The New World
Part 2
Jane stood in the queue, lost in her IPod. Her mum had been gone awhile now and slowly the queue shuffled forward. As if what ever it had been held up for had finally happened. With each shuffle Jane neared the bend in the corner. But she barely noticed, as she also hardly noticed the sounds from her ear pieces. Her mind was else where. To be exact, back at school. At first she had hated boarding school. The food was awful and the school rules stifling. Plus she had to share a dormitory with a dozen other girls her age. She’d been used to her own room at home, and now she had no privacy. A shyness and innocence the other girls soon noticed. Jane hated getting changed in front of them and would go out of her way to dress and undress when the dorm was empty. But she couldn’t always get away with it, and she got ribbed mercilessly.
The bed next to hers was occupied by a blonde girl, of the same age, called Denise. She was the one person in the room Jane could call a friend. In fact Denise would chat to her and even compliment her on her choice of clothes and underwear. Or lingerie as she called it. A word Jane had never heard before, and one she found very chic.
She did notice after a few months that Denise seemed to spend a lot of her time with another girl, Sue. They were, outside of lessons, all but inseparable. They would eat at the same table and even go to the local village together, holding, as most girls do, hands.
Lesbianism is a term Jane had never heard of. Hell the facts of life were all but taboo at home. She wondered what it would be like to actually kiss someone, to have a boy friend. She had seen her mum and dad kiss and that set her mind wondering. The weird thing was that when ever Jane lay in bed thinking it over, it was always Denise she saw. She knew her mum would be horrified so she kept such images close to her heart but that didn’t stop a warm feeling of forbidden fruits nestling inside her. But all these thoughts were something she kept locked deep away, and they never passed her lips.
It was the Friday of sports day; she was cutting through the grounds, a short cut to the dorm house. She ducked through the bushes and scurried along the lawn. As she rounded the corner she heard voices. If she was caught here, when she should be out on the sports field yelling and cheering… Slowly she peeked round the hedges corner and was surprised to see Denise and Sue. They were face to face, talking quietly. Almost whispering, their faces so close, they almost touched. Then Denise closed that gap and their lips touched. They were kissing! Not just kissing but like her parents, Plus Denise’s hands were cupping sues bottom and they seemed go be pulling Sue closer.
Jane was transfixed. The thoughts she had harboured in her mind seemed to have become reality. She stood still, hardly daring to move as she watched the two girls kiss. In the distance the school bell sounded, and they broke apart, running along the path, towards her, hand in hand. Jane just had time to retreat round the corner and appear as she if she had been walking along the path, when Denise and Sue rounded the comer. They looked at her, smiled, and then ran past towards the school buildings.
After this Jane spent as much of her time as she could ‘spying’ on Denise. It was amazing what she now noticed. How often they would be alone, hold hands, and sit together in class. She even saw Denise run her fingers along Sue’s leg under the desk one day and that night alone in her bed she replayed the images, with herself in the role of Sue. Her fingers exploring her own body, making her wet and bring her to a state of arousal. A sensation that was becoming the norm now, when lights were out. These images seemed to bring her latent sexuality alive, and her images became more intense.
She so much wanted to be more than friends with Denise and Sue, but her shyness made that a barrier she couldn’t seem to break through.
The queue rounded the comer, and she could see the two desks ahead. Where was her dammed mum? Jane’s thought return to school. It was about a month after the garden discovery that Jane found one night she just couldn’t get back to sleep. She lay there, replaying in her mind what she had seen….shuffle shuffle…what would it like to be to kiss Denise? Her mind would not be still so she could fall asleep…shuffle shuffle….Then she heard movement across the dorm. A shadow moved silently towards her. She froze, pretending to be asleep but peering through slitted eyes. The figure passed close to her bed, and then she heard bedding being moved. She watched as Sue, as she assumed that was who it was, slipped under Denise’s bedding. The next half hour was a true awakening for Jane as she watched the two girls be lovers. She watched as Sue kissed Denise breasts and then as she buried her head deep between Denise’s legs. Jane’s own pussy becoming wetter and wetter.The butterflies coming alive and surrendering to her fingers own exploration. It was with lips clamed tight that Jane came. He mind seemed to explode with feelings and new images. An awakening that left her feeling alive and her finger tips caressing her tingling and wet flesh.
It was ages after Sue had slipped back to her own bed that Jane finally got to sleep. That’s nights events became her nightly thoughts, and with each retelling in her mind, the fantasy expanded in range. But the end of term had come and now here she was with her mum, on some boring holiday. Where was the stupid cow?
The queue had moved forward quite a bit and she could see the desks were almost upon her. A large tinted mirror covered on wall but she could see little though it except some shadowy figures. Jane finally reached the desks. What should she do now? The solider looked up and seemed puzzled, that Jane was alone. Jane tried to explain that her mum had gone off ages ago and had not yet come back. Dawn broke over the soldiers face and she pressed a buzzer on her desk. The door to the left of the mirror opened and another solider walked towards them. Were all the officials here female? She crossed to Jane and smiled at her. “You seeking your mum? Yes?” she asked. Jane nodded and the solider beckoned her over to the mirror. “I am sorry but with out your mum you will have to wait” Jane was told. “Please stay here” she said as she slipped back through the door. Jane tried to peer through the glass. Now she was closer she could see a bit more easily. She could make out shapes through the bronze tinted glass. There seemed to be three people and a table... Not much else to see, they were in a group looking at something on the table, chatting and one was touching it.
Jane looked round. The queue was on the last person and once she had been processed the hall would be empty of all but the officials and Jane. The last person cleared the desk, and with that the two officials at the desks stood and took their leave. She was now alone in a deserted hall in a strange county. How could her mother do this to her, she fumed to her self. Jane paced round the hall. Nothing much to see. She looked over the desks. Just papers and a phone. She looked round once more, and this time noticed a small panel to the right of the mirror. She walked over, curious. It comprised two buttons. One red, one green.
Now what is it with buttons? Jane ignored them or tried to. But she could hear them calling. After five minutes the temptation was too great. Maybe just one button. She pressed the green one. Nothing happened. Oh well. Maybe the red?
Then she noticed a change in the mirror. It was no longer tinted. It had become a window. A window to what? She would have a quick look, and then push the red button, which she assumed would tint it again. Jane turned to look and in that moment her life changed. There were as she had vaguely seen three officials, but bent over the table was a naked woman. Stockings and with panties round her ankles. One of the soldiers was stood to one side, allowing Jane to see her hand buried deep into the victim’s pussy. She was working away at it. Jane watched, the red button forgotten. The solider with drew her hand, and stepped to one side. Jane watched as a second solider stepped up and knelt down behind the tied woman and cocking her head at an awkward angle, she could see her tongue starting to lick the exposed woman cunt.
Jane could feel her own butterflies returning, her own pussy becoming wet. The sensations of those nights in her bed returned, but stronger and harder to control. She resisted the temptation to touch her self, but had to settle for squeezing her thighs. That was no cure, but it helped the feelings. The desire to be that woman’s finger, to feel the flesh, to taste it, to explore the tables sacrifice. She stood there for what seemed like ages, and failed to hear the door open. “You like?” a voice said. Jane all but jumped and looked round. The officer now stood beside her. “You like?” she asked again, smiling. Jane hadn’t noticed how attractive she was, hell how attractive al the officials were. She couldn’t speak, but managed a nod and another squeeze of the thighs. The woman’s hand took hers, and Jane watched as the red button was pressed. The mirror retinted and her view lost. The hand then gently led her into that room. The door shut behind her, but she didn’t notice, her eyes fixed on the scene laid out before her. A woman handcuffed to the table. All but naked, and another woman’s tongue exploring her. The victim unable to resist or avoid the exploration. Jane hand never felt more turned alive even when watching Denise and Sue.
The officer stood close behind Jane. Her body pressed against up close. She could feel the officer’s breath on her neck and held her breath as she felt hands reach round and cup her breast. Jane slowly breathed out as the hands fondled her breasts, teasing the nipples as they became evident, through her thin summer clothing. Her head was gently guided round until the woman’s lips could reach hers. She kissed virgin Jane slowly, tenderly, and parted Jane’s lips with the moist tip of her tongue. Jane felt their tongues tip and she could feel a moan deep with in her welling up.
The hands that moments before had sought her breasts now caressed her body, reaching down to stroke the dampness that they knew was encased in thin cotton and denim. The fingers pressed into the material and she could feel the dampness becoming a torrent. Then the hands slowly reached up, took hold of her once more, slowly rotating her and slowly turned her to face the woman. They kissed once more, before she was slowly undressed. Her T-shirt lifted over her head, her bra encased breasts now visible, and with it her nipples even more prominent. The woman knelt and Jane felt her sandals then jeans being stripped away from her.
She stood in a room with three women and a bound and gagged semi naked woman. Wearing nothing but a bra trying to restrain her engorged nipples and a pair of visibly damp cotton panties. “Your beautiful” the officer whispered “and we want to help you, to teach you” Her hands were taken once more and she was gently led to the table. The kneeling woman stool up and stepped to one side. Jane could see the bound woman closer now and she had never wanted to touch something more in her life. “Please” Jane was told. How did they know of Jane’s fantasies, of her secret tastes? Jane could not imagine but she slowly reached one finger out, to touch the exposed flesh of the tables offering. She could feel herself shaking as her finger neared that perfect rounded bottom. Gently, shyly her finger made contact. She could feel the skin and she stoked it, bring the rest of her fingers in contact with the softness. She slowly circled the soft buttock and she watched as the skin came alive with goose bumps, and she hard a soft moan coming form the bound woman’s mouth. Slowly in case she woke up she ran the finger down the buttock crack. The holding the buttock skin in her hand she slid it between the legs. She could feel hairs, damp hairs as her hand continued past the top of the legs and deeper into a wet warm hairy spaced. She felt the woman try to press herself against her hand. She heard her moan, and her hand pressed further in, seeking what she knew lay ahead of her finger tips. The honey pot. Her fingers seemed to be slipping deeper into the wetness and she felt the exposed and aroused flesh of the woman’s lips. She caressed them with her fingers, and the wetness allowed her fingers to slip between and part them. She felt the wet lips slide past her fingers as she dipped into a warm and fleshy pit of juices.
The officer parted Jane’s lips to slip one of her fingers into Jane’s willing mouth. She had her first taste of another woman’s honey. A taste she had never dreamt of or imagined. But it made her want to suckle on the finger as her own finger explored the tastes source.
The victim moaned as the fingers dived deeper into the wet pit. She sought entrance to the woman’s pussy, her first pussy. The woman moaned and pressed herself onto Jane’s fingers. The woman begged against the restraint of her gag. The voice, if Jane hadn’t been so aroused would have been familiar, but she was beyond that. Jane just wanted to do all the things she had seen Sue do to Denise. Jane wanted to bury her finger deep into that honey pot, to bury her face into the wet folds of the pussy and to inhale deep the scent or an aroused pussy. She wanted to sup from the fountain that her hand was deep inside. Jane’s fingers sank slowly deeper into the wet haven; she barley noticed fingers unclasp her bra, her nipples being teased and pinched gently between sharp finger nails. She barely noticed the other soldiers undressing until they all stood in stockings, panties and bra. She hardly noticed as her knees sank to the floor and she inhaled the scent, as she moved forward to bury her tongue, nose and face deep into that warm wet mass of flesh, juices and scent. A pussy she had yet to realise was that of her mother. Her mother, who like her daughter, had become a lesbian at the hands of the three semi naked women who watched on. What else awaited her? Jane didn’t know but she could fantasise.
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