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First Pleasure

One Part Only

First Night of Pleasure...

The fruit loops... they are chasing me and I can't keep running like this for
long... they never get tired, never slow down... they gain on me, coming closer
and closer... Toucan Sam is laughing cruelly... AAAAAHHHHH!!!

I wake up in a cold sweat... the nap was not the relaxing escape I thought it
would be. Pulling the blanket off of my body, I rise from the couch, still
seeing visions of those little bits of cereal chasing me. 'Damn you Lilly,' I
think, 'For buying all that cereal.' Walking through archway out of our living
room, I enter the kitchen. The offending Fruit Loops box is still sitting out on
the table, next to a bowl of the same.

Sighing, I pick up the box, returning it to the cupboard, and then the bowl,
which I take to the sink. As the water rushes through the faucet into the basin,
I hear footsteps behind me... I turn quickly, my mind flashing back to the
narrow escape from Toucan Sam... but it isn't that harbinger of doom this time.
Nope, it's Lilly. A smile comes to my face as I think of how stupid it was to be
startled, and how much stupider than that it is to fear that dumb cereal... oh
well, another topic for my therapist.

"Hi bebe... how was your nap?"

"Not too good Lilly... shouldn't have had all that sugar before trying to go to
sleep, it screws with my dreams."

"Ooooh, poor rabbit. Feeling better though?"

"Hahahaha, yes thanks."

You walk over to the cupboard, and bring back two mugs...


Without even waiting for a response, you grab the box off of the counter, and
ask what flavor I would like, smiling. You know I'm a green tea addict, and I
just give you a little smile and a nod in response. After filling the mugs with
hot water, you pull two bags of green tea out of the box. I hear the tea bags
plopping into the water, but your body blocks my view. You turn and bring the
tea over with a coy smile on your face, swaying your hips as you walk.

"Lilly, you look so sexy when you do that... you know it drives me nuts."
"Do I really baby? I never noticed..."

You laugh as you hand me the tea, and we pull out chairs to relax. As we sit
together and enjoy the hot tea, I can't help but notice that the tea is
especially strong today, it has a bitter edge to it. Usually I'm more a fan of
the lighter stuff... but maybe this is new. I remember thinking 'Maybe I should
go shopping with her next time... weird tea and Fruit Loops aren't exactly what
I'd like to eat all week...'

This must be caffeinated too... I feel a little chill and my whole body seems to
relax. Smiling, I lean back in the chair. 'Ah well,' I think 'I'll be up all
night, but that's ok. Maybe I'll give Lilly a night to remember...'

 The chill seems to deepen, and my muscles relax even more. God that's strong...
my vision seems to waver as well, what is going on here? A few seconds pass, and
the feeling of sleepiness and total relaxation spreads, but my mind is on

"Liilllayy... Whaatssdis?"

My mouth isn't working... nothing is working, I can't move... My eyes flutter
closed, but not before I see that coy smile still on your face... you aren't
surprised a bit. The darkness envelops me...

My eyes open, and I can't remember where I am. 'How the hell did I get here?' My
brain races to catch up with the circumstances, but falters at the cup of tea.
'God, I must have passed out... what was in that tea?' I try to open my mouth to
speak, but find it already open. I can't speak, there's a ball in my mouth, it
seems to be strapped on...

Realization hits like a train... Lilly drugged me and gagged me! I shift my
weight and try to rise, but my arms won't cooperate. I'm face down on our bed,
and my arms are tied to the bedposts! I quickly realize my legs have met the
same fate as my arms, and my heart sinks. These are the cuffs I bought for
her... Looking around, I see many, many turns of rope connecting the cuffs to
the bed. 'Damn. I can't get out of this one. What the hell does she think


My ass is on fire! Something or somebody hit me hard! God that stung...

"Good morning baby! How are you feeling? Sorry about doing that, but I did so
want you tied to my bed, and it wouldn't have been any fun if you'd done it

As you speak you sit down on the bed next to me, and I crane my neck to see you
clearly... Your outfit leaves me speechless... it's not like I would have been
able to communicate much anyway, but still... This is stuff I've never see you
wear, you must have gone shopping... A tight black little demi on top, no doubt
from AP, and nothing but stockings and a tiny sheer thong on the bottom... and a
crop... that must have been what hit me... The handle is covered in something
that makes it sparkle, but however pretty it may be it still hurts like hell...

Moving my legs around, I try and explore my new-found bondage. I feel a pillow
under my hips, raising them a few inches off of the bed... I almost blush, my
ass is lifted and presented to anyone who happens to walk in the room. You

"So now that I have you here, we should have some fun, shouldn't we?"

I try to respond through the gag, but all that comes through is a small moaning


"I'm glad that you feel that way baby! This should be one hell of a night for

There is a smiling tone in your voice, playful yet firm. Looking up at you,
dressed in your black lace and carrying your crop, you are a fearsome figure...
The corners of your mouth curl upward in what looks like extreme pleasure. 'I'm
glad you're getting off on this...' I think to myself silently, 'I hope I will.'
You walk outside of my field of view, and I hear the hiss of the crop flying
through the air...


For something so small you'd never think it could sting like that. The strokes
come rhythmically, one after the other... You alternate in placement, choosing
each spot very carefully, then bring the crop down hard. I can't do anything but
pull at the ropes, trying to get away from the damn thing.

The funny thing is, as much as the crop hurts, it's starting to turn me on...
Every time the crop lands, my hips seem to jump, and my cock seems to jump. I
get harder and harder as the blows keep landing...


By the time you stop I can't even count how many times the crop has come down. I
hear the little instrument of torture hit the floor, and feel you touch my ass.
You knead and pinch, then drag your nails across my reddened skin, making me
jump again.

"Baby, did you enjoy that? Hmmm... my little fuck slut likes to be hit with the
crop. Well, maybe I should do it again. What do you think?"

I try as hard as I can to exemplify 'NO', shaking my head and moaning into the
gag again. You bend over to face me, and judging by the smile on your face I
know you'll do it again if you feel like it. Nothing I can do or say will make
you stray from what you've planned for today...

"I think that was pretty clear... my little rabbit wants to be played with,
doesn't he? Well then you'll get your wish..."

I don't quite understand what you've said, but I know what's coming next will
come whether I like it or not... I hear your heels click over to the other side
of the room, and then comes the sound of a drawer being emptied. Our bureau,
where we keep all of our nasty little toys... 'God, today is going to be harder
than I thought.'

Suddenly there is a finger, pushing and playing with my ass... I jump, pulling
slightly against the cuffs, then relaxing into the bed again. The finger,
although surprising, feels wonderful... I can feel the lubricant on your hand as
you push the finger more insistently against me... Suddenly your finger slips
inside and I gasp around the gag, involuntarily pushing my hips back against
your hand.

"Mmmmmmmphhhh!" I can't help but moan loudly as you play with me, moving your
finger against my prostate and making me move my hips back...

"Ooooh, little rabbit likes this? Gooood... I'm going to play with you for a
bit. I'm sure you have no objections..." This is followed by a cruel laugh...

You keep true to your word, however. Your other hand comes up to my cock and
starts stroking me. Your fingers hold me tightly, moving slowly up, then down...
The combination of both your hands is making me absolutely crazy, I want to take
off these damn cuffs and fuck you... but I can't and it's making me even more

The stroking gets faster, and faster still... my hips are pumping, pushing my
cock forward into your hand, then impaling myself back on your finger... I'm
coming closer and closer to the edge, the feelings are amazing...

Then it stops.

Your hands pull away, and I'm left feeling empty and unsatisfied... I moan into
the gag again, and try to pull myself free of the ropes. Nothing happens: the
bed creaks, my wrists and ankles get sore, and I'm still tied down here,
completely at your mercy.

"Rabbit, you were going to come. We can't have that, you need to have more self

'Bullshit,' I think. 'You wanted me to feel this way... you teased me.'

Almost as if reading my mind, you say, "I do enjoy teasing you, though. You were
a good boy, not coming, maybe I should give you a reward..."

I moan into the gag as loudly as I can and nod my head vigorously, for all the
good it will do me.

I feel that hand against my ass again, lubing me... Finally I feel something
else, something cold and plastic touch me. The thing is pushed forward steadily,
and it widens as it goes in... you're plugging me! The widest part takes a
little force to go in, and I moan again, this time in slight pain. The moment is
over quickly, however, and the plug settles in.

The feeling is wonderful.... You move the end of the plug and it rubs on my
prostate, it feels amazing. The plug stops moving, and your hand withdraws... I
push my hips back again, trying to find your hand, I want you to keep doing
that! I'm hard again, I want release...


The crop! Damn, I didn't think that would be back... The plug makes this
interesting though. Every time it hits, my hips jerk and contract, moving around
the plug... Srangely painful, yet pleasurable. I'm hard as a rock again... In my
mind I'm pleading with you: 'Please Lilly... Please, oh god, I need to come, I
need it now...'

The crop keeps coming, the plug keeps moving, my cock keeps hardening, and I can
do nothing but moan...

I can't count the strokes, I can do nothing but focus on the feelings on my ass,
in my ass... When you stop, I barely even notice... Your fingers search out the
base of the plug and pull it out half way, then push it back in. Fucking me with
the plug, you don't stop your hands, and they roam over my body, one always on
the plug, the other moving from my cock onto my nipples... You pinch them,
earning another, louder, moan, and them move back to my cock... The sensations
are exquisite and so enjoyable, but I can't come, the lack of release is making
me sweat...

The plug pulls out, then plunges back in for what seems like the millionth
time... I can't take the teasing much longer... But then it pulls all the way
out. I'm left feeling empty and strangely alone. I can't hear much, my ears are
pounding with the sound of my heart...

Suddenly I feel your skin on my back. Your nipples touch my shoulderblades and I
feel your legs curl around mine... You kiss my ear gently, then lick the lobe,
pulling it into your mouth, biting it gently, then letting go and whispering:

"Now relax baby. This is going to feel wonderful, but you need to relax. Just
don't tense up and enjoy every second..."

Your kisses fall on my neck, then my back, around to the base of my neck, and I
feel you move, repositioning your body. Your hips come over mine, and I feel
that cold sensation in my ass again. Something is poised at the entrance, ready
to push in, but all I can do is pull on the cuffs and move my hips up, trying to
meet it. Slowly, your hips push into mine, and the head of the dildo pushes into

I feel so full, this is larger than the plug, larger by far... It doesn't hurt,
though. The feeling is not pain, not pleasure, just something right on the
edge... Slowly, ever so slowly you push your hips down towards the bed. The
shaft slides into me, inch by inch, until a minute or two later, I've taken it
all. The fullness is even moreso, now, but there is still no pain.

You pull your hips back, slowly, and pull the cock all the way out of me... The
emptiness from before comes back with a vengeance. All I want is that thing back
inside of me... My hips rise of their own accord and try to take the cock back
inside, but you won't have any of that... No, you're going to put it back in me
when you're good and ready, and not a minute before.

I moan into the gag again, pleading, begging with what little sound I can
make... With one swift motion, you answer my pleas. You push into me steadily
and faster than before, filling me in an instant, and making sure each ridge of
the cock rubs over my prostate, making me jump back up to meet your approach...

Over the next few minutes we build up a rhythm, you moving back slowly, then
both of us coming together quickly... The feelings radiate through my body,
moving from my hips slowly up to my cock, then up through my torso... waves of
pleasure wash over me as you push into me again and again... Without realizing
it I'm pushing back at you. I love this, I love being fucked, I'm yours
completely to do with what you will. That feeling of belonging, of being owned,
that feeling is more pleasurable than even the sex...

My mind and my body are on fire, and you fan the flames with a vigorous
spanking... Your hands beat my already red ass as you fuck me, and the pleasure
mixes with the pain, pushing me higher than I've ever been...

Your hips move faster, and mine join in, finding a new and quicker rhythm
together. My cock is rock hard, and I can't imagine feeling any better than I do

You stop. My world stops. Everything stops.

The cock is lodged in me all the way, and I hear the clinking of metal and a
slight jostling as you move around. Suddenly your skin leaves mine, your arms
retreat and let go of me, ending our passionate embrace... The cock stays in,
however. I feel something being buckled around my hips, and the phallus pushes
in a bit further as something cinches down...

The cuffs on my ankles are released, soon followed by the ones on my wrists...
The gag is removed and I look up at you with pure lust in my eyes... 	Quickly
I look down at my body, and find that the cock is being held in my ass by a
small harness, and it doesn't look like it's going anywhere... there are tiny
little locks on the buckles.

I look back up to your face... You smile, and kiss me... Our arms are around
each other in a second. The pillow and all the other equipment left on the bed
are hurled to all corners of the room, closely followed by your bra, then the
thong... I lay on the bed, and you crawl on top of me, smiling that coy smile
that I know so well by now. You grab my cock, and slowly, ever so slowly, you
lower yourself on to me.

You are wetter than I have seen you in a very long time... I slide right in, and
feel you envelop my cock, moving and tightening around me, making me moan again,
this time out loud... Your hips rise, pulling off of me, and I try to move my
hips up to follow you. Putting your hand to my lips, you shake your head, and I
let my hips fall back to the bed. Even without the bonds that held me, there's
no doubt who's in charge here. You raise up so just the tip of my cock is
touching you, then, looking deep into my eyes, you drop your self down onto

The feeling is incredible... my cock is tightly encased in you, warm and wet,
and every time you move, the cock inside me shifts delightfully.

"Ready to be fucked again baby?"

The only response I can muster is to kiss you again, harder this time....

You fuck me for the rest of the night, sometimes with the dildo, but mostly just
keeping it inside me and riding me... You won't let me come for the longest
time... finally, when we've both come to the edge of exhaustion, you pick up the
pace, falling on me again and again, coming and wailing so that your voice
echoes off of the walls, giving my cock the ride of its life... This is too
much, and my ass tightens around the dildo, and I come inside you, wave after
wave after wave of pleasure flows through me, and I push into you until every
last drop is gone... I feel tired, completely spent... There is no way I could
feel any better at this moment...

You rise, then lay down behind me, hugging me to you, spooning me. I feel that I
have pleased you, that I've made you happy... Just as my eyes have closed and
sleep almost has me I hear you whisper:

"Sleep well little rabbit, sweet dreams. Tomorrow, I've got even more planned
for you..."


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