Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2008 03:06:04 -0700 (PDT)
From: Sharon Pinder <pin121@yahoo.com>
Subject: the new world part 2
This story is a work of fiction and contains
descriptions of explicit sexual acts between
women. If this type of content offends you or you are under the age of 18
do not read it.
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This story is the property of the author. It can be
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Copyright 2008 Sept, All Rights Reserved.
The New World
Part 5
“Congratulations Miss Farrell, you are the winner of a free all expenses paid holiday”. It had been a lousy day at work and I had to admit this was the best bit of news I had for ages. I had been dumped my Carlos, my Latino lover boy last week. Life had gone down the pan from then. Ok she wasn’t the smartest pencil in the box, but he scored full marks between the sheets, or even on top of them! He had dumped me for some new conquest and I had to admit, I missed his attention, if you get my drift!
I’d only been home five minutes when the phone rang, and from here my day took a U turn. I had never won anything in my life, so this had to be a good omen. Not only was it a free holiday, but it was overseas, in my own villa and would come complete with sun, sand and plenty of alcohol. Not bad. Ok I was sceptical at first, to many of these scams around, but tickets can’t lie, but they had arrived as promised.
I had never heard of Quadi, but some surfing on my lap top and I think I had found heaven. Tropical beaches, stunning hotels, and nice and safe for us tourists. Zero crime. You could leave your villa door unlocked and you would be safe. Sound to good to be true, and I had two entire weeks there, free! I had to admit I had some trouble getting in depth details on the place, and it had closed borders up until a year ago. Now it welcomed the select, to quote their Ministry of Pleasures. Hell even that sounded better than Whitehall’s Ministry of Tourism.
So I had for once really landed on my feet. I took the excuse and spent the entire week before hand shopping. Hell a girl has got to have an excuse sometimes! Plus if I wanted some fine bronzed cock between my sheets, or legs! Don’t get me wrong I am a nice girl, I am no tart. But I do enjoy my pleasures, and a fine shaped and muscle man was my idea of leisure. My sister had proudly announced she was gay when she hit sixteen, but sorry that’s not my idea of fun. Totally gross. A smooth, erect, nicely lubricated with pre cum cock in my mouth. As I say no tart, but neither a prude nor a dyke.
The flight was scheduled to depart from some god forsaken rural airfield in Kent at 3.00 a.m Saturday morning, which was a pain in the arse, but hell for a free holiday! I was requested to book in an hour before hand and I was a good girl. As I entered the terminal two blonde trolley dolly’s smiled and greeted me. I say trolley dolly, who ever designed the airline uniform must have been a refugee from 1940’s Germany. Thigh length black PVC boots, a short black mini skirt, and legs encased in dark tights. The top half of the uniform was a short cropped tailored jacket and blouse. The jacket in black and seemingly made of PVC as well? Maybe on borders of kinky, but if they can manage a tray bearing cool iced drinks, who cares a damn.
The terminal foyer was crowded with my fellow prize winners. Couples, singles of both sexes and all ages. But I couldn’t complain every guy I looked at was fit. Maybe some were a bit on the old side or to young, but not one ugly one between them. I also noticed the same with the women and girls. The beautiful sect, home from home!
Check in was efficient and smooth. My cases vanished off into the darkness, and I hoped that unlike my last package deal I would see them again soon. My ticket processed and I was advised that my flight was on time and we would be boarding from gate number two. Hell this airport had more than one gate? No longer luggage encumbered I made my way towards the designated gate.
I picked myself a seat by the gates doorway and sat looking through the window. Our plane, a spacious 747, sat on the tarmac, and was being prepared. It was unusually totally black and bore the countries name along its fuselage, Quadi, plus the motto, ‘Pleasure is our aim’. God I loved the sound of this place the closer I got to it. My fellow holiday makers and members of the beautiful sect were drifting into the boarding gate area and taking seats around me.
More trolley dollies in el’kinky get up, were passing among us with trays long cool iced drinks. Each glass was filled with a day glow purple liquid and ice. They were accessorised with a paper parasol and hell the best bit was they were free. They looked like toxic waste but tasted dammed fine. They also had one hell of a kick and it did leave me feeling slightly woozy and intoxicated after one glass. This was going to be a great holiday and I had to admit, as I sipped the cocktail, the trolley dolly’s had damned fine legs.
I sat sipping my freebee and thinking of the fun that lay ahead of me. Two week of some sexy beach bums cock between my legs. These images ran through my head as my eyes followed stewardesses sexy ass, I may not be gay but mama she had a wiggle when she walked. My fellow holiday maker it seems had all won the same holiday, and was just as excited at what the next two weeks offered.
The flight was called on time and we were guided to our seats by yet another yummy trolley dolly. Everyone was in a good mood and giggling like a school party. Seemingly the cocktails and late hour were having there effects.
There was no pre flight safety speech, thank god. I mean who listens to them? Lights dimmed, the air con kicked in and as it blew cool scented air into the cabin the plane taxied. After a five minute pause we were cleared for take off and the plane launched itself down the concrete apron and into the night sky. Quadi here I come!
Once we were airborne and had levelled out the trolley dollies worked there was down the aisle, giving each passenger another cocktail. Then the lights still dimmed and to the sound of the air con hissing we sipped our drinks.
I must have nodded off. I woke with slightly muzzy headache and shut my eyes for two minutes to help lift it. It seemed slightly better as I lifted my arms to rub my forehead. Or I meant to lift them. They felt damned heavy. I opened my eyes and looked down. Two things hit me first. One was that my wrists were manacled to the seats arm rests, and the second thing was that I was sat in my lingerie. Some weird dream I was having as I looked round, noting that everyone was in the same state. Somewhere still asleep and others like me were staring around. One weird dream!
The trolley dollies were leading one woman down the aisle. Like me she was in here lingerie. She was attractive but one had to admit she had to be fifty plus. If it wasn’t for the bra I am sure her tit would hang down to her waist. Her panties were hardly exciting and seemed to in need of a wash. As they passed me the trolley Mistress noticed I was awake. She brought her older charge to a stop and then looked me over. From here waist she produced a small electronic key pad and she pressed two numbers on it. My restraints came free and I was able to stand up. “Follow us” she told me, and like a lamb, I stood up and trotted along behind her. Walking down an aisle of a 747 in my lingerie following some sex goddess and an old Tart? But I seemed to have no desire to refuse. My mind said one thing, it kept saying this was some weird shit, and my limbs just did as they had been told to.
We passed through a curtained door way and into an area that had fewer seats. I looked round and this was like Dante’s version of hell. In each seat there was a naked passenger. Some male some female. Kneeling between their legs was a member of their same sex. The males were sucking their seated companion’s cocks. The females were making user of fingers and tongues on their victims. As I looked round I noted that no one was smiling. Some of the receivers were even showing tear stains down their faces. My god what was in that cocktail, this was weird?
I still followed Mistress Dolly and the old Tart, as we made our way to the rear of the area. We reached a seat that was unoccupied and there we stopped. Mistress Dolly turned the old tart towards me and then guided me with a hand in the small of my back until I faced her. “Kiss her” Mistress Doll commanded me. I found no desire to resist, even though my mind screamed stop. I brought my lips closer to old Tart and we kissed. I kissed her as if she was the dream Latino lover I had so recently lost. He mouth parted as our tongues made contact. I could taste her saliva and smell her stale cigarette breath. We kissed like two lovers, and as my mind scream no my body said yes. “Undress” Mistress Dol ordered us and my hands sought the clasp to old Tarts bra. As it fell away her tilts tumbled out, and I felt her hands reach for my panties.
We stood there naked, her piss panties in my hands and my expensive scented but wet stained lingerie in hers. “Suck the crutch” Miss Do ordered us, and I found myself deeply inhaling the smell of rancid piss and other scents. I buried my nose deep into the smells and inhaled deeply. It was the most erotic scent of my life. I could not resist my limbs as they sought to explore old tarts body. My mind still screamed in protest, and tears stained my checks as I knelt before the now seated older woman. Tears ran down my face as brought my mouth closer to that sweet haven of old Tarts pussy. As I saw her aroused lips and saw the gleam of her wetness, I did not see her tears, as my tongue made first contact with that wet lip. As I sucked it deeply into my mouth like some small but potent cock. As I tasted her arousal from its source and as I felt my own pussy betrayal me. As Mistress D looked on smiling. I was one of an entire cargo of fresh meat destined for Quadi with no wish other than to please, no matter what thoughts raged at the back of my mind, I had no control over my body and my immediate thoughts. I was here to please Mistress and do as he bid us.
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