Woolly Story part 8
It’s been several months since David returned to England after his nightmare in the States. Jennifer thought she might have gone a little too far by temporarily changing David into Sonya Smyth.
Since his return, both David and Jennifer have remained the best of friends and now lovers in the true sense. David has still resisted the temptation to move in with Jennifer and enjoys his relative freedom when he isn’t with her. During the last three months David has been forced to wear one of Jennifer’s plastic Chastity belts during the week, when he isn’t with her. Jennifer feels that she has more control over David and in truth; David quite enjoys the feeling of belonging to this beautiful blonde. Jennifer has been forgiving when David needs to go away on business. During a week that he is away on business, she allows David a reprieve from the imprisonment of the plastic belt. The technology her company has developed now means when David drives more than thirty miles from his house the belt now unlocks automatically using an impressive GPS system that detects when David has left the vicinity of their Cambridgeshire home town.
It is now early August and the temperature in rural England is well into the high 70’s, low 80’s and there has been very little call to wear heavy wool cloths during the past few weekends. Jennifer and David still play in her basement cells and enjoy heavy bondage sessions but without the discomfort of warm cashmere. This week David decided to try and trick his plastic belt into unlocking itself so on Monday morning he drive towards London, which caused the belt to automatically unlock. He quickly pulled into a service station on the M11 and removed the belt before heading back to his village. He felt proud of himself, free of the damn chastity belt and now free to masturbate whenever he liked. More importantly, he now felt that he has managed to get one over on his girlfriend, Jennifer.
But has he really?
David’s Enforced Transformation
It was Friday night and my weekend routine started. Before I could go over to Jennifer’s, I had to get the chastity belt back on. It only took a matter of minutes before my prick was imprisoned once again and I could finally get dressed and pack my weekend bag to head over to Jennifer’s. Like all of my previous weekends, I didn’t pack much as I would probably be forced to wear some female clothing, provided by Jennifer of course. I then locked my front door and drove the few minutes over to the old village police station and with my own key; I let myself into Jennifer’s house.
“Down here,” called Jennifer from the direction of the basement cells!
I dropped my bag beside the stairs and headed through the kitchen and down the stairs towards the basement cells.
“In here darling,” I heard Jennifer call from the first cell on the right.
I entered the tiny cell to find my gorgeous girlfriend putting the final touches to making up the prison cell bunk. I had a bad idea that it was being made up for me this weekend? Jennifer then asked me lock my wrists into the manacle set hanging on the wall; the same manacles that I has mistakenly locked myself into, the first day I had met Jennifer. I did as I was told so al I could do was stand there, cuffed to the prison cell wall and wait until Jennifer made her next move.
“I’m very disappointed with you David,” explained Jennifer.
“You took your chastity belt off this week, didn’t you?”
All I could do was nod in shame but how did Jennifer know?
Jennifer then approached me with a massive grin across her face:
“Darling I not only have the technology using GPS to unlock the belt but I can also track the belt also.”
Jennifer then told me that she knew the belt was in my house when I called her from the pub on Wednesday night and she was obviously displeased. I then gave my response:
“Sweetheart, I had the opportunity to be rid of the fucking belt for a week so what do you expect me to do?
Jennifer then told me that I had to accept whatever punishment she had in mind this weekend but as I was a little restrained at the moment there wasn’t a lot I could do. Jennifer then left the cell, closing and locking the door behind her. It was hot in the tiny room, very hot but I was only wearing a very light t-shirt and shorts so it wasn’t too uncomfortable. It must have been around eight when Jennifer returned to the cell and unlocked me from the manacles. She explained that I wasn’t going to have any freedom this weekend and she asked me to turn around and allow her to lock my hands behind my back into a pair of handcuffs. I loved being handcuffed and especially when my hands were put behind my back. It is a massive turn on to be so vulnerable and so accessible to the woman that has restrained you in that way. We went upstairs to the kitchen and sat down for dinner. Only when the food was put on the table did Jennifer release my left hand and then locked the free cuff to the back on my chair, forcing my right arm behind my back. As I am right handed it made an interesting way to eat my evening meal.
During dinner Jennifer explained that she loved being in control of me and it was now so much part of her life. She still wanted me to move in with her so that I could be in her control, all of the time but Jennifer knew that I also loved been a normal couple, enjoying the things normal couples do and therefore I enjoyed my independence when I wasn’t with her. I accepted that if I was to keep Jennifer, I had to accept her terms and that meant the plastic chastity belt, which she explained was to gain an upgrade this weekend. After dinner I was re-cuffed and allowed to watch some TV in the living room before being taken back downstairs and locked into a cell for the night around 10pm. I first had my hands uncuffed and allowed to wash before putting on a long silk nightdress that Jennifer had left on the bunk while I was in getting washed. We kissed goodnight and I was then locked into the cell for the night. The outer barred door was also locked before I heard Jennifer’s footsteps disappear upstairs. I was very tired and even though the cell was very hot and no air getting in due to the barred window not opening, I did manage to fall asleep very quickly.
Boy, I must have been tired because I slept right through the night and only woke when I heard Jennifer unlocking the door to my cell.
“Good morning sleepy-head, here is some breakfast,” explained Jennifer.
Before I could wake-up enough to react, she was gone, locking the cell door behind her again. I managed to eat the warm buttered pancakes and drink the ice cold orange juice and warm coffee but I couldn’t understand why I’d been left locked up like this! Was this part of my punishment for escaping from the chastity belt this week?
It was warming up outside and I noticed the heat begin to build in the cell as the sun rose higher into the summer sky. It must have been an hour before Jennifer returned with a pile of heavy cashmere in her hand.
“For fuck sake love, it is to be over 30 degrees outside today, you don’t expect me to wear that, do you,” I asked?
Jennifer then laughed and told me this was part of my punishment so if I was to keep her, I had no option but to pull on the thick black wool catsuit. As I had done many times before I slid my feet into the soft wool, eased the cashmere over my body and pushed my hands into the built in gloves. All that I had to do was pull the heavy hood over my face and head and pull the zip up and over my entire head. It was only then that I noticed I had two eye holes and a hole for my nose and mouth. Jennifer then approach and demanded that I turned around to enable her to handcuff my woollen clad arms behind my back. That done, I was led out of the my cell, through the barred gate but instead of heading upstairs, we turned right and through the open door and out into the back yard.
In the corner of the garden, against the back wall was a shed made of corrugated iron and soon I was to know my fate as I was taken inside. It was already well over 30o inside and there I was going to spend some time. In the middle of the shed was an old wooden chair with various straps placed in strategic places but before I was told to sit down Jennifer had some other ideas. First she lifted the ugly iron helmet that had the timer and placed it over my head. Very quickly it was closed and locked. A loud BLEEP told me that it was on for some time but on request, Jennifer explained that it was locked for the next six hours. She then told me if I played her up, at the push of a button on the remote control the mask would slide into place, cutting off all my air so I was to good and allow her to un-cuff my hands and then I was to sit on the wooden chair, which wasn’t that different to an old electric chair. She was most efficient in her execution of my misery. Within five minutes I was sitting on the wooden chair, my wrists strapped to the arms, my ankles strapped to the legs and a strap around my waist, which meant any movement was now nearly impossible.
“Okay David, it’s now 10:30 and for your punishment, you’ll be here until 6:30 tonight. Before you say anything, it will be very, very hot in here today but then, this is your punishment. I’m going lie in the sun today and work on my tan so if I here any noise from you, I’ll cut off your air and you know that will be even more uncomfortable! This door to this shed has a timer lock so even if I wanted to give you a break, I will not be able to until 6:30 when the lock releases followed by the helmet you are wearing. Have a nice day my love!”
With that Jennifer exited the tiny corrugated iron shed, locking the door behind her. Within ten minutes, I was regretting the chastity belt incident but to be honest, I guessed that Jennifer would have found a reason to lock me in here today anyway. I could faintly here music in the distance so I guessed Jennifer had a CD player with her in the yard but the heavy steel helmet that encased my entire head meant not a lot of noise was going to make it through from outside the shed. Within an hour I was miserable. It was well over 1000’F in the shed and it was like a sauna. At least in a real sauna I would be nearly naked but here I am, strapped to a wooden chair, wearing a thick cashmere catsuit that covers my entire body, not to mention the horrendous helmet that traps my head in a thick cushion of hot padding surrounded by steel. By the time it was noon I’d had enough. I was sweating so badly that my entire body was sticking to the wool that encased me. My breathing was becoming laboured through the discomfort of the steel helmet so I had to cry out for Jennifer, I panicked and badly needed out of this bondage! I was only a matter of seconds until the latex mask slid up over my face and stated to cut off the air to my nose and mouth. Within second I was struggling to breathe and the harder I tried the more panic that overcame me. Finally the latex mask retracted and some air re-entered the oven that imprisoned my entire head.
I took my warning and sat their in silence for what had become a completely miserable afternoon, slowly cooking and loosing more and more fluids as my body sweated its way through the hot afternoon. I hadn’t really noticed but it was starting to cool down, ever so slightly when a loud BLEEP sounded, one from the door. It was about ten minutes before Jennifer came to rescue me from my oven. First she removed the straps holding me to the chair and as she did early warned my not to fight her while she re-applied the handcuffs, locking my wrists behind my back.
“Jennifer, what about the helmet, I’m fucking cooking in this catsuit and badly need a drink and a shower, please take the helmet off?
She told me that once I was inside I could have a drink and have the helmet removed but I had to say, that I hadn’t heard a BLEEP from the helmet yet.
“I have to admit something David; I have set the helmet for ten hours so you’re stuck in it until eight tonight, another two hours and I can’t even offer you a drink and remove your catsuit, which even I can see is drenched in sweat from your day in the shed.”
I was not happy so I struggled against Jennifer but a push of a button on the remote control signalled that the latex mask was once again cutting off all air to my face.
“Okay. Okay, I’ll do whatever you want Jennifer, just give me back the air, please!”
The latex mask then retracted and I could breathe again as Jennifer led me back into the cell block and back to my cell.
“I’ll be back for you at eight, don’t go anywhere!”
Once again she left my, locked the cell door and headed out of the cell block, leaving me imprisoned in my sweaty cashmere catsuit and steel helmet. The cell was cooler than the shed but not by much!
The next two hours passed slowly. I was very, very uncomfortable, still wearing the thick cashmere wool catsuit that clung to my entire body due to hours and hours of sweating in Jennifer’s shed. My arms ached from the steel handcuffs that held my wrists so tightly behind my back. At last, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and the familiar sound of keys jingling as they unlocked the outer bar gate and finally the door to my prison cell. Jennifer entered wearing a fantastic short blue satin dress with floral print all over it. She explained that she would unlock my handcuffs so that I could get rid of the helmet myself when it self-released at eight o’clock. She also explained that she had left cloths for in the opposite cell so I could get dressed after a warm shower. She then left me again, locking the outer gate and headed upstairs.
The fantastic sound of the helmet BLEEPING, told me I was now free of it after ten long hours. I quickly removed the heavy helmet and pulled the zip on the cashmere catsuit from the top of my head to the base of my back. I could feel the cool (ish) air rush around my entire body as I pealed off the sweat soaked cashmere covering. I then headed to the toilet to relieve over ten hours build up of water and finally I stepped into a wonderful hot shower. As soon as I entered the cell where Jennifer had left my cloths, panic started to set in. I immediately recognised the thin Nylon / Lycra material that was the transforming body-stocking that got me into so much bother during the spring time. I was frightened that it would happen again but I was keen to once again transform myself and better understand who Tanya Taylor was. I then slipped my legs into the thin, stretching material and pulled it up and over my entire body. Placing my hands into the built-in gloves and my head into the built-in hood, I felt there was something different about this particular costume. The feet of the suit seemed to be much thicker than the suit that turned me into Sonya. The same could be said for the built in gloves that now covered my hands. The part that covered my prick was a lot thicker and could nearly been described as built-in Nylon / Lycra panties. The hood was much thicker and I struggled to see out of the material but in the end, I was able to pull up the rear zip until it closed on top of my head. I then picked up the plastic collar that would seal my fate. I placed the thin material around my neck like a plastic choker and finally pushed home the clasp. I knew, all I had to do now was push the button and my fate would be sealed. I was nervous but I still managed it and the LOUD BLEEP told me that the program was now set. Like before I first notice the tightening around my legs. Unlike before, my manhood was pressed out of the way while my cunt formed and then my body started to grow tits. The most uncomfortable part was always my neck and face. The Nylon / Lycra material squeezed my face and neck tighter and tighter and my breathing started to become more laboured but unlike the first time, I didn’t pass out. Suddenly all became clear, I could not only see but I could also breathe easily through my nose and mouth. I looked down and my massive breasts had formed beautifully but what was happening to my head? Oh yes, I remember the long blonde hair was now cascading down the back of my head and stopped just below my shoulders. I guess, I was now Tanya Taylor? I then started to pick up the cloths Jennifer had left me. All satin and no wool in sight this time! I pulled on the white satin panties and bra and to my surprise she hadn’t left me any tights. I therefore felt slightly naked as I pulled on the purple floral dress, not that different to the one Jennifer was wearing over my head and let it fall half way down my thighs, not covering much at all. I slipped on the open toed leather sandals and then headed towards the locked gate and called for Jennifer. She came running down the stairs as fast as her legs would move.
“You look fantastic Tanya,” Jennifer shouted as she unlocked the barred gate and took me in her arms.
Jennifer then explained that we would have dinner upstairs before going out to nightclub in Cambridge itself.
Dinner was fantastic and I have to admit oddly that I felt very comfortable as Tanya, probably because I had spent so those horrible days in an American prison as Sonya back in the spring. Jennifer suggested that I put my hair up in a ponytail but I reminder her that I was self conscious of the panel at the back of my neck. She still suggested that I put my hair into a ponytail but also suggested that she get me a silk scarf to wrap around my neck. I agreed and we went upstairs. Jennifer then pulled my hair up and tied a very short silk scarf into my hair and then tied another much longer silk scarf around my neck. From behind Jennifer wrapped it once around my neck and tied a tight knot at the back and allowed the rest of the silk material to cascade down my back. We then made our way outside. Jennifer said she wanted to drive tonight so we got into her car and drove the ten miles to Cambridge. When we got to the nightclub, it was only then did I realise why I was Tanya. The nightclub was for Lesbians only and I have to admit, I wasn’t complaining. Even though my body was now a female, my mind was still the brain of a man and I loved the environment.
“I thought you might love this place,” said Jennifer.
We danced for several hours and while I drank girlie Alco-pops, Jennifer remained on Orange-juice, Coke or just plain old water. We met several people Jennifer knew from her work and they all smiled at me as if they knew that I was really David. It was around one o’clock when Jennifer introduced me to Sharon, one of her staff from the firm. Sharon then invited us both back to her house for a party and without consulting me, Jennifer agreed and within a few minutes we were back outside and in Jennifer’s car heading into to suburbs. We arrived outside a suburban bungalow where there was obviously a party well under way. It was only then that Jennifer explained that Sharon’s parties meant a bondage theme and all he sub girls would be handcuffed. I knew that meant me too so as we got out of the car and allowed Jennifer to come around and cuff my poor hands behind my back for the third or fourth time today.
We entered Sharon’s home to find at least ten couples (all female) dancing away to 80’s and 90’s music. It was a strange site because one of each pair was had her hands cuffed behind her back. Some wore masks to hide their identity but it was clear that I was probably the only guy (of sorts) at this party. Very quickly Jennifer and I joined in but I can tell you, it is very difficult to dance with you hands cuffed behind your back. I could only take so much; I needed a drink so Jennifer got me a Smirnoff Ice and popped a straw in the bottle. She then held it up to my mouth and allowed me to drink. It was at that point, I was introduced to Sharon but it was clear that she already knew my real identity.
“It’s wonderful David that you’ve agreed to try out our new transformation suit. We’ve already met nearly all our R&D requirements and you are the last obstacle between test and final release of the suit that you are currently wearing.”
I didn’t really feel as I had much choice in my current situation. I had been locked into the suit and until Jennifer programmed the release, I was stuck as Tanya, never mind the fact I was now at a lesbian party with my hands cuffed tightly behind my back. We chatted for about an hour when Jennifer suggest that we head home as she was tired and wanted to enjoy a long weekend with her new girl-friend. We said our goodbyes and headed outside where I expected Jennifer to uncuff my hands. She didn’t (surprise) so she helped me into the front passenger seat and we drove the ten minutes back to her place. Once we’d pulled up outside Jennifer’s house, she came around to help me out of the front passenger’s seat. It is nearly impossible to get he seat belt undone yourself, when your hands are cuffed behind your back! Once free of the car she held my arms and guided me up the steps to her front door. It was as if she had actually arrested me and was taking me back to the police station for an interrogation. Once inside she locked the front door behind her and guided me upstairs towards her bedroom I was then told to lie down on the bed, which is another task that is easier said than done when your hands are cuffed behind your back. Jennifer obviously felt sorry for my poor hands as she eased me on to my side and unlocked the cuffs. I then removed my dress, followed by the scarf tied tightly around my neck, my bra and finally my pants so I was completely naked, lying on Jennifer large bed. As I expected, my freedom was short-lived as Jennifer re-cuffed my hands above my head, to the frame of the bed. Jennifer was naked herself as she came down on top of me, licking my tits and sucking hard on my nipples. There was a glint in her eyes as she reached over to her bed-side cabinet and lifted her IPaq with the USB cable hanging from it. The cable was plugged into the socket on my neck and the suit was obviously being re-programmed. Within a few seconds my man-hood sprang free from the imprisonment of my female body so now I was effectively a girl with a prick and a very hard prick at that!
“That’s much better,” said Jennifer as she came down on me once again, pumping harder and harder as she slid my best friend, in and out of your wet pussey.
I came first but that wasn’t a surprise as my feelings had been kept locked up far too long this evening. Thank goodness Jennifer wasn’t far behind me as she finally burst into orgasm. She slumped down on top of me and we kissed passionately as my man-hood shrunk once again. Jennifer then reached behind my neck and pushed the red button that was embedded into the back of my neck. A few seconds later my prick had disappeared and my female bits once again took over my entire body. She finally reached over to her bed-side cabinet once again and lifted a key for my handcuffs. I was free once again to hold Jennifer tight and hug her until we both fell asleep in each other arms.
We wakened around nine on Sunday morning. I then realised that I was still Tanya and asked Jennifer when she was going to allow me to become David again.
Jennifer then explained:
“Well now my love. This is a very special, new version of the transformer suit. It will allow me to switch you backwards and forwards between Tanya and David whenever I like. You see now that you have the suit on, you can’t take it off until I re-programme it and I want to test its possibilities for a wee while longer, maybe a week or two, Is that all right?”
I could only respond:
“Do I have any choice darling? I’m locked into the suit until you let me out. I have to say that I enjoy being Tanya and would love to explore her body a little more. I have never experienced a multiple orgasm, like girls can and I’ve never been fucked by a girl wearing a dildo so can you help me experience those feeling sweetheart?”
Jennifer said that she would help me find my inner most feminine feelings over time and then told me that I would change back to David automatically on Monday morning at 06:00. The suit had a built in GPS facility so it would know if I was home at 19:00 each evening, when it would transform me back into Tanya until six the next morning. If I had to go to the office and was late home, I would remain David until twenty minutes after I got home. Jennifer assured me that the GPS was accurate to one metre so I had nothing to fear. On Friday night at 19:00, I would become Tanya until Monday morning or until she re-programmed the suit. I guess that I was trapped as Tanya or maybe even David, completely under the control of Jennifer. I wasn’t really a sub so was I becoming her sub? We fell asleep in each other arms two lovers entwined but what were we (Girl and boy or girl and girl)?
Jennifer then got up and went downstairs to make breakfast. I lay there on Jennifer’s bed; I was still Tanya but felt 100% David, who was locked inside the female body by my lover’s invention. We ate breakfast in bed together and then Jennifer suggested that I get up and shower while she prepared cloths for me to wear today. The shower was wonderful against my soft and shinny plastic, hairless skin. Once finished I headed back into the bedroom with a towel wrapped around my chest, which covered the entire middle part of my body. Jennifer then approached with her IPaq and started to set a new programme, which immediately dried my long blonde hair to the straight style she wanted and also set the skin tone around my face. This meant I didn’t have to bother with the mundane application of woman’s make-up. It was then time to get dressed so we headed for the spare bedroom where Jennifer had already located what she had in mind this morning.
First things first was a beautiful soft black leather corset with suspender belts hanging from it. I held the silky inner lined material against my bare plastic skin as Jennifer started fashioning each of the tiny clips on the back. It was a long process but I have to admit that it wasn’t as bad when she last corseted me as David. It was good twenty minutes before I was snugly held within the fantastic corset, which gave me a wonderful hour-glass figure and held tightly in place my exceptional cleavage. Next was a pair of stockings. I had never worn stockings before for Jennifer and I sat on the edge of the spare bed as she rolled each of the super soft silk stockings up each of my legs and clipped the lace tops on to the suspender belts hanging from the leather corset. It was then I started to notice I was getting moist down below. I was horny as hell and Jennifer knew this and teased me as she lifted a short light-weight black wool dress off a hanger. This was made of very thin black wool and as I slid it over my head, I smoothed the luxurious material over my new corseted body and the hem came half way down my thighs so it wasn’t too sluttish at all and hid the tops of my stockings. Next was a pair of high-heeled shoes but these were different than the shoes I’d ever worn previously. These were open and held on my silk covered feet by a web of leather straps. By the time I noticed the tiny locks, it was too late as Jennifer sniggered when she pushed the clasps home, securely locking my feet in these high-heels for as long as she wanted. Finally she produced the floral patterned silk scarf I’d worn last night. She wrapped it twice around my neck and tied a tight bow at the side. My control panel was now effectively hidden behind my long blonde hair and tight silk scarf. All I had to do now was practice walking in these new high-heels.
“That’s you ready Tanya. Can you take the breakfast dishes downstairs, pack the dishwater and I’ll be down in ten or fifteen minutes.”
Jennifer then went on to tell me that we were going out to see Karen, who she was dying to show off her latest invention that trapped my poor male body.
It was around midday when we headed outside to Jennifer’s car. She’d handed me a light blue jacket to wear over my black wool dress and I have to admit I felt very comfortable heading outside today. Jennifer was dressed in a similar outfit to the one I wore last night. A short floral silk dressed covered her body. She was wearing either silk tights or stockings, I couldn’t tell but she looked fantastic. We drove quickly to Karen and Simon’s place. As usual Karen met us at the door to their fantastic house and explained that Simon locked in the cage for the rest of the day and wouldn’t be seeing visitors at all today.
“So what do you think of David, I mean Tanya, asked Jennifer as we headed inside to the living-room?
Karen took a second look and basically told Jennifer to wise-up as there was no way that I was David!
Jennifer then started to tell Karen about the new transformation suit that her company was developing and she had already tried it out on me several months ago with terrible consequences due to my arrest and subsequent deportation to the States. Karen then asked Jennifer to take her time and explain all but she then suggested that they get rid of me first. Jennifer thought it was a great idea so they both took an arm each and led me outside towards the outhouse and no doubt a cell where I’d end up spending the next couple of hours. I complained bitterly about being locked up today and as I struggled Jennifer let go of me and took out her mobile phone. I’ve no idea what she typed in but in a few seconds my collar BLEEPED and my face began to take on a new form as my mouth and nose became a single piece of solid plastic and I could no longer breathe. This stopped me dead in my tracks and I started to fall as breathing became more laboured. Another code typed into Jennifer’s mobile phone caused two tiny holes to appear in my nose allowing me to breathe again but my arms and legs became quite stiff.
“This is my latest weapon Karen. The collar on the suit where I control David inside, has been upgraded and now includes a built in GPRS receiver so I can SMS / TEXT any number of pre-programmed codes to the collar from anywhere in the world so I now have absolute control!”
Karen thought this was absolutely fantastic as the two girls man-handled my stiff body into the out-building to then into one of the small American style barred cells.
“He, oh sorry I mean, she should feel right at home in there Karen,” explained Jennifer who was referring to my stay in the Illinois jail back in the spring.
The two girls laughed as they pushed me on to the small bunk. Jennifer then asked Karen if she wouldn’t mind getting a pair of handcuffs, which of course Karen was able to do within a minute or so. In fact Karen had better idea’s as she returned with not only a pair of handcuffs but also a pair of 19” leg-irons. The two girls then fastened my legs and arms to the ends of the bunk and left the cell, sliding the barred door over, locking it securely.
“Watch this Karen,” explained Jennifer as she typed another programme into her mobile phone and the BLEEP on my collar told me yet another change.
Within seconds my arms and legs were no longer stiff but completely useless as they were cuffed to the bunk. My mouth was free again but only for a minute or so as another BLEEP meant yet another programme.
This time my mouth started to fill up with a massive ball gag that appeared from my plastic face. The same thing started to happen in my crotch as a massive dildo appeared and grew into my wet pussy. It then started to vibrate and I started to moan as the feeling became completely incredible but as I was getting close to an orgasm, my first real female orgasm, the vibrating stopped.
“Don’t Fucking stop, I screamed into my gag!”
“That should keep him, I mean her amused for the next few hours Karen. The vibrating will start every five or ten minutes and stop just before orgasm. She can’t even reach her wet CUNT so the frustration will drive Tanya mad!”
The girls then left the small cell block, locking the outside door and leaving me alone to my frustration.
Fuck, was the next few hours a combination of pure fantasy and then let down by misery as I simply couldn’t get to orgasm! I fought my bonds but no use, what did I expect. Every time I though I was about to explode the wonderful feelings stopped and I was left in doubt that Jennifer was being even more evil and she’d ever been before.
It was around three o’clock when Karen returned alone. I hadn’t really noticed but by then the relentless torture had been stopped for the past fifteen or twenty minutes. Karen then unlocked one of my wrists and asked me to sit up before securing my hands behind my back. She then unlocked both leg-irons and led me out of the cell. She guided me by the arms towards and her favourite cell, the padded cell where Jennifer was lying on the padded floor. The padded cell door was quickly closed and locked behind me and it was only then did I study Jennifer more closely. She was wearing a neck to tow black Lycra body suit but the best bit was she was held tight in one of Karen’s white canvas straightjackets. She also had a massive red ball-gag wedged in her mouth but suddenly I noticed the black dildo, which was strapped on around her waist and appeared around the side of her leather crotch strap. It was only then I heard another BLEEP and my internal gag and dildo disappearing from within my plastic body. I needed to come and I needed it badly! My hands were cuffed tightly behind my back but I thought I could position myself over Jennifer who was lying flat on her back. I had no panties on at all under the corset and the smooth short wool dress would be easy to pull up using my hands behind my back. This was obviously their plan as I manoeuvred myself over Jennifer and eased the black rubber dildo into my socking wet pussey. Oh fuck it was good as I eased my entire body up and down on top of the bound and gagged Jennifer! She moaned into her ball gag and I just laughed as I squeezed as hard as I could against the rubber dildo as it began to get very, very wet with my enthusiasm.
It wasn’t long until my rhythm got faster and faster and I knew I was close to climax; my first orgasm as Tanya Taylor. Oh, fuck, it got better and better until finally I knew it was there and fuck was it fantastic as my first female orgasm ripped through my entire body and it stayed and stayed until I thought I could cum no more but it wasn’t over as the climax built again and once more ripped through my hot and bound body. It finally subsided but I knew Jennifer was now as frustrated as I climbed off still handcuffed and still very horny. I wondered, could I help Jennifer to climax or should I just leave her to sweat in her bondage as she left me early today? I tried to straighten my dress but it was nearly impossible as I simply couldn’t reach far enough with my hands cuffed behind my back. It was then that I heard the padded cell door opening and Karen returning.
“Did you enjoy that David,” she asked?
I replied:
“Yes, Karen, fucking incredible! You girls have it soooooo good when it comes to multiple orgasms!”
Karen just laughed as she helped me to my feet and led my back to the barred cell I had spent the last few hours. I complained but I knew it was no use. I was still handcuffed and as a girl, I hadn’t the strength to fight her off. It was only a few minutes later when she re-appeared with Jennifer, still wearing the white canvas straightjacket but no longer was my gorgeous girlfriend gagged by the enormous red ball that had been previous staffed in her mouth and held tight by the black leather strap. Karen placed Jennifer in the next cell to me so now we were only separated by steel bars and at least now we could talk. Karen closed Jennifer’s bars to her cell and left the small cellblock, locking the outside door. Jennifer then sat on her bunk and turned to speak to me:
“So David, how did you like your first female orgasm?”
She knew what my response was going to be:
“Fucking incredible sweetheart! I’ve never experienced a multiple before and I can’t wait to experience my next one!”
We then sat on our respective bunks in our separate cells and chatted for the next hour or so, waiting for Karen to return and unlock us both from our steel cages.
It was around sic o’clock when Karen returned and unlocked my cell first. She entered and removed my handcuffs before handing me the keys to the cells and allowing me to free Jennifer myself. She wanted to check on Simon who by all accounts had been locked in the cage all day! As soon as she had left, I unlocked Jennifer’s bars and entered her cell. It was clear that Jennifer wanted me to unbuckle the straps to her straightjacket but I had other ideas as kissed her hard on the mouth. It didn’t take long to get her going and within a minute or two she was urging me towards her sex and to unbuckle at least her crotch strap, which would give me access to her clit. I removed the strap and pulled off her panties. Karen had obviously removed her dress to allow the straightjacket to be worn properly and as she bucked her groins, I slipped my new long finger nails into her pussey and played with her clit under she was moaning in support of my caressing. She started to scream as her orgasm built and built until she could hold back no longer.
“That was fantastic Tanya, thanks! Will you please removed the straightjacket,” she demanded?
I thought about it for a minute and asked Jennifer why should I? She certainly wasn’t being very nice to me with her demands and Jennifer was in no position to demand anything as it was her that was sealed within the canvas straightjacket. It was just then when Karen returned holding Jennifer’s dress in her right hand.
“Karen, Jennifer is being a bit of a bitch tonight so can I keep her in the straightjacket and take her home like this?”
Jennifer complained bitterly but Karen agreed that I could keep Jennifer in the straightjacket so I re-buckled the crotch strap as Jennifer twisted a turned to try and hold me back.
“Sit there and shut up Jennifer,” I yelled as I also slapped her across her bare thigh, which I must admit took us both by surprise.
While I guided Jennifer out to her waiting car, Karen followed up from behind holding Jennifer’s empty dress and her hand-bag. I eased the bound Jennifer into the passenger seat of her car, buckled up her seat belt and got into the driving seat myself. It was weird not having to reposition Jennifer’s seat because we were now a similar size. On the way back to Jennifer’s house I decided to stop at the local Indian take-a-way and get a curry for dinner. Jennifer was really embarrassed sitting in the passenger seat of the car, still wearing the white canvas straightjacket. There were a few interesting double takes from people walking past the car but I was getting my own back to weeks of torture and now my imprisonment in the body of Tanya Taylor.
Finally we were back at Jennifer’s house. I picked the food, Jennifer’s dress and her hand0bag from the back seat before helping her out of the passenger seat and up the stairs to her house.
“You bastard David, what if some-one sees me in this straightjacket,” she barked at me as I unlocked the front door and pushed her inside.
“Shut the fuck up Jennifer, or I’ll put you in one of the cells and you’ll get no dinner,” I shouted back at her!
Jennifer then sat quietly at the kitchen table while I set the table and put the curry out for us both to eat.
“How the fuck, am I supposed to eat when wearing this straightjacket, you shit,” Jennifer barked again!
I had just about had enough of her moaning when I started to feed her like a baby while I took it in turns to eat myself. Dinner was a very slow process but it had the desired effect as I managed to feed her while at the same time eat myself. When we finished Jennifer was still moaning at me and I just about exploded at her and reminded Jennifer that I was still imprisoned in the body of Tanya Taylor. Jennifer laughed so I decided to seek revenge and led her downstairs to her cell clock. I pushed her down the corridor to the control panel outside her electronic cell. I programmed the inner bar door to lock until six thirty tomorrow morning and then I pushed her inside, just in time for the loud BLEEP and the cell door to lock behind her.
“If you apologise for your ignorance today, I’ll unbuckle you from your straightjacket and at least you’ll have a fairly comfortable night locked inside here!”
Jennifer then turned and looked at me with her big blue puppy dog eyes:
“I’m sorry sweetheart, please let me out because I’m about to piss myself?”
She reversed herself hard back against the bars of her cell and I unbuckled the straightjacket. Soon her arms were free she unzipped the black Lycra catsuit and stepped out of it. She was naked except for her black sating panties. She handed me the straightjacket through the bars and I said my goodnights to her. I explained that I would leave the outer barred door to the cell block unlocked but I was going to set the outer iron cell door and shutters, including lights to stay off until six tomorrow morning. She would then have half-an-hour before the bars would unlock and she would be free to get ready for work. I could tell she was a little pissed off with me but then Jennifer had to remember that I was still trapped as a girl and would be each night this week and probably all of next weekend until this last piece of R&C went on. We kissed through the bars and I was off, locking and setting the rest of the programming to Jennifer’s cell for the night.
I got home around ten but as I was about to turn into my house, I bumped into Mrs. Doyle, my next door neighbour as she was taking her dog for a walk.
“Oh good evening dear,” she said.
I had to think quickly:
“Ah, you must be Mrs. Doyle; David has told me all about you. I’m Tanya, his new lodger.”
Good that’s her satisfied. She then said that she hadn’t seen a lot of David recently so I explained that he’d been working away a lot and spending most weekends with Jennifer, his new girlfriend. Mrs. Doyle then said goodbye and I slipped quietly into the house. Within only a few minutes of entering the house I felt a strange sensation in my pants. I quickly pulled up my dress and slid my tights and pants down to see the next nasty surprise Jennifer has unleashed on me! My suit had changed the area covering my pussey and all there was a hard skin coloured plastic grill that would allow piss out but no prying fingers in. I was now angry and lifted the phone to call Jennifer but then she couldn’t answer, she was locked inside her electronic cell tonight. I guessed Jennifer explained it perfectly before: Tanya was her toy and only she could please Tanya! I was therefore going to be unable to masturbate and enjoy my own company but if I lived with her, she would allow me freedom to do what I pleased. I thought it was a nice try and I still wanted to live on my own during the week. I guess that I was her slave! I then prepared myself for bed and fell asleep quite quickly, completely wrecked from a busy weekend with Jennifer.
Monday morning and I woke to the sound of my clock radio as I did every weekday morning and the dulcet tones of Sarah Kennedy on BBC Radio 2. I don’t know why I listen to her, she is a really dull radio presenter but I guess I’m just waiting until 07:30 and Terry Wogan. As I came to life, I remembered my weekend and being Tanya when I went to bed last night. It was now 06:45 and YES, my tits were gone! I was David once again but a much fitter, leaner, meaner David but only one problem, where was my dick? The lower part of my body was exactly the same as Tanya last night. A hard plastic grill covered what I still knew was a girls pussey. I still had no access to myself, even as David. All I could think of was that bitch Jennifer and what tricks she was playing on my. What had my life become?
End of Part 8.
Ed Kilpatrick
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