"You see, Entworth, I saw you last night at the PainCafe, when you were hitting that girl's breasts....she was tied down, her hands were, and you kept, like thrashing her with that wire thing." Jinx O'Casey smiled at Entworth beseechingly.
Entworth's swarthy face stared at Jinx through his prescription sunglasses, his copy of "Soap Opera Digest" forgotten. "You-you aren't here about my share of the rent?" He tried to look matter of fact, but this was an extreme relief.
Jinx shook her head, her russet curls tumbling across the snug red-striped top. "No, no, I know you don't have any money, why would you, all you do is get high and watch "The Guiding Light" on your waterbed all day...but I paid your back rent to Ken and the others, and I wanted to ask you about hitting the girl at the PainCafe."
"Uh, I didn't know you were at the PainCafe, Jinx. You seem a little too tight-assed--um, I mean conservative for um,--"Entworth coughed. "But anyway, I--the girl I was hitting, she was consensual, you know?" Entworth wiped his nose. "She liked it, even though she screamed a lot."
Jinx smoothed a long curl on her shoulder as she smiled at Entworth. Fuck, what am I doing, she thought. I'm a feminist, and Entworth is a pimple ridden slacker who failed out of Buttermilk Falls State Teacher's College, where a donkey could graduate summa cum laude. What's wrong with me?
But she thought of the night before...Entworth sunglasses ever present, had thrashed this really cute girl's boobs as she'd cried and begged for more...and Jinx, who had told herself she'd just come to the PainCafe out of curiosity, had been flabbergasted.
Fantasizing about a dominant Master all her life, and the hottest one in the world was the worst tenant in her group house? But she had to tell him. She'd done everything right all her life...but she had to tell him.
"Entworth, I know you weren't hurting her against her will. I wish I WAS her. Do you know what I mean?" Oh, God, he's looking at me, and grinning. Oh, those disgusting yellow teeth. Fuck, what have I done?
Entworth smiled at Jinx, and shook his head. "Wait a minute. You're like, a Republican little twat, and you're engaged to lawyer-boy upstairs, and I heard him complain to Stu next door that you don't even give head...and you want me to whip you?"
Jinx's mouth went dry. She thought of the night before. The little blonde girl's hands were cuffed behind her head, and her ankles had been connected by a spreader bar, and it had been amazing that she'd been able to stand up like that....
And Entworth had been holding what seemed to be a straightened coat hanger with duct tape wrapped around the end he was using for a handle...
And he'd swung the damn thing and SLAPPED her 36 C's, right across the nipples--it staggered Jinx that such a sleepy slacker like Entworth could have such dead-on aim--and when the girl had stumbled back, he'd screamed for her to jut her breasts out again, and she'd fuckin' obeyed him.
And he'd hit her again, and AGAIN, and not just on the boobs,but all over her stomach and he'd laughed as she'd screamed bloody murder. He, of course hadn't noticed Jinx, as she was wearing a black wig and weird disguising glasses...
Jinx was up for a security clearance, she was a Foreign Service recruit the day she graduated...she couldn't be seen there at a sick place like the PainCafe, no sirree.
But when she'd gotten home, she'd pushed away from Ken, who thought she'd been playing bridge at the Student Union...and she'd frigged herself on her knees in the bathroom, DREAMING that Entworth was whipping her breasts and forcing his cock down her throat...
And now, she was going to give Entworth a big thrill, because she was going to let him whip and torture her! Of course she had to keep it from Ken and the others, but she just wanted to do it once or twice, you know...and Entworth could probably keep his mouth shut, shit, he almost never left his room, pothead that he was...
"So you want a slave master yourself, Jinx?" Entworth said cocking his head at her. "You think that's hot stuff, huh?"
Jinx grinned. "Yes, and I want you to be my Master!" Jinx pulled her striped T-shirt up, showing her awesome big boobs with the rosette nipples. "You can whip these! And I paid your rent, and can even give you a little money. It's-it's true I called you a loser in the past, but I realize now that you really mean something to me! When can we start?"
Entworth smiled, and lit a doobie of the best weed from Humbolt County, California. "I'm sorry, Jinx, but I'm just not interested!"
Jinx was speechless. What did he mean, he wasn't interested? Not interested? First, Jinx was a hot babe, Miss Treluce County '07, and secondly, Entworth was BROKE, and she'd just paid his rent. He was disowned by his family, for Chrissake.
Shit, she'd seen the announcement in the local daily--"We, Ellis and Mary Beth Entworth, are no longer responsible for the debts of our dissolute son..." Young Entworth had nothing coming in, and since he didn't work...the nerve!
Entworth, probably reading her thoughts, smiled, and patted her knee. "Jinx, you're a nice girl, and quite cute and all...but I don't think you understand how tough it is being a submissive, ya know?" Entworth took a drag on his joint, and exhaled.
"Shit,one thing I've learned about the kink lifestyle--and I've been in it awhile--is that it's not for the um, faint hearted." Entworth was trying to reason with Jinx, but he really wanted to get back to "Soap Opera Digest". There was a compelling article about Carly, Bo and a kidnapper's note on "Days of Our Lives".
Jinx was now reasoning with Entworth, but he wasn't listening. Women could be so boring. Maybe it would be less trouble to just give her a good jolt, scare her off, right? Apparently she wasn't going to go away,. And indeed, Jinx was rather cute.
"Just...couldn't you just hit me with that wire thing, the coat hanger, on my boobs?" Jinx was asking, as she pulled her little striped top off. "Just a couple of times? It's not asking so much, since I paid your rent and all."
Again about the rent. What a mercenary bitch. "Look Jinx, Cherise and I--that's the girl from last night--we worked our way up to the wire whipping. I had to start out real lightly with her, using like, my hands, and then a plastic ruler...it took months before..."
Damn, Jinx's boobs were out now, She was taking off her cute little powder blue demibra. Those were NICE tits. She saw Entworth's interest and shook them merrily at him. Entworth reluctantly admitted that he felt a little twinge in his pants.
"Please, Entworth," Jinx begged, as she casually fingered her right nipple. "I know I can take the wire hanger thing. I've been thinking about it for 24 hours now. Please--"
What Entworth really wanted to do was gag Jinx...the girl could not shut up. But he got up and picked up his lovely straightened coat hanger, with the cute little duct taped handle and came back to Jinx, swinging it in his hand.
Jinx immediately jutted her chest out and smiled at him. "Don't be wimpy, Entworth...I need it bad!" She'd hit a nerve, Entworth's eyebrows seemed irritable behind his sunglasses, and by George, he swung the coat hanger rather heavily.
WHACK! Jinx gasped with intense pain. Right across the fucking nipples. Her entire breast--well, both of them, felt as if they'd been attacked by a Pitt Bull or something. Jinx grabbed her boobs and fell over on her side, weeping.
Entworth yawned, dropped the hanger and went back to sit down on the sofa. After only one swipe, Jinx was DOWN. If she'd had enough, he could relax and shit, it was almost time for "Jeopardy". He picked up his roach, re-lit it and took a glorious intake...he'd been getting high daily since he was in the Lower Fourth Form at St. Dismas, and it just got better and better.
Jinx, her eyes streaming with tears looked up at Entworth. Why wasn't he paying attention to her? Shit, if she broke a nail, Ken and every guy she'd ever known, including her father, fell to their knees trying to soothe her...she'd been spoiled by men her whole life!
"Entworth! Aren't you going to DO something? I'm in serious pain here. Do you have Neosporin?" But he was barely looking at her. My God, he had a Gameboy in his hand. He was playing Tettrus...he had massacred her, and he was playing Tettrus!
Entworth looked at her casually through ganja addled eyes. "Um, there might be some, like ointment in the bathroom back there." Entworth pointed his thumb behind him and returned to his game.
Jinx was enraged, and appalled...Entworth should be arrested. If her father knew, he would be shot. She wanted to kill him, but most of all, she really, REALLY wanted him to hit her breasts again.
Dr. Sanctorius Lytton Peale, Assistant Provost of Buttermilk Falls State Teacher's College looked at the unprepossessing languid specimen in front of him. Sunglasses, Bermuda shorts, and sandals--in November...and to an interview to get re-admitted to this university!
"Mister, ah...Entworth, do you have a first name? It doesn't say..." Dr. Peale peered at the young man, who frowned behind the dark lenses.
"That's awfully personal question, don't you think, Doc?" Young Mr. Entworth stared back at Dr. Peale as if HE was in charge of the interview. The boy looked half Hispanic...he couldn't be that classy, you know.
"Well, do you have an initial at least?" Really, this was highly irregular. Dr. Peale was surprised, shocked, really that this young man had even been admitted to Buttermilk Falls.
"Do I have a what? No I drive a Nissan Sentra." Entworth was deaf AND dumb...Peale smiled at his silent witticism.
Entworth had been expelled from several other colleges, and kicked out of the Coast Guard, and then had his three semester disgrace here at Buttermilk Falls...and now he wanted back in, for the outrageous reason that "It qualifies me for student loans, you know."
Entworth leaned over Dr.Peale's Victorian Continental Pedestal desk and picked up a hairbrush. "Look at this, it's beautiful...sterling silver, right?"
Dr.Peale smiled. "Yes, that was my grandfather's--and then my late Dad's vintage sterling Silver hairbrush, crafted in 1902. It is very dear to me."
Entworth slapped the heavy hairbrush against his palm. "Yeah. It made you what you are, right? I mean, you don't use it, you're cue-ball bald. But it was a great help?"
Dr. Peale's mouth went dry. The memory came back. Father's deep voice. "You have neglected your Latin preparation again, Sanctorius. Take down your breeches, young sir. I am going to make you a better man with this brush!"
Young Sanctorius sobbing, his pants and underpants falling to his knees, and the brush slapping his bare buttocks over and over again, as he flailed on Father's strong lap...before being consigned to the corner, with his pants crumpled round his ankles, his blistered raw bottom stinging...
This before Father would continue with his silver handled Malacca military swagger cane..." Sanctorius, come back here and bend over the desk for more correction, sir!" And his own sobbing "Yes, Father..."
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