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Review This Story || Author: Four Letters

Service to the Queen

Part 1

       David knew better than to struggle against his captors. The thought had crossed his mind several, if not many times, to try and fight back. Part of him argued that they were merely women, that they were no match for him. Yet the other part, the far more sensible part knew that it was futile. They had taken him this far with very little effort; an attempt to fight back now would only worsen his situation. After all, they were the palace guards, and he was bound; as good as helpless.

       So far, his entire predicament had stemmed from a stroke of bad luck. A slip up during what should have been an easy theft turned into quite a chase through the hot city streets. At some point, he looked over his shoulder to get an idea of how close his pursuers were, and in the next instant, he ran into something.

       The something turned out to be a palace guard. It didnt take him very long to recognize the skimpy, almost non-existent leather armor that was strapped around the powerful, muscular African woman. He had seen it before, but that didnt stop him from first gawking at the full exposed breasts of the black woman. It was unknown why the guards wore such ridiculous armor, even when they were fighting.

The African woman glared at him, hair wild and curly. He didnt even have time to squeak out an apology before she was on him, grabbing him by the scruff of the neck and turning him over. Breaking free was out of the question; within seconds, she had secured both of his arms. With his face buried in the sand, he was just able to make out a pair of legs, not deep ebony as the woman almost sitting on his back, binding his hands behind him, but a lightly tanned white, though equally strong and powerful.

       Once his arms were fastened, he was hoisted to his feet by two sets of hands, and before he was able to steal a glance at the second guard, a hood fell over his head, plunging him into blackness.

       Then they began to drag him away, through the noise of the marketplace. Sure, hed tried to talk his way out of it, apologizing over and over, but they simply ignored him. Once or twice, he could have sworn he heard them speaking to each other softly and chuckling, but nothing came from it.

       This was all not more than 20 minutes ago, though being led blind by powerful arms made it seem much longer. The only change David could feel was the sudden lack of sunlight on him, and the coolness of indoor air. The buzz of the marketplace had vanished, replaced by soft interior noises. Sounds of what could have been music drifted in from time to time, but faded as quickly just as they became audible.

       The first time he began to fight was when he felt the guards hands on his body, first seeming to grope his chest and body, but then taking hold of his clothes and pulling, tearing away his outfit. When he tried to wrench away, he was rewarded with a harsh slap from something long and thin against the back of his calves. Not the worst pain he had ever felt, but unseen from beneath the hood, it was enough to squeeze out a cry of surprise.

       “Do not struggle,” a firm voice whispered in his ear. By the sound of the accent, it was the African woman. “We would hate to mark you before presenting you to the Queen.”

       The Queen? What was going on? David, in fact most of the population of Egypt, knew very little of the matriarch that ruled the country as well as numerous neighboring providences. Queen Cleopatra of the Nile was never seen by the outside, always favoring to traverse the city in a covered carriage, which happened rarely in a generation. All there were were the rumors. Some said she was a beautiful woman, others, an immortal goddess. No sightings were ever truly believed; there was only speculation. Her influence was spread through the city by her guards, all female and beautiful, but no less deadly than any other warrior. All of the laws declared by her were obeyed to the letter. David hated to think where stealing fell in that.

       Upon hearing the womans words, David ceased his struggling. Perhaps if he was meeting Cleopatra, there would be a chance to clear up the misunderstanding, and he would be set free. So he let himself be marched along by the two women. His clothes were almost no more, all being ripped away by the vicious force of the female guards. At least they had the decency to leave his loincloth on, though the brown garment barely provided any coverage to his privates. He could feel his balls swinging loosely in the cooler air, and he desperately hoped they werent visible out of shame. Theyd also left his sandals on, but every once and a while, a part of his foot would brush against what felt like cold marble. Just where the hell was he, and why was he stripped to almost nude before meeting royalty?

       The walk continued for several more minutes, until he felt himself in a wide expanse. There was even a cool breeze flowing, as if there was a window or windows open nearby. Then abruptly, something kicked the back of his leg, dropping him to his knees as a stinging pain rose up his thighs, issuing another grunt of pain from him.

       “Quiet, little worm,” sneered a different womans voice, possibly the other guard. At this point, it was impossible to tell. “You will speak only when the Queen speaks to you, and you will show her respect.” The voice came closer, purring with anticipation, and David could imagine the side of the hood move, as if the speakers lips were pushed right to the side of his face. “But if you dont, perhaps she will let us keep you instead. It has been long since Ive seen a man with such a body as yours.”

       David was by no means a perfect person. With a street rats life, he had to rely on his wits to get him through the day. He could sweet talk, and with his naturally good looks, he could charm a woman a long way. Maybe it was his short brown hair and handsome face, or his slightly chiseled body from constant athletics; the woman just seemed to like him, even if he was only 19 years old and a petty thief.

       He sat and waited on his haunches, sensing the warmth of the two women beside him. He thought about speaking again, to apologize to the African woman for the whole mess when he was interrupted.

       “Summon the Queen!” snapped the Africans voice. Somewhere distant, what sounded like a gong rumbled deeply. More agonizing waiting…In his mind, David worked to formulate what he was going to say to the royal Queen when she arrived. A simple misunderstanding, thats all. With a little luck, if she liked him, he could be free very quickly.

       A set of large doors clanked open, and David heard the patter of sandals from several feet, then the doors closed. There was the jingle of what could have been jewelry, like a great many bracelets and bangles. The jingling ceased and the guards beside him moved slightly.

       “My Queen,” both guards said unanimously, then the non-African woman continued alone. “This boy was causing trouble in one of your markets. Rather than slay him, we saw him fit to bring before you, as per your requests.”

       There was a brief pause, then David heard the most satiny, sultry voice to ever grace his ears. It was without a doubt, the sexiest thing he ever heard, and it had to be coming from the Queen.

       “I see. Do you know who he is?”

       “No, My Queen,” said the African woman, confirming Davids thoughts, “He is most likely just a homeless one.”

       David felt the velvet purr turn towards him. “What is your name?”

       He had to struggle to swallow twice before being able to answer. Just the mere presence of what he heard was almost overpowering. “D-David. My name is David.”

       “David…what were you doing that you stumbled into my guards today?”

       How could she have known? Or was it merely a guess? The tone of her voice was teasing, like foreplay before sex. No, somehow, she knew. “I…I was trying to get money for food,” he admitted, only half of the truth.

       “You were stealing.” Not a question.

       David hesitated, thinking about lying but decided against it. “Yes, I was stealing. And-and, Im sorry about that!” he added quickly. “I hope I have not offended you…um, uh, Mistress,” he finished offhand.

       That heavenly voice chuckled, amused. “Mistress? A title of a mere whore given to royalty?”

       Christ! “Um…please, forgive me!” David stuttered. “How shall I address you?”

       Another wonderful laugh. “You shall address me as My Queen, boy.”

       “Yes My Queen, as you wish!” David said with a small sigh, relieved that he had gotten away with a simple reprimand.

       “Such a bad boy, stealing from my city…” the Queen said lightly. “The punishment for theft is death…but perhaps I am being a bit too hasty?”

       “Please, have mercy,” David sincerely begged. “I did not mean to anger you. If you wish, I can repay that which I have stolen in full.”

       “Hmm…” spoke the Queen thoughtfully, “You wish to offer me money? Or perhaps your service” There was the slightest rustling sound, the kind of sound from someones clothes when they leaned forward, only it should have been louder. “As a young man, have you ever searched for pleasure?”

       Pleasure? What kind of conversation was this becoming? David didnt dare to try and take control of the conversation, lest he anger the ruler. “Pleasure?”

       “Yes. No doubt you have heard the rumors. I know of what my city speaks. My legions of slaves, my endless harem…perhaps you have even seen a glimpse of it yourself?”

       It was as if she was reading his mind. David had heard the rumors, and had decided to see for his own eyes. It was easy enough to circle the palace walls until he found a large enough crack in one. When he looked through, he saw it all: Dozens of women of many ethnicities, working in gardens and other places. All of them were beautiful, with toned, tanned bodies and full, ample breasts, completely nude. It was as if it was something taken from heaven itself.

       “Yes,” David answered truthfully. “I have seen what you speak of.”

       “Remove the bag,” the Queen said. “I wish to see his face.”

       Fingers gripped the top of the bag and yanked it off Davids head. Bright light washed over his eyes, and he had to blink before they adjusted. He was kneeling in a wide hall, made entirely of marble. One wall was simply spaced columns, revealing the city below them. As he suspected, both of the guards were just to his sides.

       But all of this was lost to him as his entire attention was drawn to the single point at the end of the hall. It was the Queen, sitting in an elegant throne of gold. The minute he set his eyes upon her, he could swear that all of the rumors were true.

       She was a goddess.

       Everything was in perfect, seductive proportions. Her entire skin seemed to glow bronze, and toned, feminine muscles curved every inch of her from her arms to her long, supple legs. She had shoulder length hair, midnight black, shimmering like rain. Her full, glossy lips stayed in an omnipresent pucker as she smiled at him with dark eyes rimmed with mascara.

If David had thought the guards outfits were ridiculous, nothing could describe the Queens attire. It appeared to be made of one piece of clothing, though it was impossible to tell. The largest piece noticeable was the thong bottom, and even that was so small, David swore he saw the curve of her privates through it. The rest of the skimpy strands of brilliant gold fabric only curved around her, accenting every curve of her bodice, especially the feature that attracted his attention the most.

       The Queen possessed the most ample breasts David had ever thought existed. Much larger than even the largest ripe melons, they possessed a silky glow, matched only by the glimmering fabric that ran beneath the enormous mounds, supporting what had to be a great weight. Her nipples had to be the width of a finger, and her areolas were far bigger than the countries largest coin, which was considerable to say the least. Above them, splayed across her breast bone were rings upon rings of gold, studded with gems and other precious stones.

       David felt his pulse rise, the beginning of sexual arousal. Everything around him was once again forgotten as he stared deep into her chest. Such perfect, large breasts were something he could only dream about. Yet there they were, slowly rising and falling with her breath. He felt overcome with a host of desires: he wanted to touch them, to knead the soft flesh of them, to lick the nipples with his tongue…anything, he had to feel those breasts!

       The Queens smile broadened as she waved her hand mystically over her magnificent assets. “Draw your eyes here, boy. Do not be shy…”

       David could only obey her words, locking his eyes on them. He almost missed what she said next.

       “Perhaps this could be resolved with a little wager…a game, if you will.”

       “A game…” he moaned, eyes frozen to her chest. “Yes, a game…”

       Part of him was not without reason. He wanted to look away from the gorgeous woman and her body, but the raw sexual side of his mind didnt want to. The Queen had made it clear that he was gambling for his freedom, and David was not one to gamble. But some desire deep inside of him wanted to please the woman. If he refused, she would be unhappy, and he didnt want that.

       Through some unseen command, a door opened, and another man walked in, completely nude. He approached the Queens throne, head bowed. Without even taking her eyes off David, she spoke.

       “Pleasure yourself, slave.”

       Immediately, the man began to stroke his shaft, and before long, his cock had grown erect to an impressive size. He didnt question or act as if he enjoyed the order vocally or outwardly, he obviously did. The head of his cock bounced up and down slightly, coming within inches of the tantalizing flesh that was the Queens bosom.

       “I hold all of my slaves in high standards,” the Queen said as her slave continued to masturbate. “Women must be blessed with proud figures and full breasts, men must be endowed with strong, wide cocks.” She looked at the bobbing head as the slave worked it furiously. “All of my male slaves must offer their seed to their Queen. They must be generous, and never give less than what is expected.” She turned to David once again, who could only watch the scene from his knees. “One slave must provide enough to bathe at least one breast. To not do so is an insult fit for punishment. So here is the game we will play: you will come, and if it is satisfactory, you shall be released. Fail, however, and you will become my personal slave.”

       It was insane. No amount of come could cover half of what she requested! Beside the Queen, the slave grunted quietly, and she turned to the now throbbing cock in his hands. “Come, slave.”

       With another grunt and a rock of his hips, the slave ejaculated, pumping load after load onto the creamy flesh of the Queens breasts. The white current didnt seem to halt until the last second, when the gooey liquid began to seep down, over the sides and into the ravine of her cleavage. Then, it dripped over the front, down the areola and nipple, clinging to her flesh as it rounded the curves, as if it didnt want to let go of the heavenly skin.

       David could only stare in disbelief as the Queens right breast was now nearly entirely white with come. Impossible! And now, she expected-

       “Your turn,” she purred lightly as she got up from her throne in one fluid motion.

       David could only sputter as the guards hauled him to his feet. Unbeknownst to him, his loincloth was suspended from his cock as he pitched a tent with a rock hard erection the moment he laid eyes on her. With a swift tear, the African guard ripped the flimsy cloth away, revealing his hard on. He wasnt the most endowed man alive, but he did possess a good 8 inches when fully hard

       The blonde guard gripped his shaft in her warm hand and began to pump it with long, brisk strokes. David had to suppress a gasp of pleasure. He had never received something like this from an obviously skilled woman. There was no tease in her touch, no sensuality. Instead, there was just raw power, forcing his body to begin to clench and get ready to shoot faster than he thought. The blondes hand became a blur, pumping faster and faster just as the Queen reached them, then gracefully fell to one knee before him.

       In a better, more coherent state of mind, David would have felt odd at this apparent show of submission. But he realized what was happening. The goddess before him had him soundly in her clutches, and his climax was going to provide the answer to her test.

       The blonde continued her strokes, the thin flesh of his shaft turning hot with friction. With every stroke up, his head flexed, while every stroke down sent a firm pat to his balls, swinging them back and forth wildly. It was a rough act of pleasure, but David found it even more erotic.

       He felt it build inside of him, that tingle in his jingling balls, that flexing under the blondes strokes. His breathing increased, his eyes closed. Should he let the Queen know that he was going to burst? He wanted to say something, anything, but one look at the hypnotic beauty below him was enough to silence him. He was going to come, he was going…to…

       “Unh!” he grunted as the blonde guard pointed his cock in the direction of the Queens left breast, which hovered below his cock like a pillow. His load shot from his head, then ended quickly, far too quickly. The pitiful load was enough to seep down the side in a small river, but nothing more than a few drops squeezed out after it.

       The Queen tisked over his panting, then rose and swirled her index finger through his mess, bringing some to her lips before flicking her tongue out, tasting it. “Far too weak to satisfy me…but sweet nonetheless. Take him to the dungeon and give him to the rope mistress,” she ordered her guards before turning to walk away, semen still shimmering on her bust. “I shall be there in two hours time.”

       David wanted to protest to her sudden judgment, but felt himself spent after the rigorous handjob. Despite coming, he still felt horny. The back side of Cleopatra was just as intoxicating as her front. The way her hips wagged seemed to call to him. Goodbye for now, they said, but well have more fun later. All he could do was let the two giggling guards drag him and his still dripping cock away.


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