Woolly Story part 7
In part six, had Jennifer gone too far? She had introduced David to her latest gadget, a plastic suit that has transformed him into a female, Sonya Smyth. The only problem being that Sonya has been mistaken for an American killer, Sonya Smith so poor David had been arrested and deported to Chicago to finish Sonya’s sentence and maybe even face the death penalty for the murder of a prison officer during her escape from prison.
David’s Escape from a Foreign Land:
The next two days were unbearable! I was locked inside the tiny cell 23 hours every day. I was taken out for an hour, once a day. Each trip out meant my hands being cuffed behind my back even before the cell door opened and then my ankles into standard leg-irons for my one hour of exercise. It was cold outside, very cold so I didn’t even get the option to go outside. Instead I was led cuffed and shackled along several corridors to a large exercise hall where other female prisoners were left to their own initiatives for only one hour, one very short hour. The other girls were all wearing the same orange nylon jumpsuit that I wore. All had their hands cuffed behind their backs but only a few had the added indignity of having their ankles locked in leg-irons. No-one spoke to me; in fact none of the female prisoners ever spoke to anyone, not even each other! They simply walked around the wall of the exercise hall, some faster than others depending if their legs were chained or not. As each prisoners hour was up, they were called by surname and number and then escorted out of the large hall and I guess back to their tiny cell. Like the other girls I was called and then taken back to my tiny cell. Each time I was ordered to stand just inside the open door or bars as they could best be described and the leg-irons were unlocked and removed. The door then closed with that chilling CLUNK and then my hands were freed before being left inside for another 23 hours. The food was crap! At around nine each morning a prisoner with her ankles in chains came round pushing a cart and stopped outside my cell. She dumped on to a plastic tray look-warm sausages, hash-browns and what was once an egg. A cup of black coffee was pored into a plastic beaker and she slid the tray and cup under my bars. Breakfast was truly terrible! I kept the tray until around noon, when the same prisoner, still with her ankles in chains came around again. She collected the breakfast tray and then dumped cold ham and some bread on to the same tray, which was again slid under the bars. I was expected to drink water from the sink in the cell. It was appalling treatment and I wondered just how long I could survive such terrible conditions, maybe for years or maybe until my death sentence? At six each evening the same prisoners came round again and using the same tray I was given what could only be described as shit on a plate. Each night seemed to be different and it was completely awful! The empty tray or on most nights my still full tray was taken away around seven before I was then taken for my evening exercise in he large hall.
What time did mean was I could explore my new body, the body of Sonya Smyth. Even though I was locked up in the most appalling conditions, it did make my horny. I love bondage and while this was a little too real, it did make me hot. I love playing with my breasts, they felt wonderful and the harder I squeezed my pert nipples the hotter I got and the more moist my pussy became. My pussy was the strangest thing! I was sure I could just about feel the head of my prick, trapped within my female body,
By Tuesday evening I had been locked in the cell for quite a few hours when I couldn’t hold back any more, I had to play with myself so as you can imagine one hand massaged with my tits and the other slipped in and out of my by new very, very moist pussy. It wasn’t long until I was in full motion when I heard the noise of the outer bars sliding open and the sound of running in my direction. I quickly pulled my hands out of my sweat pants and bra. “Having fun are we prisoner Smith?” All I could do is give the guard back a very sarcastic response, “What the fuck else do you expect a girl to do in here for 23 hours idiot?” I was then ordered to my feet and told to turn around and allow the guard to lock my hands behind my back. I thought I was being taken out of the cell but to my dismay she just laughed at me and walked away, leaving me not only locked in the miserable cell but now unable to explore my female body anymore, with my hands now cuffed behind my back.
Tuesday night into Wednesday morning was a very long night. I tried to sleep as best I could but it was very uncomfortable lying on the bunk with my hands cuffed behind my back. When I heard the familiar sound of the breakfast trolley I thought I’d be uncuffed but the prisoner just laughed at me and before passing breakfast under the bars, she cut the food up and suggested I eat it on the floor like a dog. To be honest, I had no option but to get down on the floor, on my knees and east the horrible breakfast from the bowl on the floor. By the time I had finished I badly needed to take a piss so I had to struggle and pull my pants down the best I could and sit on the cold toilet seat. At around 11:00AM an officer came to my cell and told me that my lawyer had arrived to see me. I thought that I would be allowed to dress but oh no, the cell door was opened, my ankles were locked into leg-irons and I was led out of my cell wearing the sport bra and pants that I’d been wearing all day yesterday and all last night. We approached a large iron door where a female guard stood outside. The guard escorting me then ushered her to open the door and I was directed inside where Jennifer was sitting at one end of a square table with her laptop open and a massive smile on her face. The door then closed behind me and I could hear the lock being turned.
“Jesus, Jennifer, I’m glad to see you!”
Jennifer asked me to sit down and then asked why I wasn’t wearing one of those wonderful Nylon prison jump suits. I then had to tell her that I had been caught playing with myself last night and how the guards handcuffed me and since then they had been locked behind my back. She laughed at me and asked how I was finding my temporary body.
“It’s a wonderful experience Jennifer but I’m really, really scared and I would prefer it if I could explore the body back in England with you, in your prison, not stuck in this hell-hole in the States!”
“Right David, I’m hearing rumours that the various agencies now realises that you are not Sonya Smith but they are very embarrassed so rather than letting you go, they intend to mess with the paperwork and take you through the judicial process but we have a problem!”
Jennifer then explained when she set the suit on Friday night, she had programmed an automatic exit route in seven days so on Saturday afternoon Central time, night time in the UK, the suit would automatically release me and return Sonya to David. This had always been Jennifer’s plan to ensure if anything had happened to her that I would be free at the end of my week off, ready to go back to work on Monday morning. I thought it was great that I would be free on Saturday afternoon but Jennifer reminded me what would the guards think if they found David locked in the cell instead of Sonya? Jennifer had a point but what can we do?
“There is no way Sonya we can introduce the guards to David so we have two options:”
“Number one, I can reprogram the suit to remain on until I manually reprogram it and therefore you would remain Sonya and let the American judicial process run it’s coarse or;”
“Number two we set in motion an escape plan for you.”
As you can imagine, I was more interested in option two, an escape plan so I asked Jennifer what she had in mind.
“To be honest David, I think if you were to escape it would make them feel a whole lot happier but I now have a much, much better plan.”
“I can reprogram your suit now and sometime during the night your skin will harden and you will therefore appear dead to the guards in the morning.”
I thought that was a brilliant idea but what about my breathing and what if I said anything? Jennifer then went on to tell me that she can program the suit to close my mouth and effectively gag me. The suit would become so hard that they couldn’t detect breathing at all. She then explained that her employer’s have arranged with a local funeral company to have my body removed from the prison and then some reprogramming at HQ would have me back to normal. The only problem then was getting me out of the States because David never entered and therefore no visa to let him out, never mind a passport to get him back into the UK.
“Fantastic Jennifer, go-ahead and reprogram the suit, please hurray up before the guards come back for me?”
Jennifer then took a USB cable and attached one end to her laptop. She then connected the other end to the USB port on the back on my neck. A punch of the enter key and the suit had been reprogrammed. I was told that the suit was still set in UK time so at around 8am Thursday morning UK time, 2am US Central time, while I was asleep the suit would then take over and by morning time they would find a stiff in my cell. Jennifer then quickly repacked the cables and it was only a few minutes until a guard unlocked the door to the room and asked Jennifer if she had finished? Jennifer put on her serious lawyers voice and demanded that they allow me to dress and I shouldn’t ever be handcuffed over-night, again. She then told them that she would put in an official compliant about the appalling treatment and she then stood up to leave the prison. We left each other, Jennifer on her way out and me, back along the many corridors to my cell. Once inside they did remove my handcuffs and left in relative comfort for the rest of the afternoon. By the time my evening exercise time came along the guards had ordered me to take off my jump suit. I thought this very strange just before my once a day exercise but they explained that I was going to be punished for Jennifer’s outburst this afternoon and they might not be able to handcuff me for long periods of time but they could make my life miserable and put me into a straightjacket. I tried to struggle as the two guards forced my arms into the canvas jacket and pulled the various straps that would contain my body until only they removed the punishing jacket. A final strap was pulled between my legs and the jacket was now in place. Happy with their work, they locked leg-irons around each of my ankles and led me out of the cell, towards the exercise hall. It was a humiliating hour because this must have been an accepted punishment for girls caught masturbating in their cells. I was laughed at and various other inmates made disgusting comments about me being a fagot. As soon as the exercise hour was over, I was taken back to my cell where the leg-irons were removed. As soon as they were removed the guards replaced them with tight, very tight leather ankle straps that in effect tied both my ankles together so all I could do was hop back to my bunk and fall on to it.
Because the previous nights sleep was nearly impossible due of the handcuffs, I was so tired I did manage to get over until I heard the loud BLEEP from the panel embedded in the back on my neck, I woke up, still held tight within the canvas straightjacket and my ankles secured tightly together by the leather straps. It was only a matter of minutes until I felt thy skin begin get much, much tighter and then began to harden until I could no longer open my mouth or even my eyes for that matter. My breathing did start to labour but soon I was able to compensate and relax into a very shallow rhythm. I was so relaxed I even fell asleep.
I awoke abruptly the next morning with the sound of the breakfast trolley coming down the corridor. I panicked when I couldn’t open my eyes. I even tried to scream out but I couldn’t open my mouth or even make a sound. I then remembered the reprogramming yesterday and in effect to the guards, I was dead. I then heard the prisoner delivering breakfast to my cell. She yelled at me to wake up but of coarse I didn’t. To my dismay she just laughed and while I heard her slip breakfast under my cell bars, she just moved on to her next delivery. I was to remain in my current state until lunch time when lunch was being brought round. I could hear the female prisoner shouting this time to the guards that I hadn’t moved since breakfast. They sent her on her way while two of them quickly entered my cell and starting swearing at each other in a panic when they realised I wasn’t breathing and my skin was now very, very cold and hard as if I was stiff already.
“Maybe we went too far with the straightjacket,” shouted one!
“Let’s get it off her before the governor arrives,” said the other!
They then tried in vein to get the straitjacket off me but I was far to stiff for them to manipulate the canvas jacket and all the straps that had held me so tight last night. It was then I heard the voice of the governor:
“What the fuck happened hear,” she yelled!
They then explain that I was dead and she obviously approach me and tried to find a pulse but there was none.
“Oh Fuck,” she whispered.
“The FBI are just going to love this as she was the wrong Sonya and we badly need to get rid of the body!”
“Right guards, just go and get a trolley and we’ll take the body down to the cold room where we take the stiffs after execution,” the governor demanded!
There was then about ten minute silences in my cell until the guards arrived and manhandled me on to a trolley. They obviously threw a blanket over my now stiff body, still wearing the straightjacket and ankles still held tight in the leather straps. They then manoeuvred me into the cold room and boy it was cold! There was nothing I could do until they took me out of the prison and I just prayed that Jennifer’s plan worked and I was picked up by her team before they buried me alive in this terrible state. I also hoped the suit was strong enough to ensure they couldn’t break my arms to remove the straitjacket or even worse cut me open for an autopsy.
It was a few hours until some other people came for me. I could feel them lift me off the trolley and place my body into one of the plastic body bags. I then panicked; what if I couldn’t breathe in the body bag? I soon found I could as they zipped it closed and lifted me on to another trolley. I was then wheeled along some long corridors and through various doors until I felt and heard them load me on to a waiting van. A few stops and starts and then we seemed to be on the open road. I then heard the zip being pulled down on the body bag and Jennifer’s voice:
“It’s okay David; we’re free of the prison and on our way to my company’s headquarters.”
“As soon as we get there, I’ll get your suit re-programmed and get you out of the straitjacket but until then, can you please hold on?”
There wasn’t a lot I could do. I was effectively dead. I could move or even respond to Jennifer.
It was about an hour until I felt the van stop and within a few minutes they had me out of the van and being wheeled into a warm building. Jennifer then explained that I was being taken to the company hospital where they would get me out of the bind. I was then removed from the body bag and placed on a soft hospital bed. I then felt Jennifer ask her colleagues to turn me on to me side so that she could plug her laptop in. A bleep told me that the program had been changed and all I had to do was lie there and wait until the computer program did its work. Slowly but surely I felt my body start to loosen up. First I could open my eyes and see the beautiful Jennifer standing over me, looking down and smiling as I came round from the strange coma like state. Next I started to feel my arms and legs begin regain some control but I still couldn’t move as the canvas straightjacket and ankles straps still held me tight. Finally I regained my voice.
“Hello my love, am I free of that hell-hole,” is all I could think to ask?
Jennifer simply said YES and gave me a kiss on the lips, which was the most wonderful kiss I had received from her in ages or what seemed like ages. Another woman then entered the room:
“Hi David, I’m Marie, Jennifer’s colleague in the States. How are you feeling?”
All I could say in response was FUCKING WONDERFUL and could they get me out of the straightjacket! They both laughed and said in a little while, which took me by surprise. I then asked to sit up and regain some movement from a long time stuck in the horizontal position as a stiff. They both helped me up and Jennifer even removed the leather straps holding me ankles tightly bound together.
I managed to walk around the small room to get some feeling back into my legs.
“Why will you both not remove the straitjacket,” I enquired.
Marie then responded:
“It’s quite simple David, you’ve just escaped from prison and there is no way we can let you run around now as we now need to get you back to England. We can’t send you back as David because we don’t have your passport. We can’t send you back as Sonya Smyth either so we need another plan, which you may not like so it is easier for all of us if you remain bound, for a little longer. Anyway, I’ve known Jennifer for a long time and I therefore know that you like being tied-up.”
I give them both a strange look and asked how they planned to get me back to England?
Jennifer then smiled at me and laughed:
“Well David, the team here in Chicago have been doing some work on the program and we think we now have a solution. What we plan to do is program your suit to go very, very stiff again and change its properties into a thick plastic like state. This will in effect turn you into a mannequin and then we can ship you back air freight.”
I just smirked and asked them if they were mad? It was a terrible plan but I soon guessed it was the only plan that might at least work. Marie then reminded Jennifer that she would have to take off the straightjacket if the plan was to fully work. Jennifer asked me if I was okay with the plan and as I reply OKAY, she approached and unbuckled the straps that final enabled my arms to fall free of the suit. Marie then called her shipping department and asked them to arrange a very, very urgent delivery to Jennifer’s house in Cambridgeshire for tomorrow, Friday. Before Jennifer set the program in motion we hugged and kissed but then it was time to put our plan into action so Jennifer plugged me back into her laptop. She then asked me if I wanted to be able to see when I was in the mannequin state. I replied YES and she typed another command into her laptop. Soon there was a BLEEP and I lay on the hospital bed top await the final change that would allow me to get home to England. Soon I felt my arms and legs go very stiff again. My voice disappeared and two glazed windows formed in the suit, which would enable me to see out. I could hear Jennifer and Marie discussing the metamorphosis and even comment that my mouth had disappeared and just formed part of the hard plastic shell that now imprisoned my body. Jennifer then told Marie that she had set the program to completely unlock the suit and free David on Sunday evening if anything happened during the shipment. Marie thought that was a good idea and then stared to remove my prison issue bra and pants. They then laughed when they saw my female cracks had all disappeared like my mouth and just formed part of a plastic shell.
Jennifer and Marie then packed me into a packing case, not dissimilar to a coffin. It was very dark and I wondered why they had given me eyes at all but never-the-less I was now on my ay back to England.
The journey was very uneventful. The packing case was opened once to enable the US customs to check the contents. It was then closed and the neck thing I heard was the noise of aircraft engines as we took off of an overnight crossing of the Atlantic and back to England. I was warm and very comfortable locked within my hard plastic shell. I even managed to fall asleep and was awakened by the bump of our landing back in England, I hoped. The next movement was the UK customs opening the packing to check its contents. They did take me out and made some smutty jokes about me being a doll. I was then packed back into my box and I hoped on my way to Jennifer’s house. It was still several hours until I heard her voice signing for me at the door. I also heard her ask the delivery men to carry the box inside and put it on the floor in the living room. She thanked them both and I could hear her closing the front door behind her.
“Don’t worry David; I’ll have you out of there in a few minutes.”
As soon as I was out of the packing I could see the beautiful Jennifer kneeling over me wearing one of her wonderful cashmere sweater dresses and her smile as she turned me over to plug in the USB cable. Soon there was another BLEEP and the plastic shell covering my entire body started to soften and soon I was able to move and talk. I could see that I back in her living room in rural Cambridgeshire. As soon as the program had done its job, I got up grabbed my beautiful girlfriend and we began to kiss for the next ten of fifteen minutes.
“So David, now you’ve explored your female body, how do you like it,” she asked?
I was honest and while I loved the feeling of being able to now cross-dress and go outside, looking like a real woman, I hated the week that I just gone through and I now wanted out of the body and free of being Sonya Smyth. Jennifer then plugged the USB cable back in and typed a few commands into the laptop. Another BLEEP signalled another change and I very quickly felt my face change shape but rather being changed back into David, my boobs grew slightly larger and I could feel my hair growing slightly longer.
“There you go David, have a look in the mirror, you are now Tanya Taylor and both the company States side and here in the UK have checked to ensure there are no arrest warrants out for Tanya Taylor.”
Sure enough, I had now changed slightly. I was now blonde with long hair and pert little nose and great big smile. My breasts were certainly larger and I loved the figure that Jennifer had now given me. I told her that it was amazing and asked if she could set the program so that I could be Tanya another time but for now I wanted to be David, more to satisfy my constant worry that the program wasn’t reversible. Jennifer seemed a little disappointed that I didn’t want to explore Tanya’s body but understood that I’d had a very difficult week and it was probably better that I was turned back into David. She once again, hopefully for the last time this weekend, plugged me back into her laptop and set the program in motion. As loud BLEEP, once again told me that the suit was about to change. Jennifer then suggested that I go upstairs and lie down before pressing the red button which would release me from the suit. We both headed upstairs to her bedroom and I sat on her bed and pressed the button on the back on my neck. Another BLEEP signalled that ht program was now in motion. The change took only a few minutes and the suit started to change form, back into the Nylon and Lycra mesh that I pulled on last Friday night. Soon I felt my manhood get released from its tight imprisonment and that was it, I was once again David. Another loud BLEEP and a click told me that the collar was now unlocked and I removed the zip from the mechanism and removed the plastic collar. Next I pulled off the catsuit and soon I was all man again, lying beside my beautiful girlfriend, Jennifer.
I explained to Jennifer that I wanted to explore Tanya some other time but for the rest of this weekend I just wanted us to be a normal couple, enjoying each others company.
The rest of the weekend was just that.
End of Part 7.
Ed Kilpatrick
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