you make
me feel good and cum, I like it.”
“Let me tell you
something,” he said, “something about yourself. If you’d hated what’s been happening the last few days – if you’d
been really angry about it – then as soon as I said it was over and I said
things were back to normal, you would have said, “Great!” You would have been glad it was over. You would have cried for joy.
“But you didn’t do any of
those things.” he went on to say.
“Instead, you were
confused. You had many different
“But…” I started to say, but Dave held up his hand to still my
voice and went on.
“You might not want to admit
it, but part of you liked all the attention.
And you enjoyed the times of pleasure.
Part of you even got excited about the humiliation, and part of you was
excited about the pain, though of course, it might not have been an enjoyable
excitement. And you never really fought
against the confinement, and the loss of decision-making felt freeing. You didn’t have to worry about anything
except what I might want you to do.”
Mike came through the
front door about then, waved to us with no real greeting, and went upstairs to
his room. We waved back and said ‘hi’
but he was gone in seconds.
“Does that ring true,
Steph?” he asked, continuing.
For a long time I just sat
there. I knew he was right about some
things. But there was another part me,
the normal part, that wanted to BE normal… that wanted to make my own
decisions… that didn’t want to be sexually aroused every time I turned around…
that didn’t like being humiliated and spanked and walking around naked… that
didn’t like being tied up and led around on a leash or crawling like a
dog. I wanted to control my own life
and make my own decisions. I wanted to
be proud of who I was and to be treated with respect.
So I told him that it was
partly true and partly not. I tried to
tell him about the ‘normal’ life I wanted to lead. I told him the excitement of the last few days had been, like,
wow!, but I told him there was just so much going on inside of me, I just
couldn’t get it all out. I was just
really confused.
“You just don’t like
making decisions for yourself, do you Steph.”
He didn’t really ask me that, but rather made it a statement.
I wanted to respond
anyway. I took my time and said, “I
like the excitement. I like to cum.” I
said blushing. “But I want to live my own
life, too.” I said.
“You want to have your
cake and eat it too.” he said. He was
trying to make me see that “normal” meant I couldn’t also enjoy sexual freedom
and excitement. But I couldn’t see that
little manipulation tactic in those days.
I just got confused.
“I… No, I…maybe… I”
Hold up his hand, Dave
shushed me.
“Here’s something else to
think about. If you want your life
back, fine, but you’re going to have to explain to Mom why you have a tattoo
and several piercings…”
“NO! I can’t!
She’ll kill me and then ground me for life! What can I tell her?
Besides, YOU made me get them!”
Tears were coming to my
eyes again as I felt the fear overcome me.
How the heck was I going to explain this to my mother? And in the back of my mind were the pictures
that I knew he’d been taking during all this.
I knew there were more than what I’d seen him take. I wondered how many and what they
revealed. I also was a little afraid of
what he might do with them.
“On the other hand, like I
told you earlier, if you agree to continue as we have been, I’ll handle
Mom. I’ll tell her it was all my idea
and you didn’t have anything to do with it.”
Salvation! Dave could fix it! My face lit up with a smile.
He would take the heat from Mom…
All I had to do was… continue being his slut slave. And my face fell. Could I do it? Oh
God! I just didn’t know what to do.
Dave put his hand on my
thigh, and rubbed me casual-like. My
mind was in such a state, I hardly noticed.
“Take your time Steph…
just think about it a while.”
I gasped as I felt his
hand move up under my skirt, his fingers slipping into my slit. He moved up and down as I began to lose the
thread of our conversation. I leaned
back, not really thinking about it and parted my thighs to let him stimulate
me. Pushing between my lips, his
fingers began separating my folds and then pushing under my hood, he gently
grabbed my clit between his thumb and index finger.
I was trying my hardest to
ignore what he was doing as I tried to figure out what to do. If I took responsibility for my actions, my
mother would ground me forever, and likely regard me as the slut Dave had been
turning me into. Either way, I wasn’t
going to have any freedom for a while.
It was getting harder and
harder to concentrate as his fingers continued to excite my clit. My mind kept being pulled down to my
crotch. I was getting really turned on…
“Dave, I… “ and I gasped
again as one of his fingers entered my hole while he pinched my clit.
“Oh god!...” I said. “Dave…”
I wanted to tell him to stop so I could think, but I just couldn’t get
it out. I was panting and gasping
continuously as my brother continued fingering me toward orgasm.
“You want me to keep
going?” he asked.
I nodded without even
thinking about it.
“But I’ll be glad to stop
and give you your freedom.” And he
stopped, his fingers still resting on my clit and inside my vagina. “What’ll it be Steph? Keep going or stop?”
By that point, I’d stopped
thinking about decisions. All I could
think of was getting off.
“Don’t stop… please don’t
His fingers moved again,
massaging my clit, twisting it, pinching it.
“There’s my good
girl. Now tell me what you are Steph…
tell me what you want.”
I just sat there, my head
leaning against the back of the couch in shear ecstasy. I only half heard him. But then he slowed down again, almost
stopping. “Come on Steph… let me hear you.”
“Okay, okay” I cried. I was on virtual autopilot again from the
last few days. “I’m a slut and I want
to be your slave… Master. Just please
let me cum.”
His fingers sped up, now
aided by his other hand which went beneath my top and pinched my nipples. And then I came. He kept it going as I came and came again, continuously for like
five minutes.
Finally, he stopped. His hand resting on my thigh all sticky from
my juices. His other hand moving my top
back to cover my breasts and then stroking my hair.
“That’s my good little
slut. You’re such a pretty cunt.”
And I burst into tears,
realizing what I had done. I had given
myself over to him. I had my chance for
freedom and let it slide out of my own pussy.
I curled up into a ball and sobbed while Dave stroked my back and my
“Normal position
slut.” He emphasized the instruction by
pushing me haphazardly off the couch.
I landed on my knees and
slowly moved my arms behind my back, tears streaming down my face. I was a slut. I knew I needed to cum more than anything else, even freedom or
pride. I was ruled by my damn
pussy. My shoulders shook as I sobbed
before my brother – my master.
“Now my beautiful little
cunt, suck me off before Mom comes home.”
I scooted forward between
his thighs, and pulled out his cock. I
remembered just in time…
“Please Master, may I suck
your cock?”
“Ask me nicer,
cocksucker. Beg me in a way I can’t
refuse. Show me what a cock loving slut
you really are.”
I felt so humiliated. He was really pressing home his advantage
over me now. And I hated myself.
“Master please… Please
allow your slut to suck on your big beautiful cock and make you cum. I want to feel you cum in my mouth. Please Master, I want to taste your spunk on
my tongue and swallow your juices to hold in my stomach.”
My face was scarlet. I wanted to crawl in a whole again. He grabbed my ears and directed me toward
his cock, a big grin on his face as I started to work, kissing the tip of his
cock. It grew harder and bigger as I
slid my mouth down his shaft, using my tongue to make him wet as I worked my
way down, licking his balls, sucking them into my mouth and then back up his
shaft again.
He kept his hands on my
head, holding my ears as I put the head of his cock into my mouth sucking while
using my hands to massage his cock. I
twirled my tongue around his rod as I sucked him deep into my mouth. Then I felt his hands pulling me further
in. He pulled my head until my chin was
being scratched by the hairs on his balls, my throat choking as his cock was
forced down my air passage.
The muscles of my throat
contracted and spasmed as I fought for air, all the while massaging his
cock. He pushed me away enough for me
to breathe, then pulled me back onto him again. When I would start to really struggle for breath, he’d pull out a
This went on for hours…
well, probably only ten minutes… and he finally came. I swallowed it all. I
don’t think I’ll ever really like the taste of spunk, his or anyone
else’s. It tasted really yucky.
He allowed me to go to the
bathroom to clean up but I had to crawl there.
It seemed like he was doing everything he could to humiliate me this
afternoon, to remind me of the life I had chosen. But had I? Just because I
liked to cum, does that mean I have to be his slave? I hoped not … at least forever.
I cleaned my mouth out,
wiped my pussy and my thighs of juices, and fixed myself as good as
possible. Then I crawled back into the
living room, returning to my ‘normal’ position, kneeling in front of Dave with
my hands behind my back.
A few minutes later, Mom
came home.
I started to get up, but
one look from Dave made me settle back down.
At least I had clothes on.
Mom called out saying, “Hi
kids, I’m home!”
As Mom came in we both
said hi and heard another greeting coming from Mike’s room. She came on into the living room and stopped
in her tracks when she saw me kneeling on the floor in front of Dave. She looked at me and said, “Lose something,
I was about to answer but
again, Dave silenced me.
“Mom, why don’t you have a
seat.” he said. “I’d like to talk to
you for a few minutes.”
She got a puzzled look on
her face, but went over and sat in an easy chair. “Okay, what did you have in mind?” she asked Dave, her eyes
moving back and forth between him and I.
“I need to tell you about
Stephanie.” he said. “She and I have
had an interesting time the past few days and we now have a different
relationship. I’ve been working on her
discipline, making her more respectful and willing to do what she’s told. Isn’t that right, Stephie?” He asked,
looking down at me.
“Yes… sir.” I said. I wasn’t sure if I should say ‘master’ with
Mom there, so I compromised, hoping it would be alright.
Dave smiled. Mom raised her eyebrows, a slight puzzled
smile coming to her face. Then she saw
the shine of the stud in my nose.
“Stephanie! What on earth have you done to your nose?” Then she saw the ring peeking out from below
my top which had ridden up a little since I was holding my hands behind me
She came over and lifted
my top a little to expose my belly button ring. Her mouth dropped open in shock, anger seeping into her face.
“Mom,” Dave said, “please
sit back down. The piercings are my
Shock turned to
mystification, but she sat back down to listen, still not looking happy.
“I decided Stephie needed
to learn her place a little. She’s been
needing an external control. I don’t
think she’s very good at controlling her own life, or making decisions for
herself. The, ah, choker is actually a
collar with a ring on the back and the wrist and ankle cuffs can also be used
to restrain her.”
I wanted to die of
embarrassment. I hung my head in shame.
Mom, on the other hand,
sat back in her chair. I didn’t know if
it was surprise or … something else.
Dave went on, “We’ve also
added a few other touches. As you can
see, she has a stud in her nose. That’s
just for looks, but reminds anyone who sees her that she’s a slut. She needed to come down off her high horse a
“Well, that’s true.” Mom
said thoughtfully. “She always has been
a little stuck up.”
I turned my head toward my
mother in shock. I could not believe
she thought I was stuck up, nor that she was saying this to Dave. I thought she’d freak at what he’d done and
take him over HER knee maybe. Certainly
she’d disapprove of what Dave had been doing to me.
“Oh, get over yourself,
Stephie.” She said. “You’ve always
acted like you’re just a little better than everyone else, including your own
I couldn’t believe my own mother felt that way.
“The belly piercing is
attractive and sexy, I think,” Dave said, “but the ring attached to it makes a
handy place to attach things.”
“Hmmmmmm, yeah, I bet it
would.” Mom said, grinning now.
“Okay slut” Dave said to
me “crawl over to Mom and show her your other piercing.”
I saw Mom’s eyebrow arch
up when Dave called me a ‘slut,’ but she didn’t say anything. Feeling more humiliated that I’d ever felt,
I brought my hands around in front of me and crawled over to my mother,
resuming my normal position only tilting my head back, opening my mouth wide
and sticking out my tongue as far as I could, showing her my tongue piercing.
“Oh my!” Mom said. She stuck her finger in my mouth! She felt the stud and moved it around a
little, drawing a wince from me. My
still sensitive tongue was fine when it wasn’t bothered, but sucking cock or
having someone play with it still hurt.
Then she played with my collar, moving it around so the ring was in
“Stand up, slut.” Dave
I stood up, still facing
my mother.
“Good girl.” he said, “Now
lift your skirt up and show Mom the new artwork.”
I balked. I didn’t have any panties on and the LAST
thing I wanted to do was show my naked, hairless pussy and new tattoo to my
“Dave!” I pleaded.
“NOW!” he commanded. “We’ll deal with your punishment later, but
if you don’t want to add to it, do what I told you.”
Slowly, my hands lifted my
skirt in front. My mother’s face got a
peculiar expression on her face as all this was going on, glancing between my
brother and I. She gasped as my shaved
pussy came into view, obviously with no panties on.
“Come on Steph, get on
with it. Or do you want to lose the
skirt altogether?”
I quickly complied and
lifted my skirt to my breasts, now showing the tattoo clearly.
“OH!” my mother said with
a little gasp. She leaned forward to
study the tattoo more closely.
“I think I see now.” she
said, looking as though she recognized the symbol.
“Normal.” Dave said. I dropped my skirt and knelt down again.
“You’ve made her a slave.”
Mom stated. It wasn’t a question. Somehow, she knew.
What did that tattoo mean,
I wondered. What was it about seeing
the design on my skin that made her understand so quickly?
“Yeah, it seemed like the
best way. In all honesty, she’s not
crazy about it, but she has admitted to being a slut and chosen to continue as
my slave, haven’t you Steph? Tell Mom
what you are.”
“Yes Master.” I said,
filled with shame yet knowing the secret was out, and also, I didn’t want to
incur any further punishments. But to
say that in front of my mother was so humiliating. “I’m a slut, Mom.” Why
wasn’t she stopping this?
“Well, you two have been
busy, I see. I’m going to have to think
about these developments.” As she said
this though, she reached out and played with the ring in my belly, pulling on
it a little to see the effect on me.
“What does Mike know?” she
“Nothing, he hasn’t been
here for any of it. I’d just as soon
keep him out of most of it for now.” he said.
“Fine with me… but maybe
you and I should talk.” Mom said.
“Okay slut, on your feet
and come here.”
I went to him and he had
me turn around, facing my mother again while he took my wrists and fastened
them together behind my back again. He
told me to go to my room until he called me.
I left looking at Mom and
wondering why she didn’t say something.
She was letting Dave do this to me and not saying anything! I went upstairs, feeling like a trained
monkey. I could not figure out why Mom
was acting like this. Why wasn’t she
upset? I thought she’d be furious. Why wasn’t she on my side? Why was she so calm about it all? And just what did that tattoo mean? I felt betrayed by my own mother.
I sat down on my bed,
tears running quietly down my cheeks, and waited for whatever was to happen
next. It was about 3:00 in the afternoon. I tried to figure out what was going on and
how I’d somehow gotten into this mess.
When the clock said 3:30, I heard Dave calling me from the
bottom of the stairs. I rose from the
bed, where’d I’d lain down for a while, and started downstairs.
They were sitting on the
couch together when I arrived in the living room. As I came toward them, Dave signaled with his finger and I went
down on my knees in front of them.
“Stephanie,” Mom began,
“your brother and I have been talking and I’ve decided to allow this to
I opened my mouth to
protest, but caught a look from Dave and I wisely decided to wait and hear them
“You’ve been getting
really uppity lately young lady. I know
you disapprove of my relationship with John and I think maybe this is just what
you need to learn your place. And after
what Dave has told me, it’s pretty apparent that underneath all that high and
mighty exterior, you’re pretty much just a slut anyway.”
I hung my head in shame,
tears once more rushing to my eyes to spill down my cheeks. I felt like dirt. I knew I was never mommy’s ‘little girl,’ but I couldn’t believe
she was going along with this.
“So I’ll assist where I
need to, but your brother is in charge and what he says, goes. You will do what he tells you,
Stephanie. I’ve been worried how I was
going to keep control of you during the next few years. Most girls your age become a bit hard to
control. With this arrangement, maybe
we won’t have to worry so much in your case.
Of course, you’ll still go to school, but misbehave there and you will
be dealing with both me as your mother and Dave as your master. Understand?”
Still crying, I nodded my
“Your mother asked you a
question, slut.” Dave piped in. “I
expect you to make a proper and respectful response.”
“Yes Master. I’m sorry Mother. Yes, I understand.”
“Dave if you’ll remove her
restraints, we’ll get a move on.”
I looked up in curiosity,
but they didn’t give me any clues.
“Come here, slut.” Dave
I got up and went over to
him. He indicated I should turn around
and then he released my wrist cuffs. He
told me to go with my mother and do what I was told, and that I should respond
favorably to anything my mother suggested.
“Yes Master.” I followed my mother outside and to her
car. Though I still had on my skirt and
my tank top, that was ALL I had on, which meant I was barefoot too. As she told me to get into the back seat,
Dave called from the doorway and reminded me not to say a word unless asked a
direct question.
Mom didn’t say much on the
way to our destination. I just sat and
looked around, wondering where we were going.
We pulled in front of a shoe store first. We went in and she had me try on several pairs of shoes… with
high heels. She bought me four
pair. The shortest had four inch heels,
which I wore out of the store. There
was another pair with 5 inch heels and the other two both had 6 inch
I was a little shaky since
the most I’d worn before were 2 and a half-inch heels. Walking awkwardly back to the car, I got in
and awaited what might happen next.
We arrived at a small, out
of the way, medical office. The sign
beside the door read, “A. Martin, MD, OB-GYN” and as we went in, I noticed a
small design carved somewhat discretely above the door. It was the same symbol I now wore below my belly
button! Very strange.
We went to the nurse’s
window and Mom told her we were here for our 4:30 appointment for
Stephanie. The nurse assured us the
doctor would be right with us.
Mom sat down, but
indicated I was to stand beside her chair with my hands behind me. There was no one else present. However, after a couple of minutes, a girl
about 20 came from the back and left, smiling timidly to us. A few minutes later, the nurse called us
I was treated to the
normal weigh-in, temperature check, blood pressure check, pulse rate and
stuff. The nurse had me strip –
completely – and put on a gown. This
type fastened in front but when I went to fasten it I noticed there were no
snaps, no belt, no ties; nothing with which to fasten it closed. So I just held it together. When I was ready, the nurse had me get up on
the table… you know… the gynecological type with the stirrups. I was to sit down and wait for the doctor.
About five minutes later,
Doctor Martin came in, scanned my chart, and then asked about my sexual
history. He wanted to know if I’d had
intercourse yet, if I’d ever had anal sex, and what kind of oral sex I’d
engaged in.
It was so
embarrassing! I had to answer these
questions right in front of my mother and this strange doctor. But I told him. I didn’t tell him who I’d done the oral stuff with though – just
that I’d done it. Since I hadn’t done
the intercourse or anal stuff, I was able to tell him that I was still a
He did the usual stuff of
listening to my chest and back, then he examined my piercings very carefully,
pronouncing them free of infection and healing nicely. Next, I was told to lie back on the
table. He moved my hands away, spread
my robe open and examined my tattoo very carefully, saying that it too, was
coming along well.
Next, he examined my
breasts, checking for lumps, I suppose.
He pressed them, massaged them, kneaded them and squeezed them. The doctor turned his attention to my
nipples. He bent over to look at them
closely as he played with the nipples and pinched them, making them hard. I was embarrassed, wondering why the
‘doctor’ was playing with my breasts a little more than a doctor normally
would. I began to feel chill bumps
arise on the skin of my breasts while he played with them. He told my mother they looked fine with good
strong nipples.
Then he took my left ankle
and put it in the stirrup, fastening the straps to secure my leg. He did the same with my right ankle. I was wondering why he was strapping me in since
this was just a normal exam – or so I thought.
I shivered as I felt his
fingers touch the lips of my pussy. It
occurred to me that most doctors used gloves when touching a patient. Dr. Martin did not. It was an unusual exam. I was getting nervous. He seemed to be caressing my lips more than
examining them. I wanted to move myself
away from him, but of course, I couldn’t being strapped in. I tried though, and as he continued to touch
me, I started to squirm around. My
mother told me to lie still, so I quieted down for a while.
The doctor separated the
lips of my pussy and bent his head down to get a real close look. I could feel his breath on my thighs, and
then on my lips. He pushed the stirrups
apart, spreading me wide open. I was so
humiliated, even if he WAS a doctor.
Using his fingers, he spread the lips of my outer labia and looked
inside, running his fingers from one end of my vulva to the other.
He kept saying “hmmmmmm”
and “ummm” and “mmm mmmmm” and sighing and such during the whole exam. I gasped as his finger penetrated my hole,
working its way around inside me. My
hands went instinctively toward my crotch.
He stopped and looked at
Mom saying, “Well, we can’t have that.”
Mom grabbed my wrists and
pulled them over my head, holding me so I couldn’t interfere with the doctor’s
examination. His fingers probed my
hymen, feeling it completely, pushing against it, and moving around the border
of my vaginal walls.
With his other hand, he
started to play with my clit. He rubbed
it, squeezed it and flicking it as it continued to get harder and longer,
engorged on the blood of my unwelcome arousal.
I finally figured out that
he was, at the moment, less interested in ‘examining’ me than he was in getting
me off. The doctor was deliberately
masturbating me! What kind of a doctor
WAS this?!
I cried out, “MOM!”
But she just said, “Shut
up Stephanie and stay still for the doctor.”
Then she leaned close to my ear and whispered to me, “You know I have to
tell your brother about when you are a bad girl.”
I just couldn’t believe
what was going on!
“She moistens up readily
enough.” the doctor said.
“Yes,” Mom said, “she
seems to be quite the little slut.”
How humiliating! My own mother was telling some pervert
doctor that I was a slut. But the
doctor was right about one thing… I
could feel myself getting wet.
I could feel myself
continuing to build in excitement, even though I was trying real hard to remain
calm and not get aroused. I tried to
think about other things, about school starting tomorrow and my other friends,
but it wasn’t working. My crotch was
getting hot!
His finger worked at
dipping in and out of my vagina and the other ones played with my clit made it
hard to think about other things. More
and more of my concentration was focusing on what was happening between my
legs. Unconsciously, I started
thrusting my hips up to meet his fingers pushing inside me against my
Without realizing it, I
was soon completely focused on the pleasure the doctor was giving me. I was aware of nothing else than his fingers
and my own arousal. In a few minutes, I
came with a small scream as my body stiffened and jerked under the doctor’s
administrations. I lay there panting as
the doctor removed his fingers and started chuckling.
“I see what you mean, she
IS a little slut, isn’t she?” he said.
Even my mother chuckled a little.
I felt so degraded and
started to cry as I recovered from my orgasm.
I didn’t understand how my mother could have allowed the doctor to do
this to me. And I really couldn’t
believe I’d actually cum in front of my mother, brought off by a complete
“Well,” the doctor
continued, “I think we’ll start with an injection of Depo-Provera. It should last about 12 weeks, so I’ll write
you a prescription for follow-ups. Then
I’ll have my associate come in and we can take care of the laser
treatment. Mind you, it will require
one or two more treatments to be permanent.”
“Thank you Doctor.” my
mother said.
He adjusted the stirrups
so my legs were pushed upwards, lifting my butt off the table a little. He picked up a hypodermic off the counter
and then rubbed a spot on my left butt cheek with a sterile pad, then injected
me with something.
I couldn’t help buy yelp
as I felt him push the needle in and push the liquid into my rear. My tears started freshly. “What did he just give me?” I wondered. I didn’t seem to have any say in my life
The doctor wiped the spot
again with the sterile pad and then applied a band-aid. He called in another lady who also wore a
white jacket and they brought over some kind of machine.
“Okay young lady, we’re
going to apply a laser treatment to your whole body except your head. This will remove the hair from your body so
you won’t have to shave anymore. Cool,
“Ah…, yeah” I said, not
sure what to think about this.
My mother twisted my
wrists which she still held on to and said, “Show a little more respect and
appreciation Stephanie.”
“OUCH!” I said, “Yes sir,
it’s very cool. Thank you, sir. I’m sorry if I showed any disrespect.”
He patted my cheek and
told me not to worry about it, this time.
“We have a very fast
Alexandrite laser and it should only take about three hours, so just relax
“But we don’t want your
poor mother to get tired holding your hands, so we’ll just fasten them to the
table with these straps.”
Before I knew it, he’d
fastened my wrists to the table, stretching them above my head. I felt so vulnerable, virtually naked, tied
down to this table with these strange, perverted people doing who knew what to
me. And my mother was certainly no
They used the laser
thingee and went over every part of my body, except my head. They even did my crotch and my ass. Releasing my legs and turning me over, they
did the other side of me as well. It
seemed like I lay there forever.
As they ran the machine
over my body, I felt a tingling sensation, like maybe little pins sticking in
me and a kind of warmth where the machine touched me. When they got around to doing my mound and my pussy lips, it was
really uncomfortable but they’d strapped me back in the stirrups by then.
It was just after
8:00 in the evening when they
finished. I looked at myself and I was
red all over, except my face. I looked
like I had a sunburn, everywhere!
I was allowed to dress
while my mother went with the doctor to pay the bill, I guess. As I went out into the lobby, the doctor was
giving my mother a bottle of pills and told her to have me back in 11 weeks for
another injection and laser treatment.
Surely we wouldn’t be still doing this stuff in three months! I could not imagine.
Mom led me back out to the
car, again ushering me into the back seat.
I had so many questions, but was afraid to ask, afraid of what Dave
would do if I spoke without permission.
So I just sat there in my misery.
I felt like everyone had betrayed me.
I was becoming some sort of family toy.
It was like I wasn’t a person anymore.
I just didn’t know what to do about all this.
When we arrived at home,
my mother marched me inside and over to Dave who waited on the couch. He smiled as I came over and told me to stay
standing. Then he ran his hand all over
me, feeling my now completely hairless body (except for my head).
“Smoooooth” he said. “Very nice.
I love the heels too, really makes your legs stand out. Helps you look more like the slut you
He lifted my skirt and
felt my mound and my pussy lips. He
raised my arm, lifted my shirt, and felt my underarms and then reached around
to feel my butt, then ran his hands down my legs.
“Thanks Mom. I’m sure Steph appreciates this as much as I
do, don’t you slut?”
“Yes Master.” I said,
hanging my head.
“Well she didn’t really
show the doctor all that much appreciation and respect.” Mom said. “She wouldn’t stay still, she kept squirming
around, she protested and tried to get me to stop the doctor from performing
his examination, and I had to tell her to say thank you to the doctor.”
Dave’s face changed and he
looked angry. Straight away he pulled
me down onto his lap, lifted my skirt and tucked it into my waistband. Then his hand started raining blows down on
my butt. He kept it up for five
minutes, me screaming and crying the whole time. My skin was already sensitive from the laser treatment, not to
mention earlier whippings, and it burned like fire as he spanked me. When he finished, he held me on his lap and
I heard a voice from the stairway.
“Soooo, what’s going on
around here guys?” It was MIKE!
“Oh, Hi Mike.” Mom said,
“Our little girl Stephanie has been rather bad I’m afraid. My wrists just aren’t as strong as they used
to be and I asked Dave to give her a little punishment for me.”
“Really, a bare butt
spanking, eh?” Mike said. “Must have been something pretty bad.”
“Yeah, I found out she’s
gotten a tattoo and some piercings while I was away for the weekend. I’ve had it with her attitude and strutting
around like a princess who can get her way all the time. If she wants to act like a slut, we’ll just
have to treat her like one.” Mom said.
“Whatever.” Mike
said. “I was pretty tired of her shit,
too. Maybe you can knock some sense
into her.” Then he chuckled and said,
“Need any help, let me know.” He said with a mischievous smile. Then he kind of chuckled and said, “But she
does have a nice ass.”
Dave finished and pulled
my skirt back down over my butt. Mike
lost interest and went away.
My WHOLE family? Everyone was against me. What had I done to deserve this? Was I really that bad? I just continued crying as I lay across
Dave’s lap, my butt on fire.
He pushed me off his lap
onto the floor, telling me to assume my normal position. I got onto my knees and put my arms behind
me, but my head hung low and sobbed from pain and loss. I felt so totally alone, like I had no one
in the world. I was alone.
“I’m going to bed you
two. It’s a school night so don’t keep
her up too late.”
“Okay. Night Mom.” Dave said. Then he turned his attention back to
me. “Ah baby, don’t take things so
hard.” he told me. “Come up here and
sit in my lap.”
I got up and did as he
told me. My freshly spanked butt was
not comfortable sitting on him, but I tried to get comfortable. I was still crying but at least my body
wasn’t being racked by the sobs. He
drew my hands from behind me and put then around his neck as he hugged me
around the waist, pulling me tight. He
held me like he cared… like he loved me.
I put my head on his shoulder and allowed all my feelings to come to the
surface and just cried. He caressed my
back and my head, holding me like a brother, giving me comfort.
Dave told me how much he
loved me. He kept stroking me and
saying it was okay and he loved me. He
said he had to spank me for my own good… that it was necessary for me to be a
good girl and learn how to behave properly.
I complained that Mom and
Mike didn’t like me and thought I was stuck up.
He told me that he knew
that wasn’t true. That deep inside me
was my true self. He could see it, even
if no one else could. Dave told me that
the person I truly was meant to be was kind and considerate, that I wanted to
please other people, that I knew that deep down, other people were not better
than I was. He said that underneath it
all I knew I was just a common slut and wasn’t the little princess I tried to
come off being. He told me he had
always loved me because he could see the inner me, the slut I had always tried
to hide. All my life, I had tried to
act like someone I really wasn’t, like some kind of royal princess that was
entitled to be better than others. The
princess was just a cover – a disguise.
As he was saying these
things, my crying intensified. Part of
my mind tried to rebel and say, “No, it isn’t true, it’s not!” but the rest of
my family seemed to think it WAS true.
Did I really act like I was better than everyone else? And was I really a slut underneath. God, I felt so low, like a piece of
dirt. It was shameful for a lowlife
like me to act like a stuck-up princess.
“But don’t you worry
Steph, I’m going to fix all that with you.
I’m gonna help you become who you really are. I’m going to help you discover the true slut within you. You are such a pretty sexy girl, Steph. You were made for sex, to be a slut and used
for what you are. And Steph, that’s
such a wonderful thing. You’ll find out
how good it feels to be yourself. Maybe
someday you’ll get a job or something, but rather than the fake ‘Princess’
Stephanie, it will be the real slut Stephanie that does that. And you will be so much happier. You’re sad now because you’re not used to
being yourself. You’ll get over
that. It’ll just take some time.”
Dave kept caressing my
body, but his hands had moved from just stroking my head and back. He was also rubbing his hand over my stomach
and my thighs.
“Give us a kiss so you’ll
feel better.”
I was getting used to
doing what I was told, even though I really didn’t feel up to it. I took my head off his shoulder and moved my
lips over to his lips and kissed him.
He did the same. He kissed my
lips, my cheeks, my nose, my eyes and he used his tongue to caress my skin in
subtle little places as he did it. He
moved his mouth to my ears and licked inside and kind of sucked on the
outside. It tickled, but it also began
to distract me from my sadness. He even
licked the tears from my cheeks and eyes.
It sent little tingles all over me.
“You are sooo beautiful,
my little slut. I want you with me
always. I love to touch you, especially
now… your body is so smooth and silky.
You were made to be touched and caressed, to be held and kissed.” As he said this, his mouth engulfed my own,
his tongue dancing with mine. His hand
moved to the inside of my thigh and up under my skirt toward my crotch. Almost instinctively, I spread my thighs a
little to allow him easier access. I
wasn’t really even thinking about it.
“There you go slut, just
react, don’t try to figure things out.
You are a creature of passion, of feelings. Just let your mind float and enjoy the feelings that come
naturally to that hot little body.”
I found myself doing just
that. I stopped crying and gave myself
Dave’s permission to feel. I felt his
right on my back, rubbing underneath my top against my bare skin. I felt his lips as they caressed my own, his
tongue as it probed inside my mouth. I
felt his left hand moving inside the lips of my pussy, his thumb against my
clit, his middle finger beginning to probe inside my vagina. I felt his cock hardening beneath my
butt. “mmmmmmmmm”
Rapidly, my pussy started
getting wet as he began to arouse me.
He pushed his finger in against my hymen and twirled it around inside
me. Then he added his index finger
inside me. It made me feel all full
inside. My mouth sucked his tongue into
my mouth hungrily. I wanted him. He was the one who cared about me, who loved
me. I held him tight as his hands, his
fingers, and his mouth worked their magic on me. I rubbed my butt against the cock hardening below me. A part of me wanted closer contact with that
powerful tool beneath me. It was a
magnet that drew me.
I came hard, held by my
brother as his fingers squeezed my clit.
My pussy gushed into his hand.
He kept me going for several minutes, from one orgasm to another. All the tension of the day washed out of me
as my body stiffened and clenched. I
sagged into him as I collapsed against him, panting and exhausted.
Dave held me close. He told me again he loved me. He loved his little slut. He stroked my head and gently kissed my
“All better now?”
I just nodded.
“Good.” he said. “Now get back in your normal position slut.”
I slowly pulled myself
together and got off his lap. I slipped
down to the floor and moved my hands behind my back. Dave got the leash off the table beside the couch and attached it
to my collar after he moved it around so the ring was facing front. Slipping his zipper down and pulling out his
rock-hard cock, he pulled on the leash so my mouth was touching him.
“Now be a good cocksucker
and do what you do best, slut.”
Somehow, this time I
didn’t feel insulted when he called me a slut and a cocksucker. It didn’t really affect me at all. I placed my lips on the tip of his cock and
gave it a kiss. I put out my tongue,
tasting the drop of pre-cum there, and ran it down from the head to the base,
making him wet with my saliva. I ran my
tongue, slowly around and around his cock as I worked back up to the head. I sucked him into my mouth, my tongue
continuing to caress his stiffness and feel the veins popping through his
If this is who I was, I
suppose I should try to do the best I could.
I was still turned on by what Dave had done to me, so I was using one
hand to help stroke him and massage his balls while my other hand went to my
own crotch. Without thinking, I started
to masturbate myself. Dave slapped my
arm though and told me that this was not about my pleasure, but his.
I concentrated on doing
the best job I could. I tried to make
his pleasure the most important thing for the moment. Dave leaned back on the couch, spread his legs further and told
me to put my hands behind me again… to do all the work with my mouth. This also meant that there was no way I
could touch myself.
I worked my head up and
down on his cock, my tongue slipping around it while it went in and out. With great effort, I suppressed my gag
reflex and took him down in my throat, the hairs of his ball sack pressed
against my nose, my throat muscles flexing on him. As he approached climax, he grabbed my hair and held me in place
as his cock grew even larger and hotter as it started pulsing stream after
stream of hot sticky goo down my throat and into my mouth. Just as he was about to finish, he withdrew
and shot the last stream onto my cheek where it slowly drooled down toward my
“Ahhhhh” he said
contentedly, “There’s nothing sexier than seeing you with cum all on your face
slut.” He took his finger and spread it
around a little, then put his finger into my mouth to clean it off.
Standing, he used the
leash and had me crawl behind him as he led me upstairs. He led me into the bathroom where he waited
beside me as I pissed. When I finished,
he also used the toilet, while I knelt beside him. I could smell his piss as it fired out of his cock into the
toilet bowl. He told me to strip while
I waited for him. I did, somehow not
moving from my knees much. Stuffing his
cock in his trousers, he pulled me like the naked dog I was, into his
While I rested in the
normal position, he fastened my ankles together and then my arms behind my
back. He picked me up and put me down
on the far side of his bed. He crawled
in after me and pulled the covers up, telling me to go to sleep.
It was not particularly
comfortable. My arms were behind me
forcing me on my stomach most of the night so my arms wouldn’t go numb. My ankles were fastened together and the leash
seemed to be trapped under Dave, limiting how far I could move around. When he first put me on the bed, I had a
momentary fear that he wanted more sex stuff tonight, but he went to sleep
almost immediately.
My sleep was troubled by
the events of the day. I had so many
questions. Maybe Dave was right. Maybe it was easier to just not think, only
feel. But that wasn’t easy, laying here
with nothing but my physical discomfort to occupy my mind. Eventually, I drifted off to an uneasy
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