It’s the future
But not as we know it!
Sorry it has taken me so long to write the third part in this series. Thanks to everyone that has written to me and responded. This has encouraged me to get on with finishing this third part.
Will there by a fourth part? You'll have to wait a see!
It’s a hard life for a guy in the 23rd Century!
When we last left Sam Tyler or should I say Samantha Tyler, he/she was stuck in the 23rd century. Transformed into Samantha using the latest third generation Transformation suit, Samantha had been exploring the new Oxfordshire prison when an evil assistant Governor (Channing) had made up some charges to have poor Sam sentenced to jail time instead of spending some time with his love, Erin. At the end of part two, Sam was left sitting in a locked pod with her (his) hands cuffed behind her back and wearing the winter jumper, short skirt and knee high leather boots she’d (he'd) gone to the prison yesterday. Her head was covered by a fleece prison hood and this covered the prison gag that had been stuck in place since she was put in the hole yesterday. Poor Samantha had no idea where she was and no idea what awaited her.
That was where we left off as I sat there in the locked pod awaiting my fate, not knowing where I was or what Officer Channing had set me up for. I was really worried that I could be stuck in the 23rd century for more than my pre arranged two weeks and what would happen back in the 21st century if I didn’t return. Could this event actually change time and therefore cause some time continuum changes that the doc kept describing in the Back to the Future movies? It was soon to learn my fate that February morning in 2217 when I heard footsteps coming towards my locked pod and the door sliding open. I could feel female hands picking at the knotted drawstring on my hood before I could look up and see the love of my life, Erin standing in front of me:
“Good morning my love,” were Erin’s first words. “I hope you enjoyed your time in prison yesterday and even more the little scenario that put you in the hole for a night and brought you back here to my house and the basement cells?”
I could only mumph a response back at Erin who looked at my with a smirk on her face. I was so relieved yet so pissed off that I was still locked up, tied up and gagged. Why is Erin doing this to me but I supposed my bondage was turning the love of my life into a horny little monster? She hugged me before releasing my ankles and then my hands. We hugged and tried to kiss but I was still gagged. I pointed at my mouth and tried to mumph some directions to Erin to remove my gag.
“Ah Sam,” said Erin; “you want me to remove your gag?”
I nodded yes!
“Come on upstairs Sam and we’ll see what we can do,” teased Erin as I followed her upstairs.
We reached the bedroom and Erin started to strip so I followed. I still had the bracelets on my wrists but free from them being locked behind my back I was able to undress and approach Erin for a kiss:
“Okay Sam, let’s get rid of the gag,” explained Erin as she placed a plastic cover over my mouth and explained that the solution would take ten minutes to work before I could remove the sticky gag that had shut my mouth for nearly 24 hours now, which also meant I was starving.
Erin then said that she wanted to fuck my brains out so as soon as she had removed the bracelets, she set the Transformation suit to release and within five minutes I was a man again, for the first time since Saturday morning. We then climbed into bed and made love for the next two hours. We ate that evening and went to bed together as boyfriend and girlfriend for the first time in over two years. It was excellent but I knew things might change now that I was a man; and boy was I right. It was now Thursday morning Erin explained that she had to go to work and while I had the free run of the house today if I wanted to remain a guy and out of the Transformation suit, it had to be under Erin’s rules because she couldn’t risk me being spotted so I agreed expecting a day in some sort of bondage but at least I wouldn’t be locked in a cell all day!
“Okay Sam, I need to put you into a chastity belt for your own protection,” explained Erin so from the spare bedroom, she brought the most hideous looking black coloured plastic pair of underpants I’d ever seen.
I had to step into the awful looking contraption and pull it up to my waist. The waist belt was open so I could slide my cock into the built in plastic sheath that would keep him tucked out of reach. I then finished pulling the belt up and with Erin’s help, we closed the waist band and the CLICK told me that the belt wasn’t coming off. I did test the chastity belt and there was no way I could get out of it, never mind get access to my dick for some self release today. Somehow, I knew that I would have the use of my hands anyway so that was a pointless fantasy for today. Next Erin brought me a pair of thick black, opaque Lycra tights. These were extremely shinny and fitted my male legs perfectly, covering all my hairs and they didn’t look too bad but next Erin fitted me with an incredibly tight leather corset dress that squeezed my male torso to a shadow of its former self. This dress was made of the thick but lined leather that came from my neck to two inches above my knees. The corset dress had a rear entry zip, just like the corsets Erin had already forced me to wear when I was Samantha! As Erin pulled up the rear entry zip, the dress closed tighter and tighter, until I could hardy breathe. When the zip reached my neck, the think collar had a locking facility that meant the dress wasn’t coming off either without a key. Next came my foot-ware for the day, a pair of high heeled leather boots that match my leather corset dress. The heel on these boots were much higher than I’d ever experienced before so I knew movement around the house was going to be very uncomfortable. Erin then produced a pair of long black leather gloves that also matched my dress and boots. These were elbow gloves and as Erin forced them up my arms, my hands slipped into the gloves themselves and it was then I realised the fingers and thumb were fused together so I knew then I was going to have very little use of my hands.
“Okay Sam, I’m going to put you in some bondage now,” explained Erin as she fitted the same ankle cuffs I’d worn yesterday and then the bloody wrist cuffs that soon had my arms pinned tightly behind my back.”
“Erin, I thought you said I’d have the free run of the house,” I asked as she next approached with what I guessed was a very heavy burqua.
“You will have Sam but restrained, belted and covered head to toe in this great garment that hides all your delicious male body from all those jealous woman out there that would rape you on sight,” responded Erin as she approached pulling my head into the built in hood, leaving me only limited vision through the silk mesh that hid my eyes from the outside world.
I’d always wanted to try a burqua and now I had my wish and the thick blue silk was pulled down over my body, leaving even my high healed boots hidden behind layers of thick blue silk.
“Sam, I’m going to lock this steel collar around your neck which simply means the burqua isn’t coming off,” explained Erin. “If we were going outside, I’d have to gag you but I think I’ll spare you that bondage today but be assured, you’re going to be stuck in the burqua all day!”
Even though the thought of being handcuffed and placed in the Burqua all day scared the crap out of me, my cock was trying to grow inside the plastic tube of my 23rd century chastity belt and it fucking hurt! Erin placed the last piece of bondage on me this morning, as the steel collar was placed around my neck and locked it. She then went off to change for work herself and in a smart business suit with a very short skirt, I desperately tried to persuade her to stay with me today and reminded her of the fun we could have. Erin wasn’t having any of it as she kissed me on my silk covered forehead and left for work, leaving me trapped inside her house and trapped inside the silk Burqua, which was slowly starting to cook my body already.
For the next hour, I waddled round the house, trying to decide what to do in my current state. At one point I had sat down on the living room couch to try and get comfortable and maybe even get a nap. It was around 10am, when I was startled by the noise of the front door opening. I quickly got up and headed towards the hall calling out to Erin, hoping she’d felt sorry for me and decided to return to spend the rest of the day with me. Instead of being confronted with the love of my life, I was standing in front of another female, wearing a fairly provocative maid’s outfit:
“Hi, you must be Sam,” said the girl. “I’m Charlotte from the Oxfordshire prison and I’m here to clean Ms. Stone’s house.”
“What do you mean you’re from the Oxfordshire prison,” I asked?
“I’m currently serving a ten year sentence and as part of my rehabilitation programme, I’ve elected to work for the prison staff to clean their homes. Today is Thursday so I’m here to clean Ms. Stone’s home,” responded Charlotte.
“How do you propose to clean anything Charlotte, as it looks like your hands are still cuffed behind your back,” I continued my line of questioning?
“Ah Sam, they’ll automatically release in five minutes and I’ll be ready to go, replied Charlotte.
It was around that same moment in time when I heard the familiar BLEEP and Charlotte was able to bring both hands away from behind her back.
Charlotte was a stunning brunette, about 5:8 and in great shape. She explained that she was forced to wear a female chastity belt under her incredibly thick white Lycra tights. Her French maid’s dress went from half way up her thigh to the high neck collar that clear meant the dress was locked on. Around each wrist was the familiar cuffing mechanism that I also wore. Charlotte agreed to switch on the television and said she would sit with me through her lunch hour at twelve noon. I was then left to watch TV on my own while I heard Charlotte moving around the house getting on with what she had to. At 12:10, she came into the lounge and sat down with a bowl of soup and crusty roll for her lunch. She apologised that she couldn’t feed me as my head and therefore my face was completely covered in a thick layer of silk from the Burqua, Erin had forced me to wear today. At around 12:30, I heard bleeps coming from Charlotte’s wrist bracelets and she placed her arms behind her back to have them automatically locked.
“Why are you cuffed again Charlotte,” I asked?
“By law, I must be allowed a one hour break at lunch time Sam so I’m given 30 minutes to prepare and have my lunch before I must be handcuffed for the last 30 minutes,” explained Charlotte.
Charlotte then went on to explain that it was nice to see another man in Erin’s life so I started to enquire on the other men in Erin’s life. Charlotte explained that there had been no man around this house for the last two years but before that she kept one or two but they had been gagged and during most days, they had been locked in the basement cells.
“So Charlotte, if you don’t mind me asking, what did you do to get ten years,” I enquired?
For the next thirty minutes, until Charlotte’s handcuffs automatically unlocked, she told me about her life up until the point she made a fatal mistake that cost her the last eight years of her life. Charlotte explained that nine years ago she so desperate to have a man in her life that she ended up kidnapping a guy who belonged to one of her clients. It turned out that Charlotte once owned a thriving cleaning business and between herself and her twenty staff, they had many contracts to clean the homes of some of Oxfords richest woman. One of Charlottes clients was lucky enough to own a man (even after the last few days, I still couldn’t get used to woman actually owning men). She didn’t give any names but over a six-month period, Charlotte had gotten to know the man of the house and as they grew closer, Charlottes female client had become more trusting and started to give her man more freedom. In the early days he was trussed up just as I am right now but as time went on, he slowly was able to lose the burqua and bondage until one day, he was even free of the chastity belt. Charlotte then made love to the guy and as soon as she finished the cleaning, they left her clients home together.
“Charlotte,” I asked! “If he left freely with you, how could it be kidnapping?”
Charlotte explained that men in the 23rd century had no rights of their own and as they had zero decision making powers, he couldn’t have taken the decision himself to leave. The up-shot was Charlotte got arrested that night, the guy was returned to his mistress and she was fined for not keeping him under control. Poor Charlotte was in court after two months remand and sentenced to ten years in jail. In the 23rd century, ten years meant ten years so she would have to serve the entire sentence. In addition to her ten years, the first five she wore a steel chastity belt the entire time, 24x7, which was a big deal to a girl was had a very horny apatite. I sympathised the best I could with Charlotte but soon her hour-long-break was up, her cuffs released and she left me alone to watch TV, stuck in my bondage for the rest of the day.
At four o’clock Charlotte retuned with her hands clearly cuffed once more. She explained that the prison van would be back at some time between four and five but until then, she was once again restrained.
We heard a vehicle enter the drive way but as the front door opened it was Erin, returning from work. She greeted us both complemented Charlotte on a greats days work. She also asked Charlotte if I’d behaved myself and both laughed when Charlotte asked how I could do nothing in the bondage I’d been put into. At five-fifteen the prison van arrived and Charlotte was shackled before been taken away for the night. As we said our good-byes, I turned to Erin and asked to be released from the burqua?
“Sam, you wanted to be a man so I’m going to treat you like a man. If you whine much more, I’ll put a gag in your mouth also,” explained Erin in a voice I didn’t like!
“But Erin, I’m dying to take a piss,” I responded.
Erin then escorted me down to the basement cells and once I was inside one of the pods, she helped me pull up the burqua and dress, which allowed me to sit on the pot and take a well earned piss. As she started to straighten me out, Erin began to unlock the collar from around my neck, and pull the burqua over my head. I thought I was about to be freed, when Erin stuck a rubber ball gag in my mouth and buckled the strap before pulling down the burqua and re fashioning the collar.
“I told you not to whine Sam, so I’m going to treat you like a man in the 23rd century,” Erin shouted before walking off and locking the pod door behind her.
Not only was I still stuck in my bondage but I was also stuck in a pod with no escape from the nightmare of being a man in the 23rd century.
I had no idea what time is was when Erin finally returned with a tray of food in her hands.
"Hello Sam, how are you doing in there," teased Erin as she unlocked the collar that held the thick silk burqua on my body and then the gag that had kept me silent since late this afternoon.
"Why are you doing this Erin," I asked? "You've left in this bondage all day and I came to your world to spend time with you, not spend it bound up, wearing a Burqua and locked in one of the basement pods.
"I told you Sam," Erin went on to explain. "I want you to know what it is like to be a man in the 23rd century so until Saturday (two days from now) you'll spend your time understanding what it is like to be a man in the 23rd century. We're going to a rather special party on Saturday night so until then, you will remain my man, which therefore means, my prisoner. You love bondage so for the next forty or so hours, you will remain in bondage!"
I wasn't happy but accepted Erin's decision sp she unlocked the bracelets, which meant that I could remove the long leather opera gloves. The dress came off next followed by the tights, pants and bra but Erin then gave me a black Lycra catsuit to wear, which had built in feet (just like a pair of tights) but the long sleeves were open, allowing my hands to be free. The catsuit closed at my neck, leaving my head free also but the steel collar was locked around my neck to the zip of the catsuit, which meant it was staying on until Erin said so. As soon as I was secured in the catsuit, Erin replaced the bracelets onto both my wrist and ankles. The ankle cuffs were attached to each other by a short length of cable so I had movement but not much! Erin then announced I'd be wearing the catsuit until we got ready to go to the party on Saturday night. I protested but Erin just ignored me and left me alone in the pod, to eat my meal.
I'd finished my meal a few hours when Erin finally returned and demanded that I place my wrist behind my back so she could unlock and enter the pod (cell) with complete security. As soon as I was cuffed, Erin unlocked the pod and basically jumped me, thrusting her tongue deep into my mouth and me kissed passionately for at least ten minutes. It was a little awkward for me with my hands trapped behind my back but I was used to the bondage and it wasn't uncomfortable so we continued until Erin pulled down the crotch zip on my catsuit but realised I was still locked in the chastity belt:
"Oh what a shame Sam," teased Erin as she simply pulled up the crotch zip and announced that we couldn't make love tonight as she couldn't be bothered going upstairs to find the remote control for my chastity belt.
As disappointed as I was at that moment, I was to be even more disappointed as Erin simply got up, lifting the tray with a now empty plate and left, locking the pod door behind her. She blew me a kiss and left, using her remote control to release my wrist bracelets but that was the last time I saw Erin that night. I did sleep quite well despite my ankles being cuffed and wearing the thick Lycra catsuit. In the morning, Erin brought me breakfast and announced she'd be back once she was showered and ready for work. On her return I was instructed to have my wrists locked behind my back and when she entered the pod, I large ball gag was shoved in my mouth and buckled behind my head.
"That should keep you quite while I finish dressing you for today," explained Erin in a stern tone.
My gagging completed, Erin forced a tight leather corset around my waist and then simply pulled the same silk burqua over my body as she did yesterday. I already had the steel collar locked around my neck so Erin finished off my outfit for today, by tying a long red wool scarf twice around my neck, tying it off under where my chin was hidden by the silk burqua.
"That's you done for the day Sam," announced Erin as she left, locking the pod door behind her.
Surely she wasn't going to leave me locked in the pod all day like this but that's exactly what did happen! I had one of the most boring and frustrating days of my life ever, locked in the basement cell (pod), bound and gagged, wearing the burqua and the scarf tied around my neck, meaning the burqua was staying on for the entire day.
It was late afternoon when Erin did return to me ranting behind the thick Perspex pod door.
"If you're going to be grumpy Sam, I'll just leave you in there," shouted Erin and she just turned on her heals and left me alone in the pod.
The next time she returned, I was a lot calmer and she approached and untied the long wool scarf, before lifting the heavy silk burqua off my body. My gag was next:
"Thank you so much Erin," were my first words, followed by, "I really urgently need to take a piss!"
Erin smiled and unlocked my wrists, allowing me to unzip the crotch on the catsuit and sit on the pod's toilet, relieving myself from a day of built up fluid.
"Does that feel better Sam," asked Erin in a teasing voice?
"Yes thank you sweetheart," I replied. "Is there any chance I can get out of this pod now?"
"I see no reason why not," announced Erin as she instructed me to place my hands behind my back, allowing the cuffs to reengage, trapping my arms once again.
"Do you not think you're taking my bondage a little seriously Erin," I asked as we climbed the stairs to the main house, which was a slight challenge with my ankles still cuffed with a foot of cable between the corresponding cuffs?
"Well Sam, you are now just beginning to appreciate what it is like for a guy in the 23rd century," Erin explained.
We spent the rest of Friday evening upstairs and my arms were released and re-cuffed in front to allow me to eat, which was another challenge. As soon as diner was finished Erin and I watched some 23rd century TV, which was directed 100% at females and at around ten o'clock Erin took me back to my pod and locked me in again for my second night of frustration. I was beginning to hate my life as a man in the 23rd century as I wanted to get to know Erin better and fuck her brains out but instead I was being treated like her prized toy and kept under lock and key the entire time. I also spent all day on Saturday in the pod. I was spared the burqua and bondage but the day was monotonous as Erin explained she was preparing for the special party that evening. She brought my breakfast and lunch but apart from a few minutes of her time, I spent the entire day locked in the pod, with absolutely nothing to do. At six o'clock Erin took me out of the pod, with my hands securely locked behind my back. I was taken to one of her spare bedrooms, which was a large state room with impressive four-posted bed and sitting room. I was then released from the wrist and ankle cuffs, followed by the collar and then the catsuit. Finally the chastity belt was removed and I was told to take a long bath.
"When you're finished in the bathroom Sam, return to the bedroom and put on what I've left out for you. I'll then be back with some food a little later," Erin explained.
I lay in the bath for over 30 minutes, before returning the bedroom to find an array of female lingerie to wear for the party. First of all I pulled the bright red silk Basque around my torso and pulled up the rear zip, tightening the garment as I went. I then pulled on the thick Lycra stockings that matched the colour of the Basque. The red suspender belt was next, which I attached both stockings to. The only other thing Erin had left for me was a pair of strappy high heeled shoes in bright red of course. I then headed for the door but released it was locked when I tried to turn the handle. I had no alternative but to sit down and watch some TV until Erin returned, which she did in half-an-hour.
"Ah, you look fantastic Sam," said Erin as she entered the room with a tray of food.
We sat together tonight and ate at the table in the small sitting area attached the large state bedroom. We chatted about everything and anything but apart from telling me that tonight's party was in my honour, Erin didn't tell me any of the details about tonight. At eight o'clock Erin announced that the first guest would be here in twenty minutes and it was time to get ready. Without any arguments, I allowed Erin to place long Lycra opera gloves on each arm and it wasn't a surprise when I released that both gloves had fused my fingers together to doing anything with my hands would be a challenge! Next and in an unusual turn of events, Erin used a long thin red silk scarf to bind my hands behind my back. It was very tight and with my fused fingers in the red Lycra gloves, there was no way that I could even pick the knots to release the bondage. Next Erin reached below her skirt and pulled off her red silk knickers and stuffed them into my mouth. Using an identical red silk scarf, she wrapped the long red band, twice around my head, tying it off behind my head and therefore effectively gagging me. Finally Erin picked out a mass of red silk and as I was to find out, I was wearing a burqua to the party tonight. This particular burqua was incredibly heavy and covered my entire body from head to toe. The mesh that covered my eyes, did mean I was able to see a little but only vague shapes and outlines but Erin was now happy that I was ready for tonight's party:
"Stay here Sam and I'll be back for you in fifteen minutes," explained Erin as she left, locking the door once more.
When Erin returned she was stunning! She was wearing an electric blue cocktail dress of the finest satin. Even her legs were encased in blue Lycra (hopefully stockings) and she wore the highest pair of blue heels I'd ever seen. I of course could only Mumph into my silk gag:
"Ah you approve Sam," teased Erin!
I was then led downstairs to where guests were starting to arrive. All were woman and all seemed to know me and talked to me. It was always a one sided conversation as my speech was rendered useless by the long red silk scarf that kept Erin's knickers stuffed inside my mouth. One particular girl that took me by surprise was a tall brunette. Her shoulder length hair waved freely across her bright red cocktail dress that contrasted the black opaque stockings. I knew they were stockings because the hem of her dress was very high and quite often I got to see the tops her stockings, where they met the suspender belt. It was around ten o'clock when she finally approached for a one-sided chat:
"Good evening Sam, I'm Helen," this beauty introduced.
I of course could only mumph a reply to Helen's introduction.
"Ah Sam, I guess Erin has gagged you," Helen went on to tease. "Don't worry my sweet, you'll be seeing a little more of me later on."
What did Helen mean by that but whatever it meant, as the evening went on and the girls got more drunk, they all started flirting more and more with me. At about eleven-thirty, the music stopped and Erin started her announcements by asking me to join her b the large ornate fireplace that survived the past 200 years as it should in my house, back in 2017:
"Ladies, by now most of you have met my latest slave, Sam. He doesn't say a lot but one thing I can tell you is that he is a superb specimen and his sperm is also virile."
This got a gasp from the ladies in the room and they all took a step closer as Erin continued:
"Now we're going to play a game ladies and whoever wins, get's to fuck Sam's brains out and no doubt a load of his seed, which is bound to please as he's been locked in a chastity belt for the last week, with no release!"
Now this was interesting! Erin was now not only my 23rd century girlfriend but now my 23rd century pimp! As instructed by Erin, all the ladies removed their long silk scarves that each and every one of them had worn all evening wrapped around their necks. I wondered if this had just been 23rd century style of something else but who cared as all the ladies in the room tied their scarves around their heads, effectively blindfolding them.
"Now ladies, I'm going to remove Sam's burqua and gag, which I'm going to use to blindfold him. Each of us get's to kiss him and whoever Sam says is the best kisser, then the lucky lady get's some of Sam's seed.
As soon as all the ladies were blindfolded, Erin pulled off my burqua and untied the gag, which she then used to blindfold me, before pulling the silk knickers from my mouth. One-by-one, I got a passionate kiss from all ten ladies in the room except Erin. One-by-one they approached and we kissed for two or three minutes as Erin introduced them by a number (one to ten). As number ten finished, Erin asked me who was the best kisser and I said I didn't know but wanted to kiss number three and six again. There was a laugh from several girls and Erin asked them to all to keep their blindfolds on until the game was over and I'd chosen one of the girls. So again I kissed girl number three and girl number six but it was a tough decision. I asked for both, which got another laugh from the assembled crowd but in the end I chose umber three. Before each of the girls were permitted to remove their blindfolds, I was gagged once again and covered by what I began to know as my tent (the burqua). That completed, all the ladies in the room removed their blindfolds and it had become clear that I'd actually chosen Helen in the bright red dress and black opaque stockings.
"See you upstairs," were Helen's next words as Erin led me away to the spare bedroom.
"I hope you don't mind me using you this way Sam," explained Erin as we reached the large state room where I dressed earlier.
There wasn't a lot I say as Erin's knickers packed my mouth and the long red silk scarf wrapped twice around my face kept the sticky silk ward inside and me quiet! Once we reached the bedroom, Erin instructed me to lie on the bed where she attached ankle cuffs to each of my legs, which meant I was now outstretched with the burqua rising up my red silk covered legs:
"Now sit up please Sam," requested Erin as she picked at the knots in the scarf that bound my wrists together behind my back?
That complete, each of my silk arms were attached to cuffs on opposite ends of the headboard and now I was effectively spread-eagled on Erin's spare bedroom bed.
"Before I let Helen loose on you Sam, I'm afraid I'm going to lock the steel collar around your neck," Erin went on to explain. "I can't have her seeing your face or hearing your voice."
As soon as the steel collar was in place and locked, Erin went off to retrieve Helen, who smiled as she approached the bed, where I lay, immobile and afraid, yet excited at the same time.
"Good evening again Sam," teased Helen as she approached, still wearing her red satin cocktail dress and black opaque stockings.
Again, I couldn't say much except mumph a response:
"I see Erin's kept you gagged my dear," Helen continued to tease.
With that she started to seductively unzip the red dress from behind and lift the mass of silk off over her head, revealing a black leather corset, attached to her black opaque stockings. Next Helen started to tease my body or what she could retrieve from below the mass of silk that still shrouded by body (burqua).
"I see Erin has prepared you well," Helen continued to tease as she commented on the red lingerie that I wore under the burqua.
By now my man was responding and Helen was impressed with what she saw and was about to feel between her legs. The teasing got more intense as Helen climbed on top of me and slipped my cock deep inside her pussy. The pumping that followed didn't take long until we both exploded and the pace slowed down as Helen reached down while still imperilled on my cock and tried to kiss me through the layers of silk that covered my face.
"Thank you Sam, that was fantastic," she said as she climbed off and headed for the ensuite to clean up.
Without a word, Helen just left the room, leaving me tied-up, hot and sticky from the love making that had just taken place and that's how I remained for the next hour or so. Erin did return and cleaned me up before introducing me to another girl that joined us both in the spare room.
"Sam, this is Holly," explain Erin as she introduced me to another brunette but this time in a bright yellow cocktail dress. "Holly was your second choice Sam and I'm sure you could spare her a little of your juices."
I couldn't believe what I was hearing as Erin left me with another one of her friends to service:
"Hello there mister," teased Holly as she approached, which my cock reacted to very quickly. "I can see you are pleased to see me!"
Without even removing her bring yellow satin cocktail dress, Holly began to work her magic and within five or so minutes, she was impaled on me, pumping as hard as she could. It took quite a bit longer for me to come, but it was only about two or three minutes after Holly had screamed her way through an intense orgasm herself.
"Thank you Sam," was Holly's last words as she left the room, leaving me still tied-up and feeling completely used.
I think I'd drifted off to sleep at one point but I was weakened by the bedroom door opening and a figure shrouded in a bright blue burqua, not that different to the one I was wearing, approaching. It was clearly a female but she was gagged, just like me but not bound as her bright blue silk gloves started to caress my silk covered body. We both mumphed into our gags as the love making session got more intense. Just like Holly before, this burqua covered female simply climbed on top of me and eased her warm and wet juicy sex over my cock and then lowered her body, impaling me for the third time tonight. This session was intense as it was going to take me longer to come this time and whoever this girl was covered by the bright blue burqua, she was enjoying herself as she shagged me senseless. I think this shrouded female came first but I wasn't quite sure as my sixth sense took over, craving the release that was taking far too long to come but finally did! But unlike the other two girls before, this one stayed a little longer and kissed me from behind her covered and gagged face. Finally she began to remove the burqua, revealing a gagged Erin below. I smiled from behind my mask as she removed the long bright blue silk scarf that had gagged her during the session and she finally spoke:
"You were a great hit tonight Sam, thank you so much!"
Erin then unlocked the collar, removed the burqua and finally the gag, allowing me to speak for the first time tonight:
"What was this evening all about," I asked?
"As I explained to you on Saturday Sam when you arrived, if you want to get pregnant in 23rd century England, you need to go to a government centre for AI treatment. You have just provided two of my friends with a service that they just simply couldn't afford and for that I'm so grateful," explained Erin.
"But what if they don't get pregnant Erin," I continued questioning as she unlocked my wrist and ankles form the bed.
Erin went on to explain that both girls took fertility pills before joining me for sex so as long as my sperm worked, then there was an 80% chance they'd get pregnant so I suppose I had just provided two of Erin's friends with a valuable service.
For the rest of the night, Erin and I slept in bed together and I think we made love at least another three times through the course of the evening and early hours of Sunday morning. I had wondered if Erin had taken pills herself but she announced that she had taken a pill to stop her getting pregnant as kids didn't play a part of her future plans. It wasn't therefore a surprise when we woke quiet late on Sunday morning and on showering and shaving; Erin offered me the Transformation suit, which I gladly accepted. So here I was, a week into my vacation to the 23rd century and I was once again transformed into Samantha, a tall leggy blonde that I didn't recognise when I looked at myself in the mirror.
For the rest of that second week, we spent the entire time as girlfriend and girlfriend, sleeping together and making out together, which couldn't be described as love making as my cock was kept out of site behind the featureless crotch area of the transformation suit that made me into a female. By Friday night Erin began to get very serious and request we sat down for a serious chat after dinner:
"Sam, by now I expect that you realise that you must go back to the 21st century on Saturday," asked Erin?
"Yes Erin, I do actually but I will miss you," I explained.
"While I love having you hear with me Sam, this is no place for a man and anyway, I need you to continue your work in 2017 and beyond, which will ensure I have a future, here in the 22nd century," Erin went on to explain.
"Will I ever see you again Erin," I asked in a submissive voice?
Erin sat quietly, which gave me the answer that I expected.
"There is no need to respond Erin if you don't want to," I assured the blonde that looked straight into my eyes, pleading with me to just give up quietly. "I will miss you my love and I will miss this Transformation suit."
"It's okay Sam," Erin went on to say. "You can take that suit with you, back to the 21st century and use it whenever you want. I will send you through a new version as it gets developed and I have programmed your suit to automatically release after 72 hours of continuous wearing, no matter what mistakes you make when programming it."
With that, we kissed again and went to bed in each other's arms.
Saturday morning came far too soon and we crept around all morning, trying to avoid the inevitable. By noon, we headed back downstairs to the cells:
"Erin, would you mind sending me back from outside, here in the corridor," I asked? "I can't remember what I set the pods to and I really do not want to locked-up for the rest of the day, when I return?"
Erin agreed and we kissed goodbye. I then placed the bracelet on my left wrist and held the Transformation suit control box in my right hand before the tingling started and my world went black. When I opened my eyes, I was standing in the basement corridor with the closed pods to my left, just as I'd left them, nearly two weeks before. I headed upstairs as Samantha and turned on the TV as I wanted to double check the date and there I was, back in the 2017 but as Samantha, a gorgeous blonde. I had to ensure the suit still worked so for the next two weeks, I tested and tested the suit and every time I put it on, it worked perfectly and I was able to live two lives: (1) Sam Tyler and (2) Samantha Tyler.
It was about two weeks later when I was back in the Oxfordshire prison that I met up with Kelly, the young attractive prison officer who Samantha had met nearly four weeks earlier:
"Hello Mr. Tyler," said Kelly as I entered the Max-Secure wing of the woman's prison.
"Hello Kelly," how nice to see you again," I replied.
"Have we actually met each other Mr. Tyler," responded Kelly?
It was then I realised my second life could get me into trouble:
"Oh I've seen you around Kelly and my consultant Samantha has told me all about you," I explained, trying to get myself out of the hole I'd dug!
"Will you please tell Samantha I said hello and let her know I'd still like to catch up for a coffee sometime, outside work," Kelly went on to say.
I told Kelly that I'd do just that and smirked to myself that I'd have to give Samantha run for her money some time very soon.
End of part 3
Ed K
I have some thoughts around Part 4 and a lesbian affair between Samantha and Kelly but until I get some more ideas (I'm sure you could help), I'll leave this series here for now.
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