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Review This Story || Author: Nikki

Symon and Louise

Part 5 A New Task

Chapter 5, A New Task

Louise was running late, Mr. Jones expected her to be at his house by now, but
she had stayed late at school chatting to her friends. She ran down the road,
not bothering to call in at home and change out of her uniform like she usually
did. She arrived at her neighbours flushed and out of breath. She reached under
the plant pot expecting to find the key Mr. Jones always left for her, only to
find it wasn't there. She gave a start when the door opened, Mr. Jones stood
over her. "hello dear, sorry to startle you, the bridge club have cancelled our
game this evening, so I'm afraid you'll have to put up with me being here, I'll
try not to get under your feet" he chortled. "oh, that's ok" said Louise "I can
clean upstairs tonight, I've been meaning to do it" Louise had surprised herself
since helping her neighbour out, she'd really enjoyed making the house neat and
tidy, and ridding it of dirt and the smell of cats.

Mr. Jones opened the door wider and beckoned her in. "don't let me stop you,
I'll be right here if you need anything" he settled himself on the couch and
switched on the TV. Louise grabbed the cleaning things she kept under the sink
and made her way upstairs; unaware of the old mans eyes following her.

She was on her hands and knees, scrubbing intently at the floor of the bathroom
when Mr. Jones walked in, she turned to him, and was surprised at how straight
he held himself, and how he seemed so steady. He normally stooped, limped, and
shook continually, but all of a sudden he wasn't quite as frail. Before she had
time to think, he had her in his grasp, holding the back of her neck and pushing
her face to the floor with one strong hand. With the other he lifted her little
skirt over her raised bottom, revealing her white school knickers. He yanked
them down her thighs whilst her arms flailed behind her as she tried to stop
him. It was useless; he was many times stronger than her.

Now his fingers were probing between her legs, pulling roughly at the moist lips
of her pussy, and pushing at her bottom. Tears sprang into Louise's eyes, she
was so embarrassed at what was happening to her. The old man grunted, this was
sure one hot little girl, until now he hadn't known whether he would be kind to
Louise, or cruel. One look at her red tear stained face helped him make up his
mind, those tears and humiliation were just too good to miss. He pulled her up
by the hair, her knickers still around her knees. "Bath time for you young lady"
grinned wickedly. He half lifted, half pulled her toward the tub. "Get
undressed" he barked. "No!" she shouted "let me go, I want to go home" Mr. Jones
wasn't in the mood for small talk. He slapped her hard on the back of her legs,
the proceeded to rip her school blouse off.

 A few more slaps and a lot more tears later, she stood naked in front of him.
His rough hands pinched her nipples, and squeezed her tiny breasts, which were
now blotchy and red, rather like her face. He pushed his fingers into her pussy,
which was dry with fear. He pushed her into the bath and she laid there
shivering. To her horror, he turned the shower on full, and blasted her with ice
cold water. Louise screamed with shock. Mr. Jones laughed and aimed the shower
head at her belly, causing her to twitch and wiggle, trying to avoid the icy
blast. After what seemed like hours, he turned of the tap, and Louise shuddered
as her warmth slowly began to creep back into her body.

Mr Jones yanked her upright by the wrist, and dragged Louise out onto the
bathroom floor, her legs wobbled as she tried desperately not to lose her
footing on the wet surface. She felt so weak after her ordeal; it took no effort
for him to lead her into the bedroom next door.

She was pushed face down onto the edge of the single bed, and her ankles
promptly tied to the bed legs. He then cuffed her wrists together above her
head. Louise could hardly breathe, let alone move or protest. Her scream gurgled
in the back of her throat as Mr Jones inserted, with some force, an
un-lubricated dildo into her backside. The pain ripped through her whole body.
She couldn't believe it when she heard the click of the camera shutter. "that
will make a nice one for the album" Mr. Jones chuckled, as he surveyed the
little girl spread on his bed with a dildo sticking crudely out of her ass.

 "Now, much as I would love to play with you all night, your parents will be
expecting you home in the next half hour, so I guess I had better let you go
once you've completed your new task" Louise nodded her head frantically. He
untied her, but as she stood, he pushed her back down onto the bed. "Not so fast
there honey" I said "when you have completed your task". Louise eyed him
miserably, she didn't care any more, he wasn't going to get away with this, and
she'd have him locked up before the night was out.

He unzipped his trousers and pulled out his rock hard cock, it was gigantic and
covered in thick blue veins. It bobbed in front of Louise's eyes and before she
knew what was happening he had grabbed her head and was forcing himself into her
mouth. She felt the sides of her mouth tear as he forced his cock further down
her throat, and proceed to fuck it. her eyes watered as she gagged and fought
for breath as the old man pumped in and out, holding her head firmly between his
hands. "That's it dear, I bet you love this don't you, you dirty little girl" he
gasped gleefully. Before long his thrusts became erratic, and he pushed deeper
into her throat as he juddered to orgasm. Hot cum shot into her mouth and leaked
out onto her face, he pulled out just in time to shoot one last stream into her

"Off you go then dear, see you next week" he said. "Oh, and don't even think of
telling anyone about this, one word and the whole neighbourhood will be talking
about that brother of yours. I know all about you two, he'll do quite a sentence
if he gets charged with rape of his baby sister, and you wouldn't want that now,
would you?"

Louise was devastated, she couldn't tell anyone, and the horrid pervert had a
photo of her. She washed her face and dressed herself, her blouse was torn and
her thighs were blood streaked. She couldn't wait to get home and scrub herself
clean. Just as she was leaving, the old mans voice called out "don't forget to
take the trash out, will you?"

The bastard, she thought.

Review This Story || Author: Nikki
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