Date: sun 26th October 2008 07:01:36 -0700 (PDT)
From: Sharon Pinder <pin121@yahoo.com>
Warning: This story is a work of fiction and contains
descriptions of explicit sexual acts between
women. If this type of
content offends you or you are under the age of 18
do not read it.
Author's Note: This story is the property of the author. It can be
downloaded for personal reading pleasure or sending
to a friend, but if you wish to re-post them at your
own site, please contact the author for permission.
Copyright 2008 Sept, All Rights Reserved.
This chapter is written for someone who emailed me and revealed so much of herself to me, slut Leeann. She has shown me that the world I write about in these chapters does exist in some places. My sweet saggy titted whore, Leeanne, you may read the following, but you are forbidden to touch yourself while reading, your hands are to remain away from your pussy and your to sit on them while you read. At no time are you seek realise of your frustration without first a full and long email from you, as you claim to be my biggest fan. Something I doubt you even worthy of.
The New World
Chapter 7
Family Ties
Sharon was so excited. The best day of the year was here and she had barely slept a wink. The yearly list had been written list to Mistress Santa and she’d had spent the following weeks waiting with growing excitement and anticipation, Christmas was just the bestist of times!
Sharon had also these past twelve months, acquired a new house mate who had become her best friend, confidant and lover. Despite all of this she could not help but envy her new friend, who had the one thing in her life that Sharon missed. A sub of her own! Not one of the rent-a-subs from the airport foyer or market, not one hired from a brothel. But one who was here very own, one who was imported, freshly broken and who she could use, abuse and been free from any laws. Mistress’s had the rights to their subs souls and no one was permitted to interfere or to intervene in that relationship. The subs life was in the hand of their mistress’s and their very heart beat depended on the good will of their owners.
The two girls had meet in one of the countries best hotels. Hotels one would only find in the sexually open lands of Quadi. No Holiday Inn or Beast Western. The rooms were spacious, private and provided specialist luxuries, unique to the inhabitants and guests of the county. The hotel was one reserved only for Mistresses and their subs. But the pets had to be were truly broken. No non-house trained pets were permitted in into the hotel. The unbroken had caged kennels located at the rear of the establishment. They were open to abuse there, and passers by would stop, poke the unbroken and abuse them through the cages mesh. The area had to be hosed down each morning to wash away the stench and to clean the cages cowering inhabitants out, but the hotel couldn’t risk the untrained to soil and sully there luxurious rooms.
The two Doms had become best friends straight off, but Jane was so lucky, she had her own sub, and true she let Sharon use her, but it just wasn’t the same as having your own. Jane's sub was a bit old for her own tastes, but it was good to see how much Jane had broken in and trained her own mother. Something again, Sharon was jealous of, having been forced to sell her own mother on in the sub markets when times had been hard. She still could see her mother sobbing as she was led away, unbroken, aside from her heart, to one of the cities exclusive female only brothels.
Sharon and Jane had woken in each others arms. They had made love when they had gone to bed, had fallen into a sleep of exhaustion and sheer contentment. Sharon’s eyes flicked open, and as they focused she saw Jane’s smiling face on the pillow beside her. “Merry Christmas Hun” Jane whispered and moved her face closer on the pillow to kiss her girl friend.
An hour later, having made love afresh, showered they ran down stairs laughing with excitement. Jane paused to look into the cupboard under the stairs. In the dark space her sub lay there in the foetal position. She was naked as a new borne babe; around her neck was a collar which bore her mistress’s name and address. The sub was gagged with a rubber ball gag and had her butt plug inserted. Her eyes flickered open and looked upon her daughter. She had never felt so happy, so loved and she silently offered a prayer that she would be permitted to serve Mistress today. As the sub moved to look at her mistress, she felt the dildo that filled her pussy stretch her, and send its twice hourly electric shock through her. She shut her eyes in silent pleasure at the pain on here most sensitive parts, and realised how lucky she was.
Jane slut the door to the cell and joined her lover in the lounge. A large tree filled one corner, and round it was piled brightly wrapped presents. But the largest was the one that caught Sharon’s attention. It was at least 4 foot square and wrapped in brightly decorated present, topped with a ribbon and bow. Sharon reached for the gift tag. “It’s for me!” she laughed and sought permission to open it.
“Go ahead darling” Jane bid her “and merry Christmas”. Sharon pulled the bow and the ribbon feel away. The sound of Christmas paper being shredded filled the room as Sharon moved like a whirl wind. A large wooden crate was revealed. It bore small holes along one side and a large catch held the front in place. Sharon all but wet herself in excitement as her shaky hands sought to realise the catch. As it sprung loose she leapt clear and the hinged front panel dropped to the floor. Sharon looked into the crates dark interior and saw squatting on the straw filled floor, a girl younger than either Jane or herself. She was naked, as well as gagged, fitted with a butt plug and bound.
“I had to get you something special for our first Christmas darling “Jane smiled, “and what could be sweeter than your own sub.” As Sharon knelt down to look at her new toy, Jane smiled down and welcomed her sister to Quadi with a smile. Leeanne just looked up at her sister, her tear stained face and pleading eyes trying to make some sense of what had befallen her.
Mum and Jane had flown off on their holiday, one which commitments meant Leeanne couldn’t join them on. After a few days Jane had telephoned to ask how her sister was. Leeanne had asked to speak to mum, but she was out shopping, she’d been told. Jane had seemed a bit cold, but assured her that she’d not forgotten her birthday. She’d popped a parcel into the post from their villa and it should be with her by the date of her birthday. That had set Jansen’s mind racing and it was excitement that she unwrapped the parcel on its arrival. A sweet card from her sister telling her how much she loved her and wanted her there with her. The gift was a small bottle of perfume, something Jane knew her sister adored. Leeanne sprayed a small amount on her wrist and sniffed the aroma. It was heady and…………
While Janine slept her drugged slumber, two members of the Quadi Embassy let them selves into the flat with the key Mistress Jane had sent them, and found their goal collapsed on the floor. “God she’s pretty” one of the women said, as they both knelt down beside the drugged girl. They lifted her skirt to reveal a black thong. “Very nice” was the voiced comment, as one woman lifted Jansen’s buttocks off the floor and the other slid the thong free of the sleeping body. A neat and trimmed mound was revealed, and a hand ran its fingers through the private brunette hair. “Remember our orders” the none fondling hand owner added “we can touch but we are not to break the hymen, that’s to be saved” The hands continued their movements moved in a downward direction and sought access to the warmth between the thighs.
The blouse was easily and quickly removed. The small breasts were encased with in a matching bra, and fingers unclipped the front clasp. Two small, yet beautiful breasts were released, and a fresh set of fingers sought the nipples. Each nipple was rubbed between the fingers and then squeezed hard. The flesh reddened as the pressure was increased on the sleeping girl’s nipples. “Mmmmmmm, she is going to be well sort after” was the thigh stroking girls only comment. The two women lent in and shared a deep passionate kiss, their tongues exploring each others mouths while their hands mutually abused the sleeping girl’s body.
An hour later Leeanne was in her travelling crate. Her face was smeared with pussy juice from her captors. They had finally surrendered to their arousals and each had rubbed their wet pussies over the sleeping girls face. She slept on unaware that her face was pressed deep into two warm wet pussies. Then the two captors had pleasured each other, while their victim slept on, blissful and unknowing of what fate awaited her.
The crate was large enough for the captive to barely sit in. Water bottles were secured to the walls, each with nipples from which liquid could be supped. The water contained chemical additives which would provide nutrients for the journey. A small battery powered night light provided enough light for the inhabitant to see the bottles. The floor of the crate contained a drain, through which her waste would drain. Also fixed to the crate was a gas canister, which would leak every hour, a small dose of the Quadi gas. As the days passed, the gas would seep into the girls mind and her dreams would become erotic and submissive in nature.
Sharon looked at her new present and could feel herself becoming aroused with anticipation. Leeanne’s eyes flickered open and she looked up at the two women looking down at her. A hand was held out and talking it she was guided back up to her feet, where she wobbled from her limbs days in captivity. She stood there, naked, looking at the scene around her. She could see Sharon and her own sister, Jane. Her mind crashed from hope that she was saved to realisation that the situation was wrong, that she was naked and that a strange scent seemed to emanate from the skin around her nostrils. A strange, yet not unpleasant odour. Her mind wanted to scream that something terrible had happened, but a stronger sense of desire and lust over powered such thoughts into submission. Her thoughts seemed to centre round how much she wanted her own sister. How much she wanted to do the unspeakable. She heard a door open and older women came in. The woman was like Leeanne, naked, aside from a collar round her neck, a clamp fastened to each of her nipples and a shaven mound. Her eyes registered that this creature was her own mother, and her mind once again wanted to scream out, but tears just ran down her cheeks. Her mother seemed unembarrassed to be so naked in front of her two off springs. She seemed happy, as she smiled as she knelt beside her two mistresses. The small trace of a smile on her face broadened, as she tried to sneak a look her youngest daughter’s naked body. Her mother felt her pussy moisten, her lips became inflamed with passion, but the clamps that held them resisted the arousal and their pressure created pain, which only served to arouse the submissive mother more. She knelt, her nipple clamps and lip clamps squeezing her aroused flesh. But she barely noticed as she looked on at her daughter, but sadly knowing that she would never be permitted to taste the juices. Such an honour would only be for her betters.
Sharon looked her Christmas present over and ran a finger gently over the smooth soft young skin. “Here darling” Jane broke Sharon’s chain of thoughts, as she handed her girl friend a second gift wrapped present. With hands shaking with excitement the paper was soon shredded and the contents held. It was a beautiful leather collar, hand finished with a small dog tag fixed to it. The script on the metal revealed the bearers mistress name. Sharon’s smile broadened as she fastened the collar into place round the neck of her very own sub. Leeanne barely moved as she was collared and finally bore a mark of her new mistress.
“Take Mistress Sharon’s new pet to the play room” Jane commanded her mother. Leeanne’s hand was taken and she was led out of the sitting room and down the hall way, to a door at the end. Her mother opened the door and led her youngest daughter in. Such delicious thoughts raced through her parents mind. She hoped she would get to serve her mistress, but even more she wished she would be allowed to watch her sweet Leeanne corrupted and made part of the new world. To see her virginity taken, and her spirit broken.
Leeanne was led over to one part of the room were a vaulting horse stood. They stood there, Jane pinioned by her hands behind her back. Her mother’s temptation to touch was almost unbearable but she resisted, knowing if caught she would be punished, or worst, sold. Leeanne’s mind still tried to understand how she had ended up in this place, what had befallen her mother and elder sister. But as much as she tried to work out what had happened. her mind refused to allow the thoughts to crystallise and just placed erotic images into her head. Images that gave her butterflies. And that she didn’t understand.
Mistress Sharon entered the play room, followed by her lover and girl friend. The two Doms were dressed to play. They both had thigh length high heeled boots on; their shaven pussies were exposed below the black leather Basques they wore. Both had elbow length rubber gloves and jewelled collars. Mother looked on, her stomach tightening with a feeling of love and desire to serve these two goddesses. She knew she was the luckiest woman alive and felt resentment that Leeanne had entered her world. The girl was younger, and had a far more sensual body, and she feared that she would be discarded by her mistress in place of this younger and fresher sub. But she also realised she had no right to expect to serve and would have to accept what ever her betters decided.
The room that had become their centre of ‘play’ was fitted with an assortment of Toys’. Racks and manacles hung from a bar along one wall. A piece of equipment that looked a kin to a vaulting horse sat to one side of the room, a hospital power table with integrated stirrups and leg rests took centre place. The room had the feeling of a private world, where thinks best unspoken among decent folk took place.
Mistress Sharon walked over to where the two subs stood, her mother
stood staring ahead, knowing she was not permitted once in this room to
gaze upon her betters without their consent. Leeanne stood as if a rabbit
caught in head lights, tear stains on her cheeks and her eyes flicking
around the room and its contents. Sharon ran her rubber clad fingers over
the new Subs soft smooth skin, and then pinched a nipple, and then she
twisted it, creasing the skin and making Leeanne take a sharp breath.
“Table her” Sharon told her Mother, as she walked round in a circle
examining Leeanne. Once again an unresisting Leeanne was towards the
table, and as she drew closer she could see the rubber surface. Leeanne’s
mind screamed “no” as she drew closer to what to her looked akin to a
medieval torture device, but her limbs merely ignored their owners mind
and submitted to the guidance.
Leeanne was pushed on to the table and she lay there, unable to resist as
her legs were placed into the stirrups and secured into place. The stirrups
forced Leeanne to lie on the table with her legs spread and her pussy
exposed for examination. Exposed and vulnerable. Her Mother
completed the tabling by handcuffing her daughter’s hands to the
Having completed her orders she returned to the vaulting horse,
where she stood silent and still. Her eyes stared straight ahead but she
could not help but settle on the exposed pussy of her daughter. She could
see the flesh through the neatly trimmed hair, and she could only imagine
how it would taste to dine on her daughters virgin juices. She stared at her
daughter, and felt her own arousal increase and wetness seep from within
her. But wetness she knew she was forbidden to touch.
Mistress Jane crossed to the vaulting horse and pushed her sub over the
device, kicking her legs apart with her booted toes. From a cupboard she
had fetched a back slit less rubber hood and this she held in one hand. But
in the other she held scissors and a set of clippers. Mother’s luxurious
hair would not allow the hoods fitting.
The room was filled with the sound of snipping as the long strands of hair
were cut to a shorter length. Strands of hair fell at their feet, before the
room was filled with the sound of electronic buzzing. The hair fell faster
and mothers scalp was revelled to the world. Shorn to a number one cut,
tears despite her submission coursed down her face, her hair had always
been her vanity. As a rubber ball gag was placed into her mouth, her
daughter could feel the salty tears her. mother was seeping, but they
stirred only contempt. The rubber mask was slipped over the scalped
head and darkness descended on the wearer. Sound became mute and she
knew that she was to be deprived the joy of seeing the new sub broken in
like a filly.
The fantasy the darkness would have allowed mother to enjoy was broken
abruptly as she felt the pinching pain of two weighted crocodile clips
fitted to her pussies lips, dragging them down and biting into them. Pain
coursed through her, the images shattered and the invasion of her anal
pussy ended any hope she had of anything other than pain.
Unheard by mother, the two young Doms crossed to where their new toy
lay, spread eagle and vulnerable. Leeanne had been able to turn her head
and the sight of the sheering and hooding had increased her fear of what
was to befall her. Her new mistress looked down on at her toy as she ran
a hand through the trimmed mound and then deeper into the flesh that had
only felt Leeanne’s fingers until now. The bodies previous owner, for
even if it had yet to dawn on Leeanne her body was no longer hers to
own, it belonged to the women looking down on her, lust in the eyes,
and unbeknown to Leeanne an arousal in her own pussy, one that she
fully intended to satisfy.
Once again…..comments welcome. Leeanne remember no touching no
matter how wet your are. Email Mistress Sharon first.
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