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Review This Story || Author: Omega Phallic

Omega Phallic

Part 2

            By Omega Phallic email:

                        Omega Phallic 2

                 "Visions of a New World Order"

     "Catherine there are some Gentlemen to see you" the terrified receptionist
said, buzzing them into the oil Baron's office.

     Phallic and his team had gotten in easily enough thanks to Firewall sending
a living computer virus to fuck with their systems, taking out their security
system, which was in Phallic's opinion too dependant on technology. They'd
slipped up the elevator shaft in all the confusion.

     Silencer had a gun to the receptionists head, a old Asian woman who'd buzz
them in, the poor woman, a temp, was eager to be rid of them. The door opened
and the receptionist ran screaming. It didn't matter, they had Catherine where
they wanted her.

     "Who the fuck do you think you are barging in here, are you from
Greenpeace, no don't answer that, Just get the fuck out of here?" The annoyed
blond demanded, before going back to her cell phone conversion.

     Sitting on her desk with her long legs crossed was jaw dropping blond in a
business suit. The view of her long, tanned legs, was cut off by her short
skirt, which left little to the imagination.

     Catherine was looking at them, looking at them through her glasses which
were perched on the tip of her nose. With her golden hair up in a bun, it made
her look like some kind of naughty librarian.

     Rodiron pulled at the metal buttons on her expensive business suit, using
his control of magnetism to rip her Jacket open.

     "That it, you've pissed me off now" growled the lovely CEO as she put her
cell phone down. Phallic just waited smugly. She'd call security, but Firewalls
program would block the call, he was sure of it. He'd just give her a moment to
let her situation sink in.

     He was wrong. Instead of calling for security, she ripped her own blouse
open, exposing two massive breasts barely constrained by her white bra. Tossing
her jacket and blouse aside, Catherine gave Phallic the finger, before unhooking
her bra, allowing her two golden globes to burst free.  Slipping her fingers
into her skirt and panties, Catherine pulled them both to the floor, leaving her
waxed pussy bare.

     "I haven't killed anyone since my KGB days when they called me the Gas
Giantess" Catherine chuckled as her skin transformed, replacing flesh with
helium. The CEO floated up thru the pores in the roof, daring her enemies to
follow if they had the balls.

     Lady Succubi flew right up after her, ramming right through the roof,
sending a shower of dust and chunks of roof.

     Ducking the falling pieces of plaster Omega Phallic turned to his team, the
ones left that is, and asked "Anyone have rope?"


     "You bitch, you dirty fucking bitch!" Scott Summer screamed at his wife as
he barged into the living room of Xavier's mansion. Gambit, who'd been eating a
pizza pocket on the sofa, minding his own business, choked on it.

     Xavier and Jean turned to Scott, stunned by the unexpected outburst.
"Excuse me Scott?" Jean asked, shocked and outraged at her husbands behaviour.

     "I saw you fucking Xavier through our mind link, it was hazy, but it was
like you were rubbing it in, you fucking whore!" Scott accused Jean before
turning on Xavier, while the Professor was taking the accusation in.

     "Professor I trusted you more than anyone, how could you be..." Scott
began, but Xavier was going to have none of it.

     "Scott stop!" Xavier commanded, determined to get behind what was behind
Scott's rage.

     "Scott, we, me and the Professor, we didn't do anything, it was just some
sexual fantasy of the Professor's that he didn't block properly" Jean explained,
trying to settle her husband down, her heart pumping.

     "My what?" Xavier asked, looking in bewilderment at Jean Grey.

     "Look Professor, it's understandable, men, men do these things, but please,
please block your mind better in the future" Jean Grey told the Professor

     The Professor was about to retort that he wasn't the one playing with
herself in public, but thought better of it. This smelled of Mastermind or some
other villain. *Jean my I enter your mind to find out what's behind this*
Professor X asked.

     Jean agreed, so Charles Xavier searched her mind for the source of the
vulgar images. It turned out to be him. Charles wasn't fooled by this, but he
was amazed that someone had used his mind to route the images into Jean's mind.
Moving through link after link, each link a telepath, Charles Xavier found the
enemy, but the mind or minds he found there were too tangled to pierce. He
couldn't even get a location.

     "Someone or something has been routing images into Jean's mind, using other
telepaths to route them to her" Xavier explained, wondering why Scott hadn't
figured out this himself. Gentle checking if Scott was alright, Xavier realized
that the images had been intended for telepaths only, so that upon entering
Scotts mind, the images recked havoc.

     Xavier had no problem fixing Scott's mind, it was nothing series, but it
left Xavier with worries never the less.

     "Jean I'm so sorry I..." Scott uttered, lost for words. Scott hugged his
wife closely to him, vowing to make the person responsible for this pay.

     "Hello, I'm Jennifer Connolly, actress and now Presidential candidate for
the New Utilitarian Party" the raven haired young woman announced, in the
commercial. "Ask yourself this, if these superheros, villains, and secret
government agencies have the power to screw with time, lift Elephants with one
hand, clone an army of super soldier, and do ton of other weird shit, why the
fuck can't they fix the environment, feed the hungry, fill your pot holes, and
get you laid!" she challenged the viewer

     "Are you sick and tired of selfish, good for nothing pricks battle it out,
destroying your town instead of fixing it, while your life goes to hell in a
handbasket?" Jennifer Connolly asked.

     "The Utilitarian party is about the greatest good for the greatest amount
of people."

     "Think about me for an instant, most you guys out there would love to fuck
me, I could easily make you all happy, but say I don't want to, if you rape me
you go to jail."

     "What right do I have, what right does anyone have, to stop the happiness
of the many to please the wishes of the few."

     "But what happens if the law protected you for a change, what if raping me
was legalized, or better yet, what if there was a law that sent me and other
beautiful women, even handsome men, to government operated pleasure centres, to
be trained and forced to into public sex slavery, to create the maxim amount of
happiness for the maxim amount of people."

     "I might be unhappy, it'd violate my rights, but the needs of the many
outweigh the needs of the few, remember that and vote for me come election day."

     Susan Reed turned off the television set and turned angrily to her husband,
who was sitting on the sofa with her, his arm around her shoulder.

     "Richard, this stinks, how can they put that, that sexist drivel on tv!"
Susan Reed growled, offended and yet in her heart secretly turned on by the
thought of being sent to one of those pleasure centres the Utilitarian were
talking about.

     "Don't worry Susan, they're just another fringe party, they'll never get
elected, besides they'd have to go through me before they sent you to one of
those 'pleasure centres'" Reed declared, trying to calm his offended wife.

     Ben came running into the living room looking excited. "You've got to check
this out, some big chick made of gas is fighting some new super group, kicking
their ass' too."

     "Richard, we'd better take a look at this, see what going on, civilians
could be hurt" Susan suggested, worried about collateral damage. The Fantastic
four raced off to join the fray.

     Gas Giantess changed from helium, to a denser gas, drawing the denser gas
out of the atmosphere till she was five times her previous height and a lot
stronger. Lady Succubi stood before her, staring her down, wondering if she was
solid enough now to get hit.

     Deciding to test her, Lady Succubi ripped a metal vent off the roof and
sent it hurtling at Gas Giant. The metal pinged harmlessly off her, bouncing
over the side of the building.

     Omega Phallic shot out a cock tentacle, which wrapped around Gas Giantess'
leg. He tried to change her form, tried to turned her eyes into a pair of boobs,
but in her current non- organic form she was immune to his powers.

     Gas Giantess kicked her leg out, sending Omega Phallic hurling through the
air screaming. He wasn't Spiderman, and his tentacle cock wasn't a web, so when
it snapped like one, Omega's pain was incredible.

     While not permeant with his powers, the loss of his tentacle cock, took him
out of the fight for the time being. As it was it was, only thanks to the quick
thinking of Lodestone, he was lucky he didn't over the edge of the building, the
mutant's control of magnetic fields allowing Lodestone with great effort to stop
Phallic, by grabbing him by the iron in his blood stream.

     Rodiron, Lodestone's self from another reality, noticed that the gas that
Gas Giantess had now chosen to made up her body, was a metallic gas of some
sort. He tried to use his powers to crush her, but his powers were weak compared
to his self in this universe, Magneto, and all he managed to accomplish was to
cause the Gas Giantess enough pain that she turned in his direction, ready to
take him out.

     Lodestone and Blindside added their own powers to the magnetic onslaught
upon Gas Giantess, making her drop to her knees, with stomach cramps as they
tried to condense her into a ball.

     Lady Succubi joined in, pounding into Gas Giantess with fists, her super
strength taking a toll on the other mutant.

     It took concentration to change gasses, more than she could gather during
her brutal beating, but her luck changed as the fantastic four showed by,
distracting her enemies long enough for her to suck the acidic gasses from the

     Lady Succubi turned back around to look at Gas Giantess, only to catch a
blast of acidic gasses levelled at her chest.

     The acid ate through her clothes, leaving her naked, her massive tits
exposed, but the Gas Giantess didn't have enough time to gather enough gas to do
more damage. Even if she had, Lady Succubi was nearly impervious to physical
damage, thanks to the powers inherited from Rogue.

     Silencer, the last of the team left unoccupied, turned his sniper rifle on
Richard Reed, and pulled the trigger.

     Silencer was hidden out of sight so no one saw the bullet coming, and
thanks to the Shield technology on his belt, no one heard the bullet whistling
through the air.

     No one knew about the bullet until Richard Reed's brains splattered against
his wife's beautiful face and her ample breasts.

     In shock at her husbands death, Susan Reed was taken by surprise by the
weak bolt of acidic gas that was knocked astray.

     The invisible woman's uniform dissolved, leaving her naked, her huge tits
bouncing free, but she failed to notice or care. All that matter was killing her
husband's murder.


     "Noooo, it wasn't supposed to be like this, I only had the best of
intentions!" Omega Phallic screamed as he watch Richard's brain blown out.
Crawling weakly over to the superhero's side, Omega Phallic check the man's
pulse. He was still alive, but dying fast.

     Omega Phallic did the only thing he could do. He made a large dick made out
of gray matter, spring forth from the man's brain, closing the wound and saving
the man's life.

     In time, with help from the technology he got from Sinister, Omega Phallic
would be able to remove the dick protruding from the superhero's forehead, but
for now it was enough that he wasn't going to die.

     Exhausted, Phallic collapsed.


     Silencer fell down the stairs as the invisible woman chased after him, her
big tits bouncing along the way.

     Susan screamed with rage as she took Silencer's own gun from him and aimed
it at his head, wanting him to died like her husband had.

     Unfortunately for her, Silencer had all his guns keyed to his DNA so that
when she pulled the trigger, an electric shock knocked her out.

     Getting up while holding his ribs, Silencer took his gun back.

     Brushing one of Susan's bangs aside, Silencer took in the sight of the
exposed and vulnerable superheroine. "Too bad I killed your husband, I'd have
loved to have him watching helplessly while raped you, either way bitch your
sweet ass is going to be mine after the fight" Silencer explained to the
unconscious woman.

     Gas Giantess was exhausted, the unrelenting attack not giving her enough
time to regroup. It'd been years since her service to the KGB and she had grown
far too rusty.

     At least the Magneto wannabee's were busy dodging flaming bolts from
Johnny, while the Thing ran to Richard's side, before picking Phallic up.

     Suddenly the battle between Lady Succubi and the Gas Giantess changed as LS
decided to take it to the skies. The Gas Giantess wasn't prepared for this as
she was back into her metal gas state, which could fly.

     The two woman hovered over the streets of New York, the Gas Giantess scared
shitless. If this bitch drops me, there's no way I'll have time to change into a
lighter gas, I'm fucked Catherine realized. The CEO of Siberia Oil was smart
enough to know when she was beaten.

     "You win, you win, I'll serve your master" Catherine announced,
surrendering, pouting at her defeat. To prove her point she transformed back
into her human form, her huge tits now mashed against Lady Succubi's.

     "What the did you do to him?" the Thing roar as he picked up Omega Phallic
by the scruff of his neck.

     Phallic slipped his hand into his pocket and fished out his mace, spraying
it into the Thing's eyes.

     Roaring The Thing clutched at his eyes, dropping Phallic. As The Thing
backed away towards the edge of the building, Gas Giantess slammed into him,
knocking him over, The Thing roaring as he dropped like a stone, to crash
through an ambulance, killing both the driver and the poison victim in the back,
but surviving himself, if barely.

     Gas Giantess transformed back into human form at a glare from Lady Succubi,
collapsing in exhaustion.

     Lady Succubi picked up both Phallic, Catherine, and Reed, flinging them
other shoulders, ready to leave once the others were ready.

     Johnny was having one hell of time fighting, not one, but what appeared to
be three Magnetos. Thankfully they lacked his strength, they weren't nearly the
equals of Magneto, he'd be beat or worse if they were. Instead they spent most
of their dodging his shots, and shooting nuts and bolts from the building at
him, which were now scattered across the roof tops in melted heaps.

     Johnny was about flame Rodiron's sorry ass, when Silencer burst out the
door of the stairwell, pointing his gun down the stairs.

     "Flame fucker, either you surrender or kiss your sister's sweet ass good
bye" Silencer explained as Johnny turned his aim to the deadly black man.

     Johnny looked his enemy in the eyes, thinking to call the man's bluff. "She
dies, so do you" Johnny countered, trapped in a Mexican stand off with Silencer.

     Luckily for Rodiron, he wasn't stuck, he couldn't give shit if Johnny fried
Silencer, the two team mates had never gotten along to begin with.

     A piece of pipe that was freed in the fight hurled through the air, hitting
Johnny in the back of the head, knocking him out cold, before he could flash fry


     Emma frost was driving home from a meeting with some contracts, who warned
her that a new threat was raising, hidden behind the new Utilitarian Party, when
the vision hit her.

     Emma Frost lay on her back in a skin tight black silk slip, the neckline of
which left her beautiful nipples exposed. She looked at a walking naked
Professor X approaching her, knowing that he'd blocked her powers with his mind
leaving her powerless to defend herself.

     Emma Frost swerved to avoid hitting an oncoming truck, snapping back to
reality, wonder what the hell had hit her.

     "Please don't do this, you're a good man, don't rape me I won't tell anyone
about this" Emma Frost pleaded as Xavier tugged hard on her nipples.  Emma tried
to push him away, but smacked her hard, making the blond bitch wetter. "A big
pairs of tits like you don't get a say, whore" Xavier declared as ripped her
slipped right off her, Emma's massive mammaries bouncing free.

     Emma's air bag activated as soon as her car hit the apple tree on the side
of the road. Emma open the door and staggered out, swearing vengeance on Xavier
for raping her mind, before the next wave hit.

     "Take it bitch, take every inch of it you fucking bitch!" Xavier's huge
cock sawed into her, slamming the poor blond with his cruel dick meat, having
ripped away her cherry with his first brutal thrust. This was the man she'd
trusted for so long, now he was raping her, it boggled her mind, not that she
had much time to think as Xavier slammed into her cunt with rage driven passion.

     Emma wasn't a virgin, hadn't been one for years, but that was the last
thing on her mind. Emma couldn't believe Xavier could do this to her, he was too
good a man, but the visions confused her mind, building up her hatred of Xavier,
even as she tossed aside her white jacket and pulled off her white top, the need
to play with herself overwhelming, her cunt aching with want.

     Tears filled a powerless Emma Frosts eyes', unusual experience for the
White Queen, who was more accustomed to making others cry. As Emma unzipped her
pants and pushed them around her ankles, the visions hit her again

     "Oh god yes, rape faster, fuck me like me like cheap piece of meat, a whore
with no right to say no to any cock that want the fucking cunt!" Emma screamed
as the her tender cunt was brutally and savagely raped. Xavier was pounding into
her with gigantic cock with a vengeance breaking the blond into her new place as
fuck toy for pleasure men and women everywhere.

     "Tell me what you are!" Xavier demanded, wanting more than anything to see
the blond snobby cunt demean herself. "I'm big pair of fucking tits!" Emma Frost
screamed back, pushing her huge mam mountains together to emphasis her point.

     Emma Frost's fingers were buried in her as she wondered away from the road,
into the woods, before collapsing onto her back, her fingers still sawing away
at her wet pussy, her fingers crushed by the tight passage of her cunt, her free
hand tugging painfully hard on her beautiful, perky pink nipples.

     "What's your place?" Xavier asks, staring into Emma's eyes as he sends her
hurling towards her 100th soul sucking climax.

     "On my back, master" the beautiful blond mutant replied by rote as her
fingers clawed at Xavier's back from excess pleasure.

     "What are you?" Xavier asks, picking up the pace of his fucking,, before
burying his face into Emma fantastic mam meat, the creamy mountainous orbs fit
for the Gods.

     "The huge pair of hooters, master!" Emma replies, practically purring at
the statement, a simple matter of fact to Emma's mind at that point, but a fact
in which she took great pleasure and pride in announcing.

     "What's your place" Xavier asks, repeating his question, needing to know if
the blond bitch was ready to be sold into sex slavery.

     "On my knees with a guys dick jammed down throat, master" Emma moaned, the
broken slut pushing back against Xavier's dick.

     "What are you" Xavier asked, close to cumming, needing to hear those magic
words before cumming.

     "I'm a massive pair of mountainous mammaries!" Emma screamed, her tight
cunt milking Xavier's cock, as the blond creamed, the humiliation of admitting
that she a grade A pair of jugs, driving her to he strongest orgasm yet.

     Emma opened her eyes to look a Moose straight in the eyes, the hairy chest
of the animal pressed against her own sensitive and soft tits, the enormous
creamy warheads getting aroused despite the blond's wishes at the Moose's touch,
and she could even feel the huge dick of the beast pressing against her cunt,
the heat of Moose's dick meat making Emma's cunt tingle.

     "The bloody beast must a have smelled my arousal, go shoo, go, get the fuck
away!" Emma demanded, but moose ignored her imperial commands and Emma was too
weak from the mental onslaught to enforce them.

     Emma screamed out in horror as the massive beast, thrust forward, impaling
the hot bitch on the entire length of its huge cock, barrelling into her tiny,
tight cunt with savage glee.

     Emma Frost, White Queen, and powerful mutant, feared by her enemies, laid
powerless on her back, while a moose of all things raped her, her body
instinctively responding to the massive dick meat pounding away between her

     "Oh God, how can this be happening, I actually getting fucked by a base
animal, oh God, worse yet, I'm going to cuuuuummmmm!" Emma screamed, her climax
so powerful that it searing the sanity from her soul.

     Emma Frost, former Legendary Mutant, and now fuck slave and public
property, groaned as she was forced onto her knees. The Mutant pressed her firm
tits out, so that the man in front of her, could take her left large breast, (it
took two hands to hold it with room to spare) holding it still for another
strange man, who pierced her nipple. The piercing was repeated with her right
tit, after which the man put in two diamond studs, a sign that she was the
property of the Pleasure Centre.

     The same man that had pierced her nipples now gave her a tattoo on one
shoulder, an American flag, showing her to be property of the American
government and a bar code on the other shoulder.

     Emma was then sent to the main area, where she would "boost the morale" of
the man waiting there, whether she wanted to or not.

     "You getting all this on camera Chad?" a man in a ski masked asked his
partner, who had a DVD camcorder pointed at Emma Frost while Moose raped her.

     "Yeeeesssss, fuck me hard you goddamn beast, feed that big juicy cock into
me, oh God your going to make cum, please make me cum master!" Emma screamed out
as reality and her visions of being a sex slave blended, the blond fuck slut's
mind so fucked up that she fucked the Moose back, turned on the knowledge that
she, the ice bitch supreme, was committing a degrading act of bestiality and
loving every minute of it.

     A second male Moose hearing Emma screams of agonizing ecstasy as she
creamed again on the Moose' prick, wondered over and knelt down strangely enough
on Emma's face, so that the tasty blond had to start sucking on the moose's
hairy balls or suffocate.

     Emma chalked the strange occurrence up to Charles mind controlling powers,
but in fact it was her own subconscious mind that had betrayed her, slipping the
idea into the Moose's head.

     Emma groaned as the guy under her shoved his rock hard shaft up her tiny
brown asshole, forcing inch after inch up her impossibly tight sphincter. The
Blond bitch had the tightest ass hole he'd ever had, it was battle just to get
his dick up her bum, but it was worth it, as the slut wiggled and bounced around
in pain at the intrusion.

     Another guy, a fat greasy guy in an apron, who used to sell her burgers,
was now offering his thick slimy dick meat for her to shallow, which the tearful
sex slave did, her jaws aching as she took the entire thing in, her tongue
teasing it mercilessly as it forced it way cruelly down her throat.

     Emma was then forced to arch her spine backwards painfully, so that the
greasy bastard could ram his dick meat down her throat with greater ease, while
balls smacked her in the eyes.

     Emma's huge, soft, creamy white mounds of joy, were pressed together by
rough hands, so that not one, three man could arrange themselves over and around
her, in order to stuff their gigantic throbbing cocks between the mutant's
heavenly globes.

     Emma's hands were filled next, with hot stiff cocks, stroking the twitching
stud meat in her hands, as fast as she could, to the delight of the men raping
her, her first "clients", during her first day at the Pleasure centre, in her
new role as free whore.

     Emma's hot cunt wasn't to be spared, but instead speared, not by one guy,
but by two guys, making Emma scream around the cock in her mouth, the pain was
mind blowing as her cunt was forced to take on both huge shlongs, the agony was

     It was only as the men using her as the fuck meat got into a rhythm, that
Emma realized that strangely enough all the men raping her now, were men she
knew, men that had served her in some way before, man she had looked down on.

     Not only was it the burger flipper, but her plumbing, a couple of thugs
that used to work for her, her dog walker, her bank teller, her sewage guy, her
mechanic, her paper boy, pizza delivery man, and bunch of guys she'd cock teased
into doing favours for her, but which she had left with blue balls when she had
gotten her way.

     Emma slurped greedily on the dick meat provided for her, while cunt moved
up and down her dog walkers shaft, her asshole was being brutalized by her
plumber, while magnificent hooters and skilled hands, milked massive pricks in
search of jizz.

     Emma fucked back against those who, were gang raping her, a her beautiful
body glistening with sweat as she was forced to take on over a dozen men at one
time, the blond mutant, formerly the White Queen of the Hellfire club, now
little more than a big pair jiggling jugs, and first rate sperm bank, was a wild
women, a flurry of passionate fucking as did her damnedest to give every last
one of the bastards the fuck of his life.

     Titgasms wrack her ivory mountains first, erupting from within like
volcanoes of divine sexual rapture. Her tight young ass was next, her assgasm a
thing of humiliating beauty and awe inspiring power.

     Lastly her hot, tight, milking cunt creamed, a blast of heart stopping
pleasure between her legs, which sent her cunt milk pouring down her dog
walker's stiff tool. This cause horrid thought to pop in Emma's head, which
promptly thrust away, which was to wonder if her dogs were as hung as their

     Emma was now blowing the Moose full bore, his massive hog blazing a
agonizing trail down Emma's throat.

     The pleasure between Emma's leg seemed to meld into one big, endless
orgasm, her cunt craving the huge dick between her legs, like a vampire craves
blood, needing the Moose to fuck more than she need life itself.

     The Moose stuffing Emma hot young pussy with boy beef, bellowed loudly as
sperm squirt into her slut chasm, drowning her twat in the animal sperm it
seemed want so very much. Emma last shred of dignity, her last bit of resistance
was destroyed utterly by the convulsing prick in her mouth, which pulled back
just enough to shower Emma Frost's tongue with Moose jizz, bathing her tongue
with so much animal cum to the blond piece ass' delight, that it trickled down
the corner of her mouth, before pulling her to give Emma a facial and a pearl
necklace, even giving her ample chest of dose of guy goo.

     Sperm flooded Emma every hole, like some mythical flood, only it was flood
made up of human cum, drowning the hot slut with spunk. Emma tried her best to
swallow it all, but it was too much, leaving coated, head to foot in man cream.
As a final affront, the men gathered around Emma one last time, blast her face
with streaming hot sperm, even dumping a pot filled with the stuff over Emma's
head, before leaving the blond bitch, laying their, a blank stare in her eyes,
in a pool of semen. Her next set of "clients" would be here in five minutes, and
after that there would be another set of "clients" and so on for the rest of her
life. It was her place now, she'd come to accept it with gratitude.

     The two loaded a now unconscious Emma Frost, the White Queen of Hellfire
fame, onto a stretcher and carted the defeated stunning blond to the Utilitarian
Parties experimental Pleasure Centre, only the first of many the Utilitarian
Party had planned, to begin her new life as a fuck toy of the masses, this time
for real.


     Jean Grey was on her knees, blowing her husband, his dick slipping between
her red lips, her cheeks bulging with dick meat. On the outside Jean did her
best to pretending she was enjoying herself, when in reality she was bored. She
had pushed Scott down on the bed, hoping to blow him, wanting to show him she
didn't think of him as cuckold husband, but in reality the truth was that he was
such a lame fuck, Jean Grey had to fight back the urge to bite down hard.

     Jean Grey held back her tears, reminding herself that she'd married Scott
because of his sweetness and his goodness and the fact that she loved him, even
if he couldn't give her what she really wanted, which was a nice hard brutal

     Scott was always sweet and tender, which was nice at first, but it bored
her quickly, he wouldn't even do anal.

     Heck,  Jean was lucky to get laid once a month, between battles and Scott
"man problems", it was leaving Jean one frustrated mutant.

     "I'm sorry honey, seeing that vision, its all I see now when I look at you,
maybe with time I'll be able to get hard again, wait Jean, wait, Jean!..."Scott
cried out as his wife raced out of the room in tears, leaving Scott and his limp
dick to their troubles.



     Sinister pulled the lever, splitting the junk DNA away from Rogue's natural
hair follicle, and then splitting the junk DNA into the individual DNA helixes.
Their was some mixes ups, but Sinister was proud of his work. Still he had to
make certain that the DNA was viable, so he choose a strand at random and sent
it off to cloning capsule one.

     The machinery whirl and did its thing, as Sinister meticulously poured over
the data he'd gained, till two hours later the buzzer went off, indicating that
the cloning pod was done.

     Sinister got up from his desk, putting his printouts down, walking over to
the pod, will mild curiosity, wondering who he'd cloned, preparing for the
unlikely chance that they were dangerous.

     Stream poured into the room as the pod's door open. Sinister gasped in
shock and stepped back fearfully, preparing himself for battle.

     There in the pod lay Thor, Thunder God and Avenger, only their had been a
mix up with one key chromosome, because this new Thor was a beautiful, busty,


     Professor Charles Xavier, mentor and founder of the X-men had a splitting
head ache. He'd been trying to locate and keep track of the strange telepath
that had used his mind to screw around with Jean, but the twisted, confused
nature of the being was hindering his efforts, and causing him a great deal of
pain. A lesser telepath might have given up, but Charles was one of the greatest
telepaths the world had ever known, and a persistent, tenacious, and iron willed
human being.

     Still Charles decided to take a break and regroup.

     He was close, he could feel it, he even knew what the problem was, it was
combined mind, of three parts, but every time he got close to it, the mind would
change the mix up in some way that would send searing agony surging through his

     Charles was drinking some milk, and eating cookies that Jean had baked for
everyone earlier, planning his strategy for the next round of mind probes, when
the counter strike hit.

     Charles was a horse, or more precisely a Centaur. Three of them in fact.
Before the Centaur/Professors were the terrified forms of three of his students.
In front of the Professor with the red fur was Psylock, the purple hair, big
breasted beauty whimpering terror as the Xavier's horse like cock brushed up
against her pussy lips.

     The second student, in front of the Professor with the white fur was Storm,
looking back into the Professor eyes and seeing no mercy there.

     The last student, in front of the Professor with the black fur was Rogue,
her southern accent filling the air with her pleas for compassion, fear thick as
thieves in the beautiful mutant's voice.

     Xavier clutched at his temples in pain, the disconcerting effect of having
three minds in one, sending spikes of torment blazing through his brain. Things
got a lot worse as another wave of visions were unleashed.

     The Xavier with black fur, Black X as he preferred, raised his whip high
into the air and brought it snapping down onto Rogue's tender backside, shouting
"I said strip bitch!"

     Whimpering in pain, Rogue got off her hands, but staid kneeling as she used
her super strength to rip her spandex green body suit off her body, freeing a
pair of the biggest, most beautiful, most perfectly formed mammaries this side
of the multiverse, leaving Rogue only in her in her flight jacket.

     Red X followed suit, whipping the beautiful ninja's sweet ass until she
too, removed her uniform, pushing the soft material over her huge, perky
breasts, which popped free to the amusement of Red X and the Purple haired
mutant's humiliation. Psylock's pants were next, the mutant getting a swift snap
on her bare ass as soon as her bum was revealed. Sobbing silently, Psylock
tossed her clothes away, and got on her hands and knees submissively again, too
fearful not to, even though she knew she was about to raped.

     Storm was putting up more of a fight, not because she feared being nude,
but because of her principles. The whip took no mind of her principles, ripping
her uniform off in strips, without damaging the sweet ebony skin underneath,
eventually leaving the white haired, giant breasted African naked, her heavenly
skin exposed.

     "Nooooo, you'll not have me!" Xavier screamed, his word belying his
actions, which were to unzip his fly and fish his dick out, pounding on his man
meat in humiliation, the thought of raping his students, making his cock harder
than it had ever been.

     His fist flew over his cock, jerking off as if his life depended upon it,
hating himself for it, but knowing he had to cum or burst. While the pain in his
head subsided, what it left was arousal and guilt in its wake. Charles wondered
why his students weren't coming to his aid, when the next wave hit...

     Storm screamed in pain and bucked like a wild animal as the horse like cock
of White X slammed full bore into her cunt, ripping away Storms prized
virginity, and filling the beautiful black women with so much cock that she felt
curtain that she was going to be split in two.

     Distracted by the pain, Storms body took over, reacting on instinct,
pushing back against White X, impaling more of his throbbing cock instead her
virgin tight cunt. Storms huge tits swung erotically underneath her, as White X
raped her with brute force of a war horse in battle, the X-men's quim juices
coating the horse like cock like a badge of honour.

     Storm wasn't the only one on the receiving end of a whole lot of horse
meat. Psylock quivered in dread as watched her friend being raped by the man
she'd trusted for years, while his twin was rubbing its own dick meat against
her hot virgin slit, drinking in her fear.

     Just when Psylock felt she was prepared as she felt she could be for the
incoming intrusion into her unused pussy, Red X crashed forward, plunging full
half his hard cock into...her ass!

     Psylock screamed and sobbed in agony, but that just encouraged Red X to
shove the rest of his horse meat into Psylock's tiny brown star. The purple
haired mutant hoped that ass would adapted to the cock in it, but it didn't
leaving Psylock in an unending hell, with her acceptance of her place fuck meat
her only hope of dealing with the pain. Giving in, Psylock felt as raising
pleasure in her ass, that grew to match and even consume the agony in her bum,
becoming a blissful torment that had begging for more. "Oh Bloody hell, rape my
fucking ass till I can shit for week, rip it fucking apart with hot dick of
your, please master, teach my to be a cum slut, train me to love fucking horses
like goddamn fucking cunt!" Psylock screamed at the top of her lungs while
Centaur raped her bum.

     Rogue wasn't as dumb as the other two, she knew she was about to be raped
one way or the other, and see saw the agony Psylock and Storm were in, so Rogue
decided to take the initiative in the vain hope of saving her holes, by slipping
under Black X and submissively wrapping her soft, firm, tender mammaries around
his horse like cock. Rogue's soft tits stroke the Centaurs huge black, their
nerves flaring up in pleasure at the hot feel of massive horse slab of cock
twitching between them.

     Every time Rogue's tits slowed down, Black X brought his whip down on her
wet cunt, making her scream with agony, her tit wanking speeding up. It was
beautiful sight, the throbbing ebony horse like cock, pounding between two
mountainous creamy mounds, the contracts in colour making the image of her
getting her tits fucked by a Centaur Xavier that much more vivid and rich.

     Adding to the beasts joy, Rogue started licking the hairy, sweaty balls, of
Black X, even taking one of the tangerine sized balls into her mouth, sucking on
it hard, her tongue dancing over it like the slut of the dance.

     Charles knew that the vision was impossible, not only for obvious reason's
like the fact that he was one person, a human, and Rogue's power draining mutant
ability wasn't working in the vision, but because he knew the only virgin among
the three women was Rogue, not that he snooped of course, but things like that
were easy to pick up on if you were a student of human nature like Charles was.

     Still just the thought of having Storms tight, red hot, quim engulfing his
cock, Psylock's beautiful bum impaled on her throbbing cock, and Rogue super
human titties round his huge cock, all at the same time was the hottest thing to
have crossed Xavier's mind, ever, and it had him beating his meat against his
better judgement.

     Dark thoughts about his students cross Xavier mind, but he pushed them away
with sheer force of will, not daring to surrender his mind, having already
compromised enough. Jerking off to the images was bad, but not serious, the
Professor refusing to allow it to go farther.

     "Oh God, drill my ass, thrust every inch of your cock into my ass
Professor, you have every right rape a cock teasing bitch like me in the ass!"
Psylock screamed, her mind reeling from the assault on her ass, breaking away
her will to resist with its sheer brutality, and agony and ecstasy feeding off
each other in the purple haired sluts rectum.

     Psylock's will to resist, her mind and sense of self respect, evaporated in
the face of an assgasm the crashed down on her like a giant wave of soul
shredding pleasure and suffering, all the that matter now was the cock in her
ass, and pleasing her master.

     Psylock's huge melons swung around in circles, smacking into each other
with meaty thwacks, during every vicious thrust into her bum, her bowls almost 
getting bruised by the head of Red X's cock.

     Psylock tugged her hard on her hard, pointy nipples, holding herself up
with one hand as every inch of her anal sheath was brutishly invaded, fucked
with as much barbarity as possible.

     Psylock was beautiful Asian women, made more stunning by the look of
inhuman lust in her face, her utter defeat at her mentors hands complete, a look
of complete surrender to his cock in her eyes.

     The hot mutant fuck slut looked over one lovely shoulder to gaze up into
Xavier's eyes only to see him looking back at her like she nothing more than a
tight ass, a hot cunt, and a great set of tits, his utter objectification of her
sending joy through her, the fuck thrilled that her master saw now for what he
showing her to be, a really hot piece of ass, a fucking slut who's only reason
to exists was to be a fuck men, any men, and women.

     Psylock's asshole clenched and unclenched around Red X's cock, begging her
master to rape her harder, the broken in she bitch, glorying in her degradation.

     "Oh God Psylock, with tits like those, I always need you were a fucking cum
slut, how could you not be, showing off those huge knockers in those skin tight
suits" Xavier moaned losing the battle against the telepath messing with his
mind, unleashing the hidden demon's within.

     Xavier pushed his inner demon's back, but it was getting harder, emotions
Xavier had never realized that he was repressing, were being dug up and freed.

     Rogue had never realized that her huge creamy orbs could feel like this, as
she felt her mentor's slimy cock forcing its way between her pillowy mountains
of Slutdom. Every nerve, every cell, in her enormous tits was on fire, with
sensations that the virgin mutant never dreamed of before, but which she now
felt eating away at her will to resist.

     "Oh, God Professor, you have no idea wet your making me, please stop, your
going to make cum, your dick's so big, and hard, it feels so fucking good
master, make me cum master, blew you fucking load on me, I've had this coming
for so long!" Rogue screamed, her approaching climax terrifying it temptation.
The mutant fought against the pleasure, but knew in her heart that she was going
to consumed to her soul, by Black X's cock, transforming her into a cum slut
like Psylock.

     Rogue bit down on her tongue hard, trying to stifling herself as she came,
a titgasm that clawed at her mind, but the mutant refused to give Black X the
satisfaction of knowing she'd hit her high note.

     Hot jizz surged forth from Xavier's beast, hosing the lovely mutant down
with a lifetime supply of guy goo. Rogue gasped, looking at all the white sperm,
flowing out of Xavier hog, spraying onto the under side of her firm mammaries
and from there to her flat stomach.

     Rogue rubbed the gooey mess all over her self, looking down in denial and
shock at her cum soaked body. This was nothing like she'd thought her first
sexual experience was going to be like, it was both a heart breaking disappoint,
she had expected something more romantic, but instead she was being treated like
a spunk bucket, but it was also better than she'd dreamed, her titgasm far more
powerful than the mutant was prepared for.

     "Oh God, the tits on Rogue, they don't seemed to belong on a human, their
so fucking big they should have their own moons!" Xavier groined, feeling his
balls tightening, he was close. His inner demon's were winning.

     "Fuck me like a bitch in heat!" Storm screamed as her tight young cunt was
over loaded with horse meat. She'd really, really, tried to stick to her
principles, but the agony, it started by wear her down, and when her first
multigasmic implosion hit her she'd been to distracted to be prepared. The
pleasure now had her bouncing back on White X's huge cock, whimpering like a
cheap fuck slut, doing her best to service her new master.

     Storm could sense White X was about to cum, like a storm gathering, her
pretty face and huge African tits pressed down onto into the carpet, the massive
mounds of dark joy getting light rug burns, as the X-slut awaited her masters
semen filled baptism of her virgin pussy.

     "Please, master, your spunk, feed my cunt your spunk!" Storm pleaded, her
cunt thirsty for the white hot sperm blast which was just waiting to drown her
velvety depths.

     Professor X cracked his whip against Storm's tender black ass cheeks,
driving the Goddess like fuck slut to fuck all the harder, his own dick raping
the beautiful fuck meat with the cruel joy only one who was raping his own
students could know.

     Storm sobbed as another explosion rocked her tight pussy, an orgasm that
ripped away more of her identity as a human being, stealing away more of her
will to resist, replacing it with a cock worshipping slut Goddess.

     Soothing sperm rocketed down the tiny corridors of the mutant's hot slit,
overfilling Storm till it poured down her thighs, the fuck toy thanking her
master for uses her as a sperm bank.

     "No...NO MORE I CAN'T...NOOOOO!" Professor X roars, hot cum squirting from
his cock to splash against a picture of his own mother, a picture that had been
unlucky enough to be in the direction his cock was aimed. Professor X took the
energy of his orgasm and channelled it into a counter attack, driving Trinity
and his inner demons from his mind.


     "Sssssshhhiiiiittttt!" Trinity screamed, blood pouring from her nose in a
river. She knew she should never have taken Professor X on, knew she should
never have united into Trinity so quickly after fucking with Emma's mind, but he
was pissing her off so she did it anyway, but she'd payed a price for her
revenge, falling from her chair and almost swallowing her tongue, her body
wracked with convulsions as her mind collapsed.

     Xavier's head felt as if a mule had kicked it and then did a number on his
nuts. The mentor of the X men looked up in horror at what he'd unleashed.

     The three Centaur Xaviers and doppelgangers of Rogue, Psylock, and Storm
were flying out of the room to wreck havoc on an unexpecting public. They were
thought forms, thoughts given a life of their own, and as such would not be seen
by those who did not posses magical abilities or telepathy.

     Xavier had one last thought before he fell to the floor. I've got her!

     Emma Frost woke up, feeling the presence that had mangled her mind
disappear. Still her head hurt as she tried to use her powers to figure out were
she was.

     Opening her eyes Emma realized that she was in an ambulance that could have
been taken from the set of porn movie, with all the normal equipment having been
replaced by sex toys.

     Emma spit out the tube in her mouth, only to look up to find that it come
from an IV drip bag filled with urine.

     Knocking it aside in disgust, Emma focussed on escape.

     Finally deciding on a plan, Emma grabbed the pole with the perverted IV and
used it as a battering ram, banging out dent after dent in the doors.

     The ambulance stopped and Emma heard her kidnappers getting out of the
front seat, slamming the door behind them.

     Emma hid to the side of one door waiting for her enemies to open it.

     The tall thug in a sky mask opened the door at which point the still groggy
Emma Frost pushed hard on it, smashing in the nose of the evil bastard on the
other side. Before his shocked partner could react, Emma's foot lashed out,
connecting with his nuts and dropping the guy.

     Emma jumped out and prepared herself to run, but she almost fainted
instead, her mind still healing from the mental rape she'd endured earlier.

     The thug with broken nose took advantage of Emma's momentary weakness,
grabbing the beautiful blond by her huge creamy mammaries, squeezing them hard
before tossing her back into the ambulance. Emma was determined to escape,
standing up weakly, before the guy she'd bagged in the nuts returned the favour,
kicking the hot woman in the cunt, the steel tip of his boot hitting her
directly in the clit.

     Dropping to her knees in pain, Emma whimpered in fear as she was pushed
tits first onto the cold metal bed, leaving her gorgeous ass unprotected, as the
other guy stepped into the back with her, undoing his pants in a rush.

     Emma look over shoulder and silently sobbed as the tall thug fished out a
dick that was even bigger than the two Moose that had raped her earlier. The
freakish thing was humming like a vibrator and sparks were coming off the tiny
cactus like thorns, but Emma could tell it was all flesh and blood by the river
of precum leaking from the tip of the monestrous beast.

     Seeing the terror in the stunning blond's blue eyes at the sight of his man
hog, the tall thug snickered. "A gift form Omega Phallic for monetary
contributions and services to the Utilitarian Party" he explained.

     Emma cried out as the thug laid down on top of her, his huge cock aimed at
her brown chute, unable to stop him as he drove it all the way in on the first
thrust, his pubic hair making her creamy white ass itch.

     Emma bite down on the pillow to weak to fight back, as the thug sodomized
her, fucking into her tiny virgin asshole with his super human cock, the thorns
on his shaft prickling her with pain and gently electrocuting her cunt walls at
the same time.

     The thugs balls slapped against Emma's cunt as he slipped his hands under
Emma, taking two handfuls of her mutant's meaty bosom into his cruel hands,
using the extra grip they provided to rape the blond's bum harder.

     Tear's trickled down Emma's cheek as she was filled with shame, here was
this brute, this thug, this piece of shit, shoving his dick into her ass for all
he was worth and all she could do in response was start to cum. Emma's gentle
sobbing took on a soft sound as her body was wracked with a powerful assgasm,
which doubled in intensity thanks to the volts coursing through her rapist's
cock thorns.

     The pain was incredible, but nothing compared to her humiliation as she
started to moan, her ass instinctively fucking the bastard back, milking his
cock for another assgasm, and another after that, before he pulled out and
rewarded her sweet butt with a semen shower.

     Just as the last drop fell, he was replaced by his partner who promptly
speared Emma in the ass with an even bigger cock. "Ohhh Gaaawd Yes" Emma
screamed, finally saying something as the new guys dick pulverized her rectum
with force that felt like a jack hammer to the pretty blond.

     As the thug grabbed Emma's hips and lifted them partly off the floor so her
could butt fuck the bitch harder, he heard a gurgle and a shirk sound, but he
ignored it, unable to focus on anything other then the hot piece of ass impaled
by his huge wang.

     Emma shrieked as her ass was brutally raped to another assgasm, her body
quaking under its power. "Oh shit bitch your ass is tight" the thug groined as
he shot his spunk wad into her, flooding Emma's anal passage with gooey sperm
till it squirted back out to land on her ass cheeks.

     To his surprise Emma smiled back at him, just seconds before Wolverine
sliced his dick clean off.

     Jennifer Connolly was in a Miss Clause suit, unlaced with her huge enhanced
tits out, while thirty men jerked off around her. Just as the men started coming
in her face and on her creamy tits, hosing the Presidential candidate down with
more sperm than was in an elephants nuts, her beeper went off.

     Making sure that the photographer got the shots for the Christmas e-card
that would be offered on the Utilitarian Party's website come winter, before she
got up to answer it. The fuck slut decided it'd better be important. She hated
to be interrupted when guys were shooting their sperm into her beautiful and
famous face, she loved her facials.

     "Mrs. Connolly, Emma's escaped and the sons of billionaire Kirby
Brightswell were found dead with the ambulance, one's throat was slit, and the
other castrated, his dick is still missing in fact, should we inform Omega
Phallic?" the voice, her personal aide, asked.

     "No, no we'll handle this ourselves, unleash the tracker and his dogs" the
raven haired fuck meat told her aide, before licking the cum off her face and
walking into the her change room, to get into her Easter Bunny outfit.


     Applonia screamed out with joy as Kingpin impaled the big titted singer on
his thick slab of dick meat. As her huge melons bounced, the nipple clips tugged
hard on her tender milk teats, while a chain that ran from her nipple clips to
her clit clip, was yanked on cruelly by the vulgar, but beautiful movement of
her jugs.

     Applonia wasn't the only celebrity being used as a warm hot hole. Dr.
Octopus had his cock in Carmen Electra's mouth, while the villain's tentacles
raped all three enslaved Baywatch busty fuck sluts.

     Kingpin, blew his wad into the inhumanly tight quim of the Purple Rain
actress, his jizz dripping out of her, before Kingpin pushed the slut to the
floor to gravel at his feet.

     For two more days they were his to fuck and pimp out to the rich, but then
according to the agreement between him and Omega Phallic they were to go to the
Pleasure Centre that the Utilitarian Party had created.

     This left Kingpin with the need for new bitches. The crime lord picked up
three photographs of three ravishing celebs, Mary Jane Watson, the wife of
Spiderman, a supermodel/actress, Trish Tilby, Beast's Ex girlfriend, a
journalist for CNN, and April O'Neil another reporter, a red head with a thing
for yellow jump suits. Looking at his next whores to be, Kingpin began pissing
in a grateful Applonia's open mouth, plotting how best to bring these women

     Casper Degerno was sitting in the bushes outside of his mother's window as
he usually was ready to snap nude photos of her while she got changed for her
graveyard shift at the hospital, when Casper felt a strange tickle at the back
of his head. Just as his mother was undoing the front clip of her bra, freeing
the two ginormous tits on the famous Doctor, Casper felt the strangest urge to
peep on someone different for a change.

     Ever since Casper had moved to this area, nobody had liked him, he leered
at all the ladies, he was seen as unrefined by those who met him, and he was
considered disgusting by the locals.

     All his friends came from the old neighbourhood so the only redeeming
quality he felt the area had for him was that the huge extra space on the
property made it so much easier to peep on his mother.

     Not that Casper was stuck on his Mother, but the chicken shit was too
afraid to peep on anyone else, he was terrified of getting caught, scared
shitless of being a prison bitch, although truth be told he was too ugly even
for sex starved prisoners.

     Yet here he was creeping through the woods towards the Xavier School for
the Gifted, a place rumoured to be dangerous in the extreme, with powerful
mutants and other weird shit rumoured to be on the premises.

     Casper didn't understand why he wasn't afraid, he didn't even care that he
wasn't afraid, all he could think of was all the titties the place was rumoured
to house.

     What Casper didn't know was that the ghostly form of the twisted version of
Psylock from Professor X's mind, who now called herself Psyslut, was whispering
ideas into his ear, suggestions that Casper thought were his own ideas.

     Casper looked up and realized that not only was he just outside of the
mansion, but that he was looking up into the bedroom of a red head. Using his
camera, Casper got a closer look at the red head who was undoing her blouse.

     Jean Grey noticed the presence in her mind of Casper, but not of Storm, or
Showers as the thought form now called herself.

     At first Jean Gray had wanted to blast the pervert onto his ass, and call
the cops on him, but Showers whispered into her ear, giving her another idea.

     "Its been such a long time since someone has really enjoyed looking at that
incredible body of yours, that cuckold of a husband sure doesn't enjoy it, why
not show it off to someone who would actually love to see it for a change, it
might be fun?" Showers asked, implanting the idea into Jean's head.

     With a nervous lick of her lips, Jean Grey went back to undoing the buttons
on her blouse, excited by the thought of exposing herself to a stranger, a
stranger that found her attractive unlike Scott, never realizing that she'd been

     "Oh shit, she's pulling her blouse off, fuck me, look at the size of those
tits, their huge, how does that white bra hold them in?" Casper whispered to
himself quietly, his camera snapping away.

     "Just think of how much money the porn mags will give you for these photos"
Psyslut whispered into Casper's ear.

     Jean Grey stopped for a second as her hands took a hold of the front clasp
of her bra, and then of all things she winked at him!

     Casper's heart almost stopped, feeling certain that he was in deep shit,
but his heart was shocked back into working order when Jean Grey snapped the
clip, and two enormous tits popped out, exposing those first class puppies to
his snapping camera.

     Jean Grey unzipped her jeans and bent over, pressing her massive mammaries
against the cold glass of the window, her hands pushing her black jeans around
ankles. Her white panties joined her jeans, unveiling Jean Grey's shaved,
dripping wet pussy.

     Jean Grey stood up, picked up her panties and bra, and opened the window,
dropping her undergarments down to Casper, winking at him again, even blowing
him a kiss, before finally shutting the window and her curtains.

     "What a slut, the bitch was practically begging for it, you might want to
come back with some friends another day, they'd love to see that fucking piece
of ass" Psyslut whispered.

     Nodding in agreement with the idea of bringing his friends next time,
Casper after his experience with Jean Grey was gaining confidence, no longer
needing Psyslut to prompt him to peep on the next window.

     It was a bathroom, where Psylock, the real Psylock, was washing up after a
sweaty session in the danger.

     Psylock's keen experience as a ninja ensured that she detected Casper's
presence, but she continued to shower as if she knew nothing of the kind, not
wanting to give Casper any warning when she attacked. It was at the very moment
when Psylock was about to spring into action, that Rogue's voice, or rather
Whore's voice, whispered into her ear.

     "He's pathetic and weak, not worthy of a ninja's skills, let the pervert
have his look, his blue balls we'll be punishment enough, just imagine how hot
your beautiful naked body will make him, he'll die of frustration" Whore

     Psylock returned to soaping up her huge breasts, the suds dripping off her,
surprised that being peeped on by some pervert was actually getting her turned
on, but deciding he wasn't worth the trouble of stopping her shower for.

     "Look at the orbs on her, what kind of place is this, heaven for pervs?
Maybe they've killed me, and this is where horn dogs like me go when they die"
Casper wondered out loud, no longer hiding in the bushes either.

     The Purple haired Mutant was spreading her pussy lips open so that he could
get a better look inside her, Casper realized, getting a close up of Psylock's
pink petals, which looked so inviting.

     Psylock chuckled at what she saw as the stupidity of men as she dried off.
That pervert was just staring at her, in the dark, getting hornier by the
minute, frustrated out of his mind, with no hope of relief. All men must be
masochists she decided.

     "It's pitiful really, sad that he has to suffer so when you could simple go
out there and end his pain by sucking his dick, at no cost to yourself, after
all he did get you all wet didn't he?" Whore whispered into Psylock's ear.

     "The poor guy, I've teased him mercilessly maybe I should go out there and
fuck him, put his out of his misery" Psylock pondered as if it was her own idea,
no clude that she just a puppet on the strings of an evil spirit.

     Psylock was about to act on that thought when she heard the phone ring.
"Shit my date with Archangel!" she swore, snapping out of it.

     Psylock grabbed her panties, bra, and towel and tossed them out the window,
a memento and apology to the pervert for bailing.


     Casper sniffed Psylock's wet panties, before stuffing them into his bag,
before moving on to the next window. No one was there so he moved onto the next
and the next, until he was standing outside Xavier's office, with a newly
conscious Professor X looking up at both Psyslut and him, the mutant's eyes
going wide at the sight of them.

     Professor X, tried to climb back into his chair, fighting in lancing pain
in his skull the whole time, but by the time he had succeeded, it was to late to
warn the young man of the danger that he was in, to late to protect him from the
thought forms Xavier and Trinity had unleashed.


     The three twisted versions of Professor X stood in a circle chanting around
the grave of an ancient spirit hidden in the farthest corner of Professor X's

     The energy of the three thought forms merged into a single being and
slipped beneath the dirt, into the tomb underneath.

     Sitting on a pedestal was an ancient Urn, covered in dust, undisturbed
since man first walked the earth. The twisted Entity knocked the Urn off its
pedestal, breaking it, freeing the residual energy of the long dead spirit laid
to rest here.

     The Entity fed on the "corpse" the ancient spirit before the energy could
dissipate, fed on the remaining life force of a spirit know before man walked
the earth as Locore, the whirlwind of the worlds, transforming into a powerful
cyclone of raw green energy, energy that tore and twisted at the very fabric of
reality itself.

     Locore had been reborn. And it was hungry.   

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