Chapter 18 ( By andy28_rl@yahoo.co.uk )
Ben stood open-mouthed and stared at me. I stood there, fully exposed, and looked back at him. My shaved body on display, the terrible triangle of pink and my abused cock, tattooed and pierced with a ring. Stood before my best mate like some gayboy exposing my feminised body, and silently screamed inside. Part of me wanted to cover myself desperately, hide what had become of my body. But part of me also wanted to shock him and make him lose his respect for me.
Ben and I had been best mates for as long as I could remember, since primary school. I loved him. As my mate of course, not in any sexual way. He knew everything about me and I knew everything about him. I trusted him completely. But this was something I could not share with him. I could not confide in him that I was a slave, and what was happening to me. I could not let him see my destiny. I hoped that he would be repulsed by my body, and leave me to be enslaved. Not get involved. He couldn’t be my mate any more. It was too dangerous for him, and too humiliating for me. My whole personality and being was destined for massive change and I knew that I could no longer have any friends.
Despite my extreme shame and degradation, I let him get a good look at what had become of me, and then I covered my genitals with my dirty football top. My caned arse was hidden from his view against the wall.
“Ben, something is happening to me,” I appealed, looking into his eyes. “I know I look a freak. But it’s still me. Trust me buddy, I can’t tell you about it. But it may mean the end of you and me. I may need to disappear for a while. I am ok. But you just have to let me go. Promise me you wont come looking for me. It would not be a good thing to do. Just leave me and I hope I will get to see you again in the future.”
I paused and looked into his puzzled eyes, seeking some confirmation that he knew this was no joke. He stared back and stuttered “Gary what the hell is happening to you? Why are you doing this man?”
“Leave me be Ben, please. For your own sake.”
He looked into my eyes a little longer, and I looked downwards to break the spell. He shook his head and I watched as he turned his back, walking towards the showers.
And so I began the journey that I didn’t want to make, but knew I had to. The journey that would forever change my perception in the eyes of my team mates but that I could no longer avoid. The journey that would irrevocably change my status from jock captain to owned property. I started to walk unsteadily towards the showers.
I clasped my hands over my genitals and entered the shower area, horribly aware of my exposed caned arse as I walked. I walked into the showers and moved under a water jet, stood on my own in the corner facing the wall. Hands covering my genitals. There was nowhere to hide. I stood facing the wall and felt the water cascade over my naked body.
I stood and held my breath as the laughing and talking around me stopped. I shuddered in the certain knowledge that the rest of my team mates were staring at my punished arse, and also no doubt the barcode and numbers on my neck. Involuntarily, I flexed my arse cheeks as I felt their striped abuse to be the centre of attention. Which was worse? My caned arse, or my abused genitals? I think I knew that my genitals would be more of a shock, and so I remained facing the wall. Master had not stated that I had to display my genitals openly, and so I remained in hiding. What was going through their minds as they looked at my abused arse cheeks ? The thought made my knees weak as I closed my eyes and waited.
“Hey kinky boy?”
I turned my head as I heard the stifled laughs, and my heart reeled at the sight of so many naked, straight guys staring at my exposed and naked body. James took a step forward and glared at me with a challenging stare, the water planing off his own naked body as he squared up to me.
“What’s going on Gary? Running around naked in the high street, someone been caning your arse, bar codes on your neck, all your body hair disappeared. You turning into a pansy boy?”
I may have become a slave but I was no pansy. I was no queer. I could not help the transformations that were being forced on me. The repressed anger welled up inside me and I turned to face him, growling “I’m no fucking pansy boy James.”
It was only then that I realised my mistake. I closed my eyes in defeat as I realised that I now faced the guys and had shown them a full frontal view of my nudity. I cursed myself at my stupidity and looked down at the floor, as if to confirm to myself that I really did look as ridiculous as I felt.
I stood there in all my enslaved glory. My muscular frame was now secondary to the fact that my shaved head was accompanied by a smooth body. The pink triangle was all that remained of my pubic hair, and this was now accompanied by the tattooed OWNED down the shaft of my cock and the obscene cock ring. James snorted in derision as he looked at my exposed body. “Fucking hell Gary. Look at you. You could have fooled me pansy boy,” he sneered and turned his back.
I looked at the other guys, holding my exposed stance in shocked delay. I registered the look of confused contempt on their faces and recognised that my credibility was evaporating like the steam from the hot showers. In despair I sank to my knees and looked up to the ceiling for help.
I screamed in despair. “I am no pansy guys. I am in a situation that I can’t get out of. I don’t want this but I can’t do anything about it. I am trapped.” I felt the stinging tears of desperation in the corners of my eyes and I shook violently with the utter despair of my predicament. The showers were silent, and I brought myself back from the brink of fainting. I rose from my knees and without a backwards glance ran naked back into the changing area.
I had no towel. No clean clothes. Silently and quickly, I rubbed down my wet body with the sweaty top that I had used for practice. Quickly, I pulled up the flimsy shorts and ignored the fact that my wet body made them transparent, displaying my cock ring obscenely through the fabric. With my back to the dressing room I pulled on my socks and football boots. With a startled exclamation, I felt a hand across my back and shot bolt upright, turning to see Ben behind me.
“Calm down,” he murmured. “Look, I don’t know what’s going on Gary but I am here to help you. I hate seeing you like this. What’s happening to you?”
I looked at his face, tears misting my view, and sobbed “Thanks Ben. But you really can’t help me.”
He put his arm across the top of my bare back and whispered quietly, “James has been slating you in there. The other guys don’t want you in the club. Go home Gary now and sleep it off. Will you?”
I nodded and wiped my eyes. “See ya Ben,” I whispered, feeling that I would never see my best mate again now that football would no longer be an option for me. With a deep breath, I turned and faced the dressing room and walked across the tiles to the exit. The sound of the studs from my boots echoed across the tiles as I walked through the silent dressing room. The metres seemed to be miles as I trudged across the tiles dressed only in my wet shorts, socks and boots. Every eye on me. Every mouth fixed in a frown at their perception of my new status. I knew these guys, their prejudices and their outlook on society. They were thinking in the same way that I would think if I saw someone behaving and modified as I had been. They now saw me as homosexual. I had no doubts about that. And to a very straight football team, that was a definite non starter.
I was defeated. I was no longer a member of the football team. I was no longer a member of the jock boys. I knew that certain fact without needing to turn back, as I exited the door and entered the bracing evening air. And with a sigh, I started to jog.
Taking one last look behind me at the place where once I was top dog, I saw that Ben had followed me outside and was now standing alone, watching me running away. Briefly, I considered turning around. I considered going telling Ben of what was happening to me. I considered seeking his help. But how could he help me? My family would be killed if he tried, and I had nothing left anymore. I had no possessions and my body had been permanently scarred. I was learning my place and I knew that my destiny was now ruled by Lewis. Ben could not help me any more. I nodded to myself, my mind made up. I turned away from Ben and headed towards my Master. My freedom was over once and for all.
With tears of self pity, I turned my jog into a run and ran into the back streets to find my way home. Running solidly and steadily, I was oblivious to the streets around me, dressed only in flimsy shorts and boots. Running back to my Master and back to a life of slavery, the tears cascading down my cheeks as I sensed that my manhood was over.
It wasn’t long before I reached my apartment block, my skin a block of ice in the cold evening air and yet covered in a sheen of sweat from my run. Keeping to the shadows so as to avoid being seen by my neighbours, I worked my way around to the main entrance and took off my football boots. Slipping inside, I crossed the main entrance hall and moved inside. I clambered up the stairs, pausing only to pass a well dressed couple coming downstairs. Their sneer of contempt and mutterings of disgust seemed nothing compared to my humiliations in the showers.
Finally I sank to the floor in front of my apartment and lay there for a moment in exhaustion, my body slick on the cool marble floor. Slowly, I raised myself up and sat on the floor, resting my head between my knees and running my hands through my stubbled hair as I rested for a few moments. Waited before I had to beg naked for entry to my own apartment.
I considered the day that I had experienced today and how far I had fallen since only this morning. The discovery of my new job ; the loss of my status at work ; the experience of sucking Lewis’s socks whilst naked and erect under my desk ; the humiliation of my obscene costume and demotion in front of my colleagues at work ; meeting Dennis and learning of my fate as his assistant as he shoved cigarette butts up my arse ; the caning from George ; giving all of my clothes away in a near naked dash in the high street ; the mutilation of my body ; the discovery that my slavery was irreversible in Dennis’s flat and finally my acceptance that my days as a football jock were over. How could all of that happen in one day ?
It must have been approaching 10pm and yet still my day was not over. I couldn’t remember a moment when I had not been in some form of slavery today, and even now I could not go into my apartment and relax for an hour. My degradation was not yet over. I looked up and down the corridor and strained my ears for the sounds of any people around. Following my Master’s orders, I pulled off my socks and pulled down my shorts to stand naked in the public corridor. Tired and deflated, I knelt naked at my own apartment door and knocked timidly for the attention of my tormentor, not wishing to attract the attention of any neighbours. I waited for the man who held my life in his hands. I waited for him to open the door.
He kept me waiting there naked for a few minutes before he opened the door. With a satisfied smile, he motioned for me to come inside and I crawled obediently into the apartment, feeling my cock and balls swing between my legs as I crawled silently and thankfully inside.
Master, dressed casually in sports wear, moved into the living area and uncertainly I followed on all fours. He sat down on my comfortable armchair and looked down at me. “You look exhausted. Get a beer from the fridge,” he barked.
Dazed and afraid of his presence, I rose from my knees. “I didn’t say stand,” he snarled and so I crawled naked into the kitchen and brought through the beer. Shaking, I held out the beer to him. “Well open it then,” he stated, not taking his eyes from the football game on TV.
I opened the beer and my mouth drooled at the smell. Without even looking at me, he reached forward and took the beer before sitting back in his chair again. I knelt there naked before him and ached for a taste of his beer, a taste that I knew would never come. And I waited, silently, as he drank his beer and watched the football. Not daring to turn and face the football, I knelt there head down and waited, staring at his bare feet.
Finally, the football finished and Master switched off the TV. At his command, I relayed the events of football practice, pausing only to give extra details where he commanded and to wait whilst he openly laughed at some of my degradations. He snarled his disapproval when I told him that I had not been allowed into the bar after practice and warned me that this would result in punishment tomorrow.
I finished my tale and waited in silence as he finished drinking his beer.
“So do you not want to go to football practice any more boy?” he stated, moving forward in his chair so that his knees came either side of my head and I was only inches from his groin.
Head down I replied, “No Master.” Truthfully. I didn’t want to ever face my team mates again.
He chuckled. “Good job your Master knows you so well boy. I anticipated you would choose not to be jock boy footballer any more. But I want my slave boy to stay fit and retain his body for me. Don’t want my slave getting lazy.”
I looked up at him puzzled. Ruefully I considered that there was very little chance of me ever having a minute to relax if today was anything to go by.
“So I need to find some fitness course for you don’t I slaveboy?”
“Yes Master,” I murmured submissively.
“Glad you agree slave. You see, I have been sorting that out for you this evening. Taking care of my slaveboy’s needs like a true Master should.”
He paused and took my head in his hands, pulling me up so that my eyes looked into his cruel face and I knelt fully up on my knees. “I’ve already enrolled you in response to a request in the local newspaper. Apparently, they have lots of females but were struggling to find men to take part in their group. In fact, you are the only male as it stands.”
I was learning not to try and second guess Master any more, as I knew he was building up to some new degrading activity.
“Don’t know why they don’t get young men doing it. Good for the muscles and excellent exercise I believe. I think it’s just not considered very manly, that’s all.”
He stared into my eyes and drank in my submission to him.
“I’ve ordered you some of the specialist gear from the internet. You start ballet classes next Monday,” he grinned. “And don’t look so crestfallen slaveboy. You’ve got a nice new skintight leotard and some ballet shoes on the way.”
Chapter 19 ( By andy28_rl@yahoo.co.uk )
Master Lewis was watching a football show on TV. Normally, I would have been watching the show myself but I felt my eyes closing and felt no compulsion to watch sport. Somehow, it seemed so irrelevant now: and I had definitely had enough of football for one day. Exhausted, I lay naked on the floor as Master went into the kitchen. I heard the scrape of dishes as if he was cleaning up after a meal and then the shout of “Slave. In here.”
I remained naked on all fours, genitals swinging, as I crawled into the kitchen area and looked up at my Master. He stood in front of the fridge, beer in hand and smirked at my ridiculous appearance, naked on the floor.
“Listen up boy,” he stated, taking a swig of his beer and pausing to sigh in contentment. “As we discussed at Dennis’s place, this apartment will belong to me tomorrow when you sign it over to me. I am just waiting for the papers to come through. Since I am now on a wage that more befits my status, I will be moving into here and selling my own apartment. So this apartment is effectively mine already.”
I hung my head and stared at the kitchen tiles. I had known this was the case and I knew that there was nothing I could do about it. But somehow, kneeling there naked on the floor as he stood there fully dressed, drinking my beer, made it seem so much worse, so much more of a devastating blow to my already shattered ego.
Lewis continued. “And, since you no longer have any income at all and are therefore unable to support yourself, you will be living here as well.”
I considered the thought of living with Lewis, of being available for his use all day every day. Never having a moment to myself, free of his supervision. It seemed a frightening prospect and I was dazed at how it would work.
“Of course, when I say you live here, you will be living in quite a different way to the way that you have lived in the past. I have already had a few adjustments made by one of Dennis’s acquaintances whilst you have been busy parading yourself around town this afternoon. There will be a number of rules that you will need to learn about life as a slave when at home.”
I looked up at him in misery, my eyes reflecting the utter desperation at my situation. He had total power over every moment of my life, every aspect of my existence. I had no clothes any longer, I would soon be signing over all of my belongings. I had nothing that I could call my own apart from my body. And even that now bore the hallmarks of slavery to my Master.
“Anyway, we will talk about the rules when you have finished eating and the football is over. You must be starving slaveboy and I don’t want you starving to death.” I felt my stomach rumble as if on cue and realised that I had not eaten today at all, nor even had a drink. I looked up expectantly at the microwave and wondered what I would be allowed to eat.
Lewis reached behind him on the worktop and moved into the corner of the kitchen near the door. He placed something on the floor and called me over.
I turned the corner of the central kitchen unit, and looked on the floor. Two shiny silver dog bowls were placed on the floor and I moved towards them hesitantly. Surely he would not make me eat like that, from bowls on the floor, like an animal ? One of the bowls contained what looked like water, and the other contained what appeared to be a mixture of leftovers. Some chips, some vegetables, pieces of fat and bone from some meat and some crusts taken from a loaf of bread. I looked at the unappetising mess and looked up at my Master in confusion.
“You will make sure your bowl is licked clean boy. This is a present from your Master. I will be giving you my leftovers every day boy, and you will be thankful for it.”
I looked up at him in disbelief and wrinkled my nose in disgust at the cold leftovers in the bowl. He glared at me and grabbed my neck from behind, pushing me down so that my face was dragged into the cold mess of food. “Ungrateful bastard,” he snarled pushing my head downwards into the food. “I have got some tins of dog food that I can feed you if you think this is not good enough for you slave. You eat what I tell you to eat, and you are thankful for it.” He kicked me square in the balls with a savage blow and I howled in despair, collapsing forward into the food.
I lay there and wiped the food from my face with my hands as he turned to walk away. “Make sure you clean that bowl and use your mouth only slave,” he shouted, burping loudly after taking another swig from his beer. “Come through to me when you have finished.”
And he left me, alone on the floor, to eat the cold leftovers of his meal. It seemed I was not even to be allowed a basic human diet now, eating scraps from a bowl like a dog,
I was ravenous with hunger, but unused to eating cold chips and a mush of vegetables. Several times the texture and taste of the unappetising food made me gag, struggling to swallow the food. And yet I lay there on the floor in misery, my head down in the dog bowl and my exposed arse and genitals up in the air behind me. Finally, I finished and moved my face into the tepid water of the other bowl, drinking some water down.
With a sigh, I rested my head on my bare, shaved arms and closed my eyes. When would this constant treatment as a sub-human end? My so familiar flat was like a torture cell to me, and my day had been one long series of unending humiliation. I roused my head from the floor and wearily turned to pad naked across the kitchen and back into the living room as I heard the last segment of the football programme begin. Maybe he would let me sit with him for ten minutes on the settee?
Lewis turned his head and watched me crawl in front of him. He looked down at me and told me to turn onto my back. I turned over and lay in front of him. Barking commands at me, he made me lie flat on the floor. He looked down at me and told me to turn onto my back. I turned over and lay in front of him, feet near his body and face towards him. Barking commands at me, he made me lie on the floor, my newly shaved legs pointing up into the air, pushed against the settee either side of his legs. I held my breath as he rested his trainers on my shaved cock and balls and lay there silently. His naked footrest as he watched the football, his weight pushing down on my piercing uncomfortably. I held my breath and tried to block out the pain.
I remained like this for ten minutes and then casually, as if this were the most natural thing in the world, he told me to remove his trainers and socks. Still lying on my back, I removed his trainers and moved them to the side, before peeling away his sports socks. Using his bare feet, he pushed my forehead back down again. I lay flat again on the floor and felt the soles of his feet cover my face for a few moments, his toes tapping my forehead. It is extremely humiliating to lie exposed and naked, another man’s feet covering your face. It was soon surpassed however when he pawed at my lip with his foot. Understanding my place, I slowly opened my mouth and accepted his bare feet into my mouth. I followed his instructions as he placed the toes from each foot in my mouth, one by one, sucking them clean and also sucking the dirt from between his toes.
I could no longer be classed as a human being, let alone a man, as I considered the lowly status of someone who licked the dirt from another man’s feet. It made me feel disgusted with my servile behaviour and yet I continued to suck and lick on command as Lewis outlined some of his house rules.
“Remember these rules slaveboy. They will govern every moment when you are at home. You will always be naked in this house. You will always ask permission before eating, drinking, pissing or shitting. You will never stand, and you will always ensure that your head is below the level of my head as your superior. You are forbidden to sit or lie on any furniture at any stage. Your place is on the floor. When not carrying out a specific order from me, you will kneel naked and face that corner, your nose touching the wall and your hands on your stubbled head. You will wait like that until I require you. You will carry out any task quickly, silently and efficiently.”
He smiled down at me, as I struggled to suck both of his big toes in my mouth and grinned. “Tough life slaveboy,” he chuckled and stood up, extricating his toes with a pop from my mouth. “Follow me.”
I could not believe how dismal my life would be, the total lack of any freedom or time spent as a normal man. I crawled after him into the bedroom and at his command I knelt in front of him. From behind him, he produced a metal ring of steel and I gasped as he placed it around my neck and locked it in place with a padlock. I gulped as I realised the tight fitting band made me a collared animal. He chuckled and ran his fingers around the top of my banded neck. “That will remind you of what you are, every minute that you are here. And so will this.”
He held a small padlock in his hand and waved it before me. Little did I realise how that small padlock would enslave me more than any other form of bondage. Following his instructions, I spread my body face up in an X position on the floor and closed my eyes as I felt him grab my penis by its ring. I winced in pain as he pulled down on it sharply and let out an involuntary exclamation as I heard the snick of a lock. He let go and I felt my penis pulled down by its ring, wrapped down under my balls.
“Hope you had a good shag on Saturday night slaveboy. You see your cock belongs to me now, and I don’t think that slaveboys should ever be able to use it for pleasure purposes. So your cock ring has been locked to a small ring that Pierre placed behind your balls. You will not be cumming in future, ever.”
He paused and let the cruel extent of his words sink in to my exhausted brain. “Two little rings will control your whole sex life slave. I know that little boys can’t always be trusted to control themselves. Little boys sometimes get distracted from their work by thinking about other things don’t they? I always have your welfare in mind, and so I don’t want you to get punished for not dedicating every ounce of energy to me. Your mind needs to be focused on me alone.”
He reached down and looped his finger underneath my now imprisoned cock. He pulled upwards gently and I realised that there was no room at all for my cock to move. It was locked in place.
“If I am not careful, my little boy will be playing with his bald little cock at night instead of resting for his work and his worship of his Master the following day. But as I have already told you boy, I control everything. Your days of cumming are over forever. Your little cock is now locked pointing downwards, locked to your balls forever and I can tell you there is no slack.” He pulled harshly on my cock and a bolt of pain shot through my cock causing my hoarse voice to roar in agony.
“Unfortunately for you, that ring means your little cock will not be getting hard again. If it does start to try and point upwards, the pain will be so severe it will soon deflate again. Of course it is never coming off again, so your days of sexual release are over forever boy. Your cock is even more useless now than it has ever been.”
I shook my head in disbelief and stifled a sob. “Your cock belongs to me now boy, and that means it is for my pleasure and not yours. Of course, my pleasure comes from owning it and controlling it. I’ve always felt that little boys should not be allowed to masturbate. It so distracts them from their work, don’t you think?”
He paused and looked into my eyes, no doubt noticing the further sinking of my manhood, the further breaking of my life.
“ I love that look of desperation on your face slaveboy. You will live your life in permanent chastity, desperate for relief but never able to cum again. And the reason ? Simply because it amuses me. You never get to use your little dicklet because I have always thought it would be amusing to take away your every freedom. I hope you had a good wank last week - released some of that sperm - because it was the last one you will ever have. You will have the biggest case of blue balls the world has ever seen.”
He chuckled and grabbed my balls, which were humiliatingly exposed and pushed out to both sides of my cock. They were not resting in the bottom of my scrotum any more: they were now tightly stretched shaved orbs and already sensitive to his touch as he groped them in his hands. “Wahay ! My little slaveboy may have the word OWNED printed down his cock, but he’s also gonna have massive balls filled with cum that can never escape. Billy blue balls !”
He laughed at his humour and squeezed my balls in his hands. “They look good like this, all exposed and on display.” I squirmed uncomfortably.
Although sexual excitement was not uppermost in my mind as I lay broken and defeated on the cold floor, the prospect of no release was bewildering. I was a normal guy: I was used to cumming at least twice a day. I didn’t know what to think. My mind was in turmoil. I wanted to shout and plead and tell him this was so unfair. It was so unfair to not even allow me the most basic relief in my destiny of total slavery. But how could I beg him to cum? Somehow I could not bring myself to beg my tormentor – my former work colleague and subordinate – to allow me the freedom to masturbate. It all seemed so unbelievably wrong, so unbelievably humiliating and degrading. So totally wrong that he now controlled my whole body, and had locked away my cock forever. That my balls were to be visibly displayed, large and full of sperm, but imprisoned and mocking me every minute of every day. I was not even an animal anymore, I was a freakish object denied the most basic of freedoms.
And the smile on my Master’s face told me that he loved every second of my degradation.
“I want to destroy your old life. Destroy everything that made you a man and make you totally dependent on me. A desperate slaveboy who needs his Master for everything. I want you to have only me in your life. As your owner and Master. Everything that happens to you from now on will be my choice. My rules govern your pathetic existence. You will be helpless for every minute of every day. Every day for ever. I want you to crave attention from me because the rest of your life is going to be so miserable and pointless and lonely, alone in your naked slavery and doing your pointless manual tasks for me. Your Master. And I want you to know every minute of every day that you could have been free if you hadn’t been such a cocky arsehole towards me. That your slavery is your own fault and you are destined to regret your actions for the rest of your miserable, naked life.”
I saw a grin of genuine delight. This was his dream. This was why he had enslaved me and gone to such lengths to de-humanise me. His dream was coming true and he was loving it. My life was meaningless to him, I was a mere prop in his fantasy. A prop that was destined for miserable slavery.
He told me to get on all fours again, and I followed him across the room feeling my imprisoned cock and balls now locked to my body, no longer swinging free. We moved towards what had been Anna’s walk-in wardrobe. A small cupboard about the size of a double bed. I noticed that the former cupboard now had a heavy metal door with a heavy latch and padlock at its entrance.
“Welcome to your new bedroom slaveboy!” Lewis grinned, and pulled open the door. The contents of the wardrobe had all gone, even the wallpaper had been stripped and painted white. The room was completely bare, with a bare lightbulb casting a dim light inside and even the carpet removed. The floor was now bare wooden boards, unvarnished and dirty.
He kicked my arse from behind and motioned for me to move into this cell. I moved inside and looked in horror as he picked up a chain that was attached to the rear of the cell. With an inane whistle, he attached my collar to the chain and padlocked me into my prison. I lay there on the floor, chained in place and looked up at him.
He moved out of the cell and looked back at me in triumph. In one day he had managed to take away any pretence that I was a human being any longer, and strip me of any humanity. When I had left for work this morning, I still held out hopes of retaining my life. Now I had been taught that my life was destined only for naked slavery.
“Fuck me this has been worth the wait !” he sneered, looking me up and down with a smile.
“Sleep well pig. Welcome to your new life!” he shouted before slamming shut the door to my cell and locking it.
I lay there for a moment, not quite believing my predicament. I heard the latch put in place across the door, and the padlock locking me into my prison cell before the light switch plunged me into darkness.
And so began my first night as an animal slave , chained naked in my cell.
Chapter 20 ( By andy28_rl@yahoo.co.uk )
It took me a while to believe – lying there naked in chains - that this would be my bedroom from now on, a bare cell with neither blanket nor pillow. I was effectively an animal locked down for the night in naked misery. I lay there in misery and my hand moved down to my cock. I explored with my hands the simple piercings that left my cock chained down to the underside of my balls and whimpered in sheer humiliation and frustration. I realised that my cock was chained tight and there was no way I could wank without permission. It seemed so inhumane to not even allow me the basic use of my cock. How could he do this to me?
Despite my despair, I was exhausted and soon drifted into a deep sleep. When I awoke, I was unaware of the time. My windowless cell remained dark and the only clues that it was morning were the fact that I desperately needed the toilet, and that my chained cock was trying to resist its prison and give me my morning erection. I lay there and winced in pain as my cock pulled in vain against my piercing. I cursed the fact that I was not even allowed an erection and I openly exclaimed in pain as my cock tried to release its bonds. I shuddered as I realised that this desire to erect would become more and more intense as I was denied any release, and no doubt become the worst torture of all. I lay there in my chains, eyes wide awake as I considered the events of yesterday and contemplated my second full day of total slavery.
I was roused from my thoughts by the sound of the lock to my prison cell being opened and the sight of my Master dressed in running gear. He was sweating slightly and I realised he has been for a morning run. He grinned at me, revelling in my chained nakedness on the floor, and began to unlock me. He paused only to sniff in the air and exclaim “You smell like a fucking pig boy.”
I followed him dutifully on all fours, as he moved into the bedroom, pausing to look at the sheets that showed me he had enjoyed a peaceful night in my soft bed as I had lain naked on the floor. He turned to face me and ordered me to make him some coffee and toast from the kitchen, warning me that I was allowed nothing for myself other than a drink of water from my dog bowl.
I crawled out of the bedroom and moved into the kitchen quickly and silently to prepare his breakfast, my stomach rumbling at the smell of coffee and my mouth drooling as I buttered his toast. I could not bring myself to get down onto the floor to drink from my dog bowl, and I felt a wave of resentment that he got to eat normal food whereas I was denied basic food. I moved quickly back into his presence and presented him humbly with his breakfast.
He placed it on the bedside cabinet and looked down at me as I knelt obediently before him naked. He told me quietly that I needed to remember his preferences as he liked routine and order in the morning. Then, placing his trainers on my thighs, he told me to remove his footwear. He stood before me dressed in his running singlet and shorts, before slowly removing his singlet. I looked at his bare upper torso for the first time in my life and immediately noticed his hair. I stared up at his hairy chest and he raised his arms to show me his armpits. “Look at my hairy body boy. Look at it. The body of your Master. That’s it !”
He flexed his muscles before me. Openly flaunting his manly, hairy physique. “I’m the man now. You just know that you’ll never have a hairy chest like this. You’ll never have hairy armpits or hair above your little cock. You’re just a boy now. A pre-pubescent hairless little boy that will never have pubes again.”
“Feel your Masters body slaveboy,” he stated, motioning for me to rise to my feet. I stood naked before him and he grabbed my hands, placing them on his chest. Slowly, nervously, my shaking hands moved over his hairy chest and he thrust it forward, laughing triumphantly at his superiority over me. I felt sick at doing this: as I rubbed his hairy chest mechanically and thought of how much he now controlled me, I wanted to scream in horror at my obvious subjugation to him.
“Now feel your own smooth body, little boy,” he crooned. Instinctively, my hands touched my own chest, now hairless. I pulled down to my crotch and felt my smooth cock and balls in horror at the difference. He laughed openly as the horror registered: he was right. He was now the man in control of my life. I was forever only a boy, His boy.
And yet it still seemed so surreal as I knelt there and watched as he pulled down his shorts and stood naked before me. He pushed me down to my knees again and I stared on a level with his hairy genitals.
“Open your mouth slave, nice and wide” he stated in a matter-of-fact way. “And if you even think of closing it, your balls will wish they had never existed.”
I opened my mouth wide, in full knowledge that his word was law as far as I was concerned. He stood closer in front of me, his legs either side of my torso as I knelt there mouth open, and shuddered at the certainty of some new indignity and humiliation.
“It’s time for me to give you a glimpse of your new life boy. A life where you will serve me in the most demeaning, degrading ways. It is your number one priority now. To serve me. Whenever and however I want.”
He paused and glared down at me. I looked up at his body and felt his utter power over me. “I know you must be thirsty and hungry, so I am going to give you a drink now. A drink that you will have every day from now on. Keep that mouth open wide.”
Realisation dawned as his hands moved down to pull his free cock forwards and aim it towards my mouth. I watched appalled, mouth open, as his cock began to stiffen at the thought of what he intended to do to me.
“Yeah, a free man’s cock aint it boy ? A real man’s cock. It must be weird for you, staring up at my cock like this. You knew me as your subordinate, but now you look at my cock now. Look up at the cock that controls your life whilst your own cock is chained away. But you better get used to it. Its an important part of your world now. Now open wide and receive your drink like a good little boy.”
What could I do ? I looked up expectantly and felt my whole world disintegrate. A spurt of piss shot from his cock, splashing my face and then was aimed directly into my open mouth. Despite my reflex gag, I held it down and gulped down his piss as he used my mouth as a urinal. It seemed to go on forever and my mind tried to blank out what I had become. Its pretty hard to do that when you are staring up at a stream of urine, streaming into your open mouth. The scent of piss filling your nostrils. But of course, he would not let me forget anyway. Kneeling naked and vulnerable as I was, I had no choice. I gulped down the acrid tasting piss: an act that no normal guy would ever do. Was it really only days ago that I was a normal guy leading a successful and busy life ? And now I was a shaved, naked urinal.
The piss flow stopped, and I closed my mouth tasting the disgusting taste of his piss inside my mouth. “Aaaah. That was what I needed. Hope you enjoyed that because its part of your daily routine now. Every day. You have no idea how long I have dreamed of using you as my urinal boy. And now I can do it every day, piss boy.”
He leaned forward over my face and rubbed his cock down from my hair and forehead, down my cheek and over my lips. A dribble of piss rolled into the corner of my eye, stinging me and causing me to blink. I felt his piss enter my eye and wash over my vision. “Now its time to make you my cocksucker. You will lick my cock clean boy. Don’t even think of hurting me or you will be castrated instantly,” he snarled, slapping my bald balls unnecessarily. Slowly, he moved his cock forward so that it rested on my quivering lips. Reluctantly, I opened my mouth and his cock entered inside me for the first time.
For the first time in my life, I tasted cock. My mouth closed around the cock of another man and I gingerly felt its presence between my teeth. Carefully, I sucked his cock clean, drinking down his last dribbles of piss before he replaced it in his jeans. My mind screamed COCKSUCKER. An act I could never take away. I was forever now a cocksucker. Lewis’s cocksucking slave. And I would repeat the act every day. What had last week seemed impossible at football was now reality.
I moved my tongue around my mouth, tasting piss and the dried smegma from his cock. My mind reeled in shock and I started to cry in humiliation.
He sat on the bed and took a long gulp of his coffee. “Get used to it slave. Your life has a new purpose now. To serve me as my property. My naked slave animal. Everything about you will be designed for my benefit and amusement from now on. You get no individuality, no personality, no choice. Nothing. Just here to serve me.”
He rubbed his own cock and tasted his toast as I knelt in shock.
“No individuality. Mind you, I cant think of many guys your age and with your physique who live naked and bald as a living urinal to their Master. Maybe you really are an individual.” He laughed at his own joke, towering above me clothed and free. “Funny how I get to keep my cock hidden away in my daily life. Guess I am a normal guy. And poor slaveboy has his cock on display for most of the day, naked and on display for the world to see.”
He toed my exposed and chained cock with his boots and I felt my cock twitch as I contemplated his words. How could this be true and happening to me ?
“Lick my balls slave,” he stated in a matter-of-fact tone, resting his arms back on the bed and thereby pushing his genitals up and out, his cock pointing upwards in anticipation. Slowly and unwillingly, I moved forward and tried to mechanically block the action out of my mind. I opened my mouth and started to lick my Master’s balls, dragging my tongue across his balls and tasting the sweat from his morning run.
Suddenly, Lewis sighed and stood up. Towering above me naked, his cock erect, I felt more enslaved than ever. He was naked like me, but the contrast between our bodies now marked me as a slave to him. He told me to lie on my back and I quickly complied, wondering what was now to come. Silently, he reached down and grabbed my ankles, pulling them into the air and then pushing them forwards relentlessly, until they rested either side of my head.
My body was on full display, face up, my legs pinned to the floor either side of my face. I grunted in discomfort as Master held my legs pinned down to the floor and I opened my eyes in shock as he whispered “time to fuck your pussy slaveboy.”
“No, no,” I screamed. “No, you cant do that to me Lewis. Please. Please don’t fuck me. Please, I am a man. Please. I beg you.”
He laughed aloud and I felt the sickening touch of his erect cock slide between my arse cheeks. I closed my eyes and my lips silently begged for release from my impending fucking. “Please no, please …” I murmured, whimpering in fear and distress.
I held my breath as I felt his cock touch my hole, and with one manly grunt and a triumphal cry of “Oh yes!” I grunted as I felt his cock enter inside me and conquer any remnants of my manhood. He lay there in triumph for a few moments, savouring the degradation on my face. And then he whispered “Open your eyes boy.”
I opened my eyes and looked up at the sneer on his face, my cheeks burning in shame as I contemplated that his cock was inside me and I was his bitch. “Keep your eyes looking at me bitch as I fuck you, or I will give your balls a caning they wont forget. I want you to look into my eyes as I fuck your pussy.”
I stared into his eyes as I felt his cock begin to piston in and out of my arse, an indescribably humiliating wave of pain and pleasure convulsing through my contorted body as I accepted his fucking. I felt another man fucking inside me and I felt my manhood disappear forever. I was being fucked up my arse like a woman or a queer and I was lying there accepting it, staring my Master in the face as he used me.
I lay there and listened to the sound of his cock slapping against my body, feeling the warmth and the sweat of his loins as he pushed in and out of my hole. I felt the power of his thrust power up my arse, reducing me to a bumboy, a bitch. I finally wiped away my tears as he shouted “Fuck you bitch” and I felt his cum wash inside my arse. I was his cum receptacle and I lay there, slowly lowering my sore legs as he pulled out. He stood above me and told me to kneel. Feeling my legs quivering, I knelt before him and felt my arsehole squelch as some of my Master’s cum leaked out of my hole and onto the carpet.
I hung my head in shame, and felt the bile in my throat rise at the feelings of utter despondency. I had been fucked. I could never be a straight man again. I shook in shock as he casually wiped his cock clean on my stubbly head and chuckled.
“Hope you enjoyed it fuckboy. Your fuck holes are going to get an awful lot of use in your new lifestyle.”
I knelt there in misery, the cum dribbling steadily onto the floor beneath me from my abused arse as he grabbed a towel and moved towards the bathroom.
“Will be nice to fuck my bitch every morning before work,” he laughed as he passed me. “I knelt there in misery, the cum dribbling steadily onto the floor beneath me from my abused arse as he grabbed a towel and moved towards the bathroom.
“At least you will be able to tell your boss you are getting regular sex when you present yourself this morning, eh bitch?”
“Yes Master,” I whispered, wondering how I could run to work with my abused hole aching and my legs quivering after my pounding. I was nothing but an abused bitch, and I could never deny it again. In the time usually reserved for breakfast, I had this morning drank his piss, sucked his cock and then been fucked.
I was a total bitch.
Chapter 21 ( By andy28_rl@yahoo.co.uk )
I knelt there miserably on all fours in my former bedroom, experiencing the shame of Master’s cum dribbling slowly from my recently fucked arse as he showered. I closed my eyes and panted, not quite believing that I had just been fucked by another man. I continued to kneel as he re-entered and dried himself, informing me that tomorrow I would be washing and drying his body for him but that he was being kind today as I had experienced my first use as his bitch boy.
Finally, he told me to stand and I looked at him, fully dressed in his suit as he tied his expensive shoes. I felt the massive difference as I knelt there naked before him, and realised I no longer had any real clothing. It seemed increasingly unlikely I would ever experience life in a suit again.
He told me that my item of clothing, my only item of clothing, was in the broom cupboard and I should go and put it on. I did so, silently and obediently, pulling the obscenely tight and cheap fabric over my abused body before I reported to him. Barefoot, with my genitals outlined starkly and uncomfortably clamped in chastity inside the slave suit, I stood before my expensively dressed Master.
“You start work in fifteen minutes slave, better not keep Master Dennis waiting.” I sighed and turned to leave, knowing it would take me over ten minutes if I ran hard the whole way. I was beginning to accept that as a slave, I ran everywhere. I looked down at myself and shivered at the certain prospect that I would soon be in the street again dressed like this. Master Lewis told me that I was no longer allowed a key to my former apartment, as animals did not carry their own key. He told me that if I returned, I should strip, kneel and knock. If he was not at home, I would wait in my slave suit, sitting silently outside the front door for my Master’s return. I pointed out the tight metal collar locked with a small padlock around my neck and begged Lewis to remove it, but he laughed aloud and told me that it was a visible sign of my slavery and it would not be removed.
Dejectedly, I left my apartment block, wearing only my slave suit and the signs of my slavery around my neck and my cock. Alone in my misery, I did not register the shadowy figure watching me from his car. As I pounded barefoot through the streets of the city centre, desperate to get to work before Dennis had cause to punish me, I did not notice the car following me from a discrete distance. As I entered the side trade entrance to my work building – so distinct from the former executive entrance that I was used to entering – I turned to register the car speeding away along the street, but did not understand its significance.
Quickly, panting in exhaustion, I descended into the basement. On entering the damp basement, I looked quickly around and saw no evidence of Dennis. With a sigh of relief, I peeled off my slave suit and threw it over a barrel to one side of the room. Humbly, I knelt naked on the cold concrete floor and awaited my superior black Master’s arrival.
After a while of kneeling naked, I heard the door behind me swing open and the deep, low chuckle of Dennis signalled his arrival. I heard him fumbling around behind me and felt myself shaking in anticipation of what he would do to me. Finally, he came into my vision and settled himself in front of me on a chair.
“Getting used to slavery boy? I like your slave collar,” he intoned, running his fingers across the tight band around my throat. “My, how the mighty have fallen.”
He laughed aloud, before lighting a cigarette and leaning back in his seat, taking a deep inhalation of his cigarette. He stared at me and I squirmed in discomfort as my knees felt the cold concrete beneath me. He knelt forward, moving his attention to my clamped cock, chained to the underside of my balls. He ran his fingers down the tattooed length of my cock and I closed my eyes as he scratched the sensitive head of my imprisoned cock.
“I am going to enjoy breaking you boy. Breaking you from your image of yourself as a straight jock boy to a total slave.” He paused and let his words sink in, as I knelt naked before him. “Open your mouth slaveboy, nice and wide.”
I opened my mouth and looked in horror as he moved towards me. Casually, he flicked the ash from his cigarette end into my open mouth and sat back in his seat again. He did not speak, he simply stared at me. He sat in comfort and stared at my naked form kneeling at his feet. For ten minutes I knelt there and experienced what it was like to be his ashtray, mouth open and waiting for him to deposit his ash in my mouth. He did not even speak to me, making me feel even more of an object rather than a man.
Finally, he signalled that he had finished his cigarette by stubbing it out calmly on my tongue, looking into my eyes as he did so in a silent dare to challenge his authority. Submissively, I accepted my place, wincing in discomfort at the burning sensation and then feeling the slime of the ash as it coated the inside of my open throat.
He smiled smugly at his complete power over me before stating “Must be hard to swallow all that ash ashtray. Let me give you something to coat it with.” I knelt there and watched as he hawked up phlegm and spit from the back of his own throat, leaning over me and drooling the slime into my open mouth. I felt a compulsion to heave with this disgusting act, a total submission, but knew better than to disappoint him: I was terrified of what Dennis could do following the revelations of my total slavery to him yesterday.
With a smile, he told me to close my mouth and hold out my hands. I closed my mouth and gulped down the acrid taste of Master Dennis’s ash and phlegm, then gingerly raised my hands before me. I looked down at my hands as the cigarette butt was placed in my palms.
“Whenever I reward you with my cigarette butt boy, you are to immediately thank me and place it where it belongs boy.”
I felt the sting of humiliation flutter across my chest and the corners of my eyes as I looked up at him and stammered “Yes Master, thank You for the cigarette butt Master.” With shaking hands, I reached behind me and pushed the cigarette butt inside my arse until I felt it slide inside of me. And then, submissively, I turned around and presented my arse to my Master on his command, feeling his fingers probe the inside of my sphincter to feel the butt inside me. On command, I returned to a kneeling position and licked his fingers clean, tasting the mustiness of my own arse and the remnants of Master Lewis’s cum.
“Now I have a special job for you today boy. I am taking some important deliveries today at regular intervals and my associates will be in and out of the place all day, so I don’t want you in the way. You will serve in another way. Follow me.”
I followed him as he crossed the basement area and we came to a door. Taking a key from his pocket, he unlocked the padlocked door and opened it wide. Inside was a bare brick storeroom the size of a toilet cubicle, completely empty with a stone floor. I was sure that it had been intended as a store cupboard, but it would be my cell for the rest of the day. He motioned for me to move into the cell and turned me around so that I faced the door. Taking something from his pocket, he grabbed my collar and pushed me against the back wall. I heard the click of a lock. He then reached behind for another padlock and squatted down on the floor. Grabbing the ring underneath my balls, I felt it pull down as another padlock was added to it and watched as he clipped the padlock to a piece of chain. Pulling the chain tight in both directions, he locked it to hooks on the wall on both sides of the cell.
I could do nothing but squat. My chained balls prevented me from standing and my chained collar prevented me from sitting. So I squatted there in confusion, legs spread wide and fully exposed.
He reached into his rear pocket and pulled out an object. He moved towards me and opened my mouth with his fingers. Silently, he pushed something into my mouth and buckled the harness in place behind my head before another click informed me that it was locked in place. I quickly realised that I had a metal ring inside my mouth and closing it was now impossible. My mouth was forced wide open in a large O shape. Dennis stood before me and smiled. “Urinal service is an important skill for you to perfect boy,” he stated calmly. “When a man comes in here to use you, you will present your urinal mouth and accept his piss with silent submission. You will look into his eyes at all times as he pisses into and over you slaveboy. Do you understand me urinal boy?”
I nodded and grunted, picturing the mental image of myself as I knelt here like this as a perfect urinal for men to use. I would not even spend the day as a man but rather an object, a receptacle for the piss of other men.
“Better get you started then boy,” he grinned as he sensed my degradation and shame at my totally exposed and ridiculous appearance as a squatting urinal boy. Slowly and deliberately, he opened his fly and pulled out his long black cock. He paused and looked me in the eye and I understood my position. Shaken and demoralised, I looked up into his eyes and felt my total submissiveness, vulnerability and exposure.
I jumped back startled as the piss hit me in the face, and then shocked as his aim entered the O of my mouth. I felt my mouth fill with his piss. I could feel my mouth filling, and the sound of water gargling inside the cavity of my mouth. I held the piss there in my mouth, as he aimed out again and down the front of my chest and stomach, down over my genitals, leaving me drenched in piss.
Finally he finished and I squatted there in abject misery, sensing the ridiculous nature of my position as human urinal. I knelt there as he wiped his cock on my hair stubble, concentrating on holding the piss in my mouth.
“Swallow it piss boy. Anything placed in your mouth will be swallowed slave,” he growled. Sobbing in fear and desperation, I lowered my tongue and heaved as I felt the piss trickle down my throat. Sensing the need to get it over with, I lowered my tongue and gulped down the warm piss in one large gulp.
He chuckled and laughed aloud, before turning his back and closing the door as he left me in pitch darkness. And so I squatted in the darkness, feeling the piss drip down my body and form a puddle underneath me. Tasting the piss in the back of my throat as I squatted in the darkness and contemplated the depths of my humiliation, now reduced to a mere object.
I remained there squatting for a while, hearing sounds outside as vehicles came and went, and the sounds of men talking and laughing. I squatted in misery, my calves burning and my mouth aching. Suddenly, I heard the sound of voices moving towards me and, with a sickening feeling, watched the door to my cell fling open. Dennis stood before me, and behind him stood two other heavily set males. Dennis ignored my presence and continued his conversation with his companions as he unzipped his fly and pulled out his cock. I looked up into his eyes as he stared straight ahead at the wall and casually filled my mouth with piss before pissing down over my naked body. With a shake, he put his cock away and moved out of the cell without any acknowledgement as I gulped down his piss. I felt like a complete object, not even treated as alive, just pissed over then left. And my heart sank as the second and then the third man entered my stall and pissed over me without any form of acknowledgement at all.
The door closed and my head sank onto my chest, as low as the chain would allow it. I felt the tears streaming down my face as I realised what I had become, my depilated body covered in a sheen of piss.
It was an hour or so before Dennis returned, this time alone. Again, he pissed over me without acknowledgement but this time, before he left, he balanced four cigarette butts on my squatting thighs before turning and leaving.
I could feel the anger inside me rise as he left without acknowledging me again and I almost threw the butts across the cell. But what good would it do ? I could not deny my place and my total submission. And so, defeated, I took the butts one at a time, and pushed them up my arse. The coating of cum no doubt helped their slide further up my abused arse.
The rest of the day continued like this, with Dennis using me on many occasions as his urinal. Over the course of the day, three more men used me silently. Only one looked down at me with some form of pity, seeming to understand the depths of my despair with a hint of sympathy in his eyes. Nevertheless, he still pissed over me and left without a word. Four more cigarette butts were crammed up my arsehole before late afternoon arrived and by this time, my legs were shaking in the strain of my enforced squatting and my jaws were numb with their exertion of holding my mouth wide open.
I stank like a toilet and my mouth tasted foul, coated in urine. I had pissed myself as well, adding to the large puddle at my feet, and my body was a stinking sticky mess of dried piss coating me all over. My bare feet were resting in a puddle of piss and I shook with a mixture of cold and humiliation.
It was reaching the point when I did not know how much longer I could hold this position when I heard a shout across the basement floor, only yards from where I squatted.
“Anyone about?” it shouted. I froze in amazement, in terror and shock. “Hello. Is anyone here?” shouted the unmistakeable voice of Ben, my best mate.
I squatted there in naked despair and my head was spinning. I wanted to scream to Ben to get out of here, to not put himself at risk like this. Dennis’s voice shouted from the distance and I held my breath as he came closer to Ben’s voice.
“What can I do for you sir?” asked Dennis, in a submissive and quiet voice that was very different from the cocky control that he held over me.
“Yeah just wondering if you can help me. My mate Gary Walker used to work in the offices here and something has happened to him. I’ve been up to his office, but the workers up there say he has been moved down into maintenance. That can’t be the case. Gary’s one of the firms top people. But this is the only maintenance place I can find, and it took me a while to get down here. Do you know anything about it?”
“No Sir. No Gary down here Sir. Never heard of him Sir,” Dennis replied, a hint of uncertainty in his voice that I wondered if Ben would pick up on.
“Well I’ve looked everywhere else in the building and he definitely came into this building this morning. I followed him. He was wearing some strange maintenance type overall thing and he didn’t even have any shoes on. Something weird is going on.”
There was a pause and then a muffled cry of exclamation. “That’s it,” cried Ben. “That’s the thing he was wearing there.” He had obviously spotted my slave tunic, draped over the barrel at the side of the basement. My heart pounded in my chest as a glimpse of freedom shot across my brain. Could this be the moment I had begun to believe would never happen ? I held my breath in anticipation.
“Come on man. There is some weird shit going on here. Tell me what is going on or I go to the fucking police.”
Another pause, and then Dennis’s voice. “Oh! I know who you mean. I didn’t realise his name was Gary. You must be talking about the new plumber guy. He’s in that room over there.”
Time seemed to stand still as I heard the sound of footsteps approaching my cell. I watched in slow motion as the handle turned and the door opened. I looked up at Ben and watched the shock register on his face as he saw me squatting there, drenched in piss.
And then I shouted a guttural scream through my gag as I watched Dennis raise the spanner behind his back and crack down hard on the back of Ben’s head. My best mate, my saviour, slumped to the ground at my feet, his cheek resting in the puddle of piss.
Chapter 22 ( By andy28_rl@yahoo.co.uk )
Moaning into my gag and crying with fear at Ben’s treatment, I strained against my bonds to try and help him. However, I remained mute and useless in my chains, squatting there naked with Ben at my feet. Straining my neck down as far as the padlocked collar would allow, I could see that his face lay sidewards on the cold concrete and his open mouth lay in the middle of the piss puddle, piss seeping inside his lips.
Dennis looked down at him and then at me. He shook his head and laughed. “Remember that escape from slavery will never be an option for you boy. Get it out of your head. We cant afford for that to happen now. No one is coming to rescue you ever. We have just got to decide what we will do with your boyfriend here.”
I felt the fire flash across my eyes and stomach as I tried to lurch free of the wall towards him. Ben and myself were mates, great mates, not queers. We were football buddies, hetero guys who didn’t even think of queer stuff. I tried to form the words “Let him go” through my O ring gag, but no intelligible reply came out of my mouth and Dennis sneered at me, before closing the door, padlocking it and leaving us both in darkness.
I shuffled uncomfortably, terrified at Ben’s condition. He had come here to try and help me. He had obviously realised that something was terribly wrong with the way I had been behaving. He was bound to realise that. We were like brothers. I didn’t even know if he was alive as he lay there in the dark and I listened breathlessly for any sounds of him moving. Outside the door, I could hear the sound of Dennis talking across the room and I realised the certain understanding that I was completely controlled and helpless, at the mercy of my captors, not even able to help my mate who lay at my feet. I squatted in misery.
Suddenly I heard a groan from the floor and the sound of movement as Ben’s body moved slightly and my heart leapt in the knowledge that he was ok. I could see in the dim light that he had raised his head above the floor and the piss, and was shaking it in dazed confusion.
“What the fuck …..” he began groggily, his head only inches from my imprisoned naked cock and his body lying between my outstretched knees. I moaned incoherently into my gag and his brain must have remembered the last thing he saw before he was knocked out. The sight of me naked, collared, chained to the wall, drenched in piss.
Shakily, he sat up and faced me, trying to make out my features in the dark. He pushed his hand forward and made contact with my knee. I felt him spitting, and expelling the piss from his mouth. It no doubt disgusted him as it much as it did me, even though I had been drinking piss all day as a human urinal. I felt his hand brush against my shaved leg and he retracted it quickly, not wishing to act in an unseemly manner. After all that I had been through, the mistreatment and the total disregard for me as a human being, I wanted him to hold me. To tell me that everything would be ok. But instead he rose to his feet and moved uncertainly towards the door. His movement was shaky and his breath ragged after the shock of his head blow. But he tried the door and discovered he was imprisoned in the stinking cell with me. He slumped down, back to the door, and I saw him hold his sore head in his hands.
I could not reply, could not move. Chained in place as a human urinal. I had been forced to come to accept what was happening to me, my mind becoming accustomed to ritual humiliation and abuse. But now I felt a new wave of shame as I thought of my mate only yards away.
It must have been ten minutes that we waited. Then suddenly, the sound of a padlock unlocking the door broke the tense silence. Light flooded the cell as the door opened and Ben fell slightly backwards. I could see immediately that he was in no fit state to fight, his hair matted heavily in piss and his eyes wide with fright and anguish and shock, but nevertheless he was instantly booted in the stomach by one of the blacks who stood before me. He curled up in a foetal position and groaned in agony as they rendered him even more unable to resist. I watched as his arms were picked up by Dennis’s goons, and he was dragged across the stone floor. When they had him in the centre of the floor, they dropped him face down on the concrete, pulling off his shoes, socks and ripping off his t-shirt so that he lay there dressed only in his jeans. Then pinning him down on the floor they cuffed his hands behind his back and taped his legs together with black masking tape. Finally, they wrapped the tape around his mouth and lifted him off the ground. I watched as he was carried in bondage across to a car, and unceremoniously dumped in the boot. They closed down the boot and crossed the floor to pick up the remnants of Ben’s clothing. Suddenly it was as if he had not been there, and he seemed further away than ever when I heard the car engine start and watched the car driven out of the basement area and away.
I squatted there stunned. What were they going to do to Ben ? I could not even sag in despair, chained as I was. But I felt the total captivity, vulnerability and despondency of a helpless slave. Dennis’s shadow fell across the door of my cell and stared at my tear-stained cheeks and the quivering mess of flesh that was my naked body. Wordlessly, he moved towards me and unlocked both my genitals and neck from their uncomfortable positions. My muscles shook in relief from the strain as I collapsed onto my knees on the piss soaked concrete at his feet.
“We need to get you out of the way boy whilst we sort out your boyfriend,” he intoned, rubbing his hand across the back of my bowed head. “So you will be going into storage for a while.”
He looped his fingers into the chain link at the back of my collar and pulled me up, and I wobbled uncertainly on my tired legs before following him naked out into the basement area.
He used his keys to remove my metal collar and also, to my surprise, he removed my genital chain so that my cock was free of its bondage. He then pointed to the floor and I saw what appeared to be some sort of wetsuit. “Put it on,” he snarled.
Obediently, I started to pull the tight rubber over my feet and legs and pulled it upwards over my knees and thighs. I quickly realised that this was not a wetsuit but some form of rubber body suit. My feet were encased in a single piece of rubber and my legs were sealed together. Still I pulled up and felt my arse encased in tight rubber. To my surprise there was a hole where the crotch would be and as I pulled my arms into their rubber sleeves and pulled the rubber body suit up over my torso, I realised that both my genitals and my abs would be bare. Finally I pulled the suit on fully and stood there in bondage as Master Dennis padlocked the suit in place at the front of my neck. Rubber encased me tightly all over and I felt completely restricted. Without a word, he produced a length of thin chain and attached it to the padlock at my neck. The other end was attached to my cock ring and I looked down at my cock, pulled upwards over my chiselled abs by the tight chain. Already I felt encased and trapped, but Dennis was nowhere near finished. Pulling my arms behind me, he strapped them together behind my back. Then he attached further straps around my ankles and knees, binding them tightly together. He stood before me and took my exposed balls into his hands. With a chuckle, he produced something from his pocket and I held my breath as I felt him wrap something around the base of my cock tightly, pulling my balls down uncomfortably into the base of my scrotum and leaving them uncomfortable and tender to the touch.
I wondered what on earth was happening to me, and watched as he carried a heavy circular weight across the floor towards me. Still wordlessly, he clipped the weight onto a ring at the tips of my bound toes and I wondered why he was weighing down my feet.
I stood there confused and Dennis went out of my sight. Then suddenly, he came behind me and I felt something pulled over my head. It was some sort of rubber hood and he fastened it over my head so that only my mouth was free. My eyes were encased in rubber. Finally, I lifted my chin as Dennis attached a long leather collar around my neck, forcing my head into an upwards tilt.
I heard the sound of a winch above my head and something heavy pulled down onto the top of my encased head. I felt Dennis snap what appeared to be a chain to either side of my head, where circular pieces of metal were embedded into my rubber hood. Then, with the sound of machinery, I gasped as I felt myself pulled upwards into the air.
I was suspended and totally immobile in mid air, my feet pulled downwards by the weight underneath them and my whole body bound so that I could not move as my feet pulled me straight down. I hung there in the air and felt Dennis as he rubbed his hands over my bound body.
“Nearly there slaveboy. I want you completely out of the way as I will be leaving to sort out your boyfriend. I wont be back for until Wednesday morning, so I need to put you somewhere for …..” he paused “will be about 36 hours.”
Suddenly, I felt Dennis’s hands at my lips, and he pried my lips apart. I pulled back in shock as something entered my mouth, and my lips and gums clamped around what felt like a diving bit similar to those used in snorkels or diving equipment.
“Underneath you is a tank of lukewarm water slaveboy, embedded in the floor of the basement. It has a simple manhole cover that is one of several lids to tanks. They are storage tanks for different parts of the building’s central heating. This manhole cover is on the basement floor normally, but it is currently above your head. The chain over your head is attached to the bottom of the manhole cover.”
He paused as I contemplated with horror what would be happening to me. “This little water tank will be your home for the next 36 hours, locked away in dark suspension in the floor of the basement. You will be suspended underwater like this for the next 36 hours and no one will ever know you are here. The tube in your mouth is attached to a hole in the manhole cover and it is obviously your only access to breathing, and the outside world. Hope no one blocks the little hole, but chances of that are very slim. I have locked your mouth in place boy, so it wont be coming out.”
My mind swirled at the thought of what was about to happen and yet I was once again completely powerless.
“Have a good rest slaveboy and you had better hope nothing happens to me. Otherwise, it will be a long, long time before anyone finds you locked away in that small tank.”
With the sound of machinery, I felt myself begin to lower and then the feeling of water around my encased legs as I was lowered into the tank. I felt my exposed cock and abs cover in water and finally felt the water lap around my neck. As the water covered the top of my head, I heard the cover slam into place above me and I hung in suspension inside the water tank. I could not move. I could neither hear, see nor feel anything. I whimpered in fear at the realisation that this would be my existence until Dennis decided to release me. Completely powerless. Total isolation and bondage. I felt the vibration of a car passing over me, and then total silence and stillness. I was alone, divorced from the rest of the world, only my cock exposed in the imprisoning water of my isolation tank.
Chapter 23 ( By andy28_rl@yahoo.co.uk )
Words cannot begin to describe what it feels like to be entombed in a watery grave where you are unable to move at all, your feet weighted down and your head suspended by an invisible chain above you. Only my cock and balls floated free in the water tank, jutting out free from bondage for the first time in days, and yet I was of course unable to give myself any form of release alone in the dark.
The temperature of the water was just warm enough not to make me freeze but cold enough to make my time uncomfortable. And the sole focus of my attention rested on breathing into my mouth tube, conscious of the fact that my life depended on maintaining the mouth tube and its source of air. If the mouth tube had come free, I would have been helpless to regain it, my hands bound in their rubber prison.
I closed my eyes to rest and I believe that I did gain some sort of restless sleep - if that is what it could be called - but my mind was in turmoil, terrified at Dennis’s words. If anything happened to him, or he decided I was not worth the trouble, I would die here alone in this coffin of water. All it would take is for someone to park over my tiny airhole, above me in the cellar floor, and my life would be snuffed out. That was how cheap my precious life was to my captors. I felt sick with fear and also a sense of deep resentment and anger that they could so readily treat me like this. Like some lower form of life to be thrown into endless bondage and imprisonment until they had dealt with more important matters. I was no longer a human being in their eyes, I was an object for them to use and abuse as much as they wished. A piece of flesh for their amusement and torture.
I thought about Ben. Was he destined for the same fate as me ? Would he be tortured ? Even killed ? I mulled through the possibilities and could only conclude that they could not let him go. Not knowing what he had seen. If they could enslave me so completely, then surely Ben would follow me. Would I see him again ? All of these questions were completely out of my control of course. They would do with Ben as they wished: they would control his life with the same callous disregard for humanity that they showed when enslaving me. As I struggled in complete bondage, alone in my underwater cell, I accepted that my life was completely at their mercy. There was no way out for me from eternal slavery.
I don’t know how long I was in the tank, helplessly entombed. But as I floated, eyes closed, in the endless darkness I became aware of the vibrations of movement above me in the free world. Suddenly, with a jolt, I felt myself being pulled upwards and my mind both rejoiced in being allowed back into the world, but also sank at the certain knowledge that my humiliation and slavery would soon continue.
I was manipulated into a position where I could stand again, and as I tried to rest my weight on my legs, I felt my legs begin to collapse under me. My head was unchained from above and I fell forwards into a crumpled heat on the floor. A combination of tiredness, the relief from mental anguish and the restriction of any muscle use over my time in the tank meant I was physically unable to stand, and I heaved a silent sigh of relief on the floor. I still could see nothing, my head encased in its hood, but I suddenly made out the sounds of several people around me as I lay there helplessly. I listened to the sound of the manhole cover as it was placed back over the water tank, and then listened to the garbled laughter of men around me as my ears adjusted to the change in pressure.
Suddenly, I felt myself being lifted into a standing position with men either side of me and I stood shakily on my uncertain legs as my bonds were removed and pulled down to reveal my naked body again. Before my eyes were allowed to see again, I felt my cock being pulled down and chained back underneath my balls again and then felt the pull on my hood as it was lifted off over my head to leave me standing naked.
The basement was not well lit, but my eyes were blinded from the light as they adjusted to once more being able to see. I blinked and squinted as the hazy shapes before me began to focus, and realised that I was being held upright by two of Dennis’s goons. Sat in front of me was Dennis and another guy. I thought it was initially Lewis, but as my eyes focused, I realised it was ….. James ? No, it couldn’t be James.
James, my former team mate. My former drinking buddy. And here he was, sat drinking a beer with Dennis as I stood before them naked. James had witnessed my total subjugation and helplessness as I had exited the tank and now he sat with Dennis, my tormentor. My eyes swam in and out of focus and my mind was not working correctly, but it was definitely him. I felt mortified and confused as I stared at James, my mind in turmoil and my mouth unable to move from exhaustion.
“Look at the fucking state of him. Like I told you, he’s completely fucked,” I heard Dennis chuckle. “He doesn’t even know what day it is, he is controlled so completely. He is completely broken now. Must be hard to recognise your all-conquering captain eh?”
“Well I cant say I miss him,” James retorted. “As I said to Lewis last week, fucking him over would help me and it has done. I’m the new captain already: the guys know this heap of shit aint coming back.”
My ears pricked up and I looked up at him. Our eyes met and I felt the vestiges of my manhood flare up inside me, what little remained of my dignity. “You knew about this? You helped with this?” I spat at James, trying to wrestle my arms free from the two burly guards who held me upright and naked, to no avail.
“You helped to enslave me James?” I cried, my voice breaking in anguish. “No, no, no …….. We were supposed to be fucking buddies James. Team mates. Drinking mates. You were supposed to be my mate. And you sold me into a life of slavery just so you could become captain.”
I wailed a cry of anguish from inside my soul and slumped onto my knees on the floor. “Fuck you James,” I screamed. “How could you do this to me? I am a young man like you, and you have destroyed my life. You have destroyed my future. You have made me a slave.”
James stood up and nodded at the two goons, who pulled me to my feet so that I stood naked before him. He stood before me and stared into my eyes, and I felt his hand run down my shaved chest and abs, down to my balls. Silently, he ran his finger down the shaft of my cock and weighed my balls in his hand. “You fucked yourself slave boy. No longer the arrogant prick any more are you, super captain ? No longer the love machine pretty boy hunk are you? Look pretty fucking different now slave boy. As you should be. Pretty fucked now. And I love to see you this way, no longer a man. Naked and fucked.” As he shouted the words “naked” and “fucked” he punched me hard in the stomach, and I groaned in despair, pinned back my arms.
The goons dropped me and I fell to the floor, as James kicked me mercilessly several times over my crumpled body. I heaved sobs of utter despair and self-pity, as I thought that even my former drinking buddy had been compliant in my enslavement. I could not comprehend how anyone could do this to me, let alone someone who I counted on as a friend. I thought of my shame when James had seen me practically naked on the high street, and when he had encouraged laughter towards me in the showers at football practice. And all the time he had known what had happened to me. All the time, he had been involved in my enslavement.
I shook myself out of my despair at the sound of Dennis’s voice. “Enough crying slave,” he boomed. “Unless you want another 48 hours in the tank.” I stifled my sob and shook my head. I could not believe I had spent two days in the water tank, and I knew with certainty that Dennis would not hesitate to place me back in there.
“Kneel up slave,” he stated. And with exhausted limbs, I knelt up and faced the seated Dennis and the smiling James. I gritted my teeth in defiance, desperate to salvage some pride before my captors, the difference between these free men and my total helplessness and slavery so apparent as I knelt there.
Dennis turned to James and grinned. “You’ll like this,” he grinned before turning to me. “There are nine cigarette butts that you have been keeping for me boy,” Dennis growled. “Line them up on the floor so we can see them.”
I closed my eyes in anguish and shuddered at the utter degradation and humiliation that now ruled my existence. I had no choice but to obey, my aching body desperate for some relief from my endless service and abuse. With silent desperation, I spread my legs and bent forward, resting my face on the cold concrete as I reached behind me. To the sound of chuckling and open laughter from my unremitting tormentors, I dug my finger into my arsehole and began to fish out the cigarette butts that had been crammed inside for three days. They came out easily enough, crammed in tightly as they were.
Despite all of my humiliation, my cheeks still burned with humiliation as I lined up the nine butts on the floor before the two free men seated before me. And as Dennis commanded me to eat them, I bowed my head in total submission as I silently chewed on the slimy butts until all nine had been consumed.
James stood up and towered above me as I knelt there in abject misery. “I do miss our drinking games slave boy,” he snarled. “Let’s have one more for old times’ sake eh ? Open your mouth slave boy so the new team captain can give you a thank you drink.”
I opened my mouth and closed my eyes in submission, as I heard James unzip his trousers. Conscious of my commands from Dennis, I gulped down all of James’s piss, as he used my mouth as his urinal. I closed my eyes and tried to prevent the silent tears coursing down my enslaved face as he wiped his cock on my forehead.
I knelt there, head bowed, as James sat down again.
“So – just to make sure then – lets clarify the situation,” I heard Dennis say, turning to James.
“We need to make sure that no suspicion is aroused from two of your team mates suddenly disappearing. You need to be smart there James. The other one wont be seen in public any more, but you can make it be known that he has gone away to sort his head out after gay boy here has revealed his new life. Make sure all the team know about your former captain’s decision to start his new gay lifestyle. That way there wont be any worry about why he has suddenly left his football behind, and why Benny boy has disappeared.”
I wanted to shout out, to curse them for their destruction of my life. But it would serve no purpose.
“Yeah, will be easy. The guys all have heard about his exploits now. They are all surprised but they have moved on. He can live his new life as a bitch without any problems now. Though I must admit I would like to see his meeting with his family tomorrow,” James laughed.
I looked up in confusion. Dennis glared at me and grinned a sadistic smile. “Yes that’s right boy, your Master Lewis is taking you to see your family tomorrow. We need to make sure we cover our tracks since your heroic buddy Ben got involved, don’t we? So they can see what a fucked up piece of shit you are. Don’t want them worrying about what has happened to you. Want them to see how you are a fucked up piece of man flesh now don’t we?”
How could my family see me like this? How could I pretend to be a normal guy now?
“Anyway, I want to claim my prize before I go,” I heard James say, rising to his feet. He came over towards me and grabbed me by my metal collar. I followed him across the floor, dragged by my collar, and winced as he pushed me down on my stomach over a workbench, my upper body spread over the dirty surface. With a kick he spread my legs and I heard with horror the sound of his belt undoing and his trousers being pulled down.
“Better wear a rubber James,” I heard Dennis shout as he passed by. “Lewis wants to start fucking him soon, and he wants him kept disease free.”
I held my breath in anticipation, waiting for the imminent invasion of my arse by my former mate. I had no doubt that any return to friendship or normality was impossible. I had no dignity left.
Chapter 24 ( By andy28_rl@yahoo.co.uk )
After my former friend James had fucked me hard and unrelentingly for over an hour, I had no energy left. I could barely stand after he pulled out and wiped his cock over my abused arse. I crumbled to my knees and felt the cum drip from my violated arse. I looked up at my former friend with tears in my eyes, my subjugation complete and a deep understanding implicit between us that he had destroyed my manhood forever. I returned back to Master Lewis’s apartment – my own former apartment – tied naked to the floor of Master Dennis’s transit van. Although the journey was short I saw none of it, collapsing instead in an exhausted sleep on the cold floor of the van. My legs quivering in exhaustion tied in the air above me via a short chain to my balls.
Dennis removed my chains when we arrived, and I was escorted up to Lewis’s apartment wearing only my slave tunic. After a brief exchange between Dennis and Lewis, I was left with Master Lewis and followed his command without question, to strip naked and kneel at his feet. My head was spinning with exhaustion and I was relieved when Lewis commanded me to follow him, and I crawled into my cell for the night. Chained naked to the wall, I felt my consciousness slipping away but was roused by Lewis presenting me with some legal documents. No longer caring, I signed and dated as he commanded and consequently lost the ownership of my former apartment. I now owned nothing, but I didn’t care any more. I was beginning to think in basic terms, caring only about rest, food and obeying my Master without question so that I avoided punishment. I was becoming an animal. In return for my signing, he threw bowls of boiled rice and tepid water on the floor, and I ate them silently and ravenously as if they were a wonderful banquet.
As he turned to switch out the light and leave me alone in my cell, I dared to speak.
“Please Sir, please Lewis Sir,” I pleaded, humbly and meekly.
“What is it slave?” Lewis replied, staring down at me. “I’ve got a night out with my mates at the pub. What do you want?”
“Ben Sir. Is he …… is he alright?”
Lewis smirked down at me. “Depends what you mean by alright slave. He’s alive if that’s what you mean. But he’s got a brand new life just like you to come to terms with.” He laughed derisively. “Don’t worry. I’ll take you to see him when he has recovered from his surgery.”
He looked down at me and smirked, no doubt revelling in the shell of a human being who lay naked in chains on the floor before him. He closed the door and bolted it, and the sound of the light switch threw me into total darkness. I listened to the sound of him shaving, the spray of after shave and then the sound of the front door as he left for a night out on the town. Drinking and socialising. I lay there chained naked in slavery, exhausted in the early evening. Whilst Master Lewis enjoyed his leisure time, I realised that leisure, freedom were impossible concepts for me now. Socialising was no longer possible in my new existence as a slave. Within minutes, I crashed into an exhausted sleep. And dreamt of what had happened to Ben, my former best mate.
The next morning, I awoke to the sight of Master Lewis entering my cell, bending down and unlocking my neck from the wall. Drowsily, I rose onto my knees and followed his command to open my mouth, gulping down his morning piss carefully so that I didn’t spill any of it, before sucking his cock clean and placing it carefully back in his shorts. He was dressed in running gear and told me to prepare him some toast and coffee by the time he returned. He reminded me that both were off limits as far as I was concerned.
As he went out for his run, I prepared his breakfast. With the acrid taste of his piss in my mouth, I contemplated having some breakfast myself, but knew that he would have set some form of trap and I would be severely punished if I did, and so I salivated at the toast and coffee as I waited on my knees for Master’s return. I drank some water from my bowl on the floor and knelt in waiting. He returned and started to drink his coffee. With a smirk, he told me to remove his shorts and jock, which I did silently. Carefully, he smeared some jam on his balls and, chuckling, told me to eat my breakfast. As he stood before me dressed in his running shirt, eating his toast, I knelt before him and licked his sweaty balls clean.
When he had finished, he went into the shower and stood under the cascading water. “Get in,” he called to me and I hesitantly climbed into the bath before him. “You need to learn to clean my body slave boy, so get to it,” he stated in a matter-of-fact manner. It felt perverse to do such a thing, but I took the soap and began to soap Master’s body, rubbing my hands all over his muscular body, legs, genitals and up his crack. He turned around and ordered me to massage his back, and I rubbed my soapy hands all over his back and shoulders, much to his apparent pleasure as he moaned and stretched his muscles against the wall.
After cleaning him thoroughly, he told me to get under the shower and wash myself but warned me that slaves are not permitted soap. I luxuriated under the warm water for a few moments before he switched off the water. Whereas he towelled himself dry, I was left to stand in the corner of the bathroom, facing the wall, for half an hour until my body dried itself.
When my body was dry, I was called into the bedroom to face a newly dressed Master, dressed smartly in casual shirt and jeans. I noted my own leather shoes on his feet and realised that I was beginning to forget what it was like to wear shoes, the signs of a “normal” man.
“Listen carefully slaveboy and don’t interrupt me,” Lewis stated as I stood naked before him. “Your boyfriend Ben was no threat to us and had no chance of ever freeing you. So don’t think you will ever get free from your slavery. But he has made things …. how shall I say … awkward for us. I don’t want it getting around that two members of your ex-football team have disappeared. Benny boy is in a form of slavery where he will never be seen in public again. As far as normal society is concerned, he has disappeared off the face of the planet. But I need to be more careful with you. And that’s why I have invited your family around today.”
He paused and looked deep into my confused eyes.
“Your family will see you, and will have some contact with you. But as far as they are concerned, you have been institutionalised. You have lost your mind, and good-hearted me – your best buddy – is looking after you. Do you understand?”
I didn’t really understand but I gave the only permittable response of “Yes Master”. My stomach twisted at the thought of my family seeing what had become of me, particularly my little brother who idolised me as his role model and hero.
“I don’t need to remind you of what will happen if you try to reveal any of the truth boy. It will result in the death of your family, and your own slow torture. I don’t want to do that, but I will if I have to. We can’t sacrifice our own livelihoods. So you will go along with my stories as I tell them, and you had better do a good job of showing how mad you are. Now, I need to get you prepared. I want a good mix of realism and total humiliation for you. Don’t want your little brother to still look up to you, so I am going to dress you in something a little more becoming of a slave patient.”
He reached behind him and threw an object at me. “Put this on slave,” he snarled. I unravelled the object in front of me and saw with horror that it was a diaper. “I cant wear this in front of my family,” I cried in horror. “Please Sir, please have some mercy ….”
“Get it on NOW,” he shouted. With a sob, I pulled the obscene plastic nappy over my feet and up over my shaved legs. Just before it reached my genitals, he held his hand out and came towards me. Silently, he attached some crocodile clips to the skin of my scrotum next to my balls and I noted the wires attached to a small battery. With a grin, he placed the small battery inside my diaper and pulled it up over my groin. With a mocking laugh, he turned me around and chuckled. “You look obscene slave” he sneered, before pushing his hand into the fabric at the back of the nappy. I felt his hand inside my arse crack and realised that the nappy was slit at the back.
“Don’t think your teenage brother will want anything to do with his diaper wearing brother, eh boy?” he chuckled. “Now, what’s next?”
He turned around and reappeared with some clips, vicious looking metal devices with serrated edges. I winced as he applied them to my nipples, screwing them in some way that made them grip my nipples painfully. I sobbed in pain and begged him to take them off, but he told me that they would focus my mind on my slavery, and make me remember what I was even when my family were here. My eyes rolled back in my head as he pulled a coarse shapeless vest over my upper body, twisting my nipples agonisingly under the garment. Pain shot from my chest up through my neck to my tortured brain and I found it hard to think straight. No doubt this was what he wanted.
Finally, he pulled a wheelchair from out of a cupboard. I had not seen this before, and cursed his thoroughness. He pulled open the seat and I stared in horror at the seat of the chair. In the middle was a large dildo, pointing upwards from the seat where it had been somehow fastened.
“Sit yourself down, slave, and get yourself comfortable. You will be sat down in the chair for a few hours.”
I looked at the dildo and felt my arse twitch in pain at the thought. My arse was already sore from the fuckings that I had received over recent days, and I couldn’t imagine that hard intruder lodged up my rear passage. “Please Sir, I will be a good boy Sir, you don’t need to insert that Sir, please Sir.”
“I am not in the habit of repeating myself to slaves boy,” Lewis growled. “Now sit down.”
I whimpered in scared defeat and approached the chair. Slowly, I lowered myself down and felt the head of the dildo pierce the hole in my nappy. To the amusement of the watching Lewis, I slowly impaled myself on the massive intruder, sweating in pain at the discomfort in my stuffed arse. I sobbed in pain and humiliation at the thought that I would be seeing my family with a massive dildo inserted up my arse.
And so I sat there, impaled on the dildo. Dressed in nappy and tit clamps, my stubbled head and shaved legs on clear display. And Lewis warned me that any attempt to be “a naughty boy” would receive a severe shock. With a press of a button which he displayed to me, I felt electricity shoot through the clamps on my balls and I screamed in pain.
I sat there, waiting. Waiting for my family to see the shell of what I had become. I had always been the golden boy, the role model to my brother. And now he would see me like this. I knew that Lewis would make me out to be an imbecile and humiliate me in the extreme. I also knew that I would have to focus on my slavery. I could not afford to make a mistake. The sound of the doorbell roused me from my misery, and I felt the sweat trickle down from my armpits as I heard the familiar voices of my family interacting with my Master and captor in the hallway. If only they knew that this was not madness, this was total slavery. I was enslaved and trapped for the rest of my life. And there was no hope of release.
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