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The Adventures of Karen

Part 58 Education 3

The Adventures of Karen - Part 58 – Education 3

Lisa stood and stared.

Karen quickly looked at Lisa and returned her gaze to Agnes' exposed flesh.

As the two girls looked Greta was carefully, tentatively, stroking the clearly exposed clitoris. Pausing after a few delicate strokes she looked up at Agnes, who, because of her position could not clearly see anyone beyond the rise of her chest, beyond the slight mounds that were the painful reminder that her heavy and pendulous breasts were hanging almost casually either side of her naked and restrained body.

'Well, my dear, you certainly kept that a deep secret!'

Agnes was too embarrassed to answer. She knew that whatever she said would have no effect on Greta now that she had finally found out that she had been blessed with an inordinately large and elongated clitoris. Agnes was aware that however well blessed she appeared to be to other, less well endowed women, it was not something which she would have ever wished for. She had endured many ribald comments in shower rooms in her younger days and even her husband had felt intimidated by it. So much so that he always referred to it as the 'other cock that my wife loves more than mine'.

Greta's voice interrupted Agnes thoughts. 'Why didn't you tell me all about it, my dear. This is such a wonderful, wonderful thing. I'm sure that any of us here would be more than happy to be so well endowed.' Greta turned and looked at Karen who was, to her embarrassment, quite fascinated by the smooth erotic flesh that lay exposed before her gaze.

'Mistress, I'm sure you are right!' Karen spoke quietly, afraid to say too much because she felt more than a littlie sympathy for the desolate Agnes. Karen's own clitoris was, she had always thought, been well developed and it was, without any question, extremely sensitive. So sensitive that she always treated it with great respect. With love and respect. Despite many attempts to break her habit, she had felt forced to masturbate at least once, and, very often, more times, every day. How, she wondered, could Agnes cope with such a superb organ. Especially, she smiled to herself, if it was even only half as sensitive as her own swollen bud.

Greta was determined to make Agnes reply as she raised her voice. 'Tell me, tell us, do you play with yourself every day, every single day?'

'No, no, please, you're embarrassing me.' Agnes sounded plaintive. 'Please, it's not like that at all. You just don't know, it can be so difficult at times for..'

Greta interrupted her angrily. 'Don't pretend that you have never pleasured yourself!'

'Well, yes, yes, of course, of course I have, but it is so difficult to explain.' Agnes began to cry as she realised that she was almost on the point of admitting her deepest secret. A secret that she had successfully hidden from everyone over the years, including even her own husband.

'Ah well, let's leave that for now. We'll soon get the truth anyway. I'll spend a little time planning my next few moves once we have got your first lesson started.

Agnes felt a little relief at that, thinking to herself that she might still be able to keep her secret. Might, with a little time to think, to plan, begin to make some suitable excuse

'Now, slave Lisa go and stand at the top, next to dear Agnes' head while slave Karen helps me make one final adjustment here.'

Karen focussed her attention on Greta once more. 'Yes Mistress, what do you want me to do?'

Greta resisted the temptation to tell her what her desires were at that precise moment, desires that involved much discomfort for Karen, and instead. concentrated on explaining the use of the machine. 'Now, my dear, once we have got the... what shall we say... the shaft lined up with her cunt then we have to make sure that we don't cause her any serious injuries.' Greta smiled thinly. 'No injuries of course, you know my views on that, but that doesn't exclude a lot of pain and discomfort, as Agnes here will soon find out.'

As she spoke she flipped open a small panel on the front of the machine and looked at the setting of a couple of switches. 'Now, Karen, pick up that tube of lubricant there and smear a thin film onto the cock here. We want to get it inside her as deep as possible and as she is so dry..' Greta laughed ' the moment, we'll help her a little.'

Karen picked up the tube of clear gel and smeared a little on the shaft and began to work it along the length of the black, heavily contoured surface. As she did so she thought dreamily that an even better, natural, lubricant was almost at her fingertips. She knew that she had more than enough of her own sweet copious juices to spare for this purpose. She was sure that Greta realised that and had rejected the option for some reason best known to herself.

'Enough, enough. Now, push it, guide it, inside her, slowly, slowly.' Greta looked up at Karen's face, slightly flushed as she experienced a brief pleasure at inserting such a well shaped phallus into another woman's, unresisting vagina. 'Go on, keep pushing until you reach the top, or the bottom, as you wish!'

Karen, acutely aware of the pain and discomfort that an object inserted too deep into herself would cause, pushed gently feeling a slight resistance as the swollen head pushed through the soft, warm, yielding flesh and towards the hardened dimpled ring of the cervix, towards the very tip of Agnes' tormented vagina. Carefully, as she probed the warm depths, she felt a firmer, more discernible, resistance.

'There Mistress, there it is, I think I've reached the end of her ... her vag..' she paused, aware of Greta's stare, '...sorry, it's at the top of her cunt now, right at the top of her cunt, I can feel it now.'

'Good! No need to be shy here, my dear, we're dealing with a naughty girl, a new slave so let's make sure she knows her place. We have no time for the social niceties at all. Hold it there at the top of her cunt for a moment.' As she spoke Greta made a few adjustments to one of the switches. 'Now, pull it out now. Slowly, slowly does it, and do not pull it all the way out either!'

Karen hesitated briefly and then realised just what Greta intended. She held the long tube with the thick phallus mounted at the end of it and slowly withdrew it from the warm embracing depths of Agnes reluctant body. As more and more of the richly veined shaft emerged, glistening slightly with the lubricating gel, Karen slowed her movement until the rim of the grossly enlarged and exaggerated glans appeared between the thin inner labial lips.

'Stop! That is just right. Hold it there, just inside her cunt.' Greta made a further adjustment to the other switch before she snapped the lid shut. Standing back she motioned Karen to move away from the machine. 'Now, my dear we are almost ready. We've got the machine set up now so it will not do her any serious damage, and it won't come out either. Just like the ideal cock I suppose, and without all the mess too.'

Greta flexed her hands and stretched her arms before she walked around Agnes' outstretched naked legs and walked towards her head. Bending over her she murmured into Agnes ear. 'Now my dear, we're almost ready for your lesson to begin. You are a little too dry, I suspect, to enjoy the experience, but I'm sure that will soon remedy itself one way or the other once you realise just what a wonderful little toy you have at your disposal.' As she spoke she pressed a button on the remote control and a low buzzing sound came from between Agnes' legs.

'Ah! Ohhhhhhhh! Nooooooooo!' Agnes squealed as she felt the head of the dildo begin to vibrate. Vibrate at the very opening to her vagina, next to the very root of her enlarged clitoris. 'Pleassssse nooooooo!'

Greta smiled broadly as she switched the vibrator off. 'Never fear, my dear, you will be begging, pleading, for more later but that was just a little taste of what we have in store for you. You must have already guessed that you're going to be fucked soon anyway. I'm sure that you would prefer this nice machine, so smooth acting, so long lasting, so much better than any man.'

'Please, please no!!' Agnes begged, tears forming yet again.

'Oh, so you would prefer a man, a nice warm spurting cock to fuck you?' Greta spoke menacingly. 'Or, perhaps, a couple of men. Or three? Or four? I know, how about an nice long rough gang rape? Would you like that?'

Agnes, who had long fantasised about being taken by a group of men, paused briefly, knowing that she could never reveal such a deep, unfulfilled, fantasy to Greta. Who knows, she thought, she might just arrange it. 'No, please dear Greta, I'll do whatever you wish. If you would prefer it then of course I would like to feel the pleasures of your toy there.'

'Good answer, my dear, good answer!' Greta was happy now that she had gone at least one small, very small, step along the path towards the training and humiliation that she planned.

As she paused Greta let her thoughts wander briefly. She had been most impressed with the way that her friend Lucy, and her husband, had trained the submissive couple for the general pleasure of everyone. She thought happily of the way that the unfortunate Joy was forced to hold her orgasm, totally unable to cum or obtain any release in any way until she had been paid, in coin or note. She knew a little of the training that the unfortunate Joy had undergone. The way that Lucy had broken her from a proud and arrogant woman. A woman reluctant to ever grant the use of her body to anyone, including her husband, except on rare occasions. She recalled happily the stories that Lucy had regaled her with as she described how she had slowly trained Joy to enjoy, then need, and then beg for, release, beg to be allowed to cum. Even more, she thought, it was so incredible how the extended training with withheld orgasms had progressed until she finally accepted her fate. It was inevitable in the end, she thought. Perhaps that was a case where the use of the cane as a punishment for cumming without permission was justified. A good case of pain before pleasure. Pain and pleasure always seemed so intertwined anyway, especially where sexual pleasures were concerned. And, as for the husband, how he had been trained to give such delightful oral service was still something she wondered about. Something she would have to explore later.

She stopped, and returned her attention to the dungeon. Lisa was still standing expectantly to one side of Agnes' head and Karen stood dutifully at one side next to the two naked males, their erections now faded into insignificance.

'I think we can make a start on her now!' Greta pressed a button and the machine began to thrust slowly back and forwards into the waiting and helpless cunt.

'Aaaaahhhhhhh, nooooooooo!' Agnes wailed as she felt the repeated thrusts. Slow as the movement was she felt it dragging on her innermost membranes, dry from the lack of any arousal. Slowly, she thought, she would not be able to help herself. Then, she knew, Greta would have another revelation.

'No! I almost forgot the special feature here.' Greta made a show of remembrance as she smiled at the naked observers. 'Karen, be a dear and fetch me that box from over there please.' Karen walked towards the bench at the side of the room and picked up a plain brown box. As she picked it up she realised that a coil of wire was lying besides it. 'Oh, yes, bring the wire as well, please!'

Padding over towards Agnes, Karen wondered just what new fiendish device or torment had been planned. Greta's sudden dramatic outburst seemed to be less than genuine and Karen felt sure that Greta had known exactly what she was doing, what she intended, all along.

'You se, my dear...' Greta addressed Agnes, who stared at her helplessly, '...I almost forgot. This machine can also be controlled by sound. Your voice in fact. Or, if you prefer it, your moans, your screams. Here, let me just fix this thing around your neck.' Greta moved forwards and opened the mysterious box, withdrawing a long soft leather strap with a large bulge in the middle of it. 'You see, my dear, this is a throat microphone, if I strap round here, like so...' Greta matched her words with actions '...and I pull it nice and tight, just like a simple slave collar in fact, then every sound you make will be picked up. Clever, eh?'

While Karen's face remained impassive Lisa couldn't resist a short gasp. 'I see you get the idea then, Lisa my dear!'

Lisa merely nodded, fearing to offend Greta.

Carefully connecting the wire to a clip at the back of the neck-strap Greta uncoiled it and walked to the machine between Agnes' legs. Once there she connected the free end to another socket and stood back.

'Now, you see, whatever noise we ...', she emphasised the word, '... make the machine takes no notice. See!' She casually slapped her hand hard across Karen's bare ass making her scream at the unexpected shock. 'Clever little devil isn't it?' Greta walked back towards Lisa and, just as casually, tweaked one nipple, and then the other, as hard as she could.

Lisa screamed with the pain that coursed through her tender teats, still sore from the lashing that Agnes had administered before she had been bound and held naked and helpless.

'There you see, my dear, despite those silly girlish screams nothing happens, but, now when I do this...' Greta paused and slapped Agnes' pendulous right breast as it hung flaccidly at the side of her chest. Slapped it once and then slapped it again, harder. A bright red handprint showed up almost immediately as Agnes screamed her pain out loud. This time, instead of remaining silent, the machine standing dark and menacing between Agnes' bare legs burst into life. The long thick phallus began to thrust in and out of the waiting cunt. It continued briefly before stopping.

Greta smiled happily looking triumphantly at Karen and Lisa before she continued. 'You see, the really clever thing is that if you, you my dear Agnes, make a noise, any noise, then the machine will do something. Just exactly what it will do you will of course find out, but, as an extra little twist, I can alter it's settings as often as I like, and you will only know exactly what will happen, you will only find out, the hard way, the painful way perhaps!'

Agnes tried to look at Greta and speak. 'Please Miss... aaahhhhh noooooooooooooo!' As she spoke the machine went into action once more, and, incredibly as she screamed her suffering ever louder the machine changed its pace and the length of it's stroke. Just as suddenly it stopped.

'Mistress, if I may ask.' Karen was courteous and respectful. She had no desire to offend Greta who was obviously feeling her power, demonstrating her need to dominate, to control.

'Of course my dear, ask away.'

'Does that mean that she will only get... forgive me... she will only get fucked when she makes a noise?'

'Oh no! Of course not. We can give her a long or short session as we wish, or we can keep her guessing. Such a clever device don't you think, my dear? We can change from manual to automatic control whenever we wish.'

'Yes Mistress, yes indeed!' Karen was impressed.

Suddenly the machine started whirring, withdrawing the phallus until it almost emerged from the soft flesh before the buzzing indicated the start of the vibrator.

'Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo!' Agnes screamed helplessly before she struggled to stay silent. Struggled to stay silent despite the insistent torment to her sensitive flesh. Torment to the very deepest nerves at the base of her clitoris. Struggled to be silent to stop the tormenting device.

'Sorry, dear sweet Agnes, I almost forgot. There is one other little trick here. If you make a noise then something will happen, as you seem to have found out. But, if you remain silent for too long then the machine gets quite upset and thinks you have forgotten it's charms, so it starts up again. So clever, and you don't know, can't know, how long it will wait.' Greta clapped her hands happily. 'You can now torture yourself so easily. Make a noise and you suffer, make no noise and you suffer. Superb!'

Agnes could only nod, terrified of setting the machine off once more.

'Now, here's your first test before we start your lesson at last. I hope you are ready!'

End of Part 58

(c) 2005 Cathy P

If you enjoyed this story, then keep a copy and re-read it as often as you like. Your pleasure is my pleasure!. Let me know what you have enjoyed, or, perhaps, what you didn't enjoy, about the story!

To those who write to me already, thank you for your comments! I do try to answer every letter, but it may take a little time, so, thank you in advance for your patience!

If you wish to post the 'Adventures' elsewhere, then of course you will!. Just remember to credit me as the author.

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