A Woolly Story
Part 4
Setting the Scene: -
Once again, a big thank-you to everyone that wrote to me with their positive comments regarding part 3 of my woolly story about the factious characters David and Jennifer.
At the end of part 3, David had been released from his weekend in prison at the hands of his girl-friend and her kinky friends.
I’m not sure if I can write another episode so for now as my inspiration runs out, I’ll keep trying but forgive me for the time it is taking me to complete these fantasies.
Here goes anyway:
A Woolly Story Part 4
It had been a slow week since Sunday night when I finally left Jennifer’s and the fabulous weekend at the hands of her kinky friends at the old Victorian prison. I had spoken to Jennifer on the telephone and via e-mail during the week. We weren’t sure how much time we would get to ourselves this weekend coming as her sister Amanda was in town from London for a school reunion, which was being held at the villages, Catholic girls school We did manage to get a meal out on Wednesday evening and did agree that I should meet Amanda this weekend. I then agreed to spend the weekend with Jennifer at her house. We had no kinky plans as we would be entertaining her younger sister. On Thursday evening I received a call from Jennifer who was in a bit of a muddle. She apologised for the late notice but explained that Amanda had only informed her that she was invited to an 80’s school disco as part of the re-union on Friday night, starting at eight. I agreed before Jennifer had time to explain that it was fancy dress and as it was a girl’s school, everyone, including the partners of ex students would be wearing the uniform of the school, which meant a girl’s uniform. I told her that I thought it would be fun to dress up as a girl in public and explore our fantasies a little further, outside her immediate circle of kinky friends. I asked if Amanda was bringing her boyfriend but Jennifer then had to explain that her sister was gay and she didn’t know if she would be bringing her partner Samantha (Sam to everyone) or not this weekend. We just laughed and I agreed to go over to Jennifer’s immediately after work and bring a Chinese carry-out for four just in case Sam was there.
As with the previous two Friday’s today was no different as the day dragged for me, working from home. Jennifer and I talked during the day via e-mail but as it was our work accounts no kinky stuff was discussed online. Five o’clock came and I logged off for the weekend. I packed a sports bag for the weekend at Jennifer’s. Just a change of cloths and some clean underwear, not to mention the usual toiletries. It was still very cold outside so a coat was needed but being the lazy person I am, I decided to drive over there hoping that I would have some control over this weekend and therefore I had planned to drive us over to the school disco this evening. I was ready to leave at six and before I headed over, I called Jennifer to ask her to order the Chinese so that I could collect it on my way round there. She was full of beans about the disco tonight and asked if I would dance with her. Stupid question, of coarse I would dance with her this evening. I collected the Chinese about six twenty and was pulling up outside Jennifer’s house by six thirty. As I walked up the path to her front door she was standing there waiting for me. She apologised that she hadn’t time to change out of her work suit yet but I wasn’t displeased to see her wearing a tight black skirt and beautiful blue polar neck wool jersey and to complement the outfit her obligatory thick black Lycra tights. We hugged and kissed each other as I entered. I headed straight for the kitchen with the bag of food in hand, dropping my sports bag in the hall as I passed through. As I entered the kitchen I was met by Amanda, Jennifer’s sister. “Hi you must be David,” asked Amanda? I smiled at the slightly younger blonde in front of me with striking similarities to Jennifer, the girl I was now falling in love with. “Hi Amanda, it’s great to meet you at last, Jennifer has told me so much about you,” I replied. What caught my eye the most was the fact that Amanda was already dressed for the school disco. She explained that she had kept her school uniform all these years and hoped to find an excuse to wear it some day. I just laughed and made a joke that there were always lots of reasons for a girl to wear her school uniform. Amanda give me a sneer in return and quickly mumbled about how she knew Jennifer and I were so attracted to each other. I guess she knew something about Jennifer’s kinky life but I hope she didn’t know everything. Anyway to her school uniform! Being a Catholic girl’s school the uniform was the obligatory green colour. A short; very short green skirt, white blouse and green wool cardigan. Amanda was also wearing my favourite thick black wool or Lycra tights. When I looked closer I could see she was wearing a black bra underneath as this most defiantly shown through the white blouse. “Are you looking forward to wearing the uniform tonight David,” asked Amanda? I smiled in return as Jennifer entered the kitchen and explained that she was happy that we had introduced ourselves to each other. Amanda and Jennifer set the table and we sat down to eat the Chinese. Amanda explained that Sam was working late tonight and would meet us all at the old school. Jennifer said she would call a taxi as she knew there would be alcohol available at the disco. Thank goodness it was a catholic school these girls went to or the uniform wouldn’t be as nice and there would certainly be no alcohol severed at the party! We sat at the table and ate the wonderful meal. At about seven fifteen, Jennifer explained that she would go up and get changed into her school uniform. She then suggested that I came up in ten or so minutes and she would have the uniform ready for me to wear tonight. She kissed me on the way passed.
At just after seven thirty, I headed upstairs to get ready while Amanda finished packing the dish washer. When I got to Jennifer’s room she was already sitting in front of her mirror doing her make-up wearing a black silk bra and her legs clad in thick black tights. I approach from behind, smiling to her in the mirror and put my arms around Jennifer, kissing the back of her neck. “Your uniform is in the spare room David,” explained Jennifer. I headed straight there in anticipation of what I was being forced to wear tonight. It therefore wasn’t a big surprise when I found a similar school uniform to the girls lying on the spare bed, waiting for me to put on. As with the previous weekends, I first had to negotiate the tight Lycra body former. I had got used to getting my torso into this very, very tight garment, which got even tighter when I finally managed to pull up the zip on the back. Once in place, my body was already taking on a female form. Next, came a pair of thick ribbed black wool tights, which by now I was master at getting on and pulling up around my waist. Like the girl’s, I pulled on a white shirt/blouse, which made me look slightly tarty with the black body formed underneath. I had to negotiate a green skirt, which was a few sizes too small but never-the-less, I managed to pull it over my bum and pull the zip up on the back. The skirt was very short but then I was wearing really thick wool tights so it didn’t really matter. I tied the school tie around my neck and pulled on the green wool cardigan. Finally I put on the low black leather pumps, which I had gotten used over the passed few weeks. The only strange thing was my head, Jennifer hadn’t left me a mask or a wig to wear so I headed back to her bedroom where by now she was already dressed in the same green uniform and putting her long blonde hair into two pig-tails. “You look fantastic sweetheart,” I said and Jennifer smiled at me explained that she would need to do something about my face and hair. I asked if I wasn’t just going to wear a female face mask like previous weekend but Jennifer explained that this was a fancy dress party and she felt it would look just a little staged and a bit too strange if I wore the Barbie-doll face mask. Instead she instructed me to sit on her stool and face the mirror. I hated make-up but Jennifer explained that if I didn’t just accept the fact I was wearing it, she would handcuff my wrists behind my back and take me to the disco like that. I thought I’d just better accept the fate and put up with the make-up, which was never going to do a lot for my female looks. By six fifty Jennifer explained that she was nearly finished and fetched a long blonde wig for my head. Once in place she then arranges two pig-tails to match hers. “That’s us finished now David, let’s go and call a taxi!” I wanted to drive but Jennifer to me that I couldn’t drink then and anyway, Sam would bring us home later.
As we reached the living room, Amanda burst out laughing saying that we look the right odd couple just like her and Sam. We laughed as Jennifer headed for the phone to call a taxi. Once done, she went to the cupboard under the stairs and picked out coats for us all to wear but as we were getting ready to leave the house, she dashed upstairs saying that he had forgotten something. Within a few minutes Jennifer returned with three school scarves that she had managed to buy during the week. At just after seven, the taxi arrived and we all headed outside. The taxi driver laughed at me but explained that we were his third fare of the night to the same disco and I would be in good company.
Once at the school and into the disco I relaxed a little as all the other guys had had the same effort to dress in the official girl’s school uniform. Our coats were taken at the cloakroom by current students of the school, also wearing the school uniform. I was about to hand over the long wool school scarf when Jennifer explained that it complimented our uniforms much better and we both should keep it on. It was quite warm so I insisted that I unwrap it from around my neck and leave it hanging loose. Jennifer agreed and we headed into the disco.
Once in the main hall, everyone was dancing to eighties music and wearing the same school uniform. Some had blazers on instead of the green cardigan. I guess some of the girls and their male partners were wearing suspenders and stockings but all-in-all everyone had made a fantastic effort. Drinks were being served by current students just like at the cloakroom and we all settled down to a wonderful nights entertainment. The only slightly embarrassing moments for me was when Jennifer introduced me to her old school friends but then their partners were dressed much the same as me. We danced for a few hours and drank far too much wine and beer. Sam finally arrived at around ten wearing her school uniform, which was very similar to that worn by Jennifer, Amanda and myself.
As the night progressed, Jennifer and I got more and more drunk and by the time the disco finished at around midnight, Sam and Amanda were having right good laugh at us both staggering around the school hall. “I think it is time to get these two drunken love-birds home,” explained Sam. Amanda agreed and she directed us both back to the cloakroom for our coats insisting that we wrap out long wool school scarves round our necks and lower fasces, before heading out of the school and into the car-park and Sam’s waiting 4x4. Once in the back of Sam Jeep, we drove back to Jennifer’s house where both Amanda and Sam were spending the night as well, before driving back to London in the morning. To save Sam parking the Jeep in the street, Amada directed her round to the back yard where she could park the 4x4 nearer the house. Amanda asked if Jennifer had her keys and she simply handed her hand-bag over to Amanda. As we got out of the car, Amanda started to rummage through Jennifer’s handbag and produced a pair of shinny steel handcuffs. “I can see you’re still as kinky as ever Jennifer,” explained Amanda as she swung the cuffs in-front of her. Jennifer smiled and told Amanda that they were for me if I’d misbehaved tonight at all. Amanda then told Sam to grab Jennifer and allow her to cuff her hands behind her back. It was really easy and I just laughed as the two schools made easy work of Jennifer in her drunken state. We then entered the house by the cells entrance and Amanda again piped up, suggesting that we put Jennifer in one of her own cells for the night. I followed Sam and Amanda as they directed Jennifer into the first cell on the left, the one I had mist of my time in during previous weekends. As soon as they pushed her inside, they pulled the cell door closed, locking it securely. I asked if they were not even going to un-cuff her first and take off her coat. As soon as I opened my mouth both girls grabbed me and pushed me towards the open cell across the corridor. I struggled as best I could but Sam jut grabbed my right arm pulling it behind my back and leaving me no option but go in the direction that both girls directed me. As soon as I was in the cell, the door closed behind me, locking me inside.
As soon as Amanda and Sam had left the cell block on their way upstairs towards the kitchen I could hear Jennifer shouting to me from behind her cell door. She wasn’t amused by what Sam and Amanda had done to both of us but she was in more secure predicament with her hands cuffed behind her back. It was about twenty minutes later when Amanda and Sam returned to Jennifer’s cell first. I had no idea what was going on as they had closed the peep hole on my cell door. It was only about ten minutes until they came to my door and demanded that I sit on the bunk, away from the door. I did what I was told as both girl’s, still dressed in their school uniforms entered the cell with a whole stack of bondage things in their hands. First they instructed me to stand up, remove my coat but not my scarf before turning around to enable them to cuff my hands behind my back. Once my wrists were secured they forced a red ball-gag into my mouth buckling it from behind. They then loosened the long school scarf and tied it around my face, hiding the ball-gag and my face behind a layer of thick wool. I was then led across the corridor to the cell where Jennifer was being held. As soon as I entered I could see the love of my life was suffering the same indignity as me. She was still wearing the green skirt, white blouse, heavy green wool cardigan and those wonderful thick black tights. I assumed her mouth was stuffed with a ball gag just like me as her long wool school scarf was also tied tightly around her face, hiding whatever was gagging her. We were ordered on to our knees beside each other to face both girls, our new captors. Amanda spoke first in a very stern voice, “Sam and I have decided that we fancy some fun this weekend and we know that both your kinky apatite for all things wool, including bondage will play right into our hands and our plans!” Sam and Amanda then explained their thoughts, which were really fantasises for the weekend ahead. We were then told that we would remain their captives until Sunday night and therefore be their slaves for the weekend. We would be required to wear the school uniforms all weekend except at night, when we would be sleeping. This surely meant that we would soon be released and allowed to remove the school uniforms for the night. When Amanda added that we would be kept over-night in separate cells I could just guess the disappointment on Jennifer’s face, hidden behind the thick wool scarf. Sam then dragged me to my feet and hauled me out of Jennifer’s cell and back to the empty cell I was held for the past half hour or so. Once there, Sam untied the school scarf and unbuckled the ball-gag letting it hang loose around my neck. “Right buster, I’m going to unlock your cuffs and allow you to undress. I’ve left one of Jennifer’s wool dresses on the bunk, which I’m sure will make a warm night-dress for you.” With that Sam unlocked the cuffs from my wrists and left the tiny cell, locking the door behind her. It was only then that I saw that I was to wear the thick wool, red sweaterdress that got me into this trouble with Jennifer less than a month ago. With some difficultly I removed the school uniform, wig, tights and then the Lycra body-shaper. Once naked I pulled the thick wool sweater over my head and climbed underneath the sheet of the small prison cell bunk. At least I was free of any bondage, which would make for a fairly comfortable night in Jennifer’s basement cells. Both going to sleep, I yelled goodnight to Jennifer in the cell across the corridor. She apologised for the predicament I was in as this was not the weekend she had planned. The lights then went out and we were left to try and get some sleep from what was left of the Friday night / Saturday morning. I was tired and have to admit very snug and warm in the thick layer of soft wool of the sweaterdress.
The morning came soon enough and I was awakened as the sun Shaun through the barred window of my locked prison cell. I could hear Jennifer, very faintly calling to me from behind the locked door of her cell, across the corridor. “David, are you awake?” “Yes,” I replied and we basically could hold a conversation if we raised our voices and listened right up against the heavy iron cell doors. Jennifer explained that she didn’t realise that Amanda and Sam were kinky themselves so it was a massive surprise to her when they started this escapade last night. I asked her what she was wearing and she explained a thick black wool sweaterdress that reached from her neck to her toes. I explained to Jennifer that I was wearing the red wool sweaterdress that she first persuaded me to wear when I first visited her home. Jennifer told me that she wished she was with me right now to see me in the dress. She also admitted that it was her favourite dress and the one she liked me in most of all. I asked Jennifer if she knew what Amanda and Sam would make us do through the course of Saturday and Sunday. Jennifer said that she didn’t know but that we would probably be put into rather uncomfortable positions through the weekend. At last we heard some-one coming down the stairs and unlocking the barred door to enter Jennifer’s basement cell block. “Right you two,” shouted Amanda! “I’m going to unlock your cell doors and allow you both half-an-hour to freshen up and get ready for the day ahead. I’ve left a fresh pair of the thickest wool tights I could find for you both to wear today so in thirty minutes I expect you both ready and willing to serve Sam and I for the day!” First I heard Jennifer’s cell door being unlocked and then mine. As we both immerged from opposite cells, Amanda was already on the other side of the barred door and had it locked and on her way back upstairs. Jennifer and I hugged each other and kissed before heading for the shower and for me a shave.
It took me longer to get ready because of the simple fact I had to shave; Jennifer was already dressed in her school uniform when I finally immerged from the showed block. She was really beautiful, standing there in-front of me in her green wool uniform and wonderful, thick black ribbed wool tights, finished off by the low headed black leather pumps. As quickly as I could and with some help from Jennifer, I was back in the very tight Lycra body-shaper, white blouse, thick black ribbed wool tights, green skirt and wool cardigan. I finally slipped on the low headed black leather pumps and we just had time to kiss passionately before we heard Amanda’s voice once again from behind the barred door and the bottom of the stairs to the basement cell block. “Come here you guys,” demanded Amanda so we headed out of my cell towards Amanda? “Right, can you two get yourselves locked into these prison chains and be ready to meet me back here in fifteen minutes? Can you also have yourselves gagged in exactly the same way Sam and I gagged you last night? Finally here is a small padlock each, to lock those gags on so that there can be no funny business through the day!” With that she handed to us through the bars and heavy set of prison chains. Jennifer and I headed back to her cell to work out how we were going to put each other into the chains. Jennifer explained that it was best to help each other and as we had to gag ourselves first, she went through in detail how we both would get ready for our day in chains.
First thing first, I was to be gagged so I allowed Jennifer to put the big red ball into my mouth and buckle it from behind, locking the tiny padlock in place, which meant no release until either Amanda or Sam allowed it. Next Jennifer wrapped the long wool school scarf around my face and tied it tightly from behind. It was now my turn to gag Jennifer and as she did to me, I buckled and locked the red ball gag in place followed by tying the long wool school scarf around her face, hiding the hideous ball gag that would keep her very quiet. Next we put on our own leg-irons, which were attached by a short chain to handcuffs, which we were also able to lock in place ourselves. These were the real deal, a set of prison irons that would enable us both some basic movement but not much else.
As we were told, we both met Amanda back at the barred door when she reminded me that I had forgotten to put the blonde wig on. There was nothing I could do now so she entered the cell block and fetched the same wig I wore last night at the school reunion. Once in place we were ordered to follow her upstairs to the kitchen, where we were directed to sit at the kitchen table. It wasn’t long until Sam arrived. She was dressed very provocatively in one of Jennifer’s tight black wool sweaters that wasn’t quite a sweaterdress as her black silk panties and black garter belt were both clearly visible, attached to a pair of black silk stockings. Sam laughed at us both and started preparing breakfast while Jennifer and I sat awaiting whatever the girls had in store for us today. As the bacon and eggs were set in front of us, Amanda finally arrived wearing a red wool sweater, similar to the one Sam was wearing. Instead of black underwear, Amanda wore red to match her wool sweater. “You have an amazing collection of toys these days Jennifer,” explained Amanda as she untied Jennifer’s scarf allowing her access to the padlock, which once removed enable the ball gag to drop, hanging around her neck along with the long wool scarf. Once Jennifer’s mouth was free it was my turn to have my gag removed. We clearly couldn’t eat as our hands were still cuffed in-front and attached to a short chain from our leg-irons. Sam first spotted this inconvenience and suggested that Amanda unlock one of our wrists.
All four of us sat at the table eating breakfast. Jennifer explained her outrage at the way Sam and Amanda had taken control of her weekend and they weren’t going to get away with it! Both Sam and Amanda laughed, asking how Jennifer was going to re-take control in the position she was in. Jennifer didn’t answer but she promised revenge. As soon as breakfast was finished, our free hand was re-cuffed but the strange part was only Jennifer’s ball gag was replaced and re-locked before the long woollen scarf was retied around her face, hiding the ball gag. “We’ve plans for you David,” said Sam as Amanda dragged a very angry and mumbling Jennifer away and no doubt back to the basement cells.
Once Amanda returned she explained that nothing really bad was going to happen to us and I wouldn’t be abused in any way. They just wanted to give Jennifer the illusion that she was missing out in some fun with her boyfriend. Both said that they were going for a walk today and I would be locked into the cell with Jennifer but first they wanted to add something to my bondage. Amanda then disappeared upstairs and returned a few minutes later with a rather severe looking iron helmet / mask. I told them that I had never seen that helmet before and I certainly didn’t really relish spending the day with my head encased in it. Amanda laughed as Sam held me tight. Amanda then opened the hinged helmet from the back as Sam removed the ball gag hanging around my neck. “You’re lucky we’re not gagging you first David but we are going to add some discomfort,” as Sam re-wound the long woollen scarf around my face covering my nose and mouth. Once completed and happy, Amanda approached placing my entire head into the hideous and very heavy iron helmet. With a bit of pulling the helmet closed at the rear and with a click, I knew it was now locked in place.
I was then matched downstairs and directed through the open bars and told to wait while Amanda unlocked and opened Jennifer’s cell door. I followed Amanda into the cell, directed by Sam from behind. Jennifer was obviously really angry but calmed down a bit when Amanda told her that the ball gag was going to be removed. Her ball gag was quickly removed but her woollen scarf was quickly retied behind her head covering her face also in a couple of layers of thick wool. Sam then produced from behind her back a heavy wool balaclava and leather collar. She pulled the balaclava over Jennifer’s head and secured it by locking the collar around her neck. “Enjoy your day guys,” said Sam as both girls left our cell, locking the door behind them. We also heard the noise of the outer bar door being locked and then the sound of stiletto’s heading back up the stairs to the kitchen.
We both sat on the bunk beside each other and a muffled sound from Jennifer behind the wool scarf and thick wool balaclava explained how sorry she was for getting me into this mess. I told Jennifer in a muffled reply that it wasn’t that bad; at least we were together even if our shackled hands and feet prohibited us from touching each other. I told Jennifer that my face was covered by the heavy wool scarf before the girls locked my head into the hideous iron mask. Jennifer explained that she had thought about putting me into the mask before but was worried that is was that final step too far. To tried to reassure her that she should never worry about taking our games too far and I would tell her if I wasn’t enjoying whatever we were doing just as I would expect Jennifer to tell me if I was about to cross the line. We tried to hug but it was no use, our chained hands were held too tight due to the short chain attached to our leg-irons.
As the hours past away, locked in the police station cell wearing the green school uniform and both our head covered, Jennifer’s in the wool balaclava and mine in the heavy iron mask we started to become ever more uncomfortable due to the heat building up around or faces and the discomfort of us both badly needing the toilet. It was a welcome relief when we heard footsteps coming down the stairs and the outer barred door opening, followed by the heavy iron door to our cell. To both our surprise, it was Karen. “I thought something was wrong when I called you earlier Jennifer and there was no answer.” Jennifer explained her sister Amanda and her lesbian lover (Sam) had done this to us and could she let us go. Karen was more than obliging and reached into her handbag to find a handcuff key and remove our bonds. It’s great that all handcuff keys are made to a standard so in minutes Jennifer’s hands were free. While Karen tried to release Jennifer’s leg-irons, Jennifer tried to remove the wool balaclava but it was held tight by the locked leather collar that surrounded her neck. As soon as Karen had freed my hands and feet, I asked Jennifer where the keys to iron mask were and Jennifer explained they should be upstairs.
We all headed upstairs and into Jennifer’s bedroom. She went straight for her jewellery box where she kept all her keys but to our disgust they were all gone. Panic started to set in as it was clear Jennifer’s wool balaclava and my iron mask was not coming off until we had the right keys. There wasn’t a lot we could do but wait until Amanda and Sam returned. We all then set about hatching a plan to take control of the two of them in revenge for our situation last night and this morning. We headed back down stairs, not yet defeated even though our discomfort was beginning to give both us some concern. Jennifer told me that her breathing was becoming more laboured as the heat from her exhaling air was beginning to dampen the wool of both the scarf that was tightly wrapped twice around her face and tied under the thick wool balaclava that was held in place by the locked leather collar around her neck. My muffled reply to her explained that I wasn’t much better even though I only had the scarf wrapped around my face but it was probably much, much tighter than Jennifer’s due to the to heavy iron helmet that was locked on my head. Karen then suggested that she had a plan but it meant us all heading back to the basement and the cell block. Both Jennifer and I followed in anticipation of what Karen had in mind. We re-entered the cell that Jennifer and I had spent most of the day in and Karen suggested that both Jennifer lock me back into the cell. When Sam and Amanda returned they would enter only to find me. Both Karen and Jennifer would then jump the pair of them, restraining them both and then releasing me. I had a funny idea that this would mean I was about to be put back into chains again? I tried to protest but Jennifer supported Karen’s idea and she picked up the prison set that I had worn for most of the day already. It took Jennifer only a few minutes to have my ankles locked into the leg-irons once more, followed by my wrists locked into the attached handcuffs. Jennifer kissed me through her thick wool hood on to my iron mask and said that she hoped it wouldn’t be too long until I was free and we could get revenge. She also promised that both she and Karen would only be across the corridor in the opposite cell, awaiting Sam and Amanda’s return. I nodded in agreement and both girls left, locking my cell door behind them.
It was over an hour before I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I could feel the tension as whoever it was noticed that the outer bars were unlocked and they quickly approached my cell door. As soon as the door was unlocked I could see it was Sam, still wearing her red wool sweater, which barely covered her ass and clearly showing her red silk panties, attached to red stockings by a red garter belt. “Where the fuck is Jennifer,” demanded Sam? Before I could blurt out any response, both Karen and Jennifer ran into the cell bringing Sam crashing down on to her stomach. With a couple of easy and probably well practiced moves, Sam’s hands were cuffed behind her back. “Where are the fucking keys to these fucking hoods,” cried Jennifer? Sam just lay on the cell floor with her hands tightly cuffed behind her back and laughed. “Right Karen, we need something to gag her while we go and get her dirty little co-conspirator,” explained Jennifer. Karen quickly got up but neither of the girls had any idea and all Jennifer’s scarf and gags were on the second floor. I then muffled a suggestion that if they released me, I could keep Sam quiet while they retrieved Amanda. Great idea thought Jennifer and while Karen kept her hand tightly covering Sam’s mouth, Jennifer unlocked my hands and feet. I then knelt down beside Sam and quietly whispered in her left ear, “You are not going to give me any trouble, are you?” Sam shook her head and both Karen and Jennifer headed upstairs to find Amanda. As I sat on the cell floor beside Sam, she pleaded with me to let her go but I laughed from behind the iron mask and thick wool scarf, asking her if she had any idea what it was like to have her head imprisoned under this much bondage for so long? Sam again just shook her and I explained that as soon as I was free of the mask she was going to have the same unfortunate experience thrust upon her. I could see the terror in her eyes but my mind was made up, Sam would face the same torture as she inflicted on me. I guess that Amanda would then have to wear the same head bondage that Jennifer was still wearing from just after breakfast this morning. I was only a few minutes later when I heard the commotion of Karen and Jennifer bringing a very reluctant Amanda down the stairs to the cell block. Finally she was brought into our cell with her hands also cuffed tightly behind her back. “Amanda won’t tell us where the keys are either David,” shouted and very frustrated Jennifer! “Then we’ll just have to torture the truth out of them,” I replied. I then suggested that we cuff Amanda to the manacles hanging from the wall of the prison cell. Both Karen and I then held her arms while Jennifer unlocked her handcuffs and we directed Amanda’s arms up and over her head, while Jennifer quickly locked both medieval manacles on to both her wrists. “Okay you two, whoever tells us where the keys are will we spared the discomfort of having their head locked into the iron mask I’m wearing. Whoever then doesn’t speak up will have her head locked into it so I suggest one of you own up ASAP,” I demanded! “Fuck off,” replied Amanda; you’ll just have to wear that fucking hideous thing until one of us breaks and it will not be me!” I then said that I had an idea and left the cell block, and went straight to Jennifer’s spare room and the cupboards and drawers of toys. I went straight to the drawer, which contained Jennifer’s myriad of hoods and picked out a double layer latex hood with breathing tubes sticking out of the face panel. I then returned back downstairs to the basement cell block.
“Right, who’s first I asked,” as I held up the torture hood? “Fuck off you bastard,” yelled Amanda,” so I guess first to be tortured was going to be Amanda! I approached and she started kicking out so Karen and Jennifer quickly secured her ankles to the shackles attached at the bottom of the wall. I then suggested that they secure Sam ankles into a hog-tie while I prepare Amanda for some torture and then some answers to where the key was to Jennifer’s collar and my iron mask. Now that Amanda’s hands and feet were secured I didn’t have too much difficultly slipping the latex hood over her head and zipping it closed from behind. I then asked her once more where the keys were. No answer so I started to pump the mask up, tightening it as the two layers filled up with a pocket of air. “Right Amanda once more, where is the fucking keys?” No answer again so I closed the air tubes and within seconds Amanda started to panic. I counted to ten and then opened the air tubes, allowing Amanda to take another breath. I then asked her again and this time I didn’t allow her much time to give me a barrage of abuse before closing the air tubes again. Sam started to yell at Amanda to give in and tell us but Amanda said nothing as she squirmed to take in air that simply no longer existed within her hood. “Sam, tell us and we’ll stop right now,” asked Jennifer in a quiet relaxed voice?” As Amada frantically tugged against her bonds screaming for air, Sam broke the stalemate and told us that the keys were in the pocket of Amanda’s overnight bag. I then released the valve on the air tube and that life giving invisible stuff we call air rushed back into the mask and allowed Amanda to breathe freely. Jennifer thanked Sam and left the cell block for Amanda’s overnight bag. While she was away, I released the air pockets that held the latex hood so tight around Amanda’s head. Finally I unzipped the hood from the back and lifted the hood from a very angry Amanda. Just as I finished Jennifer returned with the key’s asking Karen to unlock the collar. As soon as the padlock was removed, the wool balaclava was lifted off Jennifer’s head and she reached behind her head to untie the wool scarf. Jennifer’s face was pink from hours of relentless heat of her own breathing. Jennifer quickly came over to me and unlocked the iron helmet. The pressure of that thing coming away from my face was amazing but I also had to remove the scarf to complete the freedom of my head.
I then told Jennifer to put her head bondage on Sam while I put my head bondage on to Amada. Both girls could experience the discomfort we felt all day. Jennifer complied and started to wrap the long woollen school scarf around Sam’s face and then slip the tight balaclava over her head locking it tightly in place using the padlocked collar. Meanwhile I tied my soaking wet wool scarf around Amanda’s face and as she screamed from behind the double layer to thermal wool, I slipped the iron mask over her head and locked it from behind. “I think it is only fair that we allow both girls the same freedom that they allowed us so let’s get them both into the prison sets,” I suggested so while Jennifer released Sam’s hands from behind her back and quickly re-cuffed them in front of her, Karen and I locked Amanda ankles into the leg-irons before unlocking her shackles. We then had to get her wrists out of the manacles and into the handcuffs attached to her leg-irons but with Jennifer’s help this was a fairly easy process. Now that both Amanda and Sam were secured into the same discomfort as we’d been subjected to all day, we left them together in the cell, locking the door behind us. We also locked the outer barred door and headed upstairs. Karen told us that she had to go home to Simon who had been locked in one of her cells all day. We kissed her goodbye and waved her off. I had now completely forgotten that I was still wearing the school uniform. Jennifer and I smiled as we both headed upstairs to change out of the uniforms and have a well earned shower together.
We spent the next half-an-hour messing around in the shower, playing and teasing each other. Once out we dried off and then we had the dilemma of what to wear for the rest of the evening. I asked Jennifer if she could choose a sweaterdress for me to wear and she smiled as we headed for the spare bedroom. She asked if I wanted to out on a pair of tights first and I laughed telling Jennifer that was a stupid question. Jennifer pulled out a pair of very thick black thermal, ribbed tights from the top drawer and as I was getting myself into them, she lifted of the hanger, a very nice grey sweaterdress made from the softest mohair I have ever seen. “This is one of my favourite sweater-dresses David, you will enjoy wearing it I know but please take good care of it as it cost a fortune,” explained Jennifer as she handed me the heaviest pile of wool I’ve ever had the pleasure to hold! Jennifer then left me to negotiate my way into the dress while she went off to change herself. I had some difficulty directing my arms into the thick and very long sleeves and then direct my entire body through the heavy weave and finally through the thickest and tightest mohair collar I’ve ever experienced. Once in place I smoothed out the softest mohair I’ve ever worn and rolled down the collar, which by now was covering my entire face. The dress came to just below my knees and all I can say is that it was very, very warm and comfortable. I then headed for Jennifer’s bedroom and we met each other in the corridor. She too was wearing a lovely black, cashmere sweaterdress but for a change her tights were red this time, still wool but certainly finished off her look very well. We were both starving so we headed back downstairs to the kitchen.
While Jennifer prepared dinner I suggested that I’d better go and check on Amanda and Sam who were still locked in the basement cell that they had both locked Jennifer for most of the day, not forgetting last night. I very quietly headed down the stairs and as quiet as I could, I unlocked the barred door and peaked through the tiny hole on their cell door. Both Sam and Amanda were huddled up beside each other on the tiny cell bunk. I could see they were not comfortable due to the restriction of the manacles and shackles they were both locked into, not forgetting the tight head bondage that both girls were being subjected to. I re-locked the barred gate and head back upstairs where Jennifer had just about finished preparing a wonderful omelette and all that remained for me to do was open a nice bottle of Bordeaux.
During dinner we discussed what to do about both Amanda and Sam. We were both in agreement that they would spend the entire night locked in separate cells but our dilemma was to make them wear (or not) the head bondage all night. Jennifer thought we should but I thought it was just a little cruel. In the end Jennifer and I came to a compromise. We’d separate them around 7pm and tell them they were stuck in the head bondage all night but then release the hoods just before we went to bed.
It was about 7:30 when we finished our meal but should we head down right away or leave them for a little while longer. Before going down stairs Jennifer said that she had an idea and she got up and went upstairs, returning only a few minutes wearing a black cashmere balaclava to match her sweaterdress. She handed me a very thick grey mohair balaclava to match my sweaterdress and within seconds we looked a right strange couple with only our eyes showing through the two holes in each of the wool balaclavas. We were then ready to head downstairs and after unlocking the barred gate, Jennifer unlocked the cell door and we both entered the tiny cell to a barrage of verbal abuse from Amanda, who was still complaining about being locked into the iron mask. “I’ll deal with her Jennifer, if you deal with Sam,” I suggested as I grabbed the whingeing little lesbian, dragging to her bobbled feet and out of the cell, into the other cell across the corridor. “You two are fucking warped,” mumbled Amanda from behind the iron mask! “Well you and Sam should have thought about your actions before locking Jennifer and I up last night,” I replied! I then asked Amanda if she would shut up and co-operate, while I removed her leg-irons and attaché handcuffs. She agreed and sat of the cell bunk while I unlocked her ankles and then her wrists. “Are you going to remove this fucking mask and the scarf that is wrapped around my face David,” asked Amanda? I told her that she would have to suffer the iron mask all night and Amanda really began to panic and she pleaded with me to take it off. Jennifer then arrived after locking Sam up for the night. She held in her hands the prison set that Sam had been wearing the woollen balaclava, leather collar and long woollen school scarf. “I decided to give Sam a break David. She was really beginning to panic about wearing it for so long and I just thought we could cut them both a break, right now!” I had no problems with that as I took the key from Jennifer’s hands and leant behind Amanda to unlock the iron mask. Within a matter of seconds she was free of the iron mask and untying the scarf herself. “Thank you guys,” said Amanda as she was clearly glad to be free of the head bondage. “Right Amanda, I’ve offered Sam the opportunity to go home tonight or spend a night in our little custody suite and she has agreed to stay another night so I’m sorry, you’re here for another night also,” explained Jennifer. We then left the cell block, locking Amanda’s cell and the barred gate behind us as we headed upstairs for the night, still carrying all the various bondage toys that we had just removed from Sam and Amanda. “Have you anymore toys Jennifer that you haven’t told me about yet like this iron mask,” I enquired? Jennifer stopped at the top of the stairs and looked back at me, those two big beautiful eyes shining through the blackness of her cashmere balaclava. “Yes, of course David,” she replied! I then asked to see more and we headed back upstairs to Jennifer’s spare bedroom.
Jennifer put the various cuffs and leg-irons away; she agreed that the scarves needed to be washed like the rest of the school uniforms we had worn for the last two days and then she took the iron mask from me to put into a large chest, which was placed at the bottom of her wardrobe.
“I’ve got one more iron mask David,” explained Jennifer as she handed me an evil looking black monstrosity. It was a cross between the iron mask I’d been subjected to earlier today and something that Darth-Vader wore in the Star Wars Series. It had two small eye holes and a bulge where the mouth and nose were but only a black mesh covered the bulge. “Would you like to try it on David,” asked Jennifer? I wasn’t going to turn down Jennifer’s offer and I asked her for the key. Jennifer explained that this mask came with a remote control and as she demonstrated it to me, with the push of a button there was a bleep from the iron mask and a click told me that the hood was now unlocked. I asked if I could take off the balaclava before placing my head into the black hood and Jennifer smiled as we both pulled the wool balaclavas off our heads. I eased my head into the black mask and pushed it closed from behind. AS the two ends met, there was another bleep and the mask automatically locked closed. “Right Jennifer is that it,” I asked? Jennifer then started to show me the various features:
The first thing Jennifer showed me was the timer function. She could set the time on the remote control and until the digital display showed zero hours and zero minutes, the hood was going to stay locked. For the purpose of the demonstration I was locked into the hood for one minute and as soon as the minute was up, there was a bleep on the hood and the lock automatically clicked open. As I pushed the hood closed it automatically locked again, sealing my head into the tight mass of black steel.
The next function Jennifer demonstrated was the visor system. With the push of another button two glass eyes closed over the two eye holes. I really felt sealed into the hood now but the turning off a knob set the tint of the eye visors from clear, through opaque to complete blackness.
The final function was the scariest. “Right David, pretend to run away from me, escaping your imprisonment,” demanded Jennifer? I laughed and turned away from her but another bleep on the hood told me another function had just been selected and it wasn’t long until I knew I wasn’t escaping anywhere. From within the bulge covering my face; came a screen of PVC that completely covered both my nose and mouth, cutting off all the air to the iron mask. I fell to the floor in defeat but another bleep sounded and the layer of PVC retreated back into the bulge and I could breath freely again.
I picked myself off the floor and headed back to Jennifer who was standing there, smiling at me and asking if I liked her hood of tricks. I was amazed that she was able to buy such wonderful toys and I approached her and pretended to kiss her through the thick steel covering my entire head. She closed my eye visors again and completely blackened my vision before directing me on to the spare bed on my back. She first pulled up my mohair dress and then pulled down my thick woollen tights before removing her own layer of wool and then climbed on top of my extremely erect cock. With me lying on my back and Jennifer on top pumping away, it wasn’t long until I shot my load into her wet and wonderful pussey.
As soon as I came, I asked Jennifer to unlock the hood, which she did immediately. As she sat in front of me, I slipped the hood on to her head and closed the hinges, automatically locking the black monstrosity on my lovers head. I now had control and Jennifer looked wonderful so first I closed and dimmed the eye visors and then by accident, set the lock for one hour. Jennifer wasn’t amused when I told her that she was going to be wearing the fucking thing for an hour so I silenced her by cutting off her air supply. As soon as the PCV face mask surrounded her nose and mouth she fell back on the bed and I proceeded to rub my fingers inside her warm and wet pussey. She frantically struggled for air as I rubbed harder and harder but so I didn’t kill her, I pushed the button again and Jennifer was able to breathe freely. As soon as she relaxed again I pushed that powerful button on the remote control and once again Jennifer was thrusting against my prodding fingers deep inside her sex. Without air Jennifer exploded in only a few more seconds and as soon as her thrusting stopped, I pushed the button allowing air once again around her face even though she was to spend another thirty five minutes in the hood before the lock would release itself.
“David that was fantastic darling,” explained Jennifer. “I’ve set the hood myself many times and masturbated but that was the best orgasm I’ve ever had while wearing it,” Jennifer continued. I explained that the timer was still only showing twenty seven minutes until unlock so we agreed to go downstairs and check on our captives in the cells. I opened the eye visors and Jennifer and I then fixed our woollen sweater-dresses before heading down to the basement. As soon as the outer barred door was unlocked both Sam and Amanda came running to their separately locked cells. Amanda pleaded to be released and Sam said that she had even had enough. Jennifer went on to explain that she would release them both in just over half-an-hour as soon as she could get rid of her iron helmet. I told Jennifer that I thought it was best to let them out right away and Jennifer agreed to allow me to unlock their cell doors. Both girls were glad to be free and hugged each other, kissing patiently but I guess that was only natural as they had been unable to kiss all afternoon. Both made remarks about Jennifer’s iron mask and I explained that the timer still had about 15 minutes to go before she could get rid of it. Both girls then went upstairs to get dressed properly as they wanted to go home to their apartment in London. As they appeared downstairs dressed in jeans and jumpers, Jennifer’s iron mask clicked and she was able to lift the monstrosity off her head. We both then kissed the girls goodbye and headed back into the living-room. I lifted the iron helmet, which was lying on the sofa and asked Jennifer what was the longest she had ever subjected herself to wearing it. Jennifer smiled and said twenty hours was the longest ever and to make things worse, it was last summer during the heat-wave. I laughed at her and she explained that some day I should experience the same torture and I simply replied, “Maybe some day!” It was quite late now so Jennifer and I headed upstairs to bed. No funny business tonight just a simple night together, in each other’s arms, in bed together. To be honest, it was a wonderful night of love-making and cuddling, just any normal couple.
Sunday morning came soon enough and we awoke together in each others arms. I went downstairs and made breakfast returning with it to Jennifer’s bedroom. We sat in bed for about an hour longer before starting to discuss what we should do today. We talked about going out as a normal couple, boy-friend and girl-friend for the day for a walk in a country park. After all, we had only known each other a matter of a few weeks and it would be good to spend some time getting to know our real selves. We then got up, showered and got dressed. I put on my jeans, T-shirt and fleece sweater. Jennifer wore tight blue jeans as well, which shower off her ample sized back-side. What finished her look off today was the fantastic black cashmere wool polar neck sweater that was also quite tight and showed off her wonder curves. We picked up our coats on the way out and Jennifer wrapped a bright red wool scarf around her neck. She looked beautiful, even in her casual gear. I simply couldn’t believe I was dating such a beautiful girl!
As we drove through the English countryside Jennifer mentioned that she was planning an upgrade to one of the four cells in her basement. I couldn’t believe that there was a company that provided such services to kit out private dungeons but I suppose that I wasn’t really that surprised as I had spent a weekend in a private prison and an afternoon in Karen’s bondage out-house. I was interested in what Jennifer had in mind and she discussed having an illiterate timer based system installed that would seal the occupant in for as long as set-up. “What if there was a power cut,” I enquired but Jennifer then explained that this had been thought of already and the timer system had a secure battery back-up system that automatically unlocked the cell and whatever else was set-up within the time system after one hour of no electricity. Stupid me, all of this had clearly been though of and Jennifer had already discussed her plans with the company.
We continued our day by walking hand in hand through the forest continuing our discussion of Jennifer’s plans for a more secure, fourth cell. She explained that she had planned to upgrade the second cell on the left, next to the cell with the manacles hanging on the wall, the same cell I spent my first afternoon locked in, dressed in that long red sweaterdress and thick black wool tights. First there was to be a heavy steel rolling shutter installed outside the cell. This would be closed and opened electronically using the time control system that would be fitted to the wall, outside the cell in the corridor. Next there outer cell door would be fitted with a timer locking and unlocking system as well. Like the outer shutters, we could set the timer and enter the cell, pulling the door closed. After three or four minutes the timer would lock the cell door and close the shutter outside, turning the cell into complete darkness. We would be able to set the light in the cell independently so we could have light a bit longer if required. Clearly Jennifer’s plans went a lot further to the shutters, outer door and the cell light! The next upgrade was an inner barred cell door. This barred area would be situated four feet inside the cell and give the impression of an American type prison cell, just like the ones in Karen’s outhouse. In fitting with the American theme, the barred door would open and close electrically and could be set on a different timer to the outer door. On enquiring what function this would serve, Jennifer simply laughed and said, “Not a lot, it would just add to the secure feeling when locked inside but if she wanted to keep me inside the inner cell but decided to pass food to me, this would be possible through the bars!”
It was clear that Jennifer had it all figured out, an elaborate timer system just like the system on her black helmet. The next, more complex addition to this cell was a state-of-the-art manacle and shackle set that would be fitted along one of the cell walls, which would also be connected into the timer system. Again a suitable time could be programmed outside the cell, you could then enter the cell and fit yourself into the manacle and shackle set. After three or four minutes the timer would lock the outer door, the inner bars would slide closed, locking while the outer shutter would roll closed and the manacle and shackles would click, locking around the victims limbs securing then tightly until the set time allowed release; perfect for intense self bondage. I was amazed at Jennifer’s plans and I explained that I couldn’t wait to see these plans put into action. Jennifer explained that she had been saving up for this upgrade for a few months now and the building firm would be starting the job within the next few weeks. It should only take about five days to install the upgrades to the cell as her order had been placed many weeks ago the bespoke fittings were already being made in advance of the installation work.
We were now getting hungry so it was time to head back towards our village and eat at a pub on the way. We would spend the rest of the Sunday doing nothing much apart from enjoying each other’s company.
End of part 4.
Ed Kilpatrick
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