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Review This Story || Author: Parker

Parker 03: Train

One Part Only


                                   by Parker

                 WARNING: This (rather short) story concerns a
                 non-consensual gang rape. If you don't want to
                 read this sort of stuff, stop now. YOU HAVE
                 BEEN WARNED.

             Copyright 1993 by Parker (me). Feel free to distribute
             (unaltered), but be discrete.


     "Jerry... no. Don't"

     "C'mon Cindy."

     She shook her head, but didn't protest any further when I steered her into
an unoccupied upstairs bedroom. The sounds of the party receded as the door
clicked shut. Cindy really wasn't that kind of girl. She was a real "daddy's
girl": always got good marks at school, always home by eleven. You know. But we
had been going out for a couple of months now, and I figured I was due for a
little necking. I could tell she didn't mind either. Hell, we were both seniors
at high school. She was just complaining to let me know she wasn't easy.

     Before long, we were kissing, lying beside each other on the bed. I
couldn't believe my luck; Cindy was one of the best looking chicks at school.
With her curly brown hair and bright blue eyes, she probably could've gone out
with any guy at school.

     Soon, I could feel a wicked hard-on bulging in my jeans. Her hand brushed
against it (accidentally?); she giggled a bit, but didn't pull away. Things
continued, and I'd even managed to get her blouse unbuttoned and my hand on her
tits when the door slammed open. Startled, we stopped what we were doing and
squinted against the sudden bright light from the hallway.

     It was Hammond; Brian 'Bruiser' Hammond: linebacker, school bully and a
guy I owed twenty bucks to. Fuck.

     "Hey Jerry, how's it hangin?"

     I scrambled to my feet. Cindy cringed on the bed, eyes wide, trying vainly
to hold together her open blouse. It was pretty obvious what had been going on.

     "What'ya want Bry?" I tried to sound casual, but my voice broke. This guy
could - and would - kick my head in and not think twice about it. I noticed
that he had a couple of his cronies with him.

     "Just a piece of your action, Jer." He eyed Cindy on the bed. "Kinda
greedy keepin' it all to yourself." One of the guys with him snickered. It was
Allan Grant; he had been kicked out of Greenwood the week earlier for being
caught on the school grounds with a switchblade. I felt sick to my stomach.


     "You owe me." Hammond began to walk forward, unbuckling his belt. "And I
think I'm gonna start collectin'."

     I tried to stop him, but Grant and the other goon grabbed my arms and held
me back. I struggled, but it was pretty useless. All I could do was watch.
Hammond let his jeans fall down to his ankles and fell forward onto the bed.

     Onto Cindy.

     She whimpered and tried to twist away, but he used his weight to pin her
down. Within seconds, he had her blouse ripped open and her skirt up around her
waist. Grunting, he jerked his hips and jammed his cock into her pussy. Cindy
gasped loudly and started crying, but he didn't care. He just kept pumping away
for about thirty seconds until he stiffened and came. When he was done, he slid
off her and rolled to one side. Cindy lay where he left her, legs spread,
gasping for air.

     Hammond traded places with Grant and he too was soon fucking her on the
bed. Cindy didn't fight when he climbed on top of her. She didn't fight when he
tore off her bra and began to play with her small tits. She didn't fight when
he jammed his cock into her pussy and began pumping. All through this second
rape, she just lay there, limp and unresisting.

     Grant was soon finished and the third guy took his place. He was soon
fucking her as she lay there. After a while, I noticed, to my embarrassment,
that my hard-on was once again bulging in my pants. Hammond noticed it too.

     "Hey Jerr," he laughed. "Don't worry. You'll get your turn."

     I shook my head, but I couldn't take my eyes off the scene on the bed: the
guy lying in between Cindy's long, sleek, naked legs, sliding his cock in and
out of her now-sopping cunt.

     She still didn't resist. Maybe that's why, when the third guy was finished
and Hammond pushed me forward, I dropped my pants and quickly slid my throbbing
cock into her open pussy. She was very wet and very tight. Like me, she had
been a virgin before that night.

     It felt incredible to fuck her as she lay there. Just as I was about to
come, she opened her eyes and stared up at me in mute horror. She looked like
she was about to say something, but just then I had other things on my mind.
Grabbing one of her tits in my mouth, I bit down on the nipple as I had the
most incredible orgasm. Someone was screaming, but it sounded far away. The
orgasm felt like it was going to last forever. When I unclenched my teeth, she
was crying again.

     God, I felt like shit. But it had felt so good!


     "Hey hey hey... what's goin on here?"

     Some more guys had come into the room. I didn't know them; they looked
like friends of Hammond's.

     "Nothin' much," Hammond grinned. "This little gal here's just pullin' her
first train." He looked over at me as I slid my cock out of her. "Ain't that
right, Jerry?"

     I didn't know what a train was. All I could think about was the fact that
I had just raped Cindy, and these guys had all seen it. I figured I'd better
just agree with whatever he said.

     "Yeah Bry." I grinned back at him, like I was in on the joke. "That's it."

     Hammond's grin widened as he turned to the newcomers. "You're just in
time," he announced. "You're next."


     The first guy wasted no time. Sliding his pants down, he dropped into the
spot I had just left and began fucking Cindy. At last, she began to fight,
twisting and bucking underneath him, but it looked for all the world like she
was just fucking him back. I think she tried to scream, but when she opened her
mouth, he covered it with his own, and slid his tongue in.

     Powerless, I watched as guy after guy fucked my girlfriend. After a while,
they propped her up on her hands and knees so one guy could fuck her from
behind while another guy fucked her mouth. I'm sure she had never so much as
seen a cock before tonight; now, she was sucking on them like a whore. I even
took a turn in her mouth myself. I don't think she recognized me; she just
sucked blindly at whatever was put in her mouth, all the time mechanically
humping back against the cock in her pussy. I think she even had an orgasm
while sucking me, though I can't be sure.

     After coming all over her face, I stepped back and watched as more and
more guys came into the room. Word of what was happening had obviously spread
through the party, and everyone wanted a turn. By now, Cindy's clothes hung in
cum-soaked rags; her curly hair was plastered against her head by sweat and
sperm; and rivers of come ran down the inside of her thighs. She looked like a
real whore.

     I turned to go, but Hammond put his hand on my shoulder and took me aside.
"Jerr... if anyone asks, she got drunk and wanted you to fuck her. You didn't
want to, so she started with the other guys." He looked at me, intense. "That's
what happened, right?" I nodded, seeing my way out. Hammond and his friends
would back me up. If necessary. From the looks of things, no one in the room
would be testifying that she had been raped. I was safe.

     Hammond let me go, and I took one last look at her before leaving the
room. She was still on her hands and knees, a cock in her ass (when did that
start?) and one in her mouth. As I watched, the guy in her mouth came, pumping
his sperm down her throat. When he pulled out, she turned her cum-encrusted
face and looked over at me.


     She raised her hand towards me, calling out, but another cock was
immediately stuck in her open mouth, and another in her open hand. Balanced
precariously on one hand, she began to suck one guy off while running her hand
up and down the other cock. Her eyes took on a glazed look, and her body

     I left the room. It looked like I would need to find a new girlfriend. I
sure couldn't go out with Cindy any more. There were only a few girls like her
in school and everybody knew about them; they got fucked a lot, but you didn't
actually go out with them. Not with sluts, and that was what Cindy would be at
school from now on.

     And everybody would know it.

     I hoped she would enjoy her new place at school. I knew I would; at least
until I found a new girlfriend.

                                    THE END
           All comments are welcome. I can be reached as P or Parker.

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