Woolly Story Part 9
Setting the scene:
It is now early November but when we last left David and Jennifer it was August and rural England was basking in the summer sun. Since then David has been wearing the bodysuit that keeps him completely under the control of his lover, Jennifer. He has only been let out for brief spells but only when Jennifer decides to provide a new and improved version of the suit.
When we last left Jennifer back in August she had been locked into her electronic cell on Sunday evening. True to his word and programming of the various timers, Jennifer had been released on Monday morning, in time to prepare herself for work. As you can imagine, Jennifer was very pissed off with David and for the next week she refused to talk to him and made his life a misery by continually providing the suit with new GPRS messages that caused him both pain and stimulation but at all the wrong times.
During that miserable week David had to go to his office in London for various project meetings and while at of his important meetings Jennifer provided stimulation for David causing him great distress. He left the meeting several times. He tried to call Jennifer to call the misery off but she refused to listen.
Each evening when David returned home, his body took on the form of Tanya Taylor and he spent those long and lonely evenings in doors wearing what female attire he had picked up from Jennifer. By Friday night he had resorted to his own male joggers and a t-shirt. Not great cloths for a beautiful blonde girl but comfortable for sitting in front of the TV. That evening the familiar bleep on his collar caused his body to stiffen up and take on the form of a mannequin just like it did when he was shipped back to England by cargo after his incarceration in the States. Jennifer appeared by 10pm and after reading him the riot act for locking her in the cell and embarrassing her by letting her remain in the straightjacket for so long. Jennifer agreed David’s punishment was over and they resorted to their usual routine.
A change of career and home:
By now Jennifer and I were spending more and more time together. I was practically living with her but completely under her control. As I described earlier, I had been wearing one of her bodysuits since the summer and only was released to wear a new improved version.
By now Jennifer’s company had finished the R&D phase of the suit and they had entered the marketing and sales stage. Early figures had surpassed all predictions and Jennifer’s company was growing on both sides of the Atlantic. So was her bank balance and ego.
As you can imagine, the authorities were very sceptical about the suit. The wearer could take on any appearance, commit a crime and probably get away with it. To combat this issue and receive a license to sell the Transformation Suit, Jennifer’s company had agreed that the collar would record details of who wore the suit, when they put it on and even a GPS history of where the suit was. The person buying the suit would have to sign a detailed contract and each suit could only be worn by up to two people, who were registered with Jennifer’s organisation. Any attempt to put the suit on to an unregistered person, would cause the collar to lock and keep the poor wearer trapped in a layer of nylon like material that could not be cut off until the registered owner called Jennifer’s company. The collar could be unlocked via GPRS and the owner fined �500 as per the contract. The cost of each suit was �2,000 so the fine was steep but necessary to ensure the license to operate remained. Since the launch of the transformation suit, over 100,000 had been sold worldwide but only two fines had been issued so far. The contract also meant a monthly charge of �50. This covered maintenance and online 24x7x365 monitoring of each suit, who was wearing it and the condition. Any problems and there had been none so far, would alert the control centre in England and the owner could be informed right away.
As for me, I had been David during the week and Tanya at the weekends for ages. Jennifer and I remained lovers and spent hours making love and me spending even longer locked in one of Jennifer’s basement cells. I even started to help Jennifer with her business. I designed and set-up the monitoring centre and the technology to allow all the suits to be monitored. By now Jennifer wanted more IT on her project and she could afford it with over half a million coming in each month from the suits. I agreed to give up my job and started working for Jennifer both at home and at her facility just south of Cambridge. All Transformation staff knew that I was wearing one of their creations and therefore I had no problems going to the office as either David or Tanya. The decision to this was completely under the control of my lover and now boss. I was a non-executive director with options and therefore I had it written into my contract that if I was required to attend a board meeting, I would be released from the suit and attend as my real self. Jennifer had no issue with this but worried that she wasn’t going to get me into the suit again. I really hope by now she trusts me as I’ve so far given her nothing to be concerned about.
First Friday afternoon in early November:
It had been getting colder as the days grew shorter. My favourite time of year as the girls started wearing wool coats, jumpers and scarves once again. The black Lycra clad legs in long leather boots also were in fashion and I was in ecstasy! This year as Tanya, I could also wear these wonderful layers also and did as often as possible. I guess Jennifer’s love for all things wool was well known throughout the Transformation staff. Most of the employee’s were female and out of 100 or so, I was one of only a few guys. Most of the time I was Tanya and as a senior Director, I had access to who in the staff was wearing one of the companies Transformation Suits. Only one other and that was Susan, who was John most of the time. I guess the company had to ensure both sexes were covered by the R&D of the Transformation suit.
Moving on.
It was around 4pm on Friday afternoon and it was getting dark outside when my desk phone rang from Jennifer’s extension.
�Hi Sweetheart, what can I do for you,� I asked?
�Do you fancy leaving early, grabbing a Chinese and an evening in front of the TV,� she replied?
�Sure love, anytime you’re ready.�
Jennifer then explained that she would meet me at my office in about fifteen minutes when I should be ready to leave. In about ten minutes I was just getting ready to leave when Janet in R&D called:
�Tanya, could you come down here on your way out please?�
I agreed and finished winding the long blue cashmere scarf around my neck, letting the two ends hang loose on the chest of my black wool sweaterdress. I then pulled on my black woollen coat and headed downstairs and through to R&D.
R&D was like a laboratory with several mannequins wearing various versions of the Transformation Suit and the plastic chastity belts that put Transformation on the map several years ago. I saw Janet at one of the lab desks working on something in her hands.
�Hi Janet, how can I help you,� I asked?
�Yes Tanya, these are our latest research and I need you to allocate an IP address to them,� asked Janet?
Sure Janet, no problem, what are they,� I enquired?
Janet then turned around and showed me a pair of plastic cuffs with a thin steel wire holding them together.
�These Tanya are going to be our latest invention. Prison services around the world have been looking for a new type of handcuff to use when moving prisoners around the prison and to and from court. They’re made of the same high grade, unbreakable plastic that our chastity belts are made from and they’re connected to each other by high tensile steel wire that can be shortened or lengthened by up to two feet if required.�
�How do they work Janet,� I asked?
�Quite simple Tanya. Each set of cuffs have a serial number and an IP address that you’re going to programme for us now. Using remote control, GPRS, SMS or the usual wireless LAN’s, you can programme cuffs to open and close when you want. For the sex toys world we’ve even set-up a timer based system, just as you would expect.�
As Janet was explaining this to me, I logged on to one of the lab PC’s and brought up the R&D control software. It only took me about five minutes to set-up the cuffs but by the time I had finished Jennifer had entered the lab.
�Ah, there you are Tanya. I can see you’re helping Janet with our latest invention.�
�Yeap Jennifer, glad to be of assistance whenever I can, I replied with a sarcastic tone!�
Jennifer then asked Janet if they were ready for trial and Janet said, �YES!�
They both played with the cuffs for about twenty minutes. Opening them, closing them, locking them and pulling them closer together. I guess each cuff had a small motor built in to pull in the steel cord and therefore pull the cuffs together.
Then the moment that I guessed would come:
�Tanya, come over here please and be our first prisoner to try them out, asked Jennifer?�
Janet smiled at me as Jennifer instructed me to turn around and she placed the plastic cuffs around my wrists. Just like the collar and chastity belt, there was a formidable red button and when pushed the cuffs clicked and a rubber padding automatically expanded to trap my hands in the cuffs. I was asked to try and break free but I couldn’t. Janet held the remote control and by the push of a button the cuffs pulled together and tightly held my arms behind my back.
�How do you feel Tanya,� asked Jennifer?
�They’re quite comfortable Jennifer, in fact they are a lot more comfortable than steel handcuffs,� I replied.
�That’s great dear because I’ve just set the timer for two hours so we’ll see how comfortable they are when they automatically release!�
Jennifer then thanked Janet and told her that she would give her the results of the first test on Monday morning. Janet just laughed and wished me luck as Jennifer and I left the building with my hands tightly cuffed behind my back.
When I got into the passenger seat of Jennifer’s car she very kindly released the cable on the cuffs out to the full two feet. This meant a much more comfortable ride home with her. Jennifer did tell me that they were developing in parallel leg cuffs as well. The English and Scottish prison services had guaranteed a large order if they proved successful. Who was I to complain as the business would increase our stock price and therefore my own personal stock options. By the time we reached Jennifer’s house I had nearly forgotten about the plastic cuffs that held my arms behind my back. That was until Jennifer pushed the button on her remote control and the steel cable pulled the cuffs together once again I was completely at the mercy of my beautiful girlfriend. We headed into the house and Jennifer explained that there was still 75 minutes until the cuffs would release and there was nothing she could do to reduce this time or unlock them now. I didn’t really say much as she suggested that I stay in one of the cells while she has a bath and wait for the cuffs to unlock. I could just as easy sat and watched some TV but Jennifer thought it was a great opportunity for me to spend some time alone, in one of her basement cells. There was no point complaining as I headed through the kitchen and downstairs to the cell block. I turned left into the first cell and Jennifer followed behind to close and ensure the cell door locked behind me. She also locked the outer bars and headed back upstairs.
There wasn’t a lot for me to do during the next hour and a half. I was getting very hot but no big surprise as the central heating had started to heat the whole house, including the basement cell block. I was still wearing the heavy wool coat and the black sweaterdress. My legs were clad in 90D black Lycra tights and I was wearing heavy, high-healed leather boots. Finally the long blue cashmere scarf was still wrapped around my neck. Bored of pacing up and down the tiny cell, I decided to sit on the made-up bunk and await the return of Jennifer.
My time in the new handcuffs was up before Jennifer returned. A bleep from behind my back signalled the end of the time selection and the rubber padding loosened off my wrists and the lock clicked open. At last I was free! Free to remove the heavy coat but I loved the feeling of the long cashmere scarf so even though I was hot, I left the wool wrapped around my neck.
Finally the sound of footsteps coming down the stone stairs outside the tiny cell block meant the return of my captor and beautiful girlfriend. As soon as the cell door opened, I was amazed to see the wonder in front of me. She was certainly dressed to please. There in front of was Jennifer, wearing a tiny red (wool) sweaterdress that had a roll down neck, long sleeves but only covered her backside and no more. Her legs were clad in similar thick Lycra tights that I wore but she only wore low healed black leather shoes. Finishing off her outfit for this evening she had a wool scarf folded over into a tiny band, tied tightly around her heck and draping down her back, nearly the entire length of her micro red, sweaterdress. She was stunning and she knew it!
�So you like what you see darling,� she purred?
�Oh yes,� I replied, �you look absolutely fantastic.�
�That’s good because I have a matching outfit in blue for you to wear tonight. Oh by the way, how were the handcuffs?�
I explained that they were very comfortable and I couldn’t wait to try the entire prison set with both ankle and handcuffs. Jennifer explained that she hoped the beta versions would be ready within only a mater of a few days and she would be delighted to try them out on me. She even explained that she might use them during another weekend at the old Victorian jail. Sounded fantastic but I was now free to go upstairs and change into my Friday night gear while Jennifer cooked dinner.
As described. Jennifer had left on her bed, a matching sweaterdress to the one she was wearing but in bright blue. I unwound the cashmere scarf, removed my boots but decided not to change anymore but simply pull the softest wool sweaterdress over my head. It fitted perfectly, covering my ass and not much else. She had also left a long black wool scarf beside the dress, which I quickly lifted, folded into a thin band and tied it behind my neck. It all felt wonderful. I then brushed my long blonde hair, put on a pair of low healed shoes, and then headed back downstairs where Jennifer had just pored a glass of wine for us both.
�You look wonderful Tanya,� explained Jennifer.
�Yes dear, just like you. I could get used to wearing this female stuff but please don’t forget that I’m really David and behind all this false cover, I’m still a guy.�
Jennifer did explain to me while we prepared dinner that she understood that I was still a man underneath the transformation suit and while my new female form turned her on so much, it was still the fact that I was a guy trapped behind it all that turned her on the most. She loved bondage and soft woolly garments and she loved the fact that I was prepared to wear them for her. We then sat down to dinner and after clearing up we discussed what to do for the rest of our Friday evening. It didn’t take a lot to simply agree to put on a DVD and sit in the living room in front of the TV. At around 11:30, we headed up to bed and like many Friday nights before, as soon as I was undressed, Jennifer changed the programme on my suit and I returned to David. We then made love several times in a conventional way.
Saturday morning came far too fast and when I awoke, I was Tanya once again. I showered while Jennifer made breakfast. One of the most fantastic features of the transformation suit was that my long blonde hair dried in only a matter of seconds, in whatever fashion Jennifer wanted. I put on fresh underwear but I loved the mini sweaterdress I wore last night so much, I decided to wear it again today. Black silk panties, a black silk padded bra and a pair of thick 90D, black opaque Lycra tights. I then pulled the bright blue mini-sweaterdress over my head and smoothed out the soft material. I loved wearing high-heeled boots so that is what I decided to slide my Lycra clad legs into this morning. Finally I took the same black wool scarf I wore last night, wrapped it around my neck and tied it behind my neck leaving the ends dangling just above the base of the wool mini-dress.
Jennifer was delighted with my choice of attire this morning and complemented me the whole way through breakfast. I asked what she was wearing today and it was then she announced that she had to go into work this morning for a few hours. She had to return the new handcuffs to R&D as the English Prison Service were going to the Transformation offices on Monday morning to see the cuffs to date. Jennifer knew that I was unhappy but explained that I would probably have spent a few hours in the cells anyway this morning so it didn’t really matter if she was in or out. We then discussed the possible order of the new handcuffs for the English Prison Service. I was interested if Transformation was planning to install any special features. Jennifer laughed and told me that I knew more about them than I let on. The cuffs and leg-irons would have several new and interesting features:
GPS: It was clear from market research that GPS locking was a very important facility. The prison Service wanted cuffs that would lock at one location and be programmed to remain locked until they got to another location. This meant that prisoners being moved between prisons or even courts would remain locked until they got to their destination.
Escape: - Staff within the Transformation R&D department were close in perfecting some special features that would only kick in if a prisoner tried to escape. The steel cable holding the cuffs could shorten as I experienced last night but this could also happen on the leg-irons. Reducing the cable from the normal 19� to practically nothing would render leg movement impossible and the prisoners escape would end before it really began. In only a few days Transformation would have a joined prison set ready of both the handcuffs and leg-irons. A cable joining both sets could also be recoiled ensuring movement was completely impossible. This meant that really dangerous prisoners could be relatively free, secured in the new prison set and by the touch of a button reduced to no movement at all. Yes it could be dangerous causing the prisoner to fall over immediacy but then the set would only be used on the most dangerous prisoners. I was amazed at what Jennifer was telling me she assured me that I would probably be one of the first staff members to try out the new prison set.
Shock: - The final surprise for any nasty prisoner was the possibility of shocking them using a tazor type technology built into the cuffs. This could be used in conjunction with recoiling to ensure any escaping prisoner was subdued ASAP.
Breakfast over and it was time for Jennifer to get ready to go to work. I cleared the dishes away while she headed upstairs to shower and get dressed. I had just finished when my gorgeous girlfriend returned wearing a pair of blue jeans that really showed off her ass and a thick black wool sweater that moulded to her body, showing off all her wonderful curves. Wrapped round her neck was the same long blue cashmere scarf I wore yesterday. It was clear it was time to go downstairs. I followed down behind Jennifer and she turned left into the first cell I’d ever stayed in. She suggested I stand against the wall while she fixed the heavy iron manacles around each wrist, securing me to the wall in a standing position. Jennifer then left the cell for only a few moments and returned with a red ball gag that she quickly fixed around my head and buckling it
�Have a nice day sweetheart.�
And with that she left the cell, locking the door behind her and the outer bars on her way upstairs.
It was going to be a very, very long morning. Nothing to do but stand with my back against the cell wall, my arms held above my head by the heavy iron manacles that incarcerated my sore wrists. I was standing in a pair of high-heeled leather boots that encased my Lycra clad legs and I have to say that within twenty or thirty minutes, my feet were beginning to ache. The bright blue cashmere mini-dress was pulled up by my arms held above my head, revealing my Black Lycra covered ass. Finally my jaw was in agony very quickly by the red ball gag that filled my mouth. I could only moan into the gag but I knew this was in vein as there was nobody in the house to hear by muffled cries.
I have no idea how long I stood here locked in the basement cell, shackled to the prison wall. I got excited when I heard footsteps on the stone steps outside my cell door. The outer bar door opened and was soon locked closed behind. Finally my cell door opened and panic filled my entire body. Standing in front of me was a strange woman, dressed in a black leather catsuit with high-healed boots, just like mine. Her jet black, long hair cascaded down the back of her leather suit and her heavily made-up face smiled right in front of my wool covered face.
�Ah; you must be David or should I call you Tanya? I’m Joanne, one of Jennifer’s colleagues at work, from the R&D department. We haven’t met but I’ve heard all about you and how Jennifer has tricked you into wearing one of our Transformation suits. I also hear that you are a fantastic lover and since Jennifer is at work, I thought I’d try you out for my self.�
There was no hiding the simple fact that Joanne was gorgeous but in reality I wanted nothing from her. As far as I was concerned, I belonged to Jennifer and I wanted Joanne to leave my cell right now. On the other hand, there was nothing I could do, standing in front of this leather clad beauty, shackled to the cell wall, with my hands held high above my head. I screamed into my gag for her to leave but she just laughed at me:
�Jennifer has done well here; leaving you all tied up and gagged like this. Maybe we can help you a little,� she whispered in a low seductive voice.
Joanne then began to lean in close to me, kissing on the red rubber ball gag and rubbing her hands down my cashmere mini-dress and the Lycra tights that covered my ass and legs. All I could do was yell into my gag even harder and try to pull away, fighting against the iron cuffs that held me so tight.
�I think we can dispense with the gag David, oh sorry, I mean Tanya.�
With that Joanne reached behind my head and unbuckled the ball gag and I was free to speak.
�Please Joanne, leave me alone, I belong to Jennifer and I do not want this. You are a beautiful girl and I guess I’m in no position to really refuse your advances but please, please understand, I love Jennifer and I can’t do anything that might put our relationship in risk!�
Joanne then had a look of rage in her face as she grabbed the red ball gag and even tighter than before, she buckled it back up, shutting me up immediately. She then left the cell. Joanne was only gone a few seconds when she returned with a mobile phone in her hand. I was petrified that she was going to cell Jennifer but instead she began to remove all her cloths. Joanne set the mobile phone down on the bunk. She then sat down and unzipped her thigh high leather boots. Next she unzipped her catsuit and pulled the leather material from her body. She stood up in front of me and asked me if I liked what I saw. I nodded and moaned into the gag as she removed the final layer of underwear and revealed her completely naked and absolutely gorgeous body. Joanne then danced in front of me and she knew how much she was driving me mad. Within a matter of only a few minutes she picked up her mobile phone again and then she sent a text message to some-one. I then heard that familiar BLEEP but it wasn’t coming from my collar, it was coming from Joanne’s. It didn’t take long for me to realise that Joanne was wearing one of the Transformation Suits. Once she removed the electronic collar, followed by the nylon like material to reveal that Joanne was really Jennifer. I once again screamed into my gag and Jennifer simply approached and kissed me on the lips, which were hidden behind the horrible red ball gag.
�Oh David, you are the best thing that ever happened to me,� explained Jennifer.
She kissed me once again and then in a moment of complete emotion:
�David, will you please marry me?�
I was shocked and tried to reply from behind the gag and it was only then did Jennifer apologise and quickly unbuckled the red ball gag that kept me so quiet.
I looked at Jennifer straight in the eyes: -
�Yes, sweetheart, I would love to marry you but that should really be a question I asked of you.�
Jennifer then looked at me and suggested that I then ask her to marry me but I pointed out that I wanted to get on one knee but I was a bit tied up at the moment. She laughed and quickly retrieved the key to the cuffs and within a few seconds I was free of the manacles and down on one knee.
�Jennifer, sweetheart, I would be the happiest guy on the planet if you would do me the honour of being my wife?�
This was little bit surreal as I was still Tanya but this didn’t really mater as Jennifer knew that I was really David, trapped in one of her Transformation Suits.
�David, I would love to marry you,� responded Jennifer and then as I stood up, we kissed hard and finally fell down on the tiny cell bunk.
We kissed and hugged for nearly thirty minutes. I was horny as hell, lying on top of my beautiful naked girlfriend, or should I now call her my fianc�? I was still trapped in Tanya’s body and covered in wool and Lycra.
I then looked at Jennifer below me, �Why don’t we go into town and buy you an engagement ring?�
A tear fell on Jennifer’s cheek as she kissed me again and nodded her head.
�I have only request darling. I would like you to release me from the Transformation Suit and allow me to take you into town as David and not just David in the suit, but the real David?�
Jennifer agreed and I followed her naked body our of the cell and upstairs, through the kitchen and up the hall stairs to her bedroom. She asked me to remove my cloths while she typed the relevant SMS into her phone and soon the BLEEP meant I was free of the Transformation Suit. Being free of the Transformation Suit was strange because I’d been wearing this particular suit for many months and I had to admit that I’d grown fond of it. Jennifer put on the cloths she wore earlier when she left me locked in the cell to go to work. I also put on a pair of blue jeans and a fleece sweater. We wrapped scarves around our necks, pulled on heavy coats and headed out to the car for the short drive to Cambridge.
There really isn’t a lot to write about re our visit into Cambridge on this cold Saturday afternoon. We did go to jewellers where I bought Jennifer a Safire and Diamond engagement ring. On the way out of jewellers shop and towards a caf� for a cup of hot coffee, we passed an estate agent. There was one property that caught both our eyes, an old nineteenth century country house. Jennifer explained that she was sure that she’d seen the house advertised in one of her society magazines. I was interested in what society and she just laughed.
�Come on David, if you want to buy or sell a house that has some added features such as prison cells, you can’t really put it in a normal house schedule, can you?�
Anyway, to cut a long story short, we went into the estate agents shop and within only 10 minutes of reading the schedule and talking to the girl, we had made an appointment to view the house that very afternoon. The schedule didn’t mention anything strange but Jennifer pointed out that the 3,000 square foot basement was detailed in her magazine and it looked very interesting.
After making our appointment we headed next door and into the caf�. The house was the main topic of our conversation. We were planning to get married and maybe we should get a house of our own. It would be nearly impossible to find a house like the old police station Jennifer currently owned and it would be strange selling it but Jennifer explained that she knew a long list of fetishist friends that would queue up to buy the house with basement cells. I laughed and suggested she advertise her house in her society magazine.
Three o’clock came around very quickly and we were back in our car and heading out of town to the south. As per the directions, we turned right into a country lane and then right again to a set of gates, �Hawthorne Estate.� Very grand I thought. I put my arm out of the window and pushed the call button. A voice on the speaker introduced himself as Jack Ryan and once we introduced ourselves, we were instructed to drive up to the front of the house. At least we did look the part. With my work move to Transformation, the obvious promotion it brought, I had taken delivery of the latest BMW X5 Jeep, which really blended in well to this country lifestyle. Jack and his wife Sarah welcomed us and we were shown around the seven bedroom home in just over 3 acres of it own ground, which was completely secluded by a high wall all the way around the parameter. Jack had just been promoted to CEO of a large multinational software company. With the promotion came a move to the States and therefore the selling of their beloved home in rural Cambridgeshire. The house was totally amazing and had recently being brought into the 21st century using state-of-the-art computer servers to drive the management of the entire estate, including the Environment (heating and lighting), Digital TV, CCTV, frozen food inventory and all connected using the latest web based technology.
By four o’clock, we had seen the ground floor and upstairs. All the rooms were fantastic. Old style high ceilings but still the house was warm on this winter’s day by the fantastic heating system.
Jack then asked us where we had seen the house advertised. Jennifer explained that she had seen it in one of her magazines and then again in the estate agents window. Jack smiled and then asked Jennifer what she knew of the games-room. They seemed to be talking in code but within minutes everyone was best friends and Jack and Sarah were leading us to the cloakroom in the downstairs hall. The cloakroom was massive, with several other rooms off the main square area. There was a walk in closet, a WC and the air-conditioned server room with a rack unit housing a number of Dell servers. There was then another wooden door with a keypad on the outside. This wasn’t unusual as all entries to the house from the outside used a pad entry system instead of a key. First you place your right thumb on the pad. The system then read the print. A 10 digit keypad then displayed and Jack typed in four numbers. The door then unlocked and we all followed Jack downstairs to a much heavier iron door with a similar keypad. Again the same access routine opened this door and we were entering a basement prison complex.
We entered a small holding area where Jack explained that the iron door behind us had to be closed before any of the other doors could be unlocked. Being last, I pushed the heavy door closed and with a thud and a loud BLEEP it had successfully locked itself automatically. Straight ahead was a set of barred doors and to our right was a control room, which Jack told us he would show us later. Again a combination of finger print and keypad entry was used to unlock the barred door and we entered the main cell block.
Jack then explained. �The cell block is divided into three zones. The bar door cells, straight ahead. The iron door cells to our left and the play-room to our right. Each of the three zones had their own toilet, bath and shower facilities. First we take you into the Bar door cell area.�
We followed Jack through another heavy solid iron door with the same access system as the others. In front of us was four American style barred cells with solid cement block walls between each cell. Within each cell was a single bunk, a toilet and a wash hand basin. There was also a strange looking hook in the cell wall, opposite the bunk. The keypad access to each barred cell was on the opposite wall to the bars. A clear covering had to be unclipped to gain access to the keypad. Again the same thumb print followed by a key pad entry brought up a GUI menu with two options. Option one was the door and option two was the hook. Jack pushed on both and soon two loud CLICKS & BLEEPS signalled the cell door was unlocked and the eye bolt in the wall had sprung out.
Sarah then explained that she would demonstrate and with that she slid the bars side-ways to gain access to the cell. Sarah then slid the bars closed again and the CLUNK and BLEEP told her that she was now locked in. She then took from her pocket a pair of regular police handcuffs and locked then around both her wrists in front. She lifted her cuffed wrists up to the open end of the hook in the wall and once there, she pressed the bolt back into the wall. With a click the bolt was once again locked in place and Sarah was cuffed with her hands held above her head and connected to the wall. Jack then demonstrated the same procedure to release Sarah. His thumb print read and the four digit code typed in, he could select the unlock mode for both the hook and the barred door with unlocked and Sarah was free, except for her cuffed hands. Jack produced a set of keys and soon had those removed. As mentioned earlier, each cell had its own toilet and wash hand basin but at the end of the small block was a bathroom with shower cubical, bath and another toilet and wash hand basin. Access to the bathroom was via another barred door using the same keypad access system,.
�Okay folks; that’s the barred door cell zone, I’ll now take you through to the solid door cell zone,� explained Jack.
With that we all followed Jack out into the hall again and turned right towards a barred door, which led us into a block of four cells with exactly the same locking system as the other zone. The first two cells (both left and right) were fairly basic. About twice the size of the barred cells, each had a bunk, toilet and wash hand basin but these cells also had a desk, chair and a small TFT television. The door was made of similar heavy iron as Jennifer’s basement cells. Each door had a keypad access and yes, there was also a hook embedded into the wall of these cells also!
The next two cells were slightly different. The one on the right was simply, an empty padded cell. Nothing in the cell at all, just padded floor, padded walls and padded ceiling except for the grill over the low voltage light. The last cell on the left was the same as the first two except the bunk held within a cage. The end of the bed was open and again Sarah demonstrated. She climbed into the caged bed from the open bottom, pilled the bars up and, CLICK, they locked automatically. Jennifer was clearly very interested in this facility and took a much closer look at poor Sarah locked in her caged cot. Again the same thumb print and keypad menu system on the outside of the cell, unlocked the cage and Sarah was once again free.
�Would you like to try it Jennifer,� asked Sarah?
Jennifer simply said, �No thanks, maybe later,� and we headed out of the solid door cell zone.
We then walked down the corridor, passed the exit and control room on our right, the entrance to the barred door cell area on our left and finally we came to another solid iron door with the standard access system. Once through this final door we entered the labyrinth. A room full of toys that would keep even the most active of playmates happy for days, maybe even years.
First of all in the middle of the room was a cage, just like the cage back in Simon’s and Karen’s outhouse. Nothing more really to say about that!
In the middle of the far wall was the strangest looking cage like contraption. I had never seen such a thing before and Jack knew I was interested.
�Ah David, the body cage is one of our favourite toys. As you can see, the steel cage is shaped quite similar to a body. I’ll unlock it and show you how it works. Would you like to try it?�
I was intrigued and had no hesitation to try this thing out. Using the same keypad, menu system as in all the other rooms (this one just a little bit more complicated), Jack unlocked the wall cage and Sarah eased the bars open just like a door. She then guided me to stand against the wall and she closed the steel body cage around me, pushing it closed and like everything else, it automatically locked. Jennifer just laughed, she loved it.
�Let’s just leave him there, please, he looks great locked in that thing, I love it!�
Jack and Sarah agreed to leave me in he body cage for a few minutes as long as Jennifer agreed to try the electric chair. Jennifer agreed and Jack helped her sit down and he closed the steel wrist cuffs and ankle cuffs that now held her firmly in place. The final item to be locked around Jennifer was the head cage, which Sarah guided into place, ensuring she didn’t catch Jennifer’s long blonde hair. Jack then went back to the keypad by the door and started applying light electric shocks to the wrist cuffs. Jennifer was taken back when the first small charge hit her. Jack explained that he could direct the shocks to all or any of the steel cuffs but not the head cage, which was just used to keep the person that little bit more secure while they were being tortured. Standing in my body cage, I laughed at Jennifer stuck in the chair and getting a little bit of her own medicine. Soon Jack was back at the keypad and both Jennifer and I were released from our bondage.
Two more toys to go: -
In the far left corner of the playroom was a tiny cell, about the size of a shower cubical. Instead of a Perspex shower door, their was a barred door. Sarah explained that it was really nothing more than a tiny cell, where the occupant would even find it difficult to sit down.
The last toy looked to be the most dangerous but yet the most impressive. It was a solid steel casket. Jack demonstrated the casket opening and the heavy steel lid rose on four runners that went up from the four corners of the casket to the ceiling. I had a closer look inside. It was padded all around in the most luxurious quilted black, silk material. Again Sarah suggested I try it out so I first decided to take my shoes off before stepping into this black box. Once in, I lay down and Jack pushed the bottom on the keypad. The lid quietly slid back down until all my light and sound had gone. As soon as the lid closed, I could hear the locking mechanism click into place and a dull sound but a reassuring sound of air being pumped into the casket. I lay there for what seemed like ages. I was only to get a demonstration of this casket, not stay in it! Then the sound of Jacks voice came over a speaker somewhere in the box:
�David, sorry to be so long. I brought Jennifer through to the control room, where we can communicate with you. I’ve also left Sarah in the playroom just in case you panic and need out in a hurry.�
I could hear Jennifer telling Jack in the background that I’d be fine and given David everything that the box can throw at him.
Jack then went on, �First of all, the sound you heard as the casket locked was the air system coming on but we can very easily turn it off.�
Sure enough the fan stopped and then I guess so did fresh air. Within only a matter of minutes I was feeling a lot warmer and starting to realise that there really was a lack of air. As I laboured by breathes Jack explained over the comms system that a gauge in the control room told him how much or how little air I had and how dangerous the situation was in the box was. Soon the fan was on and I was breathing fresh air once more. The next trick caught me completely by surprise as the black silk material inflated all around my body and I was now completely held tight in this strange silky cocoon. It was fantastic as I could still breathe so easily; I love it! Even though I was held so tight in a completely dark casket, I felt somehow relaxed that there was nothing I could do to change my predicament unless my captors allowed it. They also demonstrated that Music could also be piped into the box and Jack said a timer could be set to keep me captive for as long as needed.
Soon my fun was over and the silk cocoon pealed away and the steel lid rose above me, allowing light to once again enter the black box. Sarah stood over me and helped me out. Once my shoes were back on, she led me out of the playroom and through to the control room where Jack was demonstrating all the facilities to Jennifer. She obviously loved this place and was laughing with and teasing Jack as he showed her the remote cameras, the timers and how all the keypads could controlled from the control room.
The welcome screen was split into two, SUB and DOM accounts. As we could see, both Jack and Sarah’s personal details were captured on the system E.G. Thumb print, keypad access PIN and even their chosen safe word. If for whatever reason that person yelled out their safe word, an alarm would be sounded in the dungeon and the DOM would decide how to deal with the situation. Both Jack and Sarah explained that they had yet, never used the safe word facility. The fantastic feature of the system is that you simply drag the persons profile from DOM to SUB and their rights to the dungeon are changed. Basically they now have no thumb print or keypad access as they’ll be held in the dungeon until the DOM account changes their status. Jack finally explained the safety they’d built into this dungeon. The basement was ten metres below ground and completely sealed from the rest of the house. In the unlikely event of a fire in the house, this was one of the only times the dungeon system would unlock everything. It was powered separately from the house via a separate power source and the whole estate even had a back-up generator. I asked about the servers being upstairs, what if they got destroyed in the fire. Jack explained that the dungeon control servers were down here and even if disconnected from the upper house network, the system down here would function fully. They had thought of everything!
The last thing Jack and Sarah had to show us down here was the store room at the back of the control room. In the store was a myriad of bondage toys, cuffs leg-irons, hoods etc. Jack and Sarah explained that while the stores obviously stayed in the house, the toys would be going with them to the States. Jennifer laughed and simply explained that she would be re-stock the store on moving in. We all laughed and then headed back upstairs to the main house and the offer of a cup of coffee. When we got upstairs we noticed that it was now pitch black outside and we’d spent the last two hours in the dungeon. While they both made coffee, Jack and Sarah allowed Jennifer and I to take a walk around the house on our own and we were like two kids at Disneyland.
There was the small problem of the price. This house was on the market for �1.75m. Even when we both sell our houses, we’ll only raise about �800K. Jennifer on paper was now worth a lot and if she wins the prison deal on Monday, this house was now well in reach. We hugged each other and explained that we could see ourselves living in this mansion.
Over coffee, Jack and Sarah asked us what did for a living and as soon as they realised that Jennifer was the CEO of Transformation, they burst out laughing. They had both ordered a Transformation suit each as they had fantasies of being each other and playing reverse roles. We all laughed and Jennifer and I left for the village and her house to spend the rest of our weekend together. Hawthorne Estate dominated our conversation over dinner and that Saturday night we went to bed together as our real selves.
Sunday morning brought another cold winter’s day in rural England. I made breakfast for us both in bed and we discussed what to do today while reading the Sunday newspapers in bed.
�Do you know what I want to do today darling,� I said to Jennifer? �I would love to get up, get showered and then put on a thick wool catsuit, high-healed, knee high leather boots, a leather hood locked on. I would then love you to put me into a canvas straightjacket and keep me as your sex toy all day?�
Jennifer just smiled and said as long as I was Tanya, which of course I had no problem with except that it probably meant I’d be locked into the Transformation suit for at least another week. I then got up and took my last shower as David for some time to come. I eased my body into the Transformation Suit and Jennifer placed the locking collar around my neck. Within only a matter of a few seconds I was Tanya Taylor once again. It was then time to get dressed. Nothing too exciting underneath, a simple pair of black silk pants and a black silk bra. By the time I had both on; Jennifer had come back into the room with a red bundle of wool in her arms. It was a bright red wool catsuit, the same one she wore at the old Victorian prison. I pulled me legs into the built in feet and pulled the lovely soft wool over my entire body. My hands slipped into the built in gloves and soon with Jennifer’s help the zip on the back was pulled right up to the top of my high turtle neck. Next came my first layer of leather, the fantastic high-healed, knee high leather boots. I slid each wool covered leg into the soft leather and zipped each boot closed. Jennifer then approached with the leather hood, the same one she had to wear at the Victorian prison. Once my head was safely sealed in, Jennifer pulled my long blonde hair into a ponytail on top and then zipped the hood closed, locking it with a small padlock. I could see through the two eye holes and breathe easily through the nose holes. Remember this hood had no mouth but a grill covering where my mouth was, this enabled me to breathe easily but no kissing or eating. We headed into the spare room where I knew Jennifer would find a straightjacket. True to her word, she pulled a white canvas jacket from the closet and she held it open directing me to slide my wool covered arms into the long sleeves. Once completed, I turned around and Jennifer began the long process of tightening up all the straps that would keep me sealed in until Jennifer saw fit, the right time to release me. The crotch strap was the last but as she tightened it up, Jennifer explained she had to do something as quickly headed back to her bedroom so I followed. Once there I noticed her grabbing her mobile phone and typing in an SMS message. Within a minute or so, my Transformation Suit had accepted the SMS and turned my groin area into solid plastic. This meant I could gain no sexual release from the crotch strap.
�Tanya, while I get showered and dressed, will you go down to the cells and lock yourself into the first one that I open please,� requested Jennifer.�
As requested I merrily headed downstairs, through the kitchen and down to the basement cell-block. I used my body to push the barred gate close, automatically locking it. I turned left into the first cell, the same one I spent yesterday in. The cell door opened out so there was no way that I could even use my body to push it closed so I just went in and sat on the bunk to wait on Jennifer’s arrival.
When she did arrive, about an hour later she was wearing the same red wool mini-dress, thick black tights and low pumps that she wore on Friday night. She even had the black wool scarf tightly folded again and tied around her neck, leaving the ends falling down her back. I was told to wait about ten minutes, she would cal me and I was to go to the electronic cell. I agreed and once again sat alone, wondering what programme she would have sat for herself today?
I did hear her calling in the distance so I eased myself back on to my feet and headed for the last cell on the left. Once inside, I saw my beautiful fianc�, pinned to the wall via the remote wrist and ankle cuffs.
�Come in sweetie; do you like what you see?�
I did but there was nothing either of us could do. Jennifer was manacled and shackled to the cell wall and my body was incarcerated in the soft canvas straightjacket. I then heard the BLEEP and both the outer door of the cell and the inner bars began to close. CLUNK, they were locked!
�What programme have you set Jennifer,� I asked?
�Well Tanya, I’m pinned to this wall for the next two hours and then we have another two hours locked in hear together. I hope that meets with your approval,� responded Jennifer?
Truth be told, there wasn’t a lot I could do about it. We were both locked into the cell for the next four hours, until the programme had run its duration. I couldn’t escape the straightjacket and Jennifer can’t escape her bonds for at least two hours so we now had some time to relax and talk to each other. I therefore positioned myself on to the small prison cell bunk and sat with my back against the wall and my legs stretched out on the bunk. We had now got two hours to converse before Jennifer would be free from the wall.
Our conversation rarely drifted from the wedding, Hawthorne Estate and the deal in work with the English Prison Service. If Transformation got the deal, we can sell both our homes and buy Hawthorne Estate. If the deal didn’t come in, I’d probably end up renting my house out and move in here with Jennifer. We would still be happy together but I agreed with Jennifer, Hawthorne Estate would be fantastic. After an hour I was getting hot. A layer of wool, a canvas straightjacket, the leather boots and my head encased in the leather hood were all taking their toll on me. Jennifer said she was getting hot too but at least I wouldn’t sweat. Another great feature of the Transformation suit is that the material absorbs all body odours and therefore no moisture actually makes it through the second skin. The hotter we both got, the hornier we both got. We both loved wool and we both loved bondage. Being locked in this cell together wearing the cloths we both loved so much, meant we began talking about our fantasies, what we would do to the other person if we were free. Even if my head had been free of the hood, I could have pulled Jennifer’s tights and panties down using my teeth and licked her to an orgasm. Jennifer laughed and told me that even when she gets free from the wall, she can’t remove the hood because she had forgotten to bring the key down with her. She also had no access to the phone to change my suit so the grill that covered my pussey or dick, which ever she wanted me to have was hidden behind hard plastic. She did say that she would contemplate removing my straightjacket and I told her not to bother as it didn’t make any difference to me. She laughed and told me that at least I could finger her. The conversation then broke into a fit of the giggles. What were we both like? We’re locked in a prison cell, bound and unable to satisfy each other but our conversation was enough to keep us going.
As we slipped into the third hour locked in the cell, the BLEEP told me that Jennifer was being automatically released from the wrist and ankle cuffs attached to the wall. She then came over and sat beside me on the prison bunk.
�If you will not satisfy me then, I’ll have to do it myself,� explained Jennifer in an extremely sarcastic voice!
With that she raised her dress and pulled off her thick black tights, followed by her black silk panties. Her fingers were then caressing her most sensitive parts. There was nothing I could do and Jennifer knew that it would drive me mad! She began to moan and tease me even more as her fingers started delivering her pleasure. I could only yell at her to release me from the confines of the canvas straightjacket. Even though any fun for me was impossible due to the fact I was locked into the wool catsuit, at least I could use my wool covered hands to pleasure my love. I pleaded with Jennifer to release me but she laughed and reminded me that I asked to spend all afternoon locked in the catsuit with the leather mask and I even demanded to be put into the canvas straightjacket. It was clear my predicament was really turning Jennifer on as she exploded into an orgasm.
�Fuck that was powerful,� Jennifer explained as she pulled up her silk panties, followed by her thick black Lycra tights.
I could only remind her that it was good for her but not really for me, just sitting, watching and wishing that it was me that was caressing her most private of areas. She laughed and should up and paced the tiny cell for a while. Jennifer was absolutely beautiful. Her red wool mini-dress clung to her every curve. Her ample breasts bulged through the tight soft red wool and her fantastic long legs clad in the finest thick black opaque Lycra Shawn in the winter sun light that glared through the barred window of our prison cell. She then sat down on the bunk beside me and we talked about how fantastic Hawthorne Estate would be if we could just seal the deal tomorrow with the English Prison Service. I asked if there was anything I could do to help Jennifer and her team with the deal. She smiled at me and looked right into my blue eyes, behind the thick leather mask that covered my entire head. She reached over and stroked me head, running her hands through my blonde mane that poked through the top of the leather hood.
�Tanya, there is something you could do for me and the company tomorrow. You could model the cuffs for us as we demonstrate there effectiveness,� asked Jennifer in her most wonderful pleasing voice.
Of course, I would be delighted to help Jennifer and Transformation in which ever way I could. If modelling the cuffs was all that was needed to seal the deal tomorrow, then I would be there for Jennifer and the company. Jennifer threw her arms around me and we kissed as best we could through the thick padded leather that covered my face. Jennifer was so pleased and she showed me as we hugged and kissed.
The familiar BLEEP told us that the 4-hour programme was finished and the bars slid open just as the outer solid iron door clicked unlocked. Jennifer then helped me to my feet and we left the electronic cell. As asked Jennifer why she wasn’t releasing me from the straightjacket and she reminded me that I wanted to spend all day in it so she was just doing what I asked. Then as we walked past the last cell before the barred gate, she nudged me to the right and I fell inside the open cell. The door then slammed closed behind me, locking automatically. I was shocked at what had just happened as I tried my best to pick myself up of the solid stone cell floor. By the time I’d made it to my feet, the barred gate had being locked and Jennifer’s footsteps disappearing up the stone steps towards the kitchen.
By now I’d been wearing the wool catsuit, leather boots, leather hood and straightjacket for around five hours. I was hot, horny but most importantly, I needed to take a piss. I yelled at the door but obviously Jennifer handed heard me. All I could then do was pace the small prison cell, trying to take my mind off the discomfort.
It was pitch black outside when Jennifer finally came back down for me and turned on the cell lights. The solid door opened and I pleaded with her to free me from the straightjacket so that I could take a piss. She laughed and told me to turn around. It took her around five minutes to release all the straps from my straightjacket and finally she unlocked the small padlock to the leather hood that kept me looked in the wool catsuit. She then left me to remove the catsuit so that I could take a leak, which I did as soon as she left the cell. As soon as I relieved myself, I eased my body back into the catsuit, pulled up the zip on the back and left the open cell and headed upstairs towards the kitchen and the wonderful smell of dinner being cooked.
Jennifer turned and smiled at me as I entered the kitchen. She was still dressed in the tight red mini-dress and her neck was still covered by the long back wool scarf that hung down her back. I then approached and we kissed properly for the first time all afternoon. She asked me if I wanted to go and get changed but I responded by asking her if it was okay if I continued to just wear the red wool catsuit that covered my entire body, except her my head. Naturally it wasn’t a problem and we then sat down to eat our Sunday dinner. There isn’t much else to report that Sunday evening. I stayed with Jennifer all night at her place and we slept together as two girls because I was still trapped within the body of Tanya Taylor.
End of Part 9.
Ed Kikpatrick
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