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Review This Story || Author: Ms. Which

Bobby and Becky

One Part Only

Bobby and Becky
by Ms. Which
Copyright 2001
Comments to:

"Hey Robert, don't have too much fun this weekend!" The ringing laugh of his
co-worker echoed as the door closed slowly shut.  Robert stared at his computer
monitor.  This was what he did, all day long.  This was what he did, all night
long and all weekend long, more often than not.  He was the very model of a
socially maladjusted computer programmer.  He was soft-spoken and quiet.  He got
to work early, left late, and spend much of his free time sitting in front of a
computer monitor.  As he was doing now.  His co-workers often made light of it,
or at least made fun of it.  Jim, the man who'd just left, had first noticed
that Robert didn't seem to have any friends. 

"Hey Robert, don't you have a girlfriend or something?  What do you do all

He always shrugged noncommittally, unwilling to respond to the jibes; he knew
that if he were to respond, he would say something that would permanently alter
the light-hearted nature of the jesting, that would make work rather more
unpleasant than not.  And so he shrugged, and smiled, and let it slide away
without touching him.  Now he sat in front of his computer monitor, the last one
in the office on a Friday night, as was usual.  His co-workers, for all their
banter, knew next to nothing about him.  They didn't know where he lived.  They
didn't know what music he liked to listen to, nor what movies he preferred to
watch.  They were oblivious about so many aspects of his life.  They were most
certainly oblivious about what he was really doing this weekend.

Robert would not be doing any freelance programming this weekend.  He had bigger
fish to fry.

He shut his system down, emptied his coffee mug in the kitchen sink, and
conscientiously hung it upside down in the top rack of the dishwasher.  He
turned the kitchen lights out, checked the back entrance to make sure it was
locked, and inspected all of the offices to make sure the lights were out.  When
the entire office was silent and dark, he let himself out through the side door,
locking it behind him.  His car, a ten-year-old Toyota, was waiting in its usual
spot.  Robert parked in the same spot every day.  He'd parked in the same spot
this morning, even though his parking spot had been the last thing on his mind. 
It was simply a habit, and Robert was a man of habit.

The Toyota backed slowly out of the company parking lot, and Robert adjusted his
rear-view mirror.  The drive home took 25 minutes, which was neither an
exceptionally long nor short drive.  He pulled into his driveway.  But instead
of getting out of the car and checking the mail before going into the house, as
he did every single day, he sat inside the car, hands still gripping the
steering wheel, staring blindly at the house.  Eventually, he broke his gaze
away from the house and pulled the keys from the ignition.  His hand trembled
slightly, and so he dropped the keys on the floor.  This startled him, and when
he realized what he'd done, his face hardened, becoming more resolved and less
anxious.  He scooped the keys from the floor, got out of the car, and skipped
the mail, walking straight towards the door.

Inside, he turned the front hallway light on and hung his keys on the nail he'd
installed there for the purpose.  He stood still for a moment, gaze focused
inward, then took a deep breath and entered the living room.

Her head snapped upward as he did.  She was wearing a red anorak and blue jeans,
and she was bound hand and foot to a kitchen chair that was strapped to a wooden
support beam.  Her face was shiny with tears and mucus.   She made a
high-pitched whining sound, but it was unintelligible.  Robert had stuffed a
Nerf ball into her mouth and taped over it with duct tape before leaving that

"Jesus, Rebecca," he said, in a low voice.  He'd noticed her wrists, raw and
bleeding from her efforts to wriggle out of the ropes.  "Hold on, I'll be right
back."  He left to go find some antibiotic and bandages.  When he came back,
she'd started crying again.

"Rebecca, I'm going to undo your hands so I can bandage them up, but I swear to
God if you try to hit me, I'm tying you to the chair again."  She squealed again
from behind the gag.  He ignored her and did as he said he would, untying her
right hand first.  She didn't try to hit him, but he wasn't sure if it was
because she didn't want to or because she couldn't.  Her wrist had to have gone
almost completely numb.  It was bleeding from several lacerations.  He felt a
pang of guilt as he began gently washing away the blood with a soapy washcloth. 
Fresh tears sprang to her eyes as feeling began to return to her hand. 

When the right hand was disinfected and wound in a gauze bandage, he turned his
attention to the left, carefully and methodically cleansing the wounds before
disinfecting and bandaging them.  When he was finished, he tied them together
again, but loosely, in front of her, instead of to the arms of the chair.    She
made no effort to move them, much less attack him.  That was certainly a change
for the better, he thought to himself.

That morning, he'd been sitting at the kitchen table, eating his toast and
drinking his orange juice.  This was his morning routine.  He rarely varied from
it.  But that morning, Rebecca had thrown a snag into his quiet routine by
showing up on his doorstep.  "Hi, Robert!" she'd announced cheerfully.  "I'm
leaving in four hours for Paris!"

Robert's stomach tightened and his jaw clenched.  Paul was from Paris.  Paul. 
Goddamned Paul.  She couldn't be leaving the country for him.  No.  No way.

"Robert?  Can I come in?" 

He realized he'd been staring into space.  "Yeah, come on in."

"I just wanted to stop by to say goodbye.  Paul--" Robert closed his eyes when
she said the name. "--is going to find a job there and we're going to live in an
apartment together."

"Rebecca..  you can't do this."  He meant to say it calmly, but his voice was
tight, choked-off.  Her face darkened and her forehead pinched together.

"I KNEW you were going to give me some kind of bullshit about this!  I knew it! 
I just came here to say goodbye, Robert.  I just came here as a courtesy to YOU,
my big BROTHER, so at least you knew where I WAS.  God!  I KNEW you were going
to do this!"

"Rebecca, you can't."

"Why the hell not?  Why shouldn't I follow my dream?  Why shouldn't I be with
the one man who's ever loved me?  Why the hell not?  Because YOU say so?"

Robert looked pained, and then angry.  "Because.  Because... Christ, I don't
know.  Because he's an asshole who isn't going to treat you right, he's never
going to get a job, and I don't want my little sister living in poverty with
some jerk who can't support her properly." 

He stared at her defiantly.  She was quiet for a moment.  It was the most
emotion she'd heard in his voice for years.  Finally, in a soft voice, she said,
"Robert, I love him."

He shook his head.  "No, you don't.  You just think you do, Rebecca.  Trust me,
I know."

She grew angry again.  "You don't know!  You don't know anything!  Fuck this,
I'm leaving.  Goodbye, Robert, have a nice life without me."

Robert didn't plan what happened next.  He didn't know he was going to do it
until it was already done.  In one smooth, fluid motion, he rose from his seat,
crossed the few steps to where his sister stood, knocked her to the floor, and
pinned her there.  She was so stunned that for a few seconds she didn't move or
resist, but then she kicked out against him, struggling violently to get away.

Robert was stronger than she was, and had the force of determination on his
side.  He hadn' t planned to wrestle her into submission, but now that he was
fully engaged in doing so, he by God was not going to let her go.  Paul could
just sit and wait, wondering what happened to her.  It wouldn't take him long to
find some new gullible American girl.

Rebecca kicked and thrashed underneath him, calling him names and swearing. 
Robert was screaming at full decibel, although he wouldn't realize it until
afterward.  "Goddammit, Rebecca, I won't let you go!  I won't let you go!  You
are not going with that son of a bitch!  You are staying here with me!  You are
not leaving!  I will not let you leave!  Goddammit, stop fighting me!  Stop it!"

Eventually he wrestled her into a sort of submission, and was able to drag her
into the bathroom.  He locked her there while he rounded up the materials he
wanted.  He'd never tied someone up before.  No kinky sex games in the bedroom,
no childhood knot-tying lessons, nothing.  He remembered reading once about ball
gags, so he found a Nerf ball and duct tape along with the rope.

When he opened the bathroom door, Rebecca threw the soap dispenser at his head. 
He ducked and it shattered against the wall behind him.  A can of bathtub
cleanser followed, and then the toothbrush holder, which grazed his shoulder. 
He winced, and again wrestled Rebecca into a stranglehold.  She squirmed, trying
to slip away from his grasp, but couldn't.  He dragged her into the living room,
tied her to the chair, taped the gag into her mouth, and bound the chair to the
post.  She wriggled and screamed from behind the gag, but couldn't get anywhere. 
Robert wiped the sweat from his brow with a shirtsleeve and stared at the
struggling woman.

He'd just overpowered his own sister and tied her to a chair in his living room. 
And now what?  Did he stay there and watch her all day?  He looked at the clock
on the wall.

"Fuck!  I'm usually at work by half an hour ago!"

Rebecca rolled her eyes and made more angry sounds from behind the gag.  Robert
stood and debated for a long moment.

"Rebecca, I'm really sorry, but I'm going to have to leave you here today.  I
have to go to work."

Her eyes widened.  He thought that until that moment, perhaps, she hadn't fully
realized what had happened.  She was tied to a chair in his living room.  She
was going to miss her flight.  Her boyfriend would be left wondering what had
happened to her, and would not be able to contact her.  Robert suspected Paul
wouldn't try very hard, but Rebecca didn't know that.  She looked frightened and

"I'm sorry, Rebecca.  But I'm not going to let you ruin your life.  I'll be back
tonight.  Be a good girl, okay?"

He surprised himself with his final comment.  He hadn't told her to be a good
girl since they were kids.  When he'd been in charge of babysitting her, he'd
often gone off with friends, leaving her alone in the house, with the admonition
to "be a good girl."  And she always was.  She always had been, until Paul. 
Robert took her head in both hands and leaned down to kiss her forehead.

"It's going to be okay, Rebecca.  I'll be back tonight."

Then he'd gone off to work and pretended as though everything were normal, all
day long.

"Don't have too much fun this weekend, Robert!"

He thought about his co-workers as he cleaned the blood from his sister's
lacerated wrists.  He thought about what they might think if they could see
this, see what he was doing at this very moment.  He dismissed it from his mind. 
Rebecca demanded his full attention now.

"Rebecca, I'm going to take the gag out.  Please don't scream, okay?  I'll just
have to put the gag back in, and I don't want to do that."

He untaped her mouth, wincing as the tape pulled at the tender skin of her face,
then yanked the Nerf ball out.  Rebecca stared at him for a moment, then burst
into deep, wracking sobs.  She lifted her bound hands and pressed them against
her face, shuddering and shaking as tears trickled down her cheeks. 

"Bobby, I thought you weren't coming ba-ha-aaack, oh God Bobby, I thought you
left me here to die, Bobby, I thought you left me here to die, I didn't think
you were coming back..."  She burst into renewed sobbing.

He gathered her into his arms, kneeling down by her side, feeling shocked and
unsettled.  Bobby.  She'd called him Bobby.  Nobody called him Bobby anymore,
not even her.  Not since she was ten years old.   Bobby.

"Rebecca, you know I wouldn't do that.  I love you.  I didn't want to hurt you
this morning.  I would never leave you here to die, never.  Do you understand
that?  Never."

She nodded, a little shakily.  "OK.  OK, Bobby.  Are you going to let me go now
that I ..I missed my plane?"  Her eyes were wide and searching.

Robert thought for a moment.  He hadn't considered what to do next.  He could
let her go, but then she would most likely contact Paul and get on another plane
to Paris, this time without giving Robert the chance to imprison her in a chair
for 15 hours.  But if he kept her... what then?

"Bobby?  Are you letting me go?"

He shook his head.  "I can't let you go, Rebecca, I wish I could, but I can't
trust you not to run off to Paris."  He expected more tears, but instead she
just said, "OK, Bobby, OK," and then fell silent.  Her eyes shone dully,
unfocused and staring.

Robert whispered again, "Jesus, Rebecca."

Hoping dearly that she wouldn't struggle and fight against him again, Robert
cautiously undid the ropes binding her feet.  Rebecca didn't fight; she didn't
even move, still dully staring off into the distance.  Robert scooped her into
his arms and carried her up the stairs to his bedroom.  He hadn't given any
thought to where he would keep her, where she would sleep, or anything in any
way logistical.  He expected that once she'd had some sleep, she'd emerge from
this semi-catatonic state and try to get loose again.  He had no secure rooms in
the house to keep her in.  If he did, he'd have put her there all day instead of
tying her to a wooden chair. 

He deposited her on his bed, where she promptly curled up into the fetal
position.  He sat in a chair across the room, watching her and thinking about
what he was going to do.  He couldn't let her sleep in a room by herself without
chaining her to the bed, and she'd already been tied up alone too much today. 
He wasn't even sure he could let her sleep in the same room with him, without
tying her to the bed.  He wasn't a terribly deep sleeper, but if she were quiet
enough, she could probably make it out of the room without his noticing.

Robert sighed.

Her voice pulled him from his reverie.  Her voice, small and soft and quiet, a
little girl's voice, so different from the brash, over-confident adult woman
who'd come to his door that morning.  "Bobby?"


"Bobby, come lie with me.  I'm cold."

Jesus.  She'd used to ask him to come lie with her when she was a little girl. 
A very little girl, six or seven years old.  She'd get scared of monsters under
her bed, and she'd beg for Bobby -- Robert, he reminded himself -- to come lie
with her, to keep her warm and safe.  He usually did, and once he was at her
side, she'd drop right off to sleep.

"Bobby, please come lie with me.  Please?"

He thought for a moment.  If he slept at her side, she wouldn't be able to get
out of bed without waking him up.  He wouldn't have to tie her to the bed.  Her
wrists and ankles were so raw already...

"OK, kiddo, I'm coming."

He stripped down to his T-shirt and boxer shorts.  God, he hadn't done this for
so long.  When they'd been kids, he'd had flannel pajamas, and she'd worn a long
nightdress.  He looked at her curled-up body.  Christ, she was still wearing her
jacket, jeans, and sneakers.  He sighed, and began tugging at her shoelaces,
helping her undress.

Rebecca let him undress her, neither helping nor hindering his progress.  He
wrestled off her shoes and socks, then her jacket, and was going to let her
sleep in her T-shirt and jeans.  Then he undid the top button to check how tight
they were, and saw the red marks circling her belly.  Rebecca loved wearing
tight jeans, and apparently today had been no exception.  After a bit of effort,
he managed to pull those off, as well. 

When he was done, she lay there on his bed, wearing a T-shirt and sheer little
panties and nothing else.  He hadn't seen her with her clothes off since...
well, since the last time they'd slept together.  He gazed down at her long,
muscular legs, the curve of her hip.  He didn't remember her this way.  He
hadn't expected it.  Suddenly he wondered about the propriety of sleeping with
his half-nude sister.  Well, he thought to himself, it was better than tying her
bloodied wrists to the bedposts.  And he'd gone too far to let her fly away to
Paris now.

Robert switched off the light and slid into bed next to Rebecca.  Her arms
immediately snaked around his midsection, and she nestled her head into the
crook of his arm.  Within minutes, her breathing had become slow and steady, a
sure indicator of sleep.

Her hair smelled like the summer breeze.  Robert lay there, staring at the
ceiling, cradling his sister's sleeping body in his arms, for hours before he
was finally able to sleep.


The next morning, after quietly disentangling himself from Rebecca's splayed-out
limbs, he tied her wrists loosely to the bedpost.  He felt guilty, but couldn't
think of another way to restrain her while he ran some necessary errands.  She
stirred in her sleep and moaned a little, but miraculously didn't wake up.

When he returned, she'd awoken and was lying stretched out in bed, glaring at
him.  "You can't keep me tied up forever, Bobby." She sounded better this
morning, more herself, but still...Bobby.

He set his pile of bags down on the floor, avoiding her gaze, and began to hunt
through them.  Eventually he found what he was looking for and held it up for
Rebecca to see.  It was a door lock.  "I don't plan to, Rebecca." 

He expected her to swear at him again, or burst into tears, but she only watched
him with interest.  As he organized his tools and equipment for installing the
lock, she asked him, "Why are you doing this, Bobby?  What's the difference to
you whether I stay or go?  Why are you keeping me here?"

He glanced up at her.  The question gave him pause, as he wasn't sure himself
what the answer was.  He'd effectively imprisoned his own sister in his house to
stop her from being with her boyfriend; it was uncharacteristic, it was
unplanned, and he still wasn't entirely sure why he'd done it.  Slowly,
carefully, after deliberating for a long moment, he said, "Rebecca, I love you. 
Paul is an asshole.  I cannot stand to see you with him.  I don't know what the
hell you saw in him in the first place, frankly.  And I will not let you ruin
your life by leaving the country for that son of a bitch."  Then he blinked,
having not been entirely sure what he was going to say until he said it.

They were silent for a while as the hammering of nails precluded any
conversation.  When Robert paused, Rebecca spoke again.  "Bobby, he wasn't that
bad... he wasn't, really.  He had a line on a job, he treated me okay--"

Robert interrupted her, angrily.  "He treated you okay.  Treated you okay. 
Rebecca, you deserve better than okay, you deserve the best.  Maybe he had a
line on a job, maybe he didn't, I don't know.  But he wouldn't have treated you
the way you deserve to be treated.  I know, all right?  I met the guy.  I saw
how he acted towards you.  And I didn't like it."

Rebecca said, "You didn't like him because he was my boyfriend, Bobby, you never
liked any of my boyfriends, and you liked Paul the least because he was the one
I got the closest to.  You just couldn't stand to see me with another man. 
That's what I think."

"That's a lie, Rebecca.  If you'd ever gone out with someone decent, I wouldn't
have had a problem.  Your taste in men was the problem, not me.  Not me."

She laughed, but there was no mirth in her voice.  "Bobby, I dated so many
different guys, and you hated them all!  Come on!"

"Goddammit, Rebecca, they were all worthless, and you can do better.  You can do
better!  What the hell did you see in Paul?  Huh?  Tell me, tell me ONE THING
that you saw in him, ONE THING that made him worth your time, ONE SIMPLE FUCKING
THING that made him deserving of your love."  Robert stood from the floor, his
voice getting louder and louder.  "I don't think you can tell me, Rebecca!  I
don't think you know!  I think you just went through a string of guys looking to
find some kind of security, I don't think you can tell me one SINGLE, FUCKING,
THING about Paul that distinguished him from the others, I don't think you can
tell me one GODDAMNED thing about him that would change my opinion of him.  I
don't think you had one single reason for loving him, Rebecca, for flying off to
fucking FRANCE for him, I really don't think you did!"

By the end, Robert was shouting, and when he stopped, both he and his sister
looked frightened.  Rebecca looked as though she were now fighting to hold off
tears, and Robert was unable to look her in the eyes.  He'd never screamed at
her that way before yesterday.  Never.

"Bobby...Bobby, I did.. I did."  Her voice was tremulous.  "I did have one
reason, Bobby." 

He looked at her now, afraid of what she might say.  "What, Rebecca?  What was
your reason?"

She turned her head away from him, took a deep breath, then met his eyes again. 
"Bobby, he looked like you.  Paul looked like you."

Robert stood perfectly still, unable to speak, feeling as though his veins had
turned to liquid fire.  Eventually, he could not stand to look at his sister
anymore, for fear of what he might do, and so he turned from her and went back
to installing the lock on the door.  For the next few hours, the only sound in
the room was that of the hammer and screwdriver.


When the exterior lock was installed, Robert finally untied Rebecca's hands from
the bed.  She looked as though she wanted to say something to him, but before
she could, he rose and left the room, locking the door behind him.  He wanted to
go someplace quiet where he could be alone, where he could think.  He badly
needed to think.  He needed to figure out what the hell he was going to do.

He poured himself a gin and tonic and sat in the kitchen, staring out the
window.  Why had he hated all of Becky -- Rebecca, goddammit, her name was
Rebecca now -- why had he hated all of her boyfriends so much?  Because they
were no good for her?  That's what he'd always told himself.  That's what he'd
convinced himself of for years.   He thought of all the times he'd seen a boy
touch Rebecca, and how he'd flinched, disgusted.  He remembered the time he'd
seen her kissing some high school kid on the front porch late one night, and how
his stomach had tightened, how he'd felt adrenaline surge through his blood,
wanted to punch the kid in the face. 

Was he jealous of his sister?  His own sister, for Christ's sake? 

He thought of how her hair had smelled last night, and how it was the way he had
always imagined it would smell, and how he hadn't realized until that moment how
often he'd imagined the smell of his sister's hair.  He thought of her strong,
athletic body and how she'd fought back against him yesterday.  He thought of
how she'd curled around him in bed the night before.  He shuddered and took
another sip of his drink. 

Your sister, Robert.  She's your sister. 

And so beautiful, he thought to himself.  She'd always been beautiful.  And
she'd always idolized her big brother, looked up to him, taken his advice. 
She'd never been in a really long-term relationship, until Paul.  Robert had
never noticed the resemblance, never noticed that the one man his baby sister
had fallen in love with happened to look almost identical to her big brother. 
He'd been blind to it, blinded by jealousy, blinded by fear.  He'd masked his
true feelings, afraid to realize them, afraid of what might happen.

He smiled grimly.  Rebecca was locked into his bedroom and had spent most of the
last 36 hours tied up with ropes.  Even if he'd allowed himself to think about
his deepest, most hidden desires, he would never have imagined this.  Not in a
thousand years.

He drank from his gin and tonic again.  He had to make a decision.  His room was
secure now.  He could let her sleep in the bed there while he slept in one of
the guest rooms.  Or he could return to her and sleep with her as he had the
night before. 

As the shadows lengthened in the kitchen, Robert sat and thought, silent and
unmoving, for a very long time.


Robert opened the door to the bedroom slowly.  Rebecca was sitting on the bed,
in the dark.   The door closed behind him, clicking shut.  He sat down on the
bed next to his sister, so close their shoulders touched.  

"Bobby," she whispered, "I thought you might not come back."

In a low, thick voice, he answered, "What did I tell you about that?  I will
never leave you, Becky.  Never."

He drew her close, into his arms, holding her against him.  Quietly, he spoke. 
"Becky, what do you want?"

A long pause, and then, in her little girl's voice, she said, "You, Bobby.  I
only want you."

He took her hand and placed it in his lap, over the erection growing there.  "Is
this what you want, Becky?"

She shivered a little, and then nodded.  "Yes.  That's all I've ever wanted." 
He watched her face for a long time, waiting, giving her a chance to change her
mind.  She slowly bit her lip as he grew harder and harder against her hand, but
she did not pull back, did not tell him no, did not ask him to stop.

Bobby stood and helped Becky undress, then rapidly took off his own clothing,
artlessly and hurriedly, leaving it in piles on the floor.  He got into bed next
to her, feeling the heat of her body, feeling her pressed up against him.  He
whispered into her ear, "Becky, it's all I've ever wanted too."

When he pushed his cock into her, they both gasped.  He held still for a moment,
allowing himself to enjoy the sensation of being inside his beautiful sister,
then began to thrust, slowly.  She wound her fingers through his hair, and by
the moonlight, he could see that her eyes were half-lidded, her back was
slightly arched.  "Becky..."

"I love you, Bobby."  He spoke her name and thrust harder inside her.  She
pressed her fingers into his back and said it again, "I love you, Bobby, I love
you so much, Bobby, I love you Bobby oh God I love you Bobby I love you, I love
you so much, I've always loved you, I only ever wanted you, Bobby, only you,
Bobby, oh God, Bobby, oh God--"

She arched against him, gasping, and rocking her hips back and forth, again and
again.  Bobby, unable to think clearly, unable to speak, hearing only the
refrain, "You made her come, you made your sister come, you made Becky come, she
came for you," over and over in his mind, thrust hard and deep inside her,
causing Becky to cry out rhythmically, in time with his lovemaking.

"I love you too, Becky, I love you too, I love you--ah... ah, God...."  Bobby
gripped her shoulders tightly and moaned as he, too, reached his peak.  Becky's
eyes were wide and shining, reflecting the moonlight, staring at the sweat
dripping from her brother's brow.


Jim smirked as Robert arrived at work, uncharacteristically late.   "Hey,
Robert, have a rough weekend?  You look a little tired!  Too much programming?" 
Jim and a few of the guys sitting nearby guffawed.

Robert smiled evenly as he responded, "No, Jim, actually I think it was just a
little too much fucking."  He turned away from their open mouths and gaping jaws
and powered up his computer for another day of work.

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