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Review This Story || Author: Cathy

The Adventures of Karen

Part 1 The Beginning

The Adventures of Karen - Part 1 - The Beginning.

Karen was naked.  Quite naked.

She trembled slightly at the thought of what was to come.

She bowed her head and looked down at her naked body.  She looked longingly at
her heavy, full nippled, breasts, her tits, as she always thought of them.  Not
as firm as when she was younger, but she thought that the fullness, the
heaviness, the slight but undeniable sagging, only added to their desirability. 
After all, having turned thirty she could hardly expect to be as pert as when
she was eighteen.  And, of course, when she was eighteen she was not as
worldly-wise as she was now: everything comes with a price after all!.  Her gaze
continued over her softly rounded belly to her mound.  Her smooth, shaven,
mound.  She wondered just how long it was since she had had any pretensions to a
bush of any kind.  Certainly the years of shaving, of waxing had given brief
discomforts but the inevitable effect of the continued assault on her lower
regions had finally had the effect of giving her a very minimum growth.  A low
maintenance growth, she thought, and smiled.  After all, she loved to feel her
smoothness and she knew that her partners had always enjoyed the sensation.  The
touch of fingers, especially her own fingers, on her full lips, her moist inner
lips, and especially her prominent clitoris, always excited her.  She always
thought of her soft moist areas as her 'special' place, her special 'pleasure'. 
After all, how many people had told her, over the years, that she had a superb
pussy, a superb cunt.  Finally satisfied with her self inspection she had to
agree with her initial thoughts: she did have a desirable body.

Now it was time.  She stepped forward into the icy cold shower, feeling the
biting needles of water hitting her front, her tits, her nipples, making them
hard and erect.  Not perhaps the hardness of arousal, not as sensitive as that,
but nevertheless pleasurable.  The cold stream ran down over her belly and into
and around her folds, making them less heated, less engorged than just a few
brief moments ago.  She shivered at the coldness but continued, turning round in
the shower for a full five minutes, as was her usual custom.  Then she turned on
the hot water, grateful to feel a warmth seep into her.  The cold punishing
needles of the first few minutes changed into warm, hot, pulses across her
shoulders and down her back as she slowly began to soap herself.  Satisfied she
turned around and allowed the fine spray to concentrate on her tits, on her
nipples which responded to this new sensation with a pleasing fullness, a
pleasing surge of sensation.  As she soaped her front, lifting each tit in turn
and soaping around it, enjoying the pleasure, she felt an increasing warmth in
her loins.  As always, she enjoyed the luxury of the hot water, moving slowly,
reluctantly, from her heavy tits down to her waiting labia.

Slowly she parted the enfolding lips and searched, deliberately, slowly, for the
hardness of her clitoris, before she continued her lathering, slowly continuing
down her legs until she had laved every inch of her long smooth legs and
smoothly pedicured feet.

Reluctantly she stepped out of the shower and began to towel herself.  Checking
the time she realised that there was at least an hour before she had to get
dressed and ready to go out with her current partner.  Current partner, she
thought, what a way to describe her present lover.  He was not only strikingly
attractive, certainly to women, but, she suspected, also to men as well.  He was
a considerate, gentle and inventive lover who never failed to leave her fully
satisfied. But, there was something lacking.  After escaping from her marriage
and moving, not only out of the State, but out of the country, she had had a
succession of lovers, male and female, but in sexual terms none had begun to
approach the skills and pleasures her husband had brought to her.  What a pity
that, in all other ways, he had been a complete and utter bastard, she thought.
The things they did together were, had been, pleasurable but his increasing
addiction to gambling and drink had finally driven her away.  Dammit, she
thought, no time to think of those days, those times.  Perhaps one day she would
spend a few hours, more than a few even, in her recollections, but today,
tonight, was for the present.

She walked into her bedroom, naked and glowing from the shower, and lay on her
bed, luxuriating in the softness, slowly cupping a breast as she lay there
thinking about the events of the coming evening.  Certainly she was looking
forward to the outing, even though it was something a little outside her
experience.  She was not too clear on how the invitation had arisen, but,
driving home from the office with Andy a week ago, he had announced that they
were going to a small dinner party the following weekend.

They both worked for the same company, a small concern specialising in
electronic and communication products, he as an accountant and she as a computer
programmer and analyst.  In her job she tended to keep very much to her
immediate group and as such was only slightly aware of the owners of the
company, although, of course, Andy had much more contact with them both.  She
frowned as she concentrated and tried to recollect a few facts about them.  A
married couple, Karl and Greta Nielsen, or was it Svensen, she wasn't too sure. 
No matter, she did think that they were probably Scandinavians and that was near
enough for her.  Andy had told her that Karl and Greta had invited them to a
small, 'intimate' dinner and she was to be ready to make a good impression: he
was seeking a promotion and, as in all businesses, he felt that good
relationships could do no harm to one's career progress.  She was unclear on how
many had been invited to the grand and secluded house where their hosts lived
but expected a small gathering, perhaps four or five couples at most.

Enough thinking, Karen felt that she had to concentrate on her own feelings for
a time.  As her thoughts had wondered her hand was alternately cupping and
squeezing her breast, her left breast, which for reasons she had never fully
understood, was her 'favorite'.  Slowly her other had moved towards the swollen
and hardening nipple and began to slowly tease it.  Karen always enjoyed the
sensation of working on, working with, her nipples and this time was no
different.  As she became more aroused she began to move and squeeze her thighs
together, giving her another pleasurable sensation to combine with that
radiating from her breast.  As her fingers worked on the nipple, now dark red
and fully engorged, she knew that it was time to lift her breast towards her
waiting, moist, lips.  She bent her head forward and her tongue eagerly flicked
across the sensitive end of the nipple.  Mmmmmmmmm!  This she liked!  Moving her
head a little more she managed to fasten her lips around the teat and, gently
nipping it with her teeth, she began to slowly suck herself.  Bliss!  Sucking
her own nipple, her own tit, was a special moment and at times like this she was
glad that her tits, already big at eighteen, had begun to droop, giving her the
chance to pull them towards her mouth.  She continued for a while before
changing to her other breast, until, reluctantly, she stopped, feeling that it
was time to prepare, to dress for the evening.

What to wear was a problem, and yet not a problem.  She had an extensive
wardrobe with dresses, outfits, shoes, whatever for pretty much every occasion. 
It was going to be a warm evening, after all it was late summer, and as she was
certain the meal would be indoors there was little need to dress in anything too
substantial.  Shoes, well, there was a problem.  Karen had always had a shoe
fetish since her first sexual experiences with another girl, when she was barely
seventeen.  She had a collection of styles, colors heel heights in almost every
conceivable combination.  Something strappy and high seemed to be a good idea.

But first, an application of a lightly scented body cream was essential.  Karen
had always taken a pride in her personal appearance and treated her body with
considerable care.  Nothing too over-powering, she thought, after all some
people were sensitive to an excess of perfume.  Underwear was not a problem,
something small, very small, of course, something very feminine, of course. 
Hose, perhaps not, after all it was a warm evening, and was likely to be warmer

Karen smiled happily as she prepared herself.

End of part 1

(c) 2002 Cathy P

If you enjoyed this story then feel free to make, and keep, a copy.  If you
didn't enjoy it I'd love to know why and how I could improve it.  If you wish to
post it elsewhere, then of course you can, (and will!), but remember to credit
me as the author.

Any suggestions for future stories involving Karen would be welcomed.

Review This Story || Author: Cathy
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