Paula was feeling crushed by events. She had often watched some unfortunate woman being tortured for the entertainment of the crowned but had never in her wildest dreams expected to be in a similar situation.
The humiliation and degradation of her current situation had left her feeling complete misery and despair.
To be whipped like a disobedient schoolgirl while wearing her finest gown had been the ultimate humiliation. Her brain being unable to except the fact that this was the beginning not the end of her torment.
In fact her official punishment had not yet started and that very soon she would be feeling something revolting penetrating her between the legs and would be experiencing the warm ejaculated body fluids of a animal trickling down her inside was something that was too horrible to contemplate. She had completely forgotten about the fate she had brought on her children and that soon her oldest daughter would be feeling a similar revulsion as black slugs crawled up her leg towards her shaved cunt, such is human nature.
Paula was left to hang naked from the posts legs wide apart for a full half-hour before she was a untied and thrown into a cart. The cart was then driven into the bowels of the arena where she was washed down, Scrubbed and make ready for the part in the forthcoming play.
The Silver wheeled to float was positioned, and Paula was draped naked
over the Golden Arch. Her position was so arranged that she lay on her belly,
bent double her hands and feet chained together and to the float.
She was carefully made to straighten her legs and part them slightly in a dignified
way thus preserving the illusion of grace and respectability.
Her head was raised and a gilded collar fastened around her neck to keep her
heads up and preserve the graceful shape of her exquisite body.
It wasn't until you took in the rear-view that it was realised that Paula's
sexual organs, being painted the way they were stood out like a beacon her
tits hanging down like plump melons the the nipples tipped bright red. Shattering
any misconception, that this was nothing but a sexually titillating, degrading
At a signal from the organisers, the float was then led to into the arena. Paula being held rigid in a very vulnerable position, ready for her encounter, just her tits jiggling and rocking as they traversed the uneven the ground. Paula was terrified, lying naked over the golden arch she was very aware that her cunt was open for the abuse she knew she was going to get in the coming minutes. The thought of having a dog mount and ejaculate up her cunt was sending her into spasms of trembling
The crowd stood mesmerised as their former goddess was paraded in front of them, the float going right to the edge of the arena, so that Paula could be seen in all her misery. The accompanying music being specially selected for its romantic content as the bride was carried towards her fate. The men in the audience lusting after the sight of her rudely painted cunt as it passed by them.
The women enjoying the spectacle of a popular celebrity being made to partake in such a crude way. Giving them a chance to passively Voyager without actually taking part in a deliciously obscene spectacle presented in such a classic spectacular way.
They had long seen the Bitch wallowing in their men's admiration and now it was their chance to watch while the Bitch got it right where she deserved it.
After completely canvassing around the arena with a stop in front
of the Royal Box.
for the Principle to take in the sight of a Lady he knew so well being displayed
so obscenely in front of him, the float pulled into the centre of the arena.
There the white horses that had pulled the float were unharnessed and Paula
was left lonely, on display, naked, held in a copulation position in the Centre.
The choir and orchestra still singing and playing as they retreated to the safety of the arena massive wooden Gate's.
Paul there was left, for effect, a solitary figure, waiting punishment, while the crowd let its imagination run wild about the events to come.
With the entrance of the Number One custodian, bringing the five bridegrooms the crowd broke into a cheering roar.
Stopping besides Paula's float, he positioned the bridegroom's tastefully fully around the float. Paula getting a sense of the occasion started to scream and shout, showing great distress at her predicament. She started pleading and begging .Her cries carrying clearly to the waiting crowd
But being securely held in place all she could do is shuffle her legs making her breasts swing about wildly just adding a little vulgarity to the Classic scene being unfolded in front of the crowd.
However, the crowd sensing exactly how she felt, started to stamp their feet, in their excitement at watching the amazing scenes unfold before them. Never in their wildest dreams had the crowd ever expected to see a Gorgeous First Lady punished by being publicly raped, and so disgustingly.
The number one handler then picked up a sponge with a handle and plunged it into a pot of urgant, containing the blood of a Bitch in heat.
Walking up to Paula's rear-ends he proceeded to anoint the area between her legs and finally pushing whole revolting mess into Paula's vagina.
Paula's was able to see, even though her head was held proud by the collar around her neck the Dog who had been positioned in front of her, raise its head as it sniffed the scent.
She was horrified to see the dog start getting excited and it's Dick grow in length and circumference.
Like a lot women she had fantasised about what it might be like to be fucked by a dog, especially when she had played with her hunting dogs.
But never in her wildest fantasies did she actually perceive that she would be ever be participating and experiencing fully such a unthinkable occurrence.
The dog now beside itself with excitement of the thought of getting its Dick into a woman's cunt, was led by the first handler to the rear of the float out of the sight of Paula who suddenly became very, very conscious of her cunt and the position she was in.
The first she knew of the dogs excitement was when she felt the Dogs paws on her back, her bottom suddenly felt the warmth of the dog's inner thighs as it was shuffled forward by the first handler. The dog fastened its fangs onto Paula's neck holding her rigid. The number one handler reached down and grabbed the dog's penis and forced it into the of the entrance of the woman's waiting, trembling cunt.
The actual touch of the dogs prick between her legs brought home to Paula the enormity of what was about to happen to her. Her mind to just went blank, only knowing that she was about to be physically raped by dog and forgetting all the events that had led up to it.
The fact that she knew that afternoon the older daughter would be experiencing similar sensations as the black slug crawled slowly up her leg to take sanctuary in her cunt was of no importance, she was the one just about to fully experience the feel of a dog's penis pushing into her vagina and having to allow it to stimulate itself inside her, she had no option but to lay there and wait for the horrible sensation of her cunt being stretched and filled
The handlers stood back and watched Paula's face as it twisted and distorted, her mouth falling open and grimacing as she experienced the penetration. She let out a piercing, horrified scream as she felt a pressure at her cunt lips as the Dog prepared to thrust.
The emotion she felt was projected into the waiting crowd and soaked up like a sponge. The women experiencing fully at second hand, Paula's rape
The Dog then naturally thrust forward penetrating Paula's deeply, but so securely tied was she to the float the only outward sign was a tremor that ran along Paula's at body as she felt dog enter her and start the horrible copulation act
The Crowd sensing that now, Paula's was actually experiencing in front of them, the horrible reality and sensation of being to be made to be fucked by a Dog roared its approval. The Dog then proceeded jerk its nether region in a revolting attempt to fertilise Paula's womb with puppies.
When the Dog finally ejaculated to into Paula's birth canal after the expected 30 short seconds of fucking the feeling to her was indescribable. \
Never had she experienced such a vast amount of sperm flooding into her cunt so much did Dog a ejaculate into her that Paula felt her inner tubes swell of as they tried to contain the thick slimy liquid, Paula actually felt her womb swell and it was only the fact that she lay spread eagled on her tummy over the arch that her stomach did not actually bulge.
The organisers had deliberately withheld any sexual contact from the dog for the last three months, being a breed renowned for the size of its testicles, allowing the huge animal to accumulate a vast amount of spunk, spunk that had been recently contained in it's huge ball bag and was now being ejaculated lovingly but without consent, into Paula's love tube.
Despite the bounds that held Paula in place, such was the emotions
that Paula was feeling as the dog fucked her so spectacularly in front of
the baying crowd that even from the short distance the crowd could see she
was badly distressed, her tits wildly flapping about in time with the dogs
rhythm as he rammed his pick up and down her cunt, and the horrible sensations
that Paula was feeling between her legs made her head flail about despite
the restraints of the collar around her neck. The chains holding her to the
float allowing her to thrash her arm but not her legs about.
Just giving the impression that she was taking part in a classic dignified
re-enactment of a fable for cultural enjoyment as she was pinned under the
dog's body, its Dick reaching in deep into her body.
Never had the crowd expected to see such a well-respected lady punished in
such a degrading fashion. But because it was so unexpected, it was so mind-blowingly
erotic. A aristocratic lady being soundly punished by being displayed totally
naked in public and having to endure first, her sexual organs played with,
her simulated rape by brass replicas, and then having the crowd watch as she
had to endure the humiliation of having her bottom smacked in public
Then in the arena being forced in front of a audience to spread her legs to
allow her cunt to be used and fucked so thoroughly by a revolting animal.
The fact that the dog had actually ejaculated inside Paula was obvious from the fact that as the dog continued to ram Paula getting the lasts delicious sensation from Paula's cunt white sperm had actually squeezed out and ran down Paula's leg's publicly declaring that the poor woman cunt was now well and truly full of dog sperm
The dog had been trained from a puppy using unknowing, common young inexperienced prostitutes. They would be lured into the room containing the dog and the dog encouraged to attack the Tart.
Once the unwilling girl had been frightened into submission she was told it only way she could escape was to cajole the dog to let it mount her, she must crawl on to her knees and then allow the dog to stick its prick between her legs Doggy fashion.
If necessary, she would have to physically put the young dogs prick into her own cunt, until it got to know what it was for. Instructions being shouted to the unfortunate girl as how this was best to achieved.
She it would be warned that the Dog would find it necessary to have her completely naked, and a Pot of arugant would be supplied for the girl to sneer around her cunt to encourage the animal.
With each encounter, the Dog would get more experience and aggressive until it knew exactly it what it wanted and attack the tart viciously until she did what was necessary. In the end, all that was necessary was to lure a young tart into a room that the Dog was in.
As long as a pot of urgant was nearby the dog would soon have the girls clothes torn off and her backside or cunt impaled on it Dick. The dog not really worried which orifice it used to get sexual relief. Once the terrified girl realised that it was inevitable that she was going to be fucked by the dog she usually froze and allowed to dog to pull her about like a rag doll.
The dog being encouraged to grip the girl by their back of the neck and bite the girl to totals submission till the dog got used to only human cunt and its use for sexual relief.
Those who tried to escape still got fucked but usually they died before that dog had actually ejaculated into them. Not that the dog needed to them alive it was quite happy to continue fucking a dead prostitute
In the case of the larger animals like the horses, Zebras and Bulls again slaves were too valuable to used in this role and a unsuspecting whore would be tricked into thinking that they had got a extra special client, which of course she had, usually the whore was so mutilated that she wouldn't have survived but so many plied their trade in the underground passages of the stadium, that they would not be missed.
When Paula actually felt her birth canal fill and expand with this vast amount of Doggy sperm she let out a howl of despair, and the crowds sensing that Paula had now actually been converted in every sense of the words to a "Real Bitch " roared its approval again. The women wondering whether it was possible that the dog would actually achieve its aim and Paula might confirm a popular misconception at this time, that it was possible to actually conceive and give birth to Doggie offspring if you were raped by a dog.
The organisers had long tried using many a unwilling and terrified prostitute to achieve this very desirable effect even using the eggs from a pregnant Bitch and forcing them up the cunt of a prostitute, their desire being to actually make a girl carry and drop a clutch of puppies.
To have been able to have Paula dragged naked,inpregnated and dripping multiple animal sperm to a exhibition cage, the full extent of her punishment unknown, as it be impossible to know which animal had actually manage to fertilise her, and exhibit her night and day naked while the leering watching spectators wondered whether she was going to be expectant for just six weeks if the dog had fertilised her or she was going to have to wait considerably longer as a calf grew in her Belly.
This would have surpassed even the senator and his wife's delight and would have been a very satisfying achievement but this was for the future.
Her first rape successfully concluded the dog was allowed to dismount and led away from Paula's trembling body.
The next animal was brought forward and introduced to its victim. Paula looked up with despair in her face into the big sheep's eyes of her next rapist. A Ram
Suddenly she felt her backside turn cold as the number one handler washed off the mess from her buttocks. The Number one handler walked round to Paula's face and smeared on a ointment taken from another bucket, using a finger to force the ointment deep into Paula's mouth.
He then smeared a large quantity onto Paula's tits kneading and cupping them sending a message to Paula's loins. He then untied the large woolly Ram and let it lick Paula's face. The coarse tongue sending shivers down Paula's spine as it licked the evil tasting ointment off her face.
Paula' was then reminded why she was there, it was to titillate the crowd and she had to suffer the Ram then forcing its tongue in between her lips and filling her mouth as it sought out more of the ointment and of course filling her mouth with large amounts of Ram smelling body fluids.
When it had fully remove all of ointment from her mouth it moved down to her breasts, its rough tongue sending crude sexual yearnings again into Paula's body. Suddenly Paula felt that a excruciating pain in her backside as a handler having retreated to her rear end struck her soundly across the bottom with a whippy cane. The first of 12 she was to receive as unofficial punishment in the next minute.
Paula let out a scream that thrilled the crowd, it had not come to see Paula passively or classically fucked they wanted the Bitch to suffer her punishment in torment. Moreover, what better than to cane the woman backside before again putting her to suffer a new animal shagging her cunt.
The women in the crowds were enthralled as their innermost fantasies were betrayed in front of them. So enthralled were they that it was actually possible for the men in the crowd to lift their skirts and to rape them unknowingly, Many a teenage girl was disgraced and shamed when they had to try and explain a pregnancy to their family later on by letting their imaginations run riot.
The second handler then remove the stiff collar from around Paula's neck and loosened the chains holding her to the float and picking up the tether from the Ram led the now excited animal to Paula's rear end her head now free from the restraint of the stiff collar was unable to resist watching the animal being led behind her. The Number two handler out of sadistic pleasure forced her head down between her legs so she had a good view of her own cunt being approached by penis.
Paula was suddenly very aware that that red tipped prick approaching her cunt, was about to duplicate the horror she had recently experience, as expected she went into a spasm of pleading, shouting screaming and thoroughly make a spectacle of herself.
The crowd leapt to its feet shouting " Go on shove the animals Dick into the murderess and make her conceived" not knowing or caring that this was unlikely
. They had come to see a Bitch punished and they wanted some more action.
Most of the women were fascinated by the Jackass. The dog they had thoroughly enjoyed watching mount the unfortunate woman as they could relate to it happening, as many had been embarrassed by their pets attempting to mount them in play.
The Jackass they knew was in a different league, not only was it a smelly revolting creature but they all could see that getting that penis fully into Paula's cunt would be no mean achievement and that Paula had very little chance of safely accommodating its Dick. The sheep would only duplicate the action of the dog just easing the woman's cunt a little larger. The only difference would be that Paula could now react to her rape in a way she had been an able to before due to her restraints.
Unable to help herself Paul stared fascinated and mesmerised at her own sex lips as the Ram forced its Dick into her in her second rape in five minutes. The Horror and terror she felt suddenly made itself manifest in her body.
The Chains holding her arms and legs rattled as she threw herself into a frenzy of protest. She's thrashed about only the strap holding her body to the golden arch stopping her from being successful in preventing the animal getting its end away up her cunt.
As the animal jerked its prick in and out of the protesting woman Paula did exactly as the organisers hoped for and gave as a very entertaining performance for the crowd to lap up. Paula had lost it. All that was in her mind was somehow to escape from the a horrible predicament she found herself in and rid herself from the torment calmly running it Dick in and out of her cunt.
To the watching entertained crowd Paula seemed to be trying to force herself away from the beast raping her, laying over the golden arch, with her arms and legs moving as much as possible and the being only restrained by the chains, she looks like a dog swimming, especially as now she was experiencing considerable pain between her legs, her head was thrown right back.
The artist commissioned by the senator and his wife to illustrate the entertaining, Paula full in the middle of the arena suffering having a Ram enter her and as a background put in a young lady in the audience unknowingly being raped by a complete stranger who had noticed the girls total involvement.
The picture still preserved in a Rome museum shows his hands down the front of the girls tunic manipulating her breasts while the illustration of his face is shown leering as he shot his sperm into the girls excited cunt as he fucked her from behind. The girl totally oblivious of her rape.
Again, the crowd roared as Paula let out a cry of making it so obvious that again she had been forced to accept a gift from the gods. The men gloating at the woman's distress, the women sadistically waiting to see how the slut would cope with the Jackass.
They did not have to wait long, the number one handler made the change over and very soon, Paula was having to suffer the same experience of having a Jackass French kiss her forcibly. Again the cane cracked across her arse and she went into pain torment at the same time as the jackass got its tongue curled round her tits, sending conflicting messages to Paula's lower loins.
The jackass was led to behind Paula's waiting bottom and there allowed to lick the new ointment that had been smeared on. Paul there was feeling exhausted after her previous exertions and just gave out a low moan, it wasn't until she realised that this animal was going to bugger her arse that she again became alive. The men in the crowd enjoying the changing emphasis, the women a little disappointed as they had expected if any the jackass was going to impregnate her. Paula was just horrified as this unnatural act with an unnatural animal was acted out on her body.
Without too much ceremony for such a degrading act, the number one handler stuffed the Jackasses penis up Paula's backside. As expected her anus split slightly as it was penetrated but not enough to cause major damage just enough to make Paula's react by throwing back her head and letting out a loud scream as she instinctively tried to clench her bottom to unsuccessfully prevent any deeper penetration.
Again, within a short time the jackass, sperm joined that already in Paula's body, and mingled with the excess that was running down her legs. Paula or had now reached the limit of her endurance, and would from now on accept reasonably passively, the zebra and the final penetration which would to split her apart, from the Bull Just as several of weeks earlier a young slave girl suffered the same fate but Paula's torment was not yet over.
The organisers had finally, after long discussions with the tribunal judges and unofficially the senator's wife had decided to boil Paula alive. This way Paula's torment could be easily seen and the total destruction of that gorgeous body would be a public event.
First Paula was allowed to stay on display while the crowd finally roared its approval at a classically portrayed tale, and pledged its support for the senator who had arranged for it is representation.
The transparent pot into which Paula was to be cooked alive was quickly brought into the arena on a cart, and the water in which Paula was to boiled tipped into it, the fire at its base being a quickly assembled ready to be lit as soon as Paula was encapsulated inside.
This was so accomplished by tying a rope to Paula's arms the pulling her upright to she was suspended above the vessel. She was then lowered into the killing chamber and the water adjusted so it that to around her neck.
A large transparent horn was then lowered over her face. The reason for this was two fold, one to stop the heat cooking her brain too quickly, the other to amplify her voice so her that her screams would be heard by everybody in the arena.
Once safely entombed in her glass coffin the fire was lit and Paula suffered the gradual rise of the waters temperature, which at first quickly revived her and then started to torment her. As the temperature, rose Paula started her last exotic writhing dance entertaining the crowd one more time. Very quickly as far as the crowd were concerned, the hot water started to strip the skin and flesh from her body, the horn over her head still allowing her to remain conscious of the intense pain penetrating her body, but also amplifying her screams letting anybody contemplating a similar crime that Paula was suffering the final torment.
The senator and his wife had left once Paula had started her obscene chants, they had the continuing legacy of her crimes to organise on her offspring and watching Paula suffer in the arena had made both of them quite horny and longing to pass on the suffering they had seen this afternoon on to them.
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