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Review This Story || Author: OldBird

Penny's Mistake

Chapter 4 Glory, glory three holes

Penny's Mistake - Chapter 4 - Glory, glory three holes
Penny assuming a warm reception from the good looking young driver
opened the door and began to climb in to the front seat.
"Where you Fucking goin' you slut" he snarled at her "Cum sucking
whores travel in the back. Now shift your tart's ass and get in."
Taken aback by his violent tone Penny stood undecided whether to get
in the cab, or run like hell. As she stood there she noticed the
driver was trying to read the piece of paper grasped in his hands, and
was mouthing the words as if memorising them. As if they had finally
clicked he turned to her once more. "Come on you Cunt, get in! Else
I'll tear your fucking clothes off, and take you to Fleetwood where
I'll toss you out naked on Dock Road." Almost unable to stifle her
laughter at this play acting Penny opened the rear door climbed in and
waited for the taxi to move off.

Once again the driver was studying his instructions, until he managed
to get the sentence fixed in his mind "Put the stinking blindfold on
you Fucking Cock Sucking Whore, and keep it on else I'll push your
head so far down you'll be able to lick your own fanny."
Penny looked around, there on the seat beside her was a silk bag with
a drawstring. She gingerly placed it over her head, and was thankful
that it didn't obscure everything (She didn't enjoy being totally in
the dark). Through the translucent fabric she could make out light and
shadow but nothing else. She heard the taxi driver open the sliding
glass between front and back, and he checked the drawstring had been
fastened tightly. Then he instructed Penny to present her hands and
carefully tied them together, before fastening them to the door
handle.  Penny now had no chance of moving the hood, and was a little
apprehensive, especially when she felt him pulling her tiny bra down
to expose her breasts. "What do you think your doing?" she enquired
"We're in the middle of town."

The young man's reply sent shivers through the young girl's body.
"I know exactly where we are you whore. My instructions are to parade
you past certain venues with a sign in the window offering your body
to anyone that wants it for £20. After I've finished you will be taken
to a place and thirty men will either fuck your mouth, ass or cunt,
and you won't be able to do a thing about it."
"what do you mean?" asked Penny her trepidation growing by the minute.
"You'll find out slut. Now sit back and enjoy the ride."

Penny sat in the back of the taxi as it moved out into the traffic,
and was acutely conscious that every time they stopped people could
see her sitting hooded on the back seat, naked except for a tiny pair
of knickers. It wasn't so bad when they were moving she couldn't hear
anything, but once they stopped at what she thought were traffic
lights and she heard some drunken youths commenting on the bitch in
the back and she felt herself blush underneath the hood. The taxi
moved off, and in an area where there were no street lights it pulled
up and she heard the driver climb out. He opened the back door, and in
a much kinder voice than he had used earlier explained that now he was
going to put the sign up and move to the venues where he had been
instructed to collect the offers for her ordeal, but that he wouldn't
pass many areas where they would have to stop, except the venues
stipulated by the Master. Penny thanked him for his consideration, but
he responded that he didn't give a shit about her but one of the girls
she would meet later had been promised to him for the night once they
finished this task, and he'd been trying to bed her for months.
Tonight was his lucky night so he would be as kind as he could.

Climbing back into the front, he started the taxi and drove on. Under
her hood Penny could see nothing, but a cool breeze indicated that he
had left a window open, by rocking from side to side she worked out
that it was the same side as the handle she had been fastened to and
she wondered why he had left the window down. She soon found out, the
taxi pulled up underneath a dim light, Penny could just make out the
glow as it lightened the darkness inside the hood. Suddenly she heard
the sound of voices and realised that people were looking in at her.
"£20 quid, you must be joking" one voice said "She could be as ugly as
sin under that."  "Take it or leave it" the taxi driver replied,
"although if you are
lucky you might draw a late number and then there are other diversions
to entertain you"  Suddenly Penny's tit was gripped, and her nipple
tweaked. She stifled
a scream from the unexpected assault, and heard the sound of a thump,
and a groan as her assailant was forced away from the car.
"You know better than that Harry" growled the driver, "don't pinch the
plums unless you've paid for them. now have I got any takers"
Penny heard the sound of money changing hands and wondered what type
of men were paying to use her body.
She sat there getting excited at the thought of total strangers
staring at her exposed breasts and she felt her nipples begin to
swell, whether from the desire welling up inside her, or from the cool
breeze blowing across her torso she couldn't tell but one of the men
noticed and exclaimed "Look at the little fucker, the little cunt is
getting randy. I've got to have some of that, James lend me a tenner,
I'll give it you back tomorrow." The unseen James obviously handed
over the requested expenses because Penny heard the same voice again
"Sid, Sid don't go, put me down for a mouth job. I'll flood the little
bitch until she chokes"  Sid (Penny now knew her drivers name), wound
down his window and took
the unnamed man's money. Then immediately started up the taxi and
left the group of men discussing their good fortune.
Five times Sid stopped, and five times Penny sat quiescent in the back
of the taxi as men joked about her body, and how ugly she must be
under the hood, but each time she heard more money being passed to
Sid.  Eventually Sid pulled up, but before getting out he said "Just
more and then it starts." So Penny knew that 27 men had signed up to
use her body, and she trembled with excitement at the thought of
trying to accommodate so many. After what she had been through already
she wasn't sure her body could take that sort of pounding, but surely
that would be preferable to the other option of crying off and being
deposited as a toy for maybe hundreds of drunken Russians.
It started again the good tempered bantering over her body, but then
Penny heard a noise that made her squirm, a woman's voice broke
through the gabble. "Can I fuck the bitch as well?"
Everything stopped, there was deadly silence until Sid said " Is there
anyone else?". Not a sound, but then Penny heard a murmur from the
collected throng, and eventually a voice spoke. "We should let Beryl
fuck the tart, lets see how she likes being fucked by a dyke with a
ten inch strap on".  Sid, Penny didn't know if it was in his
instruction, said he would
accept on two conditions 1) That Penny must agree, and 2) That Beryl
was only allowed the same time as the man before her took to unload
his sperm into Penny's cunt.  Beryl complained that she wanted to fuck
Penny's ass, but Sid was
adamant it would be a cunt fuck because he already had the specified
limit for Ass and Mouth. then turning to Penny he asked if she was
willing to be fucked by a lesbian. Under her hood Penny nodded and she
heard Sid give instructions to the lucky few that had paid to use her
body where they were to meet. The place meant nothing to Penny but the
three people seemed to think it was acceptable.

Climbing into his taxi for the last time on his run around Sid
explained that now he would take Penny to the place of her debauchery,
and that once there she would be dressed and prepared by two girls,
but that his instructions were that she was at no time to see anything
until all thirty of the people that had paid to use her body were
finished, and had left. Once more Penny felt the throb of the diesel
engine as the taxi move off, and all was quiet until the taxi left the
road and started to bump over stony ground. Penny wondered where she
was, but there were no clues, all the street lights had been left
behind and it was pitch black inside the hood. the taxi pulled up and
Penny heard a large door being opened, light flooded through the hood
as Penny was assisted from the taxi and escorted carefully into a
building. There was a strange smell, and a rustling noise which Penny
couldn't make out but she soon forgot to worry about it as Sid
explained the next stage of the proceedings.

What was proposed was so unnerving that Penny felt her knees buckle,
and she had to be held up by Sid. She was to be placed in a rubber
suit with only her mouth, nose, cunt and ass exposed. Once dressed she
would be fastened in position so that the participants could each
fulfil their chosen method of debasing her and that there were a few
surprises that Penny would only find out about later. The entire
spectacle was going to be filmed for the Master's enjoyment so he
suggested that she might like to make sure she didn't cry 'enough' as
the Master liked his sluts insatiable. Inside her hood Penny knew she
had turned white, the thought of being fastened down like a piece of
furniture for thirty people to abuse was terrifying, but at the same
time she felt the quivers of excitement coursing through her cunt and
hoped she would be able to get at least one climax during the
abasement of her trussed body.

Penny heard a click and once again she was in total darkness, She felt
Sid remove her hood to replace it immediately with a balaclava made of
rubber which he rolled down over her head. The constricting rubber
covered her head completely except for a triangular shaped whole where
her mouth and nose were. "Comfortable" asked Sid, and when Penny
replied in the affirmative she heard him say "OK girls light back
on, and start the cameras." Penny heard the whirr of the cameras, and
although she couldn't see she could feel the heat of large lighting
units. She was being filmed with commercial machinery. For a second
the fear that her now enforced debasement would be shown around the
world as a sex film frightened her, but then she realised that she
could not be identified wrapped completely in rubber. The realisation
that the unthinkable orgy might be seen, and turn on thousands, without
being recognised made her cunt throb and her nipples stiffen.
Gently she felt new hands touching her, and female voices instructed
how to move as they stripped her pants from her and replaced them with
a pair of rubber trouser that clung to her like glue. Every part of
Penny's body from the waist down was covered except for a slit that
ran from just above her puckered ass hole to just above the swelling
of her now excited vulva. The girls chatted as if they were fitting
her in a shop, and she heard one girl whisper to the other "What a
fucking gorgeous sight, I wish the Master would let me do this once,
instead he says I've got to sleep with Sid, and you know how useless
that pansy is"  Having made sure the trousers were positioned correctly
the girls
struggled to fit a very tight bodice piece, again of rubber, with two
holes through which they carefully fed Penny's tits until apart from
the openings at her crotch and face the only part of her body exposed
were her two breasts, forced to jut out by the constricting rubber the
tightness of which was causing not only her tits but her nipples to
swell. One of the girls began to massage Penny's breasts explaining
that many of the punters would be pawing at them when they fucked her
face or ass, and that she had to make sure they wouldn't get friction
burns off the rubber. Gently she massaged each breast until every bit
of flesh that could be brought through the hole had been exposed.
Penny could feel her breasts drum tight outside the rubber, swelling
around the constrictive openings in the rubber bodice and was able to
imagine her swollen tits jutting out like two pink melons surmounted
by blood red aureoles finally topped by her swollen and crimson
nipples. The thought of it was making her body tremble with

Now said the other girl we are going to coat your suit with lubricant
so that no-one else gets burns either, and that includes you.
Penny felt the two girls massaging what felt like Vaseline over the
exterior of the suit. The feel of their hands exciting her more than
she already was, one of the girls playfully ran her hand up Penny's
slit and laughed when the encased girl gave a grunt of passionate
acceptance. "You'll do" she chortled as Penny automatically tried to
follow the trailing fingers with the burning lips of her cunt, "Now we
just have to lubricate you. Stand very still we don't want this
coconut oil going everywhere."
Suddenly Penny felt a coldness creeping down from her neck as the two
girls squirted the unwarned oil into her suit. They massaged it until
it had filled the entire top of the suit right down to her fingers.
Then they repeated the procedure in her trousers, and Penny could feel
the rubber slipping and sliding over her body as she moved. Eventually
the girls were satisfied and taking Penny by the arms led her froward,
and instructing her how to position herself, prostrate on her stomach
on what felt like a padded bench about three feet from the floor.
Penny's legs were brought forward until they were fastened in position
under here belly, her knees pulled up towards her tits. She knew that
now her cunt and ass were exposed and spread for anyone standing
behind, and this was proved when one of the girls positioned herself
at the back and gently rubbed some lubricant over the lips of her
cunt, before inserting one finger coated with lubricant into her ass
and gently massaging the tiny sphincter. "Don't want you getting torn
to shreds by the first customer" the girl explained.
Penny lay there thankful that she couldn't see how exposed she was
trussed up like a Turkey at Christmas, but then she realised her
breasts were crushed against the padded board, and asked how anyone
would be able to play with them in that position.
Both girls laughed and explained Penny would soon wish she hadn't
mentioned it because they were going to prepare her front end now.
Penny soon found out why they found it so funny, as her arms were
stretched sideways and fastened to two bars which brought her breasts
up slightly from the board, and then she felt a piece of board being
removed and realised she was suspended  on her arms alone. She was on
a horizontal crucifix with her breasts dangling beneath her.
"Nearly ready?" She heard Sid call, "The gang are arriving."
"We're ready said the girls, we'll raise her head once you have done
the draw"

With that Penny felt a draught right up the crack of her ass as the
doors were opened again, and she heard the people that had paid to
assault her body entering the barn. Murmurs of appreciation filtered
through the rubber of the mask as the assembled thirty looked at the
girl so exposed, and yet hidden from their gaze.
Sid reminded the assembly that there would be a draw and that everyone
would get their turn, although both Sandra and Michelle would be
available to service any that got too excited by accepting their sperm
in their mouths at any time, but that once the draw had been made
there would be no variation from the running order. If a participant
was unable to respond when it was their turn the cunt would get a
break. Everyone agreed to the terms and Penny heard them drawing their

Suddenly silence descended over the room and except for the shuffling
of feet Penny could hear nothing until Sid spoke in a clear voice.
"Remember no excessive violence else you'll be thrown out, otherwise
take your positions."  "READY the FUCK SLUT" and Penny
 felt her head which had been left with
her face looking at the floor being lifted until it faced forward, and
being fastened into position. Unable to see she assumed she was being
held up by a strap fastened to the rubber helmet. Now her mouth was
inline with her throat and anyone in front of her would be able to
penetrate right down her throat.
"TAKE POSITIONS!" Penny heard two pairs of feet moving one to the
back, one to the front, and then something she hadn't expected
happened hands held her whilst the two ends of the table were moved.
It reminded her of a hydraulic lift like an operating table and
suddenly despite being unable to see she realised they were adjusting
her top and bottom to allow an easy entry for the waiting customers.
"GO!!!!" The word echoed around the room and immediately there was a
gable of voices as first a pair of hands forced her cunt lips wide and
she felt a cock pushing forward into her love tube. She was glad of
the small amount of lubricant that had been smeared onto her crack as
this cock had no intention of stopping before it had embedded itself
completely into her. Despite herself Penny was forced to gasp and
immediately felt another rampant cock filling her mouth.
"Suck you Cunt" growled a deep voice, and Penny sucked. The cock
tasted nice and clean, and wasn't too large, she was able to
accommodate it easily especially as the man in front of her was
enjoying the sensation and wasn't trying to force it any further into
her mouth. the same could not be said for the man at her cunt he was
pounding his cock back and forth like a madman, even the lubricant
couldn't prevent a small amount of pain as he ravished her cunt.
Penny remembered thinking how lucky she was that it wasn't very long
with a grunt the mans cock exploded. Spurt after spurt of spunk
flooded her tube, and Penny turned her attention to the cock in front
of her. Her assailant had begun to get excited and was pushing his
cock further and further into her mouth, Penny opened as wide as she
could and laved at  the underside of his member trying to suck the
spunk out of it as fast as she could. Just as the cock in her mouth
finally found its way past her tonsils into her throat she felt
another pair of hands at her fanny. Two fingers were pushed roughly up
into her cunt and another was pushing at her ass, unable to speak or
even moan because of the cock sliding up and down her throat she
tensed her ass as tight as she could. "Fucking Bitch" shouted a voice
"I want to finger your ASS. Let me in you SLUT, or I'll tear your
fucking ass open."   Sid's voice rose above the babble "Harry pack it
in, your a cunt man,
do your turn or leave."  With a muttered curse the unseen man positioned
his cock at the
entrance of Penny's cunt, but he had no intention of being gentle
about it, madly he prodded at her, his cock banging against her
clitoris and then the space between her cunt and ass. Penny groaned at
indignity but could do little to prevent the abuse, until she heard
one of the girls speak  "Come on Harry, let Sandra guide your whopper
into the Cum sluts hole. You'll enjoy this she is still tight, and you
should make her jerk around a bit."
Penny fastened in her suit realised that this was the man that had
tweaked her nipple, and received a smack of Sid for his trouble and
prayed that he wouldn't take it out on her, but her hopes were short
lived when she heard his next comment.
"I want to split the fucker's slit wide open" groaned Harry.
"come on then darling, Sandra has opened up the passage for you, come
on give me your cock" Penny felt cool hands spreading her outer lips
wide exposing the very depths of her cunt, and then she felt Harry's
cock being guided into position. "Come on lover" she heard Sandra say
"Fuck the slut senseless".
Penny would have screamed out loud from the force of that first
penetration except that her throat was being flooded with spunk from
the cock so long down her throat. Pulse after pulse of hot jism was
rolling down towards her stomach as she felt the cock being withdrawn
to spatter the last few drops across her lips.
At her rear end Harry was doing his best to keep his word to split her
wide open. time after time his cock drove deep, Penny could feel it
nudging at the entrance to her womb, and hoped the bastard wouldn't be
able to penetrate deep enough. She didn't want the sadistic bastards
seed in her belly.

At the front another cock was nudging at her lips and she opened her
mouth to accept the violating member when with a jerk it spurted cum
all over her lower face, covering her nose. Shouts of derision echoed
around the room as the embarrassed owner rapidly removed himself from
the scene. Penny blew down her nose hard to expel the spunk that had
lodged in it so that she could breathe.
 Suddenly a scream of agony was forced from her mouth Harry had
started slapping her Ass. Whack!, whack, whack every time he slapped
he thrust his iron hard rod deep in her cunt. To shouts of
encouragement he pounded at her. Penny sobbed wondering how much pain
she would be forced to take, before Sid would prevent the attack, when
at her mouth another cock was forcing its way in between her trembling
lips. This was a real monster, as the throbbing glans was pushed
firmly passed her lips she felt the skin on the side of her mouth
stretch almost to tearing point. The cock was flexing and throbbing,
her teeth were scrapping up and down just past the glans as its owner
gently fucked her mouth. Penny was glad that he wasn't trying to force
it down her throat she thought she might die if he did. At her rear
Harry's attack had lessened, his slaps were gentler now as he
approached orgasm she could feel him grasping her just in front of her
hips as he tried to force his cock deeper into her belly, but with
satisfaction Penny realised he wouldn't breech her cervix and invade
her womb. Try as he might the sadist behind her could get no deeper
she could feel his balls slamming against her clit, and then she felt
something else, again a cool hand was there, it was Sandra. Gently
squeezing Harry's balls she was milking him to climax. With a grunt
Harry's cock sputtered and Penny felt one little drop of sperm dribble
from the end as his cock collapsed like a popped balloon. Penny
gleefully thought how she would tease him with that performance if
ever she found out who he was.
At the side of her Penny could just make out slurping sounds as one of
the guest took advantage of the offer to deposit in the girl's mouths
and since Sandra had been busy with Harry she assumed that Michelle
was servicing the other unknown member of the crowd.

The giant cock filling her mouth was edging backwards towards her
throat. Penny felt it cross  over the back of her tongue and gagged as
it closed of her airways, but its owner was not to be denied, with
controlled force the unseen assailant waited until Penny had managed
to suck some air through her constricted nose then deeper and deeper
the cock slid, luckily for Penny her throat was already coated from
the earlier deposit and as her face fucking giant slid slowly back and
forward she found it easier to breathe until suddenly it seemed to
swell, and as Penny nearly fainted she sensed great gushes of spunk
barrelling their way towards her stomach there was so much that she
felt it forcing its way back up her throat and dribbling out of her
mouth to drip onto the floor below. The monster subsiding and leaving
her battered throat Penny wondered why she had not been assaulted by
another cock, she was soon to find out.
Once again silence had descended upon the room, and Penny in the total
darkness of her rubber suit wondered if everyone had left. Then she
felt soft hands touching her anus, and fluttering down towards her
battered cunt. Sid's voice rang out, "whilst the Shagging horse
recovers there will be a short intermission" still there was silence,
and as the hands at her rear smoothed soothing cream into her battered
pussy Penny felt a pair of hands gently lifting her face. She felt a
pair of soft lips fastening over her own, and as she responded and
tried to French kiss the mouth (She assumed Sandra's or Michelle's)
her tongue found a slimy gooey mess. The mouth was full of spunk. The
mouth withdrew a little from Penny's and fingers gently opened her
lips until Penny realising what was expected let her tongue protrude
drip after drip of spunk fell upon her waiting tongue. To murmurs of
encouragement she swallowed tongueful after tongueful until finally
empty the mouth returned once more to kiss her full on the lips
letting Penny's tongue roam around inside it, cleaning every last drop
of spunk from inside.

Finally the two girls had finished their ministrations. Penny felt
better for the cool cream on her battered cunt the sadist Harry had
bruised her quite badly and she knew there were still most of the
cocks to come. What worried her now was that her Ass had not been
violated yet and Sid had said that there would be ten in each hole so
she was still going to be buggered ten times.
Sid came up to her "There is another bout in this position and then we
will change your position for those that want to fuck you lying on
your back. Finally if you are still up to it there will be a session
with you untied so that you can do the work. Are you ready to continue?"
Penny wanted to say no, but the thought of the alternative was even
more unpleasant than what was happening here , and anyway she had seen
off five cocks, Two fucks and three facials so there were only twenty
five to go. Despite the fact that the battering she had received from
Harry had bruised her she could feel her body responding to the
attacks and if she could get just one gentle soul she should be able
to reach an orgasm of her own and that always refreshed her. "I'm
ready" she replied, "bring on the cocks let me suck a few more, and get
up my Ass it's feeling all lonely." this quip listened to by the
gathered mob, was just the right answer. They called for an Ass fucker
to teach the slut a lesson. Stepping forward Penny heard the name
Charlie, was he an Ass man, or was her throat, or cunt going to be
assailed again. Penny felt his hands, placed in the middle of her
back. They started to move up and down over the rubber causing the oil
to glide sensuously over her body. then she felt one hand moving under
her stomach whilst the other slid into the top of the crack of her
Ass. He was stood on her left so it was his left hand that ranged up
her stomach to squeeze her exposed tit. The flat of his hand rubbing
over her distended nipple was causing her to gasp. The crowd shouted
for him to make her cum. They wanted to have her screaming for more as
she climaxed.   His hand still rubbing her nipple, distracted her from
his right, it
had crept slowly down until his finger was tickling her anus. the
puckered hole
exposed for all to see was flexing in the bright lights, as it opened
just a
little his index finger lodged into the opening and stayed there. Penny
unable to
prevent herself gave a great moan as his finger sent waves of sensation
coursing through her body. Squeezing her nipple and tugging it he thrust
his finger deeper
and deeper, all the time his body was pressing against her and she
could feel his rampant cock through he rubber. Suddenly she wanted
his cock. She wanted it in her Ass. She wanted this expert who had
aroused her so easily to rape her Ass and make her Cum.
"Head held up by the strap on the helmet she couldn't hide her mouth
as the words were torn from it by her rebelling body. With a wail she
begged "Oh Fuck Me, Please FUCK MY AAAASSSSSS!!!!"
The crowd cheered as Charlie positioned himself. Thumbs either side,
hooked into the fleshy cheeks of her Ass he pulled her exposed anus
even further open as he positioned the purple head of his cock against
the tiny opening. "Sure you want this darlin'" he quipped as he
pressed his glans forwards "Oh YES, Fuck me, Fuck me Fuck MEEEEE!!"
The last extra loud wail signalled Penny's final surrender as Charlie
drove his cock past the sphincter defending her private parts. She
could feel the ridges on his cock forcing their way up her forbidden
tube as he plundered her Ass. Everyone in the room watched silently as
Penny begged him to shaft her, begged him to ravish her anus. Having
finally forced his cock right up her ass as far as it would go he
reached over and grasping her tits began to pluck her nipples, the
sensations became unbearable her tits felt like they were going to
burst from the pressure her nipples felt like they were two or three
inches long and the invading cock in her ass was like a red hot poker.
Her tube responded wave after wave of muscles gripped his cock and he
grunted and moaned as he felt his cock being milked by her ass. "You
fucking whore" he grunted "I'm going to fill your shit hole with
spunk, and after I've finished you can clean my cock with your
tongue."  Penny couldn't have cared less, she would have agreed to
anything if
only she could have a climax, (anyway she knew that when she had had a
shower at the library she had made sure to douche herself well and her
anus would be as clean as a whistle)
"Oh yes, oh yes" she cried "Fuck my Ass, Squeeze my tits, Fill my shit
hole with your spunk" and taking one deep breath she clamped his
pistoning cock, in a velvet vice as she screamed "Fuck MEEE!! You
BASTARD, Stuff me with your fucking Cock!!."
It was all too much for Charlie, unable to contain himself any longer
his pumping cock jettisoned its load of cream right in the depths of
Penny's cunt, as she felt the hot sperm jetting up her ass towards her
stomach her own orgasm overtook her with wails and sobs she reached
her own earth shattering climax.
Like a shot Charlie was out of her Ass, and he was replaced by another
shorter cock pumping into her soaking wet cunt. Penny's cunt juices
running from her fanny made the cock driving into her cunt squelch
with each thrust and withdrawal, the sound echoing round the room. The
hot juices running over her clit as it was banged time and time again
by the thundering balls of her assailant kept her on the peak as mini
climax after mini climax forced its way through her body. Charlie's
cock in front of her mouth was a lollipop. She sucked it deep into her
mouth, and her cheeks hollowed as she used her tongue to remove every
drop of spunk from his rapidly diminishing member. Penny didn't care
where it had been it was the instrument of her release, now as long as
they kept coming so would she, her fanny was on fire, the spunk
dribbling from her anus was mixing with her own juices and dribbling
like a hot stream over her sensitised clit. It throbbed and pulsed as
the cock shagging her reached its own climax and spattered her Ass
with another load of spunk the owner having decided that what was good
for Charlie was good for him. Cleaning the spunk up onto his hands he
approached the front as Charlie moved away, his now limp dick as clean
as if he had just had a bath. Behind Penny another man pushed his rod
into her distended ass hole and reaching underneath tickled her
engorged clitoris, with a scream of delight Penny shuddered, and she
felt something happen that had never happened in her life before, her
nipples distended to mammoth proportions began to leak. My god she was
giving milk, but never having been pregnant how could she. Penny
didn't know but it felt fucking fantastic, her ass was being plundered
again, her tits were dripping milk, her clit was on fire and now
someone was offering her delicious spunk on a hand sandwich.
Her tongue licked all around the offered hands trying to get every
last drop of spunk from them, then glory be she was being offered a
limp cum covered cock to clean. Avidly she licked all the spunk from
the shaft then rolled the glans around in her mouth until she felt it
start to harden.
Penny wailed in frustration when she heard Sid order the swelling cock
away to see Sandra but her wails soon turned to cries of joy as
another rampant rod was proffered up to her willing mouth.
Suddenly with a cock touching her lips, she felt the one ravishing her
anus withdraw. It hadn't cum, she would have felt the hot sperm
rushing inside her. With a wail of frustration she cried "NO! don't
stop, fuck me , fuck my ass, fuck my cunt , shag me you bastards, Use
This Fucking Cunt, Shag this slut."
Penny heard the two men speak "Ready?" said one "I'm ready said the
other" and Penny felt hands either side of her head opening her mouth,
and presenting her oral orifice, whilst her Ass was spread wide, she
could feel the breeze penetrating deep inside her as her distended
sphincter could no longer close her shit hole off from the watching
"NOW!" shouted one of the men and both drove violently forward at the
same time. Penny thought they were going to meet in her stomach.
straight down her throat went one, deep inside her aching anus
penetrated the other . Then in perfect unison the two men began to
shag the helpless girl. In, out, in ,out, like a rag doll Penny was
pulled one way then another as the men grabbed anything they could to
increase the force of their plunges. The man holding her head had hold
of the back of the rubber skull cap, she could feel his fingers
digging into the rubber, The other had reached right round and had
managed to fasten his fingers around the edge of the rubber where it
opened at her cunt. Both men were pumping like their lives depended on
it Penny felt the rubber in her gusset give way and suddenly the cold
air was striking her upper thighs and ass cheeks as the rubber was
peeled away exposing her milky globes, against the black it was
electric . "Oh fuck" moaned the man shafting her ass. I can't last any
longer ""Nor me" shouted the other as both came at exactly the same
time. With uncanny precision spurt after spurt thundered into Penny's
ass and throat. Each wad at one end matched by an equivalent from the
other. Penny wailed her way to another earth shattering climax as both
men withdrew there cocks to thunderous applause from the audience.
"Now that's what I call a twin fucking" shouted a man from the
audience as the two twin brothers returned smiling to their seats.
Penny lay semi-comatose on the bench spunk dribbling from both her ass
and mouth as she tried desperately to recover from the latest
violation. Her body unable to respond to the latest climax was
screaming for rest, but her mind cried out for more. "Shag me, shag me,
shag me"
her abused mouth muttered, but Sid signalled the next man
away and sent him back to his seat.
Signalling Sandra and Michelle. Sid had Penny removed from the bench
and taken a comfortable chair. Sandra and Michelle removed the
remainder of the rubber trousers and looked in awe at Penny's tits
still dribbling milk. I've only ever seen that once before Sid said
when it was pointed out to him, but it should make for some fun later
when that dyke gets hold of her. She'll milk this slut real good.
Still give her a drink and lets get this show on the road we've got to
be finished before 4 O'clock and its nearly twelve now.
The two girls gently fed Penny sip after sip of cool juice and as she
returned to consciousness she asked if it was over yet. The girls told
her that she was soon going back, for her second bout on the bench and
that it would be easier now that she would have both her legs and arms
free, but she would not be able to leave the bench.

As she managed to recover her wits Penny asked just how many men had
had her so far. Michelle consulted a small pad she had in her pocket
and informed Penny that, including the young lad who had sprayed his
spunk all over her face the total was four facials, three cunt fucks
and two anal. Penny couldn't believe it there were still another
twenty men and the dyke to go, she couldn't manage it, even though her
fast recovering body was itching for more sex she felt that it was all
to much and her lip began to tremble at the thought of another
extended session. Sid called over by one of the girls whispered in
Penny's ear "Listen to me you little fucker, the Master has arrived
and will be watching the proceedings. No-one else knows he's here but
he has given strict instructions that if you don't return to the bench
under your own volition I am to drag you there and then let everybody
loose without any restraint, and when they have finished you are to be
given to the Russians, now get your fanny off the seat and return to
the stage or you'll be really sorry." Penny unable to see Sid's face
had no way of telling if he meant what he said, but a whisper from
Sandra that if she didn't return the Master had instructed she and
Michelle were to satisfy any customers that weren't satisfied which
meant she wouldn't have to go with Sid left her with no hope at all
that Sid wouldn't do as he said. Steeling herself for the onslaught to
come she dragged her spent body upright, and led by the girls returned
to the bench. Without her trousers she knew that everyone would be
watching the spunk still dripping from her cunt and ass as she crossed
the floor. It felt soft underfoot but not like a carpet and Penny
found herself wondering once again where they were, but she didn't
have long to wonder as once again she was fastened to the bench. This
time she was lying on her back with her buttocks just clearing the end
of the bench and her head projecting from the end so that it could be
tipped back to present her throat to the waiting cocks. The girls
fastened her firmly to the bench by passing two straps around her
body, one just above her hips would prevent her sliding up the bench
as the men fucked her whilst the other seemed to split and passed
below her breasts but had straps coming up between them and over her
shoulders. Penny knew that her breasts forced upwards by the
constricting rubber were swollen to nearly twice their normal size, and
were pointing straight up at the ceiling, the cold breeze crossing the
room was making her distended nipples tingle and she hoped that they
had stopped oozing milk, as they were now so tender from being
constantly stretched that she thought she would scream if anyone so
much as touched them. Sid knelt down beside her and whispered once
again his warning that she was being watched by the Master, and she
better give a good show or he would assign her to Fleet Duties, but
then in an act of kindness he fastened a spring loaded headrest to the
end of the board so that when not being pushed down to allow access to
her mouth and throat her head would sit in a more comfortable position.

Penny lay there for what seemed ages, but was probably seconds before
Sid called out the first men to continue her ordeal.
"Brian ass fuck, Tony mouth" Sid called out and Penny steeled herself
for the new assault. She felt a body kneeling between her thighs and
nearly screamed as a finger was pushed deep into her ass. Her mouth
opened wide in a silent scream as it was joined by another the two
fingers widening forcibly her ass hole so that the buggery could
commence. As she lay there praying for the pain to stop she felt her
head being tipped sharply downwards and a cock was pressing its way
between her lips. It wasn't particularly thick but the man behind it
was inexperienced and cursed when he banged it against her teeth.
"fucking bitch" he snarled "I'll teach you to hurt my willy" pulling
back he slapped her face, driven to the side by the stinging slap
Penny could only gasp as the assailant at her ass added two more
fingers to stinging anus. Again the unseen hand hit her cheek and even
through the rubber Penny felt the pain and cried out in agony.
Immediately she heard Sid instruct the man to stop "Tony, pack it in
or you will be strapped down next to her, and Beryl will be allowed to
rape your ass with her Dildo. Penny heard the crowd erupt in paroxysms
of laughter as the chastised youth promised to behave. She could tell
from the sound of his voice that he was only young, and wondered if
she was the first girl he had ever had a blow job off. this time his
cock was presented more carefully and despite the pain still erupting
between her legs she folded her mouth around his small cock and began
to slowly draw it into her mouth. Her tongue tickling the underside of
his member could feel the excitement as it probed her warm mouth.
Hollowing her cheeks she sucked it further in until she could feel the
knob pushing against her tonsils. Suddenly she gave an involuntary
jerk as the fingers that had been so roughly plundering her ass were
jerked out to be replaced by a cock. Like the fingers it was driven in
roughly, and despite the restraints she felt her body move forwards
this forced the cock in her mouth deeper into her throat and she heard
Tony mutter "Oh! fuck me" as his youthful member was milked by her
throat muscles. She could sense him stood there unsure of what to do
as the invading penis in her nether regions continued to pound. Tony
didn't have to move the Ass Fucking Bastard in her anus was fucking
Tony's cock with Penny's mouth her throat was sliding up and down the
boys cock and all he could do was stand there and repeat "Oh! fuck me,

Oh! fuck me" as Penny's mouth  was forced to masturbate his youthful
cock. an experienced man couldn't last long when his cock was being
milked by Penny's throat muscles and suddenly the youth thrust forward
driving his cock another inch, and Penny felt his scalding hot sperm
shooting into her throat. his body had pressed up against her nose,
his cock filled her mouth and she couldn't breathe, in desperation she
tried to shake him free, but the youth caught up in the spasms of his
release couldn't or wouldn't move. Penny was beginning to black out
when she felt the lad being lifted away from her to be replaced by
someone else. "You fucking stupid twat the voice said you've nearly
killed the bitch. God! I don't know why you sixteen year old virgins
don't stick with your dollies. Mumbling apologies the youth hastened

The man stood now at Penny's head, began to stroke her rubber clad
cranium and gently brushed away the spunk dribbling from her lips.
Penny sucked gasp after gasp of life giving air back into her lungs,
the violation of her ass forgotten in her fight to stay alive. As she
regained her faculties she was aware that the cock in her ass was
moving faster, and then she felt her ankles being grasped and her legs
lifted until they were sticking straight up into the air. Her
assailant's own breathing was ragged now as he tried desperately to
drive his cock farther and farther into her stretched ass. Penny
realising how close he was to coming used her anal muscles to grip his
slippery tool, and with a final violent jerk he impaled her so deeply
that a cry of pain was torn from her lips as she felt his seed filling
her tunnel, coating his cock which lessened the friction so that the
pain quickly decreased and Penny was able to take stock of the
situation. Brian unable to maintain his erection any longer was forced
to relinquish her body.
Now Penny sensed the man from her head moving towards her crotch, and
shuddered as he knelt between her legs, lifting them high she could
feel his eyes burning into her. What was he going to do? Was her body
to be treated to more violent abuses. She could hear the crowd
murmuring as he knelt there, suddenly a voice rose above the rest
"Come on Joe. Get on with it!" and Penny felt the man begin to move.
Expecting his cock she jerked and gasped when his tongue licked from
her ass all the way up to her clit, moaning as the soft caress brought
her battered body back to a heightened sexual awareness. "Watch and
learn how to make a cum slut beg" rang the voice from between her
legs. Penny didn't think she could have felt the feelings this tongue
was arousing her twat was on fire as time and time again his tongue
flicked out, then she felt his hands sliding up her body and lightly,
oh so lightly resting on her breasts. Penny couldn't help herself "Oh!
my god lick Meeee!" she heard herself scream and Joe responded his
tongue worming deep into her cunt was reaming her fanny. Penny's body
writhed on the bench as his expert tongue took her up into heaven,
then his hands tightened around her swollen tits and she screamed in
ecstasy as a climax throbbed through her body, "I'm a mouth fucker"
roared Joe, "Who wants the best fuck they've ever had."
voices raised to fever pitch as everyone still left claimed the right
to Penny's cunt, but Sid imperiously called forth someone called John.
Joe took control "stand there John, don't stick her yet and I'll give
you the best fuck you've ever had" standing by Penny's head his cock
just touching her lips Joe began to gently rub Penny's nipples. The
effect, and every one saw it was electric. Penny's whole body went
rigid, her arms out to the side her legs stretched straight out from
the end of the bench. john stood between them could feel the muscles
quivering as Joe milked yet another orgasm from her tortured body.
spent Penny's legs collapsed and in a haze of sexual desire she heard
Joe's voice giving John his instructions. "Move forward and put about
two inches into her fanny, Now place your hand over her clit and when
I say go fuck the bitch hard and pinch her clit. Don't rub it just
pinch the damn thing as hard as you can. Are you ready?"
Penny terrified of the pain she was sure was to come grit her teeth
only to forget everything as Joe tweaked her left nipple. Penny felt a
jet of milk spray from the swollen tip fall in droplets on her
stomach. Then Joe's mouth fastened around the other nipple and to the
roar of the crowd he sucked, not just her nipple but most of her
breast disappeared into his mouth. Penny's scream of release as
another climax hit her was the key. "Now!" Joe shouted as he plunged
his cock into Penny's mouth. Penny broke the strap around her waist as
John's cock embedded itself deep inside her and she felt her cunt
muscles spasm as her body went into uncontrollable overdrive. John
wasn't pumping his cock he was too busy being milked as the strongest
muscles in her body went to work. The feelings in her clit as he
pinched it were excruciating, but at the same time heightened her
release and Joe's cock spilling spurt after spurt of spunk into her
mouth was a pacifier. She suckled it like a baby and gurgled and mewed
as she swallowed his life giving milk. At the same time Joe  was
swallowing jet after jet of Penny's own secretions from one tit
whilst his fingers expressed an equal amount to fall onto her heaving
belly from the other. John unable to control his cock was spilling
spunk into her cunt. He produced so much, and Penny's muscles were
holding his cock so tight that it was being forced back down her love
tube and was jetting from around the base of his cock. spent john
began to withdraw but Joe told him to stand still as the best was yet
to come, and looking around the crowd he said "Now watch as a man
who's just Cum gets hard, so hard that he will be able to face fuck
Sandra. Sandra come here and kneel by John, and get ready to receive
his next load of spunk.  Voices called out that it couldn't happen, but
Penny still reeling
from the intensity of her last orgasm didn't have long to wait. Joe
down and flicked her clit, one , two three times she felt his nails
snap across the swollen bud. Each time there was a second of pain
followed by her muscles tightening round John's cock, already swelling
in her cunt again. the fourth time John's cock jerked into full life
and she heard him groan, and suddenly Joe's hand moved and he pressed
firmly on her belly whilst squeezing her tit as hard as he could. The
jolt of pain from her tit and the pressure on her belly caused an
amazing reaction in Penny's body. Her mouth opened in a scream of
release as the most amazing climax she had ever had sent every nerve
haywire , lights flared before her eyes, she mouthed gibberish and she
PEE'D.  Unable to control even her bladder she pissed jets of hot pee,
them around John's swollen cock. He groaned from the unexpected surge
of hot water surrounding his knob and immediately felt his balls
tighten ready to explode, as the stream lessened and Penny collapsed
he spun towards Sandra's waiting mouth, wanking like mad he sent his
second set of Cum in less than five minutes jetting into Sandra's
orifice. She held her mouth open and accepted every drop, tilting her
head back so that none would be lost. with a final flourish John
sprayed a last few drop before collapsing exhausted.
Joe still enjoying his demonstration of sexual techniques raised
Sandra to her feet and led her to where Penny was gasping for breath.
Sandra prepared to dribble the spunk into Penny's mouth, but Joe
indicated a better place.
Drop by drop he made Sandra drip the spunk onto Penny's nipples, each
drop made the writhing girl squeal, and immediately reach to remove
the spunk from her over sensitive tits, each time she touched a
swollen nipple another jet of milk sprayed into the air, and she
shuddered into another climax. Twenty drops of spunk, and twenty
climaxes later Penny was totally spent. Unable even to speak she was
in a world of total sexual ecstasy, even a breath blown onto her
breast was making her body writhe, and already the next three people
queuing up to use her writhing body.

Up in his room behind the gang now raping the moaning girl. The Master
watched as one by one they violated her. Now they were trying to
discover new ways to abuse her. Some would fuck her tits watching them
quiver and jet sprays of milk into the air as she sobbed and screamed
from the pain of their attack. Her breast were now so engorged with
blood that her nipples and aureoles were a deep purple and her breasts
themselves looked like they were sunburnt. As each person that had
chosen her breasts was ready to come another would raise her head and
open her mouth ready for the spunk to find a home. Penny's lower face,
and the rubber hood were caked with cum. Others were fisting her cunt
or ass before spraying their spunk over her lower belly. Her holes
were so used they had become slack and no-one was bothering to fuck
her anymore until two lads getting two others to stretch her legs into
a side ways split and forced both their cock into her ass at the same
time. Whilst they were brutally raping her ass, another man was
squirting jet after jet of milk into his mouth whilst fucking her
throat. In one of those strange coincidences from life they all came
together and as they retired all that was left was the sight of young
Penny moaning quietly to herself as spunk mixed with milk dribbled
from her tits and dripped from her gaping mouth and ass.

In the last half hour the Master had watched his new slut raped by no
less than thirteen different people and there were only three left to
ravish her when he decided enough was enough. Pressing a button by the
opening where he sat a blue light bathed the entire scene below.
Immediately everyone stopped and stood very, very still. Some looked
sheepish, others scared as the  Master came down from his lofty perch.
As Penny moaned in her oblivion he berated the assembled crowd. Then
turning on Sid who had lost his way and joined in the raping of the
helpless girl he reminded them that he was in control, and that the
final acts of the night would be played out to his tune, and that if
anyone wanted to object they should say so now as there would be no
pulling back afterwards.  Terrified of his anger, and the possible
repercussions they all agreed to his terms.

He had Penny removed from the bench and laid gently onto a couch
against the wall. The rubber bodice was carefully cut from her swollen
breasts and Sandra and Michelle bathed her battered body. Then the
Master proffered a small glass to the sobbing girl, unable to see she
drank some of the liquid and gagged, but he gently made her drink some
more. Penny could feel the pain that racked her body diminishing as
whatever was in the drink took effect, until eventually she felt fit
enough to move. The Master told her quietly to sit still, and sent
everyone away from them. Speaking softly the Master asked Penny if she
wanted to complete her task and have sex with the other three, or
would she prefer to go to Fleetwood. Penny broke down in tears at the
thought of being raped again by the Russians and gabled that she would
do anything, anything he wanted, but she couldn't have sex with anyone
more tonight. Her body was too racked with pain. The Master reminded
the terrified girl of the deal, either thirty or the Russians. Unable
to control herself she collapsed sobbing at his feet begging for
forgiveness she would try to do as he wished, she really would. That
was what he had been waiting for. This night's film would earn him big
money, and now his new Cum slut was going to make it even more
profitable, and what's more he had planned something out sat up in his
room that would make it even better.
Giving Penny another drink of his special cordial He called over Sid.
Sid was trembling and terrified, he knew this man who appeared so
inoffensive could turn in a second into a cold hard killer. He had
seen him once slice of a man's cock and stuff it into the man's own
mouth while he was still alive and laugh when the man had choked on

The Master looked at everyone and began selecting some people to
leave, and some to stay. When he had finished Sid, Beryl, Sandra,
Michelle, and two men called Stuart and Lofty were left standing
before him. All looked terrified and were fidgeting from one foot to
another when the Master instructed Penny to stand. Staggering to her
feet the young girl still unable to see felt her way forward. The
Master looked at her and smiled "My dear, these animals have
mistreated you. So I relieve you of your obligation. Instead you will
help me to punish them. you will be my director. They will do whatever
you say, and I will tell you what I want you to do. The film I am sure
you are aware was taken, stopped the moment I appeared and will
restart the moment I leave, but you will listen to my instructions via
an ear piece, and theses miscreants will do as you say."
Penny still unable to see was listening intently, hardly able to stand
she was having difficulty understanding the words but they slowly
filtered through into her befuddled mind. With a strength of character
few there had witnessed before she collected her garbled thoughts and
turned towards the unseen voice. Drawing herself up as straight as her
poor battered body could manage she uttered the words the Master
always expected to hear from his sluts. "Whatever you say Master, If
you wish I shall finish my original task, but if not I shall do
whatever you wish."
The Master smiled and acknowledged her offer, but concluded that what
was now planned suited his purposes much better. Then instructing
Sandra and Michelle to remove Penny's hood he wheeled and left the
room. The lights were dimmed so that Penny should not be blinded and
the two girls carefully lifted the hood from her battered body. As the
hood was removed Penny rubbed her eyes, red raw from the crying that
she had done under the mask, and looked around the room. There was the
bench, all around it could be seen pools of semen and milk, and she
shuddered to think of the way she had been treated, but at the same
time deep in her belly she felt a stirring and realised if the Master
told her to, she would do it all again.
Carol held out a tiny ear piece and following the instructions she had
been given Penny fitted it into her ear. Immediately she heard the
soothing voice of the Master. "My dear we are going to punish these
people Sandra and Michelle have also drunk of the drink that is now
affecting you, but the others have not. Sandra and Michelle will do
whatever you tell them to because they are bound to me by the drugs in
the drink. The others may argue a little, but they will do as you say
from fear so listen carefully and I will explain the scenario and you
will put it into effect. you may add to it, but you must leave nothing
out. If I think of anything else as the scene unfolds I will pas it on
to you via the earpiece.

As the others watched Penny listened intently, nodding every now and
then in agreement with her instructions. suddenly the voice said
something and Penny wheeled around and stared into the darkness
outside the lights. Slowly her eyes adjusted until she could see what
had been indicated and a smile began to plat across her lips, and she
turned towards the waiting group of very frightened looking people and
informed them she was ready to start.

With clear tones she instructed Stuart and Lofty to strip Sid and
strap him chest down to the bench as she intended to begin the
punishment with him since he was the chief failure of this nights
fiasco, and turning to a spot indicated by the voice above she picked
up a small but lethal looking whip. Sid began to babble, but struggled
little as the two men strapped him to the bench. Under the lights his
ass shone white, as they spread his knees and fastened them to the
sides of the bench. As Sid moaned into the padded cover Penny turned
and looked at Beryl. She had imagined the dyke would be very butch,
instead she was looking at a woman in her twenties, slim with large
breasts and long tapered legs. Her oval face was framed with a
tumbling set of auburn curls that would have been proud to grace any
super models head. In fact she was beautiful. In her ear Penny heard
the Master explaining that Beryl was an out and out misogynist, She
hated men so her punishment would be probably the worst of all, but
for now she could be the instrument of Sid's torture.

Penny understood and looking at the dyke standing there chewing her
bottom lip in indecision instructed her to remove the trouser suit she
was wearing. With obvious reluctance until prompted by the whips lash
the proud lesbian hesitated but eventually Beryl stood there, her
breasts heaving from the indignity of being made to undress in front
of men. Her silk bra and knickers hardly hiding her assets. In fact
everyone could see the curls of auburn hair framing the gusset of her
tiny pants. Penny watched Beryl as she stood unsure of what was going
to happen next and asked the haughty but trembling lesbian where the
dildo was she had intended to fuck her with. Beryl with a smirk, no
doubt thinking Penny intended to turn the tables and fuck her, went
and fetched the offending weapon. It was a monster, a full ten inches
long, its shaft covered with ridges and little bubbles of rubber the
dildo glistened in the bright lights. Penny looked at it and taking it
from Beryl weighed it in her hand. Suddenly she swung the dildo
catching Beryl on the jaw knocking the lesbian to the floor. As the
beautiful lesbian lay there, her frightened eyes staring up at Penny
looming over her with the whip raised. Penny reached down and grasping
the centre of the flimsy brassiere, tore it from her body. Then
standing over Beryl who was vainly trying to hide her jutting breasts
from the gaze of the watching men she made the trembling woman remove
her knickers and spread her legs wide for the men to watch.
Crying from shame the dyke was forced to masturbate herself in front
of the men, even Sid strapped to his bench was aroused by the sight of
the perfect breasts of the woman he had considered untouchable
jiggling in front of him, and when Penny instructed her to straddle
the bench and place her cunt against his lips he nearly came.
The lesbian cringed as Sid following Penny's instructions began to
lick her cunt lips and positively wept when Penny forced her to open
them wide and pull back the hood so that he could nibble on her clit.
Leaving the lesbian to her torture Penny took Sandra to one side and
explained what she was too do with the massive dildo that she had
taken from Beryl. The girl first looked shocked but when Penny
explained why she had been chosen she rapidly disrobed and strapped on
the dildo. Then making sure Sid did not see her approaching she placed
herself directly behind him.
Beryl her eyes tight shut was mutely accepting the ministrations of
Sid's tongue, and despite herself was beginning to respond, her
breasts growing taut as her nipples hardened her cunt lips fluttering as
licked at their inner lips. Meanwhile Michelle had taken Stuart and
Lofty to the other end of the barn and was instructing them in their
duties. The two men looked back at the trio by the bench and rapidly
began to disrobe. They were not to be punished they were punishers,
and from what Michelle had just told them they were going to enjoy
their duty. The two naked men stood before Michelle as she settled
onto her knees and slowly sucked each offered cock to full erection.
Then she led them back until they were stood behind Beryl and left
them there as she went to prepare the rest of her task.

Penny noticing the two men had returned and mounted the bench behind
the lesbian. No longer fighting the man avidly licking at her cunt the
dyke was playing with her nipples, running her hands over her breasts
and down her belly towards her glistening slit. Penny whispered in her
ear 'was she enjoying it' and Beryl answered that she would have
preferred a woman to lick her but it was very nice.
Penny then asked Sid if he was enjoying the taste of lesbian cunt and he
grunted his assent.
Then it happened - Penny stepped back from the two and with a vicious
lunge struck Beryl across the back with the whip. Beryl screamed and
her eyes flew open. "You fucking trollop" shouted Penny "call yourself
a misogynist. Look a you letting a worm of a man suck your Fanny. you
need fucking. Get Her!"
Before Beryl could move the two men waiting behind her had dragged the
struggling woman clear of Sid, stretched across the bench she was
being attacked at both ends Lofty was mauling her tits and biting her
nipples, whilst Stuart had three of his fingers driven up her cunt.
The lesbian struggled and cursed, screamed rape and tried to bite them
but it was no good. slowly but surely the two men forced her into
submission. Her legs were spread and raised up into air until they were
close to her shoulders and then taped into position. then she was
turned so that Sid still tied could see her stretched cunt and
puckered ass. Stuart asked him which hole they should plunder first,
and when Sid wouldn't or couldn't say they started talking about how
he had always said he would like to suck and fuck the bitches ass. Sid
finally agreed he had always wanted to punish the lesbian for being
such a cow, and that he considered a good ass fucking, especially if
she was unprepared with any lubrication, a suitable punishment. Penny
clapped her hands in glee and Sid looked up at her with a tentative
smile forming on his face thinking he had made her happy and hoping
for a reprieve. So you think an Ass fucking is suitable as a
punishment do you Penny said leaning close to the bemused Sid. "Suit
that fucking lesbian bitch right if somebody did" said Sid. "Very
well" said Penny softly the punishment will be an Ass Fucking. Then
Sid screamed. He felt the end of Beryl's dildo forced against his anus
and unable to more than squirm he screamed. Then he cried as Sandra
drove the unlubricated dildo right into his tunnel. The hard plastic
balls at the base of the massive machine smashed into Sid's balls and
he began to cry. Like a baby he cried as Sandra released all the pent
up tension she had carried from thinking he was going to be given her
for a night. The babbling Sid his ass torn from the pounding, was being
buggered by the girl he had hoped to fuck, and she was enjoying it.
Her long nails raking his chest, her teeth nibbling an his shoulders
the poor man babbled into the padding of the bench as minute after
minute the girl vent her spleen and frustration upon him.
As the cameras recorded Sid's rape, Beryl was suffering her own fate
worse than death. Lofty had his cock forced so far down her throat
that her eyes were bulging whilst Stuart not content with four fingers
up her cunt had found the whip and was using the handle up her Ass.
The cameras recorded the beautiful lesbian being treated to every
indignity imaginable except that neither of the men touched her cunt
or Ass with their cocks. They raped her mouth and dribbled sperm
across her face, they bit her nipples and fucked her tits so that
their spunk sprayed over her belly. She was made to lick their anuses
until they could get her tongue no further up them and then they
lubricated their hands and took it in turn fisting both her cunt and
Ass. As  Lofty pushed his hand completely into the screaming dykes
cunt he could contain himself no longer and using the hand embedded
inside her he tipped her up onto her shoulders and looking a the
distended ass hole so recently vacated by Stuart's hand still gaping
before him he pissed a full bladder of water into her Ass. As she felt
this final violation of her body never before touched by a man the
lesbian unable to take the torment any more screamed one earth
shattering final scream and fainted.

Keeping her Ass in the air they dragged her towards the sobbing Sid,
and holding his mouth up they tipped the unconscious woman until the
piss dribbled from her still gaping ass into Sid's mouth. Penny and
Michelle massaged his throat until he had swallowed every last drop.
Spent and worn out from her rape of his anus Sandra passed the dildo
to Michelle who forced it between Sid's lips and made him kneel there
sucking on the violator so recently in his own Ass.

At the other end of the bench the unconscious lesbian was slowly
coming round and Michelle went and fetched a tall bottle full of
liquid and offered it to the semi conscious woman. She took a drink
and her eyes flew open. "You bitch" she spat at Michelle "Your trying
to make me drink a man's Cum." No dear said Michelle remember when you
and your cronies got me drunk and filmed me being licked out by your
dog"  "Well you queer fucking bitch, it's pay back time" With that the
men held the lesbian still as Michelle tipped what must have been a
pint of spunk slowly into the lesbian's mouth, holding their hands
over her mouth they made her drink every bit, and then Michelle
brought another bottle and they forced Beryl to coat herself with the
sticky slime, laughing at the way she wrinkled her nose and tried to
ignore the way great gobs of it stuck to her fingers. Finally in total
and abject terror the babbling woman was made to fill her own cunt and
ass with two more pints of the slippery slimy mess and to frig herself
until she came. Every action carefully recorded by the still whirring
cameras. As she wailed her way towards a climax with the sperm like
substance oozing from her cunt mouth and ass, smeared over her tits
and in her hair. Beryl was awash with the substance but now the two
girls joined forces to insert Beryl's own dildo up her cunt and raped
her with it until she was sobbing from exhaustion.

Then they untied Sid, Stuart and Lofty dragged the babbling wreck of a
man away leaving just the four girls alone in the room. Beryl lay
cowering on the floor as Michelle and Sandra in turn reminded her of
the times she had either fucked their ass or cunt against their
wishes. how she had inflamed men with her body then let them loose on
the girls because the Master had let her. The sobbing lesbian no
longer a svelte image of sexuality glistened in the film lights as the
sticky substance slithered over her body. All the fight had left her
as Michelle and Sandra placed her over the bench again. Face down they
poured yet another pint of the gooey mess over her back and rubbed it
down the crack of her Ass and into her hair before carefully tying her
much the same as they had Sid except that they pumped the end of the
table up slightly and carefully inserted a large cone into her cunt
forcing it to gape wide. Looking at the inside of the lesbian's cunt
Penny wondered wistfully whether it would be large enough to take what
was to come.  The now trussed lesbian being forced to swallow even more
of the
sticky substance being dribbled into her mouth gagged and pleaded to
be told what she was being forced to drink and what was coming.

Michelle smirked down at her, " Have you forgotten where we are my
dear. Whilst you were all busy I was too. Milking all but one of the
residents." Suddenly Beryl's eyes jerked wide with terror "OH! NO! NO!
she screamed as from the darkness Sandra led the real inhabitant of
the building out of the darkness and into the film lights. There with a
cock about a
yard long stood one of Blackpool's famous beach donkeys. "Meet
Hannibal" Crowed Sandra as she positioned the lucky animal behind
Beryl's jerking buttocks and fed the rampant stallions member into the
cone. "We knew you didn't want to be fucked by a man. so we saved him
for you instead"

Retiring to sit and watch the three young girls fingered their own and
each others cunts as Hannibal lived out his donkey dream of fucking
one of these two legged mares. Eventually the screams stopped and the
Donkey concluded his fuck in an almost silent simpering wreck. Beryl
her womb flooded with donkey cum shit herself and fell into
unconsciousness as the girls quietly got dressed.

The lights went out and in the dark the Masters voice spoke. "You have
done well my Children, but tomorrow Penny must undergo her final task
before being allowed to serve my friends as a maid, but I promise you
my dear after tonight it will be a test of nerve rather then of
stamina. Sandra take her home with you tonight and I will send Roy for
her in the morning"

In the silence the girls began to leave, following the unknown man
when a moaning from the bench reminded them of Beryl still tied there.
"Don't worry" said Michelle "You two get off I'll clean her up and
leave the Donkey men a present. They'll be here soon and I expect
they'll release her sometime."

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