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Review This Story || Author: Andy C

Inside a Troubled Mind

Part 1

Inside a troubled mind by

Any comments greatly appreciated they keep me writing !

Section 1

Jacob  was seventeen last week, and was used to getting his own way at home.  His fathers considerable fortune had been built up through hard work and dedication to his business on a global basis.  As a result, Jacob often lived alone behind the gates of his fathers mansion - with only the house staff for company - as his father jetted around the world.  The house staff were dedicated to Jacobs family, due to the substantial income that the family provided: an income that guaranteed complete discretion and non-swerving service to their employers.  Jacob could do as he pleased: he was the boss.  Furnished with his staff, and his own personal credit card, he could do as he wished.  He was king of his own domain when at home.

Outside of the home, Jacob found making friends difficult.  He was a loner at college, preferring the company of his extensive computer network at home to the sports facilities on offer at his college.  He rarely socialised with his peers, with the exception of Daniel.  Jacob and Daniel were the college techno-geeks, looked down upon by their peers as computer boffins with few social skills and fewer talents.  Only Daniel knew of Jacobs tremendous wealth and talent, revelling in the online world of Jacobs computer networks and spending his spare time exploring cyberspace in Jacobs cavernous living quarters.

Tim was in the year above Jacob, and the star athlete of the college.  Captain of the basketball team and county representative for javelin, he was the darling of the principal and of the girls within college.  Tim and his gang of admirers were the popular group around the college, always the centre of attention.   Girls dripped from his arms, and guys fought to be in his circle of intimate friends.  The beautiful people.  The untouchables.

Tim was viewed by most people as an even-tempered and generous young man.  He helped to coach young children with basketball, and even worked for charity at weekends.  Most people viewed Tim as a well-rounded model for the youth of today.  Most people viewed Tim as a role model to younger children, and the sort of clean living athlete that modern youth should aspire to be.  Most people did not include Jacob. 

Tim and Jacob did not come into contact with each other.  They were in different year groups, had different social circles and lives that touched only briefly when they passed each other.  Like most members of the college, Jacob would steal quick glances at Tim and although he would never admit it Jacob developed an admiration for Tims body and winning smile.   The closest Jacob had ever got to Tim was pissing next to him at the urinal one day.  He held his breath as Tim approached the urinal next to him and he shook slightly as Tim did his business, oblivious to Jacobs existence.  Jacob felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end.  Tim should acknowledge him.  Tim should realise that Jacob was a very important guy with an even more important future.  Jacob would need to teach this to Tim.

Slowly, Tim began to irritate Jacob more and more.  Tim would never realise it until it was too late.  Jacob resented his popularity and his obvious charms.  Jacob resented his talent for sport, his chiselled looks and his bright future. 

Jacob intended that he would alter Tims future.  Wipe that contented smile from Tims face.  Make him notice Jacob as very, very important in Tims life.  Tim needed a new direction.  Totally.  For the rest of his life.

Jacob entered his bedroom and flung himself on his bed.  He was not impressed.  He brooded for a while, and cursed under his breath.

Time to look again at the main event.  Time to replay the events of this afternoon, unpleasant as it tasted on his tongue.  Silently, he removed the tiny button hole camera and attached it to his equipment.  The monitor whizzed into life and Jacob crouched himself over the screen to replay what had happened this afternoon.

He watched the image of the corridor and saw the distant indistinct image that he knew to be Tim.  The image came into focus as he approached Tim, recording him putting some stuff away in his locker.  It recorded the conversation and Jacob listened intently.  It confirmed his suspicions.  He had been polite and courteous, showing the correct manners of a well-bred young man.  He had enquired about Tim and had maintained a smile during the conversation.  He had maintained eye contact.  He had asked Tim if he wanted to come around to his house and see his computer equipment.

Jacobs eyes  narrowed as he replayed the look in Tims eyes.  Instead of being grateful and accepting Jacobs invitation, his eyes had widened in surprise and he had declined Jacobs generous offer.  Politely, but firmly.  Declined.  And then walked away.  Tims face and body language had betrayed a sense of shock that Jacob would dare to invite him home.  Tim would regret his rude indifference: Jacob was sure of this.

Jacob scowled and paused the image of Tim.  He paused the image of Tim walking away from him, his muscular body barely concealed inside his basketball kit. 

How dare he !  He didnt invite just anyone into his domain.  Tim was an ungrateful bastard and he would have to pay.  This was what happened when Jacob used his social skills.  This was how he was treated by his peers when he tried to be nice.  Was it any wonder that he kept himself to himself ?  No one understood him or wanted to spend time with him.  He was offering Tim the opportunity to get close to him, to appreciate his obvious talents.  And this was the response.

Tim would need to start appreciating Jacob.  Tim needed to understand that Jacob was his future.  Jacob would mould the man that he would become.  Though he didnt know it yet, Jacob would be the most important single thing in his life.  Then, he would show his appreciation.

It had taken a fair amount of preparation but Jacob had supervised it with the eye of an expert.  The building and equipment were all in place and he could plan for his new acquisition.  The new rooms were in place, the equipment and unusual items of clothing had been acquired.  It was a start, and he knew he would need more as his imagination expanded.  Jacobs credit card had taken some damage but he knew that his absent father would not query his expenses: money was the healer as far as the relationship between father and son was concerned.  Money could buy the sort of control that Jacob wanted.  It could make him so, so powerful.  And it would.  Muscles and athletics and popularity were all well and good, but they wouldnt prevent you from being trapped like a fly in a venus fly trap, not when there were rich and powerful people like Jacob.  Master of the universe.  Intelligent and omnipotent.

The correct equipment was the first stage and the capture was the second.  He was impatient and he had struggled to control this impatience.  But it had to be right.  It had to all be in place before he could begin his plan.  He could scarcely control his excitement at college when he passed Tim, or saw him.  He relished a moment when their eyes met, when Tim looked away in embarrassment and Jacob smiled.  Jacob knew that Tim would not have the choice to do such a thing for very much longer. 

Jacob briefed his security guard Bruno of his requirements and paid him some extra allowance to keep the matter between themselves.  He had no doubt that Bruno would remain discrete, if he wanted to retain his expensive lifestyle at the expense of Jacobs father.

And so it was that Jacob awoke on Saturday morning, the night after the planned event.  Jacob awoke from his sleep and allowed the real world to creep into his senses.  He stretched and yawned.  Had Bruno completed his task ?  His heart fluttered as he considered what could what should - have happened overnight, whilst he was resting.  Whilst he was resting in his luxurious apartment.

Naked, Jacob walked towards his computer terminal and quickly flicked on the monitor.  With his finger touch technology, he switched on the camera in the new basement and gasped for a moment at the sight before him.  Sitting in his chair, the world of controls and computer screens flickering before him, he selected his main monitor and displayed the image on the large screen before him.

Tims cell was lit from above by the harsh spotlights that bounced over his bound form.  Jacob zoomed in on his new toy and Tim looked down the lens of the camera, his sad and confused eyes staring down the lens into the eyes of his captor.  He couldnt yet see his owner.  He didnt know who had imprisoned him yet.  He sat on the cold stone floor of his cell, dressed only in his flimsy t-shirt and tight white CKs.  Barefoot.  Shivering slightly, perhaps from the cold of his windowless cell or perhaps from fear.  Jacobs heart pounded in delight at the misery in those eyes.  The confusion.  The utter lack of comprehension of what had happened to Mr Popular.  He sat hunched over, arms wrapped around his bare muscular legs.  The way he sat in the middle of his circular cell suggested he had already discovered the electric charge in those iron bars.

So vulnerable.  So miserable.  So confused.  Poor Tim.  Maybe he was beginning to realise he wasnt the superstar he thought he was.  Soon he would realise that Jacob owned him.  That Jacob controlled him.  That Jacob was the most important factor in his new life.  Tims life as a proud and athletic jock boy was over now.  A new chapter was opening for him, and he would learn to be proud to serve.  To serve his new owner.  It would be all that mattered to him.  It was after all what jock boys were for.  To serve real men.

Jacob leaned back in his chair and placed his hands behind his head.  Looking down at his own lean, muscular naked body, he sighed with contentment and felt the first stirrings of his penis.

It was not easy for him, excited as he was, but Jacob left Time alone in his cell for the entire weekend.  He wanted him to come to terms with his imprisonment, and realise that he was completely powerless.  He wanted his mind to register that he was being completely controlled by someone else.  Tim did not yet know that it was Jacob of course, but he would soon come to understand who controlled him so completely.

Jacob watched him on the television screen for much of the weekend, but prevented himself from intervening.  Only the occasional switching of lights alternated for Tim in his world of dark imprisonment.  Otherwise he remained locked in his small cell, wearing only t shirt and briefs, seeing no-one, eating nothing and without the ability to use the toilet.  He could not understand what had happened to him.  Why was this unknown person keeping him locked up like this ?  Power and popularity didnt help him now, Jacob noted.  He was completely at Jacobs mercy and Jacob licked his lips in anticipation.

Tim had nothing at all to occupy him.  He either lay on the concrete, hunched himself in the centre of his small circular cell or paced like a caged animal around the small cell.  Jacob watched him pacing, observing his handsome features trying to figure a reason for this.  Who would do this to him, and why ?  Where was his captor and why was he left alone in a cage like this wearing only briefs and flimsy t shirt ?  Trying to understand why he had been imprisoned like this, his lips sometimes moving in silent prayer.  Sometimes he looked angry and at other times his red eyes betrayed the tears that were usually never present on such a confident jock boy.  Tim was frightened and confused.  Jacob relished his fear as he watched Tims fists clench involuntarily.  He smiled as he noticed Tims awkward gait as the teen idol padded around his small cell in his bare feet:  the boy needed to go to the toilet and he had no means to do so locked in his cage like a dog.  He was completely helpless, vulnerable and in the hands of his captor and there was nothing he could do about it.  Just the way Jacob liked it to be.

Jacob spent most of the weekend watching his new toy.  Savouring the complete power over another teen boy.   He spent hours at his computer, naked with cock in hand, watching the growing confusion and fear and resignation of his captive.   The highlight came on Sunday evening, when Tim broke down into tears, sobbing on the cold concrete floor.  Jacob watched with delight and laughed aloud as poor Tim murmured a desperate plea to the air.  “Please let me go.  Please.  What have I done to deserve this ?  Please let me go.”

Jacob chuckled at the desperation in Tims voice.  He played back the clip and spliced it into his editing software, so that he could listen to Tims husky, masculine voice as he pleaded with Jacob.  His new owner.   Gone was the self assured voice of a young man who everyone listened to.  Gone was the powerful tones of a popular jock.  Instead were the frightened whimperings of a half dressed slave.  A teen boy who would soon be serving his new Master in fear and total obedience.  Tim faced a new lifestyle of total control and domination, of humiliation and degradation, of slavery.   And Jacob would ensure that he learnt his new place in life over the coming weeks.

Jacob listened to Tim begging for release again and again - and it didnt take him long to cum.  He was God as far as Tim was concerned now, and he licked his lips in anticipation of the training that would follow over the coming days, weeks and months.  Tim was back at college tomorrow morning: he felt sure that there would be some concern already at Tims disappearance on Friday evening.  He looked forward to hearing the concerns for the vanished teen idol, smiling in the knowledge that Jacob now owned him and had him locked away as a prospective slave.

Jacob sat at his console and buzzed his employee Bruno.  He was ready for the next phase now and, whilst he was away at college tomorrow, Bruno would be tasked with some preparation work on Tim.  Jacob would reveal himself to Tim on Monday evening, but only after Tim had descended further into his new life and his total captivity to his Master.

Monday brought a sense of drama and worry at the college, much to Jacobs satisfaction.  The students were summoned to a morning briefing where the Principal entered the stage briskly, accompanied by Tims worried parents.   The student body listened in confusion, as they were informed of Tims disappearance.  Appeals were made.  Girls cried.  Guys looked afraid and crestfallen.  Tim was the main man.  He was the heroic leader of his peers and, without him, they felt lost and worried for his welfare.

No one asked Jacob about it.  Why would they ?  Tim would never have had anything to do with a geek like Jacob so his opinion was unimportant.  It was talked about by everyone, and Jacob expressed his “worry” too.  But he had nothing to do with Tim did he ?  A “computer geek” like him could have no contact with a “jock God” like Tim could he ?  Jacob smiled to himself.  If only they knew that Tims future lay in Jacobs hands.  If only they knew that Tim belonged entirely to Jacob from now on, as his slave boy.

The day passed slowly for Jacob.  His thoughts alternated between two aspects of his work.  First, a growing irritation of everyones concern for Tim and the equally non-existent praise for Tims captor.  The parents had stated during assembly that Tim would not disappear without informing his parents.  So why had they not realised that Tim had been abducted, and that he was in the hands of a genius now ?  Secondly, Jacob thought about the boy who was being prepared to meet his owner throughout the day, locked away in Jacobs slave quarters.

Finally, Jacob arrived back at his apartment and stripped off his clothing.  He dressed himself in his luxurious black silk dressing gown a touch of theatrical drama for the first time he met his slave property and settled himself in front of his large console screens to watch the transformation of Tim that had taken place earlier today.

With growing excitement, he watched Bruno enter Tims cell.  He listened to Tim begging for release, begging to be allowed to contact his parents.  Tims husky masculine voice begging for his freedom.  A freedom that would never return for this teen idol.   Jacob felt his penis swelling as he listened to Tims sobbing appeals.  Bruno ignored him completely as he unlocked Tims tiny cell and pulled the half dressed boy from his cell.  Jacob heard the bare feet of the captured boy patter across the bare concrete, dressed only in t shirt and briefs.

Tim looked around the cell for a way to escape.  Jacob zoomed in on his frightened, red eyes as they darted erratically around his new small underground home.  But there was no escape.  The heavy iron door was closed and locked, and Tim was under the influence of the stocky bodyguard.

“Why are you doing this to me man ?  What have I done wrong ?  Please, what have I done to deserve this ?”

Jacob held his breath as he heard Brunos reply: the reply that he had been told to give.

“It is my boss who is doing this to you boy.  He owns you now.”

“Owns me ?  What the fuck ?  Im a man, not a belonging ….. how can he own me ?” Tim sobbed, as Bruno dragged him by his t-shirt, across to a raised dais in the centre of the room.

“Please no.  Please dont do this to me.  Please let me go,” the hysterical teen screamed at Bruno, as his hands were locked above him in metal shackles hanging from the ceiling.  Bruno stepped back off the dais and looked up at the shackled jockboy.  With a click on the remote control in his hand, he watched as Tims arms were raised above his head until the teen idol was standing on the very tips of his toes, his body spread in a Y above Bruno.

Tims hysterical crying subsided to a gentle sobbing as he realised that his position was helpless, and that Bruno would not help him.  His frightened eyes followed Bruno around the room, and then watched as Bruno once more approached the imprisoned boy.  Bruno reached under Tims tshirt and rubbed his palms across the boys washboard abs, their eyes locked in contact.  Bruno walked behind Tim and grabbed his tshirt at the neck.  Silently, he ripped the tshirt down the back and watched as it fell apart to reveal Tims body.

Jacob, watching the replay on his TV console, gasped at the sight of Tims exposed flesh, as Bruno snipped the tshirt away at the arms.  Tims chiselled body was a model of perfection, as he hung there in only his briefs.  Jacob licked his lips involuntarily and drank in the exposed teen boy, imprisoned like a work of art in chains.  Imprisoned because Jacob felt like it.  Because he felt like owning this boy, and making him his slave.

Tims reddened cheeks betrayed his humiliation.  He was used to strutting around in his briefs in the changing room, to wearing tight speedos as he walked around the local pool.  Displaying his body to envious other guys and adoring girls.  But not to being strung up like this in chains, like a piece of flesh.  He felt his own submission burn inside him as he looked up at the red light of the camera in front of him.  Someone somewhere was watching his degradation.  His “owner” was enjoying what was happening to him, and there was nothing that he could do.

“Time to get you naked boy,” Bruno grunted, and moved towards the helpless boy.  Tim closed his eyes and sobbed.  The last shreds of his dignity were about to be removed, and he was about to stand naked in chains, displayed on this raised platform like an obscene piece of art.

Bruno stood in front of Tim and slowly pulled down his briefs.  They fell to the ground and Bruno pulled them away, throwing them behind him on the floor.  Tim stood naked before him and Bruno allowed himself the luxury of running his eyes slowly down the teen boys exposed body.  He ran his finger down the boys front, into his pubic bush and down the length of his exposed cock and balls.

“Time for me to go and have some lunch pretty boy,” he smirked, turning his back and picking up the remnants of Tims clothing on the floor.

“Please dont leave me like this.  Please, Im naked.  Please,” Tim begged.

Bruno smiled and moved towards the door.  Jacob watched the door close behind him and then listened as Bruno started the machinery.  With a jolt, the raised platform started to rotate slowly and the dungeon was plunged into darkness.  After a few seconds, Jacobs screen illuminated with the spotlights around the edge of the dais.  Lights that lit up the naked body of poor Tim, the naked slaveboy, as his body rotated round and round.  Naked in his chains, so vulnerable and upset.  What would his admirers think if they saw him now, Jacob thought with a smile.

Jacob opened his black robes and stroked his erect penis as he drank in his own power.  He sighed with contentment.

Review This Story || Author: Andy C
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