Freshman Year Girlfriend
==> Chapter Four
As the sun began to shine through the living room windows, I awoke inside the cage. My skin was sticky from the dried shit and piss, and the open welts were burning with a bit of inflammation where the filth of the shit had met raw skin. The bars of the cage above were coated in a brownish, muddy mixture of dried shit and piss, and the white mat that padded the floor was covered with stains and speckles where Jackie and her mother's shit and piss had dried. When I rolled over upon awakening, the mat rolled with me and the pool of my own waste where I'd finally given in during the night and relieved myself into the pan under the cage was revealed.
I sat up and peeled the stinky mat off of me, and bumped my head on the roof of the cage. I groaned and rolled onto my side. My left eye was blocked with a patch of Jackie's dried shit and I peeled it off with my fingers as I waited for the pain in my head to clear.
Gina was sitting up on the couch, wearing a clean white terrycloth robe, sipping a fresh mug of coffee, and watching me bemusedly. "Morning, Jamie," she chortled as I blearily stared at her, blinking. I dropped my eyes to her feet wondering if Princess's rule about looking at other women applied to her mother. I decided not to take the chance and kept my gaze off of her face. Her feet, however, were bare, and she had them extended in front of her and protruding from under her soft white robe.
"Morning," I replied.
"You can look at me, Jamie. I'm not just another girl." She laughed.
I looked at her face and noted again just how youthful she was for her age. At forty, she looked thirty, and was as thin as her daughter. Her hair was tossed and bedweathered, and looked really sexy. She had wide blue eyes that she'd passed on to her daughter, and her skin was smooth and wrinkle-free except for light laugh lines around her eyes. Her little feet were only lightly veined, and the skin just a bit shiny with her age. Her toes were short and plump and neatly trimmed, and she wore nail polish, unlike her daughter. Her legs were shaved, too. Her toenails were deep fire-engine red. Glossy.
"Jamie, it's Saturday, and today what's going to happen is this. Jackie's going to go off to do whatever she wants to do, and you and I are going to get to know eachother. I want to make sure that you're the right kind of little boy for my little girl."
I nodded from inside the cage, feeling ridiculous as she sat there in her pristine white robe and spoke to me as I knelt inside a filthy locked dog cage while covered in dried female waste on a soiled and stained cotton mat.
She smiled at me as I locked eyes with her. I nodded again, semi-awestruck. She was so beautiful.
"Today, I just want to spend time with you, Jamie," she continued, then took a big sip of her steaming coffee, and went on: "I want to get to know you. Mentally, physically, and emotionally. I want to see that there's no chance that your devotion to my daughter would ever waver, and that you're free of a single dangerous male bone in your whole body. Including that bone between your legs."
I nodded again as she took another sip. Behind me, Jackie padded into the room and stood watching. "Everything cool?" she asked.
Gina nodded and said "Go take a bath, Jackie, you need one. And then put on some fresh clothes from all that laundry your little boy here did for you. And then see me for some cash, because you're going out for the day in my rental car, and you're going to get some things to make your home here better to hold a slave. And me and Jamie here are going to explore his mind and make sure that he's ready to commit to you."
Jackie nodded assent and padded away on her bare feet. She returned to her room, and shortly thereafter I heard her get into the shower.
Meanwhile, Gina had sat herself closer to the cage. She'd let her robe fall open so that her bare vagina was openly exposed to me. She had a very thick bush of curly hair that was the same dirty-blond shade as her hair. She spread the terrycloth flaps of the robe so that as she sat and sipped, her spread legs plainly displayed her pussy.
"I'm only going to be here for today and tonight. I fly back home tomorrow, Jamie, so I want to spend today with you. Let me talk, and you listen, while I tell you about Jackie and me. Okay?"
"Yes, Gina."
"First of all, I want you to call me 'Queen Gina', since I am the mother of your Princess. Okay?"
"Yes, Queen Gina."
"Also, I want to hear you call me 'queen' because I intend to actually queen you a lot during our day today. Do you know what 'queening' is, Jamie?"
I nodded negatively, wide-eyed.
"How old are you?" she giggled.
"I'm eighteen, Queen," I replied.
"Eighteen and already covered in girl-shit and locked in a cage. Good for you!" she laughed.
I nodded slowly.
"Anyway, Jamie, 'queening' is the act of a superior female like myself sitting directly on the face of an inferior slave like yourself. You'll be queened quite often during your life as my daughter's slave, if I approve of you. But anyway..." she paused to pick up her purse and pull out a pack of Newport 100's. "Yeah, I smoke, Jamie," she said as she lit up.
I shrugged; it didn't bother me.
"Anyway, Jamie, little eighteen-year-old male, you do know that you're actually a very good-looking boy, right?"
I shrugged again.
"Oh, no, you are, boy. You have nice hair and eyes, and a very good body. Very nice legs and ass. Do you know if you have a good cock? I need to see it."
Again, I shrugged.
"When Jackie gets out of the shower, I'll get the key for that chastity belt and see about that cock of yours."
She tapped her ashes into a ceramic bowl as she regarded me.
"You're really pathetic looking now, though... all covered in my daughter's dried-up shit!" she laughed.
Another shrug from me. I felt the cracking and sticky fecal matter flaking off my skin every time I moved. The stench was still there, but had receded as the shit and piss had dried. The pee actually smelled stronger than the shit now, and I could actually smell the deep stink of my urine-bathed skin. I really, really stank of female urine. I had indeed been marked.
"Okay, here's my plan. Once my daughter gets out of the house, you're going to bathe, and dress, and then we're going to go out for a really nice lunch. And we're going to talk. Honestly. Deeply. And I'm going to tell you all about what you can expect from my dear little skinny blond sadist, and you're going to answer all the questions I have about you. Then, we're coming back here and I'm going to get a little more intimate with our conversation. Finally, you'll be cleaning that cage and getting back inside until Jackie comes back home, and then the real fun starts."
I nodded.
"With me, Jamie, you can talk openly. I'm going to be your Mistress-in-Law one day if things work out. Your Queen by marriage. You will marry my daughter, I think, and you'll both be happy ever-after, as they say, if I'm right. We'll find that out today."
"Okay, Queen," I replied.
"You can call me Gina, Jamie, unless you want to throw in a 'Queen' here and there."
"Okay, Gina," I answered.
"You really are cute," she marveled.
"Thanks, Queen," I smilingly replied.
"You're devestatingly cute."
The shower was turned off. Down the hall, we heard Jackie getting out of the tub and brushing her teeth.
"How long have you known you were a submissive male?" Gina asked me with a straight, clinical expression on her face.
"As far as I can remember," said I, "always."
"Well, what is the first time you remember where you connected the idea of your submissiveness to an action?"
"I was young... very young," I started. I paused to see if she'd exhort me. She didn't.
"How old were you when you first asked to kiss a girl's foot?"
"Just last year, with my old girlfriend."
"So, seventeen?"
"Yes, Gina... and she doesn't like her feet kissed."
"You say she 'doesn't', Jamie, as if she is still in your life. Is she?"
I pondered this. "Sort of," I said, "but... we're pretty much done."
Gina looked at me with a bemused expression again. "You're done with her, Jamie, if you want to be owned by my daughter. You can't possibly have any feelings for another female if you expect my daughter to be your personal Princess, you know."
I nodded. I didn't really care about Anne now that I'd met Jackie.
"No, not caring isn't enough, Jamie," said Gina, raising her voice. "You need to be done with her, totally." She stood up.
I quickly reacted. "Yes, Gina, I won't ever call her again! We're done... it's been ending, anyway."
Gina shook her head. "No, Jamie, it needs to be more final. Today the first mission before we have lunch will be to end whatever you had with your old girlfriend. What's her name?"
"Anne, Queen Gina," I replied.
"And how far do you go back with Anne, Jamie?"
"High school, sophomore year," I let her know.
"Give me your cell phone," ordered Gina as she stood right next to the cage with her palm outstretched. I handed it to her through the bars.
"Jamie, I'm going to sit on top of this cage and piss on you while you tell your old girlfriend that you love someone else, and for her to go to hell and never call you again. Understand?"
My mouth formed an involuntary frown as I listened to this. It was a hard concept to digest. Although I'd drifted away from Anne, and I knew it was going to end, she'd been my girl for years now, and was my first kiss and first fuck. She had the first pussy I ever tasted. I'd deeply loved her when we saw eachother every day in school. She was pretty and loving and as far as I knew she thought we were together as a couple with just a hundred miles between us. I knew she wasn't expecting to be dumped suddenly.
Gina searched my cell phone's number list until she found Anne's entry. She dialed it. I heard her listen to Anne's voice as she sat above me on top of the cage. She'd spread out the flaps of the robe so that her freshly-washed pussy was bared and spread right above my face. I could smell baby powder on her dewy lips.
Gina hung up after confirming that Anne had answered. She handed me the phone through the bars. "Call her, and have a talk with her, and tell her that you've fallen in love with someone else, and before you hang up, tell her to go to hell. You need to use those words. If you don't, you're not ready for Jackie, believe me."
I simply held the phone in one hand and stared at Gina through the filth-caked bars as she looked down at me. Her pretty face held an air of resolution. She nodded at me as if to confirm her words while spurring me on.
So, I thought to myself, it's time to dump Anne. And do it for Jackie, my new Princess. I decided to just do it, just go ahead and cut through the crap, just break it off, just slice her off of me. I hit the "Redial" key.
My high-school girlfriend picked up after only one ring. She was so cheerful as she said "Hi Jamie! How are you?"
"Okay, I guess," I answered flatly.
"What's wrong?" she asked, concerned. After three years, we knew eachother.
"Nothing... I'm just..." I paused.
"Just what, Jamie?" she asked, concern in her voice, maybe a hint of dread already.
"I fell in love with someone else, Anne, and we're done," I choked as I spoke these words, almost vomiting. Tears sprang to my eyes as I rolled onto my side inside the cage, feeling the filth flake off of me in shards and pebbles.
Anne didn't reply for a long time, and then I heard a hitch and a sob on the other end of the line. "I guess I knew it, Jamie... I knew it."
"I knew it too, Anne," I replied coldly, and I got myself ready to deliver the final required blow as Gina watched triumphantly from the roof of the cage. She had positioned herself over my head and had pulled down her panties. As I prepared to deliver to my three-year girlfriend the final blow, Gina opened her bladder and started to piss all over my head, face, back and neck. The flow carried away some of the sticky dried shit her daughter had dropped all over my upper body.
I let a pause pass over the line before I finally spoke to Anne, who I pictured sitting there on the edge of her Raggedy-Anne bed as she talked on the phone, with cold and final tones. "I wanted to be your slave, Anne, and you wouldn't even let me kiss your toes without laughing. Go to hell." And I hung up as I heard her gasp.
I hung up in her face.
"Give me your phone, now," Gina ordered as she let the final cascade of her morning urine splatter over my shoulders. I handed it up to her through the bars. She looked at the display and memorized Anne's number, i surmised.
"That's all, Jamie," she advised me. "Never call or take a call from that number, ever again."
I nodded. To the other side of the cage, Jackie had come back into the room. She had a curious look on her face as to ask "What's going on?"
Gina picked up on it and said "Oh, your little boy slave had a piece of unfinished business I helped him take care of. How are you, honey?"
Jackie spun on one foot, letting her skirt fly out around her. She had showered and blow-dried her hair and she'd dressed in less-bulky, more-modern clothes than usual. "I picked out her outfit," Gina whispered to me.
I locked onto Jackie's feet as she stood there. She was wearing dark blue basketball sneakers, low-topped Keds, with white laces and white stripes down the side. They looked ancient and cracked and beaten up. No socks. She was also wearing a skirt of thin linen that only reached down to her ankles instead of dragging on the floor like the ubiquitous woolen skirt, and on top she had on a tight tee-shirt of fluorescent orange with a purple and gold flower emblazoned upon its face. Her huge round breasts defiantly thrusted upward against the thin cotton material. No bra, and they still stood up proud and round.
Her hair was in a long blond ponytail down her back. She looked delicious.
"Honey," Gina began, "you look marvelous. Take my rental car and go out until tonight. Late. Me and your little boy here are going to get acquainted." Gina flipped a credit card at Jackie, and my Princess caught it between clapping hands looking surprised.
"How much?" she asked happily.
"Be cool. Have fun, don't be an idiot," Gina replied.
Jackie smiled down at me and told me to look up at her. I did, and she grinned so that my heart melted for her. "Have a great day, Princess," I mewled lovingly.
"Have fun with my mom," she replied with a knowing leer. "What time, mom?" she directed to Gina.
Gina, still sitting on the cage above me with her bare cunt dripping on my head said "Oh, I guess about ten tonight. But call first."
And out the door went my Princess, armed with keys to a new car and a gold card.
As soon as Gina was sure that Jackie was away for the day, she turned back to me inside the cage. She unlocked it and told me to go shower off.
When I returned, squeaky-clean and fresh, she had laid out my clothes and had me get dressed. She shook her head disapprovingly as she regarded my casual outfit. "We need to go by your home and get you into a nicer outfit before we go to lunch," she advised.
I drove to my dorm. Gina sat in the passenger seat for the short trip and massaged my crotch through and against the plastic and steel of the chastity belt's cup. When I had parked, she told me to dress in a nice dressy-casual outfit. I ran to my dorm room and found my roommate was there, lying on his bed and reading while listening to something on headphones. Mark sat up and shed the headgear when I burst in.
"Wow, two nights in a row, eh buddy?" he said gleefully.
"Yeah," I replied, "and now I'm going to lunch with her mom. I need to dress."
Mark shook his head in fake sadness. "Already meeting the mom," he joked.
"Yup," I replied as I chose clothes. I went into the bathroom to change so as to hide the chastity belt.
"See ya," I called to my roomie as I ran toward the stairs.
I'd put on a fresh polo shirt and khaki trousers. On my feet were nice new Docksiders. Gina approved, and off we went.
She directed me to a swanky Italian-Continent restaurant downtown that I'd never dared venture into. We were led to a table, and we sat across from eachother in a quiet corner. A blush-colored fresh rose was between us on the small round lacquered surface over which a black-and-white tablecloth was draped. Gina quickly kicked off her heels and put her bare feet in my lap. They were hidden by the material.
"Okay, Jamie, during this meal, you're going to answer all my questions and let me know everything about your life so that I can tell if my daughter should marry you and make you her lifetime slave boy. And man, later. Got it?"
"Yes, Queen," I smiled. She rubbed her small toes firmly against my plastic-cupped balls. My cock was tingling and swelling. "Do I need to call Jackie about being hard?" I asked, "It's one of her rules. I have to call her whenever I get hard when she's not with me."
"By all means," replied Gina.
I dialed Princess and got her on the second ring. "I'm hard, Princess," I told her.
"My mom's making you hard?" she chortled.
"Um, yeah," I told her.
"Cool!" she exclaimed, and then said "Have a great day! I just bought a new paddle for us!"
"Great, Princess!" said I.
"Do you love me to death?" was her response.
"Oh yeah, I love you to death, Princess."
"Even when I shit on your face?" she asked devilishly.
"Yeah. Even then, Princess. Even more then."
She laughed. "Let me talk to mom."
I handed the phone to Gina, who kept her feet pressed into my khaki-covered chastity belt. Rubbing hard.
After a couple moments of general banter, Gina hung up and handed the phone to me. As I tok it, it rang. Gina kept it and looked at the display. It was Anne.
"I want you to answer," she said to me with a raised eyebrow, "and I want you to tell her that she sucked in bed and that you're with a much prettier girl now who knows how to fuck you. And I want you to say something to her that will hurt her." She handed me the phone to do the deed. Her bare toes pressed ever more firmly against my captured penis.
I answered. Anne sounded distraught as she said "J-J-J-Jamie?"
"Yeah, that's me," I tossed off.
"What's happening?" Anne cried, and I heard the tears in her voice. But thoughts of my new Princess made me cruel as that beautiful Princess's mother watched me.
"Nothing's up, Anne, but I need to tell you that you sucked in bed, and I found a real girl here who likes to have real sex. She knows how to fuck, unlike you, who sucks at it and has a smelly pussy to boot. Don't call me anymore, cunt." And I snapped the phone shut on my heartbroken ex's sudden cry.
The phone rang immediately. Gina looked at the display reading "Anne" and said "Just call her a cunt and hang up."
I answered. Anne, sobbing, said "Not so fast, Jamie, what is happening?"
I simply and coldly responded with "Fuck you, you cunt." I hung up again.
Seconds later, another ring. "I'm coming there," Anne shrieked through hard tears, "right now." And she hung up.
I told Gina what Anne had said. "Fine," Gina said back, "who cares? You'll be in my daughter's apartment and she won't find you."
I shrugged. I put the phone away. We forgot about the matter.
A polished waiter arrived and described the luncheon specials. A coiffed busboy poured filtered icewater. Steaming hot crusty bread arrived. Menus were given to us by the hostess.
"During this meal, Jamie" began Gina as she lightly buttered a slice of the delectable bread, "you will remain silent other than to answer my questions. I will lead. You will follow. Clear?"
"Yes, Queen," I replied.
"Good. First, you are to take this key, go into the men's room, and take off that chastity belt. You will bring both discretely back to me."
I took the key from her laquer-polished-nails hand and retreated to the bathroom. In a stall, I figured out how to remove the chastity device and my cock sprang proudly to life once it was gone. Pink impressions in my pelvic flesh showed just how tightly the apparatus had been bound to my body.
The belt rolled up into a ball that I could cradle and hide. I dashed back to the table after zipping up and handed it along with the key to Gina. She stowed the belt in her big black purse, and dropped the key into her bra with a quirky smile.
"Sit there and be quiet, Jamie," she ordered. Her feet returned to my now-freed crotch. She skillfuly unzipped my khakis with her toes as she pretended to examine the menu.
"Remember, shut up except to answer questions, right?"
"Yes, Queen Gina," said I with my own quirky smile.
The waiter reappeared, ready to take an order. "Just start us off with two Bloody Marys," Gina sweetly requested. The waiter glanced at me, decided that I was close enough to drinking age to let my mother order for me, and nodded.
The drinks were back in a flash, the glasses sweating in the warmth of the restaurant, perfectly garnished and expertly mixed. I took a tiny swallow of this unusual new drink while Gina swallowed a quarter of hers in one draught.
"Drink faster, Jamie, we're having a few drinks to loosen up before we eat."
I took a gulp and choked down the strange tomato-vodka concoction. I then smiled at her and chugged down the rest of the drink. She smiled back and did the same. She ordered another round.
We drank these more slowly and I started to feel the warmth of the alcohol hit my brain. I also felt her toes stroking my bare hard cock. They felt warm and delicious.
When the waiter stopped by, Gina ordered a half-dozen raw oysters. I'd never had these. She told me not to worry.
We had another round of Bloody Marys before the oysters arrived. When I saw the strange-looking appetizer appear on the table, I was revolted by the clotted gray lumps in their cold ugly shells. But Gina set me straight. She lifted one of her bare pretty feet over the table and plucked an oyster up with her toes. Looking around the place quickly, she determined that nobody was watching our private corner and she pushed her foot and the food into my face. I swallowed my first oyster off of her fragrant toes.
"Good, Jamie. You just passed a test. You'll bend and accept the spontanaeity of your mistress."
I smiled.
"Ah, but that is just the first test," she continued with a raised eyebrow. "Next, you must show that you will let yourself be embarassed in public for your mistress. When the waiter returns, I will feed you another toe-oyster, and you must suck it from between my toes and swallow as he watches. Are you prepared?"
"Yes, Queen," I replied. What did I care what the waiter thought, now that I'd told my old girlfriend to got hell, called her a cunt, and had been shitted on by my new girlfriend? What did I care, now that I was ready to be a total, unquestioning slave?
Gina plopped her bare right foot on the table and clasped on oyster between her big toe and second toe. She drew har leg back under the table. Her left foot stayed in my crotch.
When the waiter approached, Gina lifted her foot to my lips and pressed the warmed oyster aginst my mouth as he halted upon the sight. Then, nonplussed, he shook off the vision of the 18-year-old boy eating an oyster out from between the bare toes of a beautiful 40-year-old woman as if it were routine, and he classily asked Gina for our luncheon order.
"Well, Antoine," she replied, "I'll have the filet, medium rare and butterflied, no bacon. And what do you think my little slave boy would like to lick off the bottom of my feet?"
The waiter looked at me with an expression of mirth, and then smiled broadly at Gina. "You can't be too obvious with your slave here, girl," he directed to my Princess's mother. It was obvious that he was a little gay. "But there's a penne pasta dish with sliced summer sausage that would be perfect to pick up with your little toesies and stick into his mouth."
And so I ate my meal in open public from between her toes. As passersby glanced or gawked, Gina kept reminding me that "Some will be delighted, some will be disgusted, and some would die to trade places with you."
On to dessert and another round of drinks. Gina ordered us a pair of Sambucas and a slice of tiramisu. "Next test, Jamie," she told me. "Will you get on your knees before my daughter in public?"
She sliced the confection in half and put part of it onto a clean bread plate. She lowered that to the floor next to her chair. She had me kneel between her spread knees and lick up my dessert like an animal as patrons passed by. Some clucked, most passed without reaction, and one guy whistled and called out "Can I go next?" as Gina smiled back and waved at him. I finished my degraded dessert at her feet and got back up on my two knees.
"Okay, Jamie, you've passed all the easy public stuff. Let's pay and move onto the next test. They keep getting harder... and if you fail any of them it would be difficult for me to recommend to my daughter that she marry you and keep you as her lifetime slave."
I internally processed that "marry/lifetime" bit again, but gave nothing away. Good to go on for now, I reasoned. Jackie was hot! And her mom was crazy-cool. My cock had never stayed hard this long and my fantasies were getting realized one at a time... rapidly.
"What's the next test, Queen Gina?" I asked as she signed for dinner.
"Public punishment, Jamie. I need to test your willingness to be punished in a few different public places."
"Okay," I murmured. Fine with me. When was she going to get to the hard tests?
Gina told me to drive to WalMart. I pulled into the parking lot for the second time in two days. She had me drive around until we found a spot under one of the lot lamps that was brightly lit. I parked where she pointed.
"Get out and bend over the trunk, Jamie" Gina directed. "This is how children get punished in public."
I knew, because I had already bent over the trunk for her daughter's whip just recently. I told her this.
"Jackie's already spanked you over the car trunk? In public?" exclaimed Gina incredulously.
"Yep," I replied, "first night, if I recall."
"Then we need to skip right to the harder tests," Gina replied. "Fuck WalMart. We need to have our intimate talk. But let me give you the final public test. I need to know that whatever my daughter orders, you'll comply. Other than being maimed, I guess, or killed, unless that's your bag."
Silence for a moment as I drove out of the lot and took a right as she pointed.
"I need to kick you in your balls in public."
I nodded again. Fine with me.
She had me pull over in front of a Chinese restaurant's walk-up window. We parked. She turned to me in the car and said "You're going to prove that if my Jackie wants to hurt you in front of a bunch of strangers, you'll just let her and you'll just take it. Here, you're going to get out of the car and stand on the sidewalk by that line of people getting Chinese, and you're going to spread your legs wide. No belt on your balls now, slave, remember, it's in my purse."
"Okay, Queen Gina," I answered.
"I'm going to let those people look, and then I'm going to kick your balls. Hard. And you're going to take it, no complaints, no falling over and whining, no crying like a little baby. You're just going to get back in the car with me and we're driving to Dunkin Donuts to do it again. And then 7-11. And then the Shell station after that. And then at the Cumberland Farms store. And then at the liquor store. And then at the McDonalds. And Wendy's, Arby's, Taco Bell, KFC, Burger King, and Pizza Hut. And then it's back to the apartment to get a little more intimate with the testing."
"Yes, Queen," I responded breathlessly. How fucking exciting was Jackie's mother!
"Go stand with your legs spread."
I got out of the car and stood on the sidewalk next to the line of people. I spread my legs and put my hands behind my back. Gina walked around to face me, then turned to the slightly interested line of ten or twelve people waiting to order take-out. "My little boy has been bad, " she announced loudly to the small crowd, "and I need to punish him. I punish my boy by letting him know how vulnerable males are with those ugly turkey-gizzard balls they have hanging right in front like that. I kick him there and make him cry."
None of the twelve people watching said a word. Half of them pretended not to have heard her, and they turned away or turned to the side to fake interest in something else, like the hedge next to the building or their watches. Of the other six people, three guys turned to look and smiled, one young Asian girl clapped, and the young couple at the end of the line smiled at eachother before looking on with interest.
Gina backed up two steps and then smiled at the small crowd. She posed sexily in her short dress and heels and tossed her dirty-blond hair. She flashed her perfect teeth, blue eyes, and slim body. She called out "Now I'm gonna punish my boy! Watch this!"
She strode forward and kicked my crotch with a wicked and well-aimed blow. Even through my jeans, the sound of her foot meeting the base of my balls was palpable. I remembered my orders. I held my position, I stifled my cries, and I didn't buckle over or scream in pain. I just bit my tongue, hard, and squinched my eyes a bit as I simply allowed the huge fireball of pain to rise within my abdomen. I stumbled a bit as my bearings momentarily deserted me, and I gritted out a pair of very strong pangs from my abused testes, but I managed to get back into the car and close the door behind me.
Gina was there in seconds, beaming at me. "You don't get enough feet, do you, Jamie?" she asked, and she slowly backed the car out of the parking space as I squinted out the window. I watched a few of the people in that line for Chinese pointing at our car and talking animatedly.
"Do I get enough feet?" I replied. "Huh?"
"I mean, your foot fetish is really strong, isn't it? For a kid your age? How old are you again, eighteen?" Gina asked as she drove through the late afternoon with dark black sunglasses on.
"Eighteen, Gina, yeah."
"Well, are female feet your favorite thing? I know my daughter doesn't like to be touched. It'll be a while, maybe months, until you get to lick her feet, you know."
"Oh," said I, not happy at this, but in a strange way excited that I'd probably be denied, teased and abused by Jackie before I earned any contact with her precious body.
"But are feet your biggest fetish, Jamie?" she persisted happily. I was only too happy to oblige. "Yeah, big time," I told her.
"Do you like my feet?" she asked, smiling but looking, actually, a little bit apprehensive. I immediately wanted to reassure her... I saw Jackie's mother as so beautiful then, so unbelievably exciting and sexy. Her tiny feet and her high arches, her well-worn soles and ridges... ach!
"I think your feet are incredibly beautiful, Queen, incredibly."
"My daughter made a rule that you aren't to look at other girls' feet, but I told you you could. What do you make of that, Jamie?" she asked.
Now I had to think. What answer would be correct? I knew that as Jackie's mother, anything I said was going to get back to my Princess Jackie in some form... eventually. So, either Gina wanted to fool around with me secretly, without Jackie knowing, or she was trying to bait me to see if, on a technicality, I'd break the rule her daughter had given me.
I decided to play it safe. "I am Jackie's slave. I worship her feet, and I can worship yours unless she's there to tell me to."
A long pause ensued. She put her shoes back on and turned to a normal passenger-seat position. "But I can kick your balls, you twisted sick little boy, and I will. Dunkin Donuts is coming up. Pull in there."
My balls were still throbbing from her last kick, but I felt I could take another easily. I really hated the actual kick to my crotch, but I was really loving this after-effect feeling. A kick to the balls, I had discovered, is horrible at the moment of impact, but is a delicious and long-lasting deep pain that intensifies wonderfully when the woman who has given you this kick with her feminine foot is still there and giggling at you while you float down from suffering to relishing the pain she's given you.
I pulled into Dunkin Donuts and turned to Gina as we sat there with our respective hands on the door handles to get out. "Kick me as hard as you can, please, Queen," I earnestly said to her before we exited.
"Fine," she said. "Go inside and get in line. I'm going to come in right after you and turn you around, slap you as if we're arguing, and then kick your balls again. You will then chase me out of the coffee shop and plead with me to forgive you, and then you will get down on your knees in the parking lot and kiss my shoes while everyone watches."
This scenario was repeated five more times, with added twists, until Gina was satisfied and my testicles were swollen to the size of tennis balls. Red and blue tennis balls. In front of crowds at all the places she'd listed. As we got back into the car after the final public punishment and humiliation test, Gina told me to unzip my pants and stay hard all the way back to Jackie's apartment. It was almost three in the afternoon, and winter gloom was setting in. But I was jubilant in my pain and Gina was thrilled with her "adorable slave boy."
As we drove back to the place, she told me that the next couple hours would involve my kneeling naked before her while she made me bare my soul about my depth of submissiveness and my future fantasies.
Then I'd clean the cage and wait for my new girlfriend to come home while locked inside.
As my cock throbbed with this anticipation, I noticed that there was a strange ache in my testes that seemed to be growing; a sharp pain. I tried to ignore it but it grew stronger until it started to hurt more than just a simple sexual pain. Sweat broke out on my forehead and I guess I looked a little pale because Gina suddenly asked me "Do you think you're injured, Jamie?"
I gasped a bit as I replied "I... think... maybe."
She smiled and said "Relax; I'm a nurse, you know. Let's get back to Jackie's apartment and I'll take a look. Feel free to rub yourself with your hands if you like."
I relaxed a little as I gratefully moved my hands to my scrotum and was surprised at the tight, shiny feel to the dotted skin that covered my swollen jewels. The spot that really hurt was the area at the top of my sack where my balls descended from my pelvic cavity. I could feel a hot and really painful area where there was a further bump even beyond the swelling that had turned my golf-ball sized nuts into tennis balls. I could feel a surface cut too, as well as an abrasion where her hard heels had mashed my jeans against the delicate skin.
When we got to the apartment, Gina told me to wait for her in the living room while standing with my nose in the corner next to the TV and my pants and underwear lowered to my knees. I did. She fussed about in the kitchen and bathroom for a bit before she came to see me. On her way into the room, she turned on the lights and had me stand before her as she took a seat on the couch.
"Let me see those swollen balls, slave boy," the gorgeous slim mother of my new Princess ordered. She was grinning. "Take off your jeans and underpants and stand before me with your pelvis thrust forward and your hands on your head. Actually, strip down to nothing."
I did as she commanded and she very clinically grasped my scrotum with her cool right hand while leaning forward for a close look at my bruised genitals. "Kicked you pretty good, I see," she flatly remarked. She fingered the cut and throbbing area of heated pain. "Cut you a little, nothing serious."
She diagnosed a particularly severe localized contusion caused by the tip of her shoe against my sack where it ground against the pelvic bone. She told me to go get some ice from the freezer and put it into a Ziploc bag and come back.
I did, and she had me kneel before her again with the ice pack held against my balls with both hands. My cock shrank down to a nub with the freezing cold, but the swelling also began to recede.
"Stay there," she softly said, and she kissed me on the lips gently before heading back to the kitchen. I heard her rummaging through her little carry-on bag. Her cell phone rang while she was out there and I heard her end of the conversation with Jackie:
"Hi, Jacquelyn."
"No, we're back at your place, and we're about to start talking."
"Yes, he passed the public tests easily, but I'm going to interview him now and get into the little boy's submissive soul."
"No, I didn't show him your note yet. I'm about to."
"I guess about two hours. When are you coming back?
"Okay, honey, see you at six. Bye-bye. Have fun. Don't miss anything on the list to buy that I gave you."
"Good! Ha ha ha, good. Oh, good! Hah. Excellent. See you then. Bye."
She flipped her cell closed and told me from behind "I'm going to change clothes. Be right there... you stay like that, Jamie."
I held the ice pack for ten minutes as she busied herself in the bathroom. My balls started to feel either numb or cured by the time she returned. She stopped behind me and told me to close my eyes. I did. I could smell her newly-applied perfume.
She sat on the sofa as I knelt there naked with my eyes squinched shut, smiling.
"Open your eyes and look at me, slave-boy," Gina ordered.
I opened my eyes and took in the intoxicating vision of Gina sitting on the sofa before me. Her dirty-blond hair was unclipped and tousled sexily. Her blue eyes were wide and boring into me even as her full lips dazzled me with their perfection. She was wearing a soft white Angora sweater that invited cuddling with its pureness. It was tight enough to enhance her curves, but loose enough to appear to swaddle her thin torso. It was not a low-cut sweater, but revealed a patch of pink and creamy skin at its collar. Although forty, her neck hadn't developed the wrinkling lines and angles that women eventually inherit from the passing of the years.
More interestingly, she had her legs spread wide open to reveal her pussy in the shadows of the short black leather skirt she was wearing. Her tiny feet were encased in glossy black stilletto pumps with pointed toes and scuffed soles; the heels were razor-thin and nearly five inches long. Her legs were bare and creamy-white, flawless. Her ankles were slender and the tops of her little peds were lined with the faintest hints of elegant veins. Her high arches revealed themselves above the cut of her outrageous shoes. She was leaning back on the sofa in this sexy black-and-white and utterly feminine ensemble with her knees held high by her little hands and her shoes spread and dangling left and right so that when I opened my eyes my first view was of her blond-fringed spread vagina only two feet from my face.
"Look at my cunt, Jamie," she said as she looked into my eyes with a smirk.
I looked. My penis began to rise despite the ice-pack I still held there.
She took the ice pack from me and told me to put my hands together behind my neck and just kneel there with my legs spread, staring at her shadowed pussy.
"Look down at your shriveled and ugly little male organ, and then at my artful and beautiful female organ, the gateway to all life, Jamie," she softly ordered. I did.
She closed her legs after watching me gaze from my shrunken iced cock to her spread and moist pearl a few times. She put her heels flat to the floor and together right between my spread knees. She put the ice pack down in an ashtray to her right and leaned forward. "Right now, you are in the universe of female-clothed, male-naked, Jamie. I am sitting on a comfortable couch and have the power to cover myself if I want to; you are kneeling subserviently before me and your ugly sex organ is exposed to me at my will. I'm choosing now to hide my vagina from you, but your swollen balls and shriveled little pink penis are on view to me and I can enjoy this power, knowing that I caused the dark bruises and swelling that your balls are showing, and I can giggle at just how pathetic you are and how easily I can control you because of your ridiculous male sex urges."
She sat back and demurely crossed her legs, allowing her left foot to hang just two inches from my nose. She brushed the tip of her tiny, slender black shoe against my nose, then let the heel fall so that the pump dangled from her shapely toes like a slow pendulum. The faintest whiff of her delicate and captivating foot scent wafted to my nostrils as she continued to tease me with the slow flicking dangles of the tiny shoe before my nose.
"I made mistakes with my former husband, Jamie. Jackie's father. I never determined the absolute depths of his commitment to serving me and the extent of his submission to the superior sex, females, before taking him as my slave. And he left because he wasn't as committed or as submissive as I had assumed. I won't let my daughter make that mistake. So..." and now she brushed the flat of the shoe against my lips, holding it there ever-so-lightly, "I am going to ask you some questions and have you do some small things for me, so that I can determine if you are truly willing, at your young age, and with your attractive physical appearance, to give yourself and your life and all of your soul to her and dedicate yourself solely to her pleasure and her needs. Making your own life meaningless unless you are serving her. Let me ask you, Jamie, as an opener... do you think that you are truly submissive enough to give yourself over to a female as her utter and total slave?"
"Yes, Queen Gina, I do," I rasped. My penis, freed from the ice-pack, was already fully hard despite the ache of my throbbing, bruised balls. They were still huge and tight and purple-black.
"You may think so, Jamie, but let us find out. My daughter is totally naive about the world of dominance and submission. She is naturally dominant, and I've nurtured that for a long time, but she is only now discovering the world of outlets for her natural dominance, and the power this gives her as a young female. She is also very, very sadistic, although she'd never be able to speak to that because of her naivete. But I've known since she was a tiny girl who laughed when she saw others in pain or being punished. When she would giggle as she slapped or kicked the little boy she played with next door. Who made up a spanking game as a little girl and played it with her friends until they didn't want to come over and play with her anymore. Because she made them cry. When she went out of her way to stomp on bugs and kill them, grinding her little-girl shoes until the creatures were smashed. When she became a loner without knowing it was because she so enjoyed being mean to her playmates and from the day I came home and found her sitting on one little neighbor-boy's chest with her feet on his face while he cried and struggled to get up as she laughed and ate a popsicle. When her uncle, rest in peace, confided in me that when he'd babysat her one night, she'd casually asked him if she could sit on his chest and slap his face. When I found cartoons she'd drawn of her standing on boys with her arms up, or, later, of muscular guys tied up to trees or walls. Or when she was older and I heard her masturbating every single night in her room and I asked her what she was thinking of when she played with herself, which I encouraged, of course, and she told me 'Spanking Anthony', our cute little neighbor-boy, or 'Slapping Paul and sitting on his face' referring to the teenager I'd hired to watch her when I went out on dates. Or when I saw how enraptured she became during any sort of torture scene in a movie or TV show. And how her hand would go to her crotch. So... I ask, now, Jamie, because you are only eighteen and I assume you've not had much experience as a submissive... are you ready to be owned by a girl who I know is sadistic?"
"Oh, yes, yes, Queen Gina," I replied with deep earnestness.
"Ah, you say that, and I believe you feel that, but let's spend the next two hours exploring that, and many other things, yes?"
"Yes, Gina," I nodded enthusiastically. My mouth was watering and my cock, in her full and unfettered view, stood up to its full seven inches of thick length. Tiny red crescents marked the tight skin of my erection where her shoes' edges had impacted it while taking her hard kicking earlier.
"Honesty is critical, Jamie. As I know Jackie has insisted with you. She knows little of the actual machinations of owning and enjoying a male slave, but she has the instinct, wouldn't you agree?"
"Yes, Gina."
"And she is probably even further out there on the fringes because she cares little about what others think of her. Her dress, her bathing habits, her arrogance about make-up and shaving her armpits, for example, would you agree?"
"Yes, Gina."
"And you are strangely attracted to this quality of my daughter's, aren't you?"
"Be absolutely honest. Tell me about the very first moment you can remember in your life when you knew you liked to be hurt by girls."
I easily remembered. I told her of a fantasy I'd had when I was young where I was tied up by a group of girls I went to school with wherein they'd spit on me and kick my face. I told her of a time when one of my school friend's younger sisters had thrown hard little green acorns at me when I was visiting and how I'd pretended I didn't like it but then would masturbate to it for months afterward.
"And the first time you knew you wanted to lick and worship the feet of pretty girls."
I told her of a time I'd been sitting on the floor in front of the couch in my childhood TV room while being babysat by a teenage girl who was chatting on the phone and I'd edged ever closer to her waggling bare foot. How I'd innocently planted a little-boy smooch on her sole. How she'd been angered and had spanked me and sent me to bed. How I'd gotten bolder and bolder with each of her babysitting sessions with my pursuit of her feet and the subsequent punishments until my mother had talked to me about it and shamed me into stopping, but how I hadn't stopped masturbating to the fantasy and the memories.
"Tell me, Jamie, of the first time you masturbated to the thought of being tied up and totally controlled by a girl."
I responded with an easily recalled memory of suddenly creating a masturbation fantasy one night that had me hangin nude from my wrists in the middle of our TV room while various girls from my life laughed at me while they threw things at me, spit on me, punched me, whipped me with their belts or shoes or anything else.
"Do you masturbate to the truly degrading aspects of submission such as being a human toilet for a girl?"
"Yes..." I replied a bit slyly.
"Does that mean you've masturbated to the idea of eating a girl's actual shit?"
"Oh, yes, Gina, sure"
"Have you eaten female shit before?" she asked with a high eyebrow, still dangling that shoe before my face as I knelt ramrod-hard and buck naked before her.
"No... I've never even come into it sexually until just this past day, Gina."
"And did you like the reality as much as the fantasy?"
I paused for a moment before responding thoughtfully, "I loved the thought of it afterward so much that the actual act of being shitted on by Jackie was one of the greatest feelings I've ever had, but at the moment it was a lot more intense than I expected."
"What about eating my daughter's shit? Her actual hot feces as they drop from her anus into your mouth and you have to chew them and swallow them? Do you masturbate to that? If you knew it would happen tonight would you be scared or would you be excited? Or would you leave?"
"I'd be both," I replied with utter honesty, "both excited and scared, but I would stay and I wish it were going to happen. I hope it does. I can't wait."
"But," she raised that eyebrow again and brushed her sole against my cheek, "you realize that the actual act of eating a female's feces is very difficult in practice, right? That the idea is a turn-on, but that shit really does stink and it really is dirty, filthy, and incredibly hard to actually chew up and swallow, right?"
"Yeah, Gina, Queen, I know, but again I so love the feeling after I do something that I get through the actual doing just to have the memory."
"Fine, Jamie," she stood up as she spoke, "Let's have a little test. Come with me."
She arose and walked a few steps toward the hallway. "Just walk behind me, Jamie," she told me when I seemed doubtful as to whether she wanted me to crawl or walk. My erection flopping heavily, I followed her to the bathroom. Again I marveled at the beauty of Jackie's slender and divine mother. Her leather-skirted buttocks were round and full but proportional. The tight skirt shifted sexily as she led me down the hall. We passed the encrusted dog cage with its piss and shit-soiled padding on the way.
Gina told me to kneel in front of the toilet. She pulled her skirt and panties down and sat facing me, and she had me scoot forward until my chin rested on the rim of the toilet ring and my face was pressed lightly against her fragrant blond-fringed pussy. "I'm going to use the toilet, now, Jamie, and you're going to get your face right in between my legs and into the bowl as I do it. And you're going to take nice, deep breaths as I go, while I seal your face in there with my thighs. Come on."
She pushed my head down between her thighs until the clear water of the freshly-cleaned toilet was inches below my face. She squeezed my head between her firm thighs, darkening the sight below my eyes. "Now, Jamie, I am going to start. Your only job is to take deep breaths without responding negatively. It's an insult to your mistress to indicate that her shit smells bad or that you aren't grateful for the chance to eat it."
She began to piss and shit. Her urine flowed in a strong steady stream that splashed bubbles up against my nose, chin and cheeks. Her first turd was preceded be a loud fart and a splatter of reeking spray. This first concentrated blast caused my stomach to turn, but I fought to suppress the feeling and show no physical reaction. I took deep breaths of her pungent fecal aroma and strong, acidic urine smell.
"Well done, slave-boy, but I could sense your initial distaste for the smell of my shit. If you give my daughter the slightest indication that you don't like the smell of hers, you and I will have a big problem."
I grunted "Yes, understood, Queen Gina." I was beginning to realize that Gina was the key to any future as Princess Jackie's slave. "Please test me more, Queen Gina, I want to prove myself to you..." I began.
"And you will have that chance. I want you to kneel up on your knees, and then I want you to lick my ass clean after I finish. Kneel up."
I got up before her on my knees and watched as she finished using the toilet. She let a few more smaller dark turds fall into the water and another gusher of piss, and then stood up with her ass facing my mouth and she bent slightly. She spread her perfect asscheeks with her palms to reveal a tiny pink sphincter surrounded by a darker ring of flesh, all of which was flecked and smeared with her fresh shit. "Lick my ass clean lovingly, slave, or you'll end up watching my precious daughter from across the campus cafeteria and wishing you'd been more enthusiastic when you had a chance to get past my little test."
I dove in with my face and open mouth and slathered my wet tongue across her soiled anus, sucking and licking every morsel of her warm shit until her cleft was pink and shining. I continued even when there was no more; I waited for her to tell me to stop.
"Good enough, now let's move onto the next phase. Go kneel in front of the sofa again and wait for me. Pelvis out, hands behind head, little slave boy."
I awaited her arrival. It was nearly five, and hour until Princess Jackie would come back to join this scenario. Gina changed clothes behind me as I knelt for her.
She stepped back around me and took her seat on the couch once more. She had put on a pair of tight jeans and a loose tan sweater of thick cable-knit. On her feet were a pair of white canvas tennis shoes, old and scuffed, and cut low. Brownish outlines of her tiny toes were worn into the tops of the sneakers, and the laces were pulled tightly into long bows. My mouth watered as I gazed at these sexy shoes, and as I imagined the rich scent of her feet, sockless, that had imbued itself into the cloth and soles over the many hours she'd obviously worn them.
"Stay up on your knees with your penis thrust out like that, Jamie," she ordered as she lit another of her long menthol cigarettes. She very, very lightly placed the instep of her right foot against the sore and still-swollen scrotum holding my abused testes. She slowly leveraged it higher into my sack by placing her left foot underneath the right's heel and crossing her ankles there just below my crotch. She began to gyrate her feet so that my bruised nuts were massaged gently yet still a bit painfully. She smiled at me as she did this; I remained stoic externally and utterly aroused internally. My penis hardened within 30 seconds and saluted her.
"Good slave-boy," she laughed as she blew out a puff of bluish smoke, "that's the best thing about you teenage submissives. Always horny, ready to get hard."
I nodded.
"Next phase is this: before I tell my daughter that I think you're a true male slave, you need to show me that you understand the idea of worshipping your own mistress while putting all other girls out of your mind. It takes time, but you need to be trained so that you instantly are aroused by your Princess, but conditioned to ignore other girls. Understand?"
"Yes, Queen Gina, I think," I answered.
"Well, here's a little beginning test."
She presented a small black leather purse, plopping it on the sofa to her left and unzipping it. From inside she drew out a series of Ziploc bags, ten of them, and laid them out on the cushioned seat beside her. Each of the sandwich-style bags contained either a pair of plain white cotton panties or a white cotton ankle-sock. There were five of each. She flattened them out and set them in a pair of rows.
"What you see here, slave-boy, are the tools of the next little test. Some day, you will be so conditioned to worship your mistress, Princess Jackie, above any other female that you won't even feel a stirring of that ridiculous cock of yours unless you're in her presence. But of course, right now, you're totally untrained and constantly horny for any half-way decent girl that passes over your transom. To start your training, I have this little exercise. In each of these bags are a pair of panties or socks that I've taken from the dirty laundry of a young girl, pretty girls like my Jacquelyn, that I've had under my nursing care at the hospital where I am employed. Over the past two days, I've kind of scouted out some targets and stolen their dirty laundry. One of the pairs of panties, however, and one of the dirty socks are my daughter's. I'm going to have you smell those and memorize her scent. Then, I'm going to have you close your eyes as I put the socks and panties, one at a time, over your nose. You're going to tell me if you're smelling your Princess or if you're smelling another girl. Every time you get one wrong, I'm going to have to punish you... and I'll do that by grinding my dirty old tennis shoes against your oh-so-swollen poor little balls. Get it?"
"Yes, Queen," I breathed out in a deeply excited low voice. This little game sounded deeply erotic and exciting. I felt my heart speed up once again in Gina's presence.
"As soon as you've gotten her socks and panties right, just by her personal scent, and without an error for three consecutive guesses, I'll know that you know how to identify your own personal mistress well enough to worship her... and her only, as she deserves. But if you can't do that before Jackie gets back, I'll be forced to let her know that I think you're not true slave material."
I solemnly nodded.
Gina stubbed out her cigarette and opened up one of the panty bags. She pulled out a tiny pair of the white cotton undies and spread them so that the crotch could be placed tightly against my nostrils. She pressed them against my face while still holding her sneaker against my balls with just a little bit of twinging pressure.
"Take a deep breath of these, slave-boy," she ordered. "These are my beautiful daughter's soiled panties. Memorize her precious scent."
I inhaled deeply. I tried to form a mental imprint of the musky, tangy scent that flooded my nasal passages. I took several deep breaths before she took them away.
"Now, her dirty sock."
She pressed the little white sock against my nose next, firmly, and the intoxicating aroma of a lightly-grimed, deeply-scented female foot invaded my brain. My surging cock stood high, hard, throbbing and purple. Again I memorized the musky, vinegary, salty-sweet scent.
"Now, random panties and socks, Jamie. Tell me if they're your Princess's or not. Get three in a row right and you pass the test."
She started with a pair of Princess Jackie's panties. I immediately guessed correctly. The test was over quickly. She tried a strange sock. I guessed correctly. She tried to trip me up with the same pair of Princess panties that had been first. I knew they were Jackie's soiled underwear right away, and the test was over.
Gina seemed a bit disappointed in not having created a reason to punish me, but was outwardly pleased that I'd so quickly learned her daughter's scent.
"I'm impressed, little boy... not bad. I want to give you a little reward... would you like me to spank you a little bit?"
I nodded yes.
"Okay... let's redden your ass. And what a cute little ass!" Gina exclaimed as she motioned me to get over her lap. "Get your penis between my legs, there you go," she said as I let my weight settle across her thighs, which she locked around my hardened penis tightly. She began to spank, pretty hard, as I got ever more erect. I really love spankings...
After about five minutes of steadily increasing spanks, she pushed me off her lap and had me lie on the floor before her, face up. She put her shoes over my face, sideways, so that she could pop her bare heels out of them and let me get my nose into the arches of her feet. She had me stay like that for another five minutes or so, breathing the scent of her warm, damp feet mixed with the scent of the leather of the stillettos.
"Okay, enough reward, slave, you drag that filthy dog-cage out to the deck and hose it clean, then towel dry it. Put the dirty mat in the wash first. Be done quickly and drag it back in here."
It took me about forty minutes to completely scrub and hose the shit off the chrome-steel wires and bars of the dog-cage. I swapped the mat from washer to dryer during this time, and by six o'clock, when Princess was due to return, I was once again locked into the clean cage with Gina sitting on the couch, heels up on the coffee table, so that her soles pointed at my face inches away through the bars. She'd let me use the bathroom to brush my teeth and use the toilet before locking me in, naked but for my collar and the chastity belt, which she'd re-applied and snapped into tight locking position. She'd cuffed my wrists in front of me with the heavy chain shackles. My ankles were shackled to the cage floor behind where I knelt, hunched over, with the ceiling pressed against my hunched-over back within the three-foot space allowed by the containment's size.
"When my daughter gets back, I'm going to supervise as she gives you a few lessons in how to serve her. Then I'll watch and guide her as she gives you a very severe punishment designed to test your pain acceptance potential. Not because you've been bad, but because I need to see that you will accept an extreme amount of punishment from my daughter without reacting negatively or, worse, turning on her. Also, of course, because I know how sadistic she is in her secret heart, and I need to make sure that you're able and willing to take the pain she gives even when she gives it to you just because she feels like it. Understand?"
"Yes, Queen Gina."
"Does it excite you that you're going to be tortured tonight before you go to sleep in your cage?"
"Yes, it does, Gina... I'm nervous but excited."
"You're going to be severely, severely tortured, you know... not just a little whipping and tying up. It'll be harsher stuff designed to cause a slave a strong level of punishment-degree pain, not session-degree pain. Do you know the difference, slave-boy?"
I didn't, exactly, but I could surmise from what she'd said that one degree of pain was far beyond "fantasy"-type pain where a mistress ties up her slave and beats him for a while and they both enjoy it; punishment pain would be enjoyable only for the mistress, and hell on the slave. But I knew that even if I hated the pain during the punishment, I would love its memory afterwards and relish that memory with a surge of excitement... many times. I told Gina this.
She smiled and said "You will certainly have a lot to remember, then. Your torture will be harsh and degrading." But before that, you'll be a guinea pig while I teach Jackie a few things about how to dominate you in general. She's a natural, but she's totally naive."
I nodded as she grinned at me.
"Tell me what you're thinking about right now, slave. Your mental picture. Honesty, always, of course... now!"
I was, at that moment, picturing Gina's feet in my mind. But not the scuffed soles of her stillettos that faced me through the side of the cage, inches away. I was picturing them bare and dirty, covered with grime and bits of dirt, as if she'd walked barefoot all day. I was picturing her ordering me to lick them clean as she sat upon the couch. "I'm picturing your dirty bare soles, Gina... and you making me lick them clean as you sit there on that sofa. Reading and ignoring me."
She giggled. "Perhaps the next time you visit me, or I visit Jackie. But I have to leave tonight, as you know, on that plane at three in the morning. Jackie's taking me to the airport and then bringing the rental car back tomorrow. Then, you're all hers... but I'll be talking to both of you almost every day until you either are or aren't her permanent slave-for-life."
She checked her watch and said, "It's quarter after six... I'm calling Jackie."
She dialed her cell and spoke with her daughter for a while. It was obvious that she was still out shopping and wouldn't be back until seven.
Gina hung up. "Forty-five minutes, slave-boy. I'm going to take a nap. You stay quiet and still, don't rattle your chains. I sleep very lightly." She snapped off the lights and lay down on the couch. Soon I heard her light breathing as she dozed in the darkness. I stayed perfectly still in the semi-uncomfortable position; my knees were pressed against the thin mat and the wire mesh below it and were beginning to ache. My cock, of course, was as hard as a rock and throbbing against the Lexan acrylic cylinder that imprisoned it in the chastity belt. My balls, still a bit swollen and sore from Gina's hard kicking, filled their cup entirely.
After a while of this, at least an hour, my knees really beginning to throb in this unaccustomed position, I heard a car pull into the driveway three floors below. I heard steps coming up the stairs, and the back door burst open. Lights came on, and Jackie was home. She rushed in to the room past the cage and excitedly called to her mother "Hi, I'm back, wake up! Wake up!"
Jackie was holding up two big canvas shopping bags, and she then pivoted and put them down on top of the cage. "Oh, hey, Jamie," she grinned at me, "ready to be a guinea-pig-slash-torture-slave tonight?"
"Yes, Princess, definitely," I blurted.
"Okay... I know I can't wait. Now stay there and shut up while we get ready."
I nodded.
Gina and Princess retreated to the kitchen to discuss the plan in whispers. When they returned, Princess unlocked the dog-cage while Gina unlocked the shackles. Soon I was kneeling up on my knees with my hands on my head and wearing only the collar and belt. Gina attached a chain leash to the collar and handed the other end to Princess. They'd had me push the coffee table away from the sofa to create space in front of the couch. A thin, fake Oriental rug was under my knees.
"Okay," Gina began, "first thing is to learn how to properly worship your Princess's body, slave. A slave must know how to give pleasure to his mistress, as that is his only purpose in life. As we go along here, we're also going to formalize your rules. From now on, you will live your life under a strict set of rules, and if you violate any, you will receive punishment. It will be a punishment designed not to fulfill your fantasies, but to condition you to follow all of your owner's rules. Rule number one," and now Gina paused to turn to Princess, "write this down, honey," she directed as Princess picked up a notebook that she'd taken from one shopping bag, "Rule One is this: 'Slave Jamie is a piece of property owned by Princess Jackie. He will at all times think of himself as a thing she owns, and no longer as a person with rights.'"
Princess scribbled this down.
Gina continued. "Rule Two: 'Slave Jamie will never look at or speak to any females other than Jackie, or myself if I am present, unless ordered to by her. In her presence, he will always keep his gaze locked onto her sacred feet, and outside her presence will avert his gaze from other females. If he is forced to converse with another female, he will not make eye contact and will keep the conversation as brief as possible. He is to ignore other females if they attemp to speak with him casually, even if he seems rude by doing so."
Princess scribbled down Rule Two.
When she finished, she looked back to her mother.
"Rule Three," continued Gina, "Slave will not have any erections outside of his Princess's presence without her permission. If he does, he is to report the transgression to her immediately by cell-phone, which he must carry at all times."
Princess continued to scribble as Gina went on with the list of rules. Eventually, the entire list looked like this:
Slave Rules
1) Slave Jamie is a piece of property owned by Princess Jackie. He will at all times think of himself as a thing she owns, and no longer as a person with rights.
2) Slave Jamie will never look at or speak to any females other than Jackie, or myself if I am present, unless ordered to by her. In her presence, he will always keep his gaze locked onto her sacred feet, and outside her presence will avert his gaze from other females. If he is forced to converse with another female, he will not make eye contact and will keep the conversation as brief as possible. He is to ignore other females if they attempt to speak with him casually, even if he seems rude by doing so.
3) Slave will not have any erections outside of his Princess's presence without her permission. If he does, he is to report the transgression to her immediately by cell-phone, which he must carry at all times.
4) Slave Jamie will move into his Princess's home and be under her supervision at all times. He will go to his classes and return immediately to her apartment once they are concluded. He will go nowhere other than classes or her home unless she commands or allows it, with one exception: he will take his breakfast, lunch and dinners at the dining hall on campus, but he will sit by himself at a single table and avoid contact with others. If approached by male friends, he will act normally and converse with them, but will avoid this if possible, and will immediately report by cell-phone to Princess whenever he is unable to avoid eating alone. If there is time between finishing a meal and his next class, slave will spend this time in the home of his Princess. When she is not at home during a time when slave is required to be there, he will sit on the deck outside her door and study, regardless of weather, until her return.
5) Slave Jamie will refer to Princess Jackie as 'Princess' or 'Princess Jackie' whenever alone in her presence, and will refer to her as 'Jackie' while others, excepting Queen Gina, are present. He will refer to himself only as 'slave' or 'this slave' while alone in her presence. In the presence of others, excepting Queen Gina, he will refer to himself as 'I' or 'Jamie'"
6) Slave Jamie shall not think about or picture any other female nor shall he fantasize except about his Princess. He will be tested often by way of responding immediately to the following command from his Princess: She will say 'Mental picture, slave' and he will immediately describe his current thoughts on pain of punishment.
7) Slave will have contact with his family only with his Princess's knowledge. If he receives calls from family, he will not answer his phone and will instead call his Princess so that arrangements can be made for her to be present at the time of contact. Family visits will be handled under Princess's direction as they occur.
8) Slave Jamie will be responsible for all chores and tasks required in maintaining both his Princess's domicile and her body. He will clean her home each and every day immediately after returning from classes, and he will immediately follow all of her orders in regard to bathing and beautifying his Princess as she desires.
9) Slave Jamie will eventually become his Princess's toilet slave, meaning that he must learn to consume without mess or spillage any and all of her bodily wastes as she so commands, and to be available to her as a toilet whenever she may require one.
10) Slave Jamie will request permission to speak to his Princess by asking politely 'May this slave speak?' and obtaining her consent before proceeding. If she ignores him, he will wait at least an hour before asking permission again.
11) Slave will use the bathroom only with the permission of his Princess. If granted, he will be required to immediately thereafter thoroughly clean and disinfect whatever surface of the bathroom he has touched or which has touched his waste products, including the tub if he has showered or bathed within it.
12) Slave will think of himself as an inferior to the the female sex. He is to think of himself as filthy and foul, as if covered with pathological bacteria and filth, and as if he carries a foul stench. He is to think of himself as an untouchable, as a walking pile of filth and feces that exists only to serve his Princess.
13) Slave Jamie is to think of his Princess as a living goddess, as a sacred being, and is to develop a deep and loving feeling of worship not only for her, but for the very clothes she wears, wastes she excretes, and ground she walks upon.
14) Princess will indeed love Slave Jamie, but her love for him is without restriction, restraint or commitment of any kind. She is free to develop any kind of relationship she may desire with others, even sexual relationships if desired, and may terminate the Mistress-slave relationship with Slave Jamie at any time. Slave Jamie, however, may not terminate the relationship without the permission of Princess and may indeed only separate from her with her permission or upon punishment up to and including the loss of his life. If, at any time, Princess loses her feelings of love for her slave, she will release him.
15) Slave will be kept in near-constant chastity and will expect to be allowed to climax only on extremely rare occasions. The purpose of this is to ensure that the slave is in a constant state of desire for his Princess and therefore more malleable, compliant, and able to be used and manipulated to her liking.
16) In the home of Princess and slave, when alone together or with Gina, slave will keep himself naked except for his collar and chastity belt, unless directed otherwise, and will never walk upon two feet when Princess is sitting or lying down. He will only crawl in that situation.
17) Slave Jamie will understand that slavery often involves long periods of boredom, long periods of carrying out menial tasks in service to his Princess, and long periods in solitary bondage, and slave will condition himself to enjoy these periods as a tribute to his devotion to his superior.
18) Slave Jamie will understand that there is no logic or rationality attached to the commands or desires, or actions, of his Princess and will merely submit to any command, desire, action or treatment that she inflicts upon him. No rewards are to be expected, and any punishment to be given will be at her immediate whim and do not have any connection to past behavior or routine. Rules may change whenever Princess feels like it.
19) When being punished, slave is to make every possible effort to remain silent and obediently accepting of the pain; slave will hold in mind that violating this rule will not be pleasing to his Princess and may indeed result in increased punishment. Princess will direct any emergency treatment slave may need during the course of his slavery.
20) Slave Jamie will inform his Princess of any money or gifts that he receives from any party, and she will determine their usage as if she had received them herself.
21) When in Princess's presence without any tasks to be specifically performed, slave will place himself under her feet so that his face can be used as her footrest. He will lie flat on his back with his arms at his side and perform as a motionless piece of furniture. If she is moving about, he will walk behind her at a minimum of three steps until she settles, and then he will perform as footrest for her.
22) In public together, slave will always follow three steps behind Princess Jackie with his gaze upon her feet. When she is sitting in public, he will wait for her to be fully seated before he himself sits down, and he will keep his eyes down or on her feet. Often he will be commanded to seat himself at her feet or to perform as footrest, at her discretion, and he will comply despite the potential embarassment this may cause him. He will also accept any public punishment she may choose to inflict, including but not limited to public face-slappings or spankings.
23) For appearance's sake, slave will occasionally be ordered to spend time with friends or at his dorm room. During these times, all rules still apply except that he may freely converse with other males, and males only, and never about his relationship with Princess regarding his status as her slave; this is to remain private between the three of us unless Princess decides otherwise.
24) While slave will never be ordered to sexually interact with other males, Princess is free to order him to service any female in any way that she may desire.
25) All of the above is subject to change at any time, more rules will be added constantly, and none of this becomes effective until midnight tonight. At midnight, Princess and Queen will decide whether to offer slave status to Jamie, and if he is utterly willing to commit to all of the above for the rest of his life, or until he is released by Princess, he will become her permanent slave and will follow all of these rules.
And that was the list that Princess scribbled down. She closed the notebook, put down the pen, and awaited Gina's next direction.
I continued to kneel before them. I had my eyes locked onto the tops of Princess's old duck boots as she sat to my right with them planted on the floor. Gina had her feet up on the coffee table that stood behind my naked back. She was now loosely holding my leash.
"Time to learn proper body worship, slave-boy," she began, "and that means you now need to learn to properly satisfy my daughter with passion and worship. We'll start with foot-worship, then move on to anal worship, armpit worship, and finally, after you brush and sanitize your mouth and teeth, how to worship her sacred vagina. A slave must know how to make his mistress orgasm with his tongue, mouth and lips... or he's worthless. Understood?"
Yes, Queen Gina," I answered.
"Okay, honey," Gina now said to her eighteeen-year-old scruffy yet beautiful daughter, "move in front of your kneeling boy-slave."
Princess sidled on the sofa to face me and planted her boots between my knees. Gina got up and pushed the coffee table out of the way so that she could stand behind me. She fished through one of the shopping bags and took out a rubber bicycle tire tube. It was large and thin, designed for a ten-speen bike, and deflated. It formed a perfect whipping strap that would deal a harsh, grippy blow and also re-ignite the many wounds and welts already criss-crossing my back. She dangled it in front of my face and let it brush against my chin, lips and cheeks. I could smell the new rubber scent.
"If you make mistakes as I direct this little training, slave-boy, you'll get a really nice lash from this bicycle tube, get it?" asked Gina.
"Yes, Queen Gina," I responded.
"Okay, then let's begin your lesson on foot worship. Understand the following: we know that as a slave, it is a pleasure for you to worship your Princess's body, especially her feet, since you have a foot fetish. Therefore, you are required to maintain an erection at all times whenever your Princess allows you to worship her body. At all times. However, of course, you are never to climax! Also, your worship must be done not to please you or your fantasies, because your needs are totally unimportant. Your worship of her sacred body is meant only for her pleasure. If your fantasies are satisfied by carrying out her commands, fine, but remember at all times that you're a worthless piece of filth, and exist only to serve my daughter. Understood?"
"Yes, Queen Gina," I replied as she stood directly behind me with the bicycle tube loosely wrapped around my neck right above the collar.
"Jackie, time now to order your slave to remove your footwear."
Jackie used a firm voice that wavered with suppressed giggles to command "Slave, take off my shoes, gently."
I bent over a bit as Gina held the tire tube around my neck, and as Princess pulled the leash a bit more tautly. I began to reverently untie the old laces of her left boot. I loosened them a bit with delicate moves, and then pulled the boot off of her heel with my left hand cupping the rubber sole and my right hand gently lifting her ankle. I slid the boot softly free of the bare foot within its tight confines and was welcomed with that first rush of strong scent released by her moist, unwashed bare foot exiting its leather and rubber home. I took my first close-up gaze at Princess's bare little foot. Her nails were unpainted and needed trimming. Under each toenail except the pinky she had a thin crescent of black dirt. Between her toes I saw the gleam of moisture on the pink webbing spotted by little bits of grime and lint. Her insteps had a very fine patch of blonde hairs across the alabaster skin. Thin blue lines of veins decorated her skin, and there was a red ring of impression where the boot's top collar had gripped above her delicate ankle. Her soles were a deeper pink, slightly yellow where the thicker skin protected her sacred feet, and grime was well-ground into her heel and the ball of the foot. Her high arch was speckled with lint and dark flecks of dirt. The ridge under her toes was damp and dirty.
"Now, Jackie, command him to rub those red impressions out of the skin above your ankle while holding the sole of your foot against his face. His face should support the weight of your leg and foot while he gently rubs your injured skin."
Jackie nodded and ordered "Slave, hold my foot up with your face and rub those red marks out of my ankles."
I hardened within the plastic cup of the belt until my penis actually throbbed painfully within. Ever-so-reverently, my heart racing, I pressed my face against the sole of her precious foot as I lifted her leg up. I tilted my neck to allow her foot to rest on my face with the arch pressing against my nose and the heel resting on my chin. I could feel rough callused skin at the back of her heel. Gina saw this and said "He'll have to learn how to properly pamper your feet, too, Princess. Get rid of those heel-ridges and trim your nails."
Jackie nodded as I rubbed away for a few minutes.
"Okay, now it's time to worship her foot, every inch, with your tongue, and to clean up all that grime on her soles and get all that toe-jam out from between her toes," Gina interjected. "Jackie, order him to wash your feet with his tongue."
Jackie rested against the sofa cushions and ordered "Slave, wash my foot with your tongue. Start at my toes and work your way down as you cleanse every inch of the grime and toe-jam. Swallow it all... give me a tongue-washing foot-massage."
"Good!" said Gina as I began my reverent scrubbing of my new girlfriend's big toe for the first time. The taste of her foot was incredibly arousing. She carried the salty taste of her sweat and the scent of vinegar and dirt and cheese between her toes. I mopped out the little hard bits of grime and the soft lint and swallowed dozens of tiny times.
Gina bent over a bit to look down at my crotch to make sure I was hard. Of course I was.
I did both of Jackie's feet until my tongue was a bit sore from the friction, and then it was time to move onto anal worship.
"Okay, Princess," Gina began, "Have him get on his fours and face you, and you get on the couch with your ass right in his face. Have him lower your jeans and panties and get his nose right into your ass-crack."
The drill was laid down by Gina, and Princess ordered me through it. Start with long slathers from the bottom to top of her anal cleft, and then swirl around the fragrant brown rosebud of her anus before getting my tongue as deep into her as I could while rapidly licking and sucking her asshole. Jackie wasn't at all obsessed with hygeine, of course, and therefore her asscrack was very aromatic and her anus flecked with tiny bits of gluey shit that I eagerly lapped up. Soon, she was gleaming.
We moved through armpit worship and soon Princess was nude and clean and relaxed and well-worshipped except for in her most important place. For the first time, I was granted the privelege of viewing my Princess's sacred vagina. Her bush was thick and untrimmed, blonde hair that was more like fur than curls of thick pubic hair. Her scent was deep, rich, and musky with traces of ammonia and her sweat. She was quite wet, with vaginal juices seeping from between her lips and thin labia. Her clit was hard and visible, red and gleaming from its little folded envelope.
Under Gina's tutelage, I was schooled in how to properly suck on that clit and those lips without stopping for air. This tutelage was interspersed with several hard lashes of the bicycle tube, and then, as Princess began to buck her hips and moan as I suckled and flogged her clit with my lips and tongue, a steady rain of the blows came down on my back and shoulders until a juicy gush of liquid from Jackie's vagina signaled her orgasm. Gina had me continue through another and another until Princess grabbed my hair and shoved my face away. She heaved on the couch, knees up and legs spread, juices flowing, her chest rising and falling, as she came down from the high of her first oral climax. I knelt, proud of myself, enjoying the sting of the lashes, smiling, with my eyes back on her now-clean little feet.
After a little banter between mother and daughter, Gina addressed me again. "Slave, you're actually proving yourself fairly worthy with the worship part of tonight's process, but it's now past ten, and we have less than two hours to get through the hard part: your torture session, your punishment-degree torture session. Get on top of the coffee table face-up. Spread your arms up and out and scoot down so that your wrists are at the corners."
I did. Gina rummaged through the shopping bags and took out a series of cuffs and restraints, showing Princess how to apply them all, until I was lying on my back with wy wrists tightly bound to the corners of the table above my head and my legs lifted high over my body and knees tied to my shoulders. My ass was lifted and wide-open with my legs spread, and a pillow propped underneath. In my mouth was an inflatable gag that stretched my cheeks and silenced me. Straps held my torso flat to the table at seven places, and my head was held between a steel vise with flat plates that made it impossible to move my neck from side to side. The vise was firmly clamped to the table, and a band strapped across my forehead.
Now that she had me lying fully exposed, Gina removed the chastity belt. My freed cock sprang to vertical position, saluting them in its fully-erect position, and my balls bulged out in their bruised and welted splendor below.
"Now, Jackie," Gina said to her daughter, "it's time not to have just a regular, fun punishment session, but a true torture session that would be equivalent to what you'd do if he broke a rule. To cause him an incredible degree of pain, you know, actual torture-torture. Get it?"
"Yeah, mom," said Princess breathlessly. "How?"
"Start with the nipples, then the cock and balls, and then the ass. Then keep on adding torments and beating until your slave is crying freely. You have to get tears flowing, or it isn't punishment, it's fun, get it?"
"Yeah... but how to start?"
The procedure began with Gina teaching Jackie how to do each of the following, in order... nipple clamps were put on me, and tightened until they blazed pinpoints of fire. Thin chains from these were hung over the sides of the table and heavy weights attached until I thought they'd rip my nipples off. My balls were wrapped at their base with tight thin twine until they bulged and shined in tightness and then Gina showed Jackie how and where to apply forty alligator clips, each of which bit into the tightly-drawn skin. Blood beaded up around the tip of each clamp. My cock was slid into a metal cylinder and then a dozen screws set into it were tightened until they dug into my erection and spiked it from top to bottom while biting into flesh and causing blood to well out of each tiny wound. A mousetrap was clamped onto the bulging exposed head of my circumcised seven-incher, and another thin chain attached to this before weights were added that pulled my cock toward the end of the table pointing straight down and stretching it against the deeply biting screwtips of the cylinder. It felt like the skin was bulging and ripping as more weight was added to the chain, and the chain itself was so taut that it pushed down hard across the split between my clamped balls painfully. Into my asshole went a thick buttplug, and Gina showed Jackie how to inflate it until I had to squeeze my eyes shut to take the incredible painfulness of my stretched rectum and sphincter. Gina then slathered hot pepper sauce all over my clipped balles and clamped penis head, and then on the ring of flesh surrounding the buttplug. They sttod back and laughed as I began to cry when the heat really set in and burned. I felt light-headed as I openly sobbed, muffled by the fully-inflated gag in my mouth, tears running down my cheeks and spattering onto the dark wood of the coffee table. My erection was gone, but the cylinder nad weights held my penist stretched to beyond its seven-inch normal erection length, so Gina tightened the biting screws studding the cock-cylinder even further. Next, the beating began.
Starting with my face, Jackie was directed by Gina as she slapped my inflated cheeks over and over with increasing speed and strength. The flat of her palms met my face with a loud splat at least a hundred times until my cheeks were dark red and swelling. Random blows caught my eyes as well, making them swell up a bit. I cried and sobbed throughout, trying to stay silent, but unable, as Jackie moved on to the whip.
Gina demonstrated the use of the five-foot bullwhip that Princess had purchased, then directed her daughter as she took over, starting with my claves, then knee-backs, then thighs, and then my spread-wide, plugged ass. She counted off fifty lashes to each of these four areas, delivering two hundred lashes, each of which raised a thick red welt and drew a line of thin blood, as I passed out from the pain. My tears were exhausted as I passed from a state of pain to a state of mere acceptance of the beating; numbness set in so that I actually felt the impact of each blow, but did not feel a fresh blaze of pain with impact. I had gone into a numbed shock, feeling a dizzying light-headedness, until I saw stars and blackness overcame my senses.
I awoke to the strong smell of an open revival salt that Gina was showing Princess how to use. I heard, through the haze of awakening, her tell her daughter "When your slave passes out during punishment, you have to wake him up like this, see?"
"Okay," I heard Jackie reply as Gina waved the little salt under my nose.
I returned to full consciousness as Gine withdrew the smelling salt and told her daughter that, at this point in such a punishment, she needed to simply add more tormenting devices and then let me stay in bondage for a long time while saturated with pain. And to watch from time to time to make sure that if I passed out to revive me with another salt. They proceeded to put more clamps onto my bruised balls and tighten the penis screws. Heavy clamps were added to my ass cheeks until I felt them digging in across every whipped and welted inch. More hot sauce was slathered on. Fire built again, and again I passed out with dizzying reeling of my brain, in the overload of senses and pain.
I awoke to another smelling salt, and was left alone to lie there as the women went off to the kitchen to have a snack and a glass of Jackie's Pinot.
At midnight, it was time to take Gina to the airport, and my stiff and beaten frame was released from the table. I trembled and bucked as each clip and clamp was removed, the blood pressure returning with a fiery rush each time, and the cuffs and straps removed. Gina demonstrated how to use alcohol to sterilize all the bleeding wounds, and then jackie's cool hands took over until the stripes and welts and bite-marks of the clamps were stinging with the cleansing alcohol.
They left the gag in my mouth, but removed the buttplug. My chastity belt went back on, and as Jackie pulled the strap tight she giggled at my wincing when the cup and tube pressed tightly against my beaten, wounded cock and ball flesh.
Into my cage I went, on my side with my hands cuffed behind my back, and one ankle chained to the rear side's thickest bar. The lights went out, and the women went to whisper in the kitchen about my fate.
And thus begins the next part of my story: I agreed to become the slave to Jackie, follow all of the rules outlined that day, and to go forward as her property even as my body reeled from the pain and injury of the punishment. Gina was driven to the airport by Jackie while I was tasked with copying the list of rules, memorizing it, as I lay inside the little dog cage with the notebook and pen. Jackie uncuffed my wrists, then locked one loosely to the bars beside the cage door so that I could write but was still bound to the cage by one wrist and one ankle. She also tossed in a bottle of water and a small bag of Frito's.
For good measure, she got on top of the cage and urinated on me, right onto my head and neck, then stuck her ass through the door so that I could lick her clean of piss. She locked me in, Gina said goodbye, and off they went as I began to memorize the rules that would be my firm life guide for the next eight months...
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