Part 4
We ate a leisurely lunch at the balcony, once again chatting almost like old friends, until it was announced that the island was in sight and I brought them on deck with me to watch it grow out of the ocean. The liner couldn't anchor, but kept circling slowly while first slaves and luggage, then we passengers were brought ashore in launches. It lasted a couple of hours and a naked Luan was waiting for me at the jetty when I eventually arrived. "Welcome to Treasure Island, Sir". He was positively beaming when he saw me looking surprised at the light carriage beside him. "A rickshaw, Sir", he explained, "They're going to train some of us with them, but I told them I've been running one for years as a part time job back home, so I got permission to take this". "Very convenient". I seated myself and he went between the poles. "I'm supposed to be chained to these, Sir, but I can only do one hand myself". "That's not necessary, but this comes very handy". I took a single tail buggy whip from its holder and lashed at his bare arse. "Yip, Yip!" Flashing me a smile over his shoulder he ran off along a winding path up the slope. It was great to see the naked boy running in front of me, apparently effortlessly, strong muscles playing under his brown hide and the hardened soles of his bare feet flashing. I lashed at his arse a couple of times, just for the fun of it, always getting a smile back. "You're used to running barefoot?" I called. "Yes, Sir, to look native". "But not barearsed, I suppose?" "No, Sir, in a pareo". I laid a stripe across his back. "And you weren't encouraged with this". "No, Sir". He grinned and quickened the pace, hauling me still further up the mountain, past a number of cottages until we finally verged to the left, following another, narrower path and reached a clearing.
My two slavegirls were kneeling by the steps leading up to my home for the next three months, naked, knees spread to show their shaven sex, hands clasped behind their necks and eyes demurely downcast. I got out to have a closer look at the surroundings. The house was just one storey, with whitewashed walls, a high, thatched roof and surrounded by a wide shaded porch on three sides, with a breathtaking view over the lagoon and deep blue sea. Behind it was a paved courtyard between the house and a shed. There were clotheslines, but some more interesting items as well. Two sturdy poles supported a top beam, well equipped with hooks and hoists, for the use of tying or chaining a victim in innumerable positions. A sawhorse was at hand for a caning or a ride and two sets of four pegs anchored in the pavement offered opportunities to tie a slave spreadeagle. A set of wooden adjustable stocks completed the equipment. The shed housed a tool room, a laundry room and a third, empty but for a small cage, a thin mattress on the floor, and sturdy chains fixed to the walls. In a corner was a showerhead over an open drain. Apparently the slave quarters.
I went back round the house, appraising the soft lawn and flowery bushes surrounding it, to the front where Luan had stowed the rickshaw away somewhere and joined his slave sisters. The porch was well furnished with colonial style rattan chairs, couches and a dining table for four. A large sitting room, running the whole length and half the width of the cottage and open to the roof, was furnished in the same way. Behind that were two airy bedrooms, both with sturdy four poster beds, two luxurious bathrooms, and a well equipped kitchen. Hooks in the walls and beams didn't look as if they'd ever held paintings or hanging plants. There was a telephone and a complete computer station in the sitting room and large TV sets in both bedrooms, satellite connected.
Very satisfied I went out to the front porch to sink down in an armchair. "Do we have anything to drink?" Marianne turned her head. "A few bottles of wine, Sir". "Champagne?" "Yes, Sir". "Fetch a bottle and four glasses". "Yes, Sir". "And put on your skirt". "Yes, Sir". She jumped up. "You two as well". "Yes, Sir". When they came back, Luan carrying a tray with cooler and glasses, I told them to sit down on the chairs and him to serve us. "To a great holiday". They toasted me, but kept their eyes to the floor. I actually meant for all of us, but they wouldn't believe me or understand if I'd said it out loud. I would enjoy them, use them, torment them, of course I would, but I couldn't do it all the time, or wouldn't. I couldn't stay there in splendid 'masterly' isolation for three months, it would bore me to death. I just hoped they could cope with keeping me friendly company one moment and being abused the next if I felt like it. Good guy, bad guy, a delicate balance, but these first days seemed promising. "Now a few rules". They looked up. "You'll of course do all the work here, see to it that I'm comfortable. I'll leave it to you to organise that. You may spend whatever is left of the days as you like when satisfied that everything is perfect, but if I don't agree, I'll punish you. Fair enough?" "Yes, Sir". Luan nodded. "You'll keep on your skirts, unless told to get naked. You'll sleep in the second bedroom, unless I ban you to that horrible cell out back as a punishment". The two lovers exchanged a surprised look. "One of you will share my bed". I caught the ghost of a smile playing on the French girl's lips. "You can cook, I take it, Marianne?" "Yes, Sir". "Unless I invite guests for dinner, which I may do from time to time, we eat together here". "Thank you, Sir". It was Luan again. "And I'll of course be playing with you". "Of course, Sir". "To a great holiday, then". This time they smiled to me while we emptied the glasses. I told the boy to curl up as my footstool and waved the girls away. Marianne topped up my glass and left with their own, while Luan took off his skirt and knelt in front of my chair. I clipped his wrist and ankle restraints together before resting my feet on his arse.
I relaxed, sipping the sparkling wine and looking at the puckered hole in front of me, but resisted the temptation. After a while I got up to fetch one of the books I'd brought for the holiday, certain as I was to win the game. The girls were busy unpacking my suitcases, Lua hanging up clothes for airing outside. Marianne sank to her knees when I entered the bedroom. "Have you planned dinner?" "Yes, Sir, a...". I held up my hand. "Surprise me, but how do you get provisions?" "We phone the main house and a slave will bring up what we need". "Remember to order some good wines". "Yes, Sir". I nodded to her and went back to my chair, soon absorbed in the book.
Only twittering birds broke the silence and, occasionally, a sigh from my human footstool. Once a couple of naked boys came running, dragging a handcart, but they veered behind the house. Apparently our provisions. I was close to dozing off when I heard someone coming up the path. A moment later the foot guy and his girl were jogging past, but stopped when they saw me. "Hello there". He came up to the porch, offering a hand. "Nice place you've got here". "No nicer than yours, I take it". "No, it's the same kind of cabin, but further down. The view from up here is better and you don't have any near neighbours". "Out jogging?" "Taking a look around and preparing for some fun". I looked at the fair girl he'd chosen. Her hands were cuffed behind her back and she was naked except for a pair of sneakers, no socks. A heavy chain dangled between her nipple rings. "Yeah". He grinned. "Her feet will be hot and tasty when we come back, ready to be eaten". "Can I offer you something to drink?" "A beer would be great". I waved him to a chair and released my footstool, who slowly got to his feet, shaking out the cramps. "A glass of white wine for me". "Yes, Sir". He glanced at the sweaty girl, who'd dropped to her knees, looking pretty winded. "Better bring a bottle of water for her". My guest nodded and he disappeared into the house. "Mighty fine specimen you've got there". "Sure". "How's his arse?" "Tight. Have you tried one of the boys yet?" He shook no. "Gonna explore her fully before I move on. Fine, tight pussy, but she's a lousy cocksucker. Seems she's only had one boyfriend and she refused to suck him off, poor guy. Something of a bitch, if you ask me, only let him fuck her twice. Nineteen and practically a virgin!" He shook his head. "But she's gonna learn, a lot. Won't be much Miss Primrose about her when she leaves from here. Pretty well blocked out by then". He chuckled. "Looking forward to start blocking out her arse tonight". The girl looked down, shuddering and Luan knelt beside her to hold a bottle of water to her lips. "But first I'm gonna lick those hot little toes of hers and fuck them, spurting into one of her sneakers. We'll do that at least once a day and what with her jogging around in them too, it's gonna be a mighty fine crusty souvenir to bring back home". He laughed and emptied the glass Luan had brought him, in two gulps. "Well, better get going again. Thanks for the beer, see you around". He rose and the girl quickly took last sip of water before getting to her feet and run off, encouraged by a hard slap to her plump bottom. 'Well, well, there are all kinds of people, perhaps one should try that sweaty feet thing'. Luan topped up my glass and prepared to serve as my footstool again. "No". I moved to a couch. "I think I'll stretch out here for a while. You can help the girls". "Yes, Sir". A few minutes later he came out again to cut a big bunch of flowers.
I spent the next couple of hours half reading, half dozing. My slaves apparently busied themselves perfecting our temporary home. I dimly heard a vacuum cleaner humming and Luan came out to trim some of the bushes, which were obstructing the view. The girls looked out frequently to see if I needed anything and when Lua once again was kneeling by my side I reached for her chin, forcing her to look at me, while fondling her breasts with the other hand. It wasn't long before her eyes became vacant and she began moaning softly. "Horny, are you?" I whispered, pinching a nipple. She nodded mutely. "Haven't been fucked for two days now, huh?" "More than a week, Sir". "You weren't allowed during the training week?" She shook no, thrusting her tit into my hand. "But your boyfriend licked you last night, didn't he?" "Yes, Sir". "Yet you're still missing something?" "Oh yes, Sir", she breathed. "Very well, I'll offer you a choice. You may ride me, now, but I want Luan to whip your breasts while you're at it. If not, I won't use you for the next week". She stared at me. "But don't you want to whip me, Sir?" "I do and I will, but not right now". "I, eh, do you want me, Sir?" "I do, but this time it's up to you. A ride and a whipping now or no sex for the next week". She looked down for a moment. "Yes, Sir". "Yes, Sir, what?" "I want to, to ride". "And a tit whipping?" "Yes, Sir". "You really are a horny slut, aren't you?" "Yes, Sir". "OK, fetch Luan, but don't forget to tell him that I haven't forced you". I grinned and she smiled back, rose gracefully and went over to her boyfriend, talking earnestly to him. He shook his head, but she grabbed his hand, dragging him along.
"She told you what she wants?" "Yes, Sir". He avoided my eyes. "You don't like her choice?" "No, Sir". "Which part of it, the fucking or the whipping?" "Whipping, Sir". "You don't like whipping her?" "Not her breast, Sir". "Very well, I'll make it up to you, then. You don't have to whip her, but then she won't get fucked for the next week". He looked from me to the girl. "Tough choice, huh?" "Yes, Sir", he whispered between clenched teeth. "So what is it to be?" He swallowed hard. "I'll whip her, Sir". "You love her that much?" "Yes, Sir". The girl was staring fixedly at the ground, her hide turning a deeper shade of brown. "Touching!" I grinned to him. "Very well, run off. You have one hour". "Sir?" He stared at me. "Take that horny slut to your bedroom and fuck her brains out". His handsome face split into the widest grin I'd ever seen. "Sir, yes, Sir. Sir!" He grabbed her hand to haul her away. "And you may warm her arse a bit, if you think she deserves it", I called after them. "Yes, Sir". Chuckling to myself I watched them disappear into the house, then rose and sauntered after them to see if Marianne could leave her dinner preparations for a moment to share a glass of wine with me. The sitting room seemed brighter, with vases of fresh flowers everywhere and my nose registered pleasant smells from the kitchen. I still wished to be surprised, so I stood in the open door with my back to her while calling the question. "Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir". I heard her closing the oven and then clinking of glass. From the second bedroom came sounds of flesh slapping flesh and muffled squealing. I was nursing my second glass after Marianne had gone back to the kitchen when the two lovers came out, looking slightly flushed but sporting radiant smiles. The knelt beside the couch and bowed their heads. "Satisfied, girl?" "Yes, Sir", she whispered. "Good. Turn your backs and give me your hands". I cuffed them, kicked off my loafers and opened my shorts. "Lua licks my feet, Luan sucks my cock, but don't let me come". They shuffled into position and the boy sent me a grateful smile before bowing over my crotch to swallow the flaccid meat. I leaned back, sipping the wine and pretending to read, enjoying the two skilful mouths and tongues.
"Hey, what's this? Pure vanilla! We can't have that, can we now, here on Torture Island". I looked up to see the leather couple approaching along the track bordering my garden. They were riding two rickshaws, of course drawn by their slaves. The two skater boys were naked except for heavy boots and a leather harness, with straps down their arsecracks and around their cocks and balls, displaying them prominently. The boys were sweating profusely, but seemed none the worse for wear. "Treasure Island", I corrected, "And they sure are treasures". I pushed the gently sucking slave's head away and stuffed my cock back into my shorts. "How about a beer?" The burly types looked at each other. "Yeah, OK, thanks. We're making a short tour of the place before going down for dinner. You coming?" I shook no and released my slaves. "I have my own cook". They dismounted and came up to shake hands and drop into deck chairs. "Good for you. I don't think these two can do much more than heat a pizza, probably not even without burning it. OK, guys, you can take a break". "Thanks, Master". The boys let go of the poles and squatted beside their respective master's chair, looking hungrily at Lua's bare breasts when she served the beer. "Better water your horses", I suggested. One of the men grinned to the slaves. "Want a beer?" "Sure, Master". "You know what to do, then". "Yes, Master". One of the boys got up to collect a buggy whip, knelt to offer it and then rose to bend over, spreading his legs and touching his toes. His fellow positioned himself beside him and their master rose to deliver ten stinging lashes to the already striped globes. The boys grunted, but didn't cry out and my other guest nodded appreciatively. "Tough guys, those two. We offer them a deal. They can drink the same as us, provided that they pay for it, and they do, each and every time". His fellow sat down again and Luan fetched two cans.
When my guests had left, Marianne came out to announce that dinner would be ready in half an hour and I decided to grab a quick shower. Lua followed to wash me. "Mmm, nice". I squirmed when her soft hands soaped up my cock and balls lovingly, and jumped when a finger suddenly penetrated my arsehole. "Hey, what are you doing?" She looked up, grinning mischievously. "Wash, Sir". "This'll cost you. Get up and put your hands against the wall!" Now a bit nervous she complied and I told her to sway her back and stick out her bottom. "Your turn". I unscrewed the hose from the showerhead and rammed it up her brown hole. She screamed, as much in surprise as in pain, I guessed, when it went in and moaned loudly when ice cold water spurted up her bowels. "Please, Sir, please, it hurts!" "Stop complaining and thank me instead. Now you won't have to swallow your own shit when I've used this hole". I slapped her rump. "Th...thank you, Sir", she yelped. I put a hand on her stomach to feel it growing and listened keenly while she changed from moaning to squealing to screaming, then turned off the water. "Ooh!" She bent over, clutching her swollen stomach. "Ooh, it hurts!" "Now clench that slave arse tight, girl. Don't you dare spill a drop until I've left. I don't want to see the mess". I stepped out of the shower, leaving the end of the hose plugging her and took my time towelling off, combing my hair carefully before leaving the tormented girl to her own devices.
Luan was waiting in the sitting room. His handsome face changed from concerned to puzzled and then split into a grin when we heard squeals and moans of relief, accompanied by unmistakable sounds of bowels being emptied. "A drink before dinner, Sir?" "Just a glass of wine". "Yes, Sir". I strolled out to the porch where the table was laid for four with crystal and silverware, linen napkins and a big bowl of sweet scented flowers. Flickering candles were the only source of light in the growing darkness. 'How utterly romantic', I thought. The boy came out with the glass and I stood sipping the cool wine, looking down the slope where pinpricks of light revealed hidden cabins. As my guest had told, the nearest neighbour was at least five hundred yards away, whereas the other cabins were clustered much more closely. 'Nice to have some privacy and peace'. Just then the silence was broken by a distant but very distinct scream, soon followed by another and several more. 'Having fun down there, are you?' That first series of screams came from the right and were so shrilly that it had to be a girl. A moment later deep bellows from the left confirmed that the island held male as well as female slaves. Then another girl gave voice to her agony, quickly followed by a third. It was as if a dam had burst, screaming and wailing seemed to erupt everywhere, still faint, but not to be ignored. "Will it please you if I serve the first course now, Sir". The Polynesian girl's voice was quavering and when I turned, her eyes were wide with fear. "Yes, please". She flinched when I touched her face gently with the back of my hand. "A very special dinner entertainment". "Yes, Sir". "But we won't contribute to it". I sent her a reassuring smile and seated myself at the head of table.
The meal was even better than I'd hoped for. Seven different courses, elegantly served and easy to digest, perfect for the tropical climate, and accompanied by excellent wines. To brush up my rather rusty French, I stuck to that during dinner, encouraging Marianne to tell about herself. She grew up in small rural village in Southern France and was from an early age aware that she was a submissive. Not sexually, of course, but she knew nothing better than to be caught and held captive, helplessly tied up, playing cowboys and Indians or cops and robbers. As she grew into her teenage years, she discovered that she became aroused when tied up and even more if she was tickled or 'tortured' in some other way. She actually had her first orgasm during one of those games, at the tender age of thirteen, when hugging a tree, her wrists tied behind the fairly thick trunk and her chest pressed into its bark. When her playmates began tickling her ribs she squealed and squirmed, rubbing against it. With just the fabric of a thin t-shirt between the nipples of her budding breasts and the rough surface, it hurt, but stubborn as she was, she refused to give in, just gritted her teeth and endured the torture in silence. Eventually the pain was replaced by something else, something she'd never felt before, a kind of heat that spread slowly from her nipples to her chest, down her stomach and into her crotch. She was slowly drifting away, sinking into herself until she hardly felt the tickling hands or the coarse bark. A throbbing between her legs woke her again and she was wondering what was happening to her when something exploded down there. She threw back her head, screaming shrilly and then almost passed out, slumping limply in her bonds. The other kids got the scare of their lives and untied her to lay her on the grass, fussing nervously about while she slowly came to her senses. One of the girls noticed a wet spot on her shorts and asked if she'd pissed herself. She knew she hadn't, but blushing deeply admitted to it and managed to joke the episode away as the result of their skilled tickling.
Later on, alone by herself, she tried pinching her nipples and felt the heat rising again. She still didn't understand what was happening, but knew what she liked and continued experimenting with her body, found out that she could recreate the wonderful feeling by rubbing the little thing between her legs and how to make it more intense by putting clothespins on her nipples. She lost her virginity on her fifteenth birthday, to a cousin who was three years older than she and experienced enough to make it more than the messy and disappointing affair that is most teenagers' first introduction to sex. They did it again and she learned to suck cock, even to take it up her arse, so she wasn't unprepared when she had to move to the provincial capital to finish her high school education. Her parents weren't rich, but one of her uncles, a bachelor, and teacher at the gymnasium, agreed to take her in, provided that she kept house for him. It soon became clear that he expected more than just a maid and cook, but she took it in her stride when he one night entered her room, hauled out his cock and demanded that she suck him. He wasn't that old, about thirty to her sixteen, and quite handsome, so her extra task was no burden. After a couple of months he tied her to the bed one night and licked and fucked her to an earth shattering orgasm. That made her tell him about her secret playing with herself and from then on she gradually grew to become his slave. Naked when they were alone together, shaved and with shackled ankles, spanked or whipped if she did something wrong or annoyed him. When she after a couple of years was ready to enter university and had to move again, he introduced her to a lecturer who was willing, more than willing I suspect, to take her in on the same terms. That went well and she was a content and well trained slave when he met another submissive, a colleague more his own age, and they fell in love, leaving no room for her. They offered to find her another master, but she'd read about the lottery and applied, with the result we now knew. A fascinating story, which lasted throughout the meal. Afterwards the slaves cleared away and washed up while I enjoyed the last of the wine until they came out with the coffee. We talked about other things for a while until I told them to make ready for bed.
When they entered my bedroom, naked and a bit apprehensive, I told the girls to lie down side by side, chained their wrists and ankles to the headboard, spreading their legs wide beside their ears. A delightful sight, two tanned bodies, two gaping cunts, two wrinkled arseholes. I could hardly wait, but turned to the boy who was on his knees beside the bed, head bowed in submission, or was it embarrassment? "Give me your hands". I lashed his thumbs together with twine and ordered him to kneel on the edge of the bed. His big toes got the same treatment and his arse quivered in expectation of yet another anal rape. But that wasn't my intention. Instead I drew his arms between his legs and tied the end of his thumb rope tightly around his ballsack and the rope from his toes to the head of his cock. "Now prepare them". I laid a red stripe across his buttocks and he began a painful crawl towards the two strained arses, whimpering when the rope cut into his sensitive skin. It took more than ten lashes to get him into position, frantically licking first his girlfriend's and then Marianne's pink slits. "The other holes too". I added another couple of stripes, then changed to whip the four upturned soles. The girls cried out and tried waving their feet, but to no avail, the merciless whip followed wherever they went, turning them a pleasant red. At last I roughly pushed the licking boy off the bed, making him scream in agony, and took his place, ramming my rock hard cock into Lua's creaming tunnel with one violent thrust.
It was heaven. The whimpering girls, the moaning boy, the hot holes. I kept changing between the four of them. Cunt, arse, cunt, arse, arse, cunt, hammering with all my strength, clinging to the burning feet for support, until I at last sat back and spurted over the violated arses. "That was the greatest fuck I've ever had!" I sank down on my heels, panting. "Thank you, Sir". Marianne's eyes had a glazed look. "But you didn't come?" "No, Sir". "You?" I looked at the brown girl, who mutely shook no. "Well, a kind master has to do something about that, hasn't he?" I got off the bed to cut the strings forcing the boy to crouch. "Up you go, clean them and then lick them, Marianne first. I'll whip your girlfriend until you've made her come". Still tied, he sent me a baleful glance, but manoeuvred himself into place and began licking away my sperm. When he'd swallowed it all, I hit across Lua's arsecheeks. "Get to work, boy!" He dived into the other girl's slit like a man possessed and soon had her shivering and whimpering towards an orgasm, spurred on by pitiful cries from her slave sister. I counted sixteen lashes before her body tensed and she screamed out her joy. "Next!" I didn't give her time to recover before my whip cut across her buttocks and the boy crabbed sideways to repeat the performance. This time he obviously knew what would get the girl over the edge in no time. I watched his lips close around the stiff clit and imagined his tongue flicking it. The petite girl got only four lashes before Lua almost burst my eardrums with a wild scream.
"Excellent work, slave". He sank back on his heels, working his tired tongue and looking hopefully at me. "You deserve a reward". I cut the strings at his thumbs and toes. "Release those and tidy up here, then use the bathroom and make ready to go to bed. Marianne comes with me". I went to my own bathroom to fill the tub and share it with the slavegirl, playing around, tickling her, until both of us were hoarse with laughter. Lua and Luan looked refreshed, but a bit tired when we joined them in the second bedroom. "On your back, boy, spread your arms and legs". He sighed wearily, but did as told and I chained him spreadeagle, but didn't stretch him hard. "Now you lick your good lover, girls, one side each, beginning with his toes". I sat down in an armchair to watch the giggling girls work slowly up the magnificent body, sucking and licking with their adept tongues. To my delight he turned out to be very ticklish and was soon writhing in his chains, gasping and begging to be spared, but to no avail. The girls enjoyed it just as much as I and did a great job, especially when they every now and then turned to his crotch to tease his cock and balls and make him beg for release, always stopping just short of granting it. At last he began pleading with me to make them stop, promising to do anything, asking for a whipping instead, any kind of torture, just not this. I let them continue for another five minutes, then ordered his girlfriend to mount him and Marianne to straddle his head.
"Now you lick that nice pussy, boy, but don't you dare let her come, and you ride him, Lua, but keep him on the edge". The sweet torture went on and I told the girls to kiss and caress each other while they were writhing on the edge of exploding. To be honest, I didn't expect them to be able to obey my orders, but they managed, sweating and whimpering with lust until I at last had enough and ordered Marianne off. "Very well. I'll leave you two to enjoy each other as long as you like, but Luan stays where he is. Good night". I'd hardly closed the door before a howl announced that the brown girl's love tunnel was being washed. In my own bedroom I made quiet love to the petite girl, missionary style, and we fell asleep in each other's arms.
She was still asleep when I early next morning opened my eyes, sorely tempted to make her repeat yesterday's performance, but she looked so cute that I refrained and instead stole out of bed without disturbing her. When I'd pissed away my morning hard-on, I peeked into the other bedroom to find the boy and his girl asleep, he still chained spreadeagle and she with her head resting on his chest. Their hard master didn't have the heart to wake them up either, but instead went docilely to the kitchen and made himself a pot of tea.
I was still enjoying the peace and fresh air of the morning when soft footsteps whispered across the planking and a naked brown body knelt upright beside my chair. I didn't acknowledge her presence and she silently refilled my cup. Another half hour went by. "Good morning". "Good morning, Sir. I'm sorry". "What for?" "We sleep and don't serve you, Sir". "Bad slaves!" "Yes, Sir". "Come here". I patted my thighs and she understood the message, gracefully draping herself across them for a spanking. The welts from last night's whipping were still clearly raised. "How are your feet?" Instead of answering she bent her knees to show me the striped soles. "Pauvre esclave!" "C'est ne pas mal, Mâitre". My hand slid over the tempting globes and I felt them quivering in expectance of what she was sure would follow, but instead of slapping her it went between her tightly clenched thighs. They opened for me and I fingered the pussy rings, then dug between the folds to find her clit. It was as if an electric jolt hit her and I felt it growing stiff. "Horny already?" She moaned and I pinched it gently. "Ooh!" I continued stroking it while putting cup and saucer on the floor with my other hand and pushing the low table in front of me. "Lie down on your back". With a sigh she rolled to bend backwards over the table, spreading her legs for me. "Delicious, ready to be eaten". And that's what I did. Bowed to slide my tongue up her already dripping wet slit until it could flick at the female penis. She moaned something I didn't understand, apparently in her native language, and I closed my lips around it. I've eaten out quite a few girls, but never one with a clit as big as this or with the self control my slavegirl to my surprise displayed. She trembled and moaned softly, but kept her position while I licked and sucked, savouring the sweet nectar running from her love tunnel. At last I raised my head for a moment, "You may come now", once again closing my lips around her. And did she come! Not with a scream like last night, but her body went stiff as a board and was then racked by a wave of spasms which seemed to go on forever while the stream of love juices turned into a torrent.
I sank back in the chair, looking in wonder at the brown body until the trembling eventually subsided and it went limp. She stayed there for long moments, breathing heavily, then with an effort rose on her weak legs and surprised me again by kissing me deeply. "Thank you, Sir, thank you". She broke the kiss and looked over my shoulder, smiling mischievously. I turned to see the other slavegirl on her knees behind my chair. "Envious?" I grinned to her. "No, Sir". "Not at all?" She smiled shyly. "Un petit peu, Mâitre". "Come here". I patted my thighs again. "And you may release your boyfriend". "Yes, Sir". With a quick kiss Lua sauntered off and her slave sister made to drape herself for a spanking. "No, straddle me". I hadn't bothered to dress and my cock was waving angrily. "Oui, Mâitre". She opened her legs to swallow me up. "Mmm, slowly, ever so slowly". Once again I had to admire a slavegirl when she alternatively rocked and moved up and down, flexing her cunt muscles, head thrown back and breathing heavily, but in perfect control. "Mmm, great!" I closed my eyes and lost myself in the sweet sensations, trying to prolong the pleasure, but at last had to give in and spurted into her with a contented sigh. When I opened my eyes she was smiling sweetly. "Bon, Mâitre?" "Parfait!" "Merci". She kissed me softly and rose, extricating herself. "But you didn't come!" "You didn't say I could, Sir" "Most unkind of me, but what do we do about it?" "I can play with myself, Sir". "You could, but deserve better". The brown slavegirl had come back with her lover. "Start breakfast, Luan, for all of us, and you eat out Marianne, Lua. Your turn". "Yes, Sir". The boy left and the dripping girl lay down of the floor, careful to give me an unimpeded view of her slave sister first lapping up what I'd deposited in her and then using her tongue to reduce her to a writhing mass of shivering flesh, cruelly keeping her on the edge for an eternity before finishing her off. "Such a beautiful morning". I rose. "But we've better get you two horny sluts cleaned up".
When we came back from a long hot bath, the table was laid for an excellent tropic breakfast. Tea and coffee, freshly pressed juice, thinly sliced toast, home made marmalade and lots of fruit. My slaves were getting the point. I wanted meals to be pleasant and relaxed, so once again we chatted happily for an hour until I told Luan to put on his skirt and turn out the rickshaw, while the girls were sent for some lengths of rope and twine. "You two good little maids have work to do, but I think we should make life a bit more interesting for you". I carefully wrapped rope around the base of Lua's ample breasts, cinching it tight enough to ensure that it stayed in place and made the mammaries swell like ripe fruit, but not too painfully, and crouched down in front of her, dragging the free ends of the ropes with me. She bent at the waist and watched me tie them to her big toes. "There!" I rose again to slide my hand down her jutting buttocks. "Nice of you to present your finest asset". "Thank you, Sir". She sent me a hurt look. "Now clear that table". I chuckled and swatted her rump to send her waddling across the floor. "And now you". I looked at the petite girl. "Spread your legs". This time I ran short lengths of twine between pussy rings and big toes, forcing her to either squat or kneel. A slap sent her crawling towards the kitchen.
Luan suggested that we followed the path further up the mountain to get an even better overall view of the island. This time I chained him to the poles and used the whip liberally, not that is was necessary, my human pony ran effortlessly, but because it was fun. The whip wasn't easy to handle, but I trained hard to get the knack of it and was quite pleased with myself when I eventually was able to touch just the very tip of it precisely where I wanted on the brown back in front of me. His arse would have been an even better target, but he looked so sexy in the skirt that I let him keep it. The path wound its way up the mountainside through undergrowth so dense that even the sea was hidden until we after about twenty minutes reached a clearing almost at the very top of the mountain. From here the view was breathtaking. Luan knelt and lowered the poles to let me descend. "Tired?" He shook no, wasn't even breathing hard. "But thirsty?" "A little, Sir". Even that early the vantage point was ready to receive visitors. Two round café tables, shaded by parasols, were placed at the railing for the convenience of guests who wanted to relax with a drink. A waitress, equipped with a tray like the human tables of the ship's banquet, was ready to serve from an outdoor kitchen unit, but there were no chairs, they weren't necessary. Two naked slaveboys were on all fours beside each table, thumbs and big toes in rigid cuffs, offering their backs as stools. A sixth, female, slave was half hidden behind some bushes, kneeling with her chained feet on either side of a short pole, hands cuffed behind it and with her collar locked to its top. She had long blonde hair and looked quite lovely, but there seemed to be no obvious reason for placing her there. I ordered a café au lait and a bottle of water. The coffee was good and even if my human seat wasn't especially comfortable I enjoyed the panorama. The serving slavegirl knelt by my chained draught animal and held the water bottle to his lips. He drank thirstily, nodding his thanks and the girl smiled back timidly.
Apparently I wasn't the only early riser. My cup was only half empty when I heard someone coming up the path and a moment later two naked slaves emerged, followed by one of the married couples. They were the eldest among us, close to fifty I guessed, but obviously took care to keep in shape. Like now when they came jogging leisurely, hardly out of breath, dressed in designer shorts and tops and the latest in trainers. They called a friendly 'Good morning', ordered ice tea and went through a routine of stretching exercises before sitting down at the next table. I remembered that their special interest was Japanese rope bondage and the slaves exhibited their expertise. They'd been lucky when drawing lots to choose personal slaves and acquired two Asians, a tiny girl, who could very well be Japanese, and a muscular young man, who looked half Chinese and half Malay. Their upper bodies were tightly harnessed in an intricate web of coarse rope, the girl's carefully wrapped around the base of her small tits to present them in a most appetising manner. The boy's thick, stubby cock and fairly small ballsack were similarly wrapped for display before the end of the rope was run through the crack of his arse to his arms, bound high behind his back with wrists lashed to elbows. The girl sported another crotchrope, apparently cutting deeply into her slit and with a knot strategically placed on top of her clit. When she turned her back to me I was surprised to see how flexible she seemed to be. Her hands were tied back to back and drawn so high between her shoulder blades that her fingers actually touched her collar.
It couldn't be very comfortable, but the inscrutable Oriental faces revealed nothing, when the slaves with some difficulty dropped to their knees beside their master and mistress. She impatiently told the waitress to fetch more of the ice tea she'd just served and feed it to them. The man caught me looking. "Admiring the karada?" "That's what it's called, that tie?" "Sure, great inventors, the Japanese. It's actually for torturing a prisoner, you can tighten the ropes little by little until it becomes extremely painful. If you go far enough you'll crack their arms and even their ribs". He patted the girl's head. "But we're not that nasty, just think it looks pretty. Don't you agree?" "Definitely. Perhaps you'd be good enough to teach me?" "Pleasure. Just come around one of these days and I'll show you how to use it for more practical purposes too". I raised my eyebrows questioningly. "Yeah, once you've learned how to make a proper harness, you can hang her by it from a beam and make it complete". "Complete how?" "There's still her legs. Once she's dangling you bend them up with her feet at her bum and wrap them good. Pretty little package and if placed right you get a great fuck out of her. Fantastic tight I tell you, and you can do the same with a boy, only you tie his knees to his waist rope. Yeah, you definitely must see the two of them hanging side by side all ready for you to plunge in". "Thanks, I'll be looking forward to it". His wife downed her glass of tea and looked around. "I need...Oh, there it is! Excuse me for a moment". Wondering what she meant I watched her strolling to the girl tied to the pole, unceremoniously haul down her shorts and panties and say something to make her crane her head back, resting it on top of the pole. The woman straddled it, placing her cunt over the open mouth. I quickly looked away, embarrassed. So that's what she was! A portable loo.
I'd finished the coffee and took my leave, accepting an invitation to have my first lesson that afternoon. Running downhill might be less strenuous than hauling the rickshaw up the mountain, but clearly required more skill or I'd end up kissing the dirt. Luan hadn't lied about his long experience as a coolie, so we drove down as smoothly as we'd come up, soon passing other cabins. I asked if he knew where my young friend and his father stayed. Shortly after he stopped outside their bungalow. The old man was on the porch, still at breakfast, and called me to come right up. This time I released my slave and told him to take a break in the shade. My host offered a hand without getting up from his chair and a closer look revealed why. The Arab slaveboy was chained on his knees under the table, gently sucking his master's cock. "Well risen, I see, but Sonny's still asleep?" "Not at all, not at all. He's taken that girl of his round the back for some riding lessons, has some trouble using her arse. Why don't you take a look while my boy gets you a cup of coffee?" "Thank you, I've just had one, but my slave could use some water, I think". "OK". I strolled towards the backyard. "Come on, you can do better than that!" Just as I was rounding the corner came the sound of a slap followed by a squeal. The blonde girl was astride a sawhorse, hands behind her back and thumbs lashed together with twine. "Up and down, come on!" Her young master hit her right nipple with a riding crop. "Augh!" She screamed and straightened her legs, rising on tiptoe, a rather painful exercise since her big toes were tied like her thumbs. "And down again, all the way". Her shivering body was lowered until the sharp edge of the horse sawed into her red and puffy cunt lips. "That's right, up and down, up and down, go on!" She rose again on trembling legs and this time I caught a glimpse of the black rubber dildo between her arsecheeks. "Already hard at work so early in the day?" The boy swung round to face me. "Hi! Don't know if this is work or pleasure". He grinned. "I was actually referring to the girl". "That's for her own good. She's still howling and complaining whenever I as much as touch her back door. And I'm a kind master. It'll be hell for her when I leave and she has to serve any number of others unless she gets used to it. I know from my sister that this is the best way to learn. She used to take a ride every day after dinner while we were watching the news". "Tied like that?" "Sure, hurts the toes a bit, but it's great for developing strong thighs, something a man really appreciates. That's what my brother in law tells me". He grinned again. The poor girl was whimpering, but continued fucking herself. "Yep, one hour every morning should do it, until she can take this". He showed me a monster of a dildo, studded with small hard knobs. "Now don't you block her out that much. It'll spoil the fun for some of us". He looked thoughtfully at the rubber thing. "Yeah, perhaps you're right. Let's see how it goes, so far she's on the smallest we have. Now don't you dare stop, girl. I want to hear these bells and I'm going to check on you". "No, Sir", she gasped and once again rose on her aching toes. He clipped his sister's bells to her nipple rings and followed me back to the porch.
"How is he?" I nodded towards the naked boy. "Got a great arsehole, hot and smooth, and knows how to pump you, but not as well as my own slave". "Your wife?" "Precisely. She may be a bit loose back there, but she sure knows how to compensate for it. But he has another great asset. Show us". "Yes, Sir". The boy dropped down on his stomach, raising his long-toed feet for inspection. The soles were clearly marked by welts, the insteps even blistered. "I'm not that much of a foot man, my slave unfortunately has very thin hide there, which splits easily. Luckily her daughter hasn't inherited that weakness, so I do know how to use a foot cane, but this boy is simple outstanding. I gave him a bastinado last night, went on for about an hour, and he just jumped around like nothing had happened when it was over. Fantastic! I mean, it's not that they look especially leathery". "I've read that foot whipping, falaka they call it, is quite common in Arab countries. They use it school, instead of a spanking like us. Isn't that right, boy?" "Yes, Sir". He rose to his knees, nodding. "It is also very shameful for us to show the soles of feet". "So you've been caned there before?" "Oh, yes, Sir, many times, I was always a very naughty boy". "Since when?" "I think five years, Sir". "That young! How about the girls?" "I did not see, but my sister tell that they has falaka also. Big shame". He grinned. "But not always unpleasant?" "For boys not, Sir. We, how do you say, has competition? We are naughty, teacher is mad and he hit us and we show we are very strong boys, don't cry". "I bet you do, and the girls?" "I think is same and my sister tell that falaka make her warm between legs. She hope that husband will give her much falaka when she is marry". "Pity she's not here", his master remarked. The boy looked shocked. "But she can not, Sir! Arab girls is always virgin until marry". "I know, and that's the pity. I've always wanted to try one of those doe eyed beauties".
I was eager to continue the tour and took my leave, seating myself and lashing at the bare back in front of me. We passed other cottages, where the occupants were enjoying their breakfast on the porch with their slaves in close attendance, some of them very close, working on a blowjob. The foot guy's girl was of course on her back under the table, masturbating him with her tied feet. Another male guest had his girl lashed to a convenient low table, his cock buried in her arse and his breakfast neatly arranged on her back, while one of the single women had hung her boy spreadeagle from the ceiling and was eating her bacon and eggs directly from his stomach. He didn't seem to like it. On other porches the slaves were just stored, that is dangling from the ceiling by their wrist or ankle restraints or, more innovative, their thumbs or toes. One girl was whimpering quite loudly, perhaps because she was hung up by her roped titties. Don't know why. She could reach the floor with her toes. Ought to be gagged, but perhaps her master liked the noise.
We passed some slaveboys at rickshaw training, guided by liberal doses of lashes from buggy whips. I praised myself lucky to have my own coolie and told him to run for the lagoon. The beach was almost deserted at this early hour, only a couple of slaves were raking the sand smooth. As I'd seen in the videos, pegs were driven into the ground and chains hung from branches of the trees bordering the beach for the convenience of guests who wanted to store their slaves safely while enjoying a swim. I contemplated hanging up my own slave, but didn't have the heart when I saw him looking longingly at the clear blue water and instead undressed before releasing him. "Beat me to the far side of the reef", I called while running the few yards to the shore and throwing myself into the water. I'm a pretty good swimmer, but of course he beat me, easily and with several lengths, even if I cheated by taking him by surprise and he had to shed his skirt.
"Hmm", I remarked, hauling myself up to sit on the reef beside him, "Not very wise, are you, showing off like that?" He grinned hugely. "You ordered me to beat you, Sir". "You bet 'I' will". "Yes, Sir". He was still grinning. "OK, let's see how good you are like this". I quickly clipped his ankle restraints together and jumped back to swim for the beach. Damn, he beat me again, flashing by in a fast crawl, literally hauling himself through the water at a fantastic speed, trailing his useless legs behind him. After that, I gave up, released him and told him to enjoy himself. Which he sure did, taking four laps along the perimeter of the lagoon. Crawl, backstroke, butterfly and a curious sort of freestyle I'd never seen before. When we eventually got up again, one of the slaves dropped his rake to stand ready with a large towel for me. Luan shook himself and at my nod took a run along the beach to get dry. The serving slave asked if I wanted something to drink, indicating a bar, but I declined when Luan came back. "Great swimmer, huh?" I gave him a hard look. "Yes, Sir. Where I come from, children can swim before they walk". "Girls too?" "Yes, Sir". "So Lua is as good as you?" "Almost, Sir". "Hmm, perhaps we should arrange a competition. Loser gets whipped by the winner". "Yes, Sir". He grinned and patted his arse. I couldn't help laughing and strolled towards the rickshaw. He ran past to stand waiting, bent over and touched his toes. "You want to beat me now, Sir?" I gave him a couple of hard slaps. "Later, we've better get back for lunch". "Yes, Sir". He donned his skirt and offered the shackles, but I shook my head and seated myself. "Take it easy on the way back". "Yes, Sir". He flashed a smile over his shoulder and ran up the steep path at his usual speed. 'Well, well, eager to get home, are we, or perhaps hoping to get the girls a break?' I grinned to myself. 'Fat chance, boy'.
I was actually looking forward to a bit of fun, but changed my mind when I found the cottage in perfect order and the table laid for lunch. The girls really had done a great job, but not without costs. Lua's tits were red and swollen and Marianne's pussy lips seemed to have grown at least an inch. They did deserve a break, so I limited myself to ramming a plug up each of the two narrow back passages and clipping some not too heavy weights to their nipple rings. The brown girl did whimper a bit, but not loudly, so we spent another couple of pleasant hours over the delicious lunch. Luan went to and fro, serving and clearing away, hovering between grinning and sending pitying glances at the girls, who seemed to have some trouble sitting quietly on the chairs. Once I caught Lua sticking out her tongue at him. "Looking for something to lick?" I raised my eyebrows questioningly. "No, Sir". "Hmm. Are you sure? I don't want you suffering. Bend over the table in front of her, boy, and drape your skirt on your back". He sent his girlfriend a dark look and placed himself as ordered. "Now put your hands behind your neck and lick his arsehole until he comes, girl". I emptied the wine bottle into my glass. "If he hasn't come before I've finished my wine, you'll whip his dick and balls twenty times". She sent me a frightened look and dived between his cheeks. "Before he gives your pussy the same treatment". Her nosed parted the firm globes and he jumped when her adept tongue went to work. I chatted amiably with the other girl, sipping the wine, amused by the sounds of slurping, and grinning when Lua quickly raised her face to dart a frightened glance towards the dwindling contents of the glass, but took my time and didn't drain it until a bellow from the boy announced that the floorboards beneath him now sported a pool of sperm.
Marianne and I clapped our hands when the brown girl wearily sank down on her chair, only to jump up again with a shriek. This time she actually dared sticking out her tongue at me. "Uh, huh. Naughty, naughty slavegirl". I frowned angrily and ordered her into the bedroom, put alligator clips on her nipples and pussy lips and told her to lie down on the bed, on her stomach, then tied her spreadeagle, stretching the lithe body as hard as I could without dislocating her joints. Her butt plug was hauled out, only to be replaced by a double dildo, forced into the narrow passage until only a third of the rubber cylinder was sticking out. She moaned and whimpered, and shrieked when I ordered Marianne to mount the fake cock and then tied her loosely on top of the spread girl. "Now enjoy yourself, my dear. You have my permission to come as often as you want". She didn't have to be told twice, but began humping her love toy vigorously, while the culprit under her cried out and began pleading for mercy. I settled down to watch the show. The French girl lasted all of two minutes before she with a high pitched scream threw back her head and came violently. "Excellent! Again", I encouraged. She was shivering all over her lovely body, but dutifully began moving her hips, much to the chagrin of her partner. This time it took more than five minutes before soft moaning announced that she'd come again. I clapped my hands without comment, waiting to see what she would do, and darn if her buttocks weren't moving again. By then Lua had stopped pleading and was just crying helplessly. He boyfriend was watching from his knees beside my chair, looking concerned and occasionally stealing a glance at me. Ten minutes later Marianne sighed and went limp. I rose. "You stay there until I come back and still have my permission to come". With that I beckoned to Luan and we went out to the rickshaw. He hauled me across the island to the rope experts' cabin, where I released him. "I don't really need you right now. Run off to the cabin and come back here in two hours to fetch me". He sent me a smile, "Yes, Sir", and turned. "You can release the girls, Lua's clips too, and if she's up to it, you may fuck her, gently". His smile broadened. "Sir, yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir". I watched him sprinting off.
The lesson was very interesting, to say the least, but I soon realised that I would need more than one to learn how to weave the intricate web and place the knots in the right places to form a correct shibari or karada. The slavegirl, who actually turned out to be Japanese, was incredibly flexible and agile, with a high tolerance for pain. Not even a whimper escaped her when the ropes cut into her tender flesh or her limbs were bent in awkward and painful angles. Her stature was very similar to my little French girl's and I had no trouble imagining Marianne in a rope harness. My kind teachers took obvious pleasure from introducing me to one of their favourite pastimes and we spent a pleasant couple of hours in their backyard. As an extra benefit I learned how to use the beam and hoists. Tying up the slaves was fine, but the fun was greatly enhanced when the bound bodies were hauled up to sway in mid-air. So we had them dangling upside down or hanging horizontal, completely encased in the tight ropes, unable to move much more than a finger or a toe. The strong Malaysian boy even spent a very uncomfortable time strung up by his big toes, still without complaint. I made a mental note of testing my own slaveboy in the same way. The patient boy got his reward, though, when I as promised was shown how to put a balltied girl to practical use. Wrapped in rope, her fingers touching the back of her neck and knees drawn up to her chin, she was hanging under the beam with the still bound boy stretched out below her. My hostess stroke him hard and held the thick pole ready when her husband carefully lowered the girl until it disappeared into her tight hole. "Great fuck for a lazy master". He grinned while slowly hauling on and slacking the pulley rope. "You can move the hoist to one of the hooks over your bed and lie there comfortably while your slaveboy does all the work".
When the final show was over, the slaves were allowed to come, something that forced the first sounds from them when the boy managed to arch his body and with a bellow shoot his seed into the narrow tunnel to send the girl over the edge, screaming shrilly, we retired to the front porch with a glass of wine. The master nodded kindly to the released slaves, whose hide bore witness of the afternoon's ordeal. "Good work. You deserve a glass and a rest. We won't play any more tonight". Luan was waiting by the rickshaw, looking very smug, so I guessed that his girlfriend had been kind, or perhaps in need.
She did look satisfied when we returned, but was walking a bit bowlegged so I teasingly asked if she'd enjoyed the dildo. "No Sir, it hurt, and Luan is soo big". Now it was his turn to receive an angry look from his master. "Did you dare fuck her arse?" "I ask, Sir", she hastily told me. "Perhaps, but he was expressly told to be gentle. I don't want my slavegirls spoiled. Fetch a whip". She protested feebly, repeating that it was her fault, but I cut her sort with a whispered command, which made her blanche. Luan came back with a short whip and I restrained him on his knees, arse high. He took the ten stinging lashes stoically, but gasped in horror when I told him to look up. Lua was back, with the double dildo strapped to her waist, one end buried in her pussy. "That's right, boy, your turn". She looked pleadingly at me. "Ram it in, girl!" "I lick first, Sir?" Her voice was quavering. "No". She lined up behind the brown arse and opened the cheeks, tentatively touching the rubber rod to the puckered hole. "Ram it in, I said, all the way. Now!" I roared and lashed out at her buttocks to send her forward. Both of them cried out in pain when the dildo buried itself in the almost virgin hole and at the same time was forced even deeper into Lua's vagina. "Fun, is it?" I gave the boy a rap across his shoulder blades. "No, Sir", he moaned. "Perhaps you'll remember to obey my orders in the future". "Yes, Sir". He gasped when the intruder was withdrawn and then rammed up again. "I should hope so. OK, you can stop that Lua. I don't want you spoiled".
It was three very subdued slaves, who as silently and unobtrusively as possible crept around making preparations for dinner, while I busied myself at the computer, checking my e-mail and accounts. Lua served me a pre dinner glass and knelt beside my chair, timidly kissing my shoes, sighing heavily when she was ignored. When finally called to dinner I found the table laid for four, as ordered, but none of them made any move to sit down when I'd seated myself. A very grave Marianne came out to serve the first course and Lua's hands were shaking when she tried to pour my wine. I grabbed the bottle and served myself, then looked up, frowning. "What are your orders about dinner?" "We eat together here, Sir", Luan answered. "Well, are you disobeying me again or have you suddenly caught a fancy for buffet suppers?" "No, Sir". He gestured to his girlfriend and they sat down while Marianne fetched their plates. I leaned over to serve Lua a glass of wine, then handed the bottle to Luan. We ate a few forkfuls of the quail salad in silence. "Cat got your tongue?" I saluted the petite girl. "This is delicious". "Merci, Mâitre". She smiled timidly. "Well prepared, just like you'll be some day soon". I grinned and described the new way of fucking I'd learned about. Her eyes lit up. "Sounds like great fun, Sir". "For me". "Moi aussi, Mâitre". She looked pointedly at Lua. ""Nah, I think she'll be too heavy". "I can hold her, Sir". Luan grinned hugely and we discussed the possibilities while the first course disappeared, then turned to other subjects. The slaves relaxed when they understood that I wasn't really mad at them and the friendly atmosphere was restored.
Over coffee we discussed films until I with a yawn said that I was going to bed. "With me or Marianne, Sir?" Lua's eyes were sparkling again. "Or both of us?" I frowned at her. "Trying to wear out your master are you?" "No, Sir, please him". "Not tonight. The two of you can clear away and then spend the evening in your room, doing whatever you like. Watch a movie, perhaps. That's what we'll do". I gave Marianne my hand and went to the bathroom. After washing and playing with each other in the tub, we flopped down on my bed and flicked through the TV channels until I actually found a film I'd like to watch. Halfway through it Marianne fetched a bottle of wine and we shared it, cuddling on the soft pillows. 'Almost like an old married couple', I thought, 'Romance after only three days together? Going soft are you, old boy?'
I must have been, because I don't remember any more until I woke up, spooned up to the supple body of my sleeping slavegirl, my erect member pressed into the crack of her arse. I was sorely tempted to wake her up, this time by entering her back passage, but once again I relented and stole out of bed to piss and make myself a pot of tea. I was in the kitchen when Luan came padding in, surprised to see me. "Morning. Some lazy girls we have around here, what?" He grinned. "Yes, Sir, or tired". "Perhaps". I left the tea making to him and went out to the porch, where he served me a few minutes later. "But nevertheless, I need some relief". I looked at my morning hard-on. "Yes, Sir. Luan or Marianne?" "You". He gulped visibly, but dropped to his knees and took me into his mouth. This time I let him finish, hardly had any other choice, horny as I was, and came violently within seconds. He gagged, but managed to swallow my load, licked me clean and sank back on his heels, grimacing and working his tongue. I did understand his disgust, but slaves don't resent their master's gifts. "My feet are hot, cool them". He looked uncertainly at me. "With your tongue, slaveboy". He swallowed hard again before bending low to take up the humiliating task. I relaxed in my chair, sipping the tea and enjoying the tongue-bath. The lad really did a good job, I had to admit, licking up and down the tops of my feet, raising them gently to wash the soles and even sucking on each of my toes. When he at last let the right big toe slip from his mouth and sat back again, hanging his head, I took pity on him. "Want a cup of tea?" "Yes, Sir", he mumbled. "Fetch a cup, then".
We were chatting quite amiably about his plans for a future education when his girlfriend eventually decided to wake up and present herself. "Very naughty slavegirl", I scolded when she knelt at my feet, "Oversleeping and neglecting your master". "I'm sorry, Sir". She looked up, grinning mischievously. "Luan didn't wake me". "So you're blaming him for the punishment you're about to receive?" She glanced at him. "I, eh, no, Sir". "I heard differently, fetch a cane". "Yes, Sir". When she'd disappeared inside, I turned to him. "Ten with the cane. You or she?" "Me, Sir". He didn't hesitate. "So be it. Get into position". The girl came back to find her boyfriend standing bent over, touching his toes. "You give him ten, and hard". She sent me a dismayed look, trying to plead with her eyes, but I just stared impassively back until she with a heavy sigh raised the cane and brought it sharply down upon the brown globes. A red line appeared to prove that she hadn't held back, quickly followed by a further nine. "Good work. Now start breakfast, but wake up the other lazy girl first". "Yes, Sir". She disappeared hastily, but with an apologising look over her shoulder to the boy who was rubbing his flaming buttocks. "Got practise, hasn't she?" "Yes, Sir". He grinned hugely. I was still laughing when Marianne came stumbling out, rubbing her eyes. "Sit down, Luan, and give my other naughty slavegirl a good spanking". "Yes, Sir". He lowered himself on a chair, somewhat gingerly, and the naked girl obediently draped herself across his knees. I signalled 'ten' and his hand came down on her pert little bottom with a resounding smack, making her jump and kick her legs. A most delightful scene, to see her writhing and kicking wildly, emitting little cries of protest, almost better than delivering the spanks myself. When it was over and she was rubbing her behind, sobbing quietly, I grinned at her. "Strong arm, what?" She nodded mutely, sending me a hurt look. "Breakfast on the table in ten minutes. One stroke of the cane for every minute it's late". She fled to the kitchen.
I told Luan to fetch a couple of cushions and we enjoyed a leisurely breakfast, even if two of the participants seemed a little restless in spite of the protection provided for their tender behinds. At last I drained my cup. "Well, time for some fun and games. Clear away, girls, and you make the rickshaw ready. Mount a couple of chains on the tailboard". Chuckling to myself I watched them scurry around, exchanging troubled looks. When we were ready, I cuffed the still naked girls' hands in front and hooked them on the chains, secured Luan to the poles and lashed at his bare buttocks. "To the beach". He set out at a brisk trot, dragging the two slavegirls with us. It was downhill so they shouldn't have any trouble keeping pace and Lua ran effortlessly, even if her ample breasts were flapping wildly in a most enchanting way. Marianne on the other hand was stumbling along, evidently in pain. I cursed myself for forgetting that she unlike the other two wasn't used to going barefoot on rough ground and called Luan to slow down to a walk. The petite girl sent me a grateful smile and fell in step with her slave sister, while I leaned back, feeling like a Roman emperor in his triumphal carriage, dragging along the spoils of war.
Like yesterday, the beach was deserted except for the raking slaves. I directed Luan to a secluded spot I'd noticed the previous morning, a small clearing almost surrounded by bushes at the edge of the forest, and released the slaves. Cushioned sun-beds and deckchairs, shaded by parasols, were provided for guests, and sets of pegs and hanging shackles for slaves. "Sure looks good", I confirmed teasingly, when the girls were looking longingly at the blue lagoon, "But first things first. Lie down there". I nodded to Lua, indicating the pegs. She sighed deeply and placed herself, spreading her arms and legs to be bound. I secured her spreadeagle and ordered Marianne on top of her, stretching her likewise and forcing their naked bodies tightly together. "Now don't go away". I slapped the perky little bottom on top and gestured my slaveboy to follow. The water was cool and refreshing and we spent the best part of an hour swimming. One of the serving slaves dried me and asked if I'd like something to drink. I sent Luan with him to fetch coffee for four and went up to our spot. "Hi girls, comfy are you?" I moved a chair over so I could rest my feet on Marianne's bare back. "No, Sir". "No? The mattress isn't soft enough for you?" I wriggled my foot in between the supple bodies. "Seems soft enough to me". "Yes, Sir, but we'd like a swim". "Ah! But I think that's much too dangerous for little girls like you". "I'm a very good swimmer, Sir". "You are?" "Yes, Sir". "Hmm. What about you, Lua?" "I swim like a fish, Sir". "Is that true?" I looked up at her boyfriend, who'd returned with a tray. He grinned. "A very slow fish, Sir". The bound girl spluttered indignantly. "I swim better than him, Sir, much better". "Is that so?" Luan shook his head. "Very well. A competition will decide that. The winner sleeps with me tonight, the loser is caged in the shed". His grin faltered very quickly. 'Something of a dilemma, eh, boy?' I thought. "You may untie them".
The girls stretched their cramped limbs and Marianne sat down to enjoy her coffee, but Lua continued her exercises. "Warming up to win, are you?" I grinned. "No need, Luan will let you win anyway. He won't want to sleep with me". He was staring fixedly at the ground. "So perhaps I should change the rules. Winner sleeps with Marianne, loser with me". His head flew up and he stared at me, then smiled to the petite girl, who smiled shyly back. His girlfriend looked furious. 'Uh hu! We'll see about that', I thought and emptied my cup. "Very well, out to the reef and back again". We got up and walked towards the lagoon. I stopped about twenty yards from the shore with the two brown bodies on either side of me. "Ready!" They nodded and I slapped their rumps simultaneously to send them sprinting for the water. The girl reached it a split second before her competitor to gain a few yards on him when they began crawling across the lagoon. She really was a fantastic swimmer, her lithe body sliding through the water as elegantly as a dolphin to reach the far side and turn a couple of seconds before Luan, but the boy proved his greater strength on the way back. He gained on her, managed to overtake and got out of the water a second before her to throw himself at my feet, gasping for breath. "OK, you win", I conceded. "No, Sir, I won", Lua claimed, with a shit eating grin.
I told Luan to take Marianne up in the rickshaw to whip up some lunch, while I took a swim with Lua. Afterwards I sent her to fetch a glass of wine at the bar. When she returned, I told her to kneel between my legs, with her back to me, clipped her ankle and wrist restraints together and relaxed in my chair, idly caressing her tits, offering her a sip of wine every now and then, dreaming about the coming night. Her nipples swelled and turned rock hard. She sighed deeply. Perhaps she was dreaming as well. Rather dreading, though, after all she knew me mostly as a fairly brutal lover, except for my eating her out that morning.
Lunch was as I'd ordered, a delicious selection of titbits. Luan got on all fours with a tray on his back to serve as a table and I chained Marianne like her slave sister on the other side of my chair, then proceeded to fingerfeed them and myself, let them sip from my glass, while wiping my sticky fingers on their tits. It was incredibly intimate and erotic, yet still a master playing with his humiliated and helpless slaves.
We spent all day at the beach, enjoying ourselves, slaves as well as master, with no further fun and games. Three days as a master and I was already growing soft, or was it tired of it? Neither, or perhaps softening a bit, but I'd realised that you can't be cruel all the time, at least I can't. And I'd struck gold again, winning three genuine submissives, who could handle being abused and humiliated one moment and relaxing in the company of their tormentor the next. We stayed in our secluded spot, enjoying the sun, occasionally going for a swim, talking and joking like longtime friends. They could handle that too, my slaves, behaving naturally, yet still keeping the respectful distance necessary in our very special relationship. They were perfect, simply perfect.
When it was time for bed, I played my last little evil game of the day. Luan had been gazing hungrily at Marianne, obviously looking forward to sample her lithe body, so different from his girlfriend's more voluptuous curves. "Sleep with, I said, not fuck", I grinned, when chaining the two of them stretched out on the bed side by side and face down without any chance of as much as touching each other. "Sleep well". I eased two well lubricated vibrating plugs into their arseholes, turned them on at the lowest setting and the light off, then left with a giggling Lua, followed by her boyfriend's frustrated groans, carefully keeping the doors open, so he could listen to her screams of passion when I once again ate her out, forcing three orgasms out of her before climbing on top and fuck her to yet another two peaks.
She feel asleep as soon as I'd spurted into her steaming hole and didn't stir when I slipped out, turned her and spooned up to her back. 'Shit, but she's a great fuck', I thought and hugged the warm body, reaching round to cup a hand around a firm tit, 'Have to do this more often'. I grinned to myself. 'Well, you can do it every day, old boy, she's yours'. Drifting off to sleep my last conscious thought was: 'Yeah, great, so what is it you are missing, then?'
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